1,500 Halloween Candy Boxes to all
MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 7 - Issue 7, January 2020 6
JUDGE HAYNES H. TOWNSEND PASSED AWAY! (10.23.1955 - 12.17.2019) 1
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
HAYNES H. TOWNSEND, FIRST VICE PRESIDENT NO MORE Judge Haynes Townsend, from Dalton, Georgia, USA, was elected to serve as first vice president of Lions Clubs International at the association's 102nd International Convention, held in Milan, Italy, July 5 through July 9, 2019. Vice President Townsend served as a judge for 22 years before retiring in 2019. A member of the Dalton Noon Lions Club since 1979, he has held many offices within the association, including club president, region chair, zone chair, district governor, district librarian, multiple district leadership chair and international director. He served on the international board from 2009 to 2011, as chair of the 2010-2011 Constitution and By-laws Committee and as a board appointee to the 2010-2011 Executive Committee. He also served as a presenter at the USA/Canada leadership forum. In recognition of his service to the association, Vice President Townsend has received many 2
awards including three Lion of the Year Awards, 15 District Governor Appreciation Awards, the Ervin-Crumbley Award, District 18-A Hall of Fame Award, numerous International President’s Awards, International President’s Leadership Awards, the association’s highest award the Ambassador of Good Will Award, a Membership Key Award and a Knight of Strength Award. Vice President Townsend was a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. In addition to his Lions activities, Vice President Townsend was active in numerous professional and community organizations. He is currently the chair of the Dalton-Whitfield Christmas Parade and was honored as the Judge of the Year by the State of Georgia. Vice President Townsend and his wife, Donna, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. He left behind Lion Donna and two daughters. ***
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Haynes Henton Townsend, 64, of Dalton went home to be with his Lord and Savior on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. He was the son of the late Clifford and Evelyn Townsend and was also preceded in death by his uncle, Emmett Henton. Haynes had a servant heart and a love for community. He started working at Fraker Hardware at age 15 and later served as Chief Magistrate Judge for Whitfield County for 22 years. He was the current vice president of Lions Club International and was to be named president at the international convention in June. He was an outstanding friend, loved photography and loved his family deeply. He loved to read and had an incredible sense of knowledge. Haynes believed kindness matters and was an example of how kindness can change the world. He is survived by his loving wife of 40 years, Donna Lord Townsend; daughter and her fiancé, Morgan Townsend and Travis Vitali; daughter and son-in-law, Madison and Kenneth Rutledge, Jr.; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Henry and Becky Lord; aunt, Geneva “Nene” Henton; cousins, Brian and Teresa Henton and Debra and Chuck Harris. A memorial service was held at 3 PM on Sunday at Dalton First United Methodist Church with Rev. Terry Fleming and Rev. Chuck Harris officiated. The family received friends prior to the service from 1 until 3 in the atrium. The family requests that memorials be made to the Lions Club International 4
Foundation, 300 W. 22nd Street, Oak Brook, IL 60523. “I wish I had the words to thank you all for the outpouring of love and support that has been showered upon our family during this difficult time in our lives. But words fail me. I wish you could feel my heart, though. It is so full. It is full of love, wonderful memories, and promise. Each of you meant so much to Haynes - and continue to mean as much to me. Our journey together over 40+ years has brought us such joy - two beautiful daughters - and 1.4 million friends. Who can ask for anything more? Haynes would want us to continue moving forward - and we will - one step at a time. And we hope you will be there, with us, to share your kindness with others - the same kindness you have shown us. ❤️” -Donna Townsend
A kind, down to earth Lion Even though Lion Haynes Townsend was a Chief Magistrate Judge for Whitfield County for 22 years, he was such a simple and humble lion anyone could have has his/her firind. 13 years ago I had an opportunity to work with him as a Sector Coordinator (including Lion Patti Hill of Canada) for SightFirst 2 campaign. Ever since we became good friends. He used to love my pictures and respond immediately. I will be missing him dearly. May his sould rest in peace and may God Almighty grant Lion Donna his wife and
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twwo lovely daughters enough strength to bear this loss. -Dr Austin D’Souza -----------------------------------------------------Council Chair Speaks:
Lions of MD-1, I hope everyone enjoyed their Holiday! It is the start of a new year and a time it is traditional to make a few resolutions. Have you made any new resolutions in support of the Lions in your community, the state, or internationally? How about a resolution to ask just one person to be a member? Two would be even better! The Multiple District is already down 47 members in the month of December, and we still have 5 days left for clubs to report. We are down 83 for the year so far. We have lost 5 clubs this year with another 5 in Status Quo. We have only chartered one new club so far this year to replace the lost clubs. Any new years’ resolutions for service? January is World Hunger Month, and it is one of our five focus areas for Lions Clubs International. If your club did not participate in a hunger related cause over the holidays, I would encourage you to work on supporting one in January. Coming up in February is Childhood 5
Cancer Awareness Month. Now is the time to develop a plan to support an event in this focus area. I also want to give a shout out to District Governor Tony Holland and 1-H for supporting this focus area all year long with his governors project this Lions year. Reporting through MyLion is still problematic, but we are making progress. MD1 has reported 976 service activities in MyLion impacting 226,440 people, or 15 people served per member. I know that is not even half of the service that has been performed by MD1 Lions as less than 50% of the clubs are reporting their activities. Have you or your club made a resolution to support our two Lions Foundations? Right now, MD1 is about $5,500 dollars behind the totals that were donated to LCIF in the first half of last year. Do you have an outstanding Lion you should recognize with a Melvin Jones Fellow? For our Lions of Illinois Foundation, we are only at 34% of the goal for this year. We are half-way through the year already, so has your club submitted its candy day receipts yet? Does your club have money budgeted to support the Low Vision programs or Leader Dog? Now is a good time to review your plan for the year, and determine if there is some additional money available to support OUR Foundations Programs. The Council selected a new State Secretary-Treasurer (SST) for the Lions of Illinois. The new SST, Mary Pemberton, is from the Springfield area, and brings with her some needed experience and skills in book keeping and planning that will help support our
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Lions in the State of Illinois. She will be starting after the 1st of January and will be taking over the duties of that position. I would like to thank PCC Darren VanDuyn and PCC Terry Knollenberg, and the many Lions who stepped up to help while the position was vacant. Let’s go out and start the new year of right. Perform some meaningful service and recruit some new Lions to help with that service. -Lion Jerome Perez, MD-1 Council Chair ---------------------------------------------------------MD1 Leadership Chair (GLT) Lions of MD1, We are halfway through this Lion’s year. Have you accomplished all you hoped to accomplish as a member of your local club, but also as a member of the largest most active service club in the world? Have you assisted with a local service project? Have you encouraged someone to become a member of your club? Have you participated in district or multiple district learning events? Have you attended a LCI webinar or taken a class from Lions University? Have you made a contribution to the Lions of Illinois Foundation or the Lions Clubs International Foundation? Have you thought about doing more? If you have thought about doing more, does this mean you would like to step 6
up to take on committee leadership for a club project or fundraiser? Does this mean you are interested in becoming a member of the cabinet? Does this mean you have thought about the journey to become District Governor? As 2020 approaches, take an opportunity to look back on the first half of this Lions’ year. If you are pleased with your efforts, congratulations! Keep up the good work! And, maybe, consider becoming a mentor for another Lion to help him or her have as rewarding an experience as you have had. If your look back shows you have more to do, now is the time to plan to make this happen. Make the second half of this Lions’ year the best it can be! -Jama Wahl, GLT jamawahl@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------
George Earl Gould, 88, of Batavia, IL. passed away on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 in Batavia, Illinois. George was born on June 5, 1931, the son of George H. and Hannah (Hall) Gould. He was united in marriage to Elizabeth J. Wagner on June 23, 1956 in Aurora, IL. George started driving trucks at age 15 delivering farm commodities (livestock and grain) to market. He drove 46 years retiring in 1992. In 1969, George joined the Lions club. Serving the visually and hearing impaired around the world through Lionism has been Gorge's passion for 50 years. Among his many
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Lions awards, are his Lions of Illinois Foundation (LIF) Fellow Laureate, numerous Melvin Jones Fellows, International President's Award, LIF Lifetime Service Award, and the North Aurora Lions Clubs Lifetime Service Award. He loved to help on Candy Days, Tootsie Pop Days, and visiting visually and hearing impaired children and adults throughout Illinois.
