JANUARY 2022 ==================================================================================================
Hello District 1-A Lions, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. By the time you read this newsletter, it will be 2022. Another new year, and more Lions work to do……. December was a busy month for the District 1-A Lions………. We have chartered a new club The KOPE Cyber Lions Club of District 1-A which will bring the number of
clubs in District 1-A to 72. A big thank you to PID Dan O’Reilly (GMT) in coordinating the chartering of this new club. This club is located in the southeast suburbs of Dolton/Riverdale, my old neighborhood. Please welcome these new Lions into our District. A charter night is planned for January 12, 2022 at Kasey’s Banquet Hall, Lansing, IL. International President Douglas Alexander will be our guest for this charter night. If you have never been to a Charter night, please try to attend. It is a very special night. RC Brenda Stevens ran the District Toys for Tots project for children in Hospitals in the Chicagoland area and collected lots of toys. Unfortunately, due to Covid outbreaks, this is on hold and RC Brenda is waiting for a new date to deliver these toys to the kids. Stay
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tuned for updates. So, if that wasn’t enough, our District has been very busy helping the Tornado victims of Kentucky. The Chicago Ridge Lions Club sent a trailer loaded with supplies to the town of Dawson Springs, KY the week before Christmas which was driven by ZC Richard Moy. One of our Lions in the Chicago Ridge Lions Club is from this town (Lion Denise Tokar). On the December 26, the Riverside Lions set up a drop off point at Riverside Foods to collect much needed items to stuff the truck, which they did. A big thank you to Lion Alex Gallegos from the Riverside Township Lions club who called the day after the Tornado to ask me what are we going to do to help these people? How can my club help? President Andy from Riverside Township Lions Club reached out to the people who had missed the truck and picked up their donations and took them to Glenwood. The Thornton Lions set up a drop
off at Tuscan Gardens in Glenwood for additional items. And were willing to store any additional items collected after the truck was full. RC Karl Schulz provided the trailer and drove down to Mayfield KY on the December 27 to deliver all the items. The Chicago Heights Club paid for the gas to get RC Karl to Kentucky. Because of the great response, RC Karl will be taking another trailer to Kentucky on 1-3-22. The response from our Lions was phenomenal. We received $2000 worth of Beef Jerky, 150 cases of Mac & Cheese donated by the Oak Lawn Lions Club. A couple stopped at the Riverside Foods and went shopping and donated over $700 worth of groceries and asked to remain anonymous. This is just a sample of the outpouring from the public in a time of need. We also received many checks from the different clubs and Lions in the District, which we are currently tabulating and these donations will be donated to the Dawson Springs
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Tornado Fund, Mayfield and Murray Lions. If this was not enough, many of our Lions made generous donations to LCIF. So, when there is a need there is always a Lion willing to help especially in District 1-A. And if that wasn’t enough, we continue to be a plus in membership, 60% of our clubs are updating MyLion and 50% of our clubs have made donations to LCIF.
I must continue to brag about our District, we are leading MD-1 in Membership growth, Service activities and LCIF donations thanks to all of your hard work. All I can say is WOW and thanks to each and every District 1-A Lion for all that you do. Here’s to a New Year of continued service to help those in need by District 1-A.
GG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a Happy and Healthy Holidays. Lion Bonnie and I were grateful to spend time with our new 7-month-old granddaughter Maeve.
We have a mid-year forum coming up on January 22 at Garden Chalet 11000 S. Ridgeland in Worth, fellowship is at 8:30 a.m. and the forum will start at 9 a.m. the cost is $25.00 and that includes breakfast. Our guest speakers will be Dr. Janet Szlyk from Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind, Lions Mark Dynia, and Nancy Schmitz from Park Lawn Development Office. You should be a getting a flyer soon. I had the pleasure of attending several Governor Nights and Christmas Parties. It was great to see everyone and the turnout for
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the District 1A Christmas Party was awesome, we all had fun and we have some great entertainers in District 1A. District 1A made the news with Stuff a Truck for the victims of the tornado that hit Kentucky. The Lions reacted quickly and with their generosity we were able to get the needed items delivered by Karl Schulz. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped with this endeavor. This is when I am proud to be a Lion. With the start of the new year, District 1A needs to continue to work on membership. WE need to retain the members we have, and we need to ask family, friends, and co-workers to consider joining a Lions Club. When dropping off our donations to Thornton Lions Club
they invited me to their January 13 meeting to swear in five new members. One of their members was able to get five new members that is an accomplishment, at the Chicago Philippine Lions Club meeting one of their members recruited three new members. Chicago Jose Rizal Lions Club had several new members sworn in. What this says to me is we just need to ask people and then we need to make sure we keep them involved with Lions. Sounds easy right, so here is a membership challenge to recruit four new members per club by the District 1A Convention. Stay healthy. Submitted by: FVDG Tony Zartler
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From your Global Action Team
By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly Membership Thank you to all the clubs working hard to get your clubs back in action. Lions around the world this half of the Lions Year have served over 199 million people. Clubs actively serving their communities are adding new members. There are individuals out their wanting to help others. Take the time to invite them to your next service project. Let your communities know the Lions are serving our communities. The pack the trailers for the tornado victims was a great showcase for the Lions of District 1-A. We received nice PR coverage from the Chicago News Media, use that project to promote what the Lions of District 1-A do, something we are all part of. Invite neighbors to help at the next pack the trailer event or any of your events. The International Board once again extended the entrance fee waiver until June 30th. Take advantage of the savings.
