The Norris City Lions Club sponsored a Christmas Home Lighting contest
MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 8 - Issue 10, April 2021
District 1CS Governor Derek with l -r, Marvin, Willie, and Gary. The ramp was finished and looks great. The work was done March 9, 2021. “WERE THERE IS A NEED THERE IS A LION” 1 The Illinois Lion & Leo
The official call to the MD-1 State Convention went out in early March. This will be the 100th MD-1 State Convention and our first virtual State Convention. It will be held on May 15th with the first plenary session starting at 1:00. After the first session we will hold district caucuses and voting and then the closing plenary session will start at 6:00. Remember that you must be Hello Lions and Leos of MD-1.
registered for the convention to be able to vote on the 4 constitutional
hope you are all healthy and well.
resolutions that will be on the ballot. Spring is here as we have had a few 60+ degree days already. Also, the
Our international guest this year is
time change has taken effect, so it is
Past International President Clem
staying daylight later into the day.
Kusiak. PIP Clem was elected as
President of LCI in 2004. He joined
Environmental Awareness Month?
the Baltimore Brooklyn Lions Club in
This is an opportunity for your club
1966 and elected ID, 1988-90. PIP
to consider speaking with your local
Kusiak was on the USA/Canada
park district about planting some
Lions Leadership Forum Planning
trees or maybe doing a cleanup of
Committee, program chairperson of
an area in your community. LCI has
Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP)
information about environmental
and advisor for its national rollout,
projects – just go to their home
and chairperson of DGE School,
page and do a search.
2001-02. Awards include 100% Club
President 2 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Governor’s Award, an Extension
you are doing to serve your
award, 4 IP Leadership Awards, 7 I
Awards, and the Ambassador of
Good Will Award--LCI’S highest member honor. He is a Progressive
MD-1 Council Chairperson Joe
Melvin Jones Fellow.
We will also have some gift card
giveaways during the event – you must be present to win. You will also get to hear an update from LIF’s Executive
There will also be some recognition of deserving Lions will take place. Please use the following link to register: WN_iOuNrYnISAmtUuhqHiKNUg It is important for your club to stay in-touch with each other during this time. If your club is not meeting at all, please consider using a free version of Zoom to at least get your club together to talk. Another option is In closing I want to thank you for all
The USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum has been given a green light for September 2021. The Forum Executive Committee met recently, confirming the event could be held in person. The state of Iowa has lifted many restrictions for gatherings. The convention center continues to follow recommended health safety protocols to allow Lions to gather. Registration information is available at
3 The Illinois Lion & Leo
The Des Moines Forum promises new and innovative activities along with the mainstays of this premier Lions’ leadership event. The Strides Walk will have a new twist. Thursday morning will focus on a Service Showcase, highlighting successful service projects. There will be two service projects that Lions can join. One which supports first responders and one that builds braille books for children. There will be three professional speakers during the meals as well as a message from our International President. Meals for Thursday evening, Friday lunch, Saturday lunch and Saturday evening are included in the registration fee. Following the theme of Cultivating Lion Leaders, an Idea Garden will be
Synopsis of Actions Fourth Meeting of the 2020-2021 Council of Governors (COG) February 27, 2021 – via Zoom
shared. Over 80 seminars to grow Lion Leaders will be featured from Thursday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. For those completing requirements for Lions University certification, graduation will take place on Thursday afternoon. Due to COVID, it has “been a while” since Lions have gathered for learning, fellowship and fun. Des Moines is within driving distance for many Illinois Lions. Do not miss this opportunity to reconnect, rejuvenate and revitalize your leadership skills. ---------------------------------------
Council Chair (CC) Joe Vinyard called the meeting to order at 9:01 am. Synopsis of Actions:
4 The Illinois Lion & Leo
1. Motion: To approve the agenda Action: Motion carried unanimously
2. Motion: to approve the December 5, 2020 Council of Governors (COG) Meeting minutes as presented. Action: Motion carried unanimously 3. Motion: approve the minutes from the January 17, 2021 Executive Committee meeting Action: Motion carried unanimously 4. Motion: approve the minutes from the February 5, 2021 Executive Committee meeting Action: Motion carried unanimously 5. Motion: accept the financial report as presented Action: Motion carried unanimously 6. Motion: accept the 2019-2020 audit report as presented Action: Motion carried
7. Motion: recommend the adoption of Resolution 1 Action: Motion carried unanimously 8. Motion: recommend the adoption of Resolution 2 Action: Motion carried unanimously 9. Motion: recommend the adoption of Resolution 3 Action: Motion carried unanimously 10. Motion: recommend the adoption of Resolution 4 Action: Motion carried unanimously 11. Motion: allow GLT to move forward with planning an RLLI event. Action: Motion carried unanimously 12. Motion: approve all the reports received to this point as presented Action: Motion carried unanimously
5 The Illinois Lion & Leo
committee’s recommendation of the committee to spend up to $1200 for the MD1 Virtual Convention Action: Motion carried unanimously
13. Motion: select Zoom Webinar as the platform for the MD1 Virtual Convention Action: Motion carried unanimously 14. Motion: approve the proposed high-level timeline for the MD1 Virtual Convention as presented Action: Motion carried
19. Motion: approve the state convention report as submitted Action: Motion carried unanimously
15. Motion: not charge a registration fee for the MD1 Virtual Convention Action: Motion carried unanimously
20. Motion: approve moving the entire administrative account funds to the money market account. Action: Motion carried unanimously
16. Motion: approve the use of Election Runner for the MD1 Virtual Convention election Action: Motion carried unanimously 17. Motion: approve the purchase $300 in gift cards for the MD1 Virtual Convention Action: Motion carried unanimously 18.
