MD1 State of Illinois Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of August 2021

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MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 9 - Issue 2, August 2021

The Wheaton Lions Club sponsored a single flag at the Field of Honor sponsored by the Warrenville VFW Post #8081 and the American Legion Post #589 at Seven Gables Park in Wheaton. 1 The Illinois Lion & Leo

MD1 Concil Chair Speaks: will be leading the “Illinois Road Show” to bring information to our clubs.





responsibility that ID Bob has taken on and we all need to support his efforts. More information on this initiative will be coming from ID Bob, your Lions Clubs International Foundation




Governors. The first Council of Governors

I have to say how fortunate I feel to

meeting was held on the 17th of

be the Council Chair of this group of

July and the Governors did a great


job handling the business of the

hardworking, and most importantly,


fun to work with. You lions have

One of the items was the

appointment of

a new Global


They are enthusiastic,





Service Team Chair, Past District

represent your districts and I really

Governor Kathy Dieker. PDG Kathy

feel this will be a successful year.

was a member of my Council so I

Last year was difficult but having

know she will do an exceptional job

seen these Governors in action, I can

as chair of this committee. We had

say with confidence, “We’re Back”-

the added pleasure of having Past International President Joe Preston

John Barsanti

and International Director Bob Block

MD-1 Council Chair

speak to use about Campaign 100.

International Director Bob will be heading up the effort in Illinois and


2 The Illinois Lion & Leo


Recently District 1-CS completed its annual club officer training. It was well attended, and the information was well received. But the attendance and reception does not matter to this month’s topic. Upon returning home I opened my emails and found a message from an attendee of the training. The sender asked, “Lion Larry, what is leadership?” A good question. It is a topic many people have written about. It is a topic in which many governmental agencies and companies have held seminars. It is

something philosophers questioned. It is something to be strived for. If you Google the word leadership you get an overwhelming response and as many varied answers. Some say it is a person leading other people. Another alleges it is a person motivating others to reach a goal. Another lists eight qualities that make a leader (enthusiasm, integrity, communicator, loyalty, decisiveness, competence, empowerment, and charisma). All nice attempts but they do not truly show leadership. Well, just what is leadership. I answered her question as best as I could. I wrote, “In the English language there are concretes and abstracts. Concretes are things you can see, a tree, a person, a house, a book, and the list goes on. Abstracts are things that exist, but you cannot see, sweet, sour, pain, and so forth.”

3 The Illinois Lion & Leo

“You can see a leader; but you

cannot see leadership. Leadership can only be seen through the actions or inactions of a leader.” (See Google’s responses, above.) I went on to ask the sender, “What if a spaceship landed and an alien asked you to show leadership?” How would you answer that question? Would you fall prey to the old cartoons of an alien being shown our nation’s capitol? Here, again, you are pointing to leaders, not leadership. But what comes from those capitol buildings is leadership (whether you like it or not).

regional programs such as the upcoming Regional Lions Leadership Institution. There is the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. There are online courses and degree programs. There is governor and vice governor elect training. Some of these are online and free. Some require your attendance. So, what is leadership. It is something many claim to have and can only be shown through actions and motivations. I have alleged leadership is expectations from both ends. That is the leader expects you to follow while the followers expect you to lead.

Lions offer many programs to What do you think leadership help you develop into a good should be? leader. There are local programs such as new officer training and PDG Larry McGuire zone chair training. There are ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Helping Hands Through LCIF We are on the final stretch of virtually doubling the amount of service the Foundation does around the world. With the challenges of the pandemic, we had to extend the campaign to four years, but with all of us pulling together we can reach that fantastic goal.

We Are on The Road for Campaign 100. “On the road again”. There are not many people who won’t hear Willy when they see those words. The truth is it is a bit of slogan for your Lions Clubs International Foundation chairs as they enter this fourth and certainly hopefully final year of the Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service. Your LCIF chairs are ready to get out and meet with the clubs and encourage 100% participation in the clubs. One member donating can make that happen. That one member is you, and then encourage all the rest in your club.

