llustrated Weekly
Illustrated Weekly
No: 12
Febrer 25, 2021
Vividh talentamni bhorololo xikxok - lekhok:
Richard Alvares, Kordel 1 Veez Konkani
Bharotant zahir korinasli turth poristhiti?
amchea dexantli sthitigot polletana ugddas yeta devadhin indira gandhicho. Bharotantle sorv virodh paddti mukheli sangata mellon tichea sorkarar dadd ghaltana tika her kitench upai dislenant. Aplea aplo hud'do svarthi thoran mukharun vhorcheak tinnem bharotant turth poristhiti zahir keli, sorv virodh paddti mukheleank kuddaun zoilant ghalem, madhyomam aplea mutti bhitor haddun jil'la nyaidixamni apli porvonngi dil'lea xivai kitem-i porgottunk soddlem na. Indira gandhi virodh uloiteleanki kuddaun zoilant ghalem. Hea sorv hikmoteam virodh boro khell khell'llo mhollear eklochch amcho vir devadhin zorz fernanddis. Nokli ves pangorn to bhugot poinn korun, virodh paddti mukheleank mellon turth poristhite virodh to aplim gupit't kamam korunk laglo. Punn az toslo ek krantikari mukheli bharotant na zala dekhun'nch amchea prodani norendro moddin zahir korinastanch turth poristhiti bharotant asa kelea. To ani ghor montri omit xa khell khellttat ani bharotiyancho hal-hoval kortat. Choddttavo bharoti-i madhyom' hea dogamni mellon tanchea mutti bhitor dourlam ani vhodd madhyomanche potrkort tanche chelo zaunko pauleat. Tanche virodh kitench madhyomamni yena, tanchea kujnant tanchench xijta ani lok vollvolltta! telachim, vorvechim molam akasak choddleant ani asl'le poixe nakari yozonank khorchun, brihot imaz bandun horyekanti kesori
vaur korn olpsonkheatank gupit't koxttaitat. Nakari bil'lo tancher thapun lokachea boroeaponnakhatir vavurchea mukheleank karonn nastanch zoilant cheptat. Tanchem fottkirem khoremponna vixeant kitem tori nib sodhun tankam rata ratim polisam mukhantr bondi kortat. Koddtimni nyaidixyi nyai dinastam chukidar nasleancho opradh tancher thaptat ani zoilamni kusoitat. Amcho lok hea kesorivaleank bhimyeta zal'lean kitench uloina , tannim ghal'li voi haloina, tanchye virodh sot magon kitench kaloina. Pura gop-chup thondd; kitea tanchye kuddint bhyem bhorlam, bandpas poddleat ani tanchea annkettintli chorab korgon gelea hun kailir lonni korgal'leaporim. Hozarom roit konggal zamvn jiughat korun moronn pauleat, lakhom roit ddel'lint oddez mohinea thamvn muxkorak demvleat tori amcho sorkar kan haloinastam aplench hotth dhorun raula. Hem sorv rauvn bharotiyank sompurnn svatontr labounko khoncho mukheli fuddem sorat ani sotachem zhum aplea hatim dhorit? mankddachea hatim mannik melll'leaporim ddel'lint atorvonnam dakomvn moddesnanam korchea hea "mukheleank" konn sarke vattek haddit?
dda| asttin probhu, chikago
2 Veez Konkani
Vividh talentamni bhorololo xikxok - lekhok:
Richard Alvares, Kordel
- sontu, omzur ‘anond’ mholl'llea likhnne namvan aplea solla/ sotram vorsanche prayer eka vinoda dvarim konknni xetant pam-i dourl'lo korddel firgojecho manest richordd olvaris aplea vividh borpam marifat azun ek sokriy boroupi zaun asa. Vrit'ten
xikxok, sorvank mogacho ‘richordd sor’ zavun 2019 vea vorsa nivrit zaleari, azun apli seva mundorun asa. Tachea sadhona vixim hea onkeant ujvadd fankounko hamv axetam. De. Montu olvaris ani manestin lil'li pinttochea sat zonnam bhurgeam
3 Veez Konkani
poiki richordd sovo. Taka choug bhavo ani dogi bhoinni. Tache dog
jerom', bhoinnim dogam- moria ani terez.
bhavo konknnent sorvank vollkiche famad lekhok. Malgoddo bhavolorens olvaris, ‘novin kulxekor’ mholl'llea likhnne namvan sorvank porichit. Gamvant toxem mumboyant konknni xetant tacho vaur vixes. Toxench kon'noddo, inglix, hindi ani moratthi bhasamniyi tachi likhnni vall'llea. Dusro bhavo vikttor ‘vizoi’ namvan konknni lokak porichit. Tisro bhavo siril, chouto
Konknni sahity xetant: manest richordd olvarisan aplea bhavanchea preronnan vegim liknni hatim ghetli. ‘dumginamyen dori kanngeli’ ho tacho poilo vinod aplea bhava vikttorachea preronnan, jhelo potrak dhaddn dilo ani to ‘anond’ likhnne namvakhal prokott zalo.
4 Veez Konkani
‘hem likhnne namv gheunkoyi ek karonn asa. Tea vellar ttenis khellant
bharotache dog bhavo prosid'dh zal'le. Eklo anond tor dusro vizoi.
Kittall.Kom' ani sokallik.Kom' zalli zageamni lekhonam fais zaleant.
Vikttoran ‘vizoi’ mhonn likhnne namv ghetl'lem dekun hamvem ‘anond’ mhonn ghetlem’ mhonn to sangta. Poilo vinod prokott zal'lean boromvchi umed choddli. Likhnni sorag vhall'lli. Konknnentlea choddtavo potramni vinod, kannio ani lekhonam, chiknni/neano kotha, kounam toxem onuvadit lekhonam prokottleant. Diesejichea 125 vea vorsacho sm'marok onko ‘kurpechim paulam’ hantum lekhon boromvcho aukasyi labhla.
Mongllur akaxvannir don kanneo toxem bhurgeanchim don konknni karoyokromam prosar zaleant. Fa. Fransis barboza esviddi (kannik, 1 sopttembor, 1979) dda| na ddi’soza (kannik, 1 sopttembor ,(1984), zon em' permon'nur (mitr febrer 21, 2985), ma| anddryu ddi
5 Veez Konkani
soza (doivik omrit, sopttembor 2009) konknaddicheo bhitoroleo madri (noman ballok jezu, me 2015) hanchim sondorxonam porgott
roskinhachea preronnan ‘man singachi kotha’ ani chombol ddokayit zogojit sing hachi jinni ‘kanni nhoi jinni’ mholl'llea namvar
zaleant. ‘korddelchem zoit’ firgoz potrar firgojentlea sumar pon'nasam voir protibhauntanchim vollok ‘talentam’ mholl'llea onkonnadvarim lokak koron dilea. Sompadoki-i monddollent: manest richordd olvarisan 1982 thaun 1985 poroeant kannik potracho sohosompadok zaun seva dilea. Sompadok xri avil
onuvadit sankoll lekonam kannik potrar prokott zalim. Heach vellar inglix meagojhinamni ayil'lim thoddim niz ghodditam, toxem dda| na ddi’soza hacheo thoddeo
6 Veez Konkani
kon'noddo kanneo torzumo koron kannik potrar prokottleat.
1988 isvent korddel firgoz potr ‘korddelchem zoit’ arombh zatana
2009 isvent ‘doivik omrit’ dharmik moineallem arombh zal'le toull thaun sompadoki-i monddollecho
sompadoki-i monddollecho sando zaun seva diunko aukas mell'llo. Log bog vis vorsam hea monddollent tannem seva dilea. Hea vellar hea potrant bhurgeancho ‘onkol’ zaun kannio, lekonam toxem her lekhonam-i prokottleant. 7 Veez Konkani
potrant sobar lekhonam prokott zaleant. 2007 isve thaun ‘mam'’ mholl'llea namvar ‘bhurgeank omrit’
sando zaun apli seva dite asa. Hea
8 Veez Konkani
Korddel firgoz 125 vo smarok pustok (1998), xoktinogor (2003) ani paldone (2006) novea firgoz sthaponeche smarok onke sompadit keleat. Sahity spordhe ani bohumanam
onkonn horoyeka moineant boroun asa. 2009 isvent ‘noman ballok jezu’ moinealleant ‘guruji’ mholl'llea namvan borounko suru kelem. Toull thaun hea potrak sorag boroite asa.
Prostut sompadoki-i monddollecho sando.
9 Veez Konkani
konknni potramni cholomvchea kvizamni toxem sobdam gondollamni patr ghemvcho hoveas lhan thaun'nch ruta kel'lea manest olvarisak satvea klasint astana (1972) jezurai potran bharotacho apostol sam tomasachea jinnye voir
diesez hontar choloyil'lea spordheant poilem inam' favo zalam. Tea nontoryi inama apnnaileant. Atam-i choddtavo kvizamni bhag gheta. ‘hea vorvim gonean vaddounko va ‘rifrex’ korunk zata.’ mhonnta to. Pattlea sobhar vorsam thaun vividh konknni potramni cholomvchea sahity spordheamni bhag gheun zaitim inamam tannem apnnaileant. Mottvi kanni, neano/chiknni kotha, lekhonam, kounam, vinod,
10 Veez Konkani
bhurgeank kanni, lekhon ani koun oxem vividh vibhagamni poilem, dusrem, tisrem toxem umedichim inamam zoddleant. Herank preronn:
apnnachem boropachem dennem fokot apnna khatir matr upoyog korinastam sobar bhurgeanchea udorgote pasotyi tanne vaparolam tem hamv zanna. Sobar bhurgeank konknni bhaxonnam boroun diun tannim konknni nattok sobha,
11 Veez Konkani
kotholik sobha toxem ontor iskol hontar cholchea bhaxonn spordheamni bhag gheunko ut'tezon dilam. Choddtavo bhurgeank inamam mell'lleant. Vividh spordeamni bhag gheunko bhurgeank tanne preronn dilam. Bhurgeank nattok toxem gain spordheamni bhag gheunko torbheti ani ut'tezon dilam. Hea mukantr sobar bhurgeanchim dennim ujvaddak aileant. Toxench vhoddanki kumok kelea. Konnem-i apnnem boroyil'lem sarkem korun di, va sondex boroun di, va torzumo
koron di mhonn sanglear manest richchi olvarisan na mholl'llem na. Prokott pustokam:
ma| ligor ddi’ sozak xrod'dhanzoli faleam kitem? (torzumo, voisies hat pustok) kolkotachi bhageunt teresa doyall goulli (torzumo) morie songim soddvonnecho niall (rozariche vis mister)
12 Veez Konkani
kolkotachi bhageunt teresa hichea manak noven (svont toxem ek torzumo, bap andru soz sangata) bhageunt zuvamv paul dusro hachea manak noven jezu songim mageam (lipeantor romi)
moladhik motiam (bhurgeank omrit 100 lekonancho punzo), tea bhair ‘boroea fuddarache vatter’ (piyusichea bhurgeank kristamv xikxonn hat pustok) hantum patth, voisies/voiesem' soncholonanchim hat pustokam, ‘krista porzoll’ pustokant boibol adharit ek
13 Veez Konkani
nattkullo, prokott zaleat. Ek kon'noddo nattkullo manest siril munddrel hannim konknnek torzumo korn (punor jiun) tachea ‘losunn lusi’ nattkulleanchea bukant prokott kela.
9 vea vorgak patth pustok ‘yeya, konknni xikumyam - 3’ hantum hea lekhokacho ‘amche bhomvarinchim dharmik thollam’ patth asa. Hacho ordho vantto xrimoti gleddis rego hinne boroila.
14 Veez Konkani
Podam ani kontaram: sondorbhanusar zaun sobar ul'lasachim gitam boroun firgojent tea tea sondorbhar vaparoleant. Senan proddokxon (sttiun ani xilpa kuttinha) hannim ujvaddayil'lea ‘o..La..Re’ siddint poile pauttim ek pod ‘mhojem kalliz’ (tallo roxon ddisoza, anjelor) mudrit zalam. Korddelchea frad saibachea manak ani altar bhurgeancho patron sam
zuvamv borkmonsachea manak don novim kontaram rochleant. Xri melvin perisan tallo bosoila. Xri monoz ddikostan songit rochlam. Korona pidde vellar ‘devacher bhorvoseam’ git brodor ronson pintton tallo bosoun brodor surozan somyozon koron brodor ronson sangata sonol montero ani heddon hannim sondexo reddiont sador kelam.
15 Veez Konkani
Kon'noddo xetant: manest richordd olvarisan kon'noddo bhaxentyi lekhonam, nattkulle boroileat. Tachem prothom' kon'noddo lekhon ‘moguve mannikyo’ 1997 isvent udoivannir prokott zalem. Tache tin nattkulle voisies/voiesem' sonchalonan prokott kel'lea ‘oppiko oppiko’ pustokant prokott zaleat ani sobar iskolamni prodorxit zaleat. Don kon'noddo gitorupok ‘bharotodo dhormoduto sonto tomos’ ani apostolik karmel mellachi ghoddnar modor veronika
hichye jinnye voir ‘divyochetono’, (preronn: si. Kristin miskit). He doni bidorant bhovo yoxosven prodorxit zaleat. Tacho klasmett prosid'dh karttunistt prokax xett'ttichea ‘varekore’ viddombon meagojhinant don lekonam prokott zaleant. Toxem sokddank mogacho podva iskolantlo ‘zon masttor’ (atam devadhin) hachem sondorxon hantum prokott kelam. Nattkulle ani podam kon'noddant boroun iskolant vaporoleant. Iskolanchea varxik meagojhinant borpam prokott zaleant. Tacho ek
16 Veez Konkani
kon'noddo nattkullo, ‘ondu guddi balluvo’ om'membollchea xri feliks ddisoza hanni tullu bhaxent torzumo korn lhan kristamv somudayachem pustok ‘bhavo bandouponn’ hantum porgottla. Bhurgeank torbheti:
aplea xikxoki vrit'tent bhurgeank sahiteachi ruch dimvcheak tankam tobheti xibiram manddun haddleant. Tanchim borpam tidvun voisies/voiesem' soncholonachem ‘yuvotare’ potrar porgott keleant.
17 Veez Konkani
Spordheamni bhag gheun bhurgeamni bohumanam zoddunk prerit kelam. Iskolant ‘chilipili’, ‘rongosthollo’ mholl'llim hat boropachim vonnti potram, ‘mokorondo’ ‘sud'disindhu’ ‘yuvovanni’ ani ‘remondd reys’
namvachim moineallim potram prokottleant. Hea mukantr bhurgeanchea denneank protsavo dila. Tachea preronnan eka bhurgeak mongllur taluku kon'noddo sahityo som'mellonant (2018) bhurgeanchea vibhagant koun vachon korunk ovkas mell'lla.
18 Veez Konkani
Inglixant tin lekhonam ddekkon heraldd disallear prokott zaleant. Toxem thodde nattkulle boroun iskolant vaparoleat. Sompadok: mongllur diesejichea voisies/voies em' soncholonachem potr
‘yuvotare’ hacho sompadok zaun pondra vorsam seva dilea. Prostut gourou sompadok zaun seva ditech asa. Xri danti smarok sahity proxosti 1998 ‘hoso belloku’ bhurgeanchea jivitant molanchem mohotv ukoln
19 Veez Konkani
dhorocheak prokott zal'lo olvarisachea likhnne thaun udel'lo kon'noddo bhaxentlo poilo buk. Hea bukak 1998 vea vorsachi xri danti sahity proxosti labhlea.
Kon'noddant prokott zal'lim her pustokam: kristo priti (boibol adharit nattkulle, kon'noddant torzumo), daridipo, (voi.Es.Em' soncholonachem hat pustok)
20 Veez Konkani
ballojeoti (1, 2, 3 klasink mouly xikxonn patth pustokam-torzumo)
xikxonn xetant:
xikxok zamvchem ballponnalem soponn 1987 isvent kulxekor sekredd hartts inglix middiyom' hair proimori iskolant xikxok zaun
21 Veez Konkani
nemok zatana karoyogot zalem. Att vorsam uprant 1995 isvent bojpe holi feamili hoiskulak bhoddti. Novo vorsam thoim vaur korotoch 2004 isvent vamonzur sointt remondds
hoiskulak vorg. Thoimsor 14 vorsam
22 Veez Konkani
vaur. Nimanne voros kulxekor sekredd hartts hoiskulant seva ditoch epril 30, 2019 ver nivrit'ti.
Nivrit'te uprant ek vors (2019-2020) vamonzur sointt remondds inglix madhyom' hoiskulant mukel mestri zaun seva dilea.
