Newest Member of MD1 got inducted to Chicago
MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 7 - Issue 11, May 2020 6
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
it will be a limited meeting to take care of essential business.
Council Chair Speaks:
Lions of MD-1, I hope you are able to stay safe during this health emergency, and you are staying in touch with each other using social media and the telephone. For those who registered for the State Convention refund checks were all mailed out in early April. If you have not received yours by the end of April please let me know. The final Council Meeting for this Lions Year will be held on June 6th. We have reserved the conference room in the State Teachers Retirement Building where we have out state office just in case, we are able to hold an in-person meeting. More likely, since the Governor Pritzker just extended the stay at home order until the end of May, it will be an on-line meeting using Zoom. Mary will be sending the announcement out in the beginning of May, and we will notify everyone at the end of May if it will be an in person or online meeting. Either way 2
I expect we will be having restrictions on out activities into fall, and maybe beyond depending on the status of Covid19 infections still occurring. I know my club has moved to using an online tool for its board meetings, and we will be holding our first club meeting since March using social media in May so that we can keep everyone involved. I would encourage you to explore some of the information, tools and webinars posted by Lions Clubs International to use with your clubs during this crisis. Our Finance Committee, the State Secretary/Treasurer and District Governors held a call on April 22nd to review the finances through the first 3 quarters of the year. Unfortunately, the Auditor is still working on the audit from last year which has been impacted by the Covid19 Pandemic. We will keep after them to get it done as soon as possible so that we can publish the audit results in the Magazine. The good news is that it looks like we will come in well under budget for the year. Keep up the good work that we Lions do, and Stay Safe. -Lion Jerome Perez, MD-1 Council Chair ----------------------------------------------------------
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MD1 Leadership Chair (GLT)
spirits. Still others are making donations to worthy causes to provide support. The Lions Clubs International Foundation is one such worthy cause. Grants are going out to support Lions who are supporting their communities during this pandemic as well as other natural disasters.
Lions of MD1, COVID-19 has impacted our personal, professional and volunteer lives. With the shelter in place directive, our daily activities have changed. The problem is that the need in our communities has not changed. How do clubs balance providing service and staying safe and healthy? A quick review of posts on FaceBook shows many clubs world-wide are donning safety gear and providing curbside meals. Others are actually providing medical support services. Still others are making deliveries of needed personal items to those not able to leave their homes. Some clubs are organizing parades to celebrate birthdays in a safe social distancing manner which also lifts 3
And, what about taking care of our own members? Lions are social beings. We like to hug, shake hands and spend time with other Lions. Meetings and conventions have been cancelled. Social distancing and the shelter in place orders have caused a disconnect for Lions. Now is the time to reconnect with a text, email or phone call. Reaching out to other club members just to “check in� can give a big boost to a Lion who is feeling alone and isolated. Electronic meeting platforms like Go to Meeting or Zoom can be used to have a virtual meeting or social event. Get your club members together to have a meeting to conduct business, but also consider having a virtual cup of coffee or favorite adult beverage with your club members. Find a way to make those connections safely.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
As said by many, this is an unprecedented time which calls for unprecedented action. It calls for Lions to be smart and purposeful in our efforts to care for our communities and members, while at the same time
being safe and healthy. Find the balance that works for you and your club! -Jama Wahl, GLT ---------------------------------------------------
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Last Month MD1 lost 2 PDG’s: 1. PDG Wally Hanford from District 1J and 2. PDG Richard Howell from District 1CN. May their souls rest in peace and may God Almighty grant their families enough strength to bear this loss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The Sparta District #140 Leo’s donated hygiene items at the Lincoln Elementary
School, Evansville Attendance Center, and tried to at the Tilden school. "We have your supply and will get with you (Tilden) so you can get it out to your community," said a Sparta Leo. The Leo went on to say, "Please let us know what items you are in need of, we will try to get them to you." The Leos club is in the process of making masks for local facilities. The club says to let them know if your facility is in need of such, or if you have a sewing machine and would like to help, some fabric has been donated to us. This is a trying time for our communities. Stay safe! ----------------------------------------------------------
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Thanks to Collinsville Noon Lions, Collinsville-Maryville Evening Lions, Troy Lions and St. Jacob lions Clubs for sponsoring feed the front line warriors at Anderson Hospital today. If you would like to make a donation to this cause you can go to St. Jacob Lions page and make your donation...we will continue this program as long as it is needed.
