Illinois Lion & Leo, State of Illinois Monthly e-Magazine for the month of November 2019

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1,500 Halloween Candy Boxes to all

MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 7 - Issue 5, November 2019

Halloween Fun by Lemont Lions Club – Lemonster 6 Days!:


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Council Chair Speaks:

feel we get stuck replicating the same projects that we have always done. Does you club evaluate if the projects they are performing are still serving a need, or if there may be other projects that would address a larger need in your community? The most successful businesses are constantly evolving and adapting to their users needs. Lions need to do the same thing if we want to remain strong and impactful clubs.

Lions of MD-1, I have just returned from the 1-CN District Convention in Carlyle, Il. It was a fun and informative convention, and I was able to meet some great Lions from 1-CN. The convention featured speakers from Leader Dogs for the Blind, Leaps of Love, MindsEye, and the LIF Camp Lions Program. I thought the focus on our service at the Convention was great, and really got down to why we are Lions. Our MD-1 International Director, Bob Block, was the featured speaker and gave insight into the North American Membership Initiative, and where LCI is headed in the coming year. Membership is going to be a focus area as North America’s membership continues to decline, and we are at risk of losing the title of the largest constitutional area by membership. We definitely need to step up membership recruitment and start thinking of new ways to attract members.

The month of November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the United States, and it is quickly becoming a worldwide epidemic. In North America one in seven adults is diabetic, or at risk of becoming diabetic. Most people with diabetes will develop some form of eye disease (retinopathy) causing reduced vision or blindness which will increase the number of people needing vision services over time. People with diabetes carry a risk of amputation that may be more than 25 times greater than that of people without diabetes with an amputation occurring every 30 seconds somewhere in the world due to this disease. Early identification and prevention of diabetes or pre-diabetes is vital to head off these complications. I would encourage each club in MD-1 to support one activity in November around Diabetes Prevention or Diabetes Education to support this global cause.

One way to increase our membership reach is to do service that is relevant to our communities. Does your club continue to explore new opportunities to serve the people of your community? I sometimes

Finally, your council is still working on filling the State Secretary Treasurer position. We will keep you posted.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Until next month, keep doing what you do, SERVICE! -Lion Jerome Perez, MD-1 Council Chair ---------------------------------------------------------MD1 Leadership Chair (GLT) Lions of MD1, Listening to Our Lions

their clubs. Lions: Building Better Clubs was born or Lions: BBC. Districts 1A, 1F and 1J are in the process of planning their event as are Districts 1M and 1G. Districts 1BK, 1D and 1H have their event planned for November 16, 2019 in Princeton. 1CN and 1CS have their event planned for January 11, 2020 in Rend Lake.

Lions have opinions. Frequently at trainings or learning events, we ask them to share their thoughts through an evaluation form or survey. Upon reviewing the evaluations from the recent MD1 Leadership Forums, Lions shared several ideas. First, they liked coming together to learn about the newest ideas for leadership, membership and service. Those in attendance had many ideas to take back to their clubs. On the flip side, two hurdles were shared, a need to make it a one-day event that did not include an overnight stay. Lions are busy. They wanted an event that was cost effective and involved less time on the road.

Now instead of one event for all the Lions of MD1, we have four events for the Lions of MD1 that any Lion from any district can attend. As an example, a Lion in 1BK who might not be able to attend the November 16 event could attend the 1A, 1F and 1J event or any other regional forum. Lions can attend more than one BBC. No Lion should have to drive too far or have an overnight stay. A small registration fee will be charged with lunch options, specific to each regional forum.

