Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 4 Scripts - Roman Script.

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llustrated Weekly

Illustrated Weekly

Volume: 4

No: 24


May 20, 2021

Ek Vixixtt Talentancho Kolakar Kenneth Zuzarte, Mumbai 1 Veez Konkani


Kovidd dhamvddamvn omerika sudhron yeta!

thoddeachch tempa adim somsarantchch kovidd mornnank prothom' sthanar asl'lem prostut sudharonn sthitek paula mhonn somsarak kollounko bharichch sontos bhogta. Hea sorvak mukhyo karonn kitengi mhollear - prothomot hangachea tin promukh voktam kompnneamni turthan sodhun kaddl'lim kovidd-19 injekxonam. Foizhor, moddorna ani zanson endd zanson kompnneamni itlea turthan tim toyar kelim ki hacho porinnam' zamvn omerikachea choddttavo prayesthank, modhy prayecheank tosench torunnank him injekxonam melll'lean hangasor zamvchea mornnancho sonkho ekachchhannem demvon ailo ani don'nch disam adim omerikacho odhyokx jeo boiddonan zahir kelem ki zor eklean doni injekxonam ghetleant tor tosleamni tonddak mask bandchi goroz na mhonn. Turthan sobhar xopamvaleamni sanglem ki tanchea xopant veapar korteleamnim-i mask ghalchi gorz na mhollem. Sobhar resttarenttamni lokak jeunna-khannampiunank hazor zamvcheak apounnem dilem. Bhurgeanchem sorg zamvnaschea ddisni vorldd ani ddisni leandd parkamni lokak ugto svagot haddlo. Khellpondeattank lokak hazor zaunko, bond

poddl'lim brihot prodorxonam survatunk ugtim kelim.


Hennem gimall survatun yetana hi bori khobar aikal'lea lokacho sontos vornnunk osadhy. Adlo ugddas porot jivall zalo, adleaporim hat halomvche, araun dhorchem, ume dimvche porot jive zale. Atam porot teo adleo haso polleunko vyoktigot ulomvchem polleunko bharichch khuxi zata. Hem sontosachem vatauronn mukharun vochom, lokacho sontos vaddat't vochom ani adlem vatauronn porot sorvam thoim jivallum. Hem sorv likhtana mhaka vhortem dukh bhogta amchea bharotant zamvchim mornnam polletana, korona-19 vaddat't vechi khobar aikatana ani bharoti-i razokii mukheleanchi befikirai vachtam polletana. Hea mukheleank atam tori tanchi bud sarkye ritik vikasum ani tancho svarth unno zamvn sadea lokak samballchi obhilaxa vaddom mhonn magtam. Ailevar sobhar kovidd-19 mornnam amchye modhench zaleant tanchea kuttma sandeank ani sorv mogacheank xanti labom mhonn axetam. -dda| asttin probhu, chikago

2 Veez Konkani

Ek Vixixtt Talentancho Kolakar Kenneth Zuzarte, Mumbai

Sompurnn namv: ken'net moikol tereza zhuzhartt vedi namv: ken'ni mholl'llea namvan lokak famad zonon: zulai 26, 1960 auy-bapoi: devadhin moikol ani devadhin tereza zhuzhartt ken'nichem hoi skul xikap dhobitolamv forttantlea sointt kjheviyors hoi skulant zalem tosench kalez xikap bi.E., bi.Edd. Tannem burhani kalez of artts endd

kamors, mojhgamv, mumbomyt kelem. Ken'nichi auy 1973 isvent devadhin zali tosench tacho bapoi 1975 isvent devadhin zalo. Tanchea mauxen roz vazhan tancho pos kelo. Ken'nichi bhoinn jeanett'tt zhuvartte miranda ken'ni pras 5 vorsank lhan prayechi, tichem logn ddonaldd mirandalagim zalem ani prostut tim dubamyt vosti korun asat.

3 Veez Konkani

Bhoinnichi dhuv xeanel'la miranda seravochem logn obhixek seravolagim zalem ani timvi dubamyt vosti korun asat. Ken'nichea kozonachi dhuv krisandra hegdde, ken'ni borabor

2008 isve thamvn jieta tichea auychem moronn uddupint rostea ovghoddak lagon zalea uprant. Tika atam 20 vorsam prai ani ti tisrea vorsachi vokalot mumbomyt

4 Veez Konkani

xikon asa. Toyar kel'le addio alboms: 1. Sujhi 2. Kiss mi oi’m' seksi 3. Svitt 16 4. Moria konsesamv

5. Krejhi kelai re 6. Sving vid ken'ni 7. Konkonni karnivol 8. Sinoritta 9. Ave moria (devasponnacho) 5 Veez Konkani

astam, filomina brazhachea ’axeche doxa’ prodorxonant.

don viddio alboms: 1. Miss kenea 2. Film' sttar ken'ni poilye pautti vedik choddl'lo 1979 isvent fokot 19 vorsancho

Ken'nin patr ghetl'lim vedi prodorxonam : her kolakaram sangata 1. Filomina brajh:

6 Veez Konkani

* axeche doxa 2. Prem' kumar:

* noxibacho divo palvalo (1982) 7 Veez Konkani

* vauraddi * doilponn * obru * tujye dis bhorle (1996) * tum modhem poddanaka (1988)

3. Si. Alvaris: * patki nhoim ghatki * tuje dolle (1992-93) * mhojem rogot

8 Veez Konkani

* zavo zavo teg bhavo * atancheo sunom * konnem lailo uzo? * tujim bhurgim mhojea bhottan (1997) 4. Alfredd roz:

* angouchem vokol (1982) 5. Ttitt'tta prett'tto: * duddvachem sukh 9 Veez Konkani

6. Jeo roz: * kal az ani faleam * sun nhoim sunnem 8. Favust ddikosta: 7. Onil kumar: * futt * saulli 9. Ddominik borett'tto: 10 Veez Konkani

* vixvas ghat (2001) * adim ani atam (2002)

10. Masttor vajh: * ghorabo * bapui 11 Veez Konkani

11. Zuniyor rodd: * tarvotti irmamv

13. Riko rodd:

12. Ech. Britton:

* igorz konnachi?

* bunead naslelem ghor (1990)

14. Bap pittor:

12 Veez Konkani

* mijeas 15. Vilson mazhorel'lo: * chora hordheant dukh

16. Pittor vajh: * bailancho saddo (1997) 17. Prins zakob: 13 Veez Konkani

* rajvottki (2005) 18. Kris-mina: * kristtofor somplo vo sompoilo? (1993) * rogtacho xirap (1995) * devachye nitik (1997)

19. Menin de bonddar: * soglleamni korchem (1994)

14 Veez Konkani

* omerikon ghorkar (2007) 20. Ttoni marttin:

* sezarnichi kombi * poi dhuvechem kazar

* mog fog atam bhog

21. Olisia krasto: 15 Veez Konkani

* tempa pormanne mateak kurponnem 22. Kristin vajh: * modor tereza - peleacho mog

23. Lurdds fernanddis: * fulamni bhor 16 Veez Konkani

24. Ben evanzolistto: * chondrim' 25. Jefrin ddais: * kitem hamve kelem? 26. Kapuchino alvers:

* axa (2018) 17 Veez Konkani

27. Fransis eks fernanddis: * mam-i-sunn * ek ful ek kantto * don roste * mhoji kosli chuk? * devo nam * puro kor

* mog asundi * adlem tem adlench * ek dis yetolo 28. Fransis pintto: 18 Veez Konkani

* mam-i tum nhoim dusman! 29. Kasmiro fernanddis: * ghorabeacho xeutt

31. Pittor vi. Fernanddis:

30 minu fernanddis:

* soitan * pap ani farikponn

* pixeaponn

iteadi, iteadi. 19 Veez Konkani

* ken'ni choddttavo sorv famad kolakaram sangata vedir khell'lla mhonnyet. Thoddim namvam dimvchim tor:

filomina brajh, ofilia kabral, anttonett'tt menddis, jessi ddais, bett'tti forns, sobina, sukorin fizharddo, bett'tti najh, plattildda, fatima, klara, zosefin, osunta, kristta, anjela, luviza, mina loitavo, anttonett de kolangutt, roxon, xearon majherel'lo, an'ni kvaddros, 20 Veez Konkani

ddoyana, kristin vajh, lurdds fernanddis, remi kulaso, marta, bobli, ritta roz, chitra afonso, lorna, nefi rodd, ech. Britton, kristtofor loitavo, vilson majherel'lo, si. Alvaris, prem' kumar, em'. Boir, paul romi, sebi kuttinho, alfredd roz, es. Lemos, jeo roz, ttitt'tta prett'tto, minin de bonddar, suprimo hombortt, prins jeakob, ttoni

marttin, siriako ddais, ttam'mi afonso, si. Ddisilva, kani, yong chiko, riko rodd, ansett, sukor de

21 Veez Konkani

santakrujh, bab anddru, olavo peris, horttensio pirera, viliyom'

fernanddis, viliyom' de kurttorim', rina ddisoza, rain ddisoza, charls ddikunha, lol'la fernanddis, jerom' ddisoza, agnes ddisoza, heari boi, klementt lobo, henri ddisoza sabi

22 Veez Konkani

fernanddis, iteadi, iteadi. * ken'niche thodde podam ghoddnnar: gobru goms, sebi kuttinho, larens de tirokol, markus vajh, pittor vajh

de chondor, si. Alvaris, prem' kumar, vilson majherel'lo, bett'tti najh, jeo roz, ttoni marttin, ttitt'tta prett'tto, keari fernanddis, peattrik ddouraddo, fransis fernanddis, nevis olivera, roz karvarsttritt, gebl ddisoza, vikttor konsisso, charls ddikunha, iteadi, iteadi.

23 Veez Konkani

* ken'nin gailelim thoddim hitt podam: - gori gori - miss kenea - film' sttar - toko toko dum'

- kurleo - flori - mongllurchi gaddi - hova hova - bombil meri - nazuk choli - soirikechi mhalinn - jhitta - leyleandd gaddi 24 Veez Konkani

- simpl ddimpl - sve - moria konsesso - merichi mori - eni soijh - svitt 16 - sinoritta

- zhubi ddubi - krejhi kelai re - seksi seksi - sukhachem lar - mean vidoutt lou - big soijh.......Iteadi, iteadi. * ken'nin gailelim doddtim, tidoddim ani chougam chim podam: 25 Veez Konkani

- jessi ddais: ansett: sukor de santrakrujh - horttensio - sukorin - horttensio: sukorin - jessi ddais: bett'tti naz - filomina brajh: bett'tti forns - ttoni marttin - si alvaris: anttonett'tt menddis: bett'tti najh - vikttor konsesso - vikttor konsesso: zoi.............. Iteadi, iteadi. * ken'nik kel'lo man:

- bett'tti najh: anttonett'tt menddis: ttitt'tta prett'tto - ech britton: em'. Boir - ech britton: ttam'mi afonso - alfredd roz: jeo roz - ech britton - jeo roz - pittor krastto - robin vaz - ttitt'tta prett'tto - ttoni marttin: ttitt'tta prett'tto - jeo roz: bett'tti najh

- tiatr okaddemi of gova ani di kola okaddemin tanchea 125 vea varxikotsova sondorbhim 2017 isvent mumbomyt. - 2009 isvent divo sahity puroskar ( divo ani sekyulor sittizhon potramni mumbomyt dil'lo man) - 2019 isvent dalgado samskritik puroskar ( dalgado konknni okaddemi, gova) - 2020 isvent ’jiuaudi yogdan

26 Veez Konkani

proxosti’ gõychea tiatr okaddemi thamvn

ghal'leaporim zalem tem khonddit. Ken'ni striyancho patr khellcheant, gaicheant ek helll'lo kolakar. Tache vedivoile att-nett polleun prekxok pixechch zatat.

osem ken'nichi sadhonanchi xinkoll yevalleaporim lamb kitea to yevalleaporinch hullvullo. Tachim sadhonam polletana, to ken'nam Ken'nichi bholaiki borichch sudhron obheas korta ani ken'nam vedik ailea ani to hem potr porgottchea vochonk toyar zata tem poilench aplea ghora pattim vetolo chintunkchch osadhy. Ailevar to mhonn khatri tannem kelam. Viz aspotrent aslo ten'nam hamv ken'nik sorv borem magta ani tachyelagim uloilom. Thoimsor tachem mukhlem jiun nondon taka hata-pamyank bandun zaunko axeta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

27 Veez Konkani

28 Veez Konkani

29 Veez Konkani

Korona damvddaunko lok ddoun porihargi?

2019 vorsacha okrek chinacha vuhan xerant koronacho ugom' zal'leavixim somsar zanna. Vuhanantlea zoivik proyogaloya lagsar aschea mas, maslli ani chinkarank mogacha her jivink vikchea markettint vavurtelea thoim korona poilem ubzal'lem mhonn surver aikonk melll'lem. Ekavella korona voirosak chinan aplea proyogaloyant rochl'lem asleari chinak konnem-i kitem-i

korunk sadhy na mhonn uprantlea disamni hi khobar pattlo zago kanngheunko pavol'li. Atam hi khobar porot mukar ailea. 2015 isve itleak chinan korona voirosa tosolea moha marekar jivik rochl'lem ani somsaracha vividh bolladhik raxttrancher zoivik hatera rupar vaprunk nirdhar kel'lo mhonn omerikacha sombondhit

30 Veez Konkani

odhikarimni sanglam mholl'lleavixim kollon ailam. Chinacha milittori dakteramni ani mukel togoneamni aplea proyogaloyant aschea korona voirosak vividh dexancher proyog korchea poilench ochaturean hem voiros bhair poddon sogllo somsar bor vistarunk paulem mholl'lli khobar asttreliacha “vikendd asttrelia”nnn fais kel'leavixim-i kollon ailam. Gozal kitem-i asom – 2020 vorsacha surver thaun korona il'lem vegim va

uprant, punn somsaracha sogllea dexank vistaron gelem. Thoddea dexamni veginch ani thoddeamni il'lem toddou zaun zagrutkai ghetli. Vegim zagrutkai ghetl'le dex bhovo thoddea noxttank sampddon salvar zale. Surver befikir kel'le thodde dex uprant apli chuk somzon vaurak demvle. Thoddeach tempachim tori nixtturayechim mettam tanni hatim ghetlim. Azun asole dex zagrutkai gheun osat. Korona yeun vors utrazai tor veaksin melll'lean aniki most adhar zalo. Toxem zal'lean he dex thoddea vanttean salvar zaleat

31 Veez Konkani

mhonnyeta. Asolea dexank tancho unno zonnasonkhoi adhar zala. Bharot dex ani korona: bharot dexan surver il'li befikir keli tori uprant dexacha mott'ttar korona nivaronna thoim kotthinnayechim mettam ghetlim. Hantum promukh zaunasl'lem sogllea dexant pacharl'lem lok ddoun. Chintunk soit pursot dinanastana, ani aplea sokoilea hontacha ani dubllea porjechi kuskutt chinta korinastana, fokot char vorancho vell diun manddl'lem hem lokddoun zaitea lokak

yemkonddacho onbhog divonko soklem mholl'lleant don utram nant. Punn gozal koxi-i asondi, hea lok ddounaurvim bharotant thoddeank tori koronacha dauleam thaun raklam mhonnyeta. Tea vellar dexacha prodhan montrik va nimannea monxeak soit korona ek novoch vixoi. Asolea vellar kitem korchem tem somzana mholl'llem niz. Dexacha bholaike xetant korona mholl'llea moha sankramik piddek fudd korunk zaito obhavo as l'lo. Hea lokddounaurvim bholaike xetant konixtt mull soukoream manddunk gorjecho adhar labhlo mhonnyeta.

