Illustrated Weekly Illustrated Weekly
No: 25
May 28, 2020
Ek TaruN ViSESh KArBAri DA| Edmond Fernandes 1 Veez Konkani
(mogall viz potrachea konknni vachpeamno: hamv dda| eddmondd fernanddis
hachi porichoi ji inglixant asli ti konkonnik torzumo korunk boslom ani mhoji toklich viroear zali. Kitea mhollear, hamve tachye ixeant konknnent boroilem tor nohinch tachea karbharanchi sobhai geli bogar sobhar songtink konkonnint favote sobdhy mellna zale. Osem astam poilye pauttim he viz porgott korunk dhorl'lea uprant hamvem chintlem ki hamv dda| eddmondda vixeant inglixantch prokott kortam mhonn.
Hea vixeant konnaki kaim bezar zalam tor hamv ’kxoma
opekxitam!’ - dda| asttin probhu, sompadok)
Ek TaruN ViSESh KArBAri DA| Edmond Fernandes CELLPHONE +91-9743576808 (General)
EMAIL ( Office) (Direct)
MBBS, MD-Community Medicine, PGDipPHSM Official Website: FOR A NATION TO REJOICE A Brief Summary through time in the form of a CV.
Dr EDMOND FERNANDES, MBBS, MD, PGDip-PHSM My Vision: To create a visible difference for those who are victims of time & circumstance, through my work and through my words. My Mission: To embrace a community called mankind and channel my energies to build a new world Health order so that generations that will come after us, will be grateful because we lived. My Signature Statement:
CONTACT DETAILS Address: Office of Dr. Edmond, Falnir, Mangaluru – 575 002, Karnataka, India.
To think like a butterfly which spreads its wing on a bright morning in spring, to appreciate the world go by, to create the meaning of life rather than to find it, to right a wrong, to defend the weak, to encourage the not so motivated and bring out the best in them and to do something worth writing about, also to 2 Veez Konkani
write something worth reading about. Honor, Love, Humanity. For a Nation to Rejoice.
Statistics until now 2 books
Current Affairs and Engagements:
19 Research Publications 17 Public Policy Advocacy under-taken, with 2 major
implementation post advocacy impacting 20 lakh people. Over 160 articles written in leading National Media
The Times of India Link:
Daily News and Analysis (DNA):
Chief Executive Officer, CHD Group – a global health organization working with Governments, United Nations and Corporate Partners. Member, Health Task Force, District Disaster Management Authority, Government of Karnataka. Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council, Washington DC. US State Department Alumni
Educational Qualifications:
Areas of Professional Interest- Core Focus: A. Social Entrepreneurship, Global Health and Public Policy B. Diplomacy, Administration and Strategy – Healthcare, Academia & Governance
M.B.B.S (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
MD- Community Medicine (Doctor of Medicine)
3 Veez Konkani
Dhatri Publications, Bangalore. ISBN: 978-9381440-15-5. Price Rs 100.
PGDip- PHSM Management).
2. Edmond Fernandes (2015). Handbook on Workplace Diplomacy, 1st Edition edn., Mangalore, India: Yenepoya Printers and Publishers ISBN : 97893-5235-909-7. Price Rs 130 and USD$6. Publications in Research Journals:
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi, Konkani, Kannada.
1. Fernandes E, Zodpey S. India requires a public health law for disaster resilience. Int J Health
Citizenship: Indian
Allied Sci 2019;8:214-6
Books Published:
2. Fernandes, Edmond, Shetty, S., Siddharuddha
1.Edmond Fernandes (2012). Small Things That Matter Much, 1st Edition edn., Bangalore, India: 4 Veez Konkani
Shivalli, S. and Fernandes, V. (2018) “Analysis of
perceptions among urban residents of Mangaluru city�, The CHD Journal, 1(1). Available at: dj/article/view/1. 2018; 1(1). 3. Shourie S, Fernandes E. Mobile phones solicitation and HIV risk among sex workers in India. MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences. 2017; 5(4). 4. Chakraborty R, Fernandes E. ZIKA Virus Disease as Public Health Emergency and Ethics. Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2017; 8(2): 1118. 5. Agarwal A, Fernandes E. Tweeting up during humanitarian emergencies. Int J of Percep in Pub Health. Vol I, No 3. 160-161. 6. Fernandes E, Nirgude A, Naik P, Dsouza N, Shetty S. Study of commuter problems and opinions in a fast developing coastal city of Mangalore in India: A gender perspective analysis. Int J Health Allied Sci 2017;6:57-63. 7. Borah H, Fernandes E. Forgotten Land- Majuli Island, Revisiting for Solutions. NIU
(At the US Senate and House of Representatives at Capitol Hill)
5 Veez Konkani
(At the Permanent Mission of India to the UN)
8. JournaSocial Sciences. Vol 3-4: 2016. 63-65. ISSN No: 23479795 9. Fernandes E, Neevan D. Addressing inclusive ageing for sustainable global health futures. MRIMS J Health Sciences 2017;5(2):53-54.
6 Veez Konkani
10. Fernandes E, Pandit, P. (2017). Empowering health workers for sustainable health development. International Journal of Perceptions in Public Health, 1(2): pp.87-88. 11. Pai RP, Fernandes E. Engage medical postgraduates beyond medicine. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2017;22:1.
7 Veez Konkani
14. Kamath R, Fernandes E, N Prakash. (2016). Nepal Earthquake. Observations and Lessons to 12. Fernandes E, Dsouza, N. (2016). Reclaiming public health through power. International Journal of Perceptions in Public Health, 1(1):4-7. 13. Fernandes E, Kerkar P (2016). Driving youthful
learn. South East Asia J of Pub Health. ISSN: 2220-9476. 15. Fernandes, E., Borah, H. & Shetty, S. (2016) Mainstream disaster health as a policy priority:
passion to elderly care. Help Age India-R & D
experiences from Chennai floods and a cross
Journal. Vol 22. No 2. Page 31-32.
sectional study during disaster relief phase. Int J
8 Veez Konkani
(With Bishop of Shimoga) Community Med Public Health, 3 (6), 15891592.
6040.ijcmph20161634. 16. Fernandes E, Borah H. (2016). Wounded Healers. J of Economic and Political Weekly. Vol 51. Issue no 17, 23.
(At the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India)
9 Veez Konkani
India) (With
(At Vidhan Soudha - State Secretariat – Karnataka)
(After MBBS Graduation with family) 17. Fernandes E. Doctors and medical students in
Issues & Concerns in Health CommunicationsThe India Story: ', in (ed.) Official proceeding
(With Karnataka Politicians) 19. Edmond Fernandes, RP Pai (2012) 'A Few
India should stop wearing white coats BMJ 2015;
book of the International Symposium on
Language 7 Communications.. Izmir University,
Last accessed 23rd November, 2015.
Turkey: Mega PRESS , Erzurum, Turkey., pp.
18. Ashraf M, Mohan T, Fernandes E (March 2014)
'Hand patterns in prostatic cancers', IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 13(3),
20. Palatty P, Fernandes E, Suresh S, Baliga MS (2011) 'Comparison of Sleep Patterns in Medical
pp. 72-74 .
& Law Students', J Sleep & Hypnosis, 13(1-2).
10 Veez Konkani
(With Congress Leader, Dr. Shashi Tharoor)
(Two Books wrote)
21. Short Communication: Fernandes E. (2011) Indian
International Med J of Students’ Research,Vol 2.
(With BJP Leader Jay Panda) Dr. Edmond Fernandes at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, at the Regional Hub in Bangkok and at the United Nations University in Tokyo. •
Written over 160 media articles on public policy issues and governance and healthcare . Have written to agencies like The Times of India, India Today Group, Indian Express, Deccan Herald, DNA and other news agencies.
About CHD Group CHD Group is a global health organization having headquarters in Mangalore City, Karnataka, India and having satellite offices in other cities across India. CHD Group works with Governments, UN Agencies and Corporate partners in building the public health, policy and sustainable development agenda.
11 Veez Konkani
Dr. Edmond Fernandes represented CHD Group addressing policy makers at the UNDP Headquarters in Manhattan, New York on “India's emergence in the 21st Century and the role UNDP can play to shape the global agendas and then attended the Eastern Carribean Islands meeting on Hurricane Irma. Subsequently, he visited the UN General Assembly which was in session in November, 2017. Risk informed planning at the sectoral level and Gender Concerns in Disaster Risk Reduction was discussed by Dr. Edmond Fernandes, CEO, CHD Group at the UNESCAP & Partners Regional Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand in August, 2017. Along with Noble Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus and other invited panelists from around the world, Dr. Edmond Fernandes
(As a House Surgeon back then)
(As a small boy hoisting National Flag) presented the CHD Group origins from humble beginnings to humble achievements through the years which marked several key impact achievements at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. A few Public Policy Advocated for/Impacted: 1. Why this Road User ID card will change health systems forever: bal-health-focus/why-this-road-user-id-cardwill-change-health-systems-forever/ 2. KPME Amendment Bill 2017 is not a solution for Affordable Healthcare:
(Inside the parliament of India) 3. Why Community Medicine is the sexiest profession of the 21st Century:
12 Veez Konkani (Covered in Print in The Times of India and The Indian Express ) bal-health-focus/why-community-medicinepublic-health-is-the-sexiest-profession-ofthe-21st-century/ 4. India-Hong Kong Health Diplomacy in need of reforms. health-diplomacy-inneed-of-reforms/ 5. Remove Mandatory Retirement age for Medical Doctors – Letter written to Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Use-expertise-of-experienced-doctors-instead-ofretiring-them/articleshow/52722558.cms
10. Need to bring back Indian Medical Services, Published by India Today Group 11. Advocated for Re-thinking white coats in India, through an article( Scientific Commentary) Published in The BMJ ( British Medical Journal) available online as : An article published in The BMJ ( British Medical Journal ) as a personal view to re-think white coats in India. National TV Channels in the Country: India TV/Headlines Today 6. Set up the District Disaster Management Authority – Health Task Force after advocacy with the District Administration. 7. Mainstream Disaster Health Education – WHO Education Guidelines ng-disaster-health-education 8. Regulate work hours for Doctors & House Surgeons in India 9. Conducted a Stakeholder Meeting on “Building India’s Disaster Health Infrastructure” at IIHMR, New Delhi and engaged UN representatives, Govt of India Officials and Civil Society Leaders. This was an effort to Mainstream Disaster Health.
