MARCH 2022 ==================================================================================================
Why should you go to the Convention?
Hello Lions, February is behind us and it is on to March. On February 28 the indoor mask restrictions have been lifted except for schools. This is great news. However, we should all remain careful and cautious as we move into this next phase. But, this should hopefully make you feel more comfortable about attending our District Convention. The District convention is 18 days away. Have you registered??? There is still time. We are excepting online registrations and credit cards utilizing “The Square”. Go to to register. It is a very easy process.
1. We have not had a live convention in 2 years. NO ZOOM 2. Come meet your fellow Lions and re-connect 3. Buy raffle tickets 4. Elect our new Officers
Friday night at the convention, we will have an Elvis impersonator (Young Elvis) at the opening session. Once
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the show is over Elvis will continue entertaining in my Hospitality room (on my dime). You don’t want to miss it. We will have 8 Hospitality rooms all with themes about Elvis. Where you can go and take a tour of the different faces of Elvis? And don’t forget the raffles……. Don’t you miss them??? The convention committee is working hard to present our usual top-notch convention. But they need you to attend. I would like to share a personal story with all of you. I have talked about this at a few meetings that I have attended recently. This past week, I attended my Lions Club (Orland Park) meeting (we have met monthly since the beginning of the pandemic). Just before the meeting started Lion Mark walked in with his wife Tiffany. We have not seen Lion Mark since September 2021. Mark unfortunately caught Covid early in the pandemic and did recover, but suffered with
many infections and bouts of pneumonia. The Dr’s couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong or how to fix it. He continued to doctor and go to work every day. Lion Mark also has MS (a mild case). But in October of 2021 he contacted Covid again, but this time had to be rushed to the hospital, because he was having problems breathing. He ended up on a ventilator a few times and then a trach. We almost lost him, but through the grace of God he fought and started to slowly improve. He then was moved to a Rehab center where he had to learn how to walk etc. He recently came home, PCC Steve texted his wife for an update and she really didn’t say much, which we thought was odd. They were planning on coming to our Lions meeting and didn’t want anyone to know in case it didn’t happen. To say our club was shocked to see him would be an understatement. So, during the meeting our President asked him if he wanted to say a few words. Lion Mark was always an active member and never was shy about talking with the club. Mark talked about his illness and the tough road it was to get better. But what he talked about most is that he wanted his everyday life back. He just
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wanted to go to a Lions meeting and get back to normal living. His words were very inspirational to me and that’s why I wanted to share them with all of you. Don’t let Covid take away your everyday life, because if you do COVID wins. So, the next time your club doesn’t want to meet think about Lion Mark. Remember your communities need you. Go to your meetings, help your communities. If not you, WHO?? Looking forward to seeing you at the CONVENTION!!
PS Please pray for Ukraine. LCIF has already awarded grants to neighboring countries to support the refugees. LCIF is in contact with the Ukrainian Lions daily so they will know what is needed.
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From your Global Action Team Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly Membership
We are approaching the two-year anniversary when our lives and clubs were turned upside down, our businesses and communities struggling to get by. Our state locked down our abilities to serve the ways we were accustomed to. As a District, we lost 162 Lions during the two previous Lion years. This Lion year we are seeing a rebound gaining back about a third of our losses. That rebound is a testament of our resilience to getting back to doing the things we loved so much, serving a world in need. A thank you to the 32 two clubs who have added members to their clubs. The International Board once again extended the entrance fee waiver until June 30th. Take advantage of the savings. Global Membership Approach We have a positive membership growth for this entire Lions year. We have 5 of our clubs adding 10 plus members this year. Keep up the great work! 4 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Governors Goals for 2021-2022
Let’s work together and keep the momentum going. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your clubs while people are itching to get involved and make a difference after being locked down and isolated far too long.
