MD1 State of Illinois Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of July 2021

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MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 9 - Issue 1, July 2021

Lions Clubs International President

Douglas X. Alexander 1 The Illinois Lion & Leo

MD1 Concil Chair Speaks: both their districts and the state and will contribute to achieving the goals of Lions Clubs International. Achieving these goals will require the cooperation of every club and member in the state. Every goal expressed by the governors can be accomplished if we all do our part. Ask your governor about his/her goals and what part you can play in making them happen. What help By the time this is published the

do they need?

International Convention will be

members to step up to committee

completed and new international

chairmanships? Do you have ideas

officers will be sworn in. The new

that can help the governor reach

International President will have

their goals? You elected these lions

given us his slogan for the year,

to lead you this year and in doing so

expressing his expectation for the

you made a commitment to give

lion’s year.

Closer to home, the

them the help they need to have a

District Governor Elects will have

successful year. I know that I will

become the District Governors and

help my District Governor and all

will begin Implementing their plans

the District Governors in any way I

for their districts and the state. The

can. I will do my best to see that the

Governors have goals for their

governors succeed, WILL YOU?

districts and for the state and will be

-John Barsanti

sharing those with the members.

MD-1 Council Chair

The goals they have established are

those that they feel will improve


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Do they need


This is my first column as the Multiple 1, state global leadership chairperson, alias State GLT. Though I am known to many who peruse this magazine, there are those poor souls who have never had the pleasure to meet me. I have been a Lion since 1984. I have held every club office except club treasurer. I have twice served as district governor from District 1-CS. Several times I have served as the district’s cabinet secretarytreasurer. I have chaired many committees, club-wise, district-wise, and state-wise. In the past I have served as state chair for

membership and for the Lions of Illinois, Inc.’s state forum. I have been a Lions of Illinois Foundation trustee for a total of eight years. At LIF I chaired many different committees. I have served as president of the Red Bud Lions Club and the Chester Lions Club. I served on the board of directors for the Waterloo Lions Club. All three clubs are located along Illinois Route 3. Thus, I became known as the Route 3 Nomad. These moves all came about because of my wife and my places of employment. I am a Melvin Jones Fellow and a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow. Too, I am an LIF sustaining supporter. I have many awards and certificates, but they really do not speak as to my capabilities of how I will chair this program. Currently I am busy learning my new job and at the same time preparing for the Regional Lions Leadership Institute. However, I am blessed to have a

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great governor liaison, DG Gail Anton, and a great council chairperson, PCC/PDG John Barsanti. Am I worried about making a faux pas? Yes. But Lion Jama Wahl told me not to worry about any mistakes. She left me two envelopes in the event I boo-boo. I have already opened the envelopes to see what she wrote. In her first envelope she wrote, “Blame it all on me.” I thought, “How nice. I can blame Lion Jama for my faux pas.” I then tore open the second envelope and she had written, “Prepare two envelopes.”

marriage. Ann and I have four grandchildren and two stepgrandchildren. I have been a department store manager, a printing plant worker, a city police officer, a deputy sheriff, a chief of security and investigations at a maximum secure setting, I have been a state investigator, a business administrator at a mental health facility, and I have been a private eye. I am currently the chairperson of my church’s stewardship committee, and I have served as an elder of my church. Finally, I am a writer. I wrote a weekly newspaper column for about 35 years, several magazine articles, and a few security/police training programs.

As to my personal life, I have been married to Lion Ann for 39 years. But that is enough about me. What Ann is a retired food scientist. We about you? are bicyclists. There are no children to this marriage, but I have an adult PDG Larry McGuire daughter and son from a previous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Helping Hands Through LCIF “Lions Friends and Neighbors” who have contributed to make our Foundation grow. Our latest and greatest effort has been the Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service.

I grew up on a small family farm during the 1950’s. My dad did not have a benefit package. If things went wrong he had to fix it or finance fixing it. But thank God, we had friends and neighbors. It was not unusual for a farmer who had hit on hard times, to find his fields full of tractors, combines and all sort of equipment from his neighbors planting or harvesting the crop. Those helping hands were responsible for providing the income for the year. Such compassionate assistance continues today in another form through Lions Clubs International Foundation. People all around the world are helped by the

This memory from the past came up as this article is being prepared. Folks in Illinois, Multiple District 1, have been impacted by tornadoes. Because of the deadline, I do not know what sort of assistance from Lions will take place, but more than likely LCIF will be present in some form. That means, so will you, the Lions of Illinois. If you find you or your club can share some funds, now is a good time to send a donation to help. Simply get in touch with You can also TEXT LCIF 243-725. Or contacting your district Chairperson: 1-A: Lion Joan McMillan, R: (708) 389-590, C: (708)539-3297

