llustrated Weekly
Illustrated Weekly
Volume: 4
No: 15
March 18, 2021
Vividh Talentanchi Ut'tim' Kolakarnn
Sapna Crasta (Saldanha) Vamanjoor 1 Veez Konkani
Striyancho hofto goujen achorilo!
vhoi, gelea hofteant somsaradyont ’striyancho hofto’ bharich god'dallayen achorilo. Haka saks diunko eklea-dogank vedir choddoun xal pangurle, mateak topi dili, fulam-follam dilim ani bharichch gombhirayen tankam hogollsilem. He sorv autar kitlea tempak? ekachch disak? uprant kitem? sorvoi ritem! pattim teachch sonkoxttank. Bharot striyam vixeant uloitana tankam man dimvn vakhonntta punn kitem-i kortana matr tanchem guman'nch na! az kitlexeo lakh striyo bharotant tosench sorv heram dexamni dadleanche gulam' zaleant. Tannim sodamnit korchim kamam fokot gulam'girichim. Gorz poddttana matr tankam man ani uprant sompurnn ovman, okman, otirek ani tanchea jivachem sot'teanax! amim atam jezu melea uprantlea ekvisavea xotomanant jietamv punn amchea sobhar dadleanchi mot striyank soman hokkam diunko mukhar yena. Kaim dadleank tannim striyank man dilear tancheo butt'tteo korunk konni mellchimnant mholl'lli bhirantgai? hea vixeant chintpachi oti gorz asa. Atanche razkaronni, sobhar dharmik vhoddil, somajik mukheli tanchi sosorgai ghemvn striyank dhonnsitat, hinnsitat. Hem sodanchem dadleam xastir zamvn gelam. Bolotkar, ot'teachar, sodanche zamvn geleat. Odhikarink poixe khauvn aplim patkam
sompurnn dhumvn somajent manachem, ghonachem jiun sartat. Tosench sobharanchi khuni korn dhampun vhortat. Osole ot'teachar kamakodden zamvche odhik. Kitea mhollear thoddeo striyo aplea bosamni upodr dilear sosun vhortat ani konnakchch sanginant aplem kamnch vochat mhonn. Hench dharmikamni striyank upodr ditana somajent ghoddtta apnnem sangl'lem konn'nch patyemvcho na mholl'llea bhimyan. Kitlexeo dhorm' bhoinniy sobhar osolea dadlea dharmikanchea atorvonnank boli zaleat ani zamvn'nch asat. Thoddeo amvkari osoli nalisai sanglear apnnak soirik mellchina mholl'llea bhimyan jietat. Hea sorvank konnachi got, adhar? amim monxamporim monis zamvn jiel'lea korit osolim sorv patkam somajent ghoddchim bondh zamvchi songot disana. To konni zamv tosleank vinngo korn chear roste kuddsonchea zagear aschea voddarukak morta poreant umkallamvchem vajpi zamvnasa punn amim adhunik kallar jietamv astam kurdde polis, vokil, nitidar he sorv nimannem rizu korun dakhounko na mholl'llea tirpan nit diunko fosvatat. Onitchch hea kallar nitik simestrik pauyta.
-dda| asttin probhu, chikago
2 Veez Konkani
Vividh Talentanchi Ut'tim' Kolakarnn Sapna Crasta (Saldanha) Vamanjoor
survilem poinn:
jinnye poinnar melll'le aukas gollsilear kosoloim sadhon korunk sadhy asa mhonn sopna krasta hinne aplea jinnye mukantr sador korn dakoilam. Tichea jivitachea poinnar dixtt galtana tiche thoim aschea vividh talentachem onauronn zata. ‘addu mutt'ttodo soppil'lo’ mholl'llea kon'noddachea gadi borim sopnan apoddnatl'lem xet na. Gain, notton, karoyem nirvohonn, mukelponn, borop, vachap ani kitem??
korddel firgojechea paldanent (atam paldone firgoz) beapttistt krasta ani oirin krastachi dhuv zaun 1982 meyachea 17 tarker zolm'. Survilem xikop kulxekorochea sam zuje iskolant uprant sekredd hartts hoiskulant. Piyusi thaun podvi poreant sam luvis kalez. Em. E (kon'noddo) moisur yunivorsitti toxem konknni snatokot'tor ddiploma sam luvis kolez. Biedd xikop lilauti kolez. Zolmatananch denneanchi ras gheun ayil'lea sopnan lhanponnar thaun'nch mukelponna sovem her denneancho favoto upoyog kela.
3 Veez Konkani
mott'ttar korddelchea ut'tim' karoyodorxi apnnailea.
* 2000-2001vea vorsa mongllur diesez voisies sonchalonachi odhyokx zaun opurv seva dilea * 2003 isvent mongllur diesez
oisivoiem' proxosti
* konknni nattok sobha hanni manddun haddl'lea bhaxonn spordheamni bohumana zoddleant. * konknni bhaxa monddoll
4 Veez Konkani
kornattok (ri) hanni kolez hontar manddun haddl'lea ‘postt kardd’ kovita spordheant dusrem bohuman. * ujirent choll'lea kolez hontachea rile dhamvnnent rajymott'ttar tisrem sthan
* 2004 vea vorsa sam luvis kolejichem Best Outgoing Student proxosti toxem khellant somogr champiyonxip. Xikpant unchle onk zoddl'leak koleji thaun sonman. * kolejint konknni ani kon'noddo songhottonachi toxem khella karoyodorxi. * kolejint xiktana ensisi dollant
5 Veez Konkani
sokriy zaunasl'lea sopnak foddem bharoti-i nevint bhorti zamvchi vorti axa asl'li tori tichi lambai unni zal'lean ho aukas mell'llona! * konknni nattok sobha mongllur hanni asa kel'lea kovita vachon spordheant dusrem bohuman. Xikxonn xetant em'.E bi.Edd sonod apnnayil'lea
manestin sopna bhurgeanchi mogall toxem denneavont xikxoki zaun pattlea 13 vorsam thaun paldone kembriddz skul hanga seva dite asa. Tea adim: * kameli sam zuje iskol vamonzur (2 vorsam) * sointt anttoni skul, poddil (2 vorsam) * komyunitti kolez
6 Veez Konkani
kulxekor (1 vors) seva dilea. Hea tichea seuaudent tinnem sobar bohumana toxem proxosteo apnnaileat ontor jil'la mott'ttar sam agnes kolejint asa kel'lea Teacher’s Got Talents-2015 hantum gainant dusrem, noklinesnna spordho 7 Veez Konkani
xikxoki proxosti.
poilem, vividh vinodaull poilem ani pongodd gainant dusrem sthan.
Prostut kendr montri smriti zubin irani hiche thaun 2015vea vorsa xikpa xetant dil'lye sevek vixixtt man potr favo zalam.
Kembriddz skul paldone- ut'tim' 8 Veez Konkani
‘videarthinchim noitik moulyom’ hea vixoyacher somponmull vyokti zaun torbeti dilea.
korochi vellapott'tti hea vixoyacher vichar vinimoi.
Akaxovanni mongllur hantum porikxa borounko videarthini toyar
Iskolamni nattok torbeti kamaxallam choloun veleant.
9 Veez Konkani
Kornattoko protibha okaddomi hache thaun ‘adorxo xikxoki’ folok 10 Veez Konkani
jiun jeoti torbeti.
Prothom' chikitsa dimvchea vixeant rajymott'ttar fa| mul'lor aspotr hanni xikxokank asa kel'lea torbetint bhag ghetla.
11 Veez Konkani
Yogo torbeti zoddn bhurgeank torbet kelam. Bulbul ‘Flock Leader’ zaun azun vaur diun asa. Rongmonchar:
satve klasint xiktana, kon'noddo xikxoki rohinni (kon'noddo sahiti) hinne ek dis sopna eka ambeachea ruka mullim boson tichea patthantle vixoi somvada rupar sangche polloun hea bhurgeak nottonachem
12 Veez Konkani
ghetlem ani ‘okbor birbol’ nattokant taka patr dilo. Hea tichea protsavan apunn ek notti zaunko paulim mhonnta sopna. Tache uprant iskolant sobar aukas tika mell'lleat. denne
Konknni nattokant poilo provex
13 Veez Konkani
‘mom'mo rittairdd zata’ nattoka mukantr. Konknni nattok sobhen
ddon bosko salant asa kel'leanattok spordheant korddel firgoje thaun prodorxit zal'lea hea nattokak poilem inam' labhtana sopnak otyut'tom' notti tisrem bohuman
14 Veez Konkani
favo zalem. Okhil bharot toxem okhil kornattok konkonni porixod bengllur hanni asa kel'lea nattok
spordheamni ‘pattim pollenaka’ nattokak dusrem sthan, 19 vo ontor firgoz nattok spordho 2000 otyut'tom' notti tisrem bohuman nottonachem vixes dennem aschea sopnan tem xembor tthokke
15 Veez Konkani
vaporlam. Tachi lamb pott'ttich tumche mukar asa: konknni: * mom'ma rittairdd zata * bapa tankam bogxi * sokkodd sangata
melleam * zoxem adim toxem atam * ekch urolam * pattim pollenaka *
16 Veez Konkani
*chintnan sobdan kornen * oxim toxim, toxim oxim, oxim koxim zalim pixim? * kristamvank dia simhak * kuvalleachi val * bonglo * sam antoni (2a) bhangar monis * keddi bona bi e * amkam lottri utthlea * ankvar mestri
17 Veez Konkani
* moskiri molpoddchi * i bol'l yava?
boddchenk i bodk * enkla lou
18 Veez Konkani
molpoddu, kon'noddo: * om'mo rittair agtare * singa singi somsaro dubamyt ‘oxim toxim, toxim oxim, oxim koxim zalim pixim?’ ‘bhangar
monis’ ani ‘chintnan, sobdan kornen’ hea tin nattok prodorxanamni bhag ghetla. Sinema pordear:
19 Veez Konkani
‘incho anddo encho?/oxem zalear koxem?’ hea pinturant obhinoi korunk mhaka mhozo mitr roxon em'. Kamot vamonzur hannim aukas korn dil'lo. Vamonzurantch hachem xutting choltana orovind bollara sangata obhinoi korcho aukas mell'llo. Pinturant hamvem poile pauttim patr ghemvcho. Kixor mudd bidri he sohaik nirdexok zaunasl'le.
Tannim dil'lea nirdexona formanne hamvem obhinoi kelem ani ekach ttekant tem yoxosvi zalem. Bozoraz vamonzur hache sangatai teach pinturant obhinoi korunk ovkas mell'llo. Uprant tanne mhaka ‘ oppe ttichor’ pinturak vinchlem. Thoimsor mhozo patr lhan tori to boro hitt zalo. Uprant manest stteani olvaris bondel hanni manest heari fernanddis hanchea ‘zamvoi nom.1’
20 Veez Konkani
hea pinturant ek patr dilo. Ho patr gõycho famad nott prins jekob hache sangata korcho ovkas mell'llo. Hi mhaka vortea obhimanachi gozal. Toxem ‘mongllur ttu gova’ hantumyim patr mell'lla. Hachem chitrikoronn zalam. Korona nimtim riliz zaunko na.” oxem aplea sinema poinnachi kotha sopna ugoddta. Ttivi konknni dharavahi: edoll voreg panch dharavahint notton kelam. Poili dharavahi zaunasa ‘hi vatt sorgachi nhoi’. Uprant ‘cholie chotrai’, ‘mhakayi na tukayi na ‘ ‘mises mina & femili’ ani atam ‘uozo fador.’ toxem kon'noddant ‘vottharo’ hantum patr kela. Hea sorv dharavahint apnnak sontripti asa. Hea poiki ‘mises mina & femili’ hea dharavahintlea ‘linett’ namvan chodd famad zalim mhonnta sopna. Hea dharavahi vorvim nottonachem dennem sudraunko, kemora vork, toxem nirdexon dimvche vixim il'li torbeti mell'lli tea borabor her zaito onbhog mell'llo. Atam khoim geleari konnoim sangata ravon
‘selfi’ kaddtana ani ‘linett’ namvan vollkatana vorto sontos bhogta mhonnta sopna. Gain xetant: gayanachem vixes dennem sopnak devan dilam. Hem denne tinne borfur mapan gollxilam. Sobar songit pongddamni gailam. Alvin naitt, klodd naitt, danti brodoros naitt, vinsentt naitt, toxem chondona ttivi vilson oliverachem pod gailam , roxon bellmonn hachi ‘noxib tum mhojem’, proxant hachi ‘yo moga’ vivi sontox hachi ‘sinddrela’ hea koulleamni gailam. Konknni nattok sobhen asa kel'lea gain spordheamni bohumana apnnaileant. Sam luvis kolejin asa kel'lea ‘ Talent for Development ‘ hantum ‘ut'tim' gaupinn’ proxosti apnnailea karyo nirvohonn: bovo opurbayen karyem nirvohonn korochi xathi sopna krastak asa. Pattlea pondra vorsam thaun konknni karoyem-sobhannamni karoyem nirvohonn korit asa.
21 Veez Konkani
2017vea vorsa sador zal'lea ‘vilson naitt’ songit sanjechem karyonirvohonn kelam.
* sobar konknni nemalleamni kannio, kouna fais zaleant. * ‘noman ballok jezu’ mohineallean asa kel'lea neano kannio spordheant tisrem bohuman.
Firgojent seva: aplea yuvoprayer korddel firgojent voisies ani oisivoiem' hantum mukelponn gheun vorti seva dilea. Prostut vamonzur sam zuje kameli firgojent apli omolik seva diun asa. Dhormogiri vaddeachi protinidhi zaun 6 vorsam seva dilea astam prostut tea vaddeachi gurkaron zaun seva dite asa. Toxench firgoz potr ‘kameli’ hachye sompadok monddollecho sando zaunasa.
* dubllea onath bhurgeank iskolak bhorti korocheant minot ghetlea. * dubllea bhurgeanchea xikpa khatir duddva sohai ekttamvn dilea. * gamvchea boreponna khatir somajik vaur hatim gheun, paldone eka rosteak kankritt korunk razoki-i mukheleancho sompork korn hem kam' pontak pauylam.
Her gozali: * kotholik sobha hanni asa kel'lea bhaxonn spordheamni, toxem firgozamni asa kel'lea nattkullea spordheamni, gain toxem itor spordheamni tirpdar zaun vorounni kelea.