23 Veez Konkani
‘mhojea jivitak novi dixa labhoun mhojea jinnyechem soponn jeari zaunko promuk karonn bethoni videa somstho. Mhaka tanchea somstheant gheun sogllea mhojea vrit'ti jiunant preronn ani aukas diun ek yoxosvi xikxok zaunko tannim mottho adhar dila. Hea vellar tancho
hamv kallzam thaun upkar bhavuddtam ani tanchea somstheacher devachim vinchnar axirvadam magtam. Zulai 16, 2021 ver bethoni dharmik bhoinnincho somstho aplo xotomanotsou achoronn koroche sondorbhim, sthapok, devacho seuk mo| remondd moskorenhos bapank
24 Veez Konkani
santacho man favo zamv mhonn magtam.’ mhonn manest olvaris aplea kallzachim bhognnam ucharota. Proxosti ani gourou:
aplea videarthi jiunant xikxokank mogacho zaunaslea richordd olvarisak podva hoiskulant dhave klasint xiktana ‘vorsacho otyut'tom' videarthi’ gourou labhla tor aplea xikxoki vrit'tent bhurgeancho mogall ‘richordd sor’ zaun gourou zoddunk paula. Tachea vrit'ti jiunant
25 Veez Konkani
proxosteo ani gourou taka sodhun aileat. 1994 isvent sekredd hartts hair proimori iskolachea bhurgeamni montrimonddolachea mukelponnar
xikxokanchea disa dil'li ‘bhurgeamni mechval'lo xikxok’ gourou. 2009: jesioi silikan sitti bengllur hanche thaun guru puroskar. 2007: kotholik sobha, mongllur
26 Veez Konkani
prodex (nom) kin'nigolli pranty hanche thaun ‘xikxonn puroskar2007’ 2014: 2011vea vorsachea sarvotrik zonogonnon vaurant ut'tim' zonogonnondar mhonn bharot
sorkara thaun silvor meddol (2011 Census Silver Medal) 2019: kornattok sorkar, sarvozonik xikxonn ilakho, dokxinn kon'noddo jil'lo, jil'la hontar ‘otyut'tom' xikxok proxosti.’
27 Veez Konkani
toxem vaddeant, firgojent, iskolant, bethoni somsthea torfen, karmel guddear fradim thaun, voisies/voies em' sonchalon kendrik somiti thaun, podva hoiskulachea omritotsou achoronna vellim, mongllur loins klob, gandhinogoro hanche thaun,
vamonzur firgojent xikxokancho dis achoronn sondorbhim, pintto kuttom', vamonzur thaun, doivik omrit sompadoki-i monddolle thaun man-sonman taka favo zaleat. Diesejichea mongollojeoti kendra thaun diesez hontar dhave klasichea dotornint poilem sthan zoddl'lea bhurgeank sonman koroche vellim,
28 Veez Konkani
karmel guddear karmel dde karoyokromant, jeppu firgoz divos achoronn, permon'nur firgojechea xotomanotsou achoronna vellim asa kel'lea dharmikanchea disachea
karyokromant, korddel firgoz altar bhurgeanchea disa, toxem iskolachea karoyokromamni mukel soiro zaun vedi sobhoilea. 2009 isvent gurupuroskar lablelea
29 Veez Konkani
vellim raknno potrar vachpeanchi obhiprai vibhagant fais zal'lem ma| e ddi’lima bapanchem potr: manest richordd olvarisak ‘guru puroskar’ mell'lla mhonn raknnear vachlem. Taka mhoje ul'las. Sonman axenat l'leank sonman sodhun yeta. Deva
mukar vhodd sadhon korije zalear, kaim vhoddlo hud'do nastananch korunk sadhy asa mhonn richchin dakoilam. Kristi jinni ani samajik jinnient vrit'ti, heo don songti tanne bovo orotabhorit thoran sangata haddleat ani ekamekak purok zaixem kelam. Somajint eka kristamv monxak asa ti ek vrit'ti monxank toxem devak manta
30 Veez Konkani
tosolo vaur korunk ek hater zaun proyog koroyeta mhonn manest richchin aplea jinnient korn dakoilam. Richchi olvarisa thoim mhaka voiyuktik obhiman asa. Taka aniki vhodd vorogacho puroskar mellondi mhonn mhoji axa ani mhojem magnnem. -e. Ddilima korddel firgojent seva: manest richordd olvarisachem gho
igorje lagsorch asa zal'lean lhan thaun firgojent sokriy zaunasa. Bhurgea prayer altar bhurgeanchea soddelittint prifektt, uprant sochetok zaun, firgoz gain monddollint odhyokx, toxem voisies sochetok zaun seva dilea. Aplea vaddeacho protinidhi zaun sokriy seva, 1994–2001 poreant firgoz goullik monddolli (atam firgoz goullik porixod) hacho karyodorxi toxem 2001-2007 upadhyokx zaun seva. Fradsaib somiticho sando, aitarachea dotornichea xikxokancho layik somyozok zaun seva dilea. Prostut sam zuje hair proimori iskolachea holle videarthi songhacho karyodorxi. Eka rupeachem yozon: ‘mohineak ek rupoi uroi ani eka bhurgeak xikoi’ mholl'llea ulea sovem sam zuje iskolant xikchea dubllea bhurgeank adhar zaun manest olvarisan hem yozon 1990 vea doxokant ruta kel'lem. Sobar boroea monachea dani vorvim tea vellar hem yozon yoxosvi zal'lem. Vividh dennim:
31 Veez Konkani
manest richordd olvarisachea jinnye poinnar dixtt bhomvddaitana devan taka sobar denneamni nettoyil'lem amkam dista. Karoyonirvahok zaun vaddeant, firgojent, iskolant, sohovauraddeanchea kuttmachea sombhromavellim, kuttmant, iteadi lhan vhodd zaitim karoyim choloun vheleant. Bholaike mestri zaun vividh sombhromamni borem maglam. Somponmull vyokti zaun bhurgeank, ‘jiun jeoti’ xibiramni, iskolamni, voisies/ voies em'/ oisivoi em' yuvozonnank, xikxokank, bhurgeanchea vhoddilank (pi.Tti.E.), goullik porixodek, vaddeant, lhan kristamv somudai oxem vividh vorgacheank vividh vixoyancher somponmull vyokti zaun tobheti diunko toxem zannvai vanttun gheunko zaite aukas taka mell'lleat. Kotholik sobha ani konknni nattok sobha hannim choloun vhorochea bhaxonn spordheamni voroinnar zaun aukas labhla. Toxem her firgozamni nattkulle, vividh vinodaull osolea spordheamni voroinnar zaunko aukas mell'lla. Iskolachea bhurgeank kornattoko
sorkaran choloun vhorochea protibha karonji spordheamni kviz masttor zaun, konknni bhaxonn spordheant stholli-i honta thaun rajy mott'tta poroeant (tumkur ani boll'llari) voroinnar zaun aukas mell'lla. Mitr xri ddonaldd lobo sangata ‘harddibois’ namvakhal karyokromam ayojit keleant. ‘mhoje thoim kosolim dennim asat mhonn sodhun kaddl'lem heramni. Him dennim ujvaddak yeunko sobar aukas mhaka mhojea somudayan dil'lean hamv te zanna zaunko ani vaparunk soklom. ‘tujem vorvim sadhy asa’ mhonn kuttman, vaddeant, firgojent, yazokamni, dharmik bhavo bhoinnimni, bethoni somsthean, voisies/voiesem' toxem her songhottonamni, sonchalok ani sompadokamni, mhojea xikxokamni, mukhel mestirnneo ani sohovauraddeamni, videarthi ani tanchea vhoddilamni toxem xikxonn ilakhean, mhojea mitramni, obhimanimni, hitoiximni mhaka dil'lo protsavo ani aukas visronk zaina. Sorvancho hamv upkar bhavuddtam.’ mhonn to dinponni sangta.
32 Veez Konkani
Jivea santank bhettl'lo onbhog: ‘jinnyent sontosachim ghodditam sobar asat. Tea poiki dogam santank jivont bhettl'lo onbog khonddit visronk zaina. 1986 febrer 6 ver bojpeant bhageunt papa zuvamv paul dusro hankam bovo lagxilean pollel'lo sontos azun jivall asa. Toxem 1992 okttobor 8 tarker jivi santinn modor teresak kolkota tichea nivasant bhetton tiche sangata thoddo vell khorchil'li ti amolik ghoddi visronk zaina’ mhonn obhimanan sangta manest olvaris. Sondex: ‘jinnyent mellche lhan lhan aukas gheun fuddem chomkatana choddtik aukas ani dennim labhtat, solvonnent niraxi zainastam jednam tum bhorvosean tujem proiton koron mukar vetai tednam tuji jinni sontosachi zata. Dhonatmok monobhavo, borem chintop, borem vachop, bori dixa ani devacher vixvas jinnyent yoxosvi zoddunk adhar dita. Jezuchea talentachea voparint, apnnak melll'lim talentam vaparon choddtik talentam
zoddlelea monxamporim ami zaunko zai. Purn dourolear tem moladik dirvem hogddayil'leaporim. Hem sutr horoyeklean protyek zaun yuvozonnamni aplea jivitant apnnailear novi somaz rupit zata’ mhonn aplo sondex to dita. 2019 dosembor thaun 2020 dosembor poroeant zoddlelim inamam: 1. ‘ujvadd’ pondrallem - daiji sahity spordhe 2016: mottvi kanni : umedichem inam'. 2. ‘divo’ rupeallo utsou sahity spordhe: lekhon: poilem inam' 3. Amcho sondex: kovita: tisrem inam' 4. Raknno: e. Mottvi kanni: dusrem inam' bi. Lekhon: dusrem inam' si. Bhurgeank kanni: dusrem inam' ddi. Bhurgeank lekhon: umedichem inam' 5. Seuk: e. Mottvi kanni: dusrem inam' bi. Lekhon: tisrem inam' 6. Vilfi rebimbos smarok poinnariviz raxttri-i sahity spordhe 2020: mottvi kanni: dusrem inam'.
33 Veez Konkani
Sorv borem zamv:
axeun sorv borem magtam.
korddel firgojechea chorch -sontox lobo kompoundd imanyuel vaddeant (sontu, omzur) malgoddea ghorant apli auy, potinn (sompadok, jen ani put roisttona songim aplem ‘doivik omrit’ jivit sontosan sarochea manest dharmik richordd olvarisak viz konkonni viz moineallem potrachea torfen ul'lasitam, tachi toxem karyem nirvahok) seva somajek aniki labhondi mhonn -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vinod: dadleank sokallim vegim utton aplea bailek il'lo sangat diveam mholl'llem chintap motik yena. Sogllem bailamni toyar korn dizai. Tumi vell korn uttchem ani dhoddboddchem. Atam vell zainangi? kitem vorunk visraloi?” sokallincho rag purto bhair ailo.
zorlo!!! - richordd olvaris sakallim amvsoron kamak bhair soron gel'lo silu titleach amvsoran ghora pattim ayil'lo polloun filuk pinteg choddlo. “vell zata mhonn sakallim fuddem mhozo bhongostoll korn gel'loi, atam kiteak pattim ailoi? tumkam
‘he mhojea filu, chike voge ravo saibinni. Hamv kaim visronkna. Vott'ttare mhojem noxib borem na az. Sakallim utton konnachem tondd pollelengi...” “hea ghora aschim ami dogam. Ani konnachem tondd polletoloi, voiga mhonntana.. Xida sangonk zainaye’’ filu modhench usmoddli. “atam zalem tori kitem?”
34 Veez Konkani
“ zamvchim mhojim kormam. Mhojea peantta bhitor kitengi chorta saibinni.. Choron voir voir yeta.. Bos stteanddant ubo astana koll'llem dekun uddon poddon dhamvon ailom..’ silu kudda bhitor dhamvlo.
dakoitam. Noi saiba peantta bhitor kitem asl'lem?” “ zorlo” mhonnat't silu gelo. Taka edollch vell zal'lo. Turtachim mettam kaddun to fuddem gelo. “aieo........”
“zaije, tuka toxench zaije. Tujem vostur tea kobattant sarkem korn dourn mhaka puro zaun gelem. Nhoi tumkam dadleank nitollayechi xirch nangi mhonn. Atam bhog...” filuchi jib ullvullon'nch rauli.
kinkratt aikon silun pattim pollelem. Filu mitta khambo zaun ubi zal'li! “e mhojea porajita haka kitem zalem?” silu pattim dhamvon ailo.
“alle filu, tum mhaka kitem-i mhonn, punn sokkodd dadleank toxem mhonnanaka koll'llemu?” peantt bodlun silu bhair ailo.
“kitem kitem zalem filu tuka?” silun ghabreun vicharlem
“kitem asl'lem peantta bhitor?” filu konkem uloili. “kaim vagonni punni nhoi mu? chabli punnigi?” “vagonni bhitor nhoi hanga mhoje mukar ubi asa. Bharich ullvullta..” mhonnat't silu vochonk amvsorlo. “kitem mhaka vagonni mhollem-i? zait. Khonchaki tum sanjer ghora ye. Vagonni kitem mhonn
“zo..Zo..Rlo” filuk jib suttlina. Edexea zorleak apnnachem filu itlem bhieta mhonn polloun siluk azap zalem. “khoim asa zorlo?” “ ga... Ga... ...” uloitam uloitam filuchea anga thaun gham' suttlo.. Tokli gumvoll ayil'lebori zali atam
35 Veez Konkani
portata mhonntana silun taka samballn dhorlem.
Panchvo nimanno matr tache sangata ravonk. Filu ani silu kazora uprant novea ghora yeun raulim.
Kazar zaun mohine att utorlele tori edoll voreg tanni ekameka veng marunknatl'li ani az poile pauttim filu siluchea vengent.. Filuk mot chukl'li.. Filu ani silu att mohinea adim logna bhesant ek zal'lim. Dogam-i ekach vaddeantlim. Toxem mhonn kaim mogar poddon kazor zal'lim nhoi bogar adllon poddon. Siluchea voddlea bhavachea kazora vella holant nach nachtana silucho pai filuchea lamb palvacher poddtana filuk lokni yeun siluchea angar poddlem. Hea vella siluchem bealens chuklem. To dhornnir portalo ani tache voir filu!! ek ghoddi nach raulo.. Beandd raulem.. Eka vorsan porot beandd vajlem. Filu ani silu ‘az thaun ami ek’ mhonnon igorje thaun bhair ailim. Silucho bapoi karbari. Tanne poilench aplea chougam putank vingodd ghoram korn dil'lim.
Henne kazor zaun mohine att zaleari tim ‘ami ek’ zaunko natl'lim. Filu kitem punni odd'ddeo sangon pattim pattim ghaltali.. Filucho mister kitem to siluk somzaloch na. Tenne siluche mitr taka tuklaitana haka duktalem. Kaim bori khobor punni asagi mhonn vichartana haka usturem yetalem. Bhitorlo ghutt bhair sangonk zataye.. Tori ‘ek dis khonddit udetolo’ mhonn to tea disak rakon raulo. Silun filuk samballn kudda bhitor apoun velem, ani bedd'ddar nidailem. Moboil gheun bosak fon kelem. “sor, mhoji bail bori na. Az afisak yeunko zaina” “kitem, vonkta punnigi?” bosachea sovalak zap dinastam fon kott kelem silun. ******** ******** ******* ******** tin moinea uprant ghorant atam zaiti bodlaunn ailea.
36 Veez Konkani
Silu sokallim vegim utt'ta ani filuk randpa kuddant sangat dita.. Kobottant vostur sogllem nitallayen samballn dourlam.
douream?” filun soval kelem “zorlo...”
Tea eka ratim...
“oyeo..” porot kinkratt marit filu siluchea vengent guslem.
“olle ma.. “
Silun vol angar voddli.
(raknno sahity spordho 2017: bohumanitvinod)
“amchea ballak ami kitem namv -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Omerikacho odhyokx zo boiddon ani bharotacho sombond choddttavo lokak kollit asa, bharoti-i mullachi komolo hearis omerikachi upadhyokxinn zamvn vinchun ailea, punn atam sorvank kollit zalam ki omerikacho odhyokx zo boiddonyi bharotak sombondit zamvnasa.
