MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 8 - Issue 12, June 2021
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new ways to stay active and serve others in a pandemic. I want to thank all the state chairs for stepping forward and taking on that extra responsibility this past year. So much was accomplished despite the roadblocks placed in front of you. I want to give a special shout out to Thoughts
our GAT Team – which includes our NAMI
wonderful to work with all year and Hello Lions and Leos of MD-1.
were able to hold 2 GAT Summits – 1 in-person and 1 virtual – as well as
hope you are all healthy and well.
a great MD-1 Forum that was also This marks the final time I will be
submitting an article as Council
monthly meetings to communicate
Chairperson. Where has the year
with the GAT leaders across the
state. And we have also started building up some content on our
I have some folks I need to thank so
MD-1 YouTube page. Well done!!
I hope you can indulge me for a bit. First, I want to thank all of you as
Lions for everything you are doing
Pemberton for all her efforts this
to serve your communities.
past year. She does a lot of things
for the Lions of Illinois but one of
challenges yet many of you found
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planning and this year we were
through lost service activities and
constantly cancelling or moving
meetings around on her. The one
Lions thrive on was challenged and
COG meeting we did have in-person
replaced with Zoom meetings.
The Fellowship that
required all kinds of protocols to be met. Mary did a great job working
It would have been easy for them to
with the hotels to navigate all of
feel sorry for themselves and give
up. But instead, they rolled up their sleeves and worked through it.
I cannot thank my wife Anne
Through all the obstacles they lead
enough for all her support. She has
us with grace and class – thank you
been my sounding board this past
DGs!! It was an honor to serve with
year and helped my keep my sanity
– at least somewhat - and she has also become a Zoom technical
I want to thank the Lions of Illinois
and this COG for giving me the chance to serve this past year as
I want to congratulate the Incoming
Council Chairperson.
experience I will never forget and
Barsanti and the incoming COG and
It is an
will always cherish!!
wish them all the best in their year. I want to congratulate and thank
In closing, I know this year was not
our Council of Governors.
what we expected coming into it –
and that has been well documented.
unprecedented challenges in their
That said, some good things did
year as DG due to the pandemic. For
come out of it. Our Lions adapted.
a large portion of their year in-
Many learned how to use Zoom to
person gatherings were off the
stay in-touch with each other and to
table. They had to lead their districts
also provide training to other Lions.
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that both
drive-through service
fundraisers – can be huge successes. And 7 new clubs were chartered this year!! So, as we start to come out of this pandemic and go back to how we did things before – do not forget to hang onto the things that worked well during the pandemic. Marrying those things that worked well with our previous approaches will help us improve as an organization. And a characteristic of all successful organizations
continually improve. I know we can do that and come out of this better than before!! I want to thank you for all you are doing to serve your communities. Be safe and take care!! MD-1 Council Chairperson Joe Vinyard --------------------------------------
As this Lions’ year ends, I will be stepping down from the position of MD1 Global Leadership Team Coordinator to move into a new position as the Chairperson of the USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Reno, Nevada in 2023. Moving up the chairs to Reno means several responsibilities at the Forums in Des Moines 2021 and Calgary 2022. Serving as the MD1 GLT has been a wonderful experience. I have had the chance, with the support of numerous Councils of Governors, to train incoming leaders; start an annual MD1 Regional Lions Leadership Institute; as well as host MD1 Forums, Summitts and this year a Virtual Experience. It has been my pleasure to work with so
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many Lions who utterly understand why providing learning experiences for up-and-coming Lion Leaders is important. So, thank you to the MD1 Global Action Team Members Council Chair Joe Vinyard, MD1 GMT Barb Stewart, MD1 GST Carla Haga and NAMI Champion Darren Van Duyn for sharing the ride this year. And let’s not forget the GAT members from the past several years, too. Each of you has made an impact!
providing quality leadership learning experiences is greatly appreciated. I have also had the awesome opportunity to work with many exceptional staff members at Lions Clubs International. In short, thank you Lion Leaders for allowing me this opportunity. Thank you Lions, for sharing the journey with me. I will be forever grateful! And one more reminder, mark your calendar to be in Reno in September 2023 for the USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum. Having support from the MD1 Lions in Reno would be fabulous!!