* kornattoko konkonni sahity okaddomi dvarim ‘konkonni yuvo avaz’ ani mandd sobhann hanchea sohoyogan choll'lea ‘konkonni yuvo mohotsou’ hantum bhag gheun bohumana apnnaileant. Kuttma jivit
* mandd sobhann somsthean asa korochea sobar karoyokromamni, gain toxem nattkulleamni bhag ghetla..
vamonzurochea manest sontox solddonhachi potinn zaun aplea dogam bhurgeam sangata
22 Veez Konkani
dhormogirichea ‘soloni vil'lant’ sontuxtthi kuttma jivit jieun asa. Poti sontox aplo svont udyom' choloun asa. Aplea sadhona pattlean aplea poticho sompurnn pattimbo ani sohokar asa mhonn vortea obhimanan sangta sopna krasta. Malghoddi dhuv soloni ottvent toxem dusri dhuv simona dusre klasint xiktat. Mongllurochea sam agnes iskolant xikchea hea bhurgeamni dogamyni korattent raxttr mott'ttar bhangarachim podokam apnnoileant.
sopna krasta (solddonha), vamonzur, amchea konknni somajechem daiz. Tichim talenta somajechea boreponna khatir oniki choddit vantteamn upoyog zamvdit ani ti jivitant unchayek pavondi mhonn axeun viz konknni i-potr tika ul'lasita ani sorv borem magta.
Borem axetamv - richordd olvaris, kulxekor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 Veez Konkani
Adhunik soulotayemni toyar zata
ddon bosko hol
0 sijyes takodde “ konknni nattok sobha mukantr pattlea 70 vorosamni ddon bosko hol konknni ani her bhaxencha nattokank toxem rongmanchiecha vevegllea prokarank ovkas dit't ailam. Holachem bandop poronem zal'lean ami tem novikrit korun adhunik xoiler taka novem rup dimvchem kam' aromb kelam.Sobar novemsamvam gheun hem rong mondir veginch kolaka rancha gorozank pautolem” -bap melvin odhyokx
konknni nattok sobha(ri) mongllur --------------------------------------konknni nattok sobha ‘konknnim nattok sobha mongllur’ hea sobhe vixeant aikanatl'lo, konn ch amchea konkonn koraullir aschona. Konknnim nattok sobha prarombh zaun audunk paunnxem vorosam somptat. Osolo suvallo koraullintlea konknnim mogink sontosacho ani abhimanacho.
24 Veez Konkani
‘konknni nattok dvarim dharmik sadhon’ hea dhyeyakhal survat kel'lea konknnim nattok sobhen gelotea 78 vorosamni konkonn koraullintlea kristamvam modhem konknnim bhaxechem, kolechem, sahiteachem, somskritichem, nattokanchem ani podam songitachem andolon uttoilam mhonnyet. Zayit'tea malgoddeam nattok boroinnarank, udeun yemvchea tornea kolakorank, adlea ani atancha digdorxokank pattimbo melll'lo konknni nattok sobhedvari mholl'llem sot ami manun ghezaich. Surovat jejvit yazok ma! zorz albukerok poi bapache0 soponn he0. 1943 soptte0bor 19-ver tanne0 xhora0tlea thoddea utsahi, umedv0t ani urbhest yuvoka0k ektta0y korun em'.Pi.Ddesacho “vigna0t jik “
mholl'llo ko0knni nattok sa0 luvis kolejicha okaddemi hola0t poile pauttim yoxosvi thoran khellon dakoilo. Ani ha0gasor bunead poddli ko0knni nattok sobhechi. Ho za0vk paulo ko0knni nattok sobecho zolma dis. “nattok dvari0 dharmik sadhon” ko0knni nattok sobheche0 dhyey vaky. Ko0knni poda0, s0git, nach, nattok ani bhaxe marifot ko0knni s0skrotai rakon sa0ballun vhorchi. Ani hea muka0tr monxa mola0 bho0vti0 prochar korchi0 mholl'llo ek matr ud'dex hea ko0knni nattok sobecho. Palon poxonn jejvit yazok bap zoroz albukerok poin ko0knni nattok sobha sthapon keli toryi ss tiche0 palon-poxonn korun tika
25 Veez Konkani
sa0ballun vhel'li matr kapuchin frad filip nerin. Surver ko0knni nattok sobhecheo zomateo, nattok, nattkulle a her karyi0 milar videaxallecha vottara0t choltali0. Punn hera0cha zagear kitlo te0p porea0t nattok sador koryet? ko0knni nattok sobhek aploch sv0t zago aslear bore0 mhonn bhogle0 sorv sa0dea0k, a 1947 march 31-ver homponkott'ttalagim bolmottho rostea deger ek zago molak gheun 1946 zoner 26-ver to no0dailo. Toull tea zageache0 mol rupoi 30,000. Punn sobha0gonn ba0du0k unnear unne0 ek lakh rupoi tori zai. Sogllo bhorvoso devacher soddun 1948 sopte0bor 19-ver kapuchina0cho pra0ti-i vhoddil bap richorddan novea ba0dpak buneadi fator be0zar korn dourlo.
Bap zoroz poi ani bap filip neri. Punn jejvit yazok bap zorz poi ani kapuchin frad bap filip nerin he0 ek p0tahvon zaun svikar kele0.Tanni0 m0gllur cha rostea0ni saikola0 gudd'ddaun kaddl'li va0vtt ani mhinot devo matr zanna0.Ba0dpacho nokxagar bap zorz albukerok poi ani k0trattdar sipri soz. Yazok bapa0ni ani ko0knni nattok sobhecha urbhest sa0dea0ni sa0gata mellon sorvanumoten sa0 ddon boskok ko0knni nattok sobhecho patron sa0t mhonnun vi0chun kaddlo.1951 ogost 19-ver vigar jeral monsi. Zulian sozan ddon bosko holache0 nove0 ba0dop axirvadit kele0.Ani jil'la kolekttor manest razorotnoman te0 ugoddle0. Ddon bosko hol
26 Veez Konkani
m0gllur xhora0t sorv soulotayo asl'le0 ani hor eka zatikaticha lokak upkarche0, choddunne0 800 lokan bosche tosole0 mojbut ani vixal holachem bandop ani haka logti zaun sttez, grin rum' boska iteadi. Sobhangnnak tenkon asche0 ‘asisi bilddi0g’, zageache0 mol,protek zaun nattoka0k zai zal'li sahet odgaun di0vchi mhonntana hol ugoddcha vellar ru.2,20,000 khorchalo. Xhora0tlea, xhora bhailea, ani porogamvantlea thoddea udar monacha dani dhormixtta0ni kumok keli. Xivai manest feliks albukerk poi ani her thoddea hitochintokamni zaito duddu dan dilo. Ha0chi rujvat ditat-ddon bosko hola0t vonnodir umkallayil'li0 ta0chi0 tela chitra0. Pon'nas rupea0 thaun hozara0 voir dan dil'lea0chi0 na0va0 vonnodi0ni bosoyil'lea marbol fatra0ni ka0toilea0t. Denneank protsavo pattlea 70 vorsa0ni hozaro0 gaupi a gaupinni0ni ddon bosko holacha ma0chier choddon apli0
denni0 ani tale0ta0 prodorxil'li0 asat. Novea modhur tallea0k ani tale0ta0k hea vedir borfur protsavo ani ut'tezon mell'lla0. Ott'ttare ddon bosko hol mholl'llea kolam0dira0t gain kolek nir0tor patti0bo mell'lla ani azun mellot't asa. Bovoxa ko0knni s0git s0sara0t eka s0stean khollanasta0, vollanasta0, 57 vorsa0 porea0t nir0tor ko0knni gain spordho choloun vhel'li kirt ko0knni nattok sobek favo. Ko0knni poda0s0gitacha mott'ttak ho ek opurv toso oprub daklo. Ko0knni itihasa0t ek mohotvacho moila fator ani ek vixixtt sadon. Novikrit bandop konknni nattok sobha pattlea 77 vorosam thaun konknni sador kola, koleche vivid prokar ani somskriti zogasonnen rakon samballun haddn ailea. Hozaro0 kolakara0k, nattokista0k, poda0 ghoddnnara0k, gaupea0k, gaupinni0k, s0gitgara0k, bhaxonndara0k ani hera0k apli0 denni0 ani tale0ta0 prodorsu0k konknni nattok sobhacha ddon bosko holak ata0 70 vorsa0 bhorli0. Holachem bandop poronem zalam.
27 Veez Konkani
Pakem surielam. Rukadd kumbu zalam. Nolle futtleat. Vonnodi oskot zaleat. Rongmanchi ani porode porone zaleat. Holantlea rukaddacha boskemni prekxokank bosonk osady zalam. Osolea poristhitint konknni nattok sobhacha addolltea monddollilagim don vinchounneo asl'leo. Holachem sogllem bandop novean bandchem vo novikrit korochem. Novem badop ubarochem yozon osady mhonn bhogtoch addolltea monddollin holachem novikrit korochem kam' suru kelam. Ddon bosko hol asl'leporinch, novea rupar, adhunik xoiler, tidoddem rongmonch, novikrit grin rum', sukhall boska, vahonank paroking, novim voxrumam ani her soulotemni veginch toyar zatolem. Ddon bosko hol fokot nattok, songit karoyoulli ani her kola prokarank matr nhoim kazarancha risepxonank ani her sombhromankyi vajbi dorir labtolem. Ulo ani vinounni
don bosko hol amcha konknni somudayacho ek gourou ani obhiman. Pattlea 70 vorosam thaun konknni nattok kolek ani kolakarank aplim dennim ani talentam prodorosunk ovkas koron dil'lem amcha mogachem ani obhimanachem ddon bosko hol adhunik soulotayemni novikrit zata. Konknni ani her bhaxencha kola songhottonamni ani kolakaramni ddon bosko holak motto sohokar dimvcho. Konknni nattok sobhacho odhyokx
bap melvin paul ddisoza, upadyokx manest listton dderik ddisoza , tanchi karoyokari ani addolltea somiti holacha novikrit vaura thoim vixes guman diun vavuron asa. ---------------------------------------
28 Veez Konkani
Konknni mhoji bhas
-devadhin herolpiyus (horyeka konknnean vachizaich zal'lem ek bhonddarit lekhon som.) konknni mhoji mai bhas, mhojea chintpachi bhas. Prikritechi dhuv ti, moratthi bhasecheki purvili. Ti ruchik, modur, svadik, rongin, sobhit, solis, grest, mogall-movallmhomvall, telti-fulti, moipasi, goddxi, sakrilli, sompi, sadi, unchli ani prachin. Konknni somskritachi zhor, sarosvot vedik bhas. Hye mhojye konknni bhasek ek prachin itihas asa. Inddo-aryon bhas ti. Kaim
6 hozar vorosam poilem sarosvoti nom-i degen vosti korochea sarosvotanchi matri bhas ti. Bhougollik karonnam nimtim sarosvoti nom-i sukon geli tori, te pasllent jieun asl'le thodde bongalla kuxik gele ani her poxchim' koraulle heuxin vostek aile ani gomant prodexant yeun raule. Gõychea dharmik inkvijixamvam vellim hye bhasek kotthinn mar boslo, tichem sahit hulpailem, tika nas korunk pollelem, tori ti jiunt uroli. Gomant prodexa thaun kenorak dhamvon ayil'lea kotolikamni toxem gouddo sarosvot brahonnamni ticho pos kelo ani az bovo unchayer ti choddon boslea, chinachea huyen tsang prokar: ’kong-kona-pulo’ mhollear konkonn puro. Kamosutra gronthachea ttipponnicher konkonna ya konkuna mhonn ul'lek asa. Sopt konkonna prodex mhollear kerolla, tulunga,
29 Veez Konkani
souraxttra, konkon, koradd, kornatto, ani borbora. Konkonn prodexantle mull nivasi - konko ani hanchi vosoti - kondgon va kogvon prodexant. Az eka ondaza prokar somsar bhor kaim 40 lak lok konknni uloita ani tantun kaim 41 konknni somudayacho 25 lak bhor lok kornattokant jieta. 12 lak bhor goyant, 3 lak kerollant asat. Kornattokache ami kanoddi lipi vaporotamv tor, her devonagori, romi, moleyallom' ani porso-orebik lipi vaporotat. Az sarosvot, kristamv, sonar, sudir, gouddi, charoddi, guddigar, mogor, kharovi, bhonddari, kuddmi, novait, muslim' konknni bhasek apnnaunko lagleat.
konknni borop asa. 1548 vorosach konknnent boropam-pustokam fais zalim ani 1866 vorosa konknnint potr prokott zalem. 1949 thaun gõy, 1952 thaun mumboi, punne ani mongllur toxem 1965 thaun dharovadd akaxvannicher konknni karyokromam vitorit zatat. 1961 thaun goyanchea xallamni konknni xikounko dhorolam. 1968 thaun kerollant tika pratomik xallent xikoitat. Kendro sahity ekaddemin tika 1975 vorosa ek svotontr bhas mhonn manun ghetlem ani 1977 thaun sahity ekaddemichea puroskarak vollog kelem. 1980 vorosa ti gõy rajeachi raz-bhas zali. Goyant tika xallemni, kalejimni xikoitat. Kerollantyi ti xikpa madyomant misllalea.
Bharotachea 31 rajeamni kaim 1952 vivid bhaso uloitat, punn eka lakha pras chodd zonnamni ulomvcheo bhaso fokot 33. Hantun fokot 22 bhaso bharotachea somvidanachea attve vollerint sthan zoddunk pauleat. Ami bhorm' pavazai ki - hea 22 bhasam poiki amchi konknni ek zaunasa. 1187 vorosa nagori lipint boroyil'lem
Mongllurchea jejvitamni cholomvchea sam luvis kalejint 1980 vorosach konkonni somstho prarombh zalo ani 1992 thaun ti podve xikpak xikcho vixoi zalea. Mumboi vixv videaloyant ti ek oichhik bhas zaunasa. Mongllur vixvovidealoyant tika kolez xikpa vellar ek oichhik bhas zaun gheuyeta ani snatokot'tor xikop
30 Veez Konkani
(em'.E. Podvi) zoddunk aukas kela. Kornattokachea xallamni sove thaun dhave poreantle klasink konknni tisri bhas zaun xikomvchi porvonngi sorkara thaun lablea az kanoddi lipient kaim 30 voir konknni nemallim prokott zatat, vorosavar pon'nasa lagim pustokam fais zatat, mohineak ek punnyi podamkontarancheo koulleo mokllik zatat. Nattok, podam-sanzo, karyokromam, misam, bhozonam konknnint choltat. Az konknnint pinturam-i yeunko lagleant ani ttivicher konknni polleunko/aikonk mellta. Gõychi konkonni bhaxa monddoll ani gõy konkonni ekeddemi (1984), kochchinchi konkonni prochar sobha, mumboichi konkonni bhaxa monddoll, kornattokchi konkonni bhaxa monddoll, konkonni prochar sonchalon, 1994 thaun kornattok konkonni sahity ekeddemi, konknni ekvott gõy, okhil bharot konkonni porixod (1939), vixvo konkonni porixod (2005), tomos sttiun konkonni kendr, dalgado konkonni ekeddemi, mandd sobhann, vixvo
konkonni kendr, toxem sobharxe in'nitor konknni somstesonghottonam hye bhasek postat, raktat, vagoitat ani unchayek ubarunk polletat. Kornattoka bhair golf raxttramnim konkonni misam, karyim, songit sanzo, nattok choltat. Amchi konknni somskriti:somskriti ekeka somajek veveglli asta. Vella-kalla porim somskriti zagea porisorache porigote prokar bodlat't veta. Somajechea sodanchea jivitant khann-jeunnpiun, pollio-pokvanam, nhesonnpangronn, achar-vichar, riti-rivaji, regro-niyomam, songit-podam, matt-montram, festam-porobo, lok ved, lok sahity, ghorant vaporocheo vostu, grihanchem xastir, neketranchem jeotixy, kurddi patyenni-fitisponnam, kurddo achar, sogonea-sonket, dharmik vidhi, khell-pondeatt, kola-nattok, purannam, gitam-kaveam, kotakovita, bhas-boli, hasy podam, uddkeo-nach, gumttam vhazop, funkchim-boddomvchim vhazantram ... Iteadimni somskriti
31 Veez Konkani
lipon gelea. Adle ghottok nikllon vetana nove ankreun yetat. Somskriti monxea zannvaye thaun ruta zal'li kola ani tachem porgott rup. Ti ek monxachi jinnye-rit. Riti ani vidi niyomanchi sozounni. Pornea toklem thaun demvon ayil'li somzhonni, budvontkai, zannvai, anbog, hoveas, achoronnam, prodorxonam ani tonddpatt ghollon ayil'lem daiz, gadi, monn'nneo, huminneom, kanniom, ball gitam, launni, ghoddpam, rupnnim, akriti ... Iteadi allvon vecho dubavo yeta. Punzaun dourl'lem unnem. Bapai thaun putak, ajea thaun natvak, pillge thaun pillgek, sontote thaun sontotik tem daiz fokot tonddpaxim demvon ailam. Choddtavo chhapun ayil'lem na; ugddasantyi uronk na. Hollu visron vechear asa. Hem sorv ‘na borpi sahity’ zaun melam. Hanche sangata uron asat mhollear galli-sove, ninda-khoddi, annkannem-tthika matr. Amche adle purvoz choddtavo zaun krixik zaunasl'le. Te gade kostana, vomptana, laitana, lumvtana, bhat
boddoitana, kanddtana ani belleachim itor kamam korotana purasann visorcheak podamgainamni aplestokim ani herank aikaxem-i monoronzon ditale. Dharmik kontigo, kontaram, kirtonam sontoti thaun tonddpatt korun ayil'lim chukanastam ani ugddas visranastam gaitale/mhonntale. Borpimnixim douril'lem kainch natlem. Dekun bhurgeak nhannoitana, pottak laitana, varoeak bhomvddaitana, pallnnem dholoitana, nidaitana, roddnnem raumvcheak ani khelloitana soit tonddpaxim yemvchim gannam gaitale/lim. Bhugeank mhonn'nch khell asl'le. Amche logna somskritecheo vovio, vers astale. Kaim pon'nas vorsam purvim poreant notolanche khell astale. Hindu lok marnemi vellar, choute vellar ves ghaln nachche porim amchey tornatte ghoran ghor ves panguron nachon-gaun vetale ani notolanche sondex pachartale. Sagvollechem kam' somptoch va festam porbem vellar tonniancho nach martale. Dori khell, ujea khell khellon lokak vijmit korotale ani borfur monoronzon ditale.
32 Veez Konkani
Hindu somskritent tillo ghalchem, fulam mallchim, mongoll sutr nheschem, kanknnam xirkamvchim, nakak notim, kanank mudio, pamyank sori toxem pamyam bottank mudi azun polleunko mellta. Hantlea thoddeank ami konknni kristamvamnim-i aplem korun ghetlam. Amchi cheddvam tillo ghalinant, punn kopalar ’bindi’ lagoitat. Login zal'lim koriyomonni nhestat. Sobhar cheddvanchea pamyank sori toxem pamya bottak mudi xirkayil'li asta. Thoddim nakak burak korun noti xirkaitat. Amchim choddtavo vostram hindu somskrite thaun'nch ayil'lim, punn azkal bodlon aileant.
monn'nneo .... Iteadimni konknni bhas, tichi kola, tichi somskriti jivall dourolea.
Tiatr, nattkulle, nattok, zagor, manddo, dhalo, fugddi, fados, dulpodam, notolam podam, logna podam, tonnio, gumttam, tolvaddi, deknni-duroi, divolea-nach, rumba, polka, baila, sigmo, suvari, yokxogan, horikotha, sugom' songit, bhozonam, kirtonam, kontigo, zanopod, lok ved, chondraull, kontaram, gitam, gannam, vovio, vers, uminneo, gadi,
Amchea malghoddeanchea ghoranneamni vivid ritincheo vostu, ghor-darak upeg korochi sahet astali. Randpa kuddant, nhannient, nidpa-raupa kuddant, sopear, gotteant, hitlant toxem tottant nomuneavar namvacheo vostu distaleo. Amcha randpa kuddant van, gattnom, monnom-i, adallo, kunddl'lem, moddki, lampeamv, chimnni, pontti, utovo, mankddi,
Konknni kristamvanchem kullvar gomantok prodex zal'lean sarosvot, kuddmi, kharvi lokachi konknni somskriti ami pallun aileamv. Somskrotecho probhavo bhasecheryi poddla zal'lean amchea kxoxik purvozamni vaporchim utram oputt konknnent asat. Uda: konnos, bhat, bhatenn, pol, kunddo, kozo, ukddo, bolltigo, koddsaro, korl, khurannem, khozannem, konni, tandull, kollxi, xit, tallnem, modd'ddi, nis, pez .... Hantlea thoddeank inglezant veveglle sobd nant.
33 Veez Konkani
ott'ttollgi, somoi, xinkem, adallo, koito, koiti, koitul, doi, kan'nem, kail, mandd, nimvnnem, bavaddem, toddpem, konpo, dantem .... Astalem. Mejpa sahet - muddo, kollsi, xer, pavo, kutt'ttem, kuti, toras, kurpanno, kantt, kurvem, dali, kantt, bhatti, tupem, pett, komrddo, muddo, tambea bhann, matyechem bhann, manddo, buddkulo, chembu, vonnok, buyamv, kollso, tondor, kollsulo, tambler, malti, tatt'ttem, tost, mutnem, vallni, morgi, boxi, tatt, tatt'ttem, koddai, mutt'tti, moddki, kunddlem, tobak, pitkanddi, horvann, kop, vattli, bhornni, morgi, pettul, pett, pettaro, biro, komllbi .... Vhajpa sahet - dholgumott. Xeta sahet - kodantti, monnom-i, bank, kurponn, khorvont, kuddar, dantro, nisonn, dellem, kombar, dello, follem, khorem, pikkas, paroi, zogol, moddu, kuradd, tott'tti, voddop, bul, murnall, kollmem, latt, konto, latto, tenkddi, telkem, pettvoll, dambem, korlem, tupem, dantem, kouddi, khamvonn, jidd'ddo, tottem, bhichhannem, boitadd, kolu, murnem, musall, pettnem, gurom', xitall. Gonni, kut'tari,
kouddi, sumbo, sumboll, razu, dori, dor, yentto, khaddum, zumvnangor, latto, mallo, kolu, bank, kodel, vokil bank .... Vostram munddu, puddvem, les, kobai, munz, nevallem, pidd'dduk, kontti, kachchem, kirgi, konddi, urmal, sorpolli, kuddkam, poti, chikr, chiri, toddop, kutamv, mandri, pallnem, danddi, zomkann, bhichannem .... Bhoktik chitram - moriechem painel, imaz, altar, kont, bentinn, khuris ..... Iteadi astale. Amchye somskritent amchinch mholl'llim bovo ruchichim khannam asat. Amche malghodde pauxilea disam khatir adim ghorach khann toyar korun dourtale. Konnge poddi, ponnsachim bhiknnam ingllear bhajchim, bhiknnam mitta udkant ukoddchim ani sukomvchim, sonddige, sevio sukoun ddobbeanim bhorn dourcheo, ponnsache apoll korn randnni gobrant va telant bhazun khatale. Konngi ukoddn mitta udok xennaun nimvlea uprant xindun foddi sukoun muddo bandun mallear dourtale. Ponnsache gore mitta udkak ghalun dourn uprant nisteak vaportale. Chinchare matiechea koiler bhajtale
34 Veez Konkani
ani muddo bandun dourtale. Patolleo, manddas, patradde, ghario, ape, gujeachem nistem, pike gore xindun, ukoddn, narla rosant tandlla pitt bhorosun ’chonguli’ kortale. Taikulleachi upkori, taikulleache ombodde ani vodde kortale. Allva panam, muska palo, alsandeacho palo ghaln patradde randtale. Teroeachim panam ghaln nistem kortale, kemllbeachi kanddi soln tachim kannam-kannam mitta udkant ghaln peje sovem tonddlaitale. Khollak ghal'le ambe, palponnos, rumddam, xinttam peje jeunnak ruchin chimvtale/chaktale.
vikrit zalea, visron gelea ani ji kitem urolea ti nattoki-i zaun haseaspod zalea. Ghoramnim ascheo adleo vostu mayag zaun yetat. Pornem jem kitem asa tem myusiyomamnim fichar korun dourchi porigot lagim zalea. Adle achar, somprodai allvon aileat. Punn amchi sumodhur, ruchik, goddxi, telti bhas matr yedolli khonddit jivall urlyea. Ticho ami pos korunk zai, tika rakon vhorchem amchem kortouy zaunasa. (hem lekhon mhaka dhaddl'lea sijyesak dhinvas!)
Az amchi somskriti bhigddalea, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bhumi voikunttantli poyil'li stri.... Devan chimtti matyek usvas punkun adaunko rochlo. Ho bhumi voikuttantlo poilo nor. Adamvchea kuxichi bor kaddun evek rochli. Ani evo zaunko pauli poyil'li nari.
besamvak sohosrachim vorsam zalim, bhumi voikunttant sohosra lagsil'lim milia adamv ani evo udel'lim. Oniki addvarlem foll khate asat.
' vadda ani chodda somsar bhora' mhonn devan besamv dilem. Az
Punn tedallacho adamv koso as l'lo tem hamv nennam . Uprantle adamv
35 Veez Konkani
mat chintun chintun lachar zate asat. ' omor kovi ' cha. Fra. De'kosta adamv bapak sovalam ghalte asa. Adamv bapan khel'lem kitem? konnentori amkam sanglear zatem! ratchi sarki nid poddana..... Mundorun sovalamni Chintunk sokanastana...
Odamv bapa, odamv bapa khel'lem kitem sang re bapa monxea kulla lagim bapa, naka tuka apa lipa, amim chintun chintun, zaleamv eka rupak... '
adamv ani evechi zap mellanat l'li jinni. ' konkonn kogull ' adamvche hal hoval chintun choddpoddta. ' zor axem zal'lem tor? ' mholl'llea sovalank zapi sodhun geleari dubavak ani dobavak nisron veta. ' kaddli _ re kaddli ' (panchvi koulli). Pod kurkurit. Bhumi voikunttantlea poyil'lea striyek tulon korun, ani prostut gozalink guntun udel'lem pod aikatana usture yetat. ' adim maga somsar ritoch aslo somsarant konn'nch natlo devan chimtti matiek usvas punklo ani adaunko rochlo. Adamv apleo sogleo borio
36 Veez Konkani
kanngheun somsarant khuxal aslo ek dis devan tachi ek bor kaddli ani adamv foslo.
patok atam-i mundorun veta evo sodam-i follam kaddn adaunko dita
Kaddlire kaddli ek ch bor kaddli don borio kaddleo tor got ch zati hennem ekli, tennem ekli boson rukachim sogllim follam odaunko khamvcheak ditim
dadd'ddo adamv ti khata adamvchea kuxichem hadd kaddlelean evo atam kuxik rauta toklechem hadd zor kaddlelem zalear khonddit ti bosti mhatear
malghoddeamni budvontkai khorchili rul haddli kristamv zatint eka dadleak ek stri mhonn keli oddvarlem khamvchea khatir. Zor tor tin char baileo zal'leo zalear dadleak tim mugdon khatim itlea bailam modhem dadlo bauddo addchun zato chopati.
Somsarachea surver ghoddlem
Adamv ani evechem sontan az bhumi voikuttant vortouta. Kainacha namvar rokddinch kortumvam, ani obelachim khellkullam. Bhumi voikunttantlim poyil'lim nor ani nari oniki follam khavun asat konn'nna.! ya tanchea sontotechim....
Kaddli _ re kaddli bor ch kaddli jib kaddli tor ullttench zatem chovis voramyi ti eklich uloiti aikonk hostichem yete.
kaddli _ re kaddli kiteak kaddli kaddinatlear upkar zato korkore purpure nastam adamv to bhumi voikunttant sukhan asto.
Follam aniki piktech asat...! ( fokot't hasonk mat ) ---------------------------------------
37 Veez Konkani
novem misamv _ ponchu, bonttvall. Chikkoholl'llentlea amchea firgojent, lhan kristamv somudai survat zavun hea vorsa rupeallo sombhrom' korunk goulliko porixodent nirnnoi ghet l'lo. Ponchvis vorsam poilem magnnea zomat mhonn poili suru zal'li amchea rozar mai vaddeant. Tedalla mhozo bab gorkar zaunas l'lo. Tedalla xikounn diunko varaddeache yazok ayil'le. Uprant vaddea zomat mhonn namv dilem. Vaddeacho lok zomotek yetalo. Kromenn vaddea zomot lhan kristamv somudai mhonn lokamogall zali. Surver amcho vaddo vhoddlo vaddo. Pon'nasa pras chodd kuttmam as l'lim. Vaddeagarank surver titli aturai ya humed nat l'li. Vigaran novesamvak protsah dil'lo. Logbog challis zonn zomotek
yetale. Lokanchim nibam astalim. Tedalla lokaki koxtt as l'le. ' padreabak kaim kam' na' mhonn dadle purpuron hennem tennem bhomvlear, bail monxam bhokten yetalim. Bhurgim sangata yetalim. Axem amchea rozar mayechea vaddeant poili zomot zali. Dusrea vaddeak gel'lekodde vigar amchea vaddeak pugartale. Tem aikon amcho vaddo oniki jivall zalo. Atam.... Ponchvis vorsam paxar zalim.... Dekun gurkaran az amchea vaddeant rupeotsou korchea vixim nirnnoi kanngheunko zomot apoyil'li. Amcho vaddo vhodd asa mhonn adlo vaddo don vantte kel'lo. Sobar vorsam adim gamvar aur yeun sobaranchim ghoram vhallon
38 Veez Konkani
gel'lim khoim... Tedalla sorkaran amchea vaddeant aschea sorkari guddear panch sentts zago vanttun dil'lo. Ani tea guddeak ' nere poriharo koloni' mhonn namv dil'lem. Toxem zaun amchea vaddeant chodd ghoram. Atancho gurkar il'lo urbhest... Dekun firgoz vigar, upadhyokx, ani vantte korun dil'lea vaddeagaranki sangata apoyil'lem. Lhan kristamv somudayecho amchea vaddeacho rupeotsou korche babtim vichar vinimoi korunk lok ayil'lo... ** **: ****: * aichea zomotek ayil'lea firgoz vigarak, upadhyokx, ani doni vaddeagarank gurkaran svagot kelo. Aichea zomotecho ud'dhex vivorun sangon, firgojent sombhrom' choloitana amchea vaddeanti kaim punni ugddasant urchem tosolem ek misamv amim hatim dhorije' mhonntana zom' l'leamni tallio pettleo.
Upadhyokxan aplo onbhog vanttun ghetlo.... Gurkar porot ubho zalo. ' rupeallo sombhrom' amim koso korcho? ' mhonntana eklo bobattlo... ' igorjent kelear pavanangi?' zom' l'leamni taka bosoilo. ' amcho vaddo rozar mayecho vaddo. Amim rozar mayek ek grott'tto bhanduyam.. Me mohineant ani akttobor mohineant rozar mayecho ters koryet...' adli gurkarn uloili. ' khuris amchea bhavarthacho ghort.. Amim amchea vaddeant ek khuris ubharumyam... Protinidhi uloilo. ' amcho adlo ekvottit vaddo... Sokttam koxttar asat. Bhurgeank xikap, boro puddar mellche khatir ami ek xikpa nidhi asa koruyam...' mhonntana sokddamni tokli haloili. ' rupeotsova lekar godd'd jevann koruyam' tornattean soloha ditana sokkodd gholl'll korn hasle.
Vigaran sontos pacharlo... 39 Veez Konkani
Vixoi lambat't vechem polloun vigar vichari...' gurkarama... Tuji obhiprai kitem?' ' ami seve rupar pampallim ghalim... Vatto soma keleo... Roste durust kele, gadeamnim ghollon sudharsilem... Katt bhandle... Piddestanchi seva keli... Rupeotsovachea hea sondhorbar lokanchea kallzant sodam omor urchem tosolo vaur zaije. Tedalla amchea lhan kristamv somudayechea ekvottak boll mellta' mhonntana sokttamni taka ul'lasilem. 'tor amim kitem koruyam?' vichari.
Sokkoddi vogechch raule. Thodde zomote poilem toxem korije axem korije mhonnche atam tannim tondd ch ughoddlem na. Gurkar porot ubho zalo. ' eka kallzachim... Eka monachim zavun amim ekameka pavaje. Logbog pon'nas vorsam adim amchea gamvak aur ayil'lem. Sobar zonn nirgotik zalem. Thoddeank
sorkaran hanga udak natl'lea guddear panch sentts zago diun hat dhule. Koxttanchem dis zale tanche... Ghor na, jeunko na, sorkari soulot na... Tedalla sokddam dispoddtea grasa khatir koxttatale. Moddlanchim ani kolvachim lhan guddsulam bhandlim. Pausant atamyi thoddim ghoram pomvtat, thoddeancheo vonnti kosall'lleant, thoddea ghoramnim cheddvam bhurgim vaddon asat... Tankam ghora kakus na, nhanni na, thoddeank xikap na, kazar na.. Osole sobar somosse amchea vaddeant asat. Rupeallea sombhroma vellar pomvkor ghor povanatle bhaxen, vonnod natlea ghorak vonnod, baglam natlea ghora muklem ek punni dar, kakus ya nhanni diun borem mon dakouyet. Amim ekvottit zaveam... Lokamaye lagim vichaream, dani lagim magon kanngeyam, dublleank adhar zaveam. Tedalla amcho lhan kristamv somudayecho zublevo amor zata..' zom' l'lo sokkodd lok stobd zal'lo. Sokddanki hem vhoi mhonn bhoglem. Dubllea kuttmachi jinni
40 Veez Konkani
kannie bori dollea mukhlean paxar zaun gel'li.
makachch tumim kelem. Tumkam yoxo svi magtam.'
Vigar ubho zalo. ' novem misamv tumchem... Mhojea lhana bhavak kitem tumim kelem... Tem
doni vaddeagaram mukhar sorlim.
"eka novea misamvak" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chouto odhyai: bhorop poddlem ( THE AVALANCHE ) 41 Veez Konkani
sokla vechi vatt mostu lamb osul'li.Kallok zatana amkam porvotancha mullak pavonk zalem na. Dekhun bhorpant onyek rat paxar korunk ami eka patracher ttentt ubharlem. Sokla himv il'lem unnench osul'lem mhonnyet. Bohuxea attra ya vis ddigri bhorop. Votan thoddem bhorop thoim hanga kosllal'lem zal'lean amkam pieunko udak mell'llem. Ani dusrea sakallim urul'lem khann khaun amchem zodd'dd zal'lea payani ami amchem poinn mundorsilem.Ami polleyil'lo gamv atam amkam disanatleari ami mukhar chol'leamv.Donpar zatana to gamv dislo.Ul'lasit zaun ami veveggim chol'leamv. Thoddeach vellan amkam udak vallcho avaz aikalo.Tori vechi vatt disli na. Tednam amkam ek upavo toklek ailo. "thoim polle,tuka disanangi?" lio hason vichari."hem porvot modhem vingodd zalam. Bohuxea ujeakondda ( ) vorvim zaunko puro."
"bohuxea rukachem pampallem aslelem zaunko puro.Atam nam. Ami dusrich vatt sodhizai" hamvem mhollem. "vhoi,veginch. Hangasor ami ravonk zaina" to mhonnalo.Ani ami onyek moil cholon eka bhorpacha nhoim lagim pauleamv.Thoim hanga vhodd fator osul'le. Hem pounn koxttachem tosem bhoglem. Porvota sokla dixtt veta titli gunddai osul'li. Dekhun ami portun pattim cholon rosteacha daveak aileamv. Hangasor porvot natleari bhorpani bhorul'li vatt osul'li. Kitench kollit zalem na. Bhorpa modhench udak vallcho avaz. Oniki mukhar vetana sumar deddxyem futt ubharayecho bhorpacho guddo dislo. Asem zatastana sureo porvotam pattlean buddlo. Tori ami eka nisnnem bori dischea eka vatter choddleamv. Eka khuxin purasonn ani dusrea khuxin kallok dekhun ami thoinch uronk nirdhar kelo. Hea sahasacha poinnea sangata amkam amcho jivo y mukhy zaunasul'lo. Yakak thoinch bandhun ami vosti keli. Suki maslli ani zollachi kek kheli.
42 Veez Konkani
Lamaseri thaun haddlelea khannant itlench urul'lem. Datt kamboll voddn ami gott'tt nid kaddli. Ek vhodd avaz aikon amkam zag zali. Bamb futtlelea bori avaz. Uprant sobhar avaz aikale. "he mhoza deva! kosolo avaz?" hamvem vicharlem. Ami ttentta thaun bhair dhamvon pollelem. Kitench dislem na. Yak matr bhian choddpoddtali. Disanatleari amkam aikalem ani onubhou zalo.Thoddea vellan eka thoran allen vattcha bori avaz. Uprant varem vall'llem. Sakall udetalo. Ami pollelem. Bhorpan bhorlolo porvot amcha tokle voir ubhtalo. Oh! odbhut droxy.Don moilam pois thaun ailelo porvot,jivont ason, lollon,poddon,uddon laram bori nachon,vegan doreant poddcho bhorpacho porvot. Ami bhian ekameka angak lagon ason pollelem. Poilem ayil'lem ek lar ami ascha guddeak apttalem.
Aptton hollu vegllem zalem. Ani bhouy ritin porvotacha gunddayek udka bori vall'llem. Ani vhodda avazan divdda bhaxen cholon bhorpacha guddeak kosllailem. Odbhut ani bhouy ghoddit zal'lean bhorop vhodd vhodd ritin sokla poddlem. Guddgoddo mollbar guddguddlo. Hem bhorpachem ya ujea___ ghoddit.Dha minuttam ya don voram chol'lengi tem amkam koll'llem na.Okhrek bhorop ani guddeank apttomvchem raulem. Ami oniki vanchon osul'leamv. Kosem hem poinn mukhar veta? ami amcha hea poinna vorvim jit apnnaunko zatagi? kitem korchem? iteadi sovalam amkam dhoslim. Kitench zaunko na mholl'lea bori surean aplim kirnnam bhomvtim pacharlim.Yak gomtti add ghaln poddul'li. Kitench korunk zainastana ami thoinch bosleamv. Khaunko na. Bhyem. Amcho porno ixtt kovo-en pollelear kitem sangta gai mhonn ami chintun azapleamv.
43 Veez Konkani
"taka maream" lio mhonnalo. Taka ami poinnak haddul'lem taka marunk nhoi. Monxeak marunk pattim mukhar pollenant. Mel'lea monzati thaun atmo bhair yeta tem ami patyenamv. Khamvchak ani hea vixoyank tall na. Dekhun ami tachi
chamddi kaddli. Masache kuddke korun bhorpant dhuvn gilln soddle. Hem osohy jevann ani ami norobhokxoko bori disleamv. Punn ami dusrem kitem koryeta? (mukhlo onko polle)
Bharotant lokak koxttitat choddlelim pettrol, ddisel, randpa geasachim molam
pettroliyom utpon'nam – tantunmyi pettrol, ddisel ani randpa geas (el piji)chim molam bharotant atancha disamni choddon'nch asat ani lokak koxttitat. Pettrol, ddisel molam choddlim mholl'lleafora dispoddtea jivitak gorjechea – vorvi, saheti, seva asolea sorvanchi molam choddtat. Molam choddtanchoddtam samany nagorikancho munafo, adai va samball choddana. Thoddea tempa uprant
choddleari, choddl'lea molam tekid noim. Xivai pettroliyom utpon'nancha molam choddnnen ek pauttim chodd l'lim vorvi, saheti, sevechim molam uprantlea disamni pettroliyom molam demvleari demvanant. Pettroliyom utpon'nam sodancha monxea jivitant protyokx va porokx ritir otyont gorz asat. Somsarant ani tantunmyi bharotant vostu – vorvechi sagsonni (sagatt) ani lokan poinn
44 Veez Konkani
Somsarant otyodhik chodd pettroliyom songroh aschim raxttram him (auronnant aschem tel - biliyon bearelsamni): venezuyela (304), saudi orebia (298), kenodda (170), iran (156), irak (145), roxea (107), kuvoitt (102), yu ei (98)
korchim vhodd vahonam choddaut ddiselacher ani lokan poinn korchim mottar baikam, skuttoram tosolim dvichokr vahonam, ottorikxa, karam ani her vahonam pettrolacher hondvon asat (geas, vidyut chalityi osat). Kaim pon'nas - satt vorsam adim xherani va holl'llemni randpak lankudd upeog zatolem. Poilem xheramni ani atam holl'lleamnmyi randap geasacher – choddaut elpiji mukantr zata. Krudd pettroliyom sompon'n raxttram ani tanchi morji: somsarantlim thoddinch raxttam krudd pettroliyom (kochchatel va tel) somrid'd zaunasat.
omerika (yues) tela somrid'd raxttr zaunasa. Punn vividh karonnam khatir omerika sogllea upeogak aplench tel kaddina. 2020 zonourint asl'lea prokar omerikak disa ekak gorz aschea 20 milia bearel telapoikim svont utpadon 12.5 milia bearel, url'lem tel ayat (Import) kel'lem. Omerika kednam chodd tel kaddtam ani nireat kortam mhonnta tednam her aplim molam demvoitat. Bharotant pettroliyom mellta. Punn tem dexacha 15% upeogak mat pauta. Url'lo vantto ayat korn'nch haddizai. Pettroliyom mellchea dexancha mizaskek ayat korcha dexamni tokli
45 Veez Konkani
bhagoizai poddta. Hea poikim bharot yi ek. Bharotak zai aschem krudd irak, saudi orebia, iran ani her dexam thaun haddoitat. Choddaut ddoblyuttioi (vestt tteksas inttormiddiett) ani brentt mholl'llea don ritimni krudd molam nirdhorit zatat. Ddoblyuttioi rit – ut'tor omerika ani her dex vaporotat tor brentt - yurop, afrika ani modhy prachy dex vaporotat. Bharotacho choddaut vyouhar brentt kruddakhal cholta. Ayat korn haddoyil'lem krudd bharotacha rifoinorimni somskorit korn jett fyuyel, geasolin va pettrol, ddisel, kerosin, neafta toxem ddamara mhonnasor her utpon'nam bhair kaddtat. Thoddea pettroliyom nireat dexamni tanchench songhotton - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)– opek (sthapon: 14 sopttembor 1960) rochlam. Atam hantum 15 dex (sande) asat. Opeka thaun ayat korteleamni tancha xortank ani molank opvazai poddta. Opek
molam choddomvchea ud'dexan kednam kednam krudd kaddchem unne korta. Axem kruddachem mol chodd pauttim choddta ani oprupxem demvtam. Opekan hea febrouri, marchant telak mol choddomvchea ud'dexan tel utpadon unne korunk yeujilam. Toxem zal'lean molam choddon'nch asat. Telachem mol yues ddoloramni va her manyotecha videxi korensimni dizai. Ddolora mukar bharoti-i rupoi durbol zal'leabori (mhollear ddolor gheunko chodd rupoi dimvchi porigot) krudd gheunko ami choddit oivoz khorchizai. Hea tempar toxench zalam. Hem lekhon boroyil'lea March 11 ver eka ddolorachi dor ru.72.62 (15 agostt 1947 ver bharotacho rupoi ghottmutt asl'lo. Tednam ddolorak ru. 3.31 me llttale). Bharotant pettroliyom molam chodd kiteak?: bharotak krudd haddomvcho, somskoronn korcho ani pompamni vikteleank komixon dimvcho khorch poilo vantto mhonn dhorolear pettroliyom utpon'nancher kendr ani rajeanchem sunk anyek vantto (dusro) zatat. Ho dusro vantto - kendr ani rajeanchem sunk poilea vantteacha lagimlagim don vantte zatat. Kendr obokari sunk (senttrol eksais) pettrolak
46 Veez Konkani
29% oni ddiselak 42.5%. Tea xivai rosto somponmull ses ani her thodde sunk / ses vingodd asat. 2021 vorsacha bharot sorkaracha bojettint thoddo obokari sunk unno korn bodlak krixi somponmull ses gala. Axem atam pettrolar ru.32.98 ani ddiselar ru. 31.83 kendracho sunk poddta. Rajeanche sunk vivingodd rajeamni vivingodd (thoddea rajeamni vivingoddkodde vivingodd – dakleak: mumboi ani ur l'lem moharaxttro) - sunkyi vivingodd namvache astat. Kendracha sunkamni rajeankyi vantto mellta. Kornattoko (pettrolak 35% ani ddiselak 24% veatt va sels tteaks – keestti), kerollo, modhyoprodex, rajyosthanant veatt rupar sorkaracho sunk 30%vornim chodd asa. 2020vea kornattoko rajeacha bojettint pettrol ani ddiselar 3% lekar keestti choddoyil'li. 2021 kornattoko bojettint keestti apddunk na. 2020 marcha poreant sumar 50 – 60 ddolor asl'lem brentt kruddachem mol eprilant koronak lagon 19 ddolorank demvl'lem. Zonouri 2021-nt eka bearel (159 littor) kruddak sumar 54 ddolor mol asl'lem. Febrouri 25-k kruddachem mol 65 ddolor zal'lem tem March 11ver 70 ddolorancher paulam.
