MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 11 - Issue 2, August 1, 202
Council Chair LoriChassee: I hope that everyone is staying safe and as comfortable as possible in this weather that we're having. Stay hydrated my Lions!
attending. Al expenses except your transportation are paid by the MD so come join us!
Your state organization provides many opportunities to learn and grow in your career as a Lion and I hope that you are all taking advantage of what is being offered.
Iamhappytoreportyourcouncilof governors is back from Boston and hard at work trying to fill the final state chair positions; if you have interest in or are available to help with the State Convention Committee or Global Extension Team please reach out and let us know. The governors are also working hard to fill up our Regional Lions Leadership Institute, there are still spots available so let your governor or GLT Darren VanDuyn know that you are interested in
Asyouknow,wehavelostourState Secretary Treasurer (SST), in the interimIamtryingtoholddownthe fort. I appreciate your patience as I learntheropesandworkatkeeping the state office running. We will be posting the position publicly in the coming days, so please share the information with anyone you believe would be a good fit. As a reminder, the position cannot be filled by an active Lion with a role higher than cub president.
I hope that all of you have a Facebookoronlinepresenceasiam
2 The Illinois Lion & Leo Mission1.5million….
enjoying seeing all the wonderful work being done around are state. I am equally encouraged by the induction of so many new meters. OurInternationalPresidentDr.Patty Hillhaschallengedustogrowto1.5 million members this year and I encourage all Lions of MD1 to join in the initiative.
Stay safe and as always send me your concerns, questions, or great ideas!
CC Lori Chassee
Lion Lori J. Chassee
Council Chair MD 1
c: 630-740-5670 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fifth Meeting of the2022-2023Council ofGovernors (COG)
5/19/2023 atthe AbrahamLincoln Hotel, Springfield,IL
1.) Motion: To approve the amended agenda
Action: Motion carried unanimously
4.) Motion: To accept the LIF report.
Action: Motion carried unanimously
2.) Motion: To approve the minutes from the February 4, 2023, COGs meeting
Action: Motion carried unanimously
5.) Motion: To accept the financial report.
Action: Motion carried unanimously
3.) Motion: To accept the LCI & LCIF Report
Action: Motion carried
6.) Motion: To allocate $3,200 for the planning of the IL/Hawaiian Social for the
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International Convention in Boston, MA.
Action: Motion carried unanimously
7.)Motion: ToaccepttheState Committee Reports as presented.
Action: Motion carried unanimously.
9.)Motion: ToapplyfortheLCI
Leadership Grant for RLLI training for August 25-27 in East Peoria.
Action: Motion carried unanimously
8.) Motion: To approve the EmbassySuitesinEastPeoriaforthe February 2-3,
2024 COG meeting.
Action: With 8 votes for the Embassy Suites and 1 vote for the Holiday Inn in Bloomington-Normal. Motion carried.
10.) Motion: To approve the Embassy Suites in East Peoria for RLLI training.
Action: Motion carried unanimously.
11.) Motion: To adjourn.
Action: Motion carried. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MD-1 Council of Governors Meeting, Council of Governors meeting
Renaissance Hotel, Boston, MA
Reporting: Secretary Mark Bryant
Quorum Declared, Agenda approved
Motion passed unanimously.
Reaffirmation of the Executive
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Committee and other Council Officers
Motion passed unanimously. Reaffirmation of the State Standing Committee Chairpersons
Motion passed unanimously.
Establishment of the Depository and Signatories
Signatories: Council Chair Chassee, Vice Council Chair Elsey, Secretary Bryant, Treasurer Dooley
Motion passed unanimously. Approve rates of reimbursement in accordance with current Rules of Audit (2022-23)
Motion passed unanimously.
Reaffirmation of the appointments of Liaison Governors to the State Standing Committees
Motion passed Unanimously.
Approve GAT/GMA summit date; September 16, 2023
Motion passed unanimously. Approve RLLI training, August 25, 26, 27, 2023, East Peoria, Illinois
Motion passed unanimously.