Thanks to Marine Lions Club, Highland Lions Club and St. Jacob Lions Club, we furnished lunch and dinner to the front line warriors at St. Josephs Hospital, Highland, IL April 18, 2020 Using Script cards from the Lions of Illinois Foundation we were able to raise additional funds for sight and sound. ----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------. PDG Stanley Schmidt of Okawville, IL departed this life in the Friendship Manor Health Care Center in Nashville, IL on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 5:40 P.M. He had attained the age of 79 years, 3 months and 4 days. Stanley was born in Okawville on January 9, 1941 the son of Harry W. and Hanna (nee Detering) Schmidt. He was united in marriage to Cora Perschbacher in the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Okawville on August 5, 1967 and she survives his passing. Mr. Schmidt was a 1959 graduate of Okawville High School. He served in the United States Army for two years having attained the rank of Tech Sergeant. He was a faithful member of the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Okawville where he previously had served as an Elder and as
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President of the congregation. He was also served on the Immanuel Lutheran School Board. Stan spent much of his life in the auto parts industry and had owned Community Auto Supply in Okawville for several years. He enjoyed attending local sporting events and he loved spending time with his granddaughter. Stan was very active in his community. When the Village of Okawville adopted its zoning ordinance, he served on the very first zoning board. Stanley was also passionate about his work with the Lions Club. He first joined the Okawville Lions Club in February of 1968. Through the years, he served on nearly every committee of the Okawville Lions. He was Club Secretary for 15 years and served five separate terms as Lions Club President. In 2009-2010 Stan served as District Governor for Illinois Lions District 1-CN. Stan founded and chaired the SPOT Program for District 1-CN. Its mission was to provide no-cost vision screenings at schools all through the district. Stan spent many hours traveling from school to school to provide this valuable service.
IL; one granddaughter, Hanna Schmidt of O’Fallon; five nieces, one nephew, several great nieces, great nephews, cousins and a host of friends. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Shirley Brinkerhoff. Due to Covid-19 health concerns, a private graveside service will be held at the Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery in Okawville. A public memorial service will be held at a later date. ----------------------------------------------------------
Stan received many honors and awards from the Lions Club, including the Perfect Attendance Award for 46 consecutive years of perfect attendance, the Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellowship and the Melvin Jones Fellowship. In February of 2018, Stanley received his 50 year Monarch Chevron Award. Left to mourn his passing is his wife, Cora of Okawville; a daughter, Karen Lynn Owens and husband Doug of Champaign, IL; a son, Daniel Schmidt and wife Rachel of O’Fallon, 20
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Lion Nate Rush: prepared to brave the wild frontier at Wal-Mart. Don't forget your masks! ----------------------------------------------------------
At Lutheran Hospital with Dr.Patterson , the head of Anesthesiology Department of Lutheran Hospital. Mabuhay Centennial Lions rendererd this service. ---------------------------------------------------------21
The Amboy Lions hit the ground running to start the month of March. On March 6th the Club donated 2 more AED’s (Heart Defibrillators) to area churches, First Congregational Church in Lee Center and
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Grace Fellowship in Sublette. Members from both churches met Friday, March 6 at the First Congregational Church for training on the use of the AED devices. During the training church members were able to receive “hands-on” practice using the AED. Each church then received an AED to be placed in the lobby area of their churches. With the two recent donations, the Club has now placed seven AED’s in area churches and community centers.
