Illinois Lion & Leo Monthly e-Magazine

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MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 7 - Issue 4, October 2019 6


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Council Chair Speaks:

Lions of MD-1, Greetings from Spokane Washington I have just attended the 2019 USA/Canada Forum with four fellow Governors from the 2019-2020 council, a number of Illinois lions, and our International Director Bob Block. It was another great Forum with three days of classes and seminars on becoming a better Lion Leader. Next years USA/Canada Forum is going to be held in Louisville, Kentucky on September 17-19th. It is easily drivable from Illinois, and I recommend it to any Lion wishing to improve their skills in running a club or district. We also had a chance to meet with International President Choi and discuss our goals and the new membership initiative for North America. He has asked us to focus on Service, Membership and LCIF’s Campaign 100. Through service we will attract new members, LCIF is expanding their grant program for districts and clubs to perform more meaningful service, but in order to do that we need to increase our contributions to LCIF to meet the Campaign 100 goals. 2

The month of October is Lions Vison Awareness Month and Lions and Leo Membership Growth Month. Ever since Helen Keller inspired us to champion the cause in 1925, we’ve served and advocated for the blind and visually impaired. Does your club haver a plan to support this effort? Does your club support the Lions of Illinois Foundation programs for vision? The month of November would be a good time to contribute to LIF for Low Vision Screening, Leader Dog, Eye Glass Recycling, or even to schedule their Vision Bus to come out and perform a screening. Become a Knight for the Blind. If your club is looking for ways to attract new members or wants to stage a membership growth event check out the LCI page for membership growth events It has a number of suggestions and ideas to help you get started on organizing a membership drive. Finally, progress is being made on filling the State Secretary-Treasurer position with a large number of applicants. The executive committee has been working on narrowing down the field, and the council hopes to have a person selected and in the position by November. Until next month, keep up your good work for those in need. Lion Jerome Perez, MD-1 Council Chair

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

From State Leadership Chairperson: Lions of MD1, As the global leadership team coordinator for Illinois, I have a chance to work with Lions locally and throughout our great multiple district. At a recent Regional Lions Leadership Institute, Huntley Club President Pam Palmer shared information on developing an elevator speech and how this idea was being used to build membership and engagement within her club. Her words are far better than mine this month, so please read on...


JUNE 2019 NEWSLETTER How to Put Together an Elevator Speech 3

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Last month’s Roaring Times edition had an article about elevator speeches. This is an area that we will be discussing for the next few months as you never know when an opportunity will be present itself for you to talk to others about the Lions Club. First, (and to put the creation of an elevator speech into perspective) let’s start by looking at how elevators in buildings began. In 1853, brakes were incorporated into lifts to offer a safe means of transportation between different floors. Thus started the trade of an operator to run the elevator safely for all who used it.


Being an effective elevator operator required many skills. Manual elevators were often controlled by a large lever. The elevator operator had to regulate the elevator's speed, which typically required a good sense of timing to consistently stop the elevator parallel to the floor. In addition to their training in operation and safety, department stores later combined the role of operator with greeter and tour guide, announcing product departments, floor by floor, and occasionally mentioning special offers. (Wikipedia)

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

-MD1 GLT Jama Wahl, 815-822-3014 ---------------------------------------------------------------

Lions and Leader Dogs

In August, the 1st Vice District Governors attended their “summer visit� at Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester Hills, MI. The trip started with several IL Governors driving to LCI Headquarters in Oak Brook, and then boarding a bus with the WI Governors. This year, Leader Dog also invited representatives from each Top Dog Club in IL. Those Clubs are: Cedarville and Byron in District 1D; Elburn in District 1J and St. Jacobs in District 1CN. It was an enjoyable bus ride with the camaraderie and shenanigans that Lions are so good at! 5

While at Leader Dog, we toured their stateof-the-art facilities, learned about their services and were inspired by several of their clients. We also enjoyed the traditional

luncheon of chili and donuts! The last speaker of the day, was a Leader Dog client from WI, Shannon Columb. She was college age, had finished 2 years at the University of Whitewater and then transferred to the University of Stout. She told us she had been an only child and never realized she had a