` It is a tough battle as we face worldwide hunger, water shortage, vision and hearing impairment, diabetes, and childhood cancer. Working as a unit, we can allieve so many problems. 100%! That means me. That means you. Please help. Simply get in touch with You can also TEXT LCIF 243-725. Or contacting your district Chairperson: 1-A: Lion PDG Joan McMillan, R: (708) 389-590, C: (708) 539-3297 1-BK: Lion PDG Sue Wolf (815) 474-5474

5 The Illinois Lion & Leo

1-CN: Lion PDG Ann Ragsdale (618) 719-5177

1-J: Lion Ed Carter, PDG, C: 630-330-1341

1-CS: Lion Ruben Owen, PDG, C: (618) 317-5106

1-M: Lion Kevin Mendenhall, PDG, R: (618) 553-1776 kmendy1@yahoo,com

1-D: Lion PCC Pamela Graney 1-F: Lion PDG Molly Penny (847) 707-8646

MD1 Lion ID Robert Block Multiple District Chairman (219)671-0287

1-G: Lion Jerry Eiffert, C: (217) 854-7909

MD1 Lion PDG William Jordan Co-MDC (847) 436-6850

1-H: Lion Al Henning, C: (309) MD 1 Lion PDG Ann Ragsdale 333-5274 (see above) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William A. “Bill” McKinney, 73, of Highland, IL, passed away on Friday, July 9, 2021, at Anderson Hospital, Maryville, IL. He was born in Mattoon, IL on February 15, 1948. Bill attended St. Jacob United Church of Christ in St. Jacob, IL. He was Past International Director of Lions Clubs International 2013-15, Past District Governor and Council Chair 2004-05. Bill served as president of Lions of Illinois 6 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Foundation 2010-11. Bill was a member of the Marine Lions Club, and an associate member of the St. Jacob Lions Club. He was instrumental in the formation of Regional Eye Care Committee serving clients in Southern Illinois. He loved farming and was a member of the Farmers Livestock Market Association and National Stock Yards since 1970. Bill always enjoyed a good auction, whether it was livestock or for his passion of collecting model tractors with his son Bryan. He loved traveling and meeting Lions members from every corner of the world with his life partner Lydia. Most of all he enjoyed his family and the times he spent with them.

Collinsville, IL; his five grandchildren, Faith E. and Megan A. Houberg, Aubrey, Addison and Bryson McKinney; his brother Whitney N. (Janet) McKinney of Neoga, IL.; and many friends Memorials may be made to Lions of Illinois Foundation, Endowment Fund, 700 N Peace Rd, Suite B, DeKalb, IL 60115. Online expressions of sympathy may be made at

Visitation wase held 1 to 4 pm on Sunday, July 25, 2021, at St. Jacob Activity Center, 108 N. Douglas Street, St. Jacob, IL.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert William, and Mary Ruth (nee Cooter) McKinney.

A celebration of life service was held at 2 pm of Sunday, July 25, 2021, at ST. Jacob Activity Center, with the Rev. Gary Kniepkamp officiating. Interment too place at Neoga Cemetery, Neoga, IL.

He is survived by his life partner, Lydia Ellis of Highland, IL; his children, Bryan R. (Tera nee Maedge) McKinney of Marine, IL and Tiffany E. (Tyler) Houberg of

May his soul Rest in Peace and may God Almighty grant enough strength to his loved ones to bear this loss. ------------------------------------------

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Past International Director Russ Sarver recently presented Past District Governor Gordon Grande with an International President’s Certificate of Appreciation for Lion Gordon’s 55 years of service in Lionism.

Durand Lions 2021-22 Officers were installed June 23rd by District Governor-Elect Tami Verstraete from the Rockton Lions Club --------------------------------------The Spirit of Lionism Award was awarded to two Durand High School

Seniors who tied for the award this year. They are Ellie Rothermel and Kendra Dollak. A certificate and a check was awarded to each of the girls. ---------------------------------------

Melvin Jones Fellow Award given to Lion Wally Dyer from Carlinville Lions Club Leader Dog Award given to Lion Fr.

13 The Illinois Lion & Leo

John Henry

Foundation Fellow Award given to Lion Becky Lowrance

Crlinville Lions Queen candidates are all working hard selling tickets (raising funds for Lions). Be sure to add your support! Crlinville Lions Club Officers for the 2021-22 year were inducted

during the June 8 meeting at Nick's Pizza. Note that there are open positions for Lion Tamer and Membership Chair. Back Row L to R: Ed Kallbrier, Steve McLean, Mark Harris, Larry Clark, Fr. John Henry, Jerry Eiffert. Front Row L to R: Nate Rush, Harry Pollitt, Wally Dyer, Becky Lowrance, John Lapp. ---------------------------------------

Kirkland Lions Club Officer Installation! Great dinner and a lot of laughs!!Thank you for trusting me to Lead this AMAZING District 1-D into this next year! We will have challenges coming out of the pandemic, but I know we will come back better and stronger! Believe in Lions, DG Tami ---------------------------------------

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Oregon Lions Father’s Day Car Show Despite threatening weather, the Oregon Lions Annual Car Show went off as planned. Many beautifully renovated vehicles were viewed by a good crowd who also came to enjoy the breakfast and lunch catered by the Oregon Lions. Many trophies were handed out at the end of the day and the fifty-fifty winners name was drawn. Amanda Clark from Byron was the lucky recipient of over 200 dollars. A member from the National Street Rod Association surprised the Lions present by presenting members with a Safety Award from their organization in thanks for their efforts organizing the Lions Car

Show for so many years

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Presentation of Award to Lions from NSRA (National Street Rod Association) From Left to rightNSRA Member, Lions Grant Afflerbaugh, Doug Aken, Mike Hoff, Duane Moser, Sandy Arneson and Rob Arneson.

Car Show Fifty-Fifty winner Amanda Clarke Ken Zink and Car Show MC Pat Thomas Oregon Lions Draw Meat Raffle Winners: Oregon Lions District 1D Governor Ronald Fruit drew the Meat Raffle Winners at the Oregon Lions General Meeting on June 24th. There were a total of 85

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winners. Prizes included: Five $50 gift certificates, 20 turkeys, 20 hams, 20 packs of rib-eye steaks and 20 packs of pork chops. Photo: From left to right – Oregon Lions Janet Champley, Tom Champley, Dave Stenger and District 1D Governor Ronald Fruit Polo Lions: The construction on the Polo Pool concession stand and bathroom building started on Monday June 28th. The first three photos are from Monday the June 28th of the digging and pouring of cement. The last two photos are from Thursday July 1st. They are the mortaring and laying of the cement cinder blocks.

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winner of a 1/4 beef with a freezer was Matt Wileman (not present). The other photos show members and volunteers to ride or walk in the Town & Country Days Parade on Jube 20th. ---------------------------------------

The Polo Lions Club meat raffle drawing was done on June 20th at 2:00 pm in the Town & Country Days entertainment tent. There were 5 winners. The 5th place winner received a $100 gift certificate to The Polo Fresh Food Market grocery store. The winner was Don Nelson. Marilyn Nelson (pictured with 1st VP Winton Bocker) accepted the certificate for Don. The 4th place winner of a 1/2 hog was Kevin Rundall (not present). The 3rd place winner of a 1/2 a hog was Osby & Brenda Harvey (not present). The 2nd place winner of a ¼ beef with freezer was Steven Scully ( not present). The 1st place

SST Mary Pemberton was inducted by PIP Joe Preston. She is now a Lion.

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The Sycamore Lions held their Annual Family Golf Outing and Picnic on June 13. It was a great way to wrap up the club’s Lion Year! ---------------------------------------

Westmont Lions Shanu Ansari and John Karesh welcome DG-Elect Lion Lori Chassee (c) to the club’s Installation Ceremony. --------------------------------------Elmhurst Lions called out “Come & get your hot dogs!” And they got rid of every one of them! That’s how Lions serve!


