llustrated Weekly
Illustrated Weekly
No: 48
Okttobor 5, 2020
Mongllurchem Vixvovikheat Neketr
Sointt Eloisiyos Kalez 1 Veez Konkani
Moddicho sorkar ani mongllur xohor
mongllur xohor bharotak svatontr
razkaronninchi kumok nastam fokot
mellchea poilem-i bharich famad aslem
onivasinchea hotthachea probhavan
ani atam-i asa. Punn ailevar moddichea
osthitvak ayil'lem gujrathi morvaddi
mukhelponnar ascho sorkar hem namv
odanichea hatim gelem. Osem korun
pidd'ddear korunk polleta! ailevar
moddin mongllurgaranchea muskarak
hanga sthapon zamvn famad zal'li
tachea vhannamni marlem.
beankam novea namvank paulim, atam mongllurchem viman nildann jem 1951 isvent notalam festa disa ten'nanchea prodhani zovahorlal nehorun udghatton kel'lem tem 69 vorsam uprant prosokt prodhanichea khella dhorman aplem
Itlem sorv zalem zaleari mongllurgaramni kel'lem kitem? bhimrddi solam?? choddttavo ek hat tonddak ani dusro hat pattlean dourn vogechch raule. Hi nohingi sosargai sarvozonikamni moddi tosolea
namv hogddaunko paulem.
mukheleank dimvchi? ’kitem-i kor tum,
Pattlea vorsamni hea viman nildannak
amkam poddon vochonk na’
hangachea promukhanchem namv
mhonnchea tosli? dhir
dimvn novean volaunko kel'lem proitn
mongllurgaranchem porakrom'
nirfoll zal'lem punn az hea mongllur
khoinchhyo kakhsant vochon poddlem?
viman nildannachem namv
’pukkela ami” mhonnon amim somsrak
konnachichch oddkoll nastam
dakhomvn dilem! faleam sokallim
bodol'lem; kitea hem viman nildann
moddi amcheo aspotreo, kalejiy ani
kendr sorkaran bharotacho famad
konn pelea gujrathi marvaddeank
veapari odanik 55 vorsank cholounko
funkea sovai cholomvchem proitn korit
vo tea poilem mongllurgar nidentle utton kafyecho pormoll ghetit?
vizoya beank gujrathantlea konnench aikonk naslea tosench veaparant divalli sthitek tenkl'lea beankak vilin korn vizoya beankachem namvnch nirnnam' zalem. Atam mongllurchem viman nildann zogot'tant namv vhel'lem,
-dda| asttin probhu chikago, sompadok 2 Veez Konkani
Mongllurchem Vixvovikheat Neketr
Sointt Eloisiyos Kalez
Mongllurchi sointt eloisiyos kalez jejvitanchea xikxonn zallantlea somstheanchea addollteakhal, ek dharmik bhes zo xallam, kaleji ani vixv videaloyam zogot'tantlea 105 pras choddit
dexamni cholomvn asa.
1880 isvent sthapon zal'li, sointt eloisiyos kalez aplye choritrent ek vhorto gourou zamvnasa pattlea 140 vorsamni. Olp sonkheatanchi
3 Veez Konkani
mhonn namv lailam tori, hea kaleni videarthink zat, kat, mot mholl'llem kitench lekhinastam vixex mohotvachem xikap tankam dilam, jiunant xist xikhoilea tosench zogot'tadyont sorvoi vortulamni mukheli kelam. Kalejicho sid'dhant zamvnasa “Lucet et Ardet� tosem mhollear "utsah porzollum" sobharank ek preronn zal'leacho porinnam' az hozarom hozar striyo ani purux porzollun aplea zannvayechea ujvaddan zogot'tantlea loka thoim ujvadd haddun faleank tanchem jiun sarthok korunk sokleant.
1880 isvent, 9 jejvit mongllurak yemvn tenkle mongllurgaramni tankam dil'lea apounneak pallo dimvn sthapon korunk ek vixex xikpa somstho. 1980 isvent hea kalejin aplo xotokotsou choloilo, zomysor bharotacho ten'nancho odhyokx, nilom' sonjivo redd'ddi mukhel soiro zamvnayil'lo apleach khud'dh dolleamni polleunko hea somstheachi xathi ani kheati. 2002 isvent, hangachea videarthi/xikxok tosem hitochintokamni pollelo sorvancho mogall odhyokx, dda| epije obdul kolam' udghatton korunk ayil'lo kalejicho informexon tteknaloji blak.
4 Veez Konkani
Jen'nam kalejik bhoglem kalez toyar asa bhailea ejensin NAAC, yemvn kalejichem nirdharonn korunk, tinnem hotth dhorun sarvotrik sudharonnam kel'leacho porinnam' zamvn kalejik 2005 isvent NAAC Accreditation lablem. Kalejik 86.7% onk lable. Kalejin brihot obhivrid'dhi dekhli ani 2007 isvent ti ’svait't’ zali. Kalez videarthink vividh kors xikpachea vividh vortulamni dita onddor grajyuyett ani posttgrajyuyett hontar. Ailevar hea kalejin apnnayil'lim gourovatmok sadhonam oxim
asat: * kalejik NAAC Accreditation lablam. Ekreddittexonachea tin porikromamni, NAAC thamvn otyodhik onk melll'li kalez mhonn namvaddlea. 2015 isvent tisea porikromant, kalejik “A” Grade with a CGPA of 3.62 lablam. * NIRF roeanking 2018 nt MHRD n bharoti-i kalejim poiki 94 vi mholl'llem oteakorxik roeank dilam.
5 Veez Konkani
* kalejik yunivorsitti grantt komixonan “College with Potential for Excellence” 2009 thamvn zahir kelam. * bharot sorkarachea DBT n 2016 isvent "sttar kalez" mholl'llem birud dilam. * yunivorsitti grantt komixonan “DDU Kaushal Kendra” kalejik dimvn 2015 isvent B. Vocational programs dileant. Hata bottamni mejchea titlea somstheank matr hem edoll lablam. * kornattoko rajy sorkaran, prothomot “BTFS Finishing School”
k porvonngi dimvn. Atam 2017 isvent kalez scheme of “BiSEP” [Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Program] zamvn vinchlea. * prokheat hoftallea zornolan “The Week” apnnem kel'lea sorvekxonnant pattapatt tin vorsank unch xikpant Higher Education (AISHE)-2016-17, MHRD, Statistics Division, Government of India lablam. Kalejint 7 onddor grajyuyett karyokromam asat. Kalez bie 15 mellaunneamni, biessi 16 mellaunneamni, biko, bibie/bibiem' 8 beachamni ani 4 beachamni
6 Veez Konkani
sangatach itor sangata ghal'lim karyokromam ani bisie don beacham, bivok tin kors ani biesddoblyu. Hangasor asat 21 posttgrajyuyett karyokromam sorv xistemni sangatach sonxodon xikap. 2018-19 isvent tin choddit posttgrajyuyett karyokromam hangasor survatileant. Kalejint don sonxodon kendram asat sonxodon prosarunk sangati yunivorsittimni porvonngi dil'lim heavorvim xikxonn xibondik sonxodon potram UGC n manun ghetl'lea zornolamni porgottunk sadhy zalam.
Vhodd mafan xoikxonni-i porixodo manddun haddleat, xikxokamni som'mellonamni patr ghetla ani kalez svait't zalea uprant potram monddon keleant, heavorvim sobhar sudharonnam xikxokam thoim dison aileant. Kalez tin sonxodon zornol porgott korta. Sobhar posttgrajyuyett ddiploma, ddiploma ani mottvea audechim sorttifikett karyokromanchi survat kelea. Kalejint 6,500 pras choddit videarthi asat vividh hontar. Hangache videarthimni nohinch xikpant, bogar samskritik kareamni, khell-pondeattamni ani itor chottuvottikamni aplem
7 Veez Konkani
mukhelponn dakhoilam. Kalejint en.Si.Si. Ani en.Es.Es. Chim sorv ghottokam asat. Sarkem sangchem tor hi kalez matr yunivorsitti sut'turant sompurnnotechim en.Si.Si. Tin ghottokam aschi kalez zamvnasa. Videarthink khellpondeatt, monoronzon, bholaiki topasnni, fottokapi karunk, ongvikolank soulobhyota, piemvchem udak tosench nitollsann samballunk soulotayo asat. Hor kendramni vivingodd hosttelam asat striyank tosench puruxank.
