District 1A Governor's Newsletter for August 2024

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1A Governor’s Newsletter July 2024

Letus worktogether!

It is that time again to work together as one team of our District 1A. One month already passed of this lionistic year and now we must complete our set goalsfor the yearin11 months.

With the support of the Global Action team, my district’s Mission 1.5 includes:

Leading by example: Motivate,

inspire and support Lions to achieve MISSION 1.5 targets, ensuringeverymember,,including myself through regular meetings.

Maintain Accountability: Review process, resolve challenges and upholdaccountabilityforMISSION 1.5 success through regular meetings.

Monitoring Progress: reports, identify growth opportunities, and create Regional Strategies to overcome obstacles.

Feedback: share feedback on successes and challenges to GAT leaders and recognize members for their efforts by promoting and utilizing the MISSION 1.5 awards structure.

Effective Implementation:

Ensuring MISSION1.5 promotions, training, and plans areexecuted. Funding Opportunities: Apply for and promote funding opportunities, such as Membership Development Grants, Leadership Development Grants, Foundation (LCIF) grants, and Marketing Grants.

Membership Development: Membership Goals:

• WorkwiththeGMTtocharter tow new clubs by the end of 4th quarter with 70 new members.

• Encourage every club in our district to have +2 new memberseach quarter.

• Work closely with GAT to develop a New Member and Officers Training.

• Develop a retention, reduction program aimed to use effective techniques to reduce avoidable drops in members.

• Work on rebuilding our clubs that have a membership

under 20 members., helping them to get morestrength.

Leadership Development:

Leadership Goal:

• Work with GAT to establish better communication with Vice District Governors, Region and Zone Chairs by having regular meetings to update on the clubs.

• Provide training to clubs to report service activities online.

• Educate the club leadership Team in the benefit of LCIF and which grants are available for service projects.

• Conduct Zone Chair training after the first cabinet meeting.

• Createand upto dateDistrict Communication to the clubs and the Cabinet.

Service Activities: Service Goals:

• To raise awareness of club impact and attract prospective members during myDistrict GovernorTerm.

• I commit to work with my team to increase the percentage of Lions and Leos Clubs in our district report their club service.

• I commit to ensuring that our GST district coordinator promotes the importance of timelyplanningandreporting of club service.

I humbly request all Cabinet members to join their hands with me to strengthen my team to achieve all my set goals for this Lionisticyear.

Brenda Stevens, District 1A Governor, 2024-2025

Follow my travels around the world, and see our global service in action. Follow me on Facebook. President's Message


Growing up in Brazil as part of an entrepreneurial family, I learned how important it was to have a

vision and a plan to achieve it. And I also learned how important community is to each of us who call it “home.”

That’s the spark thatledmeto Lions. I saw something special in Lions an opportunity to give back to the community that had been so good to me. As Lions, we have the opportunity to leave a lasting mark every time, and everywhere, we serve. That’s why “MakeYourMark” is mymessageto Lions and the world.

Solet’smake our mark byinviting othersto join our clubs. Let’smake our mark by serving more people thanever before. Andlet’s make ourmarktogether. It is my honor to serve as your international president.

At your service, Fabrício

Entrepreneurs ofservice

WatchPresident Fabrício’s biography video to learn more about his life, his service journey and his entrepreneurial spirit.

To learn even more about President Fabrício and his vision for Lions, visit his theme page to read his presidential theme book, watch other presidential videos and find out how we will make our mark this year starting with our clubs and communities.

Earn special clubawards

With the new year comes new opportunities to be recognized for your service and innovation.

• Kindness Matters Service Award – Be recognized for an outstanding project in one of our global cause areas. Have your club service chairperson submit your nomination by August 15 to qualify.

• Lions International Marketing Award – Showcase your club’s innovative promotions and get recognized for a great marketing campaign. Application materials are due by February 1.

• Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Top Ten Chairpersons Award – Nominate exceptional YCE chairpersons, especially those who find innovative ways to include service, youth leadership or global causes into their programs. Nominations are due by August 15.

Supportourglobal causes withnewresources

Now’s the time to learn more about our global causes and how you can make an impact in your community. Be sure to explore the new childhood cancer, diabetes and environment service resources to help plan your service for the new Lion year.

And check out the“special initiatives”section to discover how Lions are responding to some of the most urgent needs around the world.


Good Morning, Lions &Leos!

It’s your FUN FILLED First Vice District Governor checking in with you all! I write to you on this beautiful Friday evening taking a pause from looking over my schedule for the month of August and entering in club visits along with entering in my upcoming District/State responsibilities into my faithful calendar. So, with, I’m thrilled to take a break and speak to you all! Ha Ha ;) First and foremost, I want to congratulate our Governor Brenda Stevens on her new role as Governor in our district. Your passion for Lionism is infectious,

your love and generosity for us is very much appreciated. I look forward to your continued guidance and leadership as you step into your role to lead us this year.

Congratulations to my brother, SVDG (Second Vice District Governor) Ben Zoleta on your new journey to Governor. You have been a long-standing asset and exceptional Lion to this district for manyyearsandI’mcertainyouwill be a quality Governor for the future.

I wanted to take the time to welcome you all to a brand-new yearinLionism.Seeingallthegreat photos of installation of officers has been a real treat to see. Even moreso,seeingandhearingabout all the new members’ installations is truly MAGICAL! Those clubs welcoming new members have really hit the ground running and that’s a testament to your dedication not only to Mission 1.5,

butatruededicationtoidentifying those with the same heart of service as your own and giving them a HUGE platform to shine in your club, the district and Lions Clubs International. I encourage sponsors out there to keep these new members engaged. I want to challenge you to give them an open door to express their passionsandideas!Itisvitaltoour growth that we never lose sight of them after they are sworn in and welcomed to our great family of Lions. Identifying hearts of service doesn’t stop at Lions, we need to be out there also talking to our youth and encouraging them to join a LEO club where available. Our LEOs are so paramount to our future, and if we continue to answer questions and give them thesameplatformasourLions,we can assist them in the passions theyhaveandmaybepassionsthat may be lying dormant that are yearning for a way to Serve a Worldin Need.

Atour new OfficerTraining back in June, I spoke a lot about establishing and building relationships with one another.

Often, we get together for meetings, and we sit at separate tables with Lions we already know and are comfortable with. My challenge to the audience was to get to know someone new from another club or a leader maybe you didn’t know. The point of this wasandistobuildastrongerbond with each other across our district.

I felt it was important that I led by example so I invited FVDGs Vince Leone from District 1F and Denise Lowe from 1BK to attend the training as my guests to show a prime example of having relationships you can count on outside of even our district. I felt very strongly that if at the state level we can go from complete strangers and different districts and have a great relationship that it was very possible at the club level.ItwasimportantthatLionsin my own district were able to see thatsupportinLionismcanextend as far as you want it to be. It’s so criticalthatwesupportandleanon one another more as a district. How great would it be if you had that complete comfort of being able to reach out to a past district

governor because you had a great conversation with them, and that relationship continued past a meetingor a candyday jamboree? How about connecting with a vice president from another club or another brand-new member and maybe you shared some similar goals or obstacles? Wouldn’t it be great to have the comfort of talking to peers outside of your club, zone or even district? That’s what establishing these relationships is all about. Breaking down the thought that a title, distanceorlinesonamapprevents youfromlearningmoreaboutyour Lions family is the goal and I hope

GMTCoordinator:PIDDan O’Reilly

August 1,2024

Global Membership Approach

youallspendsometimedoingjust that.

I’ve been a little long written this evening, but I want to leave you with this…there is no such thing as a closed door in Lions. You have the ability and support to make your time as a Lion everything you want it to be. Go out there and MAKE YOUR MARK in Lionism, I promise you it will be MAGICAL! AndnevereverforgettohaveFUN!