Moharaxttrachea ’kesori nogor’ nagpurant - bharotachea kendri-i bindunt. 2013 isvent bharotak dil'lea tachea poilea bhettent, omerikacho odhyokx jeo boiddon sangalaglo ki
37 Veez Konkani
tachea kuttmache poixile sande ’mumbomyt’ jieun asl'le mhonn. Uprant, vaxingttonant, 19172 isvent to senettor zatoch tannem vivor dilo, taka ’boiddono” kuttmantlea ekleachem potr bharotant vosti korun asl'lea thamvn ayil'lem ani tacho 5 tokleam adlo azo zorz boiddon eka tarvvacho keaptton zamvnaslo zo istt inddia ttredding kompnnent 1800 isvent vaur korun aslo, tachea nivrit'tponna uprant bharotantch vosti korilaglo ani bohuxo bharoti-i striyelagim logn zalo. Zan ani an'nak so bhurgim aslim, tanchyepoiki eklo kristtofor boiddon, 1789 isvent zolmal'lo. Tacho put zamvnaslo zan kristtofor boiddon, zaka ek put aslo kolonel horexio boiddon, ani tacho put zamvnaslo samuyel boiddon, tacho eklo put zamvnaslo samuyel boiddon, ani tacho eklo put tea sontanantlo daiji, charls horexio boiddon (iddit mari boiddonalagim logn zalo ani to nagpurantlea mayo aspotrent aya zamvn vaur kortalo) charls ani idditak dog cherke. Lesli boiddon ani arthor boiddon. Lesli
zamvnaslo to vyokti jeo boiddonak epril 1981 isvent potr boroyil'lo.
Charles Horatio Biden
Edith Marie Biden
38 Veez Konkani
jeo boiddonak potr boroyil'lem 1972 isvent taka melll'lem ani tem nagpurant vosti korun asl'lea lesli boiddonan boroyil'lem, zo aplea thoddea natram borabor nagpurant jieun asa, ani to sangta ki tachem kuttam' 1873 vorsa thamvn thoimsor jieun asat mhonn. Nagpurant jieun asl'lo lesli boiddon aplo vaur zamvn bharot laddz ani hosttel, nagpurant bharot kefe, to moronn pamvchea 1983 vorsa poilem. March 18-epril 4, 1981 isvent ’ilosttrettodd vikli of inddia vachtana, leslin ek lekhon vachlem omerikachea senettor jeo boiddona vixeant ani tannem chintlem taka potr borounko. Leslichi nat sonia boiddon fransis, nagpurant vosti korche ek; monoxastrogone vordhem prokar, ti mhonnali, "leslin jeo boiddonacho sompork kelo potra mukhantr epril 15, 1981 ver. Jeo boiddonan pattim zovab dili me 30, 1981 ver, to mhonnalo ki boiddonak bharich khuxi zali taka bharota thamvn ek potr ailem ani tantum boiddonam vixeant chorcha asli."
Leslie Biden and his wife Genevieve (In Nagpur). Mukharun sonia mhonnali jeo boiddonachi jik omerikacho odhyokx zamvn nagpurantlea sorv boiddon kuttmacheank zal'lo sontos sangcho naka mhonn. Lesli boiddonachi sontot nagpur, mumboi, omerika, asttrelia ani nyujhileanddant vosti korun asat. Sonia boiddonacho vhoddlo bhavo ian boiddon, poilencho morchontt nevint ek siferor, toyi nagpurant jieta, mhonnali lesli ani jeo
39 Veez Konkani
boiddonan tanchea samany purvoza vixeant zan boiddon ani tachi potinn an'n byumantt sanglem khoim.
kuttam' mumboi, nagpur, omerika asttrelia ani nyujhileanddant vistarlea. Leslichi sun onjelina boiddon nagpurantch jieta.
"lesli ani jeo boiddonan ekamekak dhonyovad orpile potr vyouhar kel'leak. Toripunn, lesli boiddonachi bholaiki bhigoddli ani to 1983 isvent nagpurant ontorlo. Leslichi potinn jeneviv, aplo kuttma ruk mukharun vhorunk solvali," mhonnali leslichi nat rovina, tiyi nagpurantch jieun asa. Boiddon kuttmalagim asat potram zantum tannim sanglam ekamekachea kuttmam sombonda vixeant jeo ani lesli modhem axarpaxar zal'lea potramni zonerant boiddonachem udghatton zalea uprant. Tenam nagpur boiddonamlagim tumim omerikant zamvchea udghattonak hazor zatatgi mhonn vicharl'leak, kuttma sandeamni sanglem tannim jeo boiddonak tanche sondex pattoileat mhonn. Sonia omerikak gel'li, "nagpurant vosti korun aschem boiddon
Leslie Biden along with his brother Arthur and his family in Surrey England. (Image: Biden family) 2013 isvent jeo boiddon mumboi aslo, tachea bhaxonnamni to mhonnalo, "amim (lesli ani jeo) ekamekachea sombondachem panch tokleam poilenchea abachem
40 Veez Konkani
kuttam' mumbomyt asa. Mumbomyt 5 boiddon asat." nagpurantlea boiddonank hem aikon matsem ozap zal'lem kitea mhollear nizaki lesli nagurcho? punn uprant, tankam kollit zalem ki leslin jeo boiddonak potr boroyil'lem to mumboi astana tachea dhuvek eulinak bhett diunko. Osem astam tea potrar mumboicho chhapo aslo tea potra bhitor leslicho nagpurcho villas aslo tori. Osem trea potrachea kourachem stteamp mumboichem astam, boiddonachea motint khonchlem ki lesli ani itor boiddon sorv mumbomychim mhonn. 2015 isvent vaxingttonant dil'lea eka bhaxonnant boiddonan sanglem tachem sontan kuttam', zorz boiddon, ek istt inddia ttredding kompenint tarva keaptton zamvnaslo bohuxo to bharoti-i striyelagim logn zalo mhonn. To nivrit't zalea uprant, bharotantchch vosti korunk dhorlem. Boiddon mhonnalo, "boiddon kuttmantle 5 sande mumbomyt rautat mhonn." mumbomyt ramvchea boiddon kuttmantleamni taka fon nombor
dilam mhonn. Prekxokamlagim to mhonnalo edoll to tanchyelagim ulounko na mhonn. Kings kalez, londdonchea bhette uponeasok ttim' vil'lasin sangchye prokar boiddonachea kuttmantlim 19 vea xotomanant istt inddia ttredding kompenint vaur korn aslim. Bhabhavo kristtofor keapttonachea hud'deak paulo te tarvam londdon ani bharota modhem choloun asle. Uprant to tachem somrid'dhichem jiun sarunk modrasant vosti korilaglo. Modrasant (chen'nai) kristtofor boiddon sorvank lokamogall vyokti zalo thoimsorchea kathedralant ugddasacho marbol fator dourla. Ttiman aplea lekhonant boroilem bharotachea kounsil of kolchurol rilexons (ICCR) potrar dakhle dakhoun zorz boiddon bharotant asl'lo tem. ian boiddon, tachi bhoinn sonia fransis-boiddon, ani tanchi auy anjelina boiddon sorvam nagpurantlim. Tosench soniachem poilem bapul bhoinn rovindda boiddon nagpurchim. Ianan
41 Veez Konkani
Who are the Bidens in India? sanglem ki tacho bapaicho azo lesli boiddonan 1981 isvent senettor jeo boiddonak to sontote vixeant uloitana zan boiddon ani tachi potinn an'n byumantt zanchem logn zal'lem 1781 isvent. CNBCTV18 lagim hea potrachi proti asa punn tem porvonngi mellanastam chhapl'lem na. Atam poreant chear kozonam ani amchim bhurgim bharotant boiddon alkumF dourn asamv. bharotantlim mhonnttat?
ian mhonnalo, "amcho ab lesli boiddonan jeo boiddonachem namv sodhun kaddlem 1981 isvent. Ten'nam jeo boiddon omerikachea senettacho sando zamvnaslo. Leslin jeo boiddonak boroilem tanchea
boiddon kuttma ruka vixeant. Jeo boiddona thamvn taka zovab mell'lli ani tannim tanchea samany kuttma sontote vixeant boroilem." edoll voreg amim vogim asl'leamv amkam sarvozonik prosid'dh zoddunk mon naslem. Amim amchea sontote mukhantr ekachch kuttmachim tori hor ekleak amkam amchench mholl'llem grest pattintholl asa" mhollem sonian, lesli boiddonachea 14 natram poiki, konn tori eklo amcheach 5 tokleam adlea ajeak sombondit asat. "amkam besamv poddlam amche
42 Veez Konkani
mhalghodde bharotant vosti korunk poddle (chen'nai, hoidorabad, punne ani nagpur). Amim bharoti-i mhonnonk amkam obhiman bhogta" mhonnali ian, tika adhar dilaglim sonia ani rovina. Amkam kitench zahir korunk na ani korinamv. Amkam fokot sarki mhahet dimvchi gorz titlench.
zamvn sanganamv ki jeo boiddon amchea sontotintlo mhonn. Chodd mhollear, amkam asat amchea kuttmantli bharotant, inglenddant, nyujhileanddant, asttreliant ani omerikant, amim sorvam jeo boiddonachich sontot vanttun asamv tem amkam kollit na," mhonntta ian.
Lesli boiddon ani jeo boiddonam modhlim potram sangtat ki bohuxo "tankam samany 5 tokleam adlo azo asa" - zan boiddon - tanchea sontotintlo zo nagpurant jiel'lo zamvnasa.
"amkam amchea kuttma ruka vixeant kollit asa tori ani amchea ajeachem potr jeo boiddonak, amim
Osem astam nohinch tomillnadduchi dhuv komola hearis taka aschea tomillnadduvoilea mogan asa tachea bharoti-i sombondak lagon. Omerikacho odhyokx jeo boiddonyi tachi sontot bharotant asa. Ailevar bhodroten
43 Veez Konkani
sanglam ki somsarbhor unnear asat 200 mukheli vhodd hud'deancher zogot'tachea vividh dexamni - hem khonddit zamvn motik ek pokvan zamvnasa. konknnek torzumo kel'lem: dda| Somponmull sangata ghal'lem: asttin probhu, sompadok oivon solddanha-xett -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Koun bonega korodd poti? az sanjer pour kott zatana mhojem ardhem anglem ani ttomi hullvullonk laglim. Dogamyki bezar holl'lli hokki bori. Az tti. Vi. R ' koun bonega korodd poti?' sador zamvcho vell. Ardhem anglem churchurtana hamv vol khakyek gheun bedd'ddar add poddlom.
Titlear ttomi ailo ani mhonnalo ' az aminch ' koun bonega korodd poti?' khelluyam. ' kormam tujim... Pour kott zaun tti. Vi. Rodd poti zalea' ti bobattli. ' hamv karyem choloitam. Tuvem sarki zap dilear zalem.' ttomin
44 Veez Konkani
sangtana ardhem anglem hott sittir bosoni zal'lem. Tichea mukar ttomi got'tan boslo.. Tallio pettun svagot korilaglo. ' hott sittir tuka koxem bhogta?' 'hamv kazar zal'lea disa thaun'nch hott sittir asam. Mhoji ek axa asa. ' hea hott sittir razoki-i ek mat yeunko noz' mhonn tinnem mhonntana tichea vhollok kollomvchi viddio ghali. Ordhea angleak hogollsilem. Karyokromachim niyomam sanglim. Char loif loin vivor... Sovalam ani tin hontam sangtoch ttomin mukharsilem.
4. Kafi. Mhonntana ttomin tallio pettleo dusrem soval hem. Krikettacho devo konn? 1. Gauskor 2. Kohli 3. Tenddulkor 4. Pottouddi 3. Tenddulkor. Porot tallio. Tisrem soval asa. He dosti hom' nohim choddenge... Hem pod khonchea filmantlem? 1. Divana 2 kuli 3. Avara 4. Xole
' az pour kott dekun hamv kompyuttor upeg korina. Soulam vichartam.. Apxon sangtam.. Sarke zapik raktam.
4. Xole. Talliancho avaz
Aichem poilem soval
Khonchak viniog kelear chodd labh mellta? 1. Zago 2. Bhangar 3. Xer 4. Bijnes no atam poile pauttim loip loin 50 _ 50 vicharli. Sarki zap.
ghattar chodd zamvchem utpon'n khonchem? 1. Tandull 2. Ragi 3. Godhi 4. Kafi
choutem soval.
45 Veez Konkani
Panchvem soval tujelagim.
Atam attvem soval.
Bojettint mol choddanatli vost khonchi? 1.Geas 2. Pettrol 3. Ddisil 4. Udak ho 1, 2, 3, haka mol choddlam. Udak fri. Mhonntana porot tallio.
Tera disancho prodhani konn? 1. Nehoru 2. Rajivo 3. Xastri 4. Vazopey
Sovem soval. Mo tall poddanatlo ek sobd asa. Khoncho? 1.Soro 2. Korona 3.Guttka 4. Tombaku.
Titlear ek vhodd bobatt zali. Hamv dolle ghoxttun uttlom. Bohuxa hamv nidon korodd poti svopnnetalom.
Onyek loif loin viddio frendd. Hantuyi sarki zap. Tallio...
Bhair ailom.
Satvem soval hem. Hea festapoiki eka festak atam roza dinant. Khonchem fest tem? 1. Divalli 2.Krismos 3. Romzan 4. Nouratri onyek loif loin _ eks fortt haka vinchlem. Ani sarki zap.
' hanga razoki-i yeunko noz' mhonn mholl'llem nem?. Ardhem anglem ragan bobattlem ani hott sitti thaun utton choltoch raulem.
Bhitor korentt na mhonn bhair ayil'lem ardhem anglem pollenastam baglar nid l'lea ttomiche pam-i gudd'ddayil'le mhonn dista. Dukhin ttomi murio ani bobatt diun dhamvloch. Ttomi pattim pollenastam roddar dhamvtalo bhimyan... " ttomi rodd poti zal'lo" ---------------------------------------
46 Veez Konkani
Tisro odhyai: dip stombh (The Beacon light) eka hoptea uprant tea porvotak choddcho aukas amkam ailo. Atam varem vadall ravul'lem ani bhorop ghott zal'lem. Tache voilean cholon vochyet. Hea kallar vhodd xinga asche bokre ani bokddeo bhorpant
khann sodhun yetat mhonn lamani amkam sanglem.Tor ami xikari kortamv mhonn ami sanglem. Bhitor ch ason ami allxi zaleamv ani amkam veayamachi gorz asa mhonn ami nib dilem. Ohimsa
47 Veez Konkani
virodh ami nhoi mhonnoni sanglem. Xikari korchi gozal bori nhoi, apayachi. Kedallai hovo bodlunk puro mhonn tannim zap dili.Tumi porvotacha aram' korunk ek bhumyar asa mhonn koll'llem.Tancha poiki tornatto discha eklo lama thoimsor vatt dakhounko apunn toyar asam mhonnalo.Asem eka sakallim ami poinn suru kelem.Boro hovo ason,amkam zai zal'lem nhesann,khann iteadi mhatarea yakacha pattir choddoilem. Tornattea lamacha hixarea prokar ami mukhar chol'leamv. Donpar zatana porvotacha mullak pavonk zai asul'lem. Thoimsor sanglele bori ek odbhut bhuyamr mell'llem.Xikari ya poinn korun thokleleank hi suvat vixevo gheunko borich asul'li. Uprantlo vell ami bhumyarant biddar korcha kamant mogn zaleamv.Himv oslelean uzo ghalo. Porvotacha sokoilea zageani bokre ya bokddeo sodhtamv mhonn ami lamak tillsil'lem.Ami sanglelea borich zalem.Sodhun gel'lea amkam
pattim bhumyarak yetana lhan monzantink pollelem.Tantlea dogank xikari korun omi jivexim marlem. Himvantlea tosem bhorpantlea tea zagear mas mostu temp douryet.Pondra disank pauta titlem khann atam amchem lagim asul'lem.Rat zamvchadinch ami doni monzatichem chamddem kaddchant sofol zaleamv. Tea ratim ami motton jeuleamv, sukhachem jevann, lama soit khaun sontoslo. Ohimsa vixeant tachi obhiprai kosoli-i osom, motton to mechvalo. Uprant ami bhumyara bhitor amcha ttenttant ghusleamv. Amkam kottinn zal'lea himv thaun bochavi zai zal'li. Mhataro lama borench vixevo ghetalo. Punn mhaka ya liok nid dolleank chodd lagli na.Porvotacha tudyer thaun kitem pollemvchar asamv mhonn amchem chintap. Dusrea disa sokallim hovo onukul zaunaslelean amche sangata ayil'lo lama pattim seminorik portalo. Ek don disani amim-i pattim yeteleamv mhonn ami sanglem.
48 Veez Konkani
Okhrek ami eksurem zaleamv ani vell vibhaddinastana xikhorak choddchem kam' suru kelem. Sobhar hozar futt ubhar ani thoddea zageani mostu bharik aschi vatt,punn bhorpa vorvim amchem choddchem kam' sulobh zalem ani donpar zatana ami xikhoracha tokler pauleamv.Thoimsor thaun pollemvchem droxy bhouy zaunasul'lem. Sokla suddgadd lambayen ason ani tacha bhomvtim odbhut akarani dische, bhorpani bhorlele porvot,xembhor ani xembhor porvot, mukhlean, ujveak, daveak, dixtt vecha titlea pois distale. "he porvot hamvem' svopnnant sobhar vorsadim pollel'lech porvot zaunasat" lio gunngunnlo."hechch, nizaiki hechch" "ani zollcho uzo hamvem vicharlem.
