MD1 State Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of November 2020

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WESTMONT LIONS’ CORONA CANDY DAY IDEA!Newest Member of MD1 got inducted to Chicago

MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 8 - Issue 5, November 2020


Sparta Leos Club, District 1-CS – picking up trash and cleaning the community. 1

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Thoughts from the Council Chairperson:

Hello Lions and Leos of MD-1: I hope you are all healthy and well. As the calendar flips to November we are entering Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is the fastest growing disease and the leading cause of preventable blindness. It is also the sixth leading cause of death in the world. Fighting diabetes is one of our core missions as Lions. The Lions are dedicated to fighting this epidemic and to actively try to prevent this disease. Over 400 million people around the world have diabetes 2

and it is estimated that by 2040 this number will climb to 650 million people. Make sure your Clubs and Districts have a Diabetes Chairperson, and that Chairperson works with the District leadership to create awareness programs. LCI has diabetes related material on its website that can be downloaded and distributed. I want to recognize the Plainfield Lions Club for their efforts related to diabetes. They successfully applied for a grant from LCI so they could implement a Diabetes SelfManagement program in their community in conjunction with the local YMCA. The Peace Poster deadline is fast approaching. We will be selecting the winning entry from the state of Illinois at the Council of Governors meeting on December 5th in Springfield. If your club has an entry be sure to get them to your District Governor before their next

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cabinet meeting as each District will be submitting one entry to compete at the state level. We will also be selecting the winner of the State Pin contest for the 2021-22 year with the convention being held in New Delhi. All the rules are listed in the October state magazine. If you have an entry be sure to submit that to your District Governor or myself so it can be evaluated at the December 5th Council of Governor’s meeting. --------------------------------------------FROM GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CHAIR:

Accessing the LLC

In closing I want to thank you for all you are doing to serve your communities. Thank you for reading.

Lions join our clubs to make a difference in the lives of our communities, to serve. To serve at our highest level, Lions need to be leaders. Leaders need the skills to participate effectively in a club meeting, organize a fundraiser or service project or even serve on a committee when another Lion is the committee chair. Such leadership skills can be learned in several ways. One of those ways is by participating in the classes from the Lions Learning Center, LLC. But, what is the LLC? Can any Lion participate. And, how do I access it?

MD-1 Council Chairperson Joe Vinyard

To answer questions one and two, the Lions Learning Center is an array

November also marks the Thanksgiving holiday and is the time we reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives. That is especially important this year given all the adversity that our members and our communities have been facing.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

online of classes that any Lion can complete day or night in the comfort and convenience of your own home. To answer, question three, below is a step by step explanation on how to access the Lions Learning Center. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click Lion Account (Member Log in) If you don’t already have a Lion Account, create one. Step 3: Sign in using your Lions Account information

Step 4: Click the “GO” button under learn Step 5: Click the “GO” button under Lions Learning Center Step 6: Select a course by clicking on a tile Step 7: Click the button under the course title to begin your learning journey Check out the Lions Learning Center. Build your lions leadership skills. Be the best Lion you can be! jamawahl@yahoo.com1


Success Through Communication PCC Darren Van Duyn – MD-1 NAMI Champion

communicate with our friends, coworkers, family, and club members. Whether it be through email that was made available to us in 1978, a text message that came to us as recent as 1992, or a simple Since way back in the 1800’s when Alexander Graham Bell obtained the first patten for the telephone to the most recent invention of the cell phone and text messaging we have all been searching for the best way to 4

phone call by Mr. Graham Bell’s invention, we all need to communicate with everyone in our organization to succeed and become stronger.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Our organization has weathered storms and the test of time and we can weather this as well. In order for us to succeed we need to communicate with one another. You all receive emails, text messages, and phone calls on a daily basis, as a leader of your District, our Multiple District, or even your club, it is your responsibility to answer those messages. The person on the other end of those messages is in need of your knowledge and guidance to solve an issue and move forward in their work as a Lion. If you don’t know the answer to their question or question, seek out the answer from those around you that are here to help you. As an example for the District Governor teams in our great multiple; your committee chairs are tasked with the job of helping you achieve your goals and keep your Districts and Multiple District moving forward. If you as a DG team do not communicate with them they have no clue what direction you want to go and how to 5

help you achieve what you are wanting to achieve. This also holds true at the club level. What if your leadership never communicated with you or you never communicated with them? No one would know when upcoming events were or if the committee chairs need any help making those events happen. If everyone just went “Maverick” and did whatever they wanted we would lose all control of our clubs and in turn lose members in our clubs that don’t feel like they are a part of the big picture. What if those in your communities never know when your club has an event or the things you do for them, will they support you? Will you grow and succeed as a club? Chances are the answer to those questions will be no. Let’s not keep our clubs a secret. As the NAMI Champion for Multiple District 1 it is my job to communicate with you all regularly to see what help is needed and what we can do to increase our membership and turn the downward slope around and

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

continue to gain for years to come. To date, I still am not sure where most of our Districts are in the process as communication seems to be one sided. Do your part to help make sure that MD-1 is a leader in this initiative and sets the example for other Districts and Multiple Districts to move forward. What can the GAT team do to assist you in accomplishing your goals for your year? What can we do to help you communicate this new initiative to the clubs in your District? How can we all succeed and flourish for years to come? The answers to these

questions are out there but you need to reach out and help answer them. Ask yourself, how am I communicating? What can I do to better communicate with those who communicate with me? The success of the North American Membership Initiative and your District is in your hands. Please take the bull by the horn and be the leader in communication in your Club, District and Multiple District and Success will be in your corner.

Membership Moments By MD-1 GMT Barb Stewart

Anxious, scared, frustrated, upset, mad‌.these are just a few of the feelings that most all of us have felt through this pandemic. As Lions, we have been called upon to serve but in recent 6

months, many Clubs are just trying to figure out a way to meet. Then comes NAMI which when broken down is basically a newly developed Lions program to increase our membership numbers. There is so much more to this program that is helpful to EVERY Lion. From how to create a Lions Club complete with all the tools necessary to ideas and tools on

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

how to retain members. I’m not sure anything has been left out in NAMI as it pertains to any membership issue, question, or resources. Please go to the NAMI website to utilize these tools. The address is: i If you do not have access to the internet then please ask for assistance from another Lion. We should not only serve our communities but each other as well. This pandemic is dragging on as was a prediction of some; however, it doesn’t have to be the end of Lions! We need to make lemonade out of the lemons we have been handed. There are some Districts who are making great strides in doing just this. Please help me in welcoming the new Lions Club in District 1-A, the Chicago Nurses for Diabetes Lions Club! Kudos to the District 1-A leadership team 7

that found a way to make this Club happen! There is also a new Lions Club that is being formed in District 1-J. This leadership team also deserves kudos in making their lemonade! I have heard of plans from many of the other Districts as well so good things are in the works and I hope to have more new Clubs to announce soon! In MD-1, we currently have 13,033 Lions (as of 10.26.2020). This is down 86 Lions from the beginning of the Lions year (July 1, 2020). Although this number could be much worse, we need to move it to positive territory. It is expected that we will lose members as is the customary norm every December and June as this is when installment of dues are received. We need to concentrate on those Lions who we haven’t heard from in a while. Regardless of where your Club is at in meeting or carrying out your fundraisers and service projects, there should still be regular communication between your Lions. This is key. Key to having a

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great Club and key to getting each other through this pandemic. Perhaps your Club needs to designate a Lion or team of Lions to do just this – reach out to Lions you haven’t heard from or seen. It may be easy to say that’s the President/Club Membership Chair/Secretary/Lions’ Sponsor job but it really is up to every Lion in order to maintain a successful Club. Remember: You don’t have to take care of all of your Lions, just the ones you want to keep! So what magic did District 1-A or District 1-J concoct to be able to charter a new Club? I think the answer is this simple: Needed is a dedicated, motivated Lions leadership team that was willing to put some work into finding and speaking to several interested people in a community about what Lions is all about and who then in turn found other individuals that wanted to serve along with them until that number reached at 8

least 20 so that a Lions Club could be chartered. I understand that sentence is not grammatically correct (sorry educators!) but the idea contained in it is really just that easy. If you are in a profession or have an interest/hobby and know many others with same then perhaps a Specialty Club is in order. These types of Clubs are much easier to charter in that the group of people already may have a specific focus! A great place to start is thinking about where people already meet. I encourage YOU regardless of your title, awards won, years of service, etc. to just go and ask several of your family, friends, neighbors, or fellow acquaintances from other Clubs and groups to come and join your Lions Club or a Club near them. If you find multiple people then reach out to your District Lions leadership as they may be able to help in the chartering of a new Club.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

We truly are in this together. Without our membership, we have no service and we have no leadership. It all begins with

membership; it all begins with you.


Lions of Illinois State Pin Design Contest RULES 1. The pin must be designed by a Lion or Leo of MD-1 2. The pin must include the following elements in its design: a. the Lions emblem b. the words “Lions of Illinois” c. the year of the pin (i.e., 2022) d. the location of the pin year’s International Convention (i.e., New Delhi) 3. Pins must be made by an LCI-approved manufacturer. If a non-LCI-approved manufacturer is used, pin designs must be pre-approved by LCI. 4. Pin designs can include two colors plus a background color 5. Pin designs must be submitted on 8 ½” x 11” paper 6. Pin designs must be submitted in triplicate with at least one drawing in full color 7. The name, address, phone number, and club name of the pin designer must be typed or printed legibly on the back of every pin design drawing submitted. Lions of Illinois, Inc. reserves the right to reject any submission that does not meet all of the pin design specifications as stated above. To enter the State Pin Design Contest, pin designs should be submitted to Lion Joe Vinyard, CC, 947 Blue Aster Drive, Romeoville, IL 60446. Pin designs also can be submitted to your District Governor to be brought to the Council meeting in which the winning design will be selected.

Entries submitted via facsimile or email will not be accepted.

All entries become the property of the Lions of Illinois, Inc. The winner of the State Pin Design Contest will receive five (5) each of the pins, charms, and stick pins. 9

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Remember Your Own Lions Foundation It is that wonderful time of the year, the singers say. It is also a time when we are approached by so many charities to help people. Great charities. Then there are the folks that prey upon the hearts of people. Some of the stress of the season is sorting out the difference. When you think of charity there is none better than our own Lions Clubs International Foundation. We urge you to consider sharing at this time of year, through the Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service. LCIF is a highly rated foundation for its value of sharing. Each club and member sharing in this campaign can accomplish so much towards making this a time of Thanksgiving and Giving for so many around the world. Your district chairs challenge you to expand your love and sharing. MD-1 recently received a nice legacy donation. This is a way of being able to serve forever. Your district char can also help you with that. Please contact us

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1-A: Lion Joan McMillan, R: (708) 389-590, C: (708)539-3297 1-BK: Lion John Joseph Honiotes, PDG, R: (815) 725-6307, C: (815) 508-9746 1-CN: Lion Lydia Ellis, PCC, C: (618) 980-7482 1-CS: Lion Ruben Owen, PDG, C: (618) 317-5106 1-D: Lion Duane Shaw, PDG, C: 815-745-3339 1-F: (Co-Chair) Lion Tom Lippert, DG, C: (847) 812-3727 Lion Susan Hasting, C: (847) 651-1056 1-G: Lion Jerry Eiffert, C: (217) 854-7909 1-H: Lion Al Henning, C: (309) 333-5274 1-J: Lion Ed Carter, PDG, C: 630-330-1341 1-M: Lion Kevin Mendenhall, PDG, R: (618) 553-1776 kmendy1@yahoo,com – PDG Ed C.

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Lions Club of Tinley Park collected hundreds of glasses and ink cartridges, also some old cell phones, pop tabs, old keys, hearing aids and batteries baby needs, clothes, diapers, toys, car seats, etc., etc. from Midlothian and Park Forest communities. They held an event - Aunt Martha’s Baby Shower. It was a very successful event for Tinley Park Lions. ********


Huntly Area Lions Club held their 2020 Lions Candy Day in Huntley area. --------------------------------------------------It was a cold, windy, and sometimes light rainy day, but all the Lions from our Huntley club survived and finished the course at Hughes Creek Golf Course in Elburn. Dubbed “The Bad Pants Open”, our own Lion Jim Graves came dressed for the occasion and entered the contest. Lion Jim Geiger also played in the outing as well as Lion Pam Palmer. It was a fun time with an excellent steak dinner at the end, great raffle prizes, and of course – a great day for Lionism. The day started with a putting contest where a participant could purchase a golf ball for $5 to try to get it in the hole on the putting green. Everyone who entered formed a circle around the green and putted at the count of three. No talent was really required as you can imagine over 50 balls all headed towards one hole at once.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Lions Club Family Reunion Meeting. ---------------------------------------

Carlinville Lions Members & Friends on a ride. --------------------------------------

Your loyal editor was awarded a trophy for the Women’s Longest Drive. Woo Hoo!!! Keep this in mind for next year.

Photo taken during Huntly Area 25

The Gagewood Lions had an information table with raffles for those interested in joining the club at a fun Gages Lake event, a kayak/paddle board/canoe poker run. Thanks to Lion Michelle Perna for coordinating this membership drive and to Lions Harold and Carroll Flood and Sharon Brown for manning the table. Gagewood also collected used eyeglasses at this event.

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President Lion Harold Flood constructed the plaque holder and Lions Steve Timmons and Michelle Perna were on hand to help with the installation. ---------------------------------------


The Gagewood Lions planted a tree honoring Lions John and Joycelyn McCann for their service to Lions back in October and recently received the plaque. 26

DG Kathy presented International Presidential Award Certificate and pin to PDG Dean Hemming and Lion Nila Hemming. Lion Iona Snedeker and Lion Tom Atkins also received the award but were not

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present. The Presidential Leadership award was presented to PDG Dean Hemming and Lion Gary Kreutzberg. ---------------------------------------

PCC Steve kicked off the District 1A Convention Meeting tonight. Save the date March 1921 2021. The convention is a go and we are proceeding full speed ahead. ---------------------------------------------------------------

The Bartlett Lions Club participated in Bartlett Police Department's National Night Out "Light Up the Night" on October 6, 2020. All events had to be virtual so Lions Joanne and Andy Watson decided to set up a replica of the table that the Lions would have had at National Night Out. A table was set with chips, water, and gummy Hot Dogs to represent what the Bartlett Lions Club would 27

have served at National Night Out. We lit up the night with flashing lights and color changing yard lights. The Bartlett Lions Club supports the Bartlett Police Department. -------------------------------------In preparation for another journey in Lions 1CS Derek Eurales Training at Saint Charles, IL

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and preparation along with comradeship from lions all over the world to meet the challenge head on. Through the excellent classes, the encouraging arena sessions and great accommodations, makes my journey worthwhile. As a lion, I am given the opportunity to make every effort beneficial for those we serve. That is our main purpose, While facing the challenge of SERVING. As difficult as life can get, another journey, the Q-Center, in we have combined our efforts all Saint Charles, Illinois, gave me over the world to make it a better much needed incentive, knowledge one. GO LIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sycamore Lions Thanks All for Retinopathy/Macular Program, Mobile Hearing Unit, Social Successful Candy Day Services and Referral, LIF Used The Sycamore Lions Hearing Aid Collection & Hearing would like to thank local businesses Aid Bank (H.A.B.), Used Eyeglass and the community for another Collections, LIF Fund for Emergency successful Candy Day. Your (L.I.F.E.) generosity has helped to address local concerns of the visually and The club recognizes four area hearing impaired along with help businesses for their support during to provide 18,000 visually and this year’s Candy Day collections hearing impaired children and for allowing the Sycamore Lions adults in Illinois with critically members to collect donations on needed services. Your contributions their premises during Candy Day: will make the following projects Elleson’s Bakery, Hy-Vee Food possible: Camp Lions for Children Store, Walgreens, and Parkway and Adults, Low Vision Program, Restaurant. Mobile Diabetic 29

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The Sycamore Lions Club would like to also thank the many very generous local businesses that helped underwrite this year’s event to cover the expense of the candy and also the community’s residents for their very generous donations during this difficult time This year’s fund raising effort generated almost $7,700.00 to be used in support of the Lions vision and hearing programs. ---------------------------------------

Paula Phelps LEO Advisor, Lucien Smith, Braxton Parker, Ellie Grobb, Trinity Glodo, Olivia Schilling, Jada Long, Hayley Drake, Kyron Penny, Ashley Kloth City asks for help all the time for trash pick up so we called and asked to help. This originally was supposed to be done in March, but COVID shut it down. We collected 30

around 6 bags of trash. One exhaust pipe in the ditch at Casey's if anyone is missing one. LOL We donated our time from 8-11 AM. ---------------------------------------

Westmont Lions donated 50 backpacks with school supplies to the needy students of Westmont Junior High School. --------------------------------------

Past International Director Bud

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Wahl recently delivered recycling issues, the items were delivered to items on behalf of the the platform outside the LIF office, Hardscrabble Lions of Streator to after business hours. The reporting the Lions of Illinois Foundation. To form was completed online. Great be sure there were no COVID system! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Carlinville Lions: Dawson named Lions Queen Ticket sales top 2019 despite pandemic. The 2020 Lions Queen candidates put their energy to work and raised $23,802. The top ticket sales were completed by candidate Lexi Dawson who was crowned queen on Saturday evening. The first runner up was Madeline Bouillon; second runner up was Gracie Reels. Queen candidates also included Eryn Seal,Tori Hartson, and Lexy West. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Carlinville Lions Fish 'n' Corn Dog Fry events generated significant funds to underwrite programs and grants to be given back to the Carlinville community during 2020-21. Net profit came to $25,527 for four nights of sales. For comparison, the income from the 31

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2019 Carnival food stand totaled $9,858; the net profit from the 2019 Carnival was $36,460, which would include large earnings from the cake stand and ride tickets. ---------------------------------------

plans to attend college and major in biology. ---------------------------------------------------

The Bartlett Lions Club held a drive-thru pancake breakfast on Sunday, October 18, 2020. Despite the rain we serve over 300 pancake breakfast meals. ---------------------------------------

The 2020 Lions Queen, Lexi Dawson, was crowned by outgoing 2019 Queen Lauryn Pool. Dawson is the daughter of Allen and Leslie Dawson, is a cheerleader at Carlinville H.S.and enjoys time with her siblings Alex and Lucas. She 32

Palos Lions Club held their 71st Charter Anniversary in October. Some of the guests attended the event: Lions Frank Kirar, Robin Kirar, II VDG Tony Zatler, IPDG Joni McMillan, PCC Dennis McMillan, I

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VDG Gail Anton and PCC Steve Anton. ---------------------------------------

Golf Cart Winner Brian Blair

Arthur Lions Club meets new School Superintendent Shannon Cheek, Superintendent of Arthur CUSD #305, was the guest speaker at the October 15 Lions Club meeting. He told about his background (last year was his first year as a Superintendent), the state of the district, and how everyone has stepped up during this time with continuing changes. He is shown here with Lion Jim Fleming, left, the evening's program chair. Pic - Arthur Lion Jim Fleming (left), the evening’s program chair, introduced Arthur CUSD #305 Superintendent, Shannon Cheek at the club’s October 15 meeting.


Leo Club with DG Bill Walpe

New members Rebecca Morris and Charles Hill with sponsor Lion Amy Hill.

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Paris Lions Club welcomes new members Rebecca Morris and Charles Hill, sponsored by Lion Amy Hill. We look forward to serving with you at events such as the Paris Lions Club Information Fest, held on October 10 at the Edgar County 4H Exhibit Hall. Members shared information about the organization, its history and services to the community since 1962, such as vision, donations to local projects, diabetes awareness, Minor League and more. At 2 p.m., the club drew the winning ticket for the annual Golf Cart Raffle. Congratulations to Brian Blair of Paris, Illinois, and thank you for your support!! A portion of the proceeds from the raffle were presented as donations to representatives of local groups such as Community Nurse, Community Food Pantry, Altrusa/Imagination Library, Faith in Action, DOIt Group and Hopes & Dreams. These worthwhile


organizations perform services to our community. Wrap up to the meeting was presentation of a great group of local students interested in service to their community. They are now members of the newest Paris LEO club, inducted by District Governor Bill Wallpe (Danville, IL). Congratulations to the club and officers, and best wishes for a successful year of service. Pictures: 1. Paris Lions mascot holds the winning ticket for Brian Blair, winner of the annual Golf Cart Raffle. 2. District Governor Bill Wallpe (far right), conducted the induction ceremony and distributed certificates to nine new members of the Paris LEO Club. 3. Lion Amy Hill sponsored Rebecca Morris and Charles Hill as new members of the Paris Lions Club. --------------------------------------

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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

*****If 2020 was a person, we’d give it a Snickers bar.

RESTARTING YOUR MEETINGS MPORTANT NOTICE: Every Lion and his/her family member must evaluate their unique circumstances and make an informed decision before attending in-person meetings or activities. PRE EVENT 1. MASK UP! 2. Understand local and state guidelines regarding the prevention of spreading COVID-19 3. Involve your single and multiple-district on making necessary adjustments. 4. Before you meet, review the rules. 5. Identify your members and guests who are regarded as higher-risks. 6. Alert your members and guests of the COVID-19 risks and that all exposures cannot be eliminated. 7. Be sure your meeting does not violate group sizes permitted by law.


8. Consider using a pre-event screening, E.G.: temperatures and screening inquiries. 9. Verify that hand sanitizers, handwashing facilities, and cleaning/disinfectant supplies are available and used! 10. Monitor social distancing, interactions, food and equipment sharing. 11. Keep an eye on participants for changing health conditions. 12. Tell all members and guests that “IF YOU ARE SICK, STAY HOME!” 13. If you become sick, quarantine yourself and seek care. 14. Before the meeting, be sure to instruct participants

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on social distancing, hand cleaning/sanitizing, and cough/sneeze etiquette. 15. Every participant should be screened upon arrival. If the event is more than one day in length, then screen each participant daily. 16. CAVEAT! If an attendee comes into contact with a person suspected of being infected, then that person should quarantine for 14 days or until the suspected person has been cleared via a COVID test. EVENT 1. MASK UP 2. MINIMIZE GROUP SIZES and remain 6 feet apart, do not share objects. 3. Try to stay within your appropriate zones. 4. If travelling, try not to carpool. 5. Have plenty of hand sanitizer sitting out for use. And encourage usage. 6. Follow local or state rules for dining. If none are 37

available ban any buffetstyle meals, use disposable napkins, utensils, drinking vessels, and plates/saucers. If you are hosting the event, clear and clean all tables, etc. 7. If it is an overnight event, lodging should only be shared with immediate family members. 8. Any item that must be shared or passed around must be disinfected immediately before and after passage. Hand washing is highly recommended. 9. IF SOMEONE BECOMES ILL OR INJURED, promptly report the incident to the assigned leader of the event. Follow COVID-19 protocol. HOME AT LAST 1. Upon returning home, avoid contact with higherrisk people for 14 days. 2. Likewise, for 14 days monitor yourself for any symptoms.

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status of the St. Charles Library's renovation. The Lions serve the residents and organizations of both Geneva and St. Charles and is the oldest civic organization in the area. --------------------------------------------------------------------

These trophies were presented to the winners at Elburn Lions All

Over a weekend in September, Sycamore Lions Club participated in the annual LIF Candy Day. ---------------------------------------

Wheel Car Show held early in October, 2020 The Geneva/St. Charles Lions appreciate Edith Craig, the Director of the St. Charles Library, for taking the time to update the Lions on the 38

Waterman Lions PDG Lion Dave Stryker (l) and Joe Bennett (r) raised funds barbecuing pork chops and hot dogs for a fundraiser at Honey

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Hill Orchard. --------------------------------------------------Fall is here and so is the North Aurora Lions Club's Fall Display sale. They will stay up until just after Thanksgiving — and the Lions will pick them up & recycle them— for $10 more. ---------------------------------------

Bartlett Lions Club put boxes at the Bartlett Village Hall for food, supplies and school supplies. These items will be given to Hanover Township and Wayne Township Food Pantries. Lion Randy Zbasnik took the items to the Food Pantries. --------------------------------------------------------------------


Waterman Lions are conducting a Virtual 5K Run/Walk on November 7 through November 21.

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generous sponsors, volunteers, and golfers, it was a very successful event. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Collage of Roselle Lions Service Project a collaborative effort with the Roselle Park District, to repaint (and fix up) the Lions Pavilion on October 3. Participating Lions included, in no particular order: Lions Dan Bruno, Nick Buriegi, Brian McDougall, Gov John Barsanti, Lyle Legan, PDG Bob Jilke, Doug Diefenthal, Rich Leabru, Daniel Ellison, and Marc Hoarle. ---------------------------------------

Algonquin Lions lined up ready to “GO!” at the club’s 1st Charity Golf Tournament. Thanks to all the very 40

Westmont Lions attended the dedication of Westmont Center to PDG Lion Jim Addington (his photo is in the center). ---------------------------------------

District 1J Governor Lion John Barsanti presents the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to Roselle Lion Marc Hoarle.

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Aurora Noon Lions Club's scholarship, Hannah Woltman. She is a student at Waubonsee Community College in Sugar Grove. She is in her final semester of WCC's sign language interpreter program. Hannah says. “With this scholarship, I have been able to put money aside to save up for my interpreting license test next month. Becoming an American Sign Language interpreter is my career goal, working with the hard of hearing individuals." Sandwich Lion Bob Jones on the 1940 era tractor donated to the Sandwich Club by Lion Larry Phillips. Not every Lions Club has its own tractor! Make sure you take it to Waterman Lions Club Tractor Show/Parade next summer!


The Wheaton Lions Club partnered with local Wheaton & Carol Stream businesses to collect

non-perishable food on September 14 - 28. People’s Resource Center (PRC) was the beneficiary of all donations. This project is part of

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the Wheaton Lions “Focus on Hunger.� --------------------------------------------------------------------

Congratulations to Fox River Grove Lion Bart Henry on being the latest Melvin Jones Award recipient! --------------------------------------------------------------------

1J Governor Lion John Barsanti presents the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to Roselle Lion Lynne Legan. --------------------------------------42

The Highland Lions have staged an annual biathlon on Memorial Day Weekend for the last 38 years. This year we partnered with Leaps of Love, a cancer support service for families with children afflicted by cancer. We were unable to have an in-person race, so we held a virtual race. While we did not achieve our monetary goals as in previous years, we were able to share a part of the income with Leaps of Love. Traci Reichmann visited our meeting and Lion President Ed Campbell presented her a check for $750. --------------------------------------------District 1G Governor Kathy Dieker made her official visit to the Highland Lions Club. While there she presented service anniversary awards to Lions Bill Reckman, Jim

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Crase and David Steiner. She also presented Centennial Service Pins to Lions Gary and Jan Kreutzberg for enrolling new members during Lions Clubs International’s Centennial year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Macomb Lions Club had another successful Candy Days distribution event on October 10th. --------------------------------------It was a beautiful day for an outdoor service project! Frankfort Lions in partnership with Kiwanis Club of Frankfort and the LincolnWay Key Club volunteered their time to help with fall clean up and 43

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service to you again! ---------------------------------------

store equipment for winter. Thank you to the staff at Camp Manitoqua for this opportunity and your guidance! We hope to be of 44

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to our community was the name of the game! Keeping Fort Frankfort at its best is an important part of keeping our community beautiful! Thank you to our dedicated volunteers for your hard work and efforts! #wesweve #operationplayground #volunteer #community #frankfortlionsclub #kiwanis #lincolnway #keyclub ------------------------------------------

Lincoln Way HS students, Key Club, Frankfort Lions Club and Operation Playground begin day 2 of sealing Fort Frankfort. Sanding, sealing, friendship and giving back 45

The town of New Lenox is having a Scarecrow Walk. Say hello to the New Lenox Lion's scarecrow!

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of Illinois Foundation Fellowship from Executive Director Trish Fisher, while LIF Trustee Guideon Richeson looks on. Suzzii and Guideon were instrumental in the successful Spooktacular in the Park in St. Jacob in District 1CN. ---------------------------------------

The Hardscrabble Lions of Streator hosted FVDG Shelia Perkins, ZC Beth Burns and District Mom Rosemary Chellios at their October meeting. Social distancing was practiced and masks were worn. The club is "shaking cans" for Candy Day as well as hosting Free Lunch on October 10th. Plans for November include delivery of food baskets. ---------------------------------------------

Suzzii Bushur (left) received a Lions 46

Barbara Taylor was with Suzzii Bushur. ---------------------------------------

At Lions Spooktacular Walk in the Park. Funds go to benefit vision & hearing impaired.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


The Okawville Lions Club will be hosting our Fall BBQ on Sunday, November 8, 2020. Profits are going to be distributed to our local eating establishments that have been affected by the COVID pandemic. We plan on having a 48

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

dinners with all 3 sides will cost $20.00. We are also offering bulk orders for 3 slabs of Ribs for $50.00 with no sides. Another option is to Pre-order 5 Pork steaks or 10 Brats with no sides for $25.00. I need to have all pre-orders returned by Wednesday, Nov. 4th. You can reply to this email with your pre-order or leave a message on my home phone at 243-9914. Thank you for all your support of the Okawville Lions Club. Lion Neil Brammeier ---------------------------------------

Drive-Thru/Curbside Service Only thru the Okawville Legion Home parking lot. Serving will be from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM or until we are sold out. Like our past BBQs, we will be serving Smoked Pork Steaks, Brats and a limited number of sides of Baby Back Ribs. The Ribs are available by Pre-Order Only. Our meals will cost $10.00 and contain a large Pork steak or 2 Brats with sides of German potato salad, slaw, and applesauce. Pre-ordered Rib 49

2nd Annual Spooktacular Walk In The Park. – Lebanon Lions Club ----------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Entry for the Lions Club virtual car show. 2001 Corvette convertible with LS1 engine. Great car for taking a drive!! Owned by Jeff and Donna Rabenort, member Okawville Lions. Yellow car. Entry for Lions Club virtual car show. 1979 Corvette L82 w/ glass ttops. Classic style and fun to cruise in. Owned by Jeff and Donna Rabenort, member Okawville Lions. Red car. ---------------------------------------

The Lions Of Illinois Foundation Participated in the DeKalb Community Expo Drive Thru event, 50

Thursday from 3-6pm at the NIU Convocation Center Parking Lot.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

hearing needs throughout Illinois. (Pictured: Fundraising Chairperson Lion Ralph J. Fisher, LIF Intern Juliana Casner, LIF Executive Director Lion Trish Fisher) ---------------------------------------

Thank You to our NIU non-profit intern Juliana Casner and our very own LIF Lion. Cars drove through the lot collecting information from vendors about what they are all about. Even though it rained on us through the event, cars kept coming and we kept handing out our bags filled with information about the foundation along with some specialty items. We also were able to speak to the patrons about the Foundation and our mission to help people with vision and 51

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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