District 1A Governor's Newsletter. Lions & Leo's Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of August 2023.

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Last month Barb and I attended the 105th International Convention in Boston. What a wonderful convention with many training sessions that provided valuable information on new and on-going initiatives from International. We thoroughly enjoyed joining with other lions from our district and the MD-1 Lions of the 2023-2024 Council. Nine out of ten MD-1 governors were able to attend the International Convention.

District Governor News

August 2023

1 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Mission 1.5

Mission 1.5 is the drive to reach 1.5 million members world-wide, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before. We have committed the next four years to reaching this historic Lions Clubs membership goal.

President Hill’s programs and initiatives will focus on four key priorities for Lions International that are critical to our mission of service.

1. Creating a greener, cleaner environment

2. Sharing our stories with the world

3. Reaching our full potential as Lions and leaders

4. Supporting our global foundation, LCIF

Changing the World

Changing the world is a journey. There is no middle and no end. There is only a beginning—and it starts with us. It happens through the manysmallchoices andactsof kindness we make every day. Together, the sum of our efforts makes the world a better place, one life, one relationship and one community at a time.

President Hill’s programs and initiatives will focus on four key priorities for Lions International that are critical to our mission of service.

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Tom & Barb right after Ribbon Pulling Ceremony


- Create a greener, cleaner


Protecting and improving our environment is a fantastic way to engage with our communities. By helping to protect and restore our natural resources, we can change the world. Let’s act boldly and let us act now.

club is inclusive and welcoming to all.

4 - Empower even greater good Our foundation empowers us to do so much more than we can do alone. LCIF enables us to think big and undertake projects that can truly change the world. So, support LCIF, and let LCIF support you.

2 - Share your story with the world

Developing great marketing skills can help you tell the world who you are and what you do. Social media and local media, and online and offlinemarketinggiveyounewways to tell your stories. Shine a light on your club and invite your community to be a part of the change as Lions and Leos.

BE THE CHANGE…….Believe in Yourself

To change the world, we first must believechangeis possible.

Here are some key steps that can help you face the challenges ahead.


3 - Reach your service potential

People want to be a part of something that matters. So set service goals that push your capacity and create opportunities for even more impact with new members. Find ways to ensure your

In the causes you tackle and in the work that you do, don’t shy away from something that may seem too difficult. You’re up to the task and otherLions are here tosupport you. So, take that bold first step.

Invest in thefuture.

Weall havea reasontoinvestinthe future, and young people may be uniquely positioned to help us createchange.Wearebetterableto

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deal with the issues facing our communities when they are at the table with us. Let’s invite the next generation of global leaders to serve with us as Lions. Collaborate.

We do our best work as a team. Work with community leaders, other service organizations, and each other to address the biggest problems facing your communities. Collaboration makes change happen faster. Leadthe way.

LionsandLeosleadbyexample.We show the world what is possible when people care about their communities and when kindness is the goal. Lead the way, and others will join you.

District Goals Recognition Program

AspartoftheBuildAVisionSession in February, 1 important request of the participants was the need to consider implementing a recognition program within our district. As of now, I am appointing

acommitteetobegintheprocessof how that can happen. It will include what types of achievements to consider for these awards, This will include such areas as individual and club, membership, service, and leadership, and monthly, quarterly, yearly,etc. This isinadditionofthe Club Excellence Award (19 awarded in2021-2022,GailAnton’syear)and hopefully more in (2022-2023, Tony Zartler year). It is a great program, and we need to continue encouraging program involvement by our clubs.


As I am writing this newsletter article, our District is at +73 for the year. Attemptingtodeterminewhat will occur during the year is a bit of educated guesses talking with the membershipteamandpartiallyabit of a gamble.

Idecidedtobea bitaggressivewith my numbers, partially due to the great lions in our district.

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180 + 60 - 120 = 120 FY New Members FY Charter Members FY Retention Goal (Drops) Net Growth Goal

The last few years the districtadded 60-70netnewmembers,somygoal is approximately twice those numbers. While the number is doubled for net growth, I believe that we can increase the number of new clubs and work to start making a dent in the number of drops we have as a district. I know we can accomplish this goal with all of us working together.