"borem,to uzo atam thoimsor na ani ho zago thonddayecho zaunasa." choutea ratim ttenttant nidcha bodlak lio bhumyaracha dara sorxim
boslo.Kiteak mhonn vicharlem.Punn to xinnlo dekhun hamvem taka thoims soddlem.Amcha sodnam vixeant taka bezar zal'lem ani to kirkiri zal'lo.Khonchai sondhorbar hovo bodlun xikhor demvchak osadhy zatelem mhonn amkam dogamyki gut'tasul'lem. Modheane ratim lion mhaka uttoilem. "hanga ye hores, tuka kitengi dakhoizai" ardea monan hamv sukhachi kamboll soddn bhair ailom. Tannem mhaka bhumyaracha dara tit'tun apoun velem ani tenka dixim bott dakhoilem.Hamvem pollelem. Datt kallokachi rat.Punn pois, mostu pois ek ujvadd mollba voir dislo. "ho ujvadd kitem mhonn tum chint'tai?" tannem goddboddean vicharlem. "nirdixtt thoran kitench na." hamvem zap dili. "kitem-i zaunko puro.Chondrem' -nam, sakall nhoikitench nam. Kitengi,kosolengi hulpon asa,ghor, mel'leak ulpamvchem, punn hem sokkodd
49 Veez Konkani
thoimsor kosem? mhaka got'tuna."
"tum kitem pisogi? omi tea zagear kosem ramvchem?"
"ami xikhoracha tudyer asamv ani ho uzo osa mhonn mhaka bhogta" mhonn lio hollu mhonnalo.
"mhaka got'tuna.Punn hamv vetam.Hamvem vochazayich hores"
"vhoi,punn omi thoimsor namv ani kallokant thoimsor vochonk sadhy na."
"hacho arth,ami dogaini vochazai mhonn. Tor yak zai? ami choddche borich monzatiki choddazai"
"tor, hores,ami ek rat thoimsor paxar korunk zai." "ani ti rat amcha jinnyechi okhrechi" hamv haslom.
ami ttentt kaddlem, sangata her vostu toyar keleo.Hantu randlelem motton soit asul'lem. Monzaticha patticher sokkodd choddoun ami poinn suru kelem. Ami yetana khonddlelem bhorop kosllon poddlelean ami chotrayen cholonk zai asul'lem. Xikhor choddtoch ami thoimsor ek ttentt ghalem.Bhomvtim bhorop ras ghalem.Itylear kallok zal'lean ani yaka sangata ttentta bhitor ghusleamv.Jeun rakon rauleamv.
"ami hem mett kaddizai. Ujvadd polle majvala" lio mhonnalo. Vhoi, rat datt, kallokachi rat. "faleam hea vixeant uloveam" hamvem zap diun ttenttak gelom. Mhaka nid yetali punn lio thoinch boslo. Sakallim hamv utt'tana naxtto toyar osul'lo.
(mukhlo onko vach)
"ami veggim suru korunk zai" lio mhonnalo. 50 Veez Konkani
Bharotantlea xetkaroeanchi chollvoll cholon ayil'li vatt ani fuddem
kitloi duddu asondi, kitleoi koigariko asondit, pottak khann – jevann nastana kitench fuddem vochana. Ek pauttim gott'tt pott bhorn jeuleari thoddea voram bhitor porot bhuk lagta. Kitemyi khaunko mellana tor monis nitranni zata. Monxacha jivita khatir khann jevann gorz. Hem sogllem mellasem korchem xetkaran astam xetkar nastana konnemyi jiel'leabori na. Hea khatirch somsarant sogllea dexamni xetkaroeank vixex man – moread labhta. ‘xetkar eka dexache patticho konno’ mhonntat. Khannavorvent svoimpurnn:
eka dexant aplea lokak zai poddchi khannavorvi 80%vornim unnea promannar utpadon zata tor to dex khannavorvent totvaracho zata. 80120% promannar utpadon zata tor svoimpurnn ani tachaurnim choddit utpadon zata tor choddtik (ssorplos) sthanak pauta. Bharotak svatontry melltana ani uprantlea thoddea vorsamni bharotant utpadon zamvchi khanna vorvi lokachi bhuk thambomvchea titli natl'li. Punn 1960vea doxokant ani uprantlea vorsamni manddun haddl'lea ‘pachvea kranti’ mukantr bharot khannaxetant svoimpurnnotecha vatten fuddem chomkalo. Bharot atam svoimpurnn sthanar asa.
51 Veez Konkani
Svatontrea adlea pon'nas vorsamni krichechi progoti vorsavar 1% asl'li ti uprantlea vorsamni 2.5% vornim chodd zalea. Svatontrea tednam bharot krixi prodhan dex zaunasl'lo. Dexacha ott'ttu utpadonant krixi utpadon 50 % asl'lem tem atam demvon demvon ailam. 2016-17nt 18%-asl'lem. Mhollear dexacha ott'ttuk utpadonant koigarikoronnacho vantto chodd zala. Bharotant zaitea nomuneancha belleanchi krixi kortat. Hantum bhat ani gomv promuk zaunasat. Pattlea
vorsamni bharotant roitancha minoten dakhleabhorit promannar khannavorvi utpadon zata. 2006-07 vea vorsa 217 miliyon tton asl'lea khanna vorvechem utpadon 201920 vea vorsa 292 miliyon tton'nak paulam. Bharotantle xetkar: svatontrea adim bharotant ullgeaman (Feudalism) rivaz chalter asl'li. Choddaut xetkar vhodd ani lhan bhumalikancha odhin voklam zaunasl'lim. Xetkaroeamni gholl l'lem genn diun vetalem. Tancha
52 Veez Konkani
porixromak zoktem mol mellanat l'lem. Hea poristhitent xetkar dubllo zaun'nch url'lo. Bharotant ut'tor prodex otyodhik xetkaroeank attapta tor uprantlim sthanam ponzab, horianno oni modhyoprodexak vetat. Svatontrea uprant ekekach rajeamni mholl'lleabori xetkaroeancha boreponna udexim kanunam zaryek haddlim. 1970 vea doxokant kornattokacho mukel montri deuraz orosan zari kel'lea bhu sudharonn kaidea marifat sobhar xetkar bhumyche mhalok zale.
Bharotantle choddaut xetkar pausacher hondvon asat. Thoddea vorsamni dharall paus yeta tori to vellar yena. Vell chukoun ayil'lean bellim kaddunk zainant. Ekch korpatat va lumvnne vellar okalik paun yeun vorvechem utpadon padd zata. Ran monzati, suknnimsauzam dempe bellim nas kortat. Nogorikoronn, koigarikoronn ani her karonnamnimtim ailevarcha vorosamni krixecha vaurak zaititlea promannar monis mellanant. He ani asole her zaite koxtt xetkaroeank osat. Apli krixi zaititlea promannar
53 Veez Konkani
sompadon dinatlea vellar xetkaroeamni rinn kaddchi porigot udeta. Asolim rinnam khasgi zalear tea rinnank viporit vadd bhorizai poddta. Him rinnam pattim paumvcheak xetkaroeancher dobhavo poddta. Kalubulu zal'le xetkar jiughatachi vatt apnnaitat. 2019 vea vorsa bharotant 10281 xetkaroeamni jiughat korn ghetlo. Sadharonn zaun xetkar sade bolle. Aplem kam' zalem ani apunn zalom mholl'lla ritiche. Vhodd promannan te songhottit zal'le unne. Toxem astam, hortallam, muxkoram tancha thaun ghoddl'lim-i unninch mhonnazai. Edollchea vorsamni
odhikar choloyil'le kendrantle va rajeantle choddunne sorv sorkar xetkaroeancha toll'llek gel'lenant. Tankam somzon mholl'lleabori chol l'le. Lal bohad'dur xastri thoddeach audek prodhan montri asl'lo tori tanne zovanank ani xetkaroeank hogllap dimvcho “zoi zovan zoi kisan” naro zaryek haddl'lo. Indira gandhin kendr va aplea paddtikhal asl'lea rajy sorkaram mukantr xetkaroeancha boroeaponna udexim zaitim yozonam zaryek
54 Veez Konkani
haddl'lim. Lok atamyi tancho ani zari kel'lea yozonancho uddas kaddta. Krixi sombondhi tin kaide rod'd korizai mhonntat xetkar: punn atancha modi sorkaran roitanchi hitasokt samballchi, tancha utpon'nank borim molam dimvchim ani vikrea obhivrid'decha nibankal tin kaide zari kele. Hea mukantr to xetkaroeancho ud'dar korunk fuddem sorolo. 2020 zunant poilem arddinensam haddlim. 2020 sopttembor 17 ver lok sobhent ani 20 ver rajy sobhent tin kaide pas
koroile ani sopttembor 27 ver raxttropotin doskot galchea mukantr te zaryek aile. Modin xetkaroeanchi hitasokt mhollam tori xetkar hem patyeunko toyar nant. Vhodd koigarikodyomink labh korn dimvcho hea kaideancho ud'dex zaunasa mhonntat te. Kaideam babtin arddinens haddtananch xetkar sangata ayil'le. Sumar 500 lhan-vhodd xetkaroeanchi songhottonam hea mellint asat. Sumar 40 vhodd songhottonamni fuddakar hatim ghetla. Roitanchi magnnim kendr sorkara mukar dour l'lea hanni zun 10 ver dexacha 600
55 Veez Konkani
jil'leamni hea arddinensacheo proteo hulpaileo. Zun ani zulai mohineamni vividh rupar chollvolleo choloileo. Agostt 9 ver ‘zoil bhoro’ chollvoll choloili. Roitankodde somvad choloinastam kaide zari korinakat mhonnonk sopttembor 14 ver protibhotton choloilem. Kaide zaroyek haddinakat mhonn porot porot vinoti keli. Novembor 5ver ‘rasta roko’ kelo. Khoincheakyi kendr sorkaran kan haloyinatlea uprant novembor 26 ver, somvindhanacha disa ‘ddel'li cholo’ protibhotton arombh kelem. Hem protibhotton kimchuncha ud'dexan kendr ani
thoddea rajy sorkaramni bhagidar zal'lea xetkaroeank vividh rupamni koxttilem. Tea xivai kotthinn himv, paus ani her prakritik son'nivexank xetkaroeamni fudd korizai poddlem. 2020 dosembor 8 ver ‘bharot bondh’ choloilem. Svatontreacha uprant xetkaroeanchi hi oti vhodd chollvoll. ‘somyukto kisan morcha’ beanorakhal sumar 500 songhottonam asat. Suprim koddticho somvad:
zonouri 12 tariker suprim koddtin aplea muklea adexa mhonnasor hea kaideank stte dilea. Somoseancha nivaronnak krixi ani arthik xetantlea choug togoneanchi ek somiti rochlea ani hanni don mohineam bhitor apli vordi dizai mhollam. Hea vatten roitancha mukeleamni koddticha tirpak amcho svagot asa
56 Veez Konkani
asl'lem. Ddel'lint uprant:
tori amchem chollvoll rauynamv mhollam. Zoner 22 poreant kendr sorkar ani chollvollecha mukhelimni ott'ttuk ikra pauttim somvad choloila. Dhavea somvada poreant muklea somvadacha tarikevixim nirdhar zatolo. Punn ikravea somvadacha fuddem aple tin kaide 18 mohine omanot dourunk sorkar opl'lo. Haka oplear matr muklea somvadak apunn toyar mholl'llem sorkaran. Xetkaroeanche magnnem tin krixi kaide rod'd korche ani konixtt adharit mol (minimom' sopott prois) kaideabhorit korizai mhonn
zoner 26 ver ddel'lint ttreakttor roeali cholomvchea xetkaroeancha magnneak sorkaracha nirdexona khal ddel'li polisamni poilem poilem negarch kel'lem. Okrek thoddea xortankhal polisamni koblat dil'li. Punn tea disa dusrench ghoddlem. Thodde on'naddeamni bhitor ghuson lailutt keli. Xetkar ani polisam'modhem ghorxonn zalem. Raxttr bautto ubomvchea zagear sikh bautto uboun raxttr bautteak okman kelo. Thoddea xetkar songhottonank, xetkaroeank ani zaitea lokak bezar zalem. Thoddea xetkar songhottonamni aplo adhar pattim kaddlo. Thodde xetkar chollvoll sanddun aplea gamvank pattim gele. Ut'tor prodex sorkaran yi aplea ddel'li goddir chollvoll cholomvchea xetkaroeank uttounko boll proyog korchi soglli manddnni kel'li. Punn zoner 28 ver bharoti-i kisan yuniyonacho mukeli rakex ttikaitan dukham golloun kel'lea bhaunatmok bhaxonnak pigllal'le
57 Veez Konkani
choddaut ut'tor prodexantle xetkar ratan rat mholl'lleabori chollvollecha zageak pattim portale. U.Pro. Sorkaran apli manddaull bodlizai poddli. Atam chollvollecha mukeleamni fuddlea okttobor 2 tariker mhonnasor zaleari soi. Aplim magnnim pontak pautasor apunn chollvoll choloiteleamv mhollam. Febrer 6 ver dexbor ‘rasta roko’ kelo.
magnneakal ddel'licha goddimni azun apli chollvoll mukarun asat. Fuddem kitem zatelem tem rakon pollezai.
Fuddlem rakon pollezai: hi chollvoll suru zaun (novembor 26) edollchak oddez mohine utraleat tori xetkar kendr sorkaran tin kaide Ech. Ar. Allvo pattim kaddizai mholl'llea ekach -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Konkonn kogull vilfi rebimbos hachim vinchnnar podam mogavixim...
(vilfi rebimbos hachea podancho odhyoin gronth "kogulle pattlean" hanga thaun) _nondini, vamonzur. (adlea onkea thaun mundorilam...) 58 Veez Konkani
tuka chintun chintun hamv roddtam sodamnit ani gaitam mogachem hem git" ekvottak otregon mog kornnar duk bhogta. Tachi premika bhovo sundor. Devan rochleli sorv sobhai tichea jivant. To tichea mogar poddla. Ani tachem kalliz mogachem vhojem vauyta. monam ekvott'tana..... Monam ekvott'tana, monant mog kornnaranchim mogachea niban dhostat. ' ekvottailam monak mogan' (vinchnnar podam 139, kogull gaita.. 29 vi koulli)
" kitem sobhtago, bai rupnnem tujem kalliz vhauyta mogachem vhojem
" devan rochleli sorv vantteanchi sobhai tujea jivant vhavo vn asai mhojea manantulim chintnam vatt ghetana tujea kopalak tillo lai"
ek dis yetolo. Monantlim chintnam khorim zatelim. Tedalla ' tujea kopalacher tillo lai' mhonn to tika sangta. Kopolak tillo lamvchi hindu somskroti. Hindu kazari striyo
59 Veez Konkani
kunkum' kopolar laun aplem ayaponn somsarak gazoitat. Konkonni kristamvam tillo lainant. Punn hindu somskrotentli koriyomonni pidd'ddukechea zagear pautana kopolak tillo lamvchi ek souy monglluri kristamvam modhem visavea xekddeachea akerchea vorsamni suru zal'li. Punn ti koriyomonni titli lokamogall zaunko na. Vilfichea podantli voll hea bodlaunnecho/ souyecho ul'lekh korta. Thoddea noxib vontank mog kornnar mellta ani thoddeank mellanch na. Magir thoddeank mellta ani nopomych zata. Axem mellon nopomych zal'lem mog kornnar paulin (khoim asai paulina... Vinchnnar podam 141 ) "sodhun sodhun sodhun tuka thokon gelam go bai hamv khoim asai paulina?" paulino khoim asa? tachi saulli na. Sodhun sodhun to thokon gela. Paulinak devan vixex sobhai dilea. Tache xivai somsar naka. Punn mog ekye kuxicho. Paulin kaim apli khuxi
dakoina. Voilean nakachea pontar rag.
" rag nakago ye kallza darar kanngheun ailam mogachem tar" mhonnon paulinak bhollaita ani taka apnnachem korunk pechaddta. Paulin yeta ya na aikoupi nennam. Tori mog kornnarank rag yeta mholl'llem sot kollit zata. Punn tancho rag ' mogacho rag'. To tanchea mogachi sobhai vaddoita. (kallzan kalliz bandlam.. Vinchnnar podam 147) " khoim vetai sanddun kallzak mhojea dukoun az aila ho vell boro tum vetai zalear na add doro punn hamv yetolom patt dhorun." kallzam mogan bandun astana mog kornnaramni vechem tor yi khoim? tim ekameka thaun pois vetit tor tanchea kallzak duk bhogta. Dekun
60 Veez Konkani
" dhoirachem mett kadd mogachi vatt dhor humbrar rakon rautam doreachem lhar toxem uddun uddun ye."
