District 1A Lions & Leos Monthly e-Newsletter for the Month of June 2020

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Message from Governor Joni McMilan: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A:

Hello my Lion Family, This is a very sad time for me, as this is my last month to serve as your District 1-A Governor. I have truly enjoyed my time as your District Governor. I loved visiting your clubs, attending your fundraisers and service projects, and especially meeting the great Lions of District 1-A.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, I could not visit all of you. Hopefully, when this is over, you will invite me as the Immediate Past District Governor to visit your club so that I can thank you personally for all your love and support during my crazy year. I am so proud of the many clubs that have continued to be able to serve during COVID-19.

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I know that is has been very difficult for many clubs not being able to serve their community as we social distance to stay healthy and safe. Your health and safety is our main concern. Let’s pray that this will soon come to an end.

Continue to Dance Into Service to Care for Others.

Please join me in congratulating our incoming leaders for District 1-A: District Governor Elect Lion Marilyn McLean, First Vice-District Governor Elect Lion Gail Anton, and Second ViceDistrict Governor Elect Lion Tony Zartler. I know that they will do a great job in continuing to lead and guide us during the 2020-2021 year.

I am sending you a notice that the District 1-A election of Officers that was going to be held at the District Cabinet Meeting has been cancelled. Further information on the District 1-A election will be sent out within the next couple of weeks.

I will support Lion Marilyn in all her goals and accomplishments, as I hope all of you will too. I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life as your Immediate Past District Governor. I will continue to be there for any Lion that needs my help and/or support. Thank you again for all of your love and support during my year as your District 1-A Governor.

-Governor Joni McMillan ---------------------------------------------------

District 1-A lions

If your Club has not sent in their delegate form, please do so by April 15,2020. The Cabinet meeting, as of today, is still going to be held on May 9th, 2020. If

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this changes, we will let you know. Thank you

business hours to respond to the needs of Lions. You may contact LCI staff or LCIF staff as needed. The performance of systems may be impacted due to the increased number of people working remotely, and response time may be affected. Some of our business operations that require physical interaction will likely be limited.

Lion Robin Kirar CS

More details will be provided as the situation evolves, but here is some preliminary guidance:

Lions Club International

Dear Lion, The Illinois State government in the USA announced that its stay-at-home order will be extended until at least May 30 to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The measures included the requirement to cease all nonessential services in the state. Lions Clubs International is identified as “nonessential.” To comply with the state mandate, the Lions Clubs International Headquarters in Oak Brook will be closed at least until May 30, 2020. While staff will not physically be in the building, staff teams will be working remotely and available during

For information on district and multiple district conventions, please check our coronavirus updates webpage. Regarding payment of outstanding dues, we recommend that districts allow clubs that are able to demonstrate they have sent or submitted payment to participate in voting. This could be via a bank statement, copy of demand draft, etc. Clubs will not be cancelled during this time based on the challenges related to receiving and processing physical checks and electronic payments.

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For Lions International payments, please utilize online payment options via MyLCI or any other electronic payment method (ACH, SEPA, Boleto, NEFT, etc.) instead of sending checks to the office. Please submit LCIF donations via the website instead of sending checks to the office. Please also note that grant disbursements and recognition will be delayed while the office is closed.

There will be delays in shipping awards and recognitions, club supplies orders, as well as delays in processing reimbursements. We appreciate your patience during these extraordinary times and wish for the health and safety of all our Lions and staff around the world. In kindness, PIP Frank Moore Executive Administrator and Secretary

District 1A First GLT Zoom meeting attended by International Second Vice President Brian Sheehan. Governor’s Newsletter 4

District 1A First GLT Zoom meeting attended by International Second Vice President Brian Sheehan.

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District 1A First GLT Zoom meeting attended by International Second Vice President Brian Sheehan.

The Oak Lawn Lions Club served lunch today to the Oak Lawn Police Department and to the Fire Department which has 3 stations. Governor Joni McMillan presented a check to the Pilgrim Faith Church Food Pantry from the Oak Lawn Lions Club for a $1000.00. We thank all of our first responders for the work they are doing for their community. Governor’s Newsletter 6


I want to thank everyone for voting in the District 1-A Election. Please join me in congratulating all Elected officers for 20202021. Governor Elect- Lion Marilyn McLean 1st Vice District Governor - Elect Lion Gail Anton 2nd Vice District Governor- Elect Lion Tony Zartler Illinois Foundation Trustee Elect- Lion Austin D'Souza VOICES Director Elect Lion Judy Toft Lion Bill Lammel Lion Karl Schulz Respectfully Sumitted,

Lion Robin Kirar, CS Governor’s Newsletter 7

Lions, It is with great sadness that I must inform you that the Installation/Awards Banquet that was scheduled for Sunday, June 7, 2020 has been postponed until further notice. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and the State of Illinois not being open to large events, this too must be put on hold. Let's pray that this virus ends soon so that we can get back on track to attending our Lions events and helping those in need.