Vining, and nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife Betty (Elizabeth), three brothers in law, Harvey Seavy, Dale Stout, and Ken Vining.
George also had time to pursue his lifetime passion of fishing. Each year, George and his buddies scheduled a fishing trip to Lake Erie.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations in George's name may be made to Lions of Illinois Foundation,
George is survived by sisters in law Marge Stout, Lorraine Seavey, Donna
A graveside service held at 11:00 A.M. on Monday, December 30, 2019 at River Hills Memorial Park, 1650 S River St, Batavia, IL 60510.
www.lionsofillinoisfoundation.org or Immanuel Lutheran Church, 950 Hart Rd, Batavia, IL 60510. -----------------------------------------------------
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
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Lions Club, presents Kristine Logue, of the Altamont Public Library, with a check for the purchase of large print books.
Altamont Lions Club president Steve Stice (R) presents Rodney Schultz (L) a donation for the Ho Ho Land activity.
New Lion Monte Wall (R), gets his Lions pin from his sponsor Lion Ryan Osteen (L). Welcome to the Altamont Lions Club family!
Lion Steve Stice, president of Altamont 20
The Altamont Lions Club will be giving either a basketball or soccer ball at the half time of home varsity basketball games of the Lady Indians and Indians. These balls have been purchased with the funds gathered from the basketball and soccer programs of the Altamont Lions Club. The funds derived from the paper airplane toss provided the expenses of the balls for our community youth .The designated organization selling the airplanes will keep retain proceeds from the airplanes sales. Since 1939 the Altamont Lions Club have been supportive of community events.
Meet the Indians Night! Altamont Lions
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Club helped the Altamont Student Council with their Food Drive on the evening of November 16th. Admission to the festivities that night was a donation of food for the Altamont Food Pantry. Donations for the Altamont Food Pantry brought in 210 pounds of food and $51 cash. Thanks to all that donated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
State Representative Thomas M. Bennett spoke to the Bismarck Lions Club on Octt 21st. We thank him for his time. -----------------------------------------------------Dan Dunavan - 45 years of Service. John Brain - 35 years of Service. Rich Miller - 10 years of Service. 1M Lions District Governor David Johnson presented each with a Milestone Chevron Award. 21
The Blue Mound Lions Club hosted their annual Halloween Party on Sunday, October 27th. The evening included games, treats, and a costume contest with hotdogs, chips, and a drink for $1! We would like to say Thank You to everyone that came out tonight for our Halloween party. ------------------------------------------------------
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Mayor Sean Widener becomes the Mahomet Lions Club’s newest member. Welcome aboard Sean. Induction by Dave Roberts and PDG Ken Horn. ------------------------------------------------------
receiving the International President's Pin for answering the call to serve where needed during our District 1M Convention, and to our own Leo Newstale for service to others, including participation in our District 1M Convention. with DG David Johnson & ID Justin Faber.
Brad's Florist and Crafty Dan's are just two of the 50 area businesses to whom our Paris Lions Club said, 'THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!' Presented to Brad Cash and Dan Vice by Steve Bennett
Congratulations to Steve Bennett for 22
Paris Lions Club is thankful for the services these volunteers and their organizations provide, including Dolly
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Representative Brad Holbrook came for a Town Hall meeting hosted by the Paris Lions Club. Thanks to all who attended.
Parton Imagination Library through Altrusa, DO It Group cancer support, Faith in Action of Edgar County and Hopes & Dreams, an organization helping homeless teens.
Congratulations to PDG Ron Stickler for receiving the International President’s pin for his service and his assistance during the District 1M Convention. ------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations to our own Paris Lions Club President and District Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer on receiving an International President's Certificate of Appreciation for his service to our District
The Sidney Lions took on a new challenge this week. We heard from the Unity School Nurse that there was a need for clean, dry clothes for students who might have had an accident at school. Pictured here is Lion Melinda Talbott
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presenting a nice selection of clothes to Principal Jim Carvor to be used to fill this need. "Lions - We Serve" ------------------------------------------------------
Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club President Jim Seefeldt and his wife, Karen, hosted a thank you party for Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club members. ------------------------------------------------------
Those attending the Lions Club's seventh annual Community Dinner last night (Nov. 14) enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal 24
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and a program that provided an awareness of and appreciation for all that the Warrensburg-Latham school district provides its students. High school Honor Society students and student volunteers served the tasty meal; members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) presented the Colors, W-L alum David Brown served as MC and representatives of the school district provided highlights and insights into the opportunities available to students from grade school through high school. ------------------------------------------------------
District Governor & IPCC Darren VanDuyn on earning this prestigious award at this year‘s district 1-M convention in Charleston (Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow) ------------------------------------------------------
Westville Lions Club members Tracy Acord, Peg Morris & Darren VanDuyn presenting a check to Beth Slade from Leader Dogs & Late PDG Mario Gumino from the Lions of Illinois Foundation for $2,600 that we raised from our 6th annual K9 walk & pet costume contest. Also pictured is Coco. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Immediate 25
Westville Lions Club invited all the little ghouls & goblins to their 8th annual
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Spooktacular Trunk or Treat night on October 31st at Zamberletti Park. The event was more than just free candy – it was a great time with the community. ------------------------------------------------------
1M Convention 2019: Our District Governor David Johnson’s theme – Helping Children See A Better Future – was visible throughout the 2019 District 1M Convention, from the seminars to the rafle items. Programs helping children included Kids & Healthy Communities which focused on healthy 26
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Friese to Second Vice District Governor, SVDG John Dotray to First Vice District Governor and PDG Bill Wallpe to be District Governor in 2020-2021. International President’s Award winners included CST Brad Cash, Zone Chair Leann Brackney and GMT Mark Krutsinger. A Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow was awarded to Lion Howard Tingley and to Zone Chair Jan Nimrick. District 1M awarded PCC Darren VanDuyn with a progressive MJF for his service. Congratulations to all. --------------------------------------------------------------------
living habits and services to a 9 county area in east central Illinois. Almost Home serves the needs of children with complex medical needs transitioning from hospital to home. Another wellreceived program was in interview of local LEOs and their services and viewpoints. International Director Justin Faber was well received in District 1M and shared vital information from LCI including pending dues increases. Two resolutions passed in effort to improve District 1M’s effectiveness. Officers elected for the upcoming Lions year included PDG Jani Mendenhall to her second term as LIF Trustee, PDG Scott 27
PDG Lion John Hilliard, Lion Dave Barry, 1J Zone Chair Lion Bob Olender Bartlett Lions Club did a Vision Screening at their Pancake Breakfast. They screened 27 children and 2 were referrals.
Bartlett Lions volunteered so that we could have a successful Pancake breakfast.
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We served our community with a bountiful breakfast of pancakes, sausage, coffee, juice and milk. There was also a raffle and 50/50 split the pot. Back row L to R Lions Rob Rusche, Rich Simonson, Marty Kerlin, Andy Watson, Jim Wells, Bruce Davids, Kurt Hull Middle Row L to R Lions Ted Lewis, Cheryl Lemvig, Lee Beatie, Joanne Watson Ray Deyne Front Row L to R Lions Val Ponce, Jimmy Bell, Ken Kusch, Anthony Troyke -----------------------------------------------------
the State Secretary. George has received numerous awards from Lions International and Lions of IL for his service. He is also one of the founders of the Earlville Excellence in Education Foundation Board, where he was a President. George volunteered at the school district with the Generation Exchange group. He was on the school board for 18 years.
George M. Durbin, 84, of Earlville passed away Friday, December 6, 2019 at his home, surrounded by his loving family. He was born September 5, 1935 in Bement, IL, the son of Joseph Elwood and Marjorie Ruth (McKenzie) Durbin. He married Patricia A. Hickey on September 15, 1956 in Huntley, IL. George was a member of St. Theresa's Catholic Church. He served in the US Navy from 1955 to 1957. George retired from Caterpillar after working 49 years and operated a consulting business for management and quality. George also farmed and raised cattle for many years. Not only was George a member of the Earlville Lion Club, where he was a past president, he was also a past president of the Lions of IL Foundation, and the Lions of IL Past District Governors Association. He was a Trustee for the Lions of IL Foundation and served as
He was preceded by his parents, his sister, Faye Sandberg, one brother, Ray in infancy, his great nephew, Dalton Ambler, and his brothers-in-law, Don Sawicki and Ronald Hickey.
He is survived by his wife, Patricia of Earlville, IL; his children, Gerald Durbin of Pingree Grove, IL, Terry (Sandy Murtaugh) Durbin of Earlville, IL, and Diana (Tommy) Mimbs of Yorkville, IL; seven grandchildren; five great grandchildren; his sister, Betty Sawicki of Earlville, IL; several nieces, nephews, and friends.
Funeral Mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 13, 2019 at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Earlville, with Father Augustin Kassa officiating. Burial will follow at Precinct Cemetery in Earlville. Visitation will be from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 12, 2019 at the Catholic Church in Earlville. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to St. Theresa Catholic Church, the Earlville Lions Helping Hands, or the Foundation for Excellence in Education. For more information or to sign the online guest book, go to www.EighnerFuneralHomes.com
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Morrison Lions Recycle Chairperson Lion Bob Smith presented a check to Whiteside County Fair Board Member Karl Kovarik, The donation, received from community members taking advantage of Recycle day, was donated back to the Fair Board in appreciation for the use of the fair grounds for the Annual Lions Recycle Day. The donation will be used towards the cost of installation of new grandstand bleachers.
Morrison Lions Club approved a donation to the Performing Arts Department at the high school to be used in updating the sound system. President Darlene Smith presented the check to the director with happy musicians observing the presentation. -----------------------------------------------------Tampico, IL Lions Club put their HY&T train in the Prophetstown, IL annual 29
Christmas Parade Saturday November 30, 2019.
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Club meets on the 2nd & 4th Mondays during the months of January, February, March, April, June, July, and meets on the 2nd Mondays during the month of May, November, December, and is on Summer Break during the months of August and September. All meal/ meetings are held at 7pm in the Tampico Area Community Building and the public is invited to attend if interested in membership.
PDG Ralph Johnson receiving 60 years Perfect Attendance pin from DG Kathy Dieker Per Ross Myers. ------------------------------------------------------
At the Monday December 9th, 2019 meal/meeting Lion President Connie Mikles installed 4 people as new members. Lion 2nd Vice President Jessica Todd sponsored Robert Sigel and Lion 1st Vice, Membership Chairperson, and Coordinator Terry Gaskill sponsored Alice Grimes, Tom & Regi Fortune. The club greatly appreciated the new members and they were congratulated by the members present with applause. Tampico Lions 30
Tampico Lions Club has different activities throughout the year for the benefit of the area. The next activity will be December 20th, 2019 at 9am helping Santa & Mrs. Clause at the Tampico Grade School passing out 270 Christmas Bags to the students and staff. The 2020 activities and fundraiser will be publish after the new year.
