Hellloooooooo District 1-A Lions,
Hellow District 1-A Lions, July is in the rear-view mirror, as we enter August. I hope you and your families are enjoying the summer and are getting out and about and had a great 4th of July celebration. It’s wonderful to see that our clubs are starting to have successful events like the Oak Lawn Mini-Golf,
River Groves “Saturday in the Park” and the CFALC “Dance for Change” to name a few. I also am enjoying the summer, right after the Virtual International Convention, I was off to Kauai with some fellow Lions. I’d like to share with you a story about my trip. As we planned this trip we began running into roadblocks regarding a rental vehicle for 6. After much investigation, we realized there were no vehicles available. So, we decided to reach out to Hawaiian Lion, PDG Bob Lee who was kind enough to put us in touch Lion Kelvin from the Kauai Lions. He was most receptive and offered to see what he could do to find us a rental vehicle, but was unable to find us one. All cars were rented, and people were also renting cars from private citizens. The Hawaiian Lions have always
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had a connection to the Illinois Lions because of the late PID Phil Tom & Lion Betty Tom who always kept the lines communication open between the 2 states.
So, our group, a very happy bunch of Lions who were very excited to go to Kauai, decided that’s ok……we will just use Uber. Well, guess what? No Uber on Kauai and a very limited taxi service that was fully booked. Thank goodness, we had transportation to the House we rented in Princeville (north side of the Island) and 1 hour from airport. We were told that there would be cars available on Monday, but it was Friday of the 4th of July weekend. So, we called Lion Kelvin, who was able to get Lion Patrick to come to our house and take us to
the grocery store for supplies, which was about 3-4 miles away. BTW eggs were $5.99 a dozen. He was our grocery angel. We loaded up on food for the weekend. We were all set, food, beverages, pool and a golf course within walking distance. And a view you see on postcards.
We had a great weekend, and we were able to rent 2 Mustang convertibles for a Monday pick-up at the airport. So how do we get there? We again reached out to Lion Kelvin who put us in touch with Lion Jonathan, who lived a few doors away. He took the Guys (Lion Steve, Lion Dennis & Lion Frank) to the airport. They were able to get the cars and off we went. I should
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also mention that PDG Joni & RC Robin sat in the back seat of these convertibles and deserve special consideration.
We then met another nabor (Dave) who along with Lion Jonathan who kept tabs on us to make sure we were doing ok. How can you not do OK in Kauai? So why am I writing about this? Because we talk about “How kindness matters” and “Where there’s a need there’s a Lion” The
Hawaiian Lions practice these two mottos as part of everyday living. It is just normal operating procedure for them. I learned a lot from them on this trip and I hope I can play it forward. How about you? Can you play an act of kindness forward? Mahalo,
GG P.S. 260 days until the District Convention
“Taking care of Business in District 1-A”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Send your club news, pictures to your editor: Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG at govaustin@gmail.com 3 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
From your Global Action Team Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly Membership Membership Chairpersons now is the time to make your plans for growth. Have your members invite friends to help with your summer events. There is no better way to explain the benefits of being a Lion than to have them work right by your side and have them feel what we feel. The International Board seeing the toll this pandemic had on our clubs, extended waiver of the entrance and charter fee through Dec. 30, 2021, act now. With the present growth rate, it might end this time, take advantage of it. Global Membership Approach We have a membership and rebuilding workshop planned for the week of August 16th. As soon as we confirm the date, the notice will go out immediately. I’m shooting for the 17th, membership team chairs or any Lion wanting to help strengthen your clubs please make time for this program.
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Governors Goals for 2021-2022
A much better start for the year, let’s work together and keep the momentum going. New Club Development The West Loop is the first area will. attempt to get this club chartered, ASAP. Please let us know if you have an area you believe would make a good club. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support Plan on attending our Membership & Rebuilding Workshop in August If your club is struggling and could use some help, don’t hesitate to reach out to our GMA team, we’re here for you.
Global Retention Team Coordinator News By Retention Co-Chairperson Richard Castillo and Co-Chairperson Tony Zartler Retention: The Retention team would like all clubs to stay in touch with all club members, it is a great way to engage members and make them feel welcome and a part of the club. 5 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey
District Training Scheduled (August – September) Listed below are the current classes scheduled at the time of compiling the District Governor’s Newsletter. Please look at the District 1-A Website calendar beginning July 1, 2021 for the most up to date information on training classes. New ones can be added at any time and we will stive to keep it up to date as we make changes. New Member Orientation Training The August New Member Orientation Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 7:00pm Sign Up Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcOyrqjwpGNPsS5xX9qMp R_WJGsIi9d7U While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held. Our September New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 6:30pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdumprTgiHtOkHIXTAZj2BDe B3X4NgwT1
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Public Speaking Skills Development • On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills ▪ Further Development of Speech Content ▪ Delivering the Speech ▪ Practicing Different Types of Speeches o Tentatively Scheduled for 08/26/21 and 09/30/2021, both starting at 6:30pm o The Link for the 08/26/21 class is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ofuyrqTIrHtB gvP0YmH3xBx5qEX4HCQEs o The Link for the 09/30/21 class is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErcOytqDoqH9CII 7sCYE1qZvnHY3WXqBKE New Officer Training • New Officer Training for the coming year will be available for New Club Officers in 2021 – 2022 Lion year. All training will be held virtually, and the dates and times are listed below: Treasurer Training
Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Certified Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at thomas.elsey@gmail.com. Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if your certification will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. A training session will be scheduled this fall for a Certified Guiding Lion Class. 7 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Joni McMillan Hello District 1-A Lions! Our first District service project of the new year is underway. I have already received some school supplies for the Bound School in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood. PCC Dennis and I will deliver those supplies before the beginning of their school year so those students can get off to a great start!
