Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 4 Scripts - Roman Script.

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Illustrated Weekly Illustrated Weekly


No: 28


Zulai 25, 2020

Songit somsarantlem ek vixex talent Alstton Goms 1 Veez Konkani

Songit somsarantlem ek vixex talent

Alstton Goms

Alsttonachem songit jinnye poinn survatilem, 2006 isvent mhojea ddeaddi (eddriyon goms) thamvn piano khellonk xikon, ten'nam mhaka mhoji prai fokot 7 vorsam. Uprant arvilea vorsamni hamv gittar, ddroms, tobla, vayolin eka xikoupea thamvn xiklom ani saksafon, ttromfett, rekorddor, flutt, meloddiko, ekorddin, klarinett, meanddolin, harmonika, kzhoilofon, ttrombon ani itor prohar khella vhazantram hamv mhojyetleakch xiklom.

Choutea klasi thamvn karmel skul kuveytt xalachea beanddant hamvem khellonk survatilem. Hamv thoimsor promukh zamvn khellttalom ontorxa la songit spordheank kuveyttant zomysor amchem xal spordheamni patr ghetalem ani prothom' sthanar yetalem. Zoner 2003, hamve program' korn, songit digdorxun ani khellon eka songit nattokak "meattildda – roha ldd ddahl hachem songit" karmel skul kuveyttant manddun haddlem.

2 Veez Konkani

2014 isvent 15 vorsam prayer, obbassia kuttmam ani kuveyttantlo somstho hannim mhoka "roijing sttar" mhonn volaun yadistika borabor sonman kelo. Hamve vividh songit karyokromonk gittaram ani vivingodd songit

vhazantram khell'llam kuveyttantlea songit karyokromamni konkonni, tullu, kon'noddo, hindi, ponzabi, molloyallom', tomill ani inglix podank. Molloyallom' doivik kontarank lidd/ridom' molloyallom' plebeak gaupi ke. Ji. Markos ani sisili 2015 isvent tannim kuveyttak bhett dil'lea vellar.

3 Veez Konkani

Mhojea ddeaddi borabor 2012, 2013 ani 2014 isvent, hamv lidd khell'llam/ridom'

gittar, saksafon, ttrompett ani tobla songit sanjenk obu dhabi, dubai ani

4 Veez Konkani

benglluram tlea vilson olivera karyokromank. Epril 2016 isvent kuveytt yemvn vilfi naittak gittar, altto saksafon, ttrompett ani klarinett khell'llam.

Tosench hamvem kuveyttak bhett dimvn rosomonzori karyokromank - songit

5 Veez Konkani

naittank tullukutto kuveytt hanchea gittar, altto saksafon, ttrompett, ttrombon ani klarinett khell'llam. 6 Veez Konkani

Mhozo ddeaddi eddriyon gomsan porgott kel'lea konkonni ani hindi vhazantranchea albomank lidd ani ridom' gittar, tosench saksafon, flutt, vayolin, meanddolin khell'llam tosench 7 Veez Konkani

her mongllurantlea itoranchea albomank itor vhazantram khell'llam. 8 Veez Konkani

Balivudd gaupi onkit tivarin mhaka khud'd amontronn dimvn tachea jivall karyokromank tachea pongdda borabor ek vindd insttrumenttolistt zamvn vochon uprant to mhojea vhazam tram khellchem fesbukar pollemvn khochit zal'lo asa. Ten'nam thamvn hamv tachea pongddacho ek vantto zamvn vhazantram khellttam tachye borabor bharotant tosench videxamni. Hench nom-i astam mhaka vyoktigot apoilam, ani kheat songitgar, direktor, nott, gaupi, songit divpi ani vividh kolakaramni sorvoi film' inddosttri thamvn bharotadyont, apoilam, amontronn dilam tannim mhojem vhazantram khellchem fesbukar polloilea uprant. Mhojea piyusi xikpa vellar sant an'nachea frairi hosttelant vosti korun astam tanchea kopelantlea koirak kibordd, gittar, saksafon, ttrompett ani rekorddor khell'llam sobhar festam porbenk ani odd'dim sondorbhank. Zoner 17, 2020 ver kuveyttak bhett dimvn svak rupeallea utsovachea songit karyokromak mhojea vixex vhazantramni bhorl'lea gittar, altto saksafon, ttenor saksafon, ttrompett, vayolin, klarinett ani ttrombon khell'llam.

Prostut hamv monnipalant ’insttrumenttexon endd konttrol’ injiniyoring xiktam monnipal insttittyutt of tteknaloji hangaso r, ani vividh vinodaullimni, songit karyokromamni monnipal tosem mongllur bhomvarim patr ghetam. Hamv monnipal igorjechea kroistt chorch yut koir hacho songit direktor zamvnasam. Mhaka otreg asat mhozo songit paxamv mukharun vhorun zamvcheak ek

9 Veez Konkani

sompurnn somorpil'lo songitgar zamvcheak mhoje xikap somptoch. Tumim hangasor alsttonacheach utramni aikalim tachim karbharam. Hamv chint'tam to tachea auychea gorbhant astananch songit vhazantram khellon asl'logi mhonn. Hea lhan'nch prayer tannem khellchim vhazantram ani dakhoyil'li tachi nipunnota ani provinnota hea vhazam tramni polletana toklich ghumvta! tannem khellchem songit aikom mozha dita, amal korta ani aniki aikoveam mhonn bhogta. Hamv don vorsam adim kuveyttant zal'lea mhozo tallo gaitolo tosench kuveytt keanora velfer esosiexon

hanchea hanchea 30 vea varxikotsovak mukhel soiro zamvn gel'lea vellar hamv poilye pautti eddriyon gomsak bhettlo. To hamv ramvchea hottelak mhaka mellonk ayil'lo dakhounko kuveyttchem bhomvar. Sanjer amim tachea ghorchi bhett keli. Hangasor eddriyonachem songit sttuddio pollemvn mhaka bharich ozap zalem! tim leapttaps, tim

vhazantram iteadi pollemvn tachi songit urbha hamv zannam zalom. Hea vatauronnant zolmal'lo alstton nizaki ek vhorto songitgar zamvn porivortit zal'leant mhaka kitench dubavo laglo na. Taka tachea vhoddilam thamvn sompurnn sohokar ani protsah asa zal'lean alsttonan tachim talentam xikon, obheas korn eurestt xikhoracher khonchoileant. To monnipalant injiniyoring xikon asa tori to ken'nam ken'nam videxank aplea vhazantram borabor veta ani patr gheta. To khellttana taka pollemvn ani tachea songitacho prosar aikon lok vijmit zata. Aplea 20 vorsanchea torunn prayer, vividh vhazantram khellcho alstton goms, zo khelltta 17 vhazantram ek vrit'tipor songitgaraporim zamvnasa ek aprup talent zoddunk hea torunn prayer. Bapai thamvn prerit zal'lo, eddriyon goms, tachim jinnye songit paulam cholon, alstton songita kuxinn malvalo, ani thoddeach tempan songit zalo tacho kallzalagxilo paxamv. To mhonntta ki, mhozo ddeaddi zamvnaslo mhozo prothom' guru zannem mhaka songitachi ruch chakoili ani vhazantram mukhantr ti vrid'dhi zali. Tachi zannvai, torbheti, ani mhojea mam'micho sohokar, az mhaka hea xikhorak choddonk pattimbo zala."

10 Veez Konkani

pattlea vorsamni aplea bapaichea adharan, to tobla, saksafon, ttrompett, rekorddor, flutt, meloddika, ekorddin, klarinett, meanddolin, harmonika, kzhoilofon, ttrombon ani itor vhazantram apnnayitleakch to xiklo, tosem vayolin, gittar ani ddroms xikxokamni taka xikoilim. ( hem polletana mhaka ugddasak yeta amim lhan astana songit khellttana haddtteleamv sobhar vhazantram amchea salant - boseo, piri, kuleram, tondor, koddai, kollxe, chembu, gullmam, baldi, iteadi ani boddeo ghemvn boddoiteleamv!) injiniyoring xikchea aturayen, tannem aplem xikap kuveyttchea karmel skulant sompoilem, ani prostut to tachem beacholors in tteknaloji monnipal insttittyutt of tteknalojint korun asa. Insttrumenttexon ani konttrol injiniyoring xikl'lean taka ddijittol programing korunk songit kxetrant boroch sohokar labla. To hennem tennem vochon nachon'nch asa aplea xikpa ani kroistt chorch yut koira modhem monnipal igorjent.

Eka prerit kuttmachea axirvadan taka tachea songit misamvanche tachea hea torunn prayer solis zalam mhonntta alstton. Xikap somptoch injiniyoring poilea sthanar tor songit to dusrea sthanar khonchounko axeta. Songit kxetrant obhiruch aschea bhurgeank to ut'tezonan sangta ki poilem samany vhazantram zamvnaschea gittar vo ddromsancher khonchoya mhonn. Eka vhazantrant khellonk provinn zatoch tacher gomon dourn, mot khonchomvn raulear tujyetleak songit diunko ut'tezon melltta. Songitan alsttonachea jiunant ek promukh patr khell'lla ani taka vedir fulonk ovkas labla zamvn ek talentancho punzo alstton. Bhovixeant khonddit zamvn alsttonak film' vortulamni boroch unchaye cho ovkas asa. To ek kheat songitgar zamvn balivuddantlea vo halivuddantlea songitgarank ozapanchi laram dhaddttolo mholl'lleant kitench dubavo na! viz taka sorvoi songtimni yox axeta. ---------------------------------------------

Hea onkea thamvn chukanastam viz haddn yeta konkonnintlo kheat bhurgeam podam ghoddnnar ayonsi paloddkachim sursurit podam:

→ 11 Veez Konkani

ddob ttop ddob -ayonsi paloddka

aturayen babulo babalagim vetolo soglli gozal sottasott tachelagim sangtolo khellu korunk jezu aila mhonnta tacho bap kallzadar to boddoita ttop ttop ttop aturayen babulo mam-ilagim vetolo soglli gozal sottasott tichelagim sangtolo khellu korunk jezu aila mhonnta tachi mam-i kallzadar to boddoita ddam-i ddam-i ddam-i

boro mhozo babu suddsuddhayen utt'ta santa kuru kaddtana kallzak hat vhorta ddob ttop ddob ttop konn tem boddoita?

aturayen babulo datt'ttulagim vetolo soglli gozal sottasott tachelagim sangtolo khellu korunk jezu aila mhonnta tacho ddatt'ttu kallzadar to boddoita tt'ttutt tt'ttutt tt'ttu

aturayen babulo abalagim vetolo soglli gozal sottasott tachelagim sangtolo khellu korunk jezu aila mhonnta tacho ab kallzadar to boddoita ddob ddob ddob

virarayen babulo bayelagim vetolo jezu kiteak boddoita mhonn uskear nidon sangtolo jezu tuzo mog korta mhonnta tachem bai khellu korunk jezuk babu zai zai zai 12 Veez Konkani

