District 1A Lions & Leos Monthly e-Newsletter Special Convention Issue

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Hello Lions and Leos,


2021 53rd Annual District 1-A Virtual Convention

Saturday, March 20th, and Sunday, March 21st

In as much as we wanted to have our District Convention done in person this year, but due to the ongoing concerns about the Covid-19 Pandemic, which is changing the way we live, work, and serve, the Executives and the Convention Committees have decided to transition the 53rd Annual District 1-A Convention to a virtual via Zoom event. Although we are disappointed that we will not be able to host this event in person as we normally do each year, we are excited about hosting our first ever virtual District Convention that we can safely connect with our Lions in District 1-A and Multiple District 1.

Our International guest and keynote speaker will be International 3rd Vice President Dr. Patti Hill from Alberta, Canada. She will be sharing information on Saturday, so do not miss out this great opportunity to meet her. There will be Business meeting and Voting for District Officers. Our theme this year will be “ Around the World in District 1-A”. Dress your favorite International costume. I and II Prize winners for the “Best International Costume” will be announced on Sunday and given certificates. To be eligible you must be present to win. PCC Steve Anton, Convention Committee Chairperson will be sending out the details for the conventions and the Zoom link to join as soon as they become available. Let us make our first time ever virtual convention a success. It will be fun and different. Come and join us, there will be no registration fee. Please share this information to all the Lions Clubs members, family, and friends. Thank you and looking forward to seeing all of you there.

Your friend in service, Lion Marilyn Mclean District 1-A Governor 2020-2021 2 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

AROUND THE WORLD IN DISTRICT 1-A DISTRICT 1-A CONVENTION UPDATE The District 1-A Convention Committee has now planned for the first time ever a Virtual Convention for this Lion Year. Governor Marilyn McLean has asked us to do the best that we can to present a convention that we all can be proud of. I think that we have accomplished the request. Sure, there are going to be some differences that we have grown accustomed to, but change is good when done properly and efficiently. Currently, we are working on a registration system that will fit our needs. Everyone has a way to do this, but we must use the best way to register our guest. You will be updated on this as soon as the decision is made. We have scheduled a two (2) day convention running March 20-21, 2021. Lion Third Vice President Dr. Patti Hill is still our guest for the convention but unfortunately, she will not be in person, but she will be addressing those Lions in attendance. We will be holding several of the events during these two days although it will be different as we are not able to meet in person. On Saturday, March 20th, we will have instructions for the Costume Contest, Presentation of Banners, Bloody Mary Toast, a presentation by the Greater Chicago Food Depository, a report from the Lions of Illinois Foundation, Nominations and Seconding Speeches, a keynote address by Dr. Patti Hill, Governors’ Awards and perhaps we will have some Melvin Jones Fellowships to distribute. Keep in mind though, the awards that will 3 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

be given will be announced and distributed by Governor Marilyn when she visits the recipients at a future date. We will close Saturday with the instructions for the voting on Sunday morning for the certified delegates. On Sunday, March 21st, electronic voting will be held from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. The convention will begin at 10:00 a.m. with the Costume Contest winner, the Peace Poster and Essay winners, our Necrology Service, Special Awards (Lion, Leo, and Citizen of the Year), a VOICES report, Election Results and Acceptance Speeches and the Governors Farewell Address to the District. As with the awards on Saturday, all awards announced on Sunday will be distributed by Governor Marilyn McLean when she visits the recipients at a later date. It has always been the position of the Convention Committee that we present the business of the District in a timely fashion, and to enjoy the friendship and comradery of the Lions. Even in a pandemic year, as we are apart, we believe that this still, is what we do best. We will be sending more information as it becomes available.

Thank you,

PCC Steve Anton Convention Chairman

PCST Dawn Grogan Convention Co-Chairperson PDG, PCST Harold Burkett, Jr. Convention Co-Chairman 4 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

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DISTRICT CANDIDATES: 1. Gail Anton for Governor 21-22

2. Tony Zartler for I VDG 21-22 3. Tom Elsey for II VDG 21-22 4. Ralph Zarada PDG for LIF Trustee 21-23

5. Hina Trivedi for VOICES Director 21-24

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To All the District 1-A Lions, We are all aware that during our Annual District 1-A Convention in March, one of the exciting events is the drawing of the District 1-A Grand Raffle which proceeds will benefit a group or organization chosen by the current District 1-A Governor. After consulting the financial situation with some of the district officers, namely ID Bob Block, PID Dan O'Reilly and PDG Mike Smiegelski, it is with the best option to cancel the Grand Raffle as we cannot afford to lose money and we do not have an allotted budget to cover up any loss. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic's social distancing, I can not imagine how we can promote the sales of these 300 tickets at $100.00 each and at the same time people are financially hurting to have an additional expense. We can not pursue this fundraising not knowing how we can distribute and sell them without an inperson approach. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. We are all in this together. Thank you so much Stay safe and well. -DG Marilyn McLean 13 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter


December 28, 2020

TO: Clubs in Good Standing in District 1-A FROM: Lion John Chisum, Resolution & Nominating Chair, District 1-A SUBJECT: Resolution and Nominating Procedures Resolution/Endorsement Procedures for Elected District 1-A Officers, Lions of Illinois Foundation Trustee and Voices 1-A Directors Subject to the provisions of the International Constitution and ByLaws, any active member in good standing of a chartered Lions Club in good standing in District 1-A seeking endorsement as a candidate for the office of District Governor, First Vice District Governor, Second Vice District Governor, District 1-A Lions of Illinois Foundation Trustee for 2021/2023 or V.O.I.C.E.S Lions 1A Directors shall:

(a)Deliver such endorsement by mail with dated postmark from a chartered Lions Club in good standing in District 1-A a resolution endorsing such candidate to the District 1-A Cabinet Secretary indicating his/her intention to run for office to; Lion Andy Liamaga, Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer District 1-A 5323 N. Kildare Ave. Chicago, IL 60630 (b) Any resolution endorsing a candidate for the District 1A offices mentions above will be read at the, February 6, 2021 District 1-A Cabinet meeting, if received on or before, January 31, 2021. (c) Each notice so delivered shall be presented by the Nominating and Resolutions Committee to the District 1-A cabinet, February 6, 2021 for

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review of qualifications. After presentations to the District 1A cabinet, if there are no objections, the Nominating Committee shall place in nomination at the March 2021 District 1-A Convention the names of all candidates so qualified. (d) Any chartered Lions Club in good standing in District 1A may submit a resolution nominating a qualified active member of said club for the office of District Governor, First Vice District Governor, Second Vice District Governor, District 1-A Lions of Illinois Foundation Trustee 2021/2023 or V.O.I.C.E.S Lions 1A Directors. Each club shall furnish with the said notice of the nominee’s intention to run for office evidence of his/her compliance with the qualifications for said office set out in the International Constitution and By-Laws. (e)

Candidates seeking endorsement for the office of District Governor must

currently be serving as First Vice District Governor. (f) Candidates seeking endorsement for the office of First Vice District Governor must currently be serving as Second Vice District Governor. (g) Candidates seeking endorsement for the office of Second Vice District Governor must submit sufficient evidence that he/she has meet the following qualifications: 1) Candidate is an active member in good standing of a chartered Lions Club in District 1-A. 2) Candidate is endorsed by his/her Lions Club. 3) Candidate has served as Club President and Club Board of Directors. 5) Candidate has served as Region or Zone Chairperson or Cabinet Secretary and/or Treasurer.None of the above being accomplished concurrently. *******

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