The Norris City Lions Club sponsored a Christmas Home Lighting contest
MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 8 - Issue 8, February 2021
1 The Illinois Lion & Leo
The Dupage Tomorrow’s Alliance Club in District 1-J The Columbia 21st Century Lions in District 1-CN The Aurora Carillon Lions Club in District 1-J The Silvas Lions Club in District 1-H For the year Districts 1-A and 1-J Hello Lions and Leos of MD-1.
hope you are all healthy and well.
have each added 2 clubs and 1-CN and 1-H have added 1 each. Let us try to keep that momentum going.
Our new Lions year is off and running even with the pandemic still
Due to the pandemic MD-1 was not
causing havoc with our in-person
able to hold an in-person Forum this
Let me update you on
year so the decision was made to
some of the progress we are making
hold a virtual Forum called Virtually
here in Illinois.
Speaking. We were limited to 100 attendees due to our Zoom license,
New Clubs!!! We have added 6 new
but the Forum was recorded and is
clubs this Lions year – which is more
available on the new MD-1 YouTube
than we have added the past few
page for those that were not able to
years combined. The most recent
clubs to join our Lions family include:
I want to thank 3rd International Vice 2 The Illinois Lion & Leo
delivering our keynote address. I
also want to thank our other
Campaign 100 program.
presenters; FVDG Gail Anton, DG John Barsanti, PDG Lori Bennett, and
It is important for your club to stay
PDG Ken Novak. They did a great
in-touch with each other during this
time. If your club is not meeting at all, please consider using a free
Finally, I want to thank our great
version of Zoom to at least get your
GAT team; GLT Jam Wahl, GMT PDG
club together to talk. If Zoom is not
Barb Stewart, and NAMI Champ PCC
Darren Van Duyn. They put in a lot
of time and effort into the forum to
option. You can check on how our
make sure it was a quality event.
members are doing and discuss
things your club can be doing to help
The next COG meeting scheduled
out an
for February 27 is going to be held virtually due to the restrictions on
In closing I want to thank you for all
the size of in-person gatherings
you are doing
currently in-place.
to serve
your for
reading. February
Awareness Month.
MD-1’s own
IPDG Tony Holland is one of the scheduled
MD-1 Council Chairperson Joe Vinyard
International Childhood Cancer Day
webinar being held on February
One way your club can
support this effort is through a 3 The Illinois Lion & Leo
In place of the MD1 Forum, a virtual event was planned: MD1 Virtually Speaking. The keynote speaker for the event was Third Vice President Dr. Patti Hill. VP Dr. Hill asked the attendees to consider these questions and then TAKE ACTION. Will your club TAKE ACTION to enhance leadership, engage membership and provide the service needed to meet our community needs? The answers are here! Check it out!! LEADERSHIP Who Might Be Potential Leaders? -People who are busy will do the task to completion. -Find Lions with leadership potential then mentor, encourage,
build confidence, develop enthusiasm. -There is a lack of knowledge about roles and responsibilities for a position. Be more informative. -If a person is a good leader, he/she realizes the title does not necessarily mean you have to do it all. A good leader delegates to get the job done. Leaders don’t have to do it all. -Look for people who have potential and are willing to participate in the training made available. -Communicate and ask. People will step up. -Encourage members to step forward, do not discourage an idea. Support taking a risk with a project. Work together for a successful project. Invite community to help. They will become leaders. -Anyone can become a leader with encouragement and support. -Look at your club activities. Who is "leading the charge" getting the work done and helping others? -New members if given the opportunity -Watch for those with good ideas
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but who might be afraid of the "leader' tag. -Everybody. -Look for that diamond in the rough. -Look for Lions that have passion for a particular cause. -Seek out the introverts, by making them feel engaged. -Look for Lions that a have a purpose. -Look for organized Lions. -A current Leader must always have in mind, when to step away to make room for new people and ideas. How Do We Foster and Mentor Them? -Organize a mentoring program. -LCI has a mentoring program. Check it out at -Listen. -Some are overwhelmed by the meeting format or being asked on Zoom. Speak privately, outside the meeting. Inform exactly what is involved/needed. -Encourage, engage, and support. Let them know they are not alone that there are members ready to
help and support and then follow up to see that is happening. -Team newer members/leaders with an experienced supporter/mentor or co-chair. Be watchful that new ideas are being allowed to be developed and that senior Lions are not standing in the way. -One club president invites members to take turns running meetings, teaching the process as they go. -Create a formal mentor program within your club. -Be vigilant to watch for older members that may be operating under past rules or expectations. Provide periodic member orientation and refresher training to ALL club members. -Remind all members that teamwork is critical. No one member should be the sole keeper of information on how things operate/are done. -If you see someone with potential be sure to provide info on training opportunities on LCI and other places that will help them to develop their skills. -Don't criticize.
