‘Hero Lion’ of 1A Convention
Council Chair Lori J.Chassee:
I read this recently, it was written by a guest columnist in a local newspaper, Pam Kearney. It seems so on point to so much of what we do that I thought I would share.
hot coffee to the people outside. People who entered the funeral home with coffee in their hands whispered of a mysterious man handing out free coffee, and how much they appreciated it.
I visited a coffee shop and told the owner Matthew a story. A few years back, on a bitterly cold December evening, there was a visitationatthefuneralhomeacross the street from his bakery. The people, bundled up in coats, scarves, and blankets, were lined up around the building waiting to hug the family of the deceased.
Seemingly out of nowhere, a man showed up and began giving away
I looked at Matthew and said,” I have a suspicion that you were that man. Is that right?” Matthew very humblyreplied,“Yes.Ifeltsobadfor them and wanted to do something, but all I could do was make coffee, so I made coffee.” I responded that hehadblessedsomanypeoplethat nightbyhelpingthemwarmupand by showing there’s good in the world.Headdedapositivenotetoa devastating situation. I paused and then added, “That visitation was for my 16 year old son. Thank you for being so kind.”
That conversation has stuck in my head since then. “All I could do was make coffee so I made coffee.”
Somedays, I am burdened with reality that I can't do everything to help everybody. I truly do want to make a difference in people’s lives and change the world. I dream big, butIcan'tdoitall.Matthew'swords came back to me recently, “ All I coulddowasmakecoffeesoImade coffee.”Irepeatedlyaskmyselfwhat is my coffee in this situation. I can't do everything but I can do something, so I figured out how to do it and I did it.
Lions,noneofuscandoitallbutwe can all do something, and if we do, we can make a difference in the world. I challenge you to ask yourself often, “What is my coffee?” and then go make your coffee!
Thank you for your service, see you at the Convention!
Lion Lori J.Chassee Council Chair MD1c:630-740-567
State Convention Update –
Greetings to All!
If you noticed there was not an update done last week you are correct. I was down for 3 and half days with a type of unknown virus that appears out of nowhere very quickly. I am 98 % well and back to work on the State Convention.
1) Transportation for the Beep Ball Game has been secured and I say Thanks toDGMarkBryantforhisworkwithMikeGarciaandtheSpringfieldNoon Lions to accomplish this task. Complete details will be sent out closer to Convention.
2)PDGMo Ritzel isgoing totalk toa printer inour areaabout doing the convention book and will be taking on this task for us. NOW.........WE NEED ADVERTISEMENTS TO PUBLISH. I ask that each District submit an adthankingtheirDGfortheirworkandaccomplishmentsthisyear.Ialso challenge eachDistrict to submit at least 2 moreads for the book. Reach out to your clubs and businesses to accomplish this. SST Cecilia will be sending out the ad book form with this update.
3)Asoftoday,thereare27registrationsdoneonlineandviamail.Ihave asked our SST to please give me a weekly update on registrations online and by mail. Get the word out about our Convention – Invite your Lions members to attend.
NOTE: When you are calling the hotel to make your room reservationDO NOT..... I repeat....DO NOT USE THE HOTELS CORPORATE PHONE NUMBER. You MUST call the hotel directly. If you have any questions or problemswithgettingyourroombooked–pleasecontactSSTCeciliafor help. Hotel Phone number is : 217-544-8800
4)Theconventionscheduleis90to95%complete–Iamgoingtofinalize the seminar schedule this weekend. My goal is to have it to the state office over the weekend so that SST Cecilia can review it for me prior to sending it out.
NOTE: I spent several hours today at the State Office, and we had a very productive meeting. There are many areas that need to be finalized but we are on the correct timeline for convention.
5) Remember there are State Chair positions to be filled. Interviews for eachpositionwillbeheldatthe convention.Thesepositionsare: Council Chair, Global Service Chair, Global Membership Chair, Global Leadership
Chair, Campaign & Liaison Chair, Constitution & Bylaws Chair, 2025 International Convention Chair, Information Technology, Leo & Youth,
Quest & RAP Chair, LEHP Chair, 2025 State Convention Chair, State Magazine Chair, Finance Committee (7/1/24-6/30/25), and Council Parliamentarian.
