Message from Governor Pat Duda: Two more weeks and we will be at the Multiple District 1 State Convention at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Springfield from May 18th to 20th. Hurry up and register as the deadline approaches fast. May 4 is the last date to register. I would like to see a good representation of District 1A Lions to this convention. Second International President Jung Yul Choi will be the guest for State Convention. Let us show him the strength and fellowship of Multiple District 1 where all this started 101 years ago.
We are still little behind in reaching my membership goal for this year. I am pretty sure that my lions clubs in District 1A will help me to reach this goal in another two months. Bring new, energetic and young members as we step into 101st year in Lionism. This years fun filled International Convention will be in Las Vegas – as many people say – heaven on earth. As most of the activities at one place – MGM, it will be very convenient to all of us to take part. There are several projects will be conducted during this convention and you must register separately to take part. Let us make it happen celebrate Lionism. -Pat Duda, District 1A Governor
Ten months passed so fast, in two more months I will be declared as Immediate Past District Governor. One year is very short to accomplish all set goals as Governor. I have few more clubs for Governors Visit and I want to complete them by next month. I request all clubs in District 1A for their help in completing this goal. It is nice to see that we crossed our goal for Lions Clubs International Foundation this year already. My sincere thanks to all the clubs who helped to reach this goal. Governor’s Newsletter1
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We have an opportunity this year for Clubs to sponsor our T-Shirts, Backpacks and water bottles. Each of these items are very essential to each camper. We have also added an additional “drone camp” for the week of July 1st (details will follow). Is there a club in your district that you think would be interested in sponsoring one or all three pieces and having their club name printed on all 275 items. • The backpacks can hold their sunscreen, towels, hearing aid essentials, eyeglasses. It is approximately ½ a mile that a camper needs to walk to participate in swimming, dining, and various activities. The small zipper pouch can hold smaller items so they do not get lost. • The water bottle will keep them hydrated and also can be stored in their backpack. • Camp Lions T-shirt is a tradition that the campers look forward to each year wear proudly, price includes counselor’s shirts. Right now, we are looking to have one club sponsor each or all item(s). WATER BOTTLES: $500 for 275 Water Bottles. Bottles are yellow with purple tops and are printed on both sides our logo in black on one side and the club name on the other side. BACKPACKS: $1,050 for 275 BACKPACKS. Backpacks are nylon with reinforced corners and a zipper pouch to hold hearing aid devices, glasses and smaller items. Our logo printed in black and sponsor name under the logo. Governor’s Newsletter8
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A SPECIAL REMINDER to reserve your tickets to attend A fashion show sponsored by the Chicago Thai Midwest Lions Club, Chicago Philippine Lions Club and Chicago Filipino American Lions Club Fashions by designers Victor Miller, Chris Chaturanarong and Elba Torre to raise funds to feed the homeless SATURDAY, MAY 5, 2018 HILTON NORTHBROOK 2855 North Milwaukee Avenue 6:30 cocktails – 7:30 p.m. dinner Cash bar – donation $55.00
Contact Lion Chantimar Sriaroon 630-670-7773, Lion Faye Mendiola 708-533-8060, Lion Yoly Zoleta 773-677-5010 or Lion Leilanie Magana 773425-1747 To place your reservation by April 28th Governor’s Newsletter12
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• May 5 – Lions Fashion Show by several clubs • May 9 – Glenwood Lions 52nd Charter Nite • May 11 – Rogers Park Governors Nite • May 15 – State Award to Lion Dr. Austin, PDG • May 18-20 – MD1 State Convention • May 26 – The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club – Unveiling of ‘Honorary Dr. Austin Prabhu Lane’ • June 10 – Governor’s Installation • June 24 – Thornton Lions Golf Outing • June 29-July 3 – International Masque Convention in Las Vegas District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, for Lions and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.
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