News 9 Vlk Media Reports as follows: 1. The Tribune : 925.html India today: 2. The Times of India: 3. CNN IBN Live:
13 Veez Konkani
(At the CHD Group Headquarters. The Institution I started in 2014) 4. Hindustan Times: 5. Gulf News: 6. India TV News : 7. Deccan Herald Report: 8. Indian Express: 9. One India News 10. Daijiworld Media Ltd: id=337978 11. News Karnataka: 12. Business Standards 13. Zee news : 14. The Telegraph – India
14 Veez Konkani
("Media & medics" Link for prime healing touch at the Mangalore Press Club Meet) 12. Conducted National Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 in Collaboration with School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya to orient theoretical disaster response and psychosocial care in Disasters. Impacted more than 200 professionals in Social Work, Public Health and NGO representatives. Disaster Response Cell created. Links as Below: Mangalore Media Company Mangalore Today The Times of India: National-symposium-will-discuss-disasterreduction/articleshow/48002376.cms
13. Seat Belt enforcement issue was brought up repeatedly with the District Administration 15 Veez Konkani
and finally it got implemented for Mangalore City. Link as Published during the appeal made in The Times of India as : galuru/Book-violators-of-seat-belt-rule-sayscenter-for-health-anddevelopment/articleshow/45362371.cms
3000 College students across Mangalore City, titled “ Renewing Efforts, Magnifying Health” in collaboration with the District Health Office and Mangalore City Corporation which was Inaugurated by Mr U T Khader, Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka and other Members of Legislative Assembly, Mr J R Lobo, Mr Moideen Bava, and Member of Legislative Council, Captain Ganesh Karnik were present.
Survey as on June 2015 says, 4000 people have been booked for violating seat belt in the city.
Links : 14. Took up the cause of Police Officials and Traffic Constables with Shri Om Prakash, Director General of Police, Karnataka State for providing water and sanitation facilities at traffic out-posts and also to empower them to fine rule violators. The Issue of compulsory wearing of masks was brought up for implementation without delay due to air pollution needs rising. Received Letter of thanks from the Office of the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Traffic Sub-Division Mangalore City, Government of Karnataka in response, to that Vide Reference: No 69/General/ACP Tr/2015. Link : ?action=topnews&type=13067 15. Conducted a Two Wheeler Rally to mark the 26th National Road Safety Week in Collaboration with the Regional Transport Officer, Traffic Police, where more than 180 two wheelers participated in the rally while on-lookers watched the significance of the day all around the city and then the two wheelers took a pledge for road safety. Links : =topnews&type=11893 16. Conducted a Massive Malaria and Dengue Awareness Rally and out-reach for more than id=181167
Areas of Social Interest • Writing • Leadership • Music • Driving • Football First Book in News – Small Things that Matter Much Only online Links which have not been mentioned elsewhere in the cv. =broadcast&broadcastid=320745 n&type=6009 ntent&view=article&id=40532:young-medicosbook-released-&catid=57:news-stories&Itemid=68 l-things-that-matter-much-2/
16 Veez Konkani ook-small-things-that-matter-much-released-bybellary-bishop/ _id=139188 Special Coverage of 2nd Book on Work Place Diplomacy: Indian Express (In Print ) When Media Empowers: • •
Branded By The Times of India as “A Leader in the Making.”(Print) The Times of India “Medical student wears many hats” (Website) 011-11-25/mangalore/30440599_1_medicalstudent-edmond-fernandes-politics Mangalore’s Youngest Author – Deccan Herald, Dakshin Times, Mangalore Today Reports(Print and Web) 25/small-things-matter-much.html Recognized by Mangalore Media Company, as “Mangalorean Whizkid” wstype=broadcast&broadcastid=272472 Interviewed as a “young achiever” on All India Radio.
Guest Lectures and Person/Chief Guest:
1. Invited by Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore to address a Malaysian Delegation on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction on 23rd April, 2019. 2. Invited by World Health Organization for a Workshop on Kerala Floods 2018 & psychosocial care, Kochi, India. February, 2019.
3. Invited by Christelijke Mutualiteit, Brussels Belgium for a India – EU dialogue on Disaster Management and Global Health. 12th October, 2018. 4. Invited by National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan for collaborative partnership dialogue and hospital preparedness training in humanitarian emergencies. September 2nd to 8th , 2018. 5. Invited as Expert Jury Member of the Times Healthcare Achievers Award 2018 in Mumbai, India. 6. Invited by Nestle Nutrition Institute to give key note address on “ Diarrhoeal Disease Management and Public Health Outcomes in the 21st Century” on 15th April in Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, India and in Madurai, Chennai, Mumbai. 7. Invited by Nestle Nutrition Institute to give key note address on “ Diarrhoeal Disease Management and Public Health Outcomes in the 21st Century” on 21st April in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. 8. Invited to be a panelist to discuss innovations in health technology and social entrepreneurship with Noble Laureaute Muhammad Yunus and other delegates across South East Asia on 26th March, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. 9. Invited to give the inaugural address to the pediatricians of West Bengal on 17th March, 2018 in Kolkata. 10. Invited to be the Chief Guest for the Annual Day Celebrations of Milagres Education Institutions, Mangalore on 20th March, 2018. 11. Invited as Resource Person at a round table at JNU, New Delhi for the International Conference on Reinforcing Institutional Decision Making in Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation" Feb. 16-18, 2018. 12. Invited as a Global Health Expert to advice and mentor Yumenosya Foundation, Earth Identity Project and discuss partnerships with Global Digital Mojo in Tokyo and
17 Veez Konkani
Aichi in Japan. 8th February to 10th February, 2018. 13. Invited by Diocese of Bellary for a rapid assessment and geographical familiarity of location to strengthen collaborative partnerships. 17th January, 2018. 14. Invited by SEEDS and partners for the “Safe Communities” Innovation labs in New Delhi 27th and 28th December, 2017. 15. Invited as a Resource person to the National Consultation by Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Center and UNICEF on 16th December, 2017 in Bangalore. 16. Invited as a special guest for the Washington DC Gala of the America India Foundation, Washington, DC. 10th November, 2017. 17. Invited as a Resource person for the Global Partnership Summit 2017 by India Center Foundation in New Delhi from 11th to 14th December, 2017. 18. Invited as resource person for a thematic session by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai for Clairvoyance Conference 2017, November 25th. 19. Invited to address the 25th Annual General Body Meeting of CHAI- Karnataka on 3rd September, 2017 at Chaitanya, Shimoga District to speak on Public Health Action 2020. 20. Invited as Resource Person to the Regional Forum on translating the global agenda frameworks into practice. Organized by UNESCAP and partners ( ADPC, Canadian Government, GIZ, IFRC and UNDP) in Bangkok, Thailand, 29th - 30th August, 2017. 21. Invited as main resource person for a Two Day training programme of Medical officers and district programme officers working in the Boat Clinics in the Brahmaputra River. Organised by C-NES in partnership with NHM - Government of Assam, Regional Resource Centre- North East, RNTCP and
Center for Health and Development ( CHD Group) - India. 22. Invited to address the Rotary Club – Mangalore Hillside on Hand Hygiene on 7th June, 2017 as Chief Guest. 23. Invited as a Keynote speaker for the International Conference on Advanced IT for the special track on E-Governance at St Aloysius Institute of Management & IT, 11th November, 2016. 24. Invited for the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Conducted by Government of India and UNISDR at New Delhi, November 2-5th, 2016. 25. Invited as Public Health Expert for the IndoGerman Convention conducted by Manipal University and Lindau Alumini , Germany to conduct a full day workshop on “ Public Health in Humanitarian Emergencies.” At Manipal University on 15th September, 2016. 26. Invited as Chief Guest to deliver the Inaugural Speech at the Biochemistry Association of St Aloysius College, Mangaluru [ autonomous] 27. Invited as Session Chairperson for National Seminar on “Moving Towards Health System equity.” Supported by Indian Council for Social Science Research, May 67th, 2016 at Centre for Culture and Development, Vadodara, Gujarat. 28. Invited as Resource Person to speak on “Disaster Mainstreaming in Healthcare” at the 4th International Conference on Remote Sensing and GIS, Mangalore University. UGC Sponsored Conference on 16- 17th, February, 2016. 29. Invited as Resource person to speak on “Mental Health – Need for a paradigm shift” for the Fourteenth MDRF-UABFIU International seminar on “Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases” from 5th evening to 7th February 2016,
18 Veez Konkani
