District 1A Governor Gail Anton's Monthly e-Newsletter for the Month of April, 2022.

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APRIL 2022 ==================================================================================================

WOW!!!!! What a convention. 400+ attendees from District 1-A and surrounding Districts and even Lions from Minnesota and don’t forget Elvis. And what about the costumes, District 1-A never disappoints. I don’t know about you but Lion Steve and I had a great time and I hope you did also. I am happy to report that it will be a very long time before we wear our Elvis wigs (probably never). And what about the pictures? PDG Austin out did himself. Lion Dianne installed 4 brand new members on Friday night. We

never stop working in District 1A. Conventions are a lot of hard work, and we have the hardest

working Convention team in Lions right here in District 1-A. Thanks for all your hard work. Conventions don’t happen by themselves it takes a team to make it happen and they made it happen. Our speaker Lion Dianne, also had a great time and couldn’t get over how much fun we have in District

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1-A. She left with a few ideas to share with her District in Tennessee for their future conventions. She so enjoyed talking with all of you over the weekend. District 1-A is very special to her and she has a lot of friends in District 1-A. My congratulations to all the newly elected officers DGE Tony Zartler, FVDGE Tom Elsey, SVDGE Brenda Stevens, Trustee Elect Frank Kirar, VOICES directors, PCC Steve Anton, PCC Dennis McMillan & ZC Larry Williams. I wish all of you the best in the upcoming Lions year. But now it’s time to get back to work, and let’s focus on a few things. • MyLion, please continue to make updates monthly. If you attended the convention please update MyLion. • Has your club considered a donation to LCIF, LIF or VOICES? Many clubs make these donations at this time

of the Lions year. Please pick your passion. • If you are interested in donating to the Ukraine Refugees & Displaced persons you can by donating to LCIF to help ensure that Lions are there to help them find the safety and security they desperately need. • Do you have a new member for your club? Or are you working on keeping the members you have. Although we are a plus in membership and are in the top 12 Districts in the US & Canada we must prepare for May & June which are notorious for dropping Lions.

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• Are your LCI & District dues up to date????? We have a lot of activities coming up: • District Bowling 4/3/22 • District Cabinet meeting 4/23/22 • Willow Springs Lions Pork Chop Dinner 4/24/22 • Run for the Roses 5/7/22 • Aunt Martha’s Baby Shower 6/4/22 • Officer Training 6/11/22

If you enjoyed getting together with the Lions from the District at the convention, why not attend some of the upcoming events. Again, my thanks to all the Lions of District 1-A for all that you do to make our District the BEST District in Lions. I saw a comment on Facebook……that says it all “District 1-A is back”!!!!!!!!



For More Information: See Page 18 3 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Yet another District 1-A Convention has come and gone. Another successful year in the books and a treasure trove of memories from an exciting convention. Although Elvis has left the building the goodwill and fellowship between the Lions and guest will linger on. I wish to thank Governor Gail and the entire convention team for their help in executing a convention to remember. With several new members on the hotel staff and sort of a late start with the convention due to Covid 19, we somehow managed to survive the weekend. Yes, we endured some rough spots, but we did our very best to overcome them with as little disruption as possible. It was a difficult task to have 230 lions registered 10 days out and then end up with just over 400 by Sunday morning. My Congratulations to PDG Harold Burkett and Cabinet Secretary Dawn Grogan with taking care of the large numbers of late registrations.

All the committee members did an outstanding job with their parts of the convention. I am very proud to be able to go to them year after year and ask for their help, and year after year they come through with flying colors. But who really are the stars of the event? Why it’s you, the Lion that comes out to enjoy the convention, to partake in the hospitality rooms, to donate and then bid in the basket raffles, to support our vendors and to enjoy the meals that are served through the hotel. It all

goes to help keep our District, District 1-A, the best Convention in Illinois! Thank you again for your support, PCC Steve Anton Convention Co-Chairman

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From your Global Action Team Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly Membership Clubs continue to add members to their clubs, we are now at 53% of the clubs that have added members this Lion Year. As a result, we have 9 months straight of positive membership numbers, Thank You! Take the steps needed for your club to be at a plus in membership, and to have continued growth in your clubs in the next Lion Year. Global Membership Approach We have a positive membership growth for this entire Lions year. We have 5 of our clubs adding 10 plus members this year. Keep up the great work! Governors Goals for 2021-2022