Governors it is helpful if you know of someone who would be interested in being interviewed and considered for any of the State Chair positions toencouragethemtosubmittheirLionsResumetotheStateOfficesoon. The last day to submit a letter of intent and resume has been extended by CC Lori Chassee to April 30, 2024!! WE need these positions filled to continue the work that we do here in MD 1. Keep talking about the convention when you are at club meetings or visitingotherdistricts.Iamlookingforwardtohavingagreatconvention and looking forward to seeingeveryone there. The Convention is a great time to reconnect with Lions friends around the State and make new friends. It is a heartwarming time to see fellow Lions get recognized for their hard work this past year. It is also a time to make a personal challenge to work harder to help spread the word that LIONS ROAR.... LIONS SERVE.... LIONS HELP OUR COMMUNITIES.
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and taken on a project or roleintheStateConvention.Itotallyappreciateeachoneofyouwhoare working to make it a great Lions experience.
Submittedby:PCCLydiaEllis–2024StateConventionChair,MD1District Conventions.
1-A March22-24,2024
Westin ChicagoNorthwest, Itasca IL
1-BKApril 12-14
1-CNOctober 27 – 28,2023
St.JacobCommunity/ActivityCenter, St.Jacob,Il.
1-CS April13Sparta Lions Club,Sparta IL
Radison Hotel RockfordIL
1-GApril 19-20,2024
Best Western Premier,Alton, IL
HolidayInn RockIslandIL
1-JApril 5-6,2024
HolidayInn CarolStreamIL
1-MNovember 3-4,2023
2024 Lions of Illinois 103rd Annual Convention and Lions of Illinois Foundation
Annual Membership Meeting
Dear MD1 Lions & Leos: Attachedyouwillfindthefollowingdocumentsthatprovideallofthedetails, as of this date, for the upcoming 2024 Lions of Illinois 103rdAnnual ConventionandLionsofIllinoisFoundation50thAnnualMembership Meetingto be held in Springfield from May 16-19, 2024:
1. 2024 State Convention Registration form.
2. 2024 Silent Auction flyer
3. 2024 Exhibitor Application form.
4. 2024 Convention Book Ad form.
The 2024 State Convention will be held at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel,701E.AdamsStreet,Springfield,IL. Thedeadlinetoarrangelodging is MAY 2,2024
Please note that all convention attendees MUST pay the $20 registration fee to attend the convention. You can print and complete the 2024 Convention Registration form, mail to the State office at the address below withyourcheck OR you canregisteronline,bookyourhotelreservationsand choose your dining options using the link below.
There are various dining options to choose from including the 3 Meal Plan that includes the State Luncheon, the State Banquet and the LIF Breakfast for $100 per person. If you cannot attend all three, you have many other choices, but they all include the $20 Convention Registration Fee.
Also, you can attend the BEEP Baseball Game on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Thereisnochargetoattendthegamebutweneedtoknowhowmany are attending as we are arranging transportation to the UIS Recreational Park. Please indicate if you will attend.
Click here to register online: Lions of Illinois 2024 State Convention Registration. It's fast and easy and you can use a credit or debit card for payment.
You can find all of this information on the Lions of Illinois MD-1 website at Lions of Illinois.
More information will be coming in the following weeks. State Convention Chair Lydia Ellis is working on speakers and programs and is finalizing the Agenda for the Convention.
Please share this information with your members and the Clubs in your district.
Finally, the 2024 State Convention Delegate form will be emailed separately to the District Governors and Cabinet Secretaries.
Thank you! Have a great day!!
SST Cecilia Wesselman
Lions of Illinois, Inc.