32 Veez Konkani

Bharotant 2020 march 25ver pachar l'lem lokddoun ekdon mohine kotthinn ritir cholon uprant soukas on-lak zaunvnvn ayil'lem. Bohuxa: soglleank lokddoun poilo onbhog. Bharotant zaitea lokak disadispoddtem gholl'llear matr tea disa jeuyet mholl'lli porigot asa. Dis kulik kam' korche, rostea degen vevar korche, konttrekttar vavurchem, khann ani her vostu toyar korn vikteleank odgaun dimvchem, poinnari ani sagattacha vahonamni vavurche ani asolea sobhar ani sobhar ritimni vaur korn apli dispoddti zodd zoddteleank

zaite koxtt bhogl'le osat. Osoleank sorkaran, boroea monacha zaitea danimni odhar dil'lo. Korona zamv va her monxea thaun monxeak prosarche sankramik pidda zamv tachi sankoll tuttlear matr ti nanch korunk va unni korunk sadhy zata. 2020 marcha uprant kovidd prokoronnam choddon gel'lea porigotent bharotacha feddorol madorecha addolltea totvam prokar bholaikecha

33 Veez Konkani

vixoyacho vhodd vantto rajeancha odhin yeta tori kendr sorkaran sogllea dexant lokddoun zari korn tachem palon zamvcheabori polloyil'lem. Kendr sorkaracha hea meterponna khatir thoddea rajy sorkaram thaun il'le il'le murmure as l'le. Survilea mohineamni mhonnje sumar okttobor 2020 mhonnasor korona prokaronnam choddon-ch ayil'lim. Prokoronnam demvl'leabori lokddoun vixeantli niyomam sodill korn ayil'le. Axem sumar 2021 isvecha febrouri itleak korona prokoronnam most unni zal'lim.

Togoneancha chotrayek mell'llina lokxa: olokxa ghoddli hangach mhonnyet. “korona nirnam' zaunko na. Tacho probhavo unno zal'lona. Nirlokxa kelear fuddem edollchaurnim chodd koxtt asat. Ang visronchem vorton naka” mhonn dakteramni, togoneamni chotrai dil'li. Sorkaran va lokan hea chotraye kuxin guman dilemna. Konixtt korona logtim mask ghalchem, hat dhumvche va seanittoisor vaporchem, samajik ontor samballchem asole kitemyi oddkollivinne konnem-i koryet tosolem soit visron gelem. Korona

34 Veez Konkani

vochonk rakon as-l'leabori sogllea nomuneachim karyim adleaborich lokachi ras sangata ghaln korunk suru zalem. Devo opnna thoinch asa, aplea ghorant - kuttmant asa mholl'llem visron devak sodhun divllam, igorjeo, poll'lleank vechem choddlem. Lok adim kitem kortolo tosoleach kareank pattim portalo. Sorkaran khoincheak chodd guman dizai asl'lem tea kuxin nirlokxa keli. Bholaike xetant mull soukoream manddunk, voidyoki-i sibondi ani soulotai asa korcha vixant zaititlim yozonam manddlinant. 2020 isvent lhar tor heapauttim sunami: porinnam' zaun febrouri – marchant unni asl'lim prokaronnam eprilant ani uprant choddononch ailim. 2020 isvent koronachem lhar apttal'lem tor atam 2021vea isvent sunami aptton asa (axem sangl'lem dexacha suprim koddtin). Me 11 tariker hem boroitana prokoronnancho ani tea marifat ghoddchea mornancho sonkho tacha adlea thoddea disamvornim thoddo demvl'leabori dista. Me 10

tariker sokallim 8 vorar asl'lea lekham prokar pattlea 24 voramni bharotant 3,66,661novim prokoronnam ani 3 ,754mornnam dakhol zaleant. Hacha pattlea disamvixim sangchem tor me 8ver 4,03,808/ 5092, me 7ver 4,06,902/ 4,233, me 9ver dakhol zal'lim. Bharotant 367,45,237 sokriy prokoronnam asat. 28 rajeam ani 8 kendraddollit prodexampoikim 26 rajeam ani kendraddollit prodexamni sompurnn lokddoun va il'lem (parxiyol) lokddoun / ratichi korfyu / hoftea okrechi korfyu axem niyontronn asa. Korona nivaronnak porihargi?


korona nivaronnak lokddoun porihargi mholl'llem soval atam utt'ta. Lokddoun kuxin aschea thoddea zonnam prokar lokddoun kel'lean koronachi sankoll tutt'ta. Hea marifat korona nirnam' korunk solis zata. Asoleam poikim thodde mundorun sangtat - sorkaran keul lokddoun korn voge boschem nhoi. Korona sombondhit mull soukoream – mhonnje aspotreo,

35 Veez Konkani

voidyoki-i sibondi ani voidyoki-i aksizon tosole her saheti choddounko vaurizai. Tem korinastana fokot lokddoun pacharn boslear kitench faido zaina. Ani thodde mhonntat ekavatten lok ddoun borem tori tachaurvim dexacha arthikotek most mar asa. Koigarik ani her vyouharachi progoti demvta. Disadispoddtem kam' korn tea disachi fodd zoddtelea kulkarank, rostea degen lhan mott'ttacho vepar - voivatt korteleank tankam kitench mellana. Rikxa, tteaksi chalok, konttrektt kamgar tosoleyi heach vorgant yetat. Asolea ani heach porim aschea heryi zaitea vorgank kumok korunk sorkaran peakez rupar kumok kelear matr asoleamni dis kaddyet. Ani thoddeamni sangchea prokar lhan - vhodd hottelam, angddi – xorumam tosolo vyouhar, poinnaroeank ani sahetik sagsunchi sonchar seva, lhan ani modhyom' riticheo koigariko ani her udyomam lokddounvorvim most koxttank sampoddtat, thoinche vauraddi bekar zamvchi sadhyota asta.

Asolea udyomancha mhalokamni udyom' cholounko most rinn kadd l'lem asta. Tanchan hem rinn farik korunk zaina tor beankam va arthik somsthe tanni addou dourlele songti/vostu elom ghaltat. Asolea vellar udyomam bondh zamvchi sadhyota asta. Lokddoun korinastana dusri vatt na vhoi. Punn?

punn ek songot matr niz. Jiva ani bholaikeurtem kitemyi na. Zor jivo vanchat ani bholaiki urat sogllem manddun haddyeta. Axem astam, kitem keleari korona niyontronnak yena tor lokddoun korinastana dusri

36 Veez Konkani

vatt na mholl'llea porigoter lok ddoun gorz mholl'llo vadyi asa. 2020 march 25ver thaun choddunne don mohine sogllea bharotant lok ddoun pacharl'lem. Atam eka vorsa bhitor porot lokddoun mhonntana gozal il'li vichitr dista. Koronachem poilem lhar yeun vetana porot adleach ritichem jiun cholomvchea bodlak jiun ritint il'lixi bodlaunn haddyeti. Mask, hat dhumvchem / seanittoisor vaporchem ani samajik ontor samballchem jinniecho otyont gorjecho bhag koryeto. Kazaram ani her karyim unnea zonnamsovem sadea ritin koryetim. Apoilam mholl'llea kormak vochanastana soddyetem. Divllam, igorjeo, poll'lleo ani her dharmik zageamni lokak ott'ttuk ghalinastana rauyetem. Iskolam, xikxonn somsthe ani thoddea tempak bondh douryete. Chunaunnam pattim ghalyetim. Razoki-i paddtimni ani tancha mukeleamni herank dek zamvcheak ekleavornim eklo mukar mholl'lleabori ponthattak poddon roeali, rodd xo, sobha iteadi manddun haddinastana ravol'lem tor, vividh zati – dhorm', pongddacha

fuddaroeani apaplea zati – dhorm', pongddachim karyim korona adlea ritin-ch korunk add'dos maganastana apaplea pattlaudarank kallacha gorjevixim somzomvchem il'lem tori proitn kel'lem tor, sorkaracha mukeleamnim-i asoleancha magnneank kan haloinastam festam, porbho, zatre, mello – tem ani hem mhonnon koblat divonko natl'li tor bohuxa atam lokddoun korchi ani karonn zal'leamni ani zainatlea sorvamni koxttant poddchi gorz udetina. Koronacha poilea lharavellim veaksin na mholl'lli khont uttl'li. Sankramik piddencha choritrent poilea pauttim mholl'lleabori vigoneanimni ani togoneamni koronak veaksin sodhun kaddchea mukantr ti khont nivarli; sod'deacha maheti prokar bharotant koveaksin ani kovixildd namvanchi veaksinam ditat. Me 10 tarike poreant 17 korodd lokan (vhodd vanttean poilo ddos, thoddeamni dusro ddos) veaksin ghetlam. Bharotant veaksin labhomvcheavixim surver vhodd mott'ttacho prochar chol'lo. Poilea

37 Veez Konkani

ddosa uprant 28 disamni dusro ddos ghezai mhollem. Atam hi audi 56 disank vaddoilea. Tori sarkea ritir dusro va poilo ddos mellchi porigot na.

vaporchem, samajik ontor sambhallcheasovem gorjechi zagrutkai ghemvchi ani veaksin ghemvchem – heavixim guman dinatlear bohuxa fuddemyi lok ddoun gozal chukchina.

Atam koronacha dusrea lharacho vell utron gela. Togoneamni koronachim lharam fuddem-i astelim mhollam. Edoll zal'lem zaun gelam, fuddem-i sorkaran zai purtim mull soukoream, voidyoki-i sibbondi, veaksin manddaull, lokak niyontronn korchea babtin ruliregro ani lokan mask ghalchem, hat -ech. Ar. Allvo dhumvche / seanittoisor -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*"gayan raulem, nattok somplo"* bhovo thoddea mhonxeam poikim hamv'y eklo. Pattlea sobar vorsam thaun gayan, obhinoi, nirdexon oxem sobar kola xetani tanne mhor mar'l'li.

feliks losrado monglluri mhan kolakaram poikim eklo. Taka lagxilean ollkal'lea

Igorjentlem koir, kazarachim benddam, songit sobhanna, nattok ani hasy prodorxonani veyoktik matr nom-i astam sogllea

38 Veez Konkani

pongddak meterponn



tachem. Punn az to kolaxet matr nom-i sogllo somsar'chch sanddun gela. Ani khoim melltolo? 'bong', 'bongl', 'bokr', 'bolp', 'bostu', 'kombeak xingam ailear!', 'nirdhar', 'bab bodlana' osolea mhojea promukh nattokani tanne kel'lem obhinoi opurv. Obhinoyant matr nom-i hantle horyek nattok ekek sin boroun hamv feliksak vachunk ditolom. Tem sin koxem zalam, muklem sin kitem attapun asonk zai mholl'lleo choddaut gozali to mhoka sangtolo. Ani sogllea nattokachea skripttak boll ditolo. Mhojea nattokantlea thoddea podank utram boroun talley tanne nettoileat. 'bokr' nattok tachea nirdexonachea mhinoten yoxosvi zal'lo mhonncheak mhoka obhiman asa. "konna konnak kedalla kedalla kitem kitem zaunko asa tem zaijechch", " eka mirsangent ek nistem zaina"... Osle thodde ddailogs tachechch. Feliks mhojea horyeka vaurant pattimbo

zaunas'l'lo. 'komiddi khoroz', 'osol kolakar mongllur', 'monoronzon mongllur' mhojea horyeka pongddani tachem meterponn poripurnn as'l'lem. Gamvant matr nom-i bengllur, mumboi, gõy, dubai, bahreyn osolea zageani prodorxona ditana feliksan sangat dil'lo. *uprant thoddo temp amche modem vegllachar zal'lo...!* vegllachar zal'lo mhonncheaki thoddeani ud'dex purvokim koroyil'lo mhonn amka uprant koll'l'lem. Adim thaun gayan korn, inama jikon namv zoddn ayil'lea feliksak 2000 hozar isvechea adinchch gayanant ubgonn ayil'li, gayan ravon to vogo bos'l'lo! tea vellar 'kannik' potran asa kel'lea 'dorbar-2000' kareak gaupi zaun taka havenchch portean vedik lottun ghal'lo. Ani thoim thaun tachea gayanachem ani 2005 isvent 'bongo" nattoka dvarim kola xetachem sekendd in'nings survat zal'lem. Oblle tem-i sasnnak somplam.

39 Veez Konkani

Khasgen ani mhojea sogllea pongdda torfen hamv duk pautam. Ani 'sasnnacho vixev' magon taka xridhdhanzoli bhettoitam. Punn feliks mhojea kallzak topchem ek utar tum odhurenchch uroun geloi! thoddea mohinea adim feliks ochanok oxem mhonnalo *"nel'lu, hamv veggim morana, punn ekadavella melom tor ek utar uddas dour 'sokddank patye... Punn konnamycher bhorvoso dournaka!', 'kurila nombuni kosayidain matro...!' i patero epogla nenepu dile."* him utram tachea mornna

Fuddem sorgar, pulgotrint, yemkonddant ya tea vatter ami dog khoim tori mukar melltana punni tea utrancho orth mhoka vivorsun sangxi mholl'lli patyonni mhoji... *adeus tuka mitra feliks losrado*

uprant mhoka chodd kantounko lagleant.... -nel'lu permon'nur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

40 Veez Konkani

41 Veez Konkani

42 Veez Konkani

43 Veez Konkani

31. Ttventti-ttventti spexol "tujem eks-ttra in'nings kitengi borem aslem. Ttventti ttventti spexol asa mhonntaloi" ordhem anglem ttomichea breka vellar bhitor gel'lem koronachea virarayent suxeg axetalem. Bedd'ddar nidon "prannayamo" yogo kortana hamv ttomik ttventti ttventti komenttricho ugddas kelo "atam tumche mukar tti_ ttventti spexol" ttomi reddi.

Mukarim dakle ugddasak...

zatit... Tumchea

Modhem ek lhan brek..." ttomi ang papuddn khorpunk laglo. "tujem kitle brek ya... Ttventti ttventti ken'nam-i inttorestting.. " "ttas vin'n.... "korona korodd klas ttim'" "meach fiksing asa dista..."