At the MD1 Global Action Team (GAT) Summit in February 2019, these comments were discussed. The solution was to have regional forums. The proposal was approved by the Council of Governors and planning began at the MD1 GAT Summit in August 2019. Districts have combined their efforts to provide an event that is meaningful and responsive to Lions and 3

All we need now is for Lions to register and attend. Let’s not procrastinate on this one! The 1BK, 1D and 1H registration form is currently available on the MD1 website. It is also available by contacting 1BK GLT Mark Williams, For the 1CN and 1CS event, contact 1CS GLT Larry McGuire, Both events have registration information available on FaceBook. Why not try something new? Make a connection with other lions! Build a Better Club!! -Jama Wahl, GLT ------------------------------------------------------

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

week to deliver the Trick or Treat boxes and promote School Children to enter decorated pumpkins into the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival display on the DeKalb County Courthouse Lawn during the week of 10/23 - 10/30. Picture caption: from left Ken (shipping MPP Sycamore Containers), Lion Jerry Malmassari, Mike (warehouse MPP Sycamore Containers), Nate Kitterman (Division Manager, MPP Sycamore Containers), Lion Al John. ----------------------------------------------------------

Carlinville Lions Club had their Annual Carnival and a dinner. ----------------------------------------------------------

On October 10, 2019, MPP Sycamore Containers donated 2500 Trick or Treat boxes to the Sycamore Lions Club. The Sycamore Lions Club will be visiting each of the Sycamore Elementary Schools next 13

Mahomet Lions Club’s annual Golf Outing was a success! Thanks to all those that played or volunteered. Thanks to all our sponsors and Lake of the Woods Golf Club. Y’all are the best. Lions club members, sponsors and the guest golfers had lots of fun in our Annual Golf outing. Thanks for all the support.

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Gumino (R), Lions Foundation of Illinois president.

Altamont Lions members’ 2019 Perfect Attendance Award. (L to R) Lions Logue, Kull, Gill, Strange, Corder, Bailey, Frailey, Heischmidt, Shelton, and Stice. ----------------------------------------------------------


Altamont Lion Gene Logue (L) was awarded a Lions Fellowship on October 17th. Standing next to Lion Logue is Lion Mario


Paris Lions Club participated in our local Honeybee Weekend by offering free retinopathy screenings, free hearing screenings, participating in the parade and

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drawing the annual raffle prizes. Olf Cart winner for 2019 is Isaac Vicker. Keys were handed over by President Brad Cash.

Paris Lions Club - WE SERVE when we contribute to programs that help others. (2) Lion Ron Hensley is holding the patch 15

received for contribution to Leader Dogs for the Blind. (3) Contribution to HIS Ministry to help brighten the holidays for local children. We thank Debi Ford for coming, and for this program. (4) Contribution to Community Food Pantry helps feed the increasing hungery population in our area. Thank you for coming and for working this valuable program. (5) Contributions to Kiwanis improves quality of life for children. We thank Tom Hebermehl and Diane Bennett for coming and for all this great group does. ----------------------------------------------------------

The whole town and then some came out and packed the park at the Pawnee Lions Club Country Fair. ----------------------------------------------------------

Our Website:

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Click above link for more info. events/?ref=page_internal

the club to Waterman Scout Troop 139 for helping at the Waterman Lions Club Summerfest and Antique Tractor Show. The Scouts accepted the donation at the club's September meeting held at the Northwestern Medical Center in Waterman. (l to r) Scouts Gage Gibson, Liam Forde and Ethan Forde, Pres. Lion Suzanne Sedlacek. ----------------------------------------------------------

Please welcome our Rochester Lions Club’s newest member, Lion John Pritchett! John has been one of the creative forces behind the Boo Crew Haunted House. Congratulations! ----------------------------------------------------------

Congrats to the newest Strasburg Lions Club Member, Zach Rincker! Welcome aboard! ----------------------------------------------------------

Waterman Lions Club Pres. Lion Suzanne Sedlacek (r) presented a $250 check from 16

