District 1A NewZ - Governor Tony's Monthly e-Newsletter for the Month of April, 2023.

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MAY 4, 2023


Another busy month for the Governor. On April 1st Bonnie and I attended the District 1BK Convention. It was so nice to see everyone. On April 6 I attended a RC and Zone Chair meeting with our GLT Leader Robin Kirar. On April 15, I attended District 1J’s Convention. On April 16 Bonnie and I and our granddaughter Maeve went out to the Calumet City Pancake Breakfast. Maeve loved the breakfast and she purchased some desserts form the Girl Scouts. The breakfast was so nice. On April 21 Bonnie and I attended the Fil-USA Governors night which was a Hawaiian Luau. Bonnie enjoyed dancing with everyone. On April 24 I attended Region 4 meeting. On April 26 we were able to attend Palos Lions Family Night. I was lucky enough to present one of their members with a Melvin Jones. That is really a nice way of meeting spouses and having a nice dinner out with Lions. We attended the Region 5 meeting on April 27, this was very nice, thank you Zone Chair Amanda for a wonderful meeting. We volunteered to work the Helen Keller 5K Run/Walk, the weather was not the best but we had had a great showing and everyone had fun. Of course after the walk we all went over to Willow Springs Lions Pork Chop Dinner, it was delicious and we had fun trying to win raffle prizes.

District 1A is at a plus 92 in membership which is awesome! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Being a Lion is so rewarding. Please continue to make our clubs grow and have fun!!

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State Convention is May 19-21 in Springfield and the Kentucky Derby is May 6 at Bourbon Street you need to contact PCC Steve Anton for tickets.

Governor Tony Zartler Together we can.

GMA /GMTCoordinator:PIDDan O’Reilly

Global Membership Approach

GMA /GMT Coordinator: PID Dan O’Reilly

We continue our year a plus in membership. We added 248 new members to clubs, while losing 159 members from clubs. We sit at a plus 89 for May 1st . April was an uneventful month for membership. Adding 15, while dropping 15.

As of May 1st, we have 18 clubs with a plus in membership with 22 sitting at a minus.

We have the strongpossibilityoflosing 78 members toclub Cancelation, wehave6 clubs beingput on financial suspensionMay 12 andwill gobytheendofthis year,negatingallthehardwork doneby somanyclubs..

Membership Development &Club Rebuilding: We have continued our community outreach to leaders in the Garfield Ridge, Archer Heights and

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Clearing communities of Chicago. If you have any family or friends in that area that you think would make good Lions please send their contact information to: jointhelionstoday@gmail.com. We have some interest; we need to get them together so we can organize. If you have any prospects in this area, please let us know. We would like to finish this club in Governor Tony’s year.

We finished one club’s two-year rebuilding process and have begun another’s.

Member Satisfaction:

We should all be working together on membership satisfaction!

This is the time of our Lion Year you’re letting your members know about the dues renewal process of your club, each club handles it their own way. But all clubs should be making every effort to keep the Lions you have. Try adding members instead of replacing members for growth in your club.

Together we can strengthen our clubs. Stronger clubs provide more service. Clubs growing and providing more service, Strengthens our District and Lions International. TogetherWeCan!

Deaths this month: CHICAGO THAIMIDWEST Lions Club:1


Total Deaths this month:1

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NewMembers in BWLLQOODLions Club: 1


NewMembers in BROOKFIELD LA GRANGE PARK Lions Club:1


NewMembers in CHICAGO FILUSA Lions Club:2











NewMembers in CHICAGO WINDY CITY Lions Club: 2



NewMembers in RIVERGROVE Lions Club: 3




NewMembers in THEFORESTKALA SAMPATH Lions Club:1



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On April 6th, 2023 a GLT meeting was held at Papa Joes in Orland home.

Program given to them at this meeting:

1) How to work with their clubs on building membership

2) Encourage Clubs to have fun at club meetings

3) Investigate reasons why some members of their clubs are not attending meetings

This amazing Region and Zone Chairs really worked hard helping their clubs. I want to thank all of you for doing an excellent job helping Governor Tony Zartler reaching his goals. Membership is up and most of the Clubs have paid their District and International dues. It has been my privileged to have been your GLT coordinator for 2022-2023


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April 12, 2023

Voting and Delegate Concerns at the MD-1 Convention

There have been some questions asked about the voting and delegate procedures that will be in place at the MD-1 Convention which will be held at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Springfield , Illinois May 19-21, 2023. Let’s begin with the voting procedure that will be in place for the convention. I spoke with Past International President Judge Brian Stevenson Of Calgary, Canada who will be our guest that weekend and explained that we have two (2) candidates who will be seeking the multiples endorsement for International Director. I asked if it would be appropriate to place both of the names in a hat and have him pick a name that would be placed on the ballot first. He said that would be fine. Council Chair Gail agreed, and she spoke with the current Council of Governors at a Zoom meeting on Saturday April 8, 2023. She explained the meeting that I had with Judge Stevenson and asked them if they preferred this process of determining the ballot or asked for their ideas on how to place the names on the ballot. The Council decided to go with the two names pulled from a hat.

Now for the delegate issue. SST Mary Pemberton has sent each district the state delegate form which the District Cabinet Secretary should send to all eligible clubs in their district. So, what is an eligible club mean? All club dues and fees are paid to Lions International, Multiple District MD-1 and your club. According to Article 9, Section 8 of the Illinois Constitution and By-Laws states “fees are paid at least fifteen (15) days prior to the close of the credential certification”. That would be May 3, 2023. All club delegate forms have to be returned to the District Cabinet Secretary and no delegate forms will be accepted after May 14, 2023. Your Cabinet Secretary will then report the delegate and alternate count to Council Chair Gail Anton on May 15, 2023, at anton173@comcast.net Your Cabinet Secretary will be able to add delegates to the form up to the election process provided the above policy’s have been followed. Article 9, Section 9.

Article 9, Section 10 states, “Each Past president of Lions International, each International Officer and each Past District Governor

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who is a member in good standing of a club in this State shall be entitled to full delegate privileges at each State Convention and shall not be included in the delegate quota of his/her Club”.

Article 10, Section 8 states “The State Office shall be the sole entity responsible for collecting any and all funds on behalf of the Lions of Illinois”. If your District has paid State Dues to the State Office for clubs that have not paid those said dues to the District, that club is still in arrears and won’t be able to vote. In other words, all monies must be paid by a club that is sending delegates to vote. No exceptions.

As the Council Parliamentarian, I hope this will answer those questions that are out there and give you a reasonable timetable to follow so that we can all have a convention to be proud of.

Thank you,

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Lions of Illinois, Inc. State Secretary/Treasurer Position Applicants Needed

The 2022-2023 MD-1 Council of Governors is now accepting applications for a Secretary/ Treasurer (SST) for the Lions of Illinois, Inc. This is an Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper position for the MD-1 Council of Governors who are members of Lions Club International. The position is a part time position for approximately 24- 32 hours/ week. The actual work schedule will be established by the successful applicant and the Council of Governors. The State Office is located at 828 South 2nd Street, Suite 101, in Springfield, IL 62704. The position will occasionally require work on evenings, weekends (estimated to be between 4 and 6 times a year), and some overnight stays. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

If interested, you are encouraged to apply regardless of what area of the state you live in, although you must be able to report to the State Office location in Springfield, Illinois for work during established office hours.

Please submit your resume and references via email to the Council Chair Gail Anton at anton173@comcast.net no later than 04/07/2023.

The following are the key responsibilities of the position. A complete job description will be provided to all applicants of interest. This is not a complete list of all job duties.

• Attend Council, Committee, and Special meetings and provide agendas, take minutes, coordinate materials, rooms, and supplies as needed.

• Meeting Planning and negotiating agreements to secure hotel rooms, meeting space, IT needs and meals for Council Meetings, State Forums, State Convention and Leadership seminars.

• Attend Conventions and Forums as needed and coordinate materials, rooms, and supplies.

• Answer phone calls, emails, and other forms of communication in a timely manner

• Accounts Payable functions – process all reimbursements to MD-1 Lions per Rules of Audit.

• Account Receivable functions: Strong skillset with QuickBooks, Microsoft Office programs, and setting up and maintaining a tickler file.

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• Experience in Fund accounting a plus.

• Prepare financial statements, budgets, balance accounts and reconcile bank statements. Prepare dues statements semiannually to all clubs in the MD-1 IL.

• Point person for annual audit.

• Deposit receipts regularly

• Strong attention to detail

• Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to function well under deadlines and stressful situations.

• Punctual and able to work in a group setting or alone with little guidance with motivation to find answers and solves problems as they arise.

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their Dinner Meeting

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Oak Park Mayor with River Grove Lions President Marjorie Manchen at
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Induction of New Members

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District 1A Helen Keller 5K Walk & Run on a Wintery Day with 42 C.
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