Approve MD-1 Fall Forum, November 17 & 18, 2023, East Peoria, Illinois.
Motion passed unanimously.
New Business: Adopt current Policy Manual as written, pending further review and discussion.
Motion passed unanimously.
Notes: Next Council of Governors Meeting isscheduledforSeptember15&16, Embassy Suites, East Peoria, Illinois
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion passed unanimously. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Send your articles to: Lion Dr. Austin Dsouza, State e-Magazine Editor, E-mail Address:
FLead the Way!
Hello MD-1 Lions. It is such an honor and privilege to be serving our Lion Leaders in my role as GlobalLeadershipTeamLeader. My passion to educate and assist our future leaders has lead me to this position. Ilookforwardtothemany great accomplishments by this year’s council of governors and the strides that our up-and-coming leaders will show by the time it is theirturntotakethereignsandlead us through this second century of service. Let’s get to work!!
ThisfirsthalfoftheLionsyearisvery busy for me and fellow GLT’s as we are planning the many training events to put the tools of the trade into the hands of our club leaders through officer trainings and in the handsof ourzoneandregionchairs through their training sessions as well. Having the right tools is important for our leaders to carry their jobs successfully and achieve thegoalsthattheyhavesetfortheir clubs, zones, and our districts. We have several things coming up on the Multiple District side of things starting with the Regional Lions Leadership Institute that will be held Aug. 25-27 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in East Peoria. There are still spots available so if you are interested please either contact your district governor or myself
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( and I will get you the information to get yousignedupandreadytogo. This training is free to attend through a grant that we get from Lions International. This would be great for Lions looking to lead at their club level or jumping in on the ground floor of district leadership. From there we will be hosting a Global Action Team Summit in conjunction with the first council of governors meeting on September16th at the Embassy Suites in East Peoria. This summit is for all Global Leadership Team leaders, Global Membership Team leaders,GlobalServiceTeamleaders and Global Extension Team leaders, as well as District Governors and ViceGovernors. Thiswillbeginafter
the council lunch and will last for roughly 3 hours. The purpose for the summit is to talk about the new things happening with the GAT, collaborate with fellow GAT members from around the state, and put some things into action as wemoveourwaythroughthisLions year. Be on the lookout for your invitation soon.
In closing I want to wish the very best to all of you as you serve your communities this month and beyond. And I will leave you with this; “Leadership is not titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another.”
PCC Darren VanDuyn MD-1 Global Leadership Team Leader ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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The General Sessions at the Forum are the four meals included in your registration. At each of the meals professional speakers will share their messages to motivate, inspire and engage Lions. On Thursday evening, Floyd Smith, San Diego's living legend, will share his music and his Lions· story. Yes, he is a Lion! Smith is known as a pillar of the community as well as a quadruple threat, being a singer/songwriter, entrepreneur, mentor, and philanthropist.
At noon on Friday, Donna Hartley will deliver an inspirational message of survival. She is a storyteller who inspires, energizes and entertains. She will deliver an inspirational message with a twist of humor and a bit of drama.
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During the Saturday lunch, our then International President Dr. Patti Hill will share her vision for Lions as we serve worldwide.
Then Saturday evening, professional motivational speaker Striker Corbin will share life lessons from his experience as a personal success coach. He promises a few laughs along the way.
Each table at the Forum will be hosted by a Lion Leader. Lions have a chance to sit with current Executive Officers, sitting International Directors, Past International Presidents, Past International Directors, and the members of the Planning Committee. Just think of the conversations that can be had about leadership, service and membership while enjoying a lovely meal.
Seating for the general sessions is determined by the color of your name badge lanyard. This ensures that everyone has a chance to sit toward the front for one meal. Lions are encouraged to sit with different people at each meal to network, share information and compare ideas. Much can be learned while sharing a meal!
