Illinois Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 6 - Issue 7, January 2019 6


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Dear Lions & Leos of MD1, Happy New Year to you all! Even though Lions new year starts in the month of July, universally we celebrate New Year on January 1st Editorial: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 every year. New Year’s Day is very quiet; however, New Year’s Eve is not! Celebrations and parties with dances and alcohol is all over the world as an askance of celebration. It is winter in most of US cities, but people are out on the streets listening to the music and dancing to welcome New Year. This is our Western tradition which is spreading all over the world. Even in Saudi Arabia, new prince is now allowing men and women to dance together to Western music. We the lions celebrate our holidays differently – we arrange food baskets, donate winter clothes, jackets, shoes and sox to the needy and less fortunate. This is Lions way of celebrating holidays in many places of the world. By the way, our Lions District Governors all over the world started their new year on July 1st and already they completed six months of Lionistic year. Many of them reached their goals already and many are trying hard to accomplish their goals. To be frank lions, these goals are not just our District Governors’ goals; these goals are our goals those who belong to a district. It is our duty to hold our hands together and reach our District Goals. One person can do a little; but many people can do a lot. We have several goals to reach – Membership and Campaign 100 are the top most two goals to be reached by every club in MD1. We’re taking our efforts to a whole new level. With our three-year capital campaign, LCIF will raise US$300 million to increase our commitment to communities and the service capacity of Lions. Campaign 100 will support LCIF’s expanded focus areas, and empower Lions as they take on pressing global causes.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

We are a world leader in the effort to prevent avoidable blindness, and we’re diligently working with Lions clubs and local partners to help provide the local capacity building, training, medications and treatment needed for those with eye diseases and to provide disability rehabilitation and education for all. We are committed to providing youth and young adults with opportunities to succeed. The Lions Quest program provides young people and their educators with tools to make positive choices, resist drugs and alcohol, learn through service and become healthy young men and women. When disaster strikes, we respond. We provide funding to address preparedness and immediate needs that allow Lions and their partners to be among the first on the scene in the wake of the world’s most devastating hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and other disasters. Lions act in their communities, working face-toface with the people they serve. We support the wide variety of humanitarian efforts implemented and coordinated by Lions and give grants to increase their scale and effectiveness. We are providing support to help Lions educate the public and establish programs around one of our new global focus areas: diabetes. Across the globe, too many children are being affected by cancer. We’re helping Lions establish programs and provide greater service and access to care for those diagnosed—giving hope to them and their families. We are working with Lions to preserve our planet, knowing that the health of our local communities and environments affects us all. Our goal is to help establish a sustainable future for generations to come. We help provide healthy meals for the hungry and work to establish strategies and greater capacity

for communities in which food is scarce. -Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor

Recently we had the opportunity to attend the in M D 1 L e a d e r s h i p C h a i r : L i o n1M J a District m a W a hConvention l Champaign, Illinois. It was an overnight event for us requiring a hotel stay. As in most hotel rooms, there was information about the community. I find this type of information interesting, so I perused a copy of the Community Concierge Magazine Summer 18 edition to find out what was moving and shaking in the twin cities. On page 28, I found text that I did not expect. It was a highlighted section. No author was mentioned, so I cannot give credit where it is due, but I want to share the insights. “The Content of Our Character Matters” Let your purpose be integrity, honesty and fairness. Allow kindness and forgiveness and love to be your motivation. Move forward optimistically with courage and generosity and compassion. Be conscientious and respectful and loyal. Exercise self-control and be responsible for your own selfdiscipline. Be humble and hold yourself accountable for your own character.” The words literally jumped off the page. I saw an immediate connection to Lions. These words ring true for what we want in Lions and especially Lion Leaders. The question then becomes, how do we use these ideas to be that leader for our club, district or beyond. My first step was to take a personal inventory. I reflected on how I was functioning on each of these ideas. Was I doing well, meeting the purpose or needed improvement? This made sense to me considering in the education world where I spent my professional career, evaluations 3

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

were often based on exceeds, meets or does not meet an expectation. Another option would have been to consider a 1-5 scale and rate myself on each item. Whatever your reference point, the key is to take time to reflect, actually think, about each idea and how it affects you, your leadership and service as a Lion. In this busy holiday season, time for personal reflection is not always easy to find. Just a few minutes of thinking about these powerful words can improve our personal development or in other words enhance our character. This certainly not only matters for our own personal Lions’ journey, but also to those with whom we serve and those to whom we provide service.-Lion Jama Wahl, State GLT Coordinator


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

for member retention recognition on the Awards Website.

Now that you’ve nominated them, how are you celebrating the New Voices in your district? See your New Voices DG Guide for ideas!

Your partner or spouse can win up to US$5,000 for their youth focused project. Submissions are due by February 28, 2019, so get started today. For complete contest rules, see the Partners in Service Contest Overview.