At the district level, it has been my privilege to work with Lions from each of the districts across Illinois. Your dedication and commitment to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lions of Illinois, Inc. Synopsis of Actions 2020-2021 Council of Governor May 15th, 2021 Via Zoom Synopsis of Actions: 1. Motion: To approve the agenda Action: Motion carried unanimously 5 The Illinois Lion & Leo
2. Motion: to approve the February 27th, 2020 Council of Governors (COG) Meeting minutes as presented. Action: Motion carried unanimously 3. Motion: to approve the minutes from the March 23rd, 2021 Executive Committee meeting Action: Motion carried unanimously 4. Motion: to approve the minutes from the April 22nd, 2021 Executive Committee meeting Action: Motion carried unanimously 5. Motion: to accept the financial report as presented Action: Motion carried unanimously 6. Motion: to approve the RLLI budget as presented Action: Motion carried unanimously 7. Motion: to approve all reports as presented. Action: Motion carried unanimously 8. Motion: approve the contract with the accounting firm Sikich LLP for the 2020/2021 audit Action: Motion carried unanimously 9. Motion: approve the contract with the Abraham Lincoln Hotel for the 2024 State Convention Action: Motion carried unanimously 10. Motion: to adjourn the meeting Action: Motion carried unanimously -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MD1 Concil Chair Elect Speaks:
The incoming Council of Governors, 1-A, DGE
Gail Anton, 1-BK, DGE Shelia Perkins. 1-CN, DGE Rex Barbee, 1CS, DGE Barbara Johnson, 1-D, DGE Tami Verstraete, 1-F, DGE Ric Granroth, 1-G, DGE Robert Wilson, 1-H DGE Greg Lara, 1-J, DGE Lori Chassee, and 1-M DGE John
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Dotray, has done me the great honor of selecting me as the Council Chair for the 2021-2022 lion’s year. You think you are prepared to accept the challenge of the position and then they announce your name, and you think “Now what do I do?” The answer to that is you stay calm and follow the example of the successful Council Chairs who have proceeded you. If you do that you cannot go wrong. You reflect on what your role is and how you will aid the Governors in reaching their goals and enjoying their year. You start thinking about who you can go to when YOU need help. You think about all the lions who have congratulated you and told you what a great Council Chair you will be and wish you were as confident about that as they seem to be. And finally, you say to yourself “I can do this, work hard, give it your best, the Governors have confidence in you, live up to that.” So, thank you Governors for giving me an opportunity to serve. I will work hard and give you my
best, you and Multiple District-1 deserve no less. Now, I wish to pass on a request from our State Magazine editor, Past District Governor Austin D’Souza, and add my endorsement to the request. He has asked that the State Committee Chairs provide him with an article for the Magazine each month about your committee and what it is doing. If he is to keep the Lions of Illinois informed, he needs your help in providing the information. I will ask Austin to let me know how it is going so that I can keep the Governors updated. I will do my part by contributing an article each month to keep you all informed. I have great confidence in this council. They are ready to hit the ground running and help our State get moving forward. The good news is that the 2020-2021 Council did a great job keeping things going so that the Council does not
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have to re-invent the wheel, just put the wheels back on the bus. I think this Council will accomplish great things and am excited to be working for them in helping to move forward from these difficult times we have experienced. Stay tuned, I have a feeling this is going
to be a great year for the Lions of Illinois. John Barsanti, District Governor 1J Council Chair Elect
Let us Wrap Up This LCIF Year with A Great June The light is on the horizon in many ways. We are seeing better days in the pandemic, and the Lions have been a large part of that light. We also can see the light at the end of Campaign 100. We have reached an impressive total in our quest to reach the goal of a $300 million increase to Lions Clubs International Foundation by the conclusion of the 2021-2022 Lions year which begins a short month away. Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service is close to $206 million in that effort. Our Constitutional Area of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan is seeking two model clubs, that will commit to $500 per member for the campaign. $500 over a three-year period. This can be reached in many ways. Your District Coordinator can help provide more information. LCIF is local Lions Clubs helping Local Lions Clubs around the world. If we add more to the fund before we begin the new year, we will be able to cross the finish line by June 30, 2022. Lions can do it. Please consider donating individually or with your club at You can also TEXT LCIF 243-725. Or contacting your district Chairperson: 1-A: Lion Joan McMillan, R: (708) 389-590, C: (708)539-3297 1-BK: Lion John Joseph Honiotes, PDG, R: (815) 725-6307, C: (815) 508-9746 1-CN: Lion Lydia Ellis, PCC, C: (618) 980-7482 1-CS: Lion Ruben Owen, PDG, C: (618) 317-5106 1-D: Lion Duane Shaw, PDG, C: 815-745-3339 1-F: (Co-Chair) Lion Tom Lippert, DG, C: (847) 812-3727 Lion Susan Hasting, C: (847) 651-1056 1-G: Lion Jerry Eiffert, C: (217) 854-7909 1-H: Lion Al Henning, C: (309) 333-5274 1-J: Lion Ed Carter, PDG, C: 630-330-1341 1-M: Lion Kevin Mendenhall, PDG, R: (618) 553-1776 kmendy1@yahoo,com
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International Convention: Due to the continuing concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the board of directors voted to transition the 2021 Montreal Lions Clubs International Convention to a virtual event that will be delivered totally online. This decision was made with the health and safety of our Lions, staff and vendors in mind as limiting international travel and large gatherings is key to global containment strategies. Although we are disappointed that we will not be able to host this event in person, we are excited about hosting our first virtual international convention that can safely connect Lions from around the world. We are still finalizing the details of your new convention experience and will share those with you as soon as they are ready. Here are some important details about the 2021 virtual convention we would like to share with you:
Everyone is invited – Our 2021 convention will be a virtual event that is open to all Lions and Leos around the world. Registration fees – The registration fee will be US$50 until March 31, then US$75 beginning April 1. The registration fee for Leos will be US$30 regardless of date. Convention is currently scheduled for June 25-29. Additional event and registration details will be provided soon. Current registrants – Lions who are currently registered for convention will receive an email soon with more information about their registration options. Elections – Executive officer and international director elections will be conducted electronically and voting procedures will be forthcoming.
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Convention updates – Check our convention website LCICon for convention updates and details as they become available.
continue our global mission of service. We appreciate your understanding during this challenging time for our organization and the world and thank you for your incredible service as a Lion.
This global health pandemic has forced us all to make decisions and changes that place health and safety first. However, we are optimistic that with each new day there is hope, Regards, and as Lions, we continue to find new ways to stay connected, safely Dr. Jung-Yul Choi serve our communities and International President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There’s still time to claim your front-row seat to the biggest Lions event of the year taking place June 25-29. Virtual LCICon 2021 is your chance to connect and engage with Lions from all corners of the globe. Do not miss the premier Lions event of the year. 11 The Illinois Lion & Leo
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Carlinville Lions held their Burgers and Pork Chops sales on May 7, 2021. Costello (behind Sue), Keith Hamstra, Kelvin Tenboer, and Jim Blakemore. Our secretary and faithful photographer helped pick up and took the picture. ---------------------------------------
One week after the Morrison Lions Recycle Day, Morrison Lions continued clean up by clearing the one-mile roadside on Route 30. Ten members collected a total of 10 bags of garbage. Pictured left to right: Martha Kophamer (kneeling), Ken Jansma, Aaron Johnson, Jim Winslow, Sue Costello, Terry
Congratulations to Lion Dave Reed on his 35 years of service. PID Bud Wahl presented his chevron on
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behalf of District Governor Sue Wolf. ---------------------------------------
The Dixon Noon Lions Club held its annual Rose and Carnation Day fundraising event in April. Last year's event was cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic. This year's event was nearly delayed due to difficulties obtaining flowers from Ecuador where erupting volcanoes caused problems in the coun try. This year's flowers looked great! ---------------------------------------
Durand Lions become judges of the 2021. Pinewood Derby for Pack 29 Cub Scouts.
