Message from Governor Joni McMilan: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A:
Hello Lions!
LCI has fixed a lot and is still working on them, so please don’t give up. Keep on entering your service!
Can you believe that summer is already over and Fall is here. Even though the leaves are beginning to fall, our Lions Clubs are not, we are growing! I have inducted many new Lions over the past few months. According to Lions Clubs International (LCI), only 58 new members have been added to our District since July 1, 2019, however, I know that there are more new members that have been inducted. Lions PLEASE send your new member information into LCI and enter your new Lions into MyLCI. I know many of you are having difficulty with entering in your service activities in MyLion. MyLion has had many glitches and
Candy Day will be here before we know it. Let’s try to beat last year’s records! Remember, this is also a potential for bringing in a new Lion! When someone asks you what we do, be enthusiastic when letting them know; ask them if they would like to attend one of your meetings to see for themselves. If your club hasn’t already scheduled your Governor’s Visit with me, please contact me at so that we can get that set up. Get a couple of clubs together and do a joint visit. I would love to visit your clubs. Have a ROARING October Lions. Governor Joni McMillan
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