Multiple District 1 State of Illinois Lion & Leo Monthly e-Magazine

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MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 7 - Issue 3, September 2019 6


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

working on improving service reporting through MyLion. I realize this will be a bit of a challenge while LCI works through some of the issues with the new system, but it is still vital in order to inform the Districts and LCI know what we are doing.

Council Chair Speaks:

In September six of the MD-1 governors will be headed to the USA/Canada Forum in Spokane. With six of us in attendance we should have many of the sessions covered. I am looking forward to the sessions, and the opportunity to pick up some new ideas to bring back to the state. I will provide some of the highlights in the September issue of the state magazine.

Greetings, Lions of MD-1 We have started our adventure together! Having just concluded the 2nd Council Meeting and MD-1 GAT Summit in East Peoria, I was impressed with the dedication and enthusiasm of the GAT representatives from throughout Illinois at the Summit. We discussed the goals from this year’s council for the GMT, GLT and GST teams. We also continued the work on membership from last year aimed at halting the decline of membership in Illinois. So far this year we have added 138 new members, but we have lost 165 members for a net loss of 27 members. Only one half of the newly installed members are still on the books three years later. It is apparent we need to work harder on retention. New members join to participate in service to their communities, and we need to find a way to keep them engaged once they join. Please stress to the membership chairs, and sponsors of new members to make sure they are immediately involved in your clubs’ activities. The GAT teams also followed up on a recommendation from last year. There will be several Multi-district Forums that are hosted jointly by the districts in order to make them more accessible to our members. Look for more information on these regional forums in future issues. The GST’s will be looking to identify some service activities that we can participate in at the MD-1 convention in Normal next Spring, like the opportunities available at the USA/Canada Forum and LCI Conventions. In addition, they will be 2

The postings for the State Secretary Treasurer position is posted on-line and in the Springfield State-Journal-Register, as well as on the MD-1 Website. It is the goal of the council to have this position filled by the end of October. Until that time PCC Darren VanDuyn will fill in as the acting SST. Finally, a reminder that the next scheduled Council meeting will be December 14th at the Marriot in Normal. All Peace Poster entries, and State Pin designs must be submitted to the Council for judging at that meeting. Lion Jerome Perez MD-1 Council Chair

From State Leadership Chairperson:

Club Retreat Just what is a Club Retreat and how might it impact your club?

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Well, a Club Retreat is a time that a club sets aside separate from a club meeting, fundraiser or service project to consider where it has been and where it wants to go. We all know that if we always do what we have always done that we will always get what we have always gotten. This works if things are clicking along, but what if there are other opportunities that could be relevant to your members and meaningful to your communities. What if your community needs have changed? What if your club members feel a pull to do something new? Step one is to determine a place, not your regular meeting place or night, to gather to share ideas. A Club Retreat needs to focus just on the sharing of ideas, not regular club business. Next determine a facilitator. The facilitator is the person who will collect ideas from the club members and keep the discussion moving. The facilitator, from your club or someone from the district, leads the discussion without a personal agenda. Prior to the retreat, the facilitator gathers information on what the club has done in the past or is currently doing regarding service, membership, leadership, club meetings and activities. A flip chart page works well for this. At the retreat, the flip chart pages are displayed for all to see. New ideas are brainstormed and added to the list. And, let’s remember when brainstorming, there are no wrong answers. No Lion can say…We did that before…That is not how we have always done it or anything negative. When brainstorming all ideas are included. Following the discussion, the members prioritize their choices. This can be done with a few stickers. Each member gets a few stickers to post near what he or she sees as great ideas. 3

This is a great time to take a break for food and fellowship as everyone is making their choices. The stickers show the club where they want to move ahead. They also show ideas that can be shelved for further discussion or discarded as not currently important to members. From there, discussion is held regarding the choices. Goals are set and an action is developed for each item. Basically, before leaving the retreat, it has to be determined who is responsible for each item, when progress will be reported and when and where action will take place. After the Club Retreat, the facilitator organizes the ideas in a word document that can be referenced. Progress is monitored at each club meeting. At the recent Streator Hardscrabble Lions Club Retreat the club came up with new fundraising ideas, new service opportunities and new membership goals. Plus, a couple of activities we had done for years and then stopped are back on the table. As a Lions Club who recently celebrated our 20th anniversary, this was a great way to look at our proud past and plan for an enthusiastic and energized future! If you have questions about a Club Retreat, contact PID Bud Wahl, 815-822-3015 or MD1 GLT Jama Wahl, 815-822-3014 ---------------------------------------------------------------

Send your articles, news, pictures to: before 25th of every month.

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine



MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine



MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Photos of the ribbon pulling ceremony held at the recent council meeting for the three Governors who did not go to Milan and also photos of PDG Lori Linn presenting PCC Darren with his PCC ring. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Always willing to help the Bartlett Police Department at National Night Out. The Bartlett Lions cooked, wrapped and distributed 3,000 hot dogs along with chips, water, fruit and carrots to those who attended NNO. Back Row: L to R Lions Ken Kusch, Norm Wetherton, George Cooley, Bruce Davids, Tom Arends, Jeff Beckner, Roy Engstrom, Marty Kerlin, Andy Watson Front Row: L to R Greg Szydlowski, Ed Raska, Joanne Watson, Ray Ray Deyne, Cheryl Lemvig, Christy Barry, Dave Barry Helper: Desienna Lemvig --------------------------------------------------------------------

Hayden Voelker, this year’s male scholarship winner, receives his check from Altamont Lions Club president Lion Steve Stice. Good luck to you. 17

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Arthur Lions Club sponsored their annual Pool Party, open for children under 8th grade. The event included hot dogs, drinks and other snacks. As always, the event had a great turn-out and the children had a great time. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Bismarck Lions Club held another successful fish fry with local residents, traveling guests and area celebrities, including county fair queens. -------------------------------------------------------------------On July 13th, Marshall Lions Club celebrated 75 years of service with dinner, special guests and surprises. PID Linda and PDG Vern Tincher 18

(Indiana) were special guests. Surprises included the presentation of two (2) Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellows to Lions Gordon Anderson and James Marrs. Lion James was unable to attend, so his mother, Patty Marrs, accepted on his behalf. PCC Steve Ferguson (Mattoon) did the honors.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


Growing and selling sweet corn with proceeds going to Mattoon Community Food Center and other club projects resulted a banner year in 2019 for the Mattoon Lions Club. Many communities are without this enjoyable vegetable this year due to all the early rains which flooded the fields. This is the 17th year Mattoon Lion John Doty planted and raised sweet corn for the local club to pull and sell. Pictured are Lions Doty, Ross, JC-D, Ferguson, Marquis, MonteDeOca. -------------------------------------------------------------------Congratulations to Lions Chris Garner and Norm

Lion George grilled up the steaks for the Blue Mound Lions Club’s food booth at their annual Fall Festival. 19

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On Aug 2nd, Paris Lions Club served deserts at the monthly Legion Auxiliary Fish Fry. Lions donated and served the deserts. Pictured: Lions Brad Cash, Lori Bennett, Carol Abernathy, Ron Stickler and Norm Wilson. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Moweaqua Lions Club was joined by Mr. Smith & Cooper Morrell from the Central A&M (local school) Superhero’s Club!! What a fun service group!! Cool idea!! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Paris Lions Club had a very busy day Aug 3rd, selling raffle tickets at the local Rural King store, celebrating 50 years of supporting the Paris Lions Minor League with a hot-dog and awards day, serving free vision screenings at the Back to School Bang hosted by Horizon Health and offering rides to participants in the annual Relay for Life. Pictured: Lions Brian Walker, Lori Bennett, volunteer Bailey Johnson, Lions Chris Garner, Andria Powers, Carol Abernathy, Leo, Renae Powers and Amy Hill. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Not only does Paris Lions Club sponsor one campership per year to Camp Lions, but this is our second year supplying and serving a snack to campers at Camp Lions East Bay. -------------------------------------------------------------------Rochester Lions Club member John Shoudel was recognized tonight by Lions International for sponsoring 25 new members in recent years. --> 20

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Secretary Jim Rominger presented the world-wide organization's Senior Master Key & Medallion to Shoudel. Congratulations Lion/Hauntmaster John! --------------------------------------------------------------------

for a good cause. The competitors faced off in events like the farmer's walk, truck pulling and a dead lift. -------------------------------------------------------------------The St. Elmo Lions participated in the Healthy Foods Distribution Food giveaway. This Event happens rain or shine, today it was rain. There was a great turnout despite the weather. 163 people went through the line serving 489 souls. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The cookout at Pawnee Casey's parking lot was a huge success! Thanks to our great community, we raised more than our initial goal for the Police Department! Pawnee Lions presented $750 check to the Police Department. Thank you everyone for your support. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Strasburg Lions Club hosted their 7th Annual Strongman Competition fundraiser. Athletes from all around central Illinois showed off their strength 21

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

We had a fun scholarship picnic to honor our 2019 recipient, Alexis Vandeventer. We had 20 in attendance including Lexi’s grandmother Minnie and her Aunt. District Governor 1-M David Johnson also joined us. Thanks to everyone for delicious potluck dishes and the fellowship of the Lions Club that we were able to share. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Westville Lions are helping the staff and students get ready for school. In July, Westville Lions held their annual ‘FILL THE BUS’ campaign for donations for school supplies. In early August, the club congratulates all of the recipients of the Teacher grant program. This is the third year that we have 22

been able to help out & Our club was able to grant 10 requests from some awesome educators in our school district. Pictured: recipients with some of their requested items. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Villa Grove Ag Days booth. We had a free raffle giving away a $100 gift certificate to Rick’s Country Market. And guess who won. Staci Clodfelder! Congratulations! -------------------------------------------------------------------The Streator Hardscrabble Lions earned the Four Diamond Award for the Centennial Service Challenge four years in a row, having provided service for the environment, childhood cancer, vision, hunger and diabetes. PID Bud Wahl is awarding the chevrons to Lion Tamer Mark

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Ferguson. His dilemma is to find a place on the banner! --------------------------------------------------------------------

North Aurora Lions Club inducted two new members recently. (l to r) Lion Dr. Bill Park, Sponsor, New Members, Lions Sharada Suresh Rao, Zone Chair Lion Lori Chassee, and Club Pres. Lion Doug Botkin. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Geneva Leos sorting eyeglasses. 23

DeKalb Lion Carolynn Werline (l) receives an Appreciation Award from District Governor Lion Susan Galvez for her years of service to “Ski For Sight.” --------------------------------------------------------------------

Aurora Evening Lions Lynn Miller and Bob Cissell serve a summer dinner at the Ronald McDonald House in Wheaton. The club makes a meal there four times a year. They say: “Join with our club and join the fun!!” -------------------------------------------------------------------The Wheaton Lions Club was honored to be selected by the Wheaton Park District as the Grand Marshal for the 2019 4th of July parade,” President RC Crompton said. “As Grand Marshal of this year’s parade, the Wheaton Lions hope to raise awareness for the many services and support projects we provide to our community.” Lions walked down Main St. with a truck and wagon from Wheaton Nursery displaying the club banners and handing out lollipops to the kids along Main Street.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Twenty-six Westmont Lions, and six volunteers, served 1,500 people at the Taste of Westmont. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Westmont Lions Club Pres. Lion Stella Qualizza (front) and other club members served at the Ticket Booth. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Going in the canoe is one of the fun things to do at the Fishing Derby at Lake Shabbona State Park. Waterman Lions paddle the canoe for the guests. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Elburn Leos at their Concession Stand at Elburn Days — we hear they sell the best Root Beer Floats during Elburn Days!! Elburn Days is the largest annual fundraiser for the Elburn Lions Park and Elburn Lions Charities. The club has been hosting Elburn Days annually on the third full weekend in August, over a three-day period, for many years. --------------------------------------------------------------------

At the Westmont Police Department Open House, the Westmont Lions Club President Lion Stella, Lions Ozzie, Joann, and Shanu cooked and served food for the public. Lion Ron Gunter, Mayor of Westmont, came over to get a hot dog. 24

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Grace Filpi was one of the Huntley Area Lions Club $1,000 scholarship winners. (l to r) Bill Filpi (father), Karen (mother), Grace Filpi, Lion Pam Palmer, Scholarship Co-Chair, and Pres. Jim Saletta. Another $1,000 scholarship was presented to Hayden Bidinger, who will be attending Ohio State University in the fall majoring in Anthropology, with the intent to work in the field of improving the health & lives of underprivileged people. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Durand Lions Club hosted the August Birthday Party at Medina Nursing Home. 25 residents played bingo and won lots of items. Refreshments brought in by Lions were served after the games. Durand Lions were Lion Russ & Sue Sarver, Lion Dave Waller, Lion Sue Hukle, and Lion Jana Kingston. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Two new Crystal Lake Lions of the Year, Dave Moore and John Landon, (in the middle, flanked by Lion Peter Collins (l) and President Lion Randy Funk (r). --------------------------------------------------------------------