New Club Development We have 5 months left in this Lion year, we would like to work in the Evergreen Park area and try to get another club to replace the Lions who aged out and couldn’t rebuild on their own. If you know any perspective members in the Evergreen Park community, please reach out to me at: Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support To the thirty-two clubs that have added our members this year, let’s make sure you are meeting their needs to get involved in service. The biggest mistake we can make is ignore their abilities to strengthen our Lions family. They didn’t join so we can have bigger numbers, they joined to get involved in service! 5 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Global Retention Team Coordinator News By Retention Chairperson Tony Zartler Retention I would like to bring to your attention a problem that most of our clubs are dealing with. It is member retention. Let’s examine some problems and ways to avoid them. Lengthy/Boring Meetings – Has attendance dropped at your meetings? Everyone’s time is valuable. People do not like to waste their spare time on boring, drawn-out meetings. Interesting and productive meetings are important to the efficient functioning of your club. You want members to feel like they are spending their time on something worthwhile. Planning and running effective meetings will accomplish this. Club Presidents should stick to the agenda that was sent out to the members try placing times next to the agenda item that will guide you how long you should be on that topic, do not allow one member to highjack the meeting. This not only makes the meeting too long but the other members then do not want to speak or discuss important items that need discussion. Club Politics & Cliques Are politics getting in the way of club business? The evidence says they are in too many cases. Do cliques within the club snub new members, making it difficult for them to feel part of the group? Breaking down the cliques and politics will make your club environment welcoming and productive. All members will feel more interested and involved. Try mixing up committees with new and senior members. Lack of involvement
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Once your club inducts new members, be sure to engage them in activities that interest them and allow them to feel they are an important member of the club. Members who see they play an active and important part in the club are far less likely to drop out. Also, active members will more eagerly volunteer, take a more active role in club, and donate more time. Invite them to forums, region meetings, and conventions. Mention to the new member that they can take classes online that will teach them about lionism. Get that new member involved in activities right away. Working Together - Is your Club a unified group? Too often, differences in personalities, gender, or culture obstruct a club from functioning smoothly. This can lead to poor communication, misunderstandings, and the inability of the club to set common goals. By learning to bridge differences and communicate openly with all members, you can create a productive environment for your club. A couple of other tips: If you have a new member, make sure the sponsor keeps the new member informed with club activities. Have a newsletter sent by mail or e-mail to each member. This keeps all members informed on future meetings and activities. Be sure to let members who are slipping and not regularly attending club functions know of any changes you are making. Call members personally and let them know their attendance is missed and what new changes are taking place. Clubs can do a survey of club members to see how the club is doing and if changes need to be considered. If we practice these few ideas, I think we can keep our clubs healthy and a vital part of our community. In addition, I would like to extend an invitation to the District 1A Convention. I look forward to seeing you there. District 1A will be Taking 7 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Care of Business March 18-20 in Itasca. There will be fun, food, raffles, and beverages. There is still time to register for the meals. There is an opportunity to participate in bidding at the live auction on Saturday.
Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey
District Training Scheduled (March 2022 – May 2022) Listed below are the current classes scheduled at the time of compiling the District Governor’s Newsletter. Please look at the District 1-A Website calendar for the most up to date information on training classes. New ones can be added at any time and we will strive to keep it up to date as changes are made. New Member Orientation Training Our March New Member Orientation will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 8:30am. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: Our April New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: YCslk8N 8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Our May New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: oY8BNo-bK
While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held.
Public Speaking Skills Development • On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills ▪ Classes are being postponed until further notice Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Certified Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if your certification will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. Upcoming Club Improvement Series training: Effective clubs provide meaningful service, maintain a strong and active membership and continually develop new leaders. The tools below focus on these elements to help your club function effectively while meeting the needs of your community and your members. 9 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
The following Sessions will be offered for club leaders:
Your Club, Your Way! The Your Club, Your Way! Guide will help you customize your club meetings to better suit the needs and lifestyles of your club members. It includes a simple, fun exercise to help determine which elements of your meeting to keep and what to change, as well as a process for phasing in change!
Plan for Your Club’s Success Use this training (planning guide and PowerPoint) to discover your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs and organize your plan for successful implementation. Use this planning guide and PowerPoint to discover your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs and organize your plan for successful implementation.
Club Quality Initiative Club Quality Initiative is a strategic planning tool to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement. Change is critical for each club. By understanding our current operation, identifying areas that may be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish our goals, every club can be even better!