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(Pictured taken by Lion Britany King LR: Lions Jessica Todd, Robert Sigel, Alice Grimes, Connie Mikles, Tom Fortune, Terry Gaskill, and Regi Fortune) ------------------------------------------------------
serve more people in our next century of service. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Catlin Lions were ringing bells for the Salvation Army at Casey’s on December 14th. They encouraged everyone to stop by and give your loose change for a good cause. ------------------------------------------------------
At a Palestine Lions Club’s meeting, Lion Holly Shaner was presented with a Gold Centennial Award. The letter that came with the award states: Congratulations on growing your club during the Centennial Celebration! Thanks to your efforts we will be able to 31
Three awards were presented at the Paris Lions Club Christmas Party/ Charter Night event. VP Steve Bennett presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Steward & Carroll Funeral Home for over 10 years of continuous support to the projects of the club. Lion Dan Vice received the Lions of Illinois Foundation
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Fellow for his service, presented by PDG Ron Stickler and LIF Trustees PDG Jani Mendenhall and Lion Jim Ingram. Lion Amy Hill received the MJF for her service, presented by DG David Johnson and LCIF Coordinator PDG Kevin Mendenhall. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Bismarck Lions Club met for our Annual Wives Appreciation Dinner at Knights of Columbus of Danville, Il. We enjoyed great entertainment from the Nardoni family. ------------------------------------------------------
On December 7th, Sidell Lions Club offered Breakfast With Santa for their community. ----------------------------------------------------Packing boxes with food, arranging tables for gifts and books for the children. This year's campaign, the Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club's 30th, served 76 individuals with food, toys and books. Without the generous involvement of Warrensburg and
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Christmas. God bless you all! Merry Christmas to you and yours! ------------------------------------------------------
Latham residents, as well as the village fire departments and employees and local churches, this campaign would not be able to provide as much as it does. Thank you to all those who so
Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club recently welcomed new members: Suzanne Moore, Betty Underwood, Galen Underwood and Craig Culp. They were inducted by Lion District Governor Dave Johnson at the club's December meeting. -----------------------------------------------------Long time Springfield Noon Lions Club member Ed Cunningham ringing the bells for the Salvation Army. Ed was one of several Lions who volunteered last week.
unselfishly gave to ensure all the children would be able to celebrate 33
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On December 3rd, Rochester Lions Club hosted the annual Christmas party for 50 foster children and their families. Thank you to Elks Lodge #158 for providing pizzas!! ------------------------------------------------------
December 20th at 9am to help pass out Christmas bags that the TLC Members packed to 220 children and staff of TGS. Tampico Lions Club (TLC) Members met with Santa & Mrs. Clause at the Tampico Grade School (TGS) Friday 34
TLC meets on the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 7pm in the community
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back to the Athletic Department at the end of the season. So you see, the Genoa Lions donate their time and efforts to the High School so that the school district won’t have to pay staff to work the gate during the football season. Especially a season as successful as 2019, being knocked out of the play-offs by St. Francis. building and please come if you are interested in joining the TLC. (PICTURE #5865 F-R L-R: SANTA & MRS. CLAUSE, B-R L-R LION MEMBERS BRITTNEY KING, DUANE THOMPSON, RON CHURCH, AND LARRY EBERSHOL)
-----------------------------------------------------Football ticket-taking at GenoaKingston High School this year.
The Genoa Lions have been providing this service for decades and most recently Lions Chad Pacey and Jerry Helland have been organizing volunteers for the 4 regular home games and one play-off game this year. The tradition continues and the following Genoa Lions and their families donated their time this year: Paul Bafia, Gini Baker, Gene Bradford, Greg & Mary Cravatta, Mike Dreska, Hector Feliciano, co-chair Jerry Helland, George Meckel, Todd Merritt, Brent O’Daniell, co-chair Chad Pacey, Dale Pelley, Mike Ross, Rene’ VanDerHeyden, and Joe Wilkinson.