828 S. 2nd Street, Suite 101
Springfield, IL 62704
Phone: 217-299-9113
State Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
On Thursday March 14, 2024, the Athens Lions Club held a Pi (3.14) Dayfundraiser.Theclubhad47pies donated to be sold on 3.14 to raise fundsfortheLionsreadingprogram using the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program. The Lions raised $940 through the sale of the pies. The pies were sold out within 2 hoursand10minutes.TheLionsare a sponsor for the reading program for 101 children ages 0-5 for the Athens School District. The children receive a new book every month free of any cost. The program encourages the parents or
guardians to read to the children and share the books with them to help show them the importance of developing reading skills. The funds raised will cover the cost of the program for 10 months. The Athens Lions are proud to be involved with this community program. The Lions would like to thank the Boar's Nest Restaurant for allowing
the Lions to sell the pies at their location.
The Lions thank the Athens
Community for the amazing community support. Our Motto is "WE SERVE".
The Members of the Orland Park Lions Club pictured here, PCC Gail Anton, ZC Kathy Fenton, Lion Gail Christopher-Baruch, Lion Deb Frawley and Lion Gail Blummer recently donated new and used books to a school in a nearby community. The second photo also shows the school’s Librarian.
Senior Center have a longstanding relationship.
The Lions bought the senior center a van in the 1980s for its meal delivery program and both organizations share a connection to the late Delbert Hayer: the club titled its Leo Club scholarship after Mr. Hayer and the senior center is itself named for the former Sparta mayor.
So when the senior center expressed a need to update the vehicles for its meal program, the Sparta Lions Club was eager to contribute in a big way. A $500 donationearmarkedfromthe club’s Candy Day fund was just the beginning.
Two past presidents of the Lions club, Wayne Roberts and Mike Cater, both became drivers for the
seniorcentermealdeliveryprogram after retiring from the Baldwin Power Plant, and they knew firsthand about the center’s needs. The senior center set a goal of $20,000 to update its fleet.
Steve Joiner, the current president, suggested holding an extra chicken fry to help the center’s fundraising campaign.TheLionsholdamonthly chicken fry from September to May and had already had a successful event on Super Bowl Sunday. Joiner suggested holding a second February chicken fry on Feb. 25.
“We knew it was going to be successful when our answering machine filled up with pre-orders (the day before the event),” Joiner said. His brother Tim had to clear the machine to accommodate the flood of customers.
TheLionsfried900piecesofchicken and sold out of all of its sides. The event raised $2,800 for the senior center. With the club donation and contributions from individual
members, the Lions Club collected $3,950 for the seniors.
Kevin Wilson, executive director of the senior center, was among the volunteers from that organization whohelpedwiththechickenfryand watched the Lions in action.
“It was a well-oiled machine, and I was thankful to be part of that,” Wilson said.
The Lions contribution brought the senior fund drive up to $17,000.
Wilson said the center currently has vehicles from 2002, 2003 and 2005 it would like to update. The center will also keep a 2016 vehicle it now has.
“We may get something slightly used, or at least new to us,” Wilson said.
“The Senior Center is near and dear to our hearts, especially our connections to Lion Delbert Hayer,” Joiner said. “The Lions club felt it was important, this legacy of service. On behalf of the Sparta
LionsClub,Iwanttothankeveryone who helped to make our fundraiser a success.”
The senior center is planning a spaghetti supper fundraiser April 12. The Lions chicken frys are April 14 and May 12 before taking off for the summer.
Jennifer Sanden and Chaz Williams work in the kitchen.
Governor Leroy inducted two new members into the Highland Lions Club
Where is 1G District Governor Leroy?
JerseyvilleLions Club
Clayton Lions Club
received a pin from Lion Bonnie Willmore for his 10 years of service to the West Frankfort Lions Club. L>R: Lion President Jim Summers & Lion Bonnie Willmore.
Lion Mario Allois received a pin from Lion President Jim Summers for his 25 years of service to the West Frankfort Lions Club. L>R: Lion Mario Allois & Lion President Jim Summers.
On Saturday March 23, 2024, the Athens Lions and Leos sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt at the Athens Community Park.