PDG Lion Ed Carter attended Lions Clubs International Foundation Training over the weekend of September 13-15. Emphasized in the training was the expanded service that is anticipated with the successful conclusion of Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service, which includes Vision, Youth, Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Service, Diabetes, Childhood Cancer, Environment, and Hunger. (l to r) PDG Lion Ed Carter, 1J LCIF Chair, PIP Lion Joe Preston, MD1 LCIF Chair Lion Wes Salzbury, and 1BK LCIF Chair Lion John Joseph Honiotes. ----------------------------------------------------------


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Just some of those who were at the September 7th District 1J Cabinet Meeting. (l to r) Lion Sandy Williams, Editor, 1J Journal, Lion Shahnaz Ansari, Dist. Diabetes Chair, Dist. Governor Lion Jerome Perez, visiting from Dyer, Indiana, International Director Lion Bob Block, Lion Brenda Block, and Dist. 1J 1st Vice District Governor Lion John Barsanti.

Westmont Lions working at the local Chamber of Commerce Open House. (l to r) Lions Vicki Forkel, Club Pres. Stella Qualizza, Shanu Ansari, Susan Schmidt, and Jim Liceaga. --------------------------------------------------------------------


The Sandwich Lions Club has conducted the Annual Steer Raffle at the Sandwich Fair for more than 50 years. It is the club's largest fundraiser each year. (l to r) Sandwich Lion Sue Carter, Chairperson of the Lions Club's Annual Steer Raffle, "Fred" the steer, and Abby Piggott, who raised the prize Black Angus cross. 17

One of the tables at the Lions of IL Foundation Knights Quest Gala last month. (l to r) Dist. Gov. Lion Jerome Perez, PDG Lion Jim Addington, Dist. 1J Diabetes Chair Lion Shahnaz Ansari, and Westmont Lions Club Pres. Lion Stella Qualizza. ---------------------------------------------------------Thanks to the Crystal Lake Lions Club for its generous donation of $1,440 towards student art scholarships, three students with demonstrated financial need will be able to take art classes at Creative Arts Studio through the school year due to this donation. (l to r) Crystal Lake Lion Jim

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McMonigol, Susan Sieber, Creative Arts Director, Nancy Williamson, Creative Arts Board Member, Past Pres. Lion Doug Lomen, Lion Rob Wood, CLLC Board Member. ----------------------------------------------------------

Sycamore Lion David Finney was presented the George Lazansky Award by District Governor Lion Jerome Perez. This award is named after District 1J's first Governor who served from 1951-1952 and it acknowle dges Lions who have accomplished outsta nding contributions to their club and district. ---------------------------------------------------------Eagle Scout Candidate Andrew Vetter (c) 18

presented to the Naperville Noon Lions Club with over 400 pairs of used eyeglasses he collected as part of his work for Eagle Scout status. Glasses were collected the glasses for a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The remaining glasses not used on the mission trip were donated to the Lions Club. The glasses are being accepted on behalf of the Naperville Noon Lions by Lions Club Pres. Lion Ken Strugalla (r) and former Board Member Three Rivers Counsel, Boy Scouts of America Lion Jim Burner (l). ----------------------------------------------------------

At a recent meeting of the Sycamore Lions Club, Lion Al John and Peter Springmire

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were presented with Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards. Both Lions have served in most board positions, including President. (l to r) Sycamore Lion Peter Springmire, District 1J Governor Lion Jerome Perez, and Lion Al John. ----------------------------------------------------------

Just two of the nearly 30 handicappers that attended Lisle Lions’ Annual Westsiders’ Party. (In back) Lion Dennis McKechnie, Audrey Miller with her table of hat donations, Gov. Lion Jerome Perez, and Lion Mike Nelson. ----------------------------------------------------------

This was an "All You Can Eat" Event with 19

Accordion Entertainment from Noon to 5PM. The Itasca Lions served over 350 people throughout the afternoon and NOBODY left hungry! Attendance was more than doubled from the year before with the name change from Spaghetti Dinner to “Italian Feast.” ----------------------------------------------------------

Southwest Region Zone Chair Lion Barb Thornbury (l) conducts an induction ceremony for three new members of the Waterman Lion Club. (l to r) new Lion Sarah Radtke, Sponsor Lion Suzanne Sedlacek for all three new members, new Lion Topanga McCoy, and new Lion Stephen Sawyer. Congratulations, Lion Suzanne — you “just asked!”

