Illustrated Weekly Illustrated Weekly
No: 28
June 25, 2020
Lokamogall Videavont Xikxoki Dda| Zuddi Pintto Dereboil 1 Veez Konkani
Lokamogall Videavont Xikxoki Dda| Zuddi Pintto Dereboil Namv: veronika zuddit karlo (dda| zuddi pintto) (hem sondorxon tumim ticheach utramni vacha) bhurgeaponnalem jiun:
9 zonnam bhurgeam poiki hamv nimanni
bonttvallchea agrar firgojent 1956 isvent zonon. Bab: zakob karlo; xikxok mam-i: tereza karlo (adim ddisoza) ghor samballl'li ek samorthivont stri.
mhozo bab zakob mestri, lorett'tto proimori xalant xikoun asl'lo zal'lean mhojea bhava sangata (mhaka 5 vorsank vhodd) hamvyi thoimsor xalak bhorti zalim. Toull mhozo bhavo panchvent hamv tachea mogachim zamvnasl'lean tachea klasint tachea klasmettam sangata bostalim. Thoim thamvn'nch
2 Veez Konkani
hajri ditalim. Toull panchvi klas matr asl'lean mhozo bhavo sove klasik agrar xalak serval'lo. Hamv panchvek pautana, thoimsor sovi klas survatil'li. Dekhun satve poreant hamv thoinch xiklim. Hamv sovek pautana mhozo bab nivrit zalom. Prarthomik xalant hamv xikpant mukhar asl'lim. Attve klasik amim es.Vi.Es hoiskulachi vatt dhorli. Amim tegam koxem, sisil ani hamv sangata potem, bhuti ghemvn 5 moilam cholon'nch xalak vetaleamv. Sokallim fuddem bair sorchem, dis buddttana pattim - hea modhem mhaka khell-pondeattachem pixem laglem.
Hachyeurvim hamv xikpant pattim poddlim. Dhavent ’pasklas’ punn khellpondeattant ovvol ’chhampiyon of do skul’. Pondro somptana dhavi sompli. Bhavo-bhoinnim: amim 9 zonnam bhurgim. 5 bhavo ani 3 bhoinni mhaka asl'leo. Mhalghoddea bhavak ani mhaka 25 vorsancho ontor. Mhozo dusro bhavo, ghor samballchea khatir xikap soddn ghora ravol'lo. Dog bhavo seminorik rigl'le. (eklo bhavo jejvit zalo - fa| grexon karlo) dogam bhoinni kolkot'tachea ’mayamogachea bhoinninchea’ mellak riglim ani ek
3 Veez Konkani
bhoinn uprant ’sisttor of puvor klars’ k bhorti zal'li. Heo dogi bhoinni ani mhalghoddo bhavo az jivont nant. Ur l'lea amim kazari bhes apnnailo. Mhojem bhurgemponn bovo mojhechem ani sontosachem zamvnaslem. Choddaut cherkeam sangatach hamv vaddl'lim dhamvchem, uddchem, khellchem, ghorant kapddacho pordo korn nattok, ispittam khellchim osem amim sodam porikxomi astaleamv, spordheamni vantto
gheteleamv. Mhaka ’vachchem’ mhollear bovo sontosachi gozal zaunasl'li. Dotornent hamv ’ovvol’ yetalim. Hoiskulak vetana sokallim igorjek bhett dimvn'nch mukhar vetaleamv. Amchem hoiskul bonttvall penttent mholl'lleporim asl'lem, netrauti nomyche toddir. Toull paus il'lo choddch yetalo. Pausant aur ailear amkam roza khonddit. Thodde pauttim amim aur pollemvchea khatiri cholon mukhar vetaleamv.
4 Veez Konkani
Xikpa onbhog: Mhaka lhanponnar thamvn songit mhollear bhari, mhozo bapoi, bhavo, putne sorv songitgar zamvnasat. Hamv songit xikonk nam punn hamv gaitam.
es.Vi.Es. Hoiskulant dhavi klas sompoilea uprant kitem korchem tem chintunk mhaka kitench koxtt zaunko nant. Amchea ghora tedoll mhonnasor konnem-i piyusik mett dourunk naslem.
5 Veez Konkani
(ghora thamvn uprant mhoje bhavo mostu xikleat) tori, hye pautti baban vicharlem ’piyusi kortaigi?’ hamvem zap dili ’na baba, ttreyning kortam, tujyeporim ek ttichor zatam’. Hanga thamvn mhoji sovari poilye pauttim koddeallak pauli. Kapitanio
ttisiech k servalim. Hangacho mhozo onbhog opurv. Hasttel jiun khodd'ddayachem zamvnaslem. Sogllea beachant hamvch lhan prayechim (15+) punn lambdig. Hangachye torbheti vorvim hamv xikpant matr nom-i, nattok (tin ghonttanchea nattokant hamve purux patr khelll'lo) khell, kviz osem sorvant
6 Veez Konkani
mukhar ailim. Hea sorvachi protixttha kapitaniod ttreyning xalachea ’mayamogachea bhoinni (sisttors of chearitti) hankam favo. * 1973 isvent hamv otyont onk zoddl'li videarthinn ani ’bestt outtgoying
sttuddentt, kapitanio ttisiech, mongllur mhonn namvaddlim. Mongllurchea sant eloisiyos kalejint zamvem prothom' piyusi thamvn bi.E. Mhonnasor panch vorsanchem xikap zoddlem. Hangasor hamv xikpant matr nom-i, her spordheamni -k probondh,
7 Veez Konkani
bhaxonn, khell pondeatt, kerom', fulam manddchem, kareanirvohon, gain, osem horyeka kxetrant bhag ghemvn inamam zoddttalim.
* sant eloisiyos iuning kalez, mongllur (moisur yunivorsitti) 1975 isvent servalim. * poili piyusi prothom' roeank (1975)
8 Veez Konkani
* tisrem bi.E. 3 bhangara podokam, (1980), 3 nogdi bohumanam. * sorv vixoyamni ’zonrol profixiyonsi inam' sorv panchyi vorsamni (ho ek dakhlo zamvnasa).
Hachye uprant moisurchea opon yunivorsitti thamvn 1985 isvent razxastrant em'.E. Purnn kelem (56%).
* ’bestt outtgoying sttuddentt of sointt eloisiyos iuning kalez (1980).
Teach yunivorsitti thamvn 1988 isvent hindi em'.E. Purnn kel'lem (58%)
9 Veez Konkani
1990 isvent mongllur vixvvidealo ya thamvn bi.Edd. Purnn kelem. Sorkari bi.Edd. Kalejint xikon choutem roeank apnnamvn ddisttinkxona sovem bi.Edd. Podovi zoddli.
1994 isvent rajy mott'ttachea xikpa porikxent, uponeasoki zaunko yogyotek vinchun yeunko - (ekreddittedd ttu yu.Ji.Si., nyu ddel'li) vinchun ailim. On'nomoloi yunivorsitti (tomill naddu) thamvn 2008 isvent eplaidd soikalojint
10 Veez Konkani
sombondhom ki yotharthota" mholl'llea vixoyar boroyil'lea mhojea moha probondhak pi.Echddi. Labli. Voivahik kuttma jivit: masttor of sains - fostt klasint purnn kelem. Okttobor 14, 2012 isvent hamve mhoji ddakttor of filosofi - dokxinn bharot hindi prochar sobha - modras thamvn "komolkumar ke uponeasom mem
noukori, sanjechi kalez mhonn bijhi astananch bi.E. Dusrea vorsachea akhrek mhojem ani zan borkmons pinttochem logn zalem, dosembor 27, 1979 ver. Tea vellar mhozo poti erforsant vaur korn aslo. Hoidorabadant tachem postting aslem. Hamv koddeall, to andrant.
11 Veez Konkani
(hea iddeant hamv em'.E. Polittikol sains, em'.E. Hindi xikon asl'lim.)
Zan (amim zossi mhonn apomvchem) gamvant belltongoddi firgojecho. Piad ani magdolen pintto hancho mhalghoddo put - taka 6 zonnam bhamvddam asat. Hamvem rojer chukanastana belltongoddint ramvchem souyechem zal'lem. 1982 isvent amchem poilem bhurgem jiana zolmalem. 1984 isvent dusrem ball jeanuyel zalem.
dogam-i bhurgeamni aplem hoiskul poreantlem xikap sant agnes xalant sompoilem. Uprant piyusi sant eloisiyos kalejint kelem. Jiana sains vorgant xikon uprant molnadd kalez of injiniyoring, hasonant ilekttrikols ani ilekttraniks injiniyor zalem. Kazara poilem don
12 Veez Konkani
vorsam tannem mongllurchea sointt zosefs injiniyo ring kalejint vaur kela.
vellar hamv onn'nnamoloi yunivorsittint eplaidd soikalojint em'.Essi. Korun aslim).
2006 isvent tachem logn valttor solddanhalagim zalem. Tim bengllurant vosti korilaglim. 2007 isvent mhozo poilo natu, neton luk zolmalo. (hea
2016 isvent amchem ball nikol morissa zolmatana hamv nivrit zal'lim zal'lean zun 2016 isvent zossi ani hamv dhuv jiana khatir omerika pauleamv ani mhojea jinnyentlem ek mohotvachem kam' "dhuvek bamlltik poschem" hamve sontosan, sombhroman kelem. Atam jiana emozhonant vaur korun asa. Dhakttem jeanuyel sant eloisiyo s kalejint kamorsak servalem (don vorsam
13 Veez Konkani
taka tachea klasint hindi xikhoilea). Xikpant tem ekdom' huxar, klasint tem
Amchem lhan kuttam' tori, ekameka mayamog asa. Amchea hea kuttmak vistarl'lea kuttmam songim boro sombondh asa. Xikpa kxetrant mhozo onbhou:
prothom' yetalem. Uprant tannem sant eloisiyos kalejintch bi.Kom'. Sompomvn moisurchea famad es.Ddi.Em'. (oiem'ddi) nt em'.Bi.E. Kelem. Oifleks solyuxon kompeni thamvn keampos selekxon zamvn upra-nt orekl hi kompeni serval'lean, teach kompenint, bengllurant vaur korn asl'lea taka geletea vorsa nedorleanddsak vorg zalo. Tachem logn 2015 isvent aditealagim zalem.
kapitaniont ttisiech kors sompoitana mhoji humed bovo unchlea mott'ttak asl'li tori ottra vorsam bhoranasl'leavorvim mhaka kam' mellchemna mholl'lli thoddeanchi obhiprai zamvnasl'li. Heach vellar mhoji mouxi bho| mira (bethoni) londda,
14 Veez Konkani
bellgamv thamvn gamvak ayil'li. Tinnem mhaka tichea meddolin hair proimori (kon'noddo middiyom') xalak xikxoki zamvn servoilem. Gova ani kornattokachea goddir mholl'lleporim ’londda’ asa. Satve mhonnasor hanga aschim videarthi xemboram bhitor, hamv choute klasik ttichor tori, sorv videarthink mogachim. Kiteak mhollear
sonvara disa sokallim thamvn donfaram poreant sogllea xalachea videarthink hamv kovait xikhoitalim. Uprant tanchye sangata khellttalim. Mhaka hi jinni bovo posondayechi asl'li tori devachi manddaull mhojye jinnyent vingoddch asl'li mhonnyet. Eka vorsa bhitor 18 bhornastamnanch thoinchea e.I.O.N mhojem vyoktitv, huxargai ani sorttifiketts pollemvn mhozo hud'do posond kelo. Hem thoddea dharmik bhoinnink posond
15 Veez Konkani
zalem na dist. Tea vorsachea akhrek anttik vorg zalo. Dusrea vorsachea surverch mhoji ’vidvaulli’ survati li. (tem sorv hamv hangasor vivor diunko axena), itle koxtt zale ki, edoll melll'lo samball pattim dizai mholl'llye titleak paulem. Mhozo bhavo yazoki-i torbheti ghetalo. Tachealagim hamv roddl'lean, to ailo ani sisttorank somzomvchem proitn keleari, kitench upkarlem na zal'lean hamvem ekdom' thoim thamvn gamvak vecho nirdhar mhojea bhavan ghetlo. Uprantlem, tem vors hamv koddeall bhava sangata rautana, ek dis mhaka bho| rafayel mell'lli. Ti toull jerosa hoiskulachi mukhelmestirnn. Tinnem kapitanio hoiskulachi mukhelmestirnn
zamvnastana, mhaka polloyil'lem, tinnem mhaka jerosa inglix prarthomik xalant kamak servonk apoilem. Punn, mhaka inglix got'tu namu? hamve sisttoralagim hea vixeant sangtana, ti mhaka dhoir dimvn mhonnali ’tem kaim vhodd na, xiet’ - pixea dhoirar hamvem hem ponthahvan kannghelem. Jerosa inglix hair proimori xalantlim 15 vorsam bhovo chodd mohotvachim. Hamv bhurgeank ani bhurgim mhaka chodd mogachim zamvnasl'leamv. Mhojim sorv dennim hamv videarthim khatir vaportalim. Tankam vividh spordheamni torbheti dimvchi zovabdari 15 vorsam-i, sompurnn ritir mhojich. Gain, nattkulle, khell pondeatt, nach (mhaka yena tori heranchye mozotin) torbheti dimvn tanchye sangata uddttalim (spordheamnim inam' labl'lea vella). Ttichoranki vorsavar rottori, loins
16 Veez Konkani
klobbam thamvn ’ttichors dde’chea sondorbhar spordhe astale. Amim sorv ttichoram sangata mellon bhag ghetaleamv; mukhelinn hamvch - rottori klobban cholomvchea ’ttichors ttealentts, soptembor 5’ sorag 5 pauttim jikon zal'lo dakhlo amcho ’jerosa ttichorancho.’ 1990 isvent, jerosa addolltean mhaka bi.Edd. Korunk protsavo dilo. Tankam distalem, hamvem hoiskulak ailear borem. Chearitti sisttoramni mhaka mostu samball'llam, mog dila. Bi.Edd. Korunk mhaka 9 mohineanchi roza dilea. Sorkari kalez homponkott'tta servon kors kortana, don vorsam ttisiech kel'lea mhaka title koxtt bhogunk nant. Mhojim bhurgim-i xalant xiktalim. Bi.Edd. Nt mongllur yunivorsittint choutem roeank ddisttinkxona sovem mhaka lablem. Hea kalejint kristamvank mukhar yeunko thoddeo oddkolli asl'leo.
