Message from Governor Howard Swacker:
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We the Lions of the World celebrated our new year the day we complete our III Plenary Session at the Lions International Convention. This year it was July 3 rd in Las Vegas. When all World Governors were inducted, I was thrilled with joy to be the Governor of Mother District of Lionism, District 1A where it all started in the year
1917. We celebrated our 101 st International Convention and stepped into Lions’ Second Century of Service to the
needy. Also we celebrated Lion Guðrún Yngvadóttir as our first woman president of Lions Clubs International. Lions are coming out of the box and it is high time for all the clubs in our district to do so with new thoughts, innovative ideas, new projects and of course, new members Membership is still # 1 priority in Lionism to grow further so that we have enough hands to join in our community affairs. Diabetes is our new global service focus and a key addition to the Centennial Service Challenge. Consider hosting awareness campaigns, screening programs and helping expand treatment to stop this devastating disease. Your club has one more year to serve in honor of the Lions Centennial. Make a difference in your community by planning a diabetes project today and be sure to report it on MyLCI. Raise the visibility of your club and honor your legacy of service by planning a Centennial Legacy Project in your community. Legacy Projects commemorate our Centennial by making a lasting gift that will benefit your community for years to come. Start building your Lion legacy today!
Explore the possibilities of bringing in new clubs in your neighboring communities where there are no lions to serve. Extension is the only way for solid growth in our district. # 2 should be retaining of existing members. Governor’s Newsletter1
Get them involved in service projects. Ask members to bring their family and friends when you hold an event.
It will be their first-hand experience to see what we do and how serve our community. Lastly, if you have any ideas, please let me know so that we can make it happen in our District 1A. God bless
you and your service projects. -Howard Swacker, District 1A Governor
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District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, for Governor’sEdited Newsletter10 Lions and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.