District 1A Governor’s e-Newsletter for the Month of May 2021.

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Greetings Lions and Leos of District 1-A: Hello All, Hope all is well. I cannot believe it’s already May and the weather is already getting better. It was great seeing some of the Lions from all the meetings that I attended in the past month. Some clubs are already meeting in person, other clubs continue to have their meeting on Zoom. I have been busy myself with inducting new members and chartering another new club. As you all know, I still have 2 more months to serve as your DIstrict 1-A Governor. I am having the best time

of my life. Thank you all for your continued support during this LY. You have impacted so many lives because of your hard work, dedication, and generosity. I commend you for your commitment to our Lions Motto: “We Serve.” District Updates: New Club in DIstrict 1-A As our district are moving forward, I am excited to announce that a new club was chartered on April 27, 2021. Join me in welcoming the

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Chicago Global Lions Club. They have a total of 47 charter members. The club has been assigned to Region 2, with RC Ben Zoleta and ZC-2A Yoly Zoleta. A big shout out to the two co- sponsoring clubs, Chicago Bayanihan-Sampaguita

Lions Club and Chicago Filipino American Lions Club. The 2 assigned Lions who will serve as clubs Guiding Lions will be Lion Ben Zoleta, Reg 2 Chair and DG Marilyn Mclean, who will start on July 1st. This club will be focusing on all LCI 5 global causes, serving their local communities and other areas outside their community as well. The club membership has different age groups with the youngest lion member being 28 years old. This club has 9 total number of family units. And on top of that, they have 34 women lions members. To date, the District women Lions members are now standing at 40%, a 2% increase and we have not done yet. The schedule date for their Charter Night will be on Friday, July 9, 2021. Invitations will be out soon. The New Members Orientation was held on Zoom on April 30, 2021, and it was well attended by all the members. Kudos to GLT/2VDGE Lion Tom Elsey for a wonderful job as presenter. Membership Update:

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The total added membership to date for the month of April was 69 with 17 members dropped. The total net growth was 52. This year the district has had a membership increase of 204, and the total number of members dropped was 230. The YTD member net change is -26 and the number of clubs stands at 73. We have 1 reactivated club and 1 chartered new club for the month of April. I am asking your club to take advantage of the extended waived entrance fees for the new and charter members from Jan 1 to June 30, 2021. More members mean more services to empower the community in need. We are in this together, let us finish the year strong with lots of new members before the end of Lion Year. Please stay connected and make sure that you are meeting the needs of your members and the community at large. Lions International Ceremony


The presentation of the flags took place on April 30, 2021. It was held

at the LCI Headquarters in Oakbrook. The 4 Districts who participated were 1-A , 1-BK, I-J and I-M. Due to expected rain, the morning outdoor group drone shot was canceled. But they proceeded with the afternoon shoot of “the presentation of the flags” which included a few fun indoor shots in the morning. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Lions for stepping up to volunteered for this exciting event. MDI Lions also took some video footage and photos of the lions parading in front of the LCI Building. Kristopher Kempski is requesting all the participants who took some video and photos not to share on any social media, websites until the convention takes place between

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June 25-29, 2021. Once the events start on June 25, please share your experience on social media with the hashtag #LCICon2021. District Service Project Update:

Depository has reached almost 95% of our goal. The total funds raised to date is $23,887.90. Please continue to make your donations. We are almost there Lions! We are all in this together.

The DIstrict 1-A online fundraiser campaign for Greater Chicago Food

LCIF Campaign 100 - Empowering service update:

District 1-A is doing great with all the clubs’ donations this year. I am so happy to announce that Lion Richard Felicelda, 2VP of Eagles Wings Lions Club have donated a generous amount of $100,000 to LCIF!!!!!! This will put District 1-A at number 1 for the MDI donations. IPDG Joni McMillan has informed me that the total amount of donations from the fundraising of “Let’s Make a Difference” was over