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1-BK: Lion John Joseph 1-H: Lion Al Henning, C: (309) Honiotes, PDG, R: (815) 725-6307, C: 333-5274 (815) 508-9746 1-J: Lion Ed Carter, PDG, C: 630-330-1341 1-CN: Lion Lydia Ellis, PCC, C: (618) 980-7482 1-M: Lion Kevin Mendenhall, PDG, R: (618) 553-1776 1-CS: Lion Ruben Owen, PDG, kmendy1@yahoo,com C: (618) 317-5106 It is possible as we enter a new 1-D: Lion Duane Shaw, PDG, year that some of the above chairs C: 815-745-3339 have changed, but the Lions listed above still can help. Thanks for 1-F: (Co-Chair) Lion Tom caring. Lippert, DG, C: (847) 812-3727 (PS: International Director Bob Block Lion Susan Hasting, C: (847) has been appointed as LCIF Chair 651-1056 for MD1 as of immediate effect. 1-G: Lion Jerry Eiffert, C: (217) Editor) 854-7909 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------June 18, 2021, at HSHS St. John’s Hospital, Springfield.

Obituary for Mary J Truitt Mary J. Truitt, 87, of Vandalia, IL passed away at 7:12 PM, Friday,

A Memorial Service was held at 11:00 AM, Saturday, June 26, 2021, at the First Presbyterian Church, Vandalia with Pastor Kurt Simon officiating. A Private Committal Service followed in Fairlawn Cemetery, Vandalia. Visitation held prior to the service from 10:00-11:00 AM, Saturday at the church. In lieu

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of flowers, memorial donations may me made to the National Road Interpretive Center or to the Historical Museum. Online condolences can be expressed at Mary J. Truitt was born on September 25, 1933, in Edwardsville, IL, the daughter of Harry and Gladys (Daech) Truitt. After graduating from Vandalia Community Schools, Mary attended Southern Illinois University Carbondale where she obtained a teaching degree. With that degree, she was offered several teachings contracts: accepting one in Milwaukee, WI. Mary eventually retired from Milwaukee Public Schools after 35 years of employment. She then moved back to her hometown of Vandalia to care for her elderly mother. After her mother’s passing, Mary went on to work for Kaskaskia College where she taught Child Development. She also became employed by Lake Land College working at the Vandalia Correctional Center teaching Child Development, Family Relations,

Adult Living, Nutrition, and Sociology. Her part time relation with Lake Land College lasted for 11 years. While most choose to relax after retirement, Mary chose to be involved in numerous organizations and activities for the betterment of women’s lives and the community in which she lived. First, joining the Soroptomist International of Vandalia in the fall of 1990 and serving as their president from 1996-1998. Though a lot of Mary’s time was occupied through teaching, she still found the time to volunteer anywhere she could. She was asked to join the City’s Tourism Council. Then came volunteering at the Fayette County Museum. After that, the State of Illinois offered new programs and in 1997 she was appointed by the city council to represent Vandalia for two of those programs that eventually became known as Looking for Lincoln and the National Road Association of Illinois. She served as President of the National Road Association three different times and was President as

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they developed the National Road Interpretive Center here in Vandalia. Mary loved visitors at the Interpretive Center. She welcomed them from all over the US. School groups were among her favorites. She could entertain them for hours with stories about the Road. Mary was also involved in the formation of the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area Program, which involves the road signs along the interstate. She served on the Steering Committee since its inception. At some point along the way, Mary decided to join the Vandalia Woman’s Club; where she served at both, the local level, and the district level. Serving as the District President for three terms and on the State Board of the Illinois Federation of Women’s Club for 20 years. In addition to her many positions, Mary served on the Vandalia Mural Committee and was a member of the Red Hat Society. Mary still volunteered her time at the Museum, the National Road Interpretive Center, and served on the Board on the National Road Association of Illinois.