funded by the National Institutes of Health [NIH] in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 30. Invited as Panelist to speak on “Civic responsibilities to fight corruption” at St Aloysius College (Autonomous), St Aloysius Group of Institutions on 22nd January, 2016. 31. Invited as Chief Guest to Hoist the Indian Tricolor at Yenepoya School and PU College on 26th January, 2016. 32. Invited to attend “Transforming Risk into Resilience meeting” organized by SEEDS India and ADRRN at India International Center, Lodi Estate, New Delhi on 12th January, 2016. 33. Invited as Speaker for the 2nd World Congress on Disaster Management, Government of Andhra Pradesh, 19-22nd November, 2015. 34. Made Co-Chairperson for the Health Theme at the 39th Indian Social Sciences Congress held at, Mangaluru University, December 15th, 2015. 35. Invited as Chief Guest to deliver a keynote session for Teacher’s Day function at P A College of Engineering, University Road, 11th September, 2015. 36. Invited to deliver a Guest Lecture at St Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology. Addressed the Gathering on “ Our World : Beyond the 21st century for sustainable development.” 37. Invited to attend the District Disaster Management Authority Meeting dated 16-72015, under the Chairmanship of Mr Ibrahim, IAS, Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate, Dakshina Kannada District, Government of Karnataka. 38. Invited to address the prelude of the 39th Indian Social Sciences Congress 2015 at Mangalore University on “Shaping Healthcare through Humanities.” 23rd June, 2015
39. Invited By The Deputy Commissioner for Transport, under Directions of the Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate to attend the Road Transport Authority Meeting and Make a Presentation on Road Safety and Road Traffic Injuries. Vide Reference Letter Dated: 11-3-2015. DCT&SRTO/MNG/RoadSafety/2015 40. Invited as Faculty to chair sessions at the 11th MDRF-FIU-UAB Intensive Workshop at Chennai supported through Fogarty Grant, NIH,USA, 2015. 41. Invited to participate, deliberate and document the UNICEF and Government of Odisha conclave on “Nourishing India’s Tribals, Bhubaneshwar, Odisa. Jan 15th and 16th, 2015. 42. Invited by University of Dhaka for a guest session on “Disasters: Certainty in an uncertain world. December 6th, 2014. 43. Invited by Shaheed Surwardhy Medical College, Dhaka, BMSS Unit for a guest session on “ Disaster Risk Reduction.” 44. Invited by Public Health Foundation of Bangladesh, for the scientific seminar and talk during the Foundation day at icddr,b in Dhaka. December 7th and 8th, 2014. 45. Invites as Resource person at the International conference on Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, December 18, 19th, 2014. 46. Invited to the Public Health Foundation of Bangladesh to sign MoU with them on December 7-8th, 2014. 47. Invited by Doctors for You for a training in Humanitarian Emergencies at Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai, August 27-30th 2014. 48. Invited as Faculty for the MDRF-FIU-UAB International Seminar supported by Fogarty Grant, NIH, at Chennai in January,2014. 49. Invited to participate and conduct the Interactive Session on Rabies Prevention and Control jointly organized by Dept of
19 Veez Konkani
Public Health, Manipal University, District Health and Family Welfare, Udupi, Dept of Animal Husbandry. 50. Invited for the CME on Tuberculosis organized by District Health and Family welfare, Udupi, International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, New Delhi and Dept of Public Health, Manipal University, Dated : 9th March,2013. 51. Participated in CME on “Acid Base Balance” organized by Yenepoya University, division of Nephrology on March 23rd, 2013. 52. Invited Guest Lecture delivered to Students of SDM Law College & research Institute on 16th October, 2012 on “ When the World Begins in you.” – with Influencing People & Slow Philosophy.” 53. Invited to attend a CME on “ Intimacy Matters “ conducted by Dept of Psychiatry at A J Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore 54. Invited for The International Conference on “ Re-thinking Religion in India” jointly organized by Ghent University, Belgium; SDM Law College, Mangalore, KuvempuUniversity. wstype=broadcast&broadcastid=360585 55. Addressed & delivered a guest lecture in St Mary’s College, Shirva, udupi on 07th July, 2010 and spoke on “in search of your true self.” 56. July 3rd, RIMSCON 2011, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Delivered a guest lecture on “The changing scenario of Medical education in India Today.” 57. Delivered a guest lecture on “Medical concerns in IT Professionals,” at St Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology, Beeri, Mangalore.” 58. Invited to judge “Tweet up- group discussion at Imprints 2011, Science fest. 59. Participated as an invited delegate in the National Seminar on “Indian Constitution,
60 years of Actions & inactions, SDM Law College, Mangalore. 60. Participated as an invited delegate in the National Seminar on “issues & concerns of higher legal education in India” SDM Law College, Mangalore. 61. Invited to Hoist the National flag on 26th January, 2007 by the Veena Beena Cooperative HSG soc.LTD during the Indian Republic day celebrations. 62. Invited to Speak on “ Medical journalism & Public Relations on 100.3FM ALL INDIA RADIO on 15th September,2012. Certificates/Awards/Trophy: • •
• • •
20 Veez Konkani
Awarded the prestigious US State Department Legislative Fellowship 2017. Awarded 3rd Prize in Inter-collegiate Poster Competition on “ Malaria in India” conducted by Nitte University in collaboration with NIH Reserch programme, Penn State Hershey college of Medicine. The poster was titled, BCC and Social Policy Incentive – Key to malaria Control. Dated: 1st September, 2016. Recommended by Global Peace Foundation – India to represent the Indian Delegation to the 4th International Young Leaders Assembly at USA. Nominated to represent the Indian delegation for the 61st General Assembly of The International Federation of The Medical Students association, Mumbai. August 914th 2012. Received the trophy of appreciation by the International Institute of Public Policy. Received the Lifebuoy Trophy for securing 90% from Don Bosco, Matunga. Merit Certificate of Proficiency in the science talent search competition during the Dr Homi Bhabha Bal Vaidnyanik Competition.
• • •
The Simon Cardinal Pimenta Merit Certificate for Religion. Won the Rink hockey tournament and bagged the Lions Club of Willingdon Crescent 2004. Won several finals in football and hockey at the city, state and national levels with numerous medals and certificates.
The Indian Express: ard/2017/aug/27/mangaluru-doc-ditches-fancyfuture-for-social-service-1648564.html Bangalore Mirror: mangaluru-helping-hand-forgujarat/articleshow/60048262.cms Daijiworld: x?newsID=467323 Mangalore Today:
Reporting of Typhoon Yolanda Relief Mission in Philippines: The Hindu ctor-on-a-mission-inphilippines/article5490404.ece
Disaster Management Operations Cyclone Fani 2019 u-medical-team-in-odisha/article27259734.ece
Kerala Floods 2018
The Times of India:
Deccan Herald: Report of the Bihar Floods 2017 is available on youtube. Reporting on Gujarat Floods 2017 in Banaskantha District of Rurak Gujarat, India: t039s-all-shattered-dreams-broken.html
Mangalore Today: 21 Veez Konkani rean-Doctor-aids-AMDA-relief-mission-inTyphoon-Yolanda-hit-Philippines.html Reporting of Chennai Flood Relief Mission in Tamil Nadu. The Times of india Plan-urban-risk-mitigation-in-Mangaluru-saysdoctor/articleshow/50175451.cms Be Cellphone(India): +91-824-4116824 (Office) E-Mail: Official Webpage: --------------------------------------------------------------
Kallza oghatachi
ek kanni -Dda Raghovendro Bhott, MD FRCS (GLASGOW) profesor inttornol meddisin MD FRCP (GLASGOW) mhaka tea norsachi borich vollok asli. Ek xroman kam' korchi, somorth vrit'tipor
-Dda Raghovendro Bhott piddestank kumok korunk ken'nant il'lem choddit kam' korchi. Ti nohinch piddestanchi seva kortali punn ti tanchye vixeant kollvolle bhogtali inttensiv ker vibhagant ji ta aspotrent kam' kortana hamv choddttavo sodam mholl'lleaporim hea vibhagak piddestanchi chikitsa korunk vetalom. Hamvem korchea obheasant hamv sontuxtthi aslom. Klinikol obheasant ekleak sontos bhogunk zai tor taka lokacho husko asonk zai, tim kosem vorton kortat, vivingodd ritin protikria dakhoitat tem sorv motik kutuhol haddtta. Xabhitayen kam' nirvohunk dig kallak (hamvem 33 vorsam kam' kel'lem) khonchyai vibhagant, taka oti gorz asa nohinch zannvai, kola ani samorthi punn sangata paxamv somzoncho ani lokak kumok korcho.
22 Veez Konkani
Hamv hem eka kothanok rupar mojea voidyoki-i obheasa thamvn. Kaim 20 vorsam adim, eka pausallea disa ek nors mhaka bhettli ek upkar magon. Tika hamvem tichea ghora aschea tichea bapaik mellonk zai aslem - tachem karonn aslem taka hordhea dukh thodde pautti yetali ani vetali thodde pautti tachea purasannek lagon. Mhaka ek songot bori lagtali ki ghorank bhett diunko. Heavorvim klinikant vo aspotrent piddestank pollemvchem tem sodamnit haka ek bodlaunn haddtta sangatach eka piddestachi sompurnn choritra zannam zaunko ek ovkas melltta, tachi pidda, tachchea kuttmachi protikria tosench tachi protikria tachea piddek. Amkam hem sorv gorjechem eka piddestak sompurnn borem korcheak. Hamvem tinnem axel'lo upkar hamvem dhridd kelo - horyekleak kollit aslem ki hamvem hem zait mhollem kitench pattim mukhar pollenastam ani choddaut tankam hamv teach disa bhettlom hamv kamar bijhi aslom tori. Eklean khonddit zamvn mon kelear thoddo sutto vell koryet ani tosench karonnam dimvn addauyet korchem mon naslear! hamv ken'nam-i mhaka torbhet kel'lea vixeant chint'talom zannem ek pauttim sangl'lem, "khonchem-i karonn toripunn nirdoxit zamvn somzounko tuka zait va na tujem kam' korunk tujea boroea samorthe prokar." mhaka zai folitanx-nom-i karonnam. Toripunn taka mhojea karar tachea ghora vochonk donfaram uprant
mhojea jeunna vellar mhojea klinikantlea sokallichea adexa uprant. Hamve kar cholounko dhortananch mhaka koll'llem ki tea norsachem ghor 30 kilomittor pois mhonn mhojea klinika thamvn. Hamve kar soddn degeche roste dhorle ani ten'nam hamve pollelo dusroch zogot - kitench padd zainasli pachvi bhum-i, jivall suvat sangata haskuro lok nheson sadi mustaiki hason'nch tanchea sodam kamak vecho. Thoimsor hamvem dorvodd pollelo na, dolleank discho bhor na ani bohuxo
tankam nirdharit vell pallunk na tosench taka sombondhun jieunko na. Mhaka ti bhum-i pollemvn khuxi zali ani hamv tea lokak ani tea suvatek mechvonk laglom. Amim karar vetam vetam zage disle chodd nitoll, pachve ani xanteche. Xeuttim amim tea pornea ghorak bomvarim maddamni bhorl'lea vochon pauleamv. Mhaka bharich mogan 2 purux ani ekye striyen svagot kelo - sorv ul'lasan bhor l'le, haskure ani sontosbhorit distale. Hamv chint'talom piddest khoimsor asagi mhonn.
23 Veez Konkani
Tannim mhaka bosonk sanglem ani suxeg kelo. Tanchye poikintlea prayesthan mhaka pieunko bonddo dilo - ek samany rivaz ekleak aplo mog dakhounko ani man diunko - sangon to ghorcheach maddacho mhonn tosench tanchyelagim aschea ut'tim' maddacho. Porisor sangalaglem tankam gorjecheo sorv vostu tanchyelaginch asat mhonn ek bholaikechem ani suxegachem jiun jieunko. Amim kitem vilasik vostu mhonn lekhtamv tem matr naslem hangasor esi nasli (bodlak zonelam baglam thamvn thondd varoea vhallo) vixex akorxit kritok dive nasle (ugtea zonelam thamvn boroch ujvadd ghorant asl'lo) ghora bhair kar park korn nasl'lem. Tannim nhesl'lem vostur bharich sadem - lungi ani boniyon jem bharich layek distalem hea hoveak. Hamv bonddea udak pielom - hamve edoll piel'lea bonddeam poiki bharich ruchik. Tannim dambun sanglem ki maddank kitench kritok sarem ghalinant mhonn. Bosl'lea kodden suxeg bhogl'lea uprant ani tancho upkar bavuddlea uprant tanchea sotkarak hamvem vicharlem piddest khoimsor asagi mhonn. Mhojea axchoreak to prayesth monis zannem mhaka bonddo pieunko dilo toch zamvnaslo piddest. Hamv tachyelagim thoddim sovalam vicharunk fuddem gelom - mhaka kollit zalem ki to matso prayesth distalo ani taka kitench poilenchi pidda nasli. Hordhea dukh kitench purasann zainastam yetali ani
heavorvim hordheak sarkem rogot mellanastam (kallza oghat) ek karonn. Hamv ken'nam-i mhojea kara ikeji yontr dourtalom. Hem ek ghoddit hamvem korchem kam' borem mholl'llo drixttant dilagli. Tachea sompurnn jinnye choritra uprant hamvem isiji kaddlem. Isiji mukhantr kollit zalem ki sompurnn promannacho kallzaghat - zaka atam amim mhonnttamv esttiiem'oi (estti segmentt elivexon moyokarddiyol infrekxon). Mhaka ozap bhoglem ani hamv taka melll'leak sontos paulom taka her kitench pidda nasli vo gondollanche vixoi nasle. Tachea kallzachi uddnni sompurnn asli (kallzachea voilea koxa attria vo sokoilea koxa venttrikls thamvn ostouyosto nasli) xoktidaik (samany rogta dab rogat boroean paxar zatalem kuddichea sorvoi bhagank nitoll chintpan, hagonk sarkem zatalem, mutonki borech zatalem usvas voddinaslo ani kuddichi suz nasli. Tannem xida mhojelagim vicharlem kitem upodrgi mhonn. Hamv ken'nam-i xida sarki somzonni ditam - hamve sanglem ki tachea kallzak zai titlem
24 Veez Konkani
rogat vhallanastam taka dukh yeta ani veta mhonn. Tosench hamvem sanglem taka viram' gorjecho tosench hacher dollo dourun'nch asonk zai mhonn. Thoddea disank aspotrent raulear borem - tannem tachi dhuv kam' korchea aspotrentch rauyet mhonn. Thoddim minuttam to chintunk laglo ani mhonnalo - "hamv zannam tum kitem sangtai tem. Hamv moran, vhoimu? tum chinta korinaka dakhter tosem kitench zamvchem na. Hamv tumvem sangl'lem pallttam ani ghorach rautam. Tumvem mhoji dhuv mhoji bholaiki polletelem mhonn sangl'lea prokar disak nom-i ratchea vellar - ani tea vellar hamv hanga ekloch piddest zal'lean mhaka tachem 100% gomon mhojer astelem. Mhojelagim asl'lem espirin hamve taka dilem ani mhollem hamv heavixim tujye dhuvelagim uloitam. Dhuven xida sanglem - tankam mhojer sompurnn patyenni asa mhonn. Tachea bapaik hamve tachyelagim ulounko zai aslem, taka apddunk zai aslem, porikxa korunk zai asli, taka bhorvaso dimvn axirvodunk zai aslem. Mhaka somzalem konsolttexon mhollear kitem mhonn nohim fokot katorn gondoll sukomvchi sobha vaporn ek kromaullichi rit bogar ek patyennechem bholaikechem ulonnem ason mog, gomon, dorvodd nastam aikonm' zannam zaunko piddest ani ghorcheanchi aturai ani nimannem tankam bhorvaso dimvn piddestak axirvad dimvchem.
Hamvem sontosan tannem sangl'lem gomonak haddlem, tachea gondolla vixeant taka sanglem tachea kuttma ani dhuve borabor sangata bosl'lea kodden eka vingodd kuddant. Piddestak zai zal'lem vokat ten'nam asl'lem boroilem ani ken'nam zai ten'nam aspotrek haddunk sanglem. Tea uprant hamv pattim klinikak gelom ekloch. Thoddim chintnam mhaka dhosilaglim - hamvem kel'lem sarkem zalem? hamve taka aspotrek yeunko vot'todd ghalizai aslo? hamvem taka bhexttaunko zai aslem taka moronn yet mhonn bodlak bhorvaso dimvn axirvad dimvchea bodlak? borem, hamv hantum bhodr naslom - punn hamvem mhojem kam' sarkem kelem mhonn mhaka tripti asli. Pattim portalea uprant hamv mhojea sodanchea kamar tol'lin zal'lom. Thoddea disam uprant tachea dhuven bapaicher kel'lea thoddea porikxenchi vordhi dakhoili rogta sakhor, kiddni kareavoll, livor kareavoll, hemoglobin ani itor) ani sorv samany ritin sarkeo asleo sangl'leaporinch. Porot norsak mhaka apoita poreant mhaka hea sorvachi visor poddl'li - hamve vicharlem to koso asagi mhonn. Ti mhonnali to boro asa punn hamve anyek pautti taka polleunko zai mhonn. Thoddea disam uprant hamv porot taka bhettonk voplom turthachem kaim nasl'lean.
25 Veez Konkani
Xabitayechea kar cholona uprant hamve tanchea ghora paulom tea mogacho svagot mhaka toyar aslo tin mohineam adim tanger poilye pautti pavol'lea toslo. Hamv teach vyoktink bhettlo ani mhaka tanchea sopear bosonk sanglem mhojea dolleam mukhar asle te sobhit madd. Piddestan mhaka bosonk sanglem,
vinchl'lo vyokti tanchea mogacheanchi seva korunk. Sobhar ulonnea uprant kosem-i tannem hamve sangl'leak soi ghali. Tacho upkar bauddun hamv pattim vochonk mhojea karalagim ailom. Karachea buttant bondde bhorl'le.K tegam-i karalagim yemvn mhozo upkar tannim bavuddlo. Kar soddchea poilem - to mhonnalo "ddakttor tumvem mhaka dil'lea bhorvaseachea ulonnean mhaka somadhan bhoglem - hamv zannaslom kitench padd zamvchem na mhonn mhojye thoim - devan mhaka raklem tuka hangasor dhaddun!"
thodde sobdh uloilo ani taka bhogsunk sangon to bhair gelo. Mhaka tacher dourl'le dolle soddunk osadhy zalem. To soraram cholon tea madda sorxim gelo, turthan maddar choddon sokoil ailo ek bonddo ghemvn - sorvam pras vhodd hamve mhojea dolleamni edoll pollel'lo! tachea udkan tin vhodd glas bhorle ul'lasachem thondd godd piun. Mhaka ten'nam kollit zalem hea piddestan tachi bholaiki mhaka prodorxit kel'li. Porikxa ani isiji fokoi ek niyomanuxtthanachi punn ti hamvem sonkxipt keli. Uprant thoddem ulonnem odol bodol kortoch tannem mhaka eka kourant poixe vodd'ddaile. Hamve somadhanen te naka mhollem sangon ho mhozo obheas mhoji seva mhojea vrit'tentlea monxank dhormarth dimvchi. Hamv ken'nam-i chint'talom hamv ek
hamv pattim vochonk kar soddttalo hamvem chintunk dhorlem - "niz! ek khatri kel'lo kallzaghat isijir dakhoyil'lo punn tannem kitench zainasli bholaiki taka pattim labli - zamvn ek sompurnn sohoz isiji ani kam' korunk trann. Hamvem ten'nam chintlem ki robhos amkam chintunk ovkas dita. Amim tachi uposthiti matr bhogyet. Patyetele chintat to mhonn devo. Sobhar mhonnttat tem mhonn odrixtt. Hamv patyetam tea disa nohinch taka vanchoilem mhakai vanchoilem! ---------------------------------------------
Dda| nitta bhott zornol of di omerikon meddikol esosiexon hachi ek vimorxoki zamvn vinchun ailea. Ti veginch omerikachea rodd oylenddantlea broun
26 Veez Konkani
mhojem thoim mhellench disonk nam!!!! on'nu kulxekor. ---------------------------------------------
helt ttips - 3 yunivorsittint optalmoloji residdensi korteli. Ti dda| raghovendro bhott ani xobha bhott hanchi dusri dhuv zamvnasa. Tika viz sorv yox axeta ani borem magta. ---------------------------------------------
prostut lak ddoun
- machcha, milar
ujeachi davo bhoganatlim lankddam, lankddanchi ub mellanatli randnni... Randnnichim kori chakinatlem kunddlem, kunddleant khotkotnal'lo tandu.... Xitachi unddi pollenatle nistez dolle.... Hai lokddouna, ken'nam mhoji bhuk thamboixi...?
hat nakak hat dhorn, sondd vankddeo korn, don bottanim tuvem mhaka uddoilem-i.. Punn tea don hatank
amkam sodam mellchea bonddeachea udkant sobar vokta gunn asat. Bhurgeank pieunko dilear pottant asche kidde nas zatat. 100 em' el bonddea udkant 290 miligram' pottaxiyom asa. Tea dekun bi.Pi. As l'lea piddestank bonddea udak borem. Kealsiyom', megnexiyom', fosporos, koppor ani 100 em'. El. Bonddea udkant 42 mili gram' soddiyom' asta. Ddoibittis pidda as l'leamni bonddea udak mit mirvon pieunko nozo. Tap yeteleamni, ghantti
27 Veez Konkani
duk as l'leamni ani utkadde zateleamni bonddea udak pieunko addkoll na. * * * * *
tumchi mot gondollabhorit zalea mhonn tumkam bhogta zalear, ek glas udok pieya. Mendvant udkacho onx unne zalear oxem zata. ---------------------------------------------
dixtt ------
sodam 8 ghontte nid kaddtele bholaikeborit astat. Borem korn chint'tat. Xikcheant huxar astat. * * * * * soro pieun peyn kil'lor tteabletts gheunko nozo. Kiddnik tondre zatat. * * * * * tokli foddafodd ayil'lea tokxonn gullio ghenakat. Ttailett somosye aslear vo itor karonnamni tokli foddafodd yeta. Tea dekun pidda kosoli mhonn somzon, vokot ghemvchem borem. * * * * *
kolkotachye gol'lemni kosrea ddobbeant , sunneam songi zhogddon uxttem araitelea ballank pottlun haddn nannoun , nitoll nhesoun monxea sarkem jivit dil'lem motantor mhonn somzal'leamno matsi tumchi dixtt topasnni kora. Kolkotachea gol'le mulear ang kuson , kidde hullvullon zhoddtana , araun dhorn aplea ghora haddn , nirmoll kel'lea , monxeasarkem jivit dil'leak motantoracho bil'lo laileleamno dolleanchea dotorak
28 Veez Konkani
ek bhett dia
Ek Voidyoki-i Vyokti ani Odbhut Konkonni Mull
rostea bogler manosik zaun vollvolle bhogcheank dekhon dhamvteleamno tankam uklun vhorn monxea sarke korn pattim tanchea kuttmak pauyteleank motantor kortat mhonn bott zokteleamno tumchea dixttichi zoton kora.
--- Felsi Lobo ---------------------------------------------
29 Veez Konkani
ailevarchea poristhitent monxak ek bhoinkor bhexttaunnem zamvn amchea toklent ghusl'lem - kovidd-19 mohamari, zogot'tachea hor muleant brihot mukheli dhorl'lem rosteavoilea vyoktik soit lagon voidyoki-i dakter tosench bholaiki polletelim sorvoi ritichim zankam tannim korchea sevek sorvam man ditat tim disa disachi seva tosench lamb audechi. Atam, mongllurant asche sobhar dakhter mongllurantle doxokanchi seva dil'le, je atam asat hea zhuzant mukhar ravon hea mohamari virodh zhuzonk hea 2020 vorsa. Hea sondorbhar amim il'lem tilln polleveam eklo svH pusun kaddcho sundor ani manovi-i vyoktitvacho dakhleak, sorvamni ul'lasuncho, amchoch ek konkonni vhoi, to zamvnasa dda| kuldip moras, vibhag mukheli i.En.Tti. Vibhagant fa| mul'lors kalez aspotrent konkonaddi, mongllur. Prostut tannem sobhar mechvateleank akorxilam ani patyennecheank aplea vistar vividhotechea piddestank. Taka asa vixex asokt ani hoveas rukaddachea kamant itor sobhar sadhonam sangata, to bharich sado sudo ani kuttmacho vyokti - amim atam survate thamvn prarombh koream. Eka vyousthit viz somporkar, to vivorilaglo, "i.En.Tti. Ani ddenttisttri zamvnasat don zagrutkayechim kxetram
hea vellar obheas korunk.... Kitea mhollear ami xida piddestachea tonddalaginch bosonk zai jen'nam piddest sodanchyeporink usvas seutana tanchea tonddantli keavitti polleunko, gollo ani nak... Zomysor otyodhik erosols utpadon zatat tea piddesta thamvn piddest usvas soddn astana... 3 fitt vo ek mittor ontor dourunk bhilkul zaina porikxa kortana, ek sompurnn madorichi porsonol prottekxon kitt
(PPE), zantum asa goun ani mask, mateachi topi, tondd dhampunk xildd, gagls ani don zoddi glouz - ekleachi nimanni axa nom-i hea dhogichea disamni konkonn koraullir choddl'lea gorment hem sorv nheschem mhollear
30 Veez Konkani
khuxalaye chi songot khonddit nom-i. Amim zagrutkai samballunk zai horyeka piddestachi to piddest kovidd-19 pajittiv vo nom-i tori. Choddttavo 80% piddest kovidd piddeche sporxonmu kh mhonn khatri kelam. Sorkari rulim prokar atam fokot sporxonmukh piddestank xell, tap, tallo suz, khonkhli ani usvas soddunk tras asl'leanchi matr porikxa kortat, sadhy tor. Hea khatir amim porikxa kortamv piddestanchi tankam ti gorz nizaki zai zalear matr vo turthporisthiti mhollear golleant ebsess, vo masllecho kantto vo kunkddachem hadd talleant xirkalam zalear, usvas soddunk koxtt gollea keansorak lagon tor, iteadi. Zor ek piddest apnnak kollit nastam zai ti zagrutkai samballina kovidd pajittiv zamvnason, ten'nam amim amkanch don hofteank kvarontti n korunk asa ani aspotrek servonk asa zor kovidd piddechim lokxonnam distat tor. Dakhter zankam ddoibi ttis asa, rogtadab asa ani zanchi prai 45 vorsam pras choddit tankam hi pidda lagonk choddit ovkas asat, amcheach bhodrote khatir ani amchea kuttmachea bhodrote khatir. Atanche dis sobhar kotthinnayeche ani sangonk sadhy nasche... Fokot devo zamvnasa amcho rokxok." survecho vell:
dda| kuldip moras vhodd zal'lo bojpeant, atam sorvank kollit asa viman nildannak lagon to ek charitrik zago, ten'nam nidechi holl'lli zamvnaslo ho prodex. To chougam bhurgeam poiki mhalghoddo, taka asat tegi lhan bhoinni. Tacho bapoi zan moras, sttett beank of inddiak kam' kortalo ani auy ek xikxoki littl flour xal bojpent xikoitali. Tachem xikap zal'lem bojpeant. Tea uprant to sant eloisiyos kalez mongllurant xiklo. Taka sorvamni parkil'lem to ek mhonn xikpant asokti ascho ani zovabdariyut yuvok ani tannem tacho monobhavo bodlunk hor proitnam kel'lim survate thamvn'nch. Tea vellar tem zamvnaslem ek koxttanchem proitn, don voranchem poinn korn disak don pauttim boss dhorunk ani bossa thamvn kalejik
31 Veez Konkani
pavonk cholon. Tannem kel'lem xromachem kam' ani dakhoyil'li xrid'dha taka protifoll dilagli, nimannea porikxent to ubchea kaloramni dison tannem kemisttrint 100% onk zoddle. Tachi axa zamvnasli ek nouka injner zamvchi ani udkant poinn korn ho vixal somsar pollemvcho sagoram mukhantr. Punn, tachea auy-bapak tancho ekloch put tanche thamvn pois vecho tem polleunko nakaslem, mukhy zamvn tachea auychi axa asli aplea putan ek dakhter zaunko zai mholl'llem, kitea tanchea kuttmant konni dakhter nasle. Ani ten'nam dakhter mhollear ek vhodd bhorm'. Osem tannem tachi sorvoi axa pois keli ani dakhtergi xikonk dhorlem, taka ek sombhromachi rig mell'lli protixtthit moisur meddikol kalejint, moisur. Xikpant borem xikon em'.Bi.Bi.Es. Ddigri mellttoch, tannem mon kelem posttgrajyuyett xikap zoddunk ani taka em'.Es. I.En.Tti. Korunk fa| mul'lors meddikol kalez mongllurant sitt mell'lli. Taka haddam togone zaunko mon aslem, punn, theo sitti edollch bhor l'leo to proitn kortana, punn osem mhonnchem asa ki "kitem-i ovkas mellon zaina, sorv zamvnasa devachi manddaull" tosench zalem.
aplem em'.Es. Postt grajyuyexon zatoch taka ek auchit ek axchoreachem noxib uttlem ani tem zamvnaslem tachem novem kam' protixtthit siem'si - krixchon meddikol kalez, vel'lor, tomillnaddu, okhea zogot'tantnch ek prosid'dh aspotr. Jeral vrit'ti tosench uprant noxiban i.En.Tti. Thoddea vorsamni to zalo xasvit bholaike vrit'tintlea vixex goneanim thamvn. Sodamnit vhodd sonkheachea piddestanchi chakri tannem keli. Panch vorsam uprant tannem ti aspotr soddli ani to vel'lor thamvn gamvak ailo. Fa| mul'lors, mongllur hannim dil'lo vixex ovkas taka soddunk zalo na. To 2009 isvent hangasor bhorti zalo. Prostut dda| kuldip manan ani mogan i.En.Tti. Vibhagacho mukheli zala ason tachem klinik kodri ke.Ep.Si. Voir. Eka turthachea sovalak dda| kuldi p mhonnalo, "mukhlea dha vorsamni, hamv mhakach polleunko axetam ek boro manovi-i zamvn, ek boro poti mhojea potinnik, ek hiro mhojea dhuvek, ek mogacho put mhojea auy-bapamyk ani ek prokheat dakhter i.En.Tti. Vibhagant." sorv songtimni tachyelagim asat sorvoi axirvadam zoddunk tachea motint kitem asa tem.
Voktanchea mukhel ponktir:
Ek kuttma vyokti: dda| kuldip moras, 2010 isvent lognant ekvottlo, dda| vira pinttolagim, ek 32 Veez Konkani
solohakari dakhtern fa| mul'lors aspotrentch - tumvem chintyet ki hem kosem ghoddlengi mhonn - khonddit zamvn devachi ek manddaull! ani choddit devan tankam axirvad dilam ek sobhit cheddum bhurgem kiara. Mogachem kuttam' ken'nam-i zata titlo vell sangata khorchunk amvddeta, mogacho vell, sangata - "jevo, khell ani
mag sangata," mhonntta to. Tegambori tim vahonar vetat sanjevellari ek vixex onubhou tankam. Tim zagrutkayen astat tanchea piddestanchea fonank ani aspotrechea ghaln tanchim fonam ’sailenttar’ - vyoktigot vell kuttmakhatir tannim khonchoila tanchea "magnneank, kriank ani nidek". Viramachi nid tankam bori bholaiki dita tanchea kamamni sthirota khonchomvn, mukhyo zamvn dusrea disachi xostrchikitsa, teach khatir tankam kuttma songim boro vell gorjecho zamvnasa. Vixex rukadd kamacho hoveas: vixex zamvn hamvem hem tachyelagim vicharlem tannem mhaka zovab dili akorxik haso dakhomvn ani to mhonnalo, "ken'nam-i hamv vel'lor
33 Veez Konkani
thamvn ghora ayil'lea vellar, poilye pautti, kitengi mhojea bhitorlea gunddayechea akorxonnan tannench zamvn novikrit korunk ek noganchi porni pett, prachin vellar hennem tennem poddche nog zagrutkayen dourchi, ti tachea ponnjechi ghorchea voilea mallear taka mell'lli tachy auybapaichea ghora to uddas taka tachea bhurgeaponna thamvn aslo. Ti pett ek vixex gonda rukachi ani pitullechea togddan katorn sobhoyil'li chintun zor ti palix keli tor nizaki sobhayechi putlli zati mhonn, tannem sorv dhull pusun kaddli, adlem varnnis kaddlem remve pepor ghemvn ani taka novench varnnis dilem ani rukadd palix kelem ani pitullechem nitoll kelem ani tacheach ozapank ti pett vo pettul zaunko paulem okhea kuttmachem ek akorxonn. Dda| kuldip
zovabdariyut zamvn tachem chintap tannem vivorilem to ken'nam ken'nam
toslea pettulanchem kam' korchea vrit'tiporank bhettlo. Ten'nam tosoli kola korunk yontram naslim, sorvoi hatan'nch kantomvche, katorchem aslem. Taka hea kamant gunddayechi trixa bhogli ani tannem thoddeo lhan vostu ttuls ani gajetti molak ghetleo,
34 Veez Konkani
heo atam tanchea eparttmem ttant tumim polleuyota. To ken'nam-i kaim na tori kaim rukaddachem korun'nch asta ani to zamvnasa tacho sontos. Pattlea vorsamni xemboramlagim vostu tannem toyarileat - vain roeak thamvn randpa kudda mez, sorv tanchea ghorach vaprunk tosem lagxilea
vyoktink diunko. To choddttavo xiklo yuttyub viddio pollemvn ani zallizage ’skil'lxer’ rukaddachem kam' korunk zomysor asat sagora gunddayecheo vostu tumvem xikyet ani toyar koryet. Dda| kuldip mhonntta tumvem vell korunk zai ani tuji asokt, chintap ani tem mechvonk tuka preronn asonk zai. Mundorun to mhonnalo, "ek kola nohinch ekleak svadhin korta bogar tujea jiunak sontos dita somadhan haddtta, jem tuka itor songtimni bhilkul mellana - viram' nastam kam' korn dadhoxi poixe arayil'leant thoddoch orth asa ani hurup." to mhonnalo hea ghor bondi vellar march, epril ani me 2020, dilam gunddayechem chintap vell khorchuncheant ani mukhlem jiun kosem astelem mhonn vegllench
35 Veez Konkani
nohinch taka choddttavo lokan motim khonchoilam zannim sobhar songti ityorth keleat hea korona vosea piddek lagon, to mhonntta zaunko puro hi ek devachi manddaull sorv manovi-i zonangak ani okhea zogot'tak. ---------------------------------------------
bhettlom fa| ddenisacho greandd bhacho. Hamve taka mellonk zai aslem, tachi mhaka vollok nasli, kitengi mhojea motint jivall zalem ani hamvem thoddi mhahet zomounko dhorlem - tosle vyokti tanchyech vixeant ulounko pattim kortat. Tem kitengi ozap thoddem prokottl'lem fa| ddenisa vixeantlem daiz mhaka zhollkalem.
aturayechi ani vixex songot mhollear thoddea mohineam adim mhaka mhozo adlo mitr tosench adlo mongllur diesejicho vigar jeral o| ma| ddenis moras probhu borabor vell khorchuncho ovkas lablo, eka konnachech upodr naschea suvater, ’voitt ddaus’ hangasor ho nivrit punn purasann nascho yazok hangachea gotihin lokachi seva korta. Thoddea vorsank atam fa| ddenisachi zannvai ani anbhog keanora tosem stholli-i igorzam vixeant opar zamvnasa. Thoddea disam uprant hamv fa| mulorsant dda| kuldip morasa k
Moras probhu kuttam' bojpeam lagxilea xam'bett'ttu, kollombe holl'llent survatil'lem, (atam famad zal'lea vixex madorichea viman thollalagim) bohuxo ttippu sultanachea keanorantlea konknni kotholikanchye bondodde adventa
36 Veez Konkani
poilench. Thoimsor sobhar dostavezam hea kuttma tosench her tanchea sombondhachea kuttma vixeant asat sobhar tempa thamvn, tankam tanchem kam' korunk porvonngi dil'li kosre panam krixi korunk hem ttippu sultanak mogachem aslem. Uprantlea vorsamni bondodde uprantli songot atanchea motimni aschye prokar, pa| ddenisachim auy-bapoi - fransis moras probhu (18851984, to pirera xett kuttmantlo tea porisorantlo), ek kheat popllam krixikar tea vattarant, bojpeam sant zosef firgojentlo - tanchem logn zal'lem me 30, 1916 isvent; hangasor amim prokax fankhomvcho tanchea vonxozo vixeant.
Fa| ddenis (1940) moras probhu fransis ani zuvan hea mhalghoddeam cho (dda| kuldipachim ponnzo ani ponnji)
nimanno put. Chouto put hea folladhik zoddeacho lio (zonon 1921) tachem logn zalem 1945, zulia na alvarisalagim ek kheat kuttam' bondelchem. Tancho mhalghoddo pyut, zan beapttistt moras (zolmalo 1947) dda| kuldip hacho bapoi ani hanchi pillgi doni kusimni bharich mechvonnechi. Zan beapttistt, tachem logn zalem me 1975 isvent bondelchea marselin pinttolagim, ji zamvnasa dda| kuldipachi auy. Tankam chougam bhurgim, dda| kuldip mhalghoddo zo zolmalo 1977 isvent, uprant tegam cheddvam: kearol, dda| kristtol ani dipa, chougam bhurgeanchem y logn zalam ani boroean jietat. Hem motim dourunk zai ki fa| ddenis moras probhun sodam-i
khatri kelam ki hea probhu vonxant tanchea pongter dadlea pras choddit striyo asat mhonn. Sobhar lagxile sombondh az zogot'tadyont vistarleat ani sorvoi sodam pachvim kuttmam vonxavo llicho bhari somputt vixex vhodd asa. Hea kheat kuttmak 24 ekre zago asa ani tanni sobhar moladhik krixi korun proxosteo zoddleat, tanchyelagim asle kombollo dhamvche redde iteadi...
37 Veez Konkani
Tankam prokheat korunk. Amchem noxib mhonnazai fa| ddenis ek choritraka r ani vidvan yazok mongllurant sorvank vollkicho tachea vixex asokten tannem kuttma dostavezamni dakhol kelam hea kuttma vixeant zachelagim ulomvchem mhollear bharich khuxi ani dda| kuldipacho bapoi zan beapttistt
mhonntta "mhozo fa| dddenis bappu ek cholcho vixvokox." nizaki amim sorvamni zannam zaunko zai ani vollkunk zam-i amchim mullam, amche mhalghodde zannim amchem jiun vrid'dhi kelam.
-oivon solddanha-xett, Vividh mullanchea adharan -konkonni bhaxantor: dda| asttin probhu, sompadok viz ---------------------------------------------
Are we NOT betraying ‘Laudato Si’?
-*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ May 24, 2020 completes full five years of Pope Francis’ path-breaking and incisive Encyclical Letter ' Laudato Si '-On Care for Our Common Home. It was the first major Papal teaching on a subject of critical importance namely ‘the environment’. ‘Laudato Si ' meaning “Praise be to you" are the first words of the celebrated ' Canticle of the Creatures' of St Francis of Assisi. The Encyclical which came months before the landmark 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, (COP 21) which was held in Paris in fact set the tone for world leaders to come to grips with real causes which were responsible for environmental degradation and
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which ultimately caused climatic changes with disastrous results everywhere.
pesticides and the production of genetically engineered (GE) crops.
In the opening statements of the Encyclical, Pope Francis makes his intention clear “to address every person living on this planet” (#3). He says “this sister (mother earth) now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will. The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life” (#2). In the first Chapter, he states that “we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation” (#48); he deals here with several ‘aspects of the present ecological crisis’: pollution, waste and the throw-away culture; climate as a common good; displacement and migration caused by environmental degradation; access to safe drinking water as a basic and universal human right; loss of bio-diversity; decline in the quality of human life and break down of society; global inequality. He also denounces unequivocally the use of
Pope Francis strongly notes that “the earth’s resources are also being plundered because of short-sighted approaches to the economy, commerce and production” (#32). In making such statements, in taking a stand for the ‘care of our common home’, Pope Francis has indeed created several enemies among the rich and powerfulwho are bent on profiteering; those engaged in the extractive industry by plundering very precious and scarce natural resources. This was indicative from the fact that Gallup Poll conducted in the United States a little after the Encyclical was released, showed that his ratings had plummeted by more than 18% points among fairly large sections of Americans and particularly the wealthy and other vested interests.
Pope Francis certainly did not lose any sleep because there was a drop in his popularity; he has been in consistent in his love for the poor and his commitment to the protection of the environment. Throughout the Encyclical, insists that we have been called to be
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stewards of the creation which God has entrusted to us. He ensures that ‘Laudato Si’ focuses on human rights violations and injustices. He does not mince words when he says “in the present condition of global society, where injustices abound and growing numbers of people are deprived of basic human rights and considered expendable, committing oneself to the common good means to make choices in solidarity based on a preferential option for the poorest of our brothers and sisters” (#158). What is paramount in the final analysis says Pope Francis is a radical commitment to ensure positive change, which is the need of the hour. For this he says, every section of society must play a definite role in a collaborative and concerted manner. The Pope does not spare the priests of the Catholic Church and he calls upon them to engage with the faithful on environmental issues. Further, he challenges international and national Governments and mechanisms saying, “the same mindset which stands in the way of making radical decisions to reverse the trend of global warming also stands in the way of achieving the goal of eliminating poverty. A more responsible overall approach is needed to deal with both problems: the reduction of pollution and the development of poorer countries and regions” (#175)
‘Laudato Si’ is a document which disturbs and at times has a threatening tone. Therefore there is always the danger that many would like to cosmeticize this powerful document: to tinker with bits and parts, to be selective and comfortable in its reading; to do non-threatening acts like growing trees, propagating alternative technologies, not using plastics, having environmental education, making environment project work etc. Whilst all these acts are suddenly good and may lead to something more sustainable, ‘Laudato Si’ is path-breaking, radical in nature, it makes one uncomfortable and touches every single dimension of our human existence. The Pope invites all to an ecological conversion, to change directions so that we can truly care for our common home; not to pay heed to Pope Francis’ prophetic words; to rubbish this timely and important message or to relegate it to mere treeplanting would certainly be a great disservice not to the Pope but to Planet Earth!
On 22 April, Earth Day Pope Francis praised the environmental movement, saying it was necessary for young
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people to “take to the streets to teach us what is obvious, that is, that there will be no future for us if we destroy the environment that sustains us”. Recounting a Spanish proverb that God always forgives, man sometimes forgives but nature never forgives, Francis said, “If we have deteriorated the Earth, the response will be very ugly. “He further went on to add, “We see these natural tragedies, which are the Earth’s response to our maltreatment. I think that if I ask the Lord now what he thinks about this, I don’t think he would say it is a very good thing. It is we who have ruined the work of God.” Saying the Earth was not an endless deposit of resources to exploit, he said, “We have sinned against the Earth, against our neighbour and, in the end, against the creator.”
which acts as a water recharge zone, are green lungs which shield the dust that blows from the Thar desert for most of North India and ultimately saves a vast region from desertification); then there are the rich bio diversity areas of Dehing Patkai and Dibang Valley in the North East, Talabira in Odisha, Hasdeo in Central India, Western Ghats across West and South India – all these are being indiscriminately being opened up to industries. Not only is biodiversity being destroyed but the people living in these forests, the adivasis, and the indigenous peoples will certainly lose their natural habitat. Already the regime has made its intentions clear to deprive those who were living in the forests for centuries, of their legitimate rights to these forests.
Interestingly, a lead article in ‘The Hindu’ (23 May 2020) says that during lockdown the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEFCC) panels cleared or discussed thirty projects in biodiverse forests. The projects including mining and a highway, were brought up during virtual conferences; but Environmental scientists say that site inspections are a ‘crucial component’ of project evaluation. In fact the current Government has clearly abdicated its role as the protector of India’s rich biodiversity. Almost all forests from the Aravallis in North India (incidentally the Aravallis are regarded as one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world,
In another blatantly anti-environmental decision the Finance Minister announced a few days ago, commercial mining of coal by the private sector, ending government monopoly on the sector. When the world is doing away with fossil fuels – India is helping a few rich to destroy our fragile ecosystems and amass huge wealth. The recent AMPHAN cyclone which has devastated the lives of millions overnight and the COVID - 19 pandemic are no flashes in the pan .These have their roots in our consumeristic lifestyles our callous attitudes towards the environment and our lust for
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profiteering which makes us very insensitive to the destruction of our fragile ecosystems.
It is the ‘Laudato Si’ week and the Global organisers have given us a Common Prayer for this fifth anniversary; we need to say it with one heart and in one voice:
In the context and mandate of ‘Laudato Si’ what has been the stand of the Church in India have we internalised the document, individually and collectively: made it our own? do we take a stand on human rights violations and injustices (#158) are we truly concerned about the ‘jal, jungle aur jameen’ of the adivasis? The way the Government and the powerful are trying to deprive them of the forest lands?do we truly identify them, accompany them in their struggles? do we have the courage to take on the powerful vested interests: be it the Government or even some of our ‘benefactors’ who have no qualms of destroying the environment? ( the destruction of the Aravalli range and the Western Ghats, the Narmada Dam, Sardar Patel Statue, Mithi Virdi, mining, the polluting industries – the list is endless) Not being able to say an unequivocal ‘yes’ to any of the above is a clear indicator that we have not (individually and collectively) mainstreamed the spirit and message of ‘Laudato Si’ but in fact been a betrayal to it!
Loving God, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them, You created us in your image and made us stewards of all your creation, of our common home. You blessed us with the sun, water and bountiful land so that all might be nourished. Open our minds and touch our hearts, so that we may attend to your gift of creation. Help us to be conscious that our common home belongs not only to us, but to all future generations, and that it is our responsibility to preserve it. May we help each person secure the food and resources that they need. Be present to those in need in these trying times, especially the poorest and those most at risk of being left behind. Transform our fear, anxiety and feelings of isolation into hope so that we may experience a true conversion of the heart. Help us to show creative solidarity in addressing the consequences of this global pandemic,
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Make us courageous to embrace the changes that are needed in search of the common good, Now more than ever may we feel that we are all interconnected, in our efforts to lift up the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen Through this powerful Encyclical Pope Francis puts one pertinent question “what kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?� (#160). Do we have the COURAGE to answer this question and ACT NOW? 23 May 2020 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact: ---------------------------------------------
Lognant sontos?
Logn zamvnasa ek sombhrom', kazari jivit ek bod'dhota ani kuttam' ek sangatponn zamvnasa: horyeka yoxosvi puruxa pattlean ek sobhit stri asa, horyeka sontuxtthi poti pattlean ek kollvolleanchi potinn asa, punn ek sontuxtthi kazari jiun sorg ani somsarantlem amchye hatim asa devanchea nom-i.
tuji vinchomvnn heraldd ani ddeansi ddisoza soho sthapoka Co-Founder | Eyes Open International ek faido korinaschem nondayil'lem 501C-3 fankhomvn kam' korchem - addaunko, xikap diunko, samballunk ani odhikar dimvchem somsarbhor durboll lokak.
Ddeansi ani hamv logna jivitant 9,487 dis, 1,352 hofte, 312 mohine ani tosem
43 Veez Konkani
26 vorsanchem sontosachem logna jiun heach me 2020 ver sompoile. (viz tankam tanchea 26vea lognotsovak ul'las patthoita) logn zamvnasa vinchomvnn, kazari jiun zamvnasa bod'dhota ani kuttam' zamvnasa sohoballvota. Amchi somskriti hamv, mhojem, mhaka jen'nam tum asai ankvar, eksuro vo ekin, bodlunk zai ek pautti tum logn zatasor. Hem sorv amim logn zamvchea poilench chintunk zai ani svikar korunk zai hamv, mhojem, mhaka asl'lem tem amim, amchem ani amkam zamvn bodlunk. Jea disa tuka devan axirvod dilam tujea ghora ek anz dhaddn tujem ’kuttam'’ asa korunk tea disa thamvn mhojem asl'lem tem amchem zaunko zai. Hamv, mhojem, mhaka mholl'llem sorv purunk zai tujea logna disa. Kuttam' zamvnasa ekamekak samballunk nom-i mutti bhitor dhorunk, ani kuttam' zamvnasa sangatponn. Obheas korunk tumvem tujea lognavellim kel'li bhasaunni, kazari jinnye vellar te jivall korunk zamvn mullam tujea jivitachim. Zor tujea lognachim mullam ghott asat khonchench varem vadall tem nissontan korchem na, halomvchem na, kuddke korchem na vo pallam somet voir kaddchem na.