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-Be Flexible. -Communicate. -Let them do it their way. -Consult. -Counsel, be a good Listener. -Provide constructive feedback. -Be non-judgmental. -Be a cheerleader. -Be their friend. MEMBERSHIP How do we reengage with our current Lions who have fallen a drift? -Check up on them and invite them to the next meeting or project that your club is doing. -Encourage members to attend and be involved. -Invite them to participate in virtual cocktail parties or game nights. -Engage those members to be a part of a committee and put them to work. -Find out why they are not active and see if you can help with bringing them back. -Personal calls to members, especially those we have not seen
for a while, to see how they are and if they need anything. -Continue with service projects to keep them engaged and to engage others that may decide to join the club. -Include the members in your Board meeting as well as the dinner meeting. -Communication is essential to keeping members engaged and in engaging those volunteers who might become members. How do we engage with active volunteers who might become Lions? -Just Ask them. -Invite them to a District or Club meeting to learn about Lions. -Invite them to help with an upcoming project. -Offer paying for their meal to attend a meeting to learn more about Lions. -Invite them to listen to guest speakers at your club. -Show them how much fun we have as Lions.
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-Partner with their organization or other community organizations or schools. -Use service projects to engage new people. -Be visible. - One last thought was Ask One. But not just one because a salesman never sells his product to every contact. He must contact multiple people in order to make one sale so Ask Ten and ask multiple times. -Recognize that Lions are a diverse group and that to keep all Lions satisfied, we must give options that fit everyone’s needs. -Reach out in all ways possible to all Lions – including using email and phone. You need to fit communication with each Lion and know your audience. -There is a great technology divide. Use technology to Lions advantage now to start new Cyber Clubs which appeal to specific people. Must also recognize the diversity of Lions and hold meetings in such a way that all have the opportunity to attend. This may mean having hybrid meetings
with in-person, conference calling or Zoom meeting or a combination of these. -Ideas to serve must be modified for the restrictions we currently face. Give everyone opportunities so they are comfortable. -Hold Lions activities and use this to promote Lions Clubs. This may mean doing a video and posting or virtually so non-Lions can see or experience what Lions do and may become interested in joining. SERVICE How do we learn community needs?
-Check with Village Hall and elected officials. -Schools. -Churches. -Food Pantries. -Your Members. -Local Fire Departments. -Personal contact with our neighbor and community leaders. -Watch the items that are posted on the website – Chamber News,
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Community Blog. -Communicate with other community, social and church organizations. -Use Assessment needs from LCI to determine community’s needs. With whom do we or could we forge community needs? -With Schools. -Churches. -Local Businesses. -Other Non-profits. -Food Pantries. -Park Districts. -Scouting Groups. -Offer Community Service Scholarships to high school/college students to encourage volunteering. Some clubs require they volunteer on their own projects to be eligible. -Require that a prospective member participate in a service activity the club hosts before joining. -Working through community food banks serving prepared meals to homeless people -Inviting others to be part of the
service – Local Politicians, church groups, partnering with other civic organizations – Rotary, Kiwanis, and the NAACP. -Overall, it was felt that the Lions do a lot of good for their communities, but we do not publish or talk about it enough. There are a lot of communities that are not aware of everything that the Lions do. We need to do a better job in getting out the word. -Go to LCI’s Web site and look at COVID-19 Service Ideas, Serving Your Community Online, and Serving Your Community Virtually. -Learn to partner with other service organizations. 1-J Motorcycle Lions Club is partnering with Kiwanis to do a motorcycle safety course and roadside safety check. A 1-A Lions Club is helping the homeless with clothing, food and personal care items. St. Jacob Lions Club is partnering with another local club that focuses on hearing. ---------------------------------------
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By MD-1 GMT Coordinator Barb Stewart
It is hard to believe that we are already half-way through our Lions year. Lots of exciting things are happening in our Districts! District 1-A has added two new Lions Clubs. A third new Club has just been approved to charter! Please help me in welcoming the Silvis Lions Club, the newest Lions Club chartered in District 1-H. But wait – there is more! District 1-J has two more charter applications pending for new Clubs! There is at least one other District not mentioned yet that is also close to submitting a charter application for a new Club. This means that there are 3 newly chartered Lions Clubs with at least 3 more on the horizon in MD-1! This is extraordinary news considering the challenges we have faced due to pandemic restrictions. These District Governors, District GMTs, and the rest of the leadership teams are to be commended as they have persevered in their contributions to keep our organization going. THANK YOU!