2020 isvent marcha uprant kovidd – 19 khatir lokddoun pacharl'lem. Vahonam rostear damvanatl'lim. Pettrol – ddiselak khais natl'lo. Kruddachem molyi unne zal'lem. Tedalla aplea yozonank duddu zomomvchea ud'dexan kendr sorkaran 2020 march ani meyant ott'ttuk pettrolak littora ekak ru. 13 ani ddiselak ru. 16 sunk choddoyil'lo. Choddoyil'lo sunk demvounko sorkar toyar na. Brentt kruddachim molam 2020 okttoborant 40 ddolor asl'le te March 10-ver 70 ddolor zaleat (25% vaddaull). 2021 zoner 1 thaun March 10 poreant pettrol ani ddisel littora ekak ru. 7 -8 choddleat 2020 vorsak dorolear axem choddl'lem oivoz sumar ru. 16. Hem kruddachem mol choddl'lean matr noim. Koronacha vellar kruddak bearelak ddolor 19 mhonnasor demvl'lem. Tedalla tea krudda thaun ru.7-nk ek littor pettrol / ddisel mellyeta aslem. Randpa geasak sat vorosamni ddobol zal'lem mol: tela kompnneamni ghoramni vaporocha randpa geasak silinddora (14.2 keji) pattlean March 1 tariker ru.25 choddoile. Dosembor
47 Veez Konkani
2020 thaun ekek pauttim ru.25 – 50 hispar ott'ttuk 7 pauttim choddleat. Atam bharotant vividh gamvamni 142 keji silinddorak ru. 800 thaun 1000 dor poddta. 1 March 2014ver eka silinddor geasak ru. 410 asl'le. Tednam sobsiddi asl'li. Hontahontamni geasauyli sobsiddi kaddlea. Fokot 7 vorosam bhitor atam 2021 marchant geas silinddorak doddti dor zalea (ru. 819) mhonn pettroliyom montri dhomendro prodhanan 9 March 2021ver loksobhent sanglem. Kruddachim molam choddl'lean molam demvounko zainant: pettroliyom montri mhonnta kruddachim molam choddon vetat zal'lean sorkar molam demvomvchear na. Punn hich thiyori kruddachim molam demvtana lagu zaina. Tedalla sunk choddoun molam eklek dourtat. Pettrolant sumar 60% ani ddiselant sumar 54% senttrol eksais ani veatt sunk asa. 2019 zonerant telak bearelak 66 ddolor aslear 2020 eprilant 19 ddolor zal'le – tedalla telam molamni porixkoronn korunk na. Bodlak sunk choddoun molam ek sarkim kelim. Atam 70 ddolorancher paulam. 2020 march itleak asl'lea molam thaun
ssumar ru. 20 (littor ekak) choddleat. Rajeamni sels tteaks / veatt ani kendran senttrol eksais sunk demvoilear molam demvtat. Adlea sorkaramni korn dakoilam: pettroliyom utpadonancha molamni ekrup sambhallchem borem. Bharotacha mott'ttak hem sadhy ani hachi gorzyi asa. Kendrantlea toxem rajeantlea adlea sorkaramni hem korn soit dakoilam. 2011 thaun 2014 agostt poreant kruddachem mol bearelak xembor ddoloramvoir asl'lem. Hantle okeriche thodde mohine soddlear ur l'lea sogllea audek kendrant ddo. Monomohon singacha mukelponnar kongres sorkar asl'lo. 2011 marchant bearelak 118.64 ddolor zal'le. 2012 meyant pettrolak eka littorak ru. 33.18 ani 2014 me 16 thaun ddiselak ru. 56.71 asl'le soddlear tachaki voir gel'lenant. Molam tedallayi voir vetim. Punn kendr ani rajy sorkaramni aple sunk unne korn molank brek galn rauyil'lem. 2021 febrer modhegat ani 2014 me modhegat pettrolacher sadharnn ek tulon hangasor dilam – rupeamni (auronnant 2014 meyantlem onke) mull mol ani sagatt – 32.1 (47.12), kendr sunk – 32.9 (10.39) rajy sunk – 20.61 (11.9) ddilor komixon 3.68 (2) chungddi vikro 89.29 (71.41)
48 Veez Konkani
atam sorkaramni asche monis tednam virodh paddtimni asl'le. Hanchim protibhottonam viporit choll'lim. Atam he addolltea paddtint asat. Protibhottonak atam virodh paddtint asl'leanche boll pavana. Pettrol – ddiselyi jiestti-khal haddn atam aschea chodd tteaks breakettekhal (28%) dourl'lem tori bohuxa: atam dori asat tachaki kitleaki unnea oivozak melltem. Ott'ttare lokache koxtt. 16 zun 2017 poilem mohineacha 1 ani 16 tariker pettrol utpon'nanchi molam porgott kortole. Tedalla ekch pauttim rupeam lekar choddtana lok dursatalo. Virodh paddti ani kareall vyokti (Activist) protibhotton kortole. Atam sodam sokallim 6 vorar porgott'tat. Poixam lekar il'lem il'lem choddoyil'lem lekakch yena. Dakleak febrer 9 thaun 20 tarik poreant keul bara disank il'le il'le mhonn pettrolacher littorak sumar 3.63 ani ddiselak 3.84 choddoyil'le. Molam demvnnek noveo vatto: molam choddnnecha vatter asonk opek (pettroliyom utpon'nancha roptu raxttranche okkutt) duraxen utpadon unne kel'lem karonn mhonn kendr sorkar sangta. Molam choddoizai mholl'llea khatir tel nireat dexamni
utpadon unne kelam. Hea kritok obhavacha karonnan zai titlea mafan krudd mellana. Heavorvim molam choddtech osat. Utpadon choddounko monovi kelea mhonn pettroliyom montrin sanglam. Punn sodeak molam demvchim kosolim-i lokxonnam nant. Bharotachem krudd ayat saudi orebia ani opek raxttram thaun zata. Hem thoddea mapan rauvn opekakhal natl'lea raxttram thaun ani protyek zaun omerika thaun ayat korunk chintap cholon asa mhonn kollon yeta. Edollch omerika thaun haddomvchem promann choddlam. Panch vorsam adim omerika thaun bharotacho ayat aplea gorjecha 0.5% asl'lo to atam 11%- choddla. Sunk demvounko kendr ani rajy donamychi koblat zai. Hanni dogamyni sunk demvoilear molam opapim demvtat. Eka sorkaran demvoilearyi thoddea mafan demvtat. Punn molam chodd aslear rajeankyi borem. Adai choddit mellta. Samany zaun loksobha va rajeancha vidhan sobhank chunaunn choltana molam demvoun chunaunn sompl'lench molam choddoitat. Toxench zalam atam. Ossam, kerollo, puducheri, tomillunaddu ani poxchim' bongallant chunavo cholonk osat. 28 febrouri
49 Veez Konkani
thaun March 11 (hem boroitana) Toxem zal'lean sorkaran kosoleo vatto poreant pettrol, ddiselar molam tori vaparn hachim molam choddounko nant. Chunaunn zatech demvomvchi va choddanaxem ekch pauttim choddounko puro. pollemvchi zorur gorz asa. Bharotant pettrol, ddisel, randpa geasachim molam choddnni lokacha Ech. Ar. Allvo dispoddtea jivitacher probhavo galta. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TWELFTH OF MARCH: GANDHI & GRANDE Today the Twelfth of March has two significant anniversaries! twenty-four days for the group to arrive there on 5 April.
*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ
Ninety-one years ago, in 1930, Mahatma Gandhi began his famous protest, the Dandi March, not far from the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to protest the tax salt imposed by the British! It was a Civil Disobedience movement – a real ‘satyagraha’ in every sense of the word. In this long arduous march of 390 kms. to the shores of Dandi, Gandhi was accompanied by people from all walks of life and from all corners of the country. It took
On arrival at Dandi, Gandhi in an interview said, “I cannot withhold my compliments from the government for the policy of complete non-interference adopted by them throughout the march .... I wish I could believe this noninterference was due to any real change of heart or policy. The wanton disregard shown by them to popular feeling in the Legislative Assembly and their high-handed action leave no room for doubt that the policy of heartless exploitation of India is to be persisted in at any cost, and so the only interpretation I can put upon this non-interference
50 Veez Konkani
is that the British Government, powerful though it is, is sensitive to world opinion which will not tolerate repression of extreme political agitation which civil disobedience undoubtedly is, so long as disobedience remains civil and therefore necessarily nonviolent .... It remains to be seen whether the Government will tolerate as they have tolerated the march, the actual breach of the salt laws by countless people from tomorrow.”
Gandhi was also prophetic and speaking of the India of today! When a group of farmers from Gujarat, supported by several organisations and several concerned citizens of Gujarat, wanted to take out a ‘kisan tractor rally’ today, in their tractors from the same place (as Gandhi did in 1930) and towards Dandi, all the concerned protestors were placed under house arrest and the rally was not allowed to take place. Shabnam Hashmi, an activist, through a live videorecording (which is going viral)
has detailed the way this rally was stopped. People from all over the country have condemned this antidemocratic move. Strangely enough when the Government is hypocritically trying to score ‘brownie points’ on the Dandi March! Even the British colonialists did not stop Gandhi’s ‘Dandi March.’ in 1930! Forty-seven years later, in 1997, on this day, in faraway El Salvador, Jesuit Fr. Rutilio Grande was gunned down by the military junta of his country. Grande had identified himself totally with the poor and oppressed people of El Salvador and was a visible and vocal critic of the fascist policies of the Government.
A month before he was assassinated, on 13 February 1977, Grande preached a sermon that came to be known as ‘the Apopa sermon’, denouncing the government's expulsion from the country, of a Colombian priest Fr. Mario Londono, who served the
51 Veez Konkani
poor. In strong words, an action that some later believed led to his murder, Grande said, “I am fully aware that very soon the Bible and the Gospels will not be allowed to cross the border. All that will reach us will be the covers since all the pages are subversive – against sin, it is said. So that if Jesus crosses the border at Chalatenango, they will not allow him to enter. They would accuse him, the man-God ... of being an agitator, of being a Jewish foreigner, who confuses the people with exotic and foreign ideas, antidemocratic ideas, and, that is, against the minorities. Ideas against God because this is a clan of Cain's. Brothers, they would undoubtedly crucify him again. And they have said so”.
Grande had a long-standing friendship with a diocesan priest Oscar Romero; the latter was known for his conservative ways. The poor and exploited of the country were Grande’s major concern and he left no stone unturned to highlight their plight and to make their struggles
his own. Unlike Romero, Grande did not hesitate in taking up cudgels against the powerful and other vested interests. Romero was appointed Archbishop of San Salvador just three weeks before the brutal death of Grande. The murder of his friend was a terrible shock to Romero. At his funeral mass, Romero in his homily said, “the government should not consider a priest who takes a stand for social justice as a politician or a subversive element when he is fulfilling his mission in the politics of the common good.” He also said openly and emphatically, “anyone who attacks one of my priests, attacks me. if they killed Rutilio for doing what he did, then I too have to walk the same path”. True to his words, he walked that path! From that day onwards, Romero immersed himself totally in defending the rights of the poor and oppressed of his country. he never looked back- till his own assassination on 24 March 1980! Romero is today a Saint of the Catholic Church and Grande is on the fast track to becoming one.
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Both Gandhi and Grande have much to teach us today. They worked for the freedom of their people. They took a visible and vocal stand to defend the rights of the poor and the marginalised. They did not hesitate in taking a strong stand against the fascist and anti-people policies of the Government of their day and to voice their dissent. Because of their prophetic courage, they had to pay the price: both laid down lives for a cause, a greater good. In the wake of what is happening in our country today- we are called to emulate Gandhi and Grande! We need to come out and engage in civil disobedience, take a non-
violent stand for justice, truth, and peace, and ensure that we cry halt to the rot that has taken over our beloved motherland! We need to join in the protests of the farmers and others like the Adivasis and Dalits who want to live a more dignified life! Above all, like Gandhi and Grande we need to believe that with truth we will overcome and only the truth will set us free! Twelfth March is a significant day – let not its importance be lost on any of us! 12 March 2021 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights& peace activist/writer. Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com)
THE TEACHER & THE PEON (Concluding part of the Trilogy “Love’s Dark Secrets” & “Love JihadCatholic Style”) Tubal Cain was a man of might.
In the days when the earth was young. Tubal Cain faded into the twilight. By the queen bee he was stung!