Motion: approve the
21. Motion: extend the contract with the Springfield Abe Lincoln Hotel for an additional year. Motion: amend original motion to add that prior to extending the contract for the third year, we enter into discussions with the Abraham Lincoln regarding costs and minimums Action: Amendment to motion carried unanimously
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Action: Original motion as amended carried unanimously 22. Motion: approve planning an in person gathering for the FVDGs once it is deemed safe. Action: Motion carried unanimously
23. Motion: approve a budget amount not to exceed $5000 for the FVDG/Incoming Governors in person gathering Action: Motion carried unanimously
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 am.
Global Membership Approach By: PCC Darren Van Duyn, MD-1 GMA Champion
Happy Spring Lions!!! With the change of the weather, I hope we are eager to get out and about (safely) and get back to meeting with our Lions families and serving our communities. As you can tell by the title of my
article the North America Membership Initiative has taken on new name, but no worries, it is the same great process. Lions from around the world had been tracking the successes of the initiative in North America and wanted in on the action. This is a great benefit for our organization as we can continue to grow not only in North American, but worldwide as well. By this time in our process, we should be continuing to work our plans and revisit our goals. Have you done that yet Governors? Are
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we close to meeting or exceeding our goals? I hope so. It is also the time to promote fun and fellowship within your clubs and make sure that they are checking up on their Lions I am a firm believer that if we can keep the Lions that we have now we can move our membership trends in the positive direction and be able to serve more people in our communities. Remember our communities need us more now than ever. This is also convention season and we are starting to turn our 1st Vice District Governors into District Governor Elects. Congrats to all whom have been elected so far and good luck to those yet to come. With I know that you all are working feverishly to get things set for your upcoming successful year for your Districts. Keep the Global Membership Initiative process at the forefront of your planning. As you are putting your cabinets together consider this Building Your Teams. If you have not done so yet please name a GMA Champion that will assist you and your GAT teams
in making this all happen. Then you want to get several Lions in your Districts involved to help Build Your Vision. This can be done with as many or as few as you would like, but my motto is “The More the Merrier”, involve as many Joe and Jane Lions as you can to find out how they perceive the strengths and weaknesses of your Districts. This group can also identify the opportunities and threats that would either help you or hinder you from moving forward. With the results of this get together you can the Build A Plan, aka District Goals, and submit them to LCI. The biggest thing with this is that all Lions of your Districts should know what your plan is and how they play an important part in putting that plan into Action. With everyone on board and the plan being worked by all in your Districts you then will continue to Build Success and work the plan to it is fullest. As I have mentioned many times before do not forget about the North America Membership Initiative page on the LCI website;
8 The Illinois Lion & Leo Here you will find the many many resources available to you. I and your MD GAT team is also a great resource for you to be successful in this process and help you achieve your goals for a successful year. Always remember to take care of our existing members and find new and fun ways to keep them engaged
and ready to serve when needed. Fun is the key as Lions. If you are not having fun, you are doing it wrong. Check out PDG Barb Stewart’s article for a bit of fun on behalf of your GAT team. And always keep in mind that if we can help you in any way please do not hesitate to reach out and ask, that is what we are here for.