"hem mech poilem zaun zalam. Fokot't ek zhollok... Ugddasant urche tosole thodde dakhle... Itihasant urche... Osolo khell edoll zaunko na..

"na... Na... Tem poilench korcheant amchem ttim' sodam toyar..." "meachache hoi loitts tumche

44 Veez Konkani

mukar..." ttomi an zalo. Hamv moneaporim polleun xermelom.

"korona gardd kanngheun asa..." hoi


"adle pauttim tache kitle?" "ttventti thouzandd korodd..."

"ra. Ga. Oponor gi... Taka beatting got'tuna... Ho... Tannem korona yeta mhonn bob marli... "upp.... Klin boldd... Poili vikett sangon sangon kaddli.... Ra. Ga. Beak ttu peviliyon..." "von ddoun... Somsar bhor kheatecho amerikacho "dodd'ddonn'nno" lokanchea ttrompettachea ovazan..." "vonddorpul songim..."



"kitle zale?"

"borem skoring... Hea pauttim kitle kaddit...?" "mhoza chintpa formannem kaim hea pauttimyi marit... Borea formar asa... Bojettint ttventti thouzandd korodd asat... Chintam..." "na haba... Tachaki chodd kaddit. Tachem beatting borem asa..." "ho... Borem ttim'.. Hea pauttim amim vin'n... Ani konn bore beatts mon asat?" " asa nem... Novochch ... Novench "parlimentt bhouno"

" von ttventti korodd" "ttrompett Grett."


"to rittairdd hortt...."


"to ttventti korit"



"choddit mahet ditam. Dakhleant asa... Novichch putlli dakhleachi... Ambeddkor do grett ...

"konn ailo?" 45 Veez Konkani

"tache skor ...?"

konni asagi?"

"onli thortti honddredd korodd..."

"asa... Vizoi, Sinddikettacho..."

"ani amche bouloravixim sang..."


lokamogall "mol'lyo na nem?"

"to kallo aslo dhovo zal'lo... Asa ne boulor... Ken'nam-i votant sukoita..."

" na to londdon ttimant ..." "eks- ttra komenttri chodd zali. Prosentt sittuvexon koxem asa?"

"konn?" "bleak moni voitt... Pondra lakh.... Akounttak..." "ho ho..... Tachem forfomons koxem?" "beatts mon pura loinir pevilianak gele..." ttomi bezar zalo.

"veri sori.... Koronache skor vegan vaddte asat... Bedd blaking korunk asa... Ho... Aksizon... Venttilettor... " "ghor bandhunk panch sentts zago vichar l'lo..." " ttu portti noin ekre ditam.. Korona morondi purunk... Zai zalear sangata paunko ayil'leank cha kafi fhollar fri..."

"vhavo.... Grett... Magir...?" "misttor beank.."

"tuka pixem... Axem sangcheaki ek beanor ghal... Mhojiyi ek potto asondi..."

"tachem bouling khellonk koxtt. To dog teg zonn sangata mellon bouling kel'le bori korta..."

stteddiyom koddem piun toyar....

"supor..Koddeallchea rahula bori

"brek ke bad" pi. Hech. Ddi. Ttomin thondd piun haddoilem. Ardhem 46 Veez Konkani

anglem ghoretalem.... "prannayamo" kel'lean...


"chukanakat... Pollet'to rava.... "porot thoddea vellan... Khellavixim "kostall" -"viz" konkonni i hoi loitts... Bhorti lok ddouna meagojinar..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dhavo odhyai: simbricha kuddant (In the Simbri’s Chamber) 47 Veez Konkani

eka ratim simbrin tacha sangata jeunnak amkam ulo dilo. Amkaim bodlaunn zai asul'li. Raullerant vhoilea mallyecher tachem kudd.Jevann zatech lio chintun uloilo. "mhaka ek kumok zai simbri.Khanialagim uloun amkam hanga thaun vochonk porvonngi vichar" ghoddyen dhouselem.


borem.Tinnem anyek ghovo vinchlear gamvch sontos pauta" "ticho ghovo jivoch astana kosent ti onyekleak vinchta?" "sokkodd mortat. Hea disani khan mostu pieta" "mhollear khuni?" loyo ragixtt zalo."hamv tosolem kam' korina"


"hem tum tichalaginch vichar" to mhonnalo. ’sot uloveam.Khania attena ticha ghova sangata sontuxtti na mhonn mhaka bhogta."

titlear mhaka kosologi avaz aikalo. Hamvem pattim ghuvon polletana thoimsor khania imaje bori ubhi asul'li. "khunye vixeant konn uloita?"thondd tallo. "tumvem uloyil'lem borench zalem. Tuka rag ailo?" lion vicharlem.

"tuje dolle sarkem parkita" "ani ti mhaka chodd mogan polleta" tacho tallo ragixtt zalo. "khaniacha namvak padd haddchem kam' hamvem koryet?"

"rag kiteak?khuni korina mhonncho eklo dadlo asa tem aikonk sontos bhogta.Tori lio vinsi,jyem kitem boroilam tem boroilam" "punn kitem boroilam?"

"sarkem sanglem-i tumvem.Punn hangacho lok hea vixeant khont korina.Padd kam' kiteak?borench

’taka tum sang simbri"

48 Veez Konkani

simbrin ek potr ugtem korun vachlem: " mukhlea amasecha ratim khan rosen eka porkeacha hatim mortolo" "mhoza ya mhoza noukarancha hatim nhoi,bogar tuza hatim mortolo."ti mhonnali. "mhoza hatim kiteak?hol'licha hatim kiteak nhozo? uloi khania" "zait. Hem sokkodd mhoza atancha jinnyekh sombondh zal'lem zaunasa. Mhoza lhanponna thaun tumvem mhaka dhoslam-i. Tednam tum oniki tornatto.Mhoza onkol simbrik vichar.Uprant tum mhaka nident toull toull bhett'taloi. Tum mhozoch mhonn hamv somzolim.

kuddicha spirita sovem mhojem boll choddta ani hamv sarkem polleunko soktam'. Hamvem tuka ani tuza sangatik pollelem.Tumi dogi kosllal'leabhorpak dhorun umkallteleat.Hem sokkodd bukani boroilam.Hamv fotti marina. Tunch mhojea svopnnantlo rai. Nhoim lagim rakon ami rakteleamv" "tumi dogi amkam mell'leat.Tum ani tuzo dhoiradhik sangati poddchem ami pollelem. Hamvem mhozach hatani tuka udka thaun voir voddlem. Nam tor tum buddon vetoi. Vhoi, tunch lio ani dusro konnm ch nhoi. Tunch mhoza hatim vanchun urlolo rai. Hea hatank tum inkar kortai? hamv, khaniachi ranni tuka mhoje hat ditam."

"osem sobhar vorsam paxar zalim.Punn tum mhaka lagim zaloi, soukas-porvotam dvarim, lok,doreo, bhorop iteadi mukhantr mhoza lagim yetaloi.Tin mhohinea poilem hamv ani simbri sangata mhaka ek dixavo( ) dislo. Mhoza adlea jinnye vixeant.

"striye" lio uloilo."tumvem mhaka raklem-i,devo borem korum.Punn tumvem mhaka moronk soddlear borem osul'lem. Sang,tumvem sangchi kanni sot tor tum dusrea dadlealagim kiteak kazar zaliy?"

"hamv nident sukh bogtana mhoza

"mhaka dursonaka. Somvidhan.

hem aikon ti kodelar goll'lli.

49 Veez Konkani

Hamv taka dvexitam.Mhojer dabhavo ghal'lo. Tumvem-i simbri.Punn osem kel'lean rosen oni mhoza pongdda modlem zhoz akher zalem. Aieo! hamvem mhoza loka khatir asem kel'lem." "borem. Hamv tuka bott zokina khania. Punn tuza khatir hamvem tuza ghovak jivexim marizaich. Tumvem polleyil'lem svopann ya tuji kanni sot nhoi. Hesia porvotacha spirita vorvim tumvem mhoji bhett keliy.Hench sot" "tuka kosem kollet?" thaun uttli. "hamv zannam. ulounko zai"

ti kodela



"tuka konnem sanglem? tumvengi simbri? tum mhozach rogtacho zaleari tujem onty zatelem" "hamv nhoi, tum zannam-i" simbrin zap dili. "tor khania" hamv uloilom."sang ami hea gavak yemvcha vixeant hesian tuka kitem sanglam?"

"aik", tinnem zap dimvchadinch lio uloilo. " mhaka thoddim sovalam vicharunk asat-porvotak vhochon. Thoim vhochonk tum optai ya na, hamv vetolonch. Mhaka konn bollvont mholl'llem kollazaikhalunachi khania ya ujea ghorchi hesia" kitench uloinastana ti moun zali. Uprant hason mhonnali. "hi tuji axagi? borem. Thoimsor uzo ani spitit asa.Tumvem axemvchi stri mellchina. Aik, hea gavant thoddeo nigudd songti lipleat. Porkea monxeani hea songtini meter zainoye. Hamv jivont asta mhonnasor tumi tea porvotacher pai dourunk zaina. Tum, lio vinsi, aik. Mhaka sanglelea prokar mhojem kalliz tukach omanot zaunasa. Mhoza ani tuza modhem yemvcha dusrea khonchai striyek tum kedinch sodhunk sokanai" "dekhun hea ratim borench chintun sokallim bhitor zap sodh. Mhaka apnnaun hea gamvacher addolltem choloi. Mhoza mogant xrextt za. Na tor, tujem moronn khochit.

50 Veez Konkani

Attenachem protikar ya ticho mogvonchounni tuji." moun! hamv hem kedinch visromvcho na. Simbri aplea gida sarkea dolleani amkanch polletalo. Eka khuxin rannye bori sobchi khania ani ticha somor lio. Ti mhaka dvexitali ani kitlo temp mhaka ti vanchonk soddteli? ami dogi stobd zaun eka meka polleun astana leampavancho ujvadd eka ghoddyek mond zalo. Zalogi ya kelogi mhonn hamv chintun astananch amkam chougank soddn anyek vyokti thoimsor hazor asa mhonn mhaka bhoglem. Hamvem pollelem, khan! tinnem-i pollelem. Rag ya bhyem dakhoilem na. Hamv tika mechvalom. "tum hanga rosen? mhojer dolle dourun vhanno nastana ailyai?pattim tuza soro ani cheddvamlagim vhoch"

to vhoddlean, haslo. "aikonk na? kiteak hastai?" "aikonk na? hamvem aikalem khania. Tum rayall rogtachi, mhoji bail, kazar za mholl'lleli-he porkeano aika-hamv ticho sombodhi ani virodhi pongddacho ani grest zaunasul'lean mhaka apnnailar ticho odhikar choddta mhonn zannant? tika visroun sodd ani inkar kor" "hamvem oniki choddit aikalamhamv pisom-hamv zannam. Mhaka piso mhonn volailam hea mataro undran" tannem vo simbrik bott zoklem. "mhozach kazaracha jeunna vellim mhaka soreant bhorsun hannem dil'lem. Porinnam' boroch zalo. Hamv chodd dexitam tor, hea khania attenacho. " "aik tum porkea, tukai zai tor mhataro undir soreant bhorsun dita. Uprant tum thoddo temp ticha sobhayent, movallayent sontosan jietai. Dadlea, murkh zainaka. Tuka dimvcho soro pie, sokkodd pie. Soro padd mholl'llem tuka kollche na-faleam mhonnasor- ticha

51 Veez Konkani

ghovacha rogtant" to zoran haslo. Hem sokkodd kanian mounponni aikalem. Uprant amkam tokli bagoun mhonnali: "mhaka maf kora. Mhojean tumkam kumok korunk zaina. Tumi bhroxtt ani patki gamvak pai dourla. Khan rosen, tujem onty boroun zalam. Dekhun dorvoddnaka. Mhozach ghora ek sorop mhaka naddta. Tuzo soro tujem pixemponn choddon tuza jibe thaun vikall vik bhair ghal. Simbri chol" simbri khana dixim ghumvlo. "rosen, tuka hamvem zolmal'lea ghoddye thaun pollelam. Tum ek patki striyecho put hamv zannam. Porvotacha ujean ya mollba voilea neketrani zamv tuka besamv dilem na. Tum soro pieun bebdo zamvchem hamvem pollelam. Hea sobhit gamvak tumvem tuza svartho khatir, tuza pixea xikare khatir vaparun padd keloi. Tum moron tujea zagear anyeklo yeun khaniak gheun bhurgim diun portun ho gamv grest zatolo."

to khaniacho hat dhorun bhair chol'lo. Lonkddacha dara lagim ghumvon mhonnalo: " khan rosen,hamvem tuka vhodd kel'lo punn atam tuka soklam galtolom. Tum mortana mhozo ugddas kor" thoddea vellan khan ubho zalo. "to undir gelogi" tacho tallo il'loso movall zal'lo. To bhiel'lo. Dolleantlem pixempomnn unnem zal'lem. Hamvem vhoi mhonn zap dili. "hamv bhivkuro mhonn tumi chint'tat, vhoi hamv tea undrak bhietam. Tum lio tuzo vell yetana tum-i bhietoloi. Hamv hea gamvacho ordho zageachem addollte kortolom. Mhojem mon, mhoje gunn sokkodd borech asul'le. Hamve ticha sobhayek bhul'lom.korizayich. Tiche dolle konnacher poddtatgi, tannem mog korizayich. Hantu tea undrachoi hat asa." "zhoz soddn hamv kazar zalom. Khan zalom. Punn ti poilem thaun'nch mhaka dvexitali."

52 Veez Konkani

"tor khan," hamvem vicharlem. "tinnem tuka mugdunk na?"


"hamv pisongi ya tum? hamv tuka patyena"

veginch "mhaka tuza bailecho haso ya gamvacho zago naka. Kumok kor"

"kiteak? somvidhan, regro, kanun. Svartho khatir tinnem mhaka vaparlo. Ti stri nhoi, bhut. Hamv ticho oniki mog kortam ani dusrea dadleam thaun tika raktam. Punn ti mhojem onty axeta."

to vhoddlean haslo. "ticho parvo ubhon gela mhonn kolltoch ti tuka sodhteli ani mhojer ragixtt zateli"

moun aslolo lio atam uloilo

"omkam vhochonk ek aukas kor"

"tuka jivexim marizai mhonn ti axeta. Mhaka sanglam. Punn tosem hamv korina. Tuza bailek apnnamvcho irado mhozo nhoi. Ami hanga thaun dhamvonk axetamv. Punn gett bondh. Simbriche dolle amcher asat. Amkam bhair vochonk kumok kor"

"visron sodd" to haslo. Mostu haslo. Uprant uprant haschem raughoun tannem vicharlem:

"tumi khoimsor vetat?"

"borem tumi toyar zaya. Hamv yetolom" *******

"ujea porvotak. kam' asa."

