MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of May 2024

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MD1 e-Magazine(Full)Vol.11 -Issue 11,May 1,2024

The grand highlight of the 1BK banquet was the presentation of the International’s Ambassador of Good Will Honor which is the highest honor a Lion can receive from the International President. PID Bud Wahl and ID Anthony proudly made the presentation on behalf of International Dr. Patti Hill to Cabinet Secretary, PDG Charlie Siefert.


Council Chair Lori J.Chassee:

Happy May fellow Lions,

automate routine office procedures the more time our SST has for the important things.

I hope that the showers have brought you plenty of May flowers beginning to pop up, and not too many cicadas!

As we get closer to the changeover of the Lions year , I want to encourage you tolook forward with renewed energy and commitment. One way to get more of each of those is to come to our state convention meet with your fellow Lions, attend the seminars, and to vote to move our state a little bit further forward. I am proud of the strides we have made trying to streamline our state office processes, and I hope to see continued progress as the year turns over. The more we can

I also encourage you to NOT get discouraged with the new Lions Portal. New systems must be vetted and tested in the real world so that all of the issues can be identified and corrected. Those of you with early access, please go through the portal and look for things that you need, if there are issues or problems, report them so that they can be corrected or so that you can learn the new way to find them. Do not use this process as an excuse to walkawayawayfromusingallofthe tools available to you through our Lions Internet presence. Use the YouTube video training materials, go onto the system and just play with it. Take a look at everything it has to offer. Be a Lion learner!

To all the incoming Lions leaders,

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rememberthat it is yourjobtoset a good example, to help others learn, and to encourage reporting of all the wonderful service that we do. Without the reporting we so underestimate the number of folks weareabletohelp;andthenumber ofservicesprovidediswhathelpsto attract new members to our organization.Itallfitstogetheryour leader ship together with great service brings in new membership.

embrace that phrase and turn it into,” you bet that isn’t the way we’vealwaysdoneit;we’regoingto find new ways to get things done!” everything that Lions do matters, and we need to keep growing and changing so that we are able to continue living our motto, “We Serve!”

Finish strong Lions and let’s have a great convention!!

Let’s all try to once and for all, do awaywiththeattitudeexpressed by so many Lions that, “this isn’t the way we’ve always done it.” Let’s

MD-1 Constitution & By-Laws

A revision of the MD-1 Constitution & By-Laws was discussed and prepared by the MD-1 Constitution & By-Laws Committee during the Fallof2023. Thecommitteeworked diligently to bring the state document into conformity with the Standard Multiple District Constitution & By-Laws of LCI. The state document had not been

updated since 2021 and there were many revisions made to the LCI document during that time that needed to be incorporated into the state document. Conflicts between the two documents were also present and the state document contained some provisions that were no longer applicable. As a result, a complete revision of the

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MD-1 Constitution & By-Laws was prepared and submitted to the Council of Governors for their consideration.

Theproposed revisedversionofthe MD-1Constititon&By-Lawsmirrors

LCI’s Standard Multiple District Constitution & By-Laws and is current with all updated provisions from LCI. During the process, the committee also identified three district boundaries that needed updating in the Appendix.

The proposed revision was presented to the Council of Governors during their December 2023 Council Meeting with the Council voting unanimously to support the proposal. The Council passed a Council Resolution encouraging the delegates at the 2024MD-1Conventiontoadoptthe revision. A copy of the proposed revision and a copy of the Council Resolution was made available to

the districts and clubs in MD-1 followingtheFebruary2024Council Meeting.

The 2023-2024 MD-1 Council of Governors and the MD-1 Constitution & By-Laws Committee unanimously support the proposed revision and encourage adoption of it during the 2024 MD-1 Convention. Therewillbeaseminar during the 2024 MD-1 Convention to explain the proposal further and to field any questions Lions might have on the proposal.

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On 3/23/24 the Okawville Lions ClubDonatedtotheOkawvilleHigh SchoolScience clubfortheirhelpin

On3/16/24, Okawville Lions Club hostedaladynightthatstartedwith a great meal at the Original Springs Hotel in Okawville. Our Guest speaker was our own Okawville

cleaning up around our interstate entrance on a cold Saturday morning. Wehavethisdoneabout 2 times a year. We provide our buckets, trash grabbers, and of course the Lions High vis safety vests for all of us s to ware. The 11 students and their leader Kim Lintker did a great job.

resident, the US JC’s president, Vanessa Birchler. She is the granddaughter of PDG of 1CS Gary Shaw. Who inspired her early with his dedication to the Lions Organization. She was great in her talk on Volunteerism in her journey to the top. We had close to 50 attends,whichincludedafewofour local Addieville Jc’s. A donation was present by our President Jeff Rabenort in her honor to her home New Baden J.C. chapter. PS: Some of the memorial money from Gary’s

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funeral was used to purchase a Lion costume. Of course, his name is Shaw, which attends many of our eventsandshownbehindherinpic.

Highland Lion Renee Hooton presents a check to Holly’sHouse of Hope. Holly's House of Hope is

building skills and providing opportunities to guide uniquely abled young adults toward more purpose filled lives though service to our communities.

Governor Leroy inducted two new members into the Highland Lions Club. ---------------------------------------


Governor Leroy Presented Melvin Jones Fellowships recognition to LionsMikeandLindaPrichardofthe Timewell Lions Club. ---------------------------------------

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Governor Leroy presents a thirtyfive-year certificate during his visit to Timewell Lions Club.

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Timewell Lions Club
WhitehallLions Club Liberty Lions Club Augusta Lions Club

WiththeInternationalConventionis being held in Australia ‘Playing a Round Down Under’ was the theme for District 1-BK’s Convention. Their special guest for the weekend was International Director Anthony Paradiso from New York seen here with PID Bud Wahl.

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MendonLions Club
Waverly Lions Club --------------------------------------
Gillespie Lions Club

Lemont Leo President Charlotte Drez gave a presentation on the importance of having an active Leo Club. Charlotte is the daughter of DGE Tom Drez.

Special honors were presented

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during the 1-BK convention. LIF Foundation Fellows were presented to Streator Hardscrabble Lion David Reed& LemontLion Jim Durham.

OswegoLionsPresident IrvCollins was presented with the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation. This is the 4th highest International honor a Governor can requestfor a Lion.

The grand highlight of the banquet was the presentation of the International’s Ambassador of Good Will Honor which is the

highest honor a Lion can receive from the International President.

PID Bud Wahl and ID Anthony proudly made the presentation on behalf of International President Dr. Patti Hill to Cabinet Secretary Charlie Siefert. (CoverPhoto)

The Streator Hardscrabble Club received ‘Model Club’ honors from LCIF for their contributions to LCIF’s Campaign100.Thishonorgoestoa clubmakinga$500.00donationper member.

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The Genoa Lions are happy to announce that they will be granting two $2,500 scholarships this spring, to Genoa-Kingston college bound Seniors. This money is ear-marked for books and tuition to help these deserving students get a good start in their freshman year of college.

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The required application form and addendum is available at the Genoa-Kingston High School Guidance Office. Applications are due by April 5, 2024. Last years’ recipients of $2,000 each were Corinne Lavelle and Kaitlyn Rahn. The Genoa Lions are happy to help our local students succeed each year for the past 5 decades.

The photograph of a past scholarship recipient is Jessica Kurpius class of 2017 shown with past Lion President Jerry Helland.

The Genoa Lions volunteered their time and sweat to spread mulch at LionsCornerParkandotherparksin Genoa on Saturday morning, April 13. The Genoa Lions worked from 8 until 10 spreadingmulch on at least 3 different Genoa Park District parks. Genoa Park District Executive DirectorandLion,PaulBafiahadthe mulch delivered to the parks ready

for raking prior to Saturday. The following Lions participated: Paul Bafia,JeffBaker,BobBeckerw/Mike Foss, Aric Coleman, Greg Cravatta, James Dreska, President Mike Dreska, Hector Feliciano, Josh Haka, Jerry Helland, George Meckel, Jim Sanford, and Past President Ron Sheahan.

AURORA, Ill., April 15, 2024 About 45bowlersaimedforstrikesSunday, April14,inAuroraLionsClub'sfirst "Rolling for a Cause" fundraiser. Held at Parkside Lanes in Montgomery, the afternoon event featuredbowling,showrental,pizza and soda. Lions membersassisted.

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Proceeds will benefit Lions' eye exams and eyeglasses for children. Aurora Lions give free vision exams for children ages 6 months to 16. Examstake placefrom9:30 to11:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of each monthatAuroraPublicLibraryWest Branch, 233 constitution Drive in Aurora. The public is invited. Admission is free and walk-ins are welcome. Trained volunteers use a handheld Plusoptix screener to check eye health of kids for near-sightedness, called myopia; far-sightedness, hyperopia; and astigmatism, eggshapedeye.

Adults are notified if a screening indicates a vision problem that requiresa comprehensive exam.

Vision cameras are supported by a grant from Lions International Foundation. The effort is part of LionsKidsightUSA,communityeyescreeningforchildrensponsoredby Lions International. NoonLionspresidentSusanKoepke said warning signs of vision problems are changes in vision, changes in eye appearance, eye

pain or irritation, and infections or allergies.

Lionsbeganfreemonthlyeyeexams for children in May 2023 at the library. .

Founded in 1922, Aurora Noon Lions Club is celebrating its second centuryof community service.

Opentomenandwomeninterested in community service, the club meetsat noon on the first and third Thursdays at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 27 S. Edgelawn Drive in Aurora. Prospective members are invited.

With the motto “We Serve,” Lions volunteers focus on supporting causes including hearing and vision impairment, hunger, the environment, diabetes, and childhood cancer.

Lions Clubs is the largest service club organization in the world. Approximately 1.42 million membersinmorethan48,000clubs serve in 200 countries and geographicareas worldwide.

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Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarianprojectsandextended service impact through the Lions Clubs Foundation. - --

Picture L-R: Lions Larry Baughman, Bill Armitage, Ted Simms, Bill Meisner, Amy Baughman, Al Keller, Bob Roberts, Holly Henning-Buhr, Destiny Riley, Mary Freeman, Michael Roberts, Cheryl Kissick

Participating but not pictured Lions Terry Brown and Don Porter

Servers Lions Brackney, Freeman, Roberts, Kissick

Leo Libby Westervelt, Lion Sandy Brackney, Lion president Larry Baughman

Lion Destiny Riley selling scholarship raffle tickets →

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On Sunday April 21, 2024 the Athens Lions Club held it's 34th Annual Free Senior Luncheon. The meal was prepared and served at the Athens Community Park building. The meal consisted of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, green beans and a roll. Chocolate or white cake was served for dessert. In all 138 meals were served for the day. There were 71 carry outs, 67 in house. 15 Lions and 1 Leo were involved on putting on this annual event. It was a nice day of good food and fellowship. TheLionswerehonoredtoserveour senior citizens for FREE.

Lions Scholarship Raffle drawing was held. The raffle proceeds, after prizes, is used to fund two $1000 and one $500 scholarships for seniors at Athens High School annually, honoring the SERVICE to COMMUNITY theme. This years raffle winners were: $500 to Bob Roberts, $250 to Bill Sowle, and $100 to J. Meadows.

In addition to the meal the Athens

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Cooks: Lions Bill Meisner and Amy Baughman.

Carvers Lions Bill Armitage and Bob Roberts

Guest enjoying theirfree lunch

Lion TedSimms preparing drinks

Leo Libby Westervelt Helping the guest

Lions guests enjoying their meal and fellowship.

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Cake used for desert Turkey

Lion Don Porter washing dishes

During his visit to the Bolingbrook Lions, DGE Tom inducted new member Lion Christeen sponsored

by Lion Kathy Tourek Spindel. Lion Tom also presented Chevron Milestone honors to a few of their members.

The Crete Lions welcomed new members Paul Hoeval (sponsored by Greg Seifert) and Wendy Pluyment of Closet Collectibles sponsored by Sandi Smigel. They were inducted at their April meeting.

TheFrankfortLionsClubwereable to screen 33 children during their vision screenings at The Kiddie Academy. On their FaceBook page theysay“It’salwaysanhonortogive back and serve our community.”

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Four members of the Frankfort Lions Club took part in the annual ‘Volunteer Fair’ held at the local library. Service and other groups gather allowing the community to seewhattheyhavetoofferothersin the way of volunteerism. LionsTony & Joanne Meier, PDG Sue Wolf and Nancy Schmitz (not pictured) made lots of connections in the hopes of recruiting new members.

FVDG Denise had the opportunity during her visit to the Gibson City Lions, to present a few Chevron

honors. Lion Jim (Hood) – 45-years and Lion Geraldine 20-years. Helping with the presentations was Club President Allen Weber.

TheJolietNoonLionswereableto welcometheirStudentoftheMonth from Joliet Central to one of their meetings this past month. Elsey Palacios joined the Lions along with her mom Maria and Student cochair Lion John Simpson.

JolietNoonLionsPDGJohnJoseph & Bobbi Honiotes made the trip to the State Foundation to drop off a

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few items. 1732 pairs of eyeglasses, 36 ink cartridges, 53 hearing aids, 6 cell phones, 3⁄4 pound keys, 5.9 pounds pull tabs. Foundation staff member Max Kruse helped with the unloading of the recycled items.

DGETompaidavisittoJolietNoon Lions and talked about all things District and International. He also presentedLionJimDarguziswithhis 50-year Chevron honor.

The Joliet Noon Lions held an eye screening at the Will / Grundy Medical Center. 30 clients first had their eyes scanned with either the Spot Vision Camera or the Plus Optix Camera. PDG John Joseph Honiotes handled the cameras. The clients then were tested using an eye chart. After that they had their eyes dilated and were seen by a local optometrist. The client’s final step was a color-blindness test.

LionPatKrakarisdemonstratingher best‘Vanna’posewiththeeyechart while Lion Pat Kaveney is prepared towrite downtheresults.LionMark Turk administers the colorblindness test. Any client needing

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assistance financial assistance were given application forms to fill out. TheJolietNoonLions sendahuge thankyoutotheChannahon&New Lenox/Frankfort Clubs for making their screening cameras available. The Noon Club is in the process of seeking funding for a new Spot Vision Unit to replace their current camerawhichisnolongeroperable.

LionPatKrakarwaspresentedwith her 25-year Chevron by Club Secretary PDG John Joseph Honiotes. Lion Pat’s husband was PDG Marc Krakar who served as Governor 2000-2001 for the former 1-B.

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The Joliet Noon Club tries each monthtohaveaguestspeakerfrom one the many city organizations. This past month, Chantel Gamboa from the local Boys & Girls Club gave a presentation on what their organization is currently doing for the city’s youth. An interestingfact: part of Chantel’s grade school days were filled with the Quest Program from LCIF. President Phil Martinez presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation.

The Lemont Lions inducted their 16th new member for the year this past month. Thank you to Lion Gary Henry for sponsoring Frank Roy. An important part of the new member inductioninLemontisfortheentire membership present to come up and shake hands with the new member and their sponsor. There were 50 members in attendance that evening.

The Lemont Lions were at their local Jewel holding their semiannual food drive.

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TheLemontLionswereworkingon making some improvements at the local WWII Memorial. Getting things ready for the installation of two donated park benches in a few days.

DGE Tom is grateful for the hospitality and the fun shown by Minooka Lion President Renee Thompson and club members during his visit. DGE Tom helped in inducting new member Brad Dannenbergwhowassponsoredby

Lion Chris Weston.

A number of MinookaLions with

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major service anniversary milestones were recognized. 10year honors went to Lions Mark Skwarczynski,BradMcCann,&Nate Ferguson

15-year Chevron honors went to MinookaLionsBobWilson,Rodney Hiser & Robin Volke.

35-years as a member of Lions International was presented to MinookaLion Jeffrey Hanley.

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Easter dinner baskets were delivered by the Minooka Lions serving 33 families this year. Thank you to the Minooka Women’s club forprovidingthe children’sbaskets!

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The New Lenox Lions’ annual Garden Party Fashion Show was a wonderful success! The Lions thank everyonewhocameouttoenjoythe afternoon, the event sponsors, the businesses who donated incredible silent auction items, and the volunteers that helped from set up to take down.

The New Lenox Club held a Free Spaghetti Dinner for Seniors

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FVDGE Denise brought along a lot of celebration on her visit to the Onarga Lions. Not only did she bring Chevron honors to some of their members, she also present Secretary Jeanne Weiss the Club’s International Excellence Award. Pictured are Lion Deb Talbert – 15yearChevron,LionRandySims–50year Chevron, Secretary Jeanne, Lion Jeff Meyer – Club President during their 2022-2023 club year which earned the Excellence Award, and VG Denise. Not pictured is Lion Matthew Clark – 20-year Chevron

And a big shoutout to the New Lenox Fire Department for providing free blood pressure checks.

DGE Tom had a wonderful visit with the Oswego Lions Club to celebrate their club, founded in 1948, and all they do in their

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community. He had the pleasure of recognizing Lion Barb Bark for 25 yearsasa Lion. LionBarb’shusband is PDG Dick Bark (1997-98,1-K) who is our State Committee Chair for Endowments and Memorials for LIF.

DGE Tom also re-presented the International President’s Certificate ofAppreciationtoLionPresidentIrv Collins who initially received it from International Director Anthony Paradiso at the recent 1- BK District convention.

Very productive ‘clean up’ day for the Oswego Illinois Lions Club. Lions Irv, Jamesand Cindy collected 2 large garbage bags full of trash along the section of highway their club handles each month. The three walked over 10,000 steps which works out to 2.2 miles. Not a bad

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day’s work for 3 senior citizens.

The Princeton Lions screened 71 children for eye issues. This is a signature service they provide their community.

DGJohnmadehisofficialvisittothe Streator Lions Club back in March. He had the pleasure of inducting four new members that evening. AndtheStreatorLionshaveanother newmembercominginsoon.Thank you, Streator Lions, for helping with Mission 1.5.

FVDGE Denise had the pleasure of visiting the Streator Lions in April during her many club visits. She welcomed new member Jason Baron by handling the induction ceremony.

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During the summer of 2019, Joliet Area Community Hospice (JACH) started a fundraising campaign to add 4 additional patient care rooms to their facility. The Joliet Noon Lions lead the charge to raise funds to furnish one of those new rooms. Letters were sent out to area clubs seeking donations to raise the necessary funds to apply for a LCIF Matching Grant. The Clubs that were approached were in the service boundaries of JACH. Thanks to the generous donations received

from: Bolingbrook, Braidwood, Channahon, Crest Hill, Crete, Frankfort, Joliet Noon, Lemont, Lockport,Minooka,Mokena,Morris, New Lenox, Plainfield, and Shorewood, an application was submittedNovember27,2019,fora LCIF Matching Grantfor $10,408.00.

On April 22, 2020, the Grant was approved. Construction on the new rooms was completed in the Summer of 2021. The plaque which adorns the entrance to room 10 shows that the underwriting of the construction was provided by Tom & Patti Lambrecht. The room furnishings including the hospital bed, sheets, couch, recliner, chairs, end tables, lamps, paintings, curtains, TV, and towels were provided by the District 1-BK Lions Clubs and a matching Grant from Lions International Foundation. The patio and sitting area were made possible by Kathleen M. Ward. Because of covid, no formal dedication was able to take place. An article on this undertaking was published in the International Magazine.Ononesadnote:thefirst patient to receive his final care in

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thisroom wasa Lionfrom the Crest Hill Club.

Sharingafewmorephotosfromthe Streator Hardscrabble Easter Egg

Hunt. Their 2nd annual Hardscrabble Lions Easter Egg Hunt

was a success. Over 200 joined in the festivities.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Good evening to Everyone.

The State Convention is getting closeandtherearesomethingsthat need to be addressed - so here we go.

FIRST OF ALL,…. Is everyone registeredfortheConvention? As of today, we have 96 registered on lineand53mailedin. Iamsurethat there are more to come in the mail. This is a total of 149 registered.

District Governors … Vice District Governors…. Cabinet Secretary’s…. PIDs… ARE YOU ALL REGISTERED FOR THE CONVENTION????? Are you asking your district club members if they are registered??? Do they have rooms booked????

ASOF TODAY, thehotelstill hasthe following rooms left in our block: May 16th No available

May 18th 17 rooms available.

Time is running out so be sure that you have your rooms booked.

Please note that a deadline of May 2nd has been set for the registrations and rooms to be booked at the hotel. Please do not overlook this important date.

So, 149 registered is good –HOWEVER – we needto doublethis number. Get the word out and let’s really have great attendance at the Convention.

As of today, I have completed the schedule/agenda for the Convention, and it will be attached to this Update. I am sending it to PDG Mo Ritzel to be incorporated intotheConventionBook. Thiswill also be sent to the State Magazine editor and the State IT editor for theirpublication. Anychangesthat willneedtobemadefromthispoint on will be announced at the State Convention.

May 17th --56 rooms are available.

Please contact me or SST Cecilia is you have any comments, questions,

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or concerns about the upcoming Convention. See you in a few short weeksattheStateConvention2024.

Submitted by: PCC Lydia Ellis –2024State Convention Chair -

Carbondale Lions’ April Student of the Month was Avery Martin. Avery is a senior at CCHS. She’s active in the music department as a percussionistinallthreeensembles: Marching Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band. Avery founded a new club at the HS this year: “Break the Cycle Initiative”. The primary goals are to increase awareness and prevention of sexual violence and dating violence. They do many fundraisers to help support the Survivor Empowerment Center (Women's Center). She is also a member of the Science Club and was on the Speech Team her junior year. This year, she is part of the TerrierThespiansSocietyandwillbe one of the leads in the production of “A Midsummer Nights Dream”. She told the club members that althoughsheisquitenervousabout public speaking, she’s trying to “go out of her comfort zone.” Avery will be attending SIU in the fall, majoring in Biology, and minoring in Non-Profit Administration. Currently, her goals are to work for an environmental non-profit group. Wemayalsosee heronthefootball field, marching with the Salukis! In selecting the recipient for this month’sstudent,herAPPsychology teacher said of Avery: “She is the best, kindest, and most thoughtful student I’ve ever had in my career” CONGRATULATIONS Avery! Wishing you much success in your future!

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Dundee Township Lions Jim McClung and John Cichowski present a check to Maureen Manning, Director of the Community Crisis Center. The Lions Club is proud to help sponsor such a vital organization.

Peace Poster Winner from 1J is Ryleigh Fagan from Eastview Middle School in Bartlett (next to her poster); on the right is her family. On the left (in Lions’ vest) is District Contest Chair Lion Sue Bruneau.

A George Lazansky Award was presented to Huntley Area Lion Pam Palmer, recognizing her outstanding service to her community.

Huntley Area Lion

Bonnie Bradbury was awarded the International President’s Medal Award for her exceptional leadership and service as District 1J Cabinet Secretary.

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NorthAuroraLions&guestsatthe 5th Knit and Crochet-A-Thon event. A total of 378 items were finished thatdayforlotsofluckyindividuals!

Congratulations go to Westmont Lions Club 1st Vice President Bob Plowman for receiving a District 1J Distinguished Governor’s Award. (l to r) International Director Lion Steve Middlemiss, Lion Bob Plowman, Governor Jim Worden.

Burr Ridge-Hinsdale-Oak Brook Lions came together to assemble special Easter Baskets for the incredible kids and teens at Hinsdale Hospital. <BR-H-OB lions_EasterBaskets>

Congratulations to Elmhurst Lions Club’s Immediate Past President &

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LCIF Coordinator, Lion Barb Savage, on receiving the George Lazansky Distinguished Service Award.

Bartlett Lions Club hosted its Annual Easter Egg Hunt with 5,500 eggs for the children to pick up.

Huntley Area Lion Kari Freeman won 1st Place in the Environmental Photo Contest this Lion Year. The title of her photo is “Nature’s Fireworks: A Burst of Yellow and Red.”

Award for being an awesome Secretary in the club.

AttheClarendonHillsLionsClub’s Annual Club Appreciation Dinner, Lion Brian Marquez received the President and Melvin Jones Fellowship awards. Thanks for all of his hard work & dedication to the club.

Huntley Area Lion Carol Santee was recognized with the District Governor’s Distinguished Service

The Darien Lions would like to congratulate Lion Tom Pantoni, Scott Mutters New Member

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Achievement Recipient (l), Lion Doug Barnes, Lion of the Year (c), and Lion Tom Weiland (r) Melvin Jones Fellow Recognition Recipient.

Westmont Lions Club welcomes new member Lion Penny Nielsen, sponsored by Lion Theresa Jackson.

Huntley Area Lions Jim Saletta, Mary Meyer, and Kari Freeman in attendance at the donation to the Huntley Area Public Library. Also, Head of Marketing Doug Cataldo &

Director Frank Novak from the Library. Funds will specifically go towards purchasing large print books.

North Aurora Lion Dick Blondin (l) presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. Lena Park of

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Park Family Eye Care. Dr. Lena Park isthedaughterofNorthAuroraLion Dr. Bill Park.

(l to r) Visiting PID Steve Middlemiss, IPDG Jim Kiser, PDG Lion Ed Carter, PID Bob Block, and 1J DG Jim Worden. PID Lion Bob Block presented PDG Ed Carter with a medal & award from Lions Clubs International for doubling the goal set for raising LCIF Funds in District 1J during IPDG Jim Kiser’s year.


New members in the Island Lake Lions Club. (l to r) MD1 Council Chair Lori Chassee, PDG; Larry Loos, Sponsor to Lion Vincet (Vinney) Padula; Lion Rich Laughlin and Sponsor Thadd Lewis; and New Lions Peg & Erv Faulmann with Sponsor Lion Mark Beeson.

Hanover Park Lions Club hosted Breakfast with the Bunny in late March.

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Aurora Lion Randy Brown, Membership Chair, hands Aurora

University President Susana RiveraMills a Membership Application after she shared with the club her journeytoAuroraUniversityandher plans for the future of the University.

It’s five (5) new members in the WheatonLionsClub!!Countthem!

New Lions Mark Combs, Michelle Clegg, Mike Tenerelli, Teresa Crafton, and Susan Varcak. <WheatonLionMarkCombs/Wheato nLionMichelleClegg/WheatonLion MikeTenerelli/WheatonLion_Teresa Crafton/WheatonLionSusanVarcak

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Lion Ruth Carlson, a dedicated member of the Wheaton Lions Club, was honored with the esteemed George Lazansky Distinguished Service Award for her tireless efforts and outstanding contributions to both the club and the local community.

AuroraLionsClub donates$500to Mutual Ground for the Aurora domestic violence shelter's 16th annual Walk for Hope fundraiser June 7. From left are Susan Koepke,

Aurora Lions president; Linda Maranda, Mutual Ground executive director;andJayShort,Lionsservice chair. (Mutual Ground photo)

Aurora Lions donate $500 to domestic violence shelter AURORA, Ill., April 28, 2024 Aurora Lions Club recently donated $500 to Mutual Ground for the Aurora domestic violence shelter's 16th annual Walk for Hope fundraiser June 7.

Susan Koepke, Aurora Lions president; and Jay Short, service chair; presented a replica check to Linda Maranda, Mutual Ground executive director.

Mutual Ground, an Aurora-based nonprofit domestic violence and substance use treatmentcenter,will hold its annual Walk for Hope fundraiser on Friday, June 7, at 5:30 p.m.atWaubonsieLakePark,9S080 Kautz Rd. in Aurora. and Jay Short, Lions service chair. The public is invited.Admissionand parking are free.

After an opening program, the event will feature a group one mile walk or 5K run course around the

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lake. An after-party will include music, food truck vendors and information displays.

Mutual Ground provides programs focusing on safety, healing, and prevention for victims of domestic and sexual violence and individuals impacted by substance use disorders.

Services for domestic violence include a 24-hour crisis hotline, residential services with an emergency shelter and counseling services.

Services for substance abuse disorders include outpatient adult and adolescent therapy treatment programs.

Call (630) 897-0084 or visit for more information.

Anton and ZC Kathy Fenton and Kelly a representative from the hospital,

Lion al Benson 630-859-3418 OrlandParkLCdonatedhandmade blankets made by the club for Silver Cross Hospital. Pictured PCC Gail

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END From:

The Orland Park Lions collected IL Tollroad transponder that have been de-activated. The club collected 400 transponders, which will be recycled.

TheOrlandParkLions donated 50

comfort bags to the local Cancer Research Support. Center. These bags consisted of numerous items like slippers, water bottle, candy, coloring books and pencils, tissue, nail file, hand sanitizer and crossword books to name a few. A bigthankstoLIFforthedonationof the installed bag and misc. items likepens,mints,andlipbalmandto

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our members who also made personal donations. Pictured Lions Herb, Gail’s(2), Kathy and Dan.

Danville Lions Club hosts

Salvation Army

Lt. Katherine Reid of the Salvation Army of Vermilion County was welcomed to speak at a recent evening meeting of the Danville Lions Club. Lt. Reid has been with the Salvation Army 10 years, having served as an officer for three years. Her most recent assignment had

been in Bloomington before arriving in Danville. The Salvation Armyhasbeenservingcommunities for 135 years with the goal to help peoplethrive,notjustsurvive.There isa“Pathway”programandfocusto assistpeopletobuildstablelivesfor strong futures. Working with Lt. Reid currently is one staff member and many volunteers, providing these services to our community: Food Pantry Temporary housing for homeless

Back to School Packs for children Rental and utility Assistance

From 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday through Friday volunteers assemble food pantry packages to be distributed and delivered, with 8,000 residents helped this year. Every year Danville Lions Club members volunteer to ring the bell at a Salvation Army Red Kettle site. For many years County Market has hosted the Lions at their Danville and Tilton County Market Stores in November. Lt. Reid reported that through Danville Lions’ efforts this year, $2,700 was raised for the community, these efforts helping serve and feed people. For the past

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two years the Salvation Army has recognized Danville Lions as the organization that has raised the most Kettle money. This year’s efforts take that recognition to 3 years in a row.

Recently at a Danville Lions Club meeting, guest speaker Chief of Police Chris Yates relayed pertinent current stats and work of the Police Department; upgrades of Friendly Town’srevitalizationinLincolnPark; and insights about the Chief’s and the Police Department’s ongoing work of building working relationshipswithDanville’scitizens, seekingcitizeninputforsolutionsto issues that arise.

As in the message when Chief Yates met with the Danville Lions Club in earliervisits,herestatedthathisand thePoliceForce’smissionisto:build

a home community based on residents being able to live a good quality of life, something all residents desire and deserve. In the city, violent crimes are sufficientlydown,withadecreasein homicides from 2018 to one this year. However, there is still an element of violence, as people mightsufferinjury,butnotdeath,in violent acts; and lesser criminal acts have not decreased. Domestic Violenceisalwaysaseriousissue,as itnotonlyaffectsthoseinvolvedbut those living in the home, especially children, who can be unduly affected by the effects of the living situation.

Recognizing these elements, Chief Yates and the Police Force continue toseeksolutionstogetherengaging conversations, dialogue, and relationships with citizens to find solutions that will help secure that residents canlive qualitylivesinour community.

The revitalization of Friendly Town by the Police Department has been found to be exciting and uplifting because of Police and community engagement and support. Much

45 The Illinois Lion & Leo

work has been accomplished in rebuilding structures, refurbishing the grounds, and more. When reaching out to the community to help pay for the costs of revitalization, $17,000 was received from residents to help the rebuilding of structures; and several groupsofindividualsvolunteeredto become “Adopters” – residents willing to help with the buildings’ upkeep. Companiesandindividuals have also agreed to help revitatlize the grounds, grass and more. May 4 is the day set to gather these volunteers together to move forward to ensure the future of Friendly Town.

During the DACC NJCAA Division II Men&#39;s National Basketball Championship two players visited a Thursday evening Danville Lions

Club meeting with Coach and Lion member John Spezia.

Two young men from the Island of Montserrat, Wendell Allen and TayJorn Barzey, have been here since January 18th, living at the Spezia home. Montserrat is an island, part of the Lesser Antilles Indies and an overseas territory of the United Kingdom.Theislandisknownasthe “Emerald Isle of the Caribbean” in part because of its formerly large population of people who originated from Ireland. The language spoken for the most part isEnglish,althoughotherlanguages are spoken there as well. Wendell Allen attends Danville Area Community College. At the meeting, Allen, Barzey, and Spezia discussed many facts about their home in the Island of Montserrat and Allen and Barzey’s experiences and differences of life there and here in Danville, including the education structure.

Montserrat is known for its extremely volcanic landscape, with many eruptions and related natural disasters having occurred there in the 1900s and 2000s. The young

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men discussed and shared a photo album which included vivid pictures of a volcano having erupted in recent years.

Pictures: first: Coach John Spezia, with Wendell Allen and Tay-Jorn Barzey; second: on left, Tay-Jorn Barzey, right Wendell Allen.

ChicagoHealthcareAllianceLions Club share food with the needy in Chicago.

At the recently held 1A District Convention, PCC Steve Anton was namedastheEdgarElbertCitizenof the year 2024.

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Illinois Lion
Chicago Filipino Amrican Lions‘ Dancing with the Lions Fundraiser Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind Lions – Chicago Central Lions

Club, World’s first lions club, held their first ever Pan Cakes Breakfast at the Chicago Lighthouse. Lion Austin with lions costume:

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The Forest Kala Sampath Lions celebrated Easter in Glenview.

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Franklin ParkManilla LionsElvis Nite
53 The Illinois Lion & Leo
54 The Illinois Lion & Leo Chicago Rogers Park Lions Governor’s Night, Melvin Jones Fellow and New MemberInduction: →
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EyeglassescollectionboxmadebyLionJacobNorristobedisplayedatWillow SpringsVillageHall.InthepictureLionKeithGrantlandJacobNorris.
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Thursday May 16

6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Leadership Dinner Freeport

7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

District Governor Elect Meeting Governors Cabinet Room



8:00 – 11:00 p.m.

Council Hospitality Freeport

Friday May 17

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Council of Governors Meeting Ballroom Salons AB

9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Set up Registration Registration Booth

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Council of Governors Lunch Ottawa Room

12:30 – 4:30 p.m.

LIF & LIEF Board Meeting Ballroom Salon C

65 The Illinois Lion & Leo

1:00 – 1:30 p.m.

PIP Al Brandel with DGs & VDGs Ottawa Room

1:45 - 2:00 p.m.

Registration Training – DG Tom Elsey Registration Booth

Friday, May 17 (continued)

1:45 – 5:15 p.m.

Council Chair and State Chair Interviews Governors Cabinet Room

2:00 -7:00 p.m.

Registration Opens Registration Booth

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Setup – Silent Auction Lincoln Room

Set up - Exhibitors & Pin Traders Ballroom Hallway

3:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Silent Auction OPEN Lincoln Room

Exhibitors/Pin Traders OPEN Ballroom Hallway

4:30 – 5:00 p.m.

Sub Committee Meetings

Sergeant at Arms – DG Amy Hill Yates Room

Convention Rules – DG Terry Dooley Bond Room

Resolution – DG Mark Bryant Horner Room

Elections – DG Leroy Engelke Altgeld Room

Credentials/Certification – DG Larry McGuire Ottawa Room

5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

66 The Illinois Lion & Leo

LIF Ambassador Dinner Ballroom Salon D

7:30 – Midnight

Hospitality Rooms Ottawa / Freeport / Altgeld

Saturday May 18

7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Registration Open Registration Booth

8:00 a.m.

Open – Silent Auction Lincoln Room

Pin Traders & Exhibitors Ballroom Hallway

8:00 – 8:15 a.m.

Moderators Meeting – Executive Boardroom

8:00 – 8:15 a.m.

DG Greeting Lions to meeting Ballroom Hallway

8:30 – 10:00 a.m.

Opening Plenary Session Presidential Ballroom

Call to Order – MC CC Lori Chassee

Pledge of Allegiance -

Song: National Anthem – Lion Brenda Block

Invocation – Council Chaplain DG Mark Bean

Welcoming Comments – CC Lori Chassee

Introductions -

Adaption of Convention Rules – DG Terry Dooley

Introduction of International Guest – PID Bob Block

67 The Illinois Lion & Leo

International Guest remarks – PIP Al Brandel

Convention Sub-Committee Reports:

Saturday, May 18 (continued)

Election – DG Leroy Engelke

Sergeant at Arms – DG Amy Hill

Registration – DG Tom Elsey

Credentials- DG Larry McGuire

Resolutions – DG Mark Bryant

Announcements – CC Lori Chassee

50-50 Raffle drawing

Recess until 11:00 and the Second Plenary Session

10:15 – 11:00 a.m.

Registration Open Registration Booth

10:15 – 11:00 a.m.

Seminars - Session # 1

#1 Lions & LIF history trivia - PCC Gail Anton

#2 Just Ask LCI representative

#3 LIF Celebrating 50 years of service - PDG Ron Fruit, Exec Director

#4 C &BL Resolution - PID Bud Wahl

#5 Unlimited Play - Natalie Mackay

#6 Lions Service Journey - Lion Jama Wahl

11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Second Plenary Session/Luncheon Presidential Ballroom

Call to Order MC

68 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Saturday, May 18 (continued)

Pledge of Allegiance -

Song: America The Beautiful – Lion Brenda Block

Invocation – Council Chaplain DG Mark Bean

Introductions -


Speaker- PIP Al Brandel

Lions Remembrance Service – PDG John and Lion Bobbie Honiotes

Announcements -

50/50 Raffle

Recess until 6:00 p.m. Banquet

1:00 – 5:15 p.m.

Registration open Registration Booth

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Beep Baseball game

1:00 – 1:45 p.m.

Seminars – Session # 2

#1 UnlimitedPlay Natalie Mackay

#2 Just Ask To be Announced

#3 LIF Celebrating 50 years of Service PDG Ron Fruit, Exec Dir.

#4 C & BL Resolution PID Bud Wahl

#5 Eversight Lion Kara Kelly

Saturday, May 18 (continued)

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nd VDG Vince Leone

2:00 – 2:30 p.m.

District Caucuses Rooms to be noted in convention book

3:00 p.m.

Silent Auction closes Lincoln Room

3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Silent Auction Pick up Lincoln Room

4:00 p.m.

Pin Traders & Exhibitors close Ballroom Hallway

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

DG & DGE and Lions Portraits Mary Todd Room

6:00 – 8:30 p.m.

State Banquet Presidential Ballroom




Invocation – Council Chaplain DG Mark Bean

Toast – CC Lori Chassee

Dinner Welcome Comments

Speaker PIP Al Brandel – meaning of Awards to be presented

70 The Illinois Lion & Leo # 6 Membership
- 2

Saturday, May 18 (continued)

Awards Presentations

Presentation of Speakers gifts


Live Auction

50/50 Drawing

Recess until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow morning

8:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Award Pictures Mary Todd Room

8:30 – Midnight

Hospitality Rooms Ottawa/ Freeport/Altgeld

Sunday, May 19

7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Registration Open Registration Booth

Delegate Certification Ballroom Hallway

Delegate Voting Lincoln Room

8:30 – 11:00 a.m.

LIF Breakfast & Meeting Presidential Ballroom

11:00 – 11:45 a.m.

Closing Plenary Session Presidential Ballroom

Call to Order – CC Lori Chassee

71 The Illinois Lion & Leo

Sunday, May 19 (continued)

Pledge of Allegiance -

Invocation – Council Chaplain DG Mark Bean

Introductions – CC Lori Chassee

Sub-Committee Reports

Registration DG Tom Elsey

Voting Results DG Leroy Engelke

Acceptance of Reports

Announcement of 2024-2025 Council Chair –

State Committee Chairs

Benediction - Council Chaplain DG Mark Bean

Song: God Bless America – Lion Brenda Block

Closing of the 2024 State Convention

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

District Governor Elect Meeting Boardroom

Dear MD1 Lions & Leos:

Attachedyouwillfindthefollowingdocumentsthatprovideallofthedetails, as of this date, for the upcoming 2024 Lions of Illinois

72 The Illinois Lion & Leo
--------------------------------------------------------------------2024 Lions of Illinois 103rd Annual ConventionandLionsofIllinoisFoundation

Meetingto be held in Springfield from May 16-19, 2024:

1. 2024 State Convention Registration form.

2. 2024 Silent Auction flyer

3. 2024 Exhibitor Application form.

4. 2024 Convention Book Ad form.

The 2024 State Convention will be held at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel,701E.AdamsStreet,Springfield,IL. Thedeadlinetoarrangelodging is MAY 2,2024

Please note that all convention attendees MUST pay the $20 registration fee to attend the convention. You can print and complete the 2024 Convention Registration form, mail to the State office at the address below withyourcheck OR you canregisteronline,bookyourhotelreservationsand choose your dining options using the link below.

There are various dining options to choose from including the 3 Meal Plan that includes the State Luncheon, the State Banquet and the LIF Breakfast for $100 per person. If you cannot attend all three, you have many other choices, but they all include the $20 Convention Registration Fee.

Also, you can attend the BEEP Baseball Game on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Thereisnochargetoattendthegamebutweneedtoknowhowmany are attending as we are arranging transportation to the UIS Recreational Park. Please indicate if you will attend.

Click here to register online: Lions of Illinois 2024 State Convention Registration. It's fast and easy and you can use a credit or debit card for payment.

73 The Illinois Lion & Leo

You can find all of this information on the Lions of Illinois MD-1 website at Lions of Illinois.

More information will be coming in the following weeks. State Convention Chair Lydia Ellis is working on speakers and programs and is finalizing the Agenda for the Convention.

Please share this information with your members and the Clubs in your district.

Finally, the 2024 State Convention Delegate form will be emailed separately to the District Governors and Cabinet Secretaries.

Thank you! Have a great day!!

SST Cecilia Wesselman

Lions of Illinois, Inc.

828 S. 2nd Street, Suite 101

Springfield, IL 62704

Phone: 217-299-9113

State Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

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Hello Lions, Leos and fellow humanitarians,

As we prepare to close this Lion year, I want to again express my sincere thanks to everyone who supported LCIF so far this year. We set ambitious fundraising goals, and I am proud to say we are making excellent progress! We have some work to do in these last few months, so please continue to make your individual and club donations to our foundation and help us succeed in reaching our goal. We will announce the final number raised during the 106th Lions International Convention in Melbourne, and I am sure we will all be amazed by Lions’ and Leos’ generosity.

Make a great day,

82 The Illinois Lion & Leo Donate today and bring possibilities to life
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