" doreachem varem lagtana sureacho tap amkam bhogchona vixvas aslear monant dusman ballvoncho na"
'toddir rakon bostam' mhonn mog kornnar dhoir dita. Monglluri konkonni kristamv somskrotent romy mog, kolpona soktecher vondvon rauta. Tea mogan karyorupak devaje tor tanchem logn zaije. Dekun vilfichea romy podantlim mog kornnaram kedallai lognak axetat.
Mog kornnaram thoim ek vixex sokot ani sobai ubzaita. Dekun tim melltana thondd vharem vhallta. Bhomvtonnim pulam pormolltat. Doreachem vharem sureacho tap lagonk soddina mat nhoi tancho dusman poreant ballvona.
tanchea mogak add yemvchim dusmanam tim tanchinch auy bapoi ya lagsil'lim asonk puro. Mogacheaotregan ekameka melltana addkolleo urcheo nant. (moga amim melltana... Vinchnnar podam 186) ekamekacho mog zalo tednam mog kornnar bhagi. Ekye kuxicho mog dukak karonn zata. (ddaina.. Vinchnnar podam 276, kogull gaita 11 vi koulli) toull eklean mogachi bhik magaje poddta. Mogachi bhik magchi ya mog kortam mhonn sangonk zainastana vhollvollchemyi romy mogachem rup. " ddaina, ddaina mog hamvem kela kitlo tuzo ddaina, ddaina tuvem moga maka dukhounko nozo" ddayana xherachi sondor choli,
61 Veez Konkani
soung tichea mogar poddla.
soddoilea mandri soddoilea bai tuka saddo nesounko"
" tum mellnam-i tor mhozo jivo urana hamv jieunko sokana" , mhonn to tichelagim mogachi bhik magta. Itlo mog kel'lea taka dukounko nozo mhonnta. Ho podacho poilo vantto. Dusrea vantteant aikoupeachea dolleam mukar dusrench pintur yeta. Mogachi bhik mag l'lo soung atam lognachi toyarai korta.
"pontti pettoitam hamv pontti pettoitam pontti pettoitam ho kallok ubhoitam kontthi nettoitam hamv kontthi nettoitam kontthi nettoitam tuzo gollo sobhoitam mandri soddoilea bai mandri
podache hye ghumvddent kazaracho sombhrom' attapla. Pontti ujvadd dita. Ujvadd somadhanecho, sontosacho toso zannvayecho ghurt. Kontthi golleacho sumrgar. Pidd'ddukek bodol zaun kontthi sobd vaporla. Uprantlea vhollimnim yemvchi mandri ani saddo lognachea rivajincho ani konknni logna somskrotecho ugddas haddta. Mandri soddoun tea hoklek mandrer modhem rauvn saddo nesomvchi rivaz hea podam mukantr kollta. Ddaina mog korit tor tachelagim logn zata mhonn to lognacho vivor sombhroman dita. To tanchem logn
rup rup polleta. Ddaina noureachea ghora vetana roddtelem dekun
62 Veez Konkani
"les haddila bai les haddila les haddila tujim dukam pusunk" mhonn pod aker zata. Mog kornnaranchim axa sufoll zata ya sufoll zamvchem soponn to dekta mholl'llem soval aikoupeachea motint udeta. Mogak atregchem ani milonacho sontos bhogche bhognnar sangata mellon ekye vixex ritin pod ghoddon ailam zal'lean kosolem-i soval vaddon yeunko ovkas na. Choli mogar poddlea. Punn cholo tichea moga vixant kayinch nennam. Ticho mog eka kuxicho dekun ti
svopnneleam' vinchnnar podam 303, kogull gaita 40 vi koulli) "tum sureo dhoiracho hamv rakon ravo l'lem ful tim kirnnam fank mhojer hamv fultam mhojer bhul" heo volli bhovo sundor, koviten bhorleat. Ticho mog kornnar dhoiracho sureo. Ti ful. Ticher sureo aplim kirnnam fankomvdi tednam ful fulta ani ful l'lea tea pulacher to bhulondi mhonn ti axeta. Punn tichea mog kornnarak hi kovita kollana dekun ti xida sangta,
"hamv svopnneleam fokot tuka chintun"
"ozun nident asai tum zag mhojea moga polle hamv zaginch osam punn svopnnetam tuka"
mhonntana choleak kaim arth zaina. To tichea mogavixeant kaim nennam dekun.
mog kornnaramnim zage austent asaje. Na tor ekleak nid poddlear onyeklean svopnneje poddta.
"mhojea rakvolea tum asai nidon "
Mog kornnaram ghuttan bhett'tat ani mog kortat ghorcheank khobar nastana. Dekun tanchea kallzant bhirant asta. Osolea bhimvkureank polleun mollbar chondrem' hasta.
mhonn ti tachem nennarponn nidek sori korta ani aplo mog taka kollounko pechaddta. ('hamv
63 Veez Konkani
Kazara adlo mog bhovo opurbayecho. Tea mogak asche xegunn dusrea khoinchyai mogak nant. To mog khoro, nitoll ani niskoll. " mogar poddchem patok nhoi tori mog to zaizoi khoro dogam-i modhem asonk zai sodam niskollponnacho doro mogant dot ghemvchem na fokot mogak mog puro tumi mogar podda, mogar podda kiteak mog to jivak boro." niskollponn samball l'lo aplo mog khoro. Mogar poddchem patok nhoi, mhonn mogar poddlelim apnnak ch dhoir ditat. "mogar poddchem chuk,lojechem" mholl'llem chintop asl'lo kall akher zaun " mogar poddchem patok nhoi" mhonnchea kallachi survat zal'li. Tornattim mogar poddtat. Mog korn zamvchea zazaramni dotichi kheast aschina mholl'lli malghoddeanchi axa. Somajen na khuxen tor yi mogar poddchem svikar kelem. Punn paxcheat gamvambhori ankvar auyank
apnnamvchem titli amchi somaz mukar yeunko na mhonnchem mog kornnaram modhem ' niskollponnacho doro asaje' mhonnchim utram ruzu kortat, bodol'le le somajichem rup amchea dollea mukar yeta. (' mollbar chondrem' udela' vinchnnar podam 347, kogull gaita chouti koulli) mog korche prayer mog kornnaram ekamekak bovo sundor distat. Choddaut hi sobai choliechich oson cholo tea sobayechem aradon korta. Jivit ondhkarant astana, mog kornnar donparanchea surea bori yeta. Choliechi sobai itli ki tichea premik ti vornnunk ch zaina. Tichi sobai mogar podd l'lea choleachi kolponayi asyet. Lokamogall zal'lea hea podant boroinnarachi kolpona eka unchayek pauta. " oprup yemvchem chandnnem koxem poi lokak mogachem toxem bai tujem tem rupnnem mhojea dolleank tem sukhachem" cholo choliechi sobai vornnunk zainastana koxttata. Devan taka ek borpi zaun roch l'lo tor tichi sobai
64 Veez Konkani
kogull gaita 9 vi koulli ) "zor maka mhoza devan tuzo nouro zaun roch l'lo morta pasun moga tuzo mog korto as l'lom."
vornnun ek gronth likto as l'lo. Tachea ondhkarachea jivitant ti donparanchea sureabori. To tika polleunko sokana. Devan zor taka sureo zaun roch l'lo tor to teka pollet't rauto. Buddchoch na. Gaupi zavun roch l'lo tor dis bhor tika vornnun git gaito as l'lo. Itli tachi sobai ki " zor tum payan dakoitai hamv tem mhatear vhauytam tuka zai kitem tem lumvtam tuje boglek yeun rautam" axem to ticho gulam' ch zato mhonnta. Zor devan taka xilpi zaun roch l'lo tor tichench rupnnem kantoun oradon korto. Mog bovo vhorto. Mog korche khatir devan taka borpi, sureo, gaupi ani xilpi zaun rochlona. (zor maka mhoza devan... Vinchnnar podam 349,
devan zor taka ticho nouro korn roch l'lo tor morta pasun ticho mog korto as l'lom mhonn to aplo khoro vichar deva mukar dourta. Axem mora pasun ticho mog korunk tiche thoim ascho xegunn mhollear vornnunk zaina tosoli sobai! kaullo bob marit thor soirim yetat ya to kitem-i khobor haddn aila mhonn lokachi patyenni. (kaullo yeun bosla... Vinchnnar podam 377, kogull gaita 20 vi koulli )
"sodam-i yeun kaka, poklle soddinaka sang khonddit maka,
65 Veez Konkani
konn yeta to? vorsam thaun zagleam, eklim ravon thokleam yemvdi vegim kaullea hat dita to ho ho mhaka mog dita to."
dusro na mhonn chintchem romy mogachem lokxonn. (hamv tuzo mog kortam ... Vinchnnar podam 477, kogull gaita dusri koulli. )
kaullo sodam yeun ka ka mhonnta. Konn tori yetolo, to kaim aplo mog kornnar konn'nna mhonn choli chinta ani tea patyennen rakon rauta. Mog kornnarak vorsam thaun rakon thoklea tori to yetolo apnnacho hat dhortolo mhonn ti ozun patyeta. " yemvdi vegim kaullea hat dita to ho ho maka mog dita to."
" vell dhamvtolo kall bodoltolo tor yi ho mog nhoi bodolcho nhomyo sukteleo teo bamyo bhagteleo mhozo mog nhoi khodollcho. Sorleari vorsam vorsam mhozo mog jivoch urta" hea mogacho tez itlo kottinn astaki aplo mog kornnar mellna zait tor eksuri jinn jieyam mhonn taka bhogta.
mog kornnarak rakon thok l'li choli kaullo aplo mog kornnar yemvchi khobor haddn aila mhonn chinta.
("modeanecho tallo" onkeant)
Mog kornnarak aplea moga xivai dusrem kitench naka. Tache xivai taka jieunko zaina. Apnnachea moga titlo khoro boro ani thir mog
_ nondini, vamonzur.
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The Catholic Church is NOT Apolitical -
*Fr Cedric Prakash SJ
‘Apolitical’ is both a word and a concept; it is reflective of one’s attitude and behaviour towards the realities that grip people anywhere. It essentially means having no interest in or association with politics. It is also defined as ‘politically neutral; without political attitudes, content or bias’. In ordinary parlance, for the ones who cry hoarse about being ‘apolitical’ it just means not getting involved in politics; because politics is ‘dirty’and any involvement would mean repercussions on oneself or family or the institution one represents. The fact however, is that every single human apart from being a social being is also a political being; not being involved in politics is also a political statement. The pretence is that if one says one is ‘apolitical’ then the idea communicated is that
one is ‘not’ taking sides. This is a bluff. One needs however, to differentiate between ‘politics’ (which is about people: their rights and duties; governance; fair and equitable distribution of resources, justice) and ‘political parties’ which (in a very basic understanding) is about particular groups/ideologies which seek/work for power in order to control the lives and resources of others. In 1971, the Synod of Bishops released a landmark document entitled ‘Justice in the World’. It was pathbreaking in every sense of the word. The Synodal document in the section on ‘The Gospel Message and the Mission of the Church’, offered a new understanding of sin "in the face of the present-day situation of the world, marked as it is by the grave sin of injustice, we
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recognize both our responsibility and our inability to overcome it by our own strength. Such a situation urges us to listen with a humble and open heart to the word of God, as he shows us new paths toward action in the cause of justice in the world." It further stated, "while the Church is bound to give witness to justice, she recognizes that anyone who ventures to speak to people about justice must first be just in their eyes. Hence we must undertake an examination of the modes of acting and of the possessions and the life style found within the Church herself." Fifty years ago, the Bishops of world used an idiom and response which makes tremendous sense in the context of India today. In no uncertain terms, they stated that the Church is and can never be ‘apolitical’. The Church has to take sides in exactly the same way that Jesus took sides with the poor and the marginalised, the exploited and the excluded, the outcasts and ostracised of his time. The Bishops declared, "even though it is not for
us to elaborate a very profound analysis of the situation of the world, we have nevertheless been able to perceive the serious injustices which are building around the world of men a network of domination, oppression and abuses which stifle freedom and which keep the greater part of humanity from sharing in the building up of a more just and more fraternal world." That Synod was the logical outcome of a significant period in the history of the Church. In 1959, when St. Pope John XXIII announced the Second Vatican Council, he emphasised that he wanted it to be a Pastoral Council, not necessarily creating new definitions in doctrine but an ‘aggiornamento’ which was essentially an updating of what the Church is all about, in order to communicate more effectively the values of the kingdom with the men and women of the modern world. The key question which was therefore raised at the Vatican Council was “what does it mean to be the Church of God in the modern world?” The path-breaking Pastoral
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Constitution on the Church in the modern world ‘Gaudium et Spes’ was a fitting response to what St. Pope John XXIII wanted as the sum and substance of a historic intervention. Earlier, in his Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’ he underlines the inviolability of human rights and the four non-negotiables of Truth, Justice, Charity and Liberty which are fundamental for sustainable peace; and with that profound statement “There is a saying of St. Augustine which has particular relevance in this context: "Take away justice, and what are kingdoms but mighty bands of robbers " Given the renewal that was taking place everywhere, because of the Church ‘opening its doors’ postVatican II, St Pope Paul VI convoked the 1971 Synod. The Synod document’s message can be summed up in one well-known sentence, “Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the
church’s mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation”. The promotion of justice therefore, is essential to the mission of the Church. There simply is no sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ if the commitment to justice is downplayed or eliminated. Since then, all the Popes have reiterated the Church’s position for a more just society. Pope Benedict XVI in his Encyclical ‘Caritas in Veritate’ puts it very strongly, “Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace”. Ever since he was elected in March 2013, Pope Francis has not lost any opportunity of insisting that political engagement to counter the rampant injustices in the world, is an essential part of Christian discipleship. He addressed this theme with his trademark directness and charm during a daily Mass homily in 2013. “Politics, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church, is one of the highest forms of
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charity, because it serves the common good. I cannot wash my hands, eh? We all have to give something!” he said. “A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern.” In ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ Pope Francis says, “An evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges distances, it is willing to abase itself if necessary, and it embraces human life, touching the suffering flesh of Christ in others. Evangelizers thus take on the “smell of the sheep” and the sheep are willing to hear their voice. An evangelizing community is also supportive, standing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be.” He adds, “I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets... I do not want a Church concerned with being at the centre and then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures.” He goes on to say, “Peace in society
cannot be understood as pacification or the mere absence of violence resulting from the domination of one part of society over others. Nor does true peace act as a pretext for justifying a social structure, which silences or appeases the poor, so that the more affluent can placidly support their lifestyle, which others have to make do as they can. Demands involving the distribution of wealth, concern for the poor and human rights cannot be suppressed under the guise of creating a consensus on paper or a transient peace for a contented minority. The dignity of the human person and the common good rank higher than the comfort of those who refuse to renounce their privileges. When these values are threatened, a prophetic voice must be raised.” We are in the special ‘Laudato Si’ year; many do not realise that the greatest challenge of this Encyclical which Pope Francis gave to the world in 2015, is to look into the endemic issues which impact on the environment. Pope Francis is direct,
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“In the present condition of global society, where injustices abound and growing numbers of people are deprived of basic human rights and considered expendable, the principle of the common good immediately becomes, logically and inevitably, a summons to solidarity and a preferential option for the poorest of our brothers and sisters. This option entails recognizing the implications of the universal destination of the world’s good… it demands before all else an appreciation of the immense dignity of the poor in the light of our deepest convictions as believers. We need only look around us to see that, today, this option is in fact an ethical imperative essential for effectively attaining the common good.” In his Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia, Pope Francis speaks about the growing impoverishment of the poor, their cries, their rights. Pope Francis begins the part of the ‘Social Dream’ on the right note. He challenges one and all to have the courage to read and respond to the
cries of the poor. Times have changed and we are called to make a paradigm-shift in our response. The traditional benefactor approach (which in the past was the hallmark of the response of the Church) is no longer accepted and will certainly not be an effective response for a change which is sustainable. We need to look into issues which are endemic (the root causes of poverty). This is all easier said than done – because in doing so we will have to take on the powerful and other vested interests; these could be the Government, the corporate sector (the ones destroying the livelihood and lives of our farmers) and the mining mafia. Whether it is in the countries of the Amazon or in countries like India, confronting the powerful on behalf of the poor means that one has to pay a price. There are no short-cuts – we witness the downward spiral of how the poor become poorer and how the rich (at the cost of the poor) amass a scandalous amount of wealth. This is all far from the Gospel of Jesus and for that matter from Christian discipleship.
