Greetings Lions and Leos of District 1-A: Hello all! I hope all is well. I am First, I want to take this sure that everyone had a opportunity to thank all of you fantastic time with family on as Lions and Leos for everything Memorial Day weekend. A big you have done to serve your thank you to all our veterans community. And of course, I who have served our country. could not have accomplished the district goals without your This is it! My last Gov Newsletter supports and team effort. There as your District Governor. Time are so many individuals that I flies when you are having fun want to thank for their even during this pandemic. dedications, leaderships, and service for the past year. I want We have faced so many to give a special thanks to CST challenges during this past year, Lion Andy Liamaga for all his yet many have found ways to efforts and dedications this lion serve safely during this year. His continuous support for pandemic. our District is greatly 1 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
appreciated. A big shout out goes to our Executive Team, GAT Team, NAMI Champion PID Dan O'Reilly, Region Chairs / Zone Chairs and to all our District 1-A Committees for all their hard work and support this fiscal year. I enjoyed working with all of you and was extremely fortunate to get to know a lot of you even better. A special thanks also goes to our 3 new Chartered Clubs and their sponsoring clubs who helped us reach our district goals. Thank you Lions for all you do. Your service has made an impact in your community!!! District 1-A Updates Greater Chicago Food Depository Great News!! I am pleased to announce that the Hunger Grant has been approved by LCIF for $100,000. I want to congratulate and thank all the clubs and fellow Lions who participated in the District 1-A Virtual Campaign
and for all the efforts on behalf of those in need to help alleviate hunger in the greater Chicago area. A special thanks goes to Dr. Raj Rajaram from District 1-J for his generous donation and for all his efforts during this past year. District 1A has reached 100% of our campaign goal of raising the $25,000 needed for our grant match. I am so glad that we were able to accomplish this goal by midyear. Hats off to our GST Lion Richard Castillo for all his efforts and commitment for this successful service project this year. And yes, we did it!! It is all about Team Effort and as Lions we make an impact to make the world a better place. Governor Clubs Visits in the month of May and June I want to thank the following clubs for inviting me to their meetings this past month. Great to see and enjoyed the camaraderie of my fellow Lions in person!! During my visit, I had the
2 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
pleasure and honor to do the induction of new members and new officer installation for the year 2021-2022. 1. Oak Park LC - May 18, 2021 2. Chicago Global LC - May 19, 2021 3. 4 Clubs in Region 4 – May 20, 2021 (Westchester, Brookfield La Grange, La Grange Highlands, Berwyn) Zoom 4. Windy City LC – May 22, 2021 5. Chicago River Grove LC – June 2, 2021 6. South Holland LC – June 3, 2021 7. Chicago Uptown LC - June 6, 2021, 100 Years Anniversary – Virtual 8. Justice LC – June 7, 2021 9. Willow Springs Lioness LC 10. Filipino American LC – June 19, 2021 Club celebrating 100 years of Service. Chicago Uptown Lions Club celebrated their Centennial Gala – 100 Years of Service , entertainment provided by the
Virtual Dueling Piano Show on June 6, 2021. Congratulations on celebrating your milestone. Your commitment to providing many years of service as a member of our association is honorable and commendable. Wish you many more years to continue your commitment to service. What a great Sunday evening! Thanks to the coordinators and for having me as part of the program. Thank you Lions and Leos for the opportunity and the wonderful experience to serve as your District 1-A Governor for the LY 2020-2021. Together we can when every Lion is involved to “Serve the World with LOVE and KINDNESS“ Lion Marilyn McLean District 1-A Governor 2020-2021 -----------------------------------
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From your Global Action Team Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly
Membership Take advantage of the LCI Board extended waiver of the entrance and charter fee through June 30, 2021. We can finish our year strong and be ready for the new Lion Year. Instead of trying to determine who we can drop, let us figure how to keep those Lions and use the waiver to strengthen our club’s membership to be ready to start 2021-2022 Lions Year reinvigorated and hit the year running as our state opens fully. North American Membership Initiative To date membership growth in 1-A is down about 1.06% vs CA 1 which shows 2.84% for the year. Let us finish strong this year and keep it going in starting in July. Governor’s Goals:
4 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
New Club Development We exceeded our goal of 2 new clubs for 2020-2021 with 3 clubs with 57 more members than we had planned for. Hopefully, we can take those members interested in Lions back in the fall and get the West Loop started as we open Chicago up. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support As the state continues crossing the bridge into a total open state, “Wow, that sure sounds good saying”. We need to make sure we keep in touch with our Lions. The workload is greater now than ever. Be ready to answer the call, as your service opportunities increase, so will your members. Your Lions joined your club to “serve”, give them a chance to help others. They will be Lions for years. Thank you to the clubs who reached out for help getting your clubs back on track. We are working on a couple clubs now and are putting plans together for the others in the new Lion year. Do not hesitate to reach out for support. ========================================================= Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey
New Member Orientation Training Our June New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 6:30pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held. 5 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if you will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. Public Speaking Skills Development • Fourth and On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills ▪ Further Development of Speech Content ▪ Delivering the Speech ▪ Practicing Different Types of Speeches o Tentatively Scheduled for 06/03/2021 New Officer Training for 2021-2022 New Officer Training for the coming year will be available for New Club Officers in 2021 – 2022 Lion year. We will also be offering a class on Website and Reporting Training assisting Lions with required reporting. See below for more details. All training will be held virtually, and the tentative dates and times are listed below: Please register in advance for each of the classes. After registering you will be sent a link to join the training on the appropriate night. Class Instructor(s) Secretary Training Lion Dawn Grogan
Date and Time Thursday, June 10, 2021,
Registration Link: 6 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
7:00 p.m.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Treasurer Training CST Andy Liamaga
Thursday, June 17, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Registration Link: WaLLEKpN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Membership Chairperson Training 7:00 p.m. PID Dan O’Reilly
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Registration Link: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------President Training GLT Tom Elsey &
Thursday, June 24, 2021
7:00 p.m.