$3,000. She will send another donation of $1,000. at the end of April. That is great news, thank you IPDG Joni for all you do. The power of Campaign 100 supports Lions as they transform the lives of many in our community, creating the change we want to see in the world. The foundation is always there in times of need. During recent Telethon by I International Vice President, The Forest Kala Sampath Lions donated $1,000 for LCIF. This club

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Schiller Park. Invitations will be sent out to all the Cabinet Members of District 1-A. Upcoming Events



is already a 400% Model Club for Campaign 100. Please continue to support the LCIF Campaign 100. Thank you to all the clubs and individuals who made their donations in 2020-2021. District 1-A 4th Cabinet Meeting In Person Our last cabinet meeting is scheduled on Saturday, May 8, 2021 and will be held at the Holiday Inn, Countryside. To all our cabinet members, kindly make your reservations by May 3rd to CST Lion Andy Liamaga. District 1-A Governors Installation/Awards - In Person The schedule date for the Installation/Awards Banquet will be on Sunday, June 13, 2021. Venue will be at Four Points by Sheraton, in

Here is my question, have you registered yet? 1. MD1 Convention on May 15, 2021 2. LCI Convention on June 25-29, 2021

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Check out the full version of the LCICon Promo Video is now on YouTube. Please share it on your social media and with your friends and family. Governor Clubs Visit in April I want to take this opportunity to thank the following clubs for inviting me this past month. It was great seeing some of my fellow lions in person. I had the honor of inducting several new lion members during my visit. 1. Logans Square 2021 (Zoom) 2. Calumet City 2021 (Zoom) 3. Chicago RIdge 2021 (In Person) 4. Filipino American 2021 (In Person) 5. Nurses for Diabetes 2021. (Zoom) 5. Willow Springs 2021 (Zoom) 6. Chicago Global 2021. (Zoom) 7. Chicago Global

April 08, April 13, April 15, April 18, April 19, April 21, April 25, April 30,

2021 (Zoom) Vision Screening Program (VSP) Update information from Mike Smigielski Governor Marilyn and Fellow District 1 A Cabinet Members: I am happy to announce that I once again have VSP Gift Certificates for Lions Clubs in 1A to give to needy people in their Communities. There are a few changes with the certificates that you should know about. 1. We no longer need the recipient to have a SS number to receive eyeglasses 2. There are now three types of VSP Certificates. Two are the same - Adult and Youth. The new one is a certificate for glasses only if people have had a previous exam. I am happy to work with any Lion or Lions Club to get Certificates for them. The recipient income needs to be lest then twice that of poverty level about 25,500.00 a year and about 9,000.00 for each family member. What I need is the person’s name, Address, Phone Number and Date of Birth. If any Lions need more information,

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please have them call me at 708307-6357. I would Like to thank Governor Marilyn for giving me this opportunity to serve.

Thanks Lions for all you do for our district. Always stay safe and God bless. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there.

Lion Marilyn McLean Lion Mike Smigielski PDG District 1-A Governor Govmarilyn1a@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BY: DGE Gail Anton

The next Bags to Beds day will be Wednesday will be Wednesday May 5 1-4 PM. If interested please let me know.

What to write about today……How about a feel-good story. I have attached a YouTube link about 7year orphan boy. He wanted to A big thanks to the following Clubs: make sad people happy. Watch the • Thornton story, it will tug at your heart. If a 7• Oaklawn year-old can find a way to share • Orland Park kindness with people. What can we • Chicago Filipino American as Lions do to share kindness with • Calumet City those in need. This should be our • Chicago Heights inspiration. https://youtu.be/vWVF1LSrYg0 -Gail Anton ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

From your Global Action Team

Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly

Membership Take advantage of the LCI Board extended waiver of the entrance and charter fee from January 1 through June 30, 2021. Reach out to the dropped members or ask that friend that is feeling a new life after being vaccinated and wants to get out there and help someone. We can finish our year strong and be ready for the new Lion Year. North American Membership Initiative In CA 1, our constitutional area membership is showing a 2.9% loss for the year. Our State is running 3.9% loss for the year. Our District membership is sitting at 1.7% loss for the year. We can end in a positive with your help. We just need you all to ask one new friend to join us. Governor’s Goals:

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New Club Development Please join me in welcoming District 1-A’s newest Lions Club, the “Chicago Global Lions Club.” They were chartered on April 27th. Please save the date of July 9th for their Charter Celebration. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support We are working in the Jefferson Park area at this time, if might know of any friends in this area who might want to be part of this rebuild, please forward me their information. If your club is heading in this direction, do not hesitate to ask for help, we have Lions willing to help! Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey

New Member Orientation Training The May New Member Orientation Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 6:30pm Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYocOqpj4jHNHj3C6xh05g_r4o5U_Cmtpp 10 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held. Our June New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 6:30pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqceGtrTkqHN1zGjrWkmBJdEqIvHJIfdX Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at thomas.elsey@gmail.com. Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if you will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. Public Speaking Skills Development • Fourth and On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills ▪ Further Development of Speech Content ▪ Delivering the Speech ▪ Practicing Different Types of Speeches o Tentatively Scheduled for 05/20/21 and 06/03/2021 New Officer Training 11 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

• New Officer Training for the coming year will be available for New Club Officers in 2021 – 2022 Lion year. We will be offering a class on Websites available, Forms needed for reporting purposes. See below for more details. All training will be held virtually, and the tentative dates and times are listed below: Secretary Training 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Treasurer Training

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


p.m. Membership Chairperson Training 7:00 p.m. President Training

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021


p.m. Website & Reporting Training 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

This training will cover the use of MyLCI, MyLion, Lions Learning Center, LCI Shop, and Insights. Required reporting will include, monthly MMR Reports, yearly New Officer Reporting form, yearly Attorney General’s Report (Form AG990-IL) and the yearly Form 990-N (E-Postcard) MYLCI - This site is where the club can manage their membership, create district, and club profiles, check club voter eligibility, document, and plan conventions as well as check new club charter application status. MYLION - This site is where clubs report service, plan their service projects, connect with other Lions, and create personal profiles. 12 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

Lions Learning Center - The Lions Learning Center (LLC) offers all Lions and Leos the opportunity to learn and sharpen their knowledge of Lions fundamentals and leadership skills through online interactive courses. LCI Shop - The LCI Shop is an easy way to order the most used supplies and Lions Clubs International branded merchandise. Insights – Insights is a new product that provides Lions and Leos access to key data such as membership statistics, service data and LCIF donations in easy-to-understand dashboards. Form AG990-IL – The ILLINOIS CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION ANNUAL REPORT is to be submitted yearly to the Illinois Attorney General and is reporting the club’s financial information/dealings for the preceding Lions year. Form 990-N (e-Postcard) – The e-Postcard is an electronic filing made once per year to the IRS an Annual Information Return for clubs exempt from Federal Income Taxes (Generally those with Gross Receipts under $50,000) Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Richard Castillo

Update on the Greater Campaign/Service Project



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District 1A we are only 5% away from our campaign goal! Greater Chicago Food Depository informs me that they have received additional checks in the mail in support of our virtual campaign in support of raising funds for our matching grant. But we still need your help to raise the remaining $1,112.10 for the $25,000 goal amount for our grant match. For the 47 other clubs in District 1A, you still have time to help support by either making donation to our District 1A Lions Club-Campaign: https://www.myfooddrive.org/drive.php?4afd015224 page on the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) website. If your club does not have a club debit card, you can still participate; our partners from Greater Chicago Food Depository are accepting checks that can go towards our virtual campaign. I have provided a point of contact below where checks can be mailed, along with indicating District 1A's virtual campaign and their specific team (The Name of your Club). They will add your donations to the system, so they appear on our district campaign page on the Greater Chicago Food Depository website. If your club is planning on sending in a check, please reach out to me, your GST Coordinator Richard Castillo at 14 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