Approximately 100 plus children ages 0-12 showed up in frigid temperatures and extremely high winds to fill their baskets. The Athens Leos Club filled approximately 2000 eggs with
candy treats and scattered them on the outfield grass of the large diamond. The field was divided into four different age groups to insure that all the children had a chance to filltheirbaskets. Theroughweather conditions didn't deter these youngsters from doing just that.The LionsandLeosweregladtosponsor the Athens Community event. "WE SERVE"
District 1M Governor Amy Hill giving away Anniversary Chevrons to various club members.
To follow the governor, all were wearingdifferentcolorshoes! Itwasmorefunandfellowship!
The Chester Lions Club participated in the Memorial Hospital'sHealthFairheldonMarch 8, 2024, at the Buena Vista Bank, Chester, Illinois. The Chester Lions Club had the Lions of Illinois
Screening van on site, screened 19 adults and one child for diabetic retinopathy, and screened 17 adults for hearing issues. To learn more aboutLionsclubsandwhattheydo, visit www.liionsclubs.org or www.lionsofillinoisfoundation.org.
The Chester Lions Club meets at noon on the first Monday of the month at the Chester Eagles Aerie. Join us and help your community.
Robert Curtis Johnson, known affectionately as Bob, passed peacefully at the age of 79 under the care of Lightways Hospice of Joliet.HewasbornonJuly10,1944, in Dallas, Texas, and left this world on March 12, leaving behind a legacy of compassion and community service.
Bob's family was the cornerstone of his life. He joins in peace his father Curtis A. Johnson, mother Hattie Alabee Johnson, and cherished grandson Curtis Salvatore Johnson. He is lovingly remembered and survived by his wife of 57 years, Karen (Hileman) Johnson; His son David (Robin) Johnson;
granddaughtersJillian Johnson,and Chloe Johnson; Son Daniel (Shannon) Johnson; grandchildren, Justin (Blair) Johnson, Kaleigh (Brandon) Gee, and Benjamin Johnson; and greatgranddaughters, Brynnleigh and Penelope Gee. Bob is also survived by his sister Linda (Ron) Robinson, her children Cindy Morris and Mark Meazel, two great-nieces, Monica TrevinoandLaneyMichel,aswell as several great-great nieces and nephews. Bob regarded his wife’s siblings and their spouses and children as his own family as well.
Bob attended elementary school in Dallas and high school in Mesquite, Texas. Following high school, he earned a radio engineer’s license from Elkins Institute of Technology. Later in life he earned a Bachelor of Science degree and an MBA. Bob's professional journey was rich and varied. Whether it was television,radio,videography,orDJ, Bob enjoyed working in the media. His main passion in all of this was photography, which earned him
many awards. He served in other positions at Illinois Retina Association and Sheets Eye Foundation, and shared his knowledge as an instructor at Joliet Jr. College. Bob also had a great passion for cooking, eating and sharing meals, that was passed on to his family and will always be remembered.
A Lion at heart, Bob devoted nearly 40 years to the Lions Clubs, beginning his journey with the Downtown Odessa (Texas) Lion Club, later joining the Tinley Park LionsClub,andfinallydedicating30 yearstothe CreteLions. Heled with distinction as District Governor of District 1B Lions, Council Chairman for Lions of Illinois, and on the Boards of Trustees of the Lions of Illinois Foundation and Lions World Services for the Blind. His service extended nationally and internationally, including relief efforts in New Orleans post-Katrina and numerous charitable and service projects in Mexico. He and Karen were well-traveled,
visiting 40 States and 10 countries. Feisty until the end, Bob loved to joke and entertain family, friends, andevenhospicecareworkersinhis home always inviting them to share a taste of his favorite Gentleman Jack.
In his final act that embodied his wish to serve others, Bob generously donated his body to research.Publicvisitationbeginning at3:00p.m.withthefamilywillbeat
Tews-Ryan Funeral Home, 18230 Dixie Highway, Homewood IL,
followed by a memorial service, including a Lions service beginning at7:00p.m.Thefamilyrequeststhat in lieu of flowers donations in Bob's memory be directed to the Crete Lions Club, Lions of Illinois Foundation, or Lightways Hospice, Joliet Illinois.
Bob's life was a testament to the enduring power of selfless service and the strength of familial bonds. His memory will be cherished, and his impact felt for generations to come. -
Lions Club District M-1 Gov. Amy Hill of Paris (second from right) spoke to the Danville Lions Club about reaching a goal of 1.5 million total members in Lions clubs across the world. In addition, Hill handed
out chevron awards to local members, including: Brian Larson and Peg Morris for 10 years of service;ErikPlotnerfor15years;and Bill Lucas for 25 years. Also, Jeanne Mulvaney earned a chevron for recruitinganewmember,MaryBeth Zundo,whoalsowillreceiveapin.In the photo are, from left to
Larson, Mulvaney, Hill and Morris, who is the district's Zone 1 chairperson.
Carbondale Lion Jim Dooley completed the Coldest Night of the Year Walk. Seen here with a few of the Habitat Volunteers who came out to cheer him on! THANKS Jim! The team raised $2,720! And, as of, Feb. 26 Carbondale Teams have raised $50,194.10 for the Warming Center.
Before the meeting on Friday: Jim, Mike, Brad,and Anita offeredVision Screeningtochildreninconjunction
with the “Give Kids a Smile” program at SIU.
CarbondaleLionBradpicturedwith the Dental Program’s TRex....or maybe TEETH-Rex! Just look at the chompers on that dinosaur!
Carbondale Lions’ Guest Speaker was Dr. Lea Maue, Director of the SIU Head Start Program.
Head Start began in the mid-1960s under President Lyndon B. Johnson’s“WaronPoverty”. Itis the lastcomponent ofthat initiative still funded by the Federal Government.
The Head Start Program here started in 1970 as a summer program, the original intent of the federal program. There are now 4 locations in Murphysboro, Carbondale, Marion, and JALC. Theprogramcanaccommodate337 children,age3-5;howeverthereisa shortage of qualified teachers and there are 85 on the waitlist.
Carbondale Lions welcomed Heather Abell, Carterville Lion and 1st Vice District Governor to our meeting today and presented the Carterville Lions with a check for $1,000. The Carbondale Lions Club made this donation to assist their club in providing vision assistance forachildintheircommunity. Lions Helping Lions Helping the Community!
Carbondale Lions Guest Speaker was Gary Williams, City Manager (for the next 23 days!). Gary spoke to the club about the new Southern Illinois Multimodal Station (SIMMS). 30 counties in southern Illinois will
be served by this new station and will help many people in our area.
The building will hold AMTRAK, Man-Tra-Con, Co-Working Space, a small SIU Welcome Office, a Tourism Office and will have space for job training. The building had to meetAMTRAKstationclassifications and is also LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Certified.
Carbondale Lions’ Guest Speaker today was Tracey Graff, Animal Control Officer for the City of Carbondale. Tracey has been in her position for about 18 months. She
was quite surprised by all the questions and was happy to answer them.
Tracey mentioned these things: If you see a Raccoon acting “strangely”, contact her. There have been raccoons in the area with distemper and they need to be removed. There is a new Non-Profit in Carbondale called Carbondale TNR (Trap,Neuter,Release).Thepurpose istotrapferalcats,neuterthem,and then release them back into the area. Unfortunately, they cannot seek adoptions for feral cats, but this program will help control the population.
TraceyishopingtoofferaLow-Cost Vaccination/Chip Program in May.
Carbondale City Limits requires dogs to have a license, but not cats. However, cats do need a Rabies vaccination. It’simportantforpetownerstohave their pets micro-chipped and then to REGISTER that micro-chip. Animals can be reunited with their owners if they have been chipped. Carbondale, Jackson County, and Murphysboro Animal Control offices rent space at the Humane Society of Southern Illinois. There is talk about getting a new facility. Leash Law only applies in the Carbondale City Limits. Fines for citations can be as high as $750!
left before we could present the award and get a photo. So, here are some prior photos: LoTM goes to Dick Daesch: We have now completed the “Tom, Dick, and Harry” awards for the year. AND to thank Dick for being the Milk Man, OJ Man, and To-GoSyrup Man for Pancake days!