Ifwelookatthisinanotherfilter,the club level, we will need approximately 3 new members per club,reducethenumberofdropsby 2 members, resulting in a net change in club members of +2.

As the newsletter is being written our district is a +16 including 74 new members and 58 dropped members.

Wehaveaddedanadditionalclubin our district, the Chicago Health Alliance. This club was formed by some newer members of the Chicago Nurses for Diabetes wanting to expand the service performed beyond predominately diabetes-related service projects. The original club, Chicago Nurses

for Diabetes had approximately 43 members. I am happy to announce that Chicago Nurses for Diabetes and Chicago Healthcare Alliance, both have 36 members. Let’s continue this momentum in our great district.


At the time of this writing, our district has dropped 239 last year. The goal for next year is to attempt to limit drops to 120 lions. By working to decrease the average number of drops we have experienced, we would be increasing the number of lions being able to serve our communities and causes. Utilizing the 5-Year Trend Report Graph below, you can see how membership has changed over the last 5 years in our district as of June 2022, the latest report from International.

Let’s see what District 1-A can accomplish for the coming year.

New Clubs

Over the last five years, our district has averaged two new clubs per yearandlostanaverageofoneclub

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5-Year Trend Report

A goal of three clubs is possible.

GMA for Clubs

Ready to move your club in a dynamic new direction using the Global Membership Approach? Thenstartplanningforyoursuccess with the Global Membership Approach.Thisprocesscanhelpyou attract new members, overcome challenges, and develop new goals and strategies.

The process is built on four steps designed to not only to grow your club, but also to inspire new ideas, engage your members and improve retention and empower current and potential club leaders. You can start by taking the Global Membership

Approach Course as well as the SWOT Analysis Course available in Lions Learning Center.

More information will be available soon!


This year’s goal is to increase the numberofclubsreportingservicein MyLion or the new software once available to 75% of our clubs. Two reasonsthisissoimportanttoLions. Reporting it on MyLion allows our International organization to create more accurate reports to share with our global partners that generously donatetoLCIFfundingandallowus to serve more people in need. When those partners don’t see

6 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 Average No.Members Years District 1-A
Membership Total Members Added Total Members Dropped Gain/ Loss Members

everything, we do, it might limit the amount of money we can get.

Thesecondpartofreportingservice is to make sure we share it on social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, web pages and sharing our service projects with others in our communities hopefully will inspire others to join in our service endeavors.


Our District has been generous to LCIF, and I am sure we will continue to do so. Now more than ever, the need for funding is necessary and will likely continue to increase.

This year’s goal is to increase individual donations to LCIF by 25% and Club donations by 20%.

Other Items

The PDG Harry Barber Memorial Golf Outing will be held at Silver Lakes Country Club on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. If you have not signed up to join us ($110 per golfer), please consider joining us for a day of fun. Don’t golf? No

problem, join us for a great steak dinner for $35.

Barb and I had the pleasure of joiningtheTinleyParkLionsclubon July 18th. I had the honor of installing their New Club officers and inducted a new member.

On July 22nd, we attended Chicago FIL-USA Lions for a picnic, what great tasting food. I inducted three members and installed their new officers.

I also gave a short recap of both club’s accomplishments, an introduction to IP Patti Hill’s theme, “Changing the World” and a brief overview of district goals. Stay safe, I am looking forward to seeing everyone this year.

Yours in

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August 2023

Global Membership Approach

We had a Rocky Start would be an understatement….

On July 12th while heading home from Boston we were at a minus 19…

Since the 12th…. We are heading in the right direction… and that’s UP!

We sit at a plus 16… 1 of 4 positive Districts in MD -1

Membership Development &Club Rebuilding:

On July 19th, we welcomed our newest club to District 1-A; “The Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club.”

Thank you to the 1st VDG Brenda Stevens and the Chicago Philippine Lions for sponsoring them…

A Charter Night is in the planning phase, please look at the flyer when it comes. So, we can welcome them in District 1-A Style…

8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter GMA /GMT Coordinator: PID Dan O’Reilly



NewMembers in CHICAGO CENTRAL Lions Club: 1























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NewMembers in LA GRANGE HIGHLANDS Lions Club: 1


NewMembers in TINLEY PARK Lions Club: 1



Death in Burbank Lions Club:1


Death in ChicagoBronzeville Lions Club:1


Total Deaths this month: 2

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24, 2024 MARK




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Dear Lions Friends, We would like to invite you to our 1st Annual Pancake Breakfast. Our club (Orland Park Lions Club) has been working very hard to plan this event, especially since we have never done this type of a fundraiser.