LionRichardc@gmail.com so that I can ensure your donation gets counted to our overall total. Mail to: Nicole Ramos Greater Chicago Food Depository 4100 West Ann Lurie Place Chicago, IL 60632 Please indicate which Virtual Food Drive: 1A Lions Clubs 2020 Campaign Team Name: (Your Club Name) Example: Chicago Windy City Lions Club We are asking you to please share our virtual campaign with your family and friends as well as your networks on Facebook. If you need assistance or would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities feel reach out to me directly. Update on MyLion Service Reporting I am proud to announce that 38% of clubs have reported their service projects on MyLion, which is a 17% increase from the beginning of the fiscal Lion year. If you need help reporting your service projects on to MyLion please feel free to reach out to me at LionRichardC@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to schedule a one-to-one meeting with you to enter your reports in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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The next Bags to Beds session will be Wednesday May 5th 1-4 pm, Tuscan Gardens Pub & Banquets 601 Holbrook Road, Glenwood, IL. All are welcome to help with this District project. Please let me know if you can attend.

And guess what....It's not a ZOOM meeting. Hope to see you Wednesday!!!!!!! Remember the Communications, Camaraderie

3 "C's" Causes &

Have lunch and spend some time catching up with your fellow Lions Lion Gail Anton and work on a great cause. District Governor Elect -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lions, Unfortunately, due to the small turnout for the Kentucky Derby we have not met the minimum needed to hold the event. Therefore, we have no choice but to cancel. Those who purchased tickets will be refunded. If you purchased your tickets through Zelle you will be refunded through Zelle. If you sent in a check your check will be mailed back to you or shredded whichever you prefer. The Kentucky Derby Committee ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Picture of Little Library that the Willow Springs Lioness Lions Club donated to the Village of Willow Springs

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The Fourth Cabinet Meeting for the 2020-2021 will be held on Saturday, May 8, 2021 at Holiday Inn, 6201 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525. Fellowship from 9:00 am to 9:15 am and breakfast being served at 9:20 am. Meeting will be called to order at approximately 9:15 am. RSVP to CST Andy Liamaga at flipbanker@aol.com no later than 3rd of May 2021. Breakfast charges are $10.00 per person made payable to District 1-A Lions. Please remember, if you indicate your attendance and do not attend, you will be billed for the breakfast. Reports are still to a maximum of 3 (three) minutes, but I respectfully urge you submit your typewritten reports prior to the meeting on Saturday, the 8th of May 2021 through my e-mail address at flipbanker@aol.com. Thank you and see you all the Cabinet Meeting. CST Andy D. Liamaga

AGENDA Fellowship from 9:00 A.M and Call to Order at 9:15 A.M…. ………. ………………….…………….... Governor Marilyn McLean Breakfast at 9:20 A.M. Re-call order at 10:00A.M. PLEDGE......................................................................................................................................................................... DGE Gail Anton NATIONAL ANTHEM.............................................................................................. District Song Leader PDG Lion John Coleman INVOCATION................................................................................................................................ Chaplain Lion Dr. Dave Herrmann WELCOME REMARKS............................................................................................................................ Governor Marilyn McLean MINUTES OF LAST MEETING….…………………………………………………………………………….. CST Andy Liamaga FINANCIAL REPORT…………….……………………………………………………………………………... CST Andy Liamaga TAILTWISTER………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ZC Sandy Nedza STANDING REPORTS (Please keep all reports as short as possible) INTERNATIONAL UPDATE …………………………………...................................................................................... ID Bob Block FOUNDATION REPORTS..................................................................Trustee Austin D’Souza, PDG & Trustee Steve Anton, PCC GLT/GMT/GST REPORTS...……………………….................... SVDGE Tom Elsey, PID Dan O’Reilly & Lion Richard Castillo V.O.I.C.E.S………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lion Bob Hoffmann COMMITTEE REPORTS – All Committee reports should be 3 minutes or less. L.C.I.F. ……………………………………………….………………………………………………………….. IPDG Joni McMillan LONG RANGE PLANNING.…………………………….…………………………………………………….. IPDG Joni McMillan DISTRICT CONVENTION………………………………….……………………………………………………… PCC Steve Anton INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (Montreal, Canada) …………………………………………………... IPDG Joni McMillan OLD BUSINESS KENTUCKY DERBY “RUN FOR THE ROSES” ……………………………………………………………….. PCC Steve Anton DISTRICT 1-A HELEN KELLER 5k RUN/WALK……. ……………………………………………………. Lion Chris Coleman DISTRICT 1-A GOLF OUTING….………………………………………………………………………………. Lion Frank Kirar LOW VISION AND VSP GLOBAL PROGRAM …………………………………………………………… PDG Mike Smigielski NEW BUSINESS ELECTION RESULTS…………………………………………………………………………………………… PDG John Coleman GOVERNOR’S INSTALLATION AND AWARDS BANQUET …………………………………………………... ZC Yoly Zoleta ANNOUNCEMENTS …………………………………………………………………………………………….. CST Andy Liamaga REMARKS ….…………………………………. ID Bob Block, IPDG Joni McMillan, VDE Gail Anton, 1st VDGE Tony Zartler GOVERNOR’S REMARKS....................................................................................................................... Governor Marilyn McLean BENEDICTION............................................................................................................................. Chaplain Lion Dr. Dave Herrmann GOD BLESS AMERICA........................................................................................... District Song Leader PDG Lion John Coleman ADJOURNMENT

All individuals giving a report are requested to provide a written copy for the records to CST Andy Liamaga through e-mail prior the cabinet meeting to flipbanker@aol.com. Thank you.

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Procedure for CERTIFICATION Delegates and Alternates:


All Delegates and Alternates must register for the State Convention and submit their registration fee before being certified. The State SST must receive from the District Secretary the delegate form for the club no later than May 10, 2021. Clubs must be in good standing with LCI and MD-1 to have voting delegates. Delegates and alternates must be confirmed registrants for the MD-1 convention in accordance with the registration process/rules and applicable fees. An email will be sent to each confirmed and registered delegate by the Election Runner software prior to the election during the week

of May 10th. This is the Election Runner credential to vote. Alternates can be substituted until the start of the convention. Changes in the certification of Delegates can be made only by the Club President, Club Secretary, or District Governor. Changes can ONLY be made prior to the start of the convention. Each District Caucus will take place on Saturday, May 15 from 3:00 – 4:00 via Zoom. Voting via Election Runner will be open from 3:00 – 5:45 pm. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for all that you are doing to serve your districts as well as MD-1!! Take care!! MD-1 Council Chairperson Joe Vinyard 630-240-4612

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May 15, 2021 via Zoom Fellow Lions and Leos of MD-1, Our 100th Annual MD-1 Convention will be held May 15, 2021. Because of the pandemic restrictions related to the size of gatherings, this year’s convention will be held virtually via ZOOM. All Lions and Leos are invited to attend. This will be the first – and hopefully only – virtual state convention. The convention committee has spent a lot of time and effort working on this event. I want to thank State Convention Chair Lion Terri Pasternik for her efforts working through uncharted waters this year. Agenda Because this is a virtual event there will be no charge for attending so you do not have to leave the comfort of your home. The agenda is still being finalized but we expect the first plenary session to run from 1:00 to 3:00, followed by district caucuses and voting, with the second and final plenary session running from 6:00 to around 8:15.

Some of the highlights include hearing from our International Guest, recognition of State and International Presidential award recipients, a necrology service, voting on 4 constitutional resolutions, the announcement of the LIF Sight-And-Sound Sweepstakes winners, the revealing of next year’s Council Chair and State Chairs, and six gift card giveaways. International Guest Our International Guest this year is Past International President Clem Kusiak. PIP Clem is excited to be visiting with the Lions of Illinois and we look forward to having him with us via Zoom on May 15 th. Registration As stated earlier, registration is free this year but to attend or be a delegate you must register. The registration link and information will be sent out within the next day or two. Voting Information This year’s election will be held