District Governor Lion Jim Worden and Lion Patty Worden (both in green) watch as Council Chair Lori Chassee (between them in blue) bowls in the Strikes for Sight event heldMarch17th.DGLionJim:"IfCC
Lion Lori bowls a strike on her next turn, you owe me a round of green beers." Lion Patty: "Ha! That's easy money for me. But if she doesn't, you owe me a plate of corned beef and cabbage." The Union Lions and the Huntley Area Lions presented their Third Annual StrikesforSight,afundraisertohelp the vision and hearing impaired. All proceeds will go to The Center for Sight and Hearing in Rockford.
Region Zone Chair Lion John Nienhuis & his wife, Sheryl, took a trip to Germany in late November/early December to visit Christmas Markets in the country and were pleasantly surprised at finding German Lions working at their booths selling holiday merchandise. Here is a photo of Lions at a booth in Strasbourg, Germany.
Future Leader Dog Brandy is such agooddog!!Butweexpectallthose meetings she attends with 1st VDG Lion Jeff Cholewa bore her!! Hopefully, after she’s a fully trained
Leader Dog, she’ll go to someone who doesn’t go to so many meetings, but if she does, she will know how to act!!
Crystal Lake Lions presented a $1,000 check to John Buckley of Independence Health & Therapy recently.
Bartlett Lions did a Low Vision Screening at the Bartlett Library in conjunction with “Read to Rover.” We’re not sure if Lion Matt Newmann is reading to Rover, or Rover is reading to Lion Matt.
Dundee Township Lions were happy to be a part of the early St. Patrick’s Day Parade and enjoyed the support they received from the community.
new member Penny Nielsen, sponsored by Lion Theresa Jackson.
Lion Penny was inducted by DG Jim Worden (r).
PDG Lion Dave Stryker (standing r) inducts new Waterman Lion, Lion Mia Ailanjian (standing l) Lion Barb Wernsing (standing c) sponsored Lion Mia.
The Dundee Township Lions Club is honored to present a $1,200 checktotheFoxRiverValleyLibrary. Thisdonationwasmadepossibleby numerous individual contributions in memory of Lion Barbara
Batavia Lions were very happy to prepare dinner for the families at the Ronald McDonald House near Central DuPage Hospital. (l to r wearing lovely hair nets): Lion John Emerson, and partner in service Cindy Emerson, Lion Rick Goebel, CouncilChairLionLoriChassee,and Lion Dave Burdelak with his partner in service, Terry Burdelak.
Elmhurst Lions’ Pizza Party, especiallywiththehelpof theclub’s awesome York Community Elmhurst Leos and their Advisor, Lion Rob Hallberg.
On November 14th, the Milton Township Supervisor, (c) presented a Proclamation for 100 Years to the Wheaton Lion Lions Club. Lions MartyKeller(l)andRC Crompton (r) accepted the Proclamation for the Lions Club.
District Governor Lion Jim Worden (c) inducted a new Lion, Richard Clemens, Jr, (l) into the Fox River LionsClub. HissponsorisLionScott Curtis (r).
It’stwoNewMembersintheCrystal Lake Lions Club! (l to r) Lion Brennan Markee, New Lion Tony Lamping, FR Zone Chair Lion John Nienhuis, New Lion Grill MacDonald, Lions Club President Lion Rob Parrish.
This group of 17 SandwichLions & friends volunteered at the Northern Illinois Food Bank warehouse at Geneva in February. During their shift they sorted and bagged 2,625 poundsof onionsfor distribution to food pantries in 13 counties in northern Illinois.
Wheaton Lions are happy to welcome Lion Michelle Clegg, who serves as VP of Advancement at People’s Resource Center in Wheaton, overseeing the fundraising and marketing programs.
Aurora Carillon Lions Club presented a donation to Fox Valley Food for Health. (l to r) Lions Mary Kay Likovich, Vanessa Liveris, Chris May, Exec. Dir. Of Fox Valley Food For Health, Lions Mary Tevogt, & Shirley Zemansky.