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Pope Francis is particularly strong and unequivocal in ‘Fratelli Tutti’ “the Church, while respecting the autonomy of political life, does not restrict her mission to the private sphere. On the contrary, “she cannot and must not remain on the sidelines” in the building of a better world, or fail to “reawaken the spiritual energy” that can contribute to the betterment of society. It is true that religious ministers must not engage in the party politics that are the proper domain of the laity, but neither can they renounce the political dimension of life itself, which involves a constant attention to the common good and a concern for integral human development. The Church “has a public role over and above her charitable and educational activities”. She works for “the advancement of humanity and of universal fraternity” She does not claim to compete with earthly powers, but to offer herself as “a family among families, this is the Church, open to bearing witness in today’s world, open to faith hope and love for the Lord and for those whom he loves with a preferential
love. A home with open doors. The Church is a home with open doors, because she is a mother”. And in imitation of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, “we want to be a Church that serves, that leaves home and goes forth from its places of worship, goes forth from its sacristies, in order to accompany life, to sustain hope, to be the sign of unity… to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow seeds of reconciliation”. Even before Pope Francis assumed office, the Bishops of India were already using rather similar words and tone. In 2012, at the XXX CBCI Meet in Bangalore on the theme ‘The Church’s Role for a Better India’, their statement was addressed “to all people of goodwill”, saying, “We sensed in our hearts our country’s yearning for a Better India. Our country has been noted for its deep spirituality, its saints and sages, its rich diversity of cultures and religions. People yearn for the ideal enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution of India of a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic which
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will secure for its citizens Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. But this yearning has remained largely unfulfilled. Economic development has brought about increasing inequities, an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor with consequent tensions spilling over into violence. We see around us a betrayal of the poor and marginalized, the tribals, dalits and other backward classes, women and other groups who live in dehumanising and oppressive poverty. We witness rampant exploitation of children. There is disappointment with those in public life for whom ethical concerns matter little. The Church does not wish to rest on her laurels. She recommits herself to being a prophetic Church, taking a decisive stand in favour of the poor and marginalized “We envision an India with more attributes of the
Kingdom of God such as justice and equity with its consequent fruits of love, peace and joy.” In February 2014, just before the National General Elections, the CBCI Meet in Palai, Kerala on the theme, ‘Renewed Church for a Renewed Society – Responding to the Call of Vatican II’, the Bishops statement was even more emphatic, “When we look at our country, we see corruption plaguing every sphere of society. In such a scenario, Church institutions must be an example of transparency and probity. Another phenomenon is that of internal migration which, while opening opportunities to people, has torn the cultural and religious moorings that sustained them. Globalization too has brought in its wake problems like prolonged working hours which have disrupted family life. We witness the trend to fundamentalism which seeks to dilute the secular character of our nation. Against this trend, we stand by the values upheld by the Indian Constitution and appeal to governments to respect these
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values” …. “The experience of God will lead us to involvement in and solidarity with the marginalized and the exploited, those suffering from disabilities, those living in the peripheries of economic, cultural and social spheres. We will speak out against all forms of injustice meted out to them and we will defend their rights. We listened to the call of Pope Francis urging us to “work to eliminate the structural causes of poverty and to promote the integral development of the poor.” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 188). We want the Church to be truly a Church of the Poor.” Sadly, times have changed; today, being ‘apolitical’ and ‘diplomatic’ are apparently the buzzwords in the Church of India. Actually, they are sinful forms of escapism into one’s comfort zone; a clear betrayal of the person and message of Jesus. Being on the right side of the powerful and vested interest means that our privileges and possessions are seemingly ‘secure’; the internal corruption and scandals are not ‘touched’ and brought to the fore
and above all, the ‘witnessing’ dimension of Christianity is effectively negated. It is so obvious that Church teachings on the social realities of today have not been studied and reflected upon; promulgated and internalised by a fairly large section of the Church in India today. They rarely form part of our Catechesis, our homilies, talks and writings; most Church media are muted on matters of national importance clearly apathetic forgetting the opening words of ‘Gaudium et Spes’, the joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. In his message for World Communications Day 2021, Pope Francis makes it clear that communicators must ‘hit the streets!’ The Catholic Church is clearly not apolitical! But where then are the official statements by the Church in India on the current protests of the
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farmers demanding the immediate revocation of the three anti-farmer laws? Or in keeping with the letter and spirit of ‘Rerum Novarum’ and ‘Centisimus Annus’ is there any challenge to the recent anti-worker Labour Codes? Or in keeping with the mandate of ‘Laudato Si’ what’s the official stand against the destruction of the Mollem reservation, and what is happening to the Aravalli Hills and the Western Ghats and the greater use of fossil fuels through the auctioning of coal blocks? When a climate change activist Disha Ravi is arrested for sedition – what should the Church’s stand be, in keeping with ‘Laudato Si’? What about the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), the sedition and other draconian laws and for those framed and incarcerated under them – are we visible and vocal demanding the immediate repeal of such antiquated and anti-people laws and for the unconditional release of all those illegally jailed? What about ‘love jihad’? The wellknown human rights group the
‘Citizens for Justice and Peace’ (CJP) has recently filed an application before the Supreme Court of India seeking to amend its original writ petition that challenged the Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand anticonversion laws. The group now also seeks to incorporate the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Ordinance, 2020 and the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2019 in its petition. In a statement CJP says, “The illusion of ‘Love Jihad’ has led violence and intimidation by police and nonstate actors. The ‘Love Jihad’ laws legitimise un-constitutional, antiminority and misogynistic beliefs, and help further the hateful, communal agenda of extremists. CJP is challenging these laws as they impinge upon the privacy, freedoms and autonomy of consenting adults”. Some High Courts have already declared it unconstitutional. On 14 February the Chief Minister of Gujarat announced that Gujarat would soon have a ‘love jihad’ law on the lines of UP and MP. That some Church hierarchy can blatantly support such a law (‘political’ or
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‘apolitical’?) is downright immoral and certainly against the teachings of Jesus. An adult has a right to marry the person of one’s choice and also to embrace the religion of one’s choice. There are sufficient provisions in the CrPC to address any force or fraud. What about the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)? or for that matter the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35 A, where Kashmir is concerned? Is there any statement on the stifling of freedom of speech and expression in the country, the consistent attack on freedom of religion or for that matter, the allpervasive denial of most human rights in the country? Migrants and refugees suffer very much (we have seen this during this pandemic); in keeping with the Church directives have we been only their benefactors or have we truly accompanied them in the protection of their rights? Already last week (Feb 7) following the military coup in Myanmar and in the wake of the massive protests Pope Francis expressed "solidarity with the people of Myanmar”. He
said, “I pray that those in power in the country will work... towards the common good,” and he called for "social justice, national stability and harmonious democratic coexistence". True there are several Catholics: laity, nuns and priests (and even some bishops!) who have taken a stand on some of the issues! Many, are at the forefront and even at great risk. That however is not enough! Pope Francis constantly reminds us that when rights and values are threatened, a prophetic voice must be raised. Jesus was deeply concerned about the deeprooted injustices of his time and took a visible and vocal stand against them. The Catholic Church in India can no longer remain a silent spectator, stand on the sidelines and pretend that it is apolitical! Jesus was never apolitical; the Catholic Church is not apolitical!! 15 February 2021
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*(Fr Cedric Prakash (GUJ) is a peace activist/writer. Contact: human rights, reconciliation and cedricprakash@gmail.com) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ten Ss for a Special Season -*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ It is Lent once again: a very Special Season for Christians throughout the world. It is a time for repentance and renewal; to rekindle our initial fervour and the intense practice of our baptismal promises. What we do in these forty days will hopefully extend into the remainder of our lives. It is a season of striving, of reaching out, of going beyond our usual routines, personal weaknesses and individual rituals and devotions; of transcending our complacency and self-centredness; to make that added special effort to get out of our comfort zones. Here is a toolkit (consisting of ten inter-related Ss) which could help make these forty days meaningful, both individually and collectively Silence Lent is a very special time of grace for all. Like Jesus we need to go into
a ‘desert’; to experience the wilderness; to listen to the sound of silence. We need to open ourselves to hear the voice of the Lord talking to us through the noise of the day and calling us by name, in the stillness of the night. Many of us are afraid of silence and solitude; for many, it is a new and difficult learning from the pandemic. In silence we hear the Lord saying to us, “from the depths of my heart I
love you unconditionally; I have carved you in the palm of my hand”. Encountering the Lord is the humility we need to take off our sandals; to be unencumbered with baggage. We all need to spend quality time in prayerful silence every single day: to be alone with God. Surrender Mary the mother of Jesus epitomises ‘surrender’; from the moment she says “yes” at the Annunciation till the moment she
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caresses the lifeless body of her son, so beautifully yet painfully sculptured in Michelangelo’s immortal ‘Pieta’. Pope Francis devotes the last segment of his Apostolic Exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ to Mary saying, “On the
cross, when Jesus endured in his own flesh the dramatic encounter of the sin of the world and God’s mercy, he could feel at his feet the consoling presence of his mother and his friend. At that crucial moment, before fully accomplishing the work which his Father had entrusted to him, Jesus said to Mary: “Woman, here is your son”. Then he said to his beloved friend: “Here is your mother”. These words of the dying Jesus are not chiefly the expression of his devotion and concern for his mother; rather, they are a revelatory formula which manifests the mystery of a special saving mission. Jesus left us his mother to be our mother. Only after doing so did Jesus know that “all was now finished”. At the foot of the cross, at the supreme hour of the new creation, Christ led us to Mary. He brought us to her because he did not want us to journey without a mother, and our people read in this
maternal image all the mysteries of the Gospel”. He adds, “Mary was able to turn a stable into a home for Jesus, with poor swaddling clothes and an abundance of love. She is the handmaid of the Father who sings his praises. She is the friend who is ever concerned that wine is not lacking in our lives. She is the woman whose heart was pierced by a sword and who understands all our pain. As mother of all, she is a sign of hope for peoples suffering the birth pangs of justice”. Lent is time for us to reflect on our own ‘surrender’ to the will of God and see whether we have the courage to do so cheerfully, willingly, and totally. Shadow In his Apostolic Letter ‘Patris Corde’ on the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis writes, “The Polish writer Jan Dobraczyński, in his
book ‘The Shadow of the Father’, tells the story of Saint Joseph’s life in the form of a novel. He uses the evocative image of a shadow to define Joseph. In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph was
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the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father: he watched over him and protected him, never leaving him to go his own way. We can think of Moses’ words to Israel: “In the wilderness… you saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as one carries a child, all the way that you travelled”. In a similar way, Joseph acted as a father for his whole life.” He adds, “Joseph found happiness not in mere self-sacrifice but in selfgift. In him, we never see frustration but only trust. His patient silence was the prelude to concrete expressions of trust. Our world today needs fathers. It has no use for tyrants who would domineer others as a means of compensating for their own needs. It rejects those who confuse authority with authoritarianism, service with servility, discussion with oppression, charity with a welfare mentality, power with destruction”. Like St Joseph we too are called to be God’s shadow in today’s world. Lent, in the year dedicated to St Joseph, is an apt time for each one of us to be that shadow. Sincerity Lent above all is a time when we are
called to turn away from every possible sin: personal and communitarian; sins of commission and of omission. In doing so, we experience the unconditional forgiveness and the tender embrace of our loving Father. Our remorse must be based on sincerity: like the prodigal son. There are no halfhearted measures in this journey towards wholeness and holiness The Oxford English Dictionary and most scholars state that the word ‘sincerity’ is derived from the Latin ‘sincerus’ meaning clean, pure, sound. Sincerus also means ‘one’s growth’; from sin(one) and crescere (to grow). We need to die to our sinfulness in order to grow in Jesus. Sacrifice During this Season, we journey towards that Supreme Sacrifice: the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross. We are invited to do likewise: to take up our cross and follow him. We are encouraged to fast, to abstain, to do penance. In reality it means to ‘let go’: to give up our addictions, whatever keeps us tied down very particularly the materiality of this world. To ‘sacrifice’ in the complete sense of
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the word all that we love the most so that we can come closer to God. It begins with an attitude of selfgiving; Abraham ready to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac. The sacrifice is also about the temptations we are lured into: pride, possessions, power, privileges, positions anything and everything that makes us arrogant, possessive, and selfcentred. It is about walking that extra mile; of giving up our best shirt or most treasured possession and not, the crumbs that fall from the table, the left-over food, our old clothes, used toys and anything else discarded. Service A significant characteristic of Lent is service; the term ‘alms- giving’ is often used, it is however much more than that: it is radically portrayed in the widow’s mite: silently and totally; in the way Jesus kneels down to wash the feet of his disciples. ‘Service’ today has become very loud and with plenty of fanfare, being a benefactor with a top-down approach. Genuine service is not a photo-op, of doling out to others, of showing the whole world of what I am doing. Real service is hidden,
accompanying the other selflessly without counting the cost particularly in the small, simple ordinary things of daily life. It is the ability to reach out to the lost, last, and least. For this grace we need to pray in the words of our Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, “This is my prayer to you, my Lord:
give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service”.
Serenity In the hustle- bustle and business of our world ‘serenity’ almost sounds like an obsolete and irrelevant concept; it is however, an essential requisite for Lent: the calm and peace needed to lead us to Jesus and also to address the activities which overwhelm our lives. Serenity is not just a demeanour it is intrinsic: a way of life. The American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr gives us that beautiful ‘Prayer for Serenity’
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things that must be changed and wisdom to know the difference”. Sensitivity Compassion, concern, and care are
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key elements which radiate one’s sensitivity. Lent is an opportunity to hone this value. In ‘Laudato Si’ Pope Francis insists on personal and social sensitivity. We must care for the earth our common home but at the same time, we must also be sensitive to cries of our sisters and brothers. He says, “a sense of deep
communion with the rest of nature cannot be real if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion and concern for our fellow human beings…. It is no coincidence that, in the canticle in which Saint Francis praises God for his creatures, he goes on to say: “Praised be you my Lord, through those who give pardon for your love”. Everything is connected. Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society”. Stand Lent gives us the opportunity to stand upright and not be cowed down or broken by insolent might. We experience this non-negotiable from the time Jesus is condemned to death, all through the way of the
cross, till the moment Jesus tells his Father that his mission on earth is accomplished. Right through the way of cross (as he did so in his public ministry) Jesus took a visible and vocal stand against the Pilates and Herods, the scribes and the pharisees, the greedy and the exploiters of his time. He stood for truth and justice and never compromised on them. We must stand up not for ourselves but for others; for all the values enshrined in the Constitution of India including the rights guaranteed in it: the right of freedom of religion or belief, the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to marry the person whom one loves and of one’s choice. To take a visible and vocal stand against anything which is wrong and unjust. It does not matter how powerful the other side is. We need to take a stand against all draconian laws and antipeople policies be it the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) or the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), We need to #StandWithStan and all other dissenters and activists who are incarcerated and hounded because they accompany the poor and the
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excluded for a more just and humane society. Jesus tells us to let our light shine but to also ensure that it is placed on a stand and not under the bed. Solidarity In ‘Fratelli Tutti’ Pope Francis tell us that “Solidarity is a word that is not
always well received; in certain situations, it has become a dirty word, a word that dare not be said. Solidarity means much more than engaging in sporadic acts of generosity. It means thinking and acting in terms of community. It means that the lives of all are prior to the appropriation of goods by a few. It also means combatting the structural causes of poverty, inequality, the lack of work, land and housing, the denial of social and labour rights. It means confronting the destructive effects of the empire of money… Solidarity, understood in its most profound meaning, is a way of making history, and this is what
popular movements are doing”. We are called to be in solidarity with our protesting farmers, the migrant workers, the exploited Adivasis and Dalits, the trafficked women and children, the poor, vulnerable and excluded; to join in protests, to hold their hands; to walk with them. The toolkit for Lent therefore encompasses ten Ss all intrinsically interrelated like a beautifully embroidered multi-coloured tapestry. A toolkit which we must readily share with all -through our Silence, Surrender, Shadow, Sincerity, Sacrifice, Service, Serenity, Sensitivity, Stand and Solidarity – in doing so, we will certainly experience the profound joy of this holy season. 17 February 2021 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com)
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Is there Social Justice in the Digital Economy? *Fr Cedric Prakash SJ This year the World Day of Social Justice (20 February) is being observed in extremely trying times all over the world. The first signs and cases of the pandemic had already gripped parts of the world in December 2019; but it was not until after the middle of February 2020 did the seriousness of situation actually set in. Governments everywhere, UN agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO), went into a frenzy. The concerted effort was not only to stop the deaths, to contain the pandemic COVID-19 but also to find effective preventives and cures to address what is regarded as the deadliest virus to hit humankind in recent times. In a matter of time nations and cities were locked down; international and domestic travel was stopped; factories offices, educational institutions closed. All normal routine life which most took for granted – was either woefully disrupted or came to a grinding halt. Economies, particularly of the poorer nations, were shattered. For almost a
year now a ‘new normal’ began to emerge: it is called ‘work from home’(WFH); in short, it meant you needed to have a digital device: be it a computer or a smart phone and of course, a good, stable internet connectivity. So, millions of people found some solace in this; students had online classes, discussions and even official meetings took place over webinars. A whole range of challenges and social concerns thus emerged due to this latest form of work: what about those whose lives and livelihoods are centred on daily physical presence: workers on a building construction site or for that matter, a street hawker? What about those who cannot afford to buy one of these sophisticated gadgets or who do not have access to good internet connectivity? Whilst the pandemic created the environments of remote working by digital platforms, it also caused a digital divide as there were several factors that detrimentally influenced labour opportunities. It is appropriate then
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that the theme chosen for World Day of Social Justice is ‘A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy’, with a view to address the challenges and concerns. The introduction to the theme states, “the digital economy is transforming the world of work. Over the past decade, expansion in broadband connectivity, cloud computing, and data have led to the proliferation of digital platforms, which have penetrated several sectors of the economy and societies. Since early 2020, the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic have led to remote working arrangements and allowed for the continuation of many business activities, further reinforcing the growth and impact of the digital economy. The crisis has also laid bare and exacerbated the growing digital divide within, between and across developed and developing countries, particularly in terms of the availability, affordability and use of information ICTs and access to the internet, deepening existing inequalities”. The hi-tech elite will surely point out to the many positives in a digital economy; one can surely go on ‘ad nauseam’ highlighting some of the benefits accrued because of the digital
platforms to this modern age. Unfortunately, an objective and a more dispassionate look into reality, will clearly show the negative impact the digital economy has on millions of people: the casual workers, the migrant workers, the small entrepreneurs and other sub-alterns who have suffered immensely this past year. They have all fallen victims to newer forms of injustice which though not very visible, are as brutal and oppressive as the more traditional and obvious ones. The ordinary labourer is the most affected by the digital economy. One of the most pathetic sights on the TV screens and the print media was to see pictures of migrant workers from several of the big cities walking back to their homes in the rural areas, in the height of the pandemic. Many of them, for want of public transportation had to trudge back miles because of the lockdown. The urban informal sector was badly hit everywhere. These were ordinary men and women, for whom digital platforms means absolutely nothing. Their work is of a physical nature, most of them are location-based, earn a daily wage, live frugally and save a little for their families who in most cases, live in rural
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areas. Millions of workers lost their jobs overnight; even on their return, in some states like UP and Gujarat they had to agree to new policies with longer hours of work, with lesser wages and without access to a trade union. The three labour codes, which are blatantly anti-worker, was shoved down by an uncaring Government and their crony capitalist friends during the pandemic. In his pathbreaking Encyclical of 1891, ‘Rerum Novarum’, Pope Leo XIII wrote “when there is question of defending the rights of individuals, the poor and badly off have a claim to especial consideration. The richer class have many ways of shielding themselves, and stand less in need of help from the State; whereas the mass of the poor has no resources of their own to fall back upon, and must chiefly depend upon the assistance of the State”. One hundred years later, in 1991, later (now Saint) John Paul II in his encyclical ‘Centesimus Annus’ said, “Justice will never be fully attained unless people see in the poor person, who is asking for help in order to survive, not an annoyance or a burden, but an opportunity for showing kindness and a chance for greater enrichment”. Last May, Pope Francis spoke very strongly
about the plight of the migrant workers saying, “I want to defend all exploited workers and I invite everyone to turn the crisis (the pandemic) into an occasion where the dignity of the person and the dignity of work can be put back at the centre of things.” Fifty years ago, the 1971 Synod of Bishops on ‘Justice in the World’ ushered in a watershed moment for the Church. The Synodal document stated that, “In the face of the present-day situation of the world, marked as it is by the grave sin of injustice, we recognize both our responsibility and our inability to overcome it by our own strength. Such a situation urges us to listen with a humble and open heart to the word of God, as he shows us new paths toward action in the cause of justice in the world." A call so painfully relevant today. Another dimension which needs to be addressed where digital economy is concerned is called ‘digital fascism’. We are experiencing a painful explosion of this fascism in India in the recent past. It is a fascism which spews hate, is divisive in nature and keeps large sections of the population in a state of impoverishment and with the denial of human rights. In an excellent
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analytical article in the popular online portal ‘Counterpunch(18February 2021) entitled ‘What Is Digital Fascism?’, authors Thomas Klikauer and Norman Simms write, “compared to the classical type, digital fascism may well be furnished with the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever seen – the Internet. Unlike, classical fascism which used printed newspapers and radio, digital fascism transmits its hate messages through the Internet”; they go on to add, “digital fascism thrives on political half-truths, bull shit, accidental misinformation, deliberate disinformation, apocalyptic end-ofthe-white-race delusions, rumours, innuendo, hate campaigns, falsehoods, crank palaver, and, of course, the infamous conspiracy theories which in reality have never been “theories” but are conspiracy fantasies”. ‘Digital fascists’ are able to plant fabricated yet incriminating ‘evidence’ in the computers of human rights defenders and dissenters. This has been meticulously revealed in the explosive report recently released by Arsenal Consulting, a Massachusetts based digital forensic company. Arsenal has found that malware was
used to insert incriminating letters and other documents into the computer of Rona Wilson, a prisoners’ rights activist. Wilson is one of the sixteen incarcerated in the Bhima -Koregaon conspiracy case. It goes without saying that similar ‘evidence’ is also planted in the computers of the others. Then we have the other cases of environmental activist Disha Ravi and others who apparently used a ‘tool-kit’ in tandem with Greta Thunberg; suddenly the godified fascist media is all in a frenzy with all kinds of allegations of sedition, anti-national activities and so on. Fascists are also very selective the so-called celebrities who vociferously posted protest tweets prior to 2014 when the UPA Government was in power against the petrol hike at that time- does not dare protest when the price of fuel has reached an all time high of Rs 100/per litre and at a time when the global prices have plummeted rock-bottom Klikauer and Simms underline this saying, “so far the conflict lies between an open society with free speech at its core, on the one side, and a closed one where right-wing extremists to use the same online platforms to destroy it. These fanatics replace them with anti-
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democratic and above race-based media remains unsolved. But how this comes about remains an unsolved mystery. Perhaps, it is just as Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, once said, “It will always remain one of the best jokes of democracy, that it gave its deadly enemies the means by which it was destroyed.“ Today, it seems that democracy will give its deadly enemies (digital fascists) the means (e.g., Facebook) which these fascists will use to destroy democracy. Unfortunately, this is no joke”. The digital economy has therefore thrown up a plethora of justice related issues; a similar reality emerged in the wake of the industrial revolution. What happens to those for whom digital platforms make no sense? For many it is not about possessing a mobile phone but if that gadget can earn them their daily wage. What about those who are selectively targeted by digital fascists? The UN hopes that this year's commemoration of World Day of Social Justice would support “efforts by the international community to search for solutions to achieve sustainable development, poverty eradication, the promotion of full employment and decent work,
universal social protection, gender equality and access to social wellbeing and justice for all. Consequently, it aims at fostering dialogue with member States and relevant UN institutions and other stakeholders on actions needed to overcome the digital divide, provide decent work opportunities, and protect labour and human rights in the modern era of digital technologies”. To make this lofty ideal a reality, will certainly need not only a political will but the active collaboration and commitment of all people of goodwill. Given the sad reality that in India and in some other countries of the world fascism is on the rise, the one question which needs to be put and answered on World Day of Social Justice: Is there Social Justice in the Digital Economy? 19 February 2021
*(Fr Cedric Prakash is a human rights, reconciliation and peace activist/writer.
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Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pitaji Vasco do Rego, S.J.: A Crusader of Konknni (08 January 1925 – 17 February 2021)
Pratapananda Naik, S.J. Loyola Hall. Miramar, Panaji It is a Herculean task to write the obituary of a multifaceted and multitalented personality like that of Fr. Vasco do Rego, S.J., a Jesuit priest of Goa Province. He was fondly known as “Pitaji” (means father) among his friends and followers. He was born on 08th January 1925 at Panaji, Goa. His parents were Antonio Augusto do Rego and Aurora Maria Helena Correia Afonso do Rego. His father was a known Doctor. He was the grandson of
Roque and Claudina Correia Afonso, a couple from Benaulim who had 7 priests among their 52 grandchildren. Fr. Renato do Rego of Goa Archdiocese was his brother. He did his early studies Primeiro and Segundo Grau in Portuguese medium at Escola Massano de Amorim at Panaji. IV to VIII standards he studied in English medium in the boarding school of St. Joseph’s High school, Arpora. From 1938-45 he continued
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his studies at Rachol Seminary. While doing philosophy studies, he heard an inner voice telling him, “Trust in My Heart and go.”. He listened to this voice and joined the Jesuits to begin his novitiate at Vinayalaya, Andheri East, Mumbai on 05 August 1945. After completing his novitiate (1945-47) and juniorate (1947-49) he was sent to do his Licentiate in Philosophy at Sacred Heart College, Shembaganur, Tamil Nadu. 1950-52 he did regency at St. Paul High school, Belgaum (now Belgavi) and Loyola High Margao. Then he was sent to the Jesuit theologate St. Albert of Eegenhoven, Louvain, Belgium to do his theology studies (1952-56). On 15th August 1955 he was ordained as a priest there. 1956-1957 he did his tertianship at the Institute of Bellarmine, Wépion, Belgium and returned to Pune in 1957. Being a brilliant, talented, and multifacet Jesuit priest, his name was proposed to be a teaching staff member for Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth (those days Papal Athenaeum), but God had other plans for him. He served as a Student Counsellor of St. Vincent School, Pune from 1958 to 1963. Since then, he has served the Society and the Church in various positions such as Spiritual Father of
Rachol Seminary, (1963-67), Student Counsellor (1967-68) and Rector of Loyola High Margao (1968-73), Rector & Novice Master at Xavier training College, Desur, Karnataka (1973-78), Director of Retreat House, Baga (197879), Rector of Bom Jesus Basilica, Old Goa (1979-95), Chaplain of Stella Maris Chapel, Miramar, Panaji (199598), Spiritual Ministries & translation of the Bible into Konknni (1998- ), Editor of Konknni monthly “Dor Mhoineachi Rotti” (01 May 2009- 17 February 2021). All his activities, vision, and life were centred and focused around “Abba Father”. Trinitarian based spirituality guided his entire life and all apostolates. Throughout his life he promoted this Trinitarian rooted spirituality through various ministries. The greatest and most valuable contribution he rendered to the Church in Goa was in the fields of Liturgy in Konknni and translation and editing work of the Konknni Bible. The reform norms of Vatican II Council demanded that the liturgy and paraliturgy be celebrated in local languages. Translating Ordinary of the Mass canons from Latin into Konknni, he began at Belgaum at the request of
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Bishop of Belgaum. This news reached to the church authorities of Goa and they subsequently requested him to do the same in Goa. In Goa, switch over from Latin to Konknni needed learned, talented and dedicated persons. At this critical juncture Fr. Vasco rendered his yeomen service. He was one of the members to translate, edit and publish the Roman Missal in Konknni as “Romi MisaGronth” (1981) and the Roman Missal as “Romi Vachpam-Gronth” (1983). Though he was brought up during his childhood, in Portuguese speaking atmosphere at home, he knew Konknni. Later he learnt Latin, Spanish, French, some Italian and Marathi. He had the working knowledge of Greek too. All these languages and his mastery over formal Konknni were his assets in his liturgical and biblical contributions. Due to his efforts emerged Konknni hymnal “Gaionacho Jhelo”, which is used in Goa and elsewhere by Konknni speaking Catholics. In it there are 511 hymns. Out of which he has contributed lyrics to 332 hymns (64.97%) and music to 52 of his own hymns. Besides these, on various themes he has composed lyrics for 21 and music for 6 Konknni hymns. He has written 15 Konknni
poems, 10 English hymns & poems and 2 Portuguese poems. For different parts of the Mass, he has composed music. His lyrics are not only rich in Konknni language but they also based on profound modern theology and biblical themes. He worked for several years to complete his maternal uncle Mr. Pedro Correia Afonso’s translation of the Psalms in the book “Stotram ani Sevadhormik Prarthonam”. He has the lion’s share to translate a few books of the Bible and to edit the entire Bible. He worked on this project for several years. His St. Francis Xavier’s novena sermons of several years in Konknni have been compiled and published as “Sonvsarak Jezu diat” by Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK), Alto Porvorim. The Devanagari version of his Konknni book “Nazaretkar Jezu” also been published by TSKK. His many articles in Konknni and English have been published in various magazines and newspapers. All his retreat and recollection talks, class notes of theology in Konknni and English remain unpublished. He was a strong protagonist of the Konknni language. He motivated the seminarians, priests, nuns, and lay people to use more and more Konknni
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for conversation. He was a good preacher in Konknni, English and Portuguese. He also excelled as a Ignatian retreat director and was sought for recollection talks, and conferences. As a spiritual guide he has directed countless seminarians, priests and religious priests and nuns. While he was the rector of Loyola High School, Margao, he introduced Konknni as the medium of instruction at Loyola school and at Fatima Convent School, Margao facing much opposition and hurdles from the natives. His several years of dedicated service to standardize the Konknni language was recognized and he was awarded the first award of Dalgado Konknni Akademi, Panaji on 08 March 2005. On 06 March 2014 Dalgado Konknni Akademi conferred Award for the Goa Jesuit Province who owns the Dor Mhoineachi Rotti, of which Fr. Vasco is the Editor since May 2009. The Art and cultural Directorate of government of Goa too recognized his contribution to Konknni and selected him for the “Goa State cultural Award of 2013-2014 and it was bestowed on him on 04 January 2015. The renowned film director and screenplay writer Shyam Benegal was the Chief Guest.
The Novenas and Feast of St. Francis Xavier is the most important event in every year in Goa. It was Fr. Vasco who restored the sanctity of the shrine and instrumental to conduct well organized liturgy during the novenas, feast and exposition of relics. There are no two opinions regarding his greatest contribution to this task. He cleared all the shops and vendors from the compound of the shrine. During novenas and feast, vendors and noisemakers were not allowed near the shrine. All this he achieved convincing the Panchayat members, civil authorities and various government departments. He had to pay a heavy price to achieve this by receiving abuses, curses, and threats. Maybe he still cherishes as a memento the big stone that was hurled and landed through the window into his room. It was meant for his head, but miraculously missed the target!!! During his term as the Rector of Bom Jesus Basilica many prominent global figures visited the shrine, chief among them being the Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, President of Portugal Mario Soares, Pope John Paul II.
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While he was in Pune, feeling called to found a new Religious Family in the Church, Fr. Vasco founded in 1961 Ishaprema-Vinamra-Sevika (Humble Servants of God’s Love), with the collaboration of Norberta Lobo (later known as Mataji Nirmala), to make all persons, particularly the most needy, know and experience our heavenly Father’s love and concern for each one. Their homes are known as Ishaprema-Niketan (Home of God’s Love). It has branches in Asagao and Goa Velha. He continued, till the end, as its silent, humble, hidden Pitaji passing to Mataji and the Tais (sisters) the inspiration he received from his ABBA.
supporter of Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK), a Jesuit institute which promotes Konknni language, literature and culture through research and other activities. Though he was not a trained linguist, he had linguistic intuition of Konknni and he rendered his insights to trained Jesuit linguists of TSKK. If one begins to count and write about Fr. Vasco and his contribution, it would fill up many pages. He fully believed and lived the Jesuit motto “Ad Maiorem, Dei Gloriam”, namely, all for the Greater Glory of God. Truly, a rarest gem in the Konknni world and a treasured gift for the Society of Jesus and Church in Goa.