Konknni xirank konknni viz chikagont bosla osttin ozapam korota niz somsar bhor konknni xiramni dhaddta polle ‘viz’ vorosam adim sobar konknni ghoramni potr osttin zal'lo sobarank opvont khoro ‘mitr’ mosran thoddim bhavo bhoinnim kallzak marotat bhalo konknni golleank sobhta toull osttinachoch ‘jhelo’

sagoranchye gunddayent sodhlear motiam mannik konknni hatamni dita osttin opurbayechi ‘kannik’ sat doream pois tori konknnechoch mog bhavak kallzant vhalltat maibhas zhori urbhest ozun ‘yuvok’ boroilem tem boroun zalam borench hamv axetam konnaiki zor zodd laglam ‘kxoma opekxitam’ sivi, lorett'tto

13 Veez Konkani

Gorl frendd!!! sogllanim choltam bhavo mogachem ttrendd boglem m'ಹkayi zai gorl frendd axem toxem chintun pavulom bos stteandd nichevo korit vochonk som'mor seandd!!! boss paulem bi. Si rodd choddlem sobhit cheddum pollet tondd cheddum bosonk lagim, kalliz doddh doddh zalom hamv ghaman thondd thondd!!! sobhit tachem tondd roundd ddimpolachim sobhit gundd kaddlo kallzon mogachom fondd chintun hench mhojem gorl frendd!!!

koll'llem sofon mhonn disonk mom'michem tondd bobo ghaltem mhonnolim e dukra kaddre bedd korchem kitem mell'llemnarem mhoka gorl frendd!!! -jenett ddisozo, moddontear

14 Veez Konkani

Mog ani moipas monxa-jivitant amim mog kortamv monxancho, monzatincho, suknnea-sauzancho mechval'lye monzatik ghorant haddn postamv tanchye songim hasun-khellun rautamv amchyer vhoddilamni pette-suknnim postana majrak matr haddlemna ghora bhitor ’majram chott'ttim’ nibam ditat vichartana roglle kortat, vonktat, mhelloitat sogllem ghor jen'nam prayen amcho petto melo ten'nam kamantlom hamv nivrit zalom potinn veta kamak, hamv eksurom atam allsai, eksurponnant pisantur zatam auchit yeunko survatilem ghora khonchengi ek abllexi roddkurem mazar pollemvn tachi ti sobhai ani autar ghale hamve taka xit-maslle kantte atam sorkitt tachi zali sodanchi pattlea baglar ravun ’miamv’mhonnchi rudan tachem aikun kalliz mhojem koddtta ’dorvoddnakago, ghaltam ravo’ mhonn bollaitam jevann zamvn urlolem uxttem ghaltana tem konddattean pamyank tachem ang pusta 15 Veez Konkani

add poddun, dauleamni hollvayen mhaka kutt'ttun xele-manganne kortana, apurbai dista hat dhumvn yemvn bostam hamv sopear sath dita tem mhaka, bosur karpettir tonddak mhojea pollemvn minnkamvn dolle khaunko fal'leak dita mhaka orgam monzatincho ho mog polletana zata khuxi mazar porki tori, taka dhinvasponn asa posl'lo petto ximtti mogan haloita punn monis matr onupkari, kel'leak upkar -je. Ef. Ddi’soza, at'taur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16 Veez Konkani

Amchea gamvant.... _ ponchu bonttvall amchea gamvant... Striek mata ot'teachar hotea zata gorbhest striyechem pott chirtat gorbh kaddn rostear uddoitat gurvar cheddvak zoilant ghaltat kameli striyo rostear ballant zatat tancha gamvant... Dhovi ya kalli kat tambddem nomygi rogat? tannem jiv maglo, udkak roddlo usvas kaddunk koxttalo vis ddalor nott karonn zalo gomtti gudd'ddaun dhovea rakkosan jiv kaddlo amchea gamvant... Dhorm' zat kat chimvon kaddtat rogat gorvam khatir uzo pett'ta mas khel'leak jivxim martat 'onsa bomb' n host melear monzate khatir monis roddta amchea gamvant... Dev zata gai host zalear zai

_ pom. Bom. 17 Veez Konkani

Rudan kombeachem -ttoni menddonsa, nidd'ddoddi dubai mhonn tumvem ’rai patt’ bandilo


puxtti tujea khannan vaddlom

utt roita dhonea mhojea

mhojeach gorvak hamv poddlom

dhamvddai allxi nidek tujea

utrant tujea bhulon zhujlom

panch utron so vhajlim

sat kombeank kapun jiklom

kenkarn dolleamni duHkham pajlim

ghuddant ratim dhampun ghaln

"reddeank tallnnem vot veggim

sukhall nid tum ditaloi

rovi udeun aila lagim"

bolpeam-koleanchea tondda thamvn

genn pottak sarunk jiun

sodanch mhaka raktaloi

demvta roit xetant dhamvon

monis kitlo tthokki mhonnon

lhan bhurgo hamv astana

ailem atam toklent gomon

auychye fasllent liptana

xellye rupar mogan ason

roita tumvem hanga haddloi

kopott poddlo bokro mhonnon

sobhit't raullera ghuddant ghaloi

dhuvechea khorarak lagon roita

mamyn mhaka lhan-vhodd kel'lo

venglem-i tujea nixttur svartha

gida-ghonnim thamvn rakl'lo

kxonna ghoddiechea ablesi sukhak

tujea preman tika visralom

kaploi mhojea svadhik golleak! 18 Veez Konkani

Vozon az kal mhaka ekchch korondai koxi choddtta mhonn mhoji mottai sanga mhaka konni ek upai] demvonk hi mhoji choddtik mottai jeutam hamv don'nch doi bhailem khann khainam kaim aitara matr chikon leg frai bakichea disamni sukhi randvoi pam-i dukh cholon vochonk penkttant vai jim'mak vochonk allsai suttana yoga korunk pott aikana ddayett korunk boson kortam hamv vichar ixttineo ditat oiddia sobhar tori demvana mhoji hi vozon ani kitench korunk zaina mhojean! -sosia pintto, surotkol 19 Veez Konkani

Toddi mon voddi sukh dukh sogllem ghevun bosa amche bogleri samadhan ghevun vocha

vantt'tamv sakall sanjeri bhukek axek yeya hanga zallam-i hadda mochveari araun vhora vonttibhor maslle ras ghoran ghori gorbhant amchea dirveam ras moteam poulleam sumrgar devem kitench naka dimvcheak tori koryet ek upkar?

angar amchea ximpinakat kosro mhellpa kusadda ras addchon pondak usvas thambta matxem jieunko soddxeat? ----- felsi lobo dereboil 20 Veez Konkani

Korona akant...Anim kumsara otreg...! - ron roch kassia mornna ugddas haddun... Bhem-bhirant, manosik vot'todd uttomvchem korona voirosachem kallem modd...Monxa kallzaxirek thortharaun aschea hea kalla....Sogllo somsar bochavechem hater sodchea pretonar vest zalam. Ghorchea char pagora modhem zoila porigoter jieun ...Ekamekachea khasgi sombhondant mekllezavun, ekamekachea dubava ontorar...Glouvz mask ghalun ekamekachea sombhondh somporkak bhiemvchea...Jivitant somsar dis sarun asa. Osolem sorv yedoll korinatleleo dubavodobavecheo bhirante gozaleo achorsun...Sogllo somsar koronacha onvarachea bhiranten akantechea dobavent jieun asa.

Proprothom' zaun ugddasak yeta...Taka dhosta ... Kumsara sakrament.!. Ani...Yedoll somsari sukh sontosachea jivitak labhdhon loukik axen, toxem masa rogtechea bhognnam obhilaxent jieun aslelea monxank, apnnachea jivitachea aukavixichim chintnam dhostat. Niz zaun kumsara sakramentacho mohotv unnem zaun, kumsaravixim bhefiker vistaron gel'lea hea adunik kalla, ‘korona voiros’ monxank zagoun devo bhirant, devacho mog, magnnem hemsorv chodd ani chodd ugddasak haddun asa.

Osolea mornna bhirant akantechea hea ayin'n-kalla...Don thoranchea veveglle kaletenchea monxank, vevegllem don thoranchi chintpam udeun asat. Devo bhirantecha doivik achoronnent misllon aschea kristi monxank... 21 Veez Konkani

Devo bhirant majvalea, doivik achar vicharanchea befiker allsayen choddaut devo templa dhampon veapari somsthe zal'lea paxcheaty igorjeank, az hea korona voirosan porot doivik acharam khatir ugteo korchea hontak pavoilam mholl'lli khobar asa.! ani osolea vella yedoll doivik vicharacharamnim xelleun aslelea kristi monxank...Sorvespor devacho ugddas zoglon asa. Sorvesporan bhasayil'lea sasnnik jivitavixim chintchea doivik toxem otmik vixayamnim misllon aschea vektik...Sasnnik jivita vixinchim chintnam dhosunk lagleat.!. Hea adim igorz mata vot'tai korchea ‘vorsak ek-pauttim punnim kumsar zaya’ zagoronnek soit kristi porzan kan dinastam befiker kel'lean ...Kumsar mholl'lli prokriachch visron gel'li.!. Ani tosolea, kumsara sakramentachea prokriecher bhefiker korchea kristi porjechea portounne pasun... ‘kumsara somskarachea povitre pasun mahet...Tacho mohotv, tosoleam thoim vomsarke ritir vompoun vaddounko zai ’ mhonn hea adim papa fransisan igorz matek ul'lo dil'lo asa. Adim kumgar gheunko unnem mhollear tin ghontteacho upvasa borabor, kumsaradvarim patkachem bhogsannem

zoddchem kodd'ddayechem zaun asl'lem. Patkacha bhogsannemvinha kumgar ghetlo tor, tem skandal mholl'llem devo bhirantechem bhem, pap-saibha khal aschea kristi loka modhem as-l'lem. Punn nontor igorz maten favotea karannak lagon ho kaido thoddo soddill kel'lea nontor, kumsaracho mohotv unno zayit't ailo. Ani ‘kumgara nimtim jezuk semvchea povitr prokria adim patkavinn asonk zai ’ mholl'llenchch visron gelam mholl'lleporim dista. Atam amim polletamv misavella krist prosad semvcho vell yetastam soglle ube raule anim lainir kumgar seunko gele. Anim henchch amim kumsar zamvchea kumsari kuxin dixtt ghalitor... Thoimsor ken'namyi ‘kumsori’ khalichch asta.! ( punn obhudabint hamve pollelam thoimsor ken'namyi horyeka kumsarim zagear lokachi lain astali. Punn hantun ek gozal, misavella kumsar zaucheank, mis ordhem kurem zata zal'lean tanka misacho foll melltagi mholl'llem soval udeta.) igorz mata matr amkam toull toull kumsaracha sakramenta vixim zagvonnim dite asta. Protyek zaun retirevella kumsaracha sakramentacha

22 Veez Konkani

mohotvavixim aplea porjyek unchayechi odheatmik doivik mahet diun... ‘kumsara dvarim patkachem bhogsanne...Toxem devacha kakolltechi doya zoddchem oti mohotvechem’ mholl'lli ghombhir xikounn kallzak khomscheaporim xikoita. Hea xikounnedvarim sobar zonn aplea patki jinnyevixim churchoron, kumsarak xoronnagot zal'le dhakle asat. Osolea chintpam kornechea vektinim zoddlelea follan te doivik jivita thoim pattim portun, otmik kurpa zoddn ghetat. Osoli prokria kristi monxak, kristacha sombhondant, kristak chodd ani chodd lagim haddta. Ani oxem bap, putr ani povitr otmeachea axirvadamni bhorlelem jivit te zoddtat. Atancha hea adunik kalar... Kristi somvsorant ek chintap oxem asa ki, ‘yazaka lagim kumsar kitea zaunko zai ?!. Khudhdh deva laginchch kallzantun patak roddon bhogsannem magon gheuyet nhoingi?’. Punn jezun0chch aplea xikounnem vella, xisank sanglaki... ‘konnachi patkam tumim bhogsitat-gi tanchi patkam bhogsatalim’ mhonn. Hea vorvim amkam kollit zataki...Devaputa jezuchichch xikounn zaunasa yazokadvarim devalagim kumsar

zamvchem matr sompurnnayechem mhonn.

