Multiple District 1 State of Illinois Monthly e-Magazine

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Newest Member of MD1 got inducted to Chicago

MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 7 - Issue 10, April 2020 6

District Conventions Cancelled! State Conventions Cancelled!! International Convention Cancelled!!! 1

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

elections and committee chair interviews. So far, we have not received very many submittals for the chairs. Deadline was March 31st, but with everything going on if you did not get a chance to send yours in, please do so and I will forward those to the incoming Council as well to consider. For those Districts that have also had to cancel their conventions, International has sent out guidelines on the alternative methods they can use for the District elections.

Council Chair Speaks:

Lions of MD-1, We are in a very unusual place with the COVID-9 Pandemic affecting almost everything we do. I am sad to say the MD-1 State Convention and the Lions Clubs International Convention in Singapore have been cancelled. LCI is investigating some alternative sites that may be possible to host a convention yet this summer. They will make the final decision on what they will do at their April Board meeting. Our State Secretary/Treasurer is putting together refunds for those who had already registered for the state convention. Those that registered using the Sign-Me-Up application will see a credit back on their credit cards. Those that sent in checks will receive a refund in the mail next month. I am working with the Constitution and Bylaws committee to determine how to handle the two resolutions that were to be voted on at the convention. I will also be working with the incoming Council to insure they have 2

Stay Safe, we will get through this. Lion Jerome Perez MD-1 Council Chair -Lion Jerome Perez, MD-1 Council Chair ----------------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

MD1 Leadership Chair (GLT)

translates to a great learning experience with little or no cost to the attendee.

Lions of MD1, To meet the needs in our communities, we need Lions to manage projects, organize fundraisers and engage in service. To do this also requires leadership skills. Have you ever wanted to enhance those leadership skills or increase your Lions’ knowledge? If so, MD1 is knocking at your door with an opportunity. August 28-30, 2020 at the Holiday Inn and Suites East Peoria, MD1 will be hosting a Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI). Funding for the event is provided by MD1 and a grant from Lions Clubs International. That means housing and meals are covered for participants. The only cost to the participant is transportation to and from East Peoria. That 3

Each of the ten districts in MD1 has the chance to send three up and coming Lions to this event. This means thirty attendees from around the state of Illinois. Interested Lions should contact their sitting District Governor to notify him/her of your interest. Or, email MD1 GLT Coordinator, Jama Wahl at Provide your name, club, district, email and phone number. During this weekend of personal leadership development, topics will include Lion Fundamentals, Working in Teams, Public Speaking, Personal Mission Statement, Member Motivation, Local Issues, Goal Setting and Diversity. It is a great chance to build a leadership toolbox and grow in lionism. Opportunity is knocking! Answer the door! -Jama Wahl, GLT ---------------------------------------------------

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Last Month MD1 lost 2 PDG’s: 1. PDG Wally Hanford from District 1J and 2. PDG Richard Howell from District 1CN. May their souls rest in peace and may God Almighty grant their families enough strength to bear this loss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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COVID-19 & LIONS Entire world got hit with coronavirus – Covid-19. All nations are economically drowned. Millions and millions of workers lost their jobs, hundreds of companies bankrupt and the US became the number one nation in the world got effected to this deadly virus! United States now leads the world in total COVID-19 infections. Detroit, Chicago, New York and New Orleans are hotspots. The coronavirus continued its unrelenting spread across the United States with fatalities doubling in two days and authorities saying Saturday that an infant who tested positive had died. It pummeled big cities like New York, Detroit, New Orleans and Chicago, and made its way, too, into rural America as hotspots erupted in small Midwestern towns and Rocky Mountain ski havens. Elsewhere, Russia announced a full border closure while in parts of Africa, pandemic prevention measures took a violent turn, with Kenyan police firing tear gas and officers elsewhere seen on video hitting people with batons. Worldwide infections surpassed the 660,000 mark with more than 30,000 deaths as new cases also stacked up quickly in Europe, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. 11

leads the world in reported cases with more than 130,000. Confirmed deaths surpassed 2,000 on Saturday, twice the number just two days before, highlighting how quickly infections are escalating. Still, five countries have higher death tolls: Italy, Spain, China, Iran and France. Italy alone now has more than 10,000 deaths, the most of any country. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Saturday that an infant with COVID-19 died in Chicago and the cause of death is under investigation. Officials didn't release other information, including whether the child had other health issues. All over the world, Lions hit due to this virus very badly. For the first time in the history of Lionism, lions had to cancel their everloving events – conventions. District, State and finally International convention. All the fun and frolic, fellowship with fundraising completely came to stop, fundraising halted as the whole world stopped growing ecnomically. Javit Center in New York, McCormick Place in Chicago, etc., now become temporary hospitals filled with hundreds of beds. US President Donald Trump announced total lockdown in the United States, all the streets are desserted without people and vehicles as they are all stranded inside their living places. This is a crucial time for all of us to spend time with their family members, complete their family chores and learn new skills by visiting the kitchen, -----------------------------------------------------

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randomly taken:

Morrison Lions Club is a supporter for the Morrison Food Pantry. Club members heard a presentation given by the Food Pantry Director, Kaywyn Kampling Beswick. She provided information on the number of families served, completing monthly reports, arranging for volunteers to serve on pantry days along with the preparation it takes prior to distribution and the methods used to stock the pantry for needs that are not donated. It is definitely a wellorganized system and takes many volunteer hours. Shown with the director is Keith Hamstra. ---------------------------------------------------------Polo Lions Club: At Left, Lion Ryan Shetler working the 50/50 raffle ticket table. At Right, Lion Jeff Short working the front table as people came in to walk through the Polo Lions Toy Show. Remaining pictures 12

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President Glenn Harlan presenting Ric Arand the Lena Lions Citizen of the Year award. Ric is the coach of the 2019 Football Championship Lena-Winslow Panthers!


Lena Lions Club Lions Glen Carlson, Helene Trebain and Tim Gordon receiving Foundation Fellow awards from the Lena Lions Club. 13

Lena Lions’ award winning Christmas float during Lena’s Hometown Holiday parade. ---------------------------------------------------------Lions Gary Hawkinson and Gary Meyers presenting Lucille Karnatz with the Lena Lions

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talent shown in the posters.

Nadalee Doyle and her mother receiving the 1st place award from Orangeville Lions President Bruce Stewart and the Club's Peace Poster Coordinator Pam Swinson.

Club magnified reader. Her smile says it all! -------------------------------------------------------------------The Orangeville Lions Club recently sponsored a Peace Poster contest for all 11-13 year old students at Orangeville Jr-Sr High School. The Club then picked the top 3 posters from these entries. Those winning posters included 1st prize-Nadalee Doyle, 2nd prize-Jada Reed, 3rd prize-Lily Rodebaugh. Each of these students received cash prizes from the Club. Nadalee's poster then went on to be judged at the Lions District 1-D competition where there were a total of 18 posters entered. Nadalee's poster won that competition as well. For her efforts at the recent 1-D Lions Convention held in Rock Falls, she received her poster back framed, a cash prize, and a plaque. The Orangeville Lions Club thanks all the students who participated in this contest and were impressed at the level of 14

Nadalee Doyle's winning Peace Poster.

Jada Reed and her family along with Orangeville Lions Club President Bruce Stewart and the Club Peace Poster Coordinator Pam Swinson showing Jada's 2nd place poster entry.

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PID Nick Xinopoulos, International guest of District Convention, District 1D Speaks on Lions acts of Kindness 15

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Lily Rodebaugh and her mother along with Orangeville Lions Club President Bruce Stewart and the Club Peace Poster Coordinator Pam Swinson showing Lily's 3rd place poster entry. ----------------------------------------------------------

Illinois Foundation in Sycamore, IL. Since 1994, the Lions of Illinois Foundation has distributed more than 5,000,000 pairs of graded, used eyeglasses, free of charge to needy people around the world. What starts out as a pair of old glasses in your dresser drawer ends up as an opportunity for a less fortunate person to see clearly, maybe for the first time in their life. ----------------------------------------------------------

The Athens Lions Club celebrated Pi (3.14) Day on Saturday, March 14th, between 4 – 7 pm at the Boar’s Nest. The community came out for a piece of π Pie ($3.00) or to buy a whole π Pie ($15.00). Proceeds go to support the Athens Lions Reading Program for children 0-5 years of age. ---------------------------------------------------------On February 19, 2020, the Athens Lions delivered 1,648 pairs of used eyeglasses that had been collected over the last year, throughout Menard County, to the Lions of 18

Lion Mike Fear received recognition for selling the most golf cart raffle tickets in 2019 for the Robinson Lions Club. Way to go Lion Mike!!!! Presenting the trophy is our current Lions Club President Jani Mendenhall.

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Rochester Lions Club supports the Educational Center for the Visually Impaired of Springfield, who are committed to providing education, training, & development opportunities for people who are blind or visually impaired through innovative programs.

Robinson Lions Jeremiah and Cheryl Caballero at Cheryl’s induction ceremony-of course he is her club sponsor-a great couple serving our community together!

Rochester Lions Club donated funds to the Petersburg Memorial Park, whose Mission Statement reads; “To honor Veterans and to instill in each of us a sense of appreciation, respect and awe for the individuals who served honorably and who are serving in the United States Military in order to preserve the freedom we cherish.”


The Sidell Lions club in conjunction with the 1M Lions Humanitarian Fund presented Brett McMahon of Fairmount with an OrCam My Eye2. This device will help Brett be able to read printed words and so much more. We are very excited to be able to give Brett this opportunity! We would also like to thank Jermaine from Pace in Champaign for giving us a presentation on the device. ---------------------------------------------------------Springfield Noon Lions President Bill Maxey presenting a certificate of appreciation from Lions International to Tom Gallagher. Tom was our secretary for over 20 years.

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to graduating high school seniors and help with money and/or volunteer staff for community events. Thank you all! And we would be honored if you'd join our organization! Check out some of the photos from today. ----------------------------------------------------------


February went out like a LION, thanks to the 200+ attendees at Warrensburg-Latham Lion's Club Breakfast Extravaganza. Your support enables us to provide scholarships 20

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Oswego/Yorkville Meet, Greet and Eat A great night of food and fellowship was had by all who attended the meet, greet and eat hosted by the Oswego and Yorkville Lions. Oswego President Lion Stacey Limacher was awarded the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation for all her work in her community. Congratulations Lion Stacey! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Coal City/Morris Lions Clubs Meet, Greet and Eat: The two clubs combined to host a St. Patrick’s Day Meet, Greet and Eat. Bagpipers performed and 21

two new members were inducted! A great time was had by all! -------------------------------------------------------------------The Channahon Lion's CLub teamed up with Northern Illinois Foodbank to do a mobile food pantry in their community! →

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The Lion's were busy supporting The Joliet Township Foundation this month at the Foundation’s annual Trivia night. While they did not place in the top three tables, a 22

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good time was had by all! --------------------------------------------------------------------


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The Lemont club participated in the Lemont St. Patrick’s Day parade. Leo President Charlotte Albrecht was crowned as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Queen. ---------------------------------------------------------FVDG Sue Wolf had her picture taken with some of her fellow FVDGs from around the world as they took a tour of Lions International in Oakbrook. This was part of the training that she and her fellow future 24

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Governors underwent during their time in St. Charles, IL. ----------------------------------------------------------

The Dundee Township Lions provided free vision pre-screening tests for children ages six months to 10 years at the Fox Valley Library in East Dundee. The Screener works just like a camera and looks for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The test takes just seconds, but can be an important tool to identify eye conditions that interfere with learning if left unaddressed. ---------------------------------------------------------A great Example of local Lions Clubs Working Together to SERVE our communities! The Sycamore Lions Club and the DeKalb Lions Club joined together to help Renett Ferns by presenting her a high-tech Braille reader. (l to r): Sycamore Lions Club President Chuck Bergsmith, 25

Renett Ferns, and DeKalb Lions Club President Ferald Bryan. ----------------------------------------------------------

Bartlett Lion Ray Lorch has been a Lion for 50 years. A group of Bartlett Lions honored him and helped him celebrate his 50 years of service. The Lions presented him with a Setting the STD Lionism Award Lion Status, a booklet with pictures of him and congratulation notes from Lions. His wife, Beth, was given a dozen yellow roses for her support of Lion Ray. (l to r) Middle Row) Lions Brandon Macias, Joanne Watson, Cheryl Lemvig, Andy Watson, Christy Barry, and Dave Barry. (l to r Front Row) Lions George Endean, 50 year Lion Ray Lorch, and Beth Lorch. ---------------------------------------------------------The Naperville Noon Lions Club held its first Pizza Wars event in February. Over 1,000 pizza lovers showed up to test and vote for

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the best pizza from nine local Naperville pizzerias. Little Pop's New York Pizzeria walked off with all the prizes (best crust, best sauce, and best overall pizza). The club raised over $14,000 for its program. This was a family fun event for the Lions. Club Pres. Lion Ken Strugalla presents one of the winner plaques to Little Pop's New York Pizzeria. ----------------------------------------------------------

Bartlett Lions Club held its 5th Annual Chili Cook-Off. Winners were: (l to r) 3rd Place, Lion Kurt Hull; 1st Place, Lion Ken Kusch; and 2nd Place, Lion Joanne Watson. ---------------------------------------------------------Wheaton Lions Bob Rutan, John Tagye, and Jim Borsch set up for the children’s Eye Screenings at Wheaton Library. The club has done the screenings at other venues, but the majority has been at the library. About once every other month the Lions Vision 26

Screening Committee (headed up by Mr. John Tagye) sets up a table in the Children’s Dept. at the Library and gives FREE public eye screenings to as many children as possible in a six-hour window ----------------------------------------------------------

Eight Westmont Lions attended the February Southeast Region Meeting.

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Roselle Lions each brought a stuffed animal (or two) for the club’s February service project. The stuffed animals will be donated to Ronald McDonald House. ----------------------------------------------------------

Roselle Lions Club President Lucy Danner and Sponsor Lion Brian McDougall welcome the newest Roselle Lion Nick Buriegi. ----------------------------------------------------------

A second new Crystal Lake Lion Dave Notter (r) is shown with his sponsor, Lion Dave Moore (l). ----------------------------------------------------------

Algonquin Lions Club has two former Algonquin Lionesses that have joined the Lions Club. Now, two more Lionesses have decided to become Lions, Pam Perrott and Diana Schoeneck. The club will soon be inducting the rest of the members who are choosing to continue with the Lions organization. (l to r) Sponsor Lion Clarence Fleming, new Lion Pam Perrott, Club Pres. Lion Kevin Hofer, new Lion Diana Schoeneck, and Sponsor Bill Moore. ----------------------------------------------------------

Wheaton Lion John Tagye was recognized by Club President Lion R. C. Crompton with a Service Award for his work with the Sight and Hearing Committee. Sight and Hearing 27

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has performed 1,000 screenings for the Wheaton community since 2016. ---------------------------------------------------------This was an exciting day for the Island Lake Lions Club. The high honor of the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award was presented to Ted and Tom Amrich at the Regional Meeting in West Dundee. Ted and Tom have been Lions for forty years as well as

by 1st VP Lion Anita Wingfield. Lion Kevin's Sponsor was PCC Lion John Landon who was otherwise occupied at that time. ----------------------------------------------------------

their brother Mayor Charles Amrich; their father was one of the first members of the Club ----------------------------------------------------------

Sandwich Lions took part in the Sandwich CUSD #430 Wellness Fair in February. (l to r) Sandwich Lions Rick Schmitt, Nancy Rex, Sue Carter, Terry Knollenberg, Ed Carter, and Pete Sprosty. ---------------------------------------------------------The first new Lion Crystal Lake Lions Club Lion Kevin Brynes has his Lions pin attached 28

Bartlett Lion Ray Lorch has been a Lion for 50 years. A group of Bartlett Lions honored him and helped him celebrate his 50 years of service. The Lions presented him with a Setting the STD Lionism Award Lion Status, a booklet with pictures of him and congratulation notes from Lions. His wife, Beth, was given a dozen yellow roses for her support of Lion Ray. (l to r) Middle Row) Lions Brandon Macias, Joanne Watson, Cheryl Lemvig, Andy Watson, Christy Barry, and Dave Barry. (l to r Front Row) Lions George Endean, 50 year Lion Ray Lorch, and Beth Lorch. ----------------------------------------------------------

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conditions that interfere with learning if left unaddressed.

“Carnation-Gram” was a February project for the Burr Ridge/Hinsdale/Oak Brook Lions Club at LCI headquarters. ----------------------------------------------------------

The Dundee Township Lions provided free f Mvision pre-screening tests for children ages six months to 10 years at the Fox Valley Library in East Dundee. The Screener works just like a camera and looks for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The test takes just seconds, but can be an important tool to identify eye 29

Capt. David Dicker of the Wisconsin Army National Guard was McHenry Lions Club's special guest speaker at a recent Dinner Meeting of McHenry Lions Club. He is the son of McHenry Lions member Dave Dicker. Everyone enjoyed hearing about his experiences in Afghanistan and was glad he came home safe. Vets in attendance that evening were also honored. (l to r) Lions Dale Kowalski (Army), Lion Chuck Wiedemann (Air Force), Capt. David Dicker and proud father, Lion Dave Dicker. ----------------------------------------------------------

There’s a newly-inducted new member in the Bloomingdale Lions Club, Lion Matt Guglicello (c). His sponsor is Lion Sam D’Amico (r). Lion Marv Roehlke (l) performed the induction ceremony.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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