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using Election Runner, an approved LCI electronic election program. All voting will occur between 3:00 PM and 5:45 PM on Saturday, May 15, 2021 using this software. Delegates Clubs will be entitled to the number of delegates based on their membership according to Lions International as of April 1, 2021. Each Club gets 1 delegate per 10 members or major fraction. Example – a Club with 26-34 members gets 3 delegates. A Club with 35-44 members gets 4 delegates. PDGs should be listed as delegates and do not count toward the club’s number of allowed delegates. Each Club will return their delegate form, to be received by their district Secretary by no later than May 5, 2021. Then, each district Secretary will submit Club delegate forms to the State SST - to be received by the SST no later than May 10, 2021.

Your Club MUST be in Good Standing to be able to vote – that means the Club is current with their District and MD-1 State dues by April 30, 2021. This is 15 days prior to the convention in accordance with the MD-1 C&BL. Once your Club’s delegate form is received by SST Mary and your Club is verified to be in good standing, CC Joe Vinyard will issue an email to each delegate with their unique Username and Password for the Election Runner software during the week of May 10, 2021. Delegates MUST have an email address to be able to vote. Delegates MUST be registered for the convention. Resolutions Attached to this email are the 4 constitutional Resolutions that will be on the ballot this year. Please bear with us as we work though some unprecedented circumstances to put on a successful

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convention for the Lions of Illinois. We look forward to “seeing” you on May 15 th at our 100 th state convention.


Thank you for all you are doing to serve your communities!! Joe Vinyard MD-1 Council Chairperson --------------------------------------

Chicago Ridge Lions Club induction of New Member last April 15,2021. ---------------------------------------

The Chicago Heights Lions Club will be attending this session, but 30 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter

we are always looking for more help. The group that met this past week had a great time, because they were able to meet with other Lions. Camaraderie is good for the soul. The Beds will be donated to "All God’s People" an organization that ministers to the needs of homeless people in the Chicago Loop area. Come join us for a couple hours to help get this project moving and spend time with fellow Lions catching up. And do not forget this activity can be added to MyLion as a service project. Hope to see you there!! Please RSVP to me so I know how many to expect. Remember the 3 C's: Communication, Causes & Camaraderie!

Lion Gail Anton District Governor Elect


Linda Lee Kosiba, 70, of Bartlett and formerly District 1A Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer, passed away Sunday, March 28, 2021. An avid traveler and Disney fan who adored her nieces and nephews, Linda was a volunteer at the Lions Clubs of Bartlett and Chicago. Loving daughter of MaryAnne and the late Casimer Kosiba; beloved sister of Joyce (Bill) Koster, Larry (Christina) Kosiba, and the late Nancy (Kevin) Koster; adored aunt of 13 nieces and nephews and 2 great nieces and nephews; devoted companion of Nick Kouzoukas for many years. Visitation Wednesday, March 31

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from 9:00am until time of prayers 10:15am at Countryside Funeral Home and Crematory 950 South Bartlett Rd. (at Stearns Rd.), Bartlett, to Resurrection Catholic Church. Mass 11:00am. Entombment Elmwood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorials to Nancy's Stockings at www.nancysstockings.org appreciated. Info (630)289-7575 --------------------------------------

Anton from District 1A was in this group of leaders: ---------------------------------------

Please "SAVE THE DATE" for Saturday, May 8, 2021 for Gov. Marilyn McLean's 4th and final Cabinet Meeting. This time it will be an in-person meeting with delicious breakfast. See details: PLACE: Holiday Inn at 6201 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 BREAKFAST: Buffet Style (Self Serve) COST: $10.00/person. If you reserved and failed to show up, you are still liable to pay the $10.00. TIME: Fellowship at 9:00 am, Call to Order at 9:15 am and Breakfast will be served at 9:20 am

Here are pictures from my 1st DGE Virtual training class. This time LCI had all trainings for District Governor Elects virtually. Lion Gail

RSVP to CST Andy Liamaga through e-mail only at flipbanker@aol.com NO LATER THAN May 3, 2021. ---------------------------------------

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