District 1A Governor Pat Duda's June 2018 e-Newwsletter

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Message from Governor Pat Duda: Wow, what a Lionistic Year! I am almost out; another 26 days to go. Just recently I was planning my year as the Governor of Mother District of Lionism, District 1A and now when l look back, I need another twelve months to complete my task. Yes, time is very limited, and every governor gets only twelve months to reach his or her goals. I am so happy that I reached my goal in creating two new clubs. Thanks so much to PID Dan O’Reilly for his challenging work and dedication with his team. Our second new Harvey Centennial Lions Club’s Charter Nite is scheduled on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Crystal Sky Banquets, 7941 West 47th Street, McCook, IL. Please RSVP with $30 per person check made to The Harvey Centennial Lions Club. I would like to see all my Cabinet Members and Lions from all district clubs. This is their first fund raiser and let us attend their charter nite and support their cause.

of my clubs are ready to take the challenge so that I can claim the slogan – “Here We Grow Again?” I enjoyed my year as your governor. Met so many club members from our entire District, visited their clubs, witnessed various projects, participated in fundraisers and danced to their music; what a fun I had! I wish the same high spirit and enthusiasm to Governor Elect Howard Swacker in his year 2918-2019. Lions are fun lowing people and they know how to serve needy and less fortunate citizens in their communities. It’s a fitting slogan we have – Where There is a Need, There is a Lion! -Pat Duda, District 1A Governor Pduda0614@yahoo.com

We are little behind in membership. I am sure that in the coming week, 77 clubs in our district even each of the clubs bring one new member, our District Membership numbers will be positive for this Lionistic Year 2017-2018. Are all Governor’s Newsletter1

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We have an opportunity this year for Clubs to sponsor our T-Shirts, Backpacks and water bottles. Each of these items are very essential to each camper. We have also added an additional “drone camp” for the week of July 1st (details will follow). Is there a club in your district that you think would be interested in sponsoring one or all three pieces and having their club name printed on all 275 items. • The backpacks can hold their sunscreen, towels, hearing aid essentials, eyeglasses. It is approximately ½ a mile that a camper needs to walk to participate in swimming, dining, and various activities. The small zipper pouch can hold smaller items so they do not get lost. • The water bottle will keep them hydrated and also can be stored in their backpack. • Camp Lions T-shirt is a tradition that the campers look forward to each year wear proudly, price includes counselor’s shirts. Right now, we are looking to have one club sponsor each or all item(s). WATER BOTTLES: $500 for 275 Water Bottles. Bottles are yellow with purple tops and are printed on both sides our logo in black on one side and the club name on the other side. BACKPACKS: $1,050 for 275 BACKPACKS. Backpacks are nylon with reinforced corners and a zipper pouch to hold hearing aid devices, glasses and smaller items. Our logo printed in black and sponsor name under the logo.

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Governor’s Newsletter14 District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, for Lions and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: govaustin@gmail.com Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.

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