District Governor News
By Tom ElseyIntroduction
As I am writing this article for the July Newsletter, it is approximately one week prior to Barb and me leaving for the 105th International Convention. How exciting it is to be representing our great district with all the other incoming governors from around the world. We will be officially installed in a ribbon pulling ceremony by our incoming International President Patti Hill. The details of her programs will be revealed at the convention.
As we continue into the new lion year, let us not forget outgoing International President Brian Sheehan’s program of “Together We Can” and the “Together We Did” as we were part of that with our outgoing Governor Tony Zartler. And we saw once again how Together District 1-A Serves and always will.
Next month, I will start revealing the details of IP Patti’s programs. We will continue to serve with the time-honored traditions of serving those in need. I am looking forward to working with every lion and club, as together we will accomplish great things.
Just a bit of a background on the goals for the coming year. A few years back, the international Association implemented a pilot program originally named NAMI (North American Membership Initiative), since renamed GMA (Global Membership Approach) for the fundamental purpose of reversing a forty year tend of membership decline .
As a district, we have been doing many or the practices that are now part of the GMA process, just not in a formal manner. I believe we should be thankful and grateful for the leadership we have in our District for having accomplished what we have, especially through the years of the pandemic.
One of the changes made, partially due to the GMA initiative, include making the goals traditionally called the District Governor Goals into the District Goals. Meaning they are not determined predominately by the incoming governor, but through a process of GMA called “Build A Vision”.
In February of this year, seventeen Lions spent a Saturday morning helping accomplish that goal and I am thankful for the team that helped.
Goals Recognition Program
As part of the Build A Vision Session in February, I large request of the participants was the need to consider implementing a recognition program withing our district. As of now, I am appointing a committee to begin the process of how that can happen. It will include what types of achievements to consider for these awards, This will include such areas as individual and club, membership, service and leadership, and monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc. This is in addition of the Club Excellence Award (19 awarded in 20212022, Gail Anton’s year) and hopefully more in (2022-2023, Tony Zartler year). It is a great program, and we need to continue program involvement in the future.
As I am writing this newsletter article, our District is at +73 for the year. Attempting to determine what will occur during the year is a bit of educated guesses talking with the membership team and partially a bit of a gamble.
I decided to be a bit aggressive with my numbers, partially due to the great lions in our district.
The last few years the district added 60-70 net new members, so my goal is approximately twice those numbers. While the number is doubled for net growth, I believe that we can increase the number of new clubs and work to start making a dent in the number of drops we have as a district. I know we can accomplish this goal with all of us working together.
If we look at this in another filter, the club level, we will need approximately 3 new members per club, reduce the number of drops by 2 members, resulting in a net change in club members of +2.
At the time of this writing, our district has dropped 239 last year. The goal for next year is to attempt to limit drops to 120 lions. By working to decrease the average number of drops we have experienced, we would be increasing the number of lions being able to serve our communities and causes. Utilizing the 5-Year Trend Report Graph blow, you can see how membership has changed over the last 5 years in our district as of June 2022, the latest report from International.
District 1-A 5-Year Trend Report Membership
Let’s see what District 1-A can accomplish for the coming year.
New Clubs
Over the last five years, our district has averaged two new clubs per year and lost an average of one club A goal of three clubs is possible.
GMA for Clubs
Ready to move your club in a dynamic new direction using the Global Membership Approach? Then start planning for your success with the Global Membership Approach. This process can help you attract new members, overcome challenges, and develop new goals and strategies.
The process is built on four steps designed to not only to grow your club, but also to inspire new ideas, engage your members — and improve retention — and empower current and potential club leaders. You can start by taking the Global Membership Approach Course as well as the SWOT Analysis Course available in Lions Learning Center.
More information will be available soon!
This year’s goal is to increase the number of clubs reporting service in MyLion or the new software once available to 75% of our clubs. Two reasons this is so important to Lions. Reporting it on MyLion allows our International organization to create more accurate reports to share with our global partners that generously donate to LCIF funding and allow us to serve more people in need. When those partners don’t see everything, we do, it might limit the amount of money we can get.
The second part of reporting service is to make sure we share it on social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, web pages, etc. Sharing our service projects with others in our communities hopefully will inspire others to join in our service endeavors.
Our District has been generous to LCIF, and I am sure we will continue to do so. Now more than ever, the need for funding is necessary and will likely continue to increase.
This year’s goal is to increase individual donations to LCIF by 25% and Club donations by 20%.
Other Items
Congratulations to the ID Candidate from MD-1, Austin D’Souza. Wishing him the best of luck as he works on his campaign during the coming year to become one of the candidates running for ID at the 106th International Convention in Melbourne, Australia.