November Updates: - International Prez Read my November message to club leaders in which

I encourage clubs to learn more about the Service Journey. Encourage Lions to take their clubs to the next level

through the Club Quality Initiative. Encourage clubs to better serve their communities through a Community Needs Assessment. You can recognize Lion leaders who excel at growing

membership and keeping members happy. Get details


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

The Sycamore Lions recently presented a Plaque to Marvin Barnes, retiring Regional Manager of MPP Sycamore Containers, to recognize Sycamore Containers for many year’s donations of Trick or Treat boxes for the Elementary School Students of Sycamore and Festival Guests. The Lions joined with Sycamore Containers 42 years ago and have been distributing boxes during their pre-festival visits to Sycamore Elementary Schools since 1976. The boxes have had 8 art updates and other physical enhancements over the years although the dimensions have remained relatively constant. Generations of Sycamore youth have grown to appreciate and look forward to each years Treat Container. This year’s donation amounted to 2500 boxes. Presenting the plaque are Lion Jerry Malmassari, Marvin Barnes and Lions Tom Fewell and Al John. --------------------------------------------------------------------

For the record the spaghetti dinner by Bloomingdale Lions was very successful with about 215 people attending. We netted just about $2800.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

On Saturday, November24th, some Bloomingdale Lions ‘decorated the Lion’s tree at the Library. Pictured left to right, Sam, Camille, Sharyn, Karen, Stan, Bob and Joan. Thanks Lion Bill Wolff for taking the picture. -------------------------------------------------------------------At the Bartlett Lions Club meeting on November 28, 2018 PDG John Hilliard presented Lion Cheryl Lemvig with two special awards. She received the International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation and District 1 J Certificate of Appreciation for her outstanding dedication to the Peace Poster

contest. The Bartlett Lions Club is very proud to call her one of our own. We are so proud of her. Well-deserved awards for Lion Cheryl! International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation AND 1-J District Certificate of Appreciation. And special thanks to Lion Cheryl for her participation on 6 Committees, Club events, Conventions and most importantly, that she DONATES our desserts at our General Meetings.

12/4/2018--The West Frankfort Lions Club hosted an Eye Screening at the Central Junior High School Basketball Game in West Frankfort. Pictured L>R Lions Jim Summers, Bill Kelley, Steve Griffin (Eldorado Lions Club), Chuck Kain and Jon Griffin. --------------------------------------------------------------------


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

LION ANGIE FOSTER NO MORE It is with a heavy heart that I want to let you know that Lion Angie Foster, wife of PCC Ron Foster has passed away. Lion Angie was a longtime Lion and a wonderful asset to the Elk Grove Village Lions club as well the Lioness. She will be missed by all. Please if you know of anyone who needs to be notified, please pass along this information.

Durand Lions present Lion Kathy Rothermel with a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellows recognition.

Larry Spaeth PDG Chair 1F

The 2018 Holiday Ham fund raiser brought 284 families in touch with a ham and the Durand Lions Club netted about $2500.00 for our projects. Lion Ron Schammert receiving his Melvin Jones Fellow recognition from his River Grove Lions Club. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Annual Durand Lions Club Christmas Party. Raffle netted $135.00 for Durand Ecumenical Council Food distribution for Christmas. 13

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The tree in Durand Center Park is lite with lights from the Durand Lions Club. -------------------------------------------------------------------- A portion of the ticket sales will support the Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club’s community service projects. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Dist 1F Governor Kathleen Marusich installed three new members to the Grayslake Lions Club at the November meeting. --------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------Come join the Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club on Saturday, January 12 to watch the Windy City Bulls play at the Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates. Doors open at 6:00pm. This night is also Deaf Awareness Night as the team recognizes their deaf and hard of hearing friends. The team will wear specially designed jerseys that spell “Bulls” in American Sign Language. The uniforms will then be auctioned off with proceeds donated to the Illinois Association of the Deaf. The first 1000 fans will receive Windy City’s first ever bobblehead giveaway featuring Gus T. Bull and Benny the Bull! Order tickets here: 14

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Champaign Lions Club helped sort and repack food at the Eastern Illinois Food Bank warehouse on December 11, 2018. Lions, Rich Suchomski, Jay Hoeflinger, Fonda Bowden and Marvin Paulsen along with four other volunteers helped sort dry

local family with at least 3 young children has been selected to receive presents and a Hy-Vee gift card this Christmas. The gift card and presents total over $300 worth of toys and winter clothing for a deserving local family. Merry Christmas to all and don’t forget to spread your cheer when you can! Pictured presents were acquired by super-shopper Mary Cravatta, lion Greg Cravatta’s ever helpful wife. --------------------------------------------------------------------

goods, frozen pizzas, frozen vegetables and many other food items for distribution to their 18-county area. Twenty-one 300 lb pallet containers (or about 6300 lbs of food) were filled. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The Genoa Lions have adopted a local family again this year to make sure that Santa doesn’t miss them. In conjunction with Kingston Elementary School, a 15