Membership Moments By MD-1 GMT Coordinator Barb Stewart (815) 997-2511
Happy Spring! It appears to be here: warmer weather, melting snow, sprouting flowers, greening grass, birds returning, and babies being born. A great time for rebirth! I would like you to consider a rebirth with Lions for the next 3 months. Please read on – it may be worth
your while! To date, we have added 6 new Lions Clubs and 644 new Lions total to our MD. Many Lions have worked hard on membership and it is greatly
9 The Illinois Lion & Leo
appreciated! Our Clubs are starting to become more active after a year of pandemic and many more have found new paths to take to make their service projects and fundraisers work. Lions are hard workers and resilient and these are just some of the examples of. There are several opportunities that are being presented. Before I go further, I spoke to MD1 GMA Champion (Global Membership Approach formerly known as NAMI or North American Membership Initiative) Darren VanDuyn and MD1 GLT Jama Wahl and we want to have a little fun! Please keep reading to find out how much fun. To date, we have 11 cancelled Clubs in our MD-1 (2 in 1-A, 1 in 1-BK, 1 in 1-CN, 1 in 1-CS, 3 in 1-D, 1 in 1-J, 1 in 1-M). As you can see, 7 of the 10 Districts have lost at least 1 Club. Year-to-date as a Multiple District, we have added 644 Lions and have dropped 1,109. This is a net growth loss of -3.67%. We began this Lions year with 13,119 Lions in our Multiple and we currently have 12,654. Looking at our new members, our Multiple has a 76%
retention rate for 3-year new members (rolling year). In a 3-year period, we are losing 1 in 4 Lions that we bring in. Now this may sound all gloom and doom, but it truly is only a huge opportunity for us to shine! Let me explain how: If we address getting new members, we should try to set a goal of the number we have lost which is currently 1,109. We have 12,654 Lions in the MD so although we all should ask at least 1 person to join us, realistically, only a small percentage of us would need to be successful in getting that person to join to get us back to where we were on number of Lions at the beginning of the year. But we need to try. I challenge you to look around at the people you know and ask one (or several) about this great organization you belong to. As your Club holds service projects, fundraisers, or meetings, invite them to join in! In member retention, you are already gaining traction. Your Clubs are doing more, and this is keeping
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members happy. You are hopefully reaching out to all your Lions to check on them. To let them know you care. This is also especially important and will help with retaining your members. To the Clubs that are not doing much, you may be on a slippery slope. Clubs that do little or nothing generally do not survive for long periods of time. At this point, it does not appear this virus is going to just disappear and we all can return to life as normal. Enough time has lapsed into this pandemic that Lions need to look at doing things differently. Either find new service projects and fundraisers or take the ones you have always had and change it up to allow for the Covid restrictions. One example is fundraising dinners. Many Clubs have gone from a dine-in fundraiser to a drive-through fundraiser. I (acting alone) put a drive-through dinner together for our local legion early in this pandemic which took in over $10,000 and we served more meals than the number of people living in that village! The bonus is that it took less help and was far much less work than a sit-down
dinner. I am not super woman-it was just that easy! Go find your new normal. Your Club’s future existence may depend on it. And have fun – speaking of which, the fun that PCC Darren, Lion Jama, and I want to extend to you is a contest for a prize. Please keep reading to find out the details. Do not forget about your new members. If they are truly the “future” of Lions then we need to make them priority. A few things to consider are your orientation and involvement of those Lions. Is your Club doing a one-time orientation? Perhaps you might want to consider breaking that up into smaller segments and covering more. You may know what LIF or a PDG is but does someone off the street? It is these things as Lions that we tend to take for granted but it can be exceedingly difficult and maybe even frustrating for a new Lion to follow. Trying to cover it all and doing that in a couple of hours is not just overwhelming but it will easily be forgotten.
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Another extremely important consideration is to include new Lions in everything the Club does. Reach out to them frequently and explain everything. Create a relationship with them that they can voice their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. One of my first experiences as a Lion was my sponsor taking my husband and I to a Zone meeting. Yes, a lot falls on the Sponsors shoulders of what should happen but for many reasons, that does not always happen so perhaps to get the greatest success, we should work together as a Club to keep that new Lion informed and involved. In closing, here is a plug in for Conventions. Most of the Districts, State, and International conventions are virtual this year and worth a watch from the comfort of your own home! Although it is disappointing not to be able to see each other face-to-face, we do have a greater opportunity to participate. Some Lions will never get the opportunity to attend a State or International Convention due to travel issues or
expense. So now is the time to attend! A drawback is those Lions who are not online or technologically savvy. Many of these events are held via Zoom. Zoom allows for you to participate with a device that has a camera and speakers OR via phone. Once you sign up for the convention, you will get an email with a link and a phone number. If you click on the link, it should directly connect you in where the host will admit you (click on a button and you will be completely connected and get to see others). Although the host needs to be present so calling in too early will not help, you may want to click on it to make sure you can get in. If you are calling in, the phone number is at the bottom of the same email. If your Club is heavy on the not online/not tech savvy, then one suggestion is for your Club to have a Watch Party. This is when a group of Lions gather around one computer to watch. I downloaded an app on my phone that allows me to share the screen of my phone to my smart tv so I can broadcast up to the tv in the comfort of my living
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room. This was not hard to do or figure out and I am not super tech savvy. State Convention is free but there is a charge for the International Convention ($50 through March 31st then it goes up to $75). If a group of Lions gets together, the expense is very minimal. Please consider as you get these invites as there are many opportunities. Conventions are generally fun events. Speaking of fun - we are offering a prize to the 26th MD-1 Lion that contacts us! You can call/text/email any of us but please only contact one of us once (Lion Barb 815/997-2511 or; Lion Darren 217/260-8069 or; Lion Jama 815/ 822-3014 or We will count Lions as we receive the calls/texts/emails based on time/date stamp. If you should happen to get voice mail if you call, please leave a message with your name, club, district, and phone number. We hope we get many, many of you contacting us! Please keep safe and healthy. Thank you for your service!