Horyek logn zaunasa sompurnn, punn horyek logna jiun zamvnasa osompurnn. Tujea potinnicher patyenni, tujea sombondhant bhorvaso, man tujea kuttmak, bhurgeanchi zoton, ani tujerch tuji patyenni jiunant svatontrachim follam haddttat. Bodlaunn zamvnasa zoitachi ani sompurnnotechi chavi, tidvonni zamvnasa buneadh ellgechi, sodd-dodd zamvnasa horyeka somoseak ek zovab. Hamv bodol'lom, tidvilem ani sodd-dodd keli sombhromunk sontosbhorich logn horyeka disa. Jea disa tum tujea potinnek bodli, tidvi,
sodd-dodd kor mhonnttai, tem zamvnasa poilem mett tumve tujea solvonnek kaddl'lem. Zor tum tuji
44 Veez Konkani
solvonn poile tidvitai, somosea tachyetleakch sarki zata. Amim amchem logna jiun survatcheant pattim asl'leamv, punn bollan akher kel'lean amchem poinn logna jivitachem sontos diunko soklem. Osompurnn logna jivit sompurnnkayek haddchem ek kola zamvnasa. Kuttam' zamvnasa sontos. Sontos zamvnasa bori bholaiki, ani bori bholaiki zamvnasa grestkai. Kuttmantli solvonni zamvnas vatt zoitachi. Bhilkul raumvchem nom-i. Polle, aik, xik, jie, mog kor ani has tujea kuttma borabor. Ohombavo zamvnasa vhodd dusman tujea kuttmacho. Jen'nam tum tuzo ohombavo kaddn uddomvn ekamekacho mog vantt, horyeka somoseak porihar hea mukhantr yetolo. Lognant jiun bodlilam tor, logna jiun ek ponthahvan, punn ek kuttam' bandun haddchem logna jivitant, ek bohuman sontos bhogl'leachem tumchea lognant. Ek pauttim tum hea vrit'tak bhorti zaixi tor khonchonch bhailo vo bhitorlo dobavo tem vrit't tuttomvcho na. Nizaki logna jiunant tumvem eka hatan talleo pettunk zainant. Zannam zamvchem, aikonchem, ekamekak pamvchem, xikchem ani chuki manun
ghemvchem somadhan prosarta. Zor tuji potinn tujye borabor tujea somoseamni rauta ten'nam dongoryi lhanxa mumbraporim. Jen'nam tujem kuttam' sangatant asa hor ninda zata porihar, zoit, ani boll. Kuttam' zamvnasa bunead hor ellgechi. Logna soloha mhojem jiun sasnnak bodlilaglem. Ekameka zannam zamvchem, aikonchem, ekamekachi seva korchi, xikchem ani chuki vollkun ghemvcheo zaleo buneadi. Hamv sontosan dhuvonko, kakus nitoll korunk, xopam thamvn haddl'li vorvi kara thamvn ghora bhitor haddunk, ghor nitoll dourunk hamv meter zamvn heavorvim mhaka choddit boll kuttmant mell'llem. 10 vorsam pras choddit logna jiun sar l'lea zoddeamni logna soloha zoddchea klasink vochonk zai. Hem amchea firgojent porgott kelem doxoka poilem. Amim tokxonn klasik bhorti zaleamv. Az amchem logna jiun nom-i tripti dita bogar sontosdaik zamvnasa. Auy-bapoi zamvn amim ken'nanch amchea bhurgeank ghorcheo butt'tteo korunk sangl'lem na, veakyum' korunk, londdri korunk, vo tanchim kuddam nitoll korunk. Amim tanka choddit urbha dimvn, unch xikhor zoddunk ani
45 Veez Konkani
choddit sontuxtthi zaunko sanglem. Hem sangl'lem utramni nom-i, bogar amchea kareamni. 2011 isvent amim breaddlik novench ttoyotta piyos ani 2014 isvent rohonak ttoyotta aulon hoibridd karam inamam dilim. Az breaddlilagim ttesla kar asa, to sontosan so vorsam thamvn tteslak kam' korun asa, ani rohon eppolant. Doxoka adim breaddli sogllea kuttmache poixe samballttalo mhozo samball, ddeansicho samball, rohonacho samball, khorch, bil'lam farik korchem, uromvchem, poixe bonddvallant ghalche, kredditt karddanche poixe bhorche, poinnachi vilevari, saman haddcho ani sompurnn svatontr xikonk chuk nirdhar korunk.
Ddeansin ani hamvem bhilkul breaddli ani rohonak mutti bhitor dourl'lem na. Amkam tanchi fikir asa. Amim tancheo sorv chuki bhogsitamv ani visortamv, tosench poddnni ani unnemponn amchea bhurgeanchem. Breaddli ani rohonan chuki keleat mhollear spidding ttiketti thoddem sangchem tor. Amim
breaddli ani rohona sangata polis ofisorak mell'lleamv taka devo borem korum mhonnonk amchea bhurgeanche jivo samballl'leak tankam dimvn ttiketti. Amim breaddli ani rohonak sangtamv devak orgam diunko, polis ofisoran tancho jivo raklo. Atam tum tuzo dondd bhortai kannik zamvn, tuzo jivo vanchoyil'leak. Hem breaddli thoim bodlaunn haddunk soklem tosench rohona thoim zaunko zovabdariyut, khalte, mogalli ani diunko moread rulink ani regrank. Horyek bil'l amchea ghora yeta zamvnasa tem axirvad amkam viz, sel'l, meddikol, kredditt kardd vo itor khonchem-i. Breaddlin amkam xikhoilem horyeka bil'lacher poixe bhortana "devo borem korum" mhonn borounko, tannem taka karonn dilem ki; amkam dil'lea sevek amim sontosan tim bil'lam bhorunk zai. Hea kanniechem mol kitengi mhollear, amink tanchim auy bapoi zamvn aikonk zai ani xikonk zai amchea bhurgeam thamvn. Bhurgeank vhodd kortana sontos melltta, dukh nom-i, preronn, bonddvall nom-i, sontos, ghai nom-i, haso mellttat, sakrifis nom-i, hurup melltta, khorch nom-i, kxoma dimvchi, solvonn nom-i, ani svatontr, bhyem nom-i.
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Eka vellar mhojea jiunant hamv bapoi, divpi, samballnar ani ek vyokti zamvn solvalom. Mhojea kuttman mhaka chear vostu dimvn "paxamv, ud'dhex, ellgi ani magnne" mhaka bodlilem. Ek kuttam' sangata magta, sangata rauta, ek kuttam' sangata vod'daddtta sangata rauta ani kuttam' chuki ek zamvn manun gheta, tem kuttam' sangata rauta. -heraldd ddi’soza --------------------------------------------
Podayatra: mumboi tem
bhottkollo provasa yatra ani provasantu foroko assa. Provaso monoronzone khatiro kortati. Yatra satviko vicharani punnyo prapti. Khatiro kortati. Vorxacho okhercho divosu ( 29-122019 ) makka bhottkollocheano eko mesez ailo. " zonouri tin te attho tarikho mholleari so disacho, bhottkollo te gova podoyatra korka mhonnu tthoroilea. Tea yatrentu kropoya tumve bhi sohobhagi zauka. "
novino vorxacho xubhechchha makka khoncho-khonchano yeto assileo. Porontu tea xubhechchhepekxam hea mesezano makka zasti khux kelile. Karonno podoyatra mholleari prokrotintulo poncho bhutacho sanidheantuleano guri pauthayi satviko vicharani sototo choloto vochchem. Ti eko sadhona. Sadhona purnno kel'le nontoro zo anondo mellota takka poromanondo mhonnotati. To poromanondo prapto korchi sondhi , ovokaxo novino vorxacho (2020) suruvatiko makka prapto zalilo.
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Ho vixoi havem megelo baileko sanglem. Ti mhollali " he mantaro proyeri kossoli umedi tumkam ? vocha....Vocha , hamve nakkomholleari tum'mi aikotave ? nontoro hangoyeunu hango dukta , thoyim dukta , paieako fodde ailea , bosoleari utt'ttacheako zaina " mhonnakkati. Kossone zaleari thoyim bhottkollantu urnu somo zaunu yeya . "
Fottafott sek bego bhorlem. Yatre vochche donodiso poilem hamvu bhottkollo yeunu paulom.
to disu aitaru. Chel'lo ghorantu assilo. Damodorako podayatra
(mukharunk asso) ---------------------------------------------
1011 prodokxinne horke sangunoghenapoddeno zonma ayilo to . Amgelo premo sol'lapo aikotosilo. Tanne kompyuttorari pollonu , " poppa...Poppa , totkalari fokto eko sitto available assa , kaddu ve ? pott ne sango " mhollalo.
-podmonab naik
Fondd kainch natl'leantlo mhaka pikkasant khonddloi, kati bori chiddkal'lea matiek, khoroeant arailoi... Ghontteacha kaman,
Havem sangchem poile bailo mhollali ," kaddhore tikitto. Tan'ni bezarano hanga foddofoddoto boschenakka. Vochchoti tetano ."
chamadora, sopai aslea
mhaka fondd keloi, atam, nirjivo kuddik bhitor
novino vorxantu novino kayintori korka mhonnu yeujililo makka lottery lagilo titlo anondo zal'lo.
chepun, mhoje ghai bhortaimu!!!? - on'nu kulxekor
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56 Veez Konkani
57 Veez Konkani
58 Veez Konkani
59 Veez Konkani
60 Veez Konkani
61 Veez Konkani
62 Veez Konkani