Once again, I am looking forward to being your Governor. I hope you have/had a great fourth of July celebration with your family and friends.
Stay safe, I am looking forward to seeing everyone this year. Yours in Service,
TomElsey,Westchester,1-A District GovernorGMA /GMT Coordinator: PID Dan O’Reilly
Global Membership Approach
We were a plus in membership all year from day one. Thank you to the clubs hitting the ground running and thinking membership growth. We surpassed Governor Tony’s Goal of a net 40 increase in membership by 48%.
I would like to recognize a few clubs who together lead our growth, helping us surpass our Governors Goals.
They are Chicago Nurses for Diabetes Lions +24, Chicago Filipino-American Lions +19, Chicago Global Lions +15, Palos Lions +12, & Chicago Ridge Lions +11. Please join me in congratulating these clubs for putting in the work to grow your clubs.
I would also like to thank the clubs who put the work in and finished a plus in membership for the year.
Argo Lions, Burbank Lions, Arirang Lions, Chicago Beverly Ridge Lions, Chicago Central, Indo-US Lions, Chicago Windy City Lions, Harvey Lions, Justice Lions, KOPE Lions, Orland Park Lions, Riverside Lions, Stickney-Forest View Lions, Forest Kala Sampath Lions Willow Springs Lioness-Lions, Willow Springs Lions, & Worth Lions.
Together all of these clubs are increasing their ability to serve their communities.
Membership Development &Club Rebuilding:
We have Re-Organized 6 Clubs last Lion year. Saving 74 Lions to our Club and District rolls. Either by re-instatement or transferring them.
Member Satisfaction:
In June we dropped 72 members. We’re not satisfying their desire to serve if we’re losing this many members in one month. You need to figure out what issues you can correct in your clubs.
Does your club make them feel welcome? Are you communicating with them about meetings and projects you have coming up? Are you providing service to your area? Think about assigning new members a mentor! Make sure you listen to their input! Make paying their dues convenient!
Fulfillyourmembersreasonswhytheybecamemembersofyourclubs, andthey’llserveasaLiontothedaytheydie!
NewMembers in CHICAGO CHICAGO CENTRAL Lions Club: 8
NewMembers in BERWYN CENTENNIAL Lions Club:1
NewMembers in CHICAGO ARIRANG Lions Club: 5
NewMembers in ORLANDPARK Lions Club: 3
NewMembers in PALOS Lions Club: 2
NewMembers in WILLOW SPRINGS LIONESS Lions Club: 3
NewMembers in WORTH LionsClub: 1
Lions Club:1
Total Deaths this month: 1
Bellwood Lions Club held Pig Roast Dinner fundraiser and installation of new office bearers on June 23, 2023. DGE Tom Elsey held instllation ceremony for the club. Several dignitaries from District 1A were in attendance.
ThorntonLions held new officer’s installation. CC Gail Anton was the installing officer. Above she installs immediate past president PDG Howard Swacker.
Local band entertained the gathering. PCC Steve, PDG’s Terry & Austin, LIF Trustee Frank & GLT Robin Kirar were in attendance.
on June 7, 2023. Several Lion officers attended the session.
Chicago Filipino American Lions celebrated Santacruzan Lions Fundraiser. Several beauty pageants presented their showcase and winners awarded a crown and bouquet of flowers. Little children were dressed as angels. Show was a super hit with beauty costumes and angelic choir! Several lions and guests attended the colorful event.
Oak Lawn Lions Club had their Annual PID William Strickfaden
Memorial Miniature Golf Outiing was held at Stoney Creekk Golf Course Oak Lawn. It was an fun-filled event with golf, food, cash raffle and raffle tickets.
Chicago Northwest and Chicago Logan Square Lions Clubs held their Centenary Charter Nights jointly on June 25, 2023 at the LaVilla Banquets, Chicago. PID BobBlockwastheguestofhonor.13
PDG’s and several cabinet members along with guests attended the event.
her final GLT seminar at the Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School on June 24, 2023, for half a day. This was specially designed for District Officers.
Bellwood Lions Pig Roast pictures
TheOrlandParkLionsdonatedtheir 40% of the ticket sales to the Palos Girl Scout Camp from our Queen of Hearts Raffle. This was the second organization to benefit from our raffle event. The Queen of Hearts is held each Friday night at Paddy B’s in Orland Park.
District 1A New Governor’s installationandCabinetAwardswas heldonJune8,2023. InvitedGuests and the Cabinet members were in
attendance. DGE Tom Elsey was installed by PID Dan O’Rielly. I VDG Brenda Stevens and II VDG Richard Moy were installed by District Governor Tony Zartler.