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

vision disability until she started school. Shannon hated being ‘different’ from the other students and absolutely detested having to use a white cane, as that made her even more different from her peers. She was able to attend the Summer Experience Camp at Leader Dogs as a 16-year-old – encouraged by a Lion in her area to apply. At that Camp, another Client asked Shannon if she would like to try walking with her dog. Shannon was nervous about this, but told us the moment she had that harness in her hand, she felt a freedom that she had never known. As soon as she was able, she applied to get her own dog, was matched with a beautiful boy, Frazier, and she has never looked back! She is quite a go-getter and will do amazing things in her future, never letting her blindness hinder her in any way! There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when she thanked the Lions for changing her life!

would add another $65 to that, rounding it up to $500. This year, with a record collection of over $1300, he added the rest to make our donation $1500! We decided as a group to purchase one $500 brick and sponsor 2 puppies. The group also voted on which puppies we would sponsor. With the inspiration our 1st Vice Governors received and the dedication of our District Leader Dog Coordinators, next year should be very exciting and productive for helping people to become “unstoppable”! If your Club is interested in having a Leader Dog program, please contact your District Leader Dog Coordinator or myself! And… remember to make ALL donations to Leader Dog thru the Lions of IL Foundation! Make checks payable to LIF, and write LEADER DOG in the memo area! Leader Dogs for the Blind is currently looking for more people who are interested in serving as a volunteer puppy raiser. By "raising" a Future Leader Dog, you'll help a person who is blind or visually impaired gain confidence, and the ability to travel safely and independently. Raising a Future Leader Dog won't only change someone else's lifeit will also change yours! For more information about raising Leader Dog puppies, visit:

At the end of our day, a WI Ambassador did another traditional thing – passing the hat to purchase a brick. He is known as “Round Up” and whatever money is collected, he and his wife will add to it to get it to the next level. For instance, if $435 were collected, he 6 -a-puppy/ PCC Fred Peska, MD1 Leader Dog Ambassador ----------------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

PDG RICHARD SELLERS PASSED AWAY: June 22, 1943-September 27, 2019

Health – Trinity Rock Island. Memorials may be made to the Richard D. Sellers Memorial Fund which will be established by his family. Richard Dean Sellers was born June 22, 1943, in Cherokee, Iowa, to Ivan and Nackola (Ackerson) Sellers. He graduated from Northeast Missouri Teachers College (now Truman State University), Kirksville. He married Mary Kathleen Stroup on November 7, 1964, in Muscatine, Iowa. He touched the lives of many students during his 42 years of teaching. He retired from Rock Island High School in 1999, and previously taught at Edison Junior High School.

COAL VALLEY - Richard Sellers, 76, of Coal Valley, Illinois, died Friday, September 27, 2019, in UnityPoint


Dick was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Coal Valley, Coal Valley Lions Club, National Rifle Association, and Rock Island Retired Teachers. He enjoyed camping, hunting fishing, and being outdoors, and especially loved being with his family and his students, whom he called his “kids.” Dick is survived by his wife, Kathy; a daughter, Robin Sellers of Coal Valley; a son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Karlene Sellers of Fort Myers, Florida; two grandsons, James Sellers Jr. and Robert D. Sellers; and siblings, Gary Ackerson of Arizona,

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

and Mary Jo Grobleski of North Carolina. He was preceded in death by a son, Robert E. Sellers; a daughter-in-law,


Bonnie Sellers; and two sisters, Nancy and Betty. --------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

SYCAMORE – If you don’t want to work,

don’t be a Lion. Eugene Listy had been the director of Sycamore Public Works for 40 years and a volunteer firefighter for more than 50 years. Although he always had worked with the Sycamore Lions Club on projects as a public works employee, he was about ready to retire when he joined as a Lion.