Amkam thomsor

" tumkam toyar zaunko kitlo vell zai?" "ordho ghontto" hamvem zap dili.

(dhavo adhyai somapt)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------53 Veez Konkani




സ് ആ

ി വീക് ന


Sokkodd yetat.... Dublleank diunko... Bhurgeank buk oni yuniform', ghoram bhandun diunko.., asreak jevann na tor khanna vorvim.., axem toxem mhonn poixe vosul kortat... Diunko ditat... Namv tanchem... Amchem dan ...Dhormak" obelan sangtana maka tachi bezarai kotkoton pendd bhair yeta toso dislo. _ ponchu, bonttvall "maka ek vik nes asa mum... Bijnes mhojeurvim zaunko ch zaina... Ani maka hud'do mellana tor khonchey kam' korunk zaina.. Sokkoddi ta'tanchemnamv gazoitat.... Kam' kortat..." mhonntana maka tachea utrancho orth chch koll'llo na. "maka orth zalona nem abela..." "olle... Amchea bhomvarim kitle songh somste asat. Razoki-i paddt asa.. Sokkoddi yetat... Tem kam' zata... Hem kam' korunk asa...

" nhoi abelam'... Tuka tea songh somsteamni rigon seva divyet nem..." "khonchea songhak rigchem ? yuvoko monddolak hamv matarom zatam, morchak rigeam mhollear morchi pirai zali... Razokiyant hunganant... Ani hamvem dan dimvchem bondh korchench borem..." "magir kitem kortai obelama?" "hamv khoncheacho punni odhyokx

54 Veez Konkani

zatam..." "tor tum vixent paul sobhecho odhyokx za..."

"tuka igorz naka... Razoki-i naka... Tum soxiyol velfer hachem kam' kor abelamam..." "toxem mhollear?"

"to konn vixent paul?" "to dublleancho patron.." "ho... Dublleancho patron... Tachevixim magir uloveam... Grestancho patron konn?" "tunch grestancho patron... Tum vanjelant sanglam toxem korinam-i.. Vanjelant sanglam dhavea hatan dil'lem tem ujvea hatak kollonk nozo khoim. Tum ditananch gamv gazoun sangon ditai khoim... Kanngheteleak kitlem bezar zata zannamye tum?.. Tuka otam hud'do zai nem..." "vhoi hud'do zai..."

"ek beank gi, finans gi, ya sosaitti suru korchi... Lokache poixe... Lokak vadd,lokak rinn dimvchem, ani lokak labh dimvcho..." "labh yi diunko asagi?" "diveam... Tanchem poixe... Tuka odhyokx koream.. Chinteam tum sosaittik membor koso zatoloi?" "tem got'tasa maka.. Panch xer kannghetam. Ddepositt dourtam.. Ddeposittacher rinn kaddtam..." "tuka rinn kiteak?" "poixe vaddik diunko.."

"tor tuka tisre odd'dicho adhyokx koream" "igorjecho hud'do naka... Dusro khonchoi vhodd hud'do aslear polle... Kitlem zai zaleari dan ditam..."

obelachi oiddia aikon hamv vijmit zalom. Atam maka novi alochon aili. Hamv vichari "abelam'...Tuka hud'do zai

55 Veez Konkani

poixe nem...

korunk Tuka

ponchaitacho membor zalear tum kitem kortai?" " vhavo.. Hem tuvem poilem kiteak vicharunk nam-i? hamv ponchaitacho odhyokx zatolom... Dublleank sorkarachim yozonam ditolom... Dublltank ghoram, xedd, rexon, penxon, pura korn ditolom..."

zai?" "maka sorkara thaun svo udyoma khatir lon zai" "kitle zai?" "dha lakh..." "pattim bhandche....?"

"hantum tuka labh khoim asa?... Maka tujem bijnesacho arth zalona.."

"pattim bhandhunk nant. Mhojem bijnes got'tasa ne.... Vik nes zaun los zain tor?"

"hem bijnes nhoi saiba.. Mhojem vik nes... Dublleank sorkarachem yozon dimvchem. Sobsiddi samballa rupar tankam dimvchem... Magir bijnes los mhonn dakomvchem.. Vik nes baba vik nes..."

"tor tum sorkarak buddoitai...!"

"tor tuka hud'do zai lokak borem korunk nhoi... Sorkarak buddounko.."

"maka tujench abelamam..."




"tor tunch ponchaitak adhyokx za... Rinn hamv kaddtam... Vik nes ch bijnes kelem abelaman.

Atam gamvar abelamak viknes "vhoi bhava.... Atam sang tuka kitem bijnes mean mhonn namv gajta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

56 Veez Konkani

Hea Mohamarint 2021 Romodan Id

mongllurant muslim' somudai kaim 1400 vorsam thamvn jieun asa mhonnyet, hancho tambddea okxorancho dis zamvnasa tancho romodan id porob ji hea vorsa bharich mounotayechi zali hea korona mohamarik lagon. Zogot'tachea vividh prodexamni hem fest vividh thoran sombhromitat - golfantlea dexamni zomysor bharoti-i tosench amcho konknni lok asa tanchye modhem

somskriti puraton zaunko paulea. Mohinea adim mhonnje epril mohineachye akherik tannim tancho romodan mohineacho upvas survatilo; zogot'tadyont korona mohamari bhoron geleari. Ailevar goneanimni sangchye prokar niz poristhiti okhea bharotant tosench zogot'tantlea sobhar prodexamni koronak lagon somvar zamvn'nch asa tem dison yeta mukhlea thoddea hofteam poreant.

57 Veez Konkani

Soglleanitleat koron vaddomvchem addamvchi kamam cholon'nch asat. Korfyu, lakddoun, somajik ontor, oti unnea lokache sombhrom', divllam, igorzo, poll'lleo bond, mask ghaln bhair vochonk, hea sorvamni remvodd ghala hea vorsachea romodan mohineachea upvasak toripunn muslim' mukheleamni tanchea dhormant khodd'ddayan pallun ayil'lea hea upvasak hye pauttim kaim soddl'lem na. Tanche somprodai pallun, zata tea pormannem tanchea dhormachim niyomam te palltat ani hea tanchea povitr romodan id festak okhondd mohotv ditat. Romodan mohino ani upvas hem lekhon vachtana akheyr zamvn ailo - sombhromun lailot ol-kvadr vo "zoitachi rat/nirmann" - ek dis al'lan sangl'lea anz gabrielak mohom'modalagim dhaddn povitr pustok khuranache poile choronn vachl'lo. Hea ratim, ji poddtta

romodanachea nimannea 10 ratim, muslim' tanchem dhean choddit thoran obheas kortat tanchea magnneank zovabi axetat ani kel'lea chukink bhogsannem ditat. Romodanachi akheys sombhromunk, chondrem' dixttik poddchear hondvon romodanachea 29vea ratim, tin disancho sombhrom' mhollear id ol-fitr heach brestara me 13ver tannim sombhromilo kuttmank ani mitrank sangata haddun. Korona bondivorvim hea sombhromak bharich oddkoll zali mhonnyet punn, hem sorv chintun vorchea tosem somzonchea somponmull vyoktimni zata tea mafan ho sombhrom' choloun vhelo, demvonk al'lachim axirvadam hea zogot'tacher. "romodan": islam' dhormachea kurvecho

58 Veez Konkani

chondr dixttik poddl'lea thamvn romodan upvas survatilo. Mohinobhor upvas kel'lean tankam melltta boll ani somajent bhavobandouponnant jieunko sokot. Romodan mohino zamvnasa ekleak somzonni haddunk bhuk mhollear kitem ti ani ekleache udveg kosem mutti bhitor dhorche tem. Ho mohino mohotv dita bhavobandouponn ani sohonasokot. Je muslim' hea mohineant upvas kortat xiktat borem somzon vhoronk tanchoch dhorm' tosench ghottai diunko heram thoim bhavobandouponn bandun haddunk her dhormanchea lokamodhem. Muslim' svagot kortat ho mohino tanchye thoinch xud'dhota haddunk motint tosench nitik. Amchye modhem jiun sarchea muslimanchim dharmik kortoveam amim polleveam ani tanchea hea sombhromacho gunddayen chit koream.

Islamik kealenddorant romodan mohino zamvnasa 9vo ani odhik povitr mohino, hea mohineant zogot'tadyont muslim' upvas adhartat sokallim tem kallok poreant. Tancho dis te ’sehri’ khamvn suru kortat mhollear islamik ritin hem zamvnasa upvas korchea poilem korchem jevann. Uprant tancho upvas rauta ’itfar’, mhollear sanjechem jevann sureo buddlea uprant. Upvas korchem vo ’rozha’ romodana vellar khanna piuna thamvn pois ravonk, hacho mull ud'dhex zamvnasa povitrota haddunk ani bhavarth ghott korunk ani al'la lagim soronk, ratichim vixex prarthonam ’torauhi’ poll'llent te bhettoitat hea povitr mohineant. Romodan fitr sombhroma borabor. Choritra ani kortoveam: romodan vo romozhan, zogot'tadyont muslim' lok achoritat, hem zamvnasa islamachea panch

59 Veez Konkani

khambeam poiki ek. Ho sobdh orebik mulla thamvn "romida" yeta ani hacho sadharnn orth zamvnasa "khotkhotit gormi". Prayesth muslimank upvas kodd'ddai korunk na dusrea vorsa uprantlea hijrint (makka thamvn modinak muslimamni ailea uprant.) aplea utor prayek upkarunk sobhar muslim' bhurgim zata title upvas dhortat). Moslim' sogllo romodan mohino upvas dhortat to tankam dirgh proitn ani sohonsokot xikoita dekun. Hea mohineant upvas kortana tankam kitench pieunko vo khaunko addvarlam tosench tannim nakaratmok otreg addaun te ek bore ani khore muslim' mhonn dakhounko asa. Choddttavo sogllo khuran hea vellar vachun kaddttat. Hea vellar, muslim' choddttavo sogllea somudayak khann mellcheaporim polloitat, mukhyo zamvn dublleank ani nirgotikank.

Sorv boroea kamank romodan mohineant al'la choddit axirvadam tancher vot'tolo magnneank vo kel'lea danank. Nizaki sorv nagorikank ailevar ayil'li korona mohamari ji survatil'li march 2020 isvent jiunant trasanchi zalea. Eka prayesth muslim' beankoran sangchye pormannem sorvo ontosthichea lokak bhogl'le tras romodan ek dukhall autikai haddn ailea. Arthik poristhit demvlea ani sobhar lok hatim poixe nastam koxttata. Hea mohamarik boli zal'lo islamik somudai sogllochch kampon gela. Kuttmank vingodd kelam gorjechea bondi mukhantr choddttavo dexamni, noxiban somajik madhyomam ani pois thamvn ulounnem lokak samajik sombondh jivall dourta. Ho id hea vorsa lokak sarvozonik zageamni mellonk ovkas dina id magnnem vo itor sombhrom' achorunk. Osem astam samprodayik kuttmam

60 Veez Konkani

sangat ani sombhrom' - magnnim festam osadhy zaleant. Toripunn, sorv magnnim kortat tantancheach ghoramni apleachch kuttma sandeam borabor devachye doyen bore divos veginch yetele mhonncheak dubavo na.

ubharunk amche otme ani kuddi. Osem kel'lean sorv manou kullak melltelem borem mon ani atmiyota; osolea ek bhikor mohamari xantent, sorvank mellom xanti somadhan, urbha ekamekak kumok korunk, mayamogan sangata jieunko. Mellondit axirvadam sorvam chirokall sontosan aple dis paxar korunk.

Osem romodan vell kripa ani axirvadancho, novochch akar dekhta. Khonddit zamvn somsarantlim sorvy dhormam Bhaxantor: dda| asttin probhu, osoloch prokar polletat ani bhogtat chikago ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Atm' nirbhorota anim atm' som'man tin mohine zaunant: prodhani modin atmo-nirbhar bharotachye gunn gaun. Poilem, inddiachyem krikett ttim' osttrelia virud'dh jiklem. Dusrem, tachea mukelponnar des korona voirosa voir jiklo. Amim pojittiv raulear, pojittiv foll mellta, mhonnon aplich stuti to gaunko laglo. Amim somsorak ek dek; zagotik farmosi amim. Sorv dublleam anim pattim urleleam desank veksin amim fri diteleamv.

Febrer 21-vyer, tachye gunn gaun, bijepin risolusamv pasarlem: modichyem netrotv asa dekun kovidd pidde voir zoit velem. Modi asa dekun kitemyi sadhy! voi, kitemyi! choddunnem teach vella, koronachyem dusrem lhar desant dison yetelem. Thoddea voigneanik anim piddechea vhodd dakteramni sorkarak zagvonni dil'li. Anim, tea zagvonne promannem, mohinea bhitor desantlim xeram

61 Veez Konkani

pattlean xeram kongal zalim. Korona piddestank bhorti korunk zaititlim khottlim nant. Siriyos asleleank diunko voktam nant. Usvas kaddunk zainastana jivaanim-mornna modhem umkollon vollvollcheank diunko amlozonok nam. Mel'leank, dourunk thondd korcheo petteo nant. Moddim zollaunko vo purunk legun favoti soulot nam.

bilddingam, karam anim ilekttrikol bandpam dakoun mhonnalo: "amim itlem sorv tumkam dilam. Tumchea koddhem kitem nam?" tacho

Oxem, kiteak zalem? somsoracho mukeli zaunko gel'leamv; amkam atam heranchi kumok naka. Amim, herank kumok korunk soktamv. Osolem hem'mem. Ekochchannem amchi gongagot polleun, lhanantle lhan des amkam amlozonok silinddoram, ttenkoram, anim her voktachi sahet kumok zaun dhaddunk lagle. Otregan amim ti ghetli.

inddiyon sangati zap mhonnalo: ’atm'-som'man".