When we first decided to do this type of an event, we reached out to the Thornton Lions Club to come and enlighten us on how to plan a pancake breakfast. A big thank you goes to the Thornton Lions Club for all their help on how to plan a Pancake Breakfast.

The pancake breakfast will be located at 14700 S. 94th Ave. Orland Park, IL. This location is right next to Orland Square Mall. Perfect right? You an get a fabulous breakfast, buy some split the pot tickets and Basket raffle tickets. Then you can head out to the Mall to shop. We try to think of everything.

You are probably wondering how the Orland Park Lions Club supports their community with their fundraisers?

Please take a look at some of the groups we support.

Palos Girl Scout Camp

Orland Park Fire-buddies

Lions of IL Foundation

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Chicago Comets

Boy Scouts

Manteno Veterans

Wreath Across America

Crisis Center

Leader Dog

Aunt Martha's

Field of Honor - Moraine Valley College

Eye Glass Collection

Helen Keller Walk

Kentucky Floods

All Gods People - Helping the Homeless - Local Chapter

Gigi's Playhouse

McKinney Vento - Helping local homeless school children

Military Families

Jane Caliendo Foundation - Cancer

All Saints Lutheran Church - Christmas

We are always looking to add more to our list thanks to our awesome members and our wonderful community.

Come out and have some breakfast with our club. We would love to see you and also meet the rest of the club.

Yours in Lionism,

ZC Kathy Fenton - Pancake Chairman

ZC Nancy Kirner

PCC Gail Anton

PCC Steve Anton

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Stickney Forest View Lions had Pork Chops in the Park Fundraiser. Club thanks all the lions and guests who visited them.

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For those of you who follow and play our Stickney-Forest View Lions ClubQueenofHeartsRaffle,wewill be taking the month of July off as a summer break. Our next drawing will be Tuesday, August 1st. The pot is currently at $31,600 and you can continue to purchase tickets

throughoutJuly.Theywillallgointo the August 1st drawing. So be sure to stop by Lynn Catherine's of Stickney and have a cold one and get some tickets. We'll see you in August.#QueenOfHearts#SFVLions #SFVLionsClub

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Some Lions havingfun in Worth

lions from District 1A were there in attendance:

Chicago Fil-USA Lions Club held their annual picnic and installation of new officers at the Busse Woods, Chicago on July 23, 2023. Many

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3 New members were intucted Gov Tom Elsey & Cabinet Secteray Brenda Block CabinetTreasurerAndyLiamaga

Lion Carol Hogar, PCC Gail Anton and PCC Steve Anton made a check presentation on behalf of the OrlandParkLions Queenof Hearts totheGirlScoutsatCampPalosthis afternoon.Pictured aresomeofthe Scouts along with the Camp Counselors.

District 1A’s charitable arm –“VOICES” having their Board of Directors meeting. ---------------------------------------

Tuesday night Queen of Hearts drawings by Stickney Forest View Lions Club. We hope you have had

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arelaxingJulybutwealsohopeyou have been buying your Queen of Hearts tickets. To get you fired up fortheTuesday,August1st,drawing here is our big winner from June,

Angie F., who won $1,50140 when the card she picked was revealed to be a Joker. You, too, can win big money. But you have to play to win.

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ChicagoRogers ParkLions annual picnic and installation of new officers for the year 2023-24 at 651 South Wolf Road Park, Desplaines.
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14 PDG’s take part in installing new cabinet members for the year 2023-2024 at Crystal Sky Banquets, McCook
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District 1A Cabinet Meeting

July 29, 2023 at Crystal Sky Banquets.

Newly Elected Lions International President Dr. Patti Hill with her husband, First Man Greg Holmes visiting Lions Headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois and meeting the employees

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OurInternational President: Dr.Patti Hill fromCanada
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