This is the logo that Huntley Area Lions Club is printing on T-shirts it is selling to raise funds for a local Police Officer’s 13-yr-old daughter.
She has a rare form of brain cancer that affects her central nervous system.Lionsare buyingthingsthat help distract her during her upcoming hospital stays and recovery. The club also provided Mom & Dad with a ton of gift cards to help cover meals, gas, and parking.
TheDanvilleLionsClubisengaged in in envisioning our future through discussions and activities. Objective(s) of our Lions Club engaging in a “Visioning” exercise were to: bolster our membership; participate in efforts to meet Dr. Patti Hill’s MISSION 1.5 challenge, which would also bolster our membership; determine if as a Club we are truly serving our community’sneeds;determineways to bolster our marketing of our
service to the community. Our members were engaged in Assessment work on November 2, 2023 during a Visioning session. As members of Danville Lions Club, “We Serve”. We seek to embrace that motto as we serve our local community, wherein we live, learn, work, grow, play and retire. We are blessed with International Leadership in past International PresidentandlaterLCIFChairperson Douglas X. Alexander, who encouraged us to render “Service From The Heart”, and current International President Dr. Patti Hill who has challenged us with her theme: “Changingthe WORLD!” Dr. Hillisaskingustochangetheworld with Service, inviting new members to meet the 1.5 Million Challenge. MISSION1.5isthedrivetoreach1.5 million members worldwide so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before. MISSION 1.5 starts with us!
To begin our journey International President Dr. Patti Hill suggests resources to help us in her “Reaching Our Full Potential
Together” email of 8/17/2023 when announcing her MISSION 1.5. She includes: 1) A Community Needs Assessment; 2) SWOT Analysis. The best way to determine our direction as the viable Lions Club that we are, is to engage all members in productive assessments and dialogues to set action(s) in motion. Building on our personal and Club assets, we are fully capable of achieving results that will strengthen us in our service to our Club,ourcommunity,andtheworld.
On the evening of November 2 we hadondisplayPeacePostercontest posters received from students at 3 local schools. That evening our Lionschoseourlocalwinnerandthe following weekend that poster was displayed with others from the District, and our local winner was also chosen as winner at the District level! News of that achievement was submitted to the state magazine and included in the December issue.
A suggestion was made at the Visioning session that perhaps we as Danville Lions could foster “a project a month” in our community.
Given that we already engage in a project 6 months of the year, it seemedwithinreachthatweseekto fill 12 months with meaningful outreaches. To our delight, we immediately had the opportunity in January to embrace Senator Paul Faraci’s Community Food Drive by asking our Lions to bring nonperishables to each of our January meetings to be delivered to the Senator’s office to be distributed to benefitVeteransatCannonPlaceon the grounds of VA Illiana, and to replenish shelves at the Danville Township Food Pantry.
On Valentine’s Day Senator Paul Faraci and his Legislative Assistant Betty Seidel, accompanied by Danville Lion Jeanne Mulvaney, delivered the food gathered for the Cannon Place on the campus of VA Illiana. A picture shows Lion Mulvaney with the non-perishables collected by the Danville Lions Club for Cannon Place.
BradleyClub Lion Greg Lockwood was presented with his 40-year Chervon. Lion Greg has served as Club Treasurer since 2002. SVDG Denise Lowe made the presentation.
The Bradley Lions were one of the many teams to participate in the 1BK Bowling Tournament.
theyheldthedrawingsfromvarious businesses in their community, and often had a second prize item each day as well.very successful $500-aday Raffle
lead of the Lemont Lions and held
The Frankfort Lions give a big THANK YOU to everyone that came
The Crete Lions are following thea this past March. And like Lemont,
out to donate for their Easter holiday meals for those in need. Where there is a need there will always be a Frankfort Lion
Thanks to the donations received, the Frankfort Lions Club were able to bless 20 local families for the upcoming Easter holiday. The Club
gave a big ‘shot out’ on Facebook thanking everyone that donated so they could purchase the meals.