53 Veez Konkani
The first two lines of the verse are from a poem that I recall from childhood. The second two lines are my own creation in adulthood. Who was Tubal Cain anyway? If we take the Genesis account of creation literally, then he is the seventh-generation offspring of Adam and Eve, the son of Lamech and Zillah. He is described as “the ancestor of all who work copper and iron” (Gen 4:22). He is therefore believed to be the first iron smith or metallurgist, a profession that required immense physical strength. Why then has Tubal Cain faded into the twilight, and who is the queen bee that stung him? As humans evolved into a patriarchal society, it
was characterized by male physical strength – that of the iron smith, the warrior, and the hunter. Where are they today? Brawn has been replaced by brain. One does not require physical strength to be a metallurgist. Nor to press a button, to release a missile or a weapon of mass destruction. Not even for meat. You can pick it off the shelf in a supermarket or a butcher’s shop. The physical strength of Tubal Cain has become redundant. He has faded into the twilight. What is the role of the queen bee the feminine? Men are inclined to work in short bursts of intense energy. After that they need to rest or take a break for a cigarette. This attitude is even expressed in male sexuality. In contrast the queen bee, the female psyche, is more disposed to diffused and sustained energy, again also characterized in their sexuality. The modern world is more attuned to diffused and sustained energy, be it the operation of a computer or a factory assembly line. The man soon gets bored as he seeks novelty, but a woman can continue pursuing the same monotonous action without
54 Veez Konkani
dwell on just two – education and employment.
This is one of the reasons that many employers prefer women. They tend to be more loyal and persevering, not seeking change and novelty the way men do. The queen bee has triumphed over Tubal Cain, reducing him to a mere drone. As a natural consequence woman today are in many areas better employed than men. Going by the results of public exams, they are also doing better in education. The bottom line is that, given equal opportunities in both education and employment, the feminine is the stronger sex. Verily, Tubal Cain has faded away. These changed equations have had a huge impact on the marriage market, and get accentuated further in small communities, like the Catholic Community in India. In my previous article I had referred to the book on Mixed Marriages (MMs) in the Agra Ecclesiastical region by Rev Dr. Maxim D’sa. He had identified 28 factors that result in MMs. I will
My first experience of Gender Disparity (GD) in the Catholic community is when I was working in then Bombay in 1971-72. I was then living in Vakola, Santacruz (E) that had many slums. I was active in the Legion of Mary and made weekly visits to those living in the slums. I was surprised to find many families with househusbands. The women were away in the Gulf region, mostly working as housemaids, and sending money home. How much of that money was spent on the home or on booze was a moot question? The woman had become the provider and the man the dependant. A few years later I became the Founder Secretary of the U.P. Regional Youth & Vocations Bureau. One of my first observations again was of GD. The girls were far better educated and gainfully employed than the boys. There were reasons for this, other than what is applicable across modern society. The girls studied in convent schools/hostels, where they got
55 Veez Konkani
personalized attention from the sisters. In contrast in parish schools/mission hostels, there was usually just one priest and possibly a seminarian doing regency, to minister to them. It was never the same. So, girls easily outperformed the boys of the miniscule community. Then came employment. At that time church-run institutions were the major employers of youth. Most Catholic institutions stopped at Class 12. At that point, a girl could get admission for teacher’s or nurse’s training and get gainfully and respectfully employed; both in church run institutions and outside. What of the boy who had passed Class 12? At most he could get a job as a peon or a driver, unless he was lucky enough to go to a technical institute run by the Salesians. The sumtotal was that the girl was a teacher at a desk in a classroom, while her brother was employed in the same institution sitting on a stool outside the Principal’s office. A further consequence was that the girl had a higher emotional quotient than the boy. I know times have
changed and both job and educational opportunities have increased. Yet the GD is still very marked. This is evident again in parish choirs and youth groups. The girls vastly outnumber the boys. This obviously has a disastrous effect on the marriage scenario, resulting in 50% MMs in the community, as we have seen earlier. It also results in frustration and resentment among the boys, in turn leading to anti-social tendencies. A vicious circle. Strange though it may seem and maybe possibly politically incorrect; but my experience says that the church in its pastoral planning, must make a conscious effort to win back its young men. It must be a pastoral priority. This GD obviously has a huge impact on choosing a life partner, and the resultant high percentage of MMs. There is another factor that has emerged in modern times. It is what we call the Office Romance. People working together get attracted to each other and choose to marry, regardless of religion or other factors. This has its own.
56 Veez Konkani
inherent dangers. Why?
office romances or social medial profiles could be fraught with danger.
Because at the workplace one is performing a role, not being oneself. One cannot fart or burp at Youth animators, family counsellors, work, let one’s hair down or put parents and pastors need to one’s legs up. The worker is role understand these changed playing; hence the true self is not equations to help young people revealed. A worker who is make the correct choice in life. For objectively calm with his/her Tubal Cain has faded into the night, colleagues at work, may be as have knights in shining armour. subjectively short tempered or And teachers and peons are a insensitive at home. This is human horrible mismatch. nature. So, in office romances, the dark side of one’s personality is not • The writer began his revealed. This again is reflected in community service through social media profiling, where one the Legion of Mary in 1969. puts one’s best foot forward. MARCH 2021 Making life choices based purely on -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"L U C Y's" Mangalore Women Power for
group of well motivated women of
National Welfare.
Mangaluru, rallied around "Lucy's".
The historic connections to the name
zest of this day is particularly very
unassuming shop/outlet, but inside
enthusiastic, so on March 6, 2021, a
large hearted and concerned about
57 Veez Konkani
Collaborating including
ways, wool
materials, are Ms. Sabrina Hougard of 'Soulo Conversations' (a group of women
muchneeded Kalpana
women's branch of Lions and Ms Nirmala Pai of Inner Wheel (a branch of Rotary club).
presentation highlighted the work and effort by many volunteers who were interning at "Lucy's" to knit 172 solid sets of scarves/shawls and the welfare of all levels of people of our great nation - India. Quietly spearheaded by Ms. Cecilia Shresta (Mascarenhas),
'presentation' of the efforts the group has put in for the defense personnel struggling in the high ranges of our borders in the North.
cowls from virgin wool for the heroic defense personnel on the freezing borders in the North East facing hostile enemies amidst the severe cold. These brave hearts alert 24x7, to protect the millions of people in India in peace and happiness. Indeed, the thought and action of this great effort here in
58 Veez Konkani
Mangalore, 'unseen and unsung' is
the historical Rosario Cathedral on
something to ponder on at this time
the ancient road to Hoige Bazar,
when Women empowerment is
Passers by would generally not
notice it - the sign board loudly says
it take
appreciate and emulate in some
Quilting - Classes and Sales ," within
way by one and all. 'Nari Shakthi'
a couple of years
and 'Atma Nirbhar’ echoing all over
sprung into a multifaceted interest
India comes into play in this yeoman
zone for many women students,
effort in this coastal region even
house wives, social activists and a
amidst the many odds.
solace to many even during the times of the Pandemic.
The place called "LUCY's": According to the idealistic lady Cecilia Shresta - It all started in a small simple way in 2018 under her thoughtful quiet ideas soon after she returned from the USA. The Shrestas lived in different places in the
it has really
Arkansas and Texas. In Mangalore now settled down among her ancestral roots in this part of the city; located opposite the gate of
woolies are not that one would really look for in a humid warm coastal city of this west coast. But the potential created out of it where a service to the most heroic people of the nation is created is admirable. The
institutions and individuals came in to see and understood the "knit and pearl" concept 's popularity and has taken an upward trajectory and promises to be a gradual launching
59 Veez Konkani
pad for many good ideas and
kept alert by this activity can
actions. It will help people to know
improve their cognitive skills and
and contribute, even in small ways.
remain in better mental health and
These first 172 woolen sets will be
their physical faculties. On the other
side of the coin, this is a very
where the defense authorities will
arrange to send it to the right spots
Occupational Therapy in several
on the borders, to our fighting men.
Ms. Sabrina Hougard of 'Soulo Conversations’ knitting
appear to be declining in popularity among the savvy IT NewGen, yet it certainly is alive and even like old times, men play a role too.
type of concentration on knitting regularly has a very constructive and positive
coordinating the hands and fingers, and patterned eye movements go a long way in mental well being and can prevent and control dementia and Alzheimer's and so on. Elders
challenges and
potential is vast. The history of the name "LUCY's: The chief protagonist that lends her dear name primarily is Cecilia’s dear mother “Lucy Mascarenhas" (nee' Pais daughter of Martin Pais 18521921 of premier wine merchants hailing from Urwa). Lucy brought up a large family in Bangalore in times that were difficult. It seems her mainstay and deep interest was in
Knitting to an exceptionally large extent. Lucy never shied away from passing on her ideas and skills not
60 Veez Konkani
only to her children, but to many
youngsters she took care of in the
prominent Govt official of the British
1950s and 60s. She is a well-known
times in Mangalore, hailing from a
personality in the Konkani Catholic
well known Saldanha Prabhu family
with known roots. She was carefully
Mangalore. This LUCY"s popularity
nurtured and developed into a
will need pages to record here. And
polished socialite who travelled far
and wide with her husband Maurice
spreading her mother's skills for
Shresta (1872-1952), whose father
posterity here, indeed a mission
changed his surname from Pinto to
Shresta, while in then Ceylon. Her
The second to associate with the name "Lucy's" is Cecilia’s husband Dr. Harold (Harry) Shresta PhD, (was teaching for long at Arkansas Uni). Dr. Harold’s paternal grandmother Lucy
founder of Ladies Club now existing on the western slopes of Lighthouse Hill,
institution with unmatched service to Mangalore the region and its people and women.
father was elected vice chairman of the town municipality (1929) and later Member of the Legislative Council, Madras Presidency (1932). Ms Lucy spent some time in London, England and was often referred to as "London Lucy". In founding the Ladies Club, she had a unique vision for Mangalore, with great love, like many of that era. Her ancestral home is the old classic (original name - “INGLEDON") manor.
61 Veez Konkani
house 'Roshni Nilaya' that the family gifted away, in 1960. They also had a farm in Manjeshwar and that was her
fore. This expose is one example but there are many many more be sure. Let us be happy for this and seek ways and means to help people and our great country - INDIA.
great interest too, she was devoted to the cattle and farm till the end. Indeed, it is noteworthy that Mangalore is contributing in several spheres to the national effort and - Ivan Saldanha-Shet women here are positively to the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TWELFTH OF MARCH: GANDHI & GRANDE Today the Twelfth of March has two significant anniversaries! from the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to protest the tax salt imposed by the British! It was a Civil Disobedience movement – a real ‘satyagraha’ in every sense of the word. In this long arduous march of 390 kms. to the shores of Dandi, *Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ Gandhi was accompanied by people Ninety-one years ago, in 1930, from all walks of life and from all Mahatma Gandhi began his famous corners of the country. It took protest, the Dandi March, not far 62 Veez Konkani
twenty-four days for the group to arrive there on 5 April. On arrival at Dandi, Gandhi in an interview said, “I cannot withhold my compliments from the government for the policy of complete non-interference adopted by them throughout the march .... I wish I could believe this noninterference was due to any real change of heart or policy. The wanton disregard shown by them to popular feeling in the Legislative Assembly and their high-handed action leave no room for doubt that the policy of heartless exploitation of India is to be persisted in at any cost, and so the only interpretation I can put upon this non-interference is that the British Government, powerful though it is, is sensitive to world opinion which will not tolerate repression of extreme political agitation which civil disobedience undoubtedly is, so long as disobedience remains civil and therefore necessarily nonviolent .... It remains to be seen whether the Government will
tolerate as they have tolerated the march, the actual breach of the salt laws by countless people from tomorrow.” Gandhi was also prophetic and speaking of the India of today! When a group of farmers from Gujarat, supported by several organisations and several concerned citizens of Gujarat, wanted to take out a ‘kisan tractor rally’ today, in their tractors from the same place (as Gandhi did in 1930) and towards Dandi, all the concerned protestors were placed under house arrest and the rally was not allowed to take place. Shabnam Hashmi, an activist, through a live videorecording (which is going viral) has detailed the way this rally was stopped. People from all over the country have condemned this antidemocratic move. Strangely enough when the Government is hypocritically trying to score ‘brownie points’ on the Dandi March! Even the British colonialists did not stop Gandhi’s ‘Dandi March.’ in 1930!
63 Veez Konkani
Forty-seven years later, in 1997, on this day, in faraway El Salvador, Jesuit Fr. Rutilio Grande was gunned down by the military junta of his country. Grande had identified himself totally with the poor and oppressed people of El Salvador and was a visible and vocal critic of the fascist policies of the Government.
not allow him to enter. They would accuse him, the man-God ... of being an agitator, of being a Jewish foreigner, who confuses the people with exotic and foreign ideas, antidemocratic ideas, and, that is, against the minorities. Ideas against God because this is a clan of Cain's. Brothers, they would undoubtedly crucify him again. And they have said so”.
A month before he was assassinated, on 13 February 1977, Grande preached a sermon that came to be known as ‘the Apopa sermon’, denouncing the government's expulsion from the country, of a Colombian priest Fr. Mario Londono, who served the poor. In strong words, an action that some later believed led to his murder, Grande said, “I am fully aware that very soon the Bible and the Gospels will not be allowed to cross the border. All that will reach us will be the covers since all the pages are subversive – against sin, it is said. So that if Jesus crosses the border at Chalatenango, they will
Grande had a long-standing friendship with a diocesan priest Oscar Romero; the latter was known for his conservative ways. The poor and exploited of the country were Grande’s major concern and he left no stone unturned to highlight their plight and to make their struggles his own. Unlike Romero, Grande did not hesitate in taking up cudgels against the powerful and other vested interests. Romero was appointed Archbishop of San Salvador just three weeks before the brutal death of Grande. The murder of his friend was a terrible shock to Romero. At his funeral mass, Romero in his homily said, “the
64 Veez Konkani
government should not consider a priest who takes a stand for social justice as a politician or a subversive element when he is fulfilling his mission in the politics of the common good.” He also said openly and emphatically, “anyone who attacks one of my priests, attacks me. if they killed Rutilio for doing what he did, then I too have to walk the same path”. True to his words, he walked that path! From that day onwards, Romero immersed himself totally in defending the rights of the poor and oppressed of his country. he never looked back- till his own assassination on 24 March 1980! Romero is today a Saint of the Catholic Church and Grande is on the fast track to becoming one. Both Gandhi and Grande have much to teach us today. They worked for the freedom of their people. They took a visible and vocal stand to defend the rights of the poor and the marginalised. They did not hesitate in taking a strong stand against the fascist and anti-people policies of the Government of their
day and to voice their dissent. Because of their prophetic courage, they had to pay the price: both laid down lives for a cause, a greater good. In the wake of what is happening in our country today- we are called to emulate Gandhi and Grande! We need to come out and engage in civil disobedience, take a nonviolent stand for justice, truth, and peace, and ensure that we cry halt to the rot that has taken over our beloved motherland! We need to join in the protests of the farmers and others like the Adivasis and Dalits who want to live a more dignified life! Above all, like Gandhi and Grande we need to believe that with truth we will overcome and only the truth will set us free! Twelfth March is a significant day – let not its importance be lost on any of us! 12 March 2021 *(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights& peace activist/writer.
65 Veez Konkani
Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE TEACHER & THE PEON (Concluding part of the Trilogy “Love’s Dark Secrets” & “Love JihadCatholic Style”)
# chhotebhai Tubal Cain was a man of might. In the days when the earth was young. Tubal Cain faded into the twilight. By the queen bee he was stung! The first two lines of the verse are from a poem that I recall from childhood. The second two lines are my own creation in adulthood. Who was Tubal Cain anyway? If we take the Genesis account of creation literally, then he is the
seventh-generation offspring of Adam and Eve, the son of Lamech and Zillah. He is described as “the ancestor of all who work copper and iron” (Gen 4:22). He is therefore believed to be the first iron smith or metallurgist, a profession that required immense physical strength. Why then has Tubal Cain faded into the twilight, and who is the queen bee that stung him? As humans evolved into a patriarchal society, it was characterized by male physical strength – that of the iron smith, the warrior, and the hunter. Where are they today? Brawn has been replaced by brain. One does not require physical strength to be a metallurgist. Nor to press a button, to release a missile or a weapon of mass destruction. Not even for meat. You can pick it off the shelf in a supermarket or a butcher’s shop. The physical strength of Tubal Cain has become redundant. He has faded into the twilight.
66 Veez Konkani
What is the role of the queen bee the feminine? Men are inclined to work in short bursts of intense energy. After that they need to rest or take a break for a cigarette. This attitude is even expressed in male sexuality. In contrast the queen bee, the female psyche, is more disposed to diffused and sustained energy, again also characterized in their sexuality. The modern world is more attuned to diffused and sustained energy, be it the operation of a computer or a factory assembly line. The man soon gets bored as he seeks novelty, but a woman can continue pursuing the same monotonous action without ennui.
doing better in education. The bottom line is that, given equal opportunities in both education and employment, the feminine is the stronger sex. Verily, Tubal Cain has faded away.
This is one of the reasons that many employers prefer women. They tend to be more loyal and persevering, not seeking change and novelty the way men do. The queen bee has triumphed over Tubal Cain, reducing him to a mere drone.
My first experience of Gender Disparity (GD) in the Catholic community is when I was working in then Bombay in 1971-72. I was then living in Vakola, Santacruz (E) that had many slums. I was active in the Legion of Mary and made weekly visits to those living in the slums. I was surprised to find many families with househusbands. The women were away in the Gulf region, mostly working as housemaids, and sending money home. How much
As a natural consequence woman today are in many areas better employed than men. Going by the results of public exams, they are also
These changed equations have had a huge impact on the marriage market, and get accentuated further in small communities, like the Catholic Community in India. In my previous article I had referred to the book on Mixed Marriages (MMs) in the Agra Ecclesiastical region by Rev Dr. Maxim D’sa. He had identified 28 factors that result in MMs. I will dwell on just two – education and employment.
67 Veez Konkani
of that money was spent on the home or on booze was a moot question? The woman had become the provider and the man the dependant. A few years later I became the Founder Secretary of the U.P. Regional Youth & Vocations Bureau. One of my first observations again was of GD. The girls were far better educated and gainfully employed than the boys. There were reasons for this, other than what is applicable across modern society. The girls studied in convent schools/hostels, where they got personalized attention from the sisters. In contrast in parish schools/mission hostels, there was usually just one priest and possibly a seminarian doing regency, to minister to them. It was never the same. So, girls easily outperformed the boys of the miniscule community. Then came employment. At that time church-run institutions were the major employers of youth. Most Catholic institutions stopped at Class 12. At that point, a girl could get admission for teacher’s or
nurse’s training and get gainfully and respectfully employed; both in church run institutions and outside. What of the boy who had passed Class 12? At most he could get a job as a peon or a driver, unless he was lucky enough to go to a technical institute run by the Salesians. The sumtotal was that the girl was a teacher at a desk in a classroom, while her brother was employed in the same institution sitting on a stool outside the Principal’s office. A further consequence was that the girl had a higher emotional quotient than the boy. I know times have changed and both job and educational opportunities have increased. Yet the GD is still very marked. This is evident again in parish choirs and youth groups. The girls vastly outnumber the boys. This obviously has a disastrous effect on the marriage scenario, resulting in 50% MMs in the community, as we have seen earlier. It also results in frustration and resentment among the boys, in turn leading to anti-social tendencies. A vicious circle. Strange though it may seem and maybe possibly
68 Veez Konkani
politically incorrect; but my experience says that the church in its pastoral planning, must make a conscious effort to win back its young men. It must be a pastoral priority. This GD obviously has a huge impact on choosing a life partner, and the resultant high percentage of MMs. There is another factor that has emerged in modern times. It is what we call the Office Romance. People working together get attracted to each other and choose to marry, regardless of religion or other factors. This has its own inherent dangers. Why?
colleagues at work, may be subjectively short tempered or insensitive at home. This is human nature. So, in office romances, the dark side of one’s personality is not revealed. This again is reflected in social media profiling, where one puts one’s best foot forward. Making life choices based purely on office romances or social medial profiles could be fraught with danger. Youth animators, family counsellors, parents and pastors need to understand these changed equations to help young people make the correct choice in life. For Tubal Cain has faded into the night, as have knights in shining armour. And teachers and peons are a horrible mismatch.
Because at the workplace one is performing a role, not being oneself. One cannot fart or burp at work, let one’s hair down or put one’s legs up. The worker is role • The writer began his playing; hence the true self is not community service through revealed. A worker who is the Legion of Mary in 1969. objectively calm with his/her MARCH 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 Veez Konkani
"L U C Y’S” Mangalore Women Power for National Welfare.
The historic connections to the name
unassuming shop/outlet, but inside large hearted and concerned about the welfare of all levels of people of our great nation - India. Quietly spearheaded by Ms. Cecilia Shresta (Mascarenhas),
'presentation' of the efforts the group has put in for the defense personnel struggling in the high March
zest of this day is particularly very enthusiastic, so on March 6, 2021, a group of well motivated women of Mangaluru, rallied around "Lucy's".
ranges of our borders in the North. Collaborating including
ways, wool
materials, are Ms. Sabrina Hougard of 'Soulo Conversations' (a group of women
70 Veez Konkani
appreciate and emulate in some
way by one and all. 'Nari Shakthi'
and 'Atma Nirbhar’ echoing all over
women's branch of Lions and Ms
India comes into play in this yeoman
Nirmala Pai of Inner Wheel (a
effort in this coastal region even
branch of Rotary club).
amidst the many odds.
muchneeded Kalpana
presentation highlighted the work and effort by many volunteers who were interning at "Lucy's" to knit 172 solid sets of scarves/shawls and cowls from virgin wool for the heroic defense personnel on the freezing borders in the North East facing hostile enemies amidst the severe cold. These brave hearts alert 24x7, to protect the millions of people in India in peace and happiness. Indeed, the thought and action of this great effort here in Mangalore, 'unseen and unsung' is something to ponder on at this time when Women empowerment is celebrated. contribution
Indeed, to
it take
The place called "LUCY's": According to the idealistic lady Cecilia Shresta - It all started in a small simple way in 2018 under her thoughtful quiet ideas soon after she returned from the USA. The Shrestas lived in different places in the
Arkansas and Texas. In Mangalore now settled down among her ancestral roots in this part of the city; located opposite the gate of the historical Rosario Cathedral on the ancient road to Hoige Bazar, Passers by would generally not notice it - the sign board loudly says "LUCY's
71 Veez Konkani
Quilting - Classes and Sales ," within
where the defense authorities will
a couple of years
it has really
arrange to send it to the right spots
sprung into a multifaceted interest
on the borders, to our fighting men.
zone for many women students, house wives, social activists and a solace to many even during the times of the Pandemic.
woolies are not that one would really look for in a humid warm coastal city of this west coast. But the potential created out of it where a service to the most heroic people of the nation is created is admirable. The
institutions and individuals came in to see and understood the "knit and pearl" concept 's popularity and has taken an upward trajectory and promises to be a gradual launching pad for many good ideas and actions. It will help people to know and contribute, even in small ways. These first 172 woolen sets will be transported
Ms. Sabrina Hougard of 'Soulo Conversations’ knitting
appear to be declining in popularity among the savvy IT NewGen, yet it certainly is alive and even like old times, men play a role too.
type of concentration on knitting regularly has a very constructive and positive
coordinating the hands and fingers, and patterned eye movements go a long way in mental well being and can prevent and control dementia and Alzheimer's and so on. Elders kept alert by this activity can improve their cognitive skills and remain in better mental health and their physical faculties. On the other side of the coin, this is a very
72 Veez Konkani
Mangalore. This LUCY"s popularity
Occupational Therapy in several
will need pages to record here. And
challenges and
potential is vast.
The chief protagonist that lends her dear name primarily is Cecilia’s dear mother “Lucy Mascarenhas" (nee' Pais daughter of Martin Pais 18521921 of premier wine merchants hailing from Urwa). Lucy brought up a large family in Bangalore in times that were difficult. It seems her mainstay and deep interest was Needle
spreading her mother's skills for
The history of the name "LUCY's:
Knitting to an exceptionally large extent. Lucy never shied away from passing on her ideas and skills not
posterity here, indeed a mission unique. The second to associate with the name "Lucy's" is Cecilia’s husband Dr. Harold (Harry) Shresta PhD, (was teaching for long at Arkansas Uni). Dr. Harold’s paternal grandmother Lucy
founder of Ladies Club now existing on the western slopes of Lighthouse Hill,
institution with unmatched service to Mangalore the region and its people and women.
only to her children, but to many
youngsters she took care of in the
prominent Govt official of the British
1950s and 60s. She is a well-known
times in Mangalore, hailing from a
personality in the Konkani Catholic
well known Saldanha Prabhu family
with known roots. She was carefully
73 Veez Konkani
house 'Roshni Nilaya' that the family gifted away, in 1960. They also had a farm in Manjeshwar and that was her great interest too, she was nurtured and developed into a polished socialite who travelled far and wide with her husband Maurice Shresta (1872-1952), whose father changed his surname from Pinto to
devoted to the cattle and farm till
Shresta, while in then Ceylon. Her
the end.
father was elected vice chairman of the town municipality (1929) and later Member of the Legislative Council, Madras Presidency (1932). Ms Lucy spent some time in London, England and was often referred to as "London Lucy". In founding the Ladies Club, she had a unique
Indeed, it is noteworthy that Mangalore is contributing in several spheres to the national effort and women here are positively to the fore. This expose is one example but there are many many more be sure. Let us be happy for this and seek ways and means to help people and our great country – INDIA.
vision for Mangalore, with great love, like many of that era. Her ancestral home is the old classic (original
- Ivan Saldanha-Shet
Appointment of new Apostolic Nuncio to India New 2021:
Delhi, Mar 13, According to a statement
released by Secretary General, CBCI that says : Communication received
74 Veez Konkani
from the Apostolic Nunciature, I wish to inform that His Holiness, Pope Francis, has appointed H. E. Most Rev. Leopoldo Girelli, until now Apostolic Nuncio to Israel and to Cyprus, and Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine, as the new Apostolic Nuncio to India.
This provision was made public in Rome on Saturday, 13th March 2021, at noon, corresponding to 4:30 p.m., Indian Standard Time. His Excellency Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli was born in Predore (Bergamo), Italy, on 13th March 1953. He was ordained priest on 17th June 1978. He holds a
Doctorate in Theology. He entered the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See on 13th July 1987. He served in the Apostolic Nunciatures in Cameroon and in New Zealand, in the Section for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, and in the Apostolic Nunciature in the United States of America. On 13th April 2006, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Indonesia, and, on 10th October 2006, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to East Timor. On 13th January 2011, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Singapore, Apostolic Delegate to Malaysia and to Brunei, and nonresidential Pontifical Representative for Vietnam. On 13th September 2017, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Israel and Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine, and, on 15th September 2017, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Cyprus. On 13th March 2021, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to India. He speaks Italian, English and French. Collectively commending Archbishop Girelli as he takes leave of his current mission and prepares to assume his new responsibilities in
75 Veez Konkani
India, it is a glad news. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vorsacheo gourou proxosteo ani pustok puroskar porgott vinchleat
sahity kxetrant konkonni kove orunn subravo ubhoikor kumotta, kola kxetrant put'tur panddurongo naik, zanopodo kxetrant lokxmikrixnno sid'di hankam gourovo proxosteo melltteleo. Kovita vibhagant prem' moras mongllur hachea ’ek mutt pa vleo’ pustokak, lhan kotha vibhagant monika mothais ddoblin hichea’novi dixa’ pustokak ani lekhonam vibhagant sttiun kvaddros permude hachea ’sugondhu svas’ pustokak proxostek
kornattoko konkonni sahityo akaddemi odhyokx dda| ke. Zogodix poi hannem apoyil'lea potrika goxtthint porgott kelem. Gourou proxosteo ru. 50 hozar nogdi, pustok puroskar ru. 25 hozar nogdi mellttele mhollam. Kon'noddo ani somskriti ilakheacho montri orovind limbaulli hea kareak odhyokx astolo. Konkonni sahityo okaddemi sande sannuru norosimho kamot, orunn ji xett, gopalokrixnno bhott, rijisttrar ar. Monohoro kamot zomatek hazor asle. ---------------------------------------
76 Veez Konkani
Kotholik yazok dikxa soddn bhazopak rigta
To mhonnalo, "vhoi, hamv bharoti-i zonota paddtik servalam... Ani hamvem tanchye borabor kam' korunk chintlam. Apnnak kitem te korunk sangtat tem kam' hamv tankipurtea mafan kortolom." fa| roddni bornio kolkota arch diesejicho kotholik yazok bharoti-i zonota paddtin asa kel'lea lhanxa zomate vellar march 9ver aplea yazoki-i dikxek nam' dimvn bharotii zonota paddtik servalo. Archbisp tomos ddisozan hi khobar khori mhonn sanglem ani taka fa| bornio thaun rajinam' potr mell'llam mhollem. Fa| bornio archdiesejin choloun aschea loyola hoiskalant pranxupal zamvn seva dimvn aslo.
to mhonnalo apunn march 5 ver archbispak mell'llam ani mhojea yazokponnak hamvem raji dilea ani hamv taka march 9 ver yi mell'llam. Apunn kitea khatir bharoti-i zonota paddtik servalam mholl'llem apunn atam sangana mhollam tannem. "mhojyelagim karonnam asat bhazopa servonk. Mhaka tyevixim ulounko naka kitea mhollear tim karonnam mhojea ani archdieseji modhem," mhonnalo fa| roddni. bhazopa apunn zativadachi paddt
77 Veez Konkani
nhoim mhonn rizu korunk hor proitnam korun'nch asa ani kristamv mukhelank bhazopache sande korta. Hyech lagon ailevar sobhar kotholik mukheli hea paddtik serval'le asat. Stholli-i lok sangta ki roddni mornio somajent matso famad vyokti tannem kel'lea boroea kamank. Hea paddtik inglix madhyom' xikxonna vixeant mhahet diunko tachi kumok te axetele mhonnalo rajy bhazopacho karyodorxi sobyosachi dot'to roddnik hogollsun. (logn zamvchea poilem sorv dadle tanchea bailank hogollsitat; uprant matr thoddea tempan teachch dadleank mandd'ddemar suru zata tem hanga ugddas koryet!) vestt bengalant momota
beanorjichea ttrinomul kangresak 295 sitti asat; he bhazopa sangata mellon tika gadyeuylem demvounko hor hikmat korn'nch asat, mukhlea chunavent jikon yemvcheak. Heachch yazokan sant terezachea sant mhonn pacharl'lea kareak hazor zaunko ttrinomul kangres paddtichi mukhelin momota beanorjik soptembor 2016 ver vatikanak apoun vhel'lem, ten'nam to tika ani tichye padtik bharichch mogacho aslo.
March 10 ver kolkot'ta arch diesejichea archbisp tomos ddisozan dhaddl'lea poripotrant sanglam ki "apli yazoki dikxa soddn
78 Veez Konkani
bharoti-i zonota paddtik servunk ek romon kotholik yazok zamvn march 9ver mon kelem. Fa| roddni totkxonn" mhonnon. borniochem yazokponn akher zata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boneless Chicken Breast Masala Ingredients:
1) 500 grams boneless chicken breast
2) 2 medium onions, finely chopped 3) 5 tbsp tomato puree 4) 1 tsp each ginger & garlic paste 5) 10 cashew nuts 6) 4 byadgi chillies 7) 2 tsp coriander powder 8) 1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder 9) 1/2 tsp garam masala powder 10) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 11) 1 tsp kasuri methi 12) 4 tbsp oil 13) salt as per taste 79 Veez Konkani
Recipe: - Cut the boneless chicken breast into medium pieces, wash and keep aside to drain the water. - Fry cashew nuts and byadgi chillies for a while and keep aside to cool - Make a fine paste of cashew nuts and chillies and keep aside - In a kadai, heat oil - Once oil is hot, fry chopped onion till golden brown - Add ginger garlic paste and fry for 2 mins on low flame - Add chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder and garam masala powder, stir well and fry on low flame for 2 mins - Add chicken, mix well and fry on high flame for 5 mins - Add salt and stir well - Add cashew nuts and byadgi chilli paste, stir well and let it cook 2 mins on low flame - Add tomato puree, stir well, and let it cook for 2 mins on low flame - Add 1 and 1/2 cups hot water, mix well and cover the lid. Cook for
10 mins or until chicken cooked well on medium flame. - Add kasuri methi, mix well and cook for another 2 mins. - Switch off flame Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with Jeera rice or chapatis or roti as per your choice.
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Masllechi koddi 4 pamplettam, ison, bangdde iteadi kuddke korn dourodadoru
Eka aidanant tel tapoun 1 piav bhaz, uprant allen ghaln taka il'lo holldicho pitto, bevacho palo, 2 ttometto, 3 torneo mirsango, amsannechem udak, mitt ani udak hollt korn khotkhoto yetana maslli ghaln bhum-i dour.
allenak: 5 lamb mirsango, 1/2 narl, 1 ttebl spun jirem, 1 ttispun konnpir vattun kadd. 81 Veez Konkani
Xellye rupim bolpo
‘xellye rupar ailo khoddpabori romblo simhabori goroz ghalta konn to?’ ranant rai kel'lo gamvar naka zal'lo! S tachi goroz tachi zhollok tacho tallo tachi vollok bodlun gelem adlem rup bollan ailem novem map ghoddyen bodlot tacho rong nennant tankam vegim sang S pausant atam vot tapta dhogint atam paus vot'ta mollbar utt'tat kallim kupam sodanch dhumvri gamvar atam
S xelleo aplea auyk sanddun simha dholik uddleat porvot unch tokli bagaun kiddea mukar poddleat konn zanna konne konnak ves bodlun dhaddleat gamvar atam xellye rupar bolpe bhomvtim choddleat S ranant asche simh vag monxea kallzant ghusleat vaga simha bolpeank atam monxeaninch posleat zagrut rava roddonakat xit vochun pez zait nidun poddonakat hochch ayin'n vell xellye rupim bolpeank parkun vollok dhorocho vaga simhank sokkodd mellun ranak pattim dhaddcho -sivi, lorett'tto 82 Veez Konkani
kottaroli -ayonsi paloddka
tambddi tambddi kottaroli vhoddli vhoddli vhoddli holltan bhitor soroli mamyek polleun doddli. Hozaramni baulle doddun koulle koulle zali kottarolek polleun mami bhian bhitor geli. Vhoddli ek saronn haddun kottarolek lottli rodam bhaxen gumvon gumvon kottaroli bhair poddli. 83 Veez Konkani
84 Veez Konkani
85 Veez Konkani
86 Veez Konkani
Kolangonnant `pilatachi zhoddti' chol'li
mandd sobhannachea mhoinealli
manchi xinkllechem 230 vem karyem zaun 07-03-2021 ver aitara
87 Veez Konkani
sanjer 6.30 vorar, kolangonnant pilatachi zhoddti nattok sador zalo. Kenora komyunikexon kendracho nirdexok bap richardd ddisozan ghantt marun kareak chalon dilem. Mandd sobhann hud'dedar erik
ojerio, luvi pintto ani kixor
88 Veez Konkani
hannim notton kelem. Akerik nattokachea vixoi ani sador ponnauyr somvad chol'lo. ---------------------------------------
Ph.D. awarded to Ms Shobha of SAC
fernanddisan sangat dilo. Ho nattok ma roni seravon boroun, orunnraz roddrigos ani vikas losrado hanni nirdexon dil'lem tor, elron roddrigosachem songit ani kingsli nojretan ujvadd vineas kel'lo. Kolakul reporttorichea vikas, suxmita, axel, sovita, flavia, sondip, suzoya, jiun, vriton ani romario
Ms Shobha, HOD of Commerce, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), has been awarded Ph.D. for her thesis “An Evaluation of Micro Insurance Schemes - A Study with reference to Self Help Group Members in Dakshina Kannada District” by Tumkur University.
89 Veez Konkani
She was successfully guided by Dr P.N. Udayachandra, Dean & Head of the Department of Commerce, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire. She is the proud daughter of Sri Dharnappa & Smt Rukmini from Thokkottu, Mangaluru and wife of Sri Ashok M Prasad, Assistant Professor, Department of BCA, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru. ---------------------------------------
Women’s Day celebrated at SAC
The Students’ Council and the Women’s Forum of St Aloysius
College (Autonomous), Mangluru organised ‘Women’s Day’ - a programme to celebrate the spirit of womanhood on 8th March 2021 in the LF Rasquinha Hall of the College. Advocate Sparsha D’Souza
90 Veez Konkani
was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the programme. Ms. Sapna Shenoy, an Investment Services Professional and Trainer
and Ms.Vidya Dinker, Social and environmental Activist were the Guests of Honour of the programme. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, presided over the programme. Dr Ratan Tilak Mohunta, Director, Students’ Council, Ms Renita Maria D’Souza, the Convenor of the programme and President of Women’s Forum and Paloma Rodrigues, the Cultural Secretary were on the dais. Advocate Sparsha in her address spoke of the importance of women in the judiciary and the role they play in ensuring justice. She reminisced over her college days and her journey from being a shy individual to taking up positions of
91 Veez Konkani
authority and spoke of the importance of dedication and determination in achieving success. She added that God Almighty has played an important role in her journey. Ms Sapna Shenoy, in her address highlighted the need for financial independence among women. She shed light on the various benefits of entrepreneurship, and the need for women to take up more entrepreneurial ventures. “You will work for your business in the beginning and later your business will work for you” she added. Ms Vidya Dinker, in her address highlighted the importance of independence in various spheres of a woman’s life, from her workplace to her home. She shed light on the various demands society imposes on women. She painted the example of a woman who is extremely independent in her workplace and holds positions of authority but has no right in the decision-making of her personal life. She stressed on the need to change such a situation. She spoke of how women can spark
improvement and empowerment in other women. Rev Dr. Praveen Martis SJ, in his address, said that there is a long road ahead for woman empowerment even in developed countries like the United States of America. “Women are the reason for life and the reason for love” he added. He also said that the gift of creation was given through a woman. Advocate Sparsha D’souza was felicitated during the programme. A video was presented in which the female students of Aloysius spoke about women that inspire them and about what they like most about being a woman. Ms. Shivani presented an inspiring and captivating dance performance. A melodious musical medley was presented by Ms. Alina Peris and team. Ms. Renita D’Souza welcomed the gathering. Dr. Ratan Mohunta, Dr Divya Shetty and Ms Niveditha introduced the guests. Melnitha Correa, compered the program. Paloma Rodrigues proposed the vote of thanks.
92 Veez Konkani
International women's day celebration at Ocean Pearl.
Coreen Rasquinha was invited as the guest of honour by the Inner Wheel club of Mangalore North. Thank you for the honour awarded to Mrs Harina Rao and Corine Rasquinha. She wished their club all the absolute best for this year 2021. ---------------------------------------
The Department of Economics of St Aloysius College (Autonomous),
Mangaluru conducted a talk on “ANALYSIS OF BUDGET 2021” on
93 Veez Konkani
aspects of central budget presented on 1st February 2021 and highlighted the state budget presented on March 8, 2021.
9th March 2021 in L.F. Rasquinha Hall, LCRI block. The talk concentrated on economic
The talk was presented by Nitin J. Shetty C.A, founder partner of Nitin J Shetty & Co. Mangaluru. The speaker focused on digitalization and privatization concepts as he was addressing the young gathering. He gave insights on capital expenditure of the government, privatization of public sector, banking sector, tax policies, Atma Nirbhar Bharat and agriculture sector. He stressed the need of youth indulging in digitalization process.
94 Veez Konkani
While concluding the talk the Speaker gave worthy advice to the youth gathered regarding moral values and attitude which they need to include in their life. The students and faculty of Economics and Commerce attended the talk. It was a very interactive session and good number of students raised relevant questions and the speaker
addressed all those questions with valuable answers.
The programme was compered by Nagesh M. The program began with a prayer song rendered by the college choir team. Ms Maria Joseph welcomed the gathering and Ms Tinku Kuwar introduced the resource person. Mr Melroy DSouza proposed the vote of thanks. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------UAE's Mars mission proves how Ph.D. awarded to Ms women shine bright in the space Rachael Natasha of SAC and technology sector.
On the Occasion of International Women's Day, we are saluting the women power. We are saluting the SHEROES of Globelink West Star Shipping. ---------------------------------------
Ms Rachael Natasha Mary, lecturer in the undergraduate department of Chemistry at St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru, has been awarded Ph.D. for her thesis for her
95 Veez Konkani
thesis titled “Study of Electrochemical Behavior and Corrosion Resistance of Maraging Steel in Acid Media’ from Tumkur University. She was successfully guided by Dr. Suchetan P.A, Assistant Professor Department of Studies and Research in Chemistry, University College of Science, Tumkur University, Tumakuru. Ms Rachael Natasha Mary is the daughter of late Mr Umesh Bangera and Mrs Viola Pereira, Mangaluru --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kolangonn: karyem nirvahokank torbeti kareagar
utranch motiam. Hatant moik astana utram motimyamporim
vaprije. Osoleo torbeteo aichea kallar gorjecheo tharotat. Xikpak
96 Veez Konkani
aker na. Xikl'le titlem nove aukas ugte zatat. Hea torbetecho zokto vaparo korije mhonn mongllur vixvovideanilo yacho inglix vibhagacho mukheli pro.
Rovixonkor ravo hannem ulo dilo. To mongllurochea kolangonnant mandd sobhannan manddun haddlolea em.Si. Torbeti sorttifikes
97 Veez Konkani
kors vixixtt ritin, moik kaddun gumtta thaun motimyam posramvche marifat ugtaun uloitalo. Torbetdar mohex naik ani videa din kor hanni nirupokank sarvozonik
uloup ani vedi nirvohonn hea vixim dakhleam somet mahet dili. dusrea disa erik ojherion karyem
98 Veez Konkani
karyem-nirvahokan kitem korunk zai? kitem korunk nozo? hea gozalincher aplo anbog vanttun ghetlo. Uprant vitori karkoll hannem pipitti mukhantr adlea kazaranchi ek zhollok diun hea xetantlo aplo anbog vanttun ghetlo. Alvin danti, pernal hannem atanchea sobhannamni zamvchim atorvonnam hea vixim elson hirgan hachea kumken uloup sador kelem.
nirvahonnacho itihas ani konknni somprodayavixim mahet dili. Eka boroea karyem-nirvahokachim lokxonnam hea gozalicher uloyil'lea bhovo famad em'.Si. Bab lesli regon karyem-nirvahonn xetantlo aplo koddu ani godd anbog vanttun ghetlo. Tisrea disa sokallinchea adesar stteani alvarisan eka boroea
Uprant ttoittos noronhan songit/samajik karyim kanniandvarim koxem nirvahonn koroyeta mhonnun kolloilem. Eulin ddisozo hinnem kazaram xivai, her kareanchem nirvahonn hantum aplo anbog vanttun ghetlo. Donporam uprant orunnraz roddrigos hannem ttivi niruponn ani hera pintton karyim manddun haddche vixeant pipitti mukantr somogr mahet dili. Vixoyam modhem bhasabhas chol'li. Pongodd korun sovalancher tork choloilo ani xibirarthinchi obhiprai ghetli. Zasmin lobon sorv somponmull vektinchi sobhek vollok korun dili. Rahul pintto ani renoldd lobon tantrik kumok dili.
99 Veez Konkani
Hem xibir march 5 thaun 7 poreant Sogllea kareagarachem nirdexon chol'lem. Kvini ddikosta ani orunn erik ojheriochem asun mandd minezos hannim apli obhiprai sobhann odhyokx luvi je pintto, ucharoli. Dokxinn kon'noddo, sande novin lobo, kixor fernanddis, uddupi, ut'tor kon'noddo ani hason bon'nu fernanddis, elron roddrigos, jil'leam thaun vevegllea prayechea roni krasta, sunil montero, lovina 94 xibirarthimni bhag gheun hea danti ani klara ddikunha hazor asun xibiracho faido zoddlo. kumke hat dilo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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