Message from Governor Joni McMilan: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A:
Hello Lions!
Hello my fellow Lions! I miss all of you so very much! Hard to believe we are quarantined until the end of May, and possibly longer, but I totally understand why. We need to stay home to stay healthy. It is so sad that we had to cancel so many Governor Visits, club, region and cabinet meetings.
Thankfully, because of technology, I have been able to meet with some of the Lions on Zoom. What a great app to be able to see and talk to each other. Our Leadership Chairperson, Lion Gail Anton, set up a virtual GAT Leadership meeting on April 29, with Internatio nal First Vice President, Lion Brian Sheehan as our special Guest who
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talked about the North American Membership Initiative (NAMI) Noth American Membership Initiative. Lion Gail is also going to set up a virtual Officers Training through Zoom sometime at the end of this month or early June. Keep checking your emails for updates. Since our Cabinet Meeting was cancelled on May 9, 2020, I am going to set up a virtual Cabinet meeting for Saturday, May 23rd at 9:00am. I will have CS Robin Kirar send out an email to our cabinet members giving them all the information by Friday, May 8, 2020. Due to the convention being cancelled, we will be holding an electronic vote on May 16, 2020 for our 2020-2021 District Officers, Trustees and VOICES Directors. Emails have already been sent out to all club Presidents, Secretaries, Delegates and PDGs with the information to vote. As of right now, we do not know if the Installation/Awards Banquet will be held on June 7, as planned. We will keep you updated via email.
As a Lion, this is truly a very hard time for many to not to be able to go out and serve. To those Lions who are able to help those in need, either by donating money to food pantries, sending food to first responders and healthcare workers, or grocery shopping for a family member, neighbor or a fellow Lion‌. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Stay safe, stay healthy my Lion Family. Governor Joni McMillan Lions, Please be advised that the Grand Raffle has been pushed back until June 7th, 2020, which is the date of the installation of our incoming Governor, due to the cabinet meeting being postponed (the venue is closed until June 1, 2020). Please make sure that all raffle tickets and money are sent to Lion Larry Williams on or before May 23, 2020. Stay healthy and safe.
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Governor Joni McMillan -Governor Joni McMillan ---------------------------------------------------
this changes, we will let you know. Thank you
District 1-A lions I am sending you a notice that the District 1-A election of Officers that was going to be held at the District Cabinet Meeting has been cancelled. Further information on the District 1-A election will be sent out within the next couple of weeks. If your Club has not sent in their delegate form, please do so by April 15,2020. The Cabinet meeting, as of today, is still going to be held on May 9th, 2020. If
Lion Robin Kirar CS
Lions Club International
Dear Lion, The Illinois State government in the USA announced that its stay-at-home order will be extended until at least May 30 to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The measures included the requirement to cease all nonessential services in the state. Lions Clubs International is identified as “nonessential.” To comply with the state mandate, the Lions Clubs International Headquarters in Oak Brook will be closed at least until May 30, 2020. While staff will not physically be in the building, staff teams will be working remotely and available during
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business hours to respond to the needs of Lions. You may contact LCI staff or LCIF staff as needed. The performance of systems may be impacted due to the increased number of people working remotely, and response time may be affected. Some of our business operations that require physical interaction will likely be limited.
to receiving and processing physical checks and electronic payments. For Lions International payments, please utilize online payment options via MyLCI or any other electronic payment method (ACH, SEPA, Boleto, NEFT, etc.) instead of sending checks to the office.
More details will be provided as the situation evolves, but here is some preliminary guidance:
Please submit LCIF donations via the website instead of sending checks to the office. Please also note that grant disbursements and recognition will be delayed while the office is closed.
For information on district and multiple district conventions, please check our coronavirus updates webpage.
There will be delays in shipping awards and recognitions, club supplies orders, as well as delays in processing reimbursements.
Regarding payment of outstanding dues, we recommend that districts allow clubs that are able to demonstrate they have sent or submitted payment to participate in voting. This could be via a bank statement, copy of demand draft, etc. Clubs will not be cancelled during this time based on the challenges related
We appreciate your patience during these extraordinary times and wish for the health and safety of all our Lions and staff around the world. In kindness, PIP Frank Moore Executive Administrator and Secretary
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Greetings Lions, Family and Friends, Lions of Illinois Foundation has opened a Webstore with Terri Lynn Fundraising. You can support our Vision And Hearing Programs and Services throughout Illinois by purchasing these premium nuts, gourmet confections, and sweet and savory snack mixes. Everything you buy gets shipped right to your door, and a portion of every sale goes directly to support our cause. We think you are going to love these premium products. They are really something special! You can start shopping to support us here: And if you could do us one more big favor, it would really help us get the word out if you mention our Webstore on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever you like to spend time on the web. Be sure to include in your post. Product orders with 2 cases or more please e-mail Mary Jo before ordering at for an additional savings. Thank you for helping us raise the funds we need to make a difference in your communities! Sincerely, Lions of Illinois Foundation Serving People with Vision and Hearing Needs since 1974 2254 Oakland Drive Sycamore, IL 60178 Governor’s Newsletter 7
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Dear Lion,
the health and safety of our Lions, staff and vendors in mind.
The Board of Directors has voted to cancel the 2020 Lions International Convention due to concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19). This means that the next International Convention will be held in 2021 in Montreal, Canada.
Canceling the International Convention for 2020 impacts international officer continuity and candidate elections. After review of the International Constitution and By-Laws, this impact is outlined below:
After evaluating a variety of different options including moving the convention to a different venue or postponing the convention to a later date, the Board of Directors voted to cancel the 2020 convention. This decision was made with
Executive officers and international directors will continue in their respective positions until the 2021 convention in Montreal. All candidate elections for these positions shall comply with the provisions of the International Constitution and By-Laws
for election at the convention in Montreal. An international director from the areas of Africa and Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Islands of the South Pacific is permitted only in evennumbered years. As a result, no director from Africa or Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the Islands of the South Pacific would be eligible for election until the 2022 convention.
Lions International. The International Board of Directors intends to authorize commencement of the DG terms beginning July 1, 2020.
Barring any district election complaints, district governors, first vice district governors and second vice district governors elected during a convention of their respective districts will be accepted by
We are disappointed that we will not be able to move forward with this international event, but we are optimistic that with each new day there is hope, and as Lions we will continue to find new ways to put our kindness in action while safely serving our communities. Regards, Dr. Jung-Yul Choi, International President
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Greetings Lions Friends and Family, Please know that your Foundation Office Staff has been working all week to set-up your Foundation Office for remote access in anticipation for this mandatory “ Shelter in Place” action. All departments are up and running through our remote server and you may contact each department via the e-mails listed on our website.
Lions to contact Dianne Ortega with your anticipated preorder for the roll candy as well as the sugar free suckers. Also in October we are planning a bus trip to Leader Dog, more details will be e-mailed to your district secretary for this event scheduled for October 23rd to October 25th.
I am staying in close contact with each department via our “go to meeting” web application.
Please also note that the LIF office will still be able to receive mail and we will have our special Sight and Sound Sweepstakes Early Bird drawing scheduled in April as soon as we are able.
We will continue to work on our upcoming events such as our 1st annual Lion Mario J. Gumino Memorial golf classic scheduled for August 1st
I will be posting more updates as they become available. Please go to our Camp Lions Facebook Page for updates on Camp Lions Summer Camps 2020.
Our 3rd annual Roar-in Car Show scheduled for September 12th
Please Stay Safe and know that I and the Foundation staff are thinking of you our extended Lions families.
Our second annual Knights Quest Gala-presenting the 1920’s, which will be held on Friday September 25th at the Westin Chicago Northwest in Itasca Let’s not forget Candy Day October 9th and 10th, Candy has been ordered and we encourage all
Thank You for all that you do. Lion Trish Fisher Executive Director Lions of Illinois Foundation 2254 Oakland Drive Sycamore, IL 60178
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District 1-A Lions, I hope you are all safe and healthy. We sure living in strange times. Who would of thought we would be in a pandemic? Many of us home bound and looking for something to do besides cleaning closets, basements etc I have been in touch with a group that makes mats for the homeless out of plastic grocery bags. It takes 465 bags to make a mat. They have hand
made wooden looms to make theses mats.. I am asking all District 1-A Lions to check their homes and start collecting grocery bags. And when it is safe to meet we will collect these bags and pass them on to this organization. So please check your homes and start saving these plastic grocery bags. Please stay safe and healthy and pray this ends sooner than later. Lion Gail Anton, SVDG/GLT
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