llustrated Weekly
Illustrated Weekly
No: 40
Soptombor 10, 2020
Songit Kxetrantlo Ustad Prozot Dde’sa, Koleannpur 1 Veez Konkani
Songit Kxetrantlo Ustad Prozot Dde’sa, Koleannpur
Vrit'ten ek safttver injiniyor ani tacho paxamv gamvcho.
Xikap: * kompyuttor sainsant bi.I., muddlokott'tte insttittyutt of tteknaloji, kundapur. Hangasor taka
Prozot dde’sa zolmal'lo
’bestt outtgoying sttuddentt’ mhonn
koleannpurchea milagris kathedral firgojentlea sontekott'tte, uddupint.
proxosti dil'li. * informexon sisttomsant em'.Bi.E.
2 Veez Konkani
Vrit'tipor kam': * lidd injiniyor/mobail eplikexon ddevelopor, jenpeaktt, bengllur. * gaupi, songit direktor, podam ghoddpi, songit sadhorok, kolakar
tosench kolakarank tallo divpi.
Mottvean seanddolvuddant
sadhonam (kon'noddo pinturam): songit nirdexok ani podam ghoddpi zamvn: - mongollovaro rozadino (2020 isvent ugtaunn zata) - fottografor panddu (2020 isvent ugtaunn zata) - rogto gulabi (ugtaunn zata) 3 Veez Konkani
- mongollovaro rozadino (2020) ani - omoro premo kauyom (oddio 2017 isvent ugtaila ani ttoittol podak
pinturam hea vorsa ugtaunn zamvchear asat.
unchlea 15 poiki asa) - boyopik of narainno (raxtti-i film'
Mottvean konknnentlem sadhon:
festtivolant prodorxilam.)
- londdon, bahreyn, israyel, kuveytt
pattthollacho gaupi zamvn:
(don pautti) tosench dubamyt prodorxonam dileant.
- hullirai (2017 ttoittol pod)
- omoro premo kauyom (2018 ttoittol pod)
her thoddim namvam dinaslim
-prothom' albom' ’uddi uddi’ 2013 isvent ugtaila, konknnentlea kheat albomam poiki ut'tim' mhonn lokamogall zamvn otyodhik vikro zala.
4 Veez Konkani
- mogachem sthutigit ’tuzo mog mhaka zala’ prozotachea albomant
otyont lokachea kheatek paulam.
- kitench songit sadhonam
- ’ek aslear ek na’ konknni pintur
vaporinastam ’akapel'la’ gayil'lo
tosem itoramni gailam.
songitgar mhonn dakhlo kela.
- konknni pintur ’pasportt’ haka
- tachea albomamni tosench
songit nirdexon dilam ani gailam. Ttoittol podachim utram boroileant. - 200 voir konknni albomamni gailam
ani choddttavo podam lokamogall kheatek pauleant.
prodorxonamni noveach kolakorank patr dil'lo vyokti mhonn namvaddla.
Uddupi sut'turantlea gaupeank zomomvn koros pongodd tachea prodorxonank vinchla.
5 Veez Konkani
Mottvean tullu sadhonam (
-konknnentlim prokheat
patttholl gaupi zamvn)
prodorxonam - vilfi naitt, vilson olivera naitt, mandd sobhann
- ekka soka
iteadimni patr ghetla.
- dobokk doba oysa
- ’beak ttu loif’ hacho sthapok, ek
- kusaldo zovanner
survili vedi konknni talentam urjit korunk (hea vixeant choddit mhahet
- tott'ttil
sokoil asa). 6 Veez Konkani
- madhyomamni prozotak sarkea ritin - om'mer polisa (podam ghoddn,
"koraulli kornattokacho sonu nigom'"
gaun ttoittol podak songit nirdexon
mhonn volaila.
- mumbomyt choll'lea panchvea
- oppe ttichorugollon'nu
arttistt eloudd songit proxosteamni
kheat purux gaupi ani kheat pod songitacho sonkxipt vivor:
proxosteo lableat. Solim' suleyman kheatechea suleyman morchonttan 7 Veez Konkani
pautti ’bestt singor’ mhonn prozotak proxosti prodan kel'li
- 200 konknni albomamni (200+
- ’karembo’ pinturak dil'lea patttholl
podam) gaileant ani him podam
songitak ’kon'noddo inttorneaxonol
bharich lokamogall zaleant. Konknni
myujik proxosti’ me,ll'llea.
somsarantlo sintimentall gaupi
- globol konkonni myujik evardds
mhonn prozot namvaddla ani torunn
haka puruxanchchea vibhagant tin
zonanga modhem to famad zala.
8 Veez Konkani
- az poreant 2,000+ sttuddio
- ek prokheat helll'lo gaupi, songi
rekarddingam tannem keleant,
ghoddnnar, songit utpadok, ani
zantum asat songitache vividh albom'
prodorxok zamvnasa prozot.
(inglix, konkonni, hindi, kon'noddo
- prekxokank aplye mutti bhitor
ani tullu), pinturam, mottvim
dhorn aplea prodorxonamni tanchye
pinturam, reddio ani ttivi jingls,
thamvn aniki zai mholl'llim bhognam
sthutiganam, suvari, nattokam ani
prozot ubzaita. Lokak akorxit
korcheam prozot prothom' sthanar
- piddiloitt, xapors sttap, ttivies osem
itor kompnneank tannem
- balivudd, inddi pap, kon'noddo,
jingl/sthutigainam ghoddleant.
inglix ani itor podamni bal'lodds tem 9 Veez Konkani
zamvnasa songit sadhonancho upeog
korinastam gamvchem. - 2015 songit somsarantlem kheat grami vijet rikki kezachea yozonamni prozotan taka sangat dila. Grami vijet
rakh, rege tem ddisko podank prozotachem helll'lem namv zalam. - konkonnint akapel'la gamvcheant tannem prothom' mett kaddl'lem zamvnasa. Kornattokantlo to poilo kolakar hea mettant. Akapel'la
albom' ’xanti somsaro’ haka prozotan aplo tallo dila. - somsara bhomvarim prozotan
mhollear londdon, bahreyn, israyel, kuveytt, dubai iteadi dexamni aplim yoxosvi prodorxonam dileant.
10 Veez Konkani
iteadimni tachea podank taka bharich pattimbo okhea somarantlea tachea
obhimanim thamvn labla. - ttivi chhanelamnim-i prozotan aplim prodorxonam dileant.
prozotan pod ghoddun, tallo dimvn tem tannench gailam. Hem
- aplea rupeallea tallean prozotan lokachem zoit zoddlam kitea mhollear to gaitana lok tachea talleachea
prozotachem ek vixex mett mhonnyet. - prozot kibordd, gittar, harmonika
mogarch poddtta. - somajik madhyomam zamvnaschea fesbuk, sounddkloudd, yuttyub
- hindi ttelipinturak ’kuchh ologsa’
ani meloddika songit sadhonam khellcheant provinn.
11 Veez Konkani
- prozotak sobhar rajy ani raxttri-i
- kheat kovi, podam ghoddpi gĂľycho
proxosteo mell'lleat.
zoint kaikinni hannem prozotachea
- tachea puddlod albom' uddi uddint
rupeallea talleak hogollsilam ani
10 vivingodd songitache ong asat ani
apunn tuzo mog mhaka zala hea
hea albomak dakhlo rochit vikro zala.
podachea mogar poddlam mhollam.
- uddi uddi borabor, prozota
- famad songit nirdexok kon'noddo
vikreacho konknnent krantikari
udhyomantle provinn dot't sttiun
dakhlo kela vaparun sorv vedi eppl
(mongollur mole kheatecho), rovi
myujik (oittyuns), omazhon proim'
bosrur, onup silin hanchye borabor
myujik, spattofoi ani itor. Hacho
aplo vaur dila.
pattlavo her songitgaramni korun faido zoddla. 12 Veez Konkani
- tullu pinturam ekko soka, dobok
obhinondanan bhoron gel'lem
doba oisa, kusaldo zovanner, tott'ttilu
ani sobhar itor pinturamni gailam.
- molnadd injiniyoring kalez, hason
- ’vorldd kop 2015’ sthutigitak jem
iteadink prozotan jivall prodorxonam
sochin tenddullkaran prodan kel'lem
’dex ko he bhorosa’ nt gailam.
- bengllurant prozot ’prozot dde’sa
- bharotadyont 12 kolakaramlagim
myujik’ ani sttuddio sett-op ’onttonio
sangata kam' korun adityo narainn
sttuddios’ hancho mhalok zamvnasa.
borabor ’vorldd myujik dde 2014 pod
Hangasor prozot aplem songit
"ddontt vori, bi heappi" gailam ani
toyaronn ani rekorddink
hem pod okhea ontorzallar voirol
chottuvottiko choloun vhorta.
- prostut prozot aplo mukhlo albom'
- "prozot dde’sa - loiv" bonderakhal
’porot uddi uddi’ hacho vaur
sobha prodorxonam vedir haddleant.
cholomvn asa.
- tachem bahreynantlem prodorxon houzful zamvn prekxokam thamvn
Prozot khoroch ek songitacho punzo,
’vons mor’ bobat nirontor karea vellar
modhur talleachi zhor ani songit
gazoyil'lem aikalam. Hem 5.5
vhalleacho kumvor zamvnasa.
voranchem karyem lokachea
Osolem modhur dennem asche vyokti
13 Veez Konkani
konknni somsarant bharich aprup mhonnyet. Prozot ek kareall karyonirvahok, aplea utramni to lokak haloita, dholoita ani tanchea monoposondechem to uloita.