Unfortunately, even with the addition of these newly chartered Lions Clubs, our overall membership numbers are struggling to be maintained. There are only two Districts currently showing a neutral/positive net growth (1-CN with a +7 and 1-H holding at 0). All other Districts are currently showing a net loss in their membership. Within MD-1, we currently have 12,853 Lions. This is a net loss of -266. To date, we have added 395 Lions and lost 661 Lions. It is a real possibility that we may lose a few Clubs and more Lions yet this year. What does that mean for our future? We need YOUR help! EVERY Lion in MD-1 should be asking their friends, family, neighbors, business associates, etc. to join a Lions Club. If even 3% of our current membership sponsors a new Lion, we will have more than made up our current losses. I notice recently in reviewing reports that there is one Lion who has repeatedly shown the true definition of Lionism and is showing no signs of slowing down as he has continued to accomplish a lot this year. Lion Erv Safranek of the Paw Paw Lions Club (1-D) has the longest service as a Lion in MD-1 (member since May 1946). This year alone, he has sponsored 2 new Lions. THANK YOU LION ERV! To the rest of the MD-1 Lions, we should use this example as a bar for us to reach by
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having each of us sponsor at least one new Lion by June 30th. If you or your Club is struggling to find new members (or with anything else), please reach out to your District leadership team for assistance. These Lions are in place to
help you. Let us see what we can do with the second half of this year as it pertains to membership! Have a safe and Happy New Year! Thank you for your service!
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Carol D. McCann-Kojima, 79, of Ottawa, passed away January 1, 2021 at OSF St. Elizabeth in Ottawa. Carol is preceded in death by her husband, Masaru “Mush” Kojima; her parents, Glenn and Dolores (Beckendorf) McCann; brother in-law, Harry Schroeder; and her niece Heather Mueller. Carol is survived by a son, Daryl (Jane) Rix of O’Fallon, IL; two daughters, Alaina Rivers of Ottawa, Gayle (David) Thomas of Grand Ridge; three grandsons, David Rivers (Kayla Johnson), of Seatonville, Travis (Samantha) Rivers, of Marseilles, and Brent (Karen) 14 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Thomas, of Ottawa; five great-granddaughters, Kristen Thomas, Morgan Thomas, Vivian Rivers, Zayleigh Piccatto, Zayda Piccatto, and four great-grandsons, Rayland Rivers, Abel Rivers, Grayson Rivers, and Zain Piccatto; three sisters Barbara Schroeder of Geneseo, IL, Rosemary (Steven) Swank of Peoria, and Ruth (Bernard) Farnbach of Alvaton, KY; a brother Larry (Marilyn) McCann of Ransom; six nieces/nephews, and 12 greatnieces/nephews. Carol was a member of the Ransom United Methodist Church, an active member of the Seneca Lions Club, past member of the Rock Island Greater Lions Club, and serving with the Lions of Illinois Foundation in Sycamore, IL earning several awards, certificates, and recognition since she joined Lions in 1990. At the end of her year as Governor of district 1-K Carol sky dived for the increase of new Lions members during her Governor year. She retired as a Supervisor of the LaSalle County Circuit Clerks office. Carol loved life and enjoyed traveling with her late husband, Mush, all over the State of Illinois, the Unites States, and other countries. There was no place they would not go to promote Lionism with fun, harmony, and fellowship. Presenting seminars at Conventions and Forums they were known everywhere. Carol’s Love of Lionism came from her Father, Mother, and her late husband and no one had more fun than the four of them and their legacy will live long after their passing.
Morrison Lions have collected school age caps, gloves/mittens, and scarves for the Helping Hand Organization in the past at Christmas. This year a change had to be made due to the pandemic. Pictured is an assortment collected and since Helping Hand could not distribute indoors, Lion Darlene Smith sorted out the various sizes and delivered to the Morrison schools for nurses and teachers to pass out to children where they saw 15 The Illinois Lion & Leo
a need. Proof that the Pandemic cannot stop the Lions from serving!!
Twelve things to consider: 1. The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner. 2. I was so bored I called Jake from State Farm just to talk to someone. He asked me what I was wearing. 3. 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay away from positive people. 4. The world has turned upside down. Old folds are sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors! 5. This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog. It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house & told my cat. We laughed a lot. 6. Every few days try your jeans on must to make sure they fit.
Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom. 7. Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands? 8. This virus has done what no woman has been able to do. Cancel sports, shut down all bars & keep men at home! 9. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch him/her with a 6foot pole” would become a national policy, but her we are! 10. I need to practice social distancing from the refrigerator. 11. I home the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to the Backyard. I’m getting tired of the Living Room. 12. Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask. PCC Terry Knollenberg ---------------------------------------
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This has been a tough one
to get done. My husband, Lion Charlie Williams, was diagnosed positive with COVID on October 14th. He went into Edwards Hospital on October 16 and stayed for 10 days when they released him back to Tabor Hills Healthcare. He gradually wore down until we knew the end was coming. He passed away at 7:30 PM on Thursday evening, November 5, 2020. Thankfully, no middle of the night calls from Tabor Hills. I awakened the next morning realizing that we had been saved from the last final sad days of dementia. I did my crying in early 2016 when I knew he was to have 24/7 care the rest of his life and that he had forgotten much of the knowledge he had learned over his many years of schooling. It has been a long five years, but I am used to doing things without him, both at home and otherwise. So now, the next chapter of my life can officially begin, and Lion Charlie is now where he can walk & run to his heart's content, with no wheelchair.
For those of you who have known him for a long time, you know that he did not sit too long! We will have a Celebration of his Life when COVID has receded and we can all safely gather. -Sandy Williams --------------------------------------
The Hardscrabble Lions of Streator served the Free Lunch for January. This is a cooperative effort of the club, the Deacons of Park Church and local community groups and organizations. 80-100 carryout meals are provided monthly.
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This month the club served tuna casserole, roll, salad, and desserts. Shown in the desserts ready to be delivered. ---------------------------------------
100 years of Pittsfield Lions Club: 100 years documented of Chrismas baskets for those in need in Pike County. ---------------------------------------
Josie Kircher, our district Peace Poster representative. Josie’s poster was submitted by the Highland Lions Club. Many thanks to Ross Myers who is the District 1G Chairperson. He would love to be inundated with submissions next
Year 2021-2022.
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Lion Russell Leslie Wilton August 3, 1917 January 12, 2021 Losing a great friend of Lionism We are saddened to report that Lion Russell Wilton, long-time member of our Carlinville Lions Club, died January 12, 2021. Lion Wilton was 103 years old and had been a member of the club
since September 1950 -- a total of 70 years. He was a charter member of the Carlinville Lions Club, with an amazing streak of 68 years of perfect attendance! His was a familiar face at the cakewalk and ice cream stand; during his later years he was a regular assistant in the Carnival's business office helping with Queen sales tickets. He enjoyed fishing, camping, tinkering, and pulling practical jokes. Lion Wilton is awarded a letter from the President of Lions Clubs
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Lion Wilton celebrates his 102nd birthday watching a parade of Lions members, friends, and relatives. ---------------------------------------
International honoring Russ for his long and active service with the Carlinville Lions Club -- 70 years with 68+ years of perfect attendance. Additional Honors: Melvin Jones Fellow Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow
National Express LLC has donated six Dodge Caravans adapted for wheelchair access to Canine Companions. These vehicles will be distributed throughout the regions to transport clients during training sessions. Thank you, National Express LLC, for your generous donation! ---------------------------------------
Lions Club awards students for their 20 The Illinois Lion & Leo
Christmas in Kirkland activities Art Contest Winners- Topic: "A STARRY NIGHT IN KIRKLAND" 1st GradeRobbie McCoy 2nd Grade- Jack Brennan 3rd Grade- Jacob Estrada 4th Grade- Mason Alm 5th GradeJaxxen Sipe Essay Winners Topic: "SPENDING TIME FROM A DISTANCE" 6th Grade Jackson Davenport, 7th Grade Audrey Emmens, 8th Grade Julia Kunkel. ---------------------------------------
Lions assisted the Kirkland Fire Department with a $500 donation and assisted in the delivery of presents and food to needy community members this Christmas. Lion Jim Woodward is loaded up to assist some of our neighbors in the community. Thanks to the Lions who participated in this event. The Lions made another beef donation to the Kirkland Food Pantry. Lions Phil Montgomery and Ryan Block are pictured with Food Pantry Volunteer John Royalty. Over 430 pounds of discounted meat was provided by Hy-Vee in Sycamore. --------------------------------------Lion Jan Miller Created the ornaments for our tree that was decorated in Franklin Park. Thanks to Lions- Steve Boetger, Steve Miller, various businesses and
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and safety of our Lions, staff and vendors in mind as limiting international travel and large gatherings is key to global containment strategies.