The following day, March 7th, five Club members, Lion Mark Grossman, Edy Pfeiffer, Jim Travi, Roger Wittenauer and Mary Mays, attended the District 1-D Lions Convention held in Rock Falls. District 1-D encompasses Lions Clubs throughout north22
western Illinois. During the final session on Saturday, district awards were presented to various clubs. The Amboy Lions Club was well represented with these awards. Former Secretary, Lion Dennis Marsili was recognized for his outstanding service as Secretary of the Club. Current Lion President Roger Wittenauer was recognized for outstanding service as President of the Club. The Amboy Club itself was recognized with a Four Star Club Award for outstanding service to the community. After handing out the service awards to various clubs and individuals, the final recognition award of the evening was given to two Amboy Lions members. The Award, District 1-D Lion of the Year for 2018-2019, was presented to both Lion Jim Travi and Lion Roger Wittenauer. This is the first ever District 1-D Lion of the Year Award ever presented. Lion, Jim Travi, a member since 2000, received this honor for his community involvement and his organizing of the Club’s First Community Health Fair with an emphasis on Diabetic Retinopathy. Lion Roger Wittenauer, a Lion since 2015, was recognized for his club leadership and for spearheading the AED donations over the past two years. Lions Travi and Wittenauer said they were very humbled by this honor. Both agree that the Amboy Lions Club members all share in this honor through their support and participation in all club projects and events throughout the year. At the March 9th Club meeting, guest speaker, Lisa Borgo, a Camp Lions director from Rockford gave a video presentation
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Oregon Lions Meeting on March 12th. She is one of six blind/visually impaired teachers employed by the Rockford School District and a member of Rockford Noon Lions.
of what Camp Lions is all about. Camp Lions is a camp for deaf and/or blind area residents. There are several Camp Lions locations throughout Illinois during the summer. Age and the type of disability determine which of the camps the individual attends. These one week camping sessions allow participants, children through adult, to enjoy supervised fishing, boating, horse-back riding and various other group activities. Lions Clubs and individuals throughout the state help to pay the cost for the individual campers. At the meeting, the Club voted to make a donation to pay for one camper for the 2020 camping season. ----------------------------------------------------------
Lisa Borgo was the featured speaker at the 23
For many years Oregon Lions have contributed to the financial support of Camp Lions, which are camps held throughout the State of Illinois, catering to the specific needs of visually and hearing impaired students. Last summer Oregon Lions provided supper for the campers attending Camp Reynoldswood in Dixon, IL. Lisa will again spend a busy summer as codirector of several camps for visually and hearing impaired students whose participants range in age from 13years to 80 years old. During their week-long camp experience, each of the campers has the opportunity to take part in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities which may include: arts and crafts, swimming, zip lining, dancing, hors back riding, bowling etc. They are able to socialize with people who have similar disabilities and often make friendships that last a lifetime. Photo: From left-Oregon Lion Grant Afflerbaugh, Rockford Lion Lisa Borgo, and Oregon Lions President Mike Hoff. ---------------------------------------------------------Roger Cain was the featured speaker at the Oregon Lions Club Meeting on February 27th. He is part of a group that is dedicated to the restoration of the Oregon Train Depot The Oregon Depot has a history that goes back more than a century. It was built
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by the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railway in 1913 and served rail travelers until 1971. In 2001 an ambitious and dedicated group of people began a renovation that continues today. Besides being open to the public for tours on Saturdays from 9AM until 12PM, on the last Saturday of each month the public is invited to attend programs of historic interest at the Depot. Roger Cain told Lions members that there is a possibility that a former Burlington Route rail passenger car the SILVER VIEW could become a viable part of the Oregon Train Depot Museum in Oregon. There is continuing communication with the owner of this rail car and the Oregon Train Depot Committee. If talks are successful, and after the restoration of this vintage rail car takes place, Roger Cain thinks the SILVER BULLET passenger rail car could become an active venue for small social gatherings in Oregon as well as enhance the experience of visitors coming to the Oregon Depot. Photo:-From the left, Oregon Lions Club President Mike Hoff, Roger Cain and Lion Grant Afflerbaugh. ---------------------------------------------------------The Oregon Lions Club held their Meat 24
Raffle Drawing on Friday, March 27th. One half a hog, four $50 Super Valu gift certif icates, twenty-five turkeys, twenty-five hams and twenty steak and ground chuck bundles were offered as prizes. The lucky Grand Prize winner of half a hog was Alex Best. The rest of the prize winner will be contacted and asked to wait until later this spring, once the current travel restrictions have been lifted, to have their meat delivered to them. The half hog was purchased by Oregon Lions from Eichmanns, in Seward, IL. The turkeys, hams and beef bundles were purchased from Super Valu in Oregon. Oregon Lions wish to thank them both for their cooperation during this annual fundraiser. Oregon Lions also want to thank everyone who purchased a ticket and supported Lions causes! Photo- From left – Super Valu Meat Manager Terry Davis and Lion Dave Stenger. ----------------------------------------------------------
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Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service Needed Now More Than Ever. Our current world wide situation virtually exemplifies the very principal of the founding of Lions International. The idea that Melvin Jones and friends created was that people who had been successful with time, talent and money could use them to help others in need. There is great need at this time for the Lions Clubs International Foundation. In addition to the normal disasters, and requirements, we have the COVID-19. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have a job, income and our health need to reach out, even with small amounts. We can make a difference.