Heach voilea karonnank lagon to lokak prosid'dhecho zala ani tannem tachea mog korchea obhimanincho sonkho hozaramni kela. Hea vokhta viz taka sorv borem magta ani tachea jiunant yox axeta. Konni ankvar
cholio tacho mog korunk axetat tor, sori, tachem logn xokti nogor, mongllurchea velixa axma(injiniyor) lagim zalam ani tim bohut sontosan asat. Prostut dogam-i koleannpurant aplea ghora thamvn'nch kam' korun asat.
modhur talleak ten'nancho milagris igorz, koleannpur fa| kxeviyor pintton
itt ghal'lo taka gaunko ut'tezon dimvn tachem gaupa talent obhivrid'dhi korunk. Aplem gaupa dennem zannam zal'lea prozotan uprant gain spordheamni
patr ghetloani sobhar bohumanam zoddlim. To poilye pautti vedir choddl'lo uddupint zal'lea ’redd kras utsovant’ aplea dhave klasint xikon astam. Hea uprant prozotan bhilkul pattim pollel'lem na. Apli gaupa rit tannem pajli ani ontor kalez gain
Prozot dde’sak gaupachi humed uttl'li igorje koirant. Hangasor to
prothomot gaunko xikl'lo. Tachea
spordheamni tannem patr ghetlo. 2010 isvent prozotak kevin miskit naittant surotkol patr ghemvcho
14 Veez Konkani
ovkas prapt zalo ani tachem dhoir
aniki mukhar gelem zamvn ek podam
proxosti mell'lli "bestt outtgoying
ghoddnnar ani gaupi.
sttuddentt" zamvn. Uprant tannem informexon sisttomant em'bie kelem.
1990 isvechea dosembor 6 ver tachem zonon pittor ani lil'li dde’sa
Kalejint astam prozotan aplea
hanchem tisrem ball zamvn zalem.
kalejicho protinidhi zamvn
Tankam tegam bhurgim prozotak
beaddmintton spordheant patr ghetlo
dhorn. Ek cheddum ani dog chole.
jil'la mott'ttar. Ontor kalez valibal
Pittor sttett beank of inddiant kam'
pongddantyi prozot aslo. Taka
korun atam nivrit zala. Lil'li dde’sa
stteampam ani nannim zomomvchi
sant zosefs hoiyor proimori xalant
vhodd pisai asli. Sorvam pras choddit
mukhel mestirnn zamvn nivrit zal'li ti
gamvchem ani songit hachi obhiruch
vorsa adim devadhin zalea. Tachi
proful'lit asli.
bhoinn porlin omerikant vosti korta ani bhavo projvol prostut asttreliant
Taka poilye pautti vilfi naittant
kamar asa.
gaunko ovkas melll'lea ten'nam tachem svopann jeari zal'lo onbhog
Aplem piyusi xikap koleannpurchea
zalo ani mandd sobhannachem
milagris kalejint sompoitoch, prozot
virasot prodorxon. Poilem taka
kompyuttor sainsant bii ddigri
kon'noddo pintur ’omrito bindu’nt
apnnaunko soklo muddlokott'tte
gaunko apoilem, uprant hindi pintur
insttittyutt of tteknaloji, kundapurant.
’kuchh ologsa’ somajik sondexa
Nimannea vorsa prozotak vhodd
borabor. 15 Veez Konkani
Gaupant ascho ovkas taka itlo ruchlo ki soukas to hindi, konknni, inglix, kon'noddo ani tullu bhasamnim-i gaunko laglo. Osem prozot zaunko paulo ek namnnecho vyokti songit somsarant. Tannem gayil'lem
akapel'la hindi pod "mera mon" somajik zallamni laram haddunk paulem. Roxon bellmann hannem prozotak aplim podam akapel'la gaunko humed dili tachea ’tunch tum’ albomant, hem zaunko paulem proprothom' konknni somsarant.
Prozotacho proprothom' songit albom', ’uddi uddi’2013 isvent notalam festa disa milagris kathedralant uddupicho bisp dda| jeraldd oisak lobon ugtailo. Hacheo 2,000 voir protio turthan vikun geleo ani porot tisri aurit'ti kaddunk poddli. Hea uprant to albob hunoni kekim porim viklo. 16 Veez Konkani
Hea famad prozotachem logn zalem 17 Veez Konkani
auy-bapai porinch velixacho bapoi
keanora beankant kam' korta ani auy ek xikxoki zamvnasa. Nixel prozotaporinch ek safttver injiniyor zamvn ddiekssint kam' korta. Personal Webpage (Contains all
updates and songs of Prajoth D'sa): www.prajothdsa.com YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/prajothdsamusic Facebook:
www.facebook.com/prajothdsamusic Android App: xoktinogorantlea velixa
“Prajoth D’sa”
ddi’kruzhalagim 2018 zoner 6 ver
koleannpur milagris kalez ugtea
moidanar. Prostut tachim auy-bapoi
bengllurant vosti kortat. Prozotachea -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Veez Konkani
Konknni lekokanchi nisvarthi seva? (vo kopottponn) adlea onkeant "konknneanchim
romblelim zayit'tim biknnam kirlonk ek
rudanam ani mhoji obhiprai" mholl'llea
pausallo zai poddlo. Nontor thoddim
matallea sokla boroyil'lo ovosvor
vhorsam lagli tantu fonnos zaunko. Toull
mukarunk asa mholl'llem. Hea hofteant,
ab natlo; to "kumyka" zal'lo. Tachea
konknni lekokanchi ek "nisvarthi" gunna
putachea kuttman te fonnos khele.
vixim borounko axetam. Punn abak svarth natlolo mhonnonk zata? apnnak nohim toroyi apnnacheach muklye pillgek foll labaje mholl'llea svarthan tannem biknnam rombleli nohim mhonn koxem sangchem? punn tacho svarth apnnacheach faideacho nohim dekun to "nisvarthi" mhonn opouyet. Ne?
Nisvarthi mhollear altruist mhonn somzonchem. Zoxem kroxnnan
“The meaning of Karma is in the
sanglelem asa: "kormonnye vastu vadikoroste, mo folexu koda chona...".
Korm' korte voch. Foll axenaka. Foll
intention. The intention behind the action is what matters. Those who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of
dimvchem vo nam tem devak sodd. Dhortir matye bhitor rompleli bhi kirlata. Ti rompi zata. Sureo, saulli, udak anim poxonn labhlear vagon ruk zata. Foll dita. Hi nisorgachi rit-nit. Haka
action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious about the results of what they do.� kiteak biknnam romplim hem ovoxy.
kroxnnachi gorz nam. Zayit'te ruk foll
ditat. Foll dinatlele "vanz" ruk bharich unnem. Bhim rombleleak foll khaunko mellta mhonn khatri nam. Mhojea oban
Korne pattli niyot odhik gorjechi. Zo konn aplea kornecho foll matr axeta, to dedesfor zatolo. Kiteak to aplea kornechea folla vixim tokli tapoitolo.
19 Veez Konkani
Punn, korne pattlo irado vhodd minot korn apnnaunko kroxnna legun addvarnam. Zaunko puro. Hea totvak ani konknni lekokanchea rudanank kitem sombondh? asa, sangtam. Mhojye nodren poddlelea porim, konknnent
Oxem jivghat mhonn polis riportt
vachpeam pras chodd lekak asle ani asat. Horyeklo ol'lu, bautu, ladru, pedru lekokch. 1967 oktobrant hamvem mhojem poilem lekon poinnarik dhaddn dimvn mohino bhor rakon pollel'lem. Kedolla chhaptit? chhaptit gi nam? 14 vhorsam prayechea holl'llent thaun Inland letter vaprun posttar dhaddlelea ani follak rakon aslelo hamv eklom ladru, pedru nastanam ani kitem?
mholl'llem foll mell'lleleam poikim mhoji bapul mauxi ekli. Tichi nirjivo kudd apleach ghorchea ongnnant aslelea bamyt upeteli tem mhojea ban (vhoddli mamyn) polleun bobatt ghaln, sogllea vaddeak zomoilea nontor, ullgean
polisank apoun, bamytli bhair kaddn angnnant dourleli. Hem droxy mhojea panch vhorsanchea mono-pottollachyer khonchlam. Tem visranam. Dekun
ani kosolem bhikann mhonnxeat. Vixoi kotholik dhormak lagti zal'lo. Vixoi onoitik ani ochanok morn pauleleanchi parthik kudd simetrint nohim, bhair
mhojea kodde boromvchi tosli kanni asli. Doyall jezu kristachea pattlavodar yazokamnim simetrichi "povitr" mati tika
pavo kiteak kelinam? soval vajbi nohingi? poinnarik hem "nastik" boroup
purcho. Onoitik mhonnje 1967 isvent jivghat mhonn lekchem. Khuni mhonn rujvateo zomaun, koddtint nitidara
chhapchem dhoir asagi? punn, tea kallar, konn punegel'lo
mukar vad-opovad manddun, konn khunigar mhonn hatank samponddlim nant toroyi, jivghat nohim mhonn formann gheunko polisank khoim pursot asa? te aplem kormo korunk toyar nant.
firgojichea vigara virud'dh vicharop korunk vetolo? konnak zai ti korni?
kiteak "foll" mhonncheaki, "nirfoll" khollit astana, kormo konnak zai? foll poilem polleje ne?
20 Veez Konkani
vhoi, foll mellaje zalear, kornechyem ek
Punn, kovi? boroupi? sahiti? te kiteak
mett kaddn chhupp boslear zaina.
aplench "gumott" vazoinant? gumott
Dekun, mohino somptoch, poinnarichea
vazomvchem foll axeun nohim bogar
sompadokak postt kardd daddije
poll dimvyet toslye rompiek "itt" dimvchi
poilem. Zap nam. Kiteak bauddo 10
korni. "itt" nastam, rompi godd'ddu zait
poixe anauxe khorchitolo? punn, foll
tor, konnak faido? dekun, lekakamni
mell'llem mhonneam. Zust 19 novembr
vhodd zoubdari vohsije. Apleam soirea-
1967-vyer mhojem namv chhapon
doireank, ixttam-montrank, hitoixink ani
ailem! mhojem namv polleun zal'li khuxi
pattavodarank vinonti korunk zai:osolem
koxi vivorum?
mhojem lekh folannea manchier chhaplam/chipkailam, vacha, tumchi
punn, sarkem pollelear hem foll nohim'.
protikria dia mhonn add'dos magonk
Chhapchem ek korni matr. Sekonddori
kosli loz? horyek korni ek hontachi
levelachi. Foll mhollear, vachpeank hem
nohim. Biknnam rombli, ek. Sodam udak
boroup pamvchem, tanka ruchchem va
ghalem, don. Sarem-mitt ghaln, mullak
naka mhonn bhogchem. Zor borem
ghalem, tin. Pos kelo, chear. Mullant
mhonn bhoglem, aplem chintap il'lem
zolmal'li tonnam budd'ddun uddoun,
bodli korchem. Hem zaun asa, foll. Urleli
soxi vagon ruk zata poroeant pos korije
sorv "korni" matr.
Dekun, lekokamnim minot kaddije
haka mhojem ek namv asa: "The Law of
poddta. Keul ek lekh boroun uddoilear
Farm". Hem totv amim zolmol'lea matie
zalengi? namnnechim bolivudd taram
thaun xikon yemvchem. "The Law of
legun aplea filmachi poblisitti korunk
School: nohim. Hem totv amim iskolant
film' rilis zamvchea puddem mohine -
xiklelem. Poilem totv amche pai dhornir,
don mohine zayit'tea vottarant bhomva
bhumir dourun "korma" korchem.
nant gi? film' vikro korchi zovabdari keul
Dusrem, poilea mallier boson, biknnam
ddisttribyuttor matr pollet tor lokak
soklam uddomvchim. Magir tea
sinema holak haddchem koxem?
bhiknnanchi halot kitem zali tem "noxibachyer" soddchem’. Noxibh
toxem amchye tiatrist. Nattokist
bodlunk preton kelear amim "svarthi"
poblisitti kortale, atamyi kortat tem sot.
zatamv nohim?
21 Veez Konkani
hea pauttim, itlem puro. Kiteak amkam lekokank kopottponn soddn, seva kortam mholl'llem soddn, boromvcho dusro mukhy irado kitem mhonn chintunk il'lo vell zai. Ne? .
" sirsi devimone " ghattaurive ? " tinne vicharlem. " devimone ekku ghatto. Hanga devimoneuri eko zal'le ki an'neko ghatti
(filip mudarth)
dista. Daveamno bhoinkoro patallo
gunddi. Ujveamno soheadri bhinto. Rano mholleari ghoro kanono. Vatt'tteri forestto ddiparttmenttache vochomen'n mell'lle. Tan'ni sanglem ki...Ran'nantu vago , koroddi , kaddukonno assa ti." hem aikole ki bailo mhollali , " tum'mi
boss dhornu vacha."
Mobailako renzo melltosile.
to ghatto chonnovochchem
Ddombivoliko fonu kel'lo. Baileno kol risivo kel'lem. Hamvo ekodom' aramo assa mhonnu " noro va kunzorova "
kotthinno mhonnu megelo cheleano gugol'lari sorcho kornu tikka sangilo khoyim !
mhollileavori falso sanglem. Ani bosilokoddocheano koromolo ghattachi surekho vornnona kel'li.
" at'tom ghatto chonnu zal'lem. Demvche baki assa. Demvocheako titlo traso zaina " mholl'llem.
22 Veez Konkani
" kossono zauka te kora. Sangilo
To falso sangona porontu khorem
aikuchi zati nhoyim. " mhonnoto fonu
nipoita. " hi videa tageleagi xikoka.
dourlo tinne. " zasti duro na onn'nnopponn'nna. Bailamle pouroful ostro mholleari
Tum'mi makka distati " mhollalo.
ttontto. Tem tinne marlenchi. Takka smartto fonori gugol on kornu pollocheako kollta. Makka mantareko kollna. Te dikuno " ball'lli sttexon ani kitlo kilomittor duro assa pollere " mholl'llem. " eko tasa bhit'tori assa. Nolini , songita ( mauso bhoinni ) thoyim yeunu
Koromolo ghattano amgeli
sotvoporikxa kel'li. Hamve himaloyantu " sor pas " ttrek kel'la. Valley of flowers , hemokunddo yatra kelea. Khoiyim oyyobba...!! mhollilna. Ponno koromolo ghattari , falso sangona tumka , nakko...Nakko zaunu gel'lem. Paieanko xoks ghalocheako zaina. Xoks
pancho ki.Mi. Vochka. Hoguro kossintori pai butt'ttantu khollsile. Buddtoleano ghott'tti laggi asileako dhorileavori
hejje ghaloto , youth hostel no ttrekingo kortona xikoilem , rosteri yeuche oddi
Thott'ttne khoyim ki vajjilem ugoddaso zal'lo. " No road is too long
khoiyim assare tum'mi ? " vicharlem.
Eko taso mholleari aniko charo
poll'lletiki oddnna mhonnu saukaxo
khollsucheako zainamsi volloullotalo.
vinodo bhott'ttako fonu kel'lo. "
pivcheako gheunu aileti " mhollalo.
roghuramako dhornu ibbi rablom. Magxi
ghal'letiki...Sujjilo pai bott'ttantu
when you have good company "
pauleti. Amgelo khat'tiri khaucheako ,
oddochonniko , " l don't care " mhonnoka mhollilem yeuzunu , nagexa , mongexa , ramonatha , damodora...Mhonnoto devalo namo smoronno koroto mukkaro vochoto urlom.
23 Veez Konkani
- podmonabho naiko. ( continue )
On Choosing a Great Career We need to train our children to be good human beings. That is the foundation on which any or all careers are to be built challenging one; a life-long task. Most people either just exist and do not live as goodhuman beings, or else they are in the hot pursuit of professions and careers in order to make money and be wealthy and rich. In the bargain they fail to be good human beings. BY Bishop Gerald John Mathias, Lucknow
Recently I came across a profound and very meaningful post in the WhatsApp which read like this: “I asked a wise man, ‘tell me Sir, in which field could I make a great career?’ He said with a smile, ‘be a good human being. There is a lot of opportunity in this area and very little competition’”. Indeed, to be a good human being is a noble career but a daunting and
There is hardly any or very little competition among people to be good human beings. On the other hand, there is cut-throat competition to be doctors, nurses, engineers, managers, secretaries, auditors, teachers, politicians, bureaucrats, police or army officers etc. etc. The rat race is so highly competitive, that many forget ordinary forms of decency, courtesy and humanity, leave alone justice and equality or other moral principles. Corruption is so rampant that it has become normal part of life and many do not even realize that they are
24 Veez Konkani
being unfair, unjust and corrupt, or are brazenly so. The wise man’s advice to choose to be a good human being as one’s career is so profound and meaningful and urgently necessary for peaceful co-existence of human beings and for the survival of human society. If you are a good human being you will be a good doctor, good engineer, good teacher, good bureaucrat etc. But if you are a bad human being you cannot really be a good doctor, engineer, teacher etc. If your character itself is bad that will reflect in your dealings and life in general. That is why we see so much of corruption, injustice, oppression, violence etc. in the society because of bad human beings. If human society is to be just and humane, we need more good human beings in it. We need to train our children to be good human beings. That is the foundation on which any or all careers are to be built. Let them be good human beings, then there is no worry which career they choose.
They will be good teachers, doctors, politicians, bureaucrats etc.
Recently Delhi police arrested a doctor for allegedly killing more than 100 patients in order to remove their kidneys. Obviously, it was a racket carried out not just by one person but several. How could a well-trained doctor, a surgeon commit such heinous crimes? If he was a good human being this would not have happened. There were other bad human beings who cooperated with him and ran the racket, going to the extent of even killing patients for the sake of money. That is the height of greed and love of money. St. Paul has reminded us that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils (cf. 1 Tim.6:10). The multi-crore scams, bank frauds, money laundering, bribery, extortion, arms race, lucrative business in drugs and pornography, flesh trade, human trafficking etc. are only concrete examples of greed and love of money. One is reminded here of the famous words of Mahatma Gandhi: “The earth has enough for everybody’s need, not for everybody’s greed.” In the Book of Proverbs we read: “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty
25 Veez Konkani
eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.” (Prov.6:16-19). Further the wise man in the Book of Proverbs says: “A good man obtains favour from the Lord, but a man of evil devices he condemns. No one is established in wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved” Prov. 12:2-3).
It is indeed a great challenge to be a good human being, a righteous person, and a person of character. People are more inclined to choose easier paths and comfort zones, and end up in wickedness and sin. Or else in pursuit of efficiency, maximum production and maximum profit they lose human character. Charles Lindbergh shared his experience thus: “I grew up as a disciple of science…. Now I have lived to experience the early results of scientific materialism…. I have watched pride in workmanship leave and human character decline as efficiency of production lines increased.” Pope St. John Paul’s exhortation is very
26 Veez Konkani
pertinent: “Help transform the world around you by giving the best of yourself. Teach others the value of faith and prayer and goodness”.
Let us therefore choose and guide and help our children to choose the great career of becoming a good human being. Let us use every opportunity in this field without fear of any competition, for as the wise man said: “there is a lot of opportunity in this area and very little competition”.
And the great St. Paul wrote to the Romans: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with goodness” (Rom. 12:21). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ONE RUPEE for A NEW INDIA -*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ Just a couple of days before his retirement from the Supreme Court, Justice Arun Mishra gave (perhaps unwittingly) the people of India a very special gift: a ONE RUPEE COIN! (coin because the one-rupee note has totally disappeared!). It was in the form of the ‘punishment’ meted out to senior public interest lawyer and activist Prashant Bhushan for the contempt of court case against him. Bhushan was already found ‘guilty’ and the quantum of ‘punishment’ was only to be given. It was done on 31 August a little after the clock struck twelve noon! The 82-pages sentencing judgement concludes with, “We,
therefore, sentence the contemnor with a fine or (SIC) Re. 1/-(Rupee one) to be deposited with the Registry of this court by 15.09.2020, failing which he shall undergo a simple imprisonment for a period of three months and further be
debarred from practicing in this Court for a period of three years”(#93) It was perhaps one of the most highprofile cases in the Supreme Court in recent times. Bhushan after all, is a wellknown lawyer and has taken up cudgels on behalf of the poor, the excluded and the exploited; it has always been against the powerful, the vested interests and of course the ruling regime -particularly the current political dispensation. The immediate provocation was two tweets Bhushan made in June; first against four former Chief Justices and in a second tweet against the current Chief Justice. As the case unfolded it was clear that
27 Veez Konkani
Bhushan would never relent; besides, Justice Mishra was well known in giving favourable judgements to the likes of the BJP/RSS and other powerful groups. Justice Mishra said that they were “showing magnanimity” by not imposing a severe punishment. He is fooling no one! There would have been ‘magnanimity’, if he had declared the entire case null and void and apologized to Bhushan for all the mental trauma he has caused him, for the tremendous loss of resources and time and if he had decided to look objectively at all the charges of corruption against past and sitting judges. Instead by awarding the Re 1/- fine he has initiated a national movement; where hundreds of people who stand up for democratic principles, for truth and justice, for Constitutional values and certainly for Prashant Bhushan, were spontaneously ready to put the Re1/- into the kitty. Re 1/- is mainly in coins today; but the ordinary citizen is short-changed all the time. If you pay in cash with a big note or coin, the small change (particularly the Re1/-) is hardly returned. In fact, one cannot get one of those ‘masala’ pouches or
even a gulp of tea, today for Re 1/-. That coin has become useless; today however, it is pregnant with meaning! It is not about a ‘token’ punishment; it has suddenly become a powerful symbol of a resilient and new India waiting for change, ready to overthrow all those who have been destroying every sacred institution of our democracy! One needs to re- visit the sequence of this case: on 27 June (the day after the anniversary of the 1975 emergency in India) Bhushan wrote a one-sentence tweet opining about the Indian Supreme Court’s role in eroding freedoms in the world’s largest democracy; he said
“When historians in the future look back at the last six years to see how democracy has been destroyed in India even without a formal Emergency, they will particularly mark the role of the SC in this destruction, and more particularly the role of the last four CJIs.” Two days later (29 June), his second tweet said,
“The CJI rides a Rs 50-lakh motorcycle belonging to a BJP leader at Raj Bhavan, Nagpur, without wearing a mask or helmet, at a time when he keeps the SC on lockdown mode denying citizens their fundamental right to access justice!”; this tweet had a photo of the CJI Bobde astride a Harley-Davidson. Some members of India’s Apex Court were upset with these tweets. On July 9, 2020, a petition was filed by an advocate, for contempt based on the
28 Veez Konkani
tweet against the CJI sitting on a motorbike, with an application for exemption from producing consent of the Attorney General (AG) or the Solicitor General (SG). The matter was listed on July 22 before the Bench presided over by Justices Arun Mishra, B R Gavai and Krishna Murari, which passed an order, inter-alia, stating, “this
before a different bench on 10 September) In its judgment dated 14 August, the bench ruled that Bhushan was guilty of contempt of Court for his tweets against Chief Justice of India SA Bobde and last four CJIs, saying, “such an attack which
petition was placed before us on the administrative side whether it should be listed for hearing or not as permission of the Attorney General for India has not been obtained by the petitioner to file this petition. After examining the matter on the administrative side, we have directed the matter to be listed before the Court to pass appropriate orders. We have gone through the petition… We take suo motu cognisance of the aforesaid tweet also apart from the tweet quoted above and suo motu register the proceedings… We issue notice to the Attorney General for India and to Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Advocate also.” The Supreme Court issued a show
tends to create disaffection and disrespect for the authority of this court cannot be ignored.” Further adding, “The scurrilous/malicious attacks by the alleged contemnor No. 1 (Bhushan) are not only against one or two judges but the entire Supreme Court in its functioning of the last six years. Such an attack which tends to create disaffection and disrespect for the authority of this court cannot be ignored….If an attack is made to shake the confidence that the public at large has in the institution of judiciary, such an attack has to be dealt with firmly…If such an attack is not dealt with, with requisite degree of firmness, it may affect the national honour and prestige in the comity of nations.”
cause notice to Bhushan after initiating the criminal contempt against him for his two tweets. Besides this, another suo motu contempt petition was also pending before the same three-judge bench against Bhushan for calling past CJIs corrupt in a 2009 interview to Tehelka magazine. Bhushan had offered an explanation but the Supreme Court refused to accept the same and ruled the matter would be heard (that case, however, is now expected to come up
Symbolically, 20 August (the day of the next hearing and on which the quantum of punishment was expected to be given to Bhushan) was the seventh death anniversary of the rationalist Dr Narendra Achyut Dabholkar who was shot dead by two bike-borne assailants in Pune. His murder and three more similar killings, that of communist leader Govind Pansare (February 2015), Kannada scholar MM Kalburgi (August
29 Veez Konkani
2015) and Bangalore journalist Gauri Lankesh (September 2017), sparked nationwide debate surrounding issues of freedom of speech and on various hostile forces to rational thought. The suppression of democratic rights and freedom had begun in India long before Prashant’s tweets. On that day however, several hundreds of citizens had gathered all over the country and particularly on a national webinar to express their solidarity with Bhushan. Updates of the court proceedings were given regularly to the participants at the webinar. Several concerned citizens openly expressed their disgust of the way the Constitutional rights of the citizen were being trampled upon.
Towards the end of the hearing Bhushan’s statement included the following, “I have gone through the
judgment of this Hon’ble Court. I am pained that I have been held guilty of committing contempt of the Court whose majesty I have tried to uphold -not as a courtier or cheerleader but as a humble guard – for over three decades, at some personal and professional cost. I am pained, not because I may be punished, but because I have been
grossly misunderstood. I am shocked that the court holds me guilty of “malicious, scurrilous, calculated attack” on the institution of administration of justice. I am dismayed that the Court has arrived at this conclusion without providing any evidence of my motives to launch such an attack. I must confess that I am disappointed that the court did not find it necessary to serve me with a copy of the complaint on the basis of which the suo motu notice was issued, nor found it necessary to respond to the specific averments made by me in my reply affidavit or the many submissions of my counsel. My tweets were nothing but a small attempt to discharge what I considered to be my highest duty at this juncture in the history of our republic. I did not tweet in a fit of absence mindedness. It would be insincere and contemptuous on my part to offer an apology for the tweets that expressed what was and continues to be my bonafide belief. Therefore, I can only humbly paraphrase what the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had said in his trial: I do not ask for mercy. I do not appeal to magnanimity. I am here, therefore, to cheerfully submit to any penalty that can lawfully be inflicted upon me for what the Court has determined to be an offence, and what appears to me to be the highest duty of a citizen”. Caught very badly on the wrong foot, Justice Mishra and his colleagues
30 Veez Konkani
refrained from giving the order for the sentencing of Bhushan on that day. In an apparent face-saving device and as a last-ditch effort they felt that Bhushan had to unconditionally apologise in order to settle the matter; asserting that they were giving him 2-3 days more to think over things. But Bhushan in a style which is so characteristic of him, was unrelenting saying that he would never apologise. On 24 August, in a supplementary statement filed through his advocate, Bhushan said, “It is with deep regret that
I read the order of this Hon’ble Court dated 20th of August. At the hearing the court asked me to take 2-3 days to reconsider the statement I made in the court. However, the order subsequently states: “We have given time to the contemnor to submit unconditional apology, if he so desires.” I have never stood on ceremony when it comes to offering an apology for any mistake or wrongdoing on my part. It has been a privilege for me to have served this institution and bring several important public interests causes before it. I live with the realization that I have received from this institution much more than I have had the opportunity to give it. I cannot but have the highest regard for the institution of the Supreme Court. I believe that the Supreme Court is the last bastion of hope for the protection of
fundamental rights, the watchdog institutions and indeed for constitutional democracy itself. It has rightly been called the most powerful court in the democratic world, and often an exemplar for courts across the globe. Today in these troubling times, the hopes of the people of India vest in this Court to ensure the rule of law and the Constitution and not an untrammeled rule of the executive. This casts a duty, especially for an officer of this court like myself, to speak up, when I believe there is a deviation from its sterling record. Therefore, I expressed myself in good faith, not to malign the Supreme Court or any particular Chief Justice, but to offer constructive criticism so that the court can arrest any drift away from its long-standing role as a guardian of the Constitution and custodian of peoples’ rights. My tweets represented this bonafide belief that I continue to hold. Public expression of these beliefs was I believe, in line with my higher obligations as a citizen and a loyal officer of this court. Therefore, an apology for expression of these beliefs, conditional or unconditional, would be insincere. An apology cannot be a mere incantation and any apology has to, as the court has itself put it, be sincerely made. This is especially so when I have made the statements bonafide and pleaded truths with full details, which
31 Veez Konkani
have not been dealt with by the Court. If I retract a statement before this court that I otherwise believe to be true or offer an insincere apology, that in my eyes would amount to the contempt of my conscience and of an institution that I hold in highest esteem “. The high drama continued on 25 August. On this day however, the Attorney-general of India K.K. Venugopal was given some token importance. Earlier (particularly on 20 August), inspite of being the Chief law officer of the country he was clearly sidelined by the Bench. Towards end of the arguments on 20 August when he was allowed to submit his views, he was cut short as the Bench said that it was not hearing on ‘the merits of the case’ He submitted that he has a list of five judges of the SC speaking of threats to democracy and of another nine who had spoken of corruption in the higher judiciary – but before he could complete his arguments, Justice Mishra interrupted him saying ‘we are not hearing on the merits’. Strange but true!
my suggestion would be to give a quietus to this matter without getting into that exercise. “Bhushan may be given a warning and need not be punished, a warning to tell him 'Don't repeat this in future'. Bhushan's tweets seek the improvement of the administration of justice. Bhushan can be told not to repeat this and not given punishment... I myself wanted to file a contempt case against Prashant Bhushan when two CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) officers were fighting and he said I fabricated documents. But after he expressed regret, I withdrew. Let democracy follow in this case when he has exercised his free speech... It will be tremendously appreciated if the court leaves it at that. Even if he says he hasn't done anything wrong, this court should take a compassionate view. I speak for the Bar also... Although it is too late for him to go back on what he has said, he can still express regret”. He urged the Supreme Court “to show statesmanship and not use the powers of the contempt.”
On 25 August, Venugopal made a strong case for Prashant Bhushan, particularly on his tweet on retired judges; “Can anything be said whether
whatever has been said is correct or not? We cannot possibly go into this aspect without the views of those judges. That would mean an inquiry which will go on and on. Prashant Bhushan can't be punished till this inquiry concludes. So,
Once again, the Supreme Court did not hand over the ‘punishment’ to Bhushan.
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One wondered why? Heading the bench was Justice Arun Mishra. His track record in the Supreme Court has been just disgraceful: he has blatantly been on the side of the RSS/BJP combine ( his admiration of Prime Minister Modi is unabashed, referring to him in public once as “a genius who thinks globally but acts locally”) ; he has sided with their crony capitalist friends like the Adanis most of the time; given several questionable and dubious judgments ( with others) like the case of Sanjiv Bhatt , the Haren Pandya murder case( where he overturned the acquittal of the ‘alleged’ killers), the mysterious death of Justice Loya and many others! His bench was regularly given important and politically sensitive matters. That was one of the bone of contentions which prompted Justice Gogoi and three other senior judges of the Supreme Court to hold an unprecedented press conference in January 2018. Prashant Bhushan has over the years has also been his ‘bête noire’. Giving Bhushan some punishment was perhaps, the only way by which, Justice Mishra could have ‘his pound of flesh’ and be crowned, by Modi and his ilk, just as they did so to the former CJI Gogoi, post-retirement! In a significant no -holds barred interview with the ‘Frontline” Magazine(11 September 2020)Justice A.P. Shah, former Chief Justice of the Delhi and Madras High Courts and the Chairman of the 20th Law Commission
of India said that the Supreme Court now appeared to see the world only through the executive gaze and in doing so was failing in its duty to protect fundamental rights. “There is no doubt
in my mind that with this decision, the Supreme Court has come across as an intolerant institution. It has effectively announced to the world that it is not open to any criticism. The more concerning aspect is how and why the court appears to be going after Mr. Bhushan for these tweets. The tweets in question are actually fairly trivial and inconsequential, which even the Supreme Court realises. This probably explains why the nine-year-old contempt case against Mr. Bhushan was tagged on here.
“With regard to the tweet where Mr. Bhushan refers to personal liberties being destroyed, he could have arguably been more diplomatic in his choice of language, but it does not take away from the fact that it is the truth. Even I have said the same thing very often. And many historians, legal scholars, senior advocates, policy experts, political scientists, and other public intellectuals have expressed similar views. This decision is surely going to have a chilling effect, and will cause a complete curtailment of the most precious rights of all the fundamental rights—Article 19.1 (a)—the freedom of speech and expression. This right to freedom of
33 Veez Konkani
expression is important not just for young lawyers. It is important for everyone who is critical of the court. With this decision, the court has basically sent out a message that no one must criticise the institution, and everyone must stay quiet�. Not only Justice Shah, but several legal luminaires, intellectuals, civil society leaders from across the board, leading editorials/op-eds have expressed their disgust with what is happening in the Supreme Court today. Some of the judgments have been extremely prejudiced, one -sided and hardly befitting of the most important pillar of democracy. Besides important cases (and judgements) are kept in cold storage. That several of the judges have succumbed to the political powers and have not displayed the courage and the prudence to protect the Constitutional rights of the citizen is to say the least. Later in the evening Prashant Bhushan at a Press Conference stated, The Supreme
Court of India has announced its verdict on the contempt case against me. It holds me guilty of contempt of court and has decided to impose a fine of Re 1, and failing that imprisonment of three months and debarring me from practicing for three years. I had already said in my first statement to the Court: "I am here to cheerfully submit to any penalty that can lawfully be inflicted
upon me for what the Court has determined to be an offence, and what appears to me to be the highest duty of a citizen". Therefore, while I reserve the right to seek a review of the conviction and sentencing, by way of an appropriate legal remedy, I propose to submit myself to this order and will respectfully pay the fine, just as I would have submitted to any other lawful punishment. I have had the greatest respect for the institution of the Supreme Court. I have always believed it to be the last bastion of hope, particularly for the weak and the oppressed who knock at its door for the protection of their rights, often against a powerful executive. My tweets were not intended in any way to disrespect the Supreme Court or the judiciary as a whole, but were merely meant to express my anguish, at what I felt, was a deviation from its sterling past record. This issue was never about me versus the Hon’ble Judges, much less about me vs the Supreme Court. When the Supreme Court of India wins, every Indian wins. Every Indian wants a strong and independent judiciary. Obviously if the courts get weakened, it weakens the republic and harms every citizen. I am extremely grateful and humbled by the solidarity and support expressed by countless persons, ex-judges, lawyers, activists and fellow citizens who encouraged me to remain firm and true to my beliefs and conscience. They strengthen my hope that this trial may
34 Veez Konkani
draw the country's attention to the cause of freedom of speech and judicial accountability and reform. What is very heartening is that this case has become a watershed moment for freedom of speech and seems to have encouraged many people to stand up and speak out against the injustices in our society. I would be failing in my duty if I do not thank my legal team, especially senior Advocates Dr Rajeev Dhawan and Shri Dushyant Dave. I am more confident now than ever before that truth shall prevail.
A powerful statement! It should be because the Re 1/- is the symbol of change: of a NEW INDIA! 31 August 2020
Long live democracy! Satyameva Jayate!�
*(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"dil'li digvizoi" bharotiyo odheatmantu
choughodda vazoilo khoyim ! ti
songitako mohotvache sthano assa.
porompora azoyi choloto ailea.
Puza , homo , houno kortona , logno , munzo , grohoprovexo iteadi
Vazopeanchalo kuttumbo
mongolo karyo kortona vadyo
protyeko gamvantu assoti. Inglix
vazoitole vazontri zavuka. Tan'ni na
bhenddo , rekorddedd myusik
zaleari tea karyokromantu mongolo
sisttoms yeucheadikuno tangelo
vatauronno nirmanno zayina.
dhondeko boro maro bosola. Poileuri tanka mano moreada mellna.
Xonkoro , parvotilo logna
Ossim zaunu vazopeancheali
somarombhantu prothomo xohonayi
mukkavoili sontoti kulo kosobo
35 Veez Konkani
mhonnu somoyeako apoilem. Tea charo pancho lokamlo vadyourondantu gonnopoti bhi assilo . Ten'na tagele voi jemo temo sotro otthro vorxom. Zaleari xohonayi to itlo modhuro vazoitalo ki... Aikotole montromugdo zat'tossile. Xvaso ani
svoranche loi sambhallotona to itlo tonmoi zat'tosilo ki... Songitache thoddotori goneano assile axchoryo chokito zat'tosile. " mukaro ho
korcheako sohosa toyaro zainanti.
bhoropuro namvo komoitolo "
Skula vochchuno xikkuno , noukori
mhonnu bhovixyo sanguno
dondho kortati.
xubhechchha vyokto kortosile. Govasaunu munjiko ayilo megelo
Amgelo gamvocho gonnopoti
bhauji , tagelo dhuvelo lognanko
devaddiga , vazopealo ghoram zonma ayilo , sano asthono dhornu murolli, xohonayi ani seksofon
hechi vazontri zauka mhonnu , tanka eddvans poisediunu tthoronu gel'lo.
vazocheako xiklo. Ti songito kola
At'tom gonnopoti xohonayi ,
atmosato kornugheucheako nityo nemano , mono diunu tanne obheaso kel'lo. Tagelo bapai somoyeano takka xikoilem. Hi parompariko vrot'ti killu mhollilo tuchchho bhauna tagelo
Svobhavano sida sada ,soda hosonmukhi, nigorvi . Mukhyo mholleari mell'llileantu somadhani. Lokale mono jinkuno tanne namvo
monatuleano kannu uddoili.
komoilem. Hubboll'lli , dharovaddo , bengolluru, gova , xivomoggo ,
Hamve i.So 2004 tu megelo chelealo munzo bhottkollo kamakxi deullantu kelili. Munjiko vazontri
seksofonu vodonantu provinno zal'la.
mongollurocheano loko takka sod'dunu appono vhortati.
36 Veez Konkani
I.So 2012 tu modhyontori bhottkollo raghovendro svami
hem zalilo thodde disani amgelo
motthantu tino disacho eko hoddo
gamvche kamakxi deusthanantulo
karyokromo assilo. Tea
omase palki utsova disu gonnopoti
karyokromanko dil'lisaunu eko
makka mell'llo. Tagelo tonddano
saukaro ayilo. Devaddigo kuttumbiani
hamve hi dil'li digvizoya khoboro
vazoilo choughodda xohonayicho
aikoli. Aikuno khuxi zal'li.
loko songitako to purnno pisso zal'lo. Dil'li poroto vot'tona , tagelo dhuvelo
Hamve takka , " khonche...Kamo
lognanko han'ni dil'li yeuka mhonnu
monodiunu keleari , khoncho vyousai
tthoronu gel'lo.
pramannikoponnano keleari tajje folo goddo urta. Tea nimit'to jivako zalilo
Tthoroilo promanne tanne
tropti , anondo to onomolo ani
dil'lisaunu gonnopoti devaddigako
ononto zaunasta. Hi loko songitachi
ani tagelo sathidaranko , mongolluro-
porompora ossinchi mukaro cholono
dil'li-mongolluro vimana tikitto
vhoro. Devo tukka soda sorvoda sukhi
dhannu dil'lem. Erorportto saunu
, somadhani dourtolo " mhonnu
karari aponu vhel'lem. Vivaho
xubhechchha vyokto kel'li.
somarombho zal'lenontoro dil'li xohoro dakkonu, bhoropuro
manodhono diunu , uddigirem, svitts diunu poroto gamva dhanno dil'lem. Tea karyokromanko tum'mi kitle ghet'tati mhonnu tanne hanka vicharilna. Han'ni omuko itle diuka mhonnu takka sangilna. Ponno tea
- podmonabho naiko.
saukarano logobogo deddo dono
lakho ru. Hangelo khat'tiri khorchilelo uroto mhonnu megelo ondazo !
------------------------------------37 Veez Konkani
Son'nam man'na monti festak
touxeachi ti koromb
allum dentto
jinnye naka kolomb
sukha dukhant
svartha ponda damb
sokttank vantto
mottvem auk lambh
kirolol'lo mug
monti festak fulam
ruchik boro
zotne ful ful'lam
kuttmant mog
bhumychim prothom'
kirolum khoro
follam kalliz moga bhul'lam
gosallim tim benddam
ruchik goddso ros
palvum raga
auy bapoik pos
kapsaborim son'nam
koretem tem koddu
mog kuttma man'na
mosra vik kaddum -sivi, lorett'tto 38 Veez Konkani
*ek-don-tin* ek devo ek ek don mogache upodes don don ek tin deva sombondhache xegunn tin tin ek chear nimanneo vostu chear chear ek panch povitr sobheche upodes panch panch ek so devan srixtti rochl'le dis so so ek sat sakrament sat sat ek att bhagi asat att att ek novo anzache kor novo novo ek dha devache upodes dha -jeanett ddisoza, moddontear 39 Veez Konkani
E moga...... Tujea hunoni uxvasak lagon mhojea svopnnantlim fulam hulpon gelim tujea dolleamnim demvlelea dukhamnim motint soddeyil'lim pinturam majvon gelim tujea pamyanchea vozonak lagon mhojer ubzal'lim khuxechi laram pigllon gelim
tujea honkarak mhojea xantichea suknneanchim pakam moddon sokla poddon moron gelim tujea dukhichea pimrgonnek polleun mhojim ragachi khunnam golleant ch lasot gelim.... �surex solddan, soklexpur 40 Veez Konkani
Rovanner kombi ayonsi paloddka kombi asa rovanner
gobra koddkeant mam-i udok tapoun asa vhoddlea moddkeant kombye kombye aikgo mhaka
rovanner bosonaka rovanner boslear polle sonchikar tuka mam-i hollu tuka dorun gomtti chidd'dditeli khotkotea tea udkant buddoun pakam budd'dditeli kombye kombye utt ge utt veggim bhair dhamv
mam-i tuka choroeam ddorun nistem korna zamv 41 Veez Konkani
Tujea mogak poile pauttim tuka polleun mon mhojem pisvolem boikar vechi sttoil polleun kalliz mhojem uddlem
vontt mhoje ’oi lou yo’ mhonnonk otregon raule tujea mukar rautana kalliz kamponk laglem. Ratichea sopnnant galak poilo umo mell'llore mhaka gal mhoje tabxelem disak dekhtanare tuka boikar tujea pattlean bosonk mon mhojem uroddalem
varoea vegan mhaka sanddun vetana kalliz mhojem roddlem tujeachch chintnnant dis mhoje kaddtamre moga mhojea kallzant tujem moga rauller bandun dourolam kedna biddar korotai mhonn chintunk poddleam tuzo kallza gonddo zaunko axemvn rauleam tuje vinnem jinnem mhojem odhurem mhonn bhogunk laglam mhojea sopnnantli kanni visronk hamv sokana zaleam tujea mogak rakon hamv raulea veginch yere moga jinnye sangatinn kor tum mhaka
-lovitta ddisoza, nokre
42 Veez Konkani
Niall jivitacho ttik ttik ghoddio
Ombor piko haso
kallza gaz gajlo
Sodam niallcheo...
lob ddob kallzant
mog uloilo. Biri biri pausak
Ttik ttik voram
zhorchch vhall'lli...
zalim mogachim lharam...
Thondd thondd varoeak vengen araili..
Ttik ttik ghoddio mogan sarlim.
Vengent ason kuxin boson
vengek axeun aslom nachon
Dudha dhovea dhovan
mirmirya umeak
vol pangortana
salvar zalom
vota sotrent ang pang lagoitana
ttik ttik ghoddio saks zal'lim...
Atam.... Niall ...Nialltam
ttik ttik uddio.... Umalleanchi...
Kallzacheo... _ ponchu bonttvall 43 Veez Konkani
Tor kel'lem konne? adamv bap bolie bokro deva mukhar patkam voplo guneamv sogllo eka ruka kholean dhampun vhelo
monxa raya doulotechea kumvora konnachi saulli tum? zudas, pedru vo adamv chintchye adinch maskan sogllem dhamfann ghalem
zudas bauddo ghatki kolo nanneam mukhar sorpoddlo honkar sogllo eka rukar umkolln kuson gelo pedru bhavo khalto bhollo negarun lojek poddlo pap tachem eka kombea sadan lipon vhelem
china dex zudas zalo fatki kolean foll rochlem monxeakull adamv zalo titlear pedruchea kombean sad ghalo atam xit votun pez zalea! hamvem-i korunk na tumvem-i korunk na sanga mhaka tor kel'lem konne? - melvin vas, nirmargo
44 Veez Konkani
45 Veez Konkani
Ghovo ani hamv bail kitlem sobhit tori taka sobta peleachi nari randpa kuddant mosti kori niba sodta marunk galli hamvi tondd kortam kalli sosonk zainasta sokallim zoxem pikon thok l'la borim kellim randop kitlem-i borem tori taka ruchta sezareachem korpal'lem nisteachem muri sodam mis chukoina ghorant matr somadhan na bailek galli dinasta ravana mis mugdon yet tor ghorant suru tacho sermamv kan keppe zata mhonnasor upas ya fest sodanch zai khaunko mas boglek ek soreacho glas konnak zai hachi dhos? (kalponik fokot vinodakhatir matr) 46 Veez Konkani
-osunta ddisoza, bozal
Bhaupurnn xrid'dhanzoli
ani axxile tanchi seva monantu bhorile bhauna lekhonintu demvle rochona bhavarti sotvo chintono bhavo bhokti songomo ekra rosalli kouno kobba gad'de vori an'nekra polle monthono aloche sthitiche dorxono jiuno songramantu donodis urche cheddo zal'leki bore monacho girestu devako mosto prito zal'loki
ech.Vi. Xivanondo xett kornattoko konkonni sahity okaddemicho maji sando thoddeach audechea piddek lagon devadhin zalo. Tachea otmeak sasnnik xanti labom mhonn viz magta. ----------------------------------Om xanti xanti xanti sotyo xivo anonda vatti beggi dakil mure deva ghor somazo sahityo
sotyo xivo sundoro ononto vixvantu xivanondu nokxotro zal'lo xivanondo prapto zauvo divongoto xivanondo mam'mako xanti mello --chondromoti vernnekor
47 Veez Konkani
Bhaskoro ravo devadhin
aplea 92 vorsam prayer thoddeachch tempachea pidden mongllur aplea ghora tannem prann soddlo.
Bhaskor ravo aressis songhacho svoimseuk, tosem bharotiyo zonota paddticho mhalghoddo karyokort zamvnasl'lo to ek ut'tim' sahitiy zamvnason sobhar pustokam tannem boroyil'lim. Potramni onkonnam, somajik zagriti haddchim lekhonam boromvn aslo. Ho ailevar vidhan porixotek vinchl'lea protaposimho naik hacho mamv. To apli potinn tosem ek put ani dogam dhuvank, natrank tosem sobharank sanddun gela.
Agnes ef ddiolmedda chokalo moronn ondheri chokalo sigrett feakttori lagxilea povavo kuttmachi mhalghoddi agnes feddrik ddiolmedda (87) aplye utor prayer hangasor aitara aplea ghora moronn pauli. Uddupi jil'leachea tott'ttam' mullachi agnes sointt ddominikon
savio klasttorachi jextth nagorik zamvnason, ek dharmik kameli
48 Veez Konkani
yuvozonnank sodanch preronn sandeank sanddun gelea. zamvnasli. Ti tin purux, ek stri bhurgeank tosench sobhar kuttma -rons bonttvall, mumboi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xikxokanchea disache achoronn - konkonni xikxokanchi kovigoxtti soptembor 5 tariker ’xikxokancho dis’ achoronn korchea disa, axavadi prokaxonan ’okhil bharoti-i mott'ttachea konkonni xikxok kovinchi kovigoxtti’ ddijittol madhyomacher choloili. Gõy, kornattok, moharaxttr toxench kerollathaun vis kovimni hea kovigoxttint vantto ghetlo. Vol'li kvaddrosan choloun vel'lea hea kovigoxttint, konkonni porixod kumottacho odhyokx bab orunn ubhoikor hannim svagot git ’zoi konkonni’ gaitoch, de|ben'na ruzai toxench de|paul moras hanchepasot ek munuttanchem moun magnnem kortoch; do|prokax vojrikor (pradheapok) hannim survilim utram uloun ’aichea kallar xikxokamni ddijittol madhyom' koxem sot ani noitik dixen gollsun bori somaz manddun haddchedixen vaur korchi gorz’ vixeant uloilo. Bab prokax poddgamvkor hannim kovigoxttichi okherchim utram ucharlim. Prokax do. Naik (gõy), flevia albukork
(put'tur), orunn ubhoikor (kumotta), razoxri soil (gõy), xoilendro mehta (mumboi), geanexvor komolakant tari (gõy), linett ddi’soz (mumboi), prem' moras (mongllur), voixnnovi pritex raikor (gõy), zon sunttikoppo (kurg), neansi fernanddis (daunnogere), monoz hollornekor (gõy), eliza marttis (xonkoropuro), urbon ddi’soz (bengllur), do|suvornno gadd (hon'naur), do|orovindo xeanbhag (kumotta), do|ddimpol fernanddis (put'tur), smita xennoi (mongllur) hannim aplim kovita sador kelim. Gõy vixvvidhealoyachea konkonni vibhagachi adhli mukhest rittairdd ddin do|chondrolekho ddi’soz, ortho prokaxonachim gourix ani yogita vornnekor, kochchin thaun ar.Es.Bhaskor, meanchesttor thaun larens vinod barboz oxem vevegollea pranteathaun hazor aslim. **********
49 Veez Konkani
Rain xikxonn somstheant
Xikxoki, Kovi felsi
xikxokancho divos
zuliett lobok sonman
sopttembor 5 tariker bharotacho dusro odhyokx kheatecho xikxok ani totvogoneani dda| sorvopol'li radhakrixnnon hachea zolma disachea ugddasak dexadyont ’xikxokancho divos’ achoronn korcho dis. ’xikxok dexache otyut'tom' goneani mhonnttalo dda| radhakrixnnon. Xikxok ajivo xikche ani nirontor xikomvche kiteak xikap kedinch ramvchem udak nom-i, nirontor vhallchem mhonnali dda| gres pintto, rain ontorraxttri-i somuh xikxonn somstheanchi nirdexoki aplea sondexant. 50 Veez Konkani
thamvn sonman
dereboilchi xikxoki tosench konknni, kon'noddo, inglix lekhoki, kovi felsi zuliett lobok heach agost 6 ver jesioi, mongllur, lalbag hannim man dimvn sonman kelo. Teach dis tichem ’xikxonn ani koun’ mholl'llea vixoyar ’zhum'’ zali zagear viz som'mell (vebinar) aslo. Viz tika porbim mhonntta ani tichea fuddarachea sorvoi kamamni yox axeta. Tichem bhurgeanchea kovitechem novem pustok veginch porgott zamvchear asa. ------------------------------------------------------
Kotholik sobha modor
tereza varaddo surotkol ani loins klob mulki
dviti-i piyusi porikxent kola vibhagant 587 (97.8%) onk zoddn, chear vixoyancher 100 onk zoddl'lea (itihas, razxastr, somaz xastr ani orthxastr) rajeant attvem sthan zoddn, dokxinn kon'noddo jil'leant prothom' sthan zoddl'lea rixol brittni fernanddis, ronaldd fernanddis ani neansi ddoroti fernanddis hanchi dhuv, leddihil vikttoria podovipurv kalez mongllur, kotholik sobha modor tereza voloi, surotkol torfen sonman kelo. Kendriy kotholik sobha odhyokx rolfi ddikosta, kotholik sobha modor tereza voloi odhyokx rosol roch ani loins klob mulki odhyokx protibha hebbar iteadi hazor aslim. -rons bonttvall, mumboi -----------------------------------------------------
Konkonniko lipi khonche? dda. Orovindo xeanobhago, balleri konkonni ombasiddor, peporvif
51 Veez Konkani
tokolenavo pollounu ozob zal'leki? osole soval vicharochako karonno asa. Ami konkonni matribhaxiko. Amogele auy bhaxecher amoka kitle prathomiko goneano asa pollovea. Ogostt moineant ami sorvani konkonni manyota dis achoronno kel'le. Sumaroxe vediker karyokromako ayile soiroeani va ayozokani kornattokant poroporoto konkonni lipi vixoyari bhasabhaso choloilea. Konkonniko lipi na, novino lipi uddupacho ek bhurogo somsodho korotasa. Tanne xodho koroche lipiche vornnomalant unne vornno asa. Choddo soulotai mellota. Vaportolenko sulobho zata. Hibru bhaxa mullo obheaso koronu osole eko oporupayeche lipi xodho korotasa. Ani haje mukar konkonniko xaxvoto zaunu lipi mello monnu thodde konkonni mogini obhiprai vyokto kele. Toxem
khoboropotrant bi lipi vixoyache eko onkonno prokotto zale. Tem vachunu maka axchoryo disole. Konkonniko aniko lipi na monnu sangotoleanko konkonniche samanyogoneano na monnoche spoxtto zale. Haka zagriti haddoupako hem lekhono boroitasa. Khubo konkonni bhasabhas koroche lokank lipi vixoyacher goneano unne asa. Tani fokto uloitat, boroinat, vachnat. Konkonni manyota mollear kite monnu sumaroxe zannanko mahet na. Hem
52 Veez Konkani
amogele doxo noi. Amogele bhaxeche kamo koroche vauraddi lokani thoddoso guspagondoll kornu dourolea. Othova konkonniche vauro koroche lokani tangele vottharant konkonni vixoyache samanyogoneano prosaro koroche kam kelile na. Haje modem pancho lipi, tino dhormo, 41 pongoddo........ Osole sogotto hoddponnache utram. Bhaxeko konne dhormo, zati, pontho sangolea. Bhaxa somozuno gheupako aikuvoche, ulouche, vachchuche ani borouche monnu charo sopano asa. Nove bhaxa xiktoleanko aikuvoche, ulouche hem
dono asoler furo. Konnako sahityo vachuche obhiruchi asta tanka lipi zayi anni bhaxeche gunddayi kollnu gheuche gorozo asa. Bhaxeche tisore sopano vachchuche. Ten'na vornnogoneano zayi. Akheriko boroupako lipiche sompurnno goneano zayi. Oxem konkonniko eko goneanopittho proxosti ailea, sorosvoti som'mano mellea. Manyota mellnu tino doxoko zat'ta. Hem sondorbhar lipi zayi monnoche kitle haseaspodo nhoive? amoka konkonni bhaxeko lipi assaki na monnoche kollito na. Mahiti asoler thoddexe sondeho asa. Khoboro assunu
53 Veez Konkani
fokto kitetori vivado srixtti koroea monnu ul'loitatiki oxe sonxoi. Konkonni bhaxeche bhoromo ul'louche sonnu konkonniko bhegicho eko lipi sonxodhono zavo monnu axirvado korochako han'ni deumanovo ki? ya ovotaro gheunu bhumyiko ayile devo? kaim ortho zaina. Eko vixoi yado doura. Somvidhanano manyota dil'lili bhas mhollear takka eko lipi asa. Lipi naxi asoler konkonniko raxttromanyota melltaxileve? tosoler he bhaxeche lipi khonchi? gondoll nivaronno zauka. Ani mukar ami dusore
zonnanko hem vixoyant kite sondeho asoler nivaronno korochako xoktat. Konkonniko svonto lipi na. Somskrito bhaxeche deunagori lipi am'mi vinchun ghetolea. Konkonniko kanoddi va moloyallom toxe romi lipi mhonnoche haseaspodo. Kanoddi lipi nimit'to kon'noddo bhas, moloyallom lipino moloyallom bhas, romi lipino ongreji, orobbi lipino urdu, oxem deunagori lipino somskrito bhas assa. Tosoler tumi vicharoyeto.. ... Hindi, moratthi bhaxek? hem sokoddo bhaxenko svotontro lipi na. Deunagori madhyomano boroitat. Toxe konkonniko bi svotontro lipi na. Somskrito bhaxek mullo zal'lili deunagori lipi madhyomano konkonni borouchako somvidhanano ovokaxo dilea. Mhollear somvidhanano amoka konkonniko deunagori odhikrito lipi monnu sangile hanga spoxtto zata. Khonche bhaxek svotontro lipi na, tosole bhaxenko onyo khonchetori lipi monnu vinchun gheunu tantucho borouchako obheaso koroka. Tantu thodde sahityo srixtti koronu dakounu uporant ticho lipi odhikrito monnu ongikaro gheupako xoktat. Hanga axchoreache vicharo kitki mhollear, ek bhaxeche sahityo vorolele bhaxenko vochoka zalear ten'na tem bhaxeche lipint taje prosaro korka. Ten'na tem sokoddo amogele lipi monnu svikaro koropako zaina. Udahoronneko somskrito. Haje odhikrito lipi deunagori. Oxi asoleri somskrito bharoti monnoche
54 Veez Konkani
eko somstho potracharo somskrito monnu bhax xikouche korso tomillu, moloyallom, kon'noddo, telugu, inglixo, moratthi, guzorathi, hindi, bongalo, oddia 10 bhaxent, te bhaxeche sombondhito lipint xikxonno dita. (hea lekhonantli obhiprai lekhokachi, viz potrachi nom-i, tumchea obhiprayek ovkas asa.) ------------------------------------------------------
Chuttukamrit - 3 az kal biyor, viski pie oni kadd susti torno mhonnalo ang vollaun…….. Sokallim pon'nas boski boxibhor jeuxi yuvok ch urxi,,,,,, vollaileo. Mixio sot'toranchan……. * remondd ddikuna haiku
-yoxount ddi es chittka 1. ticha to0dda0t sodanit vers, visron gela ghora0t ters! 2. Devak dimvcho unne zala man..... Magleari devo asa moun! -yoxount ddi es hol'lo.....? kalchea ratim prokrite voir hol'lo kelo.... Pakeanche nolle uboun maddanchim moddlam golloun rukachim pallam humttun ugr vadi varoean !
1 roit bhukel'lea velli0 u0ddi xitacho hat gadea merer !
2 sukh dukh piavu ka0do soglo dhornnir khellta ordo roddoita !