We want to see you Reno! Up and Away with Leadership
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The Reno Events Center will be our home for the 2023 Forum General Meal Sessions. In addition to the four inspirational speakers that Chairman Jama Wahl has
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mentioned in this edition, we'll have excellent meals, opening and closing flag ceremonies, music that will take you "Up and Away," a glimpse of the 2024 Louisville Forum from Steve Sherer and team, and brief news from our major sponsors.
While enjoying the fellowship with new and old Lions at your dining tables, we'll introduce the 2023-2024 Lions Clubs International Officers and Directors, recognize the first timers, award the Strides funds to a local charity, hand out Forum attendance awards, and announce the 2027 Forum Host City. The icing on the cake will be live music for your Saturday evening meal.
You will leave every general session "flying high in the sky," feeling inspired, enthused, and empowered to go home as a stronger Lion or Leo. I'm excited to announce that an "Up and Away" Forum logo selfie photo station will be located in the Reno Ballroom for you to take photos of yourself, your club, district, DG team, and Lion/Leo friends from all over the world.
Our strolling Forum photographers will be taking snapshots throughout the Forum, but we encourage you to share your selfie photos on the Forum Facebook or share your pictures on social media with the #RenolionsForum. Show your Lion friends back home how much fun they are missing!
The Reno Ballroom is "the action center" at the Forum. The "Meet Your international Directors" booth, exhibitors and sponsors, and the Forum store will be there. It's the perfect place to make new friends! Save room in your suitcase to bring back some souvenirs and Lions gear from the Forum store. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Chapin Lions President David Huff passed the gavel to Karen Englebrecht as District Governor John Thien looks on.
Past District 1G Governor John
Thien installed ChapinLionsClub’s 2023 – 2024 officers.
Highland Lions Dena Henricks and Karli Hooton presented a check for $1500 to Leaps of Love. Leaps of Love provides support to families with children who have cancer.
Highland Lion Ed Campbell presented Lion Goodwin as the club’s Lion of the Year. Lion Ryan chairs the club’s annual Biathlon, which is the largest single day fund raiser.
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1G Governor Leroy Engelke on the bus in Boston.
Foundation Trustee Gary
Kreutzberg presented incoming Highland Lions President Larry Niggli with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Lion Larry; s wife Kathie affixed the pin to his lapel.
Outgoing Highland Lions Club President was named a Foundation Fellow at the club’s installation banquet. Foundation Trustee Gary
Kreutzberg was presenter. Lion
Katie’s mother, Lion Dena Henricks
Governor Elect Leroy Engelke install Lion Larry Niggli as the Highland Lions Club’s president for 2023 – 2024.
AttheMay18thDundeeTwpLions Club meeting, its long-time secretary, Lion Terry Seifert, was honored as one of our "Legacy Lions". He has been an important, integral part of club leadership. Thank you, Lion Terry for your
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affixed the pin to her vest.
The 1G District
valued leadership. To honor this special acknowledgement, he was surrounded by his loving family. Thank you for joining us to honor your Husband, Dad, & Papa! --------------------------------------
The club gives a big thanks to Karl Ringhouse for donating his equipmentandtimeingettingthem planted and Steve Edwards for his awesome help!
Maple Park Lions Club recently planted six trees at their Lions Park.
Westmont Lions want to let everyoneknowwhomaintainsthese planters in front of James Addington Plaza.
Algonquin Lions Club member, Lion Jerry Glogowski, (l) was presentedwiththeGeorgeLazansky
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Distinguished Service Award by LIF Foundation President PDG Bob Fowler.
Batavia Lions Club also honored contributions that Dr. Rand Tony (l) has made to our club and the community of Batavia for many years with a 50th Anniversary Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellowship. ---------------------------------------
WatermanLionsconstructedanew shed at Waterman Lions Club Park. Lion Warren Summerfield (r) helps move a scaffold plank.
Batavia Lions Club President Tom Zarndt (r) presented Lion Paula
Gary Peterson welcomes new member Lion Mark Harada to the
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BlackwithaMelvinJonesFellowship Award.
McHenry Lions Club at Lookout Point Park in Wonder Lake.