2nd VDG Tony Zartler Registration Link: 7oQQOdwYbEx_o ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Website & Reporting Training p.m. Numerous Instructors
Thursday, July 1, 2021 7:00
Registration Link: bxDDEUJLY2W ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Website and Reporting training will cover the use of MyLCI, MyLion, Lions Learning Center, LCI Shop, and Insights. Required reporting will include, monthly MMR Reports, yearly New Officer 7 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Reporting form, yearly Attorney General’s Report (Form AG990-IL) and the yearly e-Postcard (Form 990-N)
MYLCI - This site is where the club can manage their membership, create district, and club profiles, check club voter eligibility, document, and plan conventions as well as check new club charter application status (GLT Tom Elsey) MYLION - This site is where clubs report service, plan their service projects, connect with other Lions, and create personal profiles (GST Richard Castillo) Lions Learning Center - The Lions Learning Center (LLC) offers all Lions and Leos the opportunity to learn and sharpen their knowledge of Lions fundamentals and leadership skills through online interactive courses (GLT Tom Elsey) LCI Shop - The LCI Shop is an easy way to order the most used supplies and Lions Clubs International branded merchandise (GLT Tom Elsey) Insights – Insights is a new product that provides Lions and Leos access to key data such as membership statistics, service data and LCIF donations in easy-to-understand dashboards (Instructor: GST Richard Castillo) Form 990-N (e-Postcard) – The e-Postcard is an electronic filing made once per year to the IRS an Annual Information Return for clubs exempt from Federal Income Taxes (Generally those with Gross Receipts under $50,000) (Instructor: TBD) Form AG990-IL – The ILLINOIS CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION ANNUAL REPORT is to be submitted yearly to the Illinois Attorney General and is reporting the club’s financial information/dealings for the preceding Lions year (Instructor: TBD)
8 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Richard Castillo
Update on the Greater Chicago Food Depository Virtual Campaign/Service Project
Lions of District 1A it is with great excitement to announce that our yearlong campaign to raise $25,000 dollars for our matching grant has been achieved. In our last and first in-person cabinet meeting we raised the remaining $763 dollars we needed to reach our 100% Goal mark we set for the year. We had an anonymous donor who donated $500, and we had Willow Springs Lions Club announce that they were making an additional $200 donation in the name of the Governor, and remaining funds were covered by the Chicago Windy City Lions Club President. The Lions Clubs International Foundation Trustee meeting just recently concluded, and we are waiting to hear if our Hunger Pilot Grant Application was approved for the $100,000 USD to purchase two blast chillers for the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Update on MyLion Service Reporting I am proud to announce that 39% of clubs have reported their service projects on MyLion, which is a 18% increase from the beginning of the fiscal Lion year. If you need help reporting your service projects on to MyLion please feel free to reach out to me at and I will be more than happy to schedule a one-to-one meeting with you to enter your reports in. 9 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
We are quickly coming to the end of another Lions year. I would like to thank each and every Lion of District 1-A for your service. Without your continued support to your communities, we would not be able to serve and help those in need. I know this year has been challenging, but we did not let COVID-19 stop us. It taught us new ways to get our word out. Think about it, we were forced to learn new applications like ZOOM, and we are better for it. But it looks like we are putting the pandemic behind us, and the world is starting to return to normal. (the normal we remember). Yes, we should still be cautious, but it is time to get back out there in the world as we know it and serve our communities. I look forward to going to club events and getting back in touch with all of you. Let me know when your club has an event……. PCC Steve & I are ready to go. We miss the Camaraderie with the Lions. Remember my 3 C’s of Lions. • Communicate – Contact us if you need help or want to help. • Causes - Follow your passion. Choose a cause that is near and dear to you and your club. • Camaraderie - Get out there and mingle with the Lions. Attend District and club events.