-machcha, milar 55 Veez Konkani
Sttor fraidd nuddls zai poddcheo vostu: 1 peakett nuddls A. Il'le torne french bins 1 kearett 1 kabuli mirsang 1 spring piav
Konkonni manyota dinachoronn
B. 2 ttebl spun chil'li sas 2 ttispun soya sas 1/2 ttispun miria pitto chimttibhor mitt, ruchik tekid 1 ttispun xirko korchi rit: nuddls udkant ukoddn valln vingodd dourchem. Il'lem tel ghemvn A-ntleo vostu, lamb xindun bhaz, nuddls takach ghal. Il'lem mitt ximpddai ani B-ntleo vostu ghaln chall. Hunoni khaunko di.
kornattoko konkonni sahityo okaddemi thamvn konkonni bhaxek samvidhanik manyota melll'lo ugddas kaddn "konkonni manyota dinachoronn" karyokrom' nogorantlea urva, doivogone koleanno monttopant choloilem. Xantoramo sid'dhi, doivogone brahmonno songhacho odhyokx
56 Veez Konkani
asle. Nom'mo kuddlo ttivir karyokromacho jivall prosar kelo. -rijistrat, kornattoko konkonni sahityo okaddemi. ------------------------------------------------------
sudhakoro xett mukhel soire zamvnasle. Okaddemicho odhyokx dda| zogodixo poin svagot korun prastavik konkonni bhaxechem ugom', paleun ayil'li vatt, prostut sthiti goti vixim uloilo. Sande novin naikan vondonarponn kelem. Sodosy purnnima surexan karyokrom' niruponn kelem.
Karyokromant kornattoko vidhan porixot'tache sodosy protapo simho naik ani xantoramo sid'dhi hankam gourou dilo. 2019 isvechem konkonni odhyoin vibhagant dda| fa| fidelis pintto hanchea pustokak gourou dimvn sonman kelo. Vividh samskritik vinodaulli choloileo. Karyokromant okaddemi orejistrar kumar babu bekkeri, sodosy orunn ji xett, kenyutt jiun pintto, norosimho kamot tosem gopal krixnno bhott hazor
Tti.Pi.Je. (ttedd'ddi) korvalo (85) moronn kundapur kanventt porisorantlo nivasi tti.Pi.Je. (ttedd'ddi) korvalo ek krixik zamvnason sobhar vorsam poilem svotontr paddticho somyozok, karryokort zamvnaslo. To thoddea disam adim osvosthen mongllurant aspotrek bhorti zal'lo to moronn paulo. To teg put, dogi dhuvo tosem opar mogacheank sanddun gelo. - bornardd je. Kosta
57 Veez Konkani
Ingredients for the Gravy:
Tasty Chicken Curry
2 finely sliced onions
2. 1 stick of cinnamon, 2 cardamom and 5 cloves 3.
1 sprig curry leaves
2 green chillies
1-inch ginger crushed
5 cloves garlic crushed
1 tomato, chopped
8. 2 tablespoon red chilli powder or as per your tolerance 9.
1 tablespoon coriander powder.
10. 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1. 1 kg chicken, cut into medium size pieces
11. 1 1/2 tablespoon fennel powder 12. 1 teaspoon garam masala powder
Ingredients for the marination: 1.
2 teaspoons red chilli powder
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
13. 1 cup coconut milk or almondsesame milk (Grind 2 tbsp sesame seeds and 15 soaked almonds in 1/2 cup water)
1-2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
14. Salt to taste
Salt to taste
15. 3 tablespoons coconut oil 58 Veez Konkani
Method: 1. Marinate the chicken with the ingredients marked for marination, and set aside for 1 hour. 2. In a deep pan, add coconut oil and keep on medium heat. When the oil is hot, add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, finely sliced onions and the curry leaves. 3. Add a pinch of salt while sautéing the onions, this helps in speeding up the process of the onions browning. 4. Once the onions turn brown, add the crushed ginger and garlic. Stir till the raw smell goes away.
8. Cover with a lid and cook the chicken curry on low flame for about 10 minutes, stir in between. If it's dry, add ½ cup of water and give a stir. 9. Now, pour the almond-sesame milk or coconut milk of thick consistency and adjust the salt and boil on a medium flame for 3 minutes, adjust the consistency of the chicken gravy to your choice, it’s better to keep a medium-thick gravy. 10. Serve the tasty chicken curry garnished with chopped coriander leaves, along with sannas or plain rice and Tendli sukka for a delicious lunch. Happy Eating!
5. Add in chopped tomatoes, sauté till tomatoes turn mushy. 6. Add in the spices, red chilli powder, coriander powder, fennel powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, mix the ingredients well. 7. Once the oil starts to separate from the sides, add in the marinated chicken pieces along with the marinade and toss gently until the chicken is well coated with the masalas. Check for salt.
Author: Violet Mascarenhas ---------------------------------------------------
59 Veez Konkani
karyokromam tinnem dil'lim matr nom-i ttiviryi ti porzolll'li. Mongllur, bengllur ani kerollo akaxvanniryi tinnem aplim karyokromam dil'lim.
Dolleank dixtt nasli proxosti vijetinn kosturi kamot (45) devadhin
Ailevar daijivorldd 24 7 ttivir tinnem tanchea kheat ’korona gel'lona’ karyokromant patr ghetl'lo ani polloupeam ozap kel'lem.
rajy proxosti melll'li songit xikxoki dolleank dixtt nasli kosturi kamot kallzaghatan sopttembor ver moronn pauli. Ek vhodd denneamni bhorl'li gaupinn, kosturik tichea dolleank dixtt nasli punn kitench tika pattim dourunk zalem na. Tinnem tichea videarthinchim monam jiklim tosench prekxokank ozap kelem. Ti mongollojeoti xalant pattlea 20 vorsam thamvn songit xikoun asli. 5,000
Kosturik tichea talentank sobhar proxosteo labl'leo asat. 2009 isvent tika ek kheat ongvikol songit xikxoki proxosti labl'li. Tika kit'turu chen'nom'mo proxosti, helen kel'lor disa zagotik stri proxosti, aryobhotto proxosti, nom'mo kuddlo proxosti, otyodhik un'nod stri proxosti jeysi thamvn, konkonni proxosti, kon'noddo rajeotsovo proxosti,
60 Veez Konkani
purondorotsovo proxosti, jil'la mott'ttachi ongvikol sadhok proxosti, dronnacharyo proxosti, ut'tim' songit ttichor proxosti, sairam' ani sumosourobho proxosti songitak labl'li ------------------------------------------------------.
Mongllurcho bisp assisi sttuddio axirvodita
heach soptembor 6 ver mongllurcho bisp dda| pittor paul solddanhan izomytlea jeyl rostear novoch bandl'lo assisi sttuddio axirvodit kelo. Fa| dda| alvin ddais, provinxiyol holi
ttrinitti kapuchin provins, kornattoko hannem hachem udghatton kelem. Fa| cheton kapuchin uddupi diesejicho somporkadhikarim' kareak bunead ghali. Bisp dda| pittor paul solddanha, fa| alvin ddais, em'melye vedoveaso
61 Veez Konkani
kamot, daijivorld meanejing nirdexok
valttor nondollike, proddyusor axvin pintto hazor asle. Fa| sttifon ddisoza,
62 Veez Konkani
sozoyil'lea hea sttuddiont ddieddoblyu safttver vaporn middi konttrolors asat mhollem. Aplea sondexant bisp sangalaglo, "jiunant sompork sadhonam otyouxy zamvnasat. Amim ekamekak sompork korinaslear amchye modhem ekvott bhilkul yena. Tosench amkam ekamekak somzonk sadhy na. Sompork sadhon mhollear fokot ekamekak vollkunchem vo kitem-i ekamekak dimvchem/svikar korchem matr nom-i; punn amchea kallza mukhantr sompork korcho. Osolo sompork amim kelear amkam devalagim-i ulouyet mhonnalo" to.
soho sonchalok assisi pres hannem svagot kelo. Mongllurcho kheat songitgar dereboilcho peattrik pirera songit sadhonanchi songit kareavoll prostut keli. Assisi sttuddiochi vixexota kheat konknni pod "tum svopnnant yetai" hea disacho soiro hannem vivorun sangli. Oteadhunik souloteamni
Em'melye vedoveaso kamotan sanglem ki, "hamv bhorvastam assisi sttuddio lokak choddit karyokromam manddun haddttelem mhonn. Atanchea kallar lok monoronzonak sobhar karyokromank aturayen rauta. Hea bhangrallea ovkasacho sodupoyog korunk stholli-i talentvont mukhar yetele mhonn chint'tam." sttuddiok sorv borem magon valttor nondollike mhonnalo, "korona mohamarichea vellar amim mostu xikleamv. Lok udari zaunko xiklo, ekamekak kumok korunk fuddem
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sorlo ani heach vellar tantrikotecho sompurnn upeog korun mukhar ailo. Devachem aradhanyi sompork sadhonam mukhim lokak prapt zalem." fa| alvin ddaisan sanglem, "hea mongllurant ho novo sttuddio bandunk kumok kel'lea sorvank hamv hritpurvokim devo borem korum mhonnttam. Sant fransis assisichea dhoronnam khal ho sttuddio bandla. Ami amcho sokaratmok sondex hea sttuddiodvarim somajek dimvchem ------------------------------------------
proitn korteleamv. Tosench amim sorvank apounnem ditamv hea sttuddiontli novin tantrikotecho foll zoddunk." aplea vondonarponnant fa| paul melvin ddisozan sttuddio ddizainor, injiniyor peattson pirera, londdon ttrinitti kalejicho videarthi ani dubamyt soundd injiniyor zamvn vrit'ti kel'lo zannem vividh pinturank songit nirdexok zamvn tosench gittar khellon albom' rochunk kumok kelea hacho upkar attoilo.
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