Durand Lions deliver 203 dozen roses on Rose Day 2021 ---------------------------------------
Oregon Lions had a successful drive-through Sandwich Sale on May 1st at SuperValu parking lot in Oregon. Over 600 pork chop sandwiches were sold from 11AM to 5PM and the feedback from our customers was nothing but positive.
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There were several hard-working Oregon Lions involved in this fundraiser who worked together to make sure the sale ran smoothly. Oregon Lions also appreciate the cooperation of SuperValu’s owner Jim Kauffman and his meat manager Terry Davis who provided us with thick, quality pork cutlets that we seasoned and grilled for our sandwiches. The weather was sunny and reasonably warm, but the wind came up and almost blew our tent away a couple of times! Despite battling the wind gusts, we were happy to see a stream of cars in the park ing lot up to our closing time. We enjoyed welcoming members of the community who come out to support Lions Charities! PHOTOS –From left to right in every photo Pork Chop Publicity Photo---Oregon Lions, Jim Hoff, Phyllis Herrmann, Dave Stenger, Duane Moser and Oregon Lion’s President Grant Afflerbaugh. --------------------------------------Oregon Lion Grant Afflerbaugh, Super Valu’s Meat Manager Terry Davis and Oregon Lion Jim Hof --→
Oregon Lion Sandy Arneson grilling pork chops --------------------------------------Oregon Lion Group Photo--Oregon Lions Chuck McCourt, Pat Farraday, Phyllis Herrmann, Joanna Cermak and Grant Afflerbaugh --→
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Grant Afflerbaugh with a Service Award. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grillmasters- Oregon Lions Rob Arneson and Dave stenger --------------------------------------
Pork Chop Seasoning by Oregon Lions Jim Hoff and Duane Moser --------------------------------------Dist. Gov. 1D Ron Fruit presenting
District Governor presenting Lion Doug Aken with a Service Award. --------------------------------------On Saturday morning April 24th seven Oregon Lions were kept busy cleaning up the roadside debris that had accu mulated over the winter season on Route#2 north of Oregon. Those participating in this
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awards to Lions Priscilla and Wayne Cole.
event was from left to right: Oregon Lions, Joanna Cermak, Ed Smola, Grant Afflerbaugh, Jim Hoff , Mike Hoff, Don Fuller, and Pat Farraday. ---------------------------------------
Oregon Lions President honoring Lion Jerry Hinrichs for 35 years of service.
Below, Dist. Gov. Ron is presenting Patricia Farraday with a Service Award.
Dist. Gov. Ron presenting service
Oregon Lion Don Fuller going home with a cake from their raffle --------------------------------------Oregon Lions Gloria Fallon and Penny Cole with their raffle winner—looks like a pie to me!! →
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The Pearl City Lions Club is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 scholarships awarded by the club. All recipients are 2021 graduates of Pearl City High School and plan to further their education at the college level. In keeping with the service theme of Lionism, applicants for the scholarships were asked to explain what service means to them and how they plan to use their future careers to serve others. Lions Club scholarships in the amount of $500 each were awarded to Ella Williams, Jase Sheffey, and Caitlin Niesman. Lioness Club scholarships in the amount of $530 were awarded to Madyson Stephan and Jenée Stultz. The Lions Club “Anonymous Donor” Scholarship for $3000 funded by a generous and anonymous former community member was awarded to Estrella Ayala.