Brown, Club Pres. Lion Susan Koepke, and Lion Jay Short. The Lions'unitwasamongmorethan50 in the event themed, "Remembrance and Respect."
(l to r) North Aurora Lion Mark Gaffino, Sponsor for past member re-instated, Lion Richard Newell, Central Zone 1 Chair Lion Andy Watson, Sponsor Lion Lynn Miller for new members, Lions Cheryl and Mark Tietje, and Central Zone 2 Chair Lion Joanne Watson.
Bartlett Lions Club honored Lion
Norm Wetherton with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. (l to r)
Lions Cheryl Lemvig, & Lion Dave Wetherton.
Aurora Noon Lions proudly carry the club’s 100 years of service banner in the town’s Memorial Day Parade.
(l to r) Aurora Noon Lions Randy
Lion Rob Cruise (r) Crystal Lake
Lion of The Year Award presented by Crystal Lake Lions President Lion
Brenna Markee
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Darien Lions Club Awardees (l to r) Lion Scott Mutters, New Member Achievement Recipient, Lion Doug Barnes, Lion of the Year, and Lion Tom Weiland, Melvin Jones Fellowship recipient.
honored recently by Rush/Copley Hospital for 1,000 hours of volunteer service together with her four canine partners. We are talking about 1,400 visits by the various teams. Sue’s current therapy dog is Poppy, who excels at charming the folks at the hospital.
TheCarterLions tradedLions’garb for Therapy Dog gear at the Community Volunteer Fair on April 29 to represent Fox Valley Therapy Dog Club. Lion Sue Carter was
District1JGovernor-ElectLionJim Worden (r, rear) inducts three new members into the Sandwich Lions Club. (l to r) Lion Jadea Clark, Larry Aliu, Christine Bailey, and Sponsor Lion Sandy Oakes of all three new members. Rob Thompson, entertainer for the evening is at right, front.
Naperville Noon Lion Diana Morr (c) was inducted as a new member recently. Lion Diana has lived in Naperville for 51 years but is now retired and has time to give back to
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her community. She was sponsored by Lion Kathy Lukavsky. (r) On the leftisClubPres.LionLindaStrugalla.
benefit Families Helping Families. ---------------------------------------
This is an example of Braille writing asshownattheHuntleyAreaLions Club’s Helen Keller Day event last month. They had a machine that would print it out like a typewriter. Not something everyone sees every day!
Naperville Noon Lions Jane Bowers (l) & Donna Kearney (r) load the van for the club’s latest service project, “Fill the Van,” which will
The Bolingbrook Lions of 1-BK believe in empowering the leaders of tomorrow. Congratulations to their scholarship winners, Ryan Ciezczak, Lauryn Wilson, Megan Hufnagel, and Akshata Gajula. ---------------------------------------
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The Bolingbrook Lions were thrilled to welcome George Brown and Joe Schelli to their pride!
The Bonfield Lions know that sometimesserviceissimplyoffering comfort to a family. The Bonfield Lionsassistedafamilywithafuneral luncheon in which 300 well-wishers attended.
The Frankfort Lions Club had the honor and privilege of helping in placing flags on the graves of the 70,000 veterans at The Abraham Lincoln Cemetery in preparation for
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Memorial Day.
TheJolietNoonLionsgotanemail from Catholic Charities in Joliet that theDayBreakShelterkitchenwasin need of various food items. One email blast to their members and the following day food items were brought to their Noon meeting which were then delivered to the shelter following the meeting.
PDGJohnJosephHonioteshelped at the concourse table selling ‘wingspan’ tickets for the 50/50 raffle.
The Joliet Noon Lions held their annual ‘Slammers’ fundraiser. The event started with President Philip Martinez throwing one of the ‘first pitches’.
The winner of the 50/50 took home $500.00. It was noted that he did purchase a ‘wingspan’ of tickets. The money rasied that evening will helpintheClub’sSightandHearing Fundwhichprovideseyeglassesand hearing aids to the Joliet area community. --------------------------------------
The Lemont Lions continued to work at the Danish Cemetery in Lemont . Benches were installed by members of the Lemont Lions Club. The restorationof thecemetery was completed in time for the dedication which took place on July 3rd.