Kongres mukeli anim lok-sobha sando xoxi thorur ek kanni sangta: 1921 isvent, toullcho prins of vels, (muklo king eddvordd) bhettek inddia ailo. Thoddim sobhit


Vhoi, atm' som'man! 1962 chini zhuzant solvoleamv. 1965 isvent, oskot mhonn lekun pakistanan akromonn kelem. Hea don zhuzam vorvim, amcho des bhuken kongal zal'lo. Toull ship to mouth mholl'llea porim jietolo. Toull, pachvem rivolusamv korije mhonn xetkarank sorkaran ulo dilo. Kendr sorkar anim rajeantle sorv sorkar hea eka xevotta khatir porjyenk sohokar diunko lagle. Foll? amcho xevott zoddn dakoilo: amkam zai titlo gomv anim tandull piklo. Kroxi natleleank anim apli

62 Veez Konkani

bhum-i natlelea dublleank jeunnak dhani rexonar mell'lli. Ek self-reliant inddia aplem atm'-som'man zoddunk soklo. Ponchvis-tis vhorsam uprant, anyek dugdh poristiti aili. 1990-91 audhent, amchyem sorkari bangar oddou dourchi got amkam aili. Don hofteank zai titli samogri amod korunk ddolor amchye koddhem natle. Toull, 1991 chunauyent jikon ayil'lea pi vi norosimho ravo sorkaran liborolisamv totv jeari kelem. Khasgi kompnenk noveo fektori ghalunk laisonsam dilim. Tis vhorsam uprant, hacho protifoll amim polletamv. 140 korodd porjechea amchea desant logbog 40-50 korodd lok atam modhyom' vorgacho zala. Ho ’modhyom' vorgacho lok’ ek markett mhonn obhivrod'dhi zal'le des lektat. Dekun, hea modhyom' vorgak zai tosleo souloteo amcheach desant utpadhon korunk fekttoroeo ghalunk lagleat. Stiti oxi raulea ki

amim otam ’atm'-nirbhar’ zamv mekllem ravonk osadhy. Amkam somsorachi ghorz asa; somsarak amchi. Haka interdependence mhonntamv. Osolea bodli zal'lea ontor-raxtti-i poristitint, "atm'-nirbharota" mhonnje self reliance kitlem sarkem totv mhonn soval utt'ta. Korona vosea-pidden, amkam, protyek zaun hem slogon dil'lea prodhani modik ek lisamv dilam. Atm' nirbar rochunk vochon, amchyem atm'som'man lutton gelam. Haka zovabdar, prodhani modi xivai her konn-yi nohim. **********

(filip mudarto)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 Veez Konkani

64 Veez Konkani

Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Mangalore Episcopal Silver Jubilee Celebration on May 17, 2021

Almighty God, with joy in our hearts, we offer you our praise and thanksgiving as we celebrate the Episcopal Silver Jubilee of Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza Most Rev Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza, as you celebrate this special anniversary today, we take this opportunity to thank God for how far He has led you, we thank Him for opening the door of service to you and for making it possible for you to serve many people, as you look back from where the journey began from. You have lived for Christ and helped in spreading His word!!

Happy 25th anniversary!! 65 Veez Konkani

Mettasin kanngheli... Uhum... Onasin talleabhitor lottleo... Na ravana... Koddek krosin kanngheleo... Kainch proyozon na mhonntam. Nimannem kasulleacho ros poreant puslo... Tokli foddafodd choddta xivai bilkul unni zaina...

Tokle foddafodd (ddol'la toklek tuvalo yetana charli mellta)


charli : kitemre ddol'la... Ek nomun distai? huxar nayere? tuji ovosta kitemre? ddol'la : huxar ani mat'ti... Soglli rat nid na... Monddebechcha... Charli : nid na...? tem koxem...? ddol'la : tokli foddafodd charle... Tokli foddafodd... Kitem kitem keleari ravana... Ajik tin dis zale...

Charli : tuka zhodd pixemrem ddol'la... Punkea sovai vokat ghora asa... Naka zal'leo gullio khaun mortayere? ddol'la : punkea sovai vokat ghora asa? khonchem tem? maka chikke sang punegel'lea... Charli : (hason) olle... Makayi tichch pidda... Toull toull tokli foddafodd toull toull tokli foddafodd... Omase... Punvek suru zalear sangchem naka... Taka hamvem kitem korchem got'tasaye...? xida ghora vechem... Mhojea bailek apomvchem, pottlun dhorn don kis dimvche... Panch

66 Veez Konkani

minuttam bhitor tokli foddafodd mayak...

charle... Atam ghora gelear tuji bail mellate...?

Ddol'la : vhoye... Sot't? vhoi re charli : ham...!!!🤣 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


bhari borem asa....

_ ponchu, bonttvall "holo... Az tumchea hottelachem peporar ailam..." "bhari borem asa.." "konn dhoni uloitagi?"

"bhari borem asa... Tuka bhas nhamye ga? konn uloita?... Peporar yeunko konnak udkadde zalam khoim?... Konnak ya jilab?... Hanga oniki kam' baki asa. Loisons na... En. O. Si. Na... . Geasak konekxon ditat matr... Punn fair brigeddache toyar nant ... Tuje lagim kaim porihar asagi? konn manest uloitat?" "hamv kuk... " "bhari borem zalem.... Ho... Maka

67 Veez Konkani

manddo hun zalo. Maka hottelak loisons zai... Toxem lonch diun pormixon haddoveam mhonn... Ham... Vhoi vhoi... Bhari borem asa.... Vhoi.... Randpi zai mhonn viz potrar zahirat ghalam. Tuka randunk got'tasagi?" "got'tunastana pon kortamye dhonia"

"bhari borem asa... yemvchem naka.."

"bhari borem asa... Tujem vez gi non vez?"

"hamv ke. Ef. Si. Hantum.."

"maka pura got'tasa..." "bhari borem zalem... Dukramas randunk got'tasagi?"


pon ddis konektt kelem tannem. "tumchem zahirat..." onyeklo ponar.... "bari borem zalem... Edoll khoim kam' kortaloi?"

"bhari borem asa.. Hamvem khobar aikali tumim ek ch pauttim tinxim charxim kilo mas ukoddn dourtat khoim.." "na.. Ukoddn dourinamv.. Punn friddzant nitoll korn, sutti korn dourtamv.."

"dukor marunki got'tasa.." "bhari borem asa... Maka tuza randpachi resipi zai..."

"bhari borem asa... Tor tinxim kilo ukoddchem konnem?"

"tuka randpi zai gi resipi?" "bhari borem asa... Hem ponar polle.. Dekun resipi... Hanga ailear randun dakounko asa..."

"tem amim nhoi. Reddimedd pudd reddi korun "reddi ttu sorv" na tor "reddi ttu itt" mhonn ddobbtant bhorn dimvchem eks porttoramni matr..."

"resipi sangonk zaina dhonia.. " 68 Veez Konkani

"bhari borem asa... Tujem nombor gamv sevo kortam" mhonntana tannem ulomvchta poilench hannem "bhari borem asa" mhonnon pon hanga ddis konektt korn zal'lem.

"ek chch...Ekak allen ani xindap... Onyekak ros..!" "bhari borem asa... Sukkak?" "narl kantun ghalcho.."

"bhari borem asa..." "holo... Randpi zai khoim" tisro uloyit't... "bhari borem asa... Vhoi.. Chikon oittom' pura got'tasaye tuka...?"

bhari borem asa... Tuvem inddiyon resipi sangli. Atam sang maka chikon siksti foiv haka rom' ghaltat gi ya na?" "hamv ghaltam... Thodde ghalinant"

"vhoi dhonia... Chikon kori, chikon redd mosala, chikon grin mosala, chikon kobab, chikon chil'li chikon jinzor, chikon peppor,... "bhari borem asa.. Hottel menu chikon redd mosala resipi sang?" "simpol... Dha piav, ponchvis tambddi mirsang, don soglle losunn, konpir, jirem, hollod, long tikesal, il'lem alem... Oi min jinzor ... Zalem hottel mosala..."

"bhari borem asa... Te ghalinant tum ghaltai... Rom'm'... Pottak.... Bhari borem asa..." pon kott kelem. Menezor lagim aslo... Vichari.." tumvem viz potrar zahirat ani pon nombor dilam-i... Eddres kiteak diunko nam-i?" "bhari borem osa... Tuka viz meagojinachem got'tunamye?" "na..."

"bhari borem asa...Sang maka masllek ani masak ek chch allen gi ya vingodd?"

"bhari borem asa... Kompyuttoracher fidd korchem...

69 Veez Konkani

Printt korunk na.. I meagojin zaun vachunk mellta... Toxench amim resipi kompyuttoracher fidd korchem... Arddor dil'lo menu ghoddyen reddi... " menezor tokli ghumvon keaxa mukar poddlo. Titlear veyttor mhonnalo..."fair brigeddak bilddinga bhomvarim marog kompyuttoracher fidd koryet ne?" "bhari borem asa... Kompyuttorant yeun vochonk..."

Menu asa randpi na... Resipi asa... Khaunko na... Hottel asa... Vear na... Dhoni asa, veyttor asa... Loisons na.! "bhari borem asa... Konn?" vorsa uprant ek pon... "tujem bildding viktaye?" "bhari borem asa... Atam tichch vikchi alochon asa... Ya na tem magir sangtam.. Konn?" "amim hol sel likkor vikche..."

"konnak?" "bhari borem asa....Na...Na hamv hottel vikina..." ttyub loitt jiggo zalo.

"fair brigeddichak..." dhoniachem bhari borem asa....

Dusrea mohineant dhonian borem kelem...


"hottel ugtaunn zaun ek vors zalem. Hottelak menu asa, resipi asa, randnni asa, geas asa..... Dhoni asa... Bhari borem asa....

Likkorachi hol sel angodd ugtaunn zali. "bhari borem mhonnta.




-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------70 Veez Konkani

Gronthaloi ani cherddumvale sahityo kxetrache nixnnate bengolluroche dda. Podma balliga ontorolim

gronthaloi ani cherddumvale sahityo kxetrache nixnnate oxim nomvo pavilim bengolluroche dda. Podma balliga (56) voroso han'ni 12-05-2021 tarkero nidhono paulinti. Han'ni mongolluroche sivil injiniyor devadhino xri si. Vi. Kamot hangele don'niche dhuvo. Tan'ni bamunnu ani eko puto ani mosto videarthinko ani mitranko sonnu gelenchi. Podma balliga no mongolluru vixvo videaniloiche inglix em'.E. Nto (1985-1987) poilem

sthano ghetoleam. Ani sointt eloxiyos kalezanto inglix uponeasoki zauno karyonirvohonno kelam. 2003 gandhigramo rurol yunivorsitti ddinddigol takuno pi ech.Ddi kelam. Han'ni “bharotiyo lekhokiyoru mokkollo kadomboriyo kuritado strivadi odhyoino” vixoyantui piech.Ddi kelam. Ani dexo videxache vicharo sonkironnanto mosto sonxodhona probondho monddono kelam. ‘vixvo konkonni kendro’che sonxodhona yozona (A Survey and critical reading of Konkani Childrens fiction in three script” (2017-2019) kareanto bhago gheuno khubo vauro kelam. Hangele karyo kxetro cherddumvale sahityo ani gronthaloi zauno axilem. Hangele nidhono sahityo kxetrako mosto itole noxtto zalam oxim, konkonni bhaso ani somskriti protixtthano, vixvo konkonni kendro odhyokxo xri bosti vamono xennoi, koxadhyokxo xri bi. Ar. Bhott, upadhyokxo zalelem xri kuddpi zogodixo xennoi, xri gilbortt ddisoza, xri venkottexo en. Balliga,

71 Veez Konkani

vixvo konkonni videarthi vetono odole odhyokxo xri poiyonuru nidhi karyodorxi xri prodipo ji. Poi, romexo poi, bengolluru kheato vixvo konkonni kendro karyodorxi onuvadoki dda. Gita xennoi, vixvo si.E xri nondogopalo xennoi ani xri konkonni bhaxa somsthano bi. Probhakoro probhu, xallento nirdexoko xri gurudot'to konkonni xikxonnache mukhelo bonttvallokoro ani itoro dda. Ke. Mohono poi, okhilo gonneamni, songho somstheche bharoto konkonni porixod odole podadhikarimni sontapo vyokto odhyokxo xri ke. Gokulodaso kelam. probhu, kerollo konkonni okaddemi -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------eminent Konkani poet presided over

Prakash Damodar Padgaonkar Passed Away

on 30 May 2021. th

the 22nd All India Konkani Sahitya Sammelan.




elected as the President of the Conference at the joint meeting of the Parishad’s General Council and the reception committee formed for the meet.

Prakash Padgaonkar (72), a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) has made signifant contribution to Konkani Poetry during the past four decades. He has 8 collection of poems to his credit, viz, Uzvaddachim ‘Vascoyan’



Ashwatthamo’(1985), Prakash








relvecho, mon harshancho, pavsapanyancho’(1993),

72 Veez Konkani





State Cultural Award for Cultural



Excellence in the Field of Literature for



the year 2009-10

‘Punararthopnishad (2014). Padgaonkar




The poetry of Prakash Padgaonkar,

Symposium of Poets in four days

notable for their themes as well as

International Seminar at New- Dellhi in

distinct style have won wide acclaim

Feburay, 1989, organised by Sahitya



Akademy, New Dellhi to mark the Birth

Chandralekha D’Souza’s research at

Centenary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

the Goa University for her doctoral









Multi-Lingual of


National of


organised by All India Radio at New He has twice won the awards of Kala

Dellhi. During the year 200e, he took

Akademy, Goa (‘Vascoyan’ and ‘Havn

part in the South Indian Poets Meet

Monis Ashwatthamo’) and Konkani

organised by Thunchan Memorial

Bhasha Mandal, Goa (‘Uzvaddachim

Trust, Tirur, the Premier Literary and

Pavlam’ and ‘Vascoyan’). He bagged

Cultural Centre of Kerala and the

the Sahitya Akademi, Delhi Award for

gathering of poets from Western and

‘Havn Monis Ashwatthamo’ (1986) and


the Best Book Award (2005) of the Dr.

Shillong ,Meghalaya organised by

T.M.A. Pai Foundation, Manipal, for

Sahitya Akademy.





‘Vhaunti Nhai Kallachi.’ A past President of the Konkani Lekhak In 2007 the Government of Goa

Sangh Goa and former member of the



Advisory Committee of All India Radio,


Panaji- Goa, Mr. Padgaonkar also

Sanman’ Excellence

State on for






headed the Reception Committee of

Contribution in the field of literature at


National level. He also fetched the

Conference held in Goa in May 2003.

73 Veez Konkani





Deepest condolences from Veez

Global e-Weekly in 4 scripts.


