District Governor Gail Anton's Monthly e-Newsletter for the Month of November 2021

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NOVEMBER 2021 ==================================================================================================

Hello District 1-A Lions,

LEO CLUBS We have a new Leo Club from Reavis High School sponsored by the Burbank Lions Club.

Where has the time gone…...I’m about to start my 5th month as Governor. I thought it would be a good idea to give you a 1st quarter report regarding the health of the District. We are moving in the right direction on many fronts. MEMBERSHIP 1716 Members +45

NEW CLUBS Working on potential new clubs in the south & southwest suburbs. Keep your fingers crossed. REBUILDING CLUBS PID Dan is working with The Oak Park/River Forest and Homewood/Flossmoor clubs to reboot these clubs.

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RETENTION - This is tough one. VDG Tony has begun meetings to address this issue. However, your help is needed. November & December are tough months. This is when the clubs start to drop members for non-payment. However, you can help by calling members who have not been attending and finding out why. Sometimes a simple call to a Lion asking them if everything is ok can result in saving a member.

52% of clubs (35 clubs) are reporting service on MyLion. For those clubs who have not updated MyLion, please reach out to your RC/ZC for assistance or call me.

Training continues monthly for New Member Orientations, RC/ZC’s

& Public Speaking. VDG Tom is looking into more face to face classes vs ZOOM. It appears ZOOM has lost some of its appeal. Stay tuned. If you are interested in some different classes please contact VDG Tom.

LCIF District 1-A has currently raised $13,420.04 (as of 10/28/21). 21% of our clubs have donated to LCIF. Consider a donation to LCIF from your club. Any amount would be very much appreciated.

66 out of 71 clubs have paid their International Dues. 5 clubs are facing financial suspension 11/15/21 if outstanding dues are not paid. 59 clubs out of 71 have paid their District Dues, leaving 12 clubs who have not paid their District/State dues. I am in the process of finalizing procedures to place clubs on financial suspension

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with LCI who do not pay their District/State dues. Further information will be sent under separate cover soon. Financial suspension means that until all financial obligations have been paid, your club may not participate in any fundraisers for your club. I need your help on two fronts, Dues & Retention. If your club owes International and/or District/State dues please, please resolve your financial obligations. I truly don’t want to see our clubs on

financial suspension, which would prevent them from helping their communities.

club. You may also want to revisit those members that you previously dropped in good standing. With the pandemic starting to lessen, they may want to re-join.

Please mark your calendars for some upcoming events. November 13, 2021 - 2nd Cabinet meeting at the Garden Chalet. There will be a few surprises and guests and of course raffles!!!!!! December 12, 2021 - District Christmas Party at the Orland Chateau in Orland Park. The theme is a “Red Party” which means you wear RED. Come join me for an afternoon of fellowship, food, libations, karaoke, trivia and raffles. Watch for further details.

As far as Retention, call the members you have not seen lately and welcome them back to your 3 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

141 days until the District 1-A Convention, “Taking care of business in District 1-A.” Elvis will be

in the building…….Will you???? Again, my many thanks to each and every Lion in District 1-A for all that you do for your communities. District 1-A Lions make the world around us a better place for all.

Enjoy the upcoming Holiday Season as we come out of the Pandemic Fog. See you around the District!!!! GG


From your Global Action Team Global Membership Team Coordinator News By GMT Coordinator Daniel O’Reilly Membership Remember, membership is by invitation only, if somebody does not ask them, they will never be a member. Just Ask! Please get your clubs working, it might be one of your fundraisers or a club service project. Invite friends, neighbors, somebody at work that you think might be service minded to you next event. Have your club brochures out at the table. Time is running out to take advantage of the International Board extended waiver of the entrance and charter fee through Dec. 30, 2021, act now. Global Membership Approach 4 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

We have a positive membership growth for this entire Lions year. We have 19 clubs with a plus in membership, with 13 more clubs adding some, but their drops were greater, but trying to overcome losing members. We have a 46% increase in club showing a plus in membership this past month. Governors Goals for 2021-2022

Let’s work together and keep the momentum going. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your clubs while people are itching to get involved and make a difference after being locked down and isolated far too long. The more members we can add to our clubs, the more hands to provide the needed service. New Club Development We are in the process of developing a specialty club in the south suburbs, the K.O.P.E. Cyber Lions Club of District 1-A, (Knights of Prevention & Education), their mission to become a virtual village that raises the next generation so that they make responsible decisions, value service learning, and lead healthy drug free lives. So, if you have a friend or neighbor working as a Teacher, Social Workers, in Law Enforcement, in Drug Enforcement, or with Drug Education Organizations than they might have an interest in being part of this opportunity to join with this club. IF you know anyone living in our District that might have an interest in being a Charter 5 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

member of this club, please email me their information or have them 6 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

contact me at: jointhelionstoday@gmail.com Please let us know if you have an area, you believe would make a good club. A key indicator is your club is providing a lot of service to an open area. Membership Satisfaction – Leadership Support The other thing to work on as a club. As you begin to serve in your communities again. Reach out to the members that left Lions because they didn’t want to pay dues and not meet or do anything. Lions around the country are reporting they are having success by reaching out to their past members and are bringing them back. Into their membership rolls. One thing for sure, if you don’t ask, they are gone. SD 156 Community Awards Banquet & Membership Development Opportunity

Global Retention Team Coordinator News By Retention Chairperson Tony Zartler Retention Greetings: As stated last month, we had a Club Membership Retention meeting on September 29th in Willow Springs. 15 Lions from various clubs attended. There were very informative presentations by PCC Dennis McMillan and PCC Steve Anton on ways to keep members excited to be Lions. Governor Gail stressed on how important it is to retain members. We are planning another meeting in November and we need EVERY Club to send a representative to the next session!!!! Until next month, Yours in Lionism, 7 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Tony Zartler, 1st VDG Worth Lions Club Global Leadership Team Coordinator News By GLT Coordinator Thomas Elsey

District Training Scheduled (November 2021 – January 2022) Listed below are the current classes scheduled at the time of compiling the District Governor’s Newsletter. Please look at the District 1-A Website calendar for the most up to date information on training classes. New ones can be added at any time and we will strive to keep it up to date as changes are made. New Member Orientation Training Our November New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qdO6prjktGde5yduv2mQuKrL zKKKTMDPO Our December New Member Orientation will be held on Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvcurqj0oG9TbZd4WYeUn7f9IywbeCHEe Our January New Member Orientation will be held on Thursday, January 20, 8 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

2022 at 7:00pm. Please think about attending this valuable orientation to Lions. Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAufGspzgsH9249lOOyC7JhKSTlAwWnVLE While the training is designed for new lions and their sponsor/mentors, all interested Lions are invited to attend a session. The anticipated time needed for the training is 1 ½ hours. A Q&A session at the end of the training will be held. Public Speaking Skills Development • On-Going Meetings, Training and Feedback for Improving Public Speaking Skills ▪ Classes are being postponed until further notice Guiding Lion Program If you are interested in becoming a Certified Guiding Lion and have not been able to attend the training, please contact me at thomas.elsey@gmail.com. Also, let me know if you are interested in renewing as a guiding Lion and your certification is expired or will be expiring soon. I will be sending out an email to you if your certification will expire soon. If you do not know your status, please reach out and I can let you know. A training session will be scheduled in February for a Certified Guiding Lion Class, details are being worked out. Region Chairperson/Zone Chairperson Training The Region Chairperson/Zone Chairperson Training will be held virtually for all four sessions. RC’s and ZC’s that attended the training last year are welcome to attend again but are not required to attend. Feel free to attend any sessions you missed last year. We are asking our new Zone Chairpersons to attend these informative sessions. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

3rd Class – Problem Solving TBD 6:30p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYufGqrD0qHtDQSLbNL6UUaYBwcWr8KmEQ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4th Class – Assessing Club Health December 2, 2021 6:30p.m. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lfuCgqjgoGdK nt_wUOAzXIo7qRuA9EO-A ___________________________________________________________________________ Monthly Region Chairperson/Zone Chairperson Meeting Our Monthly Region Chairperson/Zone Chairperson Meetings will be held at the Willow Springs Community Center at 6:30p.m. and is scheduled to be one hour long. Scheduled dates through December are: December 16, 2021 Upcoming Training Starting in January Effective clubs provide meaningful service, maintain a strong and active membership, and continually develop new leaders. The tools below focus on these elements to help your club function effectively while meeting the needs of your community and your members. The following Sessions will be offered for club leaders: • • • •

Your Club, Your Way Build a Vision for Your Club Club Quality Initiative Club Excellence Award

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Your Club, Your Way! The Your Club, Your Way! Guide will help you customize your club meetings to better suit the needs and lifestyles of your club members. It includes a simple, fun exercise to help determine which elements of your meeting to keep and what to change, as well as a process for phasing in change!

Build a Vision for Your Club Use this training (planning guide and PowerPoint) to discover your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs, and organize your plan for successful implementation.

Club Quality Initiative Club Quality Initiative is a strategic planning tool to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement. Change is critical for each club. By understanding our current operation, identifying areas that may be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish our goals, every club can be even better!

Club Excellence Award Is your club striving to finish the year with a net growth in membership? Will your club participate in at least three service projects? Are you promoting your club's events or activities to the community? if you answered yes to these questions, you may be eligible for the Club Excellence Award. The Club Excellence Award is more than award...it is proof that your club is STRONG! Make achieving the award a winning tradition! 11 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Come join the GAT Team on Our January Club Improvement Series: Club Excellence Award Seminar will be held on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 7:00pm. Please consider joining this informative seminar find out all your club needs to know how your club can earn a Club Excellence Award this year. Please use the Sign Up Link below to register for this valuable Seminar: Sign Up Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscuCrqzIoGNSt4Mox-K5rLZiszsONMPQ

Global Service Team Coordinator News By GST Coordinator Joni McMillan

Hello District 1-A Lions!

Our current District service project is OPERATION WARM HEART. This service project consists of EACH INDIVIDUAL CLUB finding a school, church, community center, or pantry that is in need of COATS, HATS, GLOVES, and SCARVES for needy adults and/or children. This will run from October – November. Club Presidents, please contact me at GovJoniMac@gmail.com to let me know which organization you are donating these items to. Also, please take a picture of your club giving these items to your recipients and send them to me so we can post them in our newsletter, AND please make sure to put this in MyLion.

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I am proud to announce that we now have 49% of our clubs reporting their service projects in MyLion. This is such GREAT progress! Let’s keep up the great work and increase this number. Remember, even if you are just attending a club meeting, you should report this in MyLion.

Also, for those clubs who are posting their service activities in MyLion, you will receive a Parade of Service Patch for your banner.

PDG Joni McMillan, District 1-A GST Chairperson, GovJoniMac@gmail.com 13 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

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No deaths this month

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My name is Candice Mares, and I am a Lion. I have been the secretary of the LaGrange Highlands Lions Club since 2019. I want to share a story with you about my personal and dear friend Brett Shishkoff. Brett has lived within district 1A territory most of his life. I have known Brett since 1997 when we were in 7th grade. Brett is someone who has overcome more challenges than almost anyone I know. Brutal bullying forced Brett to change school in Jr High and that is where our story begins. But let’s start at the beginning. As a baby, he battled cancer in his brain that left him blind in one eye. That same cancer treatment he received back then

likely led to his current cancer development in the same area. It also unfortunately led to Brett losing all of his sight in 2014 at age 30. When I met Brett, he was the sweetest boy with giant coke bottle glasses and a great outlook on life despite his challenges. His optimistic attitude has never diminished regardless the trials he faces. Today, the cancer he is battling is a tumor behind his left eye that has rendered him totally blind. He successfully completed 6 rounds of chemo at Rush University which has shrunk the tumor! He is currently in Houston receiving radiation treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center, where there are experts in treating the rare type of cancer he is fighting. Next, Brett will undergo surgery to remove the tumor and then reconstruct his handsome face. To receive the best treatment possible, Brett and his Mom, Dad and seeing eye dog Poet are living in a hotel on the campus of the Cancer Center in Houston. This added stress of expenses, travel, food, and lodging

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are a burden that we can take off his shoulders. Being a force for good for a person like Brett is the reason we all became Lions and why Melvin Jones founded our great organization! I can't think of a better way to answer Helen Keller's charge to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness" than to carry the torch for Brett.

Brett is an inspiration, after losing his sight in 2014, Brett moved to downtown Chicago and learned to live independently despite his vision

loss. After he was approved to receive a guide dog, he and Poet worked hard to learn how to navigate the city autonomously. As a side -because when it rains it pours and you can’t make this stuff up- Poet recently underwent cancer treatment of his own- rest assured he is making a full recovery. (Special shout out to Guide Dogs for the Blind in California who totally bore the burden of poor Poet’s crisis). When Brett is in full recovery, he intends on starting a pod cast and you tube channel and producing his

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Club’. Any and all support is welcome! I hope you hear the desperation and sincerity of my request and help me take the next steps to light the way for this well deserving man.

own show to help other differently abled individuals overcome their own adversity. Below is a link to a 1-minute clip about how Brett learned to continue his career, one that he loves and is very good at, using adaptive technology for the visually impaired.

https://youtu.be/Y0xQEb0kkwo ---------------------------------------

I am calling all Lions to be a source of light to help Brett on this arduous path. If you or your club has any ideas, we are open to everything! The LaGrange Highlands Club will be collecting funds for Brett through the holidays and hosting a ‘Bingo for Brett’ after the new year. Direct donations can be mailed to Lion Candice Mares 6018 Longview Dr. Countryside Il 60525 with ‘Brett’ in the memo, checks can made out the ‘LaGrange Highlands Lions 18 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Chicago Mabhuhai Centennial Lions Club Charter Nite was held in October 2021. International Director Bob Block pinning the new members. ---------------------------------------

District 1A Region 3 Meeting at the Great Escape, Schiller Park. ---------------------------------------

District 1A Region 4 Meeting was held at the Connie’s Pizza & Casino place at Berwyn. One new member

Gwendolyn Murphy for Stickney Forestview Lions Club was inducted by Governor Gail Anton. Sponsored by PID Dan O’Reilley.

PDG Joan McMillan gave Lion 19 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Marlene Chaney International President’s Medal for her dedicated hard work. -

I will update you as I receive more information. Thank you, Lion Dawn Cabinet Secretary ---------------------------------------

Some PDG’s of District 1A and friends got together at RC Brenda Steven’s residence at Oakbrook in the month of October. --------------------------------------Hello Lions, I just found out that PDG Wes Salsbury is having back surgery tomorrow. Please keep PDG Wes and his wife Marcia in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Cards can be sent to: PDG Wes Salsbury 2335 W Belle Plaine #506 Chicago, IL 60618 20 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter

Chicago Filipino American Lions Club celebrated their 17th Charter Nite, Induction of 32 New embers and installation of their new club fficers at the Hilton Hotel at Northbrook. SAVE THE DATE



DISTRICT 1-A MID YEAR FORUM The Mid- Year forum has been rescheduled to Jan. 22, 2022

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More details and Information to follow as soon as it's available.

On behalf of the Late Lion Leticia Freihaut, past president of Chicago Filipino American Lions Club, her husband Bart Freihaut donated a total of $6,000 to The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind. Lion Jill Johnson from the Lighthouse received the check. --------------------------------------Dear District 1-A Presidents and Secretaries, We have reached a milestone regarding MyLion. 50% of our clubs have been busy adding updates to MyLion. I would like to thank each and every club for taking the time to add updates to MyLion. We have not been at this level for over 2 years. Hopefully,

we are coming out of the Pandemic fog. Many clubs have reached out for assistance in updating MyLion and I know that this number will continue to increase. If you need help updating MyLion please let me know, I would be more than happy to help you update your club's activities. So if you really look at it, your updates in MyLion leads to a donation by the Gates Foundation to LCIF. I have also added some links on how to update MyLion. Recording and Presentat ion. Thanks for all you do for your communities......we could not do it without you!!! Regards, GG Governor Gail Anton District 1-A 708 514-4825 (C)

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Tinley Park Lions ReW

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