Growing up, Mary learned a lot about Lionism; her father was very active in the Lion’s Club. As the years passed, she became extremely interested in Lionism herself. In 1988 the Supreme Court declared that service organizations be open to both genders, so upon her homecoming she was asked to be the first woman member of the Vandalia Lions Club. She served in many ways at the local level; being President twice and writing the local newsletter. She served as District Governor in 2004-2005 and most recently served as the Global Leadership Team chair. Mary served for several years on the Board of the Lions of Illinois Foundation. Among her many accomplishments, Mary has been named as an Outstanding Woman of Illinois, the Woman of Distinction in Human Relations from the Soroptimists, Lions Outstanding Member, and Foundation Fellow from the Lions of Illinois Foundation. She has received the Vandalia Chamber of Commerce Abe Award, the Illinois Office of Tourism Lincoln Award, the International President’s Leadership Award and five certificates of

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appreciation. At the local level, she received a Foundation Fellow and received recognition as the Grand Marshall of the Halloween Parade. Mary was forever proud and appreciative to be a Soroptomist.

nephews, John Truitt, Mike Truitt, Jason Truitt, Edward Truitt, and Andy Truitt; nieces, Lauren Truitt Wagner, and Cheryl Truitt Dorris; and several great nieces and great nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and brothers, Dr. Bill Truitt, and John Truitt.

She is survived by her sisters-in-law, Marilyn Truitt of Vandalia and Donna Truitt of Kansas City, MO; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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curtain, for serving as our media and technical support!

PCC Lydia Celebration

District 1M Convention: Thank you to all who attended our convention! While I think all of us would have much rather been able to gather in person, the feedback indicates a successful event. The business of the district was carried out including the election of new officers and the recognition of several deserving Lions with the International Presidential Certificate of Appreciation, the 4th highest award in Lionism. Special thanks to Lion Bob Homan, the man behind the


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Conducts the of Life



Olney Lion Diana Hundley Presidential Appreciation Certificate Awardee.

Winner of the LIF Virtual Car ShowBobby Strobel. Thank you, Bobby for entering! Thanks to everyone who participated. We raised over $1000 for children with low vision programs. Great day to be a Lion!

District 1M Governor Deb Greaney receiving her first Foundation Fellow from LIF Trustee Mo Ritzel assisted by FVDGE Sherry Cates. Congratulations to 1-CN’s other Presidential Appreciation Certificate Awardees Lion Patty Taylor of Lebanon Lions and PDG James Hall of Smithon Lions

Bandera, Texas Lions: Thank you to Lion Patty for all her help when she comes to Bandera during the winters. Our projects would be 18 The Illinois Lion & Leo

much more difficult without her! Y’all are blessed to have her in Lebanon! We honored her this evening with an award for all the help.

President Lion Bill Foppe presents a check for a $1500 donation to Leader Dogs for the Blind.

Breese Lions Club members worked to improve the City Park placing rip rap around the lake

Central City Lioness Lion Glenna Bonner doing SPOT vision screening for her granddaughter at Central City Elementary. ---------------------------------------

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right Front Row - Bart Smith, Darlene Smith, Lynn Wiebenga, and Ken Gooley. Back Row, left to right - Rick Smith, Michael Smith, and Ken Jansma. Bob Countryman also helped and was the photographer. --------------------------------------Morrison Lions Club assists the City of Morrison Street Department for the Memorial Day observance in placing flags along IL. Rt. 78 and US Rt. 30 that passes through the City of Morrison. This year, the City decided, after proper documentation on the proper display of the flag, to display the flags from Friday morning preceding Memorial Day and removing the flags on Tuesday morning, the day after Memorial Day. Shown below are Lions Club members who volunteered for the two morning shifts. Friday morning May 28th - Left to Right - Darlene Smith, Rick Smith, Ken Gooley, Jim Blakemore, and Keith Hamstra Tuesday morning June 1st - Left to

Carlinlville Lions Club: Our 2021 Queen Candidates include (l. to r.): Lauren Summers – Parents: Pamela Winsel and Peter Summers Ashley Aubin – Parents: Ricky and Diana Aubin Braylee Gilmore – Parents: Michael and Robin Gilmore 2020 Queen Lexi Dawson Caroline Gibbel – Parents: Chris and Erica Gibbel Briana Sanchez – Parents: Tony and Shalena Maberry Caylee McDaniels – Parents: Scott and Niki McDaniels ---------------------------------------

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Pittsfield Lions Club 21 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Pittsfield Lions Club planted an oak tree to commemorate the 100th anniversary of their club. The Lions also had a fish fry during Pike’s Picking Days. ---------------------------------------

The Pittsfield LEOs brought in eleven new members. They participated in a clean-up of King Park and stood a turn on Candy Day. They also sold Cotton Candy. The 22 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Thank you all for teamwork and big thanks to our Leo Sunny who came up with this idea. You have ideas, we serve!! Lion Hina Trivedi ---------------------------------------

Members of Boy Scout Pak 270 Bear Den cool off with popsicles after helping the Frankfort Lions install a pollinator garden at the Frankfort Park District’s Founders Center.