Lion Joanna Cermak with her cake and cookie winnings ---------------------------------------
The Pearl City Lions Club is proud to be a part of Lions International. Across the globe, Lions are rolling up their sleeves and
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Lioness Scholarships...1.Madyson Stephan & 2.Jenée Stultz; Lions Scholarships...3.Ella Williams, 4.Jase Sheffey, 5.Caitlin Niesman; Lions "Anonymous Donor" Scholarship...6.Estrella Ayala
acting. With over 1.4 million members, Lions International is the largest service organization in the world and is dedicated to helping and serving in our community. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tim Rockwood was a guest. During
On Saturday, April 24,2021, Pearl City Lion Club members cleaned a section of Route 73 North of Pearl City, Illinois. Pearl City Lions : Left to Right : Lion Jace Kempel, Lion Mike Shiffman, Lion Tim Pauley, Lion Mike Thill and photographer Lion Joel Kempe. --------------------------------------At the Polo Lions Club meeting on Wednes day 4/21 Polo police chief
this meeting, the Polo Lions present ed the chief with a check for $500. The Polo police department won $230 from the Polo Toy Show back on March 6th, 2021. The Polo Lions Club vot ed to add $270 to make it $500. Pictured from left to right: Polo police chief Tim Rockwood, in the
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center is Lion President Chris Casper, and presenting the check is Lion Mark Ebert. ---------------------------------------
Pictured from left to right: Lion Ryan Shetler who oversees the 50/50 raffle, in the center is Chief Tim Rockwood, and on right is Lion Irene Short who is in charge of the annual toy show
On Sunday April 25th, 2021 during the Polo Fire Departments drive through breakfast fundraiser. Polo Lions Club President Chris Casper is presenting fireman Yingling with a $500 donation to help buy equipment they need.
Capron Lions Easter Egg Hunt 26 The Illinois Lion & Leo
The Capron Lions served up a Fish Boil dinner in April, proceeds will be used to offer a Trades Scholarship to a North Boone High School Senior.
a simple ceremony at Carson’s home in Bartlett. (l to r—back row) Lions Joanne Watson, Ovidio Fernandez-Cuervo, Andy Watson, Lee Beattie, Greg Szydlowski, Val Proce; (l to r—front row) Eastview Art Teacher Rachael Patterson, 1J District Governor John Barsanti, Carson Lippold, Mother Sara Lippold, Lion Cheryl Lemvig, and Eastview Principal Donald Donner. ---------------------------------------
In April, the Capron Lions delivered a low vision reading machine and magnifying glass to a community member in need. ---------------------------------------
(Cover Photo) 1J District Governor John Barsanti presented District 1 J Peace Poster Winner Carson Lippold with a check and a certificate during
Roselle Lion Greg Everhart (r) and a PADS representative (l) with food items collected for the Roselle churches PADS program for the homeless. --------------------------------------Westmont Lions show off the bright yellow T-shirts and white face masks embellished with the Lions emblem they received for
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volunteering for the filming of the Flag Ceremony for the LCI Virtual Convention in late June. ---------------------------------------
A happy customer at the Batavia Lions’ Annual Plant Sale. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is not a group of paroles doing their community service but some of the Lions doing their annual roadside cleanup along Route 68 by
Bonnie Dundee Golf Course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friends, it has been a while since we’ve been able to be together! The Fox River Grove Lions gathered at Lions Park last month for FRG Parks Clean Up Day. It was so good to
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reconnect and get back to doing what we do (safely, of course). ---------------------------------------
The Algonquin Lions presented a $1,000 check to Turning Point of Woodstock on March 31. Turning Point's mission is to confront violence against women and children in McHenry County and provide assistance. Such a worthy cause! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Geneva Lions Club is pleased to welcome new member Steve Hawkins (r).
Thank you to all the great Batavia Lions who came out for highway cleanup today. Pictured are Lions Tom Zarndt and event organizer Lion Frank Brooks with only one of the eight bags of trash that were taken off road in late April! Great job! ---------------------------------------
Waterman Lions Club donated $15,000 to the Village of Waterman
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to go toward building a Splash Pad at Waterman Lions Park. Goal is to have it built by Memorial Day. Shown are Lion Sarah Radtke (left) who is also a village trustee and President Lion Suzanne Sedlacek. --------------------------------------President, on Monday, April 19. Pilmer, Club President 1987-1988, keynoted the club’s biweekly meeting at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora. ---------------------------------------
Roselle Lion Dennis Arcaro oversees Roselle Lion & Zone Chairperson Terri Pasternak as she donates blood at the Roselle Lions Blood Drive on April 13. --------------------------------------A vintage "Aurora Illinois City of Lights" Lions Club pin was among a dozen pins presented by James "Jim" Pilmer, executive director of the Fox Valley Park District, to Arvid Meyer, Aurora Noon Lions Club
Geneva Lion Howie Pribble works with both High School & Middle School Leos in the sorting process. --------------------------------------Last month, Wheaton Lion Rod Irey delivered boxes filled with 5,000 pairs of used and donated eyeglasses, 82 cell phones, 32 hearing aids, and 1 lb. of pop tabs to the Lions of Illinois Foundation
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where the eyeglasses, cell phones and hearing aids are inspected. ---------------------------------------
who serves as a Councilwoman on the Wheaton City Council.. Welcome aboard!! ---------------------------------------
This is Roselle Lions Club’s new drop box right out in front of Village Hall. --------------------------------------New Wheaton Lion Suzanne Fitch,
Congratulations to the Island Lake Lions Club and its two new members, Lions Chip III G. and Ed Venner. They were sponsored by Island Lakes Lions Jens Anderson
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and Geoff Zivic. 1J Governor John Barsanti (in the green jacket) inducted the new members. ---------------------------------------
Above is the trophy & winner’s keepsake for the best treasure found during Naperville Noon Lions’ Adopt-A-Highway project. ---------------------------------------
Saturday May 1st, Paul Bafia, Executive Director of the Genoa Park District hosted the annual Park
Volunteer Day. He invited the Genoa Lions to spruce-up the various playgrounds in Genoa. Of course, the Lions started at 9:00 a.m. with Lions Corner Park on the corner of Madison and Walnut and then moved onto 2 other Genoa parks, spreading brand new wood chips (ASTM, A.D.A. certified) under all the playground equipment. The wood chips are there to absorb the impact from a fall and to keep mud and weeds away from the play area and need yearly augmentation or replacement. In past years, weeds and unwanted scrub trees have been removed on Spruce-Up day but not this Spring. Many of these volunteers cleaned debris from North State road last Saturday, April 24th and probably collected donations to support the Lions of Illinois Foundation with Tootsie Pop Day on May 8th. The Genoa Lions truly exemplify the motto “We Serve”. The following Lions and family members participated in the Park sprucing on May 1st: Lion President Feliciano, Lion Paul Bafia, Lion Ron
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Sheahan, Lion George Meckel, Lion Mike Dreska and his son James. Photograph taken by Lion Ron Sheahan that shows the Park workers from left to right: Lion President Feliciano, James Dreska, Lion Dreska, Lion Paul Bafia (kneeling) and Lion Meckel. The Genoa Lions that were on trash clean-up on April 24th were: Lion Paul Bafia, Lion Aric Coleman, Lion Greg Cravatta, Lion Mike Dreska & James, Lion President Hector Feliciano, Lion Jerry Helland, Lion George Meckel, Lion Todd Merritt, Lion Mike Ross, and Lion Ron Sheahan. No photograph was taken. --------------------------------------Dear Cook County Sheriff's Office and Partners, We are forever grateful that you were able to do a Community Vaccination Event last Friday, 14th of May. Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to serve others.
Blessed and thankful for all the sponsors and volunteers. We are sharing with you, photos,
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Nancy Suvarnamani, Moses Shang and our Lions Partners in service (Chantimar-Thai Midwest, Trak, Ben and Yoly-Filipino American Lions Club).
and a video clip for the Covid19 Community Event with Cook County Sheriff's led by Sheriff Tisa Morris,
Please note the 2nd dose event is scheduled on June 11, 2021, same time, and place. The CCS will advise us and keep you updated. --------------------------------------Members of the Hardscrabble Lions of Streator tended River Park and did a Highway Clean Up. Shown in the photo: Lions Mark and Patty Ferguson, Jama Wahl and Karyn Dzurison.
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Lion Don Corydon volunteers six mornings a week, six months a year at the Crete Lions Club Recycling Center, rising before dawn most days to operate the loading dock doors and help out as needed on the sorting floor. ---------------------------------------
The club had a productive meeting in May! Lion John O’Brien, District Leaderdog Chairman, attended to discuss the program (pictured with Lion President Mike Hakenjos). Pat Treve, from New Star, attended the meeting and was presented a $750 donation from the club (pictured with Lion Sandi Smigel). --------------------------------------Great turnout for the Frankfort Lions Club meetings that are being held both face-to-face and virtually. In April, Lion Jeff Otway
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for new members while sponsor Lion Margaret Farina and Club President Nancy Schmitz look on. We Serve! ---------------------------------------
was inducted into the club. Pictured here are Lion Judy Hademan (sponsor Lion), Lion Jeff, Lion Gina Furlong who inducted him and Lion President Nancy Schmitz. They proudly welcomed two new members to their club in May: Frankfort Mayor Keith Ogle and Kim Ogle. DG Sue Wolf conducts the induction ceremony
Frankfort Lion Kim Kuster, director
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Frankfort Covid-19 vaccination clinic at Lincoln-Way East High School. ---------------------------------------
of OASIS, gave an excellent presentation on OASIS, a non-profit organization serving the blind and visually impaired. Lion Club President Mike Hakenjos, Crete Lions Club, spoke about the youth hand-made desks project for remote learners. J. Viebach, a rep from TheConservation, gave a presentation about native plants for our upcoming Pollination Garden at the Frankfort Founders Center. ---------------------------------------
In April, Lion Michael Reinemann volunteered at the Village of
Lions support the international global cause of protecting our environment by picking up trash along Laraway Road for the Village of Frankfort's modified Earth Day event. Standing by our motto #WeServe. #EarthDay2021
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#frankfortillinois #FrankfortStrong #LionsClubsInternational #itsadirtyjob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Windy City Lions built and planted
a sensory garden today Urban
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Autism Solutions. District 1A Governor Marilyn inducted two new members and rolled up her sleeves to plant the garden with us! We had a great day working in the sunshine under the direction of Tucker their 40 The Illinois Lion & Leo
upcoming Lions’ year RC Karl Schultz. Congrats to all and thanks for a wonderful evening of fellowship! lead grower! Way to go Lions & Urban Autism Solutions! --------------------------------------PCC Steve Anton and Gov Elect Gail had the pleasure to visit the Chicago Heights Lion Club to install a new member and announce our new Region Chair for the
Stickney Forestview Lions Club drive thru Pancake Breakfast and buy Queen of Hearts tickets. This time they held their Pancake Breakfast as Drive Thru due to COVID pandemic. Villagers supported club’s fundraiser in big
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numbers and enjoyed pancakes with their family members. ---------------------------------------
At the Worth Lions Club Installation of Officers! And guess
what our very own First Vice District
Governor received a Melvin Jones Fellow. Congratulations to FVDG Elect Tony Zetler ---------------------------------------
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