community members, and students who assisted in decorating the park for our Christmas in Kirkland. Santa (Lion Todd Humphry) arrived in the park on December 12 after parading through the neighborhoods of Kirkland. Decorated house winners were announced.
Although we are disappointed that we will not be able to host this event in person, we are excited about hosting our first virtual international convention that can safely connect Lions from around the world. We are still finalizing the details of your new convention experience and will share those with you as soon as they are ready. Here are some important details about the 2021 virtual convention we would like to share with you:
International Convention: Due to the continuing concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the board of directors voted to transition the 2021 Montreal Lions Clubs International Convention to a virtual event that will be delivered totally online. This decision was made with the health
Everyone is invited – Our 2021 convention will be a virtual event that is open to all Lions and Leos around the world. Registration fees – The registration fee will be US$50 until March 31, then US$75 beginning April 1. The registration fee for Leos will be
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US$30 regardless of date. Convention is currently scheduled for June 25-29. Additional event and registration details will be provided soon. Current registrants – Lions who are currently registered for convention will receive an email soon with more information about their registration options. Elections – Executive officer and international director elections will be conducted electronically and voting procedures will be forthcoming.
continue our global mission of service. We appreciate your understanding during this challenging time for our organization and the world and thank you for your incredible service as a Lion. Regards, Dr. Jung-Yul Choi International President ---------------------------------------
Convention updates – Check our convention website LCICon for convention updates and details as they become available. This global health pandemic has forced us all to make decisions and changes that place health and safety first. However, we are optimistic that with each new day there is hope, and as Lions, we continue to find new ways to stay connected, safely serve our communities and
Burr Ridge-Hinsdale-Oak Brook Lions Club supported three families
23 The Illinois Lion & Leo
this past Christmas season. Lion Melinda Plott stopped by HCS Family Services to drop off the club’s donations. ---------------------------------------
pencils, papers, and erasers. It was a Drive-Thru event with parents bringing the children. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The drawing for the 2020 Geneva/St. Charles Lions Club annual "Chance for Sight Raffle" was held at on Saturday, December 5th, in front of the Geneva Middle School South entrance. Thanks to all who brought tickets for a very successful raffle in a very difficult year! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sixty Christmas stockings were given to children at Westmont Jr. High School. Westmont Lions filled the stockings with candies, toys,
A fundraiser, “Calendar Raffle,” was conducted through a Zoom meeting by Westmont Lion Larry Forssberg. A total of $853.32 profit was made.
