District 1A Governor Joni McMillan's e-Newsletter for the Month of December, 2019

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Message from Governor Joni McMilan: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A:

Hello Lions!

the clubs who added new members! I’m hoping to see many of you on December 8th at our District Christmas Party in your favorite Christmas Jammies (I love wearing my jammies).

Hello Lions! Hard to believe that half the year is almost over. Time flies when you are having fun, and that I am. I love visiting all the clubs and learning about their service projects, installing their new officers, and especially inducting new members! What a thrill! One of my goals is for each club to add one (1) new member, and as of the end of last month, 18 of our 72 clubs have added new members, for a total of 103. Of these 103 new Lions, the Thornton Lions Club had me induct the first 2 WOMEN into their club!! Congrats Thornton and all of

I want to thank all of you for your continued support. It means so much to me. I also want to wish you and your loved ones an amazing Holiday Season and hope that 2020 will be a year filled with prosperity, love, happiness and good health.

Governor Joni Lion Joni McMillan District 1-A Governor govjonimac@gmail.com

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Every one in the office or as a lion in Illinois, loved him for his simplicity and humblenss. We, the lions of Illinois will be missing him dearly. -Editor ----------------------------------------------------------

Mario’s Memorial Information: Sunday December 8th Cross Winds Community Church 13100 Cherry Rd., Genoa, IL 60135 (815-784-5427)

Idieas, determination and commitment these three words explain everything about our Late PDG Mario Gumino, Executive Director of Lions of Illinois Foundation. He joined Lions of Illinois Foundation during the years of Late PID Norm Dahl in October 1979 and worked deligently for 39 yearas and 3 months rising from a simple employee to it’s Executive Director. He had only one goal in his life – Lions of Illinois Foundation. In recent years he had come up with new ideas to grow LIF statewide. Every lion in Illinois knew him as he was attending all District Conventions and also Candy Day Jamborees. Though he was Executive Director of LIF, he used to work as a simple Lion – carrying candy boxess, collecting used eyeglasses bags, etc., etc.

2-5pm will be visitation 5pm will be a Memorial Service, with a meal served after the service. Please let me know if you are staying for a meal, so I can let the church know numbers. -Lion Trish Fisher: tfisher@lifnd.org

---------------------------------PDG James Van Wyk wife Marie. She had surgery on her leg. If you would like to send a card or call see formation below. PDG James Van Wyk 922 Ward RD Glenn Allen, VA, 23059-4546 Phone- home 804-262-0283 cell-804-647-4183, e-mail JMVANWYK@aol.com ---------------------------------------------------------------

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