Zai vatt vorotole kallak aicha nakat amkam mosor attoun uzo pettoun bhava virodh bhavak uttoun monxeaponna jivo kaddche kain zai amkam khunttun kantto dakvalik mellun fanttean fantto devak mechvun foll dimvcho abel toslo boro vain kallak aicha nakat amkam loka gollo chiroddunche gorvan uddche khorgam haddche faravo rai hea vellim suttke svas loka dimvche bhasailea gamvak vatt voroche hat dhoroche moije zoxva amkam zai kallak aicha nakat amkam poklle uloun lokak bhuloun honkar uloun solvun veche 74 Veez Konkani

gorvi jivo goliat hea vellim zai amkam vinchnnar fator vinchun panch deva songim ghoddsun ganch pidde thaun jik dimvche khalte david kallak aicha nakat amkam sobhayek bhulun omal pieun tokli natleo holofernes kuddi hea vellim zai amkam porjek aplea bochavo korochak upayamni xipai zamvchim zuddit kallak aicha nakat amkam niropradheank morunk soddun hat dhumvche pilat hea vellim zai amkam gorjeuntam pam-i dhuvn unddea masllen vhaddcho tarok kallak aicha nakat amkam gamv hulpun gobor zatam pirluk khellche niro hea vellim zai amkam aurant buddchank jivak jivo diun 75 Veez Konkani

bochavo koroche hiro ani xekim nakat amkam marit astam vadoll loka dirvem luttun bhik dimvcha doyechi hea vellim zai amkam aura khobor poilich asun loka pasun tarum bandhcha noyechi -sivi, lorett'tto ------------------------------------------------------------------

Niras chintli sopnnam sobhar axeun raulim darar zatelim mhonn veginch ti zaroyer punn ubon gelim ti varoear niras bhogtam mhojea jinnyent jiemvchem naka mhonn bhogtam mhojea kallzant duHkhanim kaddtam jinni dis rat fultolem kedalla mhonn mhojem jivit lovitta ddi’sozo, nokre 76 Veez Konkani

Monxacho honkar honkari monis kitlo gorvan bhorta grestkai tachi duddvan mejta tankta titlem obolank lutt'ta jinnim bhor lokancho xirap magta dublleank pamyam ponda ghalta gom'motam marun jinni vibhaddta soroeak gulam' zaun tantun'nch lasta sezaroeak tacha upaxi dekhta taka to volaita soro pieun lokta dubllo bauddo bhuken jirta aplea khuxechea jivitak amvddeta nimannem so futtincha fondda bhitor lipta -osunta ddisoza, bozal 77 Veez Konkani

Sopnna0 vikreak asat! ha0gasor hozarani0 sopnna0 vikreak osat r0g r0gall datti0 motti0 akorxik vegi0ch gheyat magir urna0t osoli0 sopnna0 oni koitori mellna0t pottak na neso0k na mhonn'nn dinakat purpure0 bulett ttroinachi0 sopnna0 gheya ani svost nida rosto na udak na mhonnon korinakat korkore0 smartt sitichi0 sopnna0 vora ani somadhanen rava kam' na vear na mhonnon dinakat arabai ch0drayanachi sopnna0 gheya ani vismit pava pettrol marog ddisel marog mhonn'nn korinakat kor0dai bha0gra rostea0chi sopnna0 vora ani0 s0tosan uddi mara! tumchea sorv kostta0k osa ekch vokat hea sopnna0k asa visrochi sokat ! tor sopnna0che0 mol tori kite0? bharich unne0 fokot tumche0 okkol oddou dourlear zale0! -valttor da0tis , kin'nigolli 78 Veez Konkani

Muyo -ayonsi paloddka muyo angnnant purxamv vetat eka pattlean ek tantli ek rauta pattim nitoll korunk nak muyo angnnant purxamv vetat dona pattlean don tantli ek rauta pattim aili mhonnon ghonn muyo angnnant purxamv vetat tina pattlean tin tantli ek rauta pattim bagounko tichi tan muyo angnnant purxamv vetat chara pattlean char tantli ek rauta pattim korunk il'lo year. 79 Veez Konkani

Muyo angnnant purxamv vetat pancha pattlean panch tantli ek rauta pattim molak ghemvcheak mas. Muyo angnnant purxamv vetat sochea pattlean so tantli ek rauta pattim kunkddank korunk xo. Muyo angnnant purxamv vetat sata pattlean sat tantli ek rauta pattim vinchun khamvcheak bhat. Muyo angnnant purxamv vetat atta pattlean att tantli ek rauta pattim khorpunk tichi patt. Muyo angnnant purxamv vetat nova pattlean novo tantli ek rauta pattim ruchin khamvcheak povo. 80 Veez Konkani

Muyo angnnant purxamv vetat dhanchea pattlean dha tantleosoglleo rautat pattim gamvcheak onkea podam. -------------------------------------------------------------------

MUTTON MASOOR (DAL GOSHT) Ingredients: 1) 1 kg Indian mutton 2) 200g whole masoor 3) 2 big onions thinly sliced lengthwise 4) 2 medium tomatoes finely chopped 5) 2-inch ginger finely chopped 6) 10 cloves garlic finely chopped 7) 1 tbsp coriander seeds 8) 1 tsp cumin seeds 9) 1 tsp mustard seeds

10) 1 tsp fennel seeds 11) 1 tsp black pepper corns 12) 2-inch cinnamon sticks 13) 8 pcs cloves 14) 2 pcs black cardamom 15) 5 pcs kashmiri chillies 16) Salt to taste 17) 3 tbsp cooking oil Method: - Wash whole masoor and soak for minimum 2 hours - Wash mutton and keep aside to drain water

81 Veez Konkani

- Dry roast coriander seeds, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, black pepper corns, fennel seeds, cloves and red chillies and keep aside to cool - Make a fine powder of dry roasted ingredients - In a pressure cooker, add soaked whole masoor, salt and 3 cups of water and take 1 whistle. Switch off the flame to cool. - In a kadai or cooking pot, add oil.

mix well. Cook for another 10 mins until mutton is almost cooked. Add hot water if required. - Add powdered masala and stir well - Add tomatoes and let it cook for 5 mins until tomatoes are mashed well - Add cooked masoor, mix well and cook for 5 mins on low flame. Gravy should be medium thick to eat with chapatis, fried rice, steamed rice, and naan.

- Once oil is hot, add onions and fry till golden brown - Add mutton and stir well and fry for 2 mins on high flame. Add salt and 1 cup hot water let it cook for 10 mins on medium flame. - Add cinnamon sticks, black cardamom, ginger, and garlic and -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

82 Veez Konkani

🔸️Brinjal Capsicum Masala Fry Super delicious, one of my favourite side dish Mangalore Gulla with boiled rice and fish curry. Even with chapati & roti best dinner combo. . Ingredients: 2 green brinjal | gulla 2 green capsicum 1 tsp ginger garlic paste 2 fine chopped tomato 4 - 5 crushed garlic 1/2 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp mustard 1 tsp urad dal 1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds Pinch of hing 2 red chillies 1 - 2 tsp chilli powder 1/2 tsp roasted paprika powder 2 string curry leaves 1 tbsp coconut oil Salt to taste Pinch of jaggery {optional}

Method ▪︎ Cut brinjal in wedges and soak in water to take off the bitterness. ▪︎ Wash, cut capsicum in strips keep aside. ▪︎Take Kadai with coconut oil, once hot add crushed garlic, red chill, mustard & cumin. Once seeds crackle add fenugreek, curry leaves and urad dal stirr few mins, add chopped tomato, ginger garlic paste, chilli powder, paprika mix well. ▪︎ Fry this all until tomato gets mushy. Add brinjal, capsicum & salt stirr well until all masala coats to the pieces. If required sprinkle /add minimum water. Cover & cook on low until veg pieces soft / tender but not mushy. ▪︎Check on salt, add jaggery powder, cook few mins and take it off. Done

83 Veez Konkani

☆Adjust all ingredients as per your taste and spice control.

We Need to Breathe! *Fr Cedric Prakash SJ It was a scene which will forever be etched in the memory of millions the world over: on May 25, 2020, on a street in Minneapolis, US- a white police officer Derek Chauvin, had his knee pressed down on the neck of a black American George Floyd. This continued for more than nine minutes. An excruciating bystander

video (which immediately went viral the world over)shows Floyd gasping and repeatedly begging, “I can’t breathe” and onlookers yelling at Chauvin to stop; the officer did not relent till Floyd slowly went silent and limp. The widely watched footage sparked worldwide protests: of anger, anguish, and agony. People from all walks of life came out (including some Indian celebrities), social media went berserk; there was just one spontaneous, unanimous, and loud cry, “get off our necks, we want to breath!”. On 20 April this year, Chauvin was found guilty of murder (and is likely to face a long prison sentence) in a verdict which brought a sigh of relief to many! The ‘George Floyd’ tragedy is painfully unfolding in India today. Not one George, but millions of Indians, who today are deep in anguish, gripped in agony and seething with anger. Most of them are ordinary citizens – many of them from poor and vulnerable sections of society. They are crying about a system that has completely broken down: of those who are affected by the pandemic: thousands are dying,

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many in major cities throughout the country have no access to a hospital bed, oxygen, or a ventilator; necessary medication, oximetres and even vaccines are scarce. Ambulances are not available; there are heart-rending scenes of serpentine queues outside crematoria of those waiting to cremate their loved ones; burial grounds are becoming ‘houseful’. Private hospitals charge exorbitant amounts – corruption(thanks to a heartless regime) is mainstreamed: be it in the selling of essential medicines in the black-market or in the manufacture of fake imitation drugs. The Public Health System has just collapsed : doctors, nurses, hospital support staff and other caregivers who have been working round the clock and are simply exhausted. The Government has failed on all fronts; it has not only proved to the world that it cannot govern, but it has also conveniently abdicated their responsibility. It has never been so bad. The cry of the people of India today is, “get off our

necks, we need to breathe!”

For the last few days, an online petition on ‘’ has been

going viral, with an all-time high popularity rating. It demands the immediate resignation of the Prime Minister. The originator of the petition Mrunal Mathuria, a concerned citizen, says “the second

wave of the Covid-19 pandemic caught India totally off-guard. As I write this, many are losing their lives, countless are struggling for beds in hospitals, myriads struggling for oxygen and there are untold stories of the deceased not finding a place in the crematoria. The collapsed healthcare system of the country is brutally exposed at the cost of millions of innocent lives”. He goes on to add, “This is the time when any person in the position of power should take responsibility for the mess that has been created under his supervision and resign but our power-hungry Prime Minister won’t resign by himself and it is of utmost importance that we citizens come together and demand his resignation at the earliest and at any lives”. He also highlights ten “heinous acts committed by our Prime Minister in the past one year.” Mathuria voices the concerns and

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demand of millions of Indians. The #ResignModi hashtag has been one of the top trending on Twitter for the past several days- particularly, since the Bengal Election results were announced. At one time, Facebook too had many such posts, but it soon blocked posts tagged #ResignModi; however, these posts were restored hours later, as a controversy erupted whether it was the government’s demand to remove social media content critical of the way the Covid crisis is being handled. The petition is fast racing to the 100,000 mark – a goal which Mathuria has given himself; there is no doubt that he will achieve it. Writing in Bloomberg/ Quint Priya Ramani says, “The support for

Mathuria’s petition is the cry of a nation breathless from the lack of oxygen, one that is in the midst of a ‘viral apocalypse’. It’s a timely outlet for the rage and despair of citizens who have been forced to consider what our lives are worth to this government we twice-elected.”. Strong words indeed, but authentically voicing the sentiments of a nation which feels breathless, brutalised, and even murdered by a regime which is totally callous and

has neither the ability nor the desire to govern wisely. The Election Commission (EC) blatantly worked as a side- kick of the Government. In a scathing oral order on 26 April, the Madras High Court said that the EC was the ‘only institution’ responsible for the deadly COVID-19 second wave India is seeing today. In March, the EC announced elections in four States and one union territory which would begin on 27 March with the counting of votes scheduled for 2 May. The second wave of the pandemic had already begun tightening its grip on the nation by then. Hearing a petition on whether there were adequate COVID-19 safety procedures in place during vote counting, a bench of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthil Kumar Ramamoorthy said, “you [the EC]

are the only institution that is responsible for the situation today. No action against political parties taking rallies despite every order of the Court. Your election commission should be put up on murder charges probably!”

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In the context of the Madras High Court observations, the EC also wanted the media to be restrained and not to publish any oral observations; to this the Supreme Court told the EC that it would neither restrain the media from reporting oral observations made during proceedings in public interest nor demoralize high courts since both are ‘vital pillars of democracy’. It termed as “too far fetched’ the poll panel’s plea of restraining media from reporting remarks made in court proceedings. In the written judgement on 6 May , Justice Chandrachud said, “The

discussions that take place are of importance and are in public interest. It’s not a monologue that one person will speak and then judges will speak." The court said

that dialogues and reporting of such dialogues by media create accountability and underscored that anything to the contrary could be seen as affecting independence of High Courts. “We have to protect

the judicial sanctity of the process. We have to make sure that High Court judges and Chief Justices are independent to make views. We have to make sure that media

reports everything that happens in court so that we judge conduct proceedings with dignity,” Adding, “Courts are entrusted to perform crucial functions under the law. Their work has a direct impact, not only on the rights of citizens, but also the extent to which the citizens can exact accountability from the executive. Citizens are entitled to ensure that courts remain true to their remit to be a check on arbitrary exercises of power”. Ironically enough, (after the previous CJI almost completely destroyed its credibility and objectivity) there is some kind of light coming from the Supreme Court (some of the High Courts have been passing several orders and strictures on their State Governments) . In a landmark order on 8 May which is bound to have repercussions, the Supreme Court constituted a twelve - member national task force of distinguished health experts to distribute oxygen, essential drugs in a fair and equitable manner because of the total breakdown of distribution leading to tragic deaths in various parts of the country. All of them are

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eminent health experts. This is an unprecedented step in the annals of judicial activism which has virtually taken on an executive role but was necessary in this desperate situation. When the Government has ceased to exercise its basic responsibilities the judiciary has stepped in to take up cudgels on behalf of the hapless citizens of the country. The situation in all the BJP -run states are disastrous. The worst is perhaps Uttar Pradesh. Even a young boy who is desperate for an oxygen cylinder and makes a request on social media for it is hauled up by the police! A BBC report says that ‘The region around Varanasi, one of the holiest cities in the world for Hindus, is among the worst affected by the second wave of coronavirus sweeping India’. Adding, “Many angry citizens of the

region, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, are now asking where their MP, Narendra Modi - India's prime minister - is in their hour of need. India’s devastating second wave has pushed the country's total number of infections to 20 million and the death toll to more than 220,000. In

Varanasi, with the health infrastructure swamped, patients can no longer find hospital beds, oxygen, or ambulances, and getting a Covid test can take up to a week. In the past 10 days, most pharmacies have run out of basic medicines like vitamins, zinc and paracetamol. "We are inundated with calls saying help us get a bed or oxygen," said a local medical professional, who did not want to be named. "With the most basic medicines in short supply, people are even taking expired drugs," he said” UP, Gujarat , Karnataka and others also like to play the reality down. In Government Hospitals in Ahmedabad- informed sources (who wish to remain anonymous) say that the daily ‘official’ figures are at least ten times less than the actuals. On the ghats of the River Ganges the funeral pyres are burning non-stop: an estimated 300-400 cremations daily to the normal ‘peak’ of just about eighty. In order to defocus from the complete mismanagement and corruption of his own Government both at the Centre and in Karnataka