Yours inFUN,

As of July 29th, numbers we sit at a plus six members for the Year. We have twelve clubs adding 25 members and six clubs dropping 23 and one club reinstating 4 members. Some positives from last Lion year: we organized two new clubs, reorganized eight clubs, had 99 Charter Members, along with 250 New members to clubs, 32 Transferred members, 21 Reinstated members. Going into May we have sat at a plus 101. Top 3 Districts in CA -1, we added 49 in May and June, plus the reinstated Lions came back in May

and June, only to have seven active clubs drop 153 members, we need some work on member satisfaction.


Here are a few tips that will help you get started in defining member satisfaction in your club:

•Ask yourmembers! Membersfeelinvolved when you ask for their opinions. Ask your members: Why is the club here? Do our activities demonstrate this? If a non-Lion looked at one year of our events, what would they think is essential to our club? or You can use the Member Questionnaire at the back of this guide to facilitate this conversation and modify it to fit your needs.

•Assess why yourmembers have left inthe past. While there are some common themes worldwide, it will help if you contact former members to learn why they left. Along with the New Member Questionnaire in this guide, there is a Former Member Questionnaire that you can modify to fit your needs. o Consider devoting time during a club meeting or holding a special meeting to discuss member satisfaction.

•Carefully considerwhether yourclub’s stated objectives, goalsand mission statement reflect what your current members want your club to be.

NewClub Development &ClubRebuilding

We are in talks with four areas of our District to open new clubs.

As always, please contact out team if you have a group or area that you believe would continue to move our District forward in positive membership growth and more service to area underserved. JoinmeandexceptthechallengeofMission1.5



District 1A’s newest Ambassador of Goodwill Award recipient PDG Jerry Novak. PDG in the last 50 years in our District. Congratulations PDG Gerry!

Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Meeting in July:


Summit Lions Installation of Officers and Induction of New Members

Chicago Ridge Lions new never swearingin by PDG TonyZartler


#cleanenvironment Lea Agaton

Tusie Herzog Rosalinda V. Lazaro

Katayama Dolly Livas Joselito

Medina Den Hagad Nick

PallarcaHonesto Rodriguez Merlyn

Signe Art Herzog Alfredo Reyes

Leonardo Castisimo.

With so many hands and hearts that worked together with the common goal of keeping the cleanlinessoftheRizalCommunity Center for seniors to enjoy their activities in a clean environment. Thank you to all the volunteers

Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club Chicago Global Lions Club and Chicago Jose Rizal Lion's Club


The Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club sponsored the Bingo Social for Seniors at the Northeast

(Levy) Senior Center on July 10, 2024. It was our small way of appreciating, bringing joy and giving back to the community. Thank you to the CHALC volunteersLions: Dr Wase Qawi Den Hagad RosalindaV.LazaroKatayamaDolly LivasandSionyPullinsforassisting the seniors and the coordinators. ThankyoutoLionEllaL.Basilioand the Levy Ctr’s coordinators for the opportunity to serve and donate gifts to the seniors. #makeyourmark #appreciationday #MakeADifference.

PCC Gail installing the new Board of Directors and the new Lion PresidentLionKimberlyVickat the Tinley Park Lions Club Installation of Officers: →

PCC Gail Anton and Zone Chair

Kathy Fenton pictured with a representative from Silver Cross

Hospitalwheretheypresentedcrib toys for infants on behalf of the Orland Park Lions Club.

PDG Harold sworn in as VOICES Director

Back to School -


planing over 2 months with team. We had our local Waukegan Lions comeoutto help.

Thank you to social media lions, non-lions, our Chicago Indo-US Lions and BDNC team. Together We serve our Illinois.

WeServewithVisionScreeningsto our local community in Illinois.

24 1A Governor’s ’Newsletter Waukegan Brookside event. Chicago INDO-US Lions been

1A Governor’s ’Newsletter

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