The March Club Improvement Series – Plan for Your Club’s Success continues on Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7:00pm. We would love to have
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you attend this meeting for ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive. Sign Up-Link:
Our April Club Improvement Series: - Club Quality Initiative Seminar will be held on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please consider joining this informative seminar find out all your club needs to know how your club can earn a Club Excellence Award this year. Sign Up Link: ZDxbZuTEu
The May Club Improvement Series – Your Club Your Way continues on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please seriously consider attending this meeting to help ensure you are meeting the needs of all your club members and allowing your club to run smoother. Sign Up Link:
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Global Service Team Coordinator News Good morning, Lions!
I am so proud to announce that we now have 63% of our clubs reporting their ser-vice projects in MyLion. What great progress. We have had 2 district service projects, School Supplies for the Bond School in Chicago and Operation Warm Hearts. We are currently on our 3rd service project, Share the Warmth, where we are collecting blankets for the homeless. PCC Dennis and I already delivered dozens of blankets to Cornerstone Community Outreach that has 3 shelters in the Chicago-land area. They were overwhelmed with the generosity of the Lions. Governor Gail and I will be working with the Tinley Park Lions to put together our next District Project in April, which will be a Baby Shower for Aunt Martha’s in early April. Aunt Martha’s is a health and wellness not-for-profit organization serving over 105,000 children and adults throughout over 600 communities in Illinois. They provide primary and family health care, including behavioral health, pediatrics, family planning, parent support, and women’s health. Aunt Martha’s is also a li-censed child welfare provider with foster care and intact family services. One of their programs is helping teenage moms provide for their new baby. Keep up the great work Lions! PDG Joni McMillan District 1-A GST Chairperson
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District 1A welcomes New Members in the month of December 2021:
New Members in CHICAGO African Lions Club: 1 MARGARET SALAMI New Members in Palos Lions Club: 2 LUCAS G SCHUMANN MACKENZI SCHUMANN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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2022 MD-1 Spring Forum Saturday March 5, 2022 Schedule of Events Check in: 8:00am to 9:00am – Outside of Salon C&D 9:00am – Opening Session - Salon C&D* 9:30am – 10:15am – Planning a Membership Growth event – PDG Charlie Short MD25 Yates Room (2nd Floor) Serving From the Heart – PDG Lori Bennet 1-M – Bond Room (2nd Floor) You’ve Been President, Now What? – DG Gail Anton 1-A – Altgeld Room nd (2 Floor) 10:30am – 11:15am – Art of Recognition – PDG Anna Wickenhauser, MD5 – Yates Room (2nd Floor) Partnering For Progress – PDG Lee Vrieze, MD27 – Bond Room (2nd Floor) Marketing 101 – Lion Shauna Schuda, LCI – Altgeld Room (2nd Floor) 11:30am – 12:45pm – Lunch Salon C&D – USA/Canada Forum and Leadership Institute Opportunities – Lion Jama Wahl 1-BK 1:00pm – 1:45pm – Planning a Membership Growth event – PDG Charlie Short MD25 Yates Room (2nd Floor) You’ve Been President, Now What? – DG Gail Anton 1-A – Bond Room nd (2 Floor) Partnering For Progress – PDG Lee Vrieze, MD27 – Altgeld Room (2nd Floor) 2:00pm – 2:45pm –– Serving From the Heart – PDG Lori Bennet 1-M -Yates Room (2nd Floor) Art of Recognition – PDG Anna Wickenhauser, MD5 – Bond Room (2nd Floor) Marketing 101 – Lion Shauna Schuda, LCI – Altgeld Room (2nd Floor) 3:00pm – 3:45pm – LCIF Grant Process – Cassandra Rotolo – Salon C&D 3:45pm – 4:15pm – Closing Session – Salon C&D***
*Opening session will be a welcome, introduction of guest speakers, housekeeping types of things and overview of the days schedule. **Lunch will be a soup and sandwich buffet. We will also have a 50/50 raffle. ***Closing session will be a recap of the day, thank speakers, draw winners, and hold the basket auction.
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