Kalejichi durdrixtti ani misamv zamvnasa samajik zann ani somzonni utpon'n korchi. Fokot kripallu ani probhavit vyoktik matr apli somaz ud'dhar korchi sokot ani zagrita asta. Hye dixen, samajik chottuvottiko kalez manddun haddtta ti songot hangasor ul'lekh korchi gorz dista. Somajik zagritekhatir kalejin ek vixex kendr Centre for Social Concern (CSC), asa kelam, hangasor manddun haddttat samajik zagriti chottuvottiko borem porisor manddun haddunk. Videarthimni poilea don vorsamni vorsak 20
8 Veez Konkani
voram samajik chottuvottikamni patr gheunko asa. Hea karyokromachem namv zamvnasa "sohai". Postt grajyuyett videarthimni unnear ek hofto bhitorlea holl'lleank bhett dimvkh hem karyokrom' manddun haddlam ani hea vorvim videarthink "holl'lleanchi vollok" holl'llentlea kuttmam borabor ravol'leant melltta. Videarthim xikxokam borabor patr ghetat. Reddio sorong 107.8 FM, somudayacho reddio mongllur lagxilea sut'turantleank melltta
disak 16 voram panch vivingodd stholli-i bhasamni, vividh karyokromam mukhantr asa korun ani prosarun zagriti stholli-i somskritechi, bhasechi, bholaiki ani nitollsannachi, jiunachea arthik ani somajek vortulanchi. Hea somudai reddio sobhar raxttri-i proxosteo mell'lleat stholli-i bhaso ani somskriti prosar kel'leak. Konkonni somstho, 1980 isvent sthapon kel'lo, zamvnasa anyek dakhlo kalez konkonni sonxodonak ani somskritek dimvcho moha adhar. Ho somstho konkonni
9 Veez Konkani
videarthink ddiploma, piji ddiploma konkonnint ditat. Hi kalez rajeant proprothom' pautti 1992 isve thamvn onddorgrajyuyett hontar konkonni dusri bhas zamvn dil'li. Zogot't vikheat pemyttings kalejichem kopel hozaramni videxi tosem dexi poinnaroeank akorxitat. Kalez vostu songrohaloi vixex tosem protixtthit songroho ason sobharank vijmit kortat. Hangacho pornea videarthincho songh SACAA, the St Aloysius College Alumni Association hea kalejichi xathi ani kheati somsarbhor pornea
videarthink aplea chottuvottikam mukhantr zagriti ditat. Kalez nizaki hem'me bhogta pollemvn hangasor xikl'le videarthi tanchea zannvaye, talentam ani mukhelponna mukhantr veapari kxetrant zamv, samajik kxetrant raxttri-i ani ontorraxttri-i mott'ttar apli xathi dakhomvn kheat zaleat. Ke. Es. Hegdde, poilencho loksobha
10 Veez Konkani
spikor, zorz fernanddis bollvont razoki-i mikheli, kendr rokxonn, roilve montri, nyaivadi sontox hegdde, poilencho lokayukto, ke. Vi. Kamot, briks beank chermean, dda| ke. Vi. Ravo, ontoraxttri-i fijhisistt, tti. Em'. E. Poi, monnipal yunivorsitti sthapit korcheant mukhel hat aslo, ke. Ke. Vennugopal, prosokt ettorni zonorol of inddia, orovind oddigo, man bukor proxosti vijet, onont ogorvol, siio eddeks, dda| ke. Ul'las karont, prokheat konsorvexon zhuvalojistt, ke. El. Rahul, krikett khellghaddi, profesor roghuramo
ji., direktor, bioitties, pilani he asat thoddech hea kalejint xikon kheatek pavol'lea hozarom hozar videarthim poiki. Thoddeo kheat somsthe jejvitamni cholomvche bharotant asat te zamvnasat sointt kjheviyors kalez kolkoto, sointt kjheviyor kalez mumboi, loyola kalez chen'nai, sointt zosefs kalez ttrichi, kxeviyor insttittyutt of lebor rilexons zomxodpur ani kjheviyor yunivorsitti bhuvonexvor. Heo ani itor kheat xikxonn kendram jejvit aplea mullachea mouleamni
11 Veez Konkani
bhorun xikxonnant zoit haddchem yoxosvi proitn korun'nch asat. Kalejiche thodde moilafator: 1880 zoner 12 ver kalez sthapon zali 1882 kalez modras yunivorsittik servali 1885 poilem kott'ttonn ideaH hil (hoiskul kott'ttonn) 1900 tambddem kott'ttononn 1901 kopelachem pemytting bro| moskeni je.So.N sompoilem. 1905 rupeallo utsou 1908 hosttel ani bordding houz 1930 bhangrallo utsou
1945 addolltea blak survatilo 1949 addolltea blak udghatton kelo 1950 eloisiyom' - kalez myujiyom' 1955 kornattoko yunivorsittik servali 1956 moisur yunivorsittik servali 1964 kalez addittoriyom' - gelge hal 1969 sttaf kvarttors 1979 prothom' piji karyokrom' PGDBM 1980 xotokotsou, konkonni somstho, eplaidd boyoloji leaborottori
12 Veez Konkani
1982 eloisiyon bais hom' 1985 eloisiyos insttittyutt of kompyuttor sains 1986 stri videarthink svagot 1987 IGNOU sttoddi senttor 1999 prothom' piji ddigri - MCA 2001 piyusi ani ddigri karyokromam vingodd kelim 2003 mafe senttor for piji sttoddis endd oitti kjheviyor blak of sains endd risorch yuji leddis hasttel 2005 NAAC Accreditation chem prothom' porikrom'
2007 UGC thamvn svait't sthan 2009 "kalez vid pottenxol for eksolens" yunivorsitti grantts komixona thamvn 2010 NAAC Accreditation chem dusrem porikrom' 2012 kornattoko rajy sorkara thamvn “BTFS Finishing School” zamvn porvonngi 2013 sointt eloisiyos somudayachi kalez mhonn birud 2015 NAAC Accreditation chem tisrem porikrom'. Awarded “A” Grade with a CGPA of 3.62 out of 4.
13 Veez Konkani
Kalejik DDU sthan lablem bharotachea sorkara thamvn ’kouxol kendro’ lablem 2016 "sttar kalez" kalez sthan DBT thamvn, bharot sorkara thamvn "sttar sttettos" bhoddti 2017 svait't aniki panch vorsank mukharilem. (2022) kornattoko sorkar dita “BiSEP” [Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Program] manit vixvvidealoi zamvcheak UGC k monovi
2018 yunivorsitti inspekxon pongddachi bhett kvik links eplai anlain chek yuvor ettenddens Document Verification System Online Library DELNET | NLIST
14 Veez Konkani
PROQUEST | J-GATE | NDL St Aloysius College (AIMIT) svoch keampos roeanking: kornattoko rajeant prothom' bharotant tisrem sthan -dda| asttin probhu, chikago (kalez zallizagea thamvn)
novo rekttor uloita:.... 1880 isvent ek lhan zhodd zaun royil'lo sam luvis mholl'llo xikxonn somstho az mongllurant loitt hous hil'l zaun charayi kuxinim oplo ujvadd fankoun, ek bollvont ruk zaun sorvanki oplim follam vantt'te asa. Tednam mongllur ek lhan xohor tori hea somsthea vorvim mongllurochem namv hem'mean ucharoyetem asl'lem. Hamv hea kalejicho adlo videarthi zaunason hamvi hea kalejint xiktam mhonn sangtana mhojemyi hordem fultalem. Tednanch hea
somstheachi kirt titliyi vaddl'li. Zor konni chintat tor hea somstheak itlem boll khoimthaun ailem mhonn, tednam dhoiran sangyet, hem sokkodd jejvitanchea khollmit natl'lea vaura vorvim ani opnnacho kitench faido polloinastam tannim dil'lea xikxonna vorvim. Hanchea vaurak pattimbo dil'lo zaunasa hea somstheant vavurl'lim ani prostut vavurochim sorv xikxokam. Hangasor zoddl'lea xikxonnacho foll zaun lakhanim videarthi az zannvai zoddn, somsarachea vividh konxanim pavon, xistechem ani yoxosvebhorit jivit saron asat ani somajent ujvadd fankomvchim neketram zaun ujvollon asat. Az, 140 vorsam uprant, amchench ek vixvovidealoi ruta zamvcheak sopnneun asamv. Ani hachekhatir sorkarathaun forvonngi mellonk rakon asamv. Amchem hem sopann jeari zainam zaleari amkam tantun
15 Veez Konkani
bezarai bhogchi na. Kiteak amchem khorem sopann zaunasa hangasor xikchea videarthink manovi-i mouleam xikomvchim ani somajeche khore nagorik zaun ruta korochem. To ek kall asl'lo, vhoddilank oplea bhurgeank ek bhodrotecho fuddar zoddn dizai mholl'lli axa. Ani amim dhoiran sangteleamv ki amchea xikxonn somsthea marifat tumchea bhurgeank boro fuddar matr nhoi, zovabdariche nagorik koroteleamv, tankam borem kam' mellaxem koroteleamv mhonn. Az amche videarthi vividh xetanim vividh patr khellon asat.
Amim tankam ‘heram khatir ani heram sangata’ mhonn toyar korote asamv. Amcho dhyey zaunasa tornattea cholea cholianim
tanchea oxir monobhavathaun bhair yeun, zat, kat, mot ani somudai mhonn lekhinastam ghorathaun bhair yeun vistar somsarant paulam kaddije ani doyaxil ani kriall nagorik zaije mhonn. Mhonnje amche videarthi zaizoi nisvarthi monobhavache, somaz sudharonn koroche, svohita pras somajechea bodlaunnek ani ti rakon vorocheak vavuroche. Hench zaunasa jejvit xikxonnachem mull. Zor tumim chotrayen guman kelem zalear tumkam kolltelem ki amcho ud'dex zaunasa somajik zagrinn toxench porisor somrokxonn koroche dixen bandhun haddcho videarthi pongodd. Amkam zai amchi poixili nodor kitem, amchem misamv kitem mhonn somzon ghemvcho lok. Hamv ulo ditam sorv boroea monachea lokank toxench viz konkonni vachpeank. Ami sokkodd hatak hat melloun amchem misamv kam' obhivrid'dhechea mettanim paumvcheak, kriall ani karyogot dourocheak ek zaveam. Mhozo mitr dda asttin probhuchea mhinoten az hea somstheavixim sogllea somsarar khobor gajlea. Taka ani tumkam sorvank devachim vinchnnar axirvadam magtam.
16 Veez Konkani
-fa| melvin pintto, es.Je. 28-10-2020 rekttor, sointt eloisiyos kalez somsthe -------------------------------------Sointt eloisiyos kalez, NIMIT k mhoji bhett:
2017 epril 7 ver mhaka mongllurchea famad sointt
eloisiyos kalejik (eloisiyon ins ttittyutt of meanezmentt endd informexon tteknaloji NIMIT k bhett dimvn postt grajyuyett vibhagachea em'.Bi.E. Videarthink ek uponeas dimvcho ovkas mell'llo 17 Veez Konkani
pranxupal fa| ddenjhil lobochea sohokaran.) salbhor videarthink pollemvn mhaka vhorto sontos zalo. Tosench tea videarthinchi xist pollemvn hamv tottosth zalom. Kiteakgi mhollear choddttavo videarthi konni tanchyelagim uloitana tanchem guman visron ekchch jhemetat vo aplem mobail kaddn kaim tori pollemvn'nch astat. Punn hea videarthimni mon dimvn mhozo dedda voracho uponeas chit dimvn aikalo matr nhoim, hamv uloilea uprant sobharamni sovalam-i vicharlim. Osem mhonnttana kolltta ki videarthink hea kalejint kosem vagoilam mholl'llem. https://www.staloysius.edu.in/ -dda| asttin probhu, chikago ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kanni
kobvachem tott faleam oxttomi....
Magir monti fest...
Tachea uprant ikra disamnim chout...
Hea tini festachea vellar bab ' bijhi' astalo.. Toxench vhodd sontos tachea tonddar distalo. 18 Veez Konkani
Punn az bab bezarayen roddtalo... Dukham golloitalo... Vicharltar kainch sanganatlo... Mam-i somadhan kortali.. Bab bhigoddtalo... Ragan uloitalo.
Omkam sokddank mostu bezar zal'lem ... Bab puddvem neson bhair sorn gelo... * * * * bab sagvolli korcheant bhari huxar. Horyek vorsa benzar korunk bhatachi konnxi baban nch dimvchi igorjek. Pattlea don tin vorsam thaun tannem bhat korche bodlak kobvachem tott layil'lem. Atam bab konnxe bodlak igorjek kobu dan ditalo.
Betta gade amche...Paus ailear udak... Zhorichem udak aslear bhat... Paus yi opalipa khell khelltalo zal'lean babak sobar pauttim noxtt yi zal'lo.Asa.