Sointt eloisiyos sanje kalejint bi.E. Mhonnasor xiktana, mhojem ekch svopann - ’disa kalejint uponeasoki zaizoi’ (jem kitem svopann amim dekhtamv, tem amim purnn korunki soktamv). 1991 meyant hamvem sointt eloisi yos kalejint rajyxastr uponeasoki zaunko orji ghali. Vinchomvnnyi zali. Atam mhojye motim duvidha - jerosa kosem soddchem? - bhaunaxil sombondh khub asl'lem nom-i! hangasor porot supiriyor/sompork sadhoki sisttoran (ti ek solohagarnyi zamvnasl'li.) mhaka nirnnoi gheunko kumok keli. 1991 zunant hamv sointt eloisiyos kalejik servalim. Poilea disa hajri ghalunk vetana mhaka fa| prinsipal mhonnalo ’zuddi, hindi vibhagag tuji gorz asa". Osem (don ddigreo asl'lean) rajyxastra vibhagak hamv vochonk na. Hantum addollteak labh zalogi kollit nam, mhaka matr noxtt zalo mukhlea 13
17 Veez Konkani
vorsam poreant sorkara thamvn mhozo hud'do many zalonam - punn rajyxastracho hud'do teach vorsa ek yuvostriyek favo zalo. Sointt eloisiyos kalejint hamv mostu xiklim, mhojim dennim urjit zalim. Hangasor 1991 isve thamvn 2016 poreant sobhar zovabdaroeo ghemvn kalejichea ani videarthinchea udorgote khatir hamvem mhinot kaddlea. Amkam voiyoktik ani veusayik - doni ritimni vaddonk ovkas mell'lla. 1992 isvent ’besik kounsoling kors’ kelea uprant xikhounne sangata hamvem kounsoling survatil'lem tem azun korn asam. ’vimens forom'’ kalejint survatun sobhar vorsam tachi zovabdari ghetlea anim ’silvor jyubili of vimens ekjhisttens in sointt eloisiyos kalez’ ho sombhrom' ek vorsbhor hor chottuvottikamni umedin bhag ghemvn pattimbo dila. Kalez
’svait't’ zatana zal'lea zomatink lekh nam, hantum hamvem bhorpur sohokar dila. Hea sorva modhem 2003 isvent addollteachea mhinoten mhojea hud'deak manyota labhli ani yu.Ji.Si. Veton mhaka lablem. 2011 isvent sointt eloisiyos kalejichea itihasantch prothom' pauttim ek stri soho pranxupal zal'li kheatiy mhaka mell'llea. 5 vorsanchi hi audi bovo sobhit, oti zovabdarechi ani videarthink ani mhojea soho xikxokank kumkechi zaunko pavol'li. 2016 zonourint hamv nivrit zalim punn march voreg mhaka seva diunko addolltean apounnem dil'lem. Teach vorsa omerika vecho nirnnoi poiloch zal'lo. Heach vellar amchi dhuv jiana porot gorbhest asa mholl'llem kollon ayil'lean amim zun 2016 reddmondd, vaxingtton pauleamv. Saddepanch mohine thoimsor ravon
18 Veez Konkani
gorbhestinn anim ballant dhuvek samballl'li tripti mhaka asa. 9 vorsam uprant tankam ek choli ball zolmal'lem.
* vixex puroskar: ’solvonnechi jik’ pustokak kornattok konkonni sahity okaddemi thamvn 2007 (ekachch vorsa bhitor)
Sahitik upolobdhi: * sahity okaddemin apoyil'lea 3 porikxokam poiki eklim (urul'le dog gõyche man sahitykar) konknni pustokanchi vinchomvnn korchye khatir (2000 konknni sahity proxostechea vinchounnek) gõyant zal'lye zomatek. * porgottl'lim pustokam: 1) solvonnechi jik: hindi thamvn konknnek onuvad kel'leo kannimyom 2006 seuk prokaxon. 2) somoseank porihar - seuk mohineallear onkonn ’somoseank porihar’ hacho punzo - seuk prokaxon
’sfutt’ - srizona prokaxona thamvn prokaxit pustokant her 11 striyam borabor. "konkonnichea vaddaullint striyancho patr’ hem lekhon. * sonxodon potr - yunivorsitti kalez mongllur hantum ’sahity okaddemi’ n choloun vhel'lea ’bohubhaxik onuvad’ karyokromant potr prostut. "bohubhaxik onuvadant konknni stri boroinnarancho patr’ * 30 vorsam thamvn konknnechea hofteallim, mohineallim - raknno, kannik, amchi mam-i, seuk, divo - ani vividh firgojenchea potrank - kouttumbik,
19 Veez Konkani
samajik, xikxonn kxetrant sombondh zal'lim vividh lekhonam khub prosar zaleant.
2. Mannik (konkonni mohineallem) bhurgeam khatir - 1998-2002
* onuvadik kannimyom, lekhonam choddit zamvn raknnear - (solvonnechi jik osem prokott zal'lea kannimyancho punzo)
3. Jezu rai (bhurgeamllem mohineallem) 2011 tem 2016
* seuk potra geletea 15 vorsam thamvn logatak ’somoseank porihar’ - sovalank zapi (soloha dimvcho konso) - azun to konso cholon asa.
* kornattoko sorkaran apoyil'lea ’konkonni bhaxa patth boroupeanchea (konkonni ttekstt buk roitting) konknni tisri bhas chim potthy pustokam - attve klasik - hea somitichi sobhapotinn. (2010-2011) bengllurant 5 boskamni patr.
* hea bhair vividh potranchea sompadoki monddollint vaur -
* hindi ttekstt buk roitting - kornattoko sorkar - sando.
1. Omor konkonni - 9 mohineank ek pautti porgott zamvchem konkonni bhas ani somskriti potrika - (1994-1999)
Dhavi klas hoiyor hindi (2011-2012) bengllurant 5 boskemni patr. * ek vixex karyokrom':
20 Veez Konkani
"sorvo dhorm' mot'tu sahityo som'mellonogollu" - 79 odhivexon - xri dhormosthollo punnykxetr - novembor 23, 2011 (tegam poiki ekli bhaxonngarn, ekch stri bhaxonngarn) vixoi: kroisto dhorm' hagu sohoballve. * xrimoti gleaddis rego boroyil'lem ’samorthivont stri zuddi pintto’ divo konknni vixex onkeant fais zalam (march 2012, pan 17).
3. ’anondomottho’ mullotha bengalli punn hamvem bhaxantor kel'lem hindi thamvn kon'noddak okhil bharot reddio kendr mongllur thamvn prosar zal'lem. * 2019 ’viliyom' paulkner’ chi kanni ’do ttal men’ onuvad kelea (vol'li kvaddros veginch porgott korchear asa) * 2020 epril - don kannimyom tallo mudronn keleat (veginch porgott zamvchear asat)
Reddio karyokromam: 1. 200 mikvatit - inglix, hindi, kon'noddo ani konknni bhaxent - bhaxonn, sondorxon, chorcha, iteadi. 2. Reddio sarong, sointt eloisiyos kalez hantum sovalam-zapi bosnneo.
1. Bank - keathorin roddrigos 2. Lokxye - vol'li kvaddros * 2019 okttobor ’vealyu ejyukexon buk for stteanddordd 9’ hachem punorikxonn mongllur diesejichem ek yozon (hem toyar kel'lem bondel inglix hoiskulan) (veginch akher zamvchear asa).
21 Veez Konkani
* pi.Echddi. - hindi ’komol kumar uponeasom mem sombondhom ki yotharthota’
* olpvyosk sonxodhon yozon (80,000 yujisi thamvn) 2013 (18 mohineank) ’adhunik mohilla uponeaskarom ke uponeasom mem stri vimorx’ sofolotapurvok prostut kelea. * zoner 2020 - tegam porikxokam poiki ek zamvn vinchomvnn konkonni sahityo okaddemichea eka pustokak. Itor zovabdaroeo: * sointt agnes hoiskulant (dogam-i bhurgim thoimsor xiktana) pi.Tti.E. Odhokxinn. * mongllur diesejichea ’feamili komixonacho’ sando * em'.Si.Si. Beank direktor zamvn soptembor , 7, 2013 poreant.
dokxinn bharot hindi prochar sobha, modras - 2012
* sointt eloisiyos kalejint - ’vimens ekjhisttons in sointt eloisiyos kalez’ – 22 Veez Konkani
vorsa lambayechem karyokrom' – somyozoki
* reddio karyokromam - mongllurchea akaxvanni kendrant. Inglix, hindi, kon'noddo, konkonni kaim 200 voir.
* soho sobhapotinn ’sainsos of vimens helt endd nyuttrixon’ yozon komyunitti reddio sorong, sointt eloisiyos kalez en.Si esttisi (ddiestti) nyu ddel'lichea poixeandharan.
Mhoji vhorti samorthi mhollear soloha dimvchi - 30 vorsam thamvn xemboramni mhojyelagim tanche somosye ucharleat.
* gourou karyodorxinn sointt eloisiyos ko-oporettiv sttors * somyozoki 5 vi grajyuyexon karyokrom' sointt eloisiyos kalez (svait't). * sodanchi somponmull vyokti ’feamili loif sorvis senttor mongllur’ turont lognachi toyarai (30 vorsam thamvn) * auy-bapamyk, yuvozonnank, kazari zoddeank, bhurgeank, xikxok-xikxokink, prayesthank vividh firgozank, xalank, kalejink vochon bhaxonnam kaim 700 voir. (hamvem hachem lekh dourunk na).
Mhoji voiyoktik: lhan thamvn vhodd kuttmant jinnyecho mohotv, mog , mouleam mhaka mell'lleant. - mhojea denneam pasvot hamv devak obhari zamvnasam - xikpant huxargai, vividh chottuvottikemni asokt. Hachyeurvim xiktana, xikoitana sobhar inamam zoddleant - gain, bhaxonn, probondh, sovalam-zapi (kvijh), ut'tim' kareanirvaho kinn, nattkulle (bovo unne) kearom', fildd gems (ddisk, zavelin, xattputt) fulam sozounni, vividh vinodaull.
23 Veez Konkani
- zolma disak xubhaxoi patthounko hamv kedinch visrana.
- xikxoki zamvnastana vividh spordheank vhoroinnar zamvn geleam - promukh zamvn, bhaxonn, probondh, fulam sozounni, khann-jevann, vividh vinodaulli. - vachchi souy mhaka viporit asa - lhan astana kannimyo, kadombori (pot'tedari) ani atam monoxastr, her pustokam, boyografi - hamv ek bohirmukhi (eksttrourtt) vyokti zamvnasam.
- mhojem kuttam' mhojem sorvosv mhojea itlea chottuvottikam modhem-i hamv vell korn, ghorchea kamachi zovabdari sompurnn kannghetam. Bhaileo vostu haddcheo mhozo poti samballtta. - hamv borem randtam. (horyek dis randunk mhaka konni tori asl'lim tor mhonn bhogta tori) gamvant xikhl'lim sorv thoranchem randap - polli, potradde, mas (vividh nomunear) vorn, gullio, khir, notalancho kusvar iteadi.
Loka sangata bhorsunchem, ixttagot korchi ani ti samballchi mhaka bovo chodd sontos dita. Hamv khoim geleari, thoimsor ek punni ixtt-ixttinn mhaka melltta ani tanchyelagim toull toull hamv sompork dourtam. 24 Veez Konkani
- mhojea lhan kuttmalagim matr nom-i, mhojea bhavo-bhoinni, tanchim kuttmam, zossichim bhavo-bhoinni, tanchea kuttmalagim boro sombondh asa kela.
- igorjechea chottuvottikenk hamv kedallai vochonk nam - haka karonn hamv itor vixoyamni meter asl'lean. Punn hamv khoimsor firgozamni rauleam thoim sompurnn sohokar vaddeant ani firgojent hamve dila. - yuvozonnam mhaka chodd mogachim - tannim mouleambhorit asaje kiteak tim zamvnasat amcho fuddar ani amche mukheli. ---------------------------------------------
25 Veez Konkani
mull: xorlizakson konknnek: je.Vi.Karlo zun 27, gimsilea disacho to ek bovo sundor sokall. Ful'lelea fulancho svad sogllean bhoron gel'lo. Pachvem pangrol'li bhum-i dolleank thonddai ditali. Voram dha zaun yetalim. Benk ani posttafisa modhlea choukar lok kuddsonk laglo. Dusrea gamvanim lokanchi sonkhea itli astali ki zunacha vis tarikerch lottri kaddchi prokria suru zatali. Kabhar
korunk bhorti don dis lagtale. Punn, hi fokot tinxim lokanchi ek lhanxi holl'lli zaunasli. Fokot don voramni sogllem tirsun lokan dhonpora jheunnak ghora vochyetem. Bhurgeank gimsalli roza suru zal'le vorvim tim vhoddanchaki poilench yeun pavul'lim. Thoddo vell gopp chupp raulelea bhurgeanim thoddea vella nontor henne tenne dhamvonk, kinkrattunk, khellonk suru kelem. Bobbi marttinan izaracha bolsanim edolloch fator bhorn zal'le. Vegginch dusrea cherkeamnim-i suru kelem. Urutt, sopai fator. Bobbi, heri, ani ddelakruz hanni edollch choukacha eka konxear fatranchi vhodd rasch toyar korun dusrea cherkeanim chorn vhorinaxem ek dollo dhourl'lo. Cheddvam tanche'tleak uloun vorem vingodd raul'lim. Dhakttim bhurgim matyent lollon gi, tancha vhodd bhavam bhoinnincha nhesnnak umkallon gi dolle vattarn bhomvti polletalim. Dadleanchi sonkhea choddon yetali. Tanche dolle ta'tancha bhurgeank sodtale. Tanche ulonne krixi, ttreakttoram, paus, tteksam vixim cholon asul'lem. Te bhurgeamni ras kel'lea fatrank utron mukar gel'le. Dadleam nontor bailam tancha ghor mustaiker yeun zomonk laglim. Dusrea bailam
26 Veez Konkani
laggim thoddem uloun, hason tim ta'tancha ghovank sodun mukar gelim. Tanni thoim thaun opaplea bhurgeank tanche sorxim yeunko opoilem. Bhurgim char panch pauttim opoilea nontorch na khuxen ailim. Bobbi, usoyil'lea aplea ovoicha hata ponda rigon portun fatrancha raxi kuxik dhamvlo. Tacha bapain denknno marl'loch pettea borim ximtti ponda ghalun tanche sorxim vochon raulo. Choukant lottri matr nhoi, somudai nach, tornatteanche healovin kareakrom' iteadi manest som'mors choloitalo. Osolim karyokromam cholounko gorjechi xati toxem pursot taka bhorpur asul'li. Som'mors svobhavan khuxalayecho mhonis. Taka bhurgim natl'lim. Dekun soglleank tacher onukomp asul'lo. Manest som'mors ek kallich pett gheun zomea modhem yetana, loka modhem gujguzo suru zalo. Som'morsan loka teuxim hat haloun "chikke vell zalo ixttamno. Maf kora." mhollem. Manest som'morsa pattlean gamvcho postt masttor manest greus tin payanche ek sttul gheun ailo.
Som'morsan kalli pett tea sttula voir dhourli. Kalli pett ani lokam modhem thoddo ontor asul'lo. "tumche modhem konn punni mukar yeun mhaka chikke hat dixat gi?" tanne vicharlem. Sokkodd ekamekachem tondd pollelagle xivai konnch mukar aile nant. Thoddea ghollaye nontor marttin ani tacho malghoddo put beaksttor mukar yeun pettecha don pontank dhortana, som'morsan bhiter asleleo chitti voir ponda kaloileo. Lottrek vaparchi poromporagot pett kednangi padd zal'li ani tea zagear atam vaparun aschi kalli pett, gamvcho malghoddo mhonis varnor zolmonchaki poilem thaun vaparunk dhorl'li. Hi kalli pett itli porni zaunasl'li ki, ti uddoun novi pett koromvche vixeant som'mors holl'llecha lokam kodde mostu pauttim uloyil'lo tori konnench kan halounko natle. Konnaiki somprodai moddunk naka aslem. Kallea pette voir lokak sintimentall sombondh asul'lo. Tancha purvozanim vaparol'lea mull pettechem
27 Veez Konkani
thoddem rukadd kallea pettek vaparlam mhonnon lok patyel'lo. Hor vorsa lottre nontor som'mors pett bodli korcha vixeant uloitalo punn yothasthiti mundoron vetali. Vorsam paxar zaun gel'le borim pettechi sthiti vikaronch yetali. Eka vixeant matr bodlap haddunk som'mors yoxosvi zal'lo. Adim thaun vaparun ayil'lea ruka kuddkeancha zagear peporache kuddke vaparchak tanne lokak raji kel'lem. Vorsam gel'le borim lokacho sonkho vaddonch yetalo. Itlea lokak vanttunk rukache kuddke korn simit gatracha pettent bhorn kalounko sadhy natlem. Lottrecha adlea ratim som'mors ani greus kallea pettent peporacheo chitti korn bhortale ani ti, dusre dis choukak vhorta poreant som'morsacha ingllea fekttoricha olmarint bhodr astali. Vorsacha dusrea vella ti kedna posttafisant gi, na marttinacha jinsi ongddent poddon astali. Som'morsan lottri ugti zali mhonnon odhikrit zaun uzar korche poilem thodde xixtthachar pallunk asul'le.. Horyeka kuttmanchi, tantlea sandeanchi namva toyar korunk aslim. Postt masteran, lottrecho odhikrit choloupi zaun som'morsak protigoneavidhi cholounko asul'li. Thoddea vorsam adhim ek magnnea git gamvchi rivaz asul'li ti
sobarank uddas asul'li. Ti kromenn bondh zal'li. Toxench, pette thaun chitt vinchunk ailelea horyekleaki lottri choloupean selyutt marun svagot korchi rivajyi asul'li. Ti bodlon, atam lottri choloupean chitt vinchunk ailelea laggim thoddem ulounko asul'lem. Hea sorv kamank som'mors sangul'lo vekti zaunaslo. Xixtthacharachim sorv kamam tirsal'linch som'mors loka teuxim ghumvtana taka pois thaun xrimoti hochinson omsoran dhamvon yemvchi disli. Ti khorxeun khorxeun yeun zomeak bhorti zali. "hamv visronch gel'lim saibinni!" tinne boglen aslelea xrimoti ddelakruzak sanglem. Tim dogam-i hallu haslim. "amgelo pattlean lankdda dalltet asa mhonnon chintun asul'lim. Kiteaki zonela bhair polletam, thoddea vella'dim khellon asul'lim bhurgim eklim-i disanant! tokxonn az sot'tavis tarik mhonnon uddas ayil'loch omsoran dhamvon ailim." epronak hat pusit't mhonnali hochinson "kaim vhodd na. Aniki suru zaunko na." ddelakruz mhonnali. Xrimoti hochinson gomtti lambh korn aplo ghorkar, bhurgim khoim asat mhonn bhomvtonni pollelagli. Tim mukar poilea salint ravon aschem tika
28 Veez Konkani
dislem. Tinne ddelakruzacha bhuzak kutt'ttun opunn mukar vetam mhonnon hat bhas keli. Mukar rauleleamni tika vatt soddn dili. "tuji potinn aili saiba bil'l." okreki aili saiba!" oxem, pattleanim hochinsak aikonche borim hixaro dilo. Xrimoti ttessi hochinson mukar vochon aplea bhurgeam, ghorkaracha boglek rauli. Tikach rakon aslele borim som'mors sangalaglo: "tum nastananch suru korunk poddtele mhonn chintol'lem ttessi." "kitem korum jeo? ghorcha kamant vest zalim." "borem tor," som'morsan lokak ud'dexun sanglem. "amim suru koreangi? veggim tirsun soddeam. Konn punni chukleat gi?" "danyel." sobaramni ek ch pauttim zap dili. "danyel na." som'morsan aplea pott'ttecher ek nozor marn mhollem: "vhoi..Vhoi.. Kloidd danyel. Tacho pai moddla nhoi? tacha torfen konn lottri kaddta?" "hamv kaddtam." eka striyen zap dili. Som'mors tiche kuxik ghumvlo. "ghova torfen bail kaddta khoim. Tuka vaddl'lo cherko nangi jeni?" tanne vicharlem.
"na, horesak ozun solla vorsam bhorti zaunko nant." ti mhonnali. Hi songot gamvchi sokkodd, som'mors yi mellon zonna'slim. Tori oxem vicharchem xixtthachar zaunaslem. "borem." som'morsan mundorilem. "veattsonacho cherko khoim asa?" mixio futtl'lea eka cherkean zomea modhem thaun hat voir ukol'lo. "hea vorsa mam-i torfen hamv lottri vinchta..." to chikke gagelo. "okreki tuza ovoi torfen eklo dadlo mell'llo." zomeant konnengi xobaski dili. "borem tor sokkodd aileant mhonn chinta. Ham, sangol'le borim varnor ab ailagi?" "hanga asam." zomea modhlean ek kxinn tallo aikalo. Som'morsan tokli haloili. To tanne kel'li pott'tti pollelaglo. Loka modhem moun demvlem. "borem. Atam hamv ek pauttim hanga aschim kuttmam, tantlea sandeanchi namva ekekch vachun sangtam. Hamve namva ulo kel'lench tea kuttmacho yejman mukar yeun pette bhiter thaun doddleli chitt vinchundi. Soglleamni chitt vinchun kaddtam poreant ti konnem-i ugti korchi naka. Konnaki disanatle borim dhampun dhourchi."
29 Veez Konkani
vorsan voros hem sogllem korunch ailelea tanka novench sangchi gorz natli. Te henne tenne pollenastam rakon raule. Som'morsan ek hat voir ubharon, "oddoms" mhonn ulo marlo. Eklo zomea thaun mekllo zaun mukar ailo. "hai, sttivo." som'mors mhonnalo. "hai jeo.." addoms mhonnalo haschem proiton korn. Nontor tanne kallea pettent hat rigaun doddi kel'li ek chitt vinchli ani soramra aplea zageak pattim chol'lo. Oxench som'mors namva vachun gelo. "oxem bhogta ki por porch lottri kaddl'li toxem!" xrimoti ddelakruz, xrimoti greusak sangalagli. "dis paxar zal'lech kollit zaina!" ti mhonnali. "klark ..Ddelakruz.." manest som'morsan ulo dilo. "amgeleachem nombor ailem." aplo ghovo mukar vetana, ti usvas bandhun gheun rauli. "danyel..." namv aikal'lench xrimoti danyel mukar aili. "bhimyenaka jeni!" konnengi dhoir dilem. "mukli sorti amchi." sangalagli xrimoti greus. Xrimoti danyel vochon ayil'lich greus, zo pett adharsun raul'lo
som'morsak vondun chitt kaddn aplea zagear raulo. Edoll chitt vinchun ayil'le, chitt ek pauttim tea hatant, ek pauttim dusrea hatak bodlun kaujennen choddpoddtale. "horbortt... Hochinson.." som'mors vachun sangalaglo. "voch saiba ek pauttim.." manestinn hochinsonan aplea ghovak kutt'ttitana sokkodd ek pauttim haslim. Gombhir vatauronn thoddo vell hallu zalem "zons.." som'morsan ulo dilo. Manest oddams aplea boglen raulel'lea mhatarea varnorak ud'dexun, "boddga kuxile soddti kaddchi rauaitet asat khoim." mhonnalo. "pisantt khoinche.." khemvchalo varnor. "atancha bhurgeanchem aikalear amim thoddeach disamni portean matteamni jieje poddtelem. Konnaiki patt bagaun kam' korunk naka. Gadch asul'li: 'zunant soddti choloilear zondlleak na vors bhor dolldir.' hamv zolmonche poilem thaun soddtecho somprodai cholon aila." "sobar gamvanim soddti bondh kelea khoim." manestinn oddams sangalagli. "tea gamvank khonddit ponvoti lagteli.. Vhoi gi na mukar tuminch dekteleat. Pisantt khoinche." varnor khub tapl'lo. "marttin... Porsi.." som'morsan ulo dilo.
30 Veez Konkani
"konn? konn khoim?" "kiteak bexttench vell kaddtat he?" manestinn danyel putam laggim purpuronk lagli.
"bil hochinsonak laglea khoim!" "dhamv re, dhamv re. Poppak khobor di." mises daniel putak sangalagli.
"kabar zaun ailem mam-i." put somodhan korilaglo. "tum poppak khobor divonko toyar ravo." tinne cherkeak sanglem. Som'morsan aplem namvch ulo kelem ani pettentli chitt vinchun kaddli, ani okrek ulo dilo:
Sokttanchi dixtt bil'l hochinsona kuxik ghumvli. Hochinson ekdom moun zaun aplea hatantlea ugtea chittik ch pollemvchar poddol'lo. Tachem bail ttessi hochinson ekachchhanne som'morsa kuxik ghumvon mhonnalem: "ho onyai! khonddit onyai!!
"manest varnor.." bil'lak chitt vinchun kaddunk sarko velloch diunko na! hamv polleunoch aslim.Omsor keloi!" tem bobattlem.
"hi mhoji satsot'torovi lottri" mhonnonoch mhataro varnor mukar ailo. Tacha pattli sorti veattsonachi. "dhoiran voch zak. Kainch omsor na.. Bhimyenaka." soglleamni taka dhoir bhorlem. Nimanne namv zhaninichem. To yeun chitt vinchun gel'lench zomea modhem ekachchhanne monemponn demvlem. Som'morsan apli chitt voir ukoln, "borem ixttamnom!" mhollem. Soglleanim ta'tanchi chitt ugti keli. Sogllim bailam ekoch pauttim vicharunk laglim:
"ttessi... Bexttem bexttench fottkirem opadon korinaka. Amkam sokttank mell'llelo titloch vell tuza ghovak yi dil'lo." urlelea bailamnim ttessik sanglem. "tondd dhamp go" bil'lan goroz marli. "hanga aika ixttanom" som'mors sangalaglo. "atam poilem hont tirsalem. Mukli prokria vegginch tirsun soddeam." tanne portean ek pauttim aplea hatant aslelea pott'tte voir dixtt veli. "bil'l, hochinson namvachem tujem ekoch kuttam' mhonnon chinta. Vhoi mu?"
31 Veez Konkani
"ddon ani ivayi asat. Tankayi amcha kuttmant melloizai.." ttessi usmoddli. "tem koxem zata? kazar korn dil'leo dhuvo opaplea ghovancha kuttmak servatat. Hem tum borem korn zonnami." som'mors somodhanen mhonnalo. "kitem mholleari ho matr onyai ch." ttessi portean mhonnali. "tumve sangchem sarkem misttor som'mors. Kazar zaun gel'lim mhojim cheddvam tancha ghovancha kuttmak melltat. Amim panch zonnam asamv. Mhoje songi aschim bhurgim bil'l jyuniyor, neansi ani ddevo. Uprant ttessi ani hamv." "borem tor. Misttor greus, hochinson kuttmacha panch zonnancheo chitti toyar asat gi?" som'morsan vicharlem. Postt masteran tokli haloun chitti dakaileo. "tumi kitem sangleari ho matr onyai ch.Tumi mhoza ghovak soman ovkas diunko na. Omsorleat. Konnalaggim-i vichara.. Portean lottri kaddchich borem." ttessi mhonnali.
Postt masteran kallea pettent asleleo sorvancheo chitti bhair vomtileo. Ekoch pauttim ublelea pisolleam borim teo varear ubon geleo otam pettent hochinson kuttmak mhonnononch bil'la laggim asleli kallo tibo asleli chitt mellon kovoll'llel'leo panch noveo chitti ghaleo. "ho onyai.." ttessin suru kelem. Punn taka konnench pattimbo dilo na. "suru koreangi bil'l?" som'morsan vicharlem. Tane koblat dili. "soglleamni chitt kaddlea uprantoch ugti kora." som'morsan mhollem. Poilem nimanno cherko ddevik ulo dilo. Greusan chitt vinchun kaddunk ddevik kumok keli. Oplea dhakttulea muttint chitt dhorn to greusa sorxim raulo. Upramot bara vorsanche neansi ailem. Tacha klasicheo ixttinneo usvas bandhun takach polletalim. Neansichem zal'lench jyu. Bil'l mukar ailo. Tachem zal'lench ttessichi sorti. Ti muddo vavononch aili. Ti chitt vinchun konna kuxinonch pollenastana degek vochon rauli. Nimanne bil'l ailo. Tane pette bhiter hat ghal'lea forsak pett poddchar asul'li. "misttor greus, tumim ddevichi chitt kanngheun polleya." som'mors mhonnalo
32 Veez Konkani
. Tanne chitt usoun voir ukoln sokttanki dakaili. Sokttamni bandhun dhorlel'lo usvas nirollayen soddlo. Chitt khalich asul'li.
poddol'leo. Mises ddelakruzan doni hatamni uklunk zamouche tosolo ek fator vinchun , mises ddeniyolak, "chol ge veggim." mhonnali.
Jyu.Bil'lan ani neansin tancheo chitti sangata ugte kortananch tanchi tonddam proful'lit zalim. Tanni khuxen opapleo riteo chitti ukoln dakoileo. Titlear bil'lan yi apli chitt ugti kel'li ani tivi ritich asul'li!
Mises ddeniyol doni hatamni don lhan lhan fator vinchun gheun , "mhaka tuje title veggim cholonk zaina saibinni tum mukar voch. Hamv pattlean yetam." mhonnali.
"oh, tor ttessi!" som'mors puspuslo. Ttessichi mutt chitti voir ghott'tt ordhaml'li. "ttessichi chitt sokttank dakoi bil'l." som'morsan mhollem. Punn ttessi chitt dakounko toyar natli. Bil'lan bolatkaran tichi mutt soddoun chitt voddn kaddn sokttank dakoili. Chitticha modhengat kallo tibo utton distalo. Zomlelea lokam thaun ek dirgh xvas ovazasovem bhair poddlo. "borem ixttamno. Urlel'lim kamam veggim tirsun soddeam." som'mors mhonnalo. Vorsam paxar zaun gel'le borinch lok sobar somprodai visron gel'lo tori fatrank visronk natlo. Bhurgeamni sakallim thaunonch vividh gatrache fator ras korn dhourol'le. Tanche voir lottrek vaparol'leo chitti vareak ubon yeun
Bhurgeamni bolsamni toxem hatant fator bhorn ghetle. Konnengi ddevicha hatamnim-i don gottie gatrache fator cheple. Gamvcho lok ttessicha bhomvari zom' l'lo ani ttessi, "ho onyai, ho onyai mhonnon pixea borim bobo martalem. Ticher guman dimvcha sthiter konnonch natlim. Ticha bhomvari kuddsal'lo lok mukar mukar yeun ch asul'lo. "ho onyai, ho onyai... " ti arabayo diun aslele borinch konnengi bizayil'lo ek fator ticha kopalar ch opttalo. Ttessin doni hatamni addamvche proiton korn matem bagailem. Ab varnor, "mara, mara.." mhonnon lokak ut'tezon diun asul'lo. Ekapatt ek fator paus vot l'le borim ttessicher opttonk lagle. "onyai, onyai..." ttessicho tallo kxinn zaunonch yetalo. ***********
33 Veez Konkani
Xorli harddi jeakson (dosembr 14, 1916 tem agost 8, 1965) ek omerikachi lekhoki, tichea thorthoramvchea kanniank namvadd'dik. Tichea borpa jiunant, jem don doxokanchem, tinnem so kadombori, don porneo yadi, ani 200 voir mottveo kannimyo boroileo.
Omerikachea kealiforniantlea san fransiskont zolmal'li ti nyuyorkant sirakus yunivorsittint xikalagli anbi yunivorsittichea sahitik nemallant bhorti zali ani tichea fuddarachea noureak thoimsor bhettli stteanli eddgor hoinmean. Hem zoddem
vormanttantlea north ben'ningttonant vosti korilaglem, 1950 isvent hoimeanan apli vrit'ti ek sahit vimorxangar zamvn ghetana xorlin borounko survatilem. 1948 isvent apli kadombori ’do rodd thru do val’ porgott kortoch, tinnem tichi ordhi bhurgeaponnali jiun choritra kealiforniant boroilea uprant hozarom vachpeank ti famad vyokti zali tichi mottvi kanni "do lottori", ji eka duxttachem tholl eka graminn omerikachea holl'lle vixeant vistar sangta. Tinne apleo mottveo kannimyo porgottun ravonk dhorlem sahitik nemalleamni tosench potramni 1950 itleak, tantleo sobar tichea 1953 ugddasant sangata ghaln porgott keleat ’loif emong do savezos’. 1959 isvent tinnem ’do hontting of hil'l houz’ ek thorthoramvchi kadombori ji lokak namvaddli mhonnon ek otyont bhirankull bhut kanni konnem-i edoll poreant borounko nasli mhonn. Ek ekant haddchi stri xorli north ben'ningttonant vosti korilagli tichea jiunachea nimannea vorsamni. 1960 sortana tichi bholaiki bhigddon aili, kuddint zoddai bhorli dhumvrapan sevun nimanni kallzachi pidda yemvn tinnem prann soddlo aplea 48 vorsam prayer 1965 isvent. Ticho probhavo sobhar kheat boroinnarancher fankhl'le dakhle asat: nil goimean, sttifon king,
34 Veez Konkani
sara vattors, noijil knil, kler ful'lor, zohan'n hearis ani richardd meatheson. -------------------------------------------Je. Vi. Karlo:
Ekloch put kettoring xikap zoddun pesttri xef zamvn kam' korun asa. ---------------------------------------------
‘WE’, NOT ‘US’ and ‘THEM’ -
*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ
In 1972, David Campton, a prolific British dramatist, wrote an apparently
jeraldd viliyom' karlo va je.Vi. Karlo chikmogllur diesejichea fatimopuro firgojent zolmal'lo. Hoiskul poreant hason jejvitanchea sam zujechea xalant ani hason sorkari kolejint bi.E. Xiklo. Lhanponna thamvn sahiteant vodd, protyek zamvn onuvad xetant. Konkonni tosem kon'noddant. Konknnent edoll tin onuvadit kadombori, xemboram lagim mottveo kannimyo, ani lekhonam vevegllea potramni, zalli zageamni prokott zaleat. Kon'noddanti sumar tis nillkotha ani mottveo onuvadit kotha prokott zaleat. Prokottit pustokam: ’opohoronn’ (onuvadit kanneancho punzo) ani ’gandhichem porzollik fuddarponn bandpa nirmann xetant vaurun ason, potinne sovem hasonant jiemvn asa.
innocuous, straight- forward and simple one-act play entitled ‘Us and Them’. The play begins innocently enough with two groups of wanderers looking for an ‘ideal’ place to settle. They do find this ‘ideal’ place in the midst of environmen tal grandeur. Ironically, their ‘places’ are adjacent to each other. After mutual agreement they draw a line (what all of us humans will find simply natural and practical) demarcating their respective territories. No problem for some time; soon however, the line becomes a fence,
35 Veez Konkani
the fence becomes a wall, and the wall grows in size until neither side knows what the other is doing (on the ‘other side’ of the wall) Naturally, they keep wondering! They start ‘jumping to conclusions. In a matter of time, their thoughts turn to suspicion and their suspicion to mistrust and mistrust to fear, with each side believing that the other is hatching a plot against them. As fear takes hold, both sides unknowingly make preparations for ensuing conflict until eventually it becomes violent. In the end, two survivors, looking at the waste they have inflicted on one other, conclude, “the wall was to blame”. The play was reflective of the growing polarisation and divisiveness that had seized several nations and groups at that time of history. It was a play meant to ridicule the abysmal depths to which human nature can fall; to highlight the absolute stupidity yet the pain which exists in society! Historically, the late 1960s and the early 1970s are a watershed. This period was marked with protests against racism and injustices; against war and violence. The Civil Rights movement and the antiVietnam War protests saw millions come out in the United States. In Europe, there were student uprisings. The ‘hippie’
culture which stood against all that a ‘hypocritical society’ legitimised, attracted youth from across the social spectrum. In April 1968, Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated; the years after that, witnessed a global social turmoil. People were genuinely angry with the growing divisions in society. Those years were also pregnant with new hope and yearnings for greater social cohesion, a better future for all. For the Church, that era it was also a kind of a springtime; Vatican II and Pope John XXIII literally opened wide the doors of the Church. In April 1963, Pope John XXIII gave to the world his incisive Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’ (peace on earth). He wrote it in order to address a world deeply engaged in the Cold War. The Berlin Wall had just gone up and the Cuban Missile Crisis frightened millions as nuclear weapons began to proliferate. In his Encyclical he speaks of the inviolability of human rights and the four non-negotiables of Truth, Justice, Charity and Liberty which are fundamental for sustainable peace. He was convinced that if these four dimensions are mainstreamed, ‘peace on earth’ would be guaranteed. Sadly, almost sixty years ago, no one was listening; and no one seems to be listening today too!
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The ‘Us and Them’ has been playing to a full house on the world stage, in the recent past. Two painful images will forever remain etched in the memory and conscience of humanity: the first, a little child playfully pulling out a sheet which covered his dead mother on the Muzzafarpur railway station in Bihar; the second, a white police officer in full weight kneeling on the neck of a black man in Minneapolis, US- for almost nine minutes till he could breathe no more. Both these defining images speak to us about man’s inhumanity to man; the victim in both cases is ‘them’.
George Floyd (46 years) a black American who was killed on 25 May by Derek Chauvin, a white policeman. The video of that killing filmed by bystanders, which has gone more than viral all over the world, vividly and painfully shows how Chauvin had pinned him to the ground and for almost nine minutes knelt on Floyd’s neck. Gasping Floyd is heard pleading “I can’t breathe”; Chauvin does not let go
until Floyd breathes no more. The image of that brutal killing, the way Floyd begged for his life, will haunt America and the world forever.
At a 4 June Memorial Service, in an impassioned eulogy, civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton said visiting where Floyd died made him realize that what happened there is a metaphor for the African American experience. Sharpton said, "When I stood at that spot, the reason it got to me is that George Floyd's story has been the story of black folks; because ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed of being is you kept your knee on our neck." He added, "What happened to Floyd happens every day in this country, in education, in health services and in every area of American life. It's time to stand up in George's name and say get your knee off our necks!" The murder of George sparked spontaneous protests all over the United States, hundreds of thousands (from across the divide) have come out
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chanting “No to Racism” and condemn ing police brutality; in some areas, the protests have also been violent: with plenty of arson and looting. The violence part is non-acceptable and has been universally condemned. There have also been protests all major cities of the world. People have come out on the streets demanding an end to racism and every form of discrimination. Strangely, both in the United States and in several parts of the world, ‘leaders’ seem to be numbed in taking a stand. Nearer home, in India we have experienced, in the last three months, the pathetic situation of our migrant workers. That little child near the dead body of his mother says it all! The vast majority of migrant workers in India are adivasis, dalits or OBC’s; most are originally from the remote areas of India. They migrate to bigger towns/cities, better-off States to eke out a living. They have to struggle from hand to mouth. Yet it these people, the ‘them’, who are truly the lifeline of the country. Ever since the lockdown was announced, a humanitarian crisis unprecedented in India’s modern history, has severely disrupted the lives of India’s migrant workers. Millions of migrants have found themselves stranded without food, cash,
and shelter, trying to get home. They have been subjected to violation of their fundamental rights under Articles 14, 15, 19, and 21 and often to severe police harassment on interstate borders. Many have reportedly died as a result of the lockdown, due to exhaustion en route home, starvation, suicides, police excesses, illnesses, and rail and road accidents. Inspite of Supreme Court orders, the Central and State Governments have down pretty little to alleviate the suffering of the ‘them’ people. Everything is focussed on those who ‘have’, those who need to be brought back home from abroad, by air, at the cost of the exchequer!
Exclusion and discrimination seem to be part of our DNA as people of India. Casteism in India, we are aware, is older than racism. We have internalised it in our behavioural patterns – in our food,
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clothing, and dress and even in our worship! We have just taken it for granted that we have the ‘divine right’ to discriminate against ‘them’; one does not have to go very far to see how discriminatory attitudes have permeated into society. The ads in our ‘Matrimonial Columns’ (even in so-called ‘Catholic’ magazines) are a clear indicator of our biases and prejudices; the partner that we look for blatantly has to belong to a particular caste or ethnic group; the ‘colour’ of skin that one looks for is downright racist. The fact that the higher castes in most parts of India do not allow the lower castes to draw or drink water from their wells, seem to be an accepted norm. Many ‘locals’ were recently complaining about the migrants: also wondering how they have official identities in their possession: ration card, Aadhar card, EPIC etc? Many of those who live in ‘big cities’ are actually migrants; for example, in Bollywood, the biggest names are not originally from Bombay/ Maharashtra but from elsewhere. Surprisingly we do not refer to them as ‘migrant film stars!’ In most so-called ‘developed’ countries of the world, outsiders (colonialists, ‘pilgrims’ whatever) have taken away the lands and resources from native/indigen ous peoples. Strangely we conveniently forget these bare facts! Some of our
attitudes are so blatantly discriminatory and patently un-Christian. The minorities of India are also discriminated against. There are innumerable instances to prove this. The rant and rave against the Muslims by Hindu extremists seem to become an order of the day. There is hardly a whimper of protest when members of a minority community are lynched. The then Chief Justice of India referred to lynching as the ‘new normal’. Once on bail, the lynchpin is even feted by the ruling party. A fourteen-year old Christian boy was lynched in Odisha at the end of May. In the midst of the breakout of the pandemic Covid-19, the
only group which was held responsible was an assembly of Muslims in Delhi! This assembly actually met days after the ‘Namaste Trump’ tamasha in Ahmedabad which brought in several people from abroad and thousands from all over Gujarat; and of course, all at the
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expense of the State exchequer. If you take a stand against the draconian Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and happen to a Muslim, then be assured that you can be easily incarcerated under the dreaded UAPA.
Christians too are not spared: Churches are regularly attacked; church personnel are beaten up and Christians are systematically discriminated against. They are denied Government employment, even when they have the necessary competencies. These acts take place directly and subtly. Adivasis, tribals and other forest dwellers are at the receiving end of an exclusive regime. For years the forests and the forest lands were the natural habitat of these indigenous people. In very calculated moves, they are being denied what is rightfully theirs. The slum dwellers, the daily wage earners and the migrant workers as we have seen in this current pandemic, women and children are all victims of an unjust and exploitative system, which caters to a very small segment of rich, powerful and higher
castes and clearly discriminates and excludes vast sections of society. Sadly, ‘Us and Them’ is so relevant for our contemporary world and particularly for India. So, when Rev Al Sharpton in his eulogy to George Floyd said, “what happened to Floyd happens every day in this country, in education, in health services and in every area of American life. It's time to stand up in George's name and say get your knee off our necks!”, he was in no uncertain referring to the Dalits, the Adivasis, the minorities, the migrant workers, women and other sub-altern sections of Indian society. In India we have umpteen metaphors (like Floyd’s life being snuffed out) to describe the painful reality of our people: Muhmmad Aklaq being beaten to death, the migrant workers being run over by a train, the little child playing with the cloth sheet which covered his dead mother… The cry of suffering is clear: “get your knee off my neck, stop strangulating me, and let me breathe...” Pope Francis has been consistent in his stand against exclusion. In a message after the death of Floyd he referred to racism as a sin saying “we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life. At the same time, we have to
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recognize that the violence of recent nights is self-destructive and selfdefeating. Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost”. On 13 May, in an advance message for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020 (which is on 27 September) Pope Francis focuses on ‘Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee: Welcoming, Protecting, Promoting and Integrating Internally Displaced Persons’. He says, “I have decided to devote this Message to the drama of internally displaced persons, an often-unseen tragedy that the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated. In fact, due to its virulence, severity and geographical extent, this crisis has impacted on many other humanitarian emergencies that affect millions of people, which has relegated to the bottom of national political agendas those urgent international efforts essential to saving lives. But “this is not a time for forgetfulness. The crisis we are facing should not make us forget the many other crises that bring suffering to so many people” As one dwells on the reality of ‘Us and Them’; one cannot help but be reminded of the lyrics of the popular folk song of Peter Seeger “Where have all the flowers gone?” It became one of the hit songs during the protests in the
late sixties. Joan Baez and others popularized it, with two more contextualized verses added, including,
“Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time passing Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time ago Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one When will WE ever learn? When will WE ever learn?” Words powerfully relevant in our violent, exclusive ‘my’ world. ‘Us and Them’ is essentially about WE: you and me. The now moment, the now people. We are the ‘someone’, ‘somewhere’ and today is that ‘someday’ – when we need to have the courage to learn from history and to ensure that it is no longer ‘us and them’,
no longer ‘the other’ but just ‘WE’ in this journey of life! It is “We, the People!”; “We, the disciples of Jesus!” Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
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everywhere!” . On the day of Judgement, when we ask the Lord “when did we see 15 June 2020 you hungry, thirsty, a stranger…?” The Lord will answer us, “Simple, my child, *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights you did NOT have the courage to love & peace activist and writer. Contact: and be ‘them’!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
M'luru priest's book for 'times of transition'..
Rev. Dr. John Fernandes, a senior intellectual and activist priest of the diocese of Mangaluru, is now in retirement in Jeppu, Mangalore. His inspiring and soul searching book in English, ‘Unbeaten Paths’ is far more than an autobiography and an account of his life on 'paths rarely trodden' a wonderful study on the greatness of human life, 'in transition'. The subtitle ‘Theological Reflections on Times of Transition’ is set to stand the test of time. The more precious matters are rarely brought into the open and are overpowered by many forces. The contents of this book, refreshingly put
across in a matter-of-fact captivatin manner goes deep into certain aspects this priest, scholar, social thinker and activist who has laboured in extraordinarily sincere truth based
42 Veez Konkani
principles, inspires deeply. It is definitely a book that all serious seekers must read, no matter from what faith or background, it has also been translated in to German. it is a must read in modern times. For the casual reader it has a lot to entertain, educate and it history, culture, community, local geography and far more. Three sections : Living on the Periphery; Crossing the Borders; Building Bridges, are serious revelations that stand alone in more ways than one. The author said in an expression of hope that it might touch the souls of at least a few who may serve the nation well in times unseen. As a school boy John's life with his mother and siblings is laid bare without reservations that touches the soul. He recollects the Indian freedom movement, August 15, `1947 and singing the well known “Raghupathy Raghava Rajaram.....” and such, that perhaps shaped him well to look fairly at all faiths in a perspective that did not have a bias and a freedom to be open to much that is constructive in his life and work accounting for a “lived liberation theology”. This review is limited to just a few aspects, read the book for a wider appreciation.
The Book:
“Unbeaten Paths” is a one of it's kind solid book authord by Rev Dr. John Fernandes (Born:March 7, 1936). Beyond the description of dates and events, the book is an illustration of the theological transition that the author has trod during the course of his life and ministry, the paths less trodden. Emerging new trends in theology are avidly absorbed by the author. Consequently, as Francis D’Sa SJ writes in the Foreword, John reaches out to larger “concerns of crossing borders and building bridges between communities” and beyond; between inter religious communities and still more beyond that concerned with damage done to Mother Earth”. Truly a prophecy of "Laudato Si", generated by Pope Francis now. If the diocesan priest is open in his ongoing search and creative involvement, every position he holds could be approached with a liberated perspective. Rev John Fernandes, even as the Head of the 'Chair in Christianity'
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at the University of Mangalore, integrated academic inquiry with contextual pastoral praxis. He envisaged the following fourfold aspects for the Chair in Christianity, which formed the solid foundation for his priestly ministry: * Multi-religious context in which we have to strive for religious harmony./ **Multi-cultural context in which we have to work for cultural integration./*** Context of an unjust and violent society in which we strive towards justice and peace./ **** Context of damaged ecology in which we work for integrity of creation.
Rev Fernandes never separated one aspect from the other. All the four spheres of academic pursuit were related to his mission. He had not restricted the above concerns to the academic circle alone, but had integrated them into his entire life and ministry. Even after his retirement from the university, and passing by many mile stones, he is seen actively engaging in pursuits which related to religious harmony, cultural integration, establishing justice and peace and promoting ecological preservation - age is not a big reason. “Unbeaten paths” is a lot more than words to look, read and reflect. The cover and the beginning of each chapter has artistic illustrations from the internationally acclaimed artist, Sri Jyoti Sahi. His drawings “depict not only the
landscape, but feel the spirit of the place” which leads us to the inner spirit 44 Veez Konkani
of the “inscape”. In the artistic works Jyoti Sahi, incisively depict many a scene rare and unique on the cover and inside the book which capture the ethos of some things that are captive in the pages . Reading “Unbeaten Paths”, as subtitled, would enable to live on the periphery, to cross the borders and to build bridges! Glimpse of the learned Foreword : Dr. Francis D’Sa S J., recapitulates an intellectual view of the contents and the author's attendant circumstances. Having close and long standing association with author Dr.John. To quote some random lines, which however, must be viewed strictly in the spirit overall of the book and it’s author. “ The context can be cultural, historical, religious, political, economical, social,
etc. .... John’s life has been free from personal ambition...... The challenges, for instance, of working in remote
undeveloped rural area (Transforming a Village on the periphery – Hosabettu) is very different from working in a city centre (Mangala Jyoti, the Diocesan Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre) and still very different from “crossing the borders’ and joining in a workers’ demonstration in front of the Bishop’s House to demand the rights of the workers......The point is that John’s methodology and context matters, makes a difference. ......John is what his concerns have made him. His concerns have not been of his petty ego but the larger concerns of not being satisfied with “his own priesthood” and “his own church”, etc......John’s autobiography makes it amply clear that whatever he did he never lost sight of the the 'option for the poor’ – probably not only because of the theological reasons but also because he could never forget the memory of his hard working mother and
two elder sisters. Justice became the hallmark of all his enterprises. ....Reading
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John’s book, one is edified that he is not ranting against higher authorities who didn’t understand him; not paying back in the same coin those who hit out at him and imputed motives. John is a noble soul, a gentleman and to use a biblical expression, a prophet... As Shakespeare would say, there is method in his madness.” This book comes, “ With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right...”. Life away from Mangalore : Young John Fernandes first crossed the bridge from Udayavar to Kudla, St Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore to Papal Seminary Poona (now Pune), in 19551960; he was into Philosophy and Theology there, the first broadening of his knowledge base. All the nuances of the changes he made are explained in most captivating detail . The Second Ecumenical Council called by Pope John
XXIII in 1959, had a bearing on John’s
voyages too. He was a singular one to get selected for higher study at 'Innsbruck Canisianum' College and University in Austria. His priestly formation too was on going here. Fr.John’s ordination was perhaps a rare one for it was in a parish church, that was considered his ‘home’, in the German town,Trier-Euren, St Helena, where in the University Fr.John did advanced study and research. on March 30, 1963, by the then Bishop of Mangalore Rt Rev Raymond D'Mello. After finishing studies and formalities, he returned to Mangalore in November 1963. The ordination, it’s aftermath and his pastoral work in Mangalore for 3 years is very interestingly put forth in the book, page after page. Rev.John’s interest to delve into Ecumenical and inter religious movements and in the process find meaning in Indian oriented liturgies took him well into the study of the 16 Hindu rituals ('Upanayana', in
During 75th Birthday Celebrations
46 Veez Konkani
particular) comparative to the 7 church sacraments. He explains that the word ‘Samskara’ has close roots with the words ‘sacramentum /sacrament’. In the meantime the then Bishop of Mangalore Rt.Rev. Basil D’Souza wanted him to study and take on the task of furthering the aims of Vatican II in the diocese. The diversity of his out look in depth is very palpable, if Mangalore was his home, Innsbruck, Austria and Trier Germany was no less to him among other places. There is a vast and deep exposure involved in the “context of a multi religious, multicultural society and in an unjust, ecologically precarious world” a witness to changing times and perspectives, working towards the book's three way subtitle. This exclusive review here, aims to make interested aware and motivated people in all situations to go through the book extraordinary. Points from the prologue by the author will throw light – 'He promises a lot and delivers in full measure, pressed down and overflowing'. Retiring at 75, his contacts
and admirers specially from Germany made him realise that it is for the greater good that Rev Dr. John Fernandes, must put down something of his life and this book was the result, they later arranged a translation into German. The memory of the past becomes ‘living’ or alive in the present. Recapturing the past and living in the present, we prepare ourselves for the future. Every person is unique, every life is unique; it follows knowing about any life, does not happen by chance but by design of the 'One' above. Orienting the book into 3 parts makes for rational absorption – Living on the periphery, Crossing the Borders and Building bridges. Note : Unbeaten Paths, ISPCK, Delhi, 2016. 978 81 8465 5575. pp.xvii + 423. -Ivan Saldanha-Shet ---------------------------------------------
Rev (Dr) John Fernandes – a life devoted to service To get a glimpse of the social life of the people in a typical (undivided) Dakshina Kannada village in the 1940 and 1950, an ideal piece of literature would be “Unbeaten Path” a comprehensive autobiography of Dr John Fernandes, a
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former Professor and Head of Chair of Christianity, Mangalore University.
Fernandes has experienced and narrated what it means to be economically backward, migration from villages to cities in search of jobs, besides what it means to be on the margins of the society and live without the bare necessities of life – food, shelter and human dignity. There is a picturesque description of Udyavara, 56 kms north of Mangaluru, the place of his birth: Udyavara extends about 5 to 6 kms from north to south and about 4 kms from east to west. In it
there is a central place called Matadangadi – with a temple, market, shops, post office, bank, etc. The Udupi-Mangalore road passed through this place. The different localities in the village have their own names: Pitrodi, Bolagudde, Guddeangadi, Korangrapadi, etc. There are some islands and peninsulas too within its boundaries: Ankudru, Matadakudru, Jarukudru, Chullikudru and others. There are a number of temples, Bhootasthanas, a Catholic and protestant (Basel Mission) church and a mosque. Today one can travel from Udupi to Mangaluru within an hour. But in the 1950s Dr Fernandes recalls, “The journey from Udyavara to Mangalore lasted almost a day. To travel to Mangalore I had to cross four rivers on ferry boats – Udyavara, Mulki, Pavanje and Kulur. There were no bridges over these rivers. To travel from one riverside to the next, there were small coal-fuelled buses shuttling between the two places.” John Fernandes was born on March , 1936 in Udyavara. He studies philosophy and theology in Pune and Innsbruck, Austria. He obtained his doctorate in Theology from the University of Trier, Germany and Licentiate in Philosophy
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from Pune. He was ordained in 1963 at Trier.
who were on the other side”, explains Dr Fernandes.
A priest of the Mangalore Diocese, his pastoral work included a stint as the Director of the Diocesan Biblical Liturgical and Catechetical Centre, Mangalore. He was also a Professor and Head of Chair in Christianity, Mangalore University.
The final purpose of living on the margins and crossing boundaries is to build bridges or establishing relationship between people, adds Dr Fernandes. This he has achieved over the years by building bridges across nations, between Christian communities, reaching out to all religions and world views, bridging the gulf between classcaste divisions, bonding with nature and creating bonds with environmentalists.
He is the founder president of Catholic Priests Conference of India (CPCI). A prolific writer his publications include books and articles in English, German, Kannada and Konkani. He is the recipient of the Herbert Haag Award for Freedom in the Church from Lucerne, Switzerland in 2007. In his autobiography, Dr Fernandes presents his whole life in three sections – Living on the periphery, Crossing the borders and Building bridges. The word “periphery” here refers to the periphery of the society, an expression taken from the language of social analysis. It expresses the relationship between the “powerful” and the “powerless” of the “dominators” and the “dominated.”
The cover page of the book and the picturesque illustrations inside are done by JyotiSahi, internationally known artists. He personally visited the places connected with his life story – Udyavara, Katapadi, Hosabettu, Moodabidri and Mangaluru and made sketches on the spot. Fr John Fernandes now resides at Senior Priests’ Home, St Anthony’s Institutions. -Michael Patrao ( --------------------------------------------
“Because I lived and took stand on the periphery, or at the border, I could often cross the borders and reach out to those 49 Veez Konkani
Gilottinachi bob
azun majvonk nant ruch matr iroleastam bhouxa dhar porot tanelea. Hamvem bhetl'lea tokleanchi lokak visor poddlea opradhancher ghal'li dadd porot ghalizoi poddlea. Nirapradheank parkunk sokonatl'lem mhojem ekch unnemponn haka lagun mhojea ostitvachi khunich fuddlea opradheank melll'li sollgi.
hamv rukadd mhaka rogtachi tan zaitem vhalltana bhagteli tan.
Heach khatir mhoji potrifolli kochrea ddobbeant poddli arvilea pillgechea potthy pustokamni itihas zaun uroli.
Dharik mhojea pajchi goroz podduna mhojea billant rigleleank kapunk vell laguna.
Konxak xeuttal'lem “gilottin� poxchatapachi bob marota grest matr dublleanchi bhakri rogtant buddoun khata!
Mhozo ek mar xindta monxagollo kuddi-bhejeachi kotthor duk vanttun veta somanponni. Chiddkal'le rogtaghette
-gleanix marttis, olongar 50 Veez Konkani
Sokkodd raktat... - ponchu bonttvall gadeak sarem merek khorem ghollon posol'lem khorem -khaunko asa jeunko asa
mallear tis mudde _bhat asa bellem asa konno aila modhem _patt asa pott asa upaxim nidleat gade
yeŕł• r ailea kuttma modhem sokkodd raktat poddonk moddem... _ zageak mol lakhamni az vikunk soddna ab _zoddir asat duddvant khelltat kustat vaddik beankant _hozar korodd lakhamni vikyet sokddank atam ek chch khont. Yer ailea kuttmamodhem sokkodd raktat poddonk moddem... 51 Veez Konkani
Ddeaddi Hamve ugte kortana dolle, mom'michem porzollik mukhomoll dislem boglek tichea tum ubo osleari, tichea porzolla mukhar tujem osthitv liplem. Tujea sorkeachyo nenntea rupnneak polleun, vengunk moka tum axeloi punn hamv kaim nisorn poddan konn'nna munn tum bieloi. Chovis voram mom'michea boglek hamv as l'lean, porkeank vollkonk hamve inkar kelem
dis bor kam' korn thokon ayil'lea tujem mukhomoll moka vidrup dislem onim toull tuka hamve porki munn leklem. Vaddon yetana hamv somzalim mozo onim mom'micho rakonn bhoddvo tum munnon xikoilem-i tuvem moka ubonk mojea svopnnank pakatte bandun. Ddeaddi, az hamv zannari0 zaleam tujea koxtta-vamvttin moka yoxoxvechea pamvddeak pailam. Porot nentte ball zaun mojem ballponn tujea uskear khorchunk axetam punn hem osady munn chintun hamv mojeyitleak dukham golloitam. 52 Veez Konkani
Goddi mirval'leo yadi put sojer zal'lo amchea sontosacheo goddi mirval'leo bhavo sojeranchea keampa kuxik chomkal'lo amche dolle tovo l'le mhojea lognak sobhit lehenga sojer bhavan dhaddn dil'lem tachea sporxant mog khir l'lo voniek tanne poir vetana ghuttan tambddea thikachi mudi dil'li , don kallzam tantu xivlelim az sokkodd yadi rid zaun sopear tachi vatt rakon suktat bhognnam kuddeak uzo dila
gamvcheamni tachea golleak ghaln man arpil'le gondha jhele tachea ontim' poinnak sozon bosleat --- felsi lobo dereboil
53 Veez Konkani
Pappa pappa mhojea mogacho pappa pappa mhojea mogacho pappa ghorcho mukhel mhozo pappa lokamogall mhozo pappa koxttamni vauruncho mhozo pappa kuttmancho khambo mhozo pappa sado boro mhozo pappa mhojem jivitak margodrxok mhozo pappa ghorcho gorzo sudharsuncho mhozo pappa mog diun pattimbo dimvcho mhozo pappa mhojea jivak jivo dimvcho mhozo pappa pappa mhojea mogacho pappa mhozo supor men mhozo pappa -jenett ddisoz, moddontear 54 Veez Konkani
Visranaka balla, visranaka -ttoni menddonsa nidd'ddoddi, dubai novo mohine vhauvn zolm' dimvn posl'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka kallo-goro mholl'llo bedh lekhinasotam posl'lea tujea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka vella vellar peje jevann khauyil'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka festam - porbenk novem vostur ximvomvn dil'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka pappan ragan martana modhem poddon rauyil'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka poixeank poiso zomomvn xikap divyil'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka kam' nastam ghora bosl'lyevellim purpurnasotam ravol'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka umo dimvchi bail ayil'leavellim pano dil'lea auyk visranaka balla, visranaka 55 Veez Konkani
Modi ani korono vairos
sanjyechea att vhorar aplea nagrikam koddem uloitolo mhonn modichea afisan kolloyil'lea tokxonn tanne hachea poilem teach vhorar uloyil'leacho uddas yemvcheant noval na. 2016 novembr 8 vyer tannem fokot't 4 vhorancho vaido diun 500 ani 1000 rupianchi nott-bondi ghal'li. Dusrea disa thaun suru korn dubllea ani sokoilea vorgachea lokachi vid-vauli sangon puro poddchi nohim. Beankant zomo kel'lo aploch lhan oyvoz disa-disachea khorcha khatir kaddunk laglelea lainink zonn visralam? kitleani aplem ekamvtt aslelea beank brencheachea ATM ghudda-angdi mukar himv ani vot mhonn pollenastana
lainir ubem ravon jivo dilo. Tannem ozun poreant hem o-nanninkoronn ek vhodd chuk mhonn mandunkna. Muklea vorsanchea rajy elisamvamni mell'lleli jik aplea mettak lokan mondun ghetlem mhonn taka bhoglam. Hea pauttim, 24 march 2020 vyer, uloun tannem dis-bhor lokddaun ghalem: teach ratim modheane thaun. Dusrea sokallim The Print zalli zagear lekhok xivom' viz oxem boroita: " 21 disanchi des- bondhi thoddea mott'ttak korona ekamekak paxar zainaxem kumok korotelem tem vhoi. Punn 21 disam uprant kitem? korona kaim okeyr zatelem? veksin mellta poroeant kitem? hofte nohim, mohine vetele veksin toyar zaunko. Vors lagonk puro tea nontor amchea 130 korodd lokak, horyeka nagrikak vaccinate korunk thodde mohine lagtele. Thodde mohine mhonnchem bharich axavadi". Hachyem plening korunk kossoli vyousta amchea kendri-i sorkaran asa kelea? atam soval: hea 21 disamni modi kitem kortolo? zoner 30 tariker inddiant poili korono kez ujvaddak aili; kerollant. Feber 3 vyer tin keji zaleo. Tegyi, chinachea vuhan thaun pattim oyil'le vidhearthi. Febrer 12 tariker kongresacho maji pirjent rahul gandhin pres konferens korn prodhani norendro modik zagvonni
56 Veez Konkani
dili. Porinnam'? somajik ontorzallinchyer boson asche modi bhokt matr zage zale. Rahul itteli kiteak vochana mhonnale. Ittelint ani inddiachi sorkari koronam nombram ukoln dhorn, tachye tomaxe kele. Prodhani modi kitem korn asa mhonn konnem vicharlelem nam! taka sodd, tachea namvar ekch ek sorkari suchon legun madhyomank dilemna. March 19 poroeant. Tea disa, modichem mon-ki-bat reddior prosarit zalem. March 22 vyer, des-bhor sogllo dis "zonota korfyu" mhonn lokan ghora bhitor ravaje. Sanz zatoch bhair yeun, go korono go montram sangon, vattleo, goblle ani aidonaom boddoije. Hea avazak bhieun korona damvta mhonngi? osolem o-vidyeunt (Unscienific) uloup modi soddn dusrea mukelean kel'lem tor lok hasto. Bodlek, bohumoten lokan aplo sohokar dilo. Avaz kelo. Korono gelengi? march 19 vyer 173 keji asleleo 22 vyer 360 zaleo (sorkari lek). Tin disamni tin mornnam zalim. 24 vyer des-bondhi lagu kortana, 519 keji ani 10 mornnachem sorkari lek ailem. Febrer 7 vyer, omerikon pirjent ddonaldd ttromp fonar chini pirrjent xi jiangpinga koddem uloilo. Ho hixaro gheun, febrer 9 vyer, prodhani modin xi jiangpingak potr boroun korona pidda
attapunk inddiachi kumok bhasoili. Kosoli kumok? chinak amchim maskam zaigi? tim dilingi? tim gelimgi? vo her koslim voktam? xi jiangpingan modik apunn hem pandemic attapunk kitem sokkodd kortam mhonn bhorvaso dilogi? hi ek novi vosea-pidda ani haka 2009 isvechyem SARS-Covid -1 vairos, jem sadhea lokak Swine Flu mhonn kollit aslelem, nohim ani tea vairosak attapunchim voktam cholanant mhonn chini onubhou vanttun ghetlogi? vo hem hem ek keul razdut razkaronn (diplomatic courtesies). Konnem sangyet? modin matr. Punn, modi khoim asa? amerikacho pirrjent, somsarantlo odhik pour aslolo monis, toull toull pres konferensam korta. Madhyomanchim soulam gheta ani thoddim soulam taka ruchchim tosolim nohim. Tachi dek vegllea hor songtimni ghemvcho modi, kitak lipta? kiteak mhollear, hi tachi sovai, bhovo boroean vinchleli manddnni. 2002 isvent
57 Veez Konkani
guzorat hotea-kandd zal'lea toull tanne madheamank futtoun aplea kuxiche ani aple virud'd aslele mhonn don vantte kel'lem. Virud'dh asleleank bhesttaun ani puslaun, zahirotam sukhoun ani sorkari hateram vapun manage kel'lem. Tea nontor, 2014 isvechea jeral elisamva poroeant, poroks torachi propaganda machinery vaprun madheamanchea tokle voir thaun sadhea lokak aplo veaz pavit kela xivai kossolim ullttim soulam tannem gheunko nant. Ailevar, dil'li xahin bag sit-in zal'lea vellar, osolench vorton tachem: poblik roealimni bhaxonnm diun, reddio ani ttivir, toyar kel'lim ani rehearse kel'lim, bhaxonnam bharich dramatic, emotinal ani rhetoric xoiler lokak pavit korn, lokachi vha vha taka mell'llea nohingi? hich sovai, atam, korona voseapiddechyer "zhuz manddtana" tannem opnnailea. Korona vairosachi choritra taka kollit natli mhonn nohim. Sogllo zoner ani mukkal febrer "nomoste ttromp" festak toyari korcheant, dil'li xahin bhag muxkora virud'dh zhuz manddunk, zom'mu ani kaxmir jeari kel'li turtu poristhiti (emergency), kornattokant kongres-jyeddies sorkar uslaun aplea bijepicho sorkar odhikarar haddcheant vell gela mhollear chuk zamvchi nam. Ttromf pattim gel'lea toull thaun, desbhor NRC/CAA/NPR, ayodheant ram'
mondir, bongolant momota beanerji virud'dh roealim voir roeali toxem bhaxannam mhonntana, korona voir zhuz manddchi toyari korunk taka pursot khoim asa? zoner 23 vyer thaun chini sorkari odhikarimni korona vairos ubzol'lea vuhan xer lokddaun kel'lem. 11 miliyon "chikago toslea xera thaun" sorkari pas nastana konnemyi ghora thaun bhair yeunko nozo mholl'lli bondhodd ghal'li. Punn, hi bondhodd keul chini nagrikank. Vuhan xerant ani hem xer aschea huboi prantant vosti korn aslelea vo tatkolik bhouder aslelea pordexink tantanchea sorkari mozoten pattim mom-igamvok vochonk dilem.
Dosembr thaun zoner 23 mhonnasor vuhan xera thaun ani tea uprant china thaun ayil'leam varoea- poinnaroeank sorvank trace korn, tankam sorvank, asymptomatic vo nohim, korona vairos carrier/transmitter mhonn lekun ttestt korchi xeathi aplea bholaikye vibhagak asagi? ti xeati gorz ani tantle ovgunn
58 Veez Konkani
somzon tanchi vilevari korunk konnem mukelponn dije? vipokx paddtichea mukeleamni gi vo aplea muttint aslelea kendri-i sorkari vyoustechyem mukelponn ghetlelea modin? modik vichartolo konn? vicharlear, ittelik voch, pakistanak voch, ani khoim voch. Hich zap nohim gi? (filip mudarth) ********** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ti xokti makk di deva mhonnu ukkonni bosil pojixn'nari hamve don'ni hatu zonnu tageleagi magle . Megeleagi axxil don'ni battloyo sorileo. BohuxH devan hi prothom' porikxa kornu podeatrech mukkavoil chintentun makka mukt kel'lese dista . Mukar ani khoyim makka ho tras zalilona. Sureodoi zait assilo. Havem mobailantul kemra on kornu fotto kall'llo . Kallkadevil gorbhantulean bharyi yeuche tea balrovik doni minitt polloit rablom.
-4Onontovaddileagi ukkonni bosilokoddchean ( nombor ttuk ) sureodoi spoxott distosilo. Hea pojixn'nari bosun hamve ken'na sureodoi polloilonasilo. Sureak am'mi atmoxkti , dhroddh nirdharach protik mhonnu mantati. Ponn tagel rothak ekk chokr. Sat ghoddhe. Sarthik kurtta sokkolocho bhag na . Itlosoru nyunta assilotiki ek minitt vixranti ghenasi to akaxantu sonchar korta. Takka mhonntati dhroddh nirdhar ani atmoxkti.
Onontovaddintu mukund purannik maman upharachi vyoustha kelili. Khott'tte kelile. Chottnni , sambar kelilo. Khott'tte A-1 zalile. Hamv ekllosonnu baki lokani som'...Okxile. Tangel agrohak man diunu donpotte , tinpotte begen sanu , ekdom' sanu , fokt
59 Veez Konkani
ordh mhonnot golleleagi yeupryont khal'le. Hamve bhiti...Bhit middiym' saizacho ek khott'tto fokt chottnni launu khal'lo. Ordh kop yane mumboiche bhaxen kott'tting cha pil'lom. Purannikomamal bhauji suxikxit monuxoi. " tumgel hea podeatrech ud'dex kossolo ? " tanne makka vicharolem. " ud'dex kossolo na . Tumgethoyim yeunu khott'tte khaunu , cha pivchochi ud'dex " havem hasot mholl'llem. Baki lok khott'tte khauchantu mogn zalile. 16 k.m cholot ayile. Tanka bhuk bori lagili. Makk bhi laggili. Porontu khaucheak bhoi. Megeli zovab aikun bhaujik somadhan zalilona. Hos proxno amkam vatt'tteri konn na konn vichartolechi mhonnu am'mi ek potrok chhapun haddilem. Tem takka dil'lem. Tea potrokach sonkxipt vixoi ossim assa – sotrave xotkantu porchugisaml dobballikek , dhormantorak bhiunu svodhrm' , svozati rokxonnek sthir asti thoyim sonnu kornattokache koraulli prodexantu amgel purvoz aile.
Hangach somaz bandhva ott'ttu mellnu novin jiunachi suruvat kel'li. Dhroddh vixvasan un'notich marg sod'dun kall'llo .Ani hangche sthanik zal'le. 19th Dec 1961 tu gova svotontr zal'lem. Porki-i dobballikentulean mukt zal'lem. Ani poilem ghoddil ghottna itihas zal'lo. Purvozani cholot ayil vatt am'mim bhi ekponta mostun vochka, to onubhou gheuka mhollil ichchha monantu chiguroli . Vinod bhott'ttan ti ichchha purnn korcheak muhurt sod'dun kall'llo. Umedovarank ott'ttu kel'lem. Vatt'tteri amgel bondhu-bandhvank , soire sombondhitank , somazantu birvolile , onek vorox ekmekank mellnamsile dosot monddlik whatsapp, Facebook ri mesez dhannu donchar dis poilem kolloilem. Hea podeatre nimit'tan tanka mellcho yog ghoddonn haddchassilo. Tem nhoisi nisrg romy tann , oitihasik sthan , puraton motth mondir polloch ichchha bhi assili . Bhougolik bodlaunnech obheas bhi korcho assilo. Itlem nhoyi ! amgel dehbol , monobolach porikxa bhi korchassili.... Iteadi.... Iteadi.
60 Veez Konkani
vye prayer devadhin zalo. Es.Es. Probhu tosleanchea moha sadhonan ten'nam mongllurant konknni nattokank aplench mholl'llem ddon bosko sal bandl'lem. Viz zuliettbayek aple xubhaxoi patthoita ani lamb auk,
bori bholaiki axeta. ---------------------------------------
Mongllurcho famad konknni nattokist, boroinnar, nivrit taxildar devadhin es.Es. Probhu (saturnin miranda), izoi hachi potinn zuliett miranda hinnem zun 19 ver aplo 90 vo zonon divos achorilo. Es.Es.
makka ttrekingachi auddho ken'nancheano suru zal'li , te somo lokxantu na. Zaleari ttrekingako gelilo ten'nache ekeko onubhovo ozunoyi borobboro lokxantu assoti.
Probhu me 19, 2011 ver aplye 90 61 Veez Konkani
Goddari am'mi tino taso firle. Tanaji kodda , ttilloko bongola , razaramo moharazali somadhi , konddannexvoro , omrotexvoro mondiro polloilem.
I.So 1988 tu hamvu , megeli bailo , dharovaddocho megelo dosto anondo patthoko simhogoddari gelile. Simhogoddo punnesaunu 20 k.m duro assa. Svarogetto bosso sttenddari sokkalloche poile bosso dhornu khoddokovasola voiyleano am'mi atokorovaddi gel'le. Thonchano aramanto gudd'ddo chonnu deddo tasa bhit'tori simhogoddari paule.
Fottogrofi kel'li. Donoparam 12:30 p.m sumaro chopati , pittlo bhato , vangi bhorta gheunu pottobhornu jeule. Thonddo tako piunu , ordho taso aramo kel'lo. Poroto svarogetto vocheako bharyi sorle. Ayilo vatteno sokkolo demvtona dhonparanche ronnoronno vot'tano , okttoboro hittano , zora thokkileavori zal'lem. Eko rukka mullantu thoddovello aramo koream mhonnu bossile. Ten'na am'mi bosilo koddeno tako viktolo mantaro ailo. Takka polloiyleari osthi ponzoro choloto aileuri bhaso zat'tosili. Tagelo angantu chamo ani haddo matro assile. To voyapekxa zasti mantaro distosilo. Du:kho , doinyo sakxat monuxyo rupari ovotorileavori bhaso zat'tosili.
Okttoboro mhoino. Pausoddi sornu xiam diso suru zalile. Sokkalloche 7:30 a.m gulabi thonddintu soheadriche monomohoko horito porisorantu doneko hozaro futto uncho goddo choddtona jivako traso zalilona.
Tanne amkam, " tako ghea ho" mhonnu agroho kel'lo. Amgelo potto bhorilem. Tako am'mi pilile. Te dikuno amkam nakka mholl'llem. To aikovo na. " ghea ho... Ghea ho mhonnu korkhoro korchea laglo.
62 Veez Konkani
Sokkannocheano giraiko na " mhonnu boddoboddocheako laglo.
pollochea zalilona. Hamve takka apponu ossinchi eko ru. Divochea kel'li. " tum'mi tako pileari matro poise ghet'tam. Na zaleari , sahebo ...Hi bhiko makka nakka. Bhiko magochi souyi amkam launakkati. Amkam bhikari kornakkati." to mhollalo.
" ho xoni amgelo makxano khoyim lagolo aba ! " mhonnu am'mi tigho thonchano vocheako utt'ttanu rable. Am'mi bezarano bharyi sorilo pollonu to mhollalo , " aho...Tum'mi aramo kora. Zavunoka. Micho zato. Tumala toraso dennaro nahim." takka polloiyleari khorokhoro papo distosilem. Sokkallocheano tanne kossone khalilo ki naki ! tagelo potto fatt'ttiko vochuno lagilem. Oxoktino utt'ttano rabtona takka traso zat'tosilo. Tea doineavosthentu tako bhorile sttila thalo ukkollnu mateari dovornu , amgelo dikano polloito to vochea laglo. Goribi hamvu bhogolam. Koxtto hamve bhi kall'lleti. Amgelo ghorochea mni hamve noukori lago poryonto xombore notto hat'tam dhorilnasilem. Ponno tea takovalealo koxtto megeleagi
Tea goribo monxamlo svabhimano pollonu axchoryo zalem. Obhimano hi zannoulo. Eko glaso tako gheunu am'mi tighani piunu soroilem. Ten'na tanne ti eko ru. Ghetli. Takko zalili somadhano pollonu amkam khuxi zal'li. Hamve takka hatu zonnu nomoskaro kel'lo. Nomroteno sanglem. " baba... Amkam tugelo koxtto kollta. Tugelo du:kho orthu zat'ta. Tugelo goribicho am'mi opomano kelilona. Tum voyano amgeleakkinta hoddu. Zoro tugelo monanko amgelo nimit'to traso zalilo asoleari doikorno mafo koro. " tageli bhauna tanne xobdamni sangona zal'letiki cheherevoilo bhavo spoxtto vyokto kortosile. To chehora azothayim hamvo visorchea xokilna.
63 Veez Konkani
Lokanko simhogoddo mholl'llem ki itihasantulo xuro viro tanajilo porakromo dolle mukaro dista. Makka itihasa boroboro vortomano kalantulo, otyonto doineavosthentulo to takovala bhi dista. - podmonabho naiko. (ddombivoli) --------------------------------------------
Il'lem vach l'lem:
2. 25 vorsam bhortana, hamv eka bhurgeachi auy zalim. 27 vorsam somptana, dogam bhurgeanchi auy zalim, ani atam 55 vorsam zatana, hamv tegam bhurgeanchi auy zalim. Mhozo malghoddo put kazar zalo ani oplea voklek gheun ghora ailo. ** ** ** ** ** 3. "somsarim az mhojea bhurgeachem yennem, hamvem vaur korchea zagear bhoddti zoddchea aukasak ek addkoll. Fuddarant unchle hud'de opnnaunko ek vhodd somosea zaunko pauteli" tem tachea itleak bhurgeak zonon dilea uprant chintunk poddlem.
machcha, milar char mini kannio: 1, "ho cherko bhurgo bhari noxib vont. Borea grest kuttmant zolmala". Sezareamni grest kuttmant zolmal'lea bhurgea vixeant bhovixy ucharlem. Toull sorgachea eka muleant somsarim zolm' diunko inkar kel'lea tachea tegam bhoinneamni roddchem aikalem. ** ** ** ** **
Toull, thoddeach ghoddye adim zolmol'lea tea anzan tachea hatachem bott oplea movo hatamni ghott'tt dorlem. Tem tachea sorv nokaratmak chintnam taun mekllem zalem. Somsarim ek auy zolmali! ** ** ** ** ** 4. Tachi prai 12 vorsam.
64 Veez Konkani
Tem az suddsuddit zal'lem.
16, 2020 ver "jiuaudi sadhok proxosti 2019" ddel'lichea moinaritti komixon, gournmentt of ensitti n man dimvn sonman kelo. Ek mongllurcho dhir putr ek dhom'dari vyokti. Oneaya virodh to zhujtana to konnakch bhimyena ani sotakhatir tallo uttoita. Mongllurantlea kheat ani grest kuttmant to zolmal'lo. Thoddeach tempa adim tachi mauxi bho| dda| olindda pirera moronn pavol'li. Viz taka porbim patthoita ani tachea mukhlea jiunant sorv yox axeta. --------------------------------------------
Gimachi voddli roza akher zaun iskol suru zal'lem. Tachi khont pois gel'li. Suddsuddai iskolak vochunk nhoi! oplea kuttmak posunk, iskalachea gettilagim bhurgeank sttexonori vostu vikunk!! ** ** ** ** **
Fa| seddrik prokax haka ‘jiuaudi sadhon proxosti 2019’
(When Fr. Cedric met Pope Frances) fa| seddrik prokax, es.Je. Gujrathantlo ek mohan kotholik zhuzari, kheat lekhok, bhaxonngar khoro somaz seuk haka zun
Porikxechem bhyem kosem
fudd korchem?
sointt agnes kalez ani mongolla pornea videarthim songha thamvn vizsom'mell mongllur vixvvidealoichea axroyakhal piyusi, yuji ani piji videarthink zun 9 ver ayojit kel'lem. Mongllurcho monovigoneani ani manosik piddencho onirved
65 Veez Konkani
somponmull kendrachi nirdexoki dda| xveta ke.Tti. Somponmull bhaxonnkarn zamvnasli.
Vannijy vibhagachi sohaik pradheapoki, ’ma’ chi upadhyokxinn ani vizsom'mell somyozoki dda| devi probha allvan svagot korun porichoyatmokk utramni
prostut kovidd-19 vosea piddechea obhutpurv porinnam' sorv sostat. Xalam ani kaleji dhampleat ani porikxa onirdhixtt kallak pattim ghalea. Prostut sondorbhar videarthink vot'todd, atonk ani porikxank fudd korunk asa mholl'lli bhirant dhosta. Tosem zal'lean hea vizsom'mella mukhantr dexadyont videarthi somudayak tanchi bhirant pois korunk thoddim vyousthit vidhanam xikonk ontorzall vedi mukhantr vizsom'mell manddun haddleat mhonn kolloilem.
Dda| xveta ke.Tti. Gugl mitt mukhantr videarthink ud'dhexun porikxechem bhyem ani atonkachea vividh onxam vixeant vivorilagli. Tinnem sanglem ki porikxenchem bhyem, porikxe uprantli folitanxachi bhirant tiur ritin onbhog dita videarthink mhonnali. Heavorvim heramlagim (aplemponn dakhomvchem, ekinnponn, khali poddl'lo onubhou, adlea songtintleo nokaratmok alochono), bhaunatmok lokxonnam (bhyem, rag, osohaik bhaunam, opradh, 66 Veez Konkani
Bibie chi vibhag vhoddiln abni vizsom'mellonachi songhottona kaidorxinn sobina ddi’sozan dhonyovad dile. ---------------------------------------------
Sant agnes (svait't) kalejint sekretteriyol ovman, niraxa) ani doihik lokxonnam (vegan kallzachi boddboddi, choddit ghamemvchem, usvas soddunk upodr, tokle dukh, tokli ghumvoll, tondd sukchem, snayunchem udvign) mhonn vivoronn dilem. Heo sorv somosea koseo pois korcheo hea vixeant thoddim vixranti tontram xikhoili. Jeunnachi pod'dhoti, nid, vixrant disandis veayam' korchem rauynastam ramvchem gorjechem mhollem.S. Porikxe disa, porikxe vellar ani porikxe uprant zagrutkai samballunk ulo dilo. Turth sondorbhamni vrit'tipor monoxastogoneank mello soloha ghemvcheak sanglem. Videarthimni vicharl'lea sovalank zovab dimvn tinnem som'mell akherailo. Hea vizsom'mellak dexadyont 1276 videarthimni nondayil'lem.
preakttis vibhag
sekretteriyol preakttis vibhagan don disancho raxttri-i mott'ttacho ’vastovik torbheti vastovik xikhomvcheo vedi’ zun 5 ani 5 ver choloilo. Hea kareacho ud'dhex aslo xikxokank torbheti dimvchi tanchea videarthim borabor korun ek pongodd, viz klasi cholounko tin promukh gugl veasonga (eplikexons) mukhantr jim mellttat ji suttar. Somponmull vyokti 1. Vixnnu puzari, soho pradheapok, kamors vibhag, acharyo insttittyutt of grajyuyett sttoddis, bengllur, gugl klasrum' torbheti, 2. Zonitto roskinha, kompyuttor eplikexons, sant agnes kalez gugl forms
67 Veez Konkani
ani 3. Xanti nozoret, ddin of artts, sekretteriyol preakttis vibhag vhoddiln, sant agnes kalez gugl mitt.
Sant eloisiyos 4,000 pras choddit lokak ontorzall sorttifikett kors dhormarth dita
Poilea disachea karyokromak fridda ani floridda olmedda sant agnesachim porni videarthinni hanchea magnnea borabor survatilem. Bho| dda| venissa esi, pranxupal, sant agnes kalez, tinne sorvank borem magun aplo sondex dilo. Xanti nojret, karyokrom' somyozoki karyokroma vixeant mottvean vivor dilagli. Hea uprant gugl klasrum' ani gugl mitt odhivexonam aslim. Dusrea disa xalett ddi’silvan magnnem mhollem, soudi orebiachi patrdarn, lekhanchea vibhagant poilenchi sibondi, sant agnes kalez. Xanti nojret, somyozokin dhonyovad orpile. Dda| neansi vajh, songhottok karyodorxinn doni disamni nirvahonn kelem. Haka chodd mhollear 250 patrdari ani him sthanam dexadyont thamvn aplim kel'lim. Patrdarink hem karyokrom' borench ruchlem. ******* 68 Veez Konkani
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Bokrea mas jivigujea sangata 1. Kilo bokrea mas, 1 jivicho guzo zai poddcheo vostu: 1 ttebl spun alem, losunne pestt vo dhaddaunyi zata. 2. Ttometto 4-5 boyo losunn il'le amsann il'li konnpir bhaji 3 piav 1/2 " alem 2 ttispun sttu pouddor chimttibhor hollod hem sorv allenant vattun kaddchem. Korchi rit: allenachea udkant mitt ghaln jiviguzo ukoddcho. Anyeka handdyent tup ghaln
70 Veez Konkani
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