District 1A Chicago INDO-US Lions worked with Neighbourhood kids and their families to donate old bikes which were fixed by VA team, and we gave away 22 bikes to kids and families who don't have bike. Now we are getting calls from all over so we will be doing it again on 4th of July weekend.

Gardner Lions Lion & Navy Veteran Denise Jolley received a ‘Quilt of Valor’. She is the past Commander of the Disabled American Veterans.

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Once a year Area Veterans are selected to receive the award. A group of Women & Men Veterans hand make these quilts. 42 area Veterans have received these quilts. Lion Denise is the first woman to recieve this honor

Members from the Joliet Noon Lions and the Joliet Park District were on hand for the unveiling of the sixth ‘Little Library’ set up in the Joliet area.

The Marseilles Lions Club honored three of their members with Melvin Jones Fellowships: Lions Duane

Berkland, Kristi Schmidt, and Shane Trager.

PID Bud Wahl presented a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellowship to Doug and Sherlyn Beckman of Designs and Signs. They support the Streator Hardscrabble Club & #39;s efforts to hang flags during the summer holidays.

Lion Laura Bradley of the Streator Hardscrabble Lions Club received a Melvin Jones Fellowship from PID

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Bud and 2020-21 Club President Donna Mikolajczyk.

Florida, and PDG Lori Linn. -------------------------------------Lion Patty Ferguson was installed as the Hardscrabble Lions of Streator Club President for 202122 by 1BK FVDGE Irene Leopold. A Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellowship was presented to Doug and Sherlyn Beckman of Designs and Signs for their support of the club's flag project. The installation picnic was hosted by Club President Donna. --------------------------------------CC Joe Vinyard finally got the chance to present two International President’s Leadership Awards from his year as 1-BK’s Governor. Lion Melissa Honiotes, who was on facetime from her new home in

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District 1BK Governor Sue Wolf presented Lion Michael Hakenjos from Crete with the International President’s Award for his work on providing desks for students learning from home due to covid. Lion Michael also received the District’s Melvin Jones Fellowship honors. DG Sue presented PDG Ken Novak with the International President’s Leadership Award. ---------------------------------------

6 years. The picture below is him tapping in his putt after an 80 yard tee shot to the green. I was screaming when his tee shot hit the green and rolled to the hole. After the shot Ryan said that the shot could have been a hole in one if I had more experience as a guide. Ryan will play at our Golf Event on July 22nd. ---------------------------------------

After covid-19 our District 1A VOICES (501-C3) 1st and last meeting for 2020-2021. Welcome all new VOICES Directors and thank you lion Bob Hoffmann and his 2020-2021 team, nice job. --------------------------------------Normal Lions Club – In Lion Bob Harshbarger own words, “I am in training to become a Guide to a Golfer who has been totally blind for 26 The Illinois Lion & Leo

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District 1A Indo-US Lions: We serve in the USA and in India. Food oxidation, ppp, covid-19 kits and more, never stop working. Thanks to all teamwork. Lion Hina Trivedi Voice Director The Palatine Lions Club will hold its 33rd Annual Palatine Lions Club/Tom Dorsch Memorial Golf Outing from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 at the Palatine Hills Golf Course, 512 W Northwest Hwy, Palatine, IL 60067, USA. Contact Golf Committee Chair Chris Barr (847/875-0580) or for more info and registration form.

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The family of Lion James Rockwell, who died Nov. 29, 2020, has started a scholarship fund in his honor: the Grayslake Lions Club Scholarship Fund, which the Lions will be renaming in his honor. The first scholarship was issued in May to a young man that’s going into the law enforcement field. If anybody is interested in contributing to this fund, you can send contributions to the Grayslake Lions Club Scholarship Fund, PO Box 201, Grayslake, IL 60030. —Lion Carole Frank Director Grayslake Lions Club

The Bolingbrook Lions held their 20th Annual Beep Baseball Tournament in June 2021. Eight teams from across the country participated. The San Antonio Jets Team was the winner of the 2021 JC Herzog Memorial Championship Trophy. ---------------------------------------

Hardscrabble Lions Club President Donna Mikolajczyk and Treasurer Karyn Dzurison present a $500 check to John Malaney, Execurive Director of Streator Unlimited. SU supports services to adults with disabilities. --------------------------------------Malta Lions Club Lion Mark Male checks his list to make sure everyone gets their roses on the club's Rose Day. (Photo on page 31)

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--------------------------------------Naperville Noon Lions Jane Bowers and Steve Hertzberg with their “actual” Joyce & Jim Davis Lifetime Achievement Award certificates. ---------------------------------------

Elburn Lions had a great time at the recent District 1J Bowling Tournament.