Lions Service Can Still Travel In many ways our International traveling has been restricted. Just as this article is being written, the Olympics this summer in Japan will not have out of country visitors.
Only participants and staff will come from other countries. Our Lions service Internationally has not been limited, however. Your Lions Clubs International Foundation is still
13 The Illinois Lion & Leo
providing help to projects with local clubs, here in the United States and around the world. Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service has been working for nearly three years to double its impact. We are close to two/thirds of the goal of $300 million in new money to achieve that ambitious objective. As life opens in Illinois, maybe clubs and individuals would consider putting LCIF on a front burner to reach out as we begin the “home stretch” of the campaign in the next 15 months. Your District Coordinator can help and provide more information. LCIF is local Lions Clubs helping Local Lions Clubs around the world. Please consider donating individually or with your club at You can also TEXT LCIF 243-725. Or contacting your district Chairperson:
1-A: Lion Joan McMillan, R: (708) 389-590, C: (708)539-3297 1-BK: Lion John Joseph Honiotes, PDG, R: (815) 725-6307, C: (815) 508-9746 1-CN: Lion Lydia Ellis, PCC, C: (618) 980-7482 1-CS: Lion Ruben Owen, PDG, C: (618) 317-5106 1-D: Lion Duane Shaw, PDG, C: 815-745-3339 1-F: (Co-Chair) Lion Tom Lippert, DG, C: (847) 812-3727 Lion Susan Hasting, C: (847) 651-1056 1-G: Lion Jerry Eiffert, C: (217) 854-7909 1-H: Lion Al Henning, C: (309) 333-5274 1-J: Lion Ed Carter, PDG, C: 630-330-1341 1-M: Lion Kevin Mendenhall, PDG, R: (618) 553-1776 kmendy1@yahoo,com ******
14 The Illinois Lion & Leo
OFFICIAL CALL TO THE MD-1 STATE CONVENTION comfort of your home. The agenda May 15, 2021 via Zoom Fellow Lions and Leos of MD-1, Our 100th Annual MD-1 Convention will be held May 15, 2021. Because of the pandemic restrictions related to the size of gatherings, this year’s convention will be held virtually via ZOOM. All Lions and Leos are invited to attend. This will be the first – and hopefully only – virtual state convention. The convention committee has spent a lot of time and effort working on this event. I want to thank State Convention Chair Lion Terri Pasternik for her efforts working through uncharted waters this year. Agenda Because this is a virtual event there will be no charge for attending so you do not have to leave the
is still being finalized but we expect the first plenary session to run from 1:00 to 3:00, followed by district caucuses and voting, with the second and final plenary session running from 6:00 to around 8:15. Some of the highlights include hearing from our International Guest, recognition of State and International Presidential award recipients, a necrology service, voting on 4 constitutional resolutions, the announcement of the LIF Sight-And-Sound Sweepstakes winners, the revealing of next year’s Council Chair and State Chairs, and six gift card giveaways. International Guest Our International Guest this year is Past International President Clem Kusiak. PIP Clem is excited to be visiting with the Lions of Illinois and
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we look forward to having him with us via Zoom on May 15 th. Registration As stated earlier, registration is free this year but to attend or be a delegate you must register. The registration link and information will be sent out within the next day or two. Voting Information This year’s election will be held using Election Runner, an approved LCI electronic election program. All voting will occur between 3:00 PM and 5:45 PM on Saturday, May 15, 2021 using this software. Delegates Clubs will be entitled to the number of delegates based on their membership according to Lions International as of April 1, 2021. Each Club gets 1 delegate per 10 members or major fraction. Example – a Club with 26-34 members gets 3 delegates. A Club with 35-44 members gets 4 delegates. PDGs should be listed as
delegates and do not count toward the club’s number of allowed delegates. Each Club will return their delegate form, to be received by their district Secretary by no later than May 5, 2021. Then, each district Secretary will submit Club delegate forms to the State SST - to be received by the SST no later than May 10, 2021. Your Club MUST be in Good Standing to be able to vote – that means the Club is current with their District and MD-1 State dues by April 30, 2021. This is 15 days prior to the convention in accordance with the MD-1 C&BL. Once your Club’s delegate form is received by SST Mary and your Club is verified to be in good standing, CC Joe Vinyard will issue an email to each delegate with their unique Username and Password for the Election Runner software during the week of May 10, 2021.
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Delegates MUST have an email address to be able to vote. Delegates MUST be registered for the convention. Resolutions Attached to this email are the 4 constitutional Resolutions that will be on the ballot this year.
though some unprecedented circumstances to put on a successful convention for the Lions of Illinois. We look forward to “seeing” you on May 15 th at our 100 th state convention. Thank you for all you are doing to serve your communities!!