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, BJP MP from Bangalore South, Tejasvi Surya gave names of 17 Muslim staffers in a hospital while making allegations about ‘bed blocking scam’. His unwarranted, unauthenticated and communal allegations have raised a hue and cry from all sections of society. In fact the latest in this ‘bed scam’ points to a BJP MLA and an aide!Those living in remote rural areas and in the slums; the poor and the vulnerable are in a pathetic state .No one talks about them : they are sick and dying -they are not even numbers! On April 30, the UP State Primary Teachers Association President said that at least 706 teachers died due to Covid-19 after continued duty at the panchayat polls in Uttar Pradesh. Foreign Governments ( from the US to Saudi Arabia) have rushed tonnes of necessary medical equipment and other emergency aid to India: at this moment, according to newspaper reports, this aid has still to be assigned to specific destinations and are lying undistributed! . Meantime, the callous, corrupt and communal regime continues with its grandiose Central Vista project

at an exorbitant mind-boggling cost to the tax-payers. If this is not a fit case to book all those involved in this heinous crime, under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act( UAPA) and even under the sedition one – then what is? The Courts have to act decisively and promptly. The Government in insidious ways continues to destroy the environment; they flaunt regressive anti -people anti -democratic policies ; they have flagrantly denigrated the role and responsibility of all Constitutional and independent bodies . The regime has looted the country in every possible way -particularly through demonetisation. An explosive lead story in the latest issue of ‘The Caravan’ ( 8 May 2021) reveals how the former chief minister of Uttarakhand Trivendra Singh Rawat was fired overnight in March 2021 for insisting that Mahakumbh should be restricted. The Kumbh Mela was held right through April – with thousands participating :did not the Government ( State and National) have the powers to stop this ‘super spreader’ event? In Ahmedabad there were the cricket matches

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earlier with thousands at the Stadium named after the ‘big man’ – the dynastic son as the Cricket boss of India was milking the moolah – really not bothered about how many would die later on. Petrol prices are on a steep rise – in the midst of escalating costs! Mainstream media in India, continues to be throttled and ‘godified’ – fortunately, there is a slight change of late, with reports and even articles lambasting the Government. Social media is full of memes, cartoons about the pathetic situation. Even loyal ‘bhakts’ have started using expletives! World media continue to highlight the abysmal state of affairs in India and the totally irresponsible attitude of the Government! India’s foreign minister has ordered Indian Missions abroad to counter the bad media is receiving from the foreign press. A few days ago, after a scathing piece on the Indian government by the Australian press, the Indian High Commission in that country published what it called a “rejoinder.” But far from addressing any of the criticism in the report, the letter read more like a rant from a

party propaganda department, calling the media report “motivated and malicious.” ‘The Lancet’ the world’s best-known medical journal in its latest issue (Vol 397 May 8, 2021) says in a scathing editorial, “At times, Prime

Minister Narendra Modi’s Government has seemed more intent on removing criticism on Twitter than trying to control the pandemic. Despite warnings about the risks of super spreader events, the government allowed religious festivals to go ahead, drawing millions of people from around the country, along with huge political rallies—conspicuous for their lack of COVID-19 mitigation measures…. Modi’s actions in attempting to stifle criticism and open discussion during the crisis are inexcusable. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that India will see a staggering 1 million deaths from COVID-19 by Aug 1. If that outcome were to happen, Modi’s Government would be responsible for presiding over a self-inflicted national catastrophe.” Any thinking citizen of India would hang his/her head down in shame and demand

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that this Government immediately.


On 4 May celebrated writer and activist Arundhati Roy wrote a direct but powerful appeal to the Prime Minister saying, “We need a

government. Desperately. And we don’t have one. We are running out of air. We are dying. We don’t have systems in place to know what to do with help hand. What can be done? Right here, right now? We cannot wait till 2024. Never would people like myself have imagined the day would come when we would find ourselves appealing to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for anything. Personally, I would rather have gone to prison than do that. But today, as we die in our homes, on the streets, in hospital car parks, in big cities, in small towns, in villages and forests and fields – I, an ordinary private citizen, am swallowing my pride to join millions of my fellow citizens in saying please sir, please, step aside. At least for now. I beseech you, step down”. She ends the letter saying, “So please go. It is the most responsible thing for you to do. You have forfeited the moral right to be

our prime minister”. On 9 May 1945, the Nazis surrendered; the day is observed as ‘Victory Day’ . The people of India today live in a failed state and demand their own ‘victory day’! It is time to rise and hold the regime responsible for crimes against humanity. We, the people of India

refuse to be throttled any longer: we need to breathe! 9 May 2021

*(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights, reconciliation & peace activist/writer. Contact: OUR CONTRIBUTION TO SAVE THE MOTHER PLANET As far as possible, if we create our own small forests in our own limited area with local trees and plants, we will have pure air, cooler climate, rise in ground water level, more rain and the company of birds and colourful butterflies. I did create a mini botanical garden of local plants and flowers of Goa, with the focus on local edible fruit trees and plants including those

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found on hills and in forests at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK), Porvorim, Goa, as long as i was there from 1996 to 2012. Every plant in the campus was identified with its local name in Konknni, popular English name and botanical name and these names were displayed on a nameplate next to the plant or tree. It attracted botany students from colleges and higher secondary schools, other students and plant lovers. TSKK garden then had over 360 varieties of plants and trees. This list of then existing plants is found in my article "TSKK Flora in the Context of Ecospirituality" published in 2002, in Sôd TSKK Research Bulletin:4 pp 2448.

wrote an article about contribution to TSKK garden.

Frederick Noronha, a senior journalist from Goa labelled me as A Jesuit priest with green fingers and


There is greater joy than to eat the fruit from a tree which you planted or to enjoy the beauty and fragrance of a flower from your

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garden. I have attached here below a few photographs of TSKK plants that existed when I was in TSKK. Now I am at Loyola Hall, Miramar, Goa. We have a little open space. I take care of the existing plants and 94 Veez Konkani

trees and planted a few more plants and exclusively use our own homemade compost as manure. All of us can contribute our mite to save our planet not merely through talks and discussions but by our concrete visible actions.

--------------------------------------Death of Sr Eulalia Furtado, A.C.

Today 02 May 2021, at 12.00 noon my paternal cousin Sr. Eulalia Furtado, A.C. (03 April 1942 – 02 May 2021) left this world for her heavenly abode.

hospital, Hazaribagh on Tuesday. From there she was shifted to Holy Family Hospital, Koderma yesterday as she was detected covid positive. The funeral will be today Sunday at Hazaribaugh. She has a younger sister, Sr Edna Furtado, A.C. the Superior of Jayanagar Carmel Convent at Bengaluru. Her younger brother Everist Furtado, a retired officer of Bank of India lives at

Wadala, Mumbai. Unfortunately,

She was at Hazaribagh Convent. She was admitted to Holy Cross

due to time factor, both her siblings cannot attend her funeral today. Sr Eulalia held many responsibilities in her congregation, especially as a Treasurer of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation at the Superior General’s Office at Bengaluru. With her smiling face, gentle voice, and always positive approach, she touched the lives of thousands.

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Among the first cousins on my father's side, Sr Eulalia was the first one. To all of us she was like the eldest sister, gentle, loving, always smiling and caring. She always reminded me several times that she took care of me, carried me and played with me when i was very young at our paternal grandparents' home "Church Villa", at Kundapura, Udupi District of Karnataka, and then at Umerkhadi, Mumbai. But since I was very young then, I do not remember those loving services she did to me. Every month faithfully she called me and spoke at length. Constantly in touch with me and encouraging me through WhatsApp messages. Her last WhatsApp message to me was on 23rd April 2021. When I shared with her the video of “Abide with me” song, she replied, “My

mother when she was sick, she was singing and asked us to sing. Also Abide in me.” All these days i used to receive prayer requests for those who have tested positive. For the last 10 days I came to know the death of a few persons whom I knew and died due to Covid-19. But now, when it is a close family member and dear to the heart, I really feel the pain of her physical absence. I lost a gem of a person in my life who guided me throughout by her advice and prayers. May our Heavenly Father embrace Sr Eulaia in His loving arms and bless her with the heavenly reward by granting her peace and eternal rest. Pratap Naik sj 02 May 2021 --------------------------------------

96 Veez Konkani

Mullo nokxotro (bhago-3) Logna nontoro takka dono chorddumvo zalilim. Ghoro khorchu bhi vaddilo.

rittairo zalilo gonnexo kamoti khonchano itlo poise haddotolo ? dhuvelo lognanko benkantu dourilo poise , ghoro gheucheako put'tako dileari nontoro ochanoko logno zulleari , chel'leno poroto korna zaleari kossone korchem mhollilo dhuvidhantu xirkolilo to. Tagelo ovostha addokatrintulo suparivori zalili. Put'tako bappali oddochonni kollkasili. Kollna mhonnocheako at'tom sanove to ? sogolle kollto takka. Hoidorabadantu ghoro ghet'tona bhoropuro lono ghet'tilo. Tagelo pogarantulo hoddo vantto lona hopto bhorocheako vot'tosilo.

Vorxo soroto gel'lim. Prai vaddhoto gel'lem. Tem vaddhoto gel'letossim chel'liamlo logno zat'tolem mhollilo vixvasoyi kom'mi zaito gel'lo. Savitrili goti tichi zalili. Soirike khottopotto thonddo zali. Savitrikinta voyano sano assilo kitloki cheleamle logno zaunu tanka chorddumvo bhi zal'linti. Tigele bapulyo bhoinneale, mouxi bhoinnealem logno zal'linti. At'tom gel'le gel'le koddeno savitrilo logna vixoi eko chorche vixoi zalilo. Azokalo ghorantulo hoddle dhuvelo logno zomna zaleari dhakleko logno kortati. Khubo udahoronno assa. Karonno zuno zalilo folo zasti divoso douroleari tem kusota.

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Zaleari kahim folo kusonanti ;

sukotati. Sukoleari takka choddo ruchi yet'ta.

tikka sonno dililna. Logna vaddilo eko chel'lo tigelo ghora baglantu ayilo.

Savitrilo logna vixoyantu -podmonabho naiko sogolleani fatti sorletiki nosibano (To be Continued) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jivigujeachi (bredd frutt) koddi

1 jiviguzo, sal kaddn lhan kuddke korn udkant ghaln dour. Allenak:

zai poddcheo vostu:

A. 1 kop narl 2 ttispun suroi tandull 98 Veez Konkani

B. 6 lamb sukeo mirsango 2 mottveo mirsango 2 piav 1/2 ttispun jirem 1 ttispun miriam 1 ttebl spun konnpir 5 losunne boyo chimttibhor hollod

korchi rit:

narl ani tandull il'lo bhaz, B vostuil'lexea telant bhazun uprant A, B, C. Ntleo sokkodd vostu ott'ttuk ghaln allen vatt. Atam tel dourn il'leo losunnecheo boyo dhaddaun allen bhaz. Uprant jiviguzo ghaln allenachem udak ani mitt ghaln C amsann: ukoddtochch bhum-i dour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vilfi Rebimbosachea ’muguti’ kothecher odhyoin

99 Veez Konkani

15 mai 2021: axavadi prokaxon, okhil bharoti-i konkonni porixod ani ujvadd pondralle hanchea zodd palovant choll'lea kothapatth dusrea xinkollent, vilfi rebimbosan

1970-vea dakddeant boroyil'lea ’muguti’ kothecher odhyoin, poinnari sompadok vol'li kvaddrosan choloun velem. Mongllur, gõy kolejimni xikchim vidhearthim, pradheapok, toxench her pranteathaun sahitik obhiruch

ascheamni hazor asl'lea hea vebinarachi surovat bai sialini fernanddis gõy hinnem jeral yeukar magun, hea kothapatthachea misamvavixim mottvo vivor dilo. Ujvadd pondralleacho sompadok ma|roison fernanddisan yeukar kelo.

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Vol'li kvaddrosan 1970vea kallar kothechi patthbhum-icher vivor divun mumboi onddorvorldd mafia, ani toullchi dexachi, rajeachi toxench mongllurochi arthik, samajik porigot kosoli asli mholl'lleacher mottvo vivor ditoch, kothechea panch onxancho ul'lek korun, ’muguti’ kothecher kholayen vixlexonn kelem. Bai yogita vernnekor hinnem oplea somikxent ’muguti’ kotha toxench tea kothechea patthbhum-ichea sovistar vivoronnachi thoknnai korun mongllurant kothakar fokot

dadlo/bail vixeancher uranastam veg-vegollea vixeancher kotha boroitat mhonnali. Dusri somikxoki bai konseptta fernanddis allvan ek vachpi zaun opnnak muguti kotha koxi lagta ani samajik nodren hi kotha tea kallar toxench aichea kallar somzunk kitli mohotvachi mhonnali. Do|asttin ddi’soz probhu, bai floro keastolinon kothapatthant choll'lea vixlexonnavixim dadhoskai utraili. Bab xoilendro mehtan dhinvas attoile. Bai sialini fernanddisan hem vebibar choloun vhelem. ---------------------------------------

NJCAHT invites Harold D’Souza as a Keynote Speaker to address on invisible labor trafficking in USA May 4th, 2021 to share his expertise on the visible labor trafficking but seen as invisible in America.

The New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT) invited eloquent survivor advocate Harold D’Souza as a key note speaker on

NJCAHT was founded in 2011 under the umbrella of the Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest’s Community Relations Committee, which brought together 20 activists and organizations focused on the issue of human trafficking. In

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organization dedicated to ending Labor Trafficking worldwide through education, prevention, protection and empowerment. The goal is to create, “courage, hope and freedom for all victims and survivors worldwide”.

November 2016, NJCAHT became a 501c3 nonprofit independent from the Jewish Federation. Michelle Stegmann is an attorney, who serves on the NJCAHT Communications Committee shared; “Harold and his wife Dancy D’Souza created Eyes Open International, a 501 [C]3 non-profit

Gina Cavallo NJCAHT Consultant Speaker Advocate said; ‘Thank you Harold we appreciate your courage and willingness to walk alongside of us in collaboration. We RISE by lifting each other up in all what we do’. Michelle Stegmann donates her time to Volunteer Lawyers for Justice spoke; For more information on Eyes Open International, check out their website

at And keep an eye out for a new documentary on Labor Trafficking 102 Veez Konkani

called “To Be Free,” soon to be released by Martin Sheen, where Harold’s story and others are depicted. There is also a bio pic blockbuster Bollywood film in the works focused on Harold, his experience and his ultimate appointment to the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking by President Barack Obama in 2015, Harold was re-

appointed by President Donald J. Trump to serve at The White House till 2020. Harold – you were amazing – thank you so much. I feel very moved and humbled by your courage. We look forward to future collaborations reflected Kate Lee Executive Director at NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking.