Betta gade amche mhollear genniche.... Dhoneak muddea suvatek genni lekar tin mudde tandull diunko asl'lem. Punn baban kobu laile mhonn konnaki kollanat l'lem. Mam-i ani bab hea vixoyacher sodam-i chorcha kortalim. Bab dhoiran mukar vetalo. ' pottak khaunko jeunko il'lo tandull melltalo...Pez gi nis gi pieun jieuyetem... Hem tujem kosolem kam'? kobu posun amim upaxim morchengi ?' mhonntana bab somadhanen zap ditalo. 'tum vogechch ravo ben'ni...Devo ditana bhoron vomtonchea mafan dita... Taka patye.. To amcho hat soddchona..' ' devo dita khorem..Hea pausan, varea vadallak, saller, ran monzati tujem bellem padd kortit... Tumvem solvoje poddtelem...' 'olle ben'ni...Tum vogechch ravo. Ran dukor, saller dhornni pondlem ustun khamvchi monzat...Bottatte konngi khaun desvatt kortat. Kobu dhornni voir zamvchem... Ani kobvak mol yi borem mellta... Tea poixeamnim dhoneak genn diun amim sukhan jieuyet... Bhurgim
19 Veez Konkani
vhodd zatana khorch namye? dogam-i amkam cheddvanch...Kazarak bhangar xingar vostur mhonntana mostu khorchatat... Kobu kelear labh osa..Il'le poixe uroveam... ' mhonn bab mamyk somadhan kortalo.
Tennem dhoni yeun babachi tokli khatalo. ' tuka bhat korunk gade dil'le.. Kobu kelear matyechem sarem mati chappe zata.. Tumvem kobu kiteak lailey? mhonntana..
apnnaitalo. Betta gade zaleari baban don belleanchi genn diunko poddtali. Bab bettant ennelachem bellem kortoch magir zhoricha udkant randvoi kortalo.
' dhonia tuka genn dilear zalem nem.. Genn hamv ditam...' dhoni vogochch ravon pattim gelo.... Dhoniacho zamvoi monddeant sakri karkhaneacho menezor zaunas l'lo. Tannem kobachea kroxi vixim sangtana dhoni uchamboll zal'lo. ' kobu atam borea molak vikun veta..Bhatacheaki char vantte chodd labh mellta mhonntana dhoni pisantur zal'lo.
Gamvar babak borem namv as l'lem. Kroxent tacho hat gunn bhangrallo... Mhonn sokkodd taka pugartale. Roita songho cheyi thodde pauttim yeun baban layil'le kemllbe, mirim, annsam, madd maddiam vixim mahet apnnaitale. Bab sokdhank vivorsitalo. Sokzodd babacha kroxi vaurak hogollsitalo.
Dekun ghoddye ghoddye yeun babak dhoxi ditalo.
eka sokallim puddench dhoni amger ayil'lo...
amchea chikkoholl'llent sokddamnim bhatachichch sagvolli korchi. Bab tedalla tedalla kroxe xibirank vetalo zal'lean mahet
Bab bettant kam' kortalo. Dhonian mam-i lagim babak opoi mhonntana mamyn maka bettak dhaddlem. Dhoni aila mhonn sangtana bab hatant as l'lem khorem dourn ailochch.
20 Veez Konkani
Atam suru zale upadr gamvchea monxeanche...
' dhonea ' mhonntana dhoni ek pauttim nitt'tt zalo... ' porbule... I sorti choutig komrbu i korodd...' mhonntana bab dakxennek poddlo.
' zait dhonia...' mhonn dhoniak baban bhasailem. *
kobvachem bellem apnnem-i kelear koxem? mholl'llem soval dhoniak oyil'lem. Pattlea tin vorsamni baban soglle kobu brohmaur sakri karkhaneak sagsun bore poixe khomayil'le gamvcheank koll l'lem. Kolvachem ghor kaddn nolleanchem kel'lem...Ghora ek pornem baik yi baban hadd l'lem. Maka ani mhoza bhoinnik koddeall iskolak yi ghal'lem polloun dhoniachea pottant dont khirlatele. Dekun tannem bohuxa zamvealagim oiddia vicharn kannghel'li asteli. Bettantle kobu puddpuddit vadd l'le... Pausa poilem sarem oni pendd bhorsun mullak ghal'lem. Bett gade rana boglek asleari ran monzatinche upadr nat l'le.
Atticho mohino suru zaun attvta disa axttomi...Omase uprantlea choute disa chout. Tacha uprant sopttembor 8 tariker monti fest. Him tini festam sangata yetana babak bhari khuxi. Sogllea vorsa gholl l'lo oivoz ek chch pauttim melltana bab dhados astalo. Punn az dhoni yeun gelea uprant bab soglloch gollon gel'lo. *** ****
**** ****:
thoddea disam uprant dhonian babak apounko dhaddlem. Bab gelo. ' ale porbule... Somara punou, att disamni axttomi... Voilea aitara omas...Brestara chouti.... Kobu ditam mhollam-i...' dhoni mixiam bhitor chch hastalo. ' ditam dhonia...Maka tum kaim dinaka... Hea vorsa mhoza lekar chout godd'd koream.. Tuminch zonn dhadda... Katorn vhora...'
' kitle vhorum?' dhoni nonjealleo haso haslo.
21 Veez Konkani
' tumkam zai title...' baban zap dili. ' tor sokkodd kobu maka asondi...Tuza kamache kuliche ittache pura poixe ditam... Ham... Tuvem hea pauttim genn dije mhonnon yi na...' mhonntana babachem tondd lhan zal'lem. Hea pauttim kobuyi puddpuddit zal'lean bab hollu mhonnalo..
Bab kirkiri kortalo... Kedallai uskear bosoun khellomvcho bab az amkam polleun sumypitalo. Omim dogam-i bhurgim bhimyan konxeant vhochon bosleamv. Mam-i ani bab poile pauttim loddai korn poddlim... Amim konxeant bos l'le koddench jemeun jemeun nidleamv...
'dhonia yemvchea mohineant kurol porbo... Vorsan vors hamv ch igorjek kobu ditam... Titlench nom-i kobu laitana sakrichea fekttori thaun rinn yi haddlam.. Tankayi pattim diunko osat...' mhonn baban sangtana dhoni bobattlo...
Mam-i soglli rat roddon'nch asl'li. Bab galli xirap ditalo. Babak nitt cholonk zainatl'lem...Ghoddye ghoddye bab poddtalo... Mam-i bob martali... Roddtali...
' tem pura kaim na. Kobu pura maka di.... Genn dinaka.. Ani tumchea igorjek hamv ch kobu ghaltam...' dhonian mhonntana mollab ch mhatear podd l'lo onbhog zalo babak. Dhonia koddem ulounko ovkas chch nat l'lo.
dusre dis bab soma aslo. Amkam sodanchem porim pottlun dhorunk yetana amim roddon pois dhamvleamv.
Mam-i portun babak purpuronk suru kelem. Bab jevinastam , pottak kaim khainastana bhair sorn gelochch...Mamyn addatleari aikana zalo.
Bab bezarayen ghora ayil'lo. Kitli voll dukh osleari soro pienatlo bab tea dis tokli hun zaun ukodd l'lo soro pieun ayil'lo. Mam-i galli choutali...
Mam-i roddon nch asli. * ****: *** ** oxttomek ek dis astana dhoniache zonn yeun divllak mhonn tera kobu
22 Veez Konkani
vhorn gele. Mezun dha disamni chout yemvchi asli...
Mam-i asa toxichch ghora pattim aili.
Mam-i dimbi ghaln magtali...' onvar pois kor deva...' amim sodam-i suskarteleamv. Bab ghott'tt pietalo. Mam-i roddhtana amimyi sangata roddteleamv. Baban dhenknnem ghaltana vol pangurn nidle bori korteleamv. *** **** *** bab sogllochch dedhespar zal'lo. Koxttamni layil'le kobu dhormak vetana taka attapunk zalemna. Soro pieun toklek hat marn suskartalo...' sokkodd logadd kaddlem ' choutek don dis astana dhonian babak apounko dhaddlem. Bab malvon malvon dhonia ghora gelo.
tea ratim poile pauttim bab ghora nat l'lo. To edoll mhonnasor konnai ger ravul'loi na... Rakon rakon roddon roddon amim nidleamv. Ratim ek vhodd bobatt zali.... Gamvcho lok sokkodd amchea ghora dhamvon aile... Sokkoddi babak chch apoitale. Punn bab ghora natl'lo. Mam-i nidentlim utton bhair oyli... Kitem zalem? mhonn tinnem vichartana.... Tannim usvas soddn mhollem....
' dhonia ' mhonn baban hat zoddtana, dhoni mhonnalo... ' faleam amche zonn yetat... Kobu katrunk...' mgonntana bab soglloch solval'lo. Bab portun soro pieunko gel'lo pieun thoinch add poddlo. Bab ghora ailona... Mam-i chudd kanngheun babak sodhun geli. Babak uttonk chch zainatlem.
" tumchta kobvachea tottak uzo poddla.." _______________________ ponchu bonttvall. -------------------------------------23 Veez Konkani
*devaleagi magonni*
xri xanteri kamakxi deusthano , bhottkollo gamvoche xrod'dhasthano. Sohosraudi lokamle kulodeusthano. Proti vorxo deusthanantu yogone ,yago , homo , houno ,utsovo zaito urtati. Eko vorxo kartiko mhoineantulo dipotsovako mumboicheano kamoto kuttumbiyo ayile. Kamotilo tiso vorxacho mhalgoddo dhuveko kitlo khottopotto kel'letiki soiriko zomonasili. Tigelo kolezo xikxonno purnno zalilem. Songitacho obheaso tinne kelilo. Gunnano bhangorosi chel'li. Porontu angano sthulodehi. Maruti 800 karantu tikka boxeako zainasile. Tea nomunea motthi. Tigelo vozono kom'mi korka , tinne bariko zauka mhonnu tan'ni khoncho-khoncho
ddakttoranko dakkonu hozarom ru. Khorchile. Elopethik, ayurvedik, homiopethik ,nechuropothik ouxodho vorxogottlleani gheunu polloile. Vozono kom'mi korchea zalilena. Babaramodevale yogasono korcheako tigelo deho bogvouna. On'no, aharo kom'mi kel'letiki vozono kom'mi zalilona. Ossim zaunu vorodokxinna dha lako dit'to mholletiki tikka logno zaucheako konne toyaro zainasile. Motthe assile chel'le sud'dam motthi chel'li nakka mhonntasile. Henchi du:kho gheunu kamoto sohokuttumbo saibinnilo paieamullantu xoronno ayile. Dipotsovako eko ddobbo telo devako kroxnnarponno kornu dit'tona , puzarilo marfoto ," dhuvelo logno zal'lilo titlo beggi zavo " mhonnu te sanguno ghet'tati.
24 Veez Konkani
Sot'toreko vorxacho puzari nann'nnobhott'tto megelo mamo. Bhoktamlo monantulo ichchha , opekxa onubhovano ochuko somozuno gheunu takkeko somadhanokaroko margo sod'duno kaddtossilo. Nann'nnobhott'ttalo axirvado mholleari saibinnilo obhoyouchono mhonnu kahim bhokto mantosile.
Ratri pujenontoro te kappoddo ani fulo, kunkumo, gondho someto , saibinniko sangonnikornu nann'nnobhott'ttano kamotiko dil'lem. Dit'tona hollu...Kamotilo kan'nantu sanglem ," zatoko mellnu ayilonontoro konea porikxe vellari tumgelo dhuveko hi bonaroso kappoddo nhesonu bharyi hadda. Saibinni nhesoili saddi hi. Tichi tumgelo patthobolako rabunu purnno sohai korta. Tumka sonnu dina. Niraxo korna. Vixvaso doura."
Nann'nnobhott'tto kamtiko sangta ," polleya...Saibinniko at'tom nhesoilem bonaroso silko kappoddo , sanje paloki utsova nontoro sovalako dourtati. Tum'mi tem gheyati. Kiteako mhonnu ratri pujenontoro hamvo tumkam sangtam. Dipotsovo zal'lo. Paloki utsovo zal'lo. Sobha monttopantu sovalo appocheako suru kel'lem. Saibinniko nhesoile kappoddo kamotino 5001/= ru. Diunu khuxino ghetlem.
povitro sthanari rabunu , porixud'dho monano , devako sakxi dovornu , bhott'ttano sangilo ut'toro doni mhoine bhit'tori
25 Veez Konkani
khorem zal'le. Kamotilo dhuve logno tthorlem. Tan'ni chel'li dakoitona bhottomamano sangileavori , sovalantu ghet'tilo saddi tikka nhesoili. Logna vellari koneadano kortono bhi ticho saddi nhesoili.
Noudompotino devako pamyoponnu , prodokxinna ghalotona kamoto , natt'ttobhott'ttako tea sadde mohima sangtosilo.
Itlem nhoyi , kamoto, kamotilo bailo , dhuveko, zauyiko gheunu dosore diso koulo prosadako ayilo. Ten'na sud'dam dhuvo tichi saddi nhesuno ayili.
-podmonabho naiko ( ddombivoli )
Mangalore Diocese and November 8, 1845 - Dr Micheal Lobo.Mangalore. The anniversary of a rare date in the history of the Mangalorean Catholic community – 8 November 1845 – yet, the million-odd members of the Mangalorean community that are currently scattered around the world may not realise the greatness of that day. What exactly happened on this date, November 8, 1845? Well, it marked the foundation of an institution of Mangalore that is very powerful; known by a different name – a name that may
not even be recognized by Christians. This institution is now known as the "Diocese of Mangalore". It was in the year 1886 that Mangalore was designated as a ‘Diocese’. It was in fact one among eighteen divisions of Catholic India that received this designation by Pope Leo XIII, the others being Agra, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry and Verapoly – all of which were accorded the status of ‘archdiocese’ – and Allahabad, Coimbatore, Dacca, Hyderabad, Krishnagar, Lahore, Mysore, Poona,
26 Veez Konkani
Quilon, Trichinopoly, and Vishakapatnam – all of which were accorded the status of ‘diocese’.
Incidentally, Bangalore formed part of the diocese of Mysore, with St Patrick’s Church as the Cathedral (it was not until 1940 that Bangalore and Mysore were separated – the former being elevated as an archdiocese in 1953). In February 2012, the church in Mangalore organized a spectacular celebration to mark 125 years of its existence as a diocese. Of the 18 Catholic divisions of India that were accorded this status by Pope Leo XIII in 1887, only Mangalore saw reason to celebrate this jubilee. This celebration prompted me to write an article – which was published in the Mangalore edition of the Deccan Herald, as
well as in the magazine “Mangalore Today”, and other publications. The 11 th and 12 th of February, 2012, have witnessed spectacular celebrations of what was termed the post-centenary silver jubilee celebrations of our diocese. The grounds of Rosario Cathedral on Saturday, 11 th February, and of Nehru Maidan on Sunday, 12 th February, were packed to capacity. The Eucharistic celebrations on both days were resplendent; the homilies preached by Archbishop Dr Savio Hon Tai-Fai at Rosario Cathedral
and by Oswald Cardinal Gracias at Nehru Maidan were both inspiring. So too were the felicitation ceremonies and the cultural programmes. Indeed, the celebrations could hardly have been better. But . . .As a historian of our community, I have to point out, the term ‘post-centenary silver jubilee celebrations’ has conveyed the impression, both to the people of our diocese as well as to the
27 Veez Konkani
distinguished guests, that our diocese is only 125 years of age. Surprised that . . . it has conveyed the erroneous impression that prior to February 1887, the town of Mangalore and the surrounding district of South Kanara formed part of another larger diocese and that the diocese of Mangalore was carved out of this parent unit in February 1887.
In fact our diocese has been running continuously as an independent ecclesiastical unit since the year 1845. And if I were asked to select a specific date to mark the birth of our diocese, I would pick the 8 th of November, 1845. On that date, the sailing ship St Antony docked at Mangalore, and the Italian Bishop Bernardine, who had been appointed by Pope Gregory XVI in May that year to
assume charge at Mangalore, was solemnly led to Rosario Church (soon to be raised to the status of a cathedral), where he celebrated a pontifical high mass. Prior to 1845, dating back to the origins of Christianity in Mangalore in the 16 th century, the area now known as Kanara had been, by and large, a mission station of the vast Archdiocese of Goa. There had been a brief period in the late 17 th century, when the Holy See had appointed a Goan bishop, Thomas de Castro, to assume charge in Mangalore. But the time was not then ripe for this area to attain independent diocesan status, and, following the death of Bishop de Castro in 1684, the area reverted to its erstwhile status as a dependency of the Archdiocese of Goa. Following the return of the captives from Seringapatna in the year 1799, the Mangalorean Catholics slowly rebuilt their lives . . . and by the year 1840, its leading members felt that the time was now ripe for Mangalore to be independent of Goa and be
28 Veez Konkani
erected into a diocese in its own right. Several leading Mangaloreans of the era took up the cause in earnest, including Fr Joachim Pio Noronha (the first native Mangalorean priest), Boniface Fernandez (the first Mangalorean to attain the position of Deputy Collector; one of his grandsons was the famous Dr L.P. Fernandes), John Joseph Saldanha (a subjudge in North Kanara; his youngest son was the famous Joseph Saldanha, poet and editor of the Christa Purana), and Martin Basil Coelho, head of the illustrious Falnir Coelho family of timber merchants. Some of the correspondence between John Joseph Saldanha and Martin Basil Coelho with ecclesiastical authorities in Rome and India has been preserved (not the originals,unfortunately).
Those were the days when the only affordable mode of land transport was the bullock cart. Horse carriages were the privilege of the British administrators and the native aristocracy. Trains were unheard of and steamships were in their infancy. From Mangalore they would ply along the west coast, going north as far as Bombay and south as far as the cape. Some of Mangalore’s leading families of that era were timber industrialists, timber being the essential ingredient both of residential houses as well as of sailing ships. Our 21 st century perspective does not help to imagine what life was like in the 19 th century. Mangalore or Kodial, towns and neighbouring villages then comprised their ‘country’. Under British jurisdiction, the district collector was the highest authority. Natives of Mangalore may have been aware that there was a governor of the presidency at Madras, and even a governor-general at Calcutta, but these potentates were just about as remote as the King of England. One family in particular – the Coelho family of Falnir, Mangalore
29 Veez Konkani
– built its own sailing ships. Their sailing ship – the “St Antony” – played a major role in the story of the days leading up to 8 November 1845. And when Bishop Bernardine was appointed to assume charge at Mangalore in 1845, he was escorted from the older diocese of Verapoly (near Cochin) in a sailing ship, the St Antony, belonging to the Falnir Coelho family (built from the family’s own timber industry). Six young men formed the bishop’s escort, headed by Peter Venantius Coelho, eldest son of Martin Basil Coelho. The others were Leo Tellis, Clement Vas, Francis Mascarenhas, Lawrence Adrian Coelho, and Ignatius Britto. Ever since 1845, Mangalore has been an independent ecclesiastical unit – headed by a bishop. Why then did the current diocesan council decide to adopt 1886-87 as the year of birth of the diocese? It is simply a matter of nomenclature. In the 19 th century not all dioceses were referred to by this name. cclesiastical units were graded in a hierarchy – Pro Vicariate, Vicariate, Diocese and
Archdiocese – depending on their size and population, number of churches, and overall importance. Few units attained diocesan and archdiocesan status; for centuries, Goa and Mylapore were the only two archdioceses in India – and the latter was inactive. When Mangalore became independent of Goa in 1845, it was initially accorded the status of a ProVicariate, being promoted to the status of a full Vicariate eight years later. Ironically, so far as size is concerned, the Pro Vicariate of Mangalore was much larger than the current diocese of Mangalore – it stretched northwards into North Kanara, southwards as far as Calicut and eastwards into the Western Ghats.
30 Veez Konkani
Also ironically, when Mangalore was promoted to the status of a full Vicariate in 1853, it had reduced in size, the Western Ghats having been ceded to the new Vicariate of Mysore, which had been created in 1850 (carved out of the older Vicariate of Pondicherry). And still more ironically, when Mangalore was eventually promoted to the status of a diocese in 1886, it reduced still further in size, its parishes in North Kanara reverting to Goa (Calicut separated in 1923). The promotion of Mangalore to the status of a diocese in 1886 was part of a general decision made by the Vatican to promote all vicariates in India to diocesan status. Just like Mangalore, all these archdioceses and dioceses could well have celebrated their post centenary silver jubilee in 2012! But perhaps they have a better sense of history than we do. But for the fact that the term ‘Vicariate of Mangalore’ was replaced by the term ‘Diocese of Mangalore’, the year 1886 has no particular significance in the ecclesiastical history of Mangalore. Far more
significant was the year 1870 (the foundation of the Cloistered and Apostolic Carmel – and of St Ann’s School) and the year 1879-80 (the advent of the Jesuits and the foundation of St Aloysius College and other institutions). There were also other significant events in the 40-year-period from 1845 to 1885. All these events ought to form an integral part of any history of the Diocese of Mangalore – and thus it is necessary that the history of the Diocese of Mangalore should commence from the year 1845. But for the accident of nomenclature, this is indeed the true year of birth of the Diocese of Mangalore.
- Adapted for VEEZ : Ivan Saldanha-Shet.
31 Veez Konkani
ON THE AUTHOR - Dr Michael Lobo.Mangalore.
music, on religion and so on apart from perhaps academic subjects are not meant for popularity or profit which is very rare in today's commercial, consumerist, corrupt and materialistic world. His work for the Catholic Association of South Kanara (CASK) in recent years, which he updated and turned around is phenomenal. In these times when reading has taken a The Author Dr Michael Lobo : Well back seat among the young, the known personality of renown for immeasurable labour put in has intellectual caliber. His continued brought him little recognition and mission and commitment, the way is nullified by some elements. he has dedicated his efforts and While the world now is focusing on services for the good of the money, fortunes and a name, this Community. Giving up a fortune humble unassuming luminary, a overseas to return home; his human computer, is going about a research and books are to mission that really matters to the consolidate the community and moral fibre of humanity. Let there culture which generally no one be better encouragement and seems to really care about. His appreciation for the truth and may tomes on Genealogy of the this great person be blessed Konkani Catholics of Kanara, on always. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 Veez Konkani
Konn zatolo omerikon firjent? (le: filip mudarth)
vinchounni mot zoddun firjent
zateli mholl'llem bolmem sot prostavo:
zaunko nam. Tichea porim,
muklea mongllara, omerikant
boidden des mott'ttor bohumot
novembr 3 tarikechi rat yetana,
jiklo toroyi, vinchounni mot
firjentichyem elisamv sompon
labhamvchea thoddeam rajeamnim
poddlele mot mejtoch, tin
spoxtt bohumot dison yeunam tor
thorachem risoltt amkam aikonk
Electoral College mot kitle mholl'lli
mellonk puro. Ek, ddimokrett jeo
ghuspodd ubzonk puro0. Mutt
boidden bharich bohumotan novo
bhor motanchyem ontor
pirjent zaun vinchun ailo. Don,
umedvaram modhem zalear, kez
koxem mhonni atancho ripoblikon
koddtink vochonk puro. Zor suprim
ddonaldd ttromp porot firjent
koddtik geli, thoimsor ttrompachi
vinchun ailo. Tin, bharich ghuspodd
paddt dhorchye tannem nemok
gondoll astolo kiteak thoddeam
kel'le nitidar chodd asat. Te taka
prodesamnim xida bohumot
upkarak poddtitgi?
konnaki mellonknam anim topolar yemvchye mot azun mezun
raxttri-i obhiprai somikxa kitem
zaunant. 2016 isvent, zal'lem hanga
uddas koryet. Hilari klintton des mott'ttar bohumot jikteli anim
zayit'te raxttri-i somikxa asat. Sorv
ghorjye pras chodd rajeamnim
jeo boidden raxttri-i mott'ttar 7% 33 Veez Konkani
mukar asa mhonntat. Ripoblikon
mholl'llem rajy mott'ttochyem
paddtichea torfen obhiprai dimvchi
somvidhan asa. Firjent zaun
rosmussen somikxa legun,
vinchon yeje tor, unnear 270
boiddenak 2% mukar dakoita. Tor
vinchounn mot umedvarak mellaje.
ghuspodd kiteak? xida boidden
Des mott'ttar bohumot mellana
jikta mhonn hatpam-i bandun
toroyi, 270 vonchounni mot
bosonk kiteak nozo? kiteak
labhlear, to umedvar firjent zata.
mhollear, somikxa kaim jeral
Zosem, 2016 isvent zal'lem. Ttromp
elisamv noim. Lhan eka sempol
hilori pras unnem mot jiklearoyi,
motdarank fonar soulam korn,
304 vinchounni mot zoddn,
tannim dil'leam zapim promannem
firjentponn jiklolo.
ek bolmem sangtat. Hea sempol lokan obhiprai bodlunk sadhy asa
Omerikon lok zayit'tea vhorsam
vo zai zai mhonn sot lipoun
thaun ddimokrett anim ripoblikon
dourunk sadhy asa. Voilean
paddtim modhem vantton gela.
omerikon sisttom' dista titli simpol
Hem kaim novesamv noim. 50
rajeam poikim, boddga-udentiche ani ostomtichea koraulliche rajy
Kitem hi omerikon sisttom'?
nillxe (blu) mhollear ddimokrett
mhonn khonddit zalam. Hea omerikant 50 rajy asat. Hea rajeank
rajeamnim xeram chodd asat. Lok
zonnsonkeachea adharar
chodd xikpi mhollear kolez ddigri
"vinchounn mot" asat zaka
vo chodd sonodeo aslolo zaunosa.
Electoral Votes mhonntat. Ott'ttuk
Modhle rajy zankam konttinenttol
50 rajeanchea hea Electroal college
mhonntat te anim tenkachea
songhottonant 538 protinidhi
boibol belttachye rajy tambdde
vinchon yetat. Horyeka rajeant, hea
(redd) mhollear ripoblikon mhonn
protinidhink koxem vinchchem
namv poddlam. Hea rajeamnim 34 Veez Konkani
lhan upo-nogori xeram, holl'lleo
umedvar hea thoddeach hozar
anim sagvollichye gamv zal'lean
lokak jikonk preton korta. Akrek,
xikap unnem. Kolejik vochanatlo
hoch thodde hozar amerikon
goro lok chodd vosti korta.
elisamvachyem risoltt aplea muttint
Hankam devasponn chodd.
dourun ghetat. Hi omerikon
Voilean, he gorbhpat virud'dh; gon
sisttom', posond asom vo nam
konttrol kanunank he virud'dh;
anim kallea anim rongachea katichea lokak sorkaran dimvchi
Az 30 oktobr 2020-k hem
soulot hankam topta.
boroitonam, rajy vinchounn koxi
Goroeanchea gustar, kallo lok
allxiponnant jieta mhonn hanchi abhiprai.
sokoil dil'lem pintur polleyam:
Oxem blu oni redd rajy soddlear, urlele bara-tera rajy tixinyi noim hixinyi noim. Hankam "battleground states" vo Toss-up states mhonntat. Hea rajeamnim
blu ani redd soman asyet; voilean paddti-hin motdar asat. He okrechea disa poreant blugi vo
1. Boidden zor tteksas jiklo,
redd mhonn apli obhiprai korinam
mhollear tteksas rajeant taka
ani konnakyi mot diunko sadhy asa.
bohumot mell'llem, taka 38
Umedvaram vixoyant anim tanchea
vinchounni mot melltat. Ho rajy
porgott kel'leam nitim vixoyant
2016 isvent ttromp jiklolo. Hea
gundd chintun ho lok mot ghalunk
pauttim, obhiprai somikxam
puro. Dekun, doni pongddachye
promannem boidden 3.2% 35 Veez Konkani
motamnim mukar asa. Somikxenchi
somikxem promannem, boidden
margin of error 3-5% asta.
keul 1.8% motamnim mukar asa.
Mhonntoch, ho rajy hea pauttim
Dekun, hanga kitem zatelem
ttrompachea hatantlo chuktolo
mhonnonk zainam. Zor floridda
mhonn khatri sangonk zainam. Zor,
boidden jiklo, taka anim 9
ttromp tteksas harlo, tachi kanni
vinchounni mot zai. Mhonntach,
mugdali. The end!
min'nosotta, viskonsin, arizona tosleam lhan rajeam poikim
2. Otam, floridda rajy polleyam.
komychoyi ek rajy tannem jikaje.
Hea rajeant 29 vinchounni mot asat. Pattlea 60 vhorsamnim zal'lea
3. Pensilveniak 20 vinchounni mot
15 elisamvamnim, floridda jiklolo
asat. Toxem, ohoiyo koddem 18
umedvar firjent zala. Zor, 2000
mot. Ott'ttuk 38 mot. He rajy zor
isvechyem elisamv uddas korchyem
boidden jiklo, to firjent zaloch.
tor, floridda bharich namvadd'dik
Punn, ohoiyo boiddenan jikchyem
zal'lem. Toull pornea xoilechim
chans bhari unnem. Somikxem
pepor belott aslim. Motdaran aplea
promannem, to keul 0.6%
umedvarachea gurtak logti zal'lea
bohumotar asa. Ho rajy ttrompak
vollir sarkem dambun burak korunk
vechem chans 50:50 asa.
nam tor, to mot lekak dhorijegi
Pensilveniant boidden 4.5%
nam mhonn vad-vivad uttlolo. Hea
motamnim mukar asa. Hanga
motank, pregnant ballots mhonn
ttrompachyem chans oskot dista.
add namv poddlelem. Hi kez
Zor boidden pensilvenia jiklo, ani
suprim' koddtik gel'li anim tirp
ohoiyo harolo tor taka her 18 mot
yetona, ripoblikon zorz bux mukar
zai. Nort korolina (15 vinchounni
poddlo. Tacho ultto umedvar
mot) anim don lzan rajy tannem
ddimokrett ol gor jik vonttam
tit'tun yeun harlolo. Hea pauttim, 36 Veez Konkani
4. Zor boidden pensilvenia harolo,
mell'lle; punn, vinchounni kolejint ti
toull min'nosotta, viskonsin, nort
pattim poddli. Chintunk natlele rajy
korolina anim nevadda tannem
ttrompon vele. Te tambdde rajy
jikajech. Hem osadhy noim.
zale. Ttrompak 306 ani klinttonak
Hea soklea chiddkayil'lem pintur
232 mot mell'lle.
dakoun dita, koxem boidden White House pavonk sadhy asa mhonn.
Mixigon (16 mot), viskonsin (10
mot), pensilvenia (20 mot), orizona toxem mhollear, ttrompak kaim
(11 mot) ani nort korolina (15 mot)
chans namgi?
khonddit zaun hilorik vetele mhonn somikxemnim anim pondditamnim
2016 isvent, novembr 3 tarike
porgottlelem. Ott'ttuk he 72 mot
poreant, ttromp jikat mhonn
klinttonachea hatantle chukle. Zor
konnemyi bolme dil'lenam. Sorv
he rajy ti jikleli tor tika 304
somikxem promannem ddimokrett
vinchounni mot zate ani ti
hilori klintton bharich bohumotan
omerikon firjent zati. Toxem zalem
mukar asli. 300 mikvon vinchounne
nam. Ttromp "pattlea vhatten"
mot tika melltat anim ttromp 186-
mukar paulo.
235 modhem mot zoddtolo mhonn
somikxa ani ponddit mhonntale.
Toxem, hea pauttim, ttromp
Zal'lem dusremch. Raxttro
"pattlea vhatten" jikon yetgi?
mott'ttor, hilori klinttonak bohumot 37 Veez Konkani
5. Mhollear, tteksos ani floridda he rajy ttrompak oti ghorjeche. Punn, he matr jiklear paunam. Konixtt don himvall rajy (Frost Belt) tannem jikajech. Somapt: 1. Voilea pinturant dakoilam toxem, 11 rajeam poikim pensilvenia matr soddn urlele dha rajy zor ttromp
doni desam modhem ’rokxa sol'lo"
zalo. Hea 2+2 somvada promannem, omerikon milittori
2. Zor to pensilvenia jiklo, tor
setteloittam aplim gupt pinturam
neudda, min'nosotta anim viskonsin matr solvolear taka 272 vinchounni mot labhtat.
inddiachea milittori sangota vanttun gheunko omerika oplam. Hem oti ghorjechyem. Zor chin
3. Floridda tachea hatantlem gelem tor voilo hor rajy jikon taka zai te 270 mot labhanant.
inddia koddhem zhuzak demvlem,
tor poilench amchim milittori setteloittam marn uddomvchi risk asa. Toull, omerikon adhar amkam ghorjecho. Omerikan china vixim
4. Toxench tteksos tachea hatantlem gelem tor voilo hor rajy labhanant.
omerikachyer apli nodor dourn asa. Omchea inddiant, adlea hofteant
jiklo, taka 304 vinchounni mot
jikon taka zai te 270 mot
sogllea somsarant, hea hofteant lok
nischit virud'dh nit dhorlea anim inddiak aplo pattimbo dila dekun hi
nit ttromp solvolear mukarun vochatgi mholl'lli khont amkam asa. Dekun, amcho sorkar "ob ki 38 Veez Konkani
bar, ttromp sorkar" mhonn gupit
virud'dh. Ani modi sorkar ek
axeta zaunko puro.
majoritarian nitincho. Dekun, boidden jikon ailear, omchea anim
Vipi umedvar komola heris
omerika modhlea
inddiyon mullachi. Tichi avoi tomill,
sombondhanchyer kosolo
xikpak omerika gel'li ti zomoika
porinnam' zatolo mholl'llem bhyem
thaun xikpak ayil'leakallea katichea
legun asa. "houddi moddi" visron,
ixtta koddhem kazar zali. Komola
no moddi zatelengi? ek hofto rakon
toxem kallea omerikon ani inddo-
omerikon mullanchi "miksdd" kulliechi dekun, inddia toslea tisrea somsarachea niti vixim somzonnen uloiteli mhonn axa korn asat. Punn, inddiachea kaxmir nitim virud'dh tinnem yedollch sangnni dil'li asa. Toxem, ddimokrett firjent jeral thoran majoritarian politicsk
Stand With Stan Now! -*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ It is more than three weeks now: on the night of 8 October 2020, the
83-year-old Jesuit Fr Stan Swamy was taken into custody by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) from his residence in Ranchi to an
39 Veez Konkani
his immediate and unconditional release. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet has also demanded his release and so have others the world over. We must stand with Fr Stan Swamy now for several significant reasons. undisclosed destination. According to his colleagues, the NIA did not serve a warrant on Fr. Stan and that their behaviour was absolutely arrogant and rude. The next morning, he was forcibly flown to Mumbai, where he was immediately produced before a special court and then sent to the Taloja Jail just outside the city. Fr Stan is sickly and feeble; it is over three weeks now since he is in jail. He was already denied bail once. No one knows how long he will be kept in jail and/or whether he will survive the ordeal. There is however, a national outrage from civil society. Protests are being held everywhere and so are prayer services. Webinars, press conferences, social media interventions(#StandWithStan) and other programmes are held every day and everywhere, demanding
Stand with Stan now because he epitomises all that is good in the Gospel of Jesus and the Constitution of India. He has always radiated compassion, truth, justice, liberty, equality, non-violence and fraternity. He spoke about these values, he taught them, he embraced them and lived them. This is exactly what Jesus did and does -and expects each of his disciples to do the same today! We have to promote and protect the sanctity of the Constitution for the generations which will follow us! Stand with Stan now because he is by default the face of several others languishing in jail. Those, who like him, are illegally incarcerated in the Elgar Parishad/ Bhima- Koregaon case like Sudha Bharadwaj, (human rights lawyer and activist from Chhattisgarh),Varavara Rao (78-
40 Veez Konkani
Professor)and three members of the Kabir Kala Manch ,Sagar Gorkhe, Ramesh Gaichor and Jyoti Jagtap; besides these, there are several others like Umar Khalid and Sai Baba; some anti-CAA protestors who are also in jail on false charges, because they have taken a stand for justice and truth.
year-old Activist, writer and poet from Andhra Pradesh; he is currently very sick),Anand Teltumbde (70year-old Dalit scholar and activist),Arun Ferreira(advocate and human rights’ activist from Mumbai),Vernon Gonsalves (civil rights activist and former professor at Mumbai University),Sudhir Dhawale (writer and Mumbai-based Dalit rights activist),Shoma Sen(professor at Nagpur University),Surendra Gadling (a UAPA expert and lawyer from Nagpur),Mahesh Raut (a young activist on displacement issues from Gadchiroli),Rona Wilson (Delhibased prisoners’ rights activist),Gautam Navlakha (Delhibased journalist and civil rights activist),Hanybabu Tarayil (DU
Stand with Stan now because his arrest has brought into focus the draconian UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act). At a recent Media Conference, Opposition Leaders from across the political spectrum have called for an immediate repeal of the UAPA. CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury at a virtual conference recently organised by the People Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) “This the
Unlawful Activities Prevention Act must go from statute books. It has to be removed. We do not need these sorts of laws that can be misused. The present regime removed checks and balances on UAPA and misused this draconian law. It must go.” Stand with Stan now because he has shown us what it means to
41 Veez Konkani
truly accompany and empower the Adivasis. He has struggled alongside with them on issues related to the violation of laws in acquiring land for mega projects for mining and infrastructural development which flout the rights of the downtrodden and tribals. He has been consistently his raising voice in democratic, legitimate ways against the state-sponsored violations of laws and assault on democratic rights of people aimed at paving way for unrestricted exploitation of land and natural resources. He has questioned the non-implementation of the 5th Schedule of the Constitution why the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act [PESA], has been ignored. He has expressed disappointment at the silence of the govt on Samatha Judgment, 1997 of the Supreme Court; he has raised his voice at the half-hearted action of the Government on Forest
Rights Act, 2006.He has expressed his apprehension at the recently enacted Amendment to ‘Land Acquisition Act 2013’ by the Jharkhand government which sounds a death-knell for Adivasi Community. He has strongly disagreed with the setting up of ‘Land Bank’ which he sees as the most recent plot to annihilate the Adivasis. He has challenged the indiscriminate arrest of three thousand young Adivasis under the label of ‘naxals’ just because they question and resist unjust landalienation and displacement.
Stand with Stan now because he understood and lived the call of ‘Laudato Si’ – even when many of us have been in our comfort zones, cosmeticizing this powerful Encyclical, Stan has had the courage to take on the mining mafia who were destroying the forests, the natural habitat of the Adivasis and looting precious
42 Veez Konkani
natural resources for their profiteering. He has been living the mandate of Pope Francis, “The
human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation. In fact, the deterioration of the environment and of society affects the most vulnerable people on the planet: “Both everyday experience and scientific research show that the gravest effects of all attacks on the environment are suffered by the poorest” (#48) … Today, however, we have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” (#49)
Stand with Stan now because he believes in the Joy of the Gospels. Pope Francis emphasises in ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ “An
evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges distances, it is willing to abase itself if necessary, and it embraces human life, touching the suffering flesh of Christ in others. Evangelizers thus take on the “smell of the sheep” and the sheep are willing to hear their voice. An evangelizing community is also supportive, standing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be. (#24). I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. (#49) Peace in society cannot be understood as pacification or the mere absence of violence resulting from the domination of one part of society over others. Nor does true peace act as a pretext for justifying a social structure which silences or appeases the poor, so that the
43 Veez Konkani
more affluent can placidly support their lifestyle while others have to make do as they can. Demands involving the distribution of wealth, concern for the poor and human rights cannot be suppressed under the guise of creating a consensus on paper or a transient peace for a contented minority. The dignity of the human person and the common good rank higher than the comfort of those who refuse to renounce their privileges. When these values are threatened, a prophetic voice must be raised”. (#218) Stand with Stan now because inspite of perhaps not having read
Pope Francis’ Encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’ (which was released on 4 October and Stan was arrested on 8 October), he has been living the letter and spirit of this great document. Pope Francis unequivocally states, “For these
reasons, the Church, while respecting the autonomy of political life, does not restrict her mission to the private sphere. On the contrary, “she cannot and must not remain on the sidelines” in the building of a better world, or fail to “reawaken the spiritual energy” that can contribute to the betterment of society. It is true that religious ministers must not engage in the
44 Veez Konkani
party politics that are the proper domain of the laity, but neither can they renounce the political dimension of life itself, which involves a constant attention to the common good and a concern for integral human development. The Church “has a public role over and above her charitable and educational activities”. She works for “the advancement of humanity and of universal fraternity”. She does not claim to compete with earthly powers, but to offer herself as “a family among families, this is the Church, open to bearing witness in today’s world, open to faith hope and love for the Lord and for those whom he loves with a preferential love. A home with open doors. The Church is a home with open doors, because she is a mother”. And in imitation of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, “we want to be a Church that serves, that leaves home and goes forth from its places of worship, goes forth from its sacristies, in order to accompany life, to sustain hope, to be the sign of unity… to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow seeds of reconciliation”.
( #276)
Stand with Stan now because just before his arrest he wrote, “Over
the last two decades, I have identified myself with the Adivasi people and their struggle for a life of dignity and self-respect…In this process, I have clearly expressed my dissent over several policies and laws enacted by the government in the light of the Indian Constitution. I have questioned the validity, legality and justness of several steps taken by the government and the ruling class. If this makes me a ‘deshdrohi’, then so be it. We are part of the process. In a way I am happy to be part of this process. I am not a silent spectator, but part of the game and ready to pay the price whatever be it…. I / we must be ready to face the consequences. I would just add that what is happening to me is not unique. Many activists, lawyers, writers, journalists, student leaders, poets, intellectuals and others who
45 Veez Konkani
stand for the rights of Adivasis, Dalits and the marginalised and express their dissent to the ruling powers of the country are being targeted. Grateful to all who have stood in solidarity with me all these years”. Can there be a more motivating reason?! Stand with Stan now because like a true son of St Ignatius he has been walking the talk; giving without ceasing. In keeping with the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus he was convinced that he had to work with the excluded. He did so in a most unassuming manner, standing up for their rights, ensuring that they live a more dignified life in an environment of justice! Like him, our stand today for him, necessarily has to be visible and vocal!
Stand with Stan now because the harassment, intimidation, the hours of interrogation he has been subject to and his incarceration in Taloja jail is not only unwarranted and illegal but downright inhuman. That an innocent eighty-threeyear-old with physical ailments, can be a victim to such horrendous treatment from the ruling regime speaks volumes of the abysmal depths to which the country has fallen into; that too when the country has been gripped by a pandemic which has taken a toll everywhere! All civil behaviour and democratic norms have been thrown to the wind. We MUST Stand with Fr Stan Swamy NOW… yes, because he is a Christian, a Jesuit, an elderly person and feeble… but we need to Stand with Stan for much more than that – it is about the Constitution of India, of India being a democracy, of the rights and freedom of every single citizenvery specially the poor, the marginalised and the excluded; about the future of our country
46 Veez Konkani
above all, …simply and selfishly put – today it is HIM; tomorrow it will be YOU and ME! And then there will be no one left to stand with us!
30 October 2020 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human cedricprakash@gmail.com) rights and peace activist/writer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Odhyokx konn zata ?! misa thaun pattim yetana,
‘sonia gandhi odhyokxponn
ghorcho petto bharichch khuxen
soddta....’ petto nachlo.
aslo. Ximtti haloitananch tacho vas
maka koll'llo.
‘tantum kitem vixes? hache
adimyi tinnem odhyokxponn
‘kitem bori khobar?’ hamvem
soddlam..... Rahulgandhi asane?
vicharlem. 47 Veez Konkani
‘konn bhair aileat?’ petto il'lo ragar zalo... ‘monomohon sing na ye...?’
taka odhyokx korunk puro.’ hamv
nirallayen uloilom. ‘na.... Taka korinant!’
‘asa.... Tornattea fuddaroeak
‘kiteak korinant?’
dilear fuddem bhovixy asta... Toxem bore bore fuddari asle....
‘malghodde mhonntat
khoim..... Mukhelponn kuttmacha hatam thaun bhaileank dije....!’
Mukhorji, beanorji, povar, sindhia.... Soglle bhair aile. Tanchi tanchi paddt bhandun raisale... Poir poir
gogoi, bhair ailo. Ghora bhitor jeun khaun asl'loyi poilottyi lembeun bhair dhamvlo. ‘krixnna’ zamveak rakonk bhair ailo.... ‘tor konni nantgi?’ pettean tokli add ghali. Ozad asa, sibol
‘tem vhoi....
asa... Digvizoi asa! hamvem
Malghoddeanchem utar manvonchem.... Punn sang maka....
Atam odhyokxponn dimvchem zaleari konnak? ekeklech bhair yeun zaleat...’
‘um....Hum... Te mhatare zale...’ petto dubaulo 48 Veez Konkani
‘tor kitem porihar?’ Devegouddachem besamv asa. ‘ghor vapasi......’ petto nachlo
Yoddiyuroppachem misamv got'tasa..... Kottilachem pittil
‘damn it!’ hamv bobattlo.’
rauyta....... Virodh pokxent borem
titlem solis na. Pattim ayil'leank
kam' kelam. To zait konn'nna ....!’
hud'do dilear url'le malghodde,
mhonntana maka ozap zalem.
uttanantye? atam gorz asche il'lem ulounko got'tasche..... Hatant poixe
‘adle pauttim rajeant pondra
asche...... Char gamvant vhollok
zonn tacher ragar zavun paddt
soddn vetana..... Tankam pattim haddunk zaunko na..... Ddikexi
‘tem vhoi....!’ pettean tokli
bomboi geleari te pattim ailenant.
haloili.’ amcho ddikexi zainaye? to
Magir too somazovadi monis.
tornatto, girest, thoim hanga gondoll zatana sokttank sangata
Devegouddalaginch zhogoddl'lo.
haddn, rauvn sorkar uromvcho.....’ ‘ham vhoi..... Tosloch monis ‘ to zait.... Punn taka atam
zai’ ti bobattli.....
vhodd hud'do dila nem.... Ekleak ek hud'do niyom' moddunk zataye?’
‘bottamni mejche title matr urleat. Haka odhyokx kelear url'leyi
titlear bail bhair aili. Ti sogllea gozalink kan diun'nch asl'li. Ti
dhamvonk asat.....’ mhonntana ti bhitor geli.
‘atam odhyokxponn
Titlear pettean porot ulounko
dimvchem zalear sidramaiyokchch
suru kelem. ‘odhyokx korcheaki
dije taka borem got'tasa.
amkam atam ek naro zai. 49 Veez Konkani
Mondiragi, mosjidgi, igorzgi kitem
punni ek mud'do hatim gheun lokak sangata ghalnko ‘ful'l
‘vhoi’ mhonnalo petto.
svinga’cher mukar vochaje. Fotti marije... Sot lipoije..., lokak tem
‘tondd dhamp..... Maka rahul
ditam hem ditam mhonn axvason
gandhich prodhani zaije.... Nikall
dije.... Somsarantlem sokkodd
maka soniachi zait. Mhonntana
gamv bhomvon yeje.... Chinachem
petto pam-i uklun dhamvlo.
ttik tteak pattim haddije, kallo duddu lokak dije.... Kam' korina tori vhodd na..... Sokkodd korta mhonnaje....’ maka sontap ailo. ‘tum ombea thaun khumbeak uddloi... Odhyokxponn mhollear ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 Veez Konkani
somest almancho dis
amchye bhitor morota tem
meleleancho va
techch monxea koxtt
jivont zaleleancho?
tochch bhovo vhodd noxtt*
fonddant kaim urona
moronnak monis kedna bhieta
monxea jivit sorona
jivit tachem tedna ghayeta
melea uprant
monis zata ugddas
ekchch lagim
ugddas ek dirvem
bhovo vegim
yad kedim irona
nident thaun
mog kedim morona
zamvchye poilem zagim
mogan kel'li vatt
na tor ghollai korun
kedinch ti zhorona
bhovo pattim
jivitacher zoit vel'lem moronn
yemvchem yeta moronn
mogak solvunk sokona
taka asa karonn
kallza thaun mog kelear
jieunko asa karonn
moronn nhoi jivitacho
mogak na moronn
vhodd ek noxtt jieun astam jinni hogddaun devan dil'lim dennim
-sivi, lorett'tto 51 Veez Konkani
Ballponnale dis moti podd'dear tuzo ugddas add poddon husketa niras ballponnali ti khuxalai atam na kallzak dadhoskai gudde, bhattam ran ,tottam gudd'ddaun zalim pitto pitto sangata aslo mhozo petto ugddas yeta motto motto ordhem bhorul'lem amchem pott khaunko axetalem toram songim mitt xita vornim pottak udok boll bhurgim amim khellant uchamboll pausa disamni vhall utronk koxtt kaddn pauteleamv iskolak atam na polleunko nhomyo todd ghora mukar asa konkritt rodd atancha bhurgeank zai pijza borgoram tunch rak hankam saiba sorvespora oxem zalear amchea mogall bhurgeank koxtt saiba salvadora samballunk -osunta ddisoza, bozal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------52 Veez Konkani
kuddant sobhit altar.
Mhodlea kuddak char daram davem kujnak vhorta sokall thaun sanje poreant
-ayonsi paloddka
mam-i randap korta. Mhodlea kudda ujveak asa vhoddlem poddla ontor randvoi tandu ghorcho saman asa tache bhitor. Mhodlea kudda pattlim daram vhortat don kuddank ujvem kudd nidcheak tor
sobhit sundor nolleamni
davem xikcheak khellcheak.
bandlam amchem ghor muklean taka daroeo don
Randchea kuddak onyek dar
daroeam modhem dar.
vhorta jemvchea kuddak
choukentulea dara thaunyi
Dara modlean rigtastana
vochyet jemvchea kuddak
mellta chouki vixal choukent boson gozali korn sogllim zatat khuxal.
Chouke mhodhem vhoddlem dar taka rongin sumrgar bhitor sorlear mhodlem kudd 53 Veez Konkani
Sureafula...... axelea mhaka sureak dektoch muskar tujem kiteak ghumvddaitai hea moga voddtant
khelleam mhonnon dolleank mhojea kuddko bandun liptam mhonn gel'lem-i chupalipa khelltam khelltam mayakch zalem-i hea sobit voddtant khyemsor mhonnon hamv sodum tuka? konnachea kallzant
heuxin mhonni pollexigi e surea fula.....
Tujeakhatirch dis rat rakon thokon gelam.... E sureafula boglek mhojea osleari
dolleank tuvem bandlelea tea kuddkeathaun soglleamni ondkarch bhoron gela...