Joe Vinyard Please bear with us as we work MD-1 Council Chairperson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
International Convention: Due to the continuing concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the board of directors voted to transition the 2021 Montreal Lions Clubs International Convention to a virtual event that will be delivered totally online. This decision was made with the health and safety of our Lions, staff and vendors in mind as limiting international travel and large gatherings is key to global containment strategies. Although we are disappointed that we will not be able to host this event
in person, we are excited about hosting our first virtual international convention that can safely connect Lions from around the world. We are still finalizing the details of your new convention experience and will share those with you as soon as they are ready. Here are some important details about the 2021 virtual convention we would like to share with you: Everyone is invited – Our 2021 convention will be a virtual event that is open to all Lions and Leos around the world.
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Registration fees – The registration fee will be US$50 until March 31, then US$75 beginning April 1. The registration fee for Leos will be US$30 regardless of date. Convention is currently scheduled for June 25-29. Additional event and registration details will be provided soon. Current registrants – Lions who are currently registered for convention will receive an email soon with more information about their registration options. Elections – Executive officer and international director elections will be conducted electronically and voting procedures will be forthcoming.
convention website LCICon for convention updates and details as they become available. This global health pandemic has forced us all to make decisions and changes that place health and safety first. However, we are optimistic that with each new day there is hope, and as Lions, we continue to find new ways to stay connected, safely serve our communities and continue our global mission of service. We appreciate your understanding during this challenging time for our organization and the world and thank you for your incredible service as a Lion. Regards,
Dr. Jung-Yul Choi Convention updates – Check our International President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Match That Raffle for LCIF Lions really like raffles. Bring out a stack of tickets, and they willingly part with a dollar, a five
dollar bill or a twenty. It is really most of the time not the prize, or the chance, it is the support of
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causes Lions are supporting. So, how about the next time that happens you add a small amount to a donation for Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering? You win every time. Over 90% of what that donation earns goes to service. You can do this by donating at You can also TEXT LCIF 243-725. Or contacting your district Chairperson: 1-A: Lion Joan McMillan, R: (708) 389-590, C: (708)539-3297 1-BK: Lion John Joseph Honiotes, PDG, R: (815) 725-6307, C: (815) 508-9746 1-CN: Lion Lydia Ellis, PCC, C: (618) 980-7482 1-CS: Lion Ruben Owen, PDG,
1-D: Lion Duane Shaw, PDG, C: 815-745-3339 1-F: (Co-Chair) Lion Tom Lippert, DG, C: (847) 812-3727 Lion Susan Hasting, C: (847) 651-1056 1-G: Lion Jerry Eiffert, C: (217) 854-7909 1-H: Lion Al Henning, C: (309) 333-5274 1-J: Lion Ed Carter, PDG, C: 630-330-1341 1-M: Lion Kevin Mendenhall, PDG, R: (618) 553-1776 kmendy1@yahoo,com Also, if you are having a meeting, either virtually or in person, your district chairperson would be glad to tell you more about our International Foundation and the assistance it provides every day. All in your name as a Lion. Please consider supporting the campaign.
C: (618) 317-5106 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 The Illinois Lion & Leo
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Dear Lion Leader,
International Board of Directors Approves Revised Dues Adjustment Resolution
Lions Clubs International supports clubs and members around the world so we can advance our global mission of service together. Our international support and the work of Lions Clubs International is fueled
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by the international dues of our incredible members. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that the services Lions Clubs International has been able to provide to members with the available budget is no longer in line with what Lions need and expect. The International Board of Directors voted in October 2019 to approve an international dues adjustment resolution that would be voted on at the 2020 International Convention, but it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The board
recently approved a new dues adjustment model that will be voted on at the 2021 International Convention.
The Board of Directors undertook an extensive review of Lions Clubs International’s financials, including the implementation of substantial budget reductions. After much consideration, the board proposed to adjust dues by $7 over a threeyear period. Under the proposal, international dues would be adjusted according to the following schedule:
$3 increase on July 1, 2022
• •
$2 increase on July 1, 2023
$2 increase on July 1, 2024
Why an international adjustment is needed
We realize the association has been reluctant to adjust dues over the years, and we have not adjusted international dues since 2011. The proposed adjustment will help cover our costs and allow us to suitably serve our members’ needs. With that said, the Board of Directors did not take this issue lightly, nor are we minimizing the value of each dollar that our members contribute. As we consider this dues adjustment, it is essential that we keep in mind that our global efforts and initiatives support more than 1.4 million members in 50,000 clubs around the world. Through the support of staff, we are able to serve globally on the level that we do, keeping members and clubs fully supported with service resources, training events and software, club operational support, international meetings, language services, technology, Foundation support,
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leadership support, and everything else we have come to expect as Lions. A dues adjustment will allow Lions Clubs International to provide improved support to Lions and to continue to invest in improving programs and digital products such as our website and MyLion. It will also allow us to invest in new programs such as the Learning Management System (LMS), development of new curriculum such as digital literacy, training videos, global advertising, marketing automation, digital and video storytelling and others tools and initiatives that will enhance our impact, our brand and our membership.