A big thanks to Hinckley Lion Bob Pritchard for planting flowers downtown.

Malta Lion Charter Member Lion Larry Peterson (l) receives the

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Melvin Jones Fellow Award from Malta Lions President Larry Fullington. ---------------------------------------

Malta Lions are beginning the summer’s project — re-building the park’s Shelter House. ---------------------------------------

Bartlett Lions Club President Lion Andy Watson represented his club and presented a $500 check and a plaque to Katelyn Gac, recipient of the Bartlett Lions Citizenship Award. ---------------------------------------

Flag bearers Huntley Area Lions Jim Salatta and Jim Klepper in the Huntley IL Memorial Day Parade lined up ahead of the 20th Anniversary sign bearers Lions Nancy Lawrence and Mary Meyer. --------------------------------------32 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Darien Lions Club is celebrating its 50th Anniversary by honoring founding members Lions Tom Pankow (l) and Kris Sant (r) with a Diamond Progressive Melvin Jones Award. Given by 1st Vice Governor 1J Lion Jim Kiser (l) and Club Pres. Lion .John Pearson (r). ---------------------------------------

Doyle and Christie Clark. Lion Tom is their sponsor. ---------------------------------------

Bartlett Lions Club honored the fallen heroes by attending the Bartlett Memorial Day Walk to from Bartlett Park to the Bartlett Cemetery where a memorial service was held. (l to r) Lions Christy Barry, Dave Barry, Ted Lewis, Tony Sparacino, Joanne Watson, Andy Watson, Cheryl Lemvig. --------------------------------------(l to r) Naperville Noon Lions Club President Lion Donna Kearney, Membership Chair Lion Tom Garvey, and new members, Lions Karen

Waterman Lion John Ecker (l) is the newest member of Waterman Lions Club. Lion Suzanne Sedlacek, President of the club (r), sponsored his membership.

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and club member Lion Jamie Weber. Despite the rain, much success was had in cleaning the riverways and ponds at the Dean Nature Sanctuary, Central Park, and the Oak Brook Reserve. --------------------------------------District Governor Lion John Barsanti (c) presented Sycamore Lions Ed Kuhn (l) and Jerry Malmassari (r) with a Jim & Joyce Davis Lifetime Achievement Award. --------------------------------------Lion in the white jacket is Roselle Lion Maryann Grygiel. ---------------------------------------

(l to r) Burr Ridge-Hinsdale-Oak Brook Lions Club Treasurer Phil Loiewski, Club Secretary, Terry Newkirk, Club Vice President, Cheryl Schilling, My Lion Chair, Liz Huskey, Past President Rebecca Teel Daou,

Aurora Noon Lions Club President Lion Arvid Meyer (l) presented a $250 ceremonial check to the Aurora area Interfaith Food Pantry and Pantry Community Outreach &

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Program Coordinator (c) and Shannon Cameron, Pantry Executive Director (r). ---------------------------------------

Christensen, District Governor Lion John Barsanti, and Sycamore Lion Gerry Schultz. The two Sycamore Lions were each presented with a Melvin Jones Fellow Award. ---------------------------------------

At Roselle Lions Club Blood Drive, ZC Lion Terri Pasternik gives blood to help others. Lion Dennis Arcaro oversees “his patient” during the process. ---------------------------------------

(l to r) Sycamore Lion Chuck

The Highland Lions awarded two $1500 scholarships to graduating seniors at Highland High School.

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Josh Loeh and Kylie Hooton were winners. Highland installed Tom Mannion as new President and named Jan Kreutzberg as Lion of the Year.

The Pittsfield Lions and LEOs have been busy. Pittsfield celebrated its 100th anniversary in September 2020. Due to COVID restrictions public celebrations were put on hold. To commemorate the milestone Pittsfield Lions planted an oak tree. The LEOs installed eleven new members. The LEOs held a cleanup at park.


Past District Bob Parker passed away June 15, 2021. PDG Bob was Governor and Foundation Trustee in 1990-91. He was proud to be a part of the 1990-91 “Redcoat” Council. Upon retirement, PDG Bob and his wife Margaret moved to Salisbury, NC. A memorial service will be held August 9, 2021, at 2:00p.m. In Salisbury. 36 The Illinois Lion & Leo





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