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With the help of family, friends and neighbors the Bartlett Lions Club was able to pack 300 food boxes. This was over 1,200 pounds of food. It will be distributed to the schools in Bartlett. The schools will give the food boxes to families in need. --------------------------------------------------------------------


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

food and music. Pictured are Bismarck Lions Club members and raffle winners wearing their centerpiece snowman hats. -------------------------------------------------------------------Palestine Lion's Starr Pearse, Sarah Laski, Kip Dugan, Otie Tuttle, Jim Barthleme, Kim Bailey, Randy Bailey, Seth Bailey and Chase delivered 15 baskets to deserving families in Palestine. The baskets contained turkeys, milk, bread, eggs, canned goods, flour, sugar and boxed items. It was a rainy cold day, but everyone enjoyed. We then met for lunch before finishing the day. Several members of the Palestine Lions Club were present to serve ham & beans & hot dogs for a Free Well Donation which will be donated to the Park for their Christmas decorations. Lion's that worked were: Kip Dugan, Starr Pearse, Kim Bailey, Randy Bailey, Seth Bailey, Otie Tuttle and Jim Barthelme. We served from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm. The weather was nice and the 7:00 fireworks were outstanding. -------------------------------------------------------------------18

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Christmas Party Wednesday, December 12th. Awards presented included Lions Deana Rhoads and Ron Hensley receiving the Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow Awards presented by LIF President Butch Guennewig PDG and LIF CEO Mario Gumino PDG, Lion Melissa Garner receiving the District 1M 2017-2018 Lion of the Year Award presented by VDGE Bill Wallpe PDG, and Lion Steve Bennett receiving the Melvin Jones Award presented by District Governor Darren VanDuyn. Great food, wonderful fellowship, live entertainment, silent auction and plenty of holiday spirit from our Tail Twister wrapped up a great event. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Paris Lions held their 56th Annual Charter Night & 19

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December 4th was the Rochester Lions Club foster children’s Christmas party. The Lions purchased gifts for 30 kids with money raised by the Boo Crew Haunted House! The Elks club provided the location and pizza for the kids and their families. Thank you all! -------------------------------------------------------------------The annual St.Elmo Lions Club Christmas dinner was enjoyed at Mary Ann’s last Monday evening, December 17th. Among our guests were this year’s recipients of our fifteenth annual Academic/Citizenship Scholarship Awards. Pictured below, left to right, are Amanda Durbin, President David Maxey, and Fatima Viramontes. Congratulations to you both! Your families are quite


proud of your accomplishments and so are we! Well Done!

Springfield Noon Lions Club members Steve Frankenstein and Craig Drone ringing the bells for The Salvation Army at Scheels!

Sidell Lions Club held their 1st Annual Breakfast with Santa on December 1, 2018. President David Winans tested out the pancakes before serving with sausage, biscuits & gravy. Santa arrived on the fire truck at 9 AM to hear how all the local children had been good all year. Sidell Lions Club also collected coats, gloves and hats for distribution to those in need. -------------------------------------------------------------------20

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Warrensburg-Latham Lions got into the holiday spirit early, combining the annual Christmas social with welcoming six new members and handing out awards. District Governor Darren VanDuyn honored Lion John Rotz for 25 years of service and Lions Rita Scanavino, Pat Bales and Karen Seefeldt for their 10 years of service to the club. DG VanDuyn also recognized Lions Sandy Southern and Tom Koehler for their efforts at recruiting and retaining members. Lions Southern received the gold award; Lion Koehler, the silver award. -------------------------------------------------------------------The Westville Lions Club enjoyed their annual holiday Christmas party December 8th. The evening included some delicious food & cake to celebrate our District Governors upcoming birthday, an ugly sweater contest, fun games and a white elephant gift exchange! (Pictures next column.) → 21

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Tampico Lions Members help Santa and Mrs. Claus deliver candy and cookies to Tampico Grade School students and staff Wednesday December 19, 2018.

Darien Lions Club President Lion Ken Konkhe (l) and Southeast Zone Chair Lion Jim Kiser present a Darien Community Park Memorial Brick to Southeast Zone Chair Lion Renee Reeder and her daughter, Rachel Reeder, for all of their participation in the Darien Lions Club events! You will be missed Lion Renee!

Dundee Township Lions and Dundee Crown students served pizza at the Annual Shop With A Cop event.

(Pictured L-R standing: Lion President John Earl Cores, Lion Ronald Church and Lion Jessica Todd.) 22

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New Clarendon Hills Lions Club member Lion Ross Hurst (l) is being inducted by Club Secretary Lion Bill Hamel (c). Standing by is his Sponsor, Club President Lion Jon Arendt (r).