Have you ever wondered why the Genoa Lions are the ticket-takers at Genoa-Kingston High School Football Games? Do they have too much free time? Do they get to watch the games for free? Do they get paid by the School District ? The answers to these questions are: No, Lions are just as busy as anybody else that lives in Genoa. No, we cannot see the football game from the gate where we are stationed, and Yes the Lions get paid to work the gate but, donate all of that pay 35
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Featured in the photograph during the yearly donation from the Genoa Lions to the G-K Athletic Department is Athletic Director Phil Jerbi receiving a check for $500 from Lions Membership Chairman Jerry Helland (far right), A.D. Jerbi, and Lion Chad Pacey (on the far left). ------------------------------------------------------
The Beecher Lions Club held their 20th Annual Breakfast with Santa on, December 8th, in partnership with Alicia’s House. Children paraded into a hall that had been transformed into a winter wonderland filled with surprise guests and presents. Delicious smells of the hot French toast, sausage, and bacon and eggs breakfast served from Scrementi’s Restaurant permeated the halls. But the most joyous celebrations were taking place in the two corners of the hallway. In the north corner the children were able to sit on Santa’s lap 36
and tell him all of their Christmas wishes. They were given overflowing stockings of candies and holiday coloring books donated by the Beecher Lions Club. They placed their names in a raffle of toys donated by Alicia’s House where over $800 in cherished toys were given away. Every child was given an adorable stuffed animal by them too. The south corner of the hall held special guests from the Disney movie “Frozen”. This winter wonderment was completed with Elsa and Anna and all the other characters in the backdrop. Children were so overcome with excitement they raced into their arms. One little boy told his grandma, if she was the real Elsa, he was going home with her. Parading throughout the hall was Frosty. The children were able to take memorable photos will all of their special holiday favorites. Free vision
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screenings were also available. Over 450 people, including 185 children, enjoyed the day’s events! ------------------------------------------------------
The Bolingbrook Lions Club held their annual Christmas party. The club also installed two new members that evening!!! DG Joe Vinyard installed the new members, Laura and Treneil Thomas ( center) with their sponsors Angela and Keith Wood. A good time was held by all. 37
-----------------------------------------------------Bradley Lions Club President Faye Marek presenting a check to Pastor Ed
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Kannapel of the Gift of God Street Church in Kankakee. Lion Faye presenting a check to Kankakee Harbor House Program Director, Tracy ------------------------------------------------------
Lion Faye presenting a check to Lt. Scott Parnell of the Kankakee Salvation Army. -----------------------------------------------------The Bradley Lions were busy providing support to various groups in their community, and beyond, this month! Total amount presented to the 3 organizations was $2,650.00 38
Channahon Lions Club Delivered Christmas presents to 5 families in the Channahon Community.
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They also gave out 13 turkeys to winners at their Monday night BINGO before Thanksgiving. Congratulations to their winners, who are faithful BINGO players! ------------------------------------------------------
Coal City Lions joined with local American Legion dec 14th at the Coal City Lions club. We provided breakfast for 170 parents and children for breakfast with Santa free of charge. All children had an opportunity to have a photo opt and receive a present! Fun was had by all . Pictured our Lions members Dan Alexander (Santa), Kathy Alexander (Mrs. Claus) and Roger Alexander.
The Frankfort club has been busy this past month. They delivered meals and presents to members of their community. They also took part in the 39
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Polar Express, giving out hot chocolate to the passengers. Members helped to place wreaths at Abraham Lincoln Cemetery on the resting place of over 80 Frankfort veterans. Lunch with
the Grinch also took place this past month, where the club did eye screenings. They also inducted 4 new members this past month! ------------------------------------------------------
Members from the Joliet Noon Lions club worked their monthly shift at Northern Illinois Foodbank’s South 40
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Suburban Center. Volunteers packed can goods and repacked rice and pasta. It is always a great time meeting and working with volunteers from other community organizations. The club works a shift from 5:30-7:30pm every third Wednesday of the month if you would like to join them! ------------------------------------------------------
The Hardscrabble Lions of Streator played reindeer games at their annual Christmas Party. Lion Donna and Cub Dax were the winners. -----------------------------------------------------At a joint meeting with the Marseilles Rotary Club, both clubs presented donations to the Marseilles Nursing Service, who is funded entirely by donations and receives no funds from taxing bodies. 2nd VDG Shelia also made an official visit to the Marseilles club, gave a short talk and presented 41
Monarch Chevrons to members that were at the meeting. Marseilles Nursing Service Secretary Lion Carol Downey (Ottawa Lions Club) accepting donations (left to right) from Marseilles Lions Club President Laurie Trager and Marseilles Rotary President Mick Garrison. The Lions Club donated
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$2,000 and the Rotary Club $3,000 to the Nursing Service, respectively. The Rotary club does a door-to-door fundraising campaign and the Lions club sponsors a Vegas Night. District 1-BK 2nd VDG Shelia Perkins made an official visit to the Marseilles Lions Club in December and presented Lion Bill Kuiper his 40 year Monarch Chevron, Marseilles mayor Lion Jim Hollenbeck his 10 year Monarch Chevron, and Marseilles President Laurie Trager with 1-BK Governor Joe Vinyard’s pin. Marseilles Lions President Laurie Trager accepting a donation from Marseilles Rotary President Mick Garrison for the Lions’ Club Christmas Basket Program. ------------------------------------------------------
Milford Lions participated in their town’s Christmas parade. -----------------------------------------------------The Mokena Lions shopped at Berkots and put together food baskets to deliver for the Holiday season for those in need. 42
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Thank you to Berkots for all their help and support of this project! -----------------------------------------------------
The New Lenox Lions Club has been busy! They held their annual Breakfast with Santa. The Lincoln Way Leos helped out at Santa’s last stop, where 43
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Making the official Governor’s visit to Watseka Lions Club on behalf of DG Joe, FVDG Sue Wolf presented Lions Donald Miller and John Anderson with their International Chevron awards. Lion Don is celebrating 35 years as a member of LCI, and Lion John is celebrating 15 years. Congratulations! -----------------------------------------------------------
every child that attends receives a toy. They also played games with the kids. They also gathered to make gift card presentations. -----------------------------------------------------44
Wilmington Lions Club Annual Island Christmas Here are just two of the lite up displays at the Wilmington Lion’s Annual Island Christmas event. Over 100 displays of Christmas Characters, Disney
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characters,Fairy book characters line the path that your car can follow as you make your way thru the magic located at Wilmington’s North Island. The event took place from November 30th and ran thru December 31st. The Lions offered hot coco and treats for those attending. There were visits from the Grinch and of course Santa. The Wilmington Lions need to replace many of the lights each year. Last year they recycled over 300 pounds of spent light strings by sending them to the State Foundation.
The Genoa Lions adopted a local family again this year to make sure that Santa doesn’t miss them. A local family with at least 3 young children has been selected to receive Christmas presents and a Hy-Vee gift card this Christmas. The gift card and presents total over $300 worth of toys and winter clothing for a deserving local family. Merry Christmas to all and don’t forget to spread your cheer when you can! Pictured presents were acquired by super-shopper Lion Chad Pacey. ------------------------------------------------------
Lion Shelbie Wahl Fouts and Cub James rang bells for the Hardscrabble Lions of Streator in support of the 45
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Salvation Army. The kettles were covered all day and evening on December 18. ------------------------------------------------------
Under construction of Lions Rose Bowl Parade Float 2020. Photo by Lion Joanne Davis, Chicago CentralLions. ------------------------------------------------------
Oak Brook Hinsdale Burr Ridge Lions Club held their Annual Christmas party 46
and fundraiser with White Elephant
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Auction. True Christmas spirit spread all over the room when auction was conducted. Members were bidding wrapped gifts without knowing what’s in there! ------------------------------------------------------
Chicago Bayanihan Sampaquita Lions held their Christmas Party in December, 2019 which was fun filled event.
District 1A Lions held their 2019 Christmas Party at the Holiday Inn at Countryside.on December 8, 2019. 47
Many club members from various took part in this event to spread the spirit of Christmas. ------------------------------------------------------
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Chicago Filipino American Lions had their Charter Nite celebration at the Northbrook Hotel Hilton and they inducted several new members to the club. ------------------------------------------------------
District 1A Region 2 third meeting was held at the Northbrook Hotel Hilton in December 2019. 48
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine