Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A:
ceremony administered by International President Dr. Jung Yul-Choi. I was fortunate to be able to share this incredibly special moment with my family. This is my second newsletter, and I am very excited to share the many changes and ideas we have in store for this year.
I am
so honored and humbled to serve as District Governor for the 2020-2021 Lion year! The year started off a little differently than expected. Due to travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we weren’t able to travel to Singapore for the International Convention. So, on June 29th, I was officially sworn in as your District Governor via a live virtual oath
Before I go into the details, I would like to first thank IPDG Joni McMillan for leading District 1-A last year. She did a wonderful job of guiding us through challenging times and inspiring us to work together to serve the community as best we could during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congratulations to 1VDG Lion Gail Anton and 2VDG Tony Zartler. I am looking forward to working with you both this year. I would also like to
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extend my profound appreciation to all Cabinet and committee members for accepting positions to serve the District. I’m looking forward to seeing what we will accomplish together this year. Meet the District 1-A Global Action Team (GAT) for 2020-2021 I’m pleased to introduce the GAT Team for 2020-2021: • PID Dan O’Reilly, GMT Chair/NAMI Champion • PDG Ralph Zarada, Membership Retention Coordinator • RC Tom Elsey, GLT Coordinator • Lion Richard Castillo, GST Coordinator They are always ready to help you to support your work, so please feel free to reach out to them with your questions and ideas. Goals for the 2020-2021 Lion year: The two primary goals for this year are to increase membership growth and support the Campaign LCIF 100 through the new North America Membership Initiative (NAMI) program. The GAT team has spent the past three months preparing for the new year. In May, they participated via Zoom in a virtual SWOT analysis, which was
facilitated and jointly organized by District 1-A NAMI Champions PID Dan O’Reilly and DG Marilyn McLean. During the session, we determined that we are going to use the NAMI process in approximately 90% of the District, to expand the footprint of service, engage more volunteers, and provide opportunities for personal leadership development. To learn more please go to NAMI website (www.lionsclubs.org/nami). We’re off to a great start. Last month, I installed newly elected officers for four clubs - three via Zoom and one in person. I was also honored to induct three new members into the Philippine Lions Club and two new members into the Ecuadorean Lions Club. Thank you to their sponsors for bringing these new Lions into our District. I want to remind everyone that LCI is waving the entrance fee from July 1 through December 31, 2020, which will help clubs grow their membership. This cost saving provides the perfect opportunity to invite more friends and family members to join your club. This will also apply to newly chartered clubs, so if you know of anyone who wants to start a club, let them know that the entrance fee will be waived if they act before the end of the calendar year.
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Reach out to the GAT, they are here to help you. Remember, the more volunteers you have, the better to serve those in need in your community. Serve the world with love and kindness President Choi’s theme this year is “United in Kindness and Diversity.” In times of great need, the world is shaped by great leaders. Greatness awaits, but it will take all of us to fulfill our mission of service for the greater good of all. Only when we lead together can we accomplish the crucial work that lies ahead. My theme for this year is “Serve the world with love and kindness.” Please
Hello District 1-A Lions and welcome to the new Lions year. Governor
continue to share the love and spread kindness to others and let us all find a way to live in harmony. Each of us has the power to make an impact on others. Our challenge in the year ahead is to work together to emerge from COVID hibernation and return to what we do best—serve our communities. Thank you for all you do to serve those in need. Be safe and stay healthy. Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you all very soon! District 1-A Governor Marilyn McLean GovMarilyn1a@gmail.com ******
Marilyn asked me to write an article for the monthly District newsletter, so here I am. First of all, how are all of you and your families? Hopefully, you are all surviving/coping Covid-19. What about your clubs? Are you meeting in person and/or virtually? Are you checking on your members? Do you need help with your clubs? Perhaps you want to do a virtual meeting (ZOOM) and are unsure how to go about setting it up? If you have concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to help you or put you in contact with the right people.
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What else should I write about in this column? It was easy for me to answer this question, because everyone knows Lion Gail loves to shop……. I thought I would provide you with some information on buying masks. Neriza Tan Pineda starting making masks during the quarantine and she has them for sale for $5.00 & $10.00 (sports & camouflage). I have included a few of her masks in this article. If you check her FB page you can see many of her masks. If you are interested contact her via messenger. You can pay using ZELLE, Venmo or PayPal.
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have some drop off points in August, so stay tuned!
Now if you are interested in a Lions masks, the Wisconsin Lions are selling them. They have 3 types: White with black Lions emblem, Black with white Lions emblem Blue with gold/yellow Lions emblem. If interested contact Bee-Seen Promotions LLC. Chuck 262-224-0847 & Kim 262-224-0552 Steinmetz Shop 262-457-2114 beeseenpromotions@charter.net Last but not least keep saving those plastic bags for the “Bags to Beds” Homeless project that District 1-A is currently working on. I have asked the cabinet to bring their bags to the upcoming cabinet meeting. I hope to
That’s it for today!
Stay Healthy, Stay Smart & Stay Kind -Lion Gail anton173@comcast.net 708-479-4779 (H) 708-514-4825 (C)
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SEND YOUR ARTICLES, FLYERS, NEWS ITEMS TO: FOR GOVERNORS NEWSLETTER: govaustin@gmail.com FOR STATE LIONS MAGAZINE: ILStateEditor@gmail.com MAKE THE WORDS, NEWS AND PICTUERES FLY ALL OVER THE WORLD VIRTUALLY! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aloha District 1-A Officers & Members, Please be advised that Fil-USA Lions Club's Annual Hawaiian/Governor's Luncheon on April 19, 2020 has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We regret to inform you that it's not possible for us this year to have this joyous Governor’s Newsletter 6
luncheon, honoring our District 1-A Governor, Joan McMillan, as we all don't know when will be the feasible and safe time. This event is now rebooked at the same venue, Four Points Sheraton next year Sunday, April 25, 2021. We sincerely apologize if you already made plans of having your Hawaiian outfits ready for this occasion but I can assure you all, it's worth setting it aside for next year. Please keep practicing social distancing and stay home as much as possible. Take care and Gold bless us all. Aloha and my best regards to all, -Lion Andy Liamaga Governor’s Newsletter 7
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