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New Club Development We have 3 months left in this Lion year, we are following some leads in a couple of areas, if we get some changes needed by LCI at the April Meetings we will definitely have another club chartered in 1-A this Lion year, doubling the Governor’s goal. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support GMA - Membership Success Event – April 28 – 6:00pm - 9:30 - Save the date – Flyers will be out soon! Who should Attend? Your 2022-2023: Membership Chairs, Presidents, Region & Zone Chairs, and any Lion interested in growing membership in your clubs or interested in helping growing District 1-A membership. Why should I attend? Help your Club and our District Lion Family Grow… You will be able to learn and share what is successful with clubs that are growing…

Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey

District Training Scheduled (April 2022 – June 2022) Listed below are the current classes scheduled at the time of compiling the District Governor’s Newsletter. Please look at the District 1-A Website calendar for the most up to date information on training classes. New ones can be added at any time, and we will strive to keep it up to date as changes are made. New Officer Training – Save The Date We have scheduled the New Officer Training for Saturday, June 11., 2022. All the details are not settled but we are planning on holding it in-person. More Details coming very soon! New Member Orientation Training 6 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Our April New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpceqgrTsjEtJUZqXtHLKrm7I5k YCslk8N Our May New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvduqupzwrGtAGgLi9EWRIk9C oY8BNo-bK

Our June New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 8:30am. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lcu2ppz0pHNTRKPiG8LWUn dCa_l4AkVlJ

While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held.

Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Certified Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at thomas.elsey@gmail.com. Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if your certification will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know.

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We are trying to organize a Guiding Lions Training with our New Officer Training on June 11, 2022. Further Details forthcoming. Upcoming Club Improvement Series training: Effective clubs provide meaningful service, maintain a strong and active membership and continually develop new leaders. The tools below focus on these elements to help your club function effectively while meeting the needs of your community and your members. The following Sessions will be offered for club leaders: Your Club, Your Way! The Your Club, Your Way! Guide will help you customize your club meetings to better suit the needs and lifestyles of your club members. It includes a simple, fun exercise to help determine which elements of your meeting to keep and what to change, as well as a process for phasing in change! Plan for Your Club’s Success Use this training (planning guide and PowerPoint) to discover your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs and organize your plan for successful implementation. Use this planning guide and PowerPoint to discover your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs and organize your plan for successful implementation. Club Quality Initiative Club Quality Initiative is a strategic planning tool to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement. Change is critical for each club. By understanding our current operation, identifying areas that may be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish our goals, every club can be even better! 8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

The May Club Improvement Series – Your Club Your Way continues on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please seriously consider attending this meeting to help ensure you are meeting the needs of all your club members and allowing your club to run smoother. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEldGrpzgrGtB5i2Omxf7vcSQmDijuNvFm

MD-1 State Convention The 2022 MD-1 State Convention will be held on May 19-22, 2022, in Springfield, IL at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel & Conference Center. This year’s Honored Guest will be 2nd International Vice President, Lion Patti Hill Dr. Patti Hill is from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and was elected to serve as the second vice president of Lions Club International at the association’s 103rd International Convention in 2021.

Patti Hill

MD1 2022 Illinois Lions State Convention Registration (Pre-Registration By May 9, 2022) Links: Online Registration Link https://lionsofillinois.regfox.com/lions-of-illinois-md-1-100th-stateconvention

Google MD-1 Lions, go to Conventions and look for the MD-1 2022 State Convention there is a download Link for a printable Registration Form Hotel Reservations: Deadline to get lodging is May 4th, 2022. Reserve your room by calling 217 -544-8800 or 9 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Online: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/lionsmd1-stateconvention/ Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Joni McMillan


We are currently still at 63% of our clubs reporting their service projects in MyLion. Let’s see if we can increase this number. We have had 4 district service projects so far, School Supplies for the Bond School in Chicago, Operation Warm Hearts, Toys for Tots and Share the Warmth. Our next District Service Project will be to replenish some hygiene items for “THE CLOSET”. The Closet is to help satisfy student’s needs by providing access to personal hygiene items and clothing (see the attached flyer).

