Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 4 Scripts - Roman Script.

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llustrated Weekly

Illustrated Weekly

Volume: 4

No: 17


April 1, 2021

‘King of Kameddiyons’ Birudankit

Samson Lopis, Honnavar 1 Veez Konkani


Konknnecho dobazo, samazam modhem uzo!

gelea hofteant kornattoko konknni sahity okaddemin march 20 ani 21 ver monnipalantlea ar.Es.Bi. Addittoriyomant bharichch god'dallayen konknnicho dobazo chol'lo, sombhrom' achoronn zalo punn bezarayechi gozal itlichch ki hea sombhroma-dobazant sorv konknni samazantlo konknni uloupi lok patr gheunko ailo na. Amchechch mholl'lle konknni vauraddi, sahiti, lekhok, gaupi, somyozok, iteadi dislechch nant! sobhar dursale amkam konnench apoilem na mhonn! punn hamvem somzal'lea prokar hea sombhromachem amontronn don hofteam poilench potrank gel'lem, vattsoppar ayil'lem punn hem kiteak hankam dislench na? hor ekleak hat dhorn apoun vhorunk tankam kaim her dusrem kam' na? samazacho dobazo mhonnttana amim zamvn hazor zaunko zai, zor tumchyelagim apunn sahiti, kolakar, gaupi, vhajpi, somyozok, karyem nirvahok mholl'lleo vo itor teo topio ghora soddn osolea sorvanchea sombhromamni amim konknni uloupeamni hazor zaunko zai, zor ek konknni karyokrom' amchy goudd sarosvot bhavam-bhoinnimni manddun haddlem tor, amkam herank vochunk kitem mandd'ddemar? amchi mizaski titliy vhodd? amim zamvn vochanastam ramvchem ani tachye voir sobhar onnkanne uddomvche, hi

khonchi addebhag? uddupicho bisp dda| jeraldd oisak lobo soiro zamvn thoimsor aslo dusrea disachea karyokromant. Taka tori polleunko amkam vochyetem? amchea dharmik vhoddilamni hazor zauyetem? na, sogllim nidon poddlim apapleachch ghoramni vo vagank sodhun gelim lagxilea ranamni tem mhaka kollit na! lagim lagim 50 vorsam adim amim sangata ekvottun mongllurant konknni bhaxa monddoll sthapon kel'li, ti trasamni vagoun haddl'li. Az polleunko gelear sorv samazantle konknni vangddi disachch nant! amkam sangata vavurchem kosem mholl'llench kollit na tosem dista. Amim amcheachch ghuddamni romvannek poddl'lea kombiamporim vorton kortamv. Zaveam ami kombe - fanteafarar utton sat ghalun, pakatte papddun sezarchea kombianchoi mog korche ani ekvottan sangata jiemvche. Ani atam bharichch trasamni tumchye hatim dil'lea hea hofteacho vixex hasea onko vachun sontos pamvchem ani ruchlear heranki sangchem. Devo borem korum ponchu bonttvall!

-dda| asttin probhu, chikago

2 Veez Konkani

‘King of Kameddiyons’ Birudankit

Samson Lopis, Honnavar

Seamson e. Lopis novembor 9, 1981




simfoni rilijiyos endd giftt arttikls

talukantlea mottont devadhin adren

tosench to ek iventt orgonoizor ani

lopis ani margorett lopis hanchem


ball zamvn zolmalo. Soptombor 4,

tiyantrancher khonchli.






lopisalagim zalem.









Tachem xikap

Tachi mam-ibhas konknni tori to

sointt antoniche hoiskul hon'naur

kon'noddo, hindi ani inglixant borim

hangasor zalem.


Uprant tannem


tanchem kuttam' posunk aplo vaur


hatim dhorlo.

notton korchem.




boromvchi, Taka sobhar

proxosteo mell'lleat tem tumim 3 Veez Konkani

mukhar vachyet tosench tosviroeo

polleuyet. korchi

Prostut tannem vosti




senttor, hoive sorkol, chorch rodd, 4 Veez Konkani

hon'naur, ut'tor kon'noddo, 581


tacheachch utramni vacha:

Tachi jiun choritra tumim 5 Veez Konkani

bhognnam borounko mhaka vhorti khuxolai bhogta. Amchem ek lhan





hamv semson lopis gamvan motto,

bhavo anim ek bhoinn.


amchea kuttmant zaiti dubllikai asli.



6 Veez Konkani


02-06-1990 isvent mhozo bapui devadhin 7 Veez Konkani




vollchi) kam' korn devo bhiranten dubllikai aniki chodd zal'li zaleari mhoza



amkam vaddoilem.

(dori 8 Veez Konkani

Mhoji urbha lhanponni thamvn

”tiyatr” pollomvchi, gaina gamvchi asli.


ugddas hamv


asa anim

bhavo amchea

nennteaponnar amkam


pollomvchi vorti axa asli






pollounko vetaleamv, punn dubllikaye urvim

mhojea amchelagim ekch ttikett asle vorvim




bhitor soddle. Oxem hamv gettiche

9 Veez Konkani

pattim ghora ailom. Oxem hamve roddchem




bhair urolom. Tedna mhaka vorti

pollemvchi urbha polleun mhoji

duHkh bhogli anim hamv roddat

amai mhaka tiyatrak apoun vhorn

10 Veez Konkani

gel'li. Oxem tiyatr choltana ordhea tiyatrar


heramni gain gamvchem tiyatrant


notton korochem hamv polletana

onubhou oxem dis vetam-vetana

mhoji mot mhoje xikpaki tiyatrant






11 Veez Konkani

anim gainant mogn zali. Oxem 12 Veez Konkani

hamve panchvi klas xiktana lhan-

hamv vilfiabachim kantara aikun




borounko suru kelem.... Uprant

gõychim kantara aikotalom. Oxem

1993 isvent sovem klasint xiktana



13 Veez Konkani




vaddeant prodorxon kelo.


mhojem nattokachem prodorxon

hamvem mhozo poilo nattok (1)


”kallzacho dongor” moll'llo boroun

pongddacheank gamvchea lokamni


eka-meka thaun 20 rupoi inam'



14 Veez Konkani




dil'le anim protsah dil'lo.


polleun hamv chodd khuxi zal'lom anim mhoji urbha aniki vaddli.

15 Veez Konkani

Oxem hamv amchem gamvchem xanti childdrons klobacho sando

zaunastana mhaka zaite ovkas pavo zal'le.






auy16 Veez Konkani

loka thaun lablo. Oxem hamve thodde nattok (2) magnnem (3)

bapayancho dis, krismos oxem zaite


ovkas anim protsah firgoz vigara

gamvant mhojea ixttam sangata

thaun toxench amchea gamvchea

khellon 2001 isvent hamve ek (5)

17 Veez Konkani









punn mhaka ho tiyatr khellonk thoddea karonnank lagun sttez ”sukhachea doreant duHkhachim

mellunk natle vorvim mhaka duHkh

18 Veez Konkani

zal'le...... Anim hamv niraxi zal'lom..... Anim hamve chintlem hamv anim mukhar








nam anim


toxench mhoza ixttank sanglem. Tea vellar mhaka protsah anim dhoir

dimvn mhoza bhavan vhodd mett kaddunk




zaunaslem ho mhozo tiyatr pustoka

(lipi) printt mukhantr bhair haddcho punn amchea arthik poristhiti ani lokancho

19 Veez Konkani



soval ailem. Tea ghoddyek mhoza ixttamni




borem mon'n dakhoun arthik ritin sohai korn ho mhozo tiyatr pustok 2001 ogoxtt 6 tariker hon'nauro san salvador firgojechea festa disa fa| krizosttom'


margodorxonakhal nasleurvim amim hem koxem sady zatolem mhonn amcha monant ek




fornanddis hancha hatam thaun ugtaunn kelo. Hea pustokachi proti

20 Veez Konkani

zovab zaun tin mohineamninch ek

"simfoni” mhonn namv dilem ani



hamve mhozo ddispoddtea grasa

Oxem motter, kumotta fix markett,

khatir 2007 isvent ek ’soundd

bhottkoll mhaka tiyatr prodorxon

sisttom'’ ghetlo. Oxem mhoji vollok

korunk ovkas mell'llo. Toxench hem

heram thoim zali. Uprant hamve

mhojem pustok vachun israyel anim

(6) ”adhunik yuvok” mholl'llo nattok

zaite zageamni ho tiyatr dusrea

boroun gamvant khelloilo.

kolakaramni prodorxon kelo. Oxem

uprant (7) ”"bhagintlem ful” nattok


hon'naurchea protibhodoi holant






mhaka chodd sfurti mell'lli.


khellon spordeant poilem inam' apnnailem. Tache uprant kumotta,

Oxem nattokant ani gainant chodd

koddle, bhottkoll mugollihondda

asokti mell'lli anim zaite kodden

hea gamvamni prodorxon kelem.

nattokant anim gain spordheamni

Tache uprant mhozo (8) ”chintnam”

bhag gheun zaitim inamam mhaka

mholl'llo tiyatr devadhin zokim'

toxem mhoza pongodda sangata







pavo zali.

Gainant asleli asokti

talukachea vinchnnar kolakarank

polleun zaite zageamni toxench

ghemvn nyu inglix skulachea rong



monchar prodorxon kelo. Oxem (9)


”solvonn zoitachi vatt” mhocheach

gavunk ovkas lablo. Oxem hamve

gamvant motter prodorxon kelo

ek arkesttra pongodd arombh kelo




monxachea jivitant” tiyatr. Uprant

karyokrom' divonko ovkas lablo.

23 vorsam prayer hamve simfoni

Toxench hea









mhoza pongddak

21 Veez Konkani














ttelifilm' kelem.

Hamve pordhear

prarombh kele anim oxem (11) ”jivit

nyu inglix skulachea grounddar 25-

ek svopan” tiyatr motter gamvant ,

4-2007 verr dakhoilem, oxem poilye

(12) ”tum mhaka visrunk nam-i”

pautti ut'toro kon'noddo jil'leant
















Oxem mhojea ponchvis


vorsancha prayer hamve mhojea

(14) ”zoitak nam solvonn” kumotta

kama sangata tiyatr khellche hoveas

monnoki, hon'nauro protibhodoi

korn ghetle.

holant prodorxon kelo. Oxem astam


vhorto sontos anim mog hea mam-


i bhaxecher mhaka choddlo anim ho

hea zageamni prodorxon kelo. Ho

mhozo vaur heramni polleunko zai

tiyatr lokank manvalo. Lokanchea

mholl'llea iradean hamve ek sadhon

protsaha vorvim portean ut'toro

korunk zai mholl'llea vixvasan lhan

kon'noddant 2008 epril mohineacha

ttelifilm' kaddunk chintlem. Kiteak

1 tarik paskham festa disa dusrem

amche ut'toro kon'noddant tedna




muddogonnopoti holant dusrem












Poixeanchem boll nam tori, ghott


nirdhar ghetlo.


Mhojea simfoni

(15) "mogak lagun”


pordear monam



dakhoun jikon




pongddak ekttam-i kel'lo mhozo

goulli bapan tarikh : 12-12-2009

nirdhar tillsilo anim sorv ixttamni

isvent motter festa disa ugtaunn

mhaka pattimbo dilo. Hea mhojea


14 tiyatram modhlo boreantlo boro

mholl'llo tiyatr boroun prodorxon






22 Veez Konkani









09-04-2009 isvent gaupinn zonita


roddrigos hachea sangata mhojem

zal'lean soglli zovabdari mhojer



poddl'lean mhaka mhoje mam-i

2010tarikher "hamv chuklom” tiyatr

bhaxe khatir vaur korunk zata ya


nam mholl'lle motint vhoddlem







tanchim dogi dhuvo

prodorxonam kelim - 1. Motto, 2.

soval ghuslem.



gainam toxem nottonant asokti

Monchikeri, 5. Boilur, 6. Sunkeri

aslean tanne mhaka protsah dil'lo.



Anim hea mam-i bhaxe khatir kham'


korunk mhoje sangata vaur kelo.

3. 7.



Kumborovadda, 9.






Mhojye potinnek




prodorxonam kelim. Uprant 2011

ddimel'lo amchea karovar diesijint

isvent (18) ”porgotteam” tiyatr att

zaito vaur dil'lo amcho poilo goulli

xo - 1. Motto, 2. Monnoki-kumotta,

bap tancha eka vorxacha omor

3. Sunkeri-karovaro, 4. Sunkosall, 5.



Kumborovadda, 6. Monchikeri, 7.




margodorxona khal anim toxem





fador hancha

bixop dderik fornanddisacha adexa khal





Hea voilea gamvamni prodorxon



korunk favo zalem. Teach vorsant

ddividdi kaddn amchea adlea goulli




bapancho vaur thoddea mapan



lokank bhovo chodd manvol'lo.

kuttmant ubzolem.

2011 zun 23

Zaite gamvamni toxem videxant

toxench zun 27 tariker mhozo

ddividdi vhorn vikro korn lokank


23 Veez Konkani

dakhoun xabhasgi pattoili.


Oxem hamv konkonni mam-i

sangata lokanchim monam jiklim

bhaxe khatir vaur korotana mumboi

polleun 2013 isvent nuton chanel

gamvant eprilacha24 tarik 2015








gheun mhoje sangata sombhaxonn

hangasor prodorxon korunk mhaka



mhojea obhimanin apoilem anim

kantara boroupi, kantara gaupi,

oxem tea vellar mhaka ’di prins af

tiyatr boroupi, nott, ddoirekttor,

meloddi’ mholl'llem birud manadik











dakoun dilem. (19) ”ughodd” tiyatr

obhimanan dilem.

boroun bhair kaddlo anim solla

(20) ”kall bodol'la” tiyatr boroun

prodorxonam kelim - 1. Monchikeri,


2. Sid'dapur, 3. Sunkeri-karovar, 4.

Mollkodd, 2. Motto, 3. Danddeli, 4.

Motto, 5.


Monnoki- kumotta. Tache uprant

karovar, 7. Monnoki-kumotta, 8.

(21) ”rakonn” bara prodorxonam 1.

Hon'nauro, 9. Kasorokodd bich, 10.

Motto, 2. Kasorokodd, 3. Koddanni,



4. Xirsi-ddonbosko, 5. Holliall, 6.


Sonxi, 7. Danddeli, 8. Mongolluru, 9.


Mugva, 6.

11. 13.

Bell'llimokki, Hoddinoball,





16. Sunkosall,

Hon'naur, 12. Xirsi-chorch hal. Anim

ut'tezona prokar ’mai bhas’ mholl'lli komeddi




Mongolluru, 15. Mumboi, oxem lokancha


Tache uprant


2018 isvent.


isttor festa disa 31 march 2013





isvent ugtaunn keli.

prodorxonam 1. Motto, 2. Hon'naur, 3. Sid'dapur, 4. Bell'llimokki, 5. Karovar, 6. Kumborovadda, 7. Gova, 24 Veez Konkani

8. Danddeli. Hea modhem 2018

anim "king ap komiddiyon’


isvent devan mhojea thoim ek

inam' mhaka pavo zalem.


vhoddlem ozap kel'lem.

modhem amcha konknni mam-i


hamve mam-i bhaxek kel'lo vaur




polleun kornattoko konkonni sahity


okaddomi thaun danddelint nattok

”seamson lopis” mholl'llem yuttyub

yuv puroskar 12-02-2018 tariker

chanel 2018 isvent suru kelem.




favo zalo. Oxem 18-12-2018 isvent (23) ”ujvadd” tiyatr prodorxon 1. Motto,




Oxem mogincho

tumcho anim


Kumborovadda, 4. Gokornno, 5.


Karovar zalo hache sangata ’char

protsah dil'lea sorvank devo borem

disancho somsar” mholl'lli addio-

korum mhonntam. Hamv konknni

viddio ddividdi rilis zali.

mam-i bhaxe khatir vavurlam aniki






mam-i bhax raktolom anim voir











Mol'lapur vorsa

tiyatr Bixop




2018 vorsant (24) ”sangati” 1. Bixop karovar,




kaddtolom mhonn sangunk axetam.

(25) hous

Tachea 40 vorsam praye poreant


seamson lopisan konknnek dil'li

groundd 3. Karovaro kodra chorch

seva oporimit mhonnyet.

groundd hangasor prodorxon kelo.

vaurak viz aplem chepem ukolta ani

Oxem 2020 isvent e.Es.Ep. Kriexons

tachea fuddarant sorv yox axetam.



Konknni lokan taka aplo motto



manddun komiddi

spordeant poilem inam' apnnailem




korchem vajbi zamvnasa.

25 Veez Konkani



26 Veez Konkani

Ontoraxttri-i famad hasy kolavid

Charli Chaplin

kusallam dukhasor hasomvcho, aplea nottonadvarim monam pisvayil'lo, filmi somsarant hasy kolavid zavun famad, dakhleancho dakhlo roch l'lo, ontoraxttri-i kheaticho sor charls spensor ya charli chaplin kolavidancho rai zaun porzoll'llo. 1889 isvechea epril 16 ver tachem zono n. Tea vellar sttejir manem nottonadvarim lokak monoronzon

melltalem. Songita sovem nach monoronzonachem promukh vantto. Charli chaplinachi auy bapoi kolavid zavun karyim choloun vhorchim kolavid zaunas l'lim. Charli chaplin poyil'le pauttim manchiek chodd l'lo aplea panch

27 Veez Konkani

vorsanchea prayer. Aplea auy songim " elddor kott" manchier tannem prodorxon dil'lem. Lhan bhurgo tori , tannem dhoiran lokank dharall hasoilem. Ani lokamni tallianchea ovazan taka protsah dilo. 1899 isvent aplea dha vorsanchea prayer songita sovem nachacho pongodd bhandlo. Songitant to voir poddlo punn nachant solvalo. Tea khatir to hasy kolavid zaunko axelo. 1908 isvent fredd kornodina

pongddant hasy kolavid zaun servalo. Tachea notton ani haseank amerikon voroinnar mechvale, vikxokamni xabhaski dili. Hoveasi kolakor zaun to 1915 isvent to samskrotik vorgachea mellint riglo. Thoimsor karttunam, komiks, podam boroun lokamogall zalo. " A Dogs Life" mholl'llem poilem film' 1918 isvent ailem. Hea filma mukantr tachi xeathi lokak dakoun dili. "do kidd" mholl'llea onyeka filmam songi nattok yi as l'lo. Hem filmi nattok pon'nas gamvamni prodorxon zalem. 1919 isvent chaplin, meri pik fordd ddoglas, ani ddevidd loulin vak grifit songim

28 Veez Konkani

mellon "yunaittedd arttistt" namvankhal sttuddio korun sorv filmam ekach sttuddiont chitrikoronn korchem tosoli veusta asa korun sobarank upkarachem zaunko paulem. 1927 thaun ulomvchim ya ovazachim filmam suru zalim. Charli chaplinache lokamogall ani proxo steo haddun dil'lem film' "do grett ddikttettor" 1940 isvent prodorxon dekhlem. Hea filmak panch ontoraxttri-i proxo steo mell'lleo.

Borem notton, unchlem skrin ple, borem film' ani ontoraxttri-i kolakorak dimvchem manachi proxo sti hem film' apnnaunko soklem. Kolakorachea vrot'ti jiunak arso dhorchem, kola ani kolakorachi solvonni, ani kolevixim

29 Veez Konkani

"loim' loitt" zalem.



koddench ontorlo. Toull to svittzor leanddant jietalo.

1953 isvent svittzor leandd vochon, apli pornim ovaz nat l'lim filmank songit bosoun prodorxon korun jik apnnaili. " do goldd rox" mholl'llea filmak ontoraxttri-i xanti puroskar 1954 isvent mell'lli.

Charli chaplinacha ugddasak sobar smarok asat. Tea poikint londdonantlea " lisesttor skver" hanga tachi murt ubarlea. Svittzor leanddachea "veve" hangachea parkak charli chaplinachem namv dourlam.

Tachach jiun choritrechem film' "chaplin" 1964 isvent prosar zalem. 1967 isvent "e kounttedd from' hang kang" film' morlin branddo, ani sofia loren hanchea nottonant famad zalem. 1972 isvent aplea jivo manant kel'lea sadhonak proxo sti zavun "linkon senttor film' sosaitti" thaun mell'lli. Hi proxo sti " loim' loitt" filma khatir mell'lli zaunasa.

