Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 4 Scripts - Roman Script.

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llustrated Weekly

Illustrated Weekly

Volume: 4

No: 19


April 15, 2021

Raxttr proxosti vijet xikxok, mukeli, boroupi, karyim choloupi ani her xetamni sadhonancho sordar

Nakre George Castelino 1 Veez Konkani


Bharotant kovidd goddbodd survatilea

sorv raxttramni koviddak lagon lokak bigdun dourtana bharotant matsi soddillai soddli. Porinnam' lok zomeam zomamni zomalaglo, lognam, karyokromam choloilaglo, razoki-i mukheli ugtea suvatemni lokak zomoun pixeanchim bhaxonnam dilagle, igorzamni, divllamni loka zomo zomlo, ani hanchye poiki bharich thoddeamni matr tonddak mask ghalem, somajik ontor pall'llo. Hacho bhikor porinnam' zamvn atam horyeka rajeachea mukheleamni porot pattim vochaza poddlem, zome addvarle, igorje-divllamni kosoliy karyokromam addvarlim, lognamzomati zomo pancham pras choddit asonk nozo mhollem tosem ratik kotthinn korfyu ghali. Samajik zalli zageamni sorkarancho tomasochch zalo! ratik kitea korfyu ghalea? voiros ratik matr bhoran choddtta? osolim sobhar pott'ttu sovalam thoddo lok vicharun sorkarank kolailaglo. Zor pattlea disamni lokak soddill soddunk naslem, gorjecheo vostu soddn her dukhanank bondi ghal'li, igorje-divllank kosolim-i dharmik karyekromam manddun haddunk soddinaslem tor osoli poristhiti udet na. Hem sorv amchea sorkarachea gomonaki vochonk na ani tem amchea lokaki ruchonk na. Ekye vatten somsaradyont lok novem

veaksin gheunko aturayen astana, sobhar mendvant kidd kantomvche mukhar yemvn sorkarancher fottkiro oprodh manddttat, piddecher bodlam' ghalcho bhexttochch, veaksin ghemvchichch gorz na, sorkar lokak bhexttamvn sarkem porikxa korinasle veaksin lokak bhoran topunk polleta mhonn ugtean arabai ditat. Hem sorv hea mohamari kovidda thamvn progoti zoddunk kitench adhar dina, bogar lokak ghuspoddaita. Osoleamni aplem tondd bond korchem otyogoty zamvnasa. Nohim tor hem amcheachch lokak marekar zaunko pautelem. Bharotantlea panch rajeamni - moharaxttro, kornattoko, kerollo, chot'tisghodd ani ponzab hye piddek vistarl'lo lok vaddon'nch yeta matr nhoim, ho lok bharotant kovidd pidda lagl'lea 78.9% lokak sorisoman asa. Bharotant 12.5 milia pras odhik lokak kovidd laglam. Tosench edoll voreg 163,900 lok moronn paula (ho lok sorkari lekak dhorl'lo ani itor kitlo got adhar naslo lok moronn paula mholl'llem devochch zannam!) bharotacho zonosonkho lagim lagim 1.33 bil'lia asa mhonnttana hea sorv lokak kovidd injekxon dimvchem mhollear bhiknnam bhazun khel'lea titlem sulobh nhoim, hem ek vhoddlem ponthahvan bharot sorkaran fudd korunk asa.

-dda| asttin probhu, chikago 2 Veez Konkani

Raxttr proxosti vijet xikxok, mukeli, boroupi, karyim choloupi ani her xetamni sadhonancho sordar

Nakre George Castelino

Viz konkonnicha hea onkeant ut'tim' xikxok raxttr proxosti zoddnnar, toxench mukelponn, boropam, karyim cholounnim ani her xetamni pon'nas vorsamlagim vixex sadhon korn lokamogallai apnnayil'lea nokre zorz kastolinochi

vollok korn divonko mhaka vorto sontos bhogta. Nokre tosolea graminn prodexant zolmon, graminn prodexacha eka okotholik iskolant xikxok – mukel mestri zaun vavurn, bharot dexacha hontar ut'tim' xikxok proxosti apnnamvchi sadharnnayechi gozal noim.

3 Veez Konkani

Ovibhojit dokxinn kon'noddo jil'leant kotholik iskolamni vavur l'leank xikxok raxttr proxosti favo zal'li asa. Punn holl'llecha eka okotholik iskolant xikoyil'lea eka kotholikak hi proxosti favo zamvchem titlea sulabhayechi gozal noim. Kiteak iskol addollteacho sohokar nastana khoinchyai xikxokan sadhon keleari tem taka/tika ddel'li raxttropoti prodhani mhonnasor vorn pauyna. Axem polloitanamyi zorz kastolinochem sadhon bhovo unchle mhonnyeta. Gamvant ani porisorant ‘masttram'’ mhonn'nch vhollkoncha zorjichi ani mhoji (hea lekhokachi) vhollok sumar 1980 isve itleak arombh zal'li. (fuddem hea vollke lekhonant zorz va zorji mhonn'nch ul'lekh korotam). Hamv – ovibhojit mongllur diesejicha kotholik yuvo sonchalonant yuvok sompadok (1979), jeral karyodorxi (1980), odhyokx (1981-84) ani ‘amcho yuvok’ mohinealleacho sthapok sompadok (1983-86), uprant ovibhojit mongllur diesejicha goullik porixodecho karyodorxi (1986-91) zaunasl'lom. Zorz karkoll porisorant xikxonn,

yuvochottuvottiko, somaz seva, igorz matechi seva, boropam ani her vixoyamni mogn asl'lo. 1985vem voros vixvosomsthean ontaraxttri-i yuvozonnanchem voros mhonn pacharl'lem. Mongllur diesejint hea babtin zaitim karyim choll'lim. Raknno hopteallean yuvozonnancha vorosa babtin choug yuvomukeleanche obiprayo fais kel'le. Heapoikim zorjiyi eklo zaunasl'lo.

1992 zoner 1ver mudorongoddicha konseptta fernanddisasongim mhojem logn ghoddon yetana zorz ani hamv kuttmacha sombondhant lagim aileamv. Zorjichi potinn rina fernanddis konsepttachi vhoddlibhoinn. Vorsavar 1-2 pauttim tori konseptta ani hamvem amchea bhurogeamsovem nokre vechem, thoim ramvchem ani tanchem atithv ghemvchem amchea kuttmak posondechem

4 Veez Konkani

zaun gel'lem. (zaitim vorsam choll'li hi dostur ami vaurant chodd vyost asl'lean pallunk atam sady zaina). Axem challis vorosamvoili zorjichi vhollok aschea mhaka tacha sadhonamvixim ani tacha kuttmavixim viz vachpeank kollit korizai mholl'lli zaitea tempachi axa atam pontak pautana dadoskai bhogta. Zorjicho zolm', voddilam: 03-1018 devadhin: 24-05-2007) ani auy anjelin pintto. Lorens - anjelin zoddeak ott'ttuk dha zonnam bhurogim. So zonn chole ani chougam cholio. Bhurogeampoikim zorz panchvo ani choleampoikim chouto. Tacha namva sangata tacha gamvchem ‘nokre’ namvyi chiddkon ailam.

zorz kastolino karkoll taluk, kukkunduru gramacha nokrent 1 novembor 1949ver zolmalo. Tacho bapoi lorens kastolino (zonon: 05-

1998-nt firgoz zata mhonnasor nokre, karkoll – ot'turantlea sam loresacha firgojecho ek vaddo zaunasl'lo. Zorjicha bapoin lorens kastolinon nokre vaddeacho gurkar zaun 35 vorsanchi seva dil'li. Nokre firgoz sthapon zaunko vavurl'leam poikim lorens kastolino promuk vyokti. Panchvi poreantlem xikap asl'lo

5 Veez Konkani

lorens kastolino kukkundur ponchaitacho sando zaun 20 vorsam vavurl'lo. Barich zannvayecho monis to. Konknni potram - pustokam vachchi vorti urba taka asl'li. To mol diun potram - pustokam haddoitalo. Karkoll ani heregoddchea festam santemni ghetolo. Hich obhiruch tacha kuttmant protyek zaun zorjik ailea. Tanger atam-i konknni – kon'noddo potram - pustokam dharall mapan haddoitat. Auy: anjelin pintto kastolino – ghor samballnnar ani krixi sombondhit kamanchi zovabdari ti palltali. 1981vea vorosa piddeurvim ti devadhin zali. Zorjichem surovilem xikap: lorens – anjelin kastolino zoddean aplea bhurogeank mullavem xikop ani tantlea att zonnank dhavi poreantlem xikop dil'lem. Tea vellar kotholik bhurogeank kristi xikxonna khatir kotholik iskolank daddizai mhonn diesejichem niyom' asl'lean nokrecha kotholik bhurogeamni panch thaun att kilomittor poixilea ot'turak hofteant so dis iskolak, aitara misak pam-i vatten vochazai

asl'lem. Tea tempar vanno galchi rivaz toxem tankyi natl'lean khali pamyamni cholchich got. Gurkar zaunasl'lea lorens kastolinon aplea bhurogeank ot'tur sam loresacha iskolak daddlem. Zorjin aplea poilea klasi thaun satvi poreantlem xikap ot'turcha sointt lorens hoiyor proimori iskolant ani attvi thaun dhavea poreantlem xikap ot'turcha sointt lorens hoiskulant kelem. Attvent astana axiek gozal ghoddli ani bohuxa: ti zorjik xikxok zaunko preronnechi zali. Gonnit (methemettiks) vixoyantlea bizogonnito (aljibra)ntlo kollit zainat l'lo ek vixoi gonnit xikxokakodde vicharl'leak tea xikxokan vixoi somzailona. Xivai dhenknno galn bosoilem. Axem zorjik vixoyauyr asokt ubhon geli. Porinnam' zaun dhavecha gonnit vixoyant to feyl zalo. Tea vorsa ghorochea krixi kamant kumok korchasovem, url'lo gonnit vixoi xikon dhavechem xikap sompoilem. Apnnem xikpant pattim asl'leank somzonchabori xikounko zai mholl'llea hotthak poddl'lea zorjin xikxok torbheti xikop ghemvcho nirdhar kelo. Aplo nirdhar karyogot korchak

6 Veez Konkani

zorz tumkur pauta:

vachtalo. 2 zonouri devadhin zalo)


zorjichi dhavi zal'lea sondorbhar karkoll dokxinno kon'noddo jil'leak servon osl'lo. Boddgak xirur, tenkak tolopaddi, udentik sompaje tache goddi zaunasl'le. Hea sogllea dokxinn kon'noddo jil'leak mongllurant ek matr dadleank xikxok torbeti somstho osl'lo. Thoimsor vorsak challis videarthink matr torbeti ditole. Choddit mak kaddl'lea obhyorthink matr thoim torbetik aukas melltolo. Toxem zal'lean zorjin herekodde torbetik aukas sodizai poddlo. 1970vea vorsa tumkurcha xri sidhdolingexvoro residdensiyol ttroining kolez (sonivaso xikxok torbheti) somstheant aukas mell'llo. Sidhdogonga motthacho xrixrixri

ddo. Xivokumar svamiji (111 vorsamvoir jiel'lo ho somgoll okeri poreant kareall asl'lo. Vokl nastana

hacha asreakhal thoim sorv zatikatinche dublle videarthi poili klas thaun injiniyoring xikpa poreant xikop zoddtole. Zorji xiktana sumar char hozar videarthi asl'le. Hancha poikim zorz eklo matr kotholik videarthi zaunasl'lo. Videarthink vosti, khann ani xikop mottha lekar melltolem. (atancha maheti formanne videarthincho sonkho dha hozar zala). Tumkur sid'dhogongantlem zorjichem motthvasi jivit: aplea xikxok torbeti disamvixim zorji axem vivoraita. “don vorosanchi

7 Veez Konkani

xikxok torbeti. Keul choleank matr aukas asl'lo. Eeka vorosak 180 videarthi. Sorte prokar hofteant don dis sokallim saddechar voram thaun saddepanch voram poreant sofai (vottharachi nitollai). Don dis veayam'. So voram poreant. Uprant 7 voram poreant voiyoktik sodanchi nirmollai. 7 vorancher samuhik prarthon. 7.10 thaun 11.10 poreant xikpacheo klasi. 12 voram poreant nhann, umbllap. 12 thaun 1 poreant jevann. 1 thaun 2 poreant nomiarolelea iskolank xikomvchea torbhetek vecho vell. 2 thaun 4.30 poreant xikomvchi torbheti (ttiching prakttis). 4.30 thaun 5.30 poreant vimorosea vell. 5.30 thaun 6.00 – motthak pattim portoncho vell. 7.00 samuhik prarthon, prouchon, 7.0 thaun 8.00 jevann, 8.00 thaun 10.00 xikpa vell. Sonvara donparam uprant umbllap, xikpa vostu molak gheunko aukas. Aitora ani rojecha disamni xromodhan. Torbetecha audent jevann vibhaddlear jeunnacha karbharoeamlagim vicharonnek hazor zaunko astolem. Samuhik magnneak vo xromodhanak hajri khodd'ddayechi. Hankam chukoun kaddlear voste kudda thaun bhair

galchi ani jevann rod'd korchi xikxa melltoli. Xivoratri vellar pondra disancha zanvar zatrea vellar torbeti xikxokank vividh zovabdearoeo ditole. Axem xikpant ani jivitant samuhikponni sangata jiemvcheant kotthinn torbeti tumkurant mell'lli”. Asolea kotthinn torbetisovem zorjin 1982 marchant xikxok torbeti kors poilea vorgant ut'tirnn zaun sompoilo. Somudai vaurant (komyunitti living) ‘xlaghoni-i seva’ mholl'lli sorttifikett taka labl'li. Xikxok zaun zorz: 1972 zulai 14ver nokrecha xri mohalingexvoro onudanito hiriyo prathomik iskolant zorz xikxok sevek bhoroti zalo. Potthy ani potthyetor vixoyamni videarthink asokt yemvchea khatir khell pondeatt, samskritik karyokromam novean arombh kelim. 1973 febrerant iskolant poilo varxikotsou asa kelo. Bhurogeam thaun nattok, nach, adlea videarthim thaun nattok ani vivid karyim manddun haddlim. Axem iskol gamvchea obhivridhdechem kendr zamvcheak surovat keli. Iskolant potthyetor vixoyank choddit protsah divonko

8 Veez Konkani

horyeka vorosa bhurogeank bhaxonn, khell, dexbhokti gitam. Nach ani her vyoktitv vikoson zamvchea songtinkyi vixex guman dilem. Iskolant bisuyuttachi (midd dde mil - hun jeunn) veustha keli.

Hacho porinnam' zaun unchlea xikpant roeankam, rajy – raxttr mott'ttache khellgaddi, vividh xetamni sadhok nokre gamvant udeleat. Zorjin koresponddens korsa mukantr khasgen xikon 1979 isvent moisur vixvovidealoya thaun bi.E. Podvi apnnaili. Xikpa zagriti: 1975vea vorsa ‘voiskoro xikxonno yozone’ mukantr gamvant aschea oxikpi yuvozonnank ratim iskol asa korun vachchem, boromvchem titlem xikap dimvcho vaur kelo. Attra vorosa voilea 45 zonn asoktank pettromeaks diveacha ujvaddant sanjer 7 thaun 8 voram

poreant dha mohine xikoun doskot galunk ani bohutekank vachunk porinnitai zoddcheabori kelem. Rajy sorkaracha sompurnn sakxorota andolonacho vantto zaun 1989 –karkollo proyogo hantum xikxonn ilakhea torfen vaur kelo. 14 vorosam thaun 35 vorosam poreantle, xikop ordhear soddl'le ani oxikpi yuvok – yuvotink ‘zonousoti xikxonn kendra’ mukantr sanjechem xikop dimvcho svoimseuk, somponmul vyokti zaun seva dilea. 1990-91vea vorosa dokxinn kon'noddo jil'la sompurnn sakxorota andolonant, porot svoim seuk ani taluk somponmull vyokti zaunasl'lo. Axem dokxinn kon'noddo jil'leak sompurnn sakxorota jil'lo mhonn pacharl'lea vaurant seva dilea. Uprantlea tin vorosamni ‘munduvorido xikxonno kendro’-nk prerokank nemok korn tea mukantr novean xikap xikl'leank (nousakxororu) duddva urounni, bholaiki ani nitollai sambhallchi, pitisponn virodhi zagriti, omal piounne ani dhumvrapan virodhi zagriti, striyanchi hokkam, bhurogeanche xikap asolea vixoyamni karyokromam asa korun,

9 Veez Konkani

zagriti dimvchi zovabdari yoxosvi thoran choloun veli. Songhseva:



sthapok karyodorxi zaunasl'lo. Hea monddollan yuvok – yuvotink yuvozono mellant tanchi talentam prodorxit korunk aukas korn dilo. Nokre firgojent seva:

visavea xotomanacha okeri poreantlea vorsamni nokre gamvant mullavea gorjencho obhavo asl'lo. Nokre mukantr paxar zamvchea rosteak matr ddamar asl'li. Gunddyoddkant sanko natl'lean konnozar, poll'lli, uddupik xida vochonk sadhy natl'lem. Nokrent hoiskul natl'lean ot'tur, karkoll, boilurantlea iskolank bhurogeamni cholon'nch vochazai asl'lem. 1983vea vorosa choll'lea vidhan sobha chunavant vinchon yemvchea lokacha protinidhink zagomvchea khatir gamvchea mohan monxamni nokre hitorokxonna somiti ghoddli. Zorjik hacho sonchalok nemlo. Hacha mukantr lokacha sohokaran razokaronnimni lokacha gorzam thoim guman dixem korchant zorz yoxosvi zalo. Chunava uprantlea eka vorsa bhitor nokrentleo choddit gorzo purnn zaleo. Zorz 1974vea vorsa sthapon kel'lea nokre yuvoko monddollacho

nokre firgojecha yuvok songhant sando ani hud'dedar, firgoz soloha somiti, firgoz goullik monddolli sando, vaddeacho gurkar, firgoz goullik monddolli upadhyokx, firgoz potracho sompadok zaun seva dilea. Varaddo goullik monddolli karyodorxi to zaunasl'lo. Mongllur / uddupi diesejint seva:

zorjin ovibhojit mongllur diesejicha goullik porixodecho sando zaun seva dilea. Kotholik sobhechem firgoz ghottok sthapon ani tacho hud'dedar, varaddo kotholik sobhecho sthapok odhyokx, mongllur prodex kotholik sobhecho upadhyokx zaun vavurola.

10 Veez Konkani

Mongllur / uddupi diesejicha gurkarank torbeti, karkoll varaddontlea dhaveacha bhurogeank jiun jeoti xibiramni torbeti, yuvozonnank ani asoktank karyonirvaho nnachi torbeti – karyim tanne choloun veleant. Karkoll festa vellar sarvozonik mahet (poblik enounsmentt) dimvchi seva pattlea ponchvis vorsam (1996) thaun nirontor diun asa. Uddupi dieseji hontar zorjichi seva atam-i chalu asa (vivor fuddem “nivrit'te uprant seva’ hantum dila). Karyem nirvahok:

rochla. Fitisponnam virodh zagriti:

zorjin sumar so hozaramvornim choddit samajik kareamni karyem nirvahok zaun dormarth seva dilea. Karyokrom' nirvahokank adhar zaixem konknnent poilem pustok boroyil'li kirt zorjik favo zata. Hachem “karyem - sobhann” mholl'llem pustok mongllurcha mongollo jeoti kendran porgottlam. Sat pauttim prokaxit zal'lea (sat auriteo) hea pustokacheo attra hozar proteo vikro zaun dakhlo

zorjin aplea povaddo rohosyo boilu karyokromam mukantr lokak protyek zaun videarthink ani yuvozonnank mahet dilea. Pathomik ani hoiskulamni, kolejincha eneses xibiramni, xikxokancha masik zomatemni ani herekodde asolim sumar 300 karyokromam choloileant. Somponmull vyokti:

11 Veez Konkani

eneses videarthink, vividh yuvozonnancha songhottonank porinnam'kari mukelponnavixim torbeti ani xikxok – rokxok zomantemni vivid nomuneanchi mahet dilea. Uddupi jil'la xikxonn somponmul kendracho (enjio) to

somponmull vyokti zaunasl'lo. Dhormosthollo gaminno obhivridhdi yozonecha modyourzono (omal nirakoronn) xibiramni, gurkarancha, xikxokancha sohomilonamni, vividh vixoyamni

12 Veez Konkani

somponmull vyokti zaun zorjin vaur dila.

moddogaskoravixim provas kothon, kounam ani sompadokak potram pais zaleant. To nokre firgojechem varxik potr ‘nokrechem neketr’ sompadok zaunasl'lo. Mongllurocha kovita ttrosttan cholomvchem varxik achoronn panchvem ‘kovita fest’ 9 zonouri 2011ver zorz – rinachem ghor ‘nisorgo’ – kolanzoli kompounddant choll'lem.

Sahity, nattok ani film' xetant vaur: konknni – kon'noddo potram vachchim, prokaxit pustokam molak ghevun vachchi souy zorjik aplea bapoi thaun'nch ailea. Kon'noddo potramni somskriti – achoronnenchavixim, dharmik xetamvixim, songhsomstheamvixim porichoi lekhonam tanne boroileant. Zorjicho provas onbhog “yuropinol'li muru varogollu’ karkollchem kon'noddo hofteallem ‘zonobimbo’-cher 15 kontamni fais zal'lem. Konknni nemalleamni bhurogeancheo kotha, udyomamvixim boropam,

Bhurogeam khatir don tullu ekank nattok – ‘mami – mormol’ ani ‘pott'tto putt'ttonn'nno’ boroun prodorxit keleat. Sumar 35 tullu nattokamni notton kelam. ‘povaddo puruxo ot'turu sonto larensoru’-

13 Veez Konkani

jivitache onbhog. Heasovem akax vannicha ‘chintono’ karyokromant so vixoi prostut keleat. Tin chanelamni pitisponna virodh zagriti somvad karyokromamni bhag ghetla. Zorjichim pustokam:

ddokyumenttori, ‘bhovo’ kon'noddo pinturamni gourou nott zaun obhinoi kelam. Akaxvanni karyokromam: xikpa sombondhit sumar tisam voir zorjichim bhaxonnam mongllur akaxvannint prosar zaleant. Hantlim promuk him zaunasat: sakxorota chollvollent lokacho patr, adhunik kallar sakxorotechi auxyokota, somaz bodlaunna khatir xikap, raxttri-i bhavoikyota – aichi gorz, vixvo kuttam' monobhavo ubzonchi gorz, rojent videarthimni cholouyet tosoleo chottuvottiko, vrit'ti

1. “karyem - sobhann” (porgottnnar: mongllur mongollo jeoti kendr, mongllur 2. Vividh potramni porgott zal'lim konknni lekhonam, vividh sondorbhamni prosar zal'lim xikpa

14 Veez Konkani

3. ‘karkollo ot'turino sonto larensoro punnyo kxetro – charitriko mot'tu adheatmiko notto’ mholl'llem sam loresacha pun xetavixim kon'noddo maheti pustok 2014 zoneracha festa vellar pun xeta thaun porgott zalam. Konknni mai bhaxechamni kon'noddant boroyil'lea pustokak dimvchi “fransis danti sahityo proxosti – 2014” hea pustokak labhlea. Xikxok vrit'ti sevent sadhon: zorz kastolino panchtis (35) vorsam tin mohine xikxok zaun vavurola. Tachi hi seva ekach iskolak tem-i okotholik addollteacha xri mohalingexvoro onudanito hiriyo prathomiko xale, nokre haka labhlea. 31 okttobor 2007ver to nivrit zalo.

sombondhi bhaxonnam, provas onbhog aschem “eka xikoupeacha likhnne thaun” lekhonam punzo attapchem konknni pustok kornattoko konknni sahity okaddemi thaun porgott kelam.

Zorjin aplea xikxok vrit'tent sorkara thaun sobar proxosteo apnnaileat. Tea poikim he promuk: 2000 isvent soptembor 5ver – uddupi jil'la ut'tomo xikxoko proxosti (uddupint hi prodan kel'li tednam kornattoko vidhan porixotacho sando zaunasl'lea ddo. Vi es. Acharyo hanne)

15 Veez Konkani

2004 soptembor 5ver – kornattoko rajyo ut'tomo xikxoko proxosti (bengllurant hi prodan kel'li tednancho kornattoko rajy mukel montri dhorom' sing hanne). 2007 soptembor 5ver bharot sorkara thaun ‘xikxok raxttr proxosti

– 2006’ (novea ddel'lint hi prodan kel'li tednanchi raxttrpoti xrimoti

16 Veez Konkani

tea xivai ovibhojit dokxinn kon'noddo jil'la sahiteasoktoro okkutto ‘sangotyo’ hancha thaun ‘xikxonno yogi proxosti’ pavo zalea. Man - sonman: zorjik sarvozonik seva songhsomsthe, xikxonn somsthe ani obhimanim thaun 300vornim choddit sonman lableat. (xikxok raxttr proxosti zoddl'lea sondorbhar moria eddvottaisoros torfen ami 16 sopttembor 2007ver poddubidricha pol'lovi sobhangonnant xirvam sointt meris podve purv kolejicho nivrit pranxupal albon roddrigos hacha odhyokxotekhal porgott sonman kel'lo - lekhok). protibha pattil hinne)

Nivrit'te uprant seva:

hea sondorbhim prodhan montri ddo. Monomohon sing hachasovem chhayecha zomatent bhag gheupacho ani hat halounni (xek heandd) ani sangata fottocho aukas

zorjin 2014 thaun 2018 poreant kornattoko sorkaracha ‘krixchiyon obhivrid'di rajy somiti’ sando zaun seva dilea. 2014 thaun raxttri-i kongres paddt hacha karkollo blokacho jeral karyodorxi, ketholik ezukexonol sosaitti af uddupi ddoyosis hacha addolltea monddollecho sando ani uddupi diesejicha goullik monddollecho sando, kon'noddo sahityo porixot,

17 Veez Konkani

karkoll ghottokacho karyokari somiti sando, karkoll sahityo songhacho sando, karkollcha bi. Monzunatho poi smarok sorkari bi.Bi.Em. Kolez- hacha kolez obhivridhdi somitent xikxonn togone sando, nokrecha sorkari hoiskulacha obhivrid'di somitent togone sando zaunasa. Karkoll ot'turantlea sam loresacha varxik festant sumar ponchvis vorsam thaun porgottnnechi seva tanne dilea. Videxank bhetto:

2008 epril 16 thaun me 8 - frans, ittoli, vettikon, holendd, zormoni 2011 me 18 thaun me 27 - singapur, asttrelia 2018 okttobor 21 thaun novembor 1 – zorddan, isrel, pealestin, ijiptt zorz kastolino porichoi (sonkxipt):

2004 epril 27 thaun me 14 – moddogaskor ani morixiyos


bapui: lorens kastolino ani auy: anjelin pintto kastolino. (hea lekhonacha surver dogamycho tosviresovem vivor dila).

18 Veez Konkani

Bhavo: 5 zonn (choug devadhin

fernanddisachi dhuv) hichalagim 16 me 1980ver zal'lem.

zaleat). Eklo bhavo yazok zaunasa bap baltazar kastolino – to atam french mixonori zaunasa. Pearisantlea hea somstheacho rekttor zaun vavurota. Bhoinnim: chougam zonnam. Hanchapoikim dogam bethoni mellachim dhorm' bhoinnim zaunasat. Bhoinn seurin ani bhoinn agnes meri - xikxoki zaunasl'lim him dogam-i seva nivrit zaleant. Anyekli xikxoki bhoinn lina pintto (bendur) atam nivrit zalea. Nimanni bhoinn zuliana ddisoza bhurogeamsongim nokrent vosti korn asa.

Zorjichem kastolino firgojecha


rina fernanddis (mudorongoddi kristin ani raimondd

Rina kastolino nokrecha xri mohalingexvoro onudanito hiriyo prathomik iskolant xikxoki zaun 5 sopttembor 2014ver nivrit zalea. Kazara adim ti kemunddel iskolant 3 vorsam xikxoki zaunasl'li (ott'ttuk tichi 38 vorsanchi xikxoki seva). Nivrite uprant rina ttichor kukkundur ponchaitacho sando zaun 2015 isvent poilea pauttim jikon ayil'li. 2020 isvent dusrea audek otyodhik choddit bohumotan vinchon ailea. Aplea ghora soireank sudarsunchant tichi hasti seva ani tantum ti dadoxi. Dekun'nch zauyet zorji – rinager soirim chukl'lim nant. Zorji – rina zoddeak tegam

19 Veez Konkani

injiniyor zaunasa. Ronzonachi potinn – renitta ttel'lis mullan ojekar firgojechi. Biessi (norsing) xikap zoddl'li renitta bengllurantlea ramoiyo hospittlant vaur korn asl'li. Tanchem ball lianak samballcha khatir sevek viram' dila.

bhurogim. (dog put, ekli dhuv). Malghoddo put – roxon jejvit mellacho yazok. Nyukliyor fisiksant snatokot'tor podvedar to bengllur cha sointt zosef ddigri kolejint pradeapok ani sointt zosef iuning pi.Yu. Kolejint vois prinsipal zaun tanne seva dilea. Prostut beljiamant piech. Ddi. Xikap choloita. Dusro put ronzon ottomobail xetant em. Es. Xikap zoddn prostut bengllurantlea zormon mullacha kar utpadok kompenint ddisoin

Zorz – rinachi dhuv (bhurogeampoikim nimanni) xomon. Boyokemisttrint snatokot'tor xikl'li ti kornattoko sorkaracha oronny ilakheant

20 Veez Konkani

mhonntana tanche kuttom' mhonnyeta.

‘upouloi oronneadhikari’ zaun moddikerint vavurota. Sorkaracha spodhatmok porikxe mukantr hea hud'deak tichi vinchounn zal'li. Osolea hud'dear aschea bhovo thoddea kotholikam poikim ti ekli. Bojpecha injiniyor viviyon paisalagim tichem logn zalam. Xikxokanche kuttom': xikxok zorjicha kuttmant tachi potinn, tegi bhoinnim, ekli voni ani eklea putan (ott'ttuk sat zonnamni) xikxok vrit'ti samball'llea


Aplea xikxok vrit'tesovem mukelponn, boropam, karyim cholounnim, igorz matechi seva ani her xetamni toxench gamvchea boroeaponna khatir vavurn lokamogallai apnnayil'lea zorz kastolino tosolo anyeklo amchea somajent zhollkana. Zorji masttramak sorv borem axetam. Nokre zoz kastolinocho villas: Mr. Nakre George Castelino, ‘Nisarga’, Kalanjali Compound, Nakre Post, Karkala Tuluk, Karnataka – 576117 sompork: mobail nombor: +91 9449331223 (WhatsApp)

-ech. Ar. Allvo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

21 Veez Konkani

Sovo odhyai: getti bhitor (In The

thoim thaun chol'li. Eka vorni chodd

Gate )

kuddam thoimsor asul'lim. Ek kudd randpacha kudda borim dislem.

omi tacho pattlavo kelo ani eka

Anyek kudd vhodd oson nidchem

kuddak pauleamv. Tem kudd fatrak











Thoimsor kamboll

asul'leo. Liok omi eka khottleacher

22 Veez Konkani




kaddlo. Mhakai kaddonk sanglem.




poddtalim mhonn.

Tednam tankam amcha angar zal'le ghai disle.

Kosolim sopnnam mhonn ugddasak yenatleari,


Titlear kampinn vajli. Seuk hun udak


haddn aile. Amkam tannim borench

pauttim hamv hea sopnnam thaun



zago zatalom,bohuxea kosolengi

kosolengi mulam' amcha ghayank

khann pottak pautana zaizoi. Mosk


ujvaddant ani mond zal'lea mhojea





reuddaili. Kosolengi okat bhorsun


ek piun toyar kelem.Ordhem mhaka

amkanch polletalo mhon hamnv










votlem. Mhaka piel'lench ekach

"hechch te dadle" to apnnak ch





bhoglem.Tokli amal zali. Uprant



"dubhavo ch na,hechch te dadle".

kitench ugddas urlo na. Titlear kuddant avaz zalo. Striyacho Zag zatana ami mostu piddest

tallo ani dhornir silkacha vosturant

osamv mhonn amkam tillsilem.


Punn kosoli pidda mhonn sanglem na. Mostu rogat gelam ani kudd purasonnen thorthorlea ani eka









Hamvem amkam

xiramni ghai zaleat mhonn matr


sanglem. Amkam toull toull mot

kosoleagi ujea bori pett'tale. Tichem

chuktali,tap yetalo, toklent pinturam

nhesann polleun ti poinn korun


mhaka 23 Veez Konkani




pattim ailea mhon hamvem' andaz




puspusli."oh! khoim ani kedalla?" mhaka






mhatarealagim Tannem



yeun Uprant





na.Somzounko bharich koxttalom tori







namvachi ti kuddant ch ason liochi



matr zoton ghetali , mogan ani

khottlea khuxin bott dakhoilem. Ti



nidhan liocha khottlea dixim chol'li.

mhakai polletali.


Tinnem tacha tokler ghal'lem vostur ukol'lem.Kitengi


Portun mhaka zag zatana, kitlea

mhatarea dixim ghumvon kitem

vella uprant hamv sangonk sokana.

hem mholl'lle bori polleunko lagli.

Ratim kudd chandneacha ujvaddant

Punn to yedoll ch kudd soddn gel'lo.

prokax moi zalem.Sogllo chandno



mollbar ujvaddtalo. Tachim kirnnam

toklelagim bosli. Hamv nidlastolom

zonelantlean bhitor rigon liocha

mhonn tinnem chintlem zaunko

khottlear poddtalim. Lokxonnachi ti



liocha toklelagim ubhi asul'li. Lio

pollelagli. Mostu sukxm' thoran ti

kitengi nident uloilo inglixant ani

polletana liochem rupnnem ticha

orbhi bhaxent. Ti utsahit zali. Utton

dolleani dislem.Mostu vell polletoch

hollu mhozalagim yeun pollelagli.

ti utton tiur ritin pasayo marunk

Hamvem nidlelea bori kelem. Ti

lagli. Tiche hat thodde pauttim


penkttacher ani thodde pauttim

Mhakai utsah ani osokt. Khalunachi

toklecher astale. Ti kitengi ugddasak

khania namvachi hi stri konn? ami

haddunk proiton korche bori mhaka

sodchi strigi? kiteak nhozo? ayexa


tor mhaka kollit zaizoi. Tinnem









pasayo marleo. Portun lio sorxim 24 Veez Konkani

geli. Lion gunngumvchem rauylem.

poddle. Liok zag zali. Tannem hatan


kesank puslem ani inglixant uloilo.




hordeacho avaz matr aikatalo. Ti nidhan uloili, grik ani exiachi bhas

"hamv khoim asam?

doni bhorsun. Sokkodd mhaka

ugddas asa"

oh! mhaka

tanche dolle ekameka kuddsale. arth





Portun lio uloilo. Hea pauttim grik

somzalem. Ani hamv il'lem bhielom.




"tunch ti stri,mhaka udkant thaun

puspusli. "kedalla ailoi tum/ konn

vanchayil'li.Sang, tunch ti ranni-

tum? kiteak hesian tuka mhaka

hamv rakon aschi, sodhun aschi.

opsilo?" uprant mhaka somzalem

Kitlem sodlem tuka?"



na. "tum nide. Tuje dolle ugte dourun nide. Zap di.Tuza ani mhoza

"mhaka kollit na" ti momvabori

modlo sombondh kosolo? hamv

ruchik tallean uloili. " punn sot.

tujea vixeant kiteak sopnnelim?

Hamv ch ranni-khania ranni"






"sang rannye.Tuka mhozo ugddas

asa?" moun.Bagval'lea ticha tokle thaun thodde




(mukhlo onko vach)


25 Veez Konkani

26. Veaksinachi mohimam edoll mhonnasor ek chch pod as l'lem mhoza ordhea angleachem.... "ontor samball" , " mask ghal" "khonkli kaddinaka, bhair khainaka, ghorach jevo, hun udak pie, bossar vochanaka, roil soddinaka, vimanar gelear pondra dis kvaronttoin...." tichem varte mugdatana ttomi don pauttim pam-i ukoln yeun tin pauttim ghumvon nidon ghoretalo kedallai . Az tti. Vi cher ayil'li vixes khobar ttomilagim sangtana maka il'li urba aili - votta khatir fottkirem bhaxonn aikal'le porim.

"tuka got'tunangi...? portun atam sogllean korona suru zalam khoim..."

"ttomi, poilem korona pidda mhonn bhyem asl'lem. Ghora thaun bhair yeunko soddnatle... Atam veaksin ailam nem?"

"tum fotti mhartai!" ttomi nitt zalo.

"koronachi gozal toxi... Hanga veaksin vicharinant mhonn amcho bholaike dakter bob marta" " kaim mol konn'nna..."

chodd dourlam

"na... Bi. Pi. El hanka punkeak khoim... E. Pi. El hankam dha rupoi khoim"

" na... Sot... Sorkarachem veaksin atam vorldd rekordd zaije khoim.

26 Veez Konkani

Tantuyi amchem rajy dexant fostt zaije khoim..!" "korona piddent gi?" "proivettant oddexim khoim"

"az kal sokkodd ek na tor ek vixoyak lobdal'le astat. Tankam kitem zai tem dije... Ditana veaksin bhorsun dije" atam maka bhari khuxi zali. Hamvem mhollem "soro ani udka bhaxen"

"khonchak?" "eka ddosak!" hamvem mittio marunk suru kelem. Hamv vichar koream mhonntana ardhem anglem gunngunnonk laglem. " 45 vorsam voileank kodd'ddayen dije mhonnta sorkar... Punn hangam lok hungana khoim... Dhormaki naka mhonntat khoim!"

"tujea mhatear votije" anglem purpurli.


"ravo baye.. Sarkem hamv sangtam... Olle baye... Amkam porbunk kitem zai?" "dukramas" "korektt"

"sorkari mhal nem!" ttomin foddn ghalem. "dakhlo zaije... Namv yeje... Bholaike dakter roisaje.." ti atam urbhest zali. "mgojelagim ek oiddia asa.." ttomi big bas zalo. "sang polleyam"

"thoddeank kori sukko tornatteank ois krim', pani puri parkant osleank, bengllurant mosale dosa, pavo bhaji, thoddeank hadd mas, thoddeank reddeamas,..." "ttomi tondd dhamp!" "uloi ttomi, aikata tuji dhonin. Atam veaksin koxem dimvchem?"

"veaksin diunko atam boro upai osa. Veri iji..."

"xi... Tuka got'ta asa mhonn chintlem. Tem bhorsun dimvchem.

27 Veez Konkani

Bhari solis..."

"veaksin baye... Veaksin..."

maka vonkare aile. Hamv dhamvtana anglem choddpoddlem ani mhonnalem " haka nointtik bhorsun dije!"

"tem taka dia.. Taka az faleam rittairdd zamvchi pirai"

titlear bhair kinnkulleancho ovaz. Bhair tilln polletam tor dogam amger yemvche porim. Hamvem lovo chukari marli. Ttomik tanchi vhollok asli. Koronachea vellar ghora ghora bhett dil'lim axa karyokortam.


Mukar ardhem anglem svagot kortana , ttomin tumrbhent vhazoilo. " tumkam challis ani panch vorsam zalingi?" tannim vichartana ardhem anglem ang hivllaun mhonnalem. " na haba, maka khonchi pirai? mhoji onli alibaba chi pirai"


" vhoigi... Tor tuka kazar zatana pirai kitli?" "kaim tumche titli zait" mhonntana ttomi remver kuskuson hason hason loll'llo. Axen ayil'lim axa karyokortam pap pattim gelim. Tannim penkadd haloun vhechem pollemvchem bhag mhojem zalem. Ek veaksin daklea thaun bhair urlem. Bholaike dakterak gin'nes rekordd korunk zalench na. Atam ttomi novi oiddia sodte asa. "veaksinachi mohimam" ---------------------------------------

"alibaba? konn to?" "to.. Alibaba ani challis chor" "ho... Togi... Tor tumkam orzontt na." "kitem tem arzontt?"

28 Veez Konkani

Onkeachem vixes lekhon

"mondir mogachem... Kosllatagi?!" (adlea onkea thaun mundorsilam)

kuttmachem voros zavun achoronn korunk papa fransisan dil'lo ulo sokalik. Kuttmavixim amim zannamv tori amim moni asamv, zovabdari dilea punn ti amim khand marinamv. Margodorxon dije punn kitengi dhambun dhorle bhaxen pattim pattim kortamv. Mondir mogachem mhonn bobatt'tamv zaleari amim moga porisorant jienamv tem rup rup dista. Ghorant amim ekvottit, sangati, ekamekachim. Punn chintop vegllench asta. Chintpa tekid sohokar ya protsah mellanatlear sodhun ghora bhair vochaje

poddta. Hanga thaun vichar bodlatat, margodorxon chukta, ekvottak kuradd poddta, kitengi amkam chukon veta. Kuttmant amchem jivit udka voilean vechea donnieporim. Niyontronn chuklear donn buddta. Opai bhandun dourli bhuti. Ghorant vosti korchim songim jietana, gourovasongim hondvon jieje. Lhan bhurgea thaun kazarache praye poreant kuttma sandeank soman monache zaun vagomvchim aichi gorz. Kazarak toyarai kortana tankam kuttam' bhandun haddchem misamv amche sadea jinniedvarim dakoun dije. Amim koxem omchea bhurgeank vagoilam toxench kazari jivitant amchim bhurgim mundorun vhortat. Borem xikap aichi gorz. Songim kazari jivitache somosye fudd korunk khorem margodorxon gorjechem. Vellak mohotv, nhesann, jevann, chal, ulonnem purayi az lekak yeta. Borem utar, borem noddtem sorvank dekichem zata.

29 Veez Konkani

Ghovo ani bail ekachch vahonanchim rodam. Sangata mukhar soronk tim preronn zatat. Tankam puddar bhandunk vatt zaije. Addkoll asonk nozo. Vatt chuktana sarkem korchem margodorxon ani tea prokar puddem sorlear bhageunt zaunko koxtt nant.

Kuttmant bhurgim devachem dennem. Tankam atmik ani mogan vaddomvcheant amchem zoit asa. Ghoramni loddai, virarai, padd dek bhurgim gomon ditat. Toxem korunk proitn kortat. Axem vhoddam sobar pauttim solvotat. Bhurgeam khatir thoddo vell zogoun doura. Moboil ya tti. Vi. Vaporuchant huxargai asom. Bhurgeanchem xikap tankam puddarant zoit dita. Punn lekaurto dobavo bhurgeancher asonk nozo. Nazuk tanchim mot thodde pauttim naka mhonn nirnnoi korit tor

puddarak koxtt asat. Bhurgeank pulaborim samballa. Hogllik diun tankam bhuloya. Uloya _ songim tanchem songim vichar vinimoi kora. Ghorant magnneak vell nigodit kora. Nidonk toxem nidentlem zagounko vell zopasann kora. Boremponn bhovixy folitanx ditelem. Bhurgeank bhovixeavixim axa otreg zogoun doura. Somsarant namvadd'dik vyokti lokamogall zal'li kanni bhurgeank ugddasant urta. Proitnak chintop aitem asta. Ek vantto preronn jik apnnaunko karonn zata. Bhurgeank bore sangati, borem vatauronn, borem utar puro... Ontrollachim neketram vinchunk... Kuttmant koxtt, sonkoxtt chukanant. Vhoddilam thaun mahet gheya. Lhanank songim bhorxia. Dhoiran pudd kora. Sokalik dhoronn ani tirp tumchea zoitak mull karonn zatelem. Ekameka sohokar, dhrodd ponn kosleayi somosseank vatt dakoita. Osolim chealenz ya risk gheunko amim toyar asaje.

30 Veez Konkani

Az amim amchem matr polletamv. Heranchem amkam poddon vhochonk na. Ekameka moga moipasachi seva dilear tacho sontos vornnunk osadhy. Seve spirit boglen asom. Niz bhageunt zateleak solis vatt ti. Polleteleak dek ti. Kuttmant malghoddim aslear kanttallo kaddchi kalet asa. Hi kalet asonk nozo. Tankam man dije. Tanchem besamv ani tancho adlo vaur vatt dakomvcho moila fator zatolo. Adli somskroti zogoveam , lokamayethaun chalter aschim riti rivaji pattlean zaitem attapun asa tem amim nennamv. Novemsamva tekid bodlaunn puddarant marekar zait. Jinnim adorx asom, magnneant bhoktiponn disom. Bhageunt aminch. Sezar az naka zalam. Porgamvim monis ixtt zaleat. Ghoramnim kitem zata tem kuttmak zamv sezara zamv kollit asana. Punn videxant osleleak pauta. Hanga ekamekachim tonddam pollenant.. Punn tondd(Face) bukacher loik pas zatat. Nirbhagi jinnem amchem. Plettam ani khasgi ghoramnim moddim kuson geleari khobar asana.

Kuttmachi vhollok zamv kuttmachi bhett korunk vell tori khoim asa?. Kuttmachi sarki vhollok asana. Hangam hatant duddu aslo saukar. Ghorantlim pura noukor zal'leporim dista. Poilem vhoddlem fest ekvottak saks zatalem. Atam fest kheast korta. Sombhondh vaddounko kuttmachi bhett gorjechi. Bhageuntponnak solis vatt.

Ghorant razoki-i gorz na. Razoki-i samajik gorzank upeog kora. Somajek kitem gorz asa tedalla razoki-i vapora. Ghora bhitorlem razoki-i kuttam' desvatt korta. Gorjeuntank pamvchem doyall mon asondi. Tachea gorjek margodorxon dia. Tachi vatt taka. Taka tum kumok kor. Chodd korunk vexi tor tukayi to faido zodd l'lo monis mhonn namv padd korunk asa. Samajik zagroti korije. Zaije. Mukeleamni nid soddije. Somajechea loka songim bhorson

31 Veez Konkani

tanchi porigot somzon gheje. Tedalla somaz ani somudai boro zata. Mondirak pattimbo mellta. Ghor zamv sokddank tharo zoitacho. Ghora thaun mellom pattimbo mukhelponnacho. Dolle dhampun nidrest zamvche dis geleat. Sodam toyar asche dis udeleat. Ekvottit somaz aichi gorz. Somaz ani somajechea vyoktink onyai zatana zhojchi gorz asa. Tedalla mondirachem tholl halana. Bhageuntponnak ponthahvan dit konn'nna.

asaje. Tedalla somaz ubhi zata. Gudd'ddailear nirnam' zamvki asa. Tedalla mondiram pokoll zatelim. Bhageuntponn fokot vontta jiber khelltelim. Ghor zolmayil'lem, vagoyil'lem, jieunko xikoyil'lem.... Tench chintop somajek arso zait tor amchim mondiram sodam bhageunt zatit. Toxench zamv. (sobar mullam thaun vinchun toyar kel'lem lekon.

Somajent novemsamvanchi hozar Vixoi ani mull: papachem rupam asat tori dublle te dubllech poripotr - "amoris letissia.) urleat. Xikap, bholaiki, khann , ani -sompadok. tharo hacher sarvozonik meterponn -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

231 vi mhoinealli manchi `tujevinnem’ sador zali. Mandd sobhann prayojit mhoinealli manchi xinkllentlem 231 vem karyem zaun norbortt pirera ani pongdda thaun tujevinnem songit sanz 4.4.21 ver paskanchye sanjer kolangonnant sador zali.

Surver manchiechye rivaji pormannem mandd sobhann obhimani ani chodd sonkhean mhoinealli manchi kareamni bhag ghetlolo dakhlo ascho do. Pi. En. Vegos ani tachi potinn zois bai vegos hanni ghantt marun kareak

32 Veez Konkani

cholaunn dilem. Vedir mandd sobhann hud'dedar erik ojher, luvi 33 Veez Konkani

pintto, kixor fernanddis, elron roddrigos ani sunil montero hazor asul'le.

Uprant mhalgoddo gaupi norbortt

34 Veez Konkani

tor, e.Je. Aspotrecho dakter ddo. Bi.Vi. Monzunathan ek pod mhollem.

pireran utram likhun, tallean sozoyil'lea gitanchi tujevinnem songit sanz sador zali. Tachesovem neansi pirera, oivi ddisozo, robin sikvera, lixa ddisilva, anson minezos hannim tallo dilo. Vixes akorxonn zaun erik-zois ojherion ek git gailem

Ji-mezor pongddachem songit osul'lem. Ki bordd - meaklin ddisozo, gittar - alisttor ddisozo, bajh - floidd, ttrompett - dipok xon, ddroms - axvin sikvera, ekosttik xelddon pirera hannim sangat dilo. Ddeans sttars sttuddio, addear hannim nach sador kele tor, roxon krastan karyem samball'llem.

King Fish Masala / Bangda (Mackerel) Masala : Ingredients: 1) 6 slices king fish / Mackerel medium size

2) 5 kashmiri/byadgi chillies (preferably kashmiri chillies for

35 Veez Konkani

12) coriander leaves for garnishing (optional) 13) 3 tbsp oil to fry

lovely red colour) 3) 3 medium onions, finely chopped 4) 1 inch ginger 5) 5-6 cloves medium size garlic 6) 2 tbsp red chilli powder 7) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 8) small piece of tamarind (1 tsp tamarind pulp) 9) 1 tbsp lemon juice 10) 2 sprig curry leaves 11) salt as per taste

Method: - Wash King fish pieces nicely and keep aside to drain water completely - Mix chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and lemon juice and rub to the fish pieces and marinate for one hour - In a small mixer jar, make a fine paste of kashmiri chillies or byadgi chillies, ginger, garlic, tamarind pulp and salt by adding some water - take fry pan and heat 1 tbsp oil and fry marinated fish for a while both sides (not fully fry) - In a wide kadai, heat 2 tbsp oil - Once oil is hot, fry onions till translucent - Add curry leaves and fry for 2 mins - Reduce the flame to low and add masala paste and stir well - Add 1/2 cup water, mix well and fry for 5 mins on low flame until raw smell goes and you get a good aroma of the masala - Spread the masala in the kadai evenly and keep the marinated fish on the masala. Add some masala on top of the fish as well, cover the

36 Veez Konkani

kadai and cook one side of fish for 5 mins on low flame. - Turn the fish to the other side

serving plate Garnish with (optional)


gently and cook again for 5 mins. - Switch off flame and transfer to

Kanne telant soddn bhajche 4-5 vhoddle kanne eka bolant 1 ttebl spun mirsange pitto, chimtti hollod, mitt ani il'lo xirko ghaln kanne tantum bhorsun 1/2 ghonttobhor dour. 37 Veez Konkani


Uprant eka bannelant tel tapoun borem hun zatoch kanne roveant

lolloun telant soddn bhazun kadd. ---------------------------------------------

xeri maslli miria pittean bhajchi 4 xeri maslleo soglleochch xiro korn dour.





Anyeka aidanant 2-3 ttebl spun miria pitto, mitt, 3-4 limbeancho ros ghaln masllek sarou 2-4 ghontte dour. Uprant kailir tel ghaln


mobail.... - ponchu, bonttvall. Epril mohineant mhoza cheddva bhurgeak hoiskulak bhorti kortana hedd sisttorin sokkodd vhoddilank ordho ghontto sermamv sang l'lo. " mobail atanchea somsarachi novi pidda. Mobail bhurgeanchea hatak mellanatle porim polleya. Mobail dilear bhurgim xikanant... Tim mobailacher khelltat. Ani inttor nett 38 Veez Konkani

aslear bhurgim naka zal'lem ddoun lodd korun padd zatat. Chotrai kora..." mhonn hedd sisttorichem ghonngonnit bhaxonn. Don mohine bhorti paxar zaunko nant. Porot hedd sisttorichem nottis -"faleam sokallim dha vhorar sokkodd vhoddilank mitting Chukanastana yeje" porot novench mitting... "vhoddilhamno, polleya novi pidda vistarat asa mhonnon sorkaran amkam iskol bondh dourunk sanglam. Faleam thaun bhurgeamni iskolak yeunko na. Amim tumkam an loinir xikap xikoitamv. Tumim tumchea bhurgeank ek mobail kanngheun dia. Patth kortamv, porikxa kortamv. Pura an loinir. Amim sangta poreant bhurgim ghorach xikondi..." mitting zalem. Bailen novea mobailak arddor kelem. Atam bhurgim huxar zalim. Mobail sogllo dis hatant. Kitem vicharleari ek ch zap "ravo, .. Hamv ddoun lodd korte asam, ho... Hoi op lodd korunk nett na..." maka vichitr dislem.

Virarayechem misamv suru zal'lem. Ot'tam mitting... Ot'tam moboil, an loin na , nett ghal, voi. Foi. Ghal, bobatt ch bobatt. Ponam ani mesez sodam-i..."az fis bhand, porikxek bosaje tor sokkodd poixe bhand, il'le fisant unnem kora mhonn odd'dos maglear "na.. Zaina... Samball diunko poixe nant, bil'lam bhandunk asat," mhonnon tokli khorpitat. Hennem kirkiri - bailechi, tennem mobailachi. Moboil charz kor, tennem richarz kor... Kal beattri ddoun, az pour kott... Sodam-i tokli virarai. Nidechi gulli kanngheveam mhollear nidecheo gullioyi dinant. Kal mhojem cheddum bhurgem sokallim utton roddtalem. Hamv vichari "kitem zalem puta?" "botton gela" tem oniki chodd roddonk laglem. Hamvem bailek apoilem ani mhollem "tacho botton gela khoim. Suvi ani sut haddn taka ek botton xirkaun di"

39 Veez Konkani

"ho ek kitem khoim? botton vosturacho nhoi ya... Tachea moboilacho"... Mhonntana hamvi boroddonk aito zal'lom. Kal ch iskolache fis bhandun ayil'lom matr. "rexonacho tandull naka" mhonn angddi thaun ukddo tandull haddeam mhonn ek hozar rupoi uroyil'le . Te nott sodhun sasponk laglom. Dha vorank vochon moboilak botton ghaltana, bottonan eka nottak vatt dakoun zal'li. Rexon angddik vhetana "ekleak tin kilo matr" mhonntana bolsantle chil'lor matr mgojelagim uloitale. Hamvem chintlem aichem pura kam' mugdalem mhonn. Ghorchim mettam choddtana bail mukar yeun hollu mhoza kanant puspusli... "mhoza hatant foramos ghoddli nem..." "kitem zalem?" "arso puttlo nem ma" "faleam Orsonem?"


"oz ch sanjer zai..." ti amsorli.


"tuka kitem kazarak vhochonk asaye? dantonnint kes ugoi puro. Atam tum kaim oixvoreaporim byutti kvin nhoi polle..." "to arso nhoi ya.." "magir?" "mobailacho" mhonntana mhoje hat pai kamponk lagle. Tori hamvem makach samball'llem. Mobail mhoza hatak pautana, hamvem mobail pollelem. Polletana mhojem tondd vidrup zaun pon'nas sonddam pollel'lo onbhog zalo. Mobailachea arseant hamv bhurso distalom. Arso bhesam zal'lo. Hamv porot chil'lor poixe mezun pattim riperichea angddi paulo thoim mhozo ixtt novem mobail kannghetalo. Tachem pornem mobail polletam tor tachem ani mhojem mobail ek sarkem aslem. Hamvem tokli khorpun vichartana tannem tachem pornem mobail maka dilem. Tachea mobailacho arso sarko aslo. Riper vhalean ixttachea mobailacho arso mhoza mobailak xirkaun dilo. Chil'lor poixe

40 Veez Konkani

diun bhair sortana mhozo ixtt mhonnalo "olle, atam bhurgeanchea hatak mobail mell'llam. Amim vhoddilhamni toull toull tanchim mobailam chek korije... Atanchi bhurgim veggim chukon poddtat. Mobailachea zallak xirkalear magir bhari koxtt zaunko asat." mhonntana maka vhoi mhonn dislem. Dusre dis sokallim mhojem cheddum nident thaun uttche poilench tachem mobail hamvem chek korunk suru kel'lem. Mobail "lok" aslem tem bailen "an" korn dilem. Ekek ch chek kortana, somadan bhoglem. Notts soma asa, porikxek toyar korunk dil'lim peporam sarki zap, gorjecho notts vhodd okxoramni sett kel'li rit manvali. "potto" grupant potto polletana ozap dislem maka. Gulobachea pulant dhuven auychi potto sobhoyil'li. Suryokanti pulant mhoji ani mhoza bailechi kazarachi potto sufor distali. Mundorun vetana mhoza toklek boitaddan mar l'le porim bhoglem. Champea pulant mhojem dhuv sobhtalem punn pulanchea pakllent sobhit't, sundor

choleacheo dha- bara potto polletana hamv xermelom. "zali mhoji got" chintlem hamvem. "itlea lhan prayer cheddum chorbelam... Sarkem hoiskul xikon zaunko na... Atanch boi frendd gi?" hamv uttauttim dhuvek zagounko gelom. Mhoji bobatt aikon randchea kuddant asli bail dhamvon aili. "kitem zalem?... Kitem zalem?" "ravo sangtam... Xikoitam bud..." mhonnon dhuven pangurli vol voddn zagoilem. Tem dolle ghoxttun "kitem poppa?" mhonn vichartana maka rag toklek choddlo. " poppa beppo mhonn chintlemye tuvem? sang go maka... Ho konn go? konnachea mogar poddlam-i tum?" titlear bail mhoji hasonk lagli. Dhuv kitengi choddpoddtalem.


"bogoll go" mhonntana cheddum soukasayen mhonnalem...

41 Veez Konkani

"teo pura potto mhoza mogacheo... Hamv tacho mostu mog kortam... Toyi maka mogan polleta... Tacheo potto teo..." mhonntana hamv hat ubarn mukar gelom marunk... Bailen maka addailem. " kitengo... Kitem suru zalam tuka mogacho rog?" titlear bail mhoji mhonnali..." tea pottochi vhollok nhaye tuka? tujeoch potto teo. Tuza bhavan,mhonnje tachea bappun, lhanponnacheo sorv fotto ekttam-i korn tachea mobailak dhaddleat. Faleam tuzo zolma dis nem... Tedalla

tujea mobailak dhaddunk, tuji ddi. Pi. Ghalunk, sttettosacher tuji vivingodd potto sobhounko tannem champea fulant tujeo potto sett keleat..." mhonntana hamv mhozo ujvo hat khodd'ddea mhatear bhomvddayit't bailelagim hollu vicharlem "hamv lhan astana itlo sobhit't os l'longi...?" dogam-i hastana hamvi zoran haslom... Mhojem dantanchem sett fott'tt korn bhair ailench...

_ ponchu bonttvall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ddol'la nhainastana...?

ddol'la : dakteraba, dakteraba... Gudd morning. Charli : (ang himvllaun) morning, ye ye bos!

(dakterachea ddispensorint ddol'la ang khorpun khorpun yeta)

ddol'la: mhoji vhollok nangi tuka?

42 Veez Konkani



charli: kitle zonn pexontt yetat ya hanga... Konnacho mhonn ugddas dourcho?

Ddol'la: vhoi... zal'lem?



charli: tuka nyumonia zal'lem...? ddol'la: hamv nondiguddeacho ddol'lane....?

ddol'la: vhoi... Tuvem nhainaka mholl'llem-i...?


charli: nondiguddeacho ddol'la...? ddol'la: vhoi tin mohineam adim hamv tujesorxim voktak ayil'lom... Vollok mellonk na...

charli: hamvem tuka nhainaka mholl'lle (uddas yeta) ham... Ham... Vhoi vhoi... Atam uddas ailo. Atam kitem zalem?

Charli: tin mohineam poilem mhoje ddol'la: atam hamvem nhauyete...? sorxin voktak?! na na maka tuji vollok mellonk namu. charli: ham...!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

43 Veez Konkani

Mam'ma… Mam'ma koxem tuka vornnum hamv mellana mhaka kitench namv godd mhomv tujim utram dolleamni tujea dekhtam neketram kuttmak bhoron vomtasor mog bhurgeam khatir tujea sopnnancho teag mam'ma tujem rupnnem dekhtana mhoji khont bezarai visorta koxttant hamv sampoddtana kalliz tujem dukhan bhorta mhaka mogan tumve araun dhortana sorg tujea payam mullant dekhtam hai hai mam'ma koxem vornnum hamv tuka sobdam bhonddar khali poddla guntunk utram ritem poddlam -osunta ddisoza, bozal 44 Veez Konkani

Soikol hadd -ayonsi paloddka

mam-i mhaka soikol hadd angddi thavun sodam mhaka puro zata cholun yevun. Sezarachem nim'mige mam-i

soikol haddta kinnikinni kampinn vazoun amkam naddta. Zoni soit iskolak

soikol haddta soikol soddun sorokos korun gomon voddta. Pokri xila udkant soikol vegan soddta

ang bijlear bauddem mun'ni zoran roddta. 45 Veez Konkani

Jivo ani jivontponn sukon gel'lea vhallant futtli ek zhor ani vhallunk laglem udok

jivan bhorolo vhall sukon gel'lea voddtant poddlo udka ximvor bavun gel'lea zhoddak bhorolo jivo dulob fulun aile gulob pakotte natlea suknnean laili dixtt sorgak pakotte natle attevitte

dekle rochnnaran ani dile taka pakotte porot ublem suknnem suttkek tallo natli kogull apnna bhitor korgotali zaina mhonnun gaunko devan dilo tallo 46 Veez Konkani

gaunko lagli kogull ked bhorun purovun vecha tolleant chiroddun gel'lem sallok ked kaddlea hatank

mell'lli tachi vollok porot ful'lem sallok ani horek jivik mog dil'lea sadea bhollea xelliek

mosran marolo khurosar ani ghalo eka fonddant nixttur zali tachichch bhumi punn fondda xilla lottun moronnak solvun apleach sokten bhair ailo mhozo somi sogllea somsarak diun aplem rogot ani mas hochch mhozo somi kedim moronn natlo

xaxvit mhozo xvas mhozo jivo ani jivontponn -sivi, lorett'tto 47 Veez Konkani

Remembering a Noble Doctor and Nun. -Sr Mariette BS Bethany Generalate, Mangalore

The visible reveals the power of the invisible and the seen proclaims the grace of the unseen. The quiet and noiseless life of Rev Sr. Dr. Lelian Sequeira, BS speaks of the goodness of her Creator. She had realized that in her journey on earth was not just to God, but also from God, with God and into the bosom of God.Therefore, she took delight in sitting at His feet in silence and contemplation to drink in whatever

he offered. She found joy to behold him in stillness and from there emanated radiance which brightened her face. Her serene countenance as a consecrated religious and as a medical doctor was the fruit of her contemplative gaze of the Divine. The secret of her healing hands, soothing heart, calm countenance and comforting voice for more than six decades as a

48 Veez Konkani

distress. Providentially, her maiden name and that of the hospital blended so well.

medical doctor was none other than the Divine Healer. My acquaintances with her have been personal for she had shared with me her personal story, She came across to others as an epitome of goodness, gentleness, compassion and serenity. There was firmness and power in her presence. There was strength within to face challenges of any sort and nothing deterred her spirit, knowing well that the Divine Physician would handle them. She trusted in the maternal care of the Blessed Mother too, which was visible in the way she prayed to her in times of crisis and

To everyone, Sr Lelian came across as a quiet and silent, humble and unassuming person. Simplicity, hidden charity, fidelity to duty, contentment amidst minimum comforts, joyful living, sense of detachment and loyalty to Bethany were some of her outstanding virtues. There was no show of any sort; neither praise nor disgrace affected her in any way. Everyone could approach her freely to share their woes or confide their deep feelings. She also trusted her Major Superiors and confided in them her struggles, agonies and spiritual journey marked by the cross and suffering. It was only after sharing in his paschal mystery that the Master called her to enter into eternal life.

49 Veez Konkani

I should say that poor had a special place in her heart and loving them was her second nature. She experienced neither fatigue nor exhaustion to meet them. Treating them with tender care and touching them with Christ-like compassion was her special trademark. She walked the extra mile to offer them good treatment from the amount received as donation from family, friends or benefactors, but always with the permission of the local Superior or Provincial Superior, depending on the amount received. The education of the poor students too was her concern; in this regard,

she spent from her personal allowance and I know this fact as she shared with me as her Provincial Superior. Goodness and kindness never dies! Its fragrance spreads and continues to linger. So was Dr Sr Lelian. She will not to die but live because of her goodness and kindness, compassion and benevolence, generosity and bounty. (Rev Sr. Dr. Lelian Sequeira, BS Passed away from our midst on 'APRIL, 25, 2020'. She is Fondly Remembered)

Mother Teresa Gets Saliva from Shop Keeper There is an interesting story related to Mother Teresa. She was once living in a small house in Kolkata along with some orphans. One day it so happened that there was nothing for the children to eat. Mother Teresa did not know what to do. Mother Teresa called all the children and said, “Come children today we have nothing to eat in the house. But if we pray to God he will surely

give.” After ten minutes of prayer,

50 Veez Konkani

Mother Teresa said to the children “Come, now let us go and beg." So, they all went to beg.

The shop keeper was shocked at the humility of Mother Teresa asked pardon from Mother Teresa. Then on he began to help regularly to the orphan children!

Goa! A few said that people are poor because they are lazy!!! One or two had philosophical reasons to justify why they are not ready to help. The vast majority are really open-minded persons with generous heart. To all these, my responses were 1) Jesus served all. He told his disciples, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” (gospel of Mark 16:15). 2) Christianity is a religion of inclusivism and not limited to God and oneself. It is a triangle of God, others and oneself. For Christians love of God and love of others are the two sides of the same coin. 3) The trade mark of Christianity is LOVE with its many dimensions including charity. 4) I carry on the mission of my master Jesus, to the best of my ability following his teaching.

I had different types of experiences while serving the mission of 3L (least, last, lost) students and their needy families since 1974. A few wanted to know why people of other faiths are helped. Some were of the opinion that only Catholics must be helped. Others wanted to help only those who are natives of

My experience shows that though the most of the recipients are born Hindus, help comes from only three members of the Hindu community, the rest are all from the Catholic community. Interestingly these three Hindus are enlightened persons and different from people of their own faith!!! Catholics are the

In the neighbourhood of Mother Teresa, there was one shop keeper who hated Mother Teresa. Mother went to him and said “Please, give something to eat.” The person looked at Mother Teresa with anger and spit saliva on Mother Teresa's hand. Mother gently wiped the saliva to her sari and said, “Thank you for what you have given for me. Will you give something for my children?”

51 Veez Konkani

generous contributors, especially season of Christmas and Lent. women. The poorer are the most generous souls. They contribute May Risen Christ bless all the from their basic needs. The majority partners of 3L mission and may who come forward to help the increase their tribe. mission of 3L are middle class or retired Catholics. Though Catholics -Pratap Naik, sj are generous throughout the year, 30.03.2021 they do extra charity during the -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Easter Sunday: A Sunday of hope and joy Jesus’ Resurrection occurred much earlier.

The origin of name: Easter, Latin Pascha, Greek Pascha, principal festival of the Christian church, which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion on Friday. The earliest recorded observance of an Easter celebration comes from the 2nd century, though the commemoration of


This year Easter is celebrated on Sunday, April 4, 2021. The English word Easter, which parallels the German word Ostern, is of uncertain origin. There is now widespread consensus that the word derives from the Christian designation of Easter week as in albis, a Latin phrase that was understood as the plural of alba (“dawn”) and became eostarum in Old High German, the precursor of the modern German and English term. The Latin and Greek Pascha (“Passover”) provides the root for Páscoa, the Portuguese word for

52 Veez Konkani

Easter, from which the Konknni word Pask or Paskh is derived. The date of Easter and its Controversies: Fixing the date on which the Resurrection of Jesus was to be observed and celebrated triggered a major controversy among the early Christians in which an Eastern and a Western position can be distinguished. The dispute, known as the Paschal controversies, was not definitively resolved until the 8th century. In Asia Minor, Christians observed the day of the Crucifixion on the same day that Jews celebrated the Passover offering—that is, on the 14th day of the first full moon of spring, 14th Nisan. The Resurrection, then, was observed two days later, on 16th Nisan, regardless of the day of the week. In the West the Resurrection of Jesus was celebrated on the first day of the week, Sunday, when Jesus had risen from the dead. Consequently, Easter was always celebrated on the first Sunday after the 14th day of the month of Nisan. Increasingly, the churches opted for

the Sunday celebration, and the Quartodeciman (“14th day” proponents) remained a minority. The council of Nicaea in 325 decreed that Easter should be observed on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox (March 21). Easter, therefore, can fall on any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Eastern Churches use a slightly different calculation based on the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar (which is 13 days ahead of the former), with the result that the Orthodox Easter celebration for them usually occurs later than that celebrated by Protestants and Catholics. In the 20th century several attempts were made to arrive at a fixed date for Easter, with the Sunday following the second Saturday in April specifically proposed. While this proposal and others had many supporters, none came to fruition. Renewed interest in a fixed date arose in the early 21st century,

53 Veez Konkani

resulting from discussions involving the leaders of Eastern Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Coptic, Anglican, and Roman Catholic Churches, but formal agreement on such a date remained elusive. Theological aspect: The resurrection of Jesus, which Easter celebrates, is one of the chief tenets of the Christian faith. The resurrection established Jesus as the Son of God and is cited as proof that God will righteously judge the world. For those who trust in Jesus's death and resurrection, "death is swallowed up in victory." Any person who chooses to follow Jesus receives "a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead". Through faith in the working of God those who follow Jesus are spiritually resurrected with him so that they may walk in a new way of life and receive eternal salvation, being physically resurrected to dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven. Easter is linked to Passover and the Exodus of Israel from Egypt

recorded in the Old Testament through the Last supper, sufferings, and crucifixion of Jesus that preceded the resurrection. According to the three synoptic gospels, Jesus gave the Passover meal a new meaning, as in the upper room during the Last Supper he prepared himself and his disciples for his death. He identified the bread and cup of wine as his body, soon to be sacrificed, and his blood, soon to be shed. Paul states, "Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed"; this refers to the Passover requirement to have no yeast in the house and to the allegory of Jesus as the Paschal lamb. Easter observances: In the Christian calendar, Easter follows Lent, the period of 40 days (not counting Sundays) before Easter, which traditionally is observed by acts of penance and fasting. Easter is immediately preceded by Holy Week, which includes Maundy Thursday, the

54 Veez Konkani

commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples; Good Friday, the day of his Crucifixion; and Holy Saturday, the transition between Crucifixion and Resurrection. Liturgically, Easter comes after the Great Vigil, which was originally observed sometime between sunset on Easter Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday. Later it would be celebrated in Western churches on Saturday evening, then on Saturday afternoon, and finally on Sunday morning. In 1955 the Roman Catholic Church set the time for the vigil at 10 PM, which allowed for the Easter mass to be celebrated after midnight. In the Orthodox traditions the vigil continues to be an important liturgical event, while in Protestant churches it is little known. In the 4th century the Easter vigil was well established in various liturgical expressions. It was characterized by a spirit of joyful anticipation of the Resurrection and—because of the belief that Jesus’ Second Coming would occur on Easter—the return of Jesus. In

the Roman Catholic tradition, the Easter vigil has four parts: 1. the celebration of lights focused on the Paschal candle; 2. the service of the liturgy of the word which consists of readings from the Old Testament and New Testament; 3. the administration of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation to adult converts; 4. and the Easter Mass. The use of the Paschal candle, to denote the appearance of light out of darkness through the Resurrection, was first recorded in the year 384; by the 10th century it had gained general usage. The prominence of baptism at Easter goes back to early Christianity, probably the 4th century, when baptism was administered only once a year, at Easter. In the Roman Catholic service, the priest blesses the water to be used in the forthcoming year for baptism, with the faithful taking some of that holy water with them to receive protection from vicissitudes. Lutheran and Anglican churches use variations of this vigil service. All Christian traditions have their own special liturgical emphases for

55 Veez Konkani

Easter. The Easter sunrise service, for example, is a distinctive Protestant observance in North America. The practice may derive from the Gospel narrative of Jesus’ Resurrection, which states that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb “while it was still dark” (John 20:1) or as dawn was breaking (Matthew 28:1 and Luke 24:1). It is a service of jubilation that takes place as the sun rises to dispel the darkness. Easter traditions: Easter, like Christmas, has accumulated a great many traditions, some of which have little to do with the Christian celebration of the Resurrection but derive from folk customs. The custom of the Easter lamb appropriates both the appellation used for Jesus in Scripture (“behold the lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world,” John 1:29) and the lamb’s role as a sacrificial animal in ancient Israel. In antiquity Christians placed lamb meat under the altar, had it blessed, and then ate it on Easter. Since the 12th century the Lenten fast has ended on Easter with meals

including eggs, ham, cheeses, bread, and sweets that have been blessed for the occasion. The use of painted and decorated Easter eggs was first recorded in the 13th century. The church prohibited the eating of eggs during Holy week, but chickens continued to lay eggs during that week, and the notion of specially identifying those as “Holy Week” eggs brought about their decoration. The egg itself became a symbol of the Resurrection. Just as Jesus rose from the tomb, the egg symbolizes new life emerging from the eggshell. In the Orthodox tradition eggs are painted red to symbolize the blood Jesus shed on the cross. The custom of associating a rabbit or bunny with Easter arose in Protestant areas in Europe in the 17th century but did not become common until the 19th century. The Easter rabbit is said to lay the eggs as well as decorate and hide them. In the United States the Easter rabbit also leaves children baskets with toys and candies on Easter

56 Veez Konkani

morning. In a way, this was a manifestation of the Protestant rejection of Catholic Easter customs. In some European countries, however, other animals—in Switzerland the cuckoo, in Westphalia the fox—brought the Easter eggs. The key words of Easter are Hallelujah (Praise the Lord) and Shalom (Peace). Both are Hebrew Pax Christus resurrexit. words. May Hallelujah and Shalom Pratap Naik, sj fill our beings and the entire 04 April 2021 universe during the Easter Season. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CREATURES OF HABIT # chhotebhai Most of us are creatures of habit, and therefore highly predictable. As we grow older we tend to dig in even more, and resist change of any kind. However, security guards or forces, cannot afford to be predictable, because then their opponents will know just how and when to attack them. They have to constantly keep changing tactics, timings and their habits (routine).

The word “habit” is in the news, for an altogether different reason. It is the word used to describe the religious garb that Catholic nuns usually wear, more specifically the medieval European one. The controversy erupted when some idiots attributed the attack on the nuns at Jhansi station to their wearing “habits”. Had they been in some other form of dress more “acceptable” to the “culture

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warriors”, then the incident would not have occurred. Some commentators have gone to the extent of advising nuns and priests to now junk the “habit”. This is a knee jerk reaction that merits a dispassionate study. Those of us, who lived in the pre-Vatican II era, will recall what priests and nuns looked like then. Diocesan priests were seen in their cassocks and religious priests/brothers in their habits, often black or dark brown. Franciscans wore a cord with three knots symbolizing the three evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. Women religious, in like manner, wore a variety of habits, some looking like butterflies. Only their faces could be seen. Many wore rosaries on their waist bands (in Indian culture a religious symbol below the waist is considered a desecration). They were often spotted walking and praying their rosary or the breviary. Then came Vatican II (1962-65) bringing about the tectonic change in the way the Catholic Church

perceived itself, and related to the world. Shorn of ecclesiological jargon, what we laity observed was the rapid “secularization” of the priests and religious. It was almost like they were waiting to get out of jail. Priests switched to “mufti”, usually a loose pant and shirt, with a cross stitched or pinned to their front pocket or lapel. Gradually this symbol also disappeared and the priests were indistinguishable from the laity in their clothing. The only time that they wore their cassocks is when they were celebrating Mass, or when “Father” was sitting on his Principal’s chair in school. Who would respect him if he didn’t have his distinct garb? Some “activist” priests chose to wear a simple kurta pyjama. The only bishop I met who totally identified with the people was Bp George Saupin SJ of Daltonganj. He ALWAYS wore a simple kurta pyjama with an angocha (head cloth). He would sit on his haunches and smoke a bidi like the poor tribals that he worked with. I was alone at Jyotiniketan Ashram,

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Bareilly, when he came visiting. He insisted on threshing the grain with me, and making rotis on the wood fire. Our ashram had neither electricity, gas nor running water. I hold no brief for the archaic European garb that priests and nuns then wore. They were totally unsuited to India’s hot and humid weather. With Vatican II’s thrust for a Local Church and Inculturation most women religious switched to saris. Initially they went for the saffron colour, but later morphed into a biscuit brown, while some opted for grey or white, with distinguishing borders. It is quite understandable that some elderly sisters remained more comfortable in their old habits. The two exceptions are Kerala and the North East, for diametrically opposite reasons. The sari is “foreign” to the North East, and reminds them of the cultural domination of “mainland India”. Baptist and Presbyterian missionaries, later followed by the Catholics, also used western music

and culture that seemed to gel with the local tribal culture. So the sari was out. What of Kerala, especially the Syro-Malabar congregations that like to assert their Oriental identity? Why then have they retained the habits of the Occident? The only plausible reason that I see is that the Oriental churches of Kerala have mistaken tradition for faith. Truly, they are creatures of habit that just don’t want to change. Aggiornamento is Greek to them, though it is actually Italian! This brings us back to Jhansi. The nuns were in their medieval European habits. They were probably conversing in Malayalam. The postulants were from Odisha and possibly talking in their native tongue. It is possible that all four were not conversant in Hindi. If the aggressors tried to question them there is a distinct possibility of a communication gap that could have aroused suspicions. This in no way justifies the cowardly act of the aggressors/attackers. My point simply is that, from Mahatma Gandhi onwards, Hindus are not so

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much against Christianity as they are against its western garb or portrayal. Even Gandhiji was under the mistaken notion that becoming a Christian meant eating beef and drinking whiskey. Traditional dress like the dhoti was jettisoned for western garb that was too closely associated with the then colonialists. Converts also changed their names, or anglicized them. In his native Gujarat, Makwana became Macwan. Many Gujarati converts have the anglicized surname “Christian”. In other places Jaikishan would become a Jackson. In Goa the Portuguese ensured that their converts who were Joshi or Prabhu now got Lusitanian names like Fernandes or Periera. Belgian Jesuits in Chhotanagpur gave their converts unpronounceable Latin names like Fulgentious and Hilarious. Kerala bucked the trend. George became Varghese and Anna became Chinnamma. It is not my intention to belittle the heroic work of the foreign missionaries. At that time the

church was more Roman than catholic (universal). What they did was in good faith. Yet, we need to learn the lessons of history lest we make the same mistakes. Let me share my own experience. I was brought up in a totally westernized household and studied in a prestigious boarding school in the hills. I always failed in Hindi and got zero in Sanskrit. We were forbidden to talk in Hindi. Even today some of our Catholic schools have a signage to talk in English only. It is obnoxious. When I experienced Jesus and went to Jyotiniketan Ashram, I renounced my old way of life. On my 25th birthday I took the name chhotebhai. I also opted for a cotton kurta pyjama with a wooden rosary (mala) around my neck, with a wooden crucifix. Shortly after, I met a priest, a staunch proponent of inculturation, in Varanasi. He was in saffron robes, like a Hindu sadhu. He reprimanded me for openly wearing a crucifix. He told me that it would be stumbling

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block for me, a barrier with people. Forty five years later I bear witness that my crucifix, far from being a barrier, has been my visiting card, opening doors for me. After seven years in the ashram circumstances forced me to return home to look after my joint family. I then got married (wearing my mala and kurta pyjama) and have subsequently lived a secular (not worldly) life. There have been umpteen occasions where people have immediately felt at ease, seeing my crucifix. At times total strangers have come up and venerated it. Just last month as I was sitting on a bench after my Covid vaccination in a Government hospital, a young man came up and tried to touch my feet (something I never allow). Some years ago when I went to jail on trumped up charges, fellow prisoners who were crypto Christians gathered around me. On three occasions I have single handedly opened up traffic jams on national highways. Far from being a barrier, it was breaking barriers.

A Hindu reformist group has asked me to preside over their annual religious congregation. Muslims and Sikhs are equally at ease with me. When I recently took human rights activist Harsh Mander to visit victims of police firing in a thickly populated Muslim area he could not help but remark on my Christian identity in such circumstances. I do not wish to boast. My point is that if we have Jesus in our hearts then we should not be afraid of our Christian identity. I am not asking anybody to imitate me, though three of my companions did. One became the great apostle of Arunachal Pradesh, a second was murdered in his ashram in Uttrakhand, and the third attracts thousands to his ashram in Varanasi. The problem is not our external identity or appearance, but rather our internal disposition. I may here add that if I had retained my earlier western upbringing, language and name I may not have been as acceptable to people of all faiths as I now am. The vision of Vatican II

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was not to secularise religion but to interiorize it, and adopt the incarnational, not colonial approach. We are followers of Jesus, who spoke the local dialect

• The writer believes strongly in the ecclesiastical reforms of Vatican II.

Aramaic, and wore the same clothes as his contemporaries. May he continue to be our role model in the exercise of our Christian vocation. Like an alert security agency, we need to change. Merely being APRIL 2021 creatures of habit will only give our opponents a stick to beat us with. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Model Bank Malad Branch Shifted to new Premises

Mumbai (RBI), April.08: Model Coop. Bank Ltd. Inaugurated and blessed the new premises of their Malad Branch on Thursday, 8thApril morning at Ground Floor, Pearly Shell Apartments Cooperative

Housing Society Ltd., Tank Road, Orlem, Malad West, Mumbai. The symbolic inaugural ribbon was cut by Rev. Fr. Cedric Rosario (Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Orlem) and Mr. Albert W. D'Souza (Chairman of the

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Bank). This was followed by lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries present and a blessing of the premises by Rev.Fr.Cedric Rosario. The gathering was then addressed by the Chairman of the Bank, who thanked the customers of Malad for their support. Model Bank Always Consider the Interesting and useful service ot the Customer activity with the consumer of the customer. The service is engaged in providing people friendly services to meet the

multiple demands of customers. Branch relocation in expanded and convenient locations to serve with more effective strategies during the globalization and coronation. This will strengthen the banking future of Model Bank. The new premises are strategically located the Branch is well done up, spacious and has all the amenities required for making the customers comfortable. The Branch also has a 24x7 ATM cum Cash Deposit Machine adjacent to the Branch, this will allow the customers of the Bank as well as other customers round the clock

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access for cash related activities. The courteous staff of the Branch was present and were catering to the customers needs with their trademark professional, courteous and prompt service said Albert W.D'Souza. The event was also attended by other Directors of the Bank which included Mr. Paul Nazareth, Mr. Sanjay Shinde, Mr. Ancy D’Souza and Mr. Gerald Cardoza. The senior officials of the Bank Mr. Zenon D'Cruz (Officiating GM), Mr. Osden

Fonseca (AGM) and Mr. Naresh Thakur (AGM) alongwith Mr. Lawrence Noronha (Branch Manager-Malad Branch) and Branch staff were part of the ceremony alongwith a few customers. On account of Covid related protocol the event was held with a small gathering. The programme was compered by Mr. Osden Fonseca, AGM and the vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Zenon D’Cruz, Officiating GM. We congratulate Model Co-op. Bank on the new premises, and we wish the

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Bank and Malad Branch, in particular all the best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ICYM Youth showcasing their talents - YUVA SANZ 2021

On the occasion of Easter, Indian Catholic Youth Movement Diocese of Mangalore organised Yuva Sanz 2021 on 04th April 2021 in Bendur

church hall. The program commenced with a prayer song lead by the youth. Mr Leon Loyd Saldanha, President ICYM welcomed the guest and the gathering. Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul

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Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, Very Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro, Vicar Forane Episcopal City Deanery, Mr Joylus D’Souza, Chairman of Christian Development Committee, Karnataka State, Mr Lawrence D’Souza, President District Congress cell, Rev. Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza, Parish Priest Gantalkatte, Mr Jaison

Pereira, President ICYM Karnataka region, Ms Cleeta D'Souza, General Secretary FIMCAP Asia, Mr Stephen Pinto, Vice President Bendur, Mrs Mavis Rodrigues, Secretary Parish Council Bendur, Rev. Fr Ashwin Cardoza, Director ICYM, Mr Leon

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Loyd Saldanha, President and Ms Veena Vas, Secretary ICYM Mangalore Diocese were the dignitaries on the dais. The programme was inaugurated by the dignitaries by putting fish in the aquarium, which symbolises that youth come from different areas and get united with ICYM. Rev. Fr Ashwin Cardoza addressed the gathering and gave highlights of

the program. Mr Aaron Patrao’s book "Poems from the back bench" was released by the Bishop Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha and Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro gave a brief note about the book. Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha in his presidential speech spoke about

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continue with their good work ICYM central Council felicitated Rev Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza, Mr

Joylus D’Souza, Mr Lawrence D’Souza, Mr Jaison Pereira and Ms Cleeta D'Souza for their service in their respective areas. Mementos were handed over to the dignitaries as a token of love. The inaugural program ended with the ICYM theme song. Ms Veena Vas proposed the vote of thanks. the achievements of the youth and encouraged all the youth to

The cultural program was followed

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by a stage program. This was the platform for all the young minds to explore their talents. Youth exhibited their talents through

dance, singing and drama. The cultural programme ended with a Baila dance.

Mangaluru: Valedictory ceremony of St Agnes College’s centenary celebration held Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (ANK)

Mangaluru, Apr 10: The valedictory ceremony of the centenary celebration of St Agnes College was held at the college auditorium on Saturday, April 10. Addressing the gathering, Prof Anjana Devi, a scientist at Ruhr

University, Bochum, Germany, and an alumna of St Agnes College said, “I am blessed to be part of this programme. This college is the best in Mangaluru. I want to say to the young minds in my interaction that age is not a limit because the ability to succeed comes with you. I have been through a lot of ups and

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downs. Due to hard work and passion, I could succeed. You have a lot of opportunities to shape your

future. Other than engineering and medicine, there are other streams to

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venture into. One among them is

research. I also urge the government to come out with a

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research scheme in educational institutions so that it helps our

students to compete with the outside world.”

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Mangaluru South MLA Vedavyas

Kamath said, “Due to the efforts of

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the past managements and principals, St Agnes College has 74 Veez Konkani

reached the milestone of completing 10 decades which has

shown the path for lacs of students. The alumnae of St Agnes College

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have reached greater heights and

succeeded in their profession and

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As an MLA, I assure complete support to this institution.” The superior general of the Apostolic Carmel congregation Sr Maria Nirmalini said, “I want to thank all the past principals, management and teachers for carrying forward the legacy and making St Agnes College, one of the best institutions.” Vedavyas Kamath and corporator Naveen D’Souza released the souvenir of the college. Sr Maria Nirmalini along with other dignitaries released 'Sprouting Seed to Regal Palm’, a book that carries the history of St Agnes College. Former principals of St Agnes College, Prof Anjana Devi and Sr Maria Nirmalini were felicitated. their presence is all over the world.

Prior to the formal function, the centenary thanksgiving Eucharistic

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celebration was held. The main celebrant was bishop of the Mangaluru diocese Dr Peter Paul Saldanha.

rendered the vote of thanks. Malvika Shetty and Prameela D’Souza compered the programme. Staff convenor, Dr Devi Prabha Alva, alumnae convenor, Dr Meera Aranha, joint secretary, Dr Lydia Fernandes were present.

Sr Dr M Venissa AC, principal, St Agnes College, welcomed the gathering. Sr Norine D'Souza, principal, St Agnes PU College, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Inner Wheel Club invites Harold D’Souza as a key note speaker “Prevention is better than cure. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” says Harold D’Souza, President of Eyes Open International.

On 23rd March 2021, Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore Junction, India, hosted a webinar on a very sensitive topic, Human Trafficking. A subject we all are aware of happening around us but sideline the intensity of the problem.

Human Trafficking is a trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker

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or others. Mr. Harold D'Souza, Founder of Eyes Open International, which is a Non-Profit Organization focused on combating Human Trafficking with empowerment, a former member on the Board of Directors for Justice, remaining active in local AntiTrafficking Organizations and Efforts, appointed by President Barack Obama and Re-appointed by President Donald Trump, spoke about different methods of cultivating resilience, hope and freedom in vulnerable population and how to promote Human Trafficking Awareness and Survivor led methods. Harold D'Souza himself is a survivor

of labor trafficking and debt bondage, today spreading awareness through his motivational talks and strives to be the voice of Courage, Hope and Freedom for trafficking victims, globally. He has been awarded the 'Liberator Award' and the 'iCan Award' in 2017 for his Activism work. Harold also recently published a Book titled 'Human Trafficking: a frog in a well” and is currently working on his Memoir. Today Harold is a SurvivorAdvocate and Public Speaker. His experience has given him a new purpose and meaning in life. On 23rd March, the Webinar organized by the President Nimisha Ladha, Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore Junction and Punam Bhatia, Member of IWCB Junction

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and EOI, saw District Chairman Suma Prafulla, District 319, Association of Inner Wheel Clubs of India, as the Chief Guest and Presidents and members of other Inner Wheel Clubs being a part of this eye opening Talk where Harold shared his personal experiences, giving us the bonuses on how to recognize and avoid trafficking.

uncommon community work across the world. Astonishing but true, Blockbuster Biopic Film is being released in 2022 on the life of Harold D’Souza. ---------------------------------------

Ph.D. awarded to Ms Mamatha of SAC

Mr. Harold also shared his organization’s contact number and email ID: which can be circulated amongst people in times of distress in any country. It was also nice to know that their Organization spends their Diwali with an Orphanage that houses 40 girls, in Halol, Gujarat, India, every year. Inner Wheel is an International Women's Organization to create Friendship and promote Community Service. It has Clubs in over 100 Countries with over 100,000 members, founded in Manchester. Once a common man in India, today crusader Harold D’Souza is doing

Ms Mamatha, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration and Dean, Entrepreneurship and Consultancy, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), has been awarded Ph.D. for her thesis “Customer perception, Expectation and Satisfaction towards Shopping

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Malls in Karnataka” by Mangalore University College, Mangaluru. University. She is the proud daughter of Mr B She was successfully guided by Dr Ananda Amin and Ms Girija from Abbookar Siddiq, Associate Surathkal and wife of Mr Chetan, Professor Department of Assistant Professor, MAPS College Postgraduate Studies in Commerce, Mangaluru. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ranni elizhabetacho poti, raikumvor filip devadhin zalo.

londdonant epril 9ver ranni elizhabet II cho poti, raikumvor filip aplye 99 vorsanchye prayer bokkingheam' pealesant devadhin bendur igorje doftorak chor rigon poixe-bhangar chorn forari

Bharich duHkhamni bhorl'lea ranni elizhabetan hi khobar somsarak patthoili. Ranniecho ujvo hat zamvnaslo to tika sanddun gelo. Osem distaki ani thoddeachch vorsamni ti taka mellonk veteli konn'nna mhonn. --------------------------------------igorjek magonk gel'lea vellar hea pinturantlo chor rigon meza ddraurant dourl'le ru.4,98, 605 tosench ek bhangarachi sorpolli 12 oumnsanchi kaim ru. 50,000 molachi vigarak tachea auyn kannik zamvn dil'li chorn dhamvla khoim. Polis tonkhi korte asat.

kodri polisank dil'lea dura prokar sokallimfuddem padreab doftorachem bagil ugtem dour 81 Veez Konkani

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