District 1A Governor Joni McMillan's Monthly Newsletter

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Message from Governor Joni McMilan: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A:

Hello Lions!

Hello Lions! It’s CONVENTION TIME! Get your “Groove On” and join us at our District Convention on March 2022, 2020 at the Westin, Itasca, IL. This year’s theme is “Boogie Down in District 1-A”. Let’s Dance Into Service to Care for Others (DISCO)! A great time, as always, will be had by all who attend.

I had a busy February: Governor’s Visit for 10 clubs; conducted my 3rd Cabinet Meeting; attended the 4 th MD1 Council Meeting; Bowled with the Lions of District 1-A; and attended various club fundraisers….whew! Busy time, but fun to see everyone! On a more serious note, unfortunately, we still have clubs that are not paying their dues on time. Both your

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International and District dues are billed twice a year: January for your 1 st half of dues, and June for your 2nd half of dues. I know some clubs thought that the invoice they received was for the whole year, this is not the case. Lions PLEASE do not put your clubs in jeopardy of being put on Status Quo (60 days of non-payment) or having your Charter cancelled (120 days of non-payment, the club’s charter will be cancelled). Status quo is a temporary suspension of the charter, rights, privileges, and obligations of a Lions club. The Executive Adminis trator and divisions as designated by the Executive Administrator, acting on behalf of the International Board of Directors, has authority to place a Lions club in status quo or release it from status quo. The objective of status quo is to stop the activity of the club that is not fulfilling the obligations of a chartered club until the reason for placement into status quo is resolved or the club is cancelled.

(3) Participate in district, multiple district, or international functions or seminars (4) Participate in any voting procedures outside of the club (5) Endorse or nominate a candidate for district, multiple district and international office (6) Submit the Monthly Membership Report and other report forms (7) Sponsor a Lions club, or organize a Leo club. I am sending you this information to let you know that District 1-A will be following the above rules as International for non-payment of District dues. We do not want to have to put any club on status quo, or cancel any Club’s charter, but we may not have any other choice. So please, pay your dues on time. If you need to know what your club owes for International or District dues, you can contact our District Treasurer, Lion Dawn Grogan at dgrogan498@aol.com.

While in status quo, the club cannot:

Have a great March as “We Serve” those in need.

(1) Conduct service activities (2) Conduct fund-raising activities

Governor Joni McMillan -----------------------------------------

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DISTRICT 1-A Birthplace of Lionism International Association of Lions Clubs International

OFFICIAL CALL TO CONVENTION January 28,2020 All Lions and Leos are hereby officially notified of the 52nd Annual Convention for District 1-A, Lions Clubs International. The convention will convene on Friday, March 20, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the WESTIN Chicago Northwest Hotel, 400 Park Boulevard, Itasca, Illinois. The purpose of the convention is to receive reports of the District Committees, District, State and International Officers, to elect District Officers for the year 2020-2021; and to consider resolutions presented in proper form and order. In accordance with Article VI, Section 5 of the District 1-A Constitution and By-Laws all Lions Clubs in good standing with District 1-A and Lions Clubs International are entitled to One (1) Delegate and One (1) Alternate for each Ten (10) members or major fraction thereof who have been enrolled for at least one year and one day, based upon membership records as of February 1, 2020, as certified by Lions Clubs International. A newly chartered club that is less than one year and one day is allowed One (1) Delegate and One (1) Alternate. A Lions Club, to be considered in good standing must have all its’ District and State per capita bills paid, is due and owing Lions Clubs International no more than Ten Dollars ($10.00), which shall be certified by Lions Clubs International. Outstanding bills must be paid 15 days in advance to Lions Club International and the District to be eligible to vote. Any monies paid at the Convention will bring your clubs bills current but will not entitle you to vote.

Voting will be Sunday, March 22, 2020 between 7:30 AM - 8:40 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lion Robin Kirar Lion Robin Kirar District 1-A Cabinet Secretary

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Lions Clubs International


ANNUAL CORN BEEF & CABBAGE FEAST Saturday, March 7, 2020 5:30 PM ~ 11PM $45.00 per person Elmcrest Banquets 7370 W. Grand Ave. Elmwood Pk. IL 5:30PM: Cash Bar

6:30PM: Dinner

Music Dancing and Raffles RSVP by 2/23/20 – Reserved Seating ONLY – NO walk-ins Lion Sandy Nedza H: 847-956-1894 C:847-502-4497


buzzylion@gmail.com Lion Linda Nilsson H: 847-966-4238 C: 847-363-6440 e-mail: lnilsson47@hotmail.com Make Checks Payable to Chicago Northwest Lions Club Mail to: Lion Sandy Nedza, 1418 S. Robert Dr. Mt. Prospect IL 60056-4542 Governor’s Newsletter 15

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