and leaders understand why this adjustment is needed. We have developed an international dues adjustment FAQ and PPT to help you present it to your Lions. I hope that you will see this adjustment as we do: as an investment in the future of Lions. Through your support, we can ensure that Lions are positioned for success in the future. Regards, Dr. Jung-Yul Choi International President --------------------------------------
Why your help is needed Essentially, we have to decide whether or not we want Lions Clubs International to continue to grow and thrive. Lions is more than a way of life. It is also an investment of money, time, energy and passion. As with any good investment, the more we put in, the more returns we see. We need you to help our members
Franklin “Ralph” Koller
Franklin “Ralph” Koller, age 89, of Brookfield. Air Force Veteran. Past District Governor District 1-A Lions Clubs
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International. Beloved husband of the late Mildred “Millie” Koller, nee Chromicky; fond father of Kenneth Ralph (Terri) Koller and Katherine Ann (Joseph) Mrkvicka; grandfather of Kayla (Jon) Brehm, Kyle and the late Jenna Nicole; brother of the late Daniel (Carmela) Koller, Jr.; uncle of many nieces and nephews; cousin to many. Ralph dedicated his life to volunteerism. A Visitation for Ralph and Millie Koller will be Wednesday, March 31, 2021 from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. at Hitzeman Funeral Home Ltd., 9445 W. 31st Street, Brookfield. 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. is reserved for Lions Club Members. A Lions Memorial Service will commence at 7:30 P.M. All Lions Club members arriving for the reserved Lions Club time and Service must R.S.V.P. Maximum of 50 participants. R.S.V.P. at or 708-485-2000 reservation will close when maximum of 50 are registered. Attendance above 50 will not be admitted. Private family services will be on Thursday. Covid Regulations allow for a
maximum of 50 people in the funeral home at a time. Face coverings are required, the lounge facilities are closed, outside food or beverages are not allowed at this time. All are asked to pay their respects / condolences to the Koller family and be cognitive of others waiting to do the same. Interment Private St. Mary Cemetery, Evergreen Park. Memorials appreciated to the Lions of Illinois Foundation, 700 N. Peace Road, Suite B, DeKalb, IL 60115 Information 708-485-2000 or For those of you that would like to express your condolences to the family, please click on the link below and you can leave the family a message. If you wish to send a sympathy card to the family, please feel free to send it to Hitzeman Funeral Home, 9445 West 31st Street, Brookfield, IL 60513, c/o Ralph Koller Family. We will gladly forward it on to the family.
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Do not miss the premier Lions event of the year. There’s still time to claim your front-row seat to the biggest Lions event of the year taking place June 2529. Virtual LCICon 2021 is your chance to connect and engage with Lions from all corners of the globe. Register by March 31 at 11:59 p.m. CDT to secure your spot at our lowest price. Immerse yourself in the Lions experience at LCICon 2021. When you register for
Virtual LCICon, you will have the best seat in the house for all the action. Inspiring keynote speakers, timehonored traditions like our parade of nations and flag ceremony, and exhilarating performances by worldclass entertainers are just some of what you will experience. Register today and get ready to be inspired..
29 The Illinois Lion & Leo
It is FREE but you must register by May 9, 2021. Please use the following link to register: . Our guest speaker is Past International President Clement F. Kusiak. Our first plenary session begins at 1:00 PM, followed by Caucuses and Voting. Our second plenary session begins at 6:00 PM. We will also be giving away some gift cards at various times during the convention, but you must be registered for the convention and virtually present to win. The registration email address will receive a confirmation email within a few days of registration. The registration is good for all sessions of the Convention. MD-1 Election Delegates must also be registered for the MD-1 Convention to be eligible to vote. Final credentialing for Election Delegates begins the week of the Convention. 30 The Illinois Lion & Leo
The registration email address will allow participation on only one (1) device— computer, laptop, pad, or phone. If more than one (1) person is to be registered for the MD-1 Convention on the same email address, please refer to the instructions provided below: We would like to know everyone who plans on attending. We will be relying on our registration lists to manage many aspects of the convention, including Elections. If two or more people plan on registering on the same email address, please use the following format: First Name: Joe / Anne Last Name: Smith / Jones Continue in the same manner for all the information boxes. If the information is the same for all registrants, it only needs to be entered once. If you have already registered (even if you have received your confirmation email) and you wish to register someone else using the same email address, you can click the link to register and amend the registration information. You will need to fill in all the boxes again. You will not get another confirmation email. Only the email address receives a confirmation. If you have questions, please email: Thank you. CC Lion Joe Vinyard
MD-1 Convention Chairperson Lion Terri Pasternik
Your confirmation email will contain information about joining the webinar and how to cancel your registration if you cannot attend.
31 The Illinois Lion & Leo
The Hardscrabble Lions of Streator held their first face to face meeting since October 2020 on March 13, 2021. Everyone safely distanced and wore masks. Thank you to Lion Karyn Dzurison for arranging the meeting space.