Westmont Lions at Lions Clubs International Headquarters to assist with the Flag Ceremony for the Virtual Lions Clubs International Convention. --------------------------------------The Wheaton Lions Club sponsored a single flag at the Field of Honor sponsored by the Warrenville VFW Post #8081 and the American Legion Post #589 at Seven Gables Park in Wheaton. Lion Marty Keller, President of Wheaton Lions Club and Lion Sarah Starke

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Governor’s Cabinet shirt! Here he is helping Darien Lions clean up after the tornado at Bruce Lake area of Downers Grove. --------------------------------------------------------------------

(Cover Photo of this issue) helped to install the Field of Honor Flag that Wheaton Lions dedicated to “All Who Have Served.”

Sandwich Lion participated in the community’s Freedom Days Parade. --------------------------------------On July 10th, Darien Lions held a “Stuff-A-Truck” event. Two trailers were filled with food, clothing, etc. for tornado victims. A total of more than $5,000 was collected at the same time. The Darien Lions would like to thank the residents, and the One last good use for District

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attending U of I at Urbana/Champaign, majoring in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. --------------------------------------Lemont and Ghana Lions for their donations. Good Work, Lions!! ---------------------------------------

Maple Park Lions sponsored a Drive-Thru Pork Chop/Chicken Dinner fundraiser. --------------------------------------Callie Walsh of Lisle Sr. High School is Lisle Lions Club Educational Foundation’s winner. She will be

Aurora Carillon Lions Club members pose at the Veterans Memorial Island Park, in Aurora, on May 11th, to honor the veterans who served our country. The group placed a wreath at the memorial for them. The Aurora Carillon Lions Club was founded with 22 members in December 2020.

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Dundee Township Lion Mike Buhrmann (with yellow vest) and grandson Bobby presented a $500 donation from the Dundee Township Lions Club to the school, Child Voice. Child’s Voice is a school for severely hearing- impaired students. Lion Mike’s Grandson, Bobby Luebke, was a "graduate" of Childs Voice. The school works with very young children with cochlear implants and hearing aids. Their goal is to get the children "main streamed" into their own neighborhood schools. Bobby will now be an 8th grader at Dundee Middle School. --------------------------------------Darien Lion Kathie Hiatt said: “One of the best parts of being a Darien Lion is getting to work with some amazing fellow Lions - like this guy

- Lion Jim Jankowski! He kicked off a spur of the moment plan to get food, cook it, and deliver it to local victims of the tornado. We saw and spoke to folks who still didn't have power and some who couldn’t even get into their homes because of debris. There were also utility workers who were exhausted from so many hours of trying to restore services and police who were working to keep order and protect damaged properties. Everyone we spoke to was appreciative and grateful for a simple meal and a beverage; it was humbling, and an honor to make their day a little bit

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better. Thank you, Lion Jim, for leading the way.” ---------------------------------------

Naperville Noon Lions Clubs’ Officers for Lion Year 2021-2022 (left to right are Lions Linda Strugalla, 1st VP, Jane Bowers, Secretary, Bob Hull, President, and Donna Kearney, Immediate Past President. ---------------------------------------

Geneva Lions at Swedish Days. It’s a great money-maker for the club. This year, the Lions concession stand featured a Box Lunch Special

to be picked up or delivered at a specific time. ---------------------------------------

Algonquin Lions Club made a $1,000 donation to the Home of the Sparrow.

(l to r) Algonquin Lion Chris Moore, Sponsor, new Lion Herb Peter, and Lion Bill Moore, who inducted the new Lion.

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Barsanti to District 1J Governor Lion Lori Chassee! ---------------------------------------

Crystal Lake Lion Rob Parrish receives the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award from Club President Lion Bill Davies. ---------------------------------------

The Gavel is passed from Past District 1J Governor Lion John

Algonquin Lions and five Scouts from Troop 155 collected almost 25 bags of garbage along the roadways and easements that the community travels. ---------------------------------------

Just one of the $2,500 Ted Spella Education Awards made by the Algonquin Lions Club. The 1st one went to Aaron Kirk and the 2nd one to Jacob Signorini.

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District Governor-Elect Lion Lori Chassee presents President Lion Susan Koepke of the Aurora Carillon Lions Club with an award for bring the Aurora Carillon Lions Club into existence. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Waiting for donors to come to the 2nd Roselle Lions’ Blood Bank are: (l to r) Lions Bob Jilke, Maryann Grygiel, Sandy Tortorici, Jenny Mitropoulos, and Rich Leabru.

(Carterville, IL - July 10, 2021) "What will be your legacy as your club’s officer?" was the theme for District 1-CS' annual club officer seminar. Twenty incoming officers attended the seminar held July 10, 2021 at the Carterville Lions Club. Additionally, there were the three lecturers, District Governor Barbara Johnson, Leadership Chairperson Larry McGuire, and three guests. Mounds Lion Club President Retha Eurales spoke on the duties and expectations of a club president and


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an open discussion of “What makes your club work?” and “What is your club’s community project?” This open discussion was very well received by the attendees, many questions were asked with many ideas exchanged resulting with clubs wanting to try new ideas. their legacy. Sparta Lions Club Secretary Ruben Owen addressed the duties of a club secretary and the importance of reporting to Lions Clubs International. De Soto Lions Club Treasurer Roger Pfister not only addressed the duties of a club treasurer but also stressed the importance of financial transparency.

The duties segment was followed by

Those officers in attendance were Steeleville Lions Efrain "Andy" Murillo, Emilie Roehrkasse, and Edgar Haertling. Red Bud Lions Gregory Robert, Mark Vogt, and Larry Mehring. Carterville Lions Wayne Morris, Harriet Mize, and Heather Abell Castlebery. Mounds Lion Florence Heady. Eldorado Lions Steve Griffin, Randall Rash, and Van Quick. De Soto Lion Lola Jones. Johnston City Lions Phillip Crosby and Helen Ferguson. Metropolis Lion Mark Benson, Herrin - Energy Lion Zackary Frost. Guests were Mounds Lion Derek Eurales, Steeleville Lion Waymon "Moe"

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Johnson, and Johnston City Lion Randy Ferguson. ---------------------------------------

At Worth Lions Picnic ---------------------------------------

Chicago Indo-US Lions served over 600 elderly and kids and family with free lunch and dinner and some out door activities and gave away food to all. ----------------------------

At Kauai on Vacation

Governor Gail and Secretary Dawn in Elvis glasses at Cabinet Meeting 28 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Plastic bag blanket by Stickney Forest View Lions

At the First Cabinet Meeting with her Convention Hero King Elvis

PDG Howard was one week early for the Cabinet meeting got a reminder from the Governor.

PDG John Coleman on Lighthouse Newsletter

Lion Sandy Nedza receiving MJF pin from District 1A

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At Chicago Global Lions Charter Nite Brian & Lori Sheehan

54 New members were inducted by Intl. II Vice President Brian Sheehan to Chicago Global Lions Club.

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Willowsprings Lioness Lions Club President receiving International President’s Appreciation Award from International II Vice President Brian Shean

(front row, L to R), Christian Garica, Lily Soufferant, Charles Smith, Alexandria Hofman, Austin Hofman and Tyler Gralewski. Our best wishes for all of your bright futures!!

Chicago Global Lions President receiving International President’s Appreciation Award. The Crete Lions Club gave away 600 Sno-Cones at the Crete Park District's Park-a-Palooza event on June 5, 2021. ---------------------------------------

Lion Sandi Smigel was named Crete Lion of the Year for 2020-21. Pictured are (left to right) Club President Mike Hakenjos, Bill Smigel, Sandi Smigel and Dylan Smigel.