He was one of the founders and great ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Field Marrow with horsegram (kultakat in konkani) Ingredients: 1) 1 medium field marrow (mogen), cut into medium size 2) 250-gram horsegram 3) 1 cup grated coconut 4) 1 small raw mango, peel off skin and cut into small pieces 5) 4 red chilies 6) 1 tbsp coriander seeds 7) 1 tsp cumin seeds 8) 1 tsp mustard seeds 9) 1 tsp pepper corns 10) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 11) 2 medium onions sliced lengthwise 12) 2 flakes garlic 13) 1 tbsp oil 14) Salt to taste Recipe: - Wash horsegram nicely and soak for 6-7 hours with 6 glass of water - In a pressure cooker, add soaked horsegram with water and 1 tsp salt and cook till 4 whistles on medium flame - Dry roast red chilies, coriander
seeds, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and pepper corns and keep aside to cool - Fry coconut for a while with 1/2 tsp turmeric powder - In a mixer grinder, make a fine paste of all roasted ingredients, coconut, 1 medium onion, 2 flakes garlic and 2 tbsp of cooked horsegram - In a cooking pot, heat 1 tbsp oil - Fry masala paste for 5 mins on low flame - Add horsegram cooked water and stir well and bring to a full boil - Add salt as per taste - Add field marrow (mogen), 1 onion and raw mango mix well and cook on medium flame until field marrow is cooked well - Add more hot water if required depending on the consistency of curry - Switch off the flame once done For tadka : - Heat 2 tbsp oil - Once oil is hot, add 1 tsp mustard seeds and let it splutter - Add 3 flakes garlic smashed, 2 red chilies, 1 tsp urad dal and 1 sprig curry leaves and fry till crispy Add the tadka to the curry.
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Kultakat is ready to serve with boiled rice or any rice as per your choice.
Bhajlelea masllechi koddi 94 Veez Konkani
4 pamplettam (dhovim) dodon kuddke kor. Uprant il'lo holldi pitto, mitt, 1/2 limbeacho ros ghaln bhorsun 1/2 ghonttobhor dour. 1 piav, 2-3 losunne boyo, 1/2 narl, 2 ttispun mirim, chimttibhor hollod, 2-3 ttispun mirsange pitto, il'li amsann vattun mosalo lagoun dour. Korchi rit:
il'lem tel kailint tapoun tantum maslli doni kusimni bhaz ani vingodd dour. (koddokk bhajinaka) atam eka aidanant tel dourn 1 piav bhazun, taka to allenak ghaln bhaz, udak, mitt ghaln hollt kor. Khotkhoto yetana taka bhazl'li maslli ghaln lovo challn bhum-i dour.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kovita Cholche vatter, bearikedd add, margar roile khille.
roit _ kal ani az... Az... Kaido kanun, nyai nit, vicharunk gel'le...
Kal.... Ritea angar, zotak nangor, gade kostana... Vota tapak, ubra modd'ddent, gham' pilltana
95 Veez Konkani
gade gholl'lle, genn dil'li mudde asle mhallear ghollcho roit, bhumyt roddta gade ponngil poddleat. Manddar boson varjik kel'lo gudamvamni bhorta gham' pill l'lo mati murddil'lo upaxim morta. Matye mogan, sarem khorem azapam korta. Besor kaddun, ang moddlear bhangar meuta tonddak unddi, gorvak penddi vors bhor pauta ablesi dolali, unnem dita labhak vikta.
Faleam... Xetak tum naka, xherak zai koroddanchi bhum-i, unnear lokoi gade ghollche, pordexi gele kaidea kanunak roit vatter mele. Jemvchea xitak, bhangarachem mol roit zatolo kongal nyai_ nit, na zalea hanga roitache hal_ hoval.
_ ponchu, bonttvall. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 Veez Konkani
*monzugunni* ------------------------------
Gorbhoguddi rochona hozaro vorxo poilechi. Bhaile nourongo monttopo uddupi oxttho motthache xri vadirazo svameni , sadharonno 700 vorxo poilem bandhoilem mhonnotati.
bharotiyo somskriti odheatmacheri ovolombuno assa. Tossim zaunu khonche gamva gel'letiki eko na eko purannantulo kotheko zodduno assilo deusthano pollocheako mellta. Xirosi talukeantulo monzugunni eko sano gamvu. Tea gamvantu eko puratono deullo assa. Vastu xastrantu sangileavori tontotonto vastu rochona te deullo bandhitona palono kelea. Hem hamve sangchem nhoyim ; togone lokani sangolea.
Gorbhoguddintu hat'tantu bil'lu banno dhorilo , paieako paduka dharonno kelilo , oporupantu oporupo xri venkottexali murti sthapono kelea. Sohosa venkottexale daveano lokxmili murti urta. Monzugunnintu ujveno assa. Tirupoti yatra kornu poroto yet'tona , tirumoloyogi mhollilo sonto puruxako ti murti eko kallka guhentu mell'llili. Yatra kornu poroto yet'tona , dehako zalilo ayaso duro korcheako to sonto puruxo guhentu vixranti ghet'tossilo. Svopnantu takka droxttantu zal'lem. Ti murti takka spoxtto disli. Tanne ti murti monzugunni gamvantu hannu protixtthapono kel'li. Tedikuno ten'nanchano monzugunniko
97 Veez Konkani
kornattokantulo mhonnotati.
eko thonche voixixttyo zaunasa. Deusthanacho xilpo akorxoko zaunasa ani bhailo okhonddo xilecho 35 futto uncho goruddo khombo bhi akorxoko zaunasa.
Tirupoti vekottexacheri assilo title xrod'dheno, bhoktino monzugunni venkottexako manotati. Onanukuloteno ekadovello konne sanguno ghet'tilo seva , kannika tirupotiko vochuno pavocheako oxokyo zaleari , tossoleani ti seva , kannika monzugunni pavoileari , tirupotiko pauta mhonnotati. Tea voixnnovo devako puzari xoivo somprodayachocho. Hem bhi
Loko tangelo xetantu , bagantu pikoilem dhanyo , foloustuntulo eko vantto devako hannu dit'tati. Tangelo kuttumbacho sorvotomukho obhivrid'dhiko xri choronnantu prarthona kortati. Chorddumvalo uponoino , logno monzugunnintu " tugelo choronnantu hannu kortam " mhonnu horke sanguno ghet'tati. Ossim sanguno ghet'tilo nimit'to tangelem borem zat'ta mhollilo vixvasoddho tanka assa. Megelo an'nako bhi munji monzugunnintu hornu kel'lili. Karonno megelo an'nom'male poile ballantoponna vellari chel'lo zaleari monzugunnintu hornu munji kortam mhonnu horke sanguno ghet'tilo khoyim ! proti vorxo choitro xud'dho pournnimeko rothotsovo zat'ta.
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Devano boscho rotho akarano bhouyo , divyo zaunasa. Deusthanakinta rothachi kotha zasti aikucha mellta. Xottkonakroticho rothari ramainnantuli , mohabharotantuli ghottona korantileati. Utkrixtto dorjecho kaxtthoxilpo protyokxo polloveto. Rotho tanddocheako deulla mukaro lambo , rundo ,sorollo rosto assa. Rotho ratricho tandditati. Utsovako hozarom loko zomotati. Ti rothoyatra ayuxeantu ekopotte punni pollouka.
dista. Sudorxono chokrano ti puxkoronni toyaro kelili khoyim! takitu kaim' svochchho udako urta. Sanjechem kimva sokkannichem thonddo hovamanantu , soneri rovikironnantu tea puxkoronniche dhodderi bosoleari , nisorgo tumgelo mono utsahito korta. Anondito korta. Tossolo nisorgako premo kortoleanko ayuxyo ken'nanko bor zaina.
Xirosi saunu kumotta vot'tona , viseko ki.Mi aile ki , ujveno monzugunni vochcho rosto dista. Tea rosteno so ki.Mi geleari xri kxetro monzugunni vochchuno pautati. Sodea deusthanacho novikoronno keleam. Rosto boro kel'la. - podmonabho naiko Gamva provexo kortona , *chokrotirtho* mhollilo puxkoronni ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------99 Veez Konkani
39 species of birds sighted at St Aloysius College Campus during Campus Bird Count 2021
As a part of the ‘Great Backyard Bird Count’ organized by Bird Count India in collaboration with eBIRD, Campus Bird Count 2021 was held from 12th to 15th February in various campuses of India. This year over 272 campuses took part in this mega birding event to document the avian fauna in their respective campuses. St Aloysius College has taken part in this event for the past two years. The 140-year-old campus is situated at the heart of Mangaluru city and is spread over 37 acres. The Campus bird count 2021 was organized by the Department of
Zoology. The campus bird count team was led by Mr Glavin Thoma Rodrigues (Lecturer), Mr Kiran Vati (Lecturer) and Dr Hemachandra (HOD) in the active presence of Mr Hariprasad Shetty(Assistant Professor), Dr Rachana (Assistant Professor) and Ms Raifa. A total of 13 students from various UG Science and Arts departments of the college participated in the survey and made this event a grand success. Four days (12th to 15th February) of birding event concluded with a recording of 39 species of birds. Birds such as Greater Racket Tailed Drongo,
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Jungle Myna, Common Myna, Purple Rumped Sunbird, Pale Billed Flowerpecker, Asian Koel, Oriental Magpie Robin and Red Whiskered bulbul were commonly sighted throughout the campus. Large predatory birds such as Black Kite and Brahminy Kite are seen in huge numbers flying around the campus and perching on old buildings within the campus. Flocks of hundreds of chestnut tailed starlings and Rosy starlings flying around the campus is a blissful sight to observe. Migratory birds such as Indian Paradise Flycatcher, Ashy
Drongo, Indian Golden Oriole, Blue Tailed Bee Eater, Blyth’s Reed Warbler, Green Warbler were also sighted during the campus bird count. In the era of urbanization, St Aloysius College with its luscious green campus is still home to hundreds of birds. Such kind of population can be credited to the high diversity of the fruiting plants and trees found here that provide shelter, food and nesting sites for a variety of bird species. To date, the checklist of St Aloysius College Campus has been updated with a total of 52 species with the addition
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of two new species this CBC, the White-rumped munia and the Cattle Egret that is recorded for the first time on the campus. Nesting sites of around seven species of birds which include the Rose Ringed Parakeet, Pale Billed Flowerpecker, Oriental Magpie Robin, White-Cheeked Barbet, Black Kite, Bhraminy Kite and Red Whiskered Bulbul were sighted in the campus during the bird count. The most fascinating sight was the frequent feeding of Rose Ringed Parakeet chicks by its male parent in its nest and Palebilled Flowerpecker feeding little fruits to its chicks. This provides evidence for a well-balanced ecosystem that supports the existence of a variety of bird species within the campus. Such bird counts done for several years will give an understanding of how the bird
populations are changing with time. St. Aloysius College has always ensured activities that let students come close to nature, believing strongly in how there is a lot to learn from nature if you observe. Birdwatching is the best way to spend our leisure time and anyone can practice this hobby irrespective of their age, occupation, and place. Watching birds can bring joy to our minds and be a good stress reliever. Principal, Rev Fr Praveen Martis S J addressed the students on the final day of the Campus Bird Count. He emphasized on the need to study the green patches of the campus and how students can involve themselves in learning and conserving them to protect birds. He also encouraged the students to make the campus eco-friendlier and a better place for co-existence.*****
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hulpun geleant sogllem tel thoim gelam uzo pettounko
Tel uzo amcha gamvant tel mugdolam
dekun atam telachem mol mollbok choddlam
dolle asun kurodde zal'leank ujeak votunk tel pauna khoim tokleo boroea chintnancha borogollan sukun geleat khoim kallzam dhalli futtlea gadeambori
tela mol demvta uzo palvol'lea disa
-sivi, lorett'tto 103 Veez Konkani
-ayonsi paloddka
tuvem khel'leo toroneo toroneo ambea ankreo ?
ku kuhu ku kuhu koglle pila ku kuhu ‘tuka konne dila ?
sang koso avaz toso koglle pila ? tallo tuzo aikon lok pisvon gela.
koglle pil
lhanponni asro dil'lo kaullea pinjro ?
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solvonnen xikoilem muklem mett samballun dourunk jiklea magir xiklim zovabdar koxem gheje mhonn mon -------tujem niskoll mon mhaka devachem mondir tujem hastem tondd mhojem mogachem mondir morn --------khobar nastam yetai kiteak poilench sangxi tor toyar rautim
roit ------pattik lag l'lem pott solvon gel'le hat pam-i rombulea soglleanimyi ghayelea rogtache vhall amchea pottachi bhuk thambounko opnnacho jivo zhoroun amche khatir xetant vavurta nisvarth ponni kovi ------tujea yennea uprant sureo aniki porzoll'llo mhoje bhitor liplolo kovi zago zalo -osunta ddisoza
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Eyes Open International President Harold D’Souza believes in awareness not ignorance Truly said; ‘He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived’. This Chinese Proverb has definitely been exemplified in the life of Harold D’Souza a native of Bajpe, Mangalore from India. Eyes Open International (EOI) organized a life changing online webinar titled “Freedom for Humanity” on February 15, 2021. This auspicious event was graced by Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil – The famous Prince of Rajpipla State, Michelle Hannan, Anti-Human Trafficking Program Director and Divisional Director of Social Services, The Salvation Army, Sheena Chohan, Actress, South Asia AmbassadorUnited for Human Rights, Hriday Raval, Regional Director-India (EOI) and crusader Harold D’Souza CoFounder of Eyes Open International. D’Souza conveyed the good wishes, gratitude, and blessings for an empowering webinar, from Vikash Kumar Deputy Inspector - General of Police, Karnataka State Reserve Police
who could not attend this auspicious event due to unavoidable circumstances. According to D’Souza, Vikash Sir conveyed his support to get justice for our vulnerable community members. Fix the problem not the blame is the motto Harold D’Souza practices and preaches. Manvendra the first openly gay Prince of the world is the founder of Lakshya Trust. Prince Manvendra is an incredible advocate of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer). He mesmerized the audience globally. Prince Manvendra an internationally proclaimed speaker said; “Gay as per dictionary means ‘happy’. A gay is a person who is attracted towards the same sex. A male is attracted to a male and a female is attracted to a female”. Sharing the stage with Michelle Hannan. Harold said; Survivors are poor starters but strong finishers. Michelle transformed my life from hurt to happiness, fear to freedom, and slavery to success.
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they could stand up for themselves”. Sheena focused on Article 4 of the 30
Michelle exhibited an informative presentation on Salvation Army history, and resources available to immigrant victims in the United States of America.
Michelle shared; “Help is available to victims who have experienced trafficking in America by calling National Human Trafficking Hotline 1888-373-7888 available 24 hours with 200 languages. Michelle said by calling this number victim should not be afraid of being arrested or deported. Sheena Chohan the first Indian Actress to be awarded the hero award at the United Nation in New York 2019 said; “If every child understood their rights,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Article 4 protects your right not to be held in slavery or servitude or made to do forced labor. Prince Manvendra, Michelle, Sheena, and Hriday shared their feelings of deep respect towards Harold D’Souza in his mission to prevent, educate, protect, and empower the vulnerable population globally through his nonprofit organization Eyes Open International. This event was broadcast on Bharat FM live and various social media platforms across the world. Closing remarks by Sheena Chohan was; “Educating oneself with human rights. Michelle Hannan shared; “Help will be offered to Victims” and Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil said; “Love Yourself”. ***********
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MANDD SOBHANN (Reg.) Organises *TRADITIONAL KONKANI SONGS -ONLINE CERTIFICATE COURSE* In collaboration with *S.K.A LONDON* * For young and old, interested in singing, * For those who love traditions and Konkani. *Commencing on Sat. Jan. 9, '21,* *Spanning 8 Saturdays* *(Jan. 9, 16, 23, 3m, Feb. 6, 13, 2m, 27)* *At 7 p.m. (IST). 8 sessions of 9m minutes each = 12 hours of Training* *COURSE CONTENT* 8 different topics in 8 sessions 1. Gumo’tt Songs 2. Traditional songs (GupitMoag, Roazlin, Suryachim Kirnnam, Lucy and others) 3. Dekhnni and Manddo 4. Voviyo (Old and New) 5. Ve'rse (Wedding Songs) 6. Children’s Songs 7. Dulpodam (Baila) 8. Mandd Sobhann Songs *NOTE:* Along with learning traditional songs, you will also learn about traditions. *RESOURCE PERSONS* *Course Director/Instructor/Main Singer : Eric Ozario *Keyboard: Alron Rodrigues *Singers: Joyce Ozario, Raina Castelino, Jason Lobo, Dealle Dsouza. *NOTE : *One wouldn’t find a better bunch of experts than these, as they have the experience of having trained over 6mm people, in and around Mangalore. *This is Mandd Sobhann’s sincere attempt to preserve Konkani Song-Traditions. *This training would be conducted over the Zoom App. If you are interested, kindly enrol yourself by sending your Name and WhatsApp Number to the following number – 81m52 26626. Only 1mm in a batch. Hurry up! *The course is absolutely free! Please consider pitching in with your donations to support this noble cause. *The ones attending all 8 complete sessions, will be rewarded with an online certificate by Mandd Sobhann. *Come, Register today! Spread the word.* 113 Veez Konkani
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