Papa pransis khud'd zaun toull toull kumsar zaun bhogsonnem zoddun dekh divun asa. Papa mhonnta... ‘amim sorv kadd'dinol bhisp, dhorm' bhoinnim, dharmik vhoddil, ani layik sorv patkim zaunasamv. Anim hea patkanchem bhogsannem yazokam lagim suttamvem kumsar zaun bhogsannem zoddunk zai.’ papan sorv dhorm' vhoddilank...‘tannim tancha her sorv loukik toxem doivik vaura pras chodd, kumsora somskara thoim chodd mohotv divun, toull toull kumsarint vell khorsunk proitn kora.!’ mhonn ulo dila. Jezu ktist hea somsari ayil'lochch monxakullacha patkancha soddvonnekhatir. Henchch amchea somoddtechem mull pall. Dekun hi tachi soddvennechi kurpa zoddunk amim yazoka somvem kumsarachea sakramenta thoim ek zaunko zai. Ani headvarim amchea patkanche bhogsonne zoddun, patkachem

23 Veez Konkani

soddvonn ani devacha doyallayechi kakullt apnnamvchem bhag zoddunk zai. Oxem layik anim yazokanchea sankova mukhantor jezucha kakullticho mohotv bovo unchayen ktisti loka thoim paxar zaunko zai. Patak adar-l'lo vekti prothom' hontar ontoskornacha kauzonnek ollog zata. Toull tache thoim apnnem patak adarn, devachea niti mukar apunn vhodd guneamvkar zalom mholl'llem opradhi chintap dhosunk arombh zata. Anim to monant-chch churchoron monodvegak ollog zata. Tori hea manosik dobave borabor, somsari akorxonnechea vot'toddek lagon ...Him tachi patki jivit mundorun gelem tor, to/ti patka voir patak adarun hem souyecher poddta. Ani hem nennam astachch tanchea patkavixim tanka befikerai zolmata. Ani, to/ti devacha sombhonda thaun, devo bhirante thaun poisapois zata. Oxem aplea jivitant devachem hazorponn0chch visorta. Anim hea porigotent apunn devamukar anim somajent ek vaitt sokot zaun bodlon vechem tacha gomonak-chch yenam!. Dubavo rag mosor vonchon onoitik sombhondh ninda gorv... Osolea sorv vaitt korneavorvim, atmik bholaiki

bhigddon gheun, rogtadab ddoyabittis kallza pidda monokhin'nata osole sobar nanantea kuddi motichea piddek ollog zaun, apli toxem kuttmachi bholaiki vaitt korun ghetat. Tenchch to/ti , apli jinnim porivortonak preton korun, porot kumsara dvarim bhogsannem zoddunk paulo tor, devacha razachem toxem kurpechem dar taka ugtem zatelem. Ani devacha moga vengent axirvadamnim ti/to misllatolo. Hacho porinnam' zaun doivik ujvadd motint prokasun, tanchi jinn kalloka thaun ujvadda thoim portateli. Toxichch otmik songtim thoim punorjivit zateli. Osolea unch prokria vorvim...Somsari kxonnik jivitak lobdon aslele, porivorton zatele. Anim devacha khuxek khal zavun, doivik anondant fulon, amcho bholaike voiz zaun ascha jezucha kakulltek favo zatele. Sasann jivitak... Patkachem bhogsannem devachi kakullt oti gorjechem zaunasa. Moronn ken'nam koxem yeta mhonn amim nennamv. Jezun sanglam moronn choraporim yetelem. Atam korona akant-yi osolichch bhirant ubzaun asa. Korona ya her kosoleayi voirosaurvim yemvchea piddek toxenchch her nanantea piddechea porigoter...

24 Veez Konkani

Amim amcha kallzant jezuk sodam asro diun, kumsara dvarim jezuchea rogta


obhixekachi kakullt zoddun...Patkachi soddvonnechi doya zoddn ghemveam. Ani heavorvim taka manvonchi jinnim jieun, horyek ghoddi mholl'lleporim amim amchea mornnak toyar ramveam. Anim osoli doivik vortul... Amchea jivitantlea kosoleayi bhem birantek, manasik vot'toddek, onvar akantek khonddit pois korteli. Somapt – --------------------------------------------would have expected that; but with God nothing is impossible: John is the new hope!

A JOHN THE BAPTIST! - *Fr Cedric Prakash SJ

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! – who brings hope. For many, these past months have been a period of hopelessness, of despair, of despondency and of dejection. There is a listlessness and a cloud of unknowing that have gripped the lives of millions over during this time of the COVID19 pandemic. John’s birth was announced to a barren, aged woman Elizabeth. No one

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! - who leaps in the womb of his mother Elizabeth when she lovingly embraces her kinswoman Mary. He is the one who listens intently to the ‘Magnificat’ being sung: it is a prayer of praise, petition and accompaniment. He is

25 Veez Konkani

the one who will operationalise the words, “He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty”.

will surely come if one does so. We see it happening everywhere (even with past Chief Justices!) and all the time. Here it is different: “His name is John!” wrote Zechariah! He is a rebel, a revolutionary – one who is the change, he wants to bring about!

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! - who will bring joy and gladness to all. Many will rejoice at his birth because he will be great before the Lord. He will be fortified with the values of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. He will not be divisive or exclusive but treat everyone with dignity and equity irrespective of their religion, beliefs, nationality, colour, caste, gender, ethnicity, language, customs. He will walk with the migrant workers, uplift the Dalits and take a stand for the Adivasis when their forests are being taken away from them! He will be bound and thrown into prison – on trumped up charges (like those who speak against the CAA). Totally locked down! But he does not care! The Lord’s Spirit and the truth will set him free!

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! – who is a voice crying in the wilderness. “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough places shall become level ways, ... And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken” Words which Rev Martin Luther King Jr. reminded the world on 28 August 1963 in his memorable speech. “I have a dream…!” A great speech which we need to internalise today and make it a reality for all!

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! – whose name is not a stereo-type; the one who is not ensconced in a comfort zone. He is unlike those who does not want to rock the boat; the ‘haji’(Yes Sir!)man who always tries to please the ‘boss’ – after all there will be the privileges, the powers , the positions, the perks, the promotions that

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! - who is a witness: a true disciple! “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light”. His life was one of commitment, frugality and humility. He who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He has zeal and therefore is able to set this

26 Veez Konkani

world on fire! A fire which enkindles other fires. One will never be able to do so if there is no fire within: the flame of love and of service! Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! – who has the transparency to demand that systemic issues are first addressed particularly the exploitation of the poor, injustice, corruption, calumny, selfishness, greed and much more! Who is able to say: “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” To the tax collectors “Collect no more than you are authorized to do.” To the soldiers “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be content with your wages.”. These are no theories but concrete, substantial acts which are geared to change the system! Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! – who can take on headlong those who peddle religion: those who weigh down ordinary people with heavy burdens -rituals and superstitions, of practices which have nothing to do with real faith. Who is able to say to the Pharisees and Sadducees (the priestly class) “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these

stones to raise up children for Abraham. Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire”. We need to put our own house in order first!

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! – who has the courage to take on the Herods of our time; to speak truth to power! Who is ready to stick his neck out and face the consequences! To get beheaded and that head is served on a platter to satisfy the whims and fancies, the vile tastes of a sinful generation. For him, only one thing matters: to stand up for the truth and for what is right. To work for the Constitutional and democratic rights of all – even as one struggles against fascist, fundamentalist and fanatic forces!

27 Veez Konkani

Wanted Now: A John the Baptist! - who is able to understand what it is to play a prophetic role in our world today! It was said of him “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways”. Later when asked “Are you the Prophet?” He has the humility to say, “No.” So they said to him, “Who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” Fully aware of the role he has to play he says, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.” Understanding one’s prophetic role today means one has to take an unequivocal stand- one cannot indulge in the false niceties and hypocritical diplomacies of the world. The odds will be against you; one will have to struggle against the stream: hounded and harassed, not accepted even by one’s own. No prophet is accepted in his own home! Yet only when one is visible and vocal one can truly be the voice crying out in the wilderness! Wanted NOW: A John the Baptist!


aji bharyi poddtona 3:45 a.m zalile . Rosteri kalloko . Rosto burnaso . Ekko spiddari vocheako zainasilem . Sogolleamle hat'tantu bettri assili. Toriyi...Gonnexo bhott'ttalo pai fonddantu poll'llo ani ullkolo. Dharexvoro danttvolona, tanne longoddocheako suru kel'lem. Takka eko koddeno bosonu am'mi mukaro gel'le. Sokkanni 6:45 a.m am'mi kumotta paule. Men roddari " mohalokxmi

24 June 2020

komfortts " hottelo assa. Tea hottela

*(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact: ----------------------------------------------------------

maloko , daso bhauji makka ani vinodo bhott'ttako laggi sombondhiko . Tanne am'mi yet'ta mhonnu titlo sokkanni hottelo ugoddilem.

28 Veez Konkani

" gonnexo bhott'tto mosto makxi

Longoddoto yeuche gonnexo

poll'lla . Takkeko saikolomottorari

bhott'ttano , dhamvoto tem boss

gheunu yo " mhonnu am'mi

dhorlem. Zonnukayim tageli vatto

dasobhaujiko rikvestto kel'li . To

polloito assileavori konddokttorano

vochuno takka gheunu ailo .

dorovazo bondo kel'lo. Ddraivorako vocheako signol dil'lem. Vinodo

Daso bhauji boro monuxyo.

bhott'tto takko polloito rablo.

Somazo seuko. Tanne bonni kelili ki...Naki ! amkam pottobhoro

Am'mi hegdde kroso danttuno

khaucheako, pivcheako dil'lem.

gelile. Hem dogo disnanti mhonnu fonu keleari, vinodo bhott'ttano gonnexo

Mukkavoilo sttopo mirzano.

amgelo sogolleakkinta mukaro gelilo

Odd'ddecho te tino taso choloto vochka

khoboro sangli. Fokto roghuramako

mhonnu vinodo bhott'ttano sogolleanko

mosto bezaro zal'lo. Karonno gonnexo

suchona dil'li. Ugoddasako sogolleanko

bhott'ttalo sek bego tagelo khandero

ott'ttu rabbonu grup fotto kall'llo.


Mosaledose forsari hamvu lambo hejje ghaloto mukkari gel'lom. Kironno

Oghonaxini nodi briz danttvotona an'neko khoboro aili.

ani vinaiko bhott'tto fatto-fatto aile. Gonnexo bhott'ttano tagelo sek bego

Kali bossari kumotta ayilo

roghuramaleagi dil'lem. Roghuramo bhi

gorttecho zon'no poi ,sukhorupo

amgelo magxamno ailo .

bhottkollo pavilo. Orthat dusore disuchi ekllo makxi sornu bhottkollo gel'lo ;

Pancho minitto bhit'tori kumotta

an'nekllo mukarsuno onkola gel'lo.

boss sttenddo ailem. Gonnexo bhott'ttalo nozoro boss sttendda dikano

Am'mi vinodo bhott'ttali vatto

gel'li. Thoyim onkola vochche boss reddi

rakoto roste bogoleno thoddo velle

assilem. Ddraivoro injin chalu kornu,

aramo kel'lo.

konddokttoro ken'na " roitt " mhonnota mhonnu magxi ghuvnu polloitosilo .

Vinaiko bhott'ttalo fonu ringo zalo. " hamvo aramo onkola bhangora 29 Veez Konkani

mohamayi deullantu paulom. Megelo

katt'tteri hornu dovorchi mhonnu

paiea ulloko kaddocheako vamono

mirzano pauthayim sek bego sokkolo

bhottomamano omborokoddlo


gouddalo ghoro appono vhorto mholleam. Tum'mi megeli kalloji

11:30 a.m mirzano ailem.

kornakkati. Tumgeli kalloji gheyati . Megelo bego roghuramaleagi assa. Tem

Sokkannocheano am'mi treviso ki.Mi

ani khoyim visornakka mhonnu sango

choloto ayile. Xantikamba deusthanantu

takka ." mhonnu gonnexo bhott'ttalo

nagorazo kamotino amgeli donparam

mesez ayilo. Tem nhoisi tanne vinaiko

jeunna vyoustha kelili.

bhott'ttako eko vixexo suchona kel'lili. " megelo baileko ani fonu kornu

Deusthana provexo korche poilenchi

kollonakkati. Pokkone tigelo fonu aileari

tanne sogolleanko dono dono glaso

hamvu tumgelo borxi assa mhonnati. "

thonddo limbu sodda xorbot pivoilem. Jivako jivu ailo.

vinodo bhott'tto droxttintu poll'lle ki...Am'mi mukaro vocheako suru kel'lem

(mukharunk asso)

. Vot'ta rapo vaddhoto assilo. Express Highway cho don'nidikano eko bhi zhaddo nasile. Saddhe dha ikra ghontteri boddo itlo tappilem ki.. .Konnetori udako pappuddleari choiyomne ovazo yet'tosilo. Megeleagi ttopi assili. Ti sek begantu assili. Tem bego sokkolo dovornu , ttopi sod'dunu kaddo poryonto itoro sohourti mosto mukaro pautati. Tem ontoro bhornu kaddocheako megeleagi zaina. Te dikuno ekopotte ukkollilo palki

- podmonabho naiko. ----------------------------------------------------------

30 Veez Konkani

Probhu krixnno ani radhachi Pintur, promod naikan soddoyil'lem tela pintur. Jiunantlo prostut kall krixnno ani radha sontostat tem hem

pintur dakhoita, tosench hem pintur sangta ki tumim-i sodanch prostut zamvn'nch rava mhonn. ------------------------------promod naik 31 Veez Konkani

Loddok prodexant chini bolotkar ani ohonkar

(filip mudarth) adlea hofteant, zun 15/16 ratim, loddok prodesachea aksai chin vottarant oschea galvon falkeant chini-bharoti-i zhuzaroeam modhem loddai zali. Hera disa hi khobor desbhor pacharli. Somajik ontor-zallinchyer toxem madheamamni china virud'dh xinn ani rag poblikan toxem obhiprai kornnoramni dakoilo. Hea sondorbhar, 1962 sino-inddiyon zhuza vixeant vimorso zalo. Amcho poilo prodhani zouhorolal nehru hachea nitim

nimtim hea zhuzant amkam visronk nozo tosliani lojmoddi solvonn labhli mhonn ugddas kelo. Chinant 1949 isvent komunist sorkar, mavo jhedongachea mukelponnar, odhikarar ayil'lea vella, ghollai korinastana nehru sorkaran apli odhikrot manyota dil'li. Uprant, 1950 isvent chinan ttibett aplo ek ovibhojit bhag mhonn sangon milittori sadhonam vaprun gill'llelea vella, chinachi hi nit sarki ani ttibett chinacho ang mhonn nehruchea sorkaran mandlem. "chinihindi bhai bhai" ani "ponchoxila" nitincho ugtean prochar kel'lean, chinak sollgi mell'lli.

1950 isvent suru korn, chin loddokant riglem ani inddiak khobor soit natli. 1959 isve itleak, chinan pattik suri marli mhonn kolltana, vell utron gel'lo. Tokxonn, nehrun apli nit bodlili ani "forward policy" apnnaun amchea milittorik goddir nove "observation posts" ubhe korunk takid dili. Hea mettaurvim chin khubllalem ani inddiak budh xikoije mholl'llea iradean zhuzak demvlem. Keul loddok prodesant nohim, bogar sogllea goddi-prodesamni. Atanchea sikkim' ani orunnachol prodes

32 Veez Konkani

33 Veez Konkani

REFUGEES MATTER! *Fr Cedric Prakash SJ

On 20 June the United Nations observed yet another ‘World Refugee Day’. In a statement for the day the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said, “We are marking this year’s World Refugee Day against a backdrop of a dramatic global crisis. Not only are record numbers of people forced to flee 34 Veez Konkani

other displaced people) faces today, the

theme this year 2020 very appropriately was ‘Every Action Counts.’ Grandi’s statement echoing the mandate of the UNHCR went on to state, “On this World Refugee Day, I call for greater global their homes, but the world is grappling with COVID-19, a disease that is still very much affecting us all. What started as a health crisis has expanded, and today many of the most vulnerable – refugees and the displaced amongst them – face a pandemic of poverty.

solidarity and action to include and support refugees, internally displaced and stateless people as well as their

hosts. Whoever you are. No matter where you come from. Every one of us can make a difference. Every action truly counts. The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent anti-racism protests have

Yet, throughout this challenging time, we have also seen a connectedness that transcends borders. Ordinary people

shown us how desperately we need to fight for a more inclusive and equal world. A world where no one is left

behind. It has never been clearer that all

have stepped up to help. Host communities – especially those in lowand middle-income countries where

of us have a role to play in order to bring about change. Everyone can make a difference. This is at the heart of

nearly 90 percent of the world’s

UNHCR’s World Refugee Day campaign.

refugees live – have continued to

This year, we aim to remind the world

demonstrate a remarkable welcome”.

that everyone, including refugees, can contribute to society, and Every Action

Counts in the effort to create a more just, inclusive, and equal world”. For India, this theme is particularly significant because in the last few Given the grim reality which most of the world (particularly the refugees and

months the spotlight in the country has been on internally displaced and stateless people, besides of course

35 Veez Konkani

refugees. The Citizenship Amendment

Council also wanted to be party in the

Act (CAA) which was passed by both

petition before the Supreme Court of

Houses of Parliament early in December

India. Several leading legal luminaries

2019 is blatantly unconstitutional and

from all over the world, and even the Un

patently discriminatory. It has come in

Secretary -General have called for the

for much criticism and plenty of protests

immediate revocation of the CAA saying

from every quarter both from Indian and

that it could render large number of

the world over. The Human Rights

people stateless!

Council of the United Nations in a

statement said,

The pandemic has also brought to focus the plight of the internally displaced people, particularly of the migrant workers. Ever since the lockdown was announced, with just about four hours’ notice on the night of 24/25 March, a humanitarian crisis unprecedented in India’s modern history, has severely

disrupted the lives of India’s migrant

“the amended law would appear to undermine the commitment to equality before the law enshrined in India’s

workers. Millions of migrants have found themselves stranded without food, cash, and shelter, trying to get home. They

constitution and India’s obligations

have been subjected to violation of their

under the International Covenant on

fundamental rights under Articles 14, 15,

Civil and Political Rights and the Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, to which Indian is a State party, which prohibit discrimination

19, and 21 and often to severe police harassment on interstate borders. Many

have reportedly died as a result of the lockdown, due to exhaustion en route

based on racial, ethnic or religious

home, starvation, suicides, police

grounds. Although India’s broader

excesses, illnesses, and rail and road

naturalization laws remain in place,

accidents. As per reliable sources, as

these amendments will have a discriminatory effect on people’s access to nationality.” The UN Human Rights

many as 667 non-COVID deaths have occurred across the country. 205 of these have occurred among migrant

36 Veez Konkani

workers en route on foot, and 114 due

to starvation and financial distress. Meanwhile, the current response strategy with the provision of shramik trains, has been inadequate at best. Over 2,000 ‘shramik’ trains have reportedly carried over 300,000 migrant workers in the last week of May. This accounts for about 30% of the total population.

Further, this does not include those who are en route and on foot, or those who are stranded in shelters or on interstate borders, or elsewhere. As of this moment, the government of India does not seem to have any estimates on the total number of people stranded and/or en route home across the country

has prided itself of having internalised that Sanskrit phrase from the Maha

Upanishad, ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ ( "the world is one family"). Today xenophobia, jingoism, false-nationalism and exclusivism seems to have become the order of the day! This is clearly written all over particularly when one looks at the way the minorities, the Adivasis, the Dalits, the poor and the

nationally as revealed in a recent RTI.Their condition is still pathetic. In an extremely belated manner, the Supreme Court on 28 May finally gave a detailed interim order regarding the transportation of the migrants; (earlier two High Courts also highlighted the

vulnerable like the migrant workers are being treated in the country today. In his Angelus message on Sunday 21 June Pope Francis said, “Yesterday the United Nations celebrated World Refugee Day. The coronavirus crisis has

pathetic situation of the migrant

highlighted the need to ensure the


necessary protection for refugees too, in

The way India has been treating the tiny group of Rohingyas who have sought refuge in India in the wake of their persecution in Myanmar, is a textbook case of how inhospitable we have become as nation, which over the years

order to guarantee their dignity and safety. I invite you to join me in praying for a renewed and effective commitment, on the part of us all, to the effective protection of every human being, especially those who have been

37 Veez Konkani

forced to flee as a result of situations of

be close in order to serve (iii) in order to

grave danger to them or their families.”

be reconciled, we need to listen (iv) in

Earlier, (on 13 May) in an advance

order to grow, it is necessary to share (v)

message for the 106th World Day of

we need to be involved in order to

Migrants and Refugees 2020 (which will

promote and (vi) it is necessary to

be observed on 27 September) Pope

cooperate in order to build!