Lion Joni McMillan District 1-A GovernorLions Clubs International Report May 23, 2020 Governor’s Newsletter 8

Lions I have received news that Lion Lou Torres, Past District Governor (1999-2000) passed away this morning. He has been a meeting of the Calumet City Lions since May of 1981. Please keep his wife, Stella and their children and grand children in your thoughts and prayers. Lion Bob Block International Director 2019-2022

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It with great sadness that we report the passing of Past International President Wayne Madden from Indiana. I had the pleasure of serving with Wayne when I was the Governor of District 1A for the second time in 2012-2013. He was a great lion in kindness and deeds. We will be missing his leadership dearly. May his soul rest in peace. Our sympathies to Past First Lady Linda Madden and their loving family and friends. -Lion Dr. Austin, PDG Governor’s Newsletter 10

It is with great sadness that we tell of the passing of Lion Alberta O’Shaughnessy of the Logan Square Lions on Sunday May 17th from Covid 19. Many of you may remember her from her performances in our Murder Mysteries. She was an Informative and outspoken advocate for the Blind. There will be no services at her request. Please keep this wonderful Lion in your hearts. Lion President Sandy Hoffmann

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Dear Lions, The announcement of the new Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer and District Chaplain is normally done at the convention. But due to the cancellation of District 1-A Convention this year, I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce our two hardworking Lions from FIL-USA Lions Club. They will be part of my Executive Team for the LY 2020-2021. Please join me in congratulating: Lion Andy Liamaga District 1-A Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer Lion Dave Hermann District 1-A Chaplain Thank you. Stay safe and healthy everyone! Regards, Lion Marilyn Mclean District 1-A Governor Elect 2020-2021 Governor’s Newsletter 14

District 1-A Lions Every year we do our Office training in the beginning of June to prepare for the upcoming Lions year. But, as you know with the pandemic all of our lives have been impacted in so many ways. We have become quite good at adapting to a new "Normal". That is what we will be doing for Office training. This year we will be conducting Officer Training by Webinar during the month of June. They will be taught by some experienced Lions from our District, who I can't thank enough for stepping up. They have all spent a lot of time preparing for these sessions. The Secretary training will be held Wednesday June 10, 2020 at 7 PM. The link for the invite is listed below. You must preregister for this session. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/5887561917645109007 I hope you will be able to join Lion CT Dawn for this informative session. If you have any questions regarding these sessions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Stay Well, Stay Smart and Stay Kind. Lion Gail Anton District 1-A FVDGE/Global Leadership Coordinator 708-479-4779 (H) 708-514-4825 (C) Governor’s Newsletter 15

To All District 1-A Lions Members; In reference with our scheduled Annual Family Picnic and Installation of New Officers on July 25, 2020, please be advised that we have to cancel this festivity due to public gatherings restrictions in view of COVID-19 Pandemic. I received an e-mail notification from the Forest Preserves of Cook County that they're cancelling all events scheduled through June 25th. All events scheduled after June 25th, the Forest Reserves Council stated that more information will be provided on a later date. Our event is on July 25th, and we won't know what will be the nature of their future announcements, either will allow group gatherings OR extend the cancellation, leaving us with no time for preparations. On behalf of the Fil-USA Lions Officers and Members, we apologize for not having you on this annual picnic we share with all you to show our sincere gratitude to your never ending support to our club. Let's hope for a better and healthy environment next year.

Sincerey, PCST Andy D. Liamaga Governor’s Newsletter 16

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International Board Action:

in the offices they hold until the 2021 Convention.

The International Board of Directors held their Spring Board Meeting as a virtual meeting in April, 2020. The meeting that is only four days, took about two weeks to complete. The length of time was due to the timing of individual committee meetings and the different time zones that the Directors are located in. It was an unusual experience, but one that looks to be the norm for our upcoming meetings in June, 2020. Action during the meeting was taken as follows: 1. The Board resolved the cancellation of the International Convention in Singapore. The next scheduled International Convention will be June, 2021 in Montreal, Canada. Since there is no convention this year, the Executive Officers and the International Directors will remain

Since the 2020 Convention did not take place, there will be no dues adjustments for the coming year. The resolution was sent back to the committee for further review based on the feedback that was expressed by the Directors during their discussions. 2. The District and Club Service Committee discussed changes to the qualifications for: A. the Office of 2nd Vice District Governor that would make a PDG ineligible to be elected into the second vice district governor position B. the Position of Zone Chairperson. The discussion included discouraging past district governors from taking the position and also to limit the number of times zone chairpersons hold the position

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The committee further discussed the notion of making the Office of 2nd VDG optional for a District to fill. The discussion of these items mentioned above will be further discussed at the June Board Meeting. Lions Clubs International Foundation:

COVID-19 Frontline Relief The Foundation Board has created a Special Emergency Grant Program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This grant is available to the District for support of the First Responders, hospital and nursing home staff. To date the Foundation Board has approved 232 grants totaling more than US$3.9M.