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Lemon Lions Club’ s the rededication ceremony drew a very largecrowd. Andasiscustom,a21gun salute honored the unknown soldier who gave his all for our country.
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The Marseilles Lions Club held their annual Fried Chicken Dinner. As always, it was a huge success.
member, Ethan Frobish was happy to accept. The weather was perfect for a day at the pool. The Morris Lionssponsor‘FreeSwimDay’every yeartothanktheMorriscommunity for their continued support. ---------------------------------------
PDG Lori Linn of the Morris Lions presented a check to Morris Pool to sponsor the July 16, 2023 ‘Free Swim Day’. Morris pool staff
The New Lenox Lions were presentedwitha proclamationfrom theCityofNewLenoxinrecognition of their 75 years of Service to the community. The Club will be holding their 75th anniversary party on August 26th.
The Normal Lions were at the Bloomington Farmer’s Market this past month. They were spending
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the news about the Lions’ mission and also collected used glasses and hearing aids from the public.
The Normal Lions held their annual Golf Outing. This huge event draws Lions’ teams from aroundthe State.
The Princeton Lions say: "Thank you Princeton!" The Lions
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The Sheffield Lions Club served snacks to the Deaf / Hearing ImpairedcampersatEastBayCamp, Hudson, IL.
presented checks to Second Story, Bureau County Senior Center, Freedom House, and the Princeton Public Library. These groups continue to give back to the Princeton community. It’s the Club’swayofsaying,“ThankYoufor all you do.”
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The Streator Hardscrabble Lions, family, and friends served sugarfree strawberry shortcake at Camp Lions at East Bay. A good time was had by all. The dessert was very tasty.Campershadagoodtimeand so did the Lions.
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Chicago Indo-US Lions Club and some from Washington lions and Gurnee Illinois from on line post. We serve 82 kids 3ref 79 pass total 82 kids we serve!! Our Chicago
INDO-US Lions participated actively Thanks to all for team work.
On 7/272023-West Frankfort Lions Club. L>R Lion President & Veteran
Jim Summers presents Lion & Veteran Jack McReynolds with 2nd Infantry Hat Pin & Window Sticker and Combat Infantry Man Window Sticker.**
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Some Lions havingfun in Worth
lions from District 1A were there in attendance:
Chicago Fil-USA Lions Club held their annual picnic and installation of new officers at the Busse Woods, Chicago on July 23, 2023. Many
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3 New members were intucted
Gov Tom Elsey & Cabinet Secteray Brenda Block
Lion Carol Hogar, PCC Gail Anton and PCC Steve Anton made a check presentation on behalf of the OrlandParkLions Queenof Hearts totheGirlScoutsatCampPalosthis afternoon.Pictured aresomeofthe Scouts along with the Camp Counselors.
District 1A’ s charitable arm –“VOICES” having their Board of Directors meeting. ---------------------------------------
Tuesday night Queen of Hearts drawings by Stickney Forest View Lions Club. We hope you have had
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arelaxingJulybutwealsohopeyou have been buying your Queen of Hearts tickets. To get you fired up fortheTuesday,August1st,drawing here is our big winner from June,
Angie F., who won $1,50140 when the card she picked was revealed to be a Joker. You, too, can win big money. But you have to play to win.
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ChicagoRogers ParkLions annual picnic and installation of new officers for the year 2023-24 at 651 South Wolf Road Park, Desplaines.
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14 PDG’s take part in installing new cabinet members for the year 2023-2024 at Crystal Sky Banquets, McCook
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District 1A Cabinet Meeting
July 29, 2023 at Crystal Sky Banquets.
Newly Elected Lions International President Dr. Patti Hill with her husband, First Man Greg Holmes visiting Lions Headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois and meeting the employees
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OurInternational President: Dr.Patti Hill fromCanada
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