Francis focuses on ‘Like Jesus Christ,

The sixteen verbs given to us by Pope

forced to flee: Welcoming, Protecting,

Francis need to be seen as directives and

Promoting and Integrating Internally

even apps to ensure that every action

Displaced Persons’. He says, “I have

count for the refugees, the stateless and

decided to devote this Message to the

other internally displaced persons. The

drama of internally displaced persons,

COVID-19 pandemic and the recent

an often-unseen tragedy that the global

anti-racism protests have shown us how

crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

desperately we need to fight for a more

has only exacerbated. In fact, due to its

inclusive and equal world: a world where

virulence, severity and geographical

no one is left behind. It has never been

extent, this crisis has impacted on many

clearer that all of us have a role to play

other humanitarian emergencies that

in order to bring about change.

affect millions of people, which has

Everyone can make a difference. This is

relegated to the bottom of national

at the heart of UNHCR’s World Refugee

political agendas those urgent

Day campaign ‘Every Action Counts’ in

international efforts essential to saving

the effort to create a more just, inclusive,

lives. But “this is not a time for

and equal world.

forgetfulness. In his message for ‘World Refugee Day’,

The crisis we are facing should not make

the UN Secretary-General António

us forget the many other crises that

Guterres said, “Nearly 80 million women,

bring suffering to so many people”. He

children and men around the world have

gives us, “six pairs of verbs that deal

been forced from their homes as

with very practical actions and are linked

refugees or internally displaced people.

together in a relationship of cause and

Even more shocking: 10 million of these

effect”. These are (i) you have to know in

people fled in the past year alone. On

order to understand (ii) it is necessary to

World Refugee Day, we pledge to do

38 Veez Konkani

everything in our power to end the

heartedly that, ‘every action counts!’ In

conflict and persecution that drive these

the final analysis, Refugees do matter!

appalling numbers. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic poses an additional

21 June 2020

threat to refugees and displaced people, who are among the most vulnerable.

*(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human

My recent Policy Brief on COVID-19 and

rights and peace activist/writer.

People on the Move called on


Governments to ensure that they are


included in all response and recovery

Ek vimorso:

hem zalear notton!


-nanu morol tott'ttam'

So, responding to the plight of the refugees and other displaced, in the midst of the pandemic is certainly a major challenge. Not much will be achieved, if Governments abdicate their role of responding to the cries of this people. Only when we demonstrate that

unflinching courage and transparent political to ensure that these the least of our sisters and brothers , these strangers, are made to feel welcome, protected, promoted and integrated; only when we have truly made every effort to know in order to understand

notton sogllim kortat , tea nottonachea patrambhitor sobhar vetat , punn hozarom lokachea jivitachi protinidi zaun , lakhom lokanchea kallzamni nattvonchea tosolem abhinoi divonko thoddinch soktat ani hea bhovo thoddeach ani thoddeach kolavidam poiki ek kolavide amchea sorvanchea mogachem axa koreya munnon sangonk mhaka bhovo abhiman bhogta.

them – only then we can say whole39 Veez Konkani

Itlem havem hanga borounko karonn , pattlea disamni , ani thoddeach ghoddiamni lokamogall zal'lo , mozo amig Dony Correa ani tachi potinn Asha Correa hannim sangata mellon kaddl'lo viddio “ axem kiteak kelem-i deva “.Arvilea disamni vattsap zoks , pornem zoks nam tor itor bhaxentle kopi korn taka il'lo konknnecho yea tullucho lep diun apleanchechch komenttx ani laiks haddoun voirol zale munnon You Tube chanelacher pais zal'lea dorobost viddiom poiki mhaka portun , portun polleunko kel'lo viddio ho zaunasa.Horyek pouvttim polletana kalliz kimttun mull'lleabori dolleant thaun duHkham gollounko sofol zala.Haka mukhy karonn ddoni koreyan hea viddiochea horyeka kxetrant bhovo sukxm' ritin parkun mull'lleabori ghetl'li zovabdari. Havem ddonik kedallai sangchem asaki tachea bhitor lipl'lea ek unchlea kovik to

edoll sarkem parkunk sokonk na munnon.Ani haka purok zaun hea viddiontlem sahity ddoni koreyan rochlam.Konknnent ek novoch proyog munnyet,khoinch punoraurtit zainastana xida vhallon vechea hea podantlem sahity vikxokak portek portek aikonk kortat.Suddall ani spoxtt utram vikxokak porinnam'kari ritin aikonchea bori korcheant sofol zaleant.Devakch soval korn devalaginch vinonti korchea hea podant “ sorga sori asl'li jinni hi , kxinnan yemkondd kelem-i “ , “ movall fulam zaleant topche te khille “ , “ gorz na tujea tea pausachi , vallta zhor amcheach du:khanchi “ , “ jememvki dista bhirant “ asolim utram aikateleak jivitachea niraxechi porokaxttote kitli munnon somzaitat. Podachi gaufinn Shilpa Cutinha khonchai anbhogi balivudd , seanddolvudd gaikink soddun dinatl'li gaupinn amchea konknnent asa mull'llench amkam khonddit zaun hem'meachi ani abhimanachi gozal.Aplea xastri-i songitachea anbhogacho sompurnn faido uttoun xilpa kuttinhon hea podak aplea atmea thaun usvas bhorun podak jivont dourlam matr nom-i astam amor auk soit dilam. Roshan D Souza Angelore hachea songitak don utram nant.Khonchai lagim vazontrancho avaz podachea utrank

40 Veez Konkani

Overtake korunk soddinastana porinnam'kari songit diun podantlim horyek utram aikoupeak spoxtt aikonchea bori kelam.Roxon az kiteak konknni songit somsarant bhovo unchlea sthanar sobhta munncheak hem pod soit ek ut'tim' nidorxon zaunasa. Axa koreyan aplea patrak sompurnn jivo bhorun nyai dimvchem hem poilea pouvttim nom-i.Tori hea podant tinnem dakoilem Conviction tachea her patram vorvim choddtik utton dista.Hantum axachea patrant udel'le te ekek ghama thembe , dolleanchi ekek asddi , kopala vhoili ekek miri , dolleant thaun demvl'lem ekek dukh tollantor kameleancho anbhog khud'd axan bhogun prodorxit kela mull'llea titlo porinnam'kari ritin zala.Hochch ek tollantor vauraddeank axa thaun favo zal'lo vhoddlo gourou munncheak kitench don utram nant. Itlem havem sangon bhurgim ddiona ani ddelixa vixim sangonk na tor hamv chukidhar zaunko asam.Auy bapoichim dennim bhurgeank demvtat mhunntat tem hamv sot munnon patyetam ani

hanga dolleamni dekhlam.Hea nenntulea dogam ballamni keul aplea vonttanchea cholona vorvim tanchi kanni ani poristhiti sangcheant yoxosvi zaleant.Mukhlea disamni aplea auy bapoicheaki vortem namv apnnaitalim munncheant khonddit dubavo ascho na.Mark and Count my Words. Amig Melwin Kalakul hannem kolakul somstheant zoddl'lo aplo sompurnn anbhog upoyog korun patrank sohoz zal'lem rup dimvcheant yoxosvi zoddlea.Lhan lhan songtim thoim dhean dilam munntana tannem tollantor kameleanchea cholon volona voir soit aplo dollo douril'lo munncheant don utram nant tori thoddea droxeavollimni aniki thoddem kam' tache thaun zaije asl'lem.Anyeklo mozo amig Clanwin Fernandes hannem posttors itlim borim korun keleantgi ardi kannim tea posttoraninch sangon soddlea. Keamorachem kam' borem zalam tori ut'tim' munnon hamv sangana.Aukas dorobost asl'lo.Aniki boro korun upoyog koryet asl'lo konn'nna.Sobhar lagim patram Angles thaun bair geleant.Havem vhoddolchch sanglam axacheo dolleancheo asddeo , kopalacho mirio kanni sangon asl'leo munnon.Asolea sondorbhamni patrdari Frame bhitor ason Camera ani Character hannim ekameka Compliment kel'lem

41 Veez Konkani

tor aniki borem politanx yetem mull'llem mojem chintap. Nirdexon bhovo unchlem.Tollantor kameleank nirzon morubhumint nidailem droxy Ultimate.Screen Play nt aniki thoddem kam' zaije asl'lem.Flash Back nt dakoili droxeavoll kanniek purok na.[ dublleank svopnnemvchim hokkam nantgi munnon vicharinakot ] kiteak mull'llear kovi munnta “ sorga sori asl'li jinni hi “ mull'llear tim tollantor kamelinchch zaunnasl'lim soddn raullerant jivit sarun natl'lim. Akhersunchea adim ddonichem hem Project borem korun ailam tori sompurnn munnon hamv sangana,na munnon ddoni zaleari opvoncho na mull'llo mozo bhorvaso.Karonnom sobhar asat ani tim hamv boroean zanna.Mukhy zaun hangacho kanuni probhavo , morubhumim tosolea zageamni disachim chovis vhoram vividh nomuneamni parot korche kanunache rokxok , kamachem ttenxon , masam khamvchi gormi , korona piddek sombond zal'lim riti niyomam asolea bhovo addchonnent ho viddio sundor ritin bair kaddla.Sorvank abhinondon.

tosoleank ek vortoman Issue Base vixoi kanngheun monoronzon ani chintunk aukas korun amchea konknnent ani tullu basamni soit novesamv haddyet munnon ddoni ani pongdan ruzu kelam munncheak don utram nant. Itlem hamv sangtam vhoi tori faleam amim aschemnamv punn ho viddio ani thoddea zonangank tori urtalo.Tedalla tanchea sovalank zovabi diunko amim aschemnamv. Taka aspod yenatl'lea bori ddoni koreya thaun mukhle Projects yemvdit munnon axetam. ---------------------------------------------

King kong,

darosingali kusti ayuxeantu oneko ghottona ghoddotati. Sorvo ugoddasantu urnanti. Ponno ekekoponta ghottoneko sombondho assilo vyokti nimit'to vismoronnentu gelile poroto smoronnentu yet'tati.

Az kal You Tube , Face Book ani itor samajik zallizageamni komeddichea namvan polleunko dimvche korkore polleun kantthallo ailea mhaka ani moje 42 Veez Konkani

12th July 2012 sokkanni , kustipottu " rustumo-e-hindo " darasingalo nidhono varta aikunu mono sun'no zalem. Tea du:khantu saddhesoha futto uncho, bolodonddo ponzabi poilvan darasingale vyoktimotvo ugoddaso kortona , i.So 1967 tu ghoddilo ghottona lokxantu aili. Megele xikxonno purnno zalilem. Noukoriko laitam mhonnu makka mamano mumboyi apponu vhelilem. Tea nimit'to dadoro, probhadevi inddosttriyol eriantu , ekolleako mellocheako am'mi gelile. Thoyim king kong, darasingalo kusti procharako layile posttoro nozorentu poll'llem.