Please let me know when your first Region Meeting will be so I can personally introduce myself and talk about Service Projects for your region or individual clubs, as well as having every club report their Service Activities on MyLion. PDG Joni McMillan District 1-A GST Chairperson GovJoniMac@gmail.com
8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Hello District 1-A Lions, I am happy to announce the District Directory is now available on line on the District website - lions1a-us.org. Here is the link to access the District Directory https://issuu.com/austinprabhu/docs/1a_directory The goal was to have this ready by our first cabinet meeting 7-31-21. By moving to a totally electronic format we will receive the following benefits: $1000 cost savings to the District.
Timely updates to the directory which was not available for the printed version. ·
Adds/Changes to the directory can be sent to the following email address: LionsClubDistrict1A@gmail.com
o Please note information for this directory was received from LCI. If it is
incorrect, I suggest that the club secretaries review their club information and make the necessary corrections in LCI. You will have the ability to print the entire book or portions of the book to accommodate your needs. ·
I realize there will be a learning curve getting comfortable with the electronic version. We are always here if you have questions. As we prepared for the Electronic District directory, we felt it was time for a bit of a refresh to our District website. Remember, our district website is like a filing cabinet. You should be able to locate specific documents you may 9 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
need. If you can’t locate them, please reach out to CS Dawn Grogan for assistance. When you access the website, please note the 4 buttons on the bottom of the page. Click on these buttons to access. District Directory Let’s Make a Difference District/State Dues Payments – Credit card form RC/ZC Reporting – Club Visit Reports & Monthly RC/ZC reporting
· · · ·
In addition, when you access the Event Flier & Forms tab there is a calendar which can be updated for all activities. Please send your flier to CS Dawn Grogan to send to the District and post on the website calendar. District dues statements have been emailed to the clubs. As we move through the Lions year, stay tuned for more updates and changes. We welcome any ideas you may have to make our District more efficient regarding technology and timely communications to all our members. Thank you for all that you do!
GG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Obituaries: MD1: William ‘Bill’ McKinney, PID District 1A: LEE GILBERT and SELWYN WEISS 10 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
2nd Vice District Governor News By 2nd VDG Thomas Elsey
I would like to extend my welcome as we journey through a new lions’ year. I am looking forward to working with Lion Governor Gail Anton,1 st VDG Tony Zartler and the entire District 1-A cabinet. It sure is nice to be able to get back to some semblance of order after the lifting of many Covid19 restrictions. I enjoyed attending two Charter Nights in early July. The first was on Friday July 9, 2021 for the Chicago Global Lions Club and the second was on Saturday, July 10, for the Willow Springs Lioness Lions Club. I have been invited to install a new member at the Chicago Philippine Lions club on July 28, 2021, Chicago Mabuhay Centennial Installation Celebration on August USA CANADA Lions Leadership Forum
Wont you consider joining other Lions from district 1-A, the State of Illinois, , other US states in the United States and the Provinces of Canada for some learning opportunities, fellowship, fun and camaraderie in Des Moines, IA. The USA CANADA FORUM is scheduled for September 9-11, 2021 in Des Moines , IA at the Iowa Convention Center, 730 3RD St, Des Moines, IA 50309 Mission of the Forum: • TO DEVELOP LEADERS, MOTIVATE AND EDUCATE ATTENDEES, PROVIDE AN OPEN EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, AND SUPPORT PROGRAMS AND GOALS OF LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL.
The link for registering is: http://members.lionsforum.org/ 11 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
My Goals
I have three goals this year first is to observe and learn as much as I can from Governor Gail, 1st Vice District Governor Tony and the PDG’s in District 1-A. The second goal is to get to know more of our clubs in the district. Please reach out to me if you would need any assistance with member inductions, attendance at club or region meetings, etc. My third goal as the District GLT Coordinator is to provide meaningful training opportunities for District 1-A. Please keep an eye out for training opportunities for leadership development, new member orientations and personal development. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Yours in Lionism -2nd VDG Tom Elsey
-----------------------------------------------------------------------District 1A welcomes New Members in the month of July 2021: New Members in CHICAGO FILIPINO AMERICAN: 1 DANNY MILVAR New Members in CHICAGO MAHARLIKA: 2 ANA LORENA LOREN and HONESTO LOREN New Members in CHICAGO UPTOWN: 1 WILLIAM JOHNSON New Members in STICKNEY FOREST VIEW: 1 SONIA REPPE New Members in WORTH: 4 WILLIAM E NILLES, FRANCIS O PAVICH, BRAD S. URBAN and ED W URBAN JR 12 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
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Our District 1A Governor Gail Anton with Lions International President Alexander
Governor’s Visit to the Chicago Lighthouse.
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At Worth Lions Picnic ----------------------------------
At Kauai on Vacation
At the First Cabinet Meeting with her Convention Hero King Elvis 15 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
PDG Howard was one week early for the Cabinet meeting got a reminder from the Governor.
Lion Sandy Nedza receiving MJF pin from District 1A
Plastic bag blanket by Stickney Forest View Lions
PDG John Coleman on Lighthouse Newsletter
54 New members were inducted by Intl. II Vice President Brian Sheehan to Chicago Global Lions Club. 16 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Willowsprings Lioness Lions Club President receiving International President’s Appreciation Award from International II Vice President Brian Shean
At Chicago Global Lions Charter Nite Brian & Lori Sheehan
Chicago Global Lions President receiving International President’s Appreciation Award.
Dignitaries at the Chicago Global Lions Club Charter Nite. 17 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
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