The Frankfort Lions Club had the honor of picking up at Hickory CreekMiddleSchoolfortheSharing is Caring Project. Due to the generous students, families and staff at Hickory Creek Middle School, the Frankfort Lions Club were able to make deliveries to Morningstar Mission and The
Manteno Prince Home!
The Joliet Noon Lions continue with their 60-year service project in honoring students from the 3 area high schools each month. President Phil Martinez is shown with March Student Gabriella Randich from Joliet West. Each student receives a letter of congratulations and a certificate of achievement for being chosen. Rotary and Kiwanis also participate in this program.
Several Lemont Club members received Chevron honors.1st VG Tom Drez had the privilege of making the presentations. For 10 years of service Chevrons: Vydas Juskelis, Gary Henry, and Chris Albrecht.
25-year Chevron Jim Durham, 35year Chevron PDG Ken Novak, 40years Dennis Lewandowski
The Mokena Lions Club Annual Easter Egg “Hunt” was great and even with it being chilly, they had a lot of kiddos out there! Club members worked with the local Junior High School students to prepare 8000 plastic eggs for the event.
The New Lenox Lions held a blood drive. Manythankstothe23people who donated their time and blood to help save lives. The Lions appreciate their support and recognize that they truly are heros
to those who received those lifesaving donations.
Monthly,theHardscrabbleLionsof Streator, the Deacons of Park
Church and various community organizations provide a Free Lunch. Thispartnershipprovidesasitdown and/or carryout meal. The Hardscrabble Lions organize the event, provide public relations support and purchase all of the paper products. The Deacons provide the space to make and serve the meal. Various community groups provide the meal each month. Both the Hardscrabble Lions and the Deacons provide a meal at least one month a year.
partnered with the P.E.O., Philanthropic Education Association, pictured here, and the Deacons of Park Church to serve 122 meals for the month’s ‘Free Lunch’. The Lions are very thankful for all of their community partners. Freelunchisforeveryone. So,ifyou are in Streator on the second Saturday of the month from 11:301:00pm, stop in at Park Place for a tasty meal as well as fellowship.
For March, the Hardscrabble Lions
The Easter Bunny found his way to
the Streator Hardscrabble Lions Club’sEasterEgghunt. AbigThank You for the assist from the staff of the Streator Onized Credit Union
who helped the Hardscrabble Lions host a successful Easter Egg Hunt!
It was a fabulous District 1-BK Lions District bowling event The event Chair was Morris Lion Tom Kinzler.
winning the District 1-BK Traveling Trophy for high series!
The event has been so successful the past two years that there are
plans to take over the entire bowling alley next year.
One of our Mounds Lions Club members Lion Ronnie Diggs is in a Metropolis Nursing home facility.
PDGDerekEurales,2ndViceDistrict Governor of 1CS Retha Eurales and Lion Sarita Sawyer visited him a few weeks ago. Lion Diggs has been a Lion for over 60 years and we congratulated him for his commitment.
The Mounds Lions Club provided Vision Screening for the Mounds Headstart Program. Volunteers pictured L/R Lion Josie Eason, Lion Rochelle Griffin, PDG Steve Griffin, PDG Derek Eurales and 2nd Vice District Governor Retha Eurales.
PDG Derek Eurales, screener PDG Steve Griffin were instrumental during the project at the Mounds Headstart.
L/R Lion Sarita Sawyer, Dawn Lamp, Lynda White, PDG Derek Eurales,
Lion Ronnie White, Maxine Russell, 2nd Vice District Governor Retha Eurales, PDG John Endsley and Delores Brasher attended Walkers Hall in Paducah March 19, 2024 for the distribution of funds raised during the annual Telethon of Stars. Funds raised in Southern were donated to Coleman Tri County Services in Harrisburg, Illinois to their Administrator Dawn Lamp.
L>R Lion Ervin Thomas presents LionRichardLancewithapinfor his 20 years of service to the West Frankfort Lions Club.