Global Membership Approach We have a positive membership growth for this entire Lions year. We have 38 of our clubs adding members this year. Keep up the great work! To the 33 clubs who couldn’t get a new member yet this Lion year, you have 6 months to make it happen.
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Governors Goals for 2021-2022
Let’s work together and keep the momentum going. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your clubs while people are itching to get involved and make a difference after being locked down and isolated far too long. The more members we can add to our clubs, the more hands to provide the needed service. New Club Development Please join me a welcome the K.O.P.E. Cyber Lions Club of District 1-A, (Knights of Prevention & Education) to District 1-A, their mission to become a virtual village that raises the next generation so that they make responsible decisions, value service learning, and lead healthy drug free lives. So, if you have a friend or neighbor working as a Teacher, Social Workers, in Law Enforcement, in Drug Enforcement, or with Drug Education Organizations than they might have an interest in being part of this opportunity to join with this club. Anyone who joins this club from 90 days from December 29th will be a Charter member. Join us as International President Douglas Alexander comes to District 1-A for the Chartering of this new club. See the flier for January 12th in this newsletter and get your reservations in ASAP. Thank you to the Calumet City Lions Club for their leadership in sponsoring the new club. We hope to see you all out for January 12th. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support 8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Make sure we’re serving our communities again. Reach out to the members that left Lions because they didn’t want to pay dues and not meet or do anything. Lions around the country are reporting they are having success by reaching out to their past members and are bringing them back. Into their membership rolls. One thing for sure, if you don’t ask, they are gone. Keep your social media active and up to date, the community watches you post more than you think.
Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey
District Training Scheduled (January 2022 – March 2022) Listed below are the current classes scheduled at the time of compiling the District Governor’s Newsletter. Please look at the District 1-A Website calendar for the most up to date information on training classes. New ones can be added at any time and we will strive to keep it up to date as changes are made. New Member Orientation Training Our January New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAufGspzgsH9249lOOyC7JhKSTlAwWnVLE Our February New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvfuqsqTojE9zZ5n9jPyVTHwpZZoHi8wW 9 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Our March New Member Orientation will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 8:30am. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAofCgrDsvGNI7fSEm99gkyL987wmeDa8U
While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held.
Public Speaking Skills Development • On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills ▪ Classes are being postponed until further notice Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Certified Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at thomas.elsey@gmail.com. Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if your certification will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. A training session will be scheduled in February for a Certified Guiding Lion Class, details are being worked out, but the tentative schedule is for Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 8:30am. Further details on location and format will be forthcoming. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpce6grTMuGtQNK5peTjMRr ZuMukF09moM
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Upcoming Training Starting in January Effective clubs provide meaningful service, maintain a strong and active membership and continually develop new leaders. The tools below focus on these elements to help your club function effectively while meeting the needs of your community and your members. The following Sessions will be offered for club leaders: •
• •
Your Club, Your Way 02/24/22, Sign up: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEldGrpzgrGtB5i2Omxf7vcSQmDijuNvFm Build a Vision For Your Club 03/10/2022, • Sign Up: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkdurpjIiGt3UFE0zP50One0SBZGyOky0 Club Quality Initiative Club Excellence Award 01/27/22, Sign Up: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscuCrqzIoGNSt4MoxK-5rLZiszsONMPQ
Your Club, Your Way! The Your Club, Your Way! Guide will help you customize your club meetings to better suit the needs and lifestyles of your club members. It includes a simple, fun exercise to help determine which elements of your meeting to keep and what to change, as well as a process for phasing in change!
Build a Vision For Your Club Use this training (planning guide and PowerPoint) to discover your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs and organize your plan for successful implementation.