riglam-i mhonn tillum tuka.... Suryeachea ujvaddan somsar sobounko
:- surex solddanha, sokolexpuro 54 Veez Konkani
Zollar ghum-i ghum-i zollar kortai mhaka virar ratik kortai sovar mugdana tujem rozar
bond zonel, bond dar lipon bostai konxar chimvtai rogot tujye suvyen khorpun, khorpun daddkam angar zollarim koil dourlam mezar gayan tujem zainam akher ghum-i ghum-i zollar
kortai mhaka virar -jeanett ddisoza, moddontear 55 Veez Konkani
-ttoni menddonsa, nidd'ddoddi (dubai)
dha vorsanchim astana pappa sorlo poscho bhar mam'michea matear poddlo handdio-banddio ghasun xikap dilem vis vorsanchim zatana xikap akher kelem kamak lagcho bhar ailo inttorvyu diunko jivo mell'llo ek dis auchit't potr ailem sondorxonak bosan apoyil'lem dar tthoklem, ’me oi kom' in sor?’ ’es pliz, tumvem yeuyet bhitor’ ’theankyu sor’ boska hamvem ghetli koslim sovalangai, chintunk poddlim ’namv kitem?’ hason soval kori ’lil'li krasta sor’, nomri zap taka dili vichari bos ’tuji prai kitli?’ ’vis utorlim sor’ abllai tachi dekhli ’kazari vo ankvari?’ dixtt mhojea hordhear chorli koslem soval, mhoji mot virar korilagli ’ankvari sor’, hamv gombhir zalim ’ho sobhit't.... Tum lil'li fula porim’ ’filmam khonchim dekhtai, inglix vo hindi?’ ’sang bebi, mhojiy tichch habbi’ tokli mhoji thottakli, aikon tachim sovalam koslo ho inttorvyu mhonn mhaka koll'llem nam ’boro samball ditam, hottlak vhortam tuka kamant bhoddti ditam, khux kelear mhaka bhomvonk vhortam, parkam, dorea toddik sodam mozha di moga, mhojea hun kuddik ’yu xottop bloddi iddiett’ ragan sanglem taka hamv chol'lim ghora, tujem kam' mhaka naka xikap mhaka asa, dhoir him'mot sangta mhaka niskollponn samball bhoinni, molaunko zainam taka! 56 Veez Konkani
Konknni sahiti valeriyon ddisoza (vol'li voggo) Kon'noddo Rajeotsovo Proxosti
bonttvall talukachea voggont zolmal'lo valeriyon ddisoza prostut moisurant jiemvn asa. Aplye 17 vorsanchye prayerch sahity rongak pam-i tenkl'lea tannem kon'noddo ani konknni sahiteant borounko
survatilem. Vol'li voggo mholl'llea likhnne namvarch kheat zal'lea tannem konkonni sahiteant sumar 150 ki choddit mottveo kannimyo, 100 ki choddit kounam tosem lekhonam tannem rochleant. 50 ki choddit mottveo kannimyo kon'noddak bhaxantor korun lokamogall nemalleamni porgott zaleat. Kornattok konkonni sahity okaddemicho sando zamvni tannem vaur dila ani taka kornattoko konkonni sahity okaddemi thamvn gourou proxosti lablea. Hachea sahity sevek guman dimvn, prostut vorsachi rajeotsovo proxosti melll'li songot konkonni sahiteak melll'lo ek kurovo. Az konkonni lokak hi songot ek
57 Veez Konkani
obhimanachi zaunko paulea. Kornattoko rajeotsou proxosti melll'lea valeriyon ddisozak somost konkonni bhandovam torpen kornattoko sahity okaddemi odhyokx dda| zogodix poi ani
sande, rijistrar hritpurvok obhinondon patthoitat. Tosench konkonni bhaxek rajy proxosti dil'lea kornattoko sorkarak dhonyovad orpitat. ---------------------------------------
Onita ddisozo hika 16 vo kolakar puroskar 16 vo kolakar puroskar onita ddisozo hika favo zala. Onita ddisozo hinnem konknni, kon'noddo, tullu, moloyallom', inglix, hindi, guzorati, telugu, tomillu, moratthi, orabik ani beari oxem bara bhasamni ani
gayan xetak dil'li vixes denngi manun karval ghorannem ani mandd sobhann hannim dimvcho
novaiti bolint gaun gayan xet girest kelam. Vevegllea bhaxenchea koullemni 500 voir podam gaileant. Bharot ani golf dexamni 3000 voir kareamni gayan kelam. Padri, pleaning devachem, nenopiroli, tourino siri iteadi chol'chitram khatir podam gaileant.
58 Veez Konkani
okaddemi thaun tullunaddo gano kogile (2006), kon'noddo sahityo okaddemi thaun vixvo goddinaddo ranni kogile (2011), mandd sobhanna thaun zagotik konknni songit puroskar xrextt gaupinn (2014) oxem vividh gourou favo zaleat.
Tinnem konknnent `yad' ani vividh bhaxechim podam attapcho `kolors' albom' porgottaila. Tichea protibhek kerollo sorkara thaun kolatiloko, kornattoko beari
Mullan mongllur kullur'chea onita ddisoza hinnem ajeall bellant ani prostut obudhabint vosti korun gayan xet unchayek vorunk vividh hontamni kel'lo, gunnamolancho, nirontor vaur mandun gheun hea puroskarak vinchun kaddlam.
59 Veez Konkani
Kovidd niyontronn karonnank lagun puroskar hatantor karyem obudhabint cholchem asun' onivasi udyomi lio roddrigos puroskar hatantor kortole. Hem karyem novembr 01 ver sanjer 07 vorar daijivorldd ttivir 226 vye mhoineallye manchier prosar zatolem. Sangatach mandd sobhann podanchi `purnna patolli 3' sador zatoli. Kolakar puroskar: konknnechea nach, nattok, songitgayan, lok'ved hea prokaramni mohotvachem sadhon kel'lea
kornattoko mullachea kolakarank man korunk bhaxe gineani ma. Do. Protap naik, je.So. Hannim aplea karval kuttma torpen 2005 isvent ho puroskar sthaplolo. Mandd sobhann sohokaran vorsavar novembrant ho puroskar hatantor kortat. MANDD SOBHANN Kalaangann, Makale, Shaktinagar, Mangalore - 575 016 Ph: +91 8105 22 6626 / 08242230489/2232239 website : www.manddsobhann.org Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Mandd Sobhann/
Mogall do| osttin sor, dinex koreyachye pronnam'. Poilean, konknni bhasekhatir
tumchi khollanatl'li denngi, khas korn 'viz' i-potra mukhantr bhoran, bhorman mukharsun vochun astam, tumkam khalten tosench vhodda obhimanan solam' martam. Tumchi humed ji high tension vizvhallea lottan vochun asa, aniki probhavi zaun vhallum mhonn amchem sokddanchem magnnem. Lamb auk, boll bolaiki tumkam favo zamv, oni tumche dis kedallai sukhi, 60 Veez Konkani
suxegat asum. 'konknni kantaram' appk tumi pattimbo zaun, kitench opekxinastanch viz i-potrar promote korn asat tem polleun bovo upkari monan tumcho dinvas patthoitam, ani mukhlea disamni osich kumok axetam. Mhojea laik, tankichi kosoliy seva dimvchem utor hea vogta tumkam ditam.
Konknnek choddit zoit, som'man, sthan favo zamv mhonn ami sorvam amvddetamv, tea dixen vavurchi bhasounni tumkam kortamv. Mayamogan,
dinex koreya ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
Sointt eloisiyos kalejint (svait't) surikumeru ke. Govindo bhottak sonman ani yokxogano talomod'dolle
sointt eloisiyos kalez (svait't), mongllur sangata reddio 107.8 FM tosem yujisi chem sttraidd skim' sangata mellon "onatho ojeyo" namvachem yokxogano
talomod'dolle ekoloveachi ekin kanni, okttobor 28 ver, 2020 el.Ef.Roskinha hal, elsiaroi blakant 2:30 tem 5:30 voram modhem manddun haddlem.
61 Veez Konkani
Karyokromavellim, surikumeru ke. Govind bhottak tannem yokxoganak dil'lea sat doxokanchye sevek sonman kelo. Sonman kel'lea nontor rekttor, sointt eloisiyos somsthe fa| melvin
je. Pintto, es.Je. Mhonnalo,
62 Veez Konkani
"surikumeru ’ke. Govindo bhott yokxoganacho ek cholcho vixvkox.’ yokxoganant 70 vorsam eklea kolakarak sodam poinnar mholl'lleaporim ason apli kola prodorxit korunk. Govindo bhott kola zannam ani to apli bholaikiy samballn vhorta. Hem dakhoita ki
govindo bhottachi xist ani tacho porixromik vaur ek kolakar zamvn. To khonddit zamvn sorvank ek nidorxon zamvnasa." pranxupal fa| dda| provinn marttis, es.Je. Mhonnalo, "apli 140 vorsanchi choritra ason, sointt eloisiyos kalez sodanch samskritik ani sahitik chottuvottikanchem ek
63 Veez Konkani
kendr zamvn ailea. Amchea bhumychi ek zoxpurnn kola zamvnasa yokxogano ani amim hem sodanch grestponni amchea xikxonn kendramni prosar korunk zai. Yokxoganant tannem ’charoko’ thamvn ’taroko’ poreantle patr yoxosvi ritin khellon dakhoileat.
Sobhar jejvit yazok, vividh blakanche direktor, ddins, vibhaganche mukheli, xikxok ani itor kameli ani mongllurche yokxogano mogi hea karyokromak hazor asle. Direktor reddio sarong, fa| dda| melvin pintto, es.Je. N sorvank svagot kelo ani kolakaranchi vollok korun dili. Dda| dinex naikan surikumeru ke. Govind bhottachem man potr vachlem. Ar.Je. Obhixekan karyokrom' nirvohonn kelem ani dhonyovad orpile.
Kauyoxri naik ojeru n bhagouthike, choitonyo krixnno podeano mod'dole khell'llo ani xridhoro vitt'ttol chendde khell'llo. Mhalghoddo kolakar surikumeru ke. Govindo bhott "ekolouyo"cho patr khell'llo, dda| nagex naik orzunacho patr ani zobbor samo Nom'mo kuddlo yuttyubar ani sompoje dronnachareacho patr reddio sorong fesbukar karyokrom' khell'llo. jivall prodorxilem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eggless Chocolate Brownie By Violet Mascarenhas Dubai Serves 12 Ingredients: 1 cup Full fat Milk 1 Tbsp white vinegar 64 Veez Konkani
1 1/2 cup All purpose flour 1/4 cup Cocoa Powder 1 1/4 tsp Soda bi carbonate 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup oil ( I prefer olive oil) 1 tsp Vanilla Essence 1/2 cup walnuts crushed
7. walnuts over it and bake at 160 C for 25 minutes and check if it’s completely baked or else further bake for 10 minutes more. 8. When done remove from the oven and cool completely, sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour some chocolate sauce over it and cool completely. 9. Serve with ice cream, topped with chocolate sauce.
Method: 1. Grease the baking tin and dust it with flour. Preheat the oven at 160 C 2. Boil milk add vinegar, when it starts to curdle keep stirring Sweet Delight, Happy eating! for one minute and then switch off the gas. 3. Put all the dry ingredients in a big mixing bowl. Add the curdled milk along with its whey and then oil, vanilla essence and milk. 4. Process briefly with the wooden spoon to incorporate them well. 5. Pour the prepared batter in 6. the baking tin and sprinkle the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 Veez Konkani
Torkari biriani 2 kop basmoti tandull 10 minuttam udkant bhizat dour zai poddcheo vostu: A 2 kearetts, il'le torne bins, il'le grin bottanni, 1 bottatto B 1 vhodd piav, 1 ttometto, il'le kazu moi ani il'leo kismixeo C 5 longam, 5 tike sali kuddke, 2-3 ello
lonni koddoun tikesal, longam, ello ghaln, alem-losunne pestt ghaln bhaz. Uprant ttometto ani Antleo vostu sangata bhaz. Taka moi, kismixeo ani Entleo vostu ghaln uprant il'lo tandull tantunch bhaz. Atam konnpir bhaji ghaln, dhom-i, mitt, tup ani il'lem udak ghaln kukkorant 1 visil zata poreant dour. Uprant bhum-i dourn il'lo piav bhazun voilean ximpddai.
D 3 ttebl spun lonnim, 3 ttebl spun dhom-i, 1 ttebl spun tup vo tel E 1 ttispun konnpire pitto, 2 ttispun gorom mosalo pitto, 1 ttisfun alemlosunne pestt, il'li konnpir bhaji korchi rit:
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