Poile eko taso san'no san'no poilovanalo kusti zaleo. Boroboro sato ghontteri king kong ani darasingo moidanantu aile. Stteddiyomantu bosilo prekxokani utt'ttanu, choppalle marnu tangelo svagoto kel'lem.

Tea vellari darasingako 39 yrs.Prai. " vixvo champiyon " mhonnu tanne namvo komoilem. Bhoinkoro, bhoyanoko dehache namankito poilvan king kongano takka haroitam mhonnu auhano kelilem. Zongi kusti zauchi assili.

Techi diso vorli sordar vol'lobhobhai pottel stteddiyomantu , sanje so ghontteri kusti assili. Ti kusti am'mi pollonu aile.

Kusti suru zal'li. Konno harta, konno jinkta sangchem bohu koxtto zalile.

Am'mi sogolleantu kom'mi kim'motichem tikitto ghet'tilem. Karonno khixxantu poise zasti nasile. Stteddiyom khochakhocho bhorilem. Am'mi bosilokoddeno zastino zasti kamogaro vostintulo loko assile. Te ekeko grup kornu ayile. Udahoronneko bhenddi bazarcho grup, ddokearddocho grup, lalobago mil'l vorkorsamlo grup, vorli kolli bandhovalo grup, dadoro fulomarkottovaleamlo grup.... Iteadi.

Moidanantu tan'ni marnu ghet'tona , stteddiyomantu am'mi bosilokoddeno doni partti zaunu , tantanche bhit'tori sounu gheucheako, marnu gheucheako suru zal'lem.

Prekxokamle poiki kahim darasingale namvano zoizoikaro kortosile ; kahim king kongalo torfeno.

Te poilovano spordha mhonnu kusti khelltosile. Tangelo poiki konne jinklotiki , konne harletiki tanka poise melltosile. Ani stteddiyomantule hem murkho ,

43 Veez Konkani

poise khorchuno kusti pollocheako ayile. Aramo bosuno kusti pollocho sonnu , " ho harta, to jikta " mhonnu sounu , marnu ghet'tosile. Tangelo poiki kahim loko daru piunu ayile. Tangelo boddo thikanneri nasile. Hodd'ddodd'ddano od'dhornu , gouji golatto kornu, vatauronno koluxito kornu tantunchi anondo upobhogtale.

dono charokoddeno mukka maro

Okheriko darasingano tageleakinta ddobbol vozonache king kongako ukkollnu , girigiri ghumvddanu nelari apttoilem. Ani vizoyi mudreno , tagelo horderi chonnu bosolo. Reforino darasingo jinklo mhonnu nirnnoi ghoxito kel'lo. Moidanantuli kusti bondo zalili. Zaleari stteddiyomantuli am'mi bosilo koddchi kusti konttrola bharyi gelili. Maramarintu kitloki loko zokhomi zalile. Xabuto bharyi poddocheako vatto nasi sombondho nasileanko bhi maro khauche poll'llem. Hamve bhiunu mam'malo hatu ghott'tti dhorilo. Toriyi dhokka bukkintu

khauche poll'llem. Konneki konnaki bisuno marilo hovayi choppolo , roppone makka yeuno lagole. Darasingali kusti pollocheako vochunu , choppola maro khaunu , ratri bara ghontteri goregamvo mouxilo ghoro paule. Tajje nontoro ken'na kusti pollocheako gelilona ; ani tossolo choppola maro khalilona.

44 Veez Konkani

- podmonabho naiko. (ddombivoli) ---------------------------------------------

Charitrik Sant Luvis Kalez aplea Patronacho Dis Zun 21 ver achorta sant luvis gonzhagachem fest, jejvit sant ani patron charitrik mongllurchea sant luvis kalez (svait't) cho jejvitamni monglluram t achorilem bharich sadhye ritin aplea vixexotechea sant luvis kalez

kopelant, mongllur aitara zun 21 ver. Fa| ddoyo nisiyos es. Je. Rekttor, sant luvi s

45 Veez Konkani

somsthe mukhy povitr bolidan bhettoupi zamvnaslo tosem fa| provinn marttis es.Je. Pranxupal, sant luvis kalez hannem devachem utar vanttlem aplea preronnachea xermamvant. Fa| vinod paul es.Je., arthik mukheli, sant luvi s

piyusi, ani fa| prodip krasta es.Je. Direktor loyola pri-novixiett, hannim sangata povitr bolidan bhettoilem. Koir mukhelnn jen'nifor pintton aplem akorxik koir cholomvn vhelem, vilma fernanddis, oxin ddisilva, meghna solddanha, sonjit roddrigos ani fa| suzoi 46 Veez Konkani

ddeniyol hea gain pongddak aplo rongin tallo dilo. Rekttor, fa| ddoyonixiyos vajh es.Je.N gundd dixtticho sondex dilo. Tannem sorvank borem magon xubhaxoi pattoile ani sant luvis gonzhagaporinch amchi bhaili ani bhitorli jinni sarunk tannem ulo dilo. 47 Veez Konkani

haddunk tannem survatilem. Thoimsor tannem tankam nhannomvn tea pleg piddestank nimanne sakrament diunko kumok keli. Punn tannench svo hea

Korona ruli khodd'ddayen hea sondorbhar pall'lleo. Ek ittaliyon unch kullantlo vyokti sobhecho sando zalo. Romon kalejint videarthi zamvnastam, to devadhin zalo ten'nanchea bhikor piddek boli zal'leank kumok korunk vochon. 1591 isvent, romant ek mohamari pidda pleg ailo ani sogllean vistarlo. Jejvitamni ek aspotr ugtaili piddestank kumok korunk, ani luvis gonzhaga thoimsor kumok korunk yetalo svoimseuk zamvn. Piddek boli zal'leank kumok korunk bhik magon, to piddestam borabor kam' korilaglo, je rostear poddon moronk aite zaleat tankam jejvitamni bandl'lea aspotrek

kamak seva dili tori, tannem aplea dharmik direktoralagim - fa| robortt bel'larmin - kumsar zamvn sanglem ki, tachem songhotton krantikari zal'lem thoinchi dixtt ani ghann tea kamant misllal'li pollemvn; tachea kuddicho tittkaro vox korpak bharich xroman taka kam' korizai poddtta mhonn. Taka 1605 isvent bhageunt mhonn pacharlo ani 1726 isvent taka sant mhonn pacharlo. Amchea kallachea korona mohamari piddek ho sohozl'lo sant zamvnasa. Prosokt mongllurant aschi ek sorvxrextt kalez ani bharotant, 1880 isvent sthapit

48 Veez Konkani

zal'li, jejvitamni cholomvchi kalez, aplea namvan'nch hi kalez apli chariyrik

protibha dakhoita ason viful kola kalez ani toyarachem xal (atam sant luvis kalez hoiskul ekachch xikxonnachea porisorar. 1880 isvent hi kalez modras yunivorsittilagim sombondhit asli. Az vividh xistemni keji thamvn piji poreant videarthink xikxonn dimvn asa.

1955 isvent hi kalez novich asa kel'lea kornattoko yunivorsittik servalea. 1999 isvent, kalejin aplea sompurnn protigonetechim masttors karyokromam, masttor of kompyuttor eplikexon (em'.Si.E.), pattapatt masttor of bisnes eddministtrexon (em'.Bi.E.) 2004 isvent prarombh kelem. Haka lagon novem porisor (keampos) mongllura bhair sthapit kelem ani haka insttittyutt of meanezmentt endd

informexon tteknaloji (e.Oi.Em'.Oi.Tti.) 2008 isvent. 2007isvent, kalejik svait't protixtta labhli tea uprant apli disandisachi rattaull svait't vevesther manddun haddunk dhorlem. Prosokt kalejicho pranxupal fa| dda| provinn marttis zamvnasa. Kalejicho dhyey zamvnasa "luset et ardet" latean mhollear "chetounnek porzoll". Ho dhyey kallzachea ani motichea gunnank lagu korta. Kalejichea xikxok vrindachi mukhel axa zamvnasa hea somsarak striyank ani puruxank zannvayebhorit ani kriall zamvn dimvcheak ani tanchim kallzam lasunk niz mog ani heranchi doya. Hozaramni videarthi bharotachea mulean mulea thamvn tosench somsara bhovarim sobhar sagor utron, zat, kat, mot vo dex mholl'llo kosloch bhed nastam xiktat ekachch kuttmantlea bhavam-bhoinnimporim jim utorleant hea porisorantlim vividh kott'ttonnam bhorun zannvai ani onbhog ho somsar mukharun vochonk.

-oivon solddanha-xett tosviroyi: stteanli bonttvall

49 Veez Konkani


among them. Abrogating, denying or even suspending the Constitutional rights and freedoms guaranteed to the citizens of a country is a nonnegotiable and not acceptable. The emergency lasted for twenty-one months up to 21 March 1977, when thankfully it was withdrawn and the rights and freedoms of citizens were restored. The period of emergency was certainly a dark chapter in the history of India. A Chapter which will never be forgotten; and of course, the country saying in unison, since that time “Never Again!”

Few will forget that infamous night of 25/26 June 1975, when emergency was declared in India. No right-thinking Indian will ‘celebrate’ that event, as one marks its 45th anniversary. There will be some muted voices perhaps, who will attempt to justify its imposition. There will certainly be no lover of ‘Democracy’ who will count

Fast forward to 25/26 June 2020: that’s today! There is no emergency ‘officially’ proclaimed; but the sad and tragic reality is that today India is being systematically throttled by a Super Undeclared Emergency – which on every parameter, far worse than the emergency of forty-five years ago! There is no doubt about that. Adding insult to injury is that an

50 Veez Konkani

influential group in the country feels that “all is well” (provided their interests are not harmed) and the vast majority are too frightened even to open their mouths!!! One needs to have only a cursory glance to understand the abysmal depths the country has fallen into! The grim reality is no rocket science study nor does the average, objective citizen need any artificial intelligence to comprehend it! The tragedy is compounded with the ruling regime in tandem with their cohorts (which include crony capitalists and fanatic, communal ‘bhakts’) are doing everything to subvert democracy, to destroy all that is precious in the Constitution and to shred the rich pluralistic fabric of the country. Economically, the country is in shambles: the GDP is an all-time low; unemployment is on an all-time high; the few rich continue to become scandalously richer whilst the poor are pushed into dehumanizing poverty; the gap between the rich and poor is widening at a criminal pace. The Government has been increasing the

price of fuel (diesel, petrol and gas) almost every single day, even as the global prices of fuel have touched an all-time low. A few weeks ago, the respected US rating agency Moody's downgraded India's sovereign rating to ‘Baa3’, the lowest grade. It thereby joined Standard and Poor and Fitch, which had already relegated India to the bottom rung in this regard. Explaining their decision, Moody's said: "While today's action is taken in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, it was not driven by the impact of the pandemic. Rather, the pandemic amplifies vulnerabilities in India's credit profile that were present and building prior to the shock, and which motivated the assignment of a negative outlook last year." Inflation has touched unbelievable heights! Important public sector companies (like the LIC and Air India) are on the verge of being sold out and several banks have either collapsed or about to do so! The ordinary citizen has lost faith in a banking system which they once trusted totally! The Government has thrown all caution to the winds, and immorally been utilizing the precious monetary reserves of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Demonetization brought in the ‘moolah’ for the ruling regime but destroyed livelihood and lives of millions. Financial scams and scandals are the order of the day! Crony