Governor Gail and I are working with the Tinley Park Lions to put together a Baby Shower for Aunt Martha’s on June 4, 2022 (more information will be coming out within the next few weeks). Aunt Martha’s is a health and wellness not-for-profit organization serving over 105,000 children and adults throughout over 600 communities in Illinois. They provide primary and family health care, including behavioral health, pediatrics, family planning, parent support, and women’s health. Aunt Martha’s is also a licensed child welfare provider with foster care and intact family services. One of their programs is helping teenage moms provide for their new baby.

Keep up the great work Lions! PDG Joni McMillan 10 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

District 1-A GAT Service Chairperson

THE CLOSET The purpose of THE CLOSET is to help satisfy student’s needs by providing access to personal hygiene items and clothing.

Our shelves, once again, need to be replenished. If you could donate any of the following items, that would be greatly appreciated.

Toothpaste (please no toothbrushes, we have tons)

Deodorant (men & women)

Shampoo / Conditioner

Hair Products for Students of Color (Shampoo, Conditioner, Relaxer, etc.)

Body Wash (men & women)

Sanitary Products

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Items can be brought to the Cabinet Meeting on April 30th, given to your Region or Zone Chairperson to bring to the Cabinet Meeting, or you can order from Amazon and the items will be shipped to my home. Enter this link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2SULBN72WT75M?ref_=wl_s hare Thank you, PDG Joni McMillan District 1-A GAT Service Chairperson

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District Governor Elect News By 1st VDG Tony Zartler

WOW!! What a great convention! Thank you to PCC Steve Anton and the entire Convention Committee for an outstanding job. Lion Bonnie and I had a great time with all of you during the convention. Congratulations to all of the newly elected officers. I am a proud to say that I am the newly elected District 1A Governor, I was humbled by the support that I received. Lion Dawn Grogan accepted to be the Cabinet Secretary, Lion Andy Liamaga accepted the position on Cabinet Treasurer, and Lion Dave Herrmann accepted the position of Chaplain. I will be discussing other positions with other lion members. I hope to see everyone at the District 1A Bowling on Sunday, April 3. Please reserve your seats for the Run for the Roses Kentucky Derby Party on May 7. I will be working hard to get ready for the upcoming year. Lion Bonnie and I look forward to seeing everyone in person at your meetings and events. I am presently planning for the State Convention in Springfield and the International Convention in Montreal. I am always available, please don’t hesitate to call me or email me.

Submitted by Tony Zartler DGE 13 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

1st Vice District Governor Elect News By 1st VDG ElectThomas Elsey

I attended the 4th Council of Governors Meeting in East Peoria, IL on February 4 & 5, 2022. The Governor, 1st VDG Tony and I continue meeting regularly to stay on top of our District Goals. We still have three months of DG Gail’s term left, and I look forward to continuing working with Gail, Tony and her entire team to accomplish all the goals we can in our great district! I attended the Region 5 meeting on February 24, 2022, at 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, IL at 6:30pm. RC Robin ran a great meeting; it was nice to meet many old Lion Friends and some that I met for the first time. 1st VDG Tony Zartler gave an informative presentation on membership retention, giving all some great ideas for keeping our members. It was great hearing club bragging rights. So many great projects serving our communities. I attended the MD-1 Mid-Year Round-Up on March 5, 2022, in Springfield, IL. There were many great presentations given by many great lions including our own Governor, Gail Anton. Please consider attending next year to learn some very valuable lions’ information. District 1-F held a virtual convention on March 11 and 12, 2022, I enjoyed seeing how another district conducts their convention. They did a great job, but I have to say, I did miss the personal contact that is missing with a virtual convention. It was great to see all of the lions of or great district and the visitors we had in attendance from other districts. PCC Steve Anton and the Convention Committee put on a great convention. I would like to thank all of the clubs giving me their support as 1st VDG Elect. Congratulations to DGE Tony Zartler, 2nd VDG Elect Brenda Stevens, LIF Trustee Elect Frank Kirar and VOICES Director’s Elect Dennis McMillan and Steve Anton. I am looking forward to a great year ahead.