A total of five scholarships were awarded from the Crete Lions Club and one from the Crete Lions Recycling Center. Congratulations to their worthy scholarship winners 31 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Crete President Lion Mike Hakenjos awarded Barb and Bill Innes the President’s Appreciation Awards. ---------------------------------------

The Frankfort Lions were a Hole Sponsor at the Frankfort Chamber Golf Outing. Surprise, surprise, PDG Sue won a lantern with lottery tickets and a candle. Pictured are Lion Louise Partee, Frankfort’s Mayor Lion Keith Ogle and his wife Lion Kim, and PDG Sue Wolf. Lions

Keith and Kim are new members of the Frankfort club. ----------------------------District Governor Shelia Perkins made her club visit to Joliet Noon

on their Awards and Installation Night. DG Shelia administered the oath of office. Special recognition was given to Lion Mark and Celeste Turk for the fundraising that took place for the past year. President Phil Martinez made the presentation. --------------------------------------A pallet of glasses was recently

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Members of the Joliet Noon Lions Club get ready for 50/50 raffle down

donated to the Joliet Noon Lions. There were 12 cases on the pallet and each case contained 120 – 140 glasses. The glasses were in individual sleeves and the sleeves were in mailing boxes making a lot of extra work to get to the glasses. It took 5 evenings to get thru the 12 cases. The final result was 1620 glasses: 1226 plastic frame, 354 wire frame, and 40 sunglasses. Since the mailing boxes were covered with packing tape, they were tossed in the trash. The inner cardboard sleeves (all 1620 of them) were recycled. ---------------------------------------

at Du Page Medical Field, home of the Slammers Baseball team, on Friday, July 16th. The winner of the 50/50 went home with $1000.00. ---------------------------------------

District Lions gathered at the Mokena Lions annual Firecraker Dance event this past July. PDG Charlie Siefert, PDG Ken Novak, Anne and PCC Joe Vinyard, PDG Sue Wolf, and new Frankfort Lions Kim and Keith Ogle. --------------------------------------Morris Lions Steve Clark, PDG Lori

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Linn, 1st VG Irene Leopold and Lion E. Terry Egeland work the ticket

The Morris Lions Club treated the residents of Morris by hosting a free swim day at the Morris city pool as a way to say ‘Thank You’ to the support the city of Morris has shown the Lions. 247 individuals took advantage of the Morris Club’s generosity.

table at a recent area car show. The Morris Lions Annual Car Raffle this year features a 1966 Chevy Chevelle SS. ---------------------------------------

1st VG Irene’s grandkids Gracie, Garret, & Connor took advantage of the free swim day. ---------------------------------------

The Streator Hardscrabble Lions did not quite beat the rain, but the flags 34 The Illinois Lion & Leo

did get posted for the Fourth of July. Family and friends joined club members to get the flags up on the major roads downtown. Lions serve no matter the weather!

and Eye Care Committee Chair Lion John Gaston, 2nd VP Lion Roy Kodavalil, Director Lion Sandy Phillips, Past President Lion Tabitha Meador, President Lion Shelli McIntosh, Director and Program Chair Lion Nancy Wesling, Director Lion Kay Pugh, Secretary Lion Rex Barbee-District Governor 1CN, 3rd VP Lion Sean Reynolds, Membership Chair Lion Bruce Kropp. Missing from the photo 1st Vice President Lion Leon Chapman. ---------------------------------------


Salem Lions Club 1-CN, Salem, Illinois tleoJSpulyoant r25 seatSd 1otcn:a05rse dPlSMsSu · The Salem Lions Club 1-CN recently installed officers for the 2021-2022 year.

Lion Ralph Fischer received a Lion of Illinois Foundation Fellow award at the recent Foundation Meeting.

Newly elected officers are: left to right - Director Lion Max Dye, Director Lion Don Jones, Treasurer 35 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Illinois ID Bob Block and PID’s Russ Sarver, Bud Wahl and Dan O’Rielly with Past International President Joe Preston.

Newly Eected Governors for the Year 2021-2022 were installed during first council of governors’ meeting at Hotel Hilton, East Peoria on July 17, 2021, by Past International President Joe Preston. 36 The Illinois Lion & Leo

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