Campaign 100 Total Funds as of May 4, 2020: US$151.2M Campaign Goal: US$300M Constitutional Area 1 US$20.3M to date (56%) Goal through June 30, 2020 US$36.1M Consideration is being looked at by the LCIF Board to extend the campaign through June, 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be finalized at their May Board Meeting.

As Lions, we are used to the social gathering for our meetings and fund raising activities, but now we don’t have that available, so we need to create new ways of “normal” operation. As District Leaders, we need to stay in touch with our Club’s Leadership to make sure that they are doing well. May 23, 2020 Then, we need to encourage those Leaders to contact their members to do the same. Most clubs have found the use of social

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media for their meetings and fund raiser activities, but we need to make sure that all of them are using it. If not, then as leaders, we need to help educate them in how to use it. Social media is a good source for this new norm, but maybe the old “Buddy System” calling members by phone is something that we need to revert back to. Some clubs have used it over the years, but now is more important than ever, that the personal touch is needed to retain our members. Congratulations to District Governor Joni for her leadership through this year of “firsts”. She has kept our District active and has kept our District in operation through this pandemic. I am sorry for her and all the Lions of District 1A in the cancellation of the District Convention. As a Governor this is a highlight of your year and a time to celebrate with the Lions of your District.

To our incoming District Officers – Congratulations. District Governor Elect Marilyn, you and your cabinet officers will be starting the year under this new norm. There will be challenges facing you that we have not experienced before in our history. Retaining club members, I see, will be one of the major challenges that we will face. Working together we will make District 1A stronger than ever as we move forward. Lion Brenda and I thank you for your support. We, too, are looking to the day, when travel and gatherings will not be restricted and we will be able to socialize with the ones we serve with.

Stay safe and healthy …… Lion Bob Block International Director 2019-2022

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Chicago Indo-US Lions planted 10 trees donated by the Village -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings Lions Friends and Family, Please know that your Foundation Office Staff has been working all week to set-up your Foundation Office for remote access in anticipation for this mandatory “ Shelter in Place” action. All departments are up and running through our remote server and you may contact each department via the e-mails listed on our website. www.lionsofillinois.org

I am staying in close contact with each department via our “go to meeting” web application. We will continue to work on our upcoming events such as our 1st annual Lion Mario J. Gumino Memorial golf classic scheduled for August 1st Our 3rd annual Roar-in Car Show scheduled for September 12th

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Our second annual Knights Quest Gala-presenting the 1920’s, which will be held on Friday September 25th at the Westin Chicago Northwest in Itasca Let’s not forget Candy Day October 9th and 10th, Candy has been ordered and we encourage all Lions to contact Dianne Ortega with your anticipated preorder for the roll candy as well as the sugar free suckers. Also in October we are planning a bus trip to Leader Dog, more details will be e-mailed to your district secretary for this event scheduled for October 23rd to October 25th. Please also note that the LIF office will still be able to receive mail and we will have our special Sight and

District 1-A Lions, I hope you are all safe and healthy. We sure living in strange times. Who would of thought we would be in a pandemic? Many of us home bound and looking for something to do besides cleaning closets, basements etc I have been in touch with a group that makes mats for the homeless out of plastic grocery bags. It takes 465 bags to make a mat. They

Sound Sweepstakes Early Bird drawing scheduled in April as soon as we are able. I will be posting more updates as they become available. Please go to our Camp Lions Facebook Page for updates on Camp Lions Summer Camps 2020. Please Stay Safe and know that I and the Foundation staff are thinking of you our extended Lions families. Thank You for all that you do. Lion Trish Fisher Executive Director Lions of Illinois Foundation 2254 Oakland Drive Sycamore, IL 60178 -------------------------------------------------------------------

have hand made wooden looms to make theses mats.. I am asking all District 1-A Lions to check their homes and start collecting grocery bags. And when it is safe to meet we will collect these bags and pass them on to this organization. So please check your homes and start saving these plastic grocery bags. Please stay safe and healthy and pray this ends sooner than later. Lion Gail Anton, SVDG/GLT

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Chicago Indo-US Lions club donated necessary Items to oldage homes and to First Line Workers in Chicago --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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