Illustrated Weekly Illustrated Weekly
No: 23
May 14, 2020
Fimrgi Gamvchi Konknni Sahiti Monika Mothais, Oyorleand 1 Veez Konkani
Bhagi Auyancho Divos!
2 Veez Konkani
Fimrgi Gamvchi Konknni Sahiti Monika Mothais, Oyorleand
Monika mothais xantipurantlea pamburant zolmal'li. Ticho bapoi
kuveyttant kam' korun aslo to kuveyttirakh zhuza vellar kuveyttchem kam' 3 Veez Konkani
famad. To gamvant tachi potinn silvia goms ani dogam cheddvam bhurgeam borabor jieta, dusro richardd dde’sa to apli potinn ani dogam bhurgeam borabor bengllurant jieta. Richardd ek safttver injiniyor zamvnasa. Tisrem bhurgem monika ddoblinant aplo poti brain ani dogam cherkeam bhurgeam borabor oyorlenddantlea ddoblinant jietat. Nimanni dhuv xonkoropurant jieta, ticho poti dubamyt vaurar asa. Tankam dogam bhurgim asat.
soddn gamvak ailo. Tim chougam zonnam bhurgim, mhalghoddo mauris dde’sa xantipuro, ek khoro konknni vauraddi. Apli zodd ani ordhi jinni konkonni khatir potram sompadu n, prokaxun, novesamvam haddun paxar keli. To ek konkonnint kheat kovi, mouris xantipuro mholl'llea namvar
Monikan 1995 isvent apli likhnni konknnent borounko dhorli. Ti monika xantipur mholl'llea likhnne namvar boroitali. 2005 isvent tinnem boroea fuddarakhatir airlenddantlea ddoblinant pam-i dourle ek klinikol nors zamvn. Prostut ti ttal'lott yunivorsitti aspotrentlea oporexon thiettor vibhagant klinikol nors meanezor zamvn vaur korta. Ani atam ochanok somsar bhor prosarl'lea korona vosea piddeurvim kitench torbheti na tori oisiyu vibhagant aplo vaur korta. Taka oisiyu sibondhi zamvn kaim torbheti melll'li na. Turth poristhitek lagon
4 Veez Konkani
5 Veez Konkani
piddestanchi chakri korunk mhonn sorvank oisiyu vibhagant kumok korunk ghalam lokache jivo vanchounko. Ticho poti brain hottel udeogant kam' korun asa. Tankam dog cherke bhurge asat. Brenddon 13 ani breaddli 11.
Monikachea xiram xiramni konknnecho mog vhalltta. Hea fimrgi dexant ti apli konknni obhilaxa jivall dourunk hor proitn korta. Tim ghora konknni uloitat. Konknni lokak zomomvchem mholleat tika khoim naslo jivo. Tin vorsam adim tinnem ddoblinant fokot tichea potichea sohayen torunn gaupi kevin miskit hachi songit sanz manddun haddun xemboro m lokak dhormarth monoron zon tosench uprant sorvank jevann dil'lem aplea 40 vea zonon disacho ugdda dourunk. Hem karyokrom' zaunko paulem konknnent lem proprothom' songit karyokrom' hea fimrgi dexant. Hangasor konnench heramni oslem ponthahvan ghetl'lem na. Tosench
mhojea noxibak hamv hea kareak mukhel soiro zamvn ayil'lom. Hea kareant nohinch kevin bogar stholli-i talentanki monika-brain hannim ovkas dil'li ti songot nizaki sorvank sontosachi zamvnasli. Tichi vrit'ti: monikan tichem norsing kosturba meddikol kalez monnipal hangasor 1995 tem 1998 vorsamni sompoilem. Hea tin vorsamni tinnem aspotrechea hasttelant vosti keli poinnak solis zamvcheak. Aplem xikap zatoch apnnak boroch sutto vell mell'llo mhonntta monika ani hea vellar tinnem konkonni boromvcho
6 Veez Konkani
obheas kelo ani seuk, amcho yuvok, jhelo, iteadi konkonni nemalleank boromvn dhaddunk survatilem. Seuk potrar horyeka mohineak tichi ruchik kanni porgott zatali. Osem survatil'li tichi sahitik jinni tinnem mukharun vheli.
aplem novem kam' mongllurantlea jeoti sorkolalagim aschea kosturba meddikol kalez aspotrent survatilem. Tinnem thoimsor 2000 tem 2004 poreant thoimsor aplo vaur mukharilo.
Kamacho vaur:
monikachem norsing somptoch tinnem sitti haspittol, uddupi hangasor vaur kelo. Hangasor ti don vorsambhor vavurli. Ti khasgi aspotr zal'lean thoimsor sokallim thamvn sanje poreant hor disa kam' korunk poddttalem. Osem zal'lean borom vcho obheas jivall dourunk ovkas mellanaslo, tori punn thoddo sutto vell mellttana ti konkonni kannimyo borounko dhortali. Ten'nam tichem logn brain mothaisalagim zalem zoner 2000 isvent. Tea upranti tinnem apnnak vell mellttana boromvchem rauylem na. Tichem logn zatoch tinnem aplem sitti aspotrentlem kam' soddlem. Brain golfak ubhon gelea uprant tinnem
2005 zonerant ti bharot soddn oyorlenddantlea ddoblinant aschea ttalott yunivorsitti aspotrent aplo vaur survatilo. Novo dex, novim monxam
7 Veez Konkani
mam-igamva thamvn sobhar hozar moilam pois. Hangasor tika konknni, kon'noddo, tullu ulomvchim konn'nch naslim; fokot ghora astana matr brainalagim konknni ulomvchi asli. Osem hea novea gamvant novem novem xikchea vella choddit vell kamacherch tol'lin zalo. Hangasor tinnem so mohine poreant eksurich jiemvchem poddlem, brain fokot tichea svopnnamni matr yetalo ani dolle ughoddttana nopomych zatalo! so mohineam uprant ddoblinak brainachem yennem zalem ani logna jiun survatilem. 2006 isventlea novembrant poilo cherko brenddon zolmalo. Uprantlo breaddli march 2009 isvent zolmalo. Hea vellar jiun bharich vaurachem zalem. Kam', dog cherke, ghor mhonnttana vellacho turth obhavo zalo. Tinnem ani brainan ekamekak virodh kam' korchem aslem bhurgeanchi ghora zoton gheunko. Hea vellar tinnem boromvchem sompurnn rauylem. Thoddea tempan thoimsor tika ek mitr bhettlo, tannem tika tachi kanni borounko vinonti keli. Hem monikak aikatoch tichea kuddintli lekhoki ekachchhanne punorjivont zali ani tinnem poilye pauttim ek mogachi kanni aplea likhnnedvarim boroili. "khoroea mogachea sodhner", hi tichi kanni 2015 isvent kittall zallizagear porgott zali.
Hea sondorbhim apnnak ut'tezon dil'lea tea tichea mitrak dhonyovad orpile tosench ti kanni porgott kel'lea kittall zallizago sompadok ech.Em'. Pernall haka devo borem korum mhollem. Hea punorjivont lekhokin tea uprant boromvchem bhilkul rauylem na. Ti nirontorim boromvn'nch rauli. Tinnem boroileo kannimyo, kovita, provas kotha, lekhonam, fottografi. Tin vorsam adim tika ticho 40 vo zonon divos kaim tori konkonnint novemsamv haddunk chintlem. Heach vellar surotkolcho kevin miskit londdonak tache naitt achorunk yemvchear aslo. Tinnem taka ddoblin yemvcheak amontronn dilem ani tachi songit sanz aplo poti brainachea sohokaran manddun haddli. Hi dhormarth songit sanz ani uprantlem jevann manddun haddunk tika borech poixe khorchale tori tinnem konknnechea udorgote khatir, moga khatir teag kele ani ddoblinant proprothom' ek konknni sanz manddun haddun ek novoch dakhlo rochlo. To dis zulai 3, budvar. Amim, hamv mhoji potinn ani dhuv enzol zormonint zaunko aschea loins ontorraxttri-i som'mellonant patr gheunko bhair sor l'leamv tosench vatter tin dis veggim vochon oyorlenddak bhett diunko ayil'leamv. Osem ddoblinak tin disam
8 Veez Konkani
adim pavol'lea amim ddoblin xohor thoinchea provasi bossar bhomvon uprant ut'tor oyorlenddak zomysor ut'tor ani dokxinn loka modhem zhogddem zaun'nch asa tea zageak roilar bhett dimvn thoimsor aschea myujiyomanchi bhett korun choddit mhahet zoddn ayil'leamv. Osem tea budvara amim amcho ordhea disacho provas sompomvn eka resttarenttant donfaranchem jevann tirsun omchea hottelak pam-i tenkle. Mhoji souy osi ki ken'nam-i kosloi provas zamv, karyem zamv, poilem ghora pautoch hamve kaddl'leo sorv tosviroeo fesbukar albom' korn ghalcheo. Hea disai hamve tench kelem ani tem sompaje zalear mhaka ek fesbuk sondex ailo. Polloitam tor monika mothais ddoblin. Monika mhonnali, "asttin onkol tum ddoblin yemvn tumvem mhaka kiteak sangonk nam-i? tumkam amgerch rauyetem aslem." hamvem tichem namv aikal'lem ek lekhoki mhonn, punn konn kitem mholl'lli vistar vollok nasli tosench ddoblinant rauta mholl'lli zhollok soit nasli." "atam tumim kitem kortat? hamve at'tam tujeo tosviroeo fesbukar polloileo, sanjer khoimsori vochonk asagi onkol. Amger yeuyetem mhonnali.
Hamve tika sanglem, "monika, az amcho nimanno dis ddoblinant, faleam sokallim viman dhorn amkam zormonintlea heamborgant loins ontorraxttri-i som'mellanak hazor zaunko asa" mhollem. "tosem zalear azch tumim amger yeya onkol, hamv tumkam randun dourtam." thoddea disam thamvn monglluri randop jevinaschea mhaka ’randun dourtam’ mhonnttana bharich khuxi zali. Hamve mhollem, "punn monika tumim khoimsor rautat mholl'lli khobar mhaka na, villas na, tosench amchyelagim thoimsor yeunko karyi na mhollem." "tosem kaim upodr nant, hamv brainak to kam' zamvn ghora yetoch tumkam apomvn haddunk dhaddttam" mhonnali monika. "kitlea vorar"? mholl'lleak "sadde so vorar toyar rava" mhonnali monika. Hamve ttrizak ani enzolak sanglem, "amkam eklean jeunnak apoilam, ratim jevann khoim, brain apomvn vhoronk yeta khoim" mhonn. Ttrizachim sovalanch sovalam! "konn kitem mhonn vollok nastam konnager vechem amim" mhonn.
