District 1A Lions Governor's Newsletter

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Message from Governor Joni McMilan: Hello Lions, We are off and running! The first two months as your Governor has been awesome. I've already had the pleasure of visiting clubs to install their new officers and induct new members. We had our first Cabinet meeting that went very well....whew!!! I look forward to visiting all the clubs in our District. Please contact me at GovJoniMac@gmail.com to set up a date so I can do just that. One of my goals this year is to have 100% of our clubs report their service on MyLion. It so very important that your club report what you are doing on a monthly basis, even if it's just a club meeting.....yes, a Club Meeting can be reported on MyLion. It's not just service projects. It's whenever you meet with other Lions for a meeting, fundraiser or a service project. When you are doing a community event. Let's show the world how busy District 1-A is. If you need help with this, please contact your Zone Chairman, Region Chairman, Global Service Team Chairperson, IPDG Howard Swacker, or Global Leadership Chairman, Lion Gail Anton. They will be more than happy to assist you.

Any event that your club is having needs to be sent out to the District so that your fellow Lions in District 1-A can attend. Please send all your flyers/notifications to our Cabinet Secretary, Lion Robin Kirar at rkirarsec@gmail.com so she can send it out to the District.; send it to our Website Chairman, Lion Dawn Grogan at dgrogan498@aol.com so she can put it on District 1-A's website, and send it to our Newsletter Editor, PDG Austin D'Souza at govaustin@gmail.com to put it in our District Newsletter. Communication is key to getting the word out about the Lions and what we are doing. So my fellow Lions, keep up the great work. Let us be known who we are and what we do....WE SERVE.

Governor’s Newsletter 1

District Governor Joni McMillan

Governor’s Newsletter 2

Fellow Lions, There have been several inquiries about the Candy Day Jamboree. Some clubs have just begun to meet and are not able to get their checks in for the Jamboree in time. Some still have to order their candy. So, if at all possible, please send your checks to me at the address on the form or just call PDG Austin D'Souza or myself and let us know how many members or guests from your club will be attending. The cost for the dinner is $23.00 per person and a cash bar is available. You can bring your checks or cash to the Jamboree on September 4th at the Orland Chateau located at 14500 South LaGrange Road in Orland Park. Your clubs candy will be available that evening. Also, you can order your candy through the Foundation and pick it up at the Jamboree without attending the dinner or presentation. Candy will be available between 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. at the Orland Chateau. Thank you,

PCC Steve Anton Trustee Governor’s Newsletter 3

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