He didn’t stop working, and past Lions presidents remembered him as someone who would do whatever was asked. “He would never not show up,” Ed Kuhn said Thursday. “He didn’t turn much down.” Listy died Sept. 16 in the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center following a pacemaker operation. He was 79 years old. Jerry Malmassari, Sycamore Lions past president, said he had been talking to Listy earlier in the day. He stopped by to visit him in the center and spent a few hours talking to him. They made plans to ensure Listy could

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

get to meetings when he was on his feet again, Malmassari offering to pick him up and take him. A few hours later, he got the call that Listy had died. Listy was always a part of the projects the Lions Club was doing. He was part of projects cleaning up the Great Western Trail. Even before he was a Lion, in the early 1990s, Kuhn remembers Listy helped install handicapped accessible benches along the trail. When he joined up in 2002, Listy quickly took over several committees and projects, said Ken Hirschbein, a past president of the Lions Club. “He was a hard worker, and he knew what he was doing,” Malmassari said. “He was a good worker because he could do anything. ... He was a willing worker.” Each year Listy was a part of the Lions Fishing Derby in Shabbona park, helping organize and run the event. Malmassari said the event is popular: more than 100 people with disabilities and their family would turn out for the activities, totaling about 500 people, he said. Listy was always there helping out, he said. He had a special connection. Listy took his commitment to the club seriously – he was recognized in April of 2018 for 15 years of perfect attendance at the Sycamore Lions Club. 10

“If you’re going to do story on Gene, you have to do a story on Matt,” Kuhn said. Matthew Listy was Gene Listy’s son. He graduated from Sycamore High School, worked at Brown’s County Market in Sycamore, and loved everything Sycamore, Malmassari said. He also was a person with disabilities. He went with Gene everywhere. “They were attached at the hip,” he said. Matt and Gene would be seen at Lions Club project sites often. He could be found with his dad at bike trail clean ups, and the annual Cookies with Santa event at the Sycamore Park District. Matt died in November 2018. Kuhn said, even in the last few years of Listy’s life, he would come work at Lion’s Club events and participate, even if it was just working a table at the entrance. Hirschbein said Listy was dependable and helpful. “He was always there. Always taking care of things,” Hirschbein said. Listy is survived by his wife, Joyce; his daughter, Angela; special pet, Penny Marie; many nieces and nephews; three sisters-inlaw; one brother-in-law; his fire family and numerous friends. He is interred in the Elmwood Cemetery in Sycamore. Regards, Lion Ed Kuhn 815-761-9331 ----------------------------------------------------------

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Moline, President Chuck Bergsmith, Lions District 1J Governor Jerome Perez, Pete Springmire, Kevin Brint, Sharon & Tom Foster, Ed Kuhn.

Our Interntional President’s Pin & Theme:

Caption: Family members present from left, his widow ‘Sis’, sons David, Brooks, Darrin and daughter-in-law Theresa.

Our Website: Click above link for more information. ?ref=page_internal 14

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PID Bud and GLT-MD Jama Wahl congratulate the 1BK Lions who attended the MD1 RLLI. Way to go Lions John and Stacy Aiden, Stacey Limacher and John Whalen.

Shown are PID Bud and GLT-MD Jama Wahl congratulating Lions Leroy Engelke, Gary Kreutzberg and Sharon Kindhart of 1G for their successful efforts at the MD1 Regional Lions Leadership Institute. ---------------------------

Mounds Lions delivered another load of supplies to East Cape and McClure. ----------------------------------------------------------

Burbank Lions vs Chicago Comets Tournament on Saturday. Burbank Lions won 7-6. 15

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

TAMPICO LIONS CLUB INSTALLS OFFICERS Tampico Lions Club #280 met on Monday September 9, 2019 for this first meal/meeting of fiscal year 2019-2020 with Guests District Governor Lion Richard Delp and Christopher Peterson- possible new member, and ten out of 16 members attending this meeting. Tampico Lions Club meets on the 2 and 4th Monday of the month at 7pm in the Tampico Area Community Building (TACB), 106 W. Market St., Tampico, IL except in the months of May, November and December they meeting only on the 2nd Monday due to the 4th Monday being close to the holidays of Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The club takes a summer break during the months of July and August each year. nd

Tampico Lions Club hold their annual fundraisers on the 1st Sunday in March with the Pancake Breakfast from 8am-1pm in the Tampico Grade School and during the months of February and March they sell roses to be delivered on the Saturday before Easter. 16

Tampico Lions Club sponsors the annual Easter Egg walk with over $200 in change and candy put in over 400 plastic eggs with the Easter Bunny if we can catch him, sponsors the annual Tampico Festive Day Parade with over $900 in cash prizes if all categories are filled, provides two $500 scholarships to a graduating Senior from Prophetstown-Lyndon- Tampico High School with essays written on a subject the club choses and essays will be judged at the 4th meeting in April not knowing who wrote the essays as the high school counselor numbers the essays and only she knows who wrote them, brings Santa and Mrs. Clause to the Tampico Grade School before lets out for Christmas vacation with sacks of candy for all the students and staff of the grade school, provides eye exams and glasses for those in need that live in the Tampico area and supports Lions Club International (LCI) and Lions Sight and Sound Medical Clinic in Rockford, IL. Tampico Lions Club thanks the support of the public during their fundraiser so we can provide these services. DG Lion Delp installed the following Officers for the new fiscal year. (Picture enclosed L-R: DG Lion Richard Delp, Past President Lion John Coers, President Lion Connie Mikles, 2nd Vice and Membership Chairperson Lion Terry Gaskill, Secretary Lion Dave Beck, and Treasurer Lion Duane Thompson) Picture taken by Christopher Peterson. ----------------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

At a recent meeting of the Sycamore Lions Club, Lion Al John and Lion Peter Springmire were presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. Lion Al and Lion Pete have served in most board positions including President and have regularly served in committee positions. This award is named after Melvin Jones who, one hundred years ago, in 1917, started what is now Lions International. It is now the largest service organization in the world, with 46,000 clubs in every corner of the globe and 1.4 million members. This past year, over 100 million people benefited from the organization! Photo caption, from left: Sycamore Lion Peter Springmire, Lions District 1J Governor Jerome Perez, and Lion Al John. ---------------------------------------------------------Lion David Finney was presented the George Lazansky Award by Lions District 1J Governor Jerome Perez. The George Lazansky Award is presented to an exclusive number of Lions each year. The award is named after District 1J's first Governor who 17

served from 1951-1952. This award acknowledges Lions who have accomplished outstanding contributions to their Club and District levels, as well as perform outstanding humanitarian and community achievements. Caption: Lions District 1J Governor & Council Chairman Jerome Perez and Sycamore Lion David Finney ----------------------------------------------------------

The Sycamore Lion's Club recently installed Lion Chuck Bergsmith as our club's president for the 2019-2020 term.

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Caption: Sycamore Lion Chuck Bergsmith and Lion District 1J Governor Jerome Perez

The Sycamore Lions Club recently donated $500 to the Salem Lutheran Food Pantry. Photo 1 – Liz Ezell, Lion Chuck Bergsmith and Lion Tom Fewell.

Sarah Baker, Liz Ezell, Pat McMillan, Denis, Barb Fewell, Chuck Bergsmith, Ryan Genz, Tom Fewell, and Pastor Preston Fields ----------------------------------------------------------

this year's Bike & Hike for Sight held Saturday morning, August 31 during the Orion Fall Festival.

Boys' bike winner was Owen Hagedorn, left, of Rio. Preston Moore won the backpack and John Nedved won the girls' bike for his younger sister.

Orion Lions Club joined in the Orion Fall Festival Parade held Saturday, August 31. District Governor Tony Holland was our special guest and rode in the pickup truck with his family. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Sixty-four cyclists and walkers registered for 18

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Large crowds, successful queen candidates make for success

The Lions Club Pancake Breakfast has been a Fall Festival tradition for years. Flipping this year's flapjacks above are Larry Dhabalt, left, Mike Dierikx, Sue Dhabalt and David Anderson. Keeping them in line below are Jenny Dierikx, left, and Beth Carlson. ----------------------------------------------------------

This year's Lions Carnival Queen Candidates worked extra hard to sell tickets and raise funds for the work the club does in the Carlinville community. They raised more than $20,000 during the summer months. That, plus the proceeds from the two nights of the Carnival grossed $36,410 (before expenses). This compares to a total in 2018 of $29.471. Lauren Pool was crowned the 2019 Lions Carnival Queen; first runner up was Olivia Turley and second runner up was Avery Kufa. For the full news story, see the Macoupin County Enquirer-Democrat. Thanks to all of our club members who

were able to participate and to the many volunteers who helped out to make the 2019 Carnival a successful homecoming and fundraiser. PDG Lion Jerry Eiffert driving the barrel ride around the square - one of the favorites of smaller children. ----------------------------------------------------------

2019 Carnival 19

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beyond through your work, involvement in your church and through Lionism. You are greatly appreciated, and it’s a pleasure to serve with you. (Pictured are (L) Lion Norm Wilson & (R) President Brad Cash. The street-legal golf cart being raffled by Paris Lions Club has been seen in parades in Westville and Arcola. Drawing for the golf cart is Sunday, Sept 29th. ----------------------------------------------------------

Congratulations to Lion Norm Wilson for achieving the Paris Lions Club’s Lion of the Year for your service to out community and 20

Pawnee Lions Club had a wonderful turnout for the September 14th Movie in The Park last night! Thank you everyone who came out to enjoy The Secret Life of Pets 2! The choice of movie was selected by the public via Facebook. What a great idea. ----------------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


Congratulations to Lion Norm Wilson for achieving the Paris Lions Club’s Lion of the Year for your service to out community and beyond through your work, involvement in your church and through Lionism. You are greatly appreciated, and it’s a pleasure to serve with you. (Pictured are (L) Lion Norm Wilson & (R) President Brad Cash. ---------------------------------------------------------It take more than tractors to hold a great tractor pull. Sidell Lions Club President David Winans did some early track maintenancel with help from Logan McDaniel. Special thanks to the Sidell Fire Dept for the use of their tanker and water. ----------------------------------------------------------

The street-legal golf cart being raffled by Paris Lions Club has been seen in parades in Westville and Arcola. Drawing for the golf cart is Sunday, Sept 29th. ---------------------------------------------------------Rochester Lions Club had the pleasure of hearing from previous scholarship winner Carrie O’Dell on August 20th. The club appreciated hearing from her. 21

Happy Birthday to our St.Elmo Lions Club!

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Our Club has been in service to the St.Elmo area for EIGHTY YEARS!! We thank our members celebrating this anniversary and we especially thank all of those in our community who team with us to serve the St.Elmo area community. Happy Birthday St.Elmo Lions Club!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Strasburg Lions Club says, ‘Wwelcome to the newest Lions Club members! Joc Schultz, Mariah Tabbert, Clay Tabbert, Jack Burton and Adam Burton. ----------------------------------------------------------

This year’s drive through pork chop dinner is finished and I think you can say it was a complete success! Great job Villa Grove Lions Club!