District Governor Lion Susan Galvez, FMSC's Event Host Tim Suter, Lions Tony Sgarlata, Pete Springmire, Tom Fewel, Vice District Lion Jerome Perez, Lions Bill Gulke, Dave Finney, Kevin Berry, and Chuck Bergsmith.

Runners line up for the start of the 21st annual Naperville Noon Lions 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. The weather was perfect for a holiday morning run and over 7,200 runners registered for this event. This is a family-friendly event over a scenic course, fast enough for the serious runners, and friendly enough for the weekend jogger and walkers. The catered breakfast after the run, long sleeve tech shirts for all registrants, and knowledge that each person's participation is helping someone in need make this a worthwhile event.

Sycamore Lions, along with District 1J Gov. Susan Galvez and Lion Jess, covered 40 volunteer slots for the Feed My Starving Children Meal Pack. Over the four-day event, nearly 7,000 volunteers packed 1.3 million meals to be shipped to developing countries around the world. Some of the volunteers stayed to present the club's $500 donation toward the cost of the materials being packed. (l to r) Jack Hoving, Grandpa Lion Joe Woodward, Lion Jess Galvez, grandson & Honorary Lion Justin Hoving, Pres. Lion Brian Bickner, FMSC's Greg Howells, 23

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Approximately 35 seniors attended Lombard Lions Club’s annual Christmas Party for the Lombard Senior Club.

Three Sycamore Lions received the International Milestone Chevron Award at a recent meeting. Receiving their awards are (l to r) Lions Dave Finney, Tony Sgarlata and Randy Panzer, pictured with Lion President Brian Bickner (r).

Elmhurst Leos and Lions collected gently worn coats/clothing to donate to a local charity. The Leos also helped the Lions with the Fall Fest at the Pumpkin Patch in October. With the proceeds from the Fest, the Leos were able to purchase a pallet of food to donate to United Community Concerns.

The 2nd new Lion in the Malta Lions Club in two months’ time!! (l to r) Malta Lions Club Pres. Lion Tom Jergens, new Lion Josh Holbrook, and Sponsor Lion Denny Heins.

Sycamore Lions, at their meeting on National Diabetes Day, November 14th, had a program given by Dr. Jeanne Isabel. Dr. Isabel is the Chair & Associate Professor in the School of Health Studies at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. She detailed her ongoing project in Belize to screen prediabetes and diabetes in order study the effect of education and lifestyle improvements on reducing diabetes. Her testing kits cost $170 each and will cover 200 tests/patients. Dr. Isabel explained that the limiting factor in the number of 24

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people screened was her ability to raise funds for testing kits. The Sycamore Club responded with a check for $1,000 to help her continue her work. She also received information from Lt. Governor Jerome Perez regarding LCIF Grants. Presenting the check to Dr. Isabel is Sycamore President Brian Bickner.

Dundee Township Lions Club President Lion Mike Buhrmann welcomes new members Lions Granholm, Shirley Ulmer, and Valerie Ulmer

Algonquin Lions Club has a new member! (l to r) Lion Pete Zmich (without his vest – and it was reported that he was fined!) sponsored new Lion Jack Sobkowicz. -------------------------------------------------------------------At the Crystal Lake Lions Club’s November Program Meeting, Good Samaritan Ministries came. At the conclusion of the program, Lion President Randy Funk presented the organization

on the ground – at last year’s race it rained! Maybe next year, the sun will shine for it!! The 3rd time’s the charm, isn’t it?

with a check for $1500. (l to r) Lion Mark DesBiens, Marianne Anderson from Good Samaritan, Lion Randy Funk and Edith Cowlin from Good Samaritan.

The Forest Kala Sampath Lions singing carols at the Museum of Science & Industry for the Christmas Around the World. --------------------------------------------------------------------

District 1A Christmas Celebration 2018

Waterman Lion Russ Smith unwraps a tree at the club’s Christmas Tree sales lot.

Here's a shot from the Waterman Lions Club's Gobbler Gallop 5K on November 17th. Snow was 25

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Winners of Sexiest & Clever Sweater Contest. PDG’s Austin & Tery and PDG Ralph Zarada and Lion Sue Zarada.

First Vice District Governor Joanie McMillan pinning new member of Glenwood Lions Club

I VDG Joanie McMillan, DG Howard Swacker, II VDG Marylin McClean and Christmas Party Chairperson Lion Maryann O’Reilly at the 1A Christmas Party.

New member inducted to Glenwood Lions Club by 1A Governor Howard Swacker.

LCI Membership growth award to Chicago Filipino Lions Club received RC Ben and ZC Yoly Zoleta. 26

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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