Ali Aijaz was introduced as the newest member of the Naperville Noon Lions Club. Ali is a secondyear medical student from Naperville. His sponsor is Lion Jim Woodring (c) Also pictured is President Lion Ken Strugalla (r). -------------------------------------------------------------------25

Thirty Lions members from around the state were handpicked to attend a leadership training called the Regional Lions Leadership Institute. The 3 day event was held in East Peoria and led by Bud & Jama Wahl. This leadership training program was

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

funded through LCIF and was focused on training up Lions to be leaders at club level and beyond. We learned about obstacles to growth and how to overcome them, what motivate members to join and how to keep members, what diversity is and why it's important to club and organization growth. It was really fun and informative and it was a great opportunity for Lions around the State to meet each other and share ideas and energy.PID Bud and GLT-MD Jama Wahl congratulate the 1BK Lions who attended the MD1 RLLI. Way to go Lions John and Stacy Aiden, Stacey Limacher and John Whalen. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Fellow at their recent Meeting. Congratulations Lion Jeff! -----------------------------------------------------

DG Joe visited the Onarga Lions Club to discuss Lions Clubs International’s theme of Diversity at their annual Steak Fry. -----------------------------------------------------

At the most recent Council of Governors meeting. attending the meeting were our District Governor Joe, FVDG Sue and SVDG Sheila. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The Bolingbrook Lions Club presented Lion Jeff Hadley with a Melvin Jones 26

The Coal City Lions Club presented Sara Smith from the back pack program with a $500 check and donated their hall for their event (picture top left). They feed 150 school children with meals 2x a week. The Club also presented $500 to Operation Handshake (picture top right). This is a free event out in their area for all veterans. They have a big picnic with games and prizes

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

and the Coal City Lions Club has the hearing bus there. A fly over is part of the event. Last, but not least, the club held the Coal City backpack fundraiser. They raised $2400 and serve local students with 2 meals a week to take home. Last year they prepared meals for 155 students. Sara Smith and Cherie Seeger attend the club’s meeting after the event, where they received another $500. Great job Coal City!! ---------------------------------------------------------------

The Frankfort Lions Club was at the Frankfort Farmers market promoting their upcoming Wurst Fest. They also attended the Concert on the Green where it was announced that the club would be the Grand Marshall of the Fall Festival

Parade. --------------------------------------------------------------27

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Another successful Bartlett Lions Club Lion's Day Dash. It was held at James Pate State Park in Bartlett and 104 runners crossed the finish line. --------------------------------------------------------------------

District 1A Governor’s name on Sox Display Board!

Some of the Sycamore Lions members recently conducted a fitting Closure and Celebration of Life for their friend and fellow Lion Darold Hepker. Lion Hepker was a member for over 50 years and was active in nearly every project the club undertook, instrumental in many. The Lions told the family “we had him for nearly a half a century, now Sycamore residents and visitors can rest thanks to your approval for a bench in Sycamore Forest Preserve memorializing Darold. Lion Darold is gone, he’s missed but not forgotten”. The club recently handed out school supplies to local students. Pictured left to right: Karyn Dzurison (Hardscrabble Lions Club); Gail Russell (Northlawn Principal); and Donna Mikolaczyk (Hardscrabble Lions Club) delivering school supplies. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Family members present from left, his widow ‘Sis’, sons David, Brooks, Darrin and daughter-in-law Theresa.

Caption: Sitting on bench, Virginia (Sis) Hepker, Lions, from left, Jerry Malmassari, John Toles, Tom 29

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Moline, President Chuck Bergsmith, Lions District 1J Governor Jerome Perez, Pete Springmire, Kevin Brint, Sharon & Tom Foster, Ed Kuhn.

Our Interntional President’s Pin & Theme:

Caption: Family members present from left, his widow ‘Sis’, sons David, Brooks, Darrin and daughter-in-law Theresa.

Our Website: Click above link for more information. ?ref=page_internal 30

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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