This year’s drive through pork chop dinner is finished and I think you can say it was a complete success! Great job Villa Grove Lions Club! ---------------------------------------------------------The Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club’s → maiden Fall Breakfast was a sell-out. Thank you to all who supported our fundraiser. We look forward to serving you again soon.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Another successful Bartlett Lions Club Lion's Day Dash. It was held at James Pate State Park in Bartlett and 104 runners crossed the finish line. L to R Lions Carrie Sypherd, Kurt Hull, Andy Watson, Jimmy Bell, Randy Zbasnik, Joanne Watson, Marty Kerlin, Matt Kelley, Tony Sparacino. ----------------------------------------------------------


Burbank Lions in the Reavis homecoming parade. ---------------------------------------------------------23

Westmont Lions are ready to sign up people to be screened by the Lions of Illinois Foundation Hearing Bus and the Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Screening Bus. ---------------------------------------------------------Bartlett Lions held the annual Lions’ Day Dash in late August. Showing off the T-shirts for runners is: (l to r) Lions Carrie Sypherd, Kurt Hull, Andy Watson, Jimmy Bell, Randy

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Zbasnik, Joanne Watson, Marty Kerlin, Matt Kelley, and Tony Sparacino. ----------------------------------------------------------

century, now Sycamore residents and visitors can rest, thanks to your approval for a bench in Sycamore Forest Preserve, memorializing Lion Darold. Sitting on bench, Virginia (Sis) Hepker, , (l to r) Lions Jerry Malmassari, John Toles, Tom Moline, President Chuck Bergsmith, Lions District 1J Governor Jerome Perez (and now, Council Chair), Pete Springmire, Kevin Brint, Sharon & Tom Foster, Ed Kuhn. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The sponsor of the Beverage Cart at the District 1J Golf Outing was the Lions of Elburn Charities. In the golf cart is West Chicago Lion John Catalano and Danny Dimmick, a friend of the Lions. ---------------------------------------------------------Some of the Sycamore Lions Club members recently conducted a fitting Closure and Celebration of Life for their friend and fellow Lion Darold Hepker. He was a member for over 50 years and was active in nearly every project the club undertook, instrumental in many. The Lions told the family "we had him for nearly a half a 24

District 1J Zone Chairs Lion Terri Pasternik and Bob Olender were out selling raffle tickets on the course at the summer District 1J Golf Outing at Hughes Creek Golf Course. ---------------------------------------------------------Fox River Grove Lions get ready for the Centennial Parade to start. Thanks to Lion

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Jim Magel for leading the charge in float building! ----------------------------------------------------------

Sponsor of the District 1J Golf Outing is Noland Sales. (l to r) Kevin Golnick, 2nd Vice District Governor and District 1J Golf Outing Chair Lion Lori Chassee, Noland Sales owner Donna McCaleb, and her husband Michael.


Fox River Grove Lions won the Team Award for the best "bad pants." The Individual Award was West Chicago Lion Rudy Johnson. ----------------------------------------------------------


At the Malta Lions Club's August meeting, three new members were inducted. (l to r) Malta Lion President Tom Jergens, new members Lions Christopher and Annette Meares, sponsored by Lion Mark Male (not pictured), new member Pastor Jeremiah Thompson and his sponsor, Lion Vicke Heins. 25

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Burr Ridge/Hinsdale/Oak Brook Lions Melinda Plott and Cheryl Schilling deliver school supplies to HCS Family Services. Adam (c) is the representative of HCS Family Services. ----------------------------------------------------------

Naperville Noon Lions Club concluded its 2019 Summer Raffle over the Labor Day Weekend with the drawing of the winning tickets. Over 3,500 tickets were sold. Naperville Police Chief Robert Marshall was on hand to draw the winning tickets. This year's grand prize was $5,000. Other prizes totaled $4,000. Proceeds from the raffle go to support the Lions Club's Social Services program. ----------------------------------------------------------

Five Glendale Heights Barangay Lions sort eyeglasses for recycling at the local library. ---------------------------------------------------------The new Lisle Ladies Lions Club Branch’s 1st project was gathering non-perishable items (30#) for the local food pantry. The club 26

listens to podcasts prior to the meeting and then discusses them at the meeting, much in the format of a book club gathering, they say. The service project each month relates to that month's podcast. Lisle Lions Club is proud of this new club branch and is looking forward to seeing what they can accomplish. ----------------------------------------------------------

DeKalb Lion Jerry Diaz (l) received recognition from PDG Lion Rick Tonozzi of the Lions of IL Foundation for participation in the Sight & Sound Sweepstakes. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Huntley Area Lion Pam Palmer Fowler receives her certificate from GLT-MD1 Lion

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Jama Wahl denoting Lion Pam’s successful completion of the MD1 Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI). ----------------------------------------------------------

Twenty-four members and eight guests attended the Huntley Area Lions Club's Annual Picnic at the Fountains Pavilion in Sun City. The club provided the chicken and sides, and dessert was provided by Lion Richard Meyer, manager of the local Culver's. There was also a 50/50 raffle and a "Famous Couples Match & Share" Contest. ---------------------------------------------------------District 1J Zone Chair Lion Bob Olender (c) is congratulated by PID Lion Bud Wahl and GLT-MD 1 Lion Jama Wahl upon his 27

completion of the MD1 Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI). ----------------------------------------------------------

New Naperville Noon Lion Ali Aijaz, with his sponsor, Lion Jim Woodring, and Pres. Lion Ken Strugalla. Lion Ali is a second-year medical student from Naperville. ---------------------------------------------------------They are like the Energizer Bunny. Serve! Serve! Serve! Do! Do! Do! Since our last update, our club painted 10 fire hydrants and water meters in the city of Mounds, Illinois. The club has continued helping with supplies for the flood victims of East Cape and McClure, Illinois through the month of August. The club had their annual Spa Raffle Basket during the African American Women’s Conference at Shawnee Community College, with funds raised

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The annual fund raiser for the Telethon of Stars came early being held at the Carson Center in Paducah, Kentucky on September 14, 2019. Some members of the Mounds Lions Club attended and donated $1,321 for children with disabilities.

1CS was awarded a grant from LCIF to help the flood victims in East Cape and McClure. The Mounds Lions Club has been shopping for clothes, supplies for clean up and bedding supplies. There is still a ways to go to be completed with the flood victims.

benefiting the Lions Hearing and Vision program. There has been great progress on Mr. Faust new home, whose house was destroyed by a terrible storm. His land was cleared, trees cut down, ground leveled, foundation poured and a new single wide has arrived. Praise God! Mr. Faust and his daughter are overjoyed and grateful for the help received from 1CS emergency grant. 28

All families from East Cape are very thankful for the help they received. We hope to complete McClure and East Cape in the coming weeks.

Lion Steve Griffin came with his Vision Screener on the 24th of September 2019

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

screening 27 children of the Mounds Headstart with the assistance of the Mounds Lions Club. He will be screening more children next month at Cairo and Egyptian schools. On October 1st 2019 during the clubs Tuesday night meeting, a staff member from the Chid Advocacy Center in Anna, Illinois will visit the club to talk about the functions of the agency.

Chicago Filipino American Lions Club and Voices Director Myrna Cordero and Lailanie Magana team up to test Kids eye sight age 6months- 6 year old, Lions Serve from 8am12pm. ----------------------------------------------------------

Candy Day is fast approaching and the Mounds Lions Club will sure be in action, Because We Serve. ----------------------------------------------------------

At the East Cape Church the Lions of 1C South under the Leadership of District Governor Helen Ferguson are issuing much needed supplies and clothes to flood victims. Pictured are Lions members from the Mounds Lions Club Lion Retha Eurales (Mounds Lions Club President) Mounds Club members Lions Josie Eason, Lion Fern Edwards and the husband of District Governor Ferguson (PDG Randy Ferguson) along with a flood victim. Other pictures and information to follow. Reporting and sending pictures: Past District Governor(PDG) Bishop Derek Eurales, Sr.(member of Mounds Lions Club) ---------------------------------------------------------29

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Chicago Mabuhay Lions Club had their new officers and new members installation on their Second Charter Night celebration in Chicago. District 1A Governor Joni McMillan was the guest of honor. After dinner there was a wonderful dance to the music. All guests and members were entertained with live music. Newly eleted International Director from MD1 Bob Block and his wife Lion Brenda Block was there. 30

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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