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for the pantry’s use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
It was raining. It was cold. There were even a few snow flurries. But, twelve Roselle Lions stood outside in the Roselle United Methodist Church parking lot and collected food and living essentials from persons driving up. The non-contact event was hoped to gather at least the 200-300 canned goods the Lions usually collected at its December Kid’s Party. Since the Kid’s Party was cancelled it was decided to try to at least to collect some food for the food pantry. And, collect they did! The pantry manager estimated that we brought in approximately 6,000 food items, plus a huge quantity of paper products and toiletries. Not only will the Methodist Pantry use many of the items but they also shared with other local pantries. And lastly, the Lions also collected close to $2,000
Roselle Lion Nick had a big impact on the Food Drive event his club had on the December Food Drive. He solicited members of his Jeep Club, “Jeeps on the Run,” to take part in the event. At around 2:30 PM, a parade of about 20 Jeeps pulled into the parking lot. Inside each Jeep was food, paper products, and many happy persons willing to take time from their busy days to come to Roselle with items for the food pantry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dundee Township Lions held a contest for the best decorated tree bought from the Lions Club tree lot this year. The winning tree for the Lions decorating contest was submitted by Tami Jones. The Lions Club will donate $100 to FISH FOOD PANTRY on her behalf and give her
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a $10 gift certificate toward the purchase of a tree next year. ---------------------------------------
Visionary Award, for her leadership, commitment and heart for service to the community in adapting the Wheaton Public Library to service the needs of its patrons. ---------------------------------------
Lisle Ladies Lions Club Branch collected a total of 74 pairs of gloves and 136 hats. They have been divided into two groups for donation PADS less fortunate children. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations to Wheaton Lion Betsy Adamowski, recipient of the
North Aurora Lions Forrest White
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was just one of the Lions tht rang his bell for the Salvation Army to “rescue Christmas” in December. ---------------------------------------
clothes. He offered to run out and purchase a new pair of boots, socks, hand warmers, a coat and some other cold weather essentials. He even bought him a new cell phone when his old one would no longer charge so he can try to reach out to his family and government agencies to get back on track. Thank you Dr. Stewart for this kind and selfless act of reaching out to a complete stranger in their time of need! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
94.9 WDKB Radio presented its latest Hometown Hero Award to: Cortland Lion Dr. Nathan Stewart a few weeks ago, to Dr. Stewart of Stewart Family Chiropractic. He saw a gentleman outside using an outdoor electrical outlet to charge his phone. Nathan didn't think much of it at first, but the more he gave it some thought he wanted to approach the gentleman and ask if he was okay. He learned that his name is Nick and it turned out that he is homeless. After talking with him more, Nathan realized that his new friend was in need of some new
A photo of just some of the food that Darien Lions used to assemble the club’s food baskets and finished bags for its Christmas Baskets Project. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next Huntley Area Lions Club project – birdhouses for sale, they are selling for $15 each. Birdseed
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Santa Aurora Noon Lion Dick Schindel (l) presents a gift bag to a family at a Christmas Drive-Thru for deaf and hearing-impaired students at Aurora Noon Lions Club’s event at Luigi’s Pizza in Aurora in midDecember. -------------------------------------One of Huntley Area Lions Club holiday projects was “Dress Up A Vet.” President Jim Salleta (l) and
ornaments are for sale, too, including hearts for Valentine’s Day. ---------------------------------------
1st VP Lion Pam Palmer (r) went to visit WWII Veteran Peter (c) to deliver him some much-needed clothing and a $100 Walmart Gift Card. All of this was part of the club’s “Dress Up A Vet” project. Turns out this Vet is a 94 year old gentleman named Peter who couldn’t believe that an
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organization would help him out. When asked what he needed, he said he only had two pairs of jeans and not many dress shirts and would greatly appreciate anything we could get him. He told them all about how he worked the kitchen for General MacArthur in WWII and was so proud of the position that he held. He had many pictures and stories that he loved to share. -------------------------------------Parker Spear, a student at Mattoon Middle School, was the 2020-2021 winner of the Lions Club Peace Poster Contest.
In a new partnership for the Marshall Lions Leos, they assisted the Knights of Columbus sack Christmas candy for kids in the community.
Members of the Mattoon Lions Club
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were on hand for the Peace Poster Contest award presentation to Parker Spear, by District 1-M Governor Bill Walpo. ---------------------------------------
On Friday, January 15th, there is no Family Assistance Ministry of St. Pius X Parish provided meals to families in need in the Stickney-Forest View area. Members of our Club volunteered and assisted with purchasing the meals, prepping them, and packing them for pick-up. At the end of the evening, 22 families consisting of 98 people were provided a hot meal of roast chicken, baked potatoes, mixed vegetables, rolls, and chocolate chip cookies. Click the link in the first comment to learn more about the Lions Club International Global Cause of Hunger. ---------------------------------------
Trak Silapaduriyang a member of Filipino American Lions Club together with Asian Chicago Cop served at China Town helped around 90 Seniors at Chinese
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Community Center last December 24,2020. ---------------------------------------------
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