9 Veez Konkani
"dekhun'nch amim vechem tanger gelea uprant ami tanchi sarki vollok koream" mhollem hamvem ani soglleank namvn nheson ravonk sanglem. Hamve monikak mhojem sel'l fon nombor dil'lem. Sadharnn sovai so vorarch brainachem fon ailem. To mhonnalo, "onkol hamv soklam asam tumim sokoil yeya" mhonn. Poilye pautti hamvem brainak mellchem. Tannem amkam tachea karar tanchea ghora vhelem. Tanchea ghora monika ani tanche dog cherke brenddon ani breaddli asle. Amim ekamekachi vollok keli, amim ekamekak sondex korun uloitana mhaka bhoglem ki ami amcheach kuttmachea
ghora yemvn pauleamv mhonn brain monikacho to mog, tanchea ghora svagot pollemvn hamvch xirim suklom. Ghor sogllem jeunnan pormollttalem. Amim thoddeo tosviroeo kaddleo ani titlear jevann mezar toyar. Jeunnak udak 10 Veez Konkani
kitench poilenchi vollok nasli tori itlem gom'mot tor, bori vollok asl'leank ani kitlem randti asli monika mhonn. Amim sobhar gozali uloileamv, monika konknni famad lekhok mauris xantipurachi bhoinn mhonn kollit zalem. Osem amim ikra voram uprant hottelak pattim vochonk bhair sorleamv ani tankam sorvam adeus maglo. Jemvn tosench tanchyelagim ulomvn amim dilkhux zal'leamv. Dusrea disa fantear amkam zormoni heamborg vochonk aslem.
ailem ani amim jeunnak bosleamv. Mezar jevann mhollear jevann'nch monikan thoddeach ghontteamni toyar kel'lem, polle, dukra indad, kombye mas, bireamni, kearott, bittrutt salad, pollovo, suxegat jevann mell'llem.
Hem ghotton hamvem borounko itlench karonn - amcho sombondh fokot konknni bhas; hamv ek lekhok ani monika ek lekhoki ani hacho porinnam' rayall svagot, jevann, mog ani moipas. Dogam-i brain ani monika bharich mogall monxam. Voilea ghoddita uprant hamv tanger don pauttim gelam tosench brainan mhaka okhkhem ddoblin ani sezarchim nogoram tachea karar bhomvddailam. Hea sorvak hamv dogamyki chirorinni zamvnasa.
Mhaka sompurnn ozap zal'lem, mhaka 11 Veez Konkani
spordheamni tika chear-panch bohumanam y melll'lim asat. Atam ti porot sobhar zalli zageamni tosem potramni apleo mottveo kannimyo prosar korit't asa. Mogacheo tosench atonkacheo kannimyo mhollear tika bharich lagim.
Edoll voreg monikan xemborank lagim mottveo kannimyo boroileat. Sobhar ticheo kovitai prosar zaleat. Konknni kotha sahiteak tinnem dil'li denngi vhorti, konknni matr nom-i hindi tosem kon'noddanti tinnem mottveo kannimyo boroyil'leo asat. Konknni sahity 12 Veez Konkani
Tinnem dog cherke, ghor, tosench okhkho divos kam' kornyi aplem xikap mundorun masttors ddigri zoddlea ani hacho protifoll zamvn tika kalghott yunivorsitti aspotrechea oporexon thiettor vibhagant meanezorachi bhoddti zoddlea. Hea vosea piddechea kallar bholaike vibhag kameleam pursotch na, kamnch kam' tankam piddestanchi vixex chakri korunk asa ani mornnantlem vanchounko asa. 2016 dosembor 23 ver konkonni pondrallem arso ani poyettiks pongddan sangata mellon "mukha mukhim" ಕ್ ಕ್ mholl'llem ek karyokrom' monika mothais borabor mol'likott'ttentlea suma sodono bhounant manddyun haddl'lem. Hea kareak chorcha nirmahok zamvn kheat kovi tosench arso sompadok vilson kottil aslo. Hazor asl'leank monika mothais borabor tichem jiun ani sahity vixeant mukha mukhim ulounko ek modhur ovkas melll'lo. Kareak surendro es. Vaglle, stholli-i sompadok "vizoivanni" kon'noddo disallem, mongllur aurit'ti, kheat gaupi, nott ani enaroi udeogi zosef mothais mukhel soire zamvnayil'le. Viz tika sorv borem magta, tichem karbar zoitan fuddem sorom ani konknnechi obhivrid'dhi airlenddanti vistarum, noman tuka nors bhoinni. Dda| Asttin Probhu, Chikago
Ek hindd ... Ek goulli
- ron roch kassia korona voirosacho ho kall monxa motik thorthoraun asa. Char vonnodi bhitor bhondoddent ason nanam loukik vixayamnim misllon osvotontr ‘boring’ mhonn monis virayen choddpoddon asa. Ekaeki udel'lea korenttean...Mask ...Hat muskor dumvn nhamvn biranten aschea disamnim ...Bhoktik zage soglle visron geleat. Ghorachch boson tti.Vi, yuttyub tosolea vividh madyomamnim
13 Veez Konkani
monxachi otmik odeatmik gozali mundorun asat. Osolea kalliz xirxeraun aschea disamnim kristi lok ghorachch madheamam mukhantor...Mis aikon aplem odheatmik korni acharsun asa. Maka bhogta hea disamnim... ‘igorz mhollear vhodd vddodd voibhavachem bandap naka. Bogar amchamcha ghoraporim ek bhoktik vichar cholomvn vhorcho zago zaun aslear puro.!’ mhonn lokacha motim udeunko puro. Hea vorvim mukar vinakarann igorjeo moddcheo ani bandcheo gozali (osoleo her sobar firgoje songteo.) bond zaunko puro!. Oslea eka disa hamv tti.Vi, mukhar boson mis aikon astam...
‘jezu... Xelliam hinddak samballun, amka sorv thoranchea pidda koxttam onvaram thaun rakon, dispoddto gras zaun chorovo dimvcho amcho goulli’...Mholl'llem sam zumvauchea vanjelantlem vachap aikonk mell'llem. Ani hea ayin'n vella...
Papa fransisan adunik somsarak... ‘bhienakat jezu amkam goulli zaun rakon vhortolo’ mhonn dhoir dil'lem tem mhoje motik zoglalem. Teachch vella thoddeachch tempa adim... Papan kristi somoddtecher ondhkar zaun vhallon aschea... Vividh kristi pongddamvixim kristi porjek … ‘ek hindd ani ek goulli’ mhonn zagrit divun ulo dil'lo ugddas maka kotthinn thoran dhosunk laglo. ‘somsarantlem sobar vividh hindd ( romon kotholik ,orthoddoks, prottesttontt, anglikon, biliurs oxem vividh kristi zonang ) ek zavun eka monan ‘ek hindd anim ek goulli’ mholl'llem dhoronn pallun kristi somoddtecha ekvott bhodrote khatir xanti somodhanecho ktisti zhuz manddunk zai.’ osolea kristi ekvottacho sondex papan pachar-l'lo. Punn osolea kristi somoddtechea ekvotta khatir, toxem kristi zonanga virod zamvchea vividh otorvonnam khatir ... Bharatant toxem somsar bhor zaun aschea vividh protibhottonank... Favote sonkhean layik toxe dharmik monxam soit hazor zainatlele sobar dhakhle asat. Kristi hinddantleo xellioyi nant... Goulliyi nant !
14 Veez Konkani
mhoza ugddasa pormannem oxenchch ek don vorsam adim bharatantlea mumbom-i xehorant kerollagaramni asakel'lea protibhottonak kristi vividh zonang bovo unnea sonkhean hazor zal'le. Krista khatir kristi somoddte khatir zhogoddchea vokta, osolim olokxea kortubam thoim devo khonddit zaun osomodhani zatolo!. Ek hindd anim ek goulli mholl'llem chintap attaitanam...Maka thoddeam vorsam adim hamvem deklelea eka ghodditacho ugddas ailo. Tea vella tea disamnim hamv nolleancha (menglur ttoils) ‘bisnes tturar’ as l'lom. Kornattok moharaxttr goddi prantantlea sonkexvor mhollea gamvak fantea fantear pautastam, raz rosteacha degem prodexamnim xelliancho hindd choron ascho to hamvem pollelo. Thoincha tea drixeacher mhoji dixtt khonchoun bhomvari dixtt bhomvddait astanam hamvem deklelem ek ghoddit maka kutuholit korun mhoza monantlea ‘ek goulli ek hindd’ mholl'llea vanjela chintpak zagoilaglem. Karar poinn korun ascho hamv... Thoimsor raz rosteachea degechea tin vividh rostea thaun tin koddche teg tornatte goulli... Tin kuxin thaun apaple tin vividh xelliam hinddak vhorun as l'le.
Hamv hem karar boson pollet't paxar zaun mhoza nolleam veuhara khatir thoimsorcha eka nolleam ddipeak yeun paulom. Thoimsor tea nolleam ddipeachea mhalakak rakon boson, bhair polleun prokriti soundory chakon astam... Tea rund rostea degel'lea eka vhodd zoit ruka mullant eklo praivont goulli khandear vhodd zoit kamboll pangorn boson as l'lo tem hamvem pollelem. To aplea tea hinddak aplea zagvonnea boben chotrayeche hixare diun samballn as-l'lo. Tea tachea xelliam poiki thoddeank to tanchea piddek vokat diun as-l'lo. Tantlea thoddeank to polletalo. Oxem hamv xelliam thoim tacho mog husko polleun astam astam ...
Thoddea minuttam adim hamv rostea paxar zaun astam, pollel'le te tin vividh xelliancho hindd... Atam ekek zaun ekeka vellar tea ruka mullant aschea tea
15 Veez Konkani
praivont mhalghaddea goullea lagim yeun paule.
thoimsor ek tofaut mhoza gomonak ayil'lem.
Atam tini hinddache goulli thoimsor yedoll chch aschea xelliam hindda songim apaplea xelliam hinddak ek zaixe korilagle. Ani atam te char hindd ek hindd zalo. Uprantlea thoddea vellan to ruka mullantlo praivont goulli aplo to lamb danddo hatim dhoron ubo zalo. Tacho to lambh-dig jivo, tem vaddlemlem khadd tannem pangorlelem vhodd kamboll, hatintlem to lamb danddo polletastam thott'tt korun maka, ijrayel porjecho sambhallnar ani dhorm' xastracho prerok zaun aslelea... Moijecho ugddas ailo! atam te teg goulli anim tanche xelliam hindd ek zaun tea malghaddea goulle pattlean cholon soglle hindd ek zaun tea malghaddea goulleak pattlavo korilagle. Teg torne goulli hindda pattlean...Ani to mhalghoddo goulli...Hindda mukhlean. Ani thoinch eka forlanga ontorar aslelea vixal moidana kuxin chorova khatir choronk lagle...Ek hindd anim ek goulli zavun!. Dusre dis sanjer pattim yetastam... Porot maka adlea fantear pollelel'lea teachch xellianche hindd dixttek poddlem. Atam to xelliancho hindd porot pattim aplea tthikanneak vochon as l'lo. Heavella
Sokallim malghoddo goulli boson aslelea ruka mullim sogllo hindd pattim pautochch to sogllo hindd raulo. Uprantlea thoddea vellan eklo torno goulli hindda thaun bhair ailo anim cholonk laglo. Atam tacha pattlean tacho xellio matr tacho pattlavo korilagleo.! uprant thoddea vellan dusro hindd tacha goullea pattlean vingodd zalo anim nontor tosochch tisro hindd . Oxem apnnacher bhorvoso dourn asleleo teo tini hindd sarkem ritichea bhodrote xisten vingodd zatechch atam nimannem... To malghoddo goulli aplea hinddachi zoton gheun aplea hindda songim mukarunk laglo. Hamve thoimsor arayil'lea mahete pormannem ... ‘him tanchi sodanchi veusta. To malghoddo goulli fokot mogan tea sorv xelliank apleochch mholl'leaporim rakta anim samballta. Teo hindd vivingodd tori to tea sorvank ek hindd mholl'lleaporim zovabdar vohisun mogan chotrayen sambhalln tanka rakon vhorta.
16 Veez Konkani
Hem aikatanam anim mhozo sonkexvor nolleam tturacho ugddas yetastam maka vanjelantlim jezukristachim utram porot ugddasak ailim....
Teo xellioyi tacha pattlean matr veta xivai her konni novo vekti yet tor tacha pattlean vochanant!.’ hi gozal hamv ek pauttim eka yazokalagim sangit't astam...To yazok apunn adim aslelea eka firgojentli osolichch xellianchi ghoddit ucharilaglo. To tea firgojent astam... Sokallim iskola baglar aschea guddea suvater sobar goulli vividh zageantun xellimyank amboddn haddtale. Anim tea ton vaddlelea guddear te vividh hindd sogllim ek zaun choronk lagtale. Sorv thoim hangacheo vividh hinddache xellio ek zaun choronk lagtal'leo. Anim sanz zatastam yedoll vixevar asche goulli ekeklochch utt'tale. Anim xelliak zagoun xillonni ghaltale. Toull teo xellio ekeklochch zaun hindda thaun bhair mettam ghalun apaplea goulleachea xilonnea talleak parkon, tea tea goulle pattlean teo teo xellio tancho pattlavo korunk lagtale.!.
‘hamv boro goulli. Hamv mhoza bokreank ollkatam anim mhoje bokre maka ollkatat. Mhoza bokream pasun hamv mhozo jivo chch ditam. Hea hinddant nat l'le her bokreyi maka asat. Tankayi lagim haddizai teyi mhozo tallo aikatale anim zatelem… ‘ek chch hindd anim ek goulli.’ kristachim him utram amim manun gheun toxem papacha uleak kan divun, amim igorz mate thaun vingodd vochanastam,, ,amim amchea somoddte khatir, sorv vividh kristi zonanganchak ek hindd korchem preton korunk zai, teachch pormannem okristamv bhamvddank-yi kristachi ollok dimvchak pramannik thoran vauronk zai . Ani hea okristamvank kristi ollok dimvchak korchea amchea vaurant amim kristi xikounnechi promannik khori sotanitichi sodd'doddichi jinnim jieun, bhogsannechi nisvarth seva dimvchi jinnim jieunko zai. Osolea kristi mouleanchem preronn vaprun amim khudhd jiemvchea nitoll jinnyeurvim tanka dekh diun, kristachi
17 Veez Konkani
ollok tanka mellchak horyek ghoddi mholl'lleaporim pechaddunk zai. Oxem borea goullecha abhilaxe porim her okristamv xellioyi, kristacha hinddant servonk amim amchea nitichea nitoll jinnyeurvim nirontor promannik preton korumyao. --------------------------------------------
Fa| jerom' ddi’soza, es.Je. Ani na
Me 10, 1948 ver, bixops kompoundd, ot'taur, milagris firgojent tachem zonon zalem. Tannem tachem prarthomik xikap sant zosef elimenttori xal, jeppunt sompoilem. Uprant to milagris hoiskulant attvea klasi poreant xiklo. Tea uprant to moisur moinor seminorik kolkott'tta archdiesejik yazok zamvn servalo. Osem moisur sant filomina hoiskulant xikap mukharun sant filomina kalejint tannem piyusi sompoili. Dusrea vorsa taka mongllur sant zosef seminorik dhaddlo. Hangasor don vorsam tannem tachem zuniyor xikap kelem. Uprant taka kolkott'tta morning sttar kalejik totvxastr xikonk dhaddlo. Totvxastra uprant taka houra sant eloisiyos hoiskulak xikhounko ani firgojechea bordding xalak kumok korunk dhaddlo. Ho vell zaunko paulo tachea jiunantlea ghumvddecho. Ek vors xalant xikhoitoch tannem yazokponnachem xikap soddlem 1972 isvent. Hi zamvnasli survat. To mumbomyt eka vorsak kamacho onbhog zoddunk paulo. Kam' kortana tannem tachem devo apounnem porot jivall kelem. Tannem taka jejvitank somorpilem je jeppunt sezari zamvnasle.
mumboi jejvit provinsacho fa| jerom' ddi’soza sorvank fa| jeri mholl'llea moga namvan'nch famad. Ho heach me 1 ver devadhin zalo.
Mumboi kamar astana to jejvitank mell'llo chokalantlea holi feamili firgojent, ondheri. Tem 1972 isvent. Hem zaunko paulem survatechem
18 Veez Konkani
yennem. Ondherintlea vinoyaloyantlea jejvitanchi vollok zali. Ek vors kam' kel'lo onbhog mellttoch taka bhoglem ki apnnem yazok zaunko pattim vochonk zai mhonn - nohim devoxastr xikon diesejicho yazok zaunko bogar mumboi jejvit zaunko. Zun 1974 isvent to ondheri, mumbomyt jejvit novixiett zalo. Tannem tachem novixiett torbheti sompoili ani zuniorett xikap tosenk kalez xikap ani holi feamili xalant tosem firgojent tannem tachi rijensi keli ondherint. 1981 vorsa taka goneano dip videapitth, punne hangasor doivxastr xikonk dhaddlo. Osem taka 1984 isvent yazoki-i dikxa mell'lli. Tokxonn tachye dikxe uprant taka teach holi feamili igorjecho sohaik zamvn nemlo. 1984 tem 1992 poreant att vorsam. Hangasor tannem bharich utsahan kam' kelem igorje vaurant vividh chottuvottikamni kriall patr tannem ghetlo. Tannem kel'lem ek mohan kam' hangasor mhollear kalez videarthink krijmachi toyarai korchem karyokrom' manddun haddlem proprothom' pautti. Bisp bosko penhan krijm' dilo. Az sogllea arch diesejint holi feamili firgojen fa| jerichea mukhelponnar dil'li hi dekh hi manddun haddlea ani kalez videarthink hor firgozamni krijm' dimvchi vilevari kelea. Fa| jeri mhonnttalo ki to jivont astam
ken'nam bisp bosko taka mellttalo ten'nam hacho ugddas to kaddttalo mhonn tannem mumboi archdiesejik dil'li kannik nialln. Fa| jerichem dusrem vixex sadhon mhollear tachea firgojent survatil'lem konknni liturji kam'. Sezari firgozam thamvn loka zomo harimni yetalo holi feamili igorjek konknni liturjent misa novenam asl'lea vellar, mukhyo zamvn notal ani novea vorsa sombhromak. Aplea gaupa ani songit talentan bhor l'lea fa| jerin aitar ani festa sondorbhamni aplea firgojent liturji grest kel'li. Sat vorsam bhor to khollmit nastam hea khatir vavurl'lo. 1992 isvent zunant taka neaxonol soddalitti kendrak vorg kelo (seva niketon) baikola archdiesejichea sielsi pongdda sangata vaur korunk tosench raxttri-i mott'ttar vaur korunk. 1998 isvent taka neaxonol eklisiasttikol sohaik krixchon loif komyunitti (poilem hi zamvnasli soddalitti of ovor leddi). Chear vorsam bhor kam' korn tannem vividh diesejimni tosem dexant sielsi prosar bhoran kelo. 1998 isvent to bharotacho protinidhi zamvn sielsi pongddak brejhilak apomvn vhorn gelo. 2001 isvent, 16 vorsam uprantlye xromadhik seve uprant taka chikagontlea loyola yunivorsittik
19 Veez Konkani
dhaddlo pastorol kounsilingant choddit zannvai apnnaunko. To barotak pattim ailo pastorol kounsiling ani spirichyuvol gaiddensant em'.E. Sonod zoddun. Osem pattim ayil'lea taka 2003 isvent rittritt houz (jiun vikas sodon) beanddra (mountt meri punny kxetralaginch) mumbomyt. Hangasor to direktor zalo 2005 thamvn moraporeant, tosench spirichyoul gaidd ani kounsolor. Hea 6 vorsamni tannem rittritt hous sompurnn novikrit keli. Dharmik mott'ttar to mot-kudd-spiritacher hondvon soiko-spirichyuvol retiro ditalo layi tosem dharmik puruxank ani striyank, vyoktigot kounsoling ani yuvozonnank margdorxon, jiunant koxttonchea prayesthank tosench prayek bhorl'leank, sonkoxttant asl'leank, toklent, kuddint, udvegant, kamukhotent, somajik tosem dharmik. Tachem misamv zamvnaslem lokak eekleak gunn korchem. Choddit sangazai mhonn hem purasannechem kam', ponthahvanachem, vicharonnechem, vell khorchunchem ani vixex sosnnikayechem. Tannem cholomvchi ek vixex retir zamvnasli ’e pathve ttu in'nor hiling’. Hi zamvnasli tachea anbhogantlea soikososio-spirichyuvol vattechi. Je konn hea retirek hazor zaleat tannim tanchea jiunant ek vixex bodlap dekhl'lem. To
mhonnttalo hi retir je asat jiunant nakaril'le vo nakari bhognnam asl'le, ragixtt, bhimyache, otregache, kollvolleanche tosem motim opradh chintle, iteadi. Hi retir panch disanchi ek gunddayechea poinnachi ekleak bhitorlean sompurnn zanna zamvchi tanchea piddechim pallam ustunchi tea mukhantr gunn zaunko adlim ghodditam chintun fuddar na mhonn chint'teleanchi, zankam to novea spiritan tanchem fuddlem jiun mukharunk kumok kortalo dakhlo dimvn kitea jezu hea somsarim ayil'lo mhonn. Tea uprant, taka goregamvantlea arch diesejichi seminori sant piyus dhavo kalez hangasor 2011 tem 2019 poreant vaur korcho sondorbh lablo. Hangasor to kounsol'lor ani spirichyuvol direktor tosem professor of soikaloji zamvnaslo. Pattlea thoddea vorsamni fa| jeri kallza oskotkayen koxttatalo tosem taka usmodd asli. To ondherintlea vinoyaloyantlea chikitsaloyant pattlea oddez mohineamni aslo tosem khollanastam kuddint oskot zamvn yetalo. Tannem kaddl'li vamvtt, haddl'lim novikoronnam ani yozonam bomboi archdiesejichea ghorachea sompork porgottnnent me 2, 2020 ver kannsileant.
20 Veez Konkani
Fa| jeri, je. Ef. Ddi’soza at'taur ani marsel ddi’soza (machcha milar) konknni sahitincho bhavo zamvnaslo, tosench roz menddonsa mumboi, helen em'. Ddi’soza ani devadhin zan ddi’soza hancho. Sasnnacho vixevo tachea otmeak labom ani somadhanent to omor urom.
-machcha milar ---------------------------------------------
Yadinchi bhomvddi
sukea guddea voilea zhor l'lea vatte boglek
rundayek vaddol'lea konerichea boleantlim ruchik follam khaunko mell l'lim tor ? ! xalle thaun pattim etana saulli dimvchea ruka fantteamni ghosamni umkoll ghemvchea bennsamni axa thambhoyil'li tor ?! panam iddeamni fantto bhor ghunton ravon mon pisvamvchea hollduvea saloichea fhollamni bhuti bhor l'li tor ?! raksa kastachea kanttea modhem-i rogta vornnan pikon ravon mojea tonddant udok haddoyil'lea samperank khunttunk mell l'lem tor akasi tenkchea zamblla fantteamni tornnam bandh l'lim rosall zambllam holltar sokla zhoddoyil'lim tor ?! tambddim binddam pikim ximrttam
21 Veez Konkani
wisdom and divine grace, is truly a glorious accomplishment of his vocation being fulfilled. We are very much delighted and privileged to share with him the amazing joy on this occasion, as he is celebrating his triumph in a quiet atmosphere in a Retired Priests' Residence in Germany. When we approached him for a short interview over the internet, he benevolently granted his approval.
kapea ponnsa svadhik rumddam yadimni gamvchea guddeamni bhomvanddo marla chukon gel'lea dirveamvixim xinn ucharla!!!
----- felsi lobo ---------------------------------------
Rev. Fr. Jephrin Monis Reached 40th Anniversary Interviewed By: Evelyn & Michael Machado, Heidelberg, Germany. Reaching 40th anniversary of a priestly life is a jubilant feat and for Rev Fr Jephrin Monis, who rejoices his 40th Jubilee of priestly ordination on May the 1st, with his ardent gratitude to our Lord Jesus, for leading him with continued
Rev. Fr. Jephrin Monis Fr Jephrin Monis is a man of practical wisdom, knowledge and values. He was born on August 26, 1951 as a third child out of 5 siblings of Anthony Monis and Angeline Monis nee D'Souza, in Padubelle village, in Udupi district. He hails from a family which is very pious & respectable, compassionate & hardworking, being dutifully committed and devoted towards catholic religious
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environment. The spirituality and the religious atmosphere at home have been the source of inspiration for many of his family members to turn out to be dedicated priests and nuns. We are happy to specify in brief the attainments of Fr Jephrin's significant life milestones - journeying through adulthood:1) In 1969 after completion of his High School studies, Fr. Jephrin Monis joined Varanasi/Benaras diocese with the desire to serve humanity as a catholic Missionary priest and entered St Paul's Seminary in Lucknow for his Minor Seminary Studies and Intermediate grade education. 2) He completed his Philosophy & Theology at St. Charles' Seminary, Nagpur, along with his B.A graduation from Nagpur University from 1972 to 1980 and B.D. from Angelicum, Rome. 3) On May 1st, 1980 he was ordained as a Priest by Late Rt. Rev. Patrick D'Souza, Bishop of Varanasi, and he celebrated his first Mass in his home parish, Padubelle - Pamboor on 5th May 1980. From 1980 to 1983 he served in the Mission Centre - Sant Pushpa Ashram, Jamwoan, Ballia, as a Pastor. 4) In 1983 he moved to Rome for his doctorate studies at the Pontifical Salesian University. After completing his Licentiate he began his doctoral studies;
but unfortunately, he had to interrupt his doctoral thesis for health reasons. 5) From 1983 to 1990 he served in several parishes in Germany and Italy on holiday representation in summer months or during Christmas and Easter holidays to earn money for his studies in Rome. From 1990 he moved to Germany and served the parishes of Grossbottwar, Gemmrigheim, Hessigheim and Mundelsheim. 6) On August 15, 1992 he was appointed as a full pledged Parish Priest for Rudersberg and Welzheim Parishes in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, where he served the community for 25 years and got retired on 1st September 2017. 7) While administrating his Pastoral Ministry in Rudersberg, he constructed an attractive Parish Centre "Martinushaus" and also renovated the entire church, the Parish Hall and the Kindergarten which made his worshippers happy and contended. He also renovated during his pastoral care, Christ the King Church in Welzheim, Kindergarten and Parish House, and also got a lovely Pipe-organ to the parish, that echoes its music during church celebrations, striking the tune of good memories of his dedicated hard work in the parish.
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8) During his Pastoral journey in Rudesberg and Welzheim, he has entertained a number of Priests, Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals and also Religious Sisters and lay people from several dioceses of India, giving them shelter, accompanying them around Germany & Europe, and also assisting them to find generous donors for fulfilment of their projects of humanity in their mission. Cardinal Tarcius Toppo of Ranchi and Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay visited Fr. Jephrin several times during his pastoral ministry in Rudesberg. Fr. Jephrin supported and sponsored, through big-hearted donors and Charity Institutions in Germany, the Developmental Social Projects for the Poor and the needy, Solar Projects for Electricity, besides Construction and Renovation of Schools, Churches, Parish Halls, Bishops Houses, even Cathedral Churches, which projects were presented to him by many Bishops, viz., late Bishop Patrick D’Souza of Varanasi, Archbishop Albert D’Souza of Agra, Bishop Gerald John Mathias of Lucknow, Bishop Emeritus A.P. D'Souza of Mangalore, Bishop Robert Miranda of Gulbarga, Bishop Emeritus Antony Fernandes of Bareilly, Bishop Oswald Lewis of Jaipur, Bishop Francis Serao of Shimoga, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo of Udupi, etc., who visited him frequently in Rudesberg. Mother General Emeritus of SRA Congregation, Sr. Maria Goretti, also visited several times & his sister, Sr. Vera Monis, SRA for their social projects,
specially for the education of the poor children, Boarding Houses, Convents, Nurses' School, Social Centres etc. 9) Since his younger sister Vera Monis belongs to the Congregation of Missionary sisters Queen of the Apostles (SRA), he has supported very many projects of this congregation in Vamanjoor, Honnavar (in Karwar Diocese), Shimoga-Sorabha, Kallianpur and in many other places. He has been helping humanity projects in Africa also, specially for the HIV infected children in Jinja, Uganda, in his best capacity, and visits often the mission work there. “Manasa”, (the Rehabilitation and Training Centre for the mentally retarded, speech and hearing impaired children) in Pamboor, Padubelle, Udipi District, is the biggest mission project, which is indeed a very successful achievement of Rev. Fr. Jephrin Monis. By his enormous efforts and restless work, this whole project in its initial stage was completely sponsored by Germans, under his office and guidance. 10) Fr. Jephrin was very much associated to his home Parish, Holy Cross Church, Pamboor-Padubelle from the beginning of its inception in 1967. He has been supporting the Parish right from the beginning for various projects of the Parish connected for the enhancement of their Parish-Hall, Youth Centre, Belfry, Parish House, generator and engine for electricity
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when power fails etc. All the Parish Priests who followed Fr. Denis D’Souza, who built the Church were in contact with Fr Jephrin for financial support. To renovate and extend the Holy Cross Church and build a new Parish House, for the Golden Jubilee of the Parish in the year 2017, Fr Jephrin had arranged partial financial support from his Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart in Germany, besides his own contribution. Five houses were constructed, and two wells for drinking water were dug, for the poor families, as a preparation for the Jubilee, from 2012 till the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Parish in December 2017. Bishops A. P. D’Souza of Mangalore and Gerald Lobo of Udupi, along with the then Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Paul Rego with Parishioners honoured Fr Jephrin on the day of Golden Jubilee celebration on the 21st December 2017. 11) In 1995, "Kala Kendra" Music and Dance School and College in Varanasi at "Nav Sadhana Pastoral Centre" is one of the big Projects upheld and sponsored by Fr. Jephrin, with the support of Parishioners of Rudersberg & many other German Parishes & Charitable Financial Agencies. When the first group completed their Graduation, they travelled all the way to Rudersberg in 1999, along with the Director late Rev. Prof. Thomas D’Sa, with 3 teachers and 18 dancers, all of them were sponsored by Fr. Jephrin for their boarding and
lodging for about 2 months. Fr. Jephrin had organised & set up more than 75 shows of beautiful Biblical, Liturgical and Indian cultural dances all over South Germany and Austria. Because of its great success in 1999, Missio Aachen and Missio Munich invited the group again in 2000 and Fr Jephrin had put up over again more than 40 dance shows in north Germany (in different churches and schools in Essen, Hamburg, Aachen, Berlin and Cologne) and also a few shows in EXPO-2000 in Hannover for a week. A sponsorship Programme for the poor girl-dancers for their studies was planned and structured under his guidelines. Like Manasa Centre in Pamboor, Udupi, this is also one of the best Institutions in north India (Varanasi) sponsored by Fr. Jephrin through his well-wishers for several years, which is till today progressing very well and has brought many public laurels and praises in the society. All the girls who completed their dance studies in the Institution of "Kala Kendra" are now employed in the schools as teachers. Rev. Fr. Jephrin Monis is well known to a number of people in Catholic community, as well as people of other religion and cultures, in Mangalore, Udupi, Varanasi, Allahabad, Lucknow, Agra, and several other places in India and abroad, especially in Germany as a person, who is always deeply interested and concerned in the well being of others. He is a large-hearted man,
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generous, helpful with full of understanding, and extremely sensitive to the needs of the poor, the handicapped and the down trodden. He has developed multiple contacts all over Germany, with almost all the charitable institutions, to raise funds to realise the welfare projects of many dioceses of India, specially Mangalore, Udupi, Shimoga, Gulbarga, Lucknow, Agra, Chandigarh, and Varanasi dioceses, that were brought to him for the benefit of the unwanted, unloved and uncared people in our society. When he reflects over his hard work to fulfil the missions in India, he specially remembers his parishioners, Heidrun & Uli Schessl, Hedwig & Kaus Heubach, for their personal support, friendship and compassion shown to him during his pastoral ministry in Rudesberg. Among all the qualities found necessary in a priest, most of the people put dedication, commitment and holiness as the first. It is indeed very difficult to be a fully dedicated priest of all virtues, seeking to conform himself to our Lord Jesus, deeply attached to his religious commitment and mission, using all his talents and ability to build up the kingdom of God on earth. But Fr. Jephrin Monis has proved himself to be a good priest, and a good administrator during his 40 years of his priestly life, with a deep sense of commitment, and love for our Lord Jesus and the church and his community. He is, no doubt, gifted with
a unique quality of touching the heart of those who are entrusted in his care. When we approached him to tell us about his pastoral journey for the past 40 years of his priesthood, he has willingly offered us an opportunity to share with us his wisdom and experience, even in spite of his health problems & busy schedules of his daily routine retired life. Evelyn: You were a pioneer in developing spirituality everywhere you served as a priest that seems to recognize the spiritual thirst in our modern world, in fact in all religions and cultures. How do you define spirituality and suggest that spirituality is a selected way of life? Fr. Jephrin: Yes, our world is hungry and thirsty for spiritual life. Spirituality is nothing else, but live a life, which gives a place to God. Every human being is called to spiritual life. Spiritual life is so varied as human beings. God breaths his breath in the heart and soul of every human being, and sends him in this world to admire the creation of God and to praise the wonderful deeds of the Creator. Every person should be holy in his way of life. All holiness before God is work of the Holy Spirit. Love God and love your neighbour as yourself. This commandment fulfils all the laws of heaven and earth. If
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you would like to be holy, then, just be a contended and happy person. Healthy and happy spirituality gives you the sense of peace, wholeness and the balance among the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of our lives. However, for most of people, the path of such spirituality passes through struggles and suffering. But one should remember that life is always full of ups and downs, good times & bad, with joy and sorrow. But spirituality can relieve you from dependence only on material things, and help you to understand your life's greater purpose. Spirituality recognises that our role in life has a greater value.
Michael: Compassion towards the family and neighbours is absolutely essential in life and it has been lost among us in our modern society. How can we move towards a positive direction to regenerate and develop it in the families and in our communities at large? Fr Jephrin: You are right. Our world, in spite of religious renewals, has lost respect and regard not only towards one another, but also love and respect to God. We do not want to give God His right place in the family and in the society. Where there is no God, there is no love. Another fact we
should not ignore to realize that in our modern families the "Mammon" has taken the place of God. We adore our money and wealth more than God. Where money and wealth reign, there dwells greed, egoism, coldness, lovelessness, pride and jealousy. These evils do not tolerate virtues like, faith in God, humility and simplicity of life, love for our neighbours or relatives, forgiveness of sins, love for the poor, compassion etc., which would transform the hearts and minds of people and would bring peace and respect to all. The only means to regenerate love and compassion in our families is to descend from the position of self pride and become humble. To listen to St. Paul's words to the Colossians: "You are loved by God, and you are his chosen holy people. Therefore put on real compassion, goodness, humility, mildness and patience. Forgive one another. Do not falsely accuse the other. Forgive as God forgives you. Above all love one another, because love alone binds everything together�. In short : to renew and regenerate our Christian life in the families, we should be prepared to be humble before God and love one another, as we are, because all are loved by God.
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Evelyn: Please delight us with your experience describing some of the amusing incidents of those 40 years of your priesthood. Do the good old memories give you joy and comfort to your heart? Fr. Jephrin: I know very well the path I walked for 40 years of my priestly life. It was straight, difficult and was sometimes like the edge of a sword! I immensely rejoiced walking on it, in good faith in God, with hope, love, peace and dignity. Due to my weakness I may have sometimes somewhere slipped down a few times. But Lord Jesus touched me in my tears and joys, and I have grown tall. Often I remember that I have experienced some very hard and sorrowful incidents in my priestly life, but the whole journey has been quite amusing. Your eyes see better and clear, when the clouds rain down and the air becomes pure. Such experiences help you to discover the ways of God. God says: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways." His ways are always wonderful and consoling Now, when I reflect my priestly life during the last 40 years, I discover so many graces of God, that I cannot think of being something else, than what I am - a Priest! “ I am what I am, through the Grace of God�
Michael: It is often publicly expressed that the priesthood should be understood as a commitment to service and not an opportunity for careerclimbing in the religious life. Would you care to comment on this theme if you would like to? Fr. Jephrin: As a priest, to express my commitment to service, I have the satisfaction of my heart to say, that I have done exceedingly well in the service of humanity. I have contributed my best efforts, my time, my health & means, for raising funds for the welfare of the sick, the poor, the orphans, the down trodden, for the education of needy and the poor children, to build the religious institutions, schools and churches, in many dioceses in India, as well as in Africa, by pleading countless generous donors and charitable institutions in Germany. It has been a great solace for me now those happy memories to cherish, in the autumn days of my retired life. There is no greater career in this world, than to be a priest. God's highest call to be very close to Him, to sit at His table, to bring the world with its pains and sorrows to God, and to share God's blessings with the people who are hungry for God, is the greatest service one can render in this world. In priestly and religious life there is no ladder to climb up. All
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religious people have to climb down, deep down to the feet of people, as God stooped down to mankind. St. Paul says: "Jesus was Son of God, but He did not hold fast on to it, but he stooped down to the people and became a slave. He humbled himself and became one like us." And Jesus said to his apostles. One, who wants to be great among you, should become the servant of all. One who raises himself will be humbled and one, who humbles himself, will be raised! Evelyn: Being truly passionate follower of the Good Shepherd what would be your message to all the Mangaloreans around the world? Fr. Jephrin: Who can give better message to Mangaloreans than the message already given by Jesus? "Love one another as I love you", says Jesus. Love is the fulfilment of all laws. This law of Love binds and unites and builds a bridge between heart to heart, between earth and heaven, between Man and God. It might cost most of us a great amount of humility, self-denial and compassion. Mangalore is blessed with great beauty and nature. Today the Mangaloreans are challenged to demonstrate their faith in the midst of trials. People at home need the
prayers and support of all who are scattered in the world. We have to learn to forgive our enemies and love them. Jesus says: "They persecute me; but you, love your enemies, and do good to those, who hate you". “May the Holy Mother Mary help, guide and protect all Mangaloreans to bear witness to Jesus”. “Mission is the Vision of God” says Fr. Jephrin, and he also shared with us his realistic thoughts that as a priest what he has learnt: “when people begin to appreciate us who we are, they will begin to respect & accept us as one of their own. We must always have something authentic to offer in the name of Christ; life seems to be good, beautiful and fulfilling, as our Good Lord, Jesus, leads us on all through our life paths, whether smooth, thorny or unknown!” and this applies to all people and vocations, we must say. We wish him all the best in his retired life, all days ahead, and may God bless him with all the finest gifts of life, specially long life, good health, joy, peace and happiness abundantly throughout his life. We furnish here below a few Photographs from his Personal Photo Album he preserved, to cherish the good old memories in his autumn days!
29 Veez Konkani
With Pope John Paul II
Monis Family at Padubelle
With Pope Francis
Family with Cardinal Oswald Gracias on his 60th Birthday Celebrations
With Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop Albert D'Souza, Bishop Henry D'Souza, Sr. Stephina & others
With parish Council Members of Rudersberg 30 Veez Konkani
Fr Jephrin honoured By Holy Cross Honouring the Parish Members for
Church, Pamboor, at Golden Jubilee
their long voluntary Service
Celebration on 21.12.2017
With Cardinal Tarcius Toppo and Dr
Fr Jephrin honoured by Bishops A. P.
Bernhard Graf & his Wife
D'Souza and Gerald Lobo on 21.12.2017
With 3 City Mayors of Welzheim, Kaiserbagh and Rudersberg at his Farewell on 30.07.2017 31 Veez Konkani
With his Friend, Bishop Gerald
Manasa Rehabilitation & Training
Mathias at his Farewell Mass on
Centre, at Pamboor
Silver Jubilee Felicitation song by his
With dancers of "Kala Kendra",
Mangalorean Friends from Heidelberg
Varanasi in 2000
in 2005
With Mrs. Daphne and Dr Edward Lobo from Manasa at Silver Jubilee Celebration in 2005
With children of Jinja Community, Uganda in 2017
32 Veez Konkani
With Religious Sisters of Jinja
for their own TRPs. It is a day on which the Indian press needs be challenged on whether it has completely abdicated its role and responsibility as the fourth pillar of democracy or if there is any possibility left for it to redeem itself? Certainly a dilemma – because most will not have the courage to answer it!
Community, Uganda.
With Fr. Henry Patrao & friends from Heidelberg --------------------------------------------
- *Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ
Whither Freedom of
Press in India? ‘World Press Freedom Day’ (3 May) in India is a day of reckoning: a time for stock-taking and for soul-searching; to realise the abysmal depths to which the ‘press’ has fallen in the country and the way several journalists have stooped for petty gains, for political patronage and
In December 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed ‘World Press Freedom Day’, following a recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day. The day acts as a reminder to governments of the need to respect their commitment to press freedom. It is also a day of reflection among media professionals about issues of press freedom and professional ethics. It is therefore an opportunity:
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• to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom; • to assess the state of press freedom throughout the world; • to defend the media from attacks on their independence; • to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The theme for this year’s World Press Freedom Day is ‘Journalism Without Fear or Favour.’ It calls for awareness on specific issues about the safety of journalists, their independence from political or commercial influence, and gender equality in all aspects of the media. An apt theme for the press in India, who in recent years can easily be defined as ‘journalism only with fear and favour’. One does not need to be a rocket scientist today to realise that, by and large, the Indian press is corporatised by the big moneybags of the country; is coopted by a fascist regime which brooks no dissent; is communalised to the core, catering to a group that cares two hoots for the Constitution of India and has become highly commercialised in its desperation to garner revenue through advertisements either from the Government or the private sector. Most (particularly many journalists) seem oblivious to the fact that in India,
the right of freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right in our legal system and guaranteed in our Constitution. The right to free press does not exist independently and is incorporated in the right of freedom of speech and expression; and therefore the right to free press is regarded as a fundamental right. A few days ago, ‘Reporters without Borders (RSF)’ released their ‘2020 World Press Freedom Index’. Their report shows that the coming decade will be decisive for the future of journalism, with the Covid-19 pandemic highlighting and amplifying the many crises that threaten the right to freely reported, independent, diverse and reliable information This 2020 edition of the Index, which evaluates the situation for journalists each year in 180 countries and territories, suggests that the next ten years will be pivotal for press freedom because of converging crises affecting the future of journalism: a geopolitical crisis (due to the aggressiveness of authoritarian regimes); a technological crisis (due to a lack of democratic guarantees); a democratic crisis (due to polarisation and repressive policies); a crisis of trust (due to suspicion and even hatred of the media); and an economic crisis (impoverishing quality journalism).
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On expected lines, India is place 142 out of the 180 countries evaluated; this is two notches below the 140 position of 2019 and worst ever placement for the country. Analysing the ground reality in India the Report says, “With no murders of journalists in India in 2019, as against six in 2018, the security situation for the country’s media might seem, on the face of it, to have improved. However, there have been constant press freedom violations, including police violence against journalists, ambushes by political activists, and reprisals instigated by criminal groups or corrupt local officials. Ever since the general elections in the spring of 2019, won overwhelmingly by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, pressure on the media to toe the Hindu nationalist government’s line has increased. Those who espouse Hindutva, the ideology that gave rise to Hindu nationalism, are trying to purge all manifestations of “anti-national” thought from the national debate. The coordinated hate campaigns waged on social networks against journalists who dare to speak or write about subjects that annoy Hindutva followers are alarming and include calls for the journalists concerned to be murdered. The campaigns are particularly virulent when the targets are women. Criminal
prosecutions are meanwhile often used to gag journalists critical of the authorities, with some prosecutors invoking Section 124a of the penal code, under which “sedition” is punishable by life imprisonment India’s score in this year’s World Press Freedom Index is heavily affected by the situation in Kashmir where, after rescinding the state’s autonomy, the federal government shut down fixed line and mobile Internet connections completely for several months, making it virtually impossible for journalists to cover what was happening in what has become a vast open prison”. Certainly, no credit to a country that prides itself of being the world’s largest democracy. It is no easy job being a journalist in India today. If one has to stand up for truth and justice one will have to pay the price. We have seen recently, when honest journalists just reported facts they are simply hauled up by a prejudiced system based on some frivolous FIR. On the other hand those who spew hate and venom, can literally get away with murder, provided they are in the camp of the ruling regime (as we have seen in the case of a garbage journalist not long ago). That fear is evident in several cases; a few days ago, there were allegations, after a response
35 Veez Konkani
to an RTI that the Centre "waived" Rs 68,607 crore in loans to 50 willful defaulters( most close friends of the Government) identified by the RBI. Whatever, the merits of the case, few of the print media had the guts to take the story on their front-page. Thankfully some of the electronic media did cover the story and there was plenty of it on social media too. There was also the issue of COVID- 19 and reporting on it especially on the realities of migrants and the daily wage earners. The Centre, filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court, praying that “no media outlet print, publish or telecast anything on coronavirus without first ascertaining facts from the mechanism provided by the government”. Fortunately, the apex court did not fall into the trap of the Government’s desire to gag the media. In an order dated 31 March, the Supreme Court said, “We do not intend to interfere with the free discussion about the pandemic, but direct the media refer to and publish the official version about the developments;” adding, “in particular, we expect the Media (print, electronic or social) to maintain a strong sense of responsibility and ensure that unverified news capable of causing panic is not disseminated.”
In a video message for World Press Freedom Day, UN Secretary General António Guterres underscored the crucial role media has in helping people make informed decisions. “As the pandemic spreads, it has also given rise to a second pandemic of misinforma tion, from harmful health advice to wild conspiracy theories. The press provides the antidote: verified, scientific, factbased news and analysis.” Mr. Guterres urged governments to protect journalists and others who work in media, and to uphold press freedom. The UN chief thanked the media “for providing facts and analysis; for holding leaders – in every sector – accountable; and for speaking truth to power”. The famed American newspaper editor and publisher Joseph Pulitzer once said, “Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery.” Words that surely ring a bell on the reality of freedom of the press in India today. Not long ago our own Nobel laureate Amartya Sen said, “The press should do what it can to minimise the abuse of power (selfscrutiny can help and so can
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competition), but we should also try to understand with clarity why and how press freedom can enrich human lives, enhance public justice, and even help to promote economic and social development.” The point is whether the press in India will pay attention and act on these words of wisdom.
bhoinn mongllurantli, jinnem apli kiddni yoxosvi ritin eka torunn poxchim'
On another World Press Freedom Day the moot question which the Indian press must ask itself is ‘Whither Freedom of Press in India’? Only then, will it be able to delve on ‘Journalism without Fear or Favour!’ This calls for tremendous courage to stand up for justice and truth! 2 May 2020 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact: ---------------------------------------------
Kiddni dan melll'li
orsulain bhoinn devadhin thoddeach tempa adim viz vachok vrindak amim eka arsulain fransiskon 37 Veez Konkani
bharotantlea bhoinnik (orsulain) dan zamvn dil'li. Eka vorsachea toyaraye uprant, kiddni koxi yoxosvi thoran kel'li hi niz kanni viz vachokank ek sontox haddl'lo. Me 2, 2020 ver ek aghatik ghoddit ghoddlem ani ti kiddni dan melll'li bho| oirin lalddinmavi me 1 ver sanjechea 7:00 vorar devadhin zali, ti mizhoromantlea sorchip nogorachi ji zamvnasli ek dhoiradhik devachi chakorn.
Bho| oreya, dan dil'li uloita: nizaki bho| oirin devadhin zal'li songot paxchat'tapachi - punn, mhaka tosench sobhar hi songot zanna zal'lea lokak hi ek jiun bodoll'li songot, zaunko jiunant sokaratmok, mukhyo zamvn hea marekar kovidd-19 prosara vellar, hem zamvnasa somiachem ek vhodd lisamv tachea doyen kitem-i ailem tor amim
38 Veez Konkani
tem nirakorunk favo na - tachi ’khuxi zosi osa tosich zateli’, amim sodanch amchem magnnem jivall douream. Amchea mellachea sompork sadhonan chea vibhaga mukhantr, mhaka asl'lem bhag ani zovabdari bhoinnink torbheti dimvchem pattlea don doxokam thamvn. Ek kounsilor zonorol zamvn 12 vorsank, senttrol ddeligett supiriyor zamvn 6 vorsank modors houz - holi rozori komventachi supiriyor zamvn; hamve mhaka dharmik nirdexona thamvn vingodd dourl'lem prostut hamv mellachea retir pongddacho sando, mhojem kiddni dan devan'nch mhaka dil'lem ek preronn, ek udbodhok onbhog mhaka ani jim hea vixeant zannant tankam.
Bho| orian vivorilem, "bho| oirin lalddinmavi mizhoramantlea sorchip prodexachi nivasi, tichim prayesth mambap jivont asat, teg bhavo ani ek bhoinn. Tanchye poiki eklo bhavo diesejicho yazok, oizhol, mizhoramant. 1994 isvent amchea mellak serval'li tosem hamv tika borem korn vollkatalim, kitea mhollear hamv mellachi rupoki. Amche modhlo lagxilo sombondh ubzal'lo ti terxiyonxip korchye vellim 2002 isvent tichea nimannea profexonak. Tea vorsa amche modhem ek dharmik band ubzalo ani to ballvalo. Ti ittelintlea prayesthanchea ghora chakri korn astana, tichi bholaiki pidd'ddear zamvn aili. Ken'nam-i rojer mongllur ayil'lea vellar tichea chikitsek, tinnem kedinch mhaka mellcho ovkas chukoyil'lo na. Tea uprant ti mongllurak pattim aili. 2016 isvent tika avanaschi kiddni pidda survatli ani tika mongllur chea fa| mul'lor aspotrek bhorti kelem. Epril 2019 isvent tika hor dusrea disa ddoyalisis aslem ani tachye bogar dusri vatt nasli. Hea vellar amkam korejmach eo dharmik chottuvottiko ani mhojem khasgi protifolon aslem ani hea vellar doivik onugoronn ’jivacho orth’ mholl'lleacher ghumvlo jeavorvim hamv mukhar sorlim mhoji kiddni tika dan dimvn somiak khuxi korunk." dakhteranchea pongddak kiddni koxi korchem vidan bharich trasanchem, sonkxipt dakhle ani ityorth korunk.
39 Veez Konkani
Kornattoko orgon ttranspleanttexon somiti, bengllur hannim hem karyem hogollsilem. Febrer 16, 2020 ver kiddni koxi korchem vidan choloilem ani tika march 6 ver aspotre thamvn ghora dhaddlem. Sorv riti rivaji aspotren jeari kel'leo sorkarachea digdorxonakhal jeo kiddni koxi korunk asat teo. Sorvoi vortulamni bharich sukxm' kam' choloyil'lem ani koxi yoxosvi zal'li, nipunnamni kitench soddinastam tancho vaur kel'lo. Zaunko puro bho| oirin kuddint oskot zal'li sobhar tempachea pidden tosench kiddni koxi korchea vauran, ti promukh zamvn osokt zali hea ghottonan ani prostut songtin tika samany hordhea pidda survatli tika her kitem-i chikitsa korchye poilem. Sorvoi ritimni ticho omulea jivo vanchomvchim hor proitnam kelim, devachi manddaull monxachi manddaull nom-i osem totvar mukhar aile ani bho| oirin ekachchha nnem amchye thamvn vingodd zamvn devachea ghora geli. Hamv khonddit zamvn chint'tam ki ti somadhanen vixevo gheta mhonn, bhageuntam borabor, tika rozario kathedral semitorichea orsulain vanttear nikepilem, sobhar santiponnachea bhoinnim modhem, jim hea adim moronn pavol'lim. Bho| oirin amkam chuklea ani hi chukounni asteli sobhar kalla poreant.
(vordhi ani tosviroeo arsulain mellachea sohokaran) -Oivon Solddanha-Xett ---------------------------------------------
Korona dolleank disana hatak mellana tori sogllo somsar hachea bhirantevinne suxegat nidana.......
Biliyonanchi yud'd vimana odhikarinchi lamb baxonna gorv ahonkar kitench hachea mukhlean chol'leona hem konnak ch bioyena........ Grestachem poixe chol'leona dubhlleachem roddnnem aikona boro padd mholl'llo ontor na sot'ti ya patki konnaki soddleona somsarar vistarlam korona....... Zat kat kitench lekina prayecho taka ontor na kednam konnak vengta kollit na birant vaddta taka chintana tacho mister konnaiki somzana....... Tachea tanddouponnak igorz, poll'lli, diull ugteo na molant amkam rig na maska xivai bair vochonk na lhan konkli kaddonki upai na.....
40 Veez Konkani
lhan konkli kaddonki upai na..... Kiteak tum ailam-i korona tujea yennean bhurgeank iskal na kuxen , morjen khellonk na kuttma songi bair vochonk na aiyoyeo soglleanim korona......
Deva somor tuka kedinch jik na tuka nax korinastana devo ramvchona amcheaki chodd devak tujer mog na ani somsarar tujeo kitench cholcheona . Thoddeach disaoni tuji zhollok soiti aschina..... : - Surex Soldanha, Sokolexpur.
41 Veez Konkani
Okxoi patro ani vixvo konkonni kendro sohoyogano
aharo dhanyokitt vitoronno
Monnipalo globol ezukexon sorvisos cheyormeno xri tti. Vi. Mohonodaso poi ani vixvo konkonni kendro videarthi vetono nidhi odhyokxo xri ramodaso kamot yu ani karyodorxi xri prodipo ji. Poi sol'la suchoneri upoyukto ani ogotyo zauno asuche ru. 18.75 lokxo moulyo aharo dhaneache kitt arthiko zauno ani samajiko zauno magoxi asuche dokxinno kon'noddo, uddupi, ut'toro kon'noddo ani mongolluru taluku eddopodovu, bhottkollo jil'lecha konkonni kuddubi, kharvi, vyoxyovanni, chopttekaro, ji.Eso.Bi, charoddi ani dinoguli karyokortanko vitorou kelam. ‘okxoi pav’ ani ‘vixvo konkonni kendro’ sohoyogano arthiko zauno ani samajiko zauno magoxi asuche konkonni 2500 kuttumbako aharo dhanyo kitt vitoronno kelam.
Vixvo konkonni kendro videarthi vetono nidhi folanubhovi videarthimni svoim seuko zauno bhagi asuno aharo dhaneache kitt sonchaloko xri si. E. Giridhoro kamot, xri gurudot'to bonttovallokoro ani xrimoti sohona kinni
42 Veez Konkani
margodorxonari ‘okxoi patro” lebol asuche kitt toyaro kelam. Ani hem aharo dhaneache kitt ‘hangeo oiskrims’ proi. Limittedd kompeni vahono mukhantoro tea tea somudaiche mukhelangele netritvari vitoronno kelem, oxim vixvo konkonni kendrache prokottonno kolloita. ---------------------------------------------
tea kuddant tancha dogam modhem cholon aschem mogachem sombhaxonn aikondivo lojlo ani palvalo. Kallokak atam tea kuddant rig mell'lli.
Il'lem vachl'lem:
Punn zonela thaun fankon ascho ujvadd
vichitr viroh
tankanch tilln polleunko laglo toull tinnem tachelagim sanglem ‘tumchaurnim to ujvaddch chodd pokri!‘ mogak moronn na..... Boss ovghodd zalem. Vanchun url'lim dogam premi matr. Boss poltti zaleari tannim ekameka dhor l'le hat ekamekak dhorn'nch asl'le. Hea bhikor ovghodda thaun tumi vanchleat? eklean tankam soval kelem.
tem haslem. Toyi haslo atam tanchem bhurogem tancha ongnnant khellon asa. ***** to haslo. Tem hasonk na. Atam to gamvcha rosteamni bhomvon asa. Pokri konn.......?
‘mhozo hat tacha hatant osl'lo maka khonchai vellar to moronk soddchona mholl'llo tache voir ascho mhozo vixvasch maka vanchunk karonn zalo mhonn. Tem choli mhonnalem. ‘mhoza hatant ticho hat asl'lo. Ticho hat soddn hamv tika soddn
43 Veez Konkani
vochan tor tika konn odhar mholl'llea mhojea motik ayil'lea khontinch maka vanchoilem. Mhonn to mhonnalo. Mogachi kannik sobar tempam uprant tim mog koronaram porot bhettlim.
-machcha milar --------------------------------------
Tachea handdyer bhurgem osl'lem.
Bhavaddt mhozo
‘tum maka visralam-i kitem? tem vichar korilaglem
to haslo matr. Tacha golleant umkalln oschem, hordea voir sobchem vhodd lokett polleun tinnem vicharolem: ‘golleak tem itlem vhodd lokett xirkailam y ? khoncha devachem ? lokett golleantlem kaddun tannem tem ugtem kelem. ‘tumvem dil'lem mhora pak, tujem prothom' moga potr hantum fichar kelam.
-ttoni menddonsa, nidd'ddoddi (dubai)
Heachch ugddasamni neson hamv otam jieun asam to udvegan mhonnalo.
adamv-evek rochlem-i dhulli thamvn kiteak soddlem-i naddunk sorpak? foll khelem ruchin adamv-even patok adharn mhollem, fosoilem sorpan?
Tichea dolleamni dukam bhorl'lim.
somia, tum srixtti rochnnar jietamv amim tujye prothver tum sorv doyall ani kakulltdar kitem noval - vicharum soval?
44 Veez Konkani
"vadda-chodda, somsar bhora" mhollem-i monxak buddtugol dhaddun kitea kelem-i nax sorvank? bhasailem-i put ditam mhonn abrahamak boli bhettounko agonea kitea diliy bapaik?
porot dhaddxigi jezuk somsarak goulli zaunko porinnam' sosunk mellat amkam kristamvank mozot kor mhaka mhojea sovalank mechvalam hamv tujea boroea monak ditam mohotv baibolak ani magnneak ghoddi nimanni poreant ballvonk sasnna sasnnak ---------------------------------------------
Poilo mog
soddvonn amchi korcheak dhaddloi puta jezuk mam zamvcheak vinchlemnam-i kitea grest cheddvak? zujek vinchloi posko bapoi zamvcheak zalemnangi vinchunk tuka grest rayak? soddvonn korunk kitea to bhoradhik khuris? hallu korunk zaunkonangi il'lo solis? jezu sosnnik, kitea diliy podvi pilatak? dhaddyeto nomyve jezuk amchea bharotak? moijek dileoi upodexancheo follio israyel vingoddsunk kitea keleoi kullio?
thondd varoeant vhallon ayil'lo mog umea raxir tika araunko laglo ghama dhullichea kuddik holltar poxelaglo. Moga nhannant ti vyosth tor gamv bhor tichea
45 Veez Konkani
naupacho sugondh vhall'llo. Nhann somptoch, xitoll varoean tichem vorl matxem sukoilem
lojen dodd l'lea tichi sobhai oni to sugondh majvonchea fuddench ti gorbhest !!!!!
sukon korpon gel'lea bhialleanim mungo fuloila ticheach angapangar
tanel'lea tichea tonddak omritachi dhar dhorunk porot mogan thondd varoeacho asro ghetla voilean kallea moddamni sotri fuloilea !!!!
2 kilo dukrachi botti bori dhumvn nitoll korchi (hachi nitollai most gorjechi. Botti bhailean ani portun ghaln bhitorli kusyi bori dhutana mitt ghaln dhulear borem) hachye sangata dukrachea kanancheo pallveo, jib, mutt'tteo, sonddi, ximtti barik kuddke korn ghalyet. Sogllem ub ukoddttoch barik kuddke kor.
- felsi lobo 46 Veez Konkani
4" alem kuddke korn, 8 longam, vhodd tin kande losunn barik xindun, 4-5 tikechim jivim panam, amsannechem udak, mitt ghaln barik ujear movo zata poreant ukodd. Ukoddttoch 8 piav, 8 torneo mirsango, kuddke korn ghaltana rogatyi ghalizai. Uprant piav ghaln ek ub yetana tin ttebl spun bafat pitto ghaln borem korn challn barik ujear 5 minuttambhor ukddonk sodd. Mitt ghaln holltt ruch chaktoch uzo palvoun nimvonk sodd. Sorpotel nimvtoch 3-4 dis poreanti frizant dourlear kitench padd zaina. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 Veez Konkani
Mongllurcho adlo vigar jeral monsimFor ddenis moras probhun heach me 8, 2020 ver aplo 80 vorsancho zononotsou voitt ddaus soikaittrik kendrant thoddeach loka somor 48 Veez Konkani
somstheacho chapleyn zamv nivritponna uprantlo vaur korun asa. Sobhar vorsam
tannem mongllur diesejichea xalanchea kotholik videa borddacho direktor zamvnaslo. Viz taka tachea mukhlea jiunant sorv yox axeta ani veginch xotok marunk devalagim magta. ---------------------------------------------
700 pras choddit provasi kameli mongllur kendr roilve nildanna mukhar
mongllur kendr roilve nildanna mukhar lagim lagim 700 voirch provasi kameli achorilo. Prostut to voitt ddaus
me 8 ver sukrara zomle somajik 49 Veez Konkani
nildanna thamvn ghora vochonk roila mellttelim mholl'lli khobar vachun. Xemboramni provasi kameli je vosti madhyomamni konnengi tankam
korun asle dereboil, surotkol, nontur, 50 Veez Konkani
panddexvor polisank hea lokak
somadhan korunk bharich tras poddle. Polis ani hea kameleam modhem ragachem ulonnem-i chol'lem. Polisamni eka kameleak dhorn bondi kortana tanchem ulonnem viporit zalem. Kameleanchea hatamni "amkam ghora vochonk zai" mholl'llim ghoxonn potram
asl'lim. Sohaik komixonor modon mohonan tankam pattim tanchea voste suvatek dhaddchem proitn kelem ani ttreynam toyar astana amim kollit korteleamv mhonn. Vidan porixot sando mongllurcho oivon ddi’sozan turthan tea zageak bhett dimvn uprant jil'ladhikarik mellon ho somosso bond korn provasi kameleank pattim tanchea ghora dhaddchi vilevari korunk vinonti keli.
kullur ani itor suvateamni, mongllur roilve nildannak pam-i vatten cholon
vochon lainir ravalagle. He kameli zharkhandd, ut'tor prodex, modhyo prodex, oddixa ani vestt bengallache hangasor kamak lagon ayil'le. Roilve prottekxon fors sibondi ani
Polis komixonor dda| pi.Es. Horxo hea zageak yemvn tanka bhorvaso dilea uprant lokan muxkor pattim kaddlem. Hea kameleank pattim tanchea ghora vecheavixim apunn vyoustha kortolom mhonn komixonoran bhorvaso dilo. Uprant tankam keesarttisi bossamni pattim dereboil, surotkol, kepitti, nontur ani kullur dhaddlem. --------------------------------------------51 Veez Konkani
Sant Agnes Kalejik
devo borem korum mhonnon borem
Novi Pranxupal
nivrit'tponn maglam.
Mumbomyt korona
bhoron yeta
bho| dda| em'. Jesvina esi, pranxupal sant agnes kalez (svait't) mongllur,
me 8 ver mumbomyt 700 novea
heach march 31, 2020 ver nivrit't zali ani
lokak korona vosea pidda lagon
tichea sthanar soho pranxupal bho| dda| em'. Venissa esi k nemok kelam tosench bho| rupa roddrigos esi, pradheapoki ani arthik xastrachea vibhagachi mukhelnn
poristhiti hangachi bharich gombhir zalea. Osench vaddon gelear mumboi aslem tem vuhan
kalejichi soho pranxupal zamvn nemok
zamvn bodolcheant dubavo na
mhonnttat zannari. Mumbomytli gozal ek tollmolleanchi songot zamvnasa kiteak mhollear sobhar lok koronavixim kitench guman korina. Ghora thamvn bhair yemvn nastto
(davea thaun ujveak): bho| dda| jesvina esi, bho| dda| venissa esi ani
korunk, saman haddunk hennem
bho| rupa roddrigos esi
tennem bhomvon asat, tonddak
Kalez ani addolltean bho| dda| jesvina
mask ghalinant ekamekak 5 fitt
esi k tinnem khollmit nastam 28 vorsam
ontor dourinant. Atam sorvam heo
kel'lea vaurak tosench kalejintlea sobhar
sorv songti gorje bhaileo disonk
novikoronnank ani ailevar ugtaunn
puro punn ek pautti voso laglo tor
zal'lea noveach sobhasalakhatir kel'lea oporimit vaurak kalez ani addolltean tika
aplea jiva borabor asl'le sorvosv hogddaije poddttelem, to voso
52 Veez Konkani
ghorcheank dimvn kuttmachem
dourla ani hozarom hozarank
nirnnam' zatelem. Vhoi, hangasor
lagadd kaddlam.
lokachi khettch asa; osem mhonnttoch zagrutkayechi odhik
Omerikanti osench ghoddlem;
gorz asa. Mukhyo zamvn
okkol asoni nascheamporim vorton
xikpeamni oxikpi lokak apnnem
korun az somsarantch nombor ek
zamvn korn dakhounko asa.
korona lagl'lem tosench moronn
Sorkaran soglleanitlean soroea
pavol'lem raxttr zalam! sobharank
dukhanam ugtim korunk ovkas
mask ghalunk naka, bichar nidonk
dimvn pixemponn adharlam.
zai, sodam utton dhamvonk zai,
Hacho probhavo ghoramni tancheo
hofteakherik mozha marunk zai.
bailo-bhurgim sostat. Kitea
Atam hacho porinnam' sobharam
mhollear toklent mendu asl'le,
bhogun'nch asat ani tanchi chakri
kuson ayil'le ani kitench nasl'le sorv
korchea dakhterank, norsank,
yi pieunko lagleat. Sobharank
bholaike kxetrantlea kameleank
kamam nant tori, asl'le poixe
tim mullvad kosi zaleant.
soroeak ghaln nissontan kortat.