The Polo Lions Club along with the city of Polo and the Polo Park District have taken this building down and will construct a new one. A thank you to Bocker Excavating, Bills Excavating and Jim Ports for the trucks and equipment to do this and a thank you to the Lions members that have volunteered to do this. ----------------------------------------------------25
COVID-19 Frontline Relief Grant Update as of this writing: LCIF has now been able to award 81 grants totaling US$2,237,705. Donations for our COVID-19 response are being accepted through LCIF's General Disaster Fund. Thank you for your generous donations! Want the most up-to-date information on LCIF’s response to COVID19? Visit our designated page
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to learn more about LCIF's response, how to apply for a grant and how to support LCIF’s efforts. Grants must affect at least 100 individuals. Contact any of the chair persons for Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service: Multiple District/1-A Chair PDG Wes Salsbury, 1-BK PDG John Joseph Honiotes, 1-CN PDG Lydia Ellis,
The Towanda Lions Club has awarded the 2020 Steve Liebenow Memorial Scholarship to Mackenzie Kraft. Mackenzie is a freshman at Iowa State University majoring in Animal Science. Throughout her life she has been very active in 4-H and other organizations and activities benefitting the Towanda community. Upon college graduation, Mackenzie plans to return to the Towanda area and focus on animal nutrition at her family’s farm.
1-CS Lion Ruben Owen, 1-D PDG Duane Shaw, 1-F Lion Mary Reading, 1-G PDG Jerry Effert, 1-H Lion Al Henning, 1-J PDG Ed Carter, 1-M PDG Kevin Mendenhall, -Lion Ed Carter, 1J ---------------------------------------------------------26
This scholarship is presented annually by the Towanda Lions in memory of Steve Liebenow, a valued Lions Club member and educator in the Unit 5 School District. The scholarship in Steve’s name is a means of recognizing and contributing to the success of the youth of Towanda. ---------------------------------------------------------As quoted by our very own Lion Dennis: "the difference between caring and compassion is we all care about someone or something but compassion is actually doing something for someone". We face fear and
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uncertainty everyday in today's world. Frankfort Lions continue to serve the community by delivering gift cards to 24 local families in need while practicing social distancing. Thank you Lions! #weserve #inthistogether #frankfortlions #frankfortstrong. ---------------------------------------------------------Some Lemont Lions have been busy making masks for area hospitals and those in need in the community. Lions Lori TaylorEsposito, Evie Esposito, and Karissa Verde 27
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have made, at time of publication, over 28
1200 masks that they have distributed to those in need. Generous support from the community for fabric/supplies and the support of other Lemont Lions has made this effort a success. ----------------------------------------------------------
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-----------------------------------------------------Donna Mikolajczyk, Free Lunch Chair, looks on as Lions and Zonta members prepare 100 carry-out meals for distribution. The Hardscrabble Lions of Streator organize this monthly activity as a cooperative effort with the Deacons of Park Church and local community groups. The Zontas provided the April meal of ham, party potatoes, green beans, bread, dessert and beverage. ---------------------------------------------------------Darien Lions, in an effort to raise spirits during the COVID-19 pandemic, decided to add solar lights to flags in their community. The program started three years ago to show patriotism during the national holidays from spring through fall. ---------------------------------------------------------Dundee Township Lions help keep the local food pantry well-stocked. -----------------------------------------------------District Governor Lion Jerome Perez (r) inducted Lion Jake Cho (c) in the Waterman Lions Club. The new member’s sponsor is Lion Phil Nielsen (l). 29
Addie Moore visited the Somonauk Lions Club in early March and spoke to the members about her therapy dog, Banjo. Addie did a great job explaining how she trained her dog and the various tasks Banjo helps her with. The Somonauk Lions Club thanks Addie for visiting with the Lions. (l to r) Addie and Banjo are pictured with Lion
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Bob Fraley, Somonauk Lions Club President. ----------------------------------------------------------
Latest pick up from WYFS Discoveries store by Warrenville Lion Greg Clevenger and his brothers, Kevin and Mike. Lions have volunteered to pick up donated furniture in town for WYFS Discoveries. Thanks guys! ---------------------------------------------------------30
“Thumbs up for social distancing and protective gear!” at the drive-thru food pick-up from DeKalb County Community Gardens, hosted by Malta Lions. ----------------------------------------------------------
In the past four years, the club has donated 23,950 used eyeglasses for recycling. These items were all collected at 20 locations in Crystal Lake. On the left is PDG Lion Rick Tonozzi, who manages the Collections Department at the Foundation, and on the right is Crystal Lake Lion Bob Moravec. ---------------------------------------------------------Glen Ellyn Lion Sean O'Brien delivered donated Barone’s Pizza to two nursing homes in town to feed the workers. People
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at Bowlway Lanes last month. Hooray, another successful event! --------------------------------------------------------------------
helping people!! ---------------------------------------------------------members
Congratulations and welcome to three new Crystal Lake Lions: Kevin Byrnes, Dave Byrnes Jr., and Dave Brynes Sr. --------------------------------------------------------------------
A Darien Lion, from District 1J that many recognize, doing his civic duty of giving blood — Southeast Zone Chair Lion Jim Kiser. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Bartlett Lions gathering to discuss “the aftermath” of the club’s Diabetes fundraiser 31
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Wheaton Lions welcomed Diana Martinez, Director of The McAninch Arts Center at College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. Diana was introduced by Lion Phil Suess, (l) Mayor of Wheaton, Diana Martinez (c) and Lion John Dalby (r). --------------------------------------------------------------------
the contest, Lions create a bulletin board display at the local library. --------------------------------------------------------------------
City of Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns joined the Geneva Lions to share important updates on the city. --------------------------------------------------------------------
A social gathering of Westmont Lions just prior to the time that members began to have virtual meetings. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Glendale Heights Barangay Lions Club has worked with local students doing Peace Posters for quite a number of years and always get many entries. To hype interest in 32
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Naperville Noon Lions Foundation, along with 23 others, were honored recently by the Fry Family YMCA on 95th Street in Naperville with banners on display in the main hallway lobby. The Lions’ banner represented over $1,000 donations each year for many years. In the fiscal year ending 2019, the Naperville Noon Lions Foundation donated $6,500 to the YMCA in support of the Safe ‘n Sound Program. For over 25 years, the program has provided the Naperville community with youthcentered enrichment programs designed to meet the developmental needs of schoolage children with an emphasis on experimental learning, social and emotional development, and the promotion of healthy living. ----------------------------------------------------------
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Chicago Mabuhay Centennial Lions Club members donated hot lunch boxes to the Medical Staff at Roseland Community Hospital. ----------------------------------------------------------
This is the 6th hospital the Chicago Mabuhay Centennial Lions Club donated free hot lunch boxes. Today Friday 4/24/2020 @ Kindred Hospital on Montrose Ave ,Chicago. I wish my dedicated and courageous members will continue this to say "thank you" to the Healthcare Frontliners. We are Lions and We Serve. Works, not words, are the proof of service. ----------------------------------------------------------
District 1BK passed away. More details will follow in next issue if they available. -Editor. 34
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine