District 1A Governor's Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of July 2021

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Hellloooooooo District 1-A Lions,

It is July and another new Lions year 2021-2022. I do not know about you, but I am glad to move forward and focus on District 1-A’s future. This year’s Lions Clubs International President is Douglas Alexander. A friend to District 1-A, he has been a speaker at our District Convention in the past. His theme this year is “Service from the Heart”. Which is a perfect theme to embrace here in District 1-A. So, what is up for this new lion year?

Remember my 3 “C” of Lionism? Communication: Transparency and open lines of communication are essential to great service and have always been key to the clubs. We must focus on our connections to each other, those we serve and the organizations that support us. Causes/Service: As communities around us seek to find a sense of normalcy once again, Lions have a new and great opportunity to lead by example. We must help our District recover in this time when so many are still struggling. Service is more important than ever and the District will embark on numerous District Service Projects throughout the District. Camaraderie: Is mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. That sure describes Lions. One cannot underestimate the value of camaraderie. The more we value each other, the better we all work together and get results.

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We will be making some administrative changes so that the District will run a bit more efficiently. 1. The District website, lions1aus.org has been updated to include the following: Remember our District Website is like a filing cabinet, it is where we store pertinent information to help you.a. Online District Directory, updates can be made by sending an email. b. Online RC/ZC reports that will be linked and sent to the GLT chair. c. There is link for the LCIF fundraiser “Let’s make a Difference” on the website so you can easily participate and help LCIF. d. We will now take credit card payments for District Dues. 2. Our District email system is in the process of being updated with all Lions who have email addresses so we will be able to reach out to all the Lions and take some of burden off the club secretaries.

3. A google calendar will be available in the near future, which will include: Governor’s visits, Training and Club activities. There will be a big push for Service in our District, many of our clubs want to do service projects but not always sure how to get started. District 1-A will embark on the following campaign “Parade of Service” which will be chaired by PDG Joni McMillan, GST. The campaign will focus on Service projects that the entire District can participate in. She will work with you to update MyLion. Membership and retention continue to be an issue for this District. A Retention Round-up team will be created by GMT Lion Richard Castillio and FVDG Tony Zartler to help stop Lions from escaping through the back door. if you are interested in becoming s member of this team please reach out to them. PID Dan O’Reilly will continue to man the GMT/New Member

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Development team and is always looking for leads for new clubs. But we need your help.We will continue to provide Leadership classes for the District, and I encourage you to attend or if you have suggestions for classes to reach out to SVDG Tom Elsey. Leadership’s goal is to train and identify new leaders for our District. If you are interested in stepping up please contact me to discuss options.

anton173@comcast.net and will be judged by the Executive team. In closing, I am so very proud to be the Governor of District 1-A, but I need your help to shake things up and get everyone engaged after a year of hibernation. This is our District, let us get moving. Have a great month!


I would like to name our District P.S. 260 days until the District Newsletter. So please send me your Convention ideas for a catchy name. The winner will receive a gift card for “Taking care of Business in the winning entry. All entries must District 1-A”. be submitted July 31st to me at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Send your club news, pictures to your editor: Dr. Lion Austin D’Souza, PDG, govaustin@gmail.com Cabinet Secretary Treasurer: Lion Dawn Grogan: pcstdawn@gmail.com

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Hello District 1-A Lions:

Welcome to the 2021-2022 Lions Year. It is my pleasure to be your Cabinet Secretary for the upcoming year. I have some exciting news to share with you. The District Directory will be electronic this year. I know change is hard and there will be an adjustment period as we get used to this, but I am confident that we can do this. Several Districts have been doing this for a few years already. Every year the Cabinet Secretary would put in hours updating the directory and then send it off to the printer. We have 300 copies printed and given to the Region and Zone chairs to distribute to the clubs. Once the

clubs received them the emails start coming in. My email address changed, or I got a new phone number…already the directory is wrong. That is so frustrating, but with an electronic version changes can be made immediately so the directory will always be current. Any changes can be sent to LionsClubDistrict1A@gmail.com. The website is being updated to be more Lion friendly. The front page will have some buttons that you can just click on for the District Directory, The Let us Make a Difference fundraising for LCIF, District/State dues payments and the RZ, ZC Chair reports. We are also going to have a Google calendar so please send me your flyers for any Lions events. Make sure you check it out starting in July!! The dues statements will be going out in early July. Please pay early…LOL. Our treasurer, Lion Andy will be so excited to deposit all the checks. He is also looking at

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taking credit cards and Zelle so making your payments will be so easy. Let us have a great year and remember I am always available for

any questions and or help you may need. -Lion Dawn

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings from Tony Zartler, 1st VDG.

Welcome to the start of the new lions’ year. I am looking forward to working with Lion Governor Gail Anton and her cabinet. I am hitting the ground running with the COVID 19 restrictions being lifted, I am hoping to visit as many clubs as possible. I was honored to be invited to Chicago Ridge Lions Club to install two new members and the 2021-2022 officers. They have a great club and Lion Bonnie and I enjoyed

ourselves. I also was privileged to attended Orland Park Lions Club to install their 2021-2022 officers. On July 9, I will be attending the Charter Night for the Chicago Global Lions Club, and on July 10, I will attend Willow Springs Lioness Lions Club for their Charter Night. I have two goals this year first is to learn as much as I can from Governor Gail and the PDG’s in District 1A, second is to assist clubs with member retention, we need members to achieve our volunteer goals and to help our communities when needed. I will have more particulars in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Until Next Time, Yours in Lionism -1st VDG Tony Zartler

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From your Global Action Team From your Global Action Team

Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly Membership The 2020-2021 Lion Year was definitely a year to put behind us, starting with the pandemic! Hopefully, your clubs have begun to meet in person again and thinking about service. That is what brought us together is Service>! Busy clubs attract members, more members, more service. The International Board seeing the toll this pandemic had on our clubs, extended waiver of the entrance and charter fee through Dec. 30, 2021. Why not take advantage. North American Membership Initiative evolves into the Global Membership Approach Same process for 2021-2022 going forward, but now in other Constitutional Areas. 7 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Governor’s Goals for 2020-2021

Governors Goals for 2021-2022

As we transition into the new Lion year, we congratulate and our thankful all the Lions who helped us achieve Governor Marilyn’s goals, and we now concentrate doing the same for Governor Gail’s goals. The changing of leadership is a time to reflect on the past year, but the process continues to strengthen our District with a 8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

new Leader. Let us charge out of this pandemic and return our clubs to strong working clubs. New Club Development We exceeded our goal of 2 new clubs for 2020-2021 with 3 clubs with 65 more members than we had planned for. Hopefully, we can take those members interested in Lions back in the fall and get the West Loop started as we open Chicago up. Please let us know if you have an area you believe would make a good club. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support If you have not been meeting, contact your membership and plan a meeting. Most clubs that have started to meet are finding that the members are not only comfortable but have missed the fellowship and contact with their fellow Lions. If your club is struggling and could use some help, do not hesitate to reach out to our GMA team, we are here for you. Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey Global Leadership News

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During the 2020/2021 Lion year, despite the limitations of the pandemic our District was able to achieve the following results in Leadership/Lions Training: Training Held New Member Orientation Training Region Chairperson/Zone Chairperson Training

Number of Participants Approximately 100 attending

Comments Held 7 times this year

14 of 20 RC’s & ZC’s were fully trained, the remaining 6 attended less than 4 sessions

Zoom Training Guiding Lions Training Public Speaking Skills Development

17 participants 7 graduates 14 students attended

Region Chairperson/Zone Chairperson Introduction to DG Marilyn’s Goals & Expectations and GAT Presentations New Officer Training

Region Chairpersons & Zone Chairpersons – 18/20 District Dignitaries – 4 (DG, IPDG, 1stVDG, 2ndVDG) GAT Team - 3 Secretary Training – 20 of 24 Registrations Treasurer Training 13 Signed up, 1 late attendee. Membership Chairperson Training – 14 attendees President Training – 20 of 25 registered

4 sessions from International Curriculum 09/24/20 – Roles & Responsibilities 10/20//20 – Goal Setting 01/19/21 – Problem Solving. 01/28/21 – Assessing Club Health 01/23/21 10/24/21 8 students are continuing with developing their public speaking skills with continued sessions Held yearly

Training Held Number of Participants

Treasurer Training will be rescheduled


Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Certified Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at 10 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

thomas.elsey@gmail.com. Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if your certification will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. A training session will be scheduled this fall for a Certified Guiding Lion Class. District Training Scheduled (July – September) Listed below are the current classes scheduled at the time of compiling the District Governor’s Newsletter. Please look at the District 1-A Website calendar beginning July 1, 2021, for the most up to date information on training classes. New ones can be added at any time, and we will stive to keep it up to date as we make changes. New Member Orientation Training The August New Member Orientation Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 7:00pm Sign Up Link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcOyrqjwpGNPsS5x X9qMpR_WJGsIi9d7U While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a 11 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held. Our September New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 6:30pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdumprTgiHtOkHIXT AZj2BDeB3X4NgwT1 Public Speaking Skills Development • On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills Further Development of Speech Content Delivering the Speech Practicing Different Types of Speeches •

Tentatively Scheduled for 08/26/21 and 09/30/2021, both starting at 6:30pm

The Link for the 08/26/21 class is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ofuyrqTIrHtBg vP0YmH3xBx5qEX4HCQEs

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The Link for the 09/30/21 class is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErcOytqDoqH9 CII7sCYE1qZvnHY3WXqBKE

New Officer Training • New Officer Training for the coming year will be available for New Club Officers in 2021 – 2022 Lion year. All training will be held virtually, and the dates and times are listed below: Treasurer Training To be re-scheduled in July 2021 once logistics are determined. Website & Reporting Training 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 1, 2021,

This training will cover the use of MyLCI, MyLion, Lions Learning Center, LCI Shop, and Insights. Required reporting will include, monthly MMR Reports, yearly New Officer Reporting form, yearly Attorney General’s Report (Form AG990-IL) and the yearly Form 990-N (E-Postcard) MYLCI - This site is where the club can manage their membership, create district, and club profiles, check club voter eligibility,

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document and plan conventions as well as check new club charter application status. MYLION - This site is where clubs report service, plan their service projects, connect with other Lions, and create personal profiles. Lions Learning Center - The Lions Learning Center (LLC) offers all Lions and Leos the opportunity to learn and sharpen their knowledge of Lions fundamentals and leadership skills through online interactive courses. LCI Shop - The LCI Shop is an easy way to order the most used supplies and Lions Clubs International branded merchandise. Insights – Insights is a new product that provides Lions and Leos access to key data such as membership statistics, service data and LCIF donations in easy-to-understand dashboards. Form AG990-IL – The ILLINOIS CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION ANNUAL REPORT is to be submitted yearly to the Illinois Attorney General and is reporting the club’s financial information/dealings for the preceding Lions year. Form 990-N (e-Postcard) – The e-Postcard is an electronic filing made once per year to the IRS an Annual Information Return for

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clubs exempt from Federal Income Taxes (Generally those with Gross Receipts under The Link to register is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsdO2vqTksGdIMpW h03DExBbxDDEUJLY2W Update on MyLion Service Reporting for 2020/2021 Lion Year From Lion Richard Castillo I am proud to announce that 41% of clubs have reported their service projects on MyLion, which is a 20% increase from the beginning of the fiscal Lion year. I am encouraged by the increasing number of clubs reporting service activities to MyLion, especially with things open back up again. If you need help reporting your service projects to MyLion please feel free to reach out to me at LionRichardC@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to schedule a one-to-one meeting with you to enter your reports in. Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Joni McMillan Hello District 1-A Lions! I am super excited to serve as your Global Service Team Chairperson. Thank you, Governor Gail, for this great opportunity!