Hasy nottonak, lokank hasomvcheant ovvol, sokkodd hasy premincho nott, charli chaplin az somsar bhor hasy rai zaun lok mandta. Charli chaplinachem namv filmi xetant omor zalam. Obhimaninchea kallza monamni khonchlam. Ailevar nottam vixim kadd l'lea somikxent charli chaplin ozun poilea stanar porzollta . - ( kurpa - inttor nett thaun )

25 dosembor 1977 isvent to nid l'le ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

" konknni hasy " somsarant ek odhuri nodor. Konknnint dharall sahity prokar osa. Punn hasy sahity prokar il'lem unnench asa mhonnyet. Bottamni

mejche title hasy lekhok, nattokist, ani kovi dixttik poddtat.

30 Veez Konkani

Ailevar tullu rong manchier ’ bole telipale’ mholl'llo hasy pokannancho vhallo vhallon yetana, oni tanchim sorv karyim yoxosven zatana, konknnint yi osolim karyem kadduyam mhonn puddarponn gheun, ’ yeya... Hasuyam’ pokonnancho sfordho udelo ani yoxosvi zalo. Nattokamni hasy ason polleteleank khuxal dourtale, havo bavamni hasoitale. Omor kovi cha. Fra. Dekosta hachea nattokamni lamb lamb ddoyalog asleari vyongy ani kuchuleo korchim utrancho vhallo polleteleank, aikateleank hasoitalim, ani chimtte kaddle bhaxen tuklaitalim. Nattok xetant ekunnisavea xotomanachea 1960 thaun 1990 poreant cha. Fra. , em'. Pi. Ddesa, es. Es frobhu, porsi urva, soimon raskinha, je. Bi. Raskinha, luvi nett'tto, lori kassia, asttin probhu, bams bomboi ani her sobar nattok boroinnar asleari samajik songti bhomvarim, il'leo haso, dakhleak bottler, mirneam', ongovikol, okkol nat l'le, bhurgeam bhaxen, axem sobar patr hasomvchea karonnam khatir

nattokant astale. Je. Bi. Ddi’soza, fransis fernanddis kassia, son'ni ddi’ soz, sijyes takodde, richchi pirer, ben'na ruzai, edd'ddi siker ani her sobaranche nattok hasy vixoya bhomvarim astale. Thoddeamni viddio keasett ani addio keasett kadduni hat hulpaile asat. 'bole cha porko’ tullu rong manchier porzolltana tea vorgache nattok konknnint udeun aile. Asttin probhu bendur, klodd ddi’ soza bendur, nel'lu permon'nuru , prodip barboza, bat'ti kelorai , klerens poddil , leansi pintto naik, ani her sobaramnim hasy nattokachi kroxi keli. Sarosvot konknnint nattok pongodd yi hasy nattokant sobhle. Sobar gamvank vochon karyokrom' tannim dilim. Gõyant ’tiatr’ namvakhal hasy nattok ani podam sador zatalim. Pokonnandvarim lok eka manta ponda ekvottlo. Vilfi rebimbosachim songit sanz sador zatana surver vedir novemsamv haddlem " ddolfel- chol" hannim. Tea uprant ’ memori pongodd’, nel'lu cho osol kolakar, jeri raskinha hancho

31 Veez Konkani

pongodd, uddupint danti bhabhavo oni sangati, bomboi, dubai ani golf raxttrant, pokonnanchem pongodd ubhe zale. Atam hor firgozamni hasomvche pokonnanchem pongodd ubhe zaleat ti dadoskayechi gozal. Pokonnanchem pongodd survat zamvchea poilem karyem nirvahok ch pokonnam sangun lokak hasoitale ani karyem yoxosvi kortale. Konknni sahiteant hasy borpank lagsil'lean vhollkiche piddvaz, kundapur ani sijyes takodde. Konknnintlea sorv potramnim tanchim borpam lokamogall. ’ hemacharyo’ aple likhnnendvarim razoki-i ani samajik vixoi vixlexonn kortalo. ’thoddem thoddem novem novem’ ’ amchi mati amchi monxam’ tachim famadh onkonnam. Lokak dados kortale. Vizoi (vikttor olvaris) anond (richchordd olvaris) sunond, bhottam' bollie, ponchu bonttvall, bat'ti kelorai, ani her sobar hasy likhitant atam-i hat ghumvddaitat.

Filmi xetant ’ padri’ filmache yoxosve uprant konknnint filmanchem vharem soukas vallonk laglem. Noxibacho khell, sofia, manoso, axem koxem zalem?, ek aslear ek na, plening devachem, zamvoi nom. 1, nirmil'lem nirmonnem ani her konknni filmam yoxosvi zalim. Atam vella kallachea dobavak lagon (korona) thiettorank big poddtana nove toxem porne kolakar zagrot zal'lem konknni bhas ani konknni puddarak besamv. Konknni veb filmam, konknni hasy tti. Vi.Nattkulle, konknni hasy dharavahi, konknni khell, sfordhe udelem. Konknni jivall uronk preronn zalem. " daiji dubai" hannim novalam kelim. Yu- ttyubar konknni karyim ailim. Lok vorgalo. Vorgonndar zaun konknni karyim polletat mhonntana vhodd abhiman bhogta. Mandd sobhann (ri) konknni kareank kolangonn mukantr talentam porzollonk aukas korn dilam . ’ karyokromachem mott'tt samballchem atam gorjechem zalam’

32 Veez Konkani

hasy mellint podam, kovita asat. Punn otanchaki chodd adlim hasy podam, voveo , vers, kurkurit astalim. Pallnneantlea gannamni soit haso astaleo. Pokonnanchim, gozalimni gunt l'lim, pattim zap dimvchim, zanopod podam, xinklle rupar podam, haso haddchim addbostri podam, doddea orthacheo huminneo, gumttam podam, notalam podam, tuklamvchim podam, hinnsunchim gitam, ason tantun haseacho nouros astalo. .. Punn atam sogllem mayag zalam. Ya visron gelam.

( hasy gozalincher boroyil'lem hem lekhon opurnn zaunasa. Kaim il'li mat mahet amim hangasor dilea. Sobaranchi namvam hanga ul'lek korunk nant. Hasy gozalim voir gronth ch borouyet. Fokot't hea onkeak purok zaun matr amim hanga thoddeo gozali chhapleat teo tumim gomonant ghemvchem. sompadok) dog zonn ixtt sobar vorsam uprant sangata mell'lle... Temyi pixeanchea aspotrent. ‘tum kitem hanga? koso pauloi?’

Chuttukamnim aschem hasy eka ghoddiek punni sontos dita.

‘mog kel'lea cheddva lagim kazar zalem na. Dekun hamvchohanga Hasy likhitancho sonko unno asa, to paulom. Punn tum hanga koso bhorti korunk lekokamni puddem pauloi?’ soraje. Hasy likhitam udeje ‘hamv gi... Mog kel'lea , uraje, sahity porzollaje. cheddvalagim kazar zavun’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lhan cheddvak polletananch tea tticherik vhorto sontos bhoglo. Ek

pauttim tinnem taka lagim apoilem ani vichari....

33 Veez Konkani

Pixeanchea aspotrent ‘datt'ttu, baye sangata..’ ‘tum konna sangata nidtai?’ ‘uhum... Na nidana...’ ‘hamv ddadda sangata ’ ttichor chintunk poddli. Ani soukas ‘mam'mi sangata?’ vichari ‘na nidana...’ ‘tum mhoje songim nidtaye?’ ‘vhoddlimam-i sangata?’ bhurgem chintunk poddlem ani ‘na... Nidana’ soukasayen zap dit't ‘aba sangata?’ mhonnalem ‘na ... Nidana..’ “ddadda ott'ttuk nidlear matr" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(polis ddol'la ‘bauddo’ zaun yetana charli bhett'ta) charli : kitemre ddol'la, az khoim ddyutti? ddol'la : ani khoim ddyutti...? maka sosfendd kelo ne? charli : sospendd kelo...? khonchea karonnak sosfendd kelo? ddol'la : karonn kaim na. Ddyuttent over smart zal'leak. Charli : kitem? over smart zalear konni sosfendd kortat yere? promoxon ne ditat ?

ddol'la : gozal sangtam aik.... Kal ratim ddyutti zaun pattim ghora yetana... Kvarttosache bamyt "kapaddi ... Kapaddi.." bochavo molpule, Help help... Mholl'lli bob aikali. Konn, kitem mhonn polleunko na. Tokxonn Action kannghelem. Bhirankull kallok tori bam-i kodden dhamvlom. Ani dori demvoili. Charli : vhoi haba, ddyutter smartt asazai polle.

34 Veez Konkani

Ddol'la : smartt ani mat'ti... Sangtam aik, bamyt poddl'lea monxan dori dhorli. Hamvem voddli... Voir yetana kitem polletam charle...? bamyt asl'lo konn zannamye? charli : konn? ddol'la : amcho sob ins pekttor! tokxonn ‘Attention’ raulom... Dori soddli.... Ani ek selyutt marlo... Inspekthor ‘duddum’ korn bamyt! charli : ham....!!!

pokonnam "has has amchea viz konkonni i-


meagojinar hor hopteant chhapunk, aukas korn dila. Taka devo borem korum mhonntamv. - sompadok.)

ddol'la vixeant thoddem thoddem..... Ddol'la zolman ch kolakar. Tachea rogtant to gunn asa. Tannem ghora aschem unnem, rong manchierch tachea disachim choddit voram khorchatat... (xri ddol'la, mongllur hachim - konkonn kogull omor vilfi rebimbos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figor -ponchu bonttvall holl'llent ani bomboi mhonnon rikamo ravon puro zal'lem maka. Magir koddiallant ek plett kannghelem. Choutea mallier hamv eklom eksurom. Khaunko, jeunko, thiettor, park mhonn disak dha pondra pauttim lipttar voir sokoil

vechem matr maka kam'. Axem plettant as l'lea sokddanchi maka

35 Veez Konkani

vhollok zal'li. Na tor plettant ekamekachi vhollok khoim asta? tea eka fantea fantear varem zhodd paus, goddghoddo zhoglannem... ‘korentt il'lodo bordd’ (ke.I.Bi.) hannim paus yemvchea poilench korentt kaddl'lo. Vachmenan yeun zonorettor ghaltana ‘zonorettorak ghoddghoddo marla’ mhonn koll'llem. Zonorettor moun as l'lem. Disak dha pondra pauttim voir sokoil vecha mhoje bara brestar zal'le. Maka hanga ekachchhannem tokli girr zaunko suru zali. ‘ vhavo’ hamv dolle dhampun huskarlom. ‘penkatt mhollear axem asaje’ hamvem mittio marleo. ‘sufor... 28 asa’ hamv pisochch zal'lom. Tori monxeaponn dakomvchea niban, penkadd aniki dhambun dhorn, tika tichea plettak pailem. ‘mar zor zala astolo penkttak’ ‘vhoi... Olle hanga ’ mhonn tinnem mhozo hat tichea penkddar dourlo.

Dha vorank cha pieveam mhonn sokoil demvtana, dusrea malliechea mettamlagim pauta pautana, mhojea muklean cholon vechi choli sott'tt korn pam-i nisron, mettancher lollon sokoil poddtana mhojem ‘sovem’ gean zagem zalem. Vegim dhamvon vochon, tika uttoun bosoilem. Ubhem rauyam mhonn hat dhorn ukoltana tika ubhem ravonk zalench na. Tichea penkttak bohuxa mar zal'lo dista. Pap birmoten tichea penktta bhomvarim hat ghaln , tika uttoun choloilem. Maka bhyem dislem - konni yet mhonn. ‘amim daktera sorxim yagi?’ ‘naka aspotrek ya’ mhonntana hamv aitom zalom. Penkttak dukichi mulam' saroitana tinnem vontt chable ani dolle dhample. Hamv soukas penkttak mulam' mosaz korn as l'lom. Hollu taka pollet't mittio martalom. ‘ghora konni nant gi?’ ‘na... Hamv eklinch’ ‘ho... Mhoje bori’

36 Veez Konkani

asleamv. Thoddea disa uprant tem moboil kaddinastana rautana maka virarai suru zali.

‘mhollear?...’ ‘hamvyi eklonch rautam’ ‘tum kitem kortai?’ ‘hamv B M S kortam’ tinnem mhojea xikpachem ful form' vicharinatl'lean hamv bochavo. Magir hamvem-i vicharlem ‘tum kitem kortai?’ ‘hamv atam S B M-t asam. Hamvem chintlem tem ‘sttett beank af moisuru’ hanga kam' korta mhonn. Zaleari hamvem vicharlem S B M mhollear?’ hason tem mhonnalem ‘sorching broidd grum' por mearez’ vhollok zali. Ekamekachim moboil nombram kannghelim. Vell melltana uloyit't asleamv. Maka hea cheddvachea penkttachoch zop. 28 mhonnon nachtalom. Hamvem lhall gollounko suru kel'li. ‘kazar zalear hachelaginch zaije.’ mhonn monant lekh ghalem punn tondd ughoddn vicharunk dhoir paulemna. Modhench tem kaman bomboi gelem. Bomboi gel'lench surver thodde dis moboilar uloyit't

Mohine paxar zale. Hamv hachi vatt polleun polleun rakon thokon gel'lom. ‘kaim bomboi gelear mellat konn'nna ’ mholl'lli pixi axa zagi zali. Moboilak ‘ttru kolor’ ghalem ani cheddvak sodhun bomboi bhair sorlom. Bomboi pavon ‘cheddum khoim osa mhonn polleyam’ mhonn nombor dhambtana, moboilachem ttru kolor koddeallchea ot'tauracho zago dakoitalem. Mhojea toklek sut'tean marle bhaxen zalem. Azch bomboi ailam, ghorcheank soddn vegim pattim vochonk zaina... Mhonn na khuxen bomboich maka ravaje poddlem. Atam adlea hoptea thaun cheddvacha moboilar dusrich kirkiri suru zal'li. Kedalla pon keleari "nivu matanaddut'tiruvo vyokti veapti prodexodindo horogid'dare. Doimaddi nontoro somporkisi"

37 Veez Konkani

pattapatt onyek bhaxen cheddum uloitalem "ap ne pon kia vekti, sompork se bahor he. Kropaye thoddi der mem sompork korem" titlear tisrean ulounko suru kelem. Ani temyi konknnent. " orre... Bi. Es en el'lant konknni kedalla suru zaligai?" atam maka guspodd gondoll suru zal'lo. Bomboi yeun tin mohine paxar zal'le. ‘cheddum ot'taur asa nem’ mholl'llea dhoiran pattim koddiall bhair sorlom. ‘cheddum pattim bomboi vochana zalear puro’ mhonn monant chch magonk suru kelem. "olle... Tum xida moboilachea ple sttorak vhoch, thoim ‘moboil sorching’ mhonn asa. Tem ddoun lodd kor, ani moboil khoim asa mhonn sodhun kaddunk zata’ mhonn ixttan sang l'lo ugddas ailo.

vatt dakoitalem. Moboilan maka ot'taur ke. Em'.Si. Chea baglak apoun haddn payil'lem. ‘bohuxa huxar na astelem’ hamvem makachch somadhan kelem. Chintun chintun mukar vetana vatt dakomvchem ttru kolor raulem. Hamvem daracher boroyil'lem vachunk dhorlem. Inglixant ‘mettornitti vardd’ mhonn boroyil'lem. Hamv azap zalom. ‘kaim dusrim konni ballant zaleant astelim ya taka kaim mettornitti varddant kam' mell'llam konn'nna...’ zaleari dhoir kanngheun xida bhitor riglom. Lagim konni norsam nat l'lim.

Hamvem toxench kelem.

Hamv mhojea ‘figora’k sodhtalom. Ttventti eytt’ hamvem mittio marleo.

Zal'lem zata mhonn dusrea disach ot'taur bhair sorn gelom. Ttru kolor soma sangtalem... Moboil sorching

Titlear ‘xxu xxu..’ mhonn striyecho avaz aikatana teuxin ghumvlom. Lhan bhurgem boglen oson nident

38 Veez Konkani

hastalem. Ani auy hat bhaxen maka apoitali.


"mhojem 28 soizachem ‘figor’ thoim Hamv mhojeach dolleank patyena aslem. Ani tacha penkttachi soiz ‘ddobol ddekkor’ zal'li. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

az sokallim puddench ‘ttomi ’ gunngunnon'nch aslo. Taka oprub rag yetana tannem kedallari toxench korchem. ‘az kaim vixes ghoddonk na, pi. Hech. Ddi. Kiteagai ragar asa?’ mhonn chintun hamv taka vicharunk gelom.

mhonntana maka azap. Kealenddor polletam tor az epril ek tarik... ‘kitem tuka mon zalem eprilachem vixx korunk?’

‘ddiyor ttomi, kitem zalem?’ hamvem razokaronnicho ves pangurlo.

‘vorsachea 364 ddes purayi amkam tumim volaitat’ ‘na haba.. Toxem url'le dde asat... Borth dde, vorsacho dis, valenttoin dde, roz dde..... Oniki asat...’

Ttomi nitt'tt zalo ani hat mukar haddun ‘bas, heppi puls dde’

‘olleya... Gamvar konni nachleari, hasleari, heuxin teuxin geleari,

39 Veez Konkani

kedalla polleleari amchench namv yemvchem tumchea vontthar. Tumi mhonntat ..’ haka kitem piso petto chablaye?, pixea petteaporim nachta polle, uttl'lea bos l'leak amchem namv veggim yeta...’

‘hois... Kitley asat...’ ‘tor sang..’


‘boro uloupi, boro mukeli, vixv somstheant namvadd'dik bhaxonn kort xri e. Bi. Vazopey haka fokot't tera disamni fro. Mom. Hud'dta thaun sokla demvonk namye?’...

‘tea sobhit cheddvak polleun tondd ugtem korunk vell na, suru... ’ ho polle pixea petteaporim lhall golloita polle...’

‘tem epril pul nhoi, tem ‘lottos’ ful mhonn sokoil demvoyil'lem’ toxench choronnaki ...’ ‘tachekodde ful natle dista’ mukkal uddoilem ttomin.

‘tum bhexttem kannghetai..’


‘pi. Hech. Ddi. Ttomi, tuka ek utar sangtam, az puls dde nhoi, az lafing dde... Hascho dis..’ ‘hasleari mhonntat, pixeamporim hasta polle’ maka ttomik zap diunko ch koxtt zale. Vixoi ghumvddaveam mhonn razokiya kuxin malvalom. ‘tuvem sangcheporim epril ek pixeancho dis mhonn chinteam... Atam sang maka, amchea dexant tosole dis khonche punni asat gi?’

‘vhodd vhodd xikpi , vivingodd parttiche asleari ‘monn'nnino mogo’k fro. Mom. Kel'lem sohosrantle azap’ ‘tem epril pul nhoi... Me ful.’ ‘taka ikra mohineamni demvoilo. Ek vors yi ravonk dilemna..’ ‘me ful eka pausak matr’ hamv haslom. ‘pap malghoddo monis to... Ttomi bezarai ucharn,’ tachea putaki mu. Mom. Thaun demvoilam... Polle karbharam’

40 Veez Konkani

‘pi. Hech. Ddi. Tuvem sangchea ghottonadvarim kolltaki hangam odhikara khatir nattok choltat. Hantum odhikarachi pisai asa.’ ttomik khuxi zamv mhonn sangtana ardhem anglem toyar zalench... Hatant koiti oni kunddlem, kunddleant bohuxa kaim mas maslli ... Ttomin sangleporinch angar ayil'lem kolltalem. ‘bhitor nisteak kaim na... Randvoi na, lonnchem, sukem, chettnni, ani randvoi soit na. Asat polle kusl'le, kalliz onkitti bhair podd l'le tarle... Sutti korunk konn yeta? maka pixem suru zaunko asa... Kaddn bhair uddoitam polle..’ mhonn bhexttaunko lagli. Tichem ulonnem aikon hasonk ailem amkam.

‘baye az epril pul nem’ ‘pottak epril pul ye?’ ti bobattilagli. ‘az nimanno fimrgalo.



‘upas faleam nem?’ ‘tor azch upas koream’ hamv mhonntana, ti kunddlem, koiti, tarle kanngheun ragan randchea kuddak dhamvli. ‘mhojea pottantle dont bara brestar tera sukrar mhonnon bobatt'tale dekun hamvi randchea kuddak dhamvlom oni tarleachi khoullam kaddunk laglom.

Pi. Hech. Ddi. Ttomi tarleanchea ‘kitem hastat? pixem suru zalamye boddkank rakon raulo. tumkam’ Sodanchem porim az yi maka ‘pul dde ’ ordhea angleachem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

41 Veez Konkani

piemvchem koldd ddrinks matr’ ‘tor tumim hea barache dhoni asteleat!’ ‘na... ’ eka barant eklo botli voir botli haddn pietalo. Tem polleun eklo ‘hebbe... Pisantt khoncho! hamv ailo ani somzaunko suru kori... itleo botli pietam ani hamv ch hea ‘tumim axem piemvchem soddn baracho dhoni... Koll'llem?’ soddhl'lem tor osol'leach panch mhonnalo to pimvddho. baranchem dhoni zate asteat..’ ‘tum pienamygi?’ Aikal'lo amal zaun poddlo. ‘na hamv piena. Hamvem -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sodam-i ghoddea sovari korta’ mhonnalo ghovo padrilagim ‘vhoigi... Hea vorvim tichi zoddai unni zaleagi?’ ‘vhoi... Vhoi... Atam ghoddeachichch zoddai vis kilo demvlea eka hoptean.’

‘mhoji bail tichea kuddichem vozan unnem korunk ani bariko zaunko -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------geasak mol ek hozar zamv va don hozar.... Mhoka zaina bezar...!! bailek mhojea rag ailear puro khonchey sijta ghoddye bhitor!! 42 Veez Konkani

geasachem mol polleun surat zata soddunk soit pottantlo vai!

tachem mol ani hicho rag choddta choddtana dukta mhozo monddo!!

toi atam mellanamu? so-vai!! **** bail ragar zatana zata tambddi geas silinddoracho rongy toch, -vilpredd ar.,panglla tambddo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-vizoi al'leluyacho sonvar. Dhonparachim bara voram. Obbu padreab namvan prokheat

zal'lo pilikumeri firgojecho vigar, bap obundiyos igorje ghorachea parolorant boson sanjechea sombhromachea xermamvacho niall korit't asl'lo. Aplea kuddant boson xermamv toyar koroyeto. Punn doftor bondh asl'lean akosmat, onivaroy zaun konnyi

43 Veez Konkani

bhett korunk ailem tor sudharsunk zai nhoi? sohaikak sangyetem mhollear to sombhromachi jeral ustuvari pollemvcheant bijhi... “besamv dia, bapamno... Ochanok parolorachea darar striyecho rongin svor gajtana obbu bapan niall sompoilo. Devachem besamv. Katrin baye, tuka ani tujea sontotik sodankall...” “tumi dolle dhampun asl'le borich talleantch konnaichi ollok koxi parkitat.” “don hozar lok aschea hea firgojent bapamno. Mhonnteli aschi eklich. Url'lim ek hozar nouxim novod ani novo zonnam fador mhonntat. Amkam cholta tem. Fador, padraba, bapamno, zai zalear obbu padreaba, kalem-i mhonna. Thoddeamni ombu ddais mhonnchemyi koll'llam mhaka. No problem'.” katrin bai vigar fudd koron bosli. Tum kedalla bostai mhonn

raktalom.” hi firgoz tumchi fador. Igorz tumchi, hem ghor tumchem. Amkam hanga ravonk dilam mhonn ami ramvchem. Bhaddem diunko natlole bhaddotri. Hem parolaryi tumchench. Tumkam hanga bosonk sangonk na. Hokkan boschem. Ham, sang, dhonparam forar koxem yemvchem zalem.” “mel'leank purochi vilevari korijene bapamno?” “ami, kristamvamni purochem nhoi. Matyek pamvchem... Konn melam? zuje koso asa?” “zujechi ollok asa tumkam? to igorjek yenaxem vorsam kitlim zalim!” “igorjek yenant tancho mhaka chodd uddas. Chukon gel'lea xelliank hinddak pattim haddchem amchem misamv. Poir hamv tumger bejmentak ailom tednam ttaitt zaun nidon poddl'lo nhoive to. Hamvem tacher tin pauttim agment marolem. Zalearyi uttlo na. Tuvem matr

44 Veez Konkani

penkddant vai mholl'llem-i...”



Gaddva zolmacho khoncho...” “chhe! mel'leank galli dinant jet'to..”

“mhojeach ghovachi moroead hamvench kaddunk zatave bapamno? asl'lo eklochch ne...?” “asl'lo eklot't tor.. Tor atam. Zujegi mela? chhekk..! ami kristamvamni mela mhonnchem nhoi, sorola, ontorola mhonnaje”

“...Kat'tu... Jet'tu nhoi...?” “...Ham vhoi. Anik polle katrina, tum tujea ghovak gaddamv mhonntana, tacho hat dhorl'lem tum mises. Gaddamv zatai, hem chintlaye tuvem?”

“mel'leank, sorl'leank, ontoroleleank kaim punni forok poddtagi bapamno, jezuk poroeant ami melo mhonntamv...” “ham, to zalear ek pontt. Asom zujecho usvas kedalla bondh zalo?”

“teach lojika poromannem sangchem zalear, zuje mhaka kat'tem mhonntana to misttor kat'tem zatave?”

“at'tam ek dha voram zatit..”

“bapamno, tumi mhaka kitle pauttim volaitat? vhoddol bhitor rigon besamv magtana katrin baye mhonnon sarko axend vachlo tumi. Atam kitem guspoddta? bhuk laglea zalear jeun yeya. Hamv boson ters korotam. Mornachi vilevari magir koroeam.

“koso?” “kalem sangchem bapamno.. Mhakat't patyeunko zaina. Mhozo ghovo laddu khaun melo mhonn.”

“tuzo lojik soma estu.”

“laddu...? kalem uloitai not'to tum...” “...Not'tu nhoi, kat'tu... Zuje matr mhaka kat'tench mhonntalo..

“bhuk laglea vhoi baye.” obbu bapan namv kaddchem rauylem. “kaim chint'ta korinaka. Tujea 45 Veez Konkani

orijinol axendar tujem baptijmachem namvch astolem. Onyek kitem mhollear, kat'tem mhollear insoltt mhonn lekinaka. Amcho somi gaddvar boson jeruzolemant provex ghetana gaddvachi moread kitli vaddli polle.” “tor hamvem gaddva zolmacho mholl'lleant kaim chuk asa?” “asagi...?! asa.... Tea pap gaddvak insoltt korotai tum” katrin xermelem. Haschengi roddchem? bapan mhollem, atam tem asom, krismosak laddu korotat. Tumger isttorakyi korotat kitem?” “mhojea ghovan tandlla laddvacho ongalap. Toull toull toch koron khata. Ani tannem khamvchem koxem mhollear, ed'do vhoddlo laddu sisribori tondd ugtem koron, tonddak uddoitalo. Baskettik bol uddoun baskettik ghal'lebori. Laddu tonddak gel'lochch ho tondd ugtench douron gomttek dhoron doddboddonk laglo. Mhaka kalem korochem koll'llemna. Hamv gomtti

lumvl'lea kombieporim dikk nastana dhamvonk laglim.” don minuttamni zuje porotalo. Mull katorolelea maddabori. Hamvem tondda bhitor ttorch pettoun pollelem. Laddu ordho tallea bhitor, ordho bhair. Oxem motik ailenki, arso kaddn nakak dhorolo. Arsear funktana xell manddtane? punn hacho usvas bondh. Ek gobllo udak tonddant ghalem. Tem toxench raulem. Tallea sokla pazarolem na. Hamvem dhamvon vochon sezarochea dakterak voddn haddlem. Taka naddyi mell'llina. Kallza uddiyi koll'llina. Laddu khatana talleak xirkon fumar zaun mela mholl'lli sorttifikett diun gelo. Poixeyi kannghelenant. Mel'leancheo dhoxi nakat him.” “atam hamvem kalem kelem? zujek poddl'lekoddcho payank dhoron voddn salak vhelo nidchea kuddantli gojddi voddn haddli ani taka gojdder nidailo. Noppottnar zale mhoje. Atam moddem nhannoiteleank khoim sodhun vhechem mhollem ani hamvench

46 Veez Konkani

taka sponz bat dilem. Moddeak nhannoilem mhonn'nch asagi bapamno? sponz bat dilear kaim misttek zatagi?


Ham, magir kalem kelem hamvem? koxem-i udd'ddon udd'ddon taka sutt nhesoilo.

“kazarachea disa thaun hamv aputt'tt ankvar. Tumi patyemvchenant. Taka ekch kam', sanjer kvattor maron yemvchem, jemvchem ani nidchem. Burso nhaunkoyi nhaina. Kazara disa poreant kottachea bolsant kvattor... Toull thaun az poroeant, bailek apddun pollelemna tannem. Mhojea vantteachem preton hamvem koruna. Mhonn na. Punn ho kol'lmurot't..”

Tache hat hordhear zoddn bandle. Tachench kont reuddailem ani kontacho khuris bottam modhem ubarolo. Vhoddlo khuris pettegar haddtolone.?”

“bara vorosam zalim kazar zaun. Onikyi sisttoram borim asam mhollear konn patyet.? pott'ttu bam-i mhonntat mhaka.” katrin suskarolem.

“ani pett...?”

Yazok bapan lamb svas soddlo. Kazari monxanchem sobar somosse tannem aikaleat. Punn aicho ho novoch.

mel'leank kaim forok poddana bayelo. Devan kaim kaido rochuna. Atmo nitoll asaje. Kuddicho chikol kaddcho monxachea kuddik dimvcho ontim' gourou..

“tumi morn kedalla korotat mholl'llem nigod keleaprant pettegarak sangchem.”

“atam'mi zujek matyek pamvchi vilevari koroeam. Az zaina toddou zalo. Sanjer seremoni asa...”

“ghora ani konnyi nantgi?” “ami doganch... Ani mukar hamv eklinch...”

“faleam sokallim koroeam bapano.

47 Veez Konkani

Magir mhakai fest korunk zai. Kitlea vorar mhonn sangxeat zalear hamv vochon pettegarak, kuttmacheank, gurkarak pura sangtam.”

“tum konn?”

“mel'lea ott'ttu eklench rat koxi paxar korotolem-i? ek rat sangat diunko gurkarache bailek punni sangajeye? sezara kristamv bailam konni nant kitem?” “naka bapamno, tea nalayek ghova khatir konnem-i nid khollchi naka. Hamv kuddachem dar ghaln nidtam. To asondi thoim bhair. Mhaka kaim bhyem na. Jivo astana mel'leborim asl'lo to atam mel'lea uprant kalem korotolo...”

“ho ombu padreab besamv dia fador. Hat zoddunk zainant. Kat'tean tachea poroyna gagreachea naddean mhonn dista mhoje hat ghott'tt bandleat. Pam-i bandinatle vhodd. Koxem-i vochon fon sodhun kaddn bandlelea hatamni koxem-i fon kelem. Khoim gelam tem. Kolo nattok ho mhojea bailecho?”

hangasor katrinachem mobail kinnkinnlem. Konnachem fon mholl'llem pollenastam ‘holo’ mhonnalem tem. Ani tichem muskor fanttelem. “bapano mel'leamni fon korunk zatagi... Tem akantlem. Mel'lo mhozo ghovo fonar uloita...!” padreabacheo asddeo voir geleo. Tannem fon vicharon ghetlem. Konn zujeyere to?”

“tujea firgojecho obundiyos...”



“tem hanga tujea mornnachi vilevari korunk ailam. Faleam sokallim dha vorar tuka matyek paunko.” “kalem munttat padreaba? kolo tomaso ho? hamv khoim melam?” “laddu talleant xirkon usvas bandun melai mhonn dakteran sorttifikett dilea. Faleam tuka purunk magir ti dakterachi sorttifikett diun sorkari ddet sorttifikett gheunko asa. Tea nontor tum aputt jivont asai mhonn khoncheach korttant ruzu korunk sokchonam-i....”

48 Veez Konkani

thoddo vell moun... “porotun meloigi? vicharolem.

mhonnalem. Mel'lo mhozo ghovo jivo zalo koso bapamno? padreaban

“tor atam kalem korochem padreaba...” zuje pimrgalo. “kvattor sodd ani potinnecho mog kor. Vorosa bhitor tumchea ghora pallnnem bandhunk zai. Kazarachi zovabdari samball. Na zalear tuka moronnant dakhol koroteleamv...” “zait padreaba. Punn ek.... Hamvem kitem korunk zai tem poilench korotam magir, kottor maron jeun nidtam. Na zalear mhaka nid poddana...”

“tumvem tachea tonddant udok ghal'lem-i nhoive? tantum to laddu soukas movo poddon pottak nisorolo astolo. Mhonntach popsant varem rigon, moron yetalo to vanchon urolo. Dakteramni meleant mhonn kaddl'lim thoddim piddestam moron korotam korotam jivo zal'le dakhle asat nhoigi..” hea ghoddita uprant satvea mohineant katrinak gurvaricho sonman zalo. Ba| ombu ddaisak apounko katrin visorolem na.

Zujek atam laddvancho kantthallo. fon bondh zatoch katrin ‘kottor’ matr chalu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

murkh divos achoronnechi porompora - ttoni menddonsa, nidd'ddoddi (dubai) yemvchea epril mohineachi poili tarik yetana mhaka haso yetat. Thoddeank rag-bezarai bhogta zaunkoyi puro.

Somsarantlea odhikanx dexamni epril mohineacho poilo dis “murkhancho dis” mhonn achorosunchi porompora asa. Hea disa ek vyokti anyek vyoktik novea novea ritimni murkh korochea tosolea kamak mogn zaun sontos

49 Veez Konkani



Surove surover ho dis hasy dis zaun asl'lo. Soukas ho dis murkhancho dis zaun porivortit zalo mhonntat. Hachea achoronnechea sondorbhar thoddim ghottonam mit mirovun tondre, du:kh, toxem koxttancho porinnam' bhogaje poddta. Hea khatir ek-don udahoronnam diun mundorsitam.

anyek ghotton hea porim asa. Aplea bapai songim poixilea gamvak vechem eklem dhuv mam-igamvant aschea aplea auyk “epril ful” korochea niban tea dis ek tteligram' dhaddilaglem. Tachem okkonnem hea porim aslem: “ poppa hartt etteak zaun devadhin zalo”. Hem vachl'li tachi auy dukh toddvunk zainastam thoinch kosall'lli. Tika kallzaghat zaun ti ontorl'li, polleya kosolo ho porinnam'!

Thoddea vorosam adi mhojea eka ixttak gamvant thaun “tuzo poppa siriyos asa, kuddle bhair soron ye” mholl'llo sondex tteligrama dvarim ayil'lo. To sondex tacheach eka mitran dhaddl'lo. Pap! bhieun ghabron gel'lo mhozo ixtt kuddle gamvak bhair soron gelo. To gamvak paulea nontor kollon ayil'lenki tem ek “epril ful” zaun as

amchea dexant ami sobar divos achorositamv. Uda: modoros dde, sisttoros dde, perentts dde, siniyor sittizons dde, iteadi. Toxench teach porim epril mohineachi poili tarik zagotik murkh zaun achorosuncho dis mhonn ruddir asa. Hea vixim

50 Veez Konkani

thoddi choddit mahet mhaka mell l'lean hangasor borounko chintlem. “murkhancho dis” mhonn sangcho ho divos epril poilea hofteant poyil'lem suru zal'lo fransant mhonn ul'lekh asa. 1564 isvent somsarant poilea pauttim survechem kealenddor thoimsor osthitvak yetana novea vorosacho prarombh zal'lo. Tea nontor epril mohinea bhitor ti tarik zoner ek tarikek porivortit zali. Hem thodde onubhovi zannvaikar toxem ruddhivadi virodh korilagle. Tankam protirodh zaun solvonchea khatir thoinche sudharonnvadimni hott dhoron asl'lea hea epril mohineachea tea disak “murkhancho dis” mhonn achoronn korunk suru kelem. Atam achoronnecho vixoi polleveam. Somsarantch namvaddlelea hea namankit disak skottleanddant ho divos “hontting ful” mhonn achoronn korotat. Thoimsor tea disa sez samarachea ghorochim kunkddam choron khamvchem ruddhir asa.

Speynant tea disa “zokson” mholl'llea deutechea samkar thoinche nivasi aplea tokleche kes katoron odhik murkh ritin achoronn korotat. Roma xherant to dis “fostt epril festtivol” mhonn ek hofto poreant utsou zaun achorositat. Brejhil dexant ho dis mornovghoddacho fotti khobro ttelifon ya tteligram' mukantr dhaddun soireank sombondhikank zaitea du:khik ani khontibezarayek vollog korotat. China dexant tea dis thoincho lok aplea mitranchea karamsoikolanchim ttairam “ponkchor” korun tankam zamvchea noxtt tondre-roglleank karonn zaun apunn sontos pavon mozha bhogtat. Xivai tea dis mitthayi vanttchi pod'dhot ruddhir asa. Mitthayint lhan lhan fatranche kuddke, rukaddacho pitto bhorsitat, ratim kallok poddlea uprant ranvott zanvoranchim tonddam-mask nhesun vattemni cholon vechea lokank bhexttamvchem asa.

51 Veez Konkani

Atam omerikant polloveam. Thoimsor tea disa postta marifat ronga rongachim akorxik parselam aplea vollkicheank dhaddchi pod'dhot asa. Hea parselamni fatra kuddke, khonchai kamak yenant tosoleo vostu ya mataroeanchea tokleche dhove kes bhorsun parselam dhaddtat! tor vachpea, kitem-i zamvdi, somsarantlea sogllea zageamni hea disa herank mankodd murkh koron tomaso polloun anond zoddcho hea disacho ud'dex zaunasa.

monam-kallzam titlim du:khomvchim nhoi. Sorv somadhanen tirosun visronchem faideachem zaunasa. Xivai herank ninda korochi mit mirvanaye. Sobhy sohoni-i zaun asaje. Mornnamdurghottonam tosolim monam du:khomvchim kriteam viprit porinnam' zamvcheo fottkiroeo khobro “epril ful”chea disak gollsunk nozo. Kiteak mhollear tem bhoyanok rupu gheun heranchem jiun dhvoms zamvcheak sadhyota asa mholl'llem kuchextt monxeamni zannam zaije.

Brittixanchea yennea vorvim bharotanti hi pod'dhot aple itleak Achoronnechea pattlean vhallon ailea mhonnyet. Asondit, ubzomvchim bhaunam porixud'dh achoronn korotech ravondit, punn zaun asondi. Tednam sorvanki tomaso hasy vinodak ek rit-mit sukh-somadhan anond-sontos asondi. Hea disa chexttayolabhta. khebddayo korun heranchim ********************************************************************************

52 Veez Konkani


gaspar di grett!

-richordd olvaris, korddel mhoji ani tachi ochanok vollok zal'li velankonni provasak vetana. Gaspar tachem namv. Borem uloije taka. Panch dis hea ttura vellim ami dogi bore ixtt zaleamv. Taka ani mhaka as l'li ek ‘komon’ souy mhollear mostu ulomvchi ani roilam soddchim. Hea panch disamni ami soddl'le ‘poklle’ ani marl'leo ‘pugetteo’ kaim ‘patte natl'lea roilank’ khonddit dhvoms korunk pauteo konn'nna! gasparik krikett, futtbal ani besbal khell barich mogache. Tannench

sangche bori to kaim beatt gheun moidanak demvlo tor virod ttimacho keaptton “dhamvare, dhamvare, bounddri lainir ravare, gaspar ailore dhamvare” mhonn bob ghalta kom-i. Ani gaspar tthiklo tor tachem ttim' jikl'leborich. Filddingant gasparicho ukol'lolo hat. Tachea hatak ayil'lo keach tacho jivo geleari to chukon vochana tem khonddit. Ham hem pura mhaka tannench sangl'lem. “polle ho ghai.. Panch sttichos podd l'le” to tachem kopal dakoun sangalaglo. “tem bhoinkor meach. Amcheo doni paddti ekdom sttrong. Amchem beatting zaun atam virod paddt khelltali. Nimanno our. Fokot tin bal ani tankam jikonk keul tin rons zai. Amkam tanchi ek vikett matr zai asl'li. Bouloran bal ghalo ani tea beattsmenan oso ubraun marlo ki sorvamni to siksor

53 Veez Konkani

ch mhonn chintlem. Bounddri lainichea tudyer hamv toyar ravo l'lom. Ani kitem bal mhojea hatim ailo mhonn chintchea bhitor to yeun mhojea kopalak laglo. Titlench! zag zatana hamv aspotrent asl'lom. Punn kopalak lagl'lo bal xida mhojea hatant poddl'lean hamvem to soddunk natl'lean amchem ttim' jikl'lem mhonn magir mhaka koll'llem. Tea disa thaun mhaka ‘gaspar di grett’ namv poddlem” tanne tachim bonddolam soddlim. Ani hamv taka patyelom vo patyel'le bori kelem!

“ani tumchem ttim' jiklem astolem gaspar di grett” hamvem vollu kutt'ttilem. “xuvor mean!” tannem zoran mhojea payar ek thapadd marotana mhozo usvas ek pauttim voir gelo magir soukas sokoil ailo. Oxem tea panch disamni tachem ordhem jivit tanne mhoje samkar ugtem kelem. Mhoje tosolo ek bokro mell'llo mhonn takayi khuxi zali astoli!

“olle ho ghai, hamv futtbal khelltana zal'lo.”

uprantlea disamni ami toull toull kodri parkant sangata melltaleamv.

peantt tikke voir ukoln payak asl'li mavo dakoili.

Gasparichea vichitr asa.

“ to koso zalo?” hamvem aturai dakoili. Koxem punni vell paxar korizai noive!

Gaspar tachea thoddea sangateam borabor molpe bichak piknikak gel'lo. Te khellon gom'mot korn astana doreant ek cheddum hat pai boddomvchem pollelem tannim. Gasparik tuklaunko heramni “ bhirmot cheddum jivo bochavo korunk vod'doddta, gaspari vochre

“gol postta lagim ravon bal martana pam-i chukon khambeak laglo tori gol marcheant hamv yoxosvi zal'lom.”

54 Veez Konkani



taka bochavo korre” mhonn sanglem. Gaspari pattim fuddem pollenastam geloch ani cheddvachea kesank dhorlench! chhott'tt! cheddvachea ekach thapddan gasparichi mot chukli ani to udkant poddlo. Cheddum bhielem ani vevegim taka toddik voddn haddn ailem. Pois thaun sobhai polloun asl'le gaspariche ixtt dhamvon aile. Tanche thaun gozal somzal'lea cheddvak gasparichi bhirmot disli. Hi bhirmot mogant bodol'li ani kazarant thir zali! kazor zaun thoddeach disamni gasparik bomboi kam' mell'llem ani tim dogam-i bomboi gelim. Ani hea vorvim gamvchea monxank ek vixoi koll'lloch na. Kazor zaun so moineamninch gaspar bapoi zal'lo! nizaiki gaspar di grett!! zolmal'lem ball auychem rupnnem gheun ayil'lean bochavo!! apunn so moineaninch bapoi zal'lom mhonn tannench mhaka sangl'lem, na tor mhaka koxem kollchem? bomboi thaun gaspar golfak ublo. Bore poixe komaile ani atam gamvant settl zala.

“ek pauttim amger ye saiba” mhonn mhaka to kedallai apoitalo. Oxem eka disa pursot korn hamv tachea ghora gelom. Ghora lagim pautana vhoddlo golatto aikata. Tallo gasparichoch. Bailek yett'ta ani boddoita. Bailecho dambu na. Mhaka gasparicho rag ailo. Apunn boro mhonn somsarak fottoita ani hanga bailek koxttita. Osolea vella hamvem bhitor vechem soma nhoi mhonn chintun pattim vochonk ghumvtana tancho sezari mell'llo. “hi tanchi sodanchi gozal. Bhirmot tea gasparichi. Tum chintai gaspar tachea bailek marta mhonn. Olle heuxin ye ani bagla iddeantlean tilln polle.” mhonn sangon to chol'lo. E mhojea borkata! hamv kitem polletam!! hatant lattnni gheun bail gasparik sorsorit boddoita ani ho bauddo apunn'nch marl'le bori vhoddlean gouji korta!!! hamv thoim thaun nikoll'llom. Gaspar di grett hachea krikett ani

55 Veez Konkani

futtbal meachamni zal'lea ghayancho mister atam mhaka somzalo. Hachim meacheam sogllim ghorach zatalim!. Don disam uprant gaspar mell'llo. Hatak beanddez asl'lem. “ hem kitem zalem mi. Gaspar?” hamvem zai mhonn vicharlem.

“ ho tem kal amchea klobbachem besbal meach asl'lem.. Pai nisron poddlom. Kaim na il'lo mar zala.” mhonnalo. “gaspar, yu ar riyol'li grett!” sangon hamv mukar chol'lom.

(kropa: kannik epril 1, 1989) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

hasteleanchem bhirem.... Sokkodd.... _ hangasor asche hasteleanchem bhirem

- hangasor hasteleachench bhirem... Vella kalla tekid rong bodlunche mure..

nattok korche, bhandpam bhandche kamak veche, kumok magche biddi voddche, soro soddomvche dan dhorm' zatro festam korche... Sokkodd.. _hangasor somaz sevechem nare...

Bijnes korche, insur dimvche seva korche, deva ghorche zago vikche, bolsam tukche vhollok asche, zhollok natle ...

Jivo osom ya na osom mel'lo morom, poixeancho nach jevann choinis, pivnnek skoch pottant sombta, dukrachem mas... 56 Veez Konkani

Sokkodd... _ hangasor vhodd namv zoddchem varem. Bore hastat, dusman mejtat muklean devaporim, pattlean pajtat suri hatim mitt mirsang gheun... Sokkodd... _ hangasor sobhai pollemvchench mure...

- vella kalla tekid rong bodlunchem "sirle"

- ponchu bonttvall.


haso ani haseachem mohotv (vividh mullam thaun) haso monxea jivitant mohotvacho patr gheta mhonn manosik togone sangtat. Haslear motichi bezarai pois veta, oklas , virarai unni zata, bori nid poddta, sangatponnak tenko dita, mon propul'l korta, jivak choddit urba mellta, rag soukasai gheta, rogta dab asleleak hasoyi borem vhokat mhonn dakter sangtat.

hasy pongodd asat. Sokallincha vakinga borabor unnear unnem ordho ghontto zoran ovaz korun hastat. Hasonk vixoi asanant tori te hastat. Axem kel'lea vorvim tancho manosik dobavo unno zata mhonn zaite zannte sangtat.

Amche bhomvarim atatam hoveasi 57 Veez Konkani

Sorv bhasamni atam "lafing klob "mholl'llo somsto asa. Thodde kodde osolea lafing klobank hozaramni rupoi membor xif bhandun sando zaije poddta. Hangasor hasomvche tosolim karyim zatat. Mimikri, hasy sinemam, vinodaull oni khell, hasy chuttukam, rosall haso vitraunni hangasor zata. Hasy songh mhonn sobar koddem songh asat. Karyim manddun haddn lokak hasoitat. Ttiketti vikuni hasy sanz manddun haddtat. Tor hason jiemvcheant kitem faido?. Haseachea veayama dvarim bori bholaiki mellta. Kuddintle bave sot'tor borio ya rogta xiro hankam veayam' mellta. Vhollke pras haseak chodd mohotv ditat te bhagi. Vhollok as l'le te uloun mukar vetat. Punn vhollok nat l'lo haso pattoun, vhollok korn, sombhondh gheun veta. Opunn hason herank hasomvchem, tor ti ek videa. Tantum tachi budvontkai kam' korta. Hasomvchem viduxokachem kam' yi zaunasa. Haka to bhatem gheta.

Opunn hason herank roddomvchem pixeanchem kam'. Tem hanga gorz na. Vhoi... Haso opapinch yetat. Thoddeank pornim ghodditam nialltana, thodde oparth korun dusrench kam' kortana, omsorachem vorton, foramoxen zamvchim ghodditam, chintinat l'lem zatana, haso usketat. Haseachim hozar rupam asat. Tim tea tea favotea monxeakoddem matr "limitt" chukon veta. Tedalla kusallam dukasor hason jieje poddta. Osolim son'ni vexam oprub mellchim. Haso sokttank akorxit korta. Lhan bhurgeancheo haso haka saks. Haseadvarim sombhond bollvont korunk solis khoim. Haso akorxok ani sokddank lagim zomoita. Haso molak mellana. Haseak grest kai ya poixeanchi gorz na. Haseavorvim sangat ani sontos choddta , vaddta. Ixttagot choddta, mog bollvont zata. Tea tekid monxea auk yi choddta mhonn ek somikxa sangta.

58 Veez Konkani

Kheat film' nott ani ddoirekttor raz kopuran mholl'llem asa "tum

sanddun veta.... Takam tujeo haso zai, roddnnem oni bezarai naka." aichea somsarant hasochch bollvont. Taka sor na. Haso sodam tuje vattek margodorxok zaunasa.

hastana sogllo somsar tuje borabor hasta. Roddtana tuvem eklean'nch roddaje.... Tum hastana lok tuje songi asta, punn tum roddtana tuka

Hason jieya. Haso dia... Haso gheya... Dhon dirvem natleari haso tuka sodam jikoita khonddit. *************************************************************************** *****

jivit amchem axem

mohini karlodd... - parthosarothi, uddupi. 1982 isvent ' saligramo mokkollo mell' mholl'llo bhurgeancho yokxogano sogllo somsar bhor namvadd l'lo. Omerikant pasun tannim tancho yokxogano mello vhorun lokamogall zal'le. Choddaut hoiskulu ani pi. Yu. Si. Che bhurge hea yokxogano mellant

asle. Dda। xivoramo karonto, lokamogall kon'noddo sahiti, goneanopittho proxosti vijet hea yokxogano mellacho mukelponn ghet l'lo mohan monis. Xri xrinivaso uddupo mholl'llo proxosti vijet

59 Veez Konkani

xikxok sogllem melvicharonn polletalo. Logbhog ponchvis zonn bhurge ani her sohaik kolavid as l'le. Tantum bhagouto, zagotte, ani ddol boddomvche axem sohaik. Cheddvanche patr dhari zavun bhurgechch prodorxon ditale. Horyeka sonvara ani aitara tin thaun char ghontteancho yokxoganache rupok prodorxon kortale. Choddaut skul dde, songh somstheancho varxikotsou astana tankam opounnem astalem ani tancheavedi karea uprant yokxogano khellonk astalo.

To dis aitar. Eka songhacho varxikotsou. Adlea disayi bhurgeank yokxogana khellon dakounko asl'lem. Tea dis mohixasuro mordhini yokxogano prosongo aslo. Saligramo thaun bhurge sokallinch bhair sorn yeun pavo l'le ani tanchi adlea disachi nid kaddtale. Tankam apoun vorunk ani haddunk ttempo

as l'lo. Sanjer songhacho varxikotsou suru zatana vell zalo. Mukel soiro zavun montri yemvcho as l'lo. To yeun vedi karyem suru zaunko vell zata mhonn bhurgeank koll'llem. Dusre disa iskolak vochonk asa. Sangata adlea disachi nid yi asa. Rakon rakon bhurge thokon gele. Sangata ayil'lea veusthapokan bhurgeank cha - khaunko diun, songhachea kuddant vixevo gheunko sanglem. Kuddant chodd zago nat l'lo. Ek bhurgo tannim ayil'lea ttempear zago asaye mhonn polletana taka thoinch vixevo gheveam mhonn bhoglem. Ani to ttempea pattlea thollar nidlo. Vell paxar zatana soiro ailo. Vedi karyem suru zalem. Yokxogana mellachea bhurgeamnim tancho dires ghalo. Ttempear as l'lo tedalla zago aslo. Tannemyi tachem vostur neslo. Yokxoganachea prosongant taka mohini cho patr. Tachea mhateak lamb kes bisllon ghalunk asle. Choddaut vedik vechea il'lea vella poilem nesomvchem aslem. Oniki zaito vell asa ani apnnak

60 Veez Konkani

akherik vediko vochonk aschem mhonn ho bhurgo porot ttempeak choddlo ani nidlo. Add podd l'loch bhurgeak bori nid aili. Yokxogana prosongo suru zalo. Bhovo opurbai. Lhan bhurge vedir nachtana lok xermelo. Prosongayi boro aslo. Bhagoutacho tallo kancheachea talleaporim gajtalo.

Moread geli mhonn veusthapok kollvoll'lle. Dusrea ekleak toyar kelem. Vesache vostur bodlal'le... Punn bisull'lle kes as l'le. Bhagouta mukantr utram sangchi veustha keli. Yokxogana mukarun gelem. Ani thoddea vellan mohini vedik choddonk toyar aslem. Titlear bobatt, gondoll...

Ani atam "mohini" bisull'llea kesamni hatim tolvar gheun vedik yeunko. Soglleamni sodleari mohini disana. Sokkodd kalubule zale. Veusthapok tholl natle bhaxen choddpoddtalo. Titlear konne eka songhachea sandean sanglem " tumcho ek ves dhari tumchea ttempeak choddtana pollel'lem" ttempo..... Nat l'lo. Khobar kaddtana ttempo karkoll adlea disacho saman haddunk gela mhonn koll'llem. Soglleamni toklek hat marlo. " mohini" nastana prosongo akher zaina.

Niz mohini ayil'lem. Tokxon tannem bisull'lle kes tabent ghetlem. Nheson vedik choddlem. Prosongo lokamogall zalem. Tor mohini pattim koxem ailem? hem soval sokttank dhosunk laglem. Karkoll vechea vatter chalokak mutonk zalem mhonn ttempo rauvn , uprant pattlean dour l'leo vostu asat gi ya na mhonn polleunko vetana "mohini" nident ghoretalem. Chalokan vhoram pollelim ani tea bhurgeak uttoilem. Ttempo pattim ghumvddailo. Pattim yeun pautana "mohini" vedik vochonk.

61 Veez Konkani

Karkoll gel'lem " mohini" pattim _ parthosarothi, uddupi. ayil'lem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pixeank thondd raumvchi videa mhollem, ' olle maka hanga viman soddunk koxtt zatat, tankam chikke vogech boscheporim kor' zait mhonnon mukeli gelo.

onddoman nikobar dvipantlea zoilant challis zonn pixe as l'le. Tankam vokat diun gunn korunk thoincha sorkaran alochon keli. Bharotachea sorkarachi porvonngi gheun tankam gunn korunk bharotak apoun haddunk toyarai chol'li. Ek dis challis zonnanki vimanar bosoilem ani vimanar bharotak dhaddchi vilevari zali. Vimanak chodd l'lench pixeanchem pixem chodd zalem. Takam niyontronn korunz zalemna. Hancha bobattek poilettak viman soddunk bari koxtt zale. Bel korun tankam samballchea mukeleak apoilem ani

Muklea pondra minuttamni kainch avaz na. Sokkodd yi vogech asche polleun poilettak ozap. Apnnem panch dha pauttim sangleari aikanat l'le , gankam hannem koxengai thondd bosoilem?... Dekun mukeleak bel'l marn apoilem. ' tumvem koxem tankam thondd bosoilem-i?' ' tem bhari sulobh...' to mhonnalo, ' tannim chodd ovaz korcho naka mhonnon tankam bhomvon yeunko bhair dhaddlam' mhonntana poilettak tokli ghumvoll aili. **********

62 Veez Konkani

bhumi voikunttantli poyil'li stri.... Devan chimtti matyek usvas punkun adaunko rochlo. Ho bhumi voikuttantlo poilo nor. Adamvchea kuxichi bor kaddun evek rochli. Ani evo zaunko pauli poyil'li nari.

‘adamv bapan khel'lem kitem? konnentori amkam sanglear zatem! ratchi sarki nid poddana..... Mundorun sovalamni dhosta.... Chintunk sokanastana...

' vadda ani chodda somsar bhora' mhonn devan besamv dilem. Az besamvak sohosrachim vorsam zalim, bhumi voikunttant sohosra lagsil'lim milia adamv ani evo udel'lim. Oniki addvarlem foll khate asat. Punn tedallacho adamv koso as l'lo tem hamv nennam . Uprantle adamv mat chintun chintun lachar zate asat. ' omor kovi ' cha. Fra. De'kosta adamv bapak sovalam ghalte asa.

Odamv bapa, odamv bapa khel'lem kitem sang re bapa monxea kulla lagim bapa, naka tuka apa lipa, amim chintun chintun, zaleamv eka rupak... ' adamv ani evechi zap mellanat l'li jinni. ' konkonn kogull ' adamvche hal hoval chintun choddpoddta. ' zor axem zal'lem tor? ' mholl'llea sovalank zapi sodhun geleari dubavak ani dobavak nisron veta. ' kaddli _ re kaddli ' ( panchvi koulli ). Pod kurkurit. Bhumi voikunttantlea poyil'lea striyek tulon korun, ani prostut gozalink guntun udel'lem pod aikatana usture yetat.

63 Veez Konkani

' adim maga somsar ritoch aslo somsarant konn'nch natlo devan chimtti matiek usvas punklo ani adaunko rochlo. Adamv apleo sogleo borio kanngheun somsarant khuxal aslo ek dis devan tachi ek bor kaddli ani adamv foslo. Kaddlire kaddli ek ch bor kaddli don borio kaddleo tor got ch zati hennem ekli, tennem ekli boson rukachim sogllim follam odaunko khamvcheak ditim malghoddeamni budvontkai khorchili rul haddli kristamv zatint eka dadleak ek stri mhonn keli oddvarlem khamvchea khatir. Zor tor tin char baileo zal'leo zalear dadleak tim mugdon khatim itlea bailam modhem dadlo bauddo addchun zato chopati.

Somsarachea surver ghoddlem patok atam-i mundorun veta evo sodam-i follam kaddn adaunko dita dadd'ddo adamv ti khata adamvchea kuxichem hadd kaddlelean evo atam kuxik rauta toklechem hadd zor kaddlelem zalear khonddit ti bosti mhatear kaddli _ re kaddli kiteak kaddli kaddinatlear upkar zato korkore purpure nastam adamv to bhumi voikunttant sukhan asto. Adamv ani evechem sontan az bhumi voikuttant vortouta. Kainacha namvar rokddinch kortumvam , ani obelachim khellkullam. Bhumi voikunttantlim poyil'lim nor ani nari oniki follam khavun asat konn'nna.! ya tanchea sontotechim....

Kaddli _ re kaddli bor ch kaddli jib kaddli tor ullttench zatem Follam aniki piktech asat...! chovis voramyi ti eklich uloiti aikonk hostichem kan adaunko yete. ( fokot't hasonk mat ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------64 Veez Konkani

Onkeachem lekhon

amchem ghor.... Mondir mogachem "tut'tu on'no tin'noke, bogose niru kuddioke, tunddu bott'tte saku non'no mano muchchoke ongoi ogolo zago saku hayagiroke..." prathomik gorzo ucharn sangchem opurbayechem pod, hea somsarant jieteleak kitlem pauta ya pavana tem sangonk zaina. Mull gorzo sangcheant podancha utramni kainch unnem korunk na. Horyek monis aplea ghorant jieunko axeta. Ghor lhan ya vhodd asom, tachea kuttmandaram songim, bhurgeam ballamsongi jieunko axeta. Ghor zaunasa ek mullavi gorz. Dekun ghorak eka mondira songi tulon kortat. Thoim xanti mellta, somadhan, sontos, dhoir, pattimbo, rakvonn, odhar, ani sangat mellta. Ghor fokot't remv, fator, simettichem ek bhandap mat. Thoim fokot't asro matr mellta. Ghor

ek mondir zaizoi tor thoim kuttam' asonk zai. Kuttma sangata jiun, sorv sovalank zap dita, zap ozap korta, sovalamyi novalam kortat, vixvas, mog, moipas, sodd dodd xikoita. Ghor zaunasa hor mettam mettank vatt. Ghor zata horyekachi survat. Ghor zata mondir. Ghor tujem kitlem vhodd asa? pakem nolleanchem, kolva pakem, taresi, kitlea mallianchem ... Kitlim kuddam... Axem vicharchem asa. Kitem-i te zamv, kitlim-i tim zamv , tuvem ulomvchem ek borem utar tujem ghor mondir korta. Ghorant ayil'leak khann jevann diun dhados korije mhonn na. Pieunko udak dileari mondir paun zata.

65 Veez Konkani

Ghorant dimvchomogacho svagot tujem ghor mogachem voddt korta. Kuttmant auy bapui ghor samballtat. Bapui zoddn haddta, auy tea zoddin ghor choloun vhorta. Mukhelponn ani margodorxon : ghorant kuttma songim jiemvchem solis mhonn amkam bhogta. Kuttam' ekvottit zaunko zai, zoiteunt zaizoi, adorx zaizoi osolim svopnnam sokttanchim. Kuttam' sorvancha sohokaran rupit zavun vaddon yeta. Dispotti vaur, utpot't, khorch, xikap, puddar, bholaiki, ani motik somadan ghorantlim axetat. Tea tekid sorvam sohokar ditat. Axem ghor mondir zaun bodolta. Hea sorvak mukhelponn gorjechem. Ekameka vichar vinimoi korun, ya zannareanchem margodorxon gheun puddar rupit koryet. Devak il'lo zago dila? : ghor kedem vhodd zai , tedem bhand ... Kallzant bhokt asom ani upkar attounnecho kuskutt zago disom. Jivit devan dil'lem vhortem

dennem. Hem jivit sarunk matr hanga asamv. Songim asat tachim vinchnnar besamvam. Dekun ghor ek mondir amche jinnyek lisamv. Lokamayechea zonnank somadan, korunk vechea poilem ghorant somadan samball. Ghor mogachem mondir zata. Sez sambar tujea mondirachem tumrbhent zaije. Tachea ghora tujea mondirachea pormollik dhumpacho svad osvad korunk ovkas mellaje. Tedalla tuza mogachea mondirant sodam sukh sontosachi, kumkechi, ekameka gorjek pamvchi bhett zateli. Mondir jivall urtelem. Ghora bhitor novemsamv aniki asa koryet. Lhanank gourou, vhoddank man, somajek spondon hantum attapun asa. Sodd doddichem mondir : kuttmant konni eklean sang l'lem kam' ya yeuzonn, pont pauta mhonn sangunk zaina. Vaura vixim attou korun, khorem chintop khonchoun, zai purti toyarai korun puddem soraje. Korchea vaurant

66 Veez Konkani

sodd dodd asaje. Heramni sang l'lem aikon khonche sarkem tem tirman korun mukar vechem budhvontachem lokxonn. Kuttam' sobar pauttim osolea sondhorbhim hottak lagon ragar zamvchem asa. Ghovo bailam vegllachar zal'le dakhle asat. Ragachea bhorar loddai, zhogddem zamvchem, khun ya jiughat korchem amim somajent pollet't asamv. Sodd doddicho monobhavo ani somzon kannghemvchem titlem somadan aslear ghor sodam-i mondir mogachem.

pavotea vyokti vo dakter, togone hankam mellanastam somosse oniki vaddonk karonn zatat. Choddaut osole somosse poixeam khatir udetat. Dusrean tacha sangati sohourti dvarim zata. Sokalik spondon ani dhoir dilear he somosse porihar korunk zata. Hea vixim durson, zhogddon poddon, zoddcheaki chodd hogddaun gheje poddta. Ghor bondikhan zamvchem naka:

Dubavacho dhumvor : kuttmant ekameka patyenni unni zalea. Axel'lem sogllem atam mellana zalam, hatant dhomddi ghumvana zalea, vaitt souyank vengtana somosse porvota bhaxen ubhe zatat. Axem koxem zalem? mhonn somosseache mull sodhchea bodlak, bodlam' ghaln, dubavo korn, manosik ot'todd ghaln somadan nopomych korchem otam kuttmant sodanchem zalam. Solvol'leak dhoir dimvche nant zatat. Somosseak porihar zavun

ghorant jiemvchea vogta kuttmachi bhett korchi, bhomvddek vechem, sanjechem vaking ya dorea toddik varem sevunk vechem, ois krim' parlor, park axem ek don ghontte ghora thaun bhair vochon sontos paulear, kuttmant boremponn asa. Ghorant choddunnem zata?

67 Veez Konkani

ghorant choddunnem sodam zata. Chintop tall poddana, ekameka hondvon asana. Ghorant il'lo rag, il'lo mog, il'li loddai asta. Hi thodde pauttim kuttmak sangata haddunk purok zata. Sangantant dhadoskai urta. Ghor mogachem mondir zalear jivit bhangrallem zata. Utram mannik, haso umalle zatat, duk bhuzaunn

zata, sangat amor zata. Ekvottak yer yena. Ghor mogachem, sukhachem, zamvcheak sodam ek mett zoita kuxin kadduyam. (hem voros kuttmak somorpun dilam. Kuttma jivitachim likhitam puddlea onkeamni astelim. sompadok).


Sunkamni bodlaunn natl'li 2021-22 vi kornattoko bojett

svatontrea adim bharot brittix addollteakhal va vividh rayankal as l'le. Atancha kornattoko rajeantle prodex moisur, hoidorabad ani her rajvottkenkhal toxem modras, bomboi presiddensinkhal asl'le. Tosole prodex 1953-nt moisur rajy khal haddle. 1956 novembor 1 tariker kon'noddo bhaxeche heryi

prodex moisur rajykhal haddn moisur rajeachem sthapon kelem. Hea vellim moisur rajeantle thodde prodex her rajeankyi geleat. Dakhleak – kasorgodd jil'leantle thodde gamv kerollak servale. 1973 novembor 1ver rajeachem namv

68 Veez Konkani

‘kornattoko’ zaun bodlilem. Bharot dexant kendr hontar as l'leaborich horyeka rajeamni vorsavar bojett (aivyoi potr) monddon kortat. Hi bojett adlea vorsacha vastovik zomo ani khorchacher hondvon muklea vorsacho zomo ani khorch attapta. 2021-22 kornattoko bojett: duddva khatoyi sambhallchea mukel montri bi.Es. Yoddiyuroppan bengllurantlea vidhanosobhent march 8 tariker monddon keli. Tanne hacha adim sat pauttim bojett monddon keleat. Ottvea pauttim bojett monddon kel'lo to onbhogi duddvamontri mhonnyeta. Yoddiyuroppacha hea bojetticho dhyey vaky (naro) ‘samajik nyai, obhivrid'di dyey’ zaunasl'lo. 2020-21vea bojetticho gatr tacha adlea vorsaurnim fokot

rupoi (fuddem hea lekhonant soglle oivoz rupeamni mhonn somzonchem) 3,740 korodd chodd korunk mat sady zal'lem (2,34,153 korodd thaun 2,37,893 koroddank). 2020-21vea vorosa sorkarak yemvchea promuk adayancha mullank korona thaun mar poddl'lo dhordhor mhonn dista. Novo sunk natl'li bojett: sorkaracha adayant pettroliyom utpon'nancher, soroeacher sunk, mudrank (stteamp ddyutti) nondonni (rejisttrexon) promuk asta. Edollcha vorsamni bojett mhonntana nove sunk zari zatole, asl'le sunk choddtole zal'lean lok bhimyetalo. Punn koronaurvim zaiteank sarkim kamam nant. Veapar udyomam boroean cholanant. Xivai pettrol, ddizol, randpa geasacha molam choddnnen lok edollch koxttar asa. Dekun hea bojettint eka rupeachoi novo sunk galunk na. Toxem

69 Veez Konkani

zal'lean hi bompor bojettyi noim, busyi noim. Somotolit ani sondorbhak tekid mhonnchant dubhavo na. Yoddiaroppan'nch mhollyea prokar choritrentch hem poilea ghoddchem. Amvducho bojett gatr 2,46,407 korodd. Adlea vorsaurnim 8,514 korodd choddla. Hea pauttim il'lem – il'lem: adim konn vicharta tankam, tantunim-i zati-dhormachi songhottonam, devallam, somgoll, motthadhipoti ani herank hat ukoln dimvchem as l'lem. Hea pauttimyi vhodd mott'ttar noim tori il'lem il'lem diun somodhan korchem proitn kelam. Tori zaiteank somodhan zaunko na. Ponchomosali somudayak 2e misolati dizai mholl'lli chollvoll choltali. Bojetti uprant protikria

dil'lea kuddolosongomo ponchomosali pitthacha somgollan tanchem magnnem pontak pauvonko na mhonn xinn ucharolo. Sorkarak adai nirikxit mott'ttar nat l'lean hat ukoln divonko ani vhoddvhodd yozonam pacharunk zamvchem koxem? onivary khorch adaya pras chodd: sorkarak huttvoll asondi va na asondi thoddo khorch auxy zaun (menddettori va bod'dota vechcho) korizaich poddta. Hea auxy khorchant sorkari kameleancho samball, thoddim penxonam, rexon vostu, xetkaroeancha pomp sett'ttank dimvchi sobsiddi, stholli-i somstheank dimvchi sobsiddi ani her thoddo khorch attapta. Hoch

70 Veez Konkani

khorch adayacho 100% utrata tor magir obhivrid'di koxi korchi? hea khatir rinnachi vatt matr urota. 2017-18nt auxy Srcha vantto 77%, 2018-19nt 85%, 2019-20nt 87% as l'lo. Ho 2020-21nt 102% zala mhonntat madhyom' vordheo. Nirikxonn kel'lem oivoz – vastou zaun ayil'lem: 2020-21vea bojettint pettroliyom utpon'nancher keestti 3% choddit kel'li. Axem pettrolar eka littoracher ru. 1.60 ani ddizolar ru. 1.59 choddl'le. Obkari sunk 6% chodd kel'lo. Febrer okeri poreant promuk adayancha mullam poikim obkari adai matr 92.07% (nirikxonn 22,700 korodd, songroh 20,900) vhodd vanttean aila. Muklea vorsak 24,580 korodd nirikxonn kela. 202021vea bojettint 82,443 korodd vannijy sunk ondaz kel'lo. Punn febrouri okerik ayil'lo 71,833 korodd

(87.13%). 2021-22vea vorsak hacho ondaz unno korn 76,473 koroddancher dourola. (5970 korodd mhollear 7.24% demvoila). Vahonam xeta thaun 7115 korodd nirikxonn kel'lo febrouri onteak 4294 korodd aila. Muklea vorosak 75,15 korodd nirikxonn kela. Rejisttrexon xeta thaun 12,655korodd nirikxonn kel'lo. Hantum febrouri onteak 9,014 korodd aila zal'lean odloch 12,655 korodd dourola. 35 – 45 lakham bitorolea fleattank mudrank xulkant 2% unne kela. Bilddor, ddeuloporam thaun xida khorid kel'lea fleattank / ghorank 3% sunk nomiarola. Adlea bojetti prokar khorchacho oivoz 237,893 korodd asl'lo tori to uprant 2,29,925 koroddank demvoyil'lo. Muklea vorosak 2,46,207 korodd khorochacho prostavo osa. Rinn: 71,000 korodd.

71 Veez Konkani

Nomuno bodlal'li bojett: 2021-22chi bojett voloivar nomunear manddlea (edoll ilakheamvar astoli). Ott'ttuk so voloi ani tankam douril'lem oivoz: 1) krixi oni purok chottuvottiko -31,038 korodd, 2) sorvodoi ani kxemabhivrid'di – 62,150 korodd, 3) arthik obhivrid'dik preronn – 52,529, 4) bengllur somogr obhivridhdi – 7795, 5) somskriti, porompora ani noisorgik somponmulanchi rakonn – 2,645 korodd, 6) addolltea sudharonn ani sarvozonik seva – 52,519 korodd krixi, tottank onudan: 7297 korodd (adlea vorsaurnim 592 korodd unne) sauyovo krixek 500 korodd, krixi utpon'nam adharit markett sthapunk, udka soulotai yozonam. Krixi vixvovidealoyamni roitancha bhurogeank boska 40% thaun 50%-k,. Ramonogorant hoittek silk markett, vizoipuro –

itt'ttongiholl'llint fudd park, bengllur hesorogott'ttant 100 ekreancher sonxodhon kendr, hoibridd bimyanchem vitoronn, rasainik saroeacha vitoronnak 10 korodd, popllancha hollduvea pidda nivaronnak 25 korodd, krixi udka sorbarayek yozonam, xetkaroeancha oddva - rinnacher vadd riyaiti, fulam, sukea misangek protyek markett, bokream pospak kumok. Belleam vimo yozonak 900 korodd onudan. Kisan som'man nidhikhal kendran dimvcha 6,000/kumkek razsorkara thaun 4,000/-. Ttreakttoram gheunko kumok. Striyank khuxechi khobar: sorkari kameleank bamllterak so mohineanchi ani bhurogeank polleunko seuaudent so mohineanchi roza. Horyeka jil'la kendramni 2 bhurogeank

72 Veez Konkani

pollemvchim (xixupalonam) kendram, epiemsi-nt striank 10% omanat, mohilla udyomink 4% vaddir 2 korodd poreant rinn, happoll, lonnchem, rott'tti, mosalopitto tosolea lhan udyomank anloin soulotai, nirbhoya yozonakhal bengllurant 7,500 sisi kemora, bienttisi bossamni garmentt stri vauraddeank riayiti pas. Talukant dha lekar sumar 2260 lhan udyomam mukantr sumar 2,500 striyank svoudeogi korchem yozon. Striyank 37,188 korodd dourola. Xerantlea ani holl'llencha striyank soulotayo, tankam odhar dimvchim yozonam bojettint asat. Bholaike kuxin guman: 11,908 korodd douroleat (adlea pauttim 10,122 korodd), chitrodurgak sarvozonik – khasgi sohobhagitvakhal meddikol kolez, bengllurcha nimhansbori dhar vaddant ddimhans manosik chikitsa

somstheacha sudharonnak 75 korodd, xivomoggo ayurvedik kolez ayux vixvovidealoi korchem, xivomoggo, moisuront bengllurocha kidvayi somstheacha madorer padexik keansor kendranchi obhivrid'di, striyam thoim yeuyeta tosolea keansorak suroverch pot'to korn chikitsa dimvcheak moisur, koloburogi, bellgamv vibhagamni ekek susojjit sonchari proyogaloi, bhurogeank zolm' dimvchea vellar unnem dud aschea auyam - bhurogeank 4 vibhagamni auychea stonampan dudabeankam rochon, auychea gorbhant astananch bhurogeachem somosye somzon ghemvchem ‘chiguru’ karyokrom', opouxttik auyam ani bhurogeam khatir ‘foxonn ani jiunopai’ karyokrom'. 2030vea tedalla bhurogeank zolm' dimvchea auyanche moronn lakhant 92 thaun 70-k ani

73 Veez Konkani

bhurogeanche moronn lakhant 23 thaun 10-k haddchem proitn, hason ani monddyo voidyoki-i vigonean somstheamni 100 choddtik snatokot'tor boskam choddomvchem asolim yozonam asat. Daunnogerent 20 korodd khorchar zoidevo hridogo somstheachem upokendr sthapon kortele. Xoikxonnik obhivrid'dek: iskolam – kolejink mull soukory favo korunk 150 korodd, sorkari iskolank pitthopokoronn ani xikomvchea sadhonank 50 korodd, piemvchea udkak 50 korodd, xikxokancha xikpa obhivrid'dek torbeti dimvcheak ‘guruchetono’ ani ‘odu kornattoko’ yozonam, anglo bhaxa, gonnito, vigonean xikxokancha torbetik 5 korodd, 100

iskolamn patthyosovem vrit'ti torbeti, 400 urdu iskolamni anglo madhyom' xikap. Maslle udyomak ddiselacho sunk ddizol ghetananch kotrap korcho, prodhanomomontrichem motsyo sompodo yozon rajeant onixttanak 62 korodd onudan. Maslle utpon'nancha somskoronnak kornattoko maslle obhivridhdi nigomokhal adhunik somskoronn oni moulyourdhon kendram sthapon. Masllepilam utpadonak kumok. Masll'lli ani sividd khannancha ud'dexak mongllurant okvamorin zoiviko tontrogonean onvexonn kendr sthapon. Provasodyomak udka poinnak, doreatoddincha obhivrid'dek yozonam. Vidyut vahonam khatir sarvozonik – khasgi sohobhagitvant 1,000 charjing kendram, koigarik obhivrid'desovem viman

74 Veez Konkani

nildannam,, roilve, rostea tosolea mull soukoreank guman dilam.

tancha smarokank pacharolam.


Zatidhormank: Him thoddim durosonnim: okkoligo obhivridhdi pradhikar rochon – 500 korodd onudan, viroxoivo lingait obhivrid'dek 500 korodd, brahmonn obhivrid'dek 50 korodd, olposonkheatank 1,500 korodd, kristamvank 200 korodd dourola. Hacha thaun igorjechem novikoronn, durusti, somudai bhounam, onathaxrom', utor prayechank ghoram ani her kamank kumok mellta. Motthadhipoti somgollancha vividh yozonank ani

pettrol ddizol, randpa geasak sunk demvounko na. Moikro, lhan ani modhyom' (emesemi) koigarikenk unnea vaddir rinna soulotai na. Viz sokot dor unni korunk na. Khanna ilakheak 2,374 korodd mat dourola (adlea vorsa 2,668 korodd). Kornattokachi jiddipi adlea vorosaurnim 2.6% demvlea. Koigarik ani sevechem voloi demvlam. Hea porigotent emesemi

75 Veez Konkani

ani ghor – koigarikenk ani il'li pradhanyota dilear bori asl'li. Graminn mull soukoreank dil'lem onudan pavana. 71,000 korodd rinnachi gorz udelea.. Antorik utpon'nacha kaldea vantteak mikvon rinn korchem bhovixeacha dixttin borem noim.

novean galunk natl'li samany lokak khuxechi gozal zalea.

2021-22 kornattoko bojettint kosoley sunk choddounko natl'li va

Ech. Ar. Allvo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fatrank disonatlim dukam produvarachim khotam majvunk zor fatramni zamvchim aste fator jezuchai hatim farijevancha fatrank jezun ghal'li kator zalo tea striyek jivo uromvcho ovkas sobar fulam farijevamni mostil'lim matyent lipl'lim tea fulanchim dukam jezucha movall bottamni ustil'lim horek remvecho konn 76 Veez Konkani

sangtalo roddun konnaky kollit natli kanni farijevamni fulunk soddinatlem prodvaracha kedantlem sallok fator marochem hokk asl'lea jezu someacha dolleamni porzoll'llem herank fator marochi kopotti jinni gazoita pakear thaun lipoun douroleli tanchichch kanni liptot hozaramni sampddanastam url'lim fator marocha motimni lekak tim dhorl'lim kaddlo jivo nennteancho disonatlea fatramni fatram pras marekar jibancha utramni her dhormank fator marochem dexant choddlam bellem ozun patok asl'lechch vinchtat poilo fator lipoun aplem mhellem nit devo ekloch korum patok natlo dhoiran poilo fator marum -sivi, lorett'tto 77 Veez Konkani

Zaticho uzo

osoyi pett'ta kiteak monxam modem dvex nas zaina patok... Iskolachim bhurgim jeunna khatir gelim poll'llek polleyilea monxeank zoll'llem vik ompunk raule toyar... Pattimbo dilo dhormandhleamni jemvchea boxient zat konnem dekhli bhurgeancha motik

kitem vik omplem.... Koddeallgar motint budvont kalliz matr bhorlam mosran thoddeanim zap dili dhoiran mestrin maf maglem bhimyan soval ghalem sobaramni ekvottacho urounko amimyi toyar band moyamogacho ghott zamvdim bhavo bandouponnacho sanko tuttanasta ghott urondi

-osunta ddisoza, bozal

78 Veez Konkani

Tuji yad az porot yad tuji oxi-i kitea dhosta mhaka tum kaim mhozo ugddas kaddun asai? mhozo mog dhosta tuka? kaddinaka yad soddn sodd osench asom tem kallem modd to paus, teo sanzo kaim nhoim theo vhoddilank notalanchem fest, ti jhillmilleam diveam ras to sombhrom', modheanechem mis te himvalle dis tuje hunoni kis hatant hat dhorun tumvem dil'li ti bhas sompon geleant vorsam nam khobar tuji atam sangatim mhojim, tujea yadichim vojim soddn sodd atam, kitea teo yadi godd to paus, teo xitoll sanzo, kaim nhoim theo vhodd -zossi pintto kin'nigolli 79 Veez Konkani

Panchvo odhyai: nhoim (The Glacier)


"kosem?" hamvem vicharlem. "tea vatten" tannem bhorpacha nhoink bott dakhoilem." hi mornachi vatt!"

"tor hores, hea zagear monis mornant ch jinni sodta.Tosem mhonn patyenni.Ami atam melear, poinnacha vatter ch moream ani khoncha gamvant ami mortamvgi thoinch ami portun zolmonki puro.Hamv mhoza nirdharant gott'tt asam, tumvem vinchounn

80 Veez Konkani

korizai." "hamvem mhoji vinchounn kelea.Lio ami hem poinn sangata suru koream ani sangatach okher koream. Bohuxea ayexa hem zannam asteli ani amkam kumok korteli" hamv vhoddlean haslom. "ye, mukhar choleam-ami vell vibhaddtamv." eka meka ami pottlun dhorun bhavuk zaleamv . Hatak mell'llele fator sokla uddoile. Pattim yetana vatt kollonk upkartat mholl'lem amchem chintap. Hamv lio vixeant chintunk laglom. Tacher mhaka gorv asul'lo.Taka hamvem xabhaski diun ut'tezon dilem.Tannem-i mhaka borem maglem. "ye" to mhonnalo. Ami ekameka lagonm ch mholl'lle bori sokla vechem bhoyanok poinn suru kelem. Surver sulobhayechem tosem disleari kromenn koxttachem zalem. Pai il'loso chuklear amchem moronn khonddit. Tori bhienastana sokla demvleamv. Okhrek

bhorpant xirkal'lea eka vhodd guddeacher pauleamv. Thoimsor thaun polletana bhorpachi nhoim bhoyanok disli. Sokla sumar xembhor futt sokla bagvon ascho ek porvot. Ami sokla demvchem kam' mundorsilem. Atam vatt chodd koxttanchi zali. Pai dourunk fator mellanatul'le. Thoim hanga thodde pauttim uddazai poddlem. Okhrek ami pontak pauleamv. Thoimsor fator nastana fokot't bhorop osul'lem. Ami tacher ch aram' korunk bosleamv. "ami polleunko zai" lio uloilo. Punn kosem mhonn koll'llem na. Bagval'lea porvota thaun sokla kitem asa tem polleunko ek ch vatt asul'li. Hamv uttlom. "nam",lion addailem. "hamv oniki tornatto ani tuzaki chodd bollvont.Mhaka kumok kor. Pai dhor." osem korchem pixemponn'nch soi. Punn dusri vatt natul'li. Tannem

81 Veez Konkani

sangata haddlelea doriek udoun eka bhorpacha tudyek uddoili. To hollu sokla demvalaglo. Tachem vozon chodd zalengi ya mhoje hat nisralegi got'tuna. "lio!" hamv kinkrattlom. "lio!" hamv vegan sokla nisronk laglom ani sokla bhorpacher poddlom. Don'nch minuttani hem zalem. Hamv gott zal'lea bhorpacher ubhom ravul'lom. Ani soklam pollelem. Sokla doryer umkallon lio osul'lo. Tacha sokla gunddayek dhovem bhorop mandre bori poddul'lem. Hamv il'lexem nisralear sokla poddtam. Lio umkallcho poddlear tosench zata. Konn poilem? hamv mostu pauttim apai kari zagear asul'lom. Punn atanchi poristhit ch veglli. Thondd gham' demvlo. Hamv liok ani tannem mhaka pollelem. Osolea sondorbhani moun bharich padd ani osohaik. Lion kinkrattlear borem. To jivont asa mholl'llem tori kollet zatem. " o deva! o deva!" mhoje pai dukhtale. Tori hamv hal'lom na. Mostu dukh ,sangata

manosik himsa. Mhaka lhanpannacho ugddas ailo. Bhurgo astana hamv eka rukar choddul'lom. Punn uprant voir zamv sokla zamv vochonk mhozan zalem na. Guddeak choddchak modhench xirkal'lea bori. Bhyem, osoyakota ani niras. Anyek ugddas. Vorsam poilem, mostu vorsandim ayexan mhojea hatim liochi jinni vicharul'li. Kallokai ani moun. Ek ch pauttim kallokaye modhem ujvadd ani mounant ek avaz. Lion ubharlelea tolvari thaun ujvadd ani tachea bobatt ch avaz. Bhiel'lea vellar korcho avaz. Tannem dori katorli. Dusrea ghoddye dobb korun poddul'lo avaz. Lio melohaddam ani masacho mudo tosem hamvem chintlem. Mhojean sosunk zalem na. Toddou korunk nozo. Hamv thokon gel'lom tori hamv nisralom. Motint ch magnnem kelem. "hamv yetam" mhonn bobattun hamv sokla ascha kallokant uddlom. (panchvo adhyai okher zalo. Sovo odhyai mukhlea onkeant) *****

82 Veez Konkani

"Teach Yourself Konkani "KonKanKit, Poileñ Pustak" 90 year old Canada based author's gift to Konkani Diaspora

- Ivan Saldanha-Shet. This book "Teach Yourself Konkani - "KonKanKit" is a long planned personal maiden effort for 'Konkani Matha' by the 90 year old Canada based author and 'Konkani Premi' Dr. Mohan Prabhu (name at birth: Michael Antony Castelino), to promote Konkani overseas; a historic language spoken since ancient times among Konkani origin expatriates/diaspora all around the

world. Most who are not familiar with Indian scripts at all but have a deep affection for their mother tongue and have a deep down desire to know Konkani get a head start. The author has many books

83 Veez Konkani

on general and law matters to his credit, Konkani is Dr. Mohan Prabhu's mother tongue - this sole work here is really from deep down from his soul, love for his native land and language, this is seen among those who live away and have lost touch with their roots. It is on record that Konkani dialect is used by 42 groups of speakers, generally in 5 scripts to write it Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam and Farsi, (VEEZ Konkani Weekly is published by Dr. Ausitn Prabhu from Chicago US in these 4 scripts) there could be others informally. Konkani is said to be heard all over the world, in use by an active aware diaspora. In India it is one among 22 official languages recognized and listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution, where several prominent languages are yet

to be included. It must be admired that this book is the result of love and admiration of the author for his mother-tongue, and amazingly a one man effort, aimed for the needs of the diaspora with no real knowledge of the language but only a great admiration. A commercial and/or sales interest is totally absent in this book of 500 plus pages painstakingly, practically and systematically produced using vast knowledge of a 90 year old after deep study and much thought and discussion. This is definitely not a book or guide for the native Konkani speaker and pundits and will probably ignore the sincere purpose of this work of deep love, a miracle to go a long way. Words do not suffice to admire Dr.Mohan, at an advanced age, skillfully coaxing the worn equipment at his disposal,

84 Veez Konkani

amidst life's trials to achieve such a feat with concern for others and love of his mother tongue, it definitely proves - 'someone up there cares and loves him'. This book, the author very courageously says, "Its sole objective is to promote the language especially to new generations of the diaspora, perhaps also to those settled in other parts of India, for those who work with English solely. I have

always loved Konkani that I picked up by ear on my mother's lap, spoken it in my childhood and till we lived in Bombay from 1947 and I moved on to the USA in 1965 with my bride." The book has been self published by the author as his efforts to get a well-known Konkani Language Institute in Mangaluru to publish it proved difficult. The author had hoped to release the book to mark his 90 th birthday early this year, but that event passed by. The editor of the book is Sri Pundalik Prabhu, a Konkana from Ujire and the author’s close friend who has lived in Canada as long as the author. The author can not but say a word of o thanks to his own wife Smt. Clareen Prabhu, an educationist and a fluent Konkani speaker, who has been a pillar of strength, resource and inspiration,

85 Veez Konkani

The Unique Author : Dr. Mohan Prabhu's credentials: earned, BA, MA, LL.B (Bombay), LL.M (London), LL.D (Ottawa), QC (Canada)...An achiever, advanced in years, but highly active and alert, as can be seen by any one glancing through the positive erudite system used in this book will be amazed. The author was born and raised in Mangaluru where he was immersed in Konkani which he wrote in Kannada script. He is not however a Konkani scholar as English has been the medium of all his education, work in India, law career in academia and in government, and of his writing, spanning six decades and all in the West. Nonetheless, he has retained and developed his knowledge and skills with communication in Konkani. After completing high school at St. Aloysius College in 1947, on the eve of India's Independence, he joined the world of work in Mumbai and while employed, he gained academic degrees (BA, LL.B. and MA) from the University of Bombay.

In 1960 he moved to London where, while working at Unilever Ltd., he learned the LL.M. degree with Distinction from the University of London. He also earned a doctorate in Law (LL.D.) from the University of Ottawa. Mohan Prabhu was called to the Legal Bar in four jurisdictions: India (Advocate, Maharashtra), London (Barrister, Lincoln's Inn), Saskatchewan and Ontario (Barrister and Solicitor). He was awarded the rank of Queen's Counsel in 1990. Basic Genealogy: Mohan married his wife Clareen in Bombay (now Mumbai) 56 years ago on April 25, 1965 at the well known St. Michael's Church, Mahim, the family lived a block away, only 5 minutes walk, we have lived in Canada ever since, with a year in New York, USA Mohan Prabhu (name at birth: Michael Antony Castelino). son of Athanasius Peter Castelino (retired senai of Fr. Muller’s Kankanady Hospital, died 53 years ago and Lucy Misquith (died 49 years ago). 90 years old. Wife Clareen (81), daughter of Casmir D’Souza Mudarth (retired as Court Registrar

86 Veez Konkani

in Mangalore (died 64 years ago) and Amy Pinto (died about 25 years ago). The author is the last male of the 5th line of the Castelino Clan - a large family of 11, he has 4 sisters left, all younger between 88 and 81. Their children : Fiona Rita (54) only daughter, family physician at Texas Tech Health Centre in Lubbock, TX; Leighton Peter (53), investment specialist and e-commerce businessman (“roving”, currently in Ottawa), elder son and Clifton Michael (50), younger son, US and Canadian lawyer, now general counsel at a French bank in New York. The editor : The editor of the book has put in a lot of work no doubt to present it well and support the author's efforts; He is Sri Ujre Pundalik Prabhu, a native of Ujire in Dakshina Kannada, and a Canadian citizen. He is a retired professional engineer and a long-standing friend of the author. Both he and his wife Dr. Vijayalaxmi are fluent Konkani speakers. Sri Ujre Pundalik Prabhu, who encouraged the author from

the inception of the work, edited the manuscript and provided valuable and timely help to make it printready. Foreword : Two eminent Konkani gentlemen have written forewords, which bring to light the tremendous effort and love of Konkani that they have gauged in the Author Dr. Mohan Prabhu. One is by Payyanur Ramesh Pai General Council Member, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi. Founder Chairman, Konkani Sahitya Akademi, Kerala (2012-16); the other by Sadanand Mankikar, Burlington, Ontario, Canada Past President, Ontario Konkani Association Past Vice President, North American Konkani Association. To quote Payyanur Ramesh Pai, " The overall approach, content and methodology adopted in designing this primer makes it a great addition. The learner would feel proud of his knowledge of Konkani language while following the directions given in the book. Not just proud, but becoming confident to handle it better as well.

87 Veez Konkani

and that will script a nice success story worth cherishing.' The following key features, methodology make the book unique : Roman script is used for Konkani words. A script is not language but just a vehicle to teach or read, much like the strokes in Pitman shorthand or on music sheets. Beginners do not have to learn a new script, It is an all-in-one bilingual book The TEXT is the most important part for learning and is covered in about 85 pages. It describes the accents and symbols placed over Konkani words and explains their purpose, which is to enable learners to correctly speak Konkani and write it. A dozen elementary Konkani exercises which are interlined with English translation. Vocabulary (Vocables) is in the Appendix. It is the longest part, with 440 pages. English and Konkani words are alphabetically arranged in the first column and

differentiated as in the TEXT; their translation is in the second. This eliminates the clumsy task of flipping over to a separate section. The book can be used as a model to promote endangered languages and those that are threatened with or vulnerable to extinction, those that do not have their own script, such for instance as Tulu and Beary, and those that have several scripts, such as native Canadian languages. **Not Offered for Sale : Readers should note that this book is not offered for sale. Soft cover copies are too pricey as the books are printed in Canada and mailing costs are high. Copies in electronic format whether as a pdf version or as a eBook, are not adaptable as a learning tool but if interest is shown by readers, that option will be explored. The author ( or the editor (email: may be contacted. Limitations of KonKanKit :

88 Veez Konkani




KonKanKit is not a scholarly work. It is intended for Beginners, not for scholars nor for those who speak Konkani. The book reflects the author’s own old Mangalurean community version of Konkani which was his mother tongue well-nigh three quarters of a century ago. Different versions are used by other Konkani speaking communities. KonKanKit has several shortcomings and a few errors possibly; the former are primarily because it is the author’s maiden effort in a language of his early years which he had not used since 1947; visual impairment due to AMD is the cause of the latter which made it painful to proof- read 540 pages with over 100,000 Konkani words. Other books of the author : 19822017, Dr. Mohan Prabhu wrote several articles and chapters in books published by the WHO in its official magazines on environmental toxic chemicals, especially

pesticides, environmental criminal laws in selected countries, including Canada and Germany, co-edited with Drs. Günther Heine and Anna Alvazzi del Frate. Over the same period, Dr.Mohan Prabhu authored 11 editions of the Canadian Customs Act (down to 2012), three editions of Canadian Customs and Excise Laws (down to 2004), all published by Carswell, Toronto, and two books on international trade law: the first in 2014 on Canada’s Import and Export Laws (published by Irwin Law Inc, Toronto), the second in 2017 on Import and Export Law in India-Canada Bilateral Trade (published 20 December 2017 by Thomson Reuters Canada of Toronto) which was reviewed by this writer in 2018. Indeed this great work for the love of Konkani "Teach Yourself Konkani - "KonKanKit, Poileñ Pustak" will be a boon to overseas Konkani people and the culture in a very new and unique way. The sole objective of KonKanKit is to promote and spread Konkani to keep it alive and vibrant by attracting and encouraging new

89 Veez Konkani

speakers. It is, therefore, for Get to know how to get your copy Beginners. The interested Konkani of the book and fulfil your wish, a buff can use the book to privately long dream of a quest to learn your learn and guide people overseas in loved mother tongue KONKANI. far away lands, to know better the Contact of the author : email : language of their forefathers. Self OR published by the author and printed Editor: in Ottawa at the University of Congratulations and Thanks a Ottawa, where the author has had a million. lot of admiration over many years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Our Konknni identity Gujarati speaker is a Gujarati. Sindhi speaker is a Sindhi and so on. If this is true, then a Konknni speaker should have been a Konknni and nothing else. But alas, that is not the reality. Unfortunately, and sadly, two main rivalry camps are created, namely, Goans and Mangaloreans. I emphatically refuse to identify myself with any one of the two. If any body insists to know my identity, I tell them my cultural identity is Konknni and only Konknni. No other language speakers in India suffer from language inferiority complex as Konknnis (Konknni speakers). Goan

is a territorial identity created after the arrival of the Portuguese. Prior to that Govapuri referred to present day, Old Goa. Portuguese in 1510 conquered Tiswadi area, later on Salcette and Bardes areas. These three were known as old conquest. Later on, they conquered Sattari, Ponda, Canacona, and other areas known as new conquest. Thus, old conquest and new conquest came to be known as Goa. For generations whose ancestors are or were from Goa could be called as Goans. In this sense all Konknnis should be called Goans

90 Veez Konkani

irrespective where they are born or live now. But it is a regional identity and not a linguistic identity. In India the identity of a person is based on his or her language and culture. During the Portuguese rule and prior to it most of the people of Goa spoke Konknni and for literary, religious and cultural fields used Marathi. Portuguese imposed their own language. The elite Catholics of Goa took Portuguese as their language and culture. They looked down upon Konknni as the language of Hindus and downtrodden Catholics. This created a linguistic division. Irrespective of their language identity, all preferred to call themselves as Goans. Konknni speakers from Goa migrated at different times for various reasons mainly to Kerala, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. In Kerala and Karnataka, they were called as Konknnis. When Konknni speakers from Goa and Karnataka migrated to Mumbai in 19th century for job opportunities, they had an identity crisis due to the ignorance

of their roots, dialect and cultural differences. Those who are from Goa called themselves Goans. Those who came from South Kanara district of Karnataka were labelled as Mangaloreans. In present day, hypothetically if we accept these two categories, where do we place the other Konknni speakers from Belgavi, Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, North Kanara, Udupi, Chikamagaluru, Shivamoga and other districts? Is it fair to label them as Goans or Mangaloreans, which are territorial identities? If we want to unite all Konknnis under one linguistic and cultural umbrella, we must proudly and emphatically call ourselves as Konknnis. Because there are no languages such as Goanese or Mangalorese. Jews (Israelites) are spread all over the world and they take pride in Hebrew the language of their ancestors. We Konknnis are crippled by our narrow, segmental, and territorial thinking. Those who do not speak Konknni hide conveniently under the pseudo

91 Veez Konkani

mask of Goans or Mangaloreans. Goan and Mangalorean terms can't be totally identified with Konknni. Because, Portuguese, English, Marathi, Urdu and other language speakers do call themselves as Goans. Similarly, Kannada, Tulu, Beari speakers call themselves as Mangaloreans. I am proud to be born and live as a Konknni by loving all others who belong to different linguistic and ethnic groups. Have a cheerful weekend reflecting over your true linguistic identity and

celebrate it.

Pratap Naik, sj 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BELLS, SHELLS, STILL NOT WELL pseudo sage on the stage. It was on this day last year that he did another “surgical strike” on the public, on the lines of notebandi and GST. All for dramatic effect and electoral advantage.

# chhotebhai This is being written on the first anniversary of another of those dramatic announcements by the

He announced a “Janata curfew” for 22nd March 2020, from dawn to dusk, followed by the “lockdown” from the 24th. We were told to ring bells and blow shells in the mistaken belief that it would drive away

92 Veez Konkani

Corona. The doting, not doubting, public obliged the Emperor who had no clothes, because they too had been stripped bare of their daily essentials. True to the script, the Tabligi Jamaat (read Muslims) was blamed for the pandemic. I had heard Dr Harshvardhan, the Union Health Minister, saying on TV that India had information about Corona as early as January 2020. I myself had organized a meeting of the Indian Catholic Forum in Kerala in the first week of February. We had to cancel it, literally while some were boarding trains to attend, because the Kerala Government had issued an advisory against Corona. So why did the Emperor allow Rome to burn for 2½ months, before the sudden lockdown? Obviously he had to fête his friend Trump, whose sarkar did not return to power. He had to wait for the celebration of the Holi festival, and for the riots in Delhi, purportedly instigated by his camp followers. The time was now ripe for another surgical strike that

he executed with aplomb. Never mind the unimaginable hardship that the people faced, epitomized best by the desperate migrants on the road. At that very time my son was cycling from Goa to Kanpur (2500 kms), tracing the footsteps of great great grandfather, who did that journey with a caravan of 300 bullock carts in circa 1854-57. He cycled over 250 kms on the last day to reach home on the 23rd night. Had he been one day later, he would have been stranded on a highway without food, water or shelter. The story of millions of Indians, suddenly confined to their homes, may not have been so dramatic, but was definitely more traumatic. No food, no money, no work, no medicines, no space to even stretch cramped limbs, or to wash clothes. If the emperor could twiddle his thumbs for 2½ months could he not have given such a vast country a week’s notice, for people to make necessary contingency plans? Could he not have allowed migrants

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to return home by train, bus or plane? It would have detracted from the intensity of the strike. That was not to be. Dramatic effect over ruled plain common sense. Had the intervening period been used for arranging PPE kits, ventilators, hospital beds and sanitizers, it would have made sense. Nothing of the kind was done. The nation’s health system was taken completely unawares. To cover up the gross failure there was more drama – showering of petals from helicopters, and lighting of lamps at a fixed hour, to drive the Corona demon away. Obviously nothing worked. There was no way that we could use the punch line of “The Three Idiots”, that “All is Well”. We ended up like idiots anyway. One year on, the vaccination drive is on. There was initial resistance, because of the mistaken notion that the pandemic was done and dusted. The Chief Minister of U.P. had the audacity to tell people in Kerala that they should learn from U.P. about health. He conveniently forgets that

his State has among the lowest percentage rates of vaccination and highest percentage rates of wasted vaccines. Having been a senior citizen for over 10 years I was entitled to be vaccinated. However, since I was responsible for about 50 workers I tapped my sources in the health department to get them vaccinated, as most of them were frontline workers. To no avail. I reconciled myself to getting my own vaccination done. Here’s where the story changes slightly. A friend of mine did my registration with my Aadhar Card. In a couple of minutes I got an appointment at the Kanshiram Hospital, based on my place of residence. I left work for my “appointment”. My wife, also a frontline worker with special children, chose to join me, even though she didn’t have the previous appointment. The hospital was a newly built up, very spacious and clean. I expected to see a big banner for the

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vaccination centre. There wasn’t. Senior citizens had to climb to the first floor. I expected to see a spacious well demarcated area, as repeatedly shown on TV. Nothing of the kind. There were three poky rooms, with no sanitizers, social distancing or provisions for checking one’s temperature or blood pressure. I went to my allotted room for my appointment. Another rude shock. Never mind your appointment. Just stand in line like everybody else. I got my shot in the arm, followed by my wife who had no appointment. Again in a matter of minutes I got a notification on my ordinary keypad phone that I had been successfully vaccinated. I was given a certificate that stated that I had Covishield, the Astra Zeneca vaccine. There was no recovery room, just a couple of benches scattered around. I sat to look at my Covid Passport. Lo and behold, it had no Government stamp or signature. All it mentioned was the date for my next dose, and an emergency number, in case of need. My personal details were left

blank with a by line stating that the beneficiary should fill in his own personal details. There was no mention even of my gateway to heaven, my Aadhar Card number.

I noticed that most people just walked away after getting shot in the arm. I chose to sit out the mandatory 30 minutes. I then noticed a huge banner on the wall, giving credit for the vaccination camp to a Minister of the BJP! This was highly objectionable. A

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minister or a political party cannot claim credit for a national programme that involves everybody from health workers to vaccine manufacturers. I felt like an idiot, because all was

not well, despite the bells and shells. I withhold further comment till I get my next shot next month. • The writer lives in Kanpur where his experiences are based. March 2021


Romero’s Prophetic Courage Needed

-*Fr Cedric Prakash SJ Even a cursory glance at the realities which grip India today, will make one realise how grim the situation is. On every global parameter, from the happiness index to the freedom one; from democracy to economic indicators, the country has plummeted miserably and as never before. Untruth and injustice, divisiveness and discrimination, exploitation and exclusion have

become the ‘new normal’! Migrants and minorities, farmers and women, Dalits and Adivasis are at the receiving end of a system which is uncaring and openly supports those who toe their line and indulge in

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spewing hate. Freedom of religion, of speech and expression are now a rarity. Human rights defenders like Fr Stan Swamy are denigrated, hounded, incarcerated, and even killed. Truth and Justice are conveniently sacrificed for petty political gains; those whose primary duty is to propagate and protect these basics, like the judiciary and other Constitutional bodies, are frightened to take a stand and have abdicated their responsibility. Politicians of another party are bought up or blackmailed to come over to the ruling party. It has never been so bad! On 24 March 1980, Archbishop Oscar Romero was brutally gunned down whilst celebrating the Eucharist in his native El Salvador. He was known as a fiercely outspoken critic of his Government, the military and of the right-wing elements of his country, for their continued oppression and exploitation of the poor. There has never been any doubt about who was responsible for his death. He visibly and vocally took sides with the poor, the marginalised and the victims of injustices. His martyrdom

spontaneously made him a ‘Saint’ for millions of them. It was estimated that more than 250,000 were present at his funeral as a sign of gratitude to the man who did so much for them and whom they deeply loved. A few moments before he was assassinated Romero said in his homily, “many do not understand,

and they think Christianity should not get involved in such things (taking a stand for truth and justice). But, to the contrary, you have just heard Christ's Gospel, that one must not love oneself so much as to avoid getting involved in the risks of life which history demands of us, that those who would avoid the danger will lose their life, while those who out of love for Christ give themselves to the service of others will live, like the grain of wheat that dies, but only apparently. If it did not die, it would remain alone. The harvest comes about because it dies, allows itself to be sacrificed in the earth and destroyed. Only by destroying itself does it produce the harvest”.

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The day before (23 March) he was killed, Romero gave a powerful sermon, which was broadcast over radio, that appealed to the soldiers to disobey their superiors. He said,

“In the name of God, in the name of this suffering people whose cries rise to Heaven more loudly each day, I implore you, I beg you, I order you in the name of God: Stop the repression!” That appeal was his death sentence. Romero was known to be ‘conservative’ as a young priest and even in his early years as a bishop. He was afraid to rock the boat and preferred to maintain the 'status quo'. He never wanted to be on the wrong side of the powerful and the elite of El Salvador. He had however a good friend in Jesuit Fr Rutilio Grande. The latter left no stone unturned to work on justice issues, to highlight the plight of the exploited and to make their struggles his own. Besides, Grande did not hesitate to take up cudgels against the powerful and other vested interests. On 12 March 1977, Grande was killed by the military junta. Only three weeks earlier, Romero was appointed Archbishop

of San Salvador. Grande’s death came as a terrible shock to Romero. Presiding over Rutilio’s funeral, Romero said, “the government

should not consider a priest who takes a stand for social justice as a politician or a subversive element when he is fulfilling his mission in the politics of the common good.” Adding emphatically, “Anyone who attacks one of my priests, attacks me. If they killed Rutilio for doing what he did, then I too have to walk the same path”. The death of his

dear friend was a turning point in the life of Romero. From that day onwards, he wholeheartedly worked for the rights of the poor, until his own murder, three years later. Pope Francis canonised Romero on 14 October 2018.In his homily at the Canonisation ceremony, Pope Francis praised Romero for leaving

"the security of the world, even his own safety, in order to live his life according to the Gospel, close to the poor and to his people, with a heart drawn to Jesus and his brothers and sisters". He went on to add, "Let us ask for the grace always to leave things behind for love of the Lord: to leave behind wealth, the

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yearning for status and power, structures that are no longer adequate for proclaiming the Gospel, those weights that slow down our mission, the strings that tie us to the world". Over the years Pope Francis has consistently highlighted the prophetic courage of Romero as “a father, a friend, and

a brother and who should serve as a yardstick for all”.

On December 21, 2010, the United Nations General Assembly, in a fitting tribute to Oscar Romero proclaimed 24 March annually as the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. • to honour the memory of victims of gross and systematic human rights violations and promote the importance of the right to truth and justice. • to pay tribute to those who have devoted their lives to and lost their lives in the struggle to promote and protect human rights for all.

• to recognise, the important work and values of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero of El Salvador, who was assassinated on 24 March 1980, after denouncing violations of the human rights of the most vulnerable populations and defending the principles of protecting lives, promoting human dignity and opposition to all forms of violence. Today, India desperately needs the prophetic courage of Romero. From across the spectrum political, religious, and social, leaders are afraid of taking a stand against the powers that simply crush others Those who call themselves ‘disciples’ of Jesus have no qualms of conscience to hobnob with fascist and fundamentalists, who brazenly destroy the sanctity of the Constitution and the pluralistic fabric of the country. It is easier for these ‘disciples’ to indulge in a politics of convenience and compromise: to support ‘love jihad’; not to take on the UP Government and police, if religious sisters are harassed and hounded out of a train; not to call for the revocation of the CAA amendments, the UAPA and sedition laws; not to openly

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show that you are supporting the farmers protests or for that matter, what is happening in Kashmir. In short, if it means, by taking a stand for truth and justice, you have to take on the ruling regime, then it is a clear ‘no-no’! Surely dear Saint Romero, as he looks down from heaven, will be wondering why the disciples of Jesus in India are not faithful to the Gospel of Jesus. On the day when we celebrate the memory of this great saint, let his challenging words on his own reality, a few days before his assassination, awaken us to respond to our context today: “I will not tire

of declaring that if we really want an

effective end to violence, we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression. All this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest flows naturally”. Are we listening and paying heed to those prophetic words? Yes, we urgently need the Prophetic Courage of Saint Oscar Romero!! 24 March 2021 *Fr Cedric Prakash (GUJ) is a human rights and peace activist/writer. Contact:


NINE MONTHS TO CHRISTMAS! # chhotebhai Readers would want to pack me off to the loony bin. Here we are in the midst of Holy Week and I am dreaming of Christmas! Am I nuts? 100 Veez Konkani

There is a famous book, “Nine days to Christmas” by Aurora Labastida and Marie Hall Ets, published in 1960. It is also the subject of a popular Christmas carol. But why nine months? I am writing this on 25th March, exactly 9 months before Christmas. Going by the common perception that the gestation period of a child in the womb is 9 months, it works backwards to put 25th March as the day that Jesus was conceived in his mother’s womb. It is commonly known as the Feast of the Annunciation. Let’s get things straight. Had there been no Annunciation, there would have been no incarnation, no Christmas, no Holy Week, and thereby no redemption. I believe that the Annunciation is a far greater event than Christmas, the latter being the natural progression of the former. We therefore need to spend a little more time to reflect on the significance of this day and its relevance in our daily lives. The events of the Annunciation are encapsulated in the Angelus, which Catholics earlier recited three times a day, whenever the church bells

chimed. The bells may have stopped chiming, but nobody has stopped us from reciting this beautiful prayer, if we want to. I’ll be frank. It is my favourite prayer, even more meaningful than the Our Father. I say this because it is an interactive prayer, a dialogue between God and (Wo)man, while the Our Father is a monologue. If this shocks you, so be it. I do my best to pray (not recite) the Angelus every morning, precisely because of this dialogue, of God coming to me time and again, and seeking my voluntary response. When I became a major in 1969, I was initiated into the Legion of Mary, an experience that I cherish to this day. (Incidentally, my father was the first Indian Legion Envoy, appointed at Madras in 1944). The Legion always celebrated the Annunciation with great fervour, which is why I probably still have that devotion. Of the four Gospels, it is only Luke’s that records the Annunciation (Lk1:26-38). I find the text of The New Jerusalem Bible a faithful translation, devoid of paraphrase,

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hence will be quoting from it. Most of us would be guilty of being dismissive of the Annunciation. Even in popular Catholic piety we find far more importance given to other Marian feasts like the Immaculate Conception (8th December), the Nativity of Mary (8th September) and the Assumption (15th August). Perhaps we take the Annunciation for granted, which is to our spiritual detriment. Some reflection is called for. The angel Gabriel begins the dialogue with these words “Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favour, the Lord is with you” (Lk 1:28). So, this is a joyous occasion (a feast). It was also God’s favour (gift), not something earned. Even the gift required a response. Mary being human (not superhuman as we would like to believe) is deeply disturbed (v29), and “asked herself what this greeting could mean” (v30). Notice that her response was an internal reflection, and not an external query. Sensing her confusion, the angel tells her not to be afraid as she has “won God’s favour” (v31). This now

indicates that she has earned the gift, obviously because of her virtuousness. It is indicative of the depth of her spirituality. God did not choose any woman. He chose the one whom he found capable of shouldering the great responsibility being thrust upon her at a tender age. The angel then explains the message telling her that her son “will be called Son of the Most High” (v 32). He would have “the throne of his ancestor David, he will rule over the House of Jacob forever and his reign will have no end” (v 33). “Your child will be holy and will be called Son of God” (v 35). Imagine, for a moment, if one of us were told that our offspring would be a king, president or prime minister. Would not our heads swell with pride? We would be strutting all over the stage, safe in the knowledge of what was to come. Look at some of our bishops, school principals and parish priests who believe that they are the chosen ones. Humility seems to be at a premium.

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But God’s chosen can never be proud. That is why when visiting her cousin Elizabeth, Mary says that “he has looked upon the humiliation of his servant” (v 47). These words are pregnant with meaning (pun intended). Later, in his public ministry, Jesus would also say” Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” (Mat 11:29). If there is one big take away from the Annunciation, it is humility; imperative in an ego driven world. If we carefully observe Jesus’ behaviour, we find that the one thing he could not tolerate was religious self-righteousness or hypocrisy. And the great virtue that runs its course though the New Testament is humility. Some quotes would suffice. “The one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven” (Mat 18:4). “Anyone who humbles himself will be raised up” (Mat 23:12). Of Jesus St Paul writes, “He was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross” (Phi 2:8). St James says, “God opposes the proud, but he accords his favour to the humble” (Jas 4:7).

And again “Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up” (Jas 4:10). St Peter adds, “Humility towards one another must be the garment you all wear constantly, because God opposes...” (1 Pet 5:5). “Bow down, then, before the power of God now, so that he may raise you up in due time” (1 Pet 5:6). Coming back to the Annunciation, it did not render Mary wonderstruck or withdrawn. We read that she “went quickly as she could into the hill country to a town in Judah” (v 39). Her humility spurred her into action. And proclamation. Her cousin Elizabeth testified “Look, the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy” (v 44) The significance of this event should not be lost on us. The sequence is - the Word came to Mary - it was incarnated in her - she took the incarnated word to Elizabeth - and in turn it was incarnated in John the Baptist. This why Mary is called the Queen of the Apostles. She was the first evangelist; she proclaimed the word incarnated in her.

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Today missiologists tell us that our the greatest Marian feast, the mission is not so much of greatest interaction between God proclaiming the Word, then and (Wo)man since the Garden of conveying to others the Word of Eden. May Jesus and his Mother God incarnated in me. I cannot give Mary give us the grace of humility to others what I do not have. So, on this Holy Week. this day and time of the Annunciation let us celebrate it as March 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Konkani Institute holds seminar on NEP and NLP

In the light of the progress of Konkani in the future, a seminar was organised by the Institute of Konakani, St Aloysius College (Autonomous) here on March 20. Dr Alwyn D’Sa, Registrar (designated) of the College spoke on National Education Policy -2020 and what possibilities regional languages have. In his speech he said, “National Education Policy (NEP) - 2020 emphasises on

education in mother tongue from Anganwadi to eighth standard. But if the NEP is implemented, there will be no textbooks in Konkani. In this regard, there is a challenge and opportunity for the Institute of Konkani and likeminded institutes to spearhead the preparation of all the required textbooks in the Konkani language from Anganwadi to eighth grade.” He also said that Konkani language classes should be conducted for professionals so that employees,

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nurses, and other professionals from other states can work and interact with Konkani institutions

Anne Rajan, assistant professor of computer science at Dempe College, Goa, spoke on natural language processing (NLP) said that NLP is nothing but teaching the computer to understand and manipulate human language. She spoke about the need for learning natural language processing for the development of Konkani language. She further enumerated on the progress made in this regard in Goa. “The modern world is fast-paced in technology and technology is changing fast. Language that does

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not record this development can gradually lose its oscillation. To use any language in modern technology, that language needs a sound resource,” she added.

sessions. Programme coordinator Joachim Pinto compered the programme. Miss Delvita Veigas proposed vote of thanks. Students from St Joseph's Engineering College, Vamanjur, St Aloysius College (Autonomous) and several Konkani authors were present for the seminar.

At the beginning of the programme, Director of the Institute of Konkani, Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ welcomed the gathering and chaired the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SAC hosted Aloysian Fest 2021

St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru hosted its annual cultural fest “Aloysian Fest 2021” on 23-3-2021 in the Mother Teresa

Peace Park of the College. The fest was inaugurated by Sri Prabhu Mundkur, Cine Actor and an

106 Veez Konkani

Alumnus of the College.

Addressing the gathering, Mundkur recalled his days at St Aloysius College in 2006 and said “St 107 Veez Konkani

of projects. Students need to pursue their dreams like him.”

Aloysius College taught me a lot. I made use of all the opportunities that came my way. I urge students to keep pushing your limits and take calculated risk. I will also shoot my upcoming movie ‘Murphy’ in this campus. I am co-directing the movie.” Fr Melwin Pinto, rector, St Aloysius Institutions said, “It is not easy to get into movies. Prabhu Mundkur took the risk and today he has a lot

Principal of St Aloysius College Dr Praveen Martis, cultural secretary Paloma Rodrigues, Richard Gonsalves, John Edward D’Silva and others were present. Several colleges affiliated to Mangalore University participated in this fest. Fest coordinator Dr Ishwara Bhat S welcomed the gathering, Student council president Gavin Abner Pinto proposed the vote of thanks. Royston Lasrado and Carissa Rego compered the event.


SAC holds One-day NSS Camp The NSS units and Centre for Social Concern of St Aloysius College

(Autonomous), organised one-day

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Mangalore Camp at

Dakshina Kannada Government Higher Primary School, Kinnikambla recently.

Mr Harsh Kumar, President, SDMC, Government School, Kinnikambla inaugurated the camp by planting the sapling. Mr Gopal, PET,

Government School, Kinnikambla


109 Veez Konkani




Assistant NSS Programme Officer, Gopika and Margaret Philomena Fernandez, Coordinators, Centre for Social Concern were present during the programme. During the Camp NSS Volunteers helped in cleaning the school garden and ground. 30 NSS volunteers took part in this program.

Pushpalatha S, Headmistress of the School, Mr Alwin DSouza & Ms Preema Tauro, NSS Program Officers, Carrel Sharel Pereira, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MODEL Bank Ltd. Mulund West Shifting NEWS

Model Bank Mulund West relocated Branch blessed-Inaugurated Mumbai, March.22: Model Co-op. Bank Ltd. Inaugurated and

blessed the new premises of their Mulund Branch on Monday, 22nd March 2021 at 10.30 a.m. The symbolic inaugural ribbon was cut by Mrs. Janet L.D'Souza (General Secretary of Mumbai Regional Congress Committee) in the presence of Rev. Fr. George

110 Veez Konkani

Athaide (Parish–Priest of St. Pius Church, Mulund), Mr. Albert W. D'Souza (Chairman of the Bank). This was followed by lighting of the Lamp by the dignitaries present and a blessing of the premises by Fr. George Athaide. The gathering was then addressed by the Chairman of the Bank, who thanked the customers of Mulund for their support. The new premises are strategically located at Shop No’s. 1, 2 & 3, Ground Floor, Kandoi Apartments, Nahur Road,

Mulund West, the Branch is well done up, spacious and has all the amenities required for making the customers comfortable. The Branch also has a 24x7 ATM cum Cash Recycler Machine adjacent to the Branch, this will allow the customers of the Bank as well as other customers round the clock access for cash related activities. The courteous staff of the Branch were present and were catering to the customers needs with their trademark professional, courteous and prompt service. The event was also attended by Mr. William Sequeira (ViceChairman), other Directors of the Bank which included Mr. Lawrence D'Souza, Mr. Paul Nazareth, Mr. Gerald Cardoza, Mr. Abraham Clement Lobo and Mr. Sanjay Shinde. The senior officials of the Bank Mr. Zenon D'Cruz (Officiating GM), Mr.

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Osden Fonseca and Mr. Naresh Thakur (AGM’s) along with Mrs. Rekha Chitale (Branch Manager, Mulund Branch) and Branch staff were part of the ceremony along with a few customers. Because of Covid related protocol the event

was held with a small gathering.

Lions club International honoured Corrine Rasquinha of White Doves, Mangaluru along with 6 others last week evening at the Neerude church grounds recognising the services of all. Well organized 13 clubs coming together for this mega event this evening.

Mumbai. She was the chief guest (the young girl standing behind me in the picture). What an honor to have a resident of Neerude a rank holder in the UPSC exam and now the Deputy Commissioner (GST) Mumbai. Though a high achiever her simplicity and friendly nature impressed me the most. God bless Madam Mishel Queenie D' Costa.

We congratulate Model Co-op. Bank on the new premises, and we wish the Bank and Mulund Branch, all the best.

-Rons Bantwal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was pleased to meet Mishel Queenie D’costa IRS the young Deputy Commissioner (GST)

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Thank you, Lions Club Muchur, Ln Ganesh Shetty Region Chairperson, President, and officials of conference committee for conferring on me the KARUNAMATHE Award at the Region meet "VATSALYA”. -Corrine Rasquinha -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Inauguration & Blessing of the Renovated Father Muller Auditorium

Mumbai (RBI), March,25: The inauguration and blessing of the Renovated Auditorium took place on 25.03.2021. Rev. Msgr.

Maxim Lawrence Noronha, Vicar General, Diocese of Mangalore & Vice President, Father Muller Charitable Institutions marked

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the inauguration of the revamped auditorium by ribbon cutting. MC Dr Reshel Noronha welcomed the dignitaries. To

invoke God's blessings, Ms Santa and team sang the prayer song. Rev. Msgr. Maxim Lawrence Noronha performed the blessing ceremony with a prayer service. Rev. Msgr. Maxim Lawrence

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Noronha, Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director, Father Muller Charitable Institutions & Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, FMHMC&H sprinkled holy water and blessed the premises. As a token of gratitude, the engineers, contractors, and designers were felicitated with a memento on this occasion. Later, Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho and Rev. Msgr. Maxim Lawrence Noronha gave their messages. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Reshel Noronha. The programme ended with the Institution Anthem. The primary purpose of this renovation is to facilitate a better academic environment for the students at the College. Academic events such as seminars, conferences, symposia, CMEs, CEAs, ceremonies, meetings, conventions, programs, functions, and other social gatherings can be conducted.

Facilities: fully Air conditioned, 750 seating capacity, 100+ parking spaces, green rooms, spacious stage, artistic Sound system, internet & Wifi connectivity, video surveillance, LCD projector, separate food serving area, power supply and backup etc., The auditorium will also be rented for conducting marriage celebrations, birthday parties, roce ceremonies, parties, functions, meetings, conferences, conventions, seminars, symposiums, CMEs, CEAs, and other gatherings. Hall will be rented on Weekdays/ Sundays/Holidays. -Rons Bantwal ------------------------------------------

115 Veez Konkani

Sherry Williams, CEO Prevent Blindness Blesses Bradly D’Souza with Vision

‘The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread’ said by Mother Teresa. This has been exemplified by Sherry Williams President and CEO, of Prevent Blindness when she bestowed love and most crucial “Vision” on Bradly D’Souza when he was a 13-yearold boy struggling with broken glasses and no medical insurance in the United States of America. Prevent Blindness, Ohio Affiliate representatives Sherry Williams and Bradly D’Souza joined Hriday Raval of BHARAT FM® Facebook and YouTube Channel on March 20th for an informative hour of discussion on the mission

and programs of the organization. Sherry serves as its President & CEO and Bradly is an organization ambassador and past member of the Board of Directors. Every 11 minutes, someone in the United States loses their eyesight. The leading causes of blindness and visual impairment in adults are glaucoma, diabetes related eye disease, cataract, and macular degeneration. In children, the leading causes are amblyopia and strabismus. 50% of vision loss is preventable! Bradly D’Souza at 19 years was appointed as the youngest ‘Board of Director’ for Prevent Blindness.

116 Veez Konkani

Children who do not see well, do not socialize well; spoke Sherry Williams. Prevent Blindness educates the public about the leading causes of eye disease and arms them with the information on how they can protect their vision. In adults, vision loss increases the chance of falling, increases incidents of depression, social isolation, and poor health, decreases independence, and increases the likelihood of a nursing home admission. Vision plays an important role in children’s physical, cognitive, and social development. Uncorrected vision problems can impair child development, interfere with learning, and even lead to permanent vision loss; thus, early detection and treatment are critical.

Sherry with deep sentiments reflected; I do have to say when Bradly was young, and we look at what kind of learning takes place through your gift of sight, eighty percent of what a child learns is through their gift of sight. To remove that barrier from the other barriers is such an easy wonderful thing to do, when there are so many other challenges that one is facing. I am so proud of what Bradly has done and the tiny little bit part we have played in it, I am humbled. This inspiring boy then, but a thriving man today said; “It’s not small but it’s very core to my everyday life. We take it for granted when we have it. The fact I wake up and can look at my phone or look at anything, was solved by me getting those glasses. Hriday Raval asked Bradly “We have read and heard of the Blockbuster Biopic film being made on your father Harold D’Souza being released in 2022.” Bradly said, ‘I am excited, my story is not possible without his story. As somebody who has

117 Veez Konkani

been slowly pushing in the encompassing. If all goes well, it background, to have him get to will be done with best intentions this point is exciting as to what and will not be done in a poor will develop and what will be manner. I am incredibly there. There are still parts of my supportive and excited for the Dad that I do not know, as it was final project. a very traumatic experience for him. From an awareness aspect For more information on Prevent of Eyes Open International the Blindness go to or story will be more ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SAC holds Aloysian Dance League 2021

The Aloysian Dance League 2021 - Level Up – was organized first time in the history of St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru. The first round took

place on 25th March 2021 at the Mother Teresa Peace Park. Mr Promod Alva was the Chief

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was the guest of honour. Dr Alwyn D’Sa, the Controller of Examinations presided over the programme. Ms Roicy Braggs and Ms Sahana, the Staff Coordinators, Rachael Noronha, Shivani Rao and Manohar Prabhu, the Student Coordinators were on the dais. Guest and inaugurated the programme. Mr Suhas Shetty

Six enthusiastic teams, namely Elysians, the Illuminators, Team Heat, 12K, Elite and Team

119 Veez Konkani

Inavaders performed after the formal programme. Best Dancer/Performer award for each team. Team Illuminators won the I Runners Up award and the Elysians won the Best Team Performance Award.

During the programme, students entertained the audience by performing two flash mobs. The programme was compered by Neola DSouza. Anjali proposed the vote of thanks.

The final round of the ADL 2021 will be held on 5th April 20201. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Karporettor vokil e.Si. Vinoiraz bispak melltta

vaul solddanak bispachea ghorchea doftorant bhetton axirvad ghelaglo. Hea sondorbhar mongllur dhorm' pranteacho sarvozonik somporkadhikari roi keasttelino, mongllur dhorm' pranteacho palon somiticho sando dokxinn kon'noddo kangres somiticho prodhan karyodorxi stteani alvaris hazor asle. --------------------------------------mongllur mohanogorpalikecho virodh paddticho mukhelichi zovabdari ghetl'lo mongllur kortt varddacho karporettor vokil e.Si. Vinoiraz sonvara march 27 ver mongllur diesejicho bisp dda| pittor

gleaddis rego - ek kanni 2015 isvechea soptembrant jio ograrachea ghorant ek konkonni kovigoxtti asa kel'li, ani tea kovigoxttik hamv mumboi thaun yemvcho dekun "hottelamni ramvchebodlak erporttathaun xida

120 Veez Konkani

amgher ye, tuka ramvchi vilevari kelea" oxem mitr jio agraran mhaka sangl'lem zal'lean hamv er porottathaun agrar vechea vatter sa|an'n axromant asl'lea gleaddis bayek bhett divun kovigoxttichi khobor tika dili. Ti mhonnali; "hamv yi yetam, mhakai apoun vhor".

(gleaddis rego, vol'li kvaddros ani mouris xantipuro) havem tika zap divun mhollem "tuji bholaiki bori na, nam tor tuka apoun vhorotom" oxem mhonnun hamv mhojem poinn mukarun gel'leporinch tichem ek mis-kol ailem. Tika pattim fon korotana tinnem sanglem; "zauyet tum, mhaka apoun vhorinastana soddn geloi, hamv yetim tor kitem tujea karachem bhaddem choddtemve?"

havem zap divun tika sanglem; "gleaddis bai, tuka nizaiki yeunko zai tor tuka haddomvchi toxench ramvchi vilevari korotam, tuji bholaiki bori na mholl'llea ekach karonnant tuka soddn ailom" oxem mhonnun tikai agrar haddoilo ani jio agraran tikai opleach ghora ravunk aukas koron dilo. Vilson kottil ani kuttom' soit jio ograrachea ghorach ravunk vilevari kel'li. Kovigoxtti bori zaun dusre disa koslengi bondh aslem zal'lean amkam mongllurak pauvonko jio agrar khud ailo. Vatter modhem modhem rosto blok aslo zal'lean mongllurak pavunk kaim donoddez voram laglim. Punn poilem gleaddis bayek sam|an'n axromak pauytoch ami poinn mukarun mongllur geleamv punn tika donoddez voram bosun bhouxa tichea penkttachi duk chodd zaun dusrech disa fa|mul'loros aspotrek bhoti kel'li khobor mell'lli. Uprant tichi bholaiki bhigddunch geli xivai ti bori zatoli mholl'llo bhorvoso aslo toryi ek na ek vighn tika konkonni thaun pois vorilaglem.

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Thoddea tempa uprant tichelagim fonar uloitana ti koleannpurantlea ozhonam' axromant asli. Tika bhett korunk gel'levellar tika ravunk ek kudd aslem ani tea kuddant soit zaite konkonni buk asle ani tednam ti vachtali toryi borounko kosttotali, toryi tinnem opli ek kovita poinnaricher chhap mhonnun mhaka dili ani ti hamvem poinnaricher porogottli.

ani tichi khobor konnakch natli. Hamv bomboi aslom zal'lean mongllurant aschea mhojea vhollkichea sobhar konkonni boroupeank gleaddis bayevixim vicharolem toryi thoddeank ti axromant asli mholl'llem soit kollit natlem ani tim mhakach soval korotalim "ti kedalla axromak gelea? kom-i? koxem?". Punn tichi khobor konnakch natli.

2017 isvent axavadi prokaxonachem ek karoyem asa, tea karoeant buk porogottnni toxench sadhokank porogott man asa mholl'llem aikun porot mhaka mhonnali; "mhaka apoun vhor". Mhaka tednam tika agrar apoun vel'lo uddas ailo dekun tika sanglem "tuka apoun vhorotam punn mongllurak nhoi, bogar koleannpurant hem karoyem cholounko preton korotam" oxem mhonnun bab vinsi pambur ani bab jeri nidd'ddoddi hanchea mozoten milagris kolejint hem karoyem ayojit kelem ani tichea khuxeprokar tika karoeak apoun vhelem toxench pattim vhorun pauylem.

Hamv eka sokallim bomboi thaun gõyam vochun dusre disa gõya thaun mongllurak yemvchye vatter kaim donparam tea koleannpurachea ozhonam' axromant gleaddis bayen aslelea kuddalagim paulom punn tem kudd bondh asun tea kuddak big ghal'lem dekun boglechea kuddachim mhaka polleun vhollkotalim zal'lean tanchelagim gleaddis bayecho vichar kelo. Tednam ekli praivont bail zap diun mhonnali "gleaddis bai atam hanga na, ti sam|anton axromant asa" ani tinnem dar damplem.

Thoddea tempant hamvem mumboi tika thaun somporok korotana tichim donyi nombram cholanatlim

Hamvem zait mhonnun bhair yeun kar chalu korotana ti praivont monis porot dar ughoddun bhair yeun ek nombor divun mhonnali; "polle,

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amkam ekyi khobor na, ho nombor tichea naticho, dekun tum tankam fon korun vichar" hamvem zait mhonnun gleaddis bayechea natik fon korun gleaddis bayecho vichar korotana tinnem mhaka soval kelem, "tum konn? kom-i thaun ailai? gleaddis bayek kiteak mellunk zai?" tika zap divun hamvem mhollem "hamv vol'li kvaddros, mumboi thaun ailam, mhaka gleaddis bayek mellun tika vachunk thodde konkonni buk diunko asle toxench tichea bholaikevixim somzunk aslem" tednam tinnem zap divun mhollem; "ti jeppuntlea sam| anton axromant asa punn hi khobor konnakyi kollomvchi naka" hamvem "zait" mhollem ani poinn mukharun mongllurak gelom. Bojzoddintlea ’mongollo jeoti’ (hangasor hamvem chodd korun ramvchem zal'lean) laginch asa dekun hamv poilo sam|anton axromak paulom. Thoim mell'llelea eklea dogamlagim vichar kelo punn konnaiki gleaddis regochi khoborch na. Uprant hamv tea axromacho

toullcho vhoddil bapalagim gelom ani mhoji vollok ani havem ayil'lo ud'dex sangun gleaddis regovixim vichar kelo. To mhonnalo "gleaddis rego hanga na" hamv ojeaplom ani soval kelem "ti kom-i asa mholl'llem tumkam kollit asave fador?" padreab zap divun "na" mhonnalo ani hamv kuddantlo bhair yeun tichea natik porot fon kelo ani vichar kelo. Tinnem zap divun mhollem "ami konnaiki sanganaye mhollam dekun padreaban toxem zap dili asyet, ti thoimch asa" mhonnali. Hamv porot sam|anton axromak gelom ani hye pauttim to padreab mhaka vhollkun vicharilaglo "tum vol'li kvaddros mu?" hamvem zap divun mhollem "vhoi fador" padreab mukharun mhonnalo "mhoji vollok zalie? hamv fa|mukti prokax, amchimai potracho sompadok zaun aslevellar tujeo sobhar kotha porogott keleat havem" aikun mhaka il'lem somodhan bhoglem ani havem porot mhojem

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tench rozar suru kelem; "fador, mhaka gleaddis rego bayek mellunk zai, hamv konnaiki tichevixim kitench sangunk vhochana, punn mhaka tika mellazoich mhonnun bomboi thaun ailam" padreab zap divun mhonnalo "gleaddis bayek hanga eka moineadim haddl'lem vhoi, punn thoddech hofteamni tika hanga thaun velam, dekun ti kom-i asa mholl'lli khobor mhaka na" havem porot soval kelem; "konne tika hanga haddlo ani konne tika apoun vhelam?" padreab zap divun mhonnalo "mhaka chodd vhollok na" hamv kuddantlo bhair yevun porot gleaddis bayechea natik fon korun padreaban sangl'lem tika sangun gleaddis bayecho vichar korotana ti zap divun mhonnali; "konn'nna, ti sam|anton axromant asli.." tem aikun eka vatten rag onyeka vatten ojeap bhogun vicharolem "ti tumchi svotachi aji va tumchea vaddeantlea konnachigi aji?,

tumkam khobor nastam ani konnak khobor aschi?" aikun tinnem fon bond kelo. Tednam voram kaim sadde panch zatit. Hamv bhovo bezarayen havem bojzoddint buk kel'lea kuddak paulom ani ’poinnari vattsap pongddant’ hea ghoddl'lea songtecho mottvo vivor postt kelo. Sanjer kaim att-novank mhojea mauxi bhoinnin mhaka fonar vichar kelo "tum gleaddis rego bayevixim sodhun asai?" ani havem zap divun "vhoi" mhollem. "gleaddis bai atam somexvorant asa, eklo brodor rohit sanktus mholl'llean cholomvchea ’poxvim' riheabilittexon’ axromant asa, tuka zai tor tacho nombor ditam, tum uloi" oxem mhonnun tinnem mhaka nombor dilo. Ani tokxonn hamvem fon kelo ani tachethaun hamvem eddres ghetlo ani dusrye disa vochun mellchevixim taka sanglem. Sokallim fantear kaim so voraxem brodorak ek mesez korun hamv sat voraxem axromak pautam mhonnun sondex dilo ani hamv sarokem satank tea axromak

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paulom. Punn konnem-i dar ugtem kelench na ani brodorak fon keleari tannem risivo kelona dekun hamv pattinch kuddak ailom. Kaim sadde dha voraxem brodoran mhaka fon kelo ani mhoji mesez atanch vachli mhonnalo ani mhaka yeun pattim vochunk poddlem dekun taka churochure asle. Hamvem ’vhodd na brodor, hamv porot yetam oxem mhonnun porot tea axromak paulom ani gleaddis bayek polleun ojeaplom, ti most bodlol'li, penkttacher dukichem beltt bhandun, oskot zal'li punn mhoji vollok dhorun uloili’. Hi songot fesbukacher postt kelo ani sobharamni tinnem ramvchea axromacho villas maglo ani tika tim axromak vochun bhettlim. Uprant mhojesovem echchem', ron roch kassia, omerika thaun ayil'lo asttin probhu soit tea axromak aile. 2020 isvechea zonerant tika mellun ayil'lom punn tye uprant koviddan ek voros amkam pois dourolo punn hye pauttim gleaddis bai choddit oskot zal'leporim disli. Vachunk zaina mhaka mhonnta. Vollok dhorta, punn soglleanchim namvam uddas yenant mhonnta.

Tichea sobhar xegunnam poikint hamvem parokil'le thodde promuk xegunn mhollear ti svabhimani ani az poroeant nisvarothi. Gleaddis bai bori aslevellar soit tinnem kednam-i mhaka tichem sahity porogott korunk magl'lem na, bogor horoyek pauttim sangtali; "mhojea dhuvecho ek buk porogott kor, tum konna konnachem porogott'tai" ani tika zap divun havem mholl'llem asa; "baye, poilem tum tem boroup mhaka pavit zamvcheporim polle, tye uprant bakichem magir uloveam, punn tem kedinch zal'lemna" havem sobhar pauttim tika vichar kel'lo asa "gleaddis bai, hamv tuzoch bhavo dekun tuka kitem-i goroz asa tor mhaka sangunk vo vicharunk dakxenaka." punn tinnem kednanch mhojelagim ek rupoi soit magl'lo na dekun hamvench tika vichar kelo "tuka kitem-i duddvachi goroz asa tor mhaka sang", ani tichi zap zaunasli; "naba, mhaka duddu kiteak?, mhaka khamvchi jemvchi sorov bondobost asa, tum toull toull bhett ditech ravo, titlench puro".

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2019 isvent ma|cheton lobocheo Ani amkam sontos, amchea vinchnnar konkonni kotha porogott minoten kaim chil'lor kumok korunk kel'levellar soit amcho xevott duddu sokleamv mholl'llo sontos. korocho nhoi, bogor konnai gorojeuntak adhar zata tor he sorov Konkonnint khub vaur kel'lea buk tea gorojepasot vhaprunk gleaddis bayek ami kedinch visrunk mhonnun ma|cheton lobon nhozo. Dekun mongllur thaun kaim sanglem dekun 2019 isvechea att-dha kilomittor pois aschea ul'lall novembrant ho buk mokllik korun chea poxchhim' riheabilittexonant poxchim' riheabilittexonachea aschea sobhar praivontam poikint ti brodor rohit sanktusak vedicher ekli. Tika bhett dili tor kaim tichea apoun taka ul'las pattoun he sorov tonddar il'leo haso udetit ani tichi buk tachye tabent dil'le. Axromak bholaiki bori zait mholl'lloch xevott. sobhar lok yeta dekun tankam diunko mhonnun te tannem vhel'le. -vol'li kvaddros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"amim amchea kolek protsah ani ut'tezon dizai" bisp

mongllurcho bisp dda| pittor paul solddanha heach march 27 ver mongllurchem kheat kola kendr zamvnaschea ddan bosko holachem durustikoronn haka axirvad dimvn somajek ulo dilaglo. "kole mukhantr amim devak lagim sortamv. Kola urounni, somskriti ani

amchi paromporea zamvnasa devachem kam'" mhollem tannem. Pattlea 75 vorsam thamvn ddan

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spordhe zamvn'nch asat. Mukhel soiro zamvnayil'lo roi keastelino mhonnalo ki, hangasor zal'lea prodorxonam mukhantr amim amchea somajek lagim haddttamv. Survatek konknni nattok sobhecho odhyokx fa| paul melvin ddisozan svagot kelo. Upadhyokx listton ddisoza survili utram uloilo. Jeral karyodorxi floidd ddimel'lon sorvank noman kelo. Reymondd ddikunhan karyem cholomvn vhelem. Ddol'la mongllur, elias fernanddis, direktor for vindds mas komyunikexon endd sorvisos, addolltea somiti sande ttrizha pintto, gleaddis pirera, ddan bosko hal sonchalok bonifas pintto, xalett pintto tosem itor kareak hazor aslim. ---------------------------------------

bosko hal kolek kumok korn'nch ailam. Hangasor nattok, bhorotonattyom, gainam tosem itor 129 Veez Konkani




songhacho odhyokx ar. El. Ddais moronn bharoti-i bhusenechea firongi vibhagacho tantrik sohaik (oronny

odhikari) zamvn mhalghoddo soinik zamvn nivrit't zal'lo to uddupi roilve yatri songhacho odhyokx ar. El. Ddais namvadd'dik luyis ddais (88) march 24 ver ratim thoddeach vellachea osvosthen monnipalchea keem'si aspotrent moronn paulo. Pattlea sumar don doxokam thamvn ddais uddupi roilve yatri songhacho odhyokx ani hud'dedar zamvn uddupi bhagacho roilve

sangatach noirity roilve, dokxinn roilve somoseank nirontorim apli kumok dimvn sombondhit odhikarink monoveo dhaddun vaur korun yoxosvi zoddl'lo dhir to. Uddupi roilve yatri songhachea netritvar songhottit zogoddn uddupi bhagamni sobhar roilve yozonam jeari korunk tannem mohotvacho patr ghetl'lo asa. Roilve sombondhit zogdde matr nhoim itor kxetramnim-i ddaisache samajikk kollkolle nirontor ason porkollo raxttri-i mukhy rosteanchea somoseanchem spondon, uddupint norm' bos dhamvnne pattlean tacho patr, atam cholaunner aschea indralli roilve sankhea kamant tannem kel'lem zogddem iteadi lokachea motint khochlam. Monnipal porkollo hangachea honiddel nivasi zal'lea tannem tachi potinn, chougam dhuvo ani ek put dhorun sobhar kuttmadarank soddun gela. Tachi nimanni vidhi aitara donfaram 2:30 thamvn monnipal kroistt chorchant sarvozonik bhettek dourl'li. Uprant 3:30 vorat ontim' somskar choloilo. Viz sorv tachea

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mogacheank apli xrid'danzoli orpita. ---------------------------------------




gonsalvis moronn

nivrit't mestri charls gonsalvis (87) poti devadhin an'ni taurocho, bapoi fa| dda| archibaldd gonsalvis (osiddi), dda| richardd/dda| itta, viliyom'/sima, vinita/heari, jeoti/viliyom', xanti/ melvin, azo anddria, onsitta, riona, hejhelin/ rakhex, hearison, kirti, spurti, xeron ani xan hancho march 26 ver moronn paulo. Tachi ontim' vidhi tachem ghor ’golddon charms’ artil, moddontear thamvn sekredd hartt igorz moddontear march 28 ver aitara sanjechea 3:30 vorar choloili


gelea hofteant kornattoko konknni sahity okaddemin manddun

haddl'lea sombhromachea nimannea disa, aitara march 21 ver

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karyem bharichch god'dallayen achorilem. Novea konknni pustokanchem-i ugtaunn chol'lem. Hea sombhromachi choddit vordhi konnench dhaddunk nasl'lean choddit vivor ghalunk ovkas lablo na.

vinchl'lea konknni vauraddeank man dilo. Don disanchem hem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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