Waterman Lion Leonard Johnson collects for LIF Candy Day donations. The club took in nearly $1,600 at that intersection in the village. ----------------------------------------------------------

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Church premises. Here are some enthusiastic lions from the club.

Chicago Filipino American Lions Club held Eye Screening Check for kids at St. Hilary


St Jerome Parish Eye Screen Check for Kids Sept 22, 2019 by Chicago Filipino American Lions lub and some guest members from other Chicago clubs.

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success. Attendees were reminded that the Carnival has become Carlinville's "homecoming" as it attracts several generations of families for an evening of festivities and fun. ----------------------------------------------------------


Carnival volunteers honored Volunteers and Lions members were all treated to a catered dinner held at St. Paul's United Church of Christ fellowship hall on Tuesday evening, Oct. 22. More than 40 people attended the event and were thanked for all that they did to make the 75th annual Carlinville Lions Club Carnival a 21

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These pictures from District 1BK Candy Day 2019. ----------------------------------------------------------

Meet, Greet and Eat Bradley The Meet, Greet, & Eat held in Bradley this past month was a night of fun, education, games, and an induction of new members. DG Joe had the honor of giving the oath of membership to Teresa GAsh and Khamseo Nelson as Bradley’s newest members. Both Lions were sponsored by Lion Jana Knight - this makes 3 new Lion's for Lion Jana since July 1st. PDG John Joseph tried his hand at the giant Jenga game. 24

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Meet, Greet and Eat Normal ----------------------------------------------------------

The Lemont club -> participated in their town’s “Lemonster Days”, Halloween parade and trick or treating on October 26th 25

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The Milford Lions Club had their annual trip to sing Halloween Carols at Senior Home ----------------------------------------------------------


Past International Director Bud Wahl inducted the most recent member of the Streator Hardscrabble Lions, Tyler RIngle, at the October meeting. Shown in the photo is FVDG Sue Wolf pinning Lion Tyler. FVDG Sue and Lion Irene Leopold visited the club that evening. Thank you FVDG Sue and welcome, Lion Tyler. ----------------------------------------------------------


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2019 Morris Lions Club’s Halloween Costume Contest Winners and some of the 28

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Morris Lions who were volunteering at the event. ----------------------------------------------------------

Durand and Orangeville Lions Club met at the Center for Sight and Hearing, Rockford for a meeting and a tour of the new sight & hearing areas.


Durand Lions Club hosted the Foundation Hearing Screening unit. 21 individuals were screened. Tampico Lions President Connie Mikles installed Britany King at the October 14th, 2019 meal/meeting held at the Tampico Area Community Building (TACB) as a new member to the Tampico Lions Club. Lion Mikles sponsored Britany and it is so great to have younger members join our Tampico Lions Club! ----------------------------------------------------------

Editor’s e-Mail: 29

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Orangeville Lions Club donated to the Center for Sight & Hearing at that meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Chicago Mount Greenwood and Oak Lawn Lions Clubs held their 80th Anniversary Celebrations at the Chataue Banquet Hall, Chicago Ridge. Intl. I Vice President Judge Haynes and his lovely wife Lion Donna were the Chief Guests. I VP also inducted a new member for Chicago Mount Greenwood Lions Club. 30

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District 1A PDG’s Club felicitated their newly elected International Director Bob & Brenda Block. PDG Pat Duda, president, welcomed the gathering and PID Dan O’Reilly introduced the guests.In return PID Bob thanked all the PDG’s of District 1A and also mentioned about International President’s vision and goals this year. 31

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Lions of Illinois Foundation took bus load of Lions to visit Leader Dogs for the Blind at Rochester Hill, Michigan.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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