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Please consider attending the MD-1 Convention to be held in Springfield, IL on May 19, 2022 through May 22, 2022. Our MD-1 Convention Committee is working hard to put together another great MD-1/State Convention. Details can be found in the GAT News section of this newsletter. As I as writing this article, I am preparing to attend the Advanced Lions Leadership Institute (ALLI) on March 26-28, 2022 in Calgary Alberta Canada. I will also be attending the Faculty Development Institute (FDI), on April 8-10, 2022 in the Minneapolis, MN area. Yours in Lionism 1st VDG Elect Tom Elsey Westchester Lions Club -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

THANK YOU! Dear Presidents, Delegates, and Fellow Lions, At the outset, I want to express my heartfelt “Thank you” to all of you ! The elections are now over, and I am humbled to have been elected the 2nd Vice Governor of District 1A. The overwhelming number of votes I received is indicative of your strong support for me. Likewise, I pledge my full support in every way possible to Governor Elect Tony Zartler and 1st Vice Governor Tom Elsey along with other cabinet officers. It is my desire to meet and get to know you better in these succeeding years. Hopefully, with all of us Working together, we will continue to increase in numbers, and grow stronger in our humanitarian Endeavors as proud Lions. Again, with deep appreciation. Very truly yours,

2nd Vice Governor Elect Lion Brenda Stevens 15 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter


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New Members in CHICAGO ROGERS PARK Lions Club: 4 SAMINA CHAUDHRY ABIDA MIR MAZHAR F SHEIKH SAMREEN ZAFAR New Members in CHICAGO WINDY CITY Lions Club: 2 ADAN CASTILLO LARRY TELLO New Members in RIVER GROVE Lions Club: 3 ROBERT GRADOWSKI BARBARA SCHAEFFER STEVEN RA SCHMIDT New Members in STICKNEY FOREST VIEW Lions Club: 1 LINDA DAVIS PLUTA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deaths this month: CHICAGO EAST SIDE LIONS CLUB -1 WILLIAM A FINLON SR. Deaths this month: PALOS LIONS CLUB-1 CASIMIR J GRESIK Deaths this month: WILLOW SPRINGS LIONS CLUB-1 DAVID C DINEFF Deaths this month: WILLOW SPRINGS LIONS CLUB-1 17 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

The Kentucky Derby, "The Run for the Roses" is quickly approaching. Governor Gail and the Lions of District 1-A and their friends are encouraged to attend on May 7, 2022. Pre sale tickets are available now by contacting PCC Steve Anton at santonlions@comcast.net the tickets cost $25.00 per person and include a buffet dinner, beer, wine and soft drinks. There will also be a cash bar available. Unfortunately, there will be no tickets available at the door. Pre sale tickets only. Thank you, PCC Steve 18 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter


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My fellow District 1-A Lions On February 19, 2022, at the Lions of Illinois Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting, the board reviewed a report from the “Mobile Screening Unit Ad Hoc Committee” studying the final design and cost of the new multi-use screening unit. The new unit’s layout will allow both hearing and retinal screenings to be performed within one unit. The Board has approved the new Multi-Use Mobile Screening Unit design. And is now moving on to the next step which is to seek the funding for the project. The Lions of Illinois Foundation will be seeking a Multi-District Matching Grant of $100,000 from LCIF to help fund this project. We will work through this process with the help of the Council of Governors. The grant request will need to come through the State Multiple Districts and be approved

by the Council of Governors. The cost of the Multi-Use Mobile Screening Unit is $189,000. There will also be an upgrade of the Hearing Equipment taking the total up to $200,000 needed. Your Foundation will seek donations from clubs/districts throughout the state to reach the LCIF grant required match amount of $100,000. By now your Club Secretary should have received a booklet outlining the mobile unit, its features and the fundraising campaign, including a pledge card. As the grant is being put together, we want the Lions of District 1-A to be aware of the need for contributions to help finance this project. Please contact your District Trustees or the Lions of Illinois Foundation Office if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Lions of Illinois Foundation District 1-A Trustees,

Lion Austin DSouza Trustee 4TH year Lion Ralph Zarada Trustee 1st year Lion Frank Kirar Trustee Elect --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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District 1-A Lions, I can not thank each of you enough for attending YOUR 53rd District 1-A Convention. With your support we were able to register 400+ Lions. The convention committee's goal was continued on with past traditions to hold the best convention in IL and they did succeed with your help. For me personally, it was such fun to see everyone having fun together as a District. Although the past 2 years have been so very different in how we interact with each other as Lions, I'm glad to see we were able to get back into convention mode. Now that we have gathered to celebrate our success's, it now time to get back to work to help those in need. Again, my sincere thanks for your support. Have a great week! GG PS Don't forget to update MyLion!!!!!!😀 Governor Gail Anton District 1-A 708 514-4825 (C) 30 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

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TOURNAMENT RULES LIONS SANCTIONED: 1. This tournament is open to District 1-A Lions and their guests. Professional bowlers and/or employees of the bowling establishment may bowl,but may not participate in the prizes or awards. This includes the Pot Game awards. 2. Upon request, the Bowling Committee will attempt to supply bowlers, if available, to those Lion teams that are not complete, or allowed one blind score of 140 pins, therefore allowing them to compete for prizes. All substitute bowlers must pay the required entry fee to the team they bowl with. All Lions Club teams must contain a minimum of one (1) club member to be eligible to compete for team prizes. 3. All entry forms must be completed showing complete names & addresses of all members of the team. 4. No bowler is allowed to participate in the pot gamemore than once. The first three games bowled will be the games eligible for prizes. 5. No refunds within 72 hours of tournament play. 6. No averages are needed to participate in the tournament. 7. Handicaps will be based on 75% of the difference of 200 minus your drawn average. Maximum handicap is 60 pins per gameper bowler. Handicaps will be calculated after all teams have completed their games, and then the District Governor will draw a number by lot. The number drawn will be the gamescore used as the average for all entries. Example: You bowl 145 (1st game), 185 (2nd game), & 175 (3rd game). Governor draws #1 and then 145 becomes your average. 8. Closing Entry Date – as determined annually but not less than 7 days prior to the event. 9. Prize ratio – at least one for every10 teams. (Based on 60 team entries) 33 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

10. Special Pot Game: $3.00 option – High Game Scratch – Minimum Cash Prizes: 1 in 20 entries. For Men and Women separately. 11. Team shall report 30 minutes prior to their assigned start time. Changes to the team make-up must be reported to the tournament manager at least 30 minutes prior to bowling. Substitutes may be used. 12. Protests: Any protest affecting the eligibility or general playing rules must be confirmed in writing to the District Chairman within 7 days of the closing of the tournament. If no protest is entered, the gameor games shall stand as bowled. Obvious errors in calculation must be corrected within 48 hours. 13. No otherraffles or merchandise permitted except those authorized by the District Bowling Chairman. 14. No outside food or beverages allowed. 15. All sign posting to be by permission of the committee chairman only. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fellow Lions, Governor Gail has asked me to call the Divas' back together for some fun bowling at the District 1-A Bowling Event on Sunday April 3rd at 8:00 a.m. at the Lisle Lane Bowling Alley. If you just want to have some fun, you are not a very good bowler or you just want to bowl, then you are more than welcome to join my team as we support the Governor and the District while just being involved with probably no chance of winning. That being said, no other team will have the FUN that we will have. Please let me know if you want to be on my team and show up ready to just have fun. Of course, the invitation goes out to the guys who want to join us also! Thank you, PCC Steve Anton MD-1 State Convention 34 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

May 19th – 22nd , 2022 President Abraham Lincoln Hotel Springfield, IL Registration for the MD-1 State Convention is now open! Below are some important deadlines you should be aware of if you are planning on attending the Convention: The deadline to register for the MD-1 State Convention is May 9th, 2022. You can register online at: https://lionsofillinois.regfox.com/lions-of-illinois-md1-100th-state-convention or you can mail in the printable registration form to the State Office. The form is located on the MD-1 website www.illinoislionsmd1.org Hotel guest room reservations must be made by May 4th, 2022 to receive the discount rate of $102.00 plus tax. After this date, you will not receive the discount rate and will have to pay full price. The hotel phone is 217-544-8800 Online hotel reservations: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-myevent/lionsmd1-state-convention/ If you have any questions please contact SST Mary Pemberton at: sst@illinoislionsmd1.org 35 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

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