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Our first District service project of the new year will be to collect school supplies for the Bound School in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood (see below list of supplies). If possible, please get your supplies to your Zone or Region Chairperson to bring to our first Cabinet Meeting on July 31st or contact me and we will make some type of arrangement to get those items. One of my goals is for every Region to have a service project for their communities. Please let me know when your first Region Meeting will be so I can join you and we can discuss this idea together. Another goal is to have every club report their Service Activities on MyLion. More information on this will be forthcoming. I will be creating a District 1-A Service Page on Facebook soon. Looking forward to an exciting year! PDG Joni McMillan District 1-A GST Chairperson GovJoniMac@gmail.com KINDERGARTEN 2 glue sticks 12 #2 Jumbo size pencils 16 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

1 – 24 boxes of crayons 1 children’s scissors 2 pocket folders with horizontal pockets 1 large facial tissue (do not label) 2 rolls of paper towels 1 container of Clorox wipes Change of clothes in shoe box (pants, shirt, underwear & socks – labeled) First Grade 2 packs of 24 crayons 4 packs of #2 pencils 2 pair of scissors 1 ruler 4 large boxes of Kleenex 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 box of zip-lock bags-any size 2 glue sticks Second Grade 1 box of 24 crayons 1 yellow highlighter 2 large pink erasers 4 packs of #2 Pencils 1 pair of children’s scissors 1 glue stick 2 folders (different colors) 17 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

1 personal pencil sharpener (with top to catch pencil shavings) 2 packs of lined paper 1 pack of white computer paper 2 spiral notebooks 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 bottles of hand sanitizer 1 composition book 1 Box of Ziploc Bags 1 Box of Ziploc Bags 2 packs-wide ruled loose notebook papers 2 packs-primary writing papers Third Grade 4-2 pocket folders 1 ½ 3 ring binder with 5 dividers 5 packs #2 sharpened pencils Pack of crayons or colored pencils Dry erase markers 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer 1 roll of paper towel Pencil case/ pouch Clorox/ Lysol disinfectant wipes Scissors 1 pack of multiplication and division flash cards 3 packs of lined index cards 18 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Fourth Grade 2 boxes of markers 4 composite notebooks 9 folders (red, blue, yellow, orange) 24 #2 sharpened pencils 2 boxes of 24 crayons 2 boxes of erasers 4 Elmer’s glue sticks 2 pack of loose-leaf paper (wide ruled) 1 scissor 1 ruler 4 highlighters 4 boxes of Kleenex 1 pack of index cards 4 roll of paper towels 4 bottle of hand sanitizer Fifth Grade Loose leaf three-ring notebook paper (needed daily) 1-1 ½ inch 3 ring binders with dividers 24 #2 pencils with erasers 5 spiral notebooks Pack of crayons or colored pencils 2 highlighters 19 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

5 pack of 3x3 Post-It-Notes Protractors Scissors 5 folders box of dry erase markers marble composition notebooks White glue sticks Multiplication/ division flash cards Student weekly planner 1 boxes of Kleenex 1 bottle of hand sanitizer Clorox disinfectant wipes 1 roll of paper towels / Supply pouch Six, Seven & Eight Grade 2 pack of loose-leaf paper 4 composition notebooks 6 two pocket folders 3 spiral notebooks 1 dozen Blue or Black pens 2 boxes of tissue 2 bottle of hand sanitizer (large bottle) 2 highlighters 2 rolls of paper towels 1 two-inch 3 Ring Binder 1 Package of 5 or more tapped binder dividers -------------------------------------------------------------------------20 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

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