Polo Lions Club held their 36th Annual Farm Toy Show at Centennial Grade School on March 6, 2021 which was a grand success. --------------------------------------Kirkland Lions Club President Lion Randy Butts with Tyson Foods of Rochelle’s representative, Brian Roberts receives a donation of 80 pounds of Chicken for our Lions Meet Raffle held on March 6. The meat raffle included a silent auction, 10.6 cubic feet freezer raffle, and donations from many of our Lions which included White Sox/Cub 32 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Kirkland Lions Andy Blackmer, Brandon Wascher, and Ryan Block fill the tumbler with meat raffle tickets throughout the evening. Over $5,000.00 was raised throughout the evening. Profits from the evening will go to the local Kirkland food pantry and Kirkland Lions Club to continue funding community projects and services to our area Lions supported programs. --------------------------------------tickets, meat gift certificates, Gift Cards and Baskets. Businesses including the Resource and Midland banks, Kirkland Family Restaurant, Countryside Towing, First Choice Security, and St. Aubin Nursery. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kirkland Lion Alan Banks works the crowd while selling Raffle tickets for the Freezer and meat raffles occurring nearly every 10 minutes. The event began at 6:00 p.m. and ended at 10:00 p.m. Kirkland Lions NEW MEMBER: We want to welcome Lion Howard Metcalf. 33 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Kirkland Lions Donations Made: Lion Membership approved over $1800 in donations to Family Services Agency, Hadley School for the Blind, Lions Club International Foundation, Gift of Hope, Blindskills, Leader Dogs for the blind, Eversight, Center for Sight and Hearing, and Lions of Illinois Foundation Diabetes. ---------------------------------------
Cub Scout Pack 458 collected 20 lbs. of plastics for Roselle Lions Club's Trex Company project. --------------------------------------Just one (and probably the pride of
the group) of the cars racing in the Dundee Township Lions Club’s Pinewood Derby event for the Pack 36 Scouts. This has been an annual event for many years. We believe the Lions love it as much as the Scouts do. ---------------------------------------
Sponsor Huntley Area Lion Mary Jo Darlington provides new member Lion Joan Citro with her new Lion vest, HALC Lion pin, and one of the now-collectible Sun City Huntley Rocking Chair pins. --------------------------------------Naperville Noon Lions Steve
34 The Illinois Lion & Leo
with Waubonsee Community College and the lifelong Learning Institute. ---------------------------------------
Hertzberg & Katie Hertzberg show off their finished products at Painter’s Palette in mid-January. Good work, Lions! Naperville Noon Lions Club received 20% of the profits from artists painting at the shop and for materials taken home. ---------------------------------------
Director Sheri McMurrary of the Geneva Senior Center, shared updates with the Geneva Lions Club recently: More than 1,600 individuals are on its mailing list. During the pandemic, many have remained connected via phone. The Center also has a great partnership
Batavia Lions Club is planning to hold its Annual Plant Day on May 8th. Do touch base with the club’s Facebook page as it will tell whether the Plant Sale will be a “go,” or have to go “virtual.” ---------------------------------------
Roselle Lion Maryann Grygiel is happy that Lions are turning in lots of plastic bags for the club’s Trex
35 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Company project. ---------------------------------------
Westmont Lion Bob Flack delivers the Westmont Lions Club's World Childhood Cancer Day project to the Ronald McDonald House. Lions created these 21 bags to go to Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn. --------------------------------------North Aurora Lion Becky Dunnigan, and Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry Community Outreach and Program Coordinator, sets up bags of books and birthday gifts during a drive-through distribution Saturday, March 20, at Prairie Point Community Park in Oswego. Some 89 pantry families with 271 children were served.
Jenny Everhart of Aurora (l) receives a Spaghetti Dinner from Aurora Noon Lions Club member Lion Dick Schindel (r) at the mid-February fundraiser at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora. More than 200 dinners were sold with proceeds going to Marie
36 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Wilkinson Food Pantry and the Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
spaghetti-dinner fundraiser at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora. ---------------------------------------
Aurora Noon Lions Club President Arvid Meyer (r) inducts Lions Diane Renner (l) and Ricky Rieckert (c) into the club during a bi-weekly meeting. Lion Meyer administered an oath of membership and presented new member packets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diane Renner, left, Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry director, accepts a $530 replica check March 1 from Aurora Noon Lions Club president Arvid Meyer. The donation reflected proceeds of a Lions' Feb. 13
Mounds Lions Club building a ramp to the needy person in their community. One picture is on the cover of this magazine.