To ‘Come and See’ IS to ‘Be and Do’! (A reflection on World Communications Day: 16 May 2021) Communicating by Encountering People Where and as They Are.’ In doing so, he makes it amply clear that, “in order to tell the truth of life

- *Fr Cedric Prakash SJ Pope Francis has once again thrown a challenge to Catholic Communicators in his annual message for ‘World Communications Day’ which this year falls on Sunday 16 May. In his typically direct yet profound way, he focuses his message on the theme






that becomes history, it is necessary to move beyond the complacent attitude that we ‘already know’ certain things. Instead, we need to go and see them for ourselves, to spend time with people, to listen to their stories and to confront reality, which always in some way surprises us”. Though Pope Francis’ message is addressed primarily to Catholic communicators- it is, in fact applicable to all communicators today! In his introductory paragraph Pope Francis sets the tone of what

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Christian Communication is and should be ,“this year, then, I would

like to devote this Message to the invitation to “come and see”, which can serve as an inspiration for all communication that strives to be clear and honest, in the press, on the internet, in the Church’s daily preaching and in political or social communication. “Come and see!” This has always been the way that the Christian faith has been communicated, from the time of those first encounters on the banks of the River Jordan and on the Sea of Galilee”. ‘Come and See’ therefore in essence, is to ‘be and do’. In the subsections that follow, Pope Francis highlights three interrelated dimensions in order to drive home his point: to hit the streets, to live the communication of the Gospels and to have the courage of one’s conviction. All these three resonate very strongly with what he says in his Apostolic Exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’(The Joy of the Gospels’), “I prefer a Church which

is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from

clinging to its own security. I do not want a Church concerned with being at the centre and which then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. If something should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so many of our brothers and sisters are living without the strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ, without a community of faith to support them, without meaning and a goal in life”. He sees the need of “hitting the streets”, in order to grasp the truth of things and the concrete lives of people, and more important the serious social phenomena or positive movements at the grass roots level. He laments how the original investigative reporting in newspapers and television, radio and web newscasts which involved sticking one’s neck out – is today replaced by ‘tendentious narrative’. For Pope Francis “hitting the streets” essentially means meeting people face to face to research stories or to verify certain situations first hand; he emphatically states that, “unless we open ourselves to

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this kind of encounter, we remain mere spectators” “Come and See”, says Pope Francis,

“were the first words that Jesus spoke to the disciples who were curious about him following his baptism in the Jordan river (Jn 1:39). He invited them to enter into a relationship with him”. For Jesus , as one sees throughout the Gospel this ‘come and see’ is meant to be a transformative experience. Several religious congregations today have this ‘come and see’ period : often called a ‘prenovitiate’ or ‘aspirancy’. Basically, it is a time of orientation: a probation, an internship : when one begins internalising a particular value system and also has an opportunity for involvement. Pope Francis give us the examples of Nathanael and the Samaritan woman saying, “That is how

Christian faith begins, and how it is communicated: as direct knowledge, born of experience, and not of hearsay.” The change in

attitude which evolves when theory moves into practise. That ability to reach out to others. “Come and see”

is the simplest method to get to know a situation. It is the most honest test of every message,

because, in order to know, we need to encounter, to let the person in front of me speak, to let his or her testimony reach me.” He then talks about the ‘courage of many journalists’; he thanks them for their stand and heaps praise on them. He says, “Journalism too, as

an account of reality, calls for an ability to go where no one else thinks of going: a readiness to set out and a desire to see. Curiosity, openness, passion. We owe a word of gratitude for the courage and commitment of all those professionals – journalists, camera operators, editors, directors – who often risk their lives in carrying out their work. Thanks to their efforts, we now know, for example, about the hardships endured by persecuted minorities in various parts of the world, numerous cases of oppression and injustice inflicted on the poor and on the environment, and many wars that otherwise would be overlooked. It would be a loss not only for news reporting, but for society and for democracy as a whole, were those voices to fade away. Our entire human family would be impoverished”.

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Here Pope Francis gives us plenty of food-for thought on the current pandemic. His message was made public on 23 January – but with some extraordinary foresight he was already writing about the pandemic which grips India today when he says, “many situations in

our world, even more so in this time of pandemic, are inviting the communications media to “come and see”. We can risk reporting the pandemic, and indeed every crisis, only through the lens of the richer nations, of “keeping two sets of books”. For example, there is the question of vaccines, and medical care in general, which risks excluding the poorer peoples. Who would keep us informed about the long wait for treatment in the poverty-stricken villages of Asia, Latin America and Africa? Social and economic differences on the global level risk dictating the order of distribution of anti-Covid vaccines, with the poor always at the end of the line and the right to universal health care affirmed in principle, but stripped of real effect. Yet even in the world of the more fortunate, the social tragedy of families rapidly slipping into poverty remains

largely hidden; people who are no longer ashamed to wait in line before charitable organizations in order to receive a package of provisions do not tend to make news”. Pope Francis speaks a bit about the ‘Opportunities and hidden dangers on the web’. We are all aware of how the web/internet has radically transformed our lives. For more than fourteen months now , ever since the pandemic has forced millions to ‘stay at home’ – the internet has been a significant means of keeping many sane : some were privileged to ‘work from home’, millions of students could avail of online classes, social media was on a song with almost anything and everything finding some space on facebook, twitter, instagram and the like. One could be ‘in touch’ constantly with distant relatives and friends and with what was happening all around. Sadly there are also the hidden dangers- when we tend to get overwhelmed with all that we received. One clear example is all the ‘fundas’ being dished out as a cure or a preventive to COVID19; quick-fixes, good grandmothers decoctions that are certainly helpful

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in boosting one’s immunity level – now flaunted as a cure! Then there is the infamous ‘whatsapp university’ – to which one is so easily hooked to. The point is that there is so much of ‘fake’ news being forwarded that oftentimes , even without thinking , verifying/ authenticating one happily forwards such stuff. Pope Francis rightly warns us, “All of us are responsible

for the communications we make, for the information we share, for the control that we can exert over fake news by exposing it. All of us are to be witnesses of the truth: to go, to see and to share”.

On World Communications Day , Pope Francis gives Catholic communicators some key words as directions, to what catholic communications is all about. The base words are obviously ‘Come’ and ‘See’ : the implications are clear – unless one gets out of one’s comfort zone – nothing will change. He reminds us that in the Gospel – only when goes out to see, to seek – does a change a metamorphosis, a metanoia takes place. Then right through he uses words like ‘encounter’ , ‘clear’, ‘honest’ , ‘courage’ , ‘authentic’, ‘truth’ ,

‘reality’ , ‘curiosity’ . ‘openness’ , ‘passion’ – which are not merely an haphazard collection but the metamorphosis non-negotiable essentials of what a communicator should be internalising in order to be truly a witness of Jesus in our world today! It is a call ‘to be’ and ‘to do’ : to be visible and vocal , to stick one’s neck out, to take a stand for truth and justice. On 3 May, World Press Freedom Day- the annual ‘World Press Freedom Index-2021’, placed India a lowly 142 out of 180 countries which were evaluated! A sad commentary on the way media is throttled in India!( the last few weeks however, we must admit that there is a sea-change at least in some of the mainstream media). In the light of the challenges which Pope Francis throws to catholic communicators and in the context of the reality which grips the country today – it is imperative that Catholic communicators do some serious soul-searching, ask themselves some uncomfortable questions, have the courage to answer them truthfully and act urgently on these responses. The

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questions are several ; some of them are: • Are Catholic Communicators

visible and vocal to what is happening in the country today? How many are taking a stand for justice and truth? Sticking one’s neck out? • How many Catholic Communicators have taken a stand against the callousness, the corruption and the complacency of the Central Government during this pandemic? How many have written about it ,done video presentations, preached about it? • How many editorials have taken a stand against the ‘love jihad’ laws of certain Governments ? the wanton destruction of the environment? Or for that matter against the Central Vista project? Or against the conditions in our prisons today? An honest evaluation of what most Catholic Communicators are ‘doing’ will easily reveal the painful truth. Communications today is not

about fancy gizmos or sophisticated studios or for that matter even of so-called ‘productions’ Many of these we know, become obsolete, irrelevant and outdated in a matter of time. Communications is also not about couch potatoes who are afraid to hit the streets. Today several are more interested in relegating communications to ‘toeing the line’ , licking the boots of the powerful’ , maintaining the ‘status quo’, about protecting our possessions and privileges . All this is certainly a betrayal of Christ and his message of what Catholic Communications should be. One should take a cue from the latest issue of the OUTLOOK magazine(May 24, 2021) a creative cover page with emboldened letters in red just one word ‘MISSING ‘ and just below NAME: Government of India; AGE 7 years ; INFORM : Citizens of India! One can also look at the front page of the Kolkata based daily ‘The Telegraph’(May 15, 2021) with the bold captions, “If you call this pain…..What do you call this ?” With very apt pictures! What powerful images of the Indian reality today! Catholic

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communicators are called to do likewise! Pope Francis’ message does not only have to be read in toto but also needs to be internalised. He gives a final salvo saying, “The challenge

that awaits us, then, is to communicate by encountering people, where they are and as they are”; and in that final prayer, “Lord, teach us to move beyond ourselves, and to set out in search of truth. Teach us to go out and see, teach us to listen, not to entertain prejudices or draw hasty conclusions. Teach us to go where no one else will go, to take the time needed to understand, to pay attention to the essentials, not to be distracted by the

superfluous, to distinguish deceptive appearances from the truth. Grant us the grace to recognize your dwelling places in our world and the honesty needed to tell others what we have seen”. To ‘Come and See’ then is to ‘Be and Do’ – the ball is now in the court of Catholic communicators and in fact ,with all those who are committed to free and fearless communications which is based on truth and justice ! It is left to be seen if one has the courage to accept the challenge! 15 May 2021 *(Fr Cedric Prakash (GUJ) is a human rights, reconciliation and peace activist/writer. Contact:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------MJES in association with SACAA distributed Food Kits, Psychological launches ‘ST ALOYSIUS COVID Accompanying, Medicine, Health CARE CENTRE’ Facilities and Essential Items to The Mangalore Jesuits Educational families of poor, migrant workers, Society (MJES) in association with St low wage labourers, and other poor Aloysius College Alumni Association families here to cope with the (SACAA) launched ‘ST ALOYSIUS ongoing lockdown/pandemic. COVID CARE CENTRE’ on Wednesday, 12 May 2021 and WHEN DOORS CLOSE AND HEARTS 109 Veez Konkani

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OPEN- The Covid-19 crisis has brought to the fore not only our limitedness as human beings in the face of a pandemic but also the sad plight of migrants, daily wage earners, the elderly and the mentally sick during lockdown. The vision of education at St Aloysius Institutions is to create men and women for and with others. Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society has taken this initiative to reach out to the poor families of migrants and daily wage earners by providing them with Provision Kits and Covid-19 essentials weekly. The efforts put in by MJES and Alumnus of St Aloysius Institution during this pandemic in helping out the society through their little contribution is praiseworthy. St Aloysius Institutions, Mangaluru had plunged into action as soon as the nationwide lockdown was clamped in the month of March 2020 and, rendered significant service to the people and families infected and grievously affected by the pandemic with the strong support and goodwill of the alumni, generous contributors and

volunteers. MJES, in its initiative, could reach out to hundreds of victims of the pandemic like the migrant labourers and distressed individuals through providing food kits, psychological accompanying, medicine and health facilities regularly. Radio Sarang, the Community Radio of the College continually broadcast awareness buying and selling of these farmer products.

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programmes to the people of the region regarding the virus, its spread and precautions to be taken to save oneself from infection. The Entrepreneurship and Consultancy Cell of St Aloysius College (Autonomous) had taken initiative by launching “St Aloysius Jaala Santhe” on 15th July 2020, brought together hundreds of rural entrepreneurs and farmers in a WhatsApp group and facilitated

In the wake of the second wave of the pandemic hitting hard and the exponential spike in the spread of the virus, MIES has put in place a centralized Covid Care Centre in the campus to facilitate quick and speedy redressal of the issues and concerns of the people affected and infected by the virus leading to serious psychological and physical health hazards. The Centre will operate from the Gelge Hall (Main Auditorium) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rector of St Aloysius Institutions and Vice-President of MJES, Rev. Fr Melwin Pinto SJ in his speech said “Let us come together to combat the challenges posed by the deadly

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virus and help in its mitigation. Time has come to demonstrate our solidarity with the suffering humanity. As we empathize and responded to the plights of the migrant labourers during the first wave by providing nutritious food costing approximately Rs.900/- per food kit, we would like to continue the same during the second wave too. I am sure, there would be hundreds of such daily wage earners and migrant labourers languishing in the streets, bus and railway shelters waiting for our success. The expensive and most required apparatuses related to Oxygen would cost us enormously as we aspire to reach out to every single affected person that comes in contact with us.” Speaking after the blessing and launching of the ‘ST ALOYSIUS COVID CARE CENTRE’ Rev Fr Praveen Martis SJ, the Principal of St Aloysius College said, “God has given us two hands – one to receive with and another to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing. When we share the sorrow of the crucified of the earth, we are no

longer alone. We are made to share each other’s burdens. Sharing food and provisions with the poor and the needy feeds our friendships, bolsters our bonds and nourishes our sense of community – and those factors are vital for our happiness. I request the Alumni of this great institution to come forward with their helping hand in making this project a success, aimed at a good cause during the pandemic where people are suffering and need help”. On the launching of this Care Centre, president of SACAA Steven Pinto and Fr Cyril D’Mello SJ, the Coordinator of this project, and also the Director of St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute also spoke and sought support from well-wishers and alumni of St Aloysius Institutions to contribute towards this project. Dr Alwyn D’Sa, the Registrar and organizing committee member compered the programme. The Aloysius Covid Care Centre will facilitate the following services to those who require assistance regarding the following:

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1. Identifying persons and groups who require food and arranging for its distribution on a regular basis. 2. 3. Reaching out to people with distress and loneliness through the College helpline and accompanying service ‘MANOTHEJAKA” for personal counselling services and services offered by the Counselors of the Institution 4. Continuation of the service rendered through Aloysius Jaala Santhe, by facilitating awareness regarding the rural entrepreneurs in the group through the staff and students. 6. Attending distress calls regarding emergency health related issues, hospitalization and requirement of medicines and refer the same immediately to the experts and institutions providing such services. 6. Provide awareness regarding the importance of vaccination and educate people to register themselves for vaccination.

7. Identifying and providing financial aid to patients with very poor economic background 8. Arranging for Medical Advice by expert doctors in cases of emergencies along with facilitating consultation on Post-Covid Care treatment B. Provide assistance to the senior citizens in the city who need help in terms of transportation, reaching necessary medicines and other Covid care related medical aid to their homes 9. Facilitate Ambulance services to patients who are in dire need of immediate transportation l0. Continue the regular awareness programmes on Radio Sarang, motivating and persuading members of the public to take extreme precautions and take vaccination on a priority basis. Rector of St Aloysius Institutions and Vice-President of MJES, Rev. Fr Melwin Pinto SJ in his speech said “Let us come together to combat the challenges posed by the deadly virus and help in its mitigation. Time has come to demonstrate our solidarity with the suffering

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humanity. As we empathize and earners and migrant labourers responded to the plights of the languishing in the streets, bus and migrant labourers during the first railway shelters waiting for our wave by providing nutritious food success. The expensive and most costing approximately Rs.900/- per required apparatuses related to food kit, we would like to continue Oxygen would cost us enormously the same during the second wave as we aspire to reach out to every too. I am sure, there would be single affected person that comes in hundreds of such daily wage contact with us.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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