51 Veez Konkani

capitalism rules the roost! Corruption is mainstreamed and blatant. The way the party in power tries to buy up legitimately elected lawmakers from other parties and destroy mandated State Governments is a matter of shame for the country. The Government has amassed huge amounts of money in the ‘PMCares Fund’ but refuses to divulge any information on the fund and be transparent about it The social sector is in the doldrums. The education system is gradually being eroded. There is a definite pattern emerging towards the nationalisation of education. On 5 August 2019, Articles 370 and 35A, with regard to Kashmir, were unconstitutionally abrogated; inspite of protests from all sections of society, most Kashmiris continue to live in one big prison, several months after that abrogation! 26 June marks 327 days of #KashmirCaged! The recent ‘conflicts’ and ‘tensions’ with China, Nepal and Pakistan clearly demonstrate that the country is also bereft of leadership! Those in power and their goons, spew venom on others, through their hate speeches. Most so-called mainstream media (both print and electronic) is sold out, crawling before their political masters; freedom of speech and expression is virtually a thing of the

past! Several journalists, writers and authors who have taken a stand for truth and justice (especially those who write for online portals and in social media) are at the receiving end of a vengeful system. A few days ago, well-known journalist Supriya Sharma from ‘’ was booked in connection with an article she published on 8 June, entitled ‘In Varanasi village adopted by Prime Minister Modi, people went hungry during the lockdown’. Apparently one of those who were interviewed from village Domari has now changed her statement. On the other hand, those ‘so-called journalists’ who spew venom and spread hate, divisiveness and falsehood (the ‘godi media’ brigade), can literally get away with murder.

Minorities (particularly Muslims and Christians) are consistently targeted and denigrated and often even attacked. Lynching has become the ‘new normal’ -the victim always belongs to someone from the minority community. A 14-year old Christian boy was lynched to death in Odisha a

52 Veez Konkani

few days ago. Churches are regularly attacked. Recently, there was a tragic death of an elephant in Kerala; a Minister of the ruling regime stoked the communal flames by mischievously and falsely situating the death in a Muslim dominated district of the State. On 24 June, the online portal ‘The Print’ had a telling article “Indians who made Covid ‘Muslim virus’ after Tablighi Jamaat are cheering Odisha’s Rath Yatra”, revealing how double-standards are legitimised by the ruling regime and how minorities are conveniently demonised. Recent official US Reports highlight lack of ‘Freedom of Religion’ in India. Those who take a stand for human rights, justice, peace and pluralism, have false cases foisted on them, they are harassed, attacked and even killed! A recently published report by Citizen Lab and Amnesty International has evidenced how several Indian human Rights defenders were targeted in an official and coordinated malware campaign. Several human rights defenders, particularly in the BhimaKoregaon case are languishing in overcrowded jails. Young students who have had the courage to take on the Government with regard to the antiConstitutional ‘Citizenship Amendment Act’(CAA) have been booked and sent to jail. Stalwarts of Democracy like Harsh Mander and

Yogendra Yadav have false cases foisted on them and are even chargesheeted. NGOs are systematically throttled through legislation which stifle their effective functioning. Major independent and Constitutional authorities (like the Election Commission) of the country have been rendered impotent; they behave like caged parrots or have to bow to the whims and fancies of their political bosses. The judiciary, even the highest court of the land, has become pliant. The fact that a former Chief Justice of India could accept membership in the Rajya Sabha speaks volumes of the new low to which the judiciary has reached. Some of the recent judgements that have come out even from the apex court make one shudder at the blatant partiality and obvious miscarriage of justice. When the topmost bodies are co-opted and compromised it certainly does not augur well for the country! Every effort is being made to change the essence and spirit of our Constitution! India has touched rock bottom, on every international evaluation/index on various economic, social and political parameters. The ‘Global Hunger Index’ report for 2019 places India to 102 out 117 countries surveyed. Earlier this week , a UNICEF Report which was released, has predicted a terrible future for

53 Veez Konkani

millions of Indian children , particularly the children of migrant workers; the report pointed out that, “a large number of children, who previously relied on state-run lunch programmes — such as the mid-day meal scheme in India — are no longer benefiting from these government schemes. For many children in South Asia, these were the only meals they received in a day” A new report, prepared by a top Swedish institute studying liberal democracy, has observed that there has been a sharp “dive in press freedom along with increasing repression of civil society in India associated with the current Hindu-nationalist regime of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.” The report places India among the top 10 countries that “have autocratized the most”. Other countries that have been identified for rolling towards autocracy are -- Hungary, Turkey, Poland, Serbia, Brazil, Mali, Thailand, Nicaragua and Zambia. Titled ‘Autocratization Surges – Resistance Grows: Democracy Report 2020’, produced by the Produced by the VDem Institute at the University of Gothenburg, it ranks India 90th in Liberal Democracy Index (LDI) among 179 countries. Inspite of what the country is going through in every sphere, the Government in December 2019 had

the insensitivity to introduce the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the National Population Register (NPR) at an all-India level and the National Register of Citizens (NRC). All three are patently discriminatory, divisive and draconian and which most believe, go against the grain and spirit of India’s Constitution and democratic framework. The CAA, the NPR and the NRC are bound to have a serious and detrimental impact on the poor, the excluded, the minorities and other vulnerable groups like the Adivasis and Dalits. The exercise is also a very clear strategy toward the establishment of a ‘Hindutva Rashtra’. Because of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, there is some respite to the nationwide protests; however, till 24 March, millions of citizens, from every walk of life, were out on the streets, in every corner of the country. They were protesting and demanding that this anti-people law and related measures, be withdrawn unconditionally and immediately. Young and old, students and their professors, social activists and other eminent citizens, the rural folk and the suave urbans, are all protesting in an unprecedented show of strength and solidarity, never seen before in post independent India! Several powerful statements and excellent articles by leading global thinkers are already in the public domain.

54 Veez Konkani

Ever since the nationwide lockdown was announced three months ago, a humanitarian crisis unprecedented in India’s modern history, has severely disrupted the lives of India’s migrant workers. Millions of migrants have found themselves stranded without food, cash, and shelter, trying to get home. They have been subjected to violation of their fundamental rights under Articles 14, 15, 19, and 21 and often to severe police harassment on interstate borders. Many have reportedly died as a result of the lockdown, due to exhaustion en route home, starvation, suicides, police excesses, illnesses, and rail and road accidents. As per reliable sources, as many as 667 non-COVID deaths have occurred across the country. 205 of these have occurred among migrant workers en route on foot, and 114 due to starvation and financial distress. As of this moment, the government of India does not seem to have any estimates on the total number of people stranded and/or en route home across the country nationally as revealed in a recent RTI. The working class has suffered enough during this pandemic. Besides, the Government denying them public transportation for almost two months to return home, they were also denied wages when their establishments were closed during the lockdown. The Government seemed to desperately

have wanted to keep them back at their ‘workplace’ so that they could be available as soon as the lockdown to work once again at the mercy of their employer. What the Government did not visualize was that they would have the grit and determination to walk back home. There are the terrible pictures and footage of them walking miles back to their native place, inspite of the Government’s denial of the same in the Supreme Court more than a month earlier. In the midst of the pandemic, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has apparently given a green signal to more than forty projects without the mandatory environmental clearances. Most of these projects favour their rich crony capitalist friends literally giving them a license to loot, plunder and rape the environment and much more! Our precious biodiversity and our fragile ecosystems are being destroyed. The Government today has clearly gone on a downward spiral: doing everything they can to destroy the environment: The Western Ghats and the Aravalli Hills; the building of a dam in Dibang; the selling of coal mines to private companies and much more. The draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2020 condemns everything that it is

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supposed to represent and dilutes existing environmental regulations that help protect & safeguard our environment. Once it passes (the deadline is 30 June) it will lead to irreparable damages to our vital landscapes & biodiversity and particularly on the lives and livelihood of our Adivasis, indigenous people and other forest dwellers. The draft EIA notification 2020 proposes to: • legitimise violations by those who start projects without environment clearance, • weaken the democratic public consultation process • reduce the compliance requirements on the part of project proponents/promoters, • increase the number of projects that do not require an EIA process Thus, opening up new escape routes for environmental violators & enabling "development" at the cost of the very source of our lives. It is clear that we live in a state of ‘Super Undeclared Emergency’; in the veil of democracy, there is an obvious dictatorship ingrained in the Hindutva ideology; there is the destruction of the social fabric which is pluralistic and enshrined in the values of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity; and above all, the brutal subjugation of several groups which include the minorities and the marginalised, the

Dalits and the Adivasis, the excluded and other vulnerable sections of society. A group of concerned citizens have come together under the banner of ‘Indian Democracy Matters’ (email: defendtheindianconstitution@g; they stand for the revitalization of the country’s democracy and defense of the Indian Constitution. In a lengthy appeal to all citizens of the country, they say among another things: “25 June 2020 will mark the 45th anniversary of the infamous Emergency imposed on India. On this day, we call upon all Indian citizens to launch a peaceful, non-violent nationwide movement to fight against the Super Emergency the country is being subjected to today. This can only be done through upholding the Indian Constitution, contributions to nation building, organizing resistance to all violations of fundamental rights and ensuring the dignity of poor and marginalized citizens. For the last five years India, under the regime of Narendra Modi, has been going through, what many have called the Silent or Undeclared Emergency. However, the situation in reality is much worse than what happened almost half a century ago.

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The Indian state is today far more powerful and dehumanized than it has ever been, fascist ideology looms large over all facets of our lives while intolerance, violence and intimidation have completely replaced national discourse. The centralization of all power in the hands of the ‘Supreme Leader’, and a small coterie of people around him, has become a grave threat to Indian democracy itself. The total subversion of democratic institutions like judiciary and media, the persecution of political opponents and policies favouring the very rich have become the norm. The routine violation of Constitutionally guaranteed rights and autonomy of state governments pose an existential threat to the federal structure of the Indian Republic today. The dismal fate of Kashmir, following the abrogation of Article 370, is a portend of what is in store for all Indian states in the days ahead. The routine violence against Muslims and Christians, Dalits and Adivasis, often through the use of brutal lynch mobs and torture by police has risen dramatically under the current government. The policies of ‘one culture, one language, one country’ as part of the Hindutva agenda and denial of the right of people to eat or wear what they want, have undermined the great diversity and very soul of India.

If the Emergency of 1975 was bad, what Indian citizens are going through now in 2020 is a thousand times worse. And if the historic resistance to dictatorship then, resulted in a great transformation, it is the task of Indians today to take inspiration and launch a vigorous campaign to oppose the Super Emergency imposed on the nation. All this will call for great sacrifices and effort of course but then, no form of dictatorship is acceptable to the people of India. There is no future for the Republic of India except on the path of a truly federal, socially just and secular democracy. This is the time for all of us to pledge that ‘Democracy Matters!”. However, there is also an urgent need to go beyond merely rhetorical challenges to build organisations of the Indian people, solve immediate problems directly where possible – no matter how small the intervention. The resistance to the Super Emergency, if it is to succeed, has to provide constructive solutions that are in the best interests of the vast majority of our citizens. Keeping this in mind, here are some of the actions (add your own ideas to this list) that individuals and organisations can take on 25th June 2020 and beyond, as part of the great

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struggle to restore Indian Democracy

• Observe a day of protest against the Super Emergency on 25 June 2020 • Demand your elected representatives to convene the Indian parliament immediately to restore democratic functioning in the country • Call for the immediate release of all political dissidents and those locked up on false charges in Indian prisons • Join the #YaadKaroSamvidhan campa ign against the arrests of students and activists peacefully protesting the CAA, NPR and NRC policies and educate the public about these policies • Demand minimum income guarantees for workers, farmers, the urban and rural poor • Demand implementation of completely free healthcare for all COVID-19 patients in both public and private hospitals

• Volunteer for public health work to help overcome the COVID-19 epidemic • Use all forms of art and media, including social media, to express your resistance • Start Food Banks to fight hunger • Organise or take part in blood donation camps • Organise film festivals on the theme of democracy • Learn about and promote India’s pluralist culture and traditions of communal harmony • Begin a business and create jobs. Contribute to the creation of jobs in this period of growing unemployment. • Start a movement for the ecological revival of your area • Make Self Help Groups involving all communities • Translate the works of Ambedkar, Periyar, Gandhi, Tagore and Bhagat Singh as also any materials on the above issues related to the Super Emergency and circulate them widely” An important statement with significant directives for immediate implementation. The statement also highlights the ‘dark times’, we are currently living in. At this juncture, one cannot help but revisit the incisive poem ‘Pity the Nation’, written more than twelve years ago, by the wellknown American poet Lawrence

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Ferlinghetti (based on a similar work written earlier by the Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran):

"Pity the nation whose people are sheep And whose shepherds mislead them Pity the nation whose leaders are liars Whose sages are silenced And whose bigots haunt the airwaves Pity the nation that raises not its voice Except to praise conquerers And acclaim the bully as hero And aims to rule the world With force and by torture Pity the nation that knows No other language but its own And no other culture but its own Pity the nation whose breath is money And sleeps the sleep of the too well fed Pity the nation oh pity the people Who allow their rights to erode and their freedoms to be washed away my country, tears of thee Sweet land of liberty!” In these times of the ‘Super Undeclared Emergency’ in India, these

words ring tragically true! But will we awake?

25 June 2020 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact: -----------------------------------------------

Motton sttu zai poddcheo vostu: A. 2 ttometto 1 vhodd piav B. 10 torneo mirsango 4 piav 2 lamb sukeo mirsango 1 ttebl spun konnpir 1 ttispun jirem 6 longam 4 tike sali kuddke 2 ello

59 Veez Konkani

C. 1" alem 8 miriam 1 kando losunn 1/2 moulli konnpir bhaji chimttibhor hollod il'li amsann korchi rit: B-ntleo vostu bhzhunn, taka C-otleo vostu bhorsun gond'dh vattchem. Masak mitt ani udak ghaln kukkorant ukoddn dour. Eka aidanant tup ghaln 1 piav, 1 ttometto ani allen borem bhaz. Atam ukoddlelem mas ghaln konnpir bhaji katorn ximpddamvn bhum-i dour.



kundapur kheat sant meris prarthomik xalachi nivrit mukhelmestirnn nel'li ttichor mhonnon'nch famad zal'li nel'li ji. Ddi’soza zun 23 ver svoghorant

60 Veez Konkani

moronn pauli. Tinnem 22 vorsam mukhelmestirnn zamvn ott'ttuk 36 vorsam xikxoki zamvn seva dil'li.

Kundapur igorjechea vividh songhsomstheamni kriall zamvn patr ghemvn asl'li. Kundapur igorje songhotton zamvnaschea sant fransiskon mellant sobhar vorsam odhyokx zamvn tinnem vaur kel'lo. Ti tichea 5 bhoinnink, dogam bhavank tosem opar videarthi vrindak soddn gelea. --------------------------------------------

Gilbortt roddrigos devadhin mumboichea ondheri chokalantlo gilbortt roddrigos (53) thoddea kallachea pidden zun23 ver kandivili poxchimantlea molttai spexealitti aspotrent moronn paulo.

Uddupi jil'leachea heruru sastan mullacho gilbortt pattlea sobhar vorsam thamvn odani (pornem rilains) ilekttrisitti mumboi limittedd somstheant vrit'ti korun aslo. --------------------------------------------

Bho| oirin ddi’soza (70) sisttors of chearitti devadhin bho| oirin ddi’soza, sisttors of chearitti, mongllur, dhuv devadhin tomos ani magdolen ddi’soza hanchi, garddiyon enzols vaddo, anjelor firgoz, bhoinn zuliyon ddi’soza (sisilia ddi’sozacho poti, anjelor), devadhin zan ddi’soza, omerika, sttel'la zosinta, omerika, eddvin ddi’soza, omerika, luviza sikvera, bengllur, zun 24 ver devadhin zali.

61 Veez Konkani

Tichi dhuvddi amilin ddi’soza viz potrachea mukhpanar 2018 isvent prostut zal'li.

Sisttors of chearitti mellak ti zun 29, 1972 ver serval'li kapitanio xalant, infentt meri xalant - jeppu ani ttichors ttreyning insttittyu tt (TTI) kapitanio hangasor tinnem xikxoki zamvn seva dilea. Don vorsam ittelint tinnem komyunitti hoiyor sttoddis don vorsam xiklea. Doivik gitank tinnem odhik ritin apli kumok dilea ani sobhar gaupeankk tinnem torbheti dilea. Gelea doxokant tinnem apli seva prayesth ani gotihinank ollovino holl'llint dilea. Bharich mogall, doyall monachi bho| oirin sorvank zai zal'li. Kitem-i somosea tichyelagim vochon sanglear sodanch tichi kumok hastea mukhan ti ditali. Viz tichea kuttmachea sorv sandeank xrid'dhanzoli pattoita ani tika sasnnik xanti axeta. ---------------------------------------------

Vixvo konkonni kendro

di. Ke. Ke.Poi ‘100 ve zonmo xotabdi smriti divoso’

di.Ke.Ke poi hangele 100 zonmo xotabdi smriti divoso di. 26-06-2020 tarkero konkonni bhaso ani somskriti 62 Veez Konkani

protixtthano, vixvo konkonni kendro hanga chol'lem. Di. Ke.Ke.Poi hangele adorxo vyoktitvo bod'dolo ani tan'ni somaza khatiro, konkonni bhaxa obhivrid'dhiko dilele oparo denne smoronno korono aile mukhelani gonneani hararponno korono gourovo dilem.

Vixvo konkonni kendro sthapoko odhyokxo xri bosti vamono xennoi, khozanchi xri bi. Ar. Bhott, vixvo konkonni kendro karyodorxi ani videakolpoko videarthi vetono nidhiche mukhyo ruvari si. E. Xri nondogopalo xennoi, vixvo konkonni kendro bhaxa somsthano nirdexoko xri gurudot'to bonttvallokaro uposthito axilinchi. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------jeunnak naka. Tti.Vi. Polleun jeunn korinakat.

Helt ttips

** ** ** ** ** ** amcho mendu churuk zaije tor bi1, bi6, bi 12 vittomin amkam gorz asat. He vittomins pachvea rongachea jivea torkarint ani dudant labtat. machcha, milar. Tis vorsam utorlea uprant, horyeklean vorsak ek pauttim punni ’helt chekop’ korije. Sompurnn porikxa korunk osady tor, rogtant aschea ’xugor’ hachi porikxa khonddit zaun korije.

** ** ** ** ** ** sady zata tor, hottel, bekorichim khannam khainakat. Bhurgeank khaunko dinakat. Futt paticher vikchem khann bilkul khainakat. ** ** ** ** **

** ** ** ** ** ** jeunn xant ani somodanen korije. Jeunn kortana ekameka lagim ulomvchem unne korije. Ratichea jeunnak dom-i upeog kornakat. Amxem khann ratichea

amchea kuddik oiyon chodd gorjechem. Oiyon aslear rogot vrod'di zata. Tornem bottanni,bins, moi, badam', palok, baji, sukeo drakxi, bottatte oni

63 Veez Konkani

bhum-i chonneamni oiyon onx choddit vanttean asa. ---------------------------------------------

Chuttukam bhurgim

tem atam tea ghorchem zalam. Kullara thaun opekxitana, hem sangchem gorjechem zalam. Santank zago

titlim bhurgim tednanchi, nid poddanatlea kormank zal'lim. Ek don atanchi, chintun chintun pursoten kel'lim.

igorz mata novea novea, santank porgott'tana. Novea igorje bandpanim, poyilem asoleanki zago na.

Dilam tem gelam

Leap ttop

kednam dilam tednam gelam,

kednam ghorant leap ttop haddlem, 64 Veez Konkani

muza hokkachem leap tachench zalem. Dis rat hachea uskear tench, bhogta maka zalim hamv onath.

Peantta bhitorlo


Bhavaddteachi zannvai

natl'leo retiro, natl'lim punnxetam natl'lo ghoraghoramni povitr pustok odhik zannvai bhavaddtachi, lokak korn asa tarkik.

kajchea paddint liplem cheddum dixtt tacher khonchtana tollea degechea rukar choddlom axek ankri futt'ttana hollu hollu ailem cheddum tollea kusin choltana udkant tache pam-i tenkun

-anton luvis. Monnipal. -------------------------------

vodhon tachem fultana

65 Veez Konkani

mottvea chadd'dder udkak otreg mhoje kirlonk lagle


pallam taka futt'ttana

pautoch lagim cheddvak dhorun

ani kitem korta konn'nna

vonttam umeancho ximvor

motint hamv chintana


vollu tanne ghagro kaddlo

hamvre baba kongal zalom

degechea tonnar dourlo

dolleam mukharch hem

bajvechea tacho naddo suttlo


momeam potyer khonchlo dollo

peantta bhitor humblo riglo korchem kitench mhaka

poilye pautti dekhchem

koll'llem na


vinngi choli dolleam mukhar

dolleamni dukham demvonk

jivo mhozo kamponk laglo


asl'lom hamv kajchea rukar

humblean mhaka chabtana fantto tutton tolleant poddlom

doniachea paddik demvl'lom

humbleak marunk vetana!


bio chorn konknneak vikcheak chintananch ek torunn ailo dhoniachea dhuvek araun dhorcheak hannem-i tachem xortt kaddlem

-asttin probhu, chikago

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