37 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Distrci 1CS Governor Derek, Mounds Lions Club president Aretha Eurales, Lions Marvin, Willie and Gary completed this ramp. ---------------------------------------
Members of the Frankfort Lions 38 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Club were out distributing food, gift cards and Easter Baskets to people in their community. ---------------------------------------
Care Package and 400 pairs to Trinity Services. A job well done Frankfort!! ---------------------------------------
The Frankfort Lions Club collected over 20,000 pairs of socks with the help of a few of the schools in the area and the surrounding community. Some students from Grand Prairie wrote cards to go with the socks as they are handed out to the community. The club is now in the process of distributing the socks to agencies who can get them to those in need. They started by delivering 2,000 pairs to Operation
Dear Frankfort members,
39 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Hickory Creek Middle School wanted to reach out to thank you for all you have done for our school and everything you do for our community. We are very appreciative of the pizza parties you provided for our winning classes in addition to the student certificates for our HCMS Student Council
members. We would also like to show appreciation for the Panera gift cards that Sarah and I received. We have attached some pictures and look forward to partnering with you in the near future. Have a great night, Tiffany & Sarah --------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Thank you SO much for the delicious pizza lunch and treats! The smiles say it all!!! So grateful and thankful for our partnership and hope it lasts for years to come! Thanks to you and all the Frankfort Lions for the continued support and commitment to the Frankfort community!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Kirsten Frankovich ---------------------------------------
Free Lunch is a ten partnership with local service groups, businesses, and churches, spearheaded by the Hardscrabble Lions of Streator. A meal is served on the second Saturday of the month. For March, five members of PEO volunteered to make and serve the meal. Eightyfive carry-outs were provided with extra food delivered to Safe Journeys, a safe atmosphere where survivors of domestic and sexual violence find support through crisis intervention, safe shelter, court advocacy, counseling, case management and education. ---------------------------------------
41 The Illinois Lion & Leo
DG Sue and 2VDG Irene made a visit to the Sheffield Lions Club and handed out four 10-year chevrons while they were there. --------------------------------------The Macomb Lions Club held two spaghetti dinner fundraisers in partnership with Macomb HyVee. The fundraisers were held on February 23rd and March 3rd. Between the two events, the Macomb Lions raised over $400 for children and adults with low vision. At their February 18th meeting, the Macomb Lions were pleased to welcome Linda Lee Blaine from Build a Better Block - Macomb to learn about their community beautification efforts and about potential partnership opportunities with the organization. The Macomb Lions have continued 42 The Illinois Lion & Leo
to meet in a hybrid fashion (some members in person, some over Zoom) for the last few months and have been enjoying seeing each other safely! --------------------------------------Convention Chair PCC Steve Anton
Sylvus Lions Club’s Charter Night Celebrations on Zoom last month. ---------------------------------------
Inter national Guest II International President Dr. Patti Hill, Canada
Governor Marilyn McLean and First Gentleman Lion Brian McLean
MD1 Lions having fun at Paddy B’s at Orland Park.
Held several Free Raffle Prizes
43 The Illinois Lion & Leo
during the entire convention.
Goveror Elect Gail Anton and current Governor Marilyn McLean. ---------------------------------------
More than 100 participants took part in the virtual convention
ID Bob B lock introduced Internatiuonal Guest Dr. Patti Hill.
District 1A held their Annual Convention on Zoom on March 20th and 21st. Above are II VDG Elect Tom Elsey, I VDG Elect Tony Zartler,
Past International President Ashok Mehta passed away on March 18, 2021at his residence in Mumbai. May his soul rest in peace.
44 The Illinois Lion & Leo
2021 at the Lions of Illinois Foundation Office. Next will be first week of April. Rush your tickets with money to LIF office. Left to Right: Executive Administrator Trish Fisher and Lion Ralph. ---------------------------------------
Vision screening today at Carrot Patch daycare in Columbia. Lion Diane Schneider from Columbia 21st Century Lions & PDG Mo Ritzel from Okawville Lions waiting for next group of kids. ---------------------------------------
Early bird drawing of Singht and Sound Sweepstakes on March 3,
Lion Millie Koller, wife of late PDG Ralph Koller, passed away on March 1, 2021, She was married to PDG Ralph for 63 years. She was a lion fro District 1A Brookfield LaGrange Park Lions Club. May her soul rest in peace. --------------------------------------
45 The Illinois Lion & Leo
and three other volunteers to build a ramp. After a run for coffee and donuts (two of the volunteers were
Lions working together. A need came about, a call went out and action took place. The need was a woman who became paralyzed from a carjacking. She was needlessly shot in the back which now leaves her using a wheelchair to get around. She needed a ramp to get in and out of her home. A call went out from a member of the Lake Zurich Lions, a District 1F club to the Lions of District 1J. Lion Footloose knows the stepfather of the Kim who is rehabbing at his house in North Aurora. A ramp was not needed there but at her home which is in District 1BK. On a Saturday morning, three Darien Lions met Lion Footloose
retired Lake Zurich Police Officers), the work started and was finished by midafternoon. Kim was able to check out the ramp and thanked all who made it possible. Two districts working together in a third to get the job done. Darien Lions Steve Hiatt and Paul Kempf getting some boards ready for the ramp. Finished product. Lion Footloose on the left, project lead. Kim, Chuck, Brian, and Vinnie from Lake Zurich.
46 The Illinois Lion & Leo