10 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
As we celebrate Memorial Day weekend, let us remember those who courageously gave their lives and honor these heroes on this special day. Looking forward to a rewarding 2021-2022 Lions year for all of us.
GG ------------------------------------------------------------------
11 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Dear Cook County Sheriff's Office and Partners, we are forever grateful that you were able to do a Community Vaccination Event last Friday, 14th of May.
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to serve others. Blessed and thankful for all the sponsors and volunteers. We are sharing with you, photos,
and a video clip for the Covid19 Community Event with Cook County Sheriff's led by Sheriff Tisa Morris, Nancy Suvarnamani, Moses Shang and our Lions Partners in service 12 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
--------------------------------------Windy City Lions built and planted
(Chantimar-Thai Midwest, Trak, Ben and Yoly-Filipino American Lions Club). Please note the 2nd dose event is scheduled on June 11, 2021, same time, and place. The CCS will advise us and keep you updated. 13 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
14 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Autism Solutions. District 1A Governor Marilyn inducted two new members and rolled up her sleeves to plant the garden with us! We had a great day working in the sunshine under the direction of Tucker their ---------------------------------------
a sensory garden today Urban 15 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
lead grower! Way to go Lions & Urban Autism Solutions! --------------------------------------PCC Steve Anton and Gov Elect Gail had the pleasure to visit the Chicago Heights Lion Club to install a new member and announce our new Region Chair for the
Stickney Forestview Lions Club drive thru Pancake Breakfast and buy Queen of Hearts tickets. This time they held their Pancake Breakfast as Drive Thru due to COVID pandemic. Villagers supported club’s fundraiser in big
upcoming Lions’ year RC Karl Schultz. Congrats to all and thanks for a wonderful evening of fellowship! 16 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
numbers and enjoyed pancakes with their family members. ---------------------------------------
At the Worth Lions Club Installation of Officers! And guess what our very own First Vice District Governor received a Melvin Jones 17 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Fellow. Congratulations to FVDG Elect Tony Zetler ---------------------------------------
My Fellow District 1A Lions We are fast approaching the end of the year and moving into a new one. Our district needs three (3) district LIF coordinators for the areas of service the LIF provides to our district. The coordinator positions are as follows, Fundraising: This involves helping promote the various fundraising events that are held throughout the year such as Candy Day, Tootsie Pop, Annual Sight & Sound Sweepstakes, Annual Gala and Car Show, BBQ Tournament, LIF Gift Card, John Deere Golf Classic, Walk for Sight. 18 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
Health Services: This involves promoting and assisting with requests for the Mobile and Retinal Screen Bus, Hearing Aid collection for Hearing Aid Bank, Adult LowVision (Orientation and Mobility Training), Student Low Vision Clinics, Children’s Vision Screening, Diabetes Awareness Campaign, Health Fairs Memorial and Endowments; This involves promoting the Foundation Fellows, Sustaining Supporters, Tree of Service Memorials, Get Wells, Birdies for Charity. These positions do not require to have served in a leadership capacity at the district level. They are open to all the Lions of the district.
If you have an interest or have any questions and would like to be considered as a coordinator representing our district, please contact either Lion Austin (708.623.4764, email or Lion Ralph Zarada (773.294.3872, email Thanks for your attention and consideration to this matter, Lion Austin and l look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Lion Austin D’Souza PDG, 2nd Year Trustee Lion Ralph Zarada PDG, 1st Year Trustee
Justice Lions Club held their Charter Nite and Governor’s Nite. Guiding Lions PDG’s Mike Smigielski & Dave Hanson were given Appreciation Certificates. 19 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
River Grove Lions 72nd Charter Nite and Governor’s Visit was held on June 2nd. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 District 1A Governor’s Newsletter
this month of June. II International President Brian Sheehan was the International Guest for the event.
South Holland Lions New Officers’ installation by District 1A Governor on June 3, 2021. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chicago Uptown Lions celebrated their 100th Charter Nite on June 6, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Districrt 1A Candy Day Jamboree will be on September 15, 2021. More details to follow. Mark your calendar. Event will start at 5:30 pm.
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