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Club Quality Initiative Club Quality Initiative is a strategic planning tool to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement. Change is critical for each club. By understanding our current operation, identifying areas that may be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish our goals, every club can be even better! Club Excellence Award Is your club striving to finish the year with a net growth in membership? Will your club participate in at least three service projects? Are you promoting your club's events or activities to the community? if you answered yes to these questions, you may be eligible for the Club Excellence Award. The Club Excellence Award is more than award...it is proof that your club is STRONG! Make achieving the award a winning tradition! Come join the GAT Team on Our January Club Improvement Series: - Club Excellence Award Seminar will be held on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please consider joining this informative seminar find out all your club needs to know how your club can earn a Club Excellence Award this year. Please use the Sign Up Link below to register for this valuable Seminar: Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscuCrqzIoGNSt4Mox-K5rLZiszsONMPQ The February Club Improvement Series – Your Club Your Way continues on Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please seriously consider attending this meeting to help ensure you are meeting the needs of all your club members and allowing your club to run smoother.
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Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEldGrpzgrGtB5i2Omxf7vcSQmDijuNvFm The March Club Improvement Series – Build A Vision for your Club continues on Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7:00pm. We would love to have you attend this meeting for ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive. Sign Up-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkdurpjIiGt3UFE0zP50One0SBZGyOky0
Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Joni McMillan
Happy New Year District 1-A Lions!
Our Service Projects for District 1-A for the first half of the year were a HUGE success: School Supplies, Operation Warm Hearts and Toys for Tots. Please remember to go into MyLion and mark your participation in each of these projects as a Service Activity. For those clubs that made a donation to help those in need in Kentucky, thank you. It was greatly appreciated (please also mark this in MyLion). Speaking of MyLion, as of the end of December, 59% of our district’s clubs reported their service activity. Let’s keep up the great work and increase this number. Governor Gail and I putting our heads together to come up with another District Service Project, so keep your eyes and ears open for further information.
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Respectfully Submitted, PDG Joni McMillan District 1-A LCIF Chairman
(SEE PAGE 4) 14 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
DEBRA FIORITO TERESA M. GIANNIN JEAN E. GONZALEZ NICOLETTE KARAS GRANT MILLER KAREN SPECIAL DENNIS TORIANI JIMMY KARAS CAROL LOUGHNANE EVA SHABO DENISE TORIANI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deaths this month: Larry J. Ohler Sr. Stickney Forest View -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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601 West Hollbrook Road Glenwood, IL 60425 708.306.3154 main, Call 24 hrs before pickup. Open at 11am. Ask for Lisa, Rob, Chris Bridgeview Community Center 7900 S. Oketo Ave Bridgeview, IL (708) 924-8081 office Call 24hrs before pickup for confirmation Pakistan American Medical Center 6201 N. California Ave Chicago, IL (773) 381-1800 No response at this contact number Walter W. Schultz Ins Agency, INC 18119 Torrence Ave Lansing, IL 60438 (708) 474-1310 office. Call 24hrs before pickup. Contact Jim Jenssen or Receptionist if not available. Chicago Elite Home Care 6323 N Avondale Ave #102 Chicago, IL 60631 (773)-594-1923 office, (773)-677-5010 cell, Yoly & Ben Zoleta DROP YOUR RECYCLING ITEMS HERE. District 1-A Lions,
District 1-A Lions, I have received many inquiries regarding the Tornado victims in Illinois & Kentucky. Here is the latest information that I have been able to obtain. Districts in Illinois & Kentucky that sustained Tornado damage have applied an received emergency grants from LCIF. You can donate to LCIF and designate your donation for the Tornado victims. I have reached out to Governor Robert Wilson District 1-G in Illinois who is in process of assessing their needs. With the help of Lion Zack Kuster (Orland Park Lions), Lion Dave Cifelli (Chicago Heights Lions) & RC Karl Schulz (Chicago Height Lions) contact has been made with the Murray Lions (they are next door to Mayfield) and the Mayfield Lions club President. The town of Mayfield has been totally destroyed. The Police & Fire Departments are gone. The Post Office has also been destroyed. All the school buses for the schools have also been destroyed. They need everything. They have requested cash donations to take care of the
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needs of these poor people as they arise.
If you or your club would like to send a check to help Illinois & Kentucky, please write the check to District 1-A. In the memo please write Tornado. The checks should be sent to CT Andy Liamaga 5323 N. Kildare Chicago, IL 60630. CT Andy will then send the checks out via wire transfer/paypal to Kentucky. If you prefer to designate your donation for Illinois, please include that information with your donation. As soon as the District 1G Governor assess the needs that money will be sent to the Lions Club directly. If you plan on sending a donation, please do so in the next few days so we can get the funds to them ASAP. Thank you, GG
Governor Gail Anton District 1-A 708 514-4825 (C) 20 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
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