Somajik madhyomamni hea
Sant agnes senttor for posttgrajyuyett
pimvddeamni tokli pirvon rostear
sttoddis endd risorch
vag naschem sodanchem zalam.
onlain kounsel'ling sorvisos pragres tto vorchyuil klasos
kovidd-19 asleari xikap
Kitench zaina, devo samballttolo mhonn chint'teleank tanchea
ken'nanch ravana
mukhlea jiunant kitem rakon asa tem konn'nch nennam. Hi vosea pidda adleamporim khonddit nomi; hinnem sogllo somsarch halomvn
ailevar kovidd-19 vosea mohamari pidden zogot'tandyont porinnam' ghala choddttavo vortulamni, hantum xikxonn kxetrak boroch mar poddla. Ekch pautti sorkaran ghorbondi zahir kel'lean
53 Veez Konkani
54 Veez Konkani
55 Veez Konkani
ekachchhanne videarthincheo klasi bond
’keamposa thamvn pois, bhorvaso
korunk pauleat. Punn, sobhar xikxonn
gorjecho’ - hem ek sukxm' bhaunatmok
somstheamni okhea bharotant hea
karyokrom' xikxokink hea marekar vellar
onvarantlem voir yemvn viz klasi
bhaunatmok zamvn kosem tankam
manddun haddcheant yoxosvi zoddlea.
motik haddchem, zaunasa hea vellachi tiur gorz.
Sant agnes kalejichea xikxok vrindan heachporim nazukayen xikomvchem viz
’videarthi moti’ - ek viz som'mell 4
krom' zaroyek haddlam ani kalejintlim
bhagamni videarthink apli aturai ani
vividh vibhagantlim xikxokam hem
bhaunam kosim ityorth korchim
krom' aplea videarthink vodgamvn
mholl'llea vixeant kovidd-19 vellar rajivo
ghorach tannim xikcheak solis kortat.
gandhi yunivorsitti of helt sainsos ani
Osem kel'lean vorsacho silebos
sant agnes semyor for postt grajyuyett
sompomvchich tanchi ichchha
sttoddis endd risorch, mongllur ani
mhonnttat tim ani osem kel'lean
podmoxri insttittyutt of meddikol leab
videarthink tosench xikxokank aplem
tteknaloji, bengllur hannim sangata
xikomvchem kam' sompurnn kelem
mellon asa keleat.
mholl'lli tripti lablea. Heoch klasi nom-i astam xikxokamni videarthink vividh viz
Soikaloji vibhagyi sontos pauta hi viz
karyokromam ghemvn tacho boro
kounsiling vedi ani zannvai vaddomvchi
proyog tosench tanchea vellacho boro
vyoustha somajek ugti asa tancheo moti
upeog korunk ani tanchi xikpa kola
gorzo tirsunk, atam tosench ghorbondi
vrid'dhi korunk ulo dila. Hea vosea
kaddlea upranti. Zannaroeancho
pidde modhem-i videarthimni hem
pongodd hi seva dita somajek aple hat
gomonak haddn hacho boroch proyog
dimvn sohokar pattounko. Hea sokoil
korit't asat.
dil'lim vivorachim potram tumim polleuyeta. Hi seva inglix, kon'noddo,
Hea sokoilea viz karyokromank postt
konkonni, molloyallom' ani tullu
grajyuyett vibhagachea soikaloji sande
bhasemni melltteli. Sarvozonikank
somponmull vyokti zamvnasat:
hacho boro upeog korunk ulo dila. --------------------------------------------56 Veez Konkani
Dda pi.Doyanondo
poi xri pi. Sotixo poi
durboll zal'lo
sion axrom'
vixexo onudano
vitoronno dda pi.Doyanondo poi xri pi. Sotixo poi protixttha, bengolluru votino zogoteanto tanddovo kogta asuche vixexo atonkokari korona nimit'to aiche poristhitinto arthiP zauno sonkoxttako pavile ji.Es.Bi. Somazache 25 kuttumb ako tola rupayi 4000/- mhonnoke xri
bosti vamono xennoi han'ni suchoile prokaro ru. 1.00 lakho dhono viniogo kelam. Bonttovallo, panne mongolluru, zoddumargo prodexanto vaso zauno asuche arthiko zauno sonkoxttoko mellele somazo bandhovanko hem dhosohai vitoronno kelam. I kareantu bonttovalloche somazo seva karyokorto xri bi. Bollonturu probhakoro probhu, zoddumargo ji.Es. Bi. Odhyokxo xri
xri ji. Vitthttholo
daso probhu han'ni sohokaro dilam. ---------------------------------------------
sondorxon ghetlam: heraldd pintton korona kovidd-19 mohamari vosea pidda sogllea dexant bhorlea, sogllea rajeadyont khanna kitt vitoronn kortat, arthik sohai ditat, maskam vantt'ttat, seanittainor ximpddaitat. Gonddibagilu,
57 Veez Konkani
Sthapon korunk mukhy ud'dhex? vividh ritimni koxtt pauteleank, onathank, nirgotikank, asro nasl'leank mhojye thamvn tankta ti kumok diunko ani tanchi seva korchea drixtten axrom' prarombh kel'lo. Kitle axrom' nivasi asat? axromant ott'ttuk 385 nivasi jietat. Karkollant ek xal choloitat thoimsor kosem asa? thoimsor 300 videarthi el.Ke.Ji. Thamvn dviti-i piyusi poreant xikon asat. Thoimsor onath bhurgim ani axromant zolmal'lim soit hangasor xiktatr. Ott'ttuk 28 sibondi kam' korta. Tantum 72 belltongoddint sion axromant 385 lok
videarthink amim dhormarth xikap
jieta, tanchi seva korunk sibondi asa.
ditamv. Url'lea videarthink ayil'lea
Hea poreant konni hea kusin aplem
samballant veton tosem daninchea
tondd dakhounko ayil'lo na mhonn
mukhantr hem xal hamv cholomvn
bharich bezarayechea utramni hea
axromacho sthapok yu. Si. Poulos hea sondorxonant mhonnalo.
Axrom' nivasink sorkarachi kumok mellttagi?
Ken'nam ho axrom' survatil'lo? sorkara thamvn vorsak olpsonkheat 1999 isvent sion axrom' sthapon kel'lo
nigoma thamvn 96 lakh yeta. Punn toi
ani atam haka 21 vorsam bhorlim.
an'ni mukhar yemvcho na mhonnttat. 58 Veez Konkani
Koronaurvim tumkam kitli kumok
lablea? kitench sohai mellonk na. Hangasor konnench yeunko nozo mhonn sorkara thamvn monovi soit asa. Ghor bondivorvim konnakch yeunko vyousthai na. Poilem disak sumar 20 Mohineak 20 kvinttol tandull,10 kvinttol gomv melltta.
konnachi sohai melltta?
soulobhyota asa? sorkara thamvn her kitench soulobhyota amkam mellana. Bholaiki topasonn ani voidyoki-i khorch sorv aminch
dhormosthollak fon kel'lea tokxonn torkari ani itor samagri ditat. Punn ata forbondi nimtim thoimsor konn'nch
yena, kitem-i torkari amkam mellana.
polletamv. Tumkam vorsak kitlo khorch poddtta?
ditale. Atam tem-i raulam. Somaz seva somsthea thamvn
Sorkara thamvn her kitem
axromak eka vorsak ru. 3.60 khorch
zonn yemvn samagri, arthik kumok
Horyeka disa hangasor yemvn zolmadis, logn, kallzache ugddas utsavo achoronn kortale. Atam kosem?
59 Veez Konkani
zolma dis, logn, vol, sorl'leanche ugddas
kaddn hanchyelagim sombhrom'
titli bori na. Sorvank vokat zai, konnaiki
kortale. Jeunnacho khorch tech
vokat unnem korunk sadhy na. Tin
polloitale. Atam khonchem-i na.
pauttim jevann zaich zai. Sibondi samball, viz sokot sorv khorch tosoch
Kettoring kortele jeunnachi vilevari
kortatgi? Sogllea somsarar mohamari korona poilem thodde kettoringache vorsant
vistarla, tumchi obhiprai kitem?
ek-don pautti jevann ditale. Atam tankam konnachench kettoring
sogllea zogot'tak mohamari korona
mellanastam hangasor konn'nch yenant.
vistarlea dekhun amim sangata mellon zhogddonk zai. Sokot mikvon proitn
Tumkam videxam thamvn arthik
korunk zai ani devachem magnnem
kumok mellttagi?
korunk zai.
poilem vorsant 6 mohine golf
Hangachea nivasink kitem
dexantleachi arthik sohai mellttali. Atam
zagrutkayechim kromam hatim
thoimsorch udeogachi somosea,
telachem mol demvlam osem te upodrant asat. Amkam tanchyelagim
samajik ontor manddun haddcho, mask
vicharunk sadhy na.
ghalunk sorvank monovi kelea. Bhaileam hangasor provex addvarla.
Thoddea disam adim vattsap
Borddyi ghala. Sibondink xistechem
pongddamni kumok vicharl'li,
krom' asa kelam. Ghorak konni nove
spondon zalam?
soire yemvcheak amim nirbond haddla. Ghora thamvn yeteleam hangasor
thoddeamni spondon kelam. Nirikxa
ravonk vyoustha kelea.
kel'lea titli na. 10% lokan spondon kelam.
Hi somosea kosi tumim kareagot kortat?
Atanchi poristhiti kosi asa? 60 Veez Konkani
poilem ful dimvn asl'leank atam fulachi
somia devak horsunk lagtat
paklli tori diya mhonn amim magtamv.
kombo utton sad ghalta
Xasokank soit monoveo dileat.
kombia bayank uttounko lagta dhornni pondle divodd, gamydoll
Somajek tuzo sondex kiteo?
kottarleoi voir yetat sorkaran kitem sangta tem amim pallunk zai kitench chukanastam sorvamni
pisollim sorv ubon vetat surea kanti fulon yeta
ekvottan koronak fudd korunk zai.
Korona dhamvddaunko proitn korunk
roit utton pez jevun
zai. Sorkar kitem margdorxon dita tem
aple gade kosunk lagta
sarkean pallunk zai.
-viknes nontur
Sureo udetana sureo udeun yetam yetam akax soglloch tambddo